#(ooc) in the time frame between this and the last ask the idea is that kim went and bought/rented a hazmat suit sgfishdhf
piningpercussionist · 6 months
*stirs up cesium 137 into smoothie*
Want some spicy blue raspberry?
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I think I'll pass, thanks.
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hyun-xxe · 4 months
Until I See you, Again (Idol!Yeonjun x Female!reader)
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summary: you and yeonjun use to date throughout all of highschool and after, but then suddenly he ended things to become an idol. devestated, you both part ways.... but what if one day, years later, he find something that reminds him of you and desperately tries to find you.
*PART 1*
warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending blah blah blah
i haven't kept up with txt in a while, so their characters will be OOC (out of character) so i apologize
Ever since you were little, one thing that your father always told you was to safeguard your heart; that it was the most precious organ in your body.
Something as simple as a heartbreak can kill it, literally and figuratively. It scared you shitless as a kid, but as you got older you kind of laughed at the thought. heartbreak couldn't be that bad like your dad make it, afterall, him and your mom were going on strong for 28 years.
Entering middle school, you were already pressured to date, and you caved in. You got yout first boyfriend in 8th grade, but soon broke up at the start of summer because he wasn't ready.
It didn't hurt or anything, because you knew it wouldn't last, in fact at the time you just wanted to date to fit in with your friends that were in relationships.
It wasn't until you hit high school where everything changed, because of one boy. You met him by pure accident, as if the universe wanted you both to meet.
The start of the school year, you already had your classes picked out, but something was messed up in your transcript and instead of you getting psychology, the school accidentally enrolled you in AP biology.
You remember walking into that class, ready to tell the teacher that you weren't meant to be in this class, but when you made eye contact with him, every thought of you flew out of your head.
He was sitting in the back of the class taking extensive notes of the board. Feeling your stares on him, he turns toward you with a confused glance, staring you down.
His jet black, fluffy hair covering up until his eyes, but his glasses pushed them out of the frame. he had a black shirt with a grey sweater ontop and blue jeans. Who was he and how come you've never seen him around?
Looking back at the board, he quickly called you over and tapped on the seat next to him and you quickly obeyed orders, trying to not create any attention on you.
"You're like really late, you know that?" he broke the silence between you two, getting a chuckle out of you.
"Yeah, well, that was because I'm not suppose to be in this class, it was a mix up on the schools end, so I am here to fix it." you answer, looking around at the other students in the class.
There wasn't much students in this class, only about 10 and that was because a lot of kids preferred not to take AP classes due to the stress it would cause.
He pushed up his glasses and cleared some of his hair that was blocking his view, "Bummer, you're really going to drop out of this class? What class were you suppose to take?"
"Psychology." you say, "AP of any class wasn't on my list."
His smile causes butterflies in your stomach, "Well, I think you should reconsider with this, it's actually pretty fun. We take trips every wednesday to collect data, and its pretty fun."
The idea of taking a trip perked your interest, "Really? You take trips in this class?"
Your question caused him to chuckle a bit as he nodded his head, "Yes, but don't get your hopes up, its not all that."
That was enough to make you decide to stay in this class, even though you knew it was going to be hard. A part of you wanted to hit your hard really hard, especially since you decided to stay in this class for a boy, a boy who you might not even befriend.
"Whats your name, by the way?" he asked.
You turned to him and stretched out your hand, "My name is Y/N."
He took your hand in his and shook it, "Nice to meet you, my name is Yeonjun."
-7 years later
"Y/N, are you ok?" a hand waved in front of you, "You seem to be really out of space." your friend laughed.
Getting out of your trance that you were frequently in, you looked at him and smiled, "Sorry," you say sheepishly, "I don't know why this keeps happening."
Your friend sighs and sits next to you, "Well, there seems to be something on your mind," he says, "do you wants to talk about it?"
Thinking about it, you shook your head, "No, not really in the mood. Thank you though, Jay." you give him a grin and a pat on the shoulder.
Your friend, Jay, nods his head, still uncertain about you saying no, but respecting your wish. "Well, we should really be studying for this test." he ruffles your hair, "This is our senior year of college, we need to lock in."
You laugh at his words, "Lock in? we've been saying that since sophmore year of college and we still rush to finish things. At this point, those words are like a curse to us."
Jay chuckles and lets out a frustrated yell, "I don't know what to do," he pulls his hair, "This stupid test has gotten me so stressed. When I decided to join this psychology course, I was thinking it was going to be easy."
Shoving Jay in the shoulder, you rolled your eyes and pulled your computer closer to you, exiting the spotify app to go on Youtube. "yeah, well, I don't know where you saw that it was going to be easy, dummy."
He took the computer from you, "Did you hear Kendricks new song to Drake called Meet the Grahams? It's so crazy!"
As he is typing it in, you take a sip of your coffee, "No, I don't keep up with this rap stuff."
Jay pulls it up and before the video plays, two double ads pop up, earning a groan from both of you, "Fuck, you can't even block the ads on here, dammit!"
You were about the laugh until the second ad pops up, which almost let a gasp out of you.
The trailer showcased the songs that will be on their upcoming album, "The Name Chapter; Temptation." and there was one member that stuck out like a sore thumb. His lips gave away his identity, the one that was stuck in your mind 24/7 and you just couldn't get him out.
He was the first guy that ever broke your heart.
Yeonjun always promised himself one thing when he became an idol which was to never have any regrets, which is why he decided to join the company. He knew that it was an only once in a life time opportunity that he just couldn't pass over.
The training life was difficult and hard, but he knew that it was all going to be in the past and he was going to live his dream of becoming an idol, and their ad on Youtube proved to him that he made it.
This was their 6th mini album and with each comeback him and his members did, he still couldn't believe the fact that they are successful.
"This is the best album yet," Beomgyu exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air, "We all killed it!"
Kai also jumped up and down, clapping his hands, "can't believe that accentuated my features better this time! I look sexy!" he smiled big.
Yeonjun laughed as they all watched the trailer to their song, Sugar Rush Ride.
The members gasped when it showed the whispering part and it got them more excited that they get to share their hard work with MOA soon.
"Not going to lie, performing at lollapalooza is still living in my head rent free, I wish we could go back to that time." Yeonjun sighed.
Taehyun hit his shoulder, "You always bring that up everytime we are watching a trailer of ours."
Yeonjun shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry for bringing up the best memory we had," he laughed, "I just want to go back, you know?" he then gasped, "You think they would have us for Cochella?"
Soobin let out a laugh, "lets not get ahead of ourselves now, maybe soon though, I can sense it."
The trailer ended and everyone sat back down.
"Hey Kai," Taehyun called out, "I have a favor to ask."
Kai perked up and looked to his member, "Sure, what is it?"
"I remember I brought my old nintendo with me when we moved in this place, can you bring it to me? I don't know why I suddenly remembered it."
Kai stood up and nodded his head, "Yeah, of course. Where is it?"
Taehyun thought for a little, "It's in the storage room where we keep most of our things."
Understanding the assignment, Kai walked to the storage room to achieve the item and along the way, stumbled upon another thing. When he found the box where Taehyun threw the device in, there was another device.
It was a black, rectangular shaped thing. It had buttons on top that were grey, and one red. It read that it belonged to Yeonjun, so Kai decided to bring it with him back to the guys.
"here you go," he handed the nintendo to Taehyun and then turned to Yeonjun, "Here you go as well."
Yeonjun stared at it, confused why Kai was handing him this device. "Why are you giving this to me?"
"Well, when I was getting Taehyun's thing, I saw this with your name in the box with his, so I was curious and gave it to you to see what it is."
This caught all the members attention as Yeonjun looked at the object closely. He forgot where he got it from and what it was used for, so he was scared using it in front of the others.
"I don't remember where I got this from," he says, pressing a button to see if it did something, but when nothing happened he just shrugged his shoulders, "I guess its useless."
Soobin sighed and grabbed it from him, "Do you really not know how this recorder works." he shakes his head, "And I thought I was dumb."
He pressed a red button and a loud screech was heard in the room, causing some to close their ears. By the time it was done, it started to roll.
7 seconds in, there was nothing that was happening.
"Maybe this thing is use-"
"Is this thing on?"
a voice was heard from the recorder, "Shit, I don't know why I spent so much money on something I don't know how to work."
Yeonjun listened closely, trying to hear the voice clearly.
"Lemme ask Sofia about this."
A minute has passed when they heard more talking.
"You're so dumb!" the voice laughed, "You were recording the entire time!"
it was clear that it was two girls laughing, but the members were confused why Yeonjun even had this.
"Ok, leave so I can do my message you dumbass."
The voice, Yeonjun thought to himself, it sounds so similar to someone he knew, someone he cared about deeply. The laugh, the way they talked, he had a feeling he knew who it belonged to.
"Anyways, that was embarassing, but Yeonjuuunnnnn~" the voice sang out, "I bought this thing to leave you sweet messages because doing it this way seems more romantic... and I saw it in a movie and you know how sentimental I get."
the members stared at Yeonjun as they saw his lips part and eyes get wide.
"I love you with all my heart, and I know I say this often a lot, but I really do love you. I wasn't into dating and any of that stuff even though I had a massive crush on you, but you are seriously the best boyfriend I could ask for!"
your laugh, the laugh you did just now, he remembers hearing it all the time back then and it was his favorite sound.
"I am planning on recording messages in this for the summer of you visiting family in Korea. Please be safe over there and tell them I say hi! Also guess what, I got my SAT results back and I got 1,300! I am so proud of myself!"
there was a long pause before the voice continued, "Anyways, I should end this... fuck, how do you end this- SOFIA!"
Stomps could be heard in the audio, "Y/N! Come on," the voice laughs, "Its like thi-"
The recording ends as it cuts off the friend talking. Everyone looked to Yeonjun who was just sitting there, trying to hold back some tears that were threatening to fall.
He doesn't understand how he could forget about you, but I guess with the intense training he went through, he just naturally pushed his life back in the states behind in his mind.
"Who was that? How come you never told us about this Y/N?" Beomgyu asked.
Yeonjun was still at a lost for words and he didn't know whether to get up and leave, or just sit there for the rest of the night.
"Are you ok?" Taehyun questioned, getting closer to him.
"I-" Yeonjun stuttered, "I need to find her."
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tatakaetime07 · 2 years
༘✶ ⋆。˚ ੈ♡General Yandere Eddie munson hcs
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A/n-Felt like the end was a bit rushed but y'know,was just curious abt this Eddie heh,also I do NOT condone this behavior in real life
Pairing:Yandere!Eddie Munson x Gn!Reader
Summary:Just what yandere Eds would be like ;)
Warnings:slight spoilers,stalking,eddie being a perv💀,drink spiking,kidnapping,obsessive behavior,controlling behavior,suggestive themes,cursing,ooc
Word count-703
*Not edited
-Very skittery and paranoid yandere
-Let's get this one thing clear,once Eddie's interested he will literally become obsessed
-You would simply be walking through the halls before bumping into him(cliche ik).You would mutter a small 'sorry' while giving him a meek smile,and you had no idea what you had just started.As you walked away Eddie stood there awestruck,trying to slow down his beating heart
-Why did this catch his attention?Because you had already known who he was,actually you had been acquainted in middle school,so that meant you knew about his social status as the town 'freak'.Yet you continued to he nice to him,he would begin to see you as a small,defenseless little thing that needed someone to protect you
-After that he would start purposely bumping into you,saying things like,"We gotta stop running into each other like this."ugh that sly dog,anyway you would just laugh it off,mind being somewhere else.He seemed sweet enough,so when he asked you if you had wanted to hang out,you agreed
-Even tho Eddie isnt best known for how social he is,he knew that he had to try and get you with someway or another.Days turned into weeks and weeks into months.After getting to know each other(although might just be him learning abt you),you were both fairly close.So that meant he came over to your house all the time
-Yet you still didn't know about his escapades and why he came over so much.You especially didn't know why multiple pieces of your clothes had went missing
-However if you did know,welll let's just say you would certainly drop Eds.It would mostly be when your showering,Eddie would would walk around your room,staring and imprinting every last piece of your room into his mind
-The first time he stole something of yours was just a little pen(which by the he still keeps by his bedside),he was nervous you would somehow notice the pen missing and call him out on it,but as you started to trust him more and more he knew he could get away with more stuff.So gradually over time he would start taking bigger things
-"Hey mom have you seen my sweater?""Oh no sorry honey,haven't seen it for ages."
-Meanwhile Eddie would literally be sniffing the garment as he cuddled it
-So yea,you really shouldn't leave anything around him,and once he finds a pair of your worn panties?let's just say you're never getting that back again💀👀
-He always has a little box he keeps with all your things in one of his shelfs,not joking
-He would make his behavior obvious,although you would be slightly weirded out on how much he talked about his distaste for any of your friends who were close to you
-He would constantly try to make wedges between you and your other friends,which you would notice and take your friends side,and Eddie would def be a bit pissed,bit since hes also a bit delusional he'll think your friends were forcing you to or something
-For a few excruciating months after you calling him out,you would ignore him,and Eddie desperately needed to see you every day,at least in his mind
-And what does he do instead of calling?He ends up watching you from your window every night 0-o
-like seriously get some curtains
-Doesnt matter which part of the day he will always find comfort watching you
-And by the way hes definitely going to scare the shit out of some of your friends,threatening them to stay away from you(they dont)
-Your relationship is practically non-existent by the time Eddie's framed for Chrissys murder.And although he wouldn't have kidnapped you in normal circumstances,he knew that if he had to hide he would bring you too.And since he knew he wasn't the actual murderer he was terrified something would happen to you
-He would follow you to a party and ask one of his bandmates to flirt with you while spiking your drink
-It was no surprise when you awoke to a banging headache a familiar metalhead staring down at you
-You would of course freak out,but he would just silence you and tell you everything was going to be ok(which you said was b.s)
-Evantually Eddie would leave to get food and you would find a shard of glass strong enough to slice through the rope you were tied up in
-You would pass by the box which was open,and be internally screaming,just who did you let in your house?
-You would run like hell,and the chance that Eddie ever had with u would📉
-no promises that he won't find you again and just hide you better💃
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 3 years
97 ways - Nikolai Lantsov
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Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Warning: a bit OOC!Nikolai
Wordcount: 1322
Summary: Nikolai tries to convince Y/N to be his. The stars are shining and the sea is calm. So when Y/N is a bit hard to convince, being a bit romantic never hurts. Inspired by the song 97 ways - by the Fooo conspiracy (FO&O)
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On board on Nikolai’s ship Volkvolny, Y/N Y/L/N walked across the deck. The moonlight shined upon the carefully carved tree and it lit up the sails. The waters under you was dark and calm, the endless sea reaching your eyes in every direction. Surrounded by an horizon that glowed like a fine line between the dark sea and the star sprinkled sky.
Nikolai stood upon the quarterdeck, one hand resting on the ship’s steering wheel, the other stuck in the pocket of his coat. His gaze not settling down on anything specific. He watched the calm waters under them, peaceful and dark. The stars were reflected on the surface and made it look like they were sailing on the glittering sky itself. The moon’s bright light shined upon them. It made everything seem like it had lost all its colors. The sails were whiter than ever, the tree that made the deck looked gray under his gaze.
Nikolai’s eyes stopped at the lonely figure hanging upon the railing, watching the waters, just like him. Your y/h/c hair had been an elegant braid earlier today but now, when the winds had pulled at it the whole day, strands hung loose around your face. You were only wearing your ordinary pants, your white shirt, a scarf and your somewhat elegant boots, but Nikolai couldn’t help but find you breathtakingly beautiful.
You seemed to have noticed that someone was watching you, and considering Nikolai was the only man up on deck with you, you turned around and looked up on him. You lent back and rested your elbows on the railing behind you. You met Nikolai’s hazel brown eyes and a small smile made it’s way to your lips. Nikolai smirked, left the wheel and headed down the stairs to the main deck where you stood. Silently you watched him as he came walking towards you. His steps were easy and calm.
Nikolai came up beside you and placed his arms on the railing, just like you. While you still were facing inwards, Nikolai stood hanging out over the elegantly carved railings. A smile was playing on his lips and soft breezes pulled at his blonde hair. He was awfully quiet, and everyone who knows Nikolai knows that there are few times this man chooses to be quiet.
”What’s in your mind, Nikolai,” you murmured and glanced at him over your shoulder. He threw a glance at you but didn’t rest his eyes at you a very long time before turning back to watch the water again.
“I know you don’t think we’re a good idea,” he started. You closed your eyes and leaned your head backwards, facing the sky. You stayed quiet, silently asking him to continue. “How can I prove it to you that I’m willing to try?” He whispered and turned to look at you again. You had pulled out your braid and now your hair was slightly wavy. It fell down around your shoulders and it flowed in the soft breeze. Nikolai felt his breath getting stuck in his throat at the sight of you. You turned around so you faced the same way as Nikolai, arms resting on the railing, hands hovering over open water. For a while you didn’t answer. You just watched he water down below and it slowly flowed by. At last you turned your head and looked at the man beside you. His golden locks and hazel eyes. His sharp jawline and his broad shoulders. He was undeniably beautiful. Even you had to admit that.
“I don’t know,” you answered him quietly and looked away again. “I really don’t know. We won’t last Nikolai. Everybody goes so fast, all the time, why would you be different?” You asked and tugged lightly on a few loose strands on your shirt.
Your hair hung like a curtain around your face and framed it in a breathtaking way. With soft hands, careful motions and care and love in his eyes, Nikolai reached out and tucked the hair behind your ear. You smiled softly at the sweet but cheesy gesture.
“Give us a chance Y/N. Please. I swear I’ll prove it’ll be worth it,” he softly told you. You just quietly shook your head at him and smiled sadly.
“I can’t Nikolai. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
Nikolai left the railing and pulled you with him towards the middle of the boat between two masts. You watched him with suspicious eyes but let him pull you with him. Carefully and with slow motions, he pulled you towards him, placed his hand on your waist and took your hand with the other. Then he began to lead you through a slow waltz. Nikolai smiled down at you when you twirled in front of him.
This is what he wanted, he realized. The freedom, the fun, the love, the care, this life. He wanted this life, and he wanted it with you. He wanted to be able to dance with you whenever he wanted. He wanted to have every single, peaceful night at sea with you.
Nikolai pulled you in again after your elegant twirl and he pulled you even closer to his body this time. The heat radiated off of him and spread like a wildfire through your body. You liked Nikolai. You maybe even would go so far as to say that you loved him. But you didn’t want to risk anything. Love meant weaknesses. It meant that if something happens to either of you, the other one would panic to a new level. It meant that if it didn’t work out, you would still need to work for him and stay on the ship. That would only add onto your heartbreak. So much would be sat at risk if you were to have a relationship with Nikolai. Not to speak of the fact that he was the second son of the king of Ravka.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Nikolai as he pressed a lingering kiss on the top of your head. You were still dancing to the sound of soft waves hitting the ships sides.
“Don’t you want this?” Nikolai asked softly after a while. The waltz had turned into slow dancing in each other’s arms. Your arms rested around his neck and Nikolai’s hands pressed flat against your back.
“I want this, Nikolai. But I don’t want to be here when we fall apart,” you whispered out and looked up to meet his eyes.
“We won’t,” he answered. And you wanted to believe him. Your whole heart wanted to believe him. “I swear I’ll prove to you that we’ll be just fine. Wonderful,” he continued and pressed another kiss to your temple. And then he pressed his lips to your cheek, lingering longer than necessary. He carefully placed a hand on your cheek, softly stroking your skin and made it feel like you were ablaze.
“As soon as you give in,” he said, “as soon as you give in I’m gonna prove it to you,” Nikolai murmured. With slow movements he titled his head to the side, just barley. Then he hesitantly inched closer until his lips pressed onto yours and captured them in a soft kiss. And the time stopped for while. Everything was frozen in time until you pulled away. Slowly you opened your eyes and met Nikolai’s. One of your hands cupped his cheek, the other rested around his neck. Nikolai’s arms had snakes around your waist and pulled you closer.
“Fine,” you breathed out. “I’ll do it. Let’s hope it’s worth it.”
Nikolai smiled, his pearl white teeth showing, “it’ll be worth it. I promise. I’ll prove it to you. I swear I’ll prove it to you in 97 ways if that’s what it needs.”
“97 ways, huh?” You smiled and pecked his cheek softly. Nikolai nodded, a gentle smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
“Yes, my love. 97 ways.”
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 3 years
damian wayne x reader
(A/N): So it's @glorified-red 's birthday and I didn't know until today but I wrote this thing a while back (thank you to @citrinesparkles for prompting it for me) and I figured I liked it enough to post it and today seemed like a good day. So Happy Birthday Red!! I hope you like this!
(The bolded sentence was a prompt that sparked this, so if it's an ooc line, that's why)
warnings: mentions of blood, injury
wordcount: ~600
Damian winced as you pulled the dirty bandage away from his body.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I-” Damian grabbed your wrist and you froze, mouth open mid apology, your eyes shooting up to his face from where they were previously focused on his abdomen and the wound there.
“Stop apologizing. I have already told you I’ve forgiven you a hundred times now.” He dropped your wrist as a shiver tore through him. “And you could not have prevented this situation so it is not you who should be apologizing.”
You licked your lips, dry in the heat of the desert. Three days ago, both you and Damian were left stranded in the desert after your cover was blown on a mission. You believed it was your fault; your cover was blown first and your actions led to his being blown as well. He believed that the League of Assassins were at fault because it was their appearance that blew your cover at all. It had become a point of contention between the two of you over the past couple of days, especially with no food, a shortage of water, and Damian’s injury: a bullet graze he obtained while you were fighting your way out of the meeting you were infiltrating.
Dressed in party clothes, you had barely three bottles of water and a couple bandages between you, and between the hot sun and the lack of water, tensions were high and a headache was pounding at your temples. And now, Damian was running a fever.
You tore another piece of his undershirt off and pressed it to the wound. It wasn’t bleeding, not anymore, but you knew it was getting infected, even if he refused to acknowledge it, and keeping old bandages on it wasn't helping. Damian’s dress shirt had become his protection from the sun, and his blazer yours and your blanket at night when the temperature inevitably dropped.
Damian’s eyes were closed when you sat back, tossing the soiled fabric square away from the rocks the two of you had chosen for your shelter. For at least half of the day, they granted you shade, though they did nothing to stop the heat.
“You heard nothing last night?” he asked, eyes open now but unfocused as they stared out at the expanse of sand.
“No.” you paused, biting your lip. “Damian, we don’t even know if anyone got the signal. At best, they got it and tracked it to the location of the meeting.” You took a breath, looking down at your hands. They were sunburnt. “At worst, the signal cut out before it even got through and they have no idea where we were at the party, much less stranded in the desert.”
Damian huffed but didn’t say anything. Small tremors wracked his frame, and his skin, usually a healthy medium olive tone, was pale under the red of sunburn.
“Damian, you need medical attention.”
“I’m fine.” You sighed out a frustrated breath.
“No you’re not, and pretending you are isn’t helping either of us right now.” you cracked your knuckles, hoping it would relieve some of the anxious tension bubbling under your skin. “Look I’m-” Damian glared at you. “Ok fine, you can say it wasn’t my fault but the point still stands that you have a fever and it’s only going to get worse. And we have no idea if anyone is coming or if they’ll even get here before one or both of us dies from either dehydration or heat stroke or infection so forget your pride for just a second and rest.”
Damian didn’t change his position except to shift slightly, curling into his right side, where the bullet graze was, but he did close his eyes. You let your own eyes close just long enough to take a breath before forcing them back open again. At this point, you’d take it.
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a-monsters-love · 4 years
Hit with a quirk that turns adults to children
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Genre: massive fluff. angst if ya’ squint
Warnings: implications of abuse, little OOC Shoto but its cannon that he smiled more when he was a kid (the gif is a perfect example) 
A/N: FIC SWAP WITH @hxwks-gf​ ILY2 SWEETS - You’ll find her fic [here] 
(Y/N) = Your name
(E/C) = Eye color
(H/C) = Hair color
[Master List]
“How could this happen?” Endeavor hissed at Aizawa.
Aizawa, who looks like he’s about to explode on the man in front of him, lets out a deep sigh. “As I said before, Shoto got hit with a civilians quirk. It should wear off in the next couple days.” Endeavor scowls at you as you cross your arms and deadpan at him, your frame standing protectively in front of a now child Shoto. Shoto’s been holding on to you desperately for the past few hours since the incident, only letting go once to get changed into the smallest gym uniform the school could provide.
You offered to hold him but he chose to take refuge in the back of your legs rather than face the situation. The two of you had been working together on a project for Aizawa when you ran into villains on the street, at some point Shoto had a run in with a civilian who accidentally turned him into a child with their quirk. The face of despair and unbridled childlike tears that welled up in his eyes will haunt you.
“I don’t have time for this.” Endeavor groans, he pulls out his phone and calls Fuyumi. She’s a school teacher she should be able to handle this, right? After about 20 minutes of light bickering on the phone, he comes back. Neither of his siblings can help and his mother is ‘sick’.
You look back at Shoto’s shaking frame and take a deep breath, “I’ll take him.” The two heroes look at you with raised eyebrows. “As Aizawa already knows, I have the next few days off for personal reasons. Which means I have plenty of time on my hands to take care of a kid.” You squeak through the tension in the air.
Aizawa sighs, “Are you going to be able to handle it though? With everything going on?”
You laugh softly and rub little Shoto’s head, “I’m great with kids, and I could use the company.” You smile sadly at your teacher, who only nods in response.
Endeavor huffs and kneels down to Shoto, who hides himself further in your knees. “Contact me if anything happens.” He says looking at you.
“Of course, sir.” You had your suspicions before about Shoto’s childhood, this only brought the situation to light. Never have you ever seen the calm and collected Shoto petrified enough to have him in tears. “I will be running by your family home to pick him up a few different pairs of clothing. We don’t know how long this will last.” You tell him, you don’t bother asking. You don’t care for his opinion, he just needs to leave.
He nods in agreement and provides you the address and a vague idea on where to look. After he does, you scoop up your quivering classmate and speed walk out the door. He freezes at first but instinctually wraps his arms around you and buries his embarrassed face in your neck.
He hasn’t said a word since the incident and you don’t know how much of the man you know is still in there. As much as the idea of your crush burying his face into your neck makes you blush, protecting him is your first priority.
You quickly make your way to the Todoroki residence, well, as quick as you could. Shoto quietly asked to be put down about half way there, you walked as quickly as his little legs could comfortably take him.
When you arrived you looked at the note Endeavor gave you once more, “Alright, so, your father said there’s should be a box in the attic with your old clothing.” You squatted down and smiled at him, a small embarrassed expression was still present on his face. “Do you want to look with me, Shoto?”
He glances at you with a blush, the two of you weren’t on a first name basis outside of fact that his Hero name is his first name. Honestly you couldn’t find it in your bones to call a little kid by his last name, it felt too weird. He nods shyly, “Yes…(Y-(Y/N)…” His voice was almost a whisper.
You giggled a bit and finger combed out a few ruffles in his hair, “Wonderful, because I have no idea where your attic is.” The comment earns you a stifled laugh from the boy and he pulls you along by the finger.
After pulling down the latter to the attic you send Shoto up first, following close behind. You both cough at the dust but quickly find the boxes, after he pulls out a few outfits you inspect them for signs of deterioration. When you find no problems you both leave the attic and head down to wash the old clothing.
Shoto freezes as he passes through a hallway, the color has run from his face. “(Y-(Y/N)..” His voice shook as he stared at a door, you walk up to him slowly and offer your arms for him.
He awkwardly steps into your embrace, “Lets wash these at my house.” You say quietly, rubbing his back.
When you get home you walk in and show him where to put his shoes, “I’m home.” You say loudly to the nearly empty home. A meow is heard from upstairs and you wait as your old cat walks down the stairs to greet you. “Hello Cali, I’m home. I brought a friend.” You pet the cat who wasted no time rubbing up on Shoto. “This is Shoto, he’s going to be with us for a few days.” You explain to the cat, who meows lazily in return.
You chuckle as Shoto shyly pets the cat, “I’ve never had any pets before...” He says quietly.
You hum a bit and head to your wash room, “Well, you’ll have plenty of time to experience having one while you’re with me.” You smile at him, he slowly follows you poking his head around doors and entryways.
“Where’s your family?” He asks, noticing the lack of life in your house.
You croon at the question, “It’s just me and Cali. It’s been like that for awhile.” That was all you could manage on the situation as you made sure his clothing was set in the washer.
Regret is visible on his young face and he brought his hands to his mouth, “O-oh..I’m sorry..” He murmured towards the floor.
A chuckle escapes you, how can he be so cute? He looks up in confusion at you, “You did nothing wrong Shoto, you don’t have to apologize. Why don’t you go explore while I clean up a bit?” He nods at you and runs off, you walk up stairs and open up your little brothers old room. You move to open up the window and start dusting off the contents of the room when you hear heavy little feet making their way up the stairs. “Find anything interesting?” You ask.
Turning you see him carrying Cali, his arms scooped under the cats front legs in a manner that makes the beast look long. “You have a piano.” He says, you can hear stifled interest in his voice. Your heart breaks at the fact that a 5 year old is stifling their emotions.
“I do indeed!” You chirp while putting new sheets on the bed. “Do you like pianos?”
You can almost see the gears moving in his head. “They sound pretty.” He finally says, releasing the cat.
You chuckle as you finish cleaning up. “They do, my mom taught me to play when I was your age. She told me that music is the window to ones soul.”
It’ll be nice having him around, you think seeing him look at you in awe. “You can play it?” He asks, excitement can be heard in his voice for the first time.
“I can, I just had it tuned too.” You smile widely at him, glad his wall is coming down. “But first, we must bathe!” You scoop him up and tickle his stomach, “I think we’re both pretty stinky.”
He giggles from being tickled and then blushes at the idea of bathing with you. “Together?” He mumbles, you blush a bit at the comment.
“I-If you would prefer me being there, I su-suppose we could figure something out.” You stammer.
He doesn’t say anything as you walk to the bathroom and start filling up the bath when he pulls on your shirt, you look back at him and squat down. You tilt your head to the side, waiting for him to choose his words. “Stay?” He asks.
You smile, “Of course. Let me go grab a few things and we’ll get in.” You rush to your room and change into a bathing suit, grabbing your brothers old swim suit from his dresser. You hear a loud splash as you walk back, you see Shoto wet in his clothing from the trying to turn off the water. “Someone’s excited.” You tease.
He looks at you with a distressed pouting face, “N-No I-.” He stutters as you move to turn off the water. “I was trying to do that..”
You laugh and offer him the shorts, as he changes you move to grab a few bath soaps and bubble bath. “I appreciate all your help, Shoto.” You say walking back, helping him into the tub. Both of you let out a small sigh as you sink into the hot water, causing small chuckles between you.
You scrub off some of the slime from the day and start pouring bubble soap into the bath. “What’s that stuff?” He asks.
“Oh-Ho. Bubbles of course.” You wink at him and quickly mix the soap to create bubbles. He helps you make bubbles, he giggles a bit at the action and then blushes.
Shoto doesn’t understand what’s come over him, his mind is still all there but he has so much less control over his emotions, let alone his behavior. He hasn’t meant to say half the stuff he has since the accident. He watches you happily go along with his childish antics as if the whole situation were normal. You smile at him when you catch him staring and scoop bubbles onto his head. “H-Hey!” He whines, pushing bubbles at you.
You laugh as he falls into you, the tub is smaller than you’d like but you’re content with space you have. “Careful there.” You scoop him up, you find his eyes wandering along the deep scars all over your body. You reached for the sponge, “Let’s get you cleaned up.” You say softly.
Without realizing it Shoto found himself sitting on your thighs, tracing the scars on your shoulder with his fingers. He jumped back when he felt the soapy sponge touch his arm. “I can do it!” He said louder than he meant.
You hand him the sponge and grab another to scrub yourself. You get out of the tub to rinse off and wash your hair before he’s done. “Come here when you’re done, I want to wash your hair.” You say, he just nods with a bright blush.
He gets out by the time you start putting conditioner in your hair. “I can wash my own hair..” He mumbles, awkwardly sitting in front of you.
“I know you can, but I want to.” You say quietly, this whole situation is like a fever dream for you. Getting to wash your crushes hair and satiating the hole that was left without your family? Win-win (Y/N). “I like doing these things.” You say as you put shampoo in his hair.
“Why?” He asks plainly.
You hum as you massage his scalp, a small sigh leaves him from the feeling. “I like spoiling people I care about.” You blush a bit at the statement, blaming the steam for the heat in your face.
“Y-you care about me?” The question broke your heart.
“Of course I do, I wouldn’t have brought you to my family home or shared a bath with you if I didn’t.” A smile can be heard in your words, he doesn’t say anything.
He sat with his thoughts as you rinsed his hair of shampoo and started applying conditioner. The ‘shared a bath’ comment running through his mind, partially clarifying the fluttering in his chest when he’s around you. Maybe I can ask these questions since she thinks I’m a kid mentally.  he thinks, “Hey, (Y/N)?” You hum in response. “What does it mean when your belly flops around?”
“Hmm, in the literal sense or do you mean when you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach?” You ask, focusing more on detangling his unfairly soft hair.
“Like butterflies.” He murmurs.
“Well, it can indicate excitement, anticipation, nervousness but often times it‘s a sign of love-“ Your breath hitches in your throat are the last word, a deep blush taking over your face. You make a feeble attempt to finish your work.
You were so focused on trying to hide you embarrassment you didn’t see Shoto’s reddening face. He stood up quickly and grabbed the shower head from the floor. “I’ll r-rinse your hair.” He says, giving you no time to argue as he walked around you and started the rinsing the conditioner out of your hair.
Both of you felt like your heads were going to pop, while the feeling of his little hands in your hair provoked giggles from you. You reached back and helped him, he struggled getting out knots from your hair and elected to leave them for you to sort out. His small frame doing him no justice as his hands traced the scars on your back but froze. “It’s okay.” You said softly, letting his childishly addled mind explore. You imagined if you had children they’d would do the same thing. “Let me rinse your hair when you’re done studying.” You tease. The comment pulled him from his wonder and he sat in front of you.
After the bath you both changed into pajamas. He lets you blow dry and brush his hair and followed you around like a ducking into the kitchen. “Can I help?” He asks on his toes at the counter, watching you pull out food for prep.
“Of course, pull up a chair.” You respond pointing at the kitchen table and he does just that. He pulls up a chair and you have him washing vegetables while you prepare a pan to cook in and start the rice cooker. “How does Oyakodon sound?” You ask looking through your fridge.
“I don’t mind as long as you make it.” His tone was soft, he didn’t dare to look at you in his own embarrassment. I didn’t mean to say that, he thinks.
You smile widely and pat his head gently, “You are too sweet, ya’ know that?” You giggle softly. “I’ll get you to decide on what you want tomorrow.”
He smiles lightly as you take the vegetables from him. He pushes the chair closer to the stove to watch you cook and watches how delicately but precise each movement you make is. He knows a little about cooking but he can’t understand how you quickly made a dish that seems so complicated.
He drags the chair back to the table when you start serving the dinner, he sits down excitedly as you bring out his plate. A happy noise escapes him as he starts to eat. You smile softly at his childish behaviors, “You’ll be a good mom.” He says with after chewing.
You chuckle and pull rice off his cheek, eating it yourself. “Maybe, I’ll need to find a husband first, and I’m pretty sure boys are terrified of me.” You recall interactions with other students after the sports festival, the girls were all excited but the boys seemed to shy away.
“You’re not scary!” He says almost dropping his spoon, you laugh and roll your eyes. “You’re not! You’re so nice and helpful and smart and-and pretty!” He felt like the room was spinning as he spat out how he felt, why did I say that?! He scolded himself internally, looking down. “If I could eat your food all the time I’d be your husband.” His words were so quiet you almost didn’t hear him, but you did.
You felt like your heart could jump out of your chest, my crush just said he’d be my husband! HOW DO I RESPOND TO THAT?? You tried to keep your face passive, coughing slightly to hide the quandary you’re in. “Maybe when you’re older.” An awkward giggle escapes you, “You’d have to be my boyfriend first though.”
His face was red but he nodded and scooped the last of his food into his mouth. “Okay.” He said with food in his mouth, “I’ll be (Y/N)’s boyfriend.” He continued, more to himself than you, nodding as if he just came to an agreement. You nearly choke on your drink before you both chuckle awkwardly, “Are you gonna play a song on the piano?” He asks as you take the dishes and wash them, letting him help store the left overs.
“I can, what kind of song?” You hum.
Shoto pauses and thinks about it, he doesn’t say anything until you walk up to the standing piano. “Something for me?” His voice was almost a squeak.
You turn and look at him, he’s looking down and fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Maybe a song that reminds me of him? That’s not too tough, you hum and pat the space next to you on the piano bench. “I think I’ve got one.” You scoop him into your lap, giggling as he makes a feeble attempt to escape. “I don’t want to elbow you on accident.” When he stops wiggling around and you start playing the song, singing out the lyrics quietly as he watched your finger fly delicately across the keys. The harsher notes surprise him, but he glances at you with a slack jaw. Your eyes half lidded followed your hands across the keys, a small smile curled at your lips.
“You can do everything.” He gasps, earning himself a bashful blushing smile from you.
“Why don’t we watch a movie?” He nods happily at your suggestion.
He ended up sitting curled into you, under a blanket, you made herbal tea and put on some movie he chose. While finishing his drink it didn’t take long to get tired, he rubbed his eyes incessantly. “I’ll lay down after the movie.” He yawned a soft plea, you can’t imagine how tired his young body must be. Even as an adult, the day you had was a bit much.
He fell asleep not long after, you scooped him up and laid him down in your brothers old room. You left his door open after tucking him in and walked into your own room. You plopped on top of the blankets and dozed off quickly.
You woke up a few hours later to the soft sounds of crying, stifled and buried noises. You quickly got out of bed and walked over to the source, “Shoto? What’s wrong?” You asked softly.
He made an awkward grunt while wiping his face in the pillow, “Nothing, bad dream. I-I’m okay.” He pleas, but his childish form betrays him. “I’m sorry for waking you..”
“Well, you don’t look ‘okay’ to me.” You tease a bit, “Come here.” He instinctually follows you back to your room, you sit him on your much softer bed and wipe his face. “It’s okay to not be okay, Shoto.” You pat his scarred cheek, thumbing at stray tears before crawling into bed behind him. “Come lay down, take advantage of being little.” You say, you’re clearly still half asleep as you lift you arm for him to choose to lay with you or not.
It doesn’t take long for him to crawl into your bed, curling his sleepy small frame into your arms. The smell of you consumes his mind, calming him down. You pet his hair and rub shapes into his back until you both fall asleep.
“AH.” You woke to the sound of a surprised little Shoto, I thought that was a dream. He thought when he woke up wrapped in your arms and nuzzles into your chest.
You rubbed and picked at your eyes as he scooted away from you, glancing over at him. Oh yeah, “You sleep okay?” You’re far too tired to be embarrassed.
He watches you stretch out, your hair and clothing are disheveled. You’re glancing at him with half lidded bedroom eyes, your morning voice was softer and raspier than usual. A blush consumes him, I wish I was grown right now. He thinks, Wait…What? “Ah, y-yeah actually.” He rubbed his own eyes, “I slept good.” Better than he had in a long time.
You smile and sit up, quickly getting out of bed. “Good, why don’t you go get dressed and we’ll start breakfast.” You wink and smile at him as you head to the bathroom. He just stares at the door for a moment before rushing to the other room.
Shoto follows you down the stairs after you’re both dressed, noting you’re semi-casual clothing. “I have one thing I have to do today.” You tell him, “After that we’ll be free to do whatever you want.” You start reheating rice and cooking meat for breakfast, along with prepping food for lunch.
“You’re cooking a lot of food.” He comments from over the bar.
A soft smile graces your face, “We’re going to see my family today.” He notes the mild sadness in your face but doesn’t push.
“What are they like?” He asks walking around the counter to enter the kitchen.
“Oh they’re wonderful, my mom is very goofy. She loves music and weird philosophy that I still don’t understand.” You laugh talking about her, “My dad was a loud man, he’s soft and loved when he could take care of me and my brother. My brother on the other hand is a lot like the other boys in our class. A bit of a screw ball but he always means well.” Shoto quietly watches you talk passionate about your family, he smiles softly at the way you smile wide enough for dimples to show.
You set a plate down for him, you eat in the kitchen while you finish packing lunch. “You think they’ll like me?” He asks between bites.
You laugh, “They would have loved you.” Thoughts flash in Shoto’s head, she’s introducing me to her parents? He’s enamored with the idea but his current situation makes it very strange.
He loses himself in thought, not noticing you packing incense into your picnic basket. You feed Cali and start cleaning up, check the weather, and take your time cleaning up. You make a glass of fruit tea for Shoto, who’s watching cartoons. You watch him blow on it and take a careful sip when his face lights up, “This is yummy.” He smiles shyly.
“I’m glad, it was my favorite when I was your age.” You chuckle.
“What’s your favorite now?”
You hum at the question, “I haven’t met a tea I didn’t like. I’m not sure.” You stared blankly at the TV in consideration, it’s been a long time since you’ve been unsure of something so simple.
A couple hours pass before you leave for your picnic. Shoto wishes he could help you carry the basket and blanket, he fails to notice where you’re both headed until you stop. You pull out a key card and open the gate to a cemetery for Heroes, he looks up at you in concern but you smile softly back at him and pat his hair. When you finally stop you set up a blanket in front of a decorated family head stone, he just stares at you in surprise. He goes to say something when someone else calls your name. “Miss (Y/N)!” You look over and see an older man. “Is it the anniversary already?”
You wave as he walks up, “Takahashi! Good to see you old timer. It is, I can’t believe you still work here.”
He laughs loudly, “Your parents saved my life so of course I do! Who’s the tyke?” He asks peering around you.
Shoto bows politely, “I’m Shoto! Who are you?”
You both chuckle, “Polite young thing,” He says to you. “I’m Takahashi Jin, grounds keeper of this ‘er cemetery.” He smiles to Shoto, “You two enjoy your lunch, don’t get into trouble like last time missy!” He teases and turns to leave.
“Me? Trouble? Never. Not even once.” You snort, winking at Shoto who chuckles. You both chuckle further when you hear the old man huff.
Shoto lights the incense and both give your prayers before you open up lunch. Neither of you pay any mind to the strange looks you get as time goes on. Shoto doesn’t understand your happiness as you sit in a cemetery eating lunch with a classmate, you’re alone in this world. His heart aches but he’s glad you seem okay. The old man from earlier stop by again and hands you a few flyers, “You think we should go?” You ask Takahashi with knitted brows. He nods, sending an empathetic smile. You shrug and hand the papers to Shoto.
“A festival?” He looks at you wide eyed, “Can we go?”
“If you want to, then absolutely.”
“I’ve never been to one,” He whispers to himself behind the paper.
When you return to the house you drop the basket off on the counter and run upstairs. Shoto follows behind but waits as you head into a room he hasn’t seen yet, “Shoto, come here.” You call, he walks in hesitantly and looks around. “Face the door for a moment.” He does, only glancing over as he realizes your measuring him. “Yeah, this should fit.” Your voice was excited.
He turns to see you have a set of matching yukata’s, a larger white one with red geometric flowers on it, the smaller one was white with fine red and black lines running across it. “We’ll match?” He asks, these types of things were never something his father allowed.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You poke at him, “Let’s get changed. It’s a bit of a ways away.”
You got him changed first, making sure the Geta sandals fit him. Once he’s sorted you make your way to your room, of course putting on a yukata alone isn’t easy, you groaned internally. It took you longer than you would’ve like to get ready, the outfit then the hair, natural makeup, the whole nine. You grabbed a small shoulder bag and your shoes as you finished.
You stared at the hair stick before grabbing it and walking down the stairs. “Shoto, can you help me with something?” You heard him run over before you saw him, he blushed and gasped at you.
“You look so pretty.” He whispered, cupping his mouth in embarrassment.
You hand him the hair pin and kneel down, “Can you put this in for me?” He looks at the hair stick and then at your hair, his expression softens as you allow him to put it where he likes. “My hero, thank you.” He blushes at the comment but doesn’t say anything. You offer him your hand to hold, he grabs your pinky and ring finger and the two of you set off.
“Wow.” He gasps, the streets are lines with lanterns as stalls, you hold his hand and let him pull you to everything that grabs his attention. You buy snacks as you go, you show him and a few other kids your goldfish catching skills and ended up giving all the fish away. You wouldn’t be able to take care of them anyway, the two of you stop by a mask stall. He stares at them in curiosity, the person running the stall explains them and lets him try on a few.
You look at your phone for the time and lift him up, “Look up.” You tell him, as he does fireworks go off. It’s the first time you’ve seen pure childish glee on his face since the incident, if ever. Everyone stares at the fireworks calmly as they go.
When they finish you walk over to a food stand, “Soba!” He cheers, you laugh and order him a bowl. You quickly find a bench to sit at and eat, “Did you know I like soba a lot?” He asked innocently.
“Yes I did, I thought you’d like to have some at your first street festival.”
He watches you eat Takoyaki with a content smile, he didn’t realize you heard that comment. “How long is this going on for?”
You hummed as you finished chewing, “3 more days, I think.” You wipe your mouth, “Did you want to come back?”
He chuckles softly, “Maybe when I’m older.” You smile at him, not quite sure what’s on his mind. “Is this a date?” His question caused you to almost choke on your food.
You looked away as you regained your composure, “I s-suppose i-it is.” You stammer out, your cheeks dust with blush and you’re grateful for the dim lighting. When you glance back at him you see a soft smile on his face, what on earth is going through his mind?
After another hour of playing around you both head back to your home, “Thank you.” He says, squeezing your fingers.
Squeezing his little hand back you hum, “What for?”
“Everything.” His voice was small but content.
You pat his hair with your free hand, “It was my pleasure, Shoto.” You watch the stars as you walk, “Thank you for meeting my family, it’s lonely to go by myself.” You sigh softly.
He glances up at you, “You’re welcome. I don’t want you to be lonely.” You look down at him, a sad smile graces your face. “I’m here for you since you’re gonna be my wife.” His hand quickly covers his mouth at the comment but you can see the smile he’s hiding.
The single comment broke the sadness on your face, causing you to laugh. “That’s a good reason.” You snicker as you make it back to your house.
“We’re home.” You say to the mostly empty house. “Let’s get changed and off to bed.” He nods and follows you up the stairs.
He falls asleep quickly as you tuck him into bed, when you’re sure he’s asleep you press a soft kiss to his forehead and head to bed yourself.
Shoto wasn’t completely asleep when you left a soft kiss on his skin. A smile grew on his face as he got comfortable, you curled into bed quickly dozing off yourself.
You were stirred in the middle of the night by heavy weight of a body curling into your chest and neck. You didn’t bother opening your eyes as you sleepily remembered your guest, you lazily wrapped your arms around him and found his head of hair with you hand to pet as you drifted. “Sleep well, Shoto.” You mumbled as you started to doze back off.
Shoto, now fully grown, had made quick and delicate work of wrapping himself into you. A soft happy noise escaped you as you got comfortable, “I think I love you, (Y/N).” He said softly into your chest, assuming you were asleep.
You hum sleepily and squeeze him a bit, “I think I love you too Sho…” Your voice trailed off indicating your sleep, Shoto squeezes you back as a small happy smile crept up his face.
As much as being turned into a child could have been an absolute nightmare of a situation, he was happy to have had this time with you. He never understood why he was so drawn to you but after all this he seemed to understand more. He never thought being a kid again would have its advantages. He never thought you’d let him so deep into your personal life, between meeting your family, cooking for him and taking him to his first festival. All he wanted to do was stay in your life like this, now he was certain he actually could.
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
Nerves to the Nines
Fandom: Resident Evil 8: Village
Pairing: Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Rating: T (for negative self-talk in some parts)
Summary: Reader is attending the Gathering of Lords with Alcina and is too nervous to even dress themself properly. Luckily, their lover is here to save the day.
Notes: I have no idea if Alcina may be OOC here, just know that I love the thought of very powerful and intimidating people being soft and protective only for those they love, and that's partly what spawned this thing. That, and the idea of how intimate it is to have your significant other help you get dressed for an important event (that I completely made up for the sake of this fic.)
Also thank you so much for 50 followers :D May not be a big number, but it's more than I expected when I started writing here a few months ago haha
Two hours to go before the Gathering of Lords.
You went through the mental checklist as you assessed yourself in the mirror. Hair done, make-up done, clothes... well, most of them were on.
You wanted to dress to impress, but not stand out either. A black button up rested on your frame and loose wide-legged pants to match, where your cream-colored shoes peeked out from the bottom. The burgundy blazer you were going to wear over it was hung in front of your closet, and the white rose you would pin onto the lapel sat on the vanity.
It was meant to be an inverse of Alcina's usual attire. She was going to bring a burgundy shawl as well to complement the outfit. Daniela said it would look cute.
But right now, the idea of wearing an extra layer was unwanted. You were too warm right now, and the last thing you wanted was to sweat through your clothes. Everything had to be perfect -- you had to be perfect, lest you sully the "good name of House Dimitrescu" in front of your lover's siblings, and Mother Miranda.
You knew how important tonight was to Alcina, and she wanted you to be a part of it all. She was looking forward to it as much as you and the girls were; when Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela were told they could come, they immediately squealed and started chattering away with you about what they were going to do, what to wear, what you were going to wear, and seemed to already have everything planned in their heads. Their excitement rubbed off on you for the rest of the week, and the happy jitters only got more intense with every passing day.
But the closer the time got to leaving for the Gathering, the more those jitters made you feel like throwing up.
You sat in front of the mirror and idly fiddled with your unbuttoned sleeve cuff, feeling the nerves of tonight bundling up in your chest. One leg bounced under the table impatiently; you had to get the energy out somehow.
You want to go, you reminded yourself. You wanted to go. You still want to go... right? You had been looking forward to this all week, of course you want to go. Just pull yourself together. You took in a deep breath and clapped your hands together.
Wait, when did they get so sweaty? If you tried to shake anyone's hand, they'd be weirded out and disgusted. How can you get it to stop? This is so stupid, why are you worried about sweaty hands all of a sudden?! Control yourself, idiot! This was not the time to worry about such trivial matters, but why did it feel like your heart was about to burst out of your chest? It's going so fast, you started to wonder what it could be running from.
This was a mistake, you shouldn't go. You'll just embarrass yourself, and Alcina, and you can't handle that kind of pressure. The scrutiny you'll be under would be crushing, you could practically feel the air getting sucked out of you. This was a mistake, this was a mistake.
You undid the buttons on your shirt, ready to take it off. Just say you don't feel well, that's a good enough excuse. This was a mistake, this was a mistake--
"Y/N, are you alright?" You heard her voice in your room, and she had already ducked inside by the time you turned around. You sucked in a sharp breath.
I'm not feeling well, I think I should stay home.
The lie you had concocted got stuck in your throat as you looked up into her golden eyes, clearly concerned. You didn't want to worry her. You wanted to go. You did.
Instead, you swallowed it and tried to keep your voice steady, "Yeah, yes. I'm just, I'm having a bit of trouble with..."
You looked down at your fully opened shirt, gulping again. "I can't..." Why won't your hands stop shaking?
"What's wrong, my love?"
Alcina was standing at full height, and to any other person, having her look down at you like this might have felt condescending -- an effort to exert power and establish authority. But somehow, being under her shadow in what had felt like a bright room... it was comforting. Just to know she was there, physically. To know that she saw you as you were at the moment, trying to be brave.
"I'm just... nervous, that's all," you finally managed to admit, and it felt like a weight had just been lifted off your shoulders. You relaxed only a fraction though, remembering what the night was going to bring.
In about an hour and a half.
She sat down on your bed, her knees tucked in a bit considering its height. "Perhaps if we talk, you can settle your nerves." She presented the space in front of her, as if she knew you couldn't bring yourself to sit at the moment.
You started rolling the button on your cuff between your fingers, your arm close to your chest like you were trying to protect yourself. From what, you weren't sure.
"What are you nervous about?" she spoke softly, quite a contrast from the usual commanding tone she took on when she spoke to almost everyone else. "Are you worried about not looking right? Because I assure you, darling, you look wonderful -- you deserve nothing less than the best."
"No, I... well it was your idea for us to dress like this, so no, that's not... what I'm worried about." You looked up from under your lashes. Her eyes were still focused on you. You wanted to squirm, and your next words came out softer than you wanted them to.
"I just... don't wanna mess up."
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear you." If you were any other person, she might have lost her temper at your mumbling. You almost flinched at the thought, but you knew she would never. Not with you.
"I-I don't want to mess up." You said a little louder as you folded your hands, one holding onto the other wrist. "You know, like, in front of your siblings, in front of... Mother Miranda... I'm afraid of embarrassing myself in front of them."
She frowned and leaned forward, "What could you possibly do that would embarrass me?"
You shrugged, wanting to shrink in on yourself. "I don't know, I might say something weird or do something that'll seem off, or just, I'm not sure. Something's probably gonna go wrong. Maybe even being myself is embarrassing enough," you joked.
"Darling, you are not embarrassing," she assured. You didn't know if she knew that you meant it as a joke, but she said it with such sincerity that it pulled some of that weight off you once more. It brought a small smile to your face.
"Do you not want to go anymore?" she asked worriedly, and you snapped your head up at that.
"No, I want to!" You answered so fast that Alcina seemed surprised but definitely not displeased
"I'm excited to go, I really am. I'm just not sure if I'm, like, ready to face the others. I wanna go, but I don't know, I can't explain it, I just don't want things to go badly because it'll reflect on you and your daughters and I know how much you want to be in Mother Miranda's favor so I--"
She took your wrist without a word, so gentle in her handling that you barely noticed it at first, and you trailed off. Her fingers fixed up your loosened cuff -- oh, right. Any more stubborn fiddling with it and you would've taken the button right off its threads. She did the same with the other cuff, a calm yet unreadable expression on her painted face.
When she finished, she gently smoothed your hair down, traced your jawline with a finger and tilted your chin up to look at her. "If you're worried about what everyone else would think, I understand. But you are my significant other, my lover. I trust that you'll be wonderful, so know that at least one person there believes in you."
It felt like you were really seeing her for the first time that night, looking so proud when she talked about you. She took the opportunity to fix the rest of your outfit, buttoning up your shirt once more, and kept talking to ease your mind.
"Don't ever doubt me, Y/N, because I've seen you at both your best and your worst, and your best is more than enough for tonight. If they can't see that, then it's their loss, not yours."
You could feel her words physically calming you, heartbeat steadying as you saw the loving gleam in her eyes.
The lady sauntered over to your closet, taking your blazer and handing it over to you. "Now, I believe you're missing a piece, my dear." You hadn't even noticed until then that she was already wearing her shawl. A gentle smile finally broke through your facade as you pulled it on in front of the mirror.
Alcina stood behind, laying her hands on your shoulders when you seemed satisfied. "A perfect match," she cooed, leaning down to face you, so close that you could feel her breath against the shell of your ear. "Wouldn't you say?" You could feel your heart racing again, but it wasn't from any nerves this time.
But before anything could be done about it, the moment was interrupted by multiple knocks on the door, followed by a loud thud. "Mother, Y/N, we're ready!" Bela called out from the other side, fussing over her sisters immediately afterwards. "May we come in?"
Alcina raised an eyebrow at you, a smirk playing on her lips. "Well? We shouldn't keep them waiting."
You felt loosened up for the first time that night, ready to face anything with Alcina by your side. You pinned the rose in place and took one last glance in the mirror. "We could always be fashionably late."
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skyfallslayer · 3 years
Maybe I Will (Not) See You Tomorrow
(Part 1 of The Captain, The Soldier, The In Between Series)
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Main Masterlist
Summary: An old forgotten photograph leads to some bittersweet memories for Steve and Bucky.
(Post Endgame; Pre FFH and TV Shows, except everyone is alive in this AU)
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairings: Bucky x Rogers!OFC; Platonic Steve x Rogers!OFC; Hints of Steggy & Romanogers
Warning: Angst; Mentions/References to death; Mentions/References to sex; Period Typical Sexism implied; Alcohol; Scenes that could be seen as slight depression.
This also features Soft!Bucky, and he may seem (And Steve too) ooc. Just a heads up.
Author's Note: Let me know if I missed anything. This can also be read as Y/N if you like. I do NOT own anything Marvel related, nor the gifs that are in this picture. Just the story plot and my OC. Enjoy!
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The cool spring air wisped through the Captain’s hair as he took in the last bit of the sunset from his room’s balcony. The sky was a beautiful orange and gold, and it reflected off the lake the HQ was right up against. It calms his nerves when times get tough, and it even would sometimes get him a spark of creativity for drawing. But that wasn’t the case for tonight. Tonight was just him wanting to take a deep breath and enjoy the peace.
He was so deep into a trance that he almost missed the sound of someone coming into his room.
“I thought you would be out there in the lounge with everyone?” Bucky said, coming in with a six pack.
“Nah, not in the mood to watch a movie tonight.” Steve replies, glancing backwards as his friend stood in the balcony door frame. “How about you? What’s your excuse?”
“Same as yours.” He hands his friend a new beer bottle, seeing that the one Steve grabbed earlier was already empty. “Plus, Clint wants to watch Hunger Games again.”
Steve smirks and takes it. “It’s probably because of the bow and arrow.”
“See! That’s what I keep saying, and everyone looks like I’m crazy.”
He chuckles, holding up his drink. “Cheers.”
They clink their bottles together and take a sip, the beer was only good enough for the taste since neither of them could get drunk (which was a con in their eyes sometimes). The two of them stayed quiet as the sun was finally disappearing over the horizon, and the cool breeze turned colder, and the outside light on the wall turned on brightly, shining on their semi-exhausted faces.
It’s been a long couple months since the reverse snap, and with the base finally rebuilt the team took this time to reconnect and get well deserved rest when they had the chance. Whether it was sleeping in, watching a movie, or relaxing by the lake, they all made sure not to go into overdrive until the next mission.
The breeze blew again, stronger than the last time, making Bucky reach up and brush his newly cut bangs away from his face. He finally made the game changing decision by cutting his hair, similar to his style in the 40s, something he’s secretly proud of doing. Yet another breeze causes his attention to go elsewhere, diverting it to his surroundings.
Soon, his navy eyes catch something on his exploring, then gestures it with his drink. “What’s that?” He asked, pointing to a large box he saw through the transparent sliding door.
Steve followed his gaze, deflating a little. “Oh, that? A government official dropped it off yesterday, saying it was in storage from my time in the war.”
“Really?” He says surprised, while getting a nod. “Then how come you’re getting it now? The last time I checked you didn’t come out of the ice yesterday.”
“Well… I mean when I did come out of the ice they weren’t sure if they could trust me yet. Then there was the whole thing with SHIELD and HYDRA, then there was Ultron and the Sokovian accords, and the-”
“Okay, okay. I think I get it.”
“So… yeah. I haven’t opened it yet.”
“I can see that.” Bucky continues, before getting an idea. “Oooh. What if your old stage uniform is in there?”
Steve gives him a look. “Bucky-”
“Come on, we have nothing else to do. I’m curious.” He raises an eyebrow. “Aren’t you?”
The blond pursed his lips, before giving into the mischievous glint of his best friend. “Alright. You win.”
Bucky kept his expression as he set his bottle down and walked inside, all while Steve waited patiently on the outside couch. Soon the box was placed on the table, the lid coming off in a flash. The smirk on the brunette’s face grew a bit more as he snorted at his finding.
“Oh, god. No…” Steve said, wanting to crawl under a rock forever.
“Oh, yes.” Bucky said, pulling out the infamous first suit of America’s hero, the one with the flashy tri-colors. He examines it closely, remembering just like it was on the flyers that hung around town. “Damn, Rogers. I can’t believe you wore this.”
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“Neither can I.” He said, before digging inside himself, letting the domino effect happen.
It was definitely a trip down memory lane to say the least. There were metals and awards that he had won over the years for his service. Old newspapers from the day he tested out his newfound abilities, the one in black and white, and he was holding onto a detached car door. The flag he snagged from the top of the pole. Some maps he drew on for war plans and so much more.
There were also photos tucked inside too.
Lots of photos. Which was honestly the most bittersweet part of the journey. The items dug deep and struck all the different cords hidden away. Something that both of them haven’t experienced in a long time.
“We really outlived these people.” Bucky said, after looking over the Howling Commandos photograph. It was one just after Steve had banded them together. All dressed neatly in their uniforms before they headed back out into the field.
Dum Dum. Jim. James. Gabe. Jacques. Happy Sam. Pinky. Junior.
All good men. Now they have fallen either in the war or with age. It was something that saddened both of them very much. Outliving a friend while they still look physically in their late 20s, early 30s hit deeply.
“Well, we are a hundred years old, Buck.” Steve said, sarcasm strong, but there is still a hint of amusement.
“105 and six to be exact. And looking damn good, too.” Bucky says, smiling as he shuffles to the next one. A familiar woman with lips the color of cherries. “Ah, it's the Great-Aunt of the Niece you kissed under the bridge.”
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Steve bit his tongue, shaking his head. “You really love torturing me today, huh, Barnes?”
Bucky hums, tilting his head at Peggy next to his friend. A bit of sorrow washed over at him as he glanced away. “I’ll say this again, I’m surprised you didn’t go back to her.”
Steve stares off too, feeling the same way but for a different reason. “I did. For a dance I owed her.” He sighs quietly. “I realize it would be weird if I just stayed knowing what would happen in history, and not being able to do anything about it. Plus-” He looks at the other soldier, lips curling up a little. “I’ve made too many friends to just leave them all behind.”
The brunette returns the expression, pleased that he’s finally got a clear answer after so long. “Til’ the end of the line, right?”
“Til’ the end of the line.” Cap repeats, grabbing his drink again for a sip.
Bucky hums again, the mischievous look returning for a split second. “At least you have that red head you can look forward to.”
That comment made Steve choke on his drink, beer dripping off his chin and bottle as he started coughing. Bucky continues with his look, as the blond man gives his chests a few pats until he’s simmered down the fit.
“Buck, what the hell?” Steve manages to croak, as he wipes his jaw clean with the back of his hand.
He holds his hands up in defense. “Hey, I only speak the truth, pal. I’ve seen the way you look at her.” Bucky replies, earning a glare.
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“We’re just friends.”
He rolls his eyes. “Friends? Yeah, right. Friends my ass, Steve.”
Steve waves him off. “Okay, whatever you say, man. Can we just move onto the next picture?”
“Sure, sure. Will do.” The soldier flips to the next one, and this time was a picture of Captain America next to Howard Stark, looking like they were planning something together. “Huh... Another love interest.”
“Alright, Bucky.” Steve says, smacking him with the couch throw pillow, making him burst into a fit of laughter.
“Hang on, Stevie. Let's see the next one.”
“I swear, if it’s another person…”
And it was.
Except this one made them both become like a deer in a headlight.
Their surroundings grew mute, minus the tiny sounds of the crickets below, and the sound of the television down the hall.
It was a bit eerie.
A bit uncomfortable.
This was a person that hasn’t crossed their minds in a while.
Three figures cased in black and white, dressed in uniforms that weren’t quite military, but it was their own style.
Two blonds and a brunette.
One navy colored eyes that could be compared to an ocean view.
A set of eyes like the sky, and even had a dash of everforest green.
And orbs that were a mixture of cocoa and chestnut with a swirl of honey.
Standing in what appeared to be a mechanic’s garage, the person in the middle wore his stars and stripes proudly; On his right with a five o’clock shadow, and button up in blue and with a cocky grin; On his left was a woman in a jumper, copying the Captain’s smile as she leaned against an oversized mechanical leg.
Anyone could see the pure joy radiating off the picture, which is why it made these two friend’s hurt so much inside. Because they certainly weren’t feeling that way right now.
They stayed hushed for a long time, trying to stay strong for one another. But even these super soldiers needed a chance to break down to a certain low level.
“I haven’t thought about her in a while.” Bucky said, just above a whisper. His voice is soft and -tries to be- comforting to ease away the trembling before it even starts.
“Yeah… me neither.” Steve says, slowly holding onto the picture as well, taking her in. There was a spark of happiness in his features. A spark, but it was there. “I remember when this was taken. It was right after we started going after all the HYDRA bases. I think Howard took this one.”
“I think you’re right. See-” He points to a corner of the photo. “He always had at least one figure in front of the lens.”
Steve chuckles dryly. “I remember that now.” He tilts his head, studying it some more. “I think this was in the base’s garage, right?”
“Yep. Stark helped build that giant robot for her.” Bucky points to the metal leg in the picture. “What was it called again? The HYDRA Stomper?”
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Steve pinches his eyebrows together. “I thought it was Crusher?”
“No, it was Stomper.”
“I don’t think so.”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to pinch his brows. “What are you talking about? She flew around and stepped on anything that was the enemy. Where are you getting Crusher from?”
“Because, you can-” He makes a smushing motion with his hands. “Crush things with your feet too.”
“Oh my god…” The brunette shakes her head. “You don’t even know your own sister’s name.”
Steve’s grip on the photo immediately tightened, and his eyes fell over with a shadow. This whole conversation just did a 360.
Bucky’s whole face falls. Guilt hitting him like a truck. Regretting the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. His body starts to slack, as he immediately wraps an arm around his friend’s body, pulling him close. He hears the blond man taking a shaky breath, letting the world grow silent again.
The picture finds itself resting on their thighs, like it was too hot to touch and would burn away their flesh if they held onto it for any longer.
Or maybe the memory was just too painful to hold onto?
“Sorry, man.” Bucky finally said, gently, afraid of stepping over a line again. He feels the man leaning into the touch, starving for some warmth. Hungry for some love and solace.
This kind of reminded him of the time after Sarah died. The neediness he needed without saying a single word. A look was all it took for Bucky to be there for him.
He felt Steve shake his head, dismissing his apology that he didn’t owe.
“It’s okay. It’s just-” Steve begins, sighing. “I promised her I would come back.” He felt his friend’s arm give him a pleasant squeeze, telling him it’s all right. “On the race to the plane, she got hurt and hitched a ride with Peggy and Colonel Philps. I remember we took each other's hands, and she asked me to be careful.”
He chuckles quietly, and continues. “I told her I’d come back, and left. If she wasn’t injured, I think she would have gone with me. Probably freeze together. But nothing hurt worse when she came on the radio in those last few moments.”
Bucky’s eyes fall onto the woman again, heart hurting all over again. “Did she cry?” He asked, mouth feeling dry.
Steve’s frowns deepen, his eyes also falling back onto the picture. “Of course she did. You know how she is.”
Blue eyes casted a glance, worriedness building up immensely. “Would you have been okay if she came with you?”
“Maybe…” He fiddles with his hands. “I don’t know.” Cap meets his stare, confliction and confusion on his face. “Is that a horrible thing to say?”
“Steve, she’s your sister. Your twin. It’s okay to have conflicting thoughts. Especially the life with both lived, it’s bound to happen.” Bucky’s face softened a little, but the sadness was still there as he picked the delicate item back up, making a point. “And there’s pros and cons either way. If she stayed back there, and if she came with you-”
He shrugs and continues. “Who knows. She could have been just living her life in the modern day, or become an Avenger with her face plastered around the world. Nobody knows what could have happened.”
Steve lets that sink in, a bit of weight was lifted from his shoulders, only to be weighed down seconds later by underground anger. “Do you think she would’ve been recognized if she had come with me?”
Puzzled by his words, Bucky shifted in his spot to look at the blond better. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shifts too, back resting against the arm rest as his friend sets the photo down again. Bucky listens carefully, picking up the glimpse of bitterness he saw in Steve’s posture.
The blond weighs on how he was going to phrase this, thinking slowly before creeping up on an idea. "Before I found out you were still alive, I went to the Smithsonian, curious about what people had thought of me. It took me about… a few hours to see everything, and… I just remember being so angry at the end."
The hurting tone had returned, and Steve tried to swallow it before speaking, "It was like… she didn't exist. My sister… just gone. Not even her name was mentioned once. I even looked to see if maybe they had put up her fake last name, 'Kingsman', but there was nothing. It was like they didn't want anybody to know that the giant robot was driven by a woman."
Now Bucky understood what he meant. Now he understood the anger his best friend had, which just added to a long list of why Steve Rogers was skeptical at everything government related. It reminded him that they were trying to erase an important part of Captain America’s life. No wonder he always declined trips to the museum when it was suggested by their teammates.
His eyes fall far away again, his mind wandering off too as he starts to regain some hidden emotions buried deep inside.
“You know, I always hated that exhibit too." Bucky begins, getting Steve's attention. "After I pulled you out of the water, I went there trying to remember everything. Even before I got my memories back, I always hated it for some reason, and it took me a long time to know why." He exhales, recalling something else. "It's on display, but do you remember when that film crew took a video of us laughing?"
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Steve nods slowly, a tiny smile ghosting his lips. "Of course. You made some corny joke about sleeping on the ground again. You had us all dying from it."
Bucky copies his expression with a small chuckle. "Yeah, that day." Then it falls flat again. "When I was in Romania it just hit me when I was roaming around. I realized… they edited her out." A knife to the heart for the both of them. "I think… that was the first time I cried since our fight on the helicarrier."
Steve hums at his tale, taking in each and every word he spoke. "That war really fucked everything up for us, hasn't it?"
"Sure fucking did."
Silence overtook again, a very long one this time as they zoned out to be trapped in their own minds. But as the alarm clock inside glowed a late hour, and the crickets seemed to start to grow quieter, Bucky couldn't have missed the whisper of laughter and smile from his friend.
Cocking his head, amuse by the sight change, he asked, "What? Did you remember something happy?"
Still smiling, he nods for the millionth time tonight. "I did." Steve begins, meeting his eyes once more. "We were on a tour for the musical, and I remember about the third time I put the stupid costume on, she said 'You should've stayed home, Stevie. This get-up is probably not what you imagine you'd be wearing for war'."
This made Bucky burst out laughing at Steve's poor attempt at sounding like a girl.
"R-Really?" Bucky said, trying to calm himself. "J-Just like that? And in that voice?"
"Of course! How else is it supposed to sound like?"
"Uh… not like you're strangling a cat? Geez…" He scratches his stubble, before snapping his fingers at a memory. "Oh! You remember in the fifth grade, and that punk Tommy Scotts tugged on her pigtails, and before you could confront him she turned around and gave him a shift kick between the legs?"
Steve snorted, that image was still fresh in his mind. "I remember. She was worshipped like a God for the rest of the school year. Kids were bending over backwards for her."
"Oh, yeah. Some were willing to do her homework if it meant she kept Scotts away."
Bucky reaches for his half drunk beer, with a dorky look on his face. It kind of reminded Steve of a love struck puppy. It was a look he hasn’t seen since the army.
"Can I ask you something that's been on my mind for a long time?" Steve asked, watching him shake his head 'yes' as he brought the bottle to his lips. Like the troll the blond could be sometimes, he says, "Did you sleep with her?"
Karma was definitely a bitch, and this time Bucky was the one choking on amber liquid, the contents making a waterfall to the deck's flooring.
It took the man a second for it to fully register again, and finally, with a look of betrayal, he replies with, "You ass. You waited until I took a sip."
The Captain shrugs. "Maybe."
Bucky sighs. "Steve, why would you-"
"Buck, I don't care if you did, I just wanted to hear it from you. Was it a one time thing?"
His face got hot, and his ears started to burn which made his words slur next. "Well… n-no. It was… I mean w-we did it more th-than once… I mean…” He shakes his head, debating on if he should just jump off the balcony and make a run for it. “W-Why are you asking?"
“Because you loved her.” Steve gave him the most obvious look ever after he tried to deny it. "Bucky, I saw how you looked at her. That was not a look a friend gives another."
Bucky purses his lips, trying to hide his red face (He’ll just keep lying to himself and say it’s the alcohol). “You’re just twisting my words from earlier…”
He raises an eyebrow, noticing the look. “Wait… did you know?” Bucky gets a nod as confirmation. “Since when?”
“I started to really notice around highschool.” Steve said, nonchalantly.
“And you never said anything?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “It wasn’t my place.”
Bucky’s tensed shoulders fall, a bit worried though. What if he disapproves? “Steve-”
“She told me everything after you fell from the train.” Steve begins, and makes sure he’s listening before continuing on. “She cried for you and it wasn’t like the time a friend of hers died in highschool from pneumonia, it was different.”
Steve could still picture it till this day, and it both hurts yet brings a bit of joy to it all (in a non-morbid way of course). He finishes it with, “She said she loved you, but I already knew that.”
Bucky went quiet, both hands clasped around the bottle as he weighed in his thoughts. They never actually got the chance to say it to one another, especially during their time in the army, so hearing what she actually said indirectly strikes a lot of different places.
He shifts in his seat, deciding to reveal a bit of a secret.
“I was going to marry her, Steve.” He replies, the knot in his stomach loosening and tightening. He felt his friend’s eyes on him again, gentle like last time. “I had a ring picked out, it was.... Small and gold with a… a butterfly. When I scrunched up enough cash, I bought it. Left it with my older sister at home until the time was right. Originally it was going to be the night I’d left, but I couldn’t do it. Too scared of making an empty promise. Too scared to… ‘widow’ her before we even got married. It’s stupid… isn’t it?”
“No. Not even close, Buck.” Steve said, patting him on the back. His hand lingered on his shoulder afterwards for comfort. “I think it was smart to think about the situation beforehand. You did good on that part.” He smiles. “And she would have loved that ring. You even remembered she likes butterflies like a good ‘husband’ you could’ve been.”
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Bucky shakes his head. “Nah. Anybody close to her could remember that.”
“That’s the thing, Bucky. She had a lot of friends, and besides me, you were the only one that remembers the small details. That’s why I consider you my best friend, and I think she would too. Trust me on that.”
He hums, finally glancing back over. “Would’ve you given me your blessing?”
Steve looks a bit taken back, but he shouldn’t be surprised how considerate he was being. “Of course. You’d be the one person I know that’ll take good care of her.” He grins, patting him on the back again. “Plus, having my best friend as my brother-in-law would be pretty great.”
That got Bucky to copy the grin. “Yeah, that would be.” He said, shifting the bottle into one hand, raising it slightly. “To a sister.”
Bittersweetness came back, but the Captain still reached over to pick up his drink again, doing the same. “To a lover.”
“To Jayden Rogers.”
“To Jayden Rogers.”
They clinked their bottles for a second time tonight, the beer tasting a little flat but they didn't mind as they took in the warm and cold atmosphere. Time went by smoothly, silently, but that was alright with them.
The gentle breeze brushed against the photos, and Bucky’s attention went back to the garage one, recalling another distant memory that makes him want to relive it all over again.
“Hey.” He says, getting Steve to look over, a smile plastered onto his face. “Do you remember when we first met?”
(Part 2 )
Taglist: @fangirllife98 @ginger-swag-rapunzel
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shozto · 4 years
⏤ wounds.
ask: Hi if requests are still open could I please request a Dabi(Touya) x civilian reader? Where she finds him badly injured and unconscious then she drags him back to her apartment to treat his wounds and when Dabi regains consciousness he finds her sleeping next to him in her bed. 
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pairing: dabi / f!reader
wordcount: 3.4k
genre: angst, fluff, strangers to something more(?)
warning: brief descriptions of injuries and pain, swearing, a makeout scene, suggestive but literally nothing happens, dabi is kind of ooc? but not really
+ summary: dabi is extremely hurt, and you are the only one there to help him. 
note! this is the first thing i’ve written on here since my hiatus almost 2 years ago! i hope you like it
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Music thumped through the brick wall and into the narrow alleyway. This club was pretentious to say the least, but it provided a loud, pounding wall of safety from the dangerous streets. The darkness of the city after dark only brought the stench of danger and death, something Dabi didn’t prefer, but knew well. He still went out anyway.
Dabi is always careful when he goes out. Sure, he gets hurt sometimes, but never anything too serious or life threatening. It’s a habit of his, one he is extremely determined on keeping. But, no matter how careful he is, something is bound to slip through at one point or another.
Blood seeped through the gash on his side. It leaked past his white shirt, staining it a deep red and dripping onto the ground as he leaned against the wall of the alley. His scarred hand pressed against the wound and he groaned, falling to the ground letting out a sputtered cough. 
So much for being careful. 
“Those bastards,” he grunted. His legs pushed against the ground before he hunched over and heaved for breath. He felt his mouth fill with saliva as he hyperventilated and squeezed his eyes shut. 
They stabbed him with a knife. He killed them, of course. Burning them to a crisp in one glance. But that didn’t help the gaping wound in his side.
This isn’t an often occurrence for Dabi; he hardly ever got hurt, and when he did, it was always on his own accord. He could deal with the pain from burns, at least those didn’t make him feel like he was dying from the inside out. Being stabbed was a different kind of pain, though. Dabi felt like he was really about to die. 
But then, his saving grace.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” A voice came from his left. Your voice was panicked and shaky, but oh so gentle. 
You came into view and his vision blurred. Your hand was warm against his cheek and cool against the wound on his side, a fresh relief. You pulled the purse off your shoulder and sifted through the items before pulling out a cellphone and dialing something on the keypad.
Dabi’s hand grabbed your wrist and he shook his head. 
“What?” you looked at him. “I’m going to call an ambulance, you need to go to the hospital.”
He shook his head again and grunted, trying to push himself up into a sitting position. “No hospitals. No police.”
His voice was rough and deep, it took you a moment to process what exactly he was saying. When you did, you felt your heart fall in your chest. 
“Okay, okay... no hospitals or police...” you sucked in a breath. “I can take you to my apartment, it’s just up there.” you pointed to a window above them on the other side of the alley. 
Dabi nodded and felt his vision blurring once more. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stay conscious much longer. 
“Come on, stay with me please,” you spoke softly, trying to pull him up on his feet. “I need you to walk, I’ll help you just please try and stand up.”
Your arms pulled him up to his feet and he stumbled, falling on top of your smaller frame. You grunted at the weight and tried to drag him to your apartment building.
One step, two steps. A few more through the door when your entered the digits on the keypad. Finally into the apartment building. 
Dabi collapsed. 
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Dabi woke up with an ache in his side. He let out a groan and shifted his body, turning to his stomach and running his hand through his hair. His eyes fluttered open and, much to his surprise, sleeping beside him was a girl.
You looked familiar, but he didn’t know why. Did he sleep with you? No, he shook his head. You were fully clothed and looked far too peaceful for having spent the night in bed with him. 
Then, another sharp pain in his abdomen. He sucked in a breath and let his hand drift to the ache. He was shirtless, a white bandage wrapped around his waist. Oh, right. He got stabbed. So your were the one who helped him then.
your sudden movement caught his attention. You stretched your arms out and your eyes opened slowly.
“Good morning.” you smiled, looking into his cerulean eyes. Intimidating yet warm, and very, very confused. “Did you sleep well?” your voice was gentle, just like before. But this time it was calmer, more comfortable. 
Dabi lifted his arm and tucked it under his head. “Care to explain why ‘m sleepin’ in your bed, angel?”
Deflected your question with his own, of course. That was what he was best at. 
You shifted and turned your gaze away from his own. It felt like they were burning holes in your eyes; scary and understandably so. He must’ve been a villain. You weren’t sure if you could hold eye contact with him for more than three seconds. “You were hurt badly. Like, really bad, and you didn’t want me to take you to the hospital so I tried my best to patch you up here. You were also running a high fever, probably from the loss of blood. I let you sleep in my bed, and I was going to sleep on the couch, but you kept waking up from these... nightmares? I felt bad leaving you so... I just came to sleep here in case you needed anything.”
Your hand found the bandage on his waist and you brushed your fingers against the white fabric. Thank god the blood wasn’t leaking through anymore. “What’s your name, anyway? And how did you get hurt so badly? Don’t tell me it’s the reason why you didn’t want me taking you to the hospital or calling the police...”
He felt you finch when he grabbed your wrist. 
“I’m Dabi, angel face. You have a name? Or do you prefer me calling you ‘angel’?”
You laughed a little out of sheer awkwardness. “My name is y/n.”
Dabi hummed and pulled you closer to his body until your chests were touching. You were cold. “You okay, y/n? You seem a little shaken up.”
You pushed him away and got out of the bed. “What are you trying to do?”
He sat up and leaned against the headboard, a slight smirk on his lips. “Just trying to repay you for helpin’ me out last night. Want me to make you feel good? Tell me what you want, princess. I’ll give it to you.”
“We literally just met, Dabi. I only learned your name two minutes ago. Stop being a creep and have some human decency, for god’s sake. I just saved your life.”
You slipped out of the bedroom door and walked toward the kitchen. Dabi frowned and got out of the bed, following behind you. 
Dabi was not a creep. Well, not in the sense that you were getting at; he was a villain. He assumed it fit his image and it was easy to assume such things, but it wasn’t fair of you to say that. But then again, he did just try and make a move on you... maybe it was warranted. 
Who could blame him, though? You were alluring in your own right. Pretty skin, cute smile, bright eyes. You helped him when he thought he was going to die. Now that was something he didn’t quite process. Who was he kidding? That was horrifying; but then again, nothing was ever as horrifying as what happened when he was a child. Either way, he really was grateful for your help. He just didn’t know how to show it. 
You knew he was following you, but you didn’t speak. You would make him some breakfast, then kick him out. So much for the butterflies fluttering in your stomach whenever he spoke. 
“Sorry about that,” Dabi said after a few minutes of silence between the two of you. The sizzling of rice being coated in oil and vegetables was loud. It smelled way too good to be considered fried rice. 
You hummed in response and tapped your fingers against the handle of the spatula in your hand. “It’s okay.”
Well that wasn’t much of a surprise, but it still took him aback. You were too kind for your own good.
“Thank you, though. For real.”
“It’s the least I can do. Even though you’re a villain, and if the police find out I helped you, I’ll probably get arrested and then lose my scholarship and fail at my dream of becoming a doctor. But it’s okay.”
Now that, that was a surprise. 
“You wanna be a doctor?” not the doctor part. (he was honestly not surprised about that, it only made sense. you actually knew what you were doing and how to help him). he was surprised that you were this open to him. 
“Yeah,” you paused as you pulled out bowls to put the rice in. “It’s technically my parents’ dream for me. But I’ve realized I enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would. I like helping people, it makes me happy.” You handed him his bowl and sat beside him. “I just realized that’s probably the last thing you wanna hear. Don’t villains find the idea of helping people disgusting?”
Dabi laughed. 
It was a warm, gravely laugh, probably due to the fact he just woke up. It made your heart feel like it was being coated in thick honey and you felt heat rise to your face. You liked his laugh. 
“I don’t know about other villains, but I really could not care less. But no, the last thing I would want to hear is you being a hero. That would be terrifying.”
You felt a smile creep up your lips and a tight feeling grew in your chest. “Yeah, never. I have too weak a quirk to do that. And putting my life on the line? No thanks. I have way too much to lose.”
“Too much to lose, huh?” he said. He ate some of the rice. “What’s your quirk? Some healing shit?”
You shook your head. “No, but that would be ideal. I have a simple nature quirk. Like I can grow flowers and make the leaves change color.”
“Sweet quirk for a sweet girl.”
You flushed. “What’s yours?”
Dabi held out a single finger and in a split second, a small blue flame emitted from the tip. “Just fire. I’d show you more but I might burn your apartment down and you’d murder me. Plus I’d feel a little bad.”
“Blue fire?”
“What were your parents’ quirks? I’ve never seen anyone have blue fire before.” you asked innocently. Dabi gritted his teeth.
“Fire and ice, i guess. I don’t remember too well, though. Haven’t seen ‘em in a long time.”
You were about to ask another question, but realized it might be a little insensitive. Besides, it was none of your business.
“Sorry,” you murmured. Then, you ate. 
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You weren’t quite sure what had happened, but you saw Dabi quite frequently nowadays. 
After you told him you had a night class, you would often see him outside the campus waiting for you so he could walk you home. Other times, he would bring you little things like food or candy. 
You assumed it made him happy; bringing you things or walking you home. It would be a lie if you said it didn’t make you happy as well. He was sort of a dandere type; he let you do most of the talking and sometimes it seemed like he didn’t care, but he proved that he was listening when he brought you the snacks that you told him you liked, or when he gave you a little nightlight after you told him you were afraid of the dark. 
He was sweet; unbelievably so. And over the past few weeks, you realized that you might have a major romantic connection to him. It was almost like you were in a relationship together, but not really.
You had never gone out on a date or anything like that, but you could tell he liked you in a certain way. The way he teased you or called you cute. The way he slept over in your bed often. At first he said it was because he didn’t want to go back to his place since his roommates were annoying. 
It was the way he hugged you when he said goodbye or the lingering gazes when you would cook him dinner. One time you kissed him on the cheek when he was pretending he was asleep. You swore you saw him blush.
Tonight felt different. You hadn’t seen him in a few days; he was away, he said. He told you not to worry, but you did. How could you not? He was like your best friend.
There was a knock on your door. It was loud and hard, and you felt your heart stutter in your chest. You walked quickly to the peephole, and much to your surprise, dabi was standing there. You flung the door open.
“Dabi,” you ran into his arms, hugging around his waist tightly and burying your face into his chest. You let out a shaky breath and you felt tears well up in your eyes. 
“Hey, angel,” he said softly and rested his face on the top of your head, breathing in deeply. “Missed you,” he muttered. He kissed your head gently and hummed. “We should go inside, baby.”
You sniffled and nodded, pulling away from his warm body and interlacing your hand with his own before leading him inside and closing the door behind you. 
“How was it?” you asked. You never asked about his ‘work’. You knew it made him a little upset. Not that he didn’t trust you, he just didn’t like you hearing about that side of himself. He had his own motivations and drives, as did you. You didn’t question them, because you knew they were valid. 
He sighed and sat on your couch, leaning back and running his hands down his face. “It was fine, just tiring,”  he said. 
He closed his eyes and tossed his head back, resting his arm on the back of the couch, his long legs spread wide. Sometimes you forgot how tall he was. You never forgot how attractive he was. 
You fiddled with your fingers as you stood by the coffee table. You were worried about him... how could you not? He was one of the most important people in your life right now. You don’t know what you’d do with yourself if he died.
He let out something between a sigh and a groan. You felt your insides twist. 
Cerulean blue eyes opened slightly and caught yours. “C’mere, angel,” he said, opening his arms. 
You complied and walked over to him, standing in between his parted thighs. He quirked a brow at your shyness and his hands found your hips, pulling you forward onto his lap so your legs were on either side of his thighs. 
Your hands gripped the front of his shirt and you leaned forward, burying your head in his neck. He was so warm, obviously a result of his quirk. He smelled like campfires in the rain... a rare experience in itself. It wasn’t until Dabi started rubbing your back that you realized you were crying.
“Shhh, baby. It’s okay,” he breathed in your ear. “I’m right here, you don’t need to worry.”
You sniffled and rubbed your face against the rough skin of his neck. You kissed it gently; it made your heart drop whenever you felt his burns. You knew they didn’t hurt. It was just scar tissue. But you felt so sad whenever you thought about them, he had so much pain buried in his heart. These burns were a result of his bad past.
Dabi pulled your body closer to his own so there was no space in between. His large hands held your shoulders and pulled you so you were facing him. His long fingers grazed your cheek and settled for threading through your hair and cupping your jaw. 
“Look at me,” he whispered, his burning blue eyes searching your face. You sniffled again and hesitantly looked up into them. “There she is,” he smiled and wiped your tears away with his thumbs. You let out a small laugh when he nudged her nose with his own. “What’s wrong?”
You shook your head and looked down again.
“Hey, what did I say? Look at me, y/n,” your name dripped from his tongue and you felt your stomach twist. You looked up at him again.
“I’m just worried about you,” you said with a shaky breath. “And... I know you don’t want my pity but I just feel so sad when I think about what you’ve had to go through. It hurts me, thinking about it. I just want you to be happy, and I know you’re trying to accomplish your goal by working with the league, but I just...” you trailed off and looked down again. His thumb brushed your cheek again. “I just want you to be okay and safe. I know you’re doing what you have to do, but I love you and it hurts so bad seeing you in pain.”
“Angel...” he kissed your forehead. “I’m not in pain.”
You shook your head. “You are. I can tell.”
“I’m perfectly fine, don’t worry about me, okay? I didn’t get hurt.”
he was always so gentle when it came to you.
“Not physically. I mean mentally,” you sighed and brought your hands to his cheeks, mirroring his actions from before. He let his hands drop to your hips, rubbing soft circles in the dips. “Your past, the hurt you have in your heart. These scars may just be old burns, but they’re wounds. They are proof of your pain. Even if it was a long time ago.”
You kissed under his left eye. Then his right. You noticed he let out a small sigh when you kissed his jaw, then his ear, his neck, his collar bone. You looked back up at his face; his eyes were closed. You smiled softly and held under his jaw again, pulling your face closer to his. He felt your breath on his lips, but his eyes remained shut. Your thumb hesitantly traced his bottom lip and he hummed. You slowly leaned in and captured his lips in your own. 
The kiss was slow and warm and sensual. It was kind of surprising that you had never kissed him before, but you realized it might have been because of what happened on the morning you met.
His grip tightened on your hips and he let out a small groan when you pulled your lips away from his own. Your hands slowly dragged down to his shoulders.
“Was that okay?” you whispered and he opened his eyes slowly. 
Instead of responding, he grabbed the back of your head and kissed you again, fervently. It was hot and it made you feel like your breath had been knocked out of you, but it was slow and tight and it made your mind go fuzzy. You whimpered when his tongue traced along your gums, your grip on his shirt growing tighter and you realized you were shaking. 
He moved to kiss your jaw below your ear and you swore you couldn’t breathe. He whispered something about breathing before continuing his trail of kisses down your neck, sucking at the skin there. You struggled to breathe in and you found Dabi rubbing your arm with one of his hands. He squeezed you lightly and stopped his kissing, pulling away and holding you close, pushing your head into the crook of his neck.
You whimpered when he rubbed your back again, and you were now in the same position as you were before. 
He felt your hot breath on his neck and he kissed your shoulder. 
“You okay?” he asked. You nodded and moved so you were facing him again. You smiled and ran your hands through his dark locks.
“I love you,” you said once more. He smiled and pecked your lips. 
“I love you too.”
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stealforreal · 3 years
Midoriya Izuku - Future kids I
Midoriya Izuku's day just got turned upside down. MIdoriya is slightly ooc, and I'm dissapointed with the quality of this work. I lost inspiration sorry, but here you go anyways.
Midoriya Izuku x f!reader
Warnings: none, maybe slight cussing
It had been a normal day, so far. Class 1-b and 1-a had a joint training session, and everyone was giving it their all. Iida was using his recipico burst against their team's opponents, giving Midoriya time to think up a new plan now that they had been discovered. They had previously planned to use Aoyama's navel laser to lure their opponents to a specific spot, before using Iida to get him away so Midoriya and Todoroki could apprehend them. The plan had unfortunately backfired, since they had captured Aoyama before Iida could get to him. The solid air user from 1-b had gotten him in his hold, and only after Todoroki had gotten him back did they realise how much the rest of the plan would fail. So now Midoriya was tasked with coming up with a new plan.
Todoroki was occupied with holding the others at bay, and Iida was running out of fuel so they wouldn’t be much help. Aoyama was on the brink of his usual stomach ache that followed with overuse, so he was also pretty useless. Even if he wanted too Midoriya knew he was out matched, a 4 v 1 would not end well for him, besides he had to look out for Monoma and his copy quirk. He was so in his head planning that he didn’t see the Copycat sneaking up on him, not before it was too late. He should have felt an impact, Monoma had pointed one of Bakugou’s explosions towards him. But the impact never came, instead he felt himself float in the air hovering over the remaining smoke from the explosion. “Don’t you dare hurt my daddy” A loud girly voice proclaimed, effectively gaining everybody nearby attention.
Turning his attention towards the girly voice, he felt himself freeze up. In the middle of their training field stood a girl around the age of 10, if he had to take a guess. But that wasn’t what caused him to freeze up, no not the fact that this young girl had somehow managed to bypass UA’s security. Which should have been impossible, considering all the improvements that had been made to it after all the villain attacks that had happened. No, what caused him to freeze up was the fact that before him stood this girl, who looked like a carbon copy of him. It seemed that way from this distance. “Who is responsible for holding Midoriya in the air?” Aizawa’s gruff voice rang out. “Oh right, I forgot about that,” The curly green haired girl exclaimed, catching the attention of the slowly increasing crowd. Slowly Midoriya could feel himself being lowered to the ground again, once his feet hit the cement the quirk that had previously held him in the air deactivated making him feel 10 times heavier.
“Who the fuck disturbed the exercise, I’m gonna kill who ever did it” a familiar angry voice yelled out, making Bakugou’s presence noticeable. Everybody was a little on edge, they had enough experience with villains to not foolishly blindly trust anybody. It didn’t matter that it was a 10 year-old girl, or that she looked like a carbon copy of the resident green haired cinnamon roll. “Man, Uncle Katsu you really were loud back in the day” This statement from the green haired girl left everyone speechless. ‘Does she have a death wish’ was the thought on most of 1-A’s minds, nobody was so casual with Bakugou because it was a serious health hazard.
Well everyone except maybe his two best friends, Kirishima and y/n. It was common knowledge in class A that Bakugou had a soft spot for his two best friends, they had honestly been shocked the first time they met her. She had walked into the classroom, blank faced, walked over to Bakugou’s table, smacked him upside the head with a book before leaving it on his desk, and walked out the door with only a quick “don’t forget it next time, Idiot”. Miraculously she had lived, and Bakugou hadn’t even begun yelling. An impressive feat in itself. Not long after Midoriya had begun noticing you around school, and found out you were a part of the support course. He came to know you a bit, his observation skills made that almost too easy. Slowly but surely he began falling in love with you, the way your hair frames your face, your sharp tongue that never held back. How you would stand up for anybody, it didn’t matter if you knew them well or not if they were in trouble you would help them.
“Hah, what was that you brat?” Bakugou’s loud yelling and heavy footsteps approaching snapped him out of his thoughts, and back to the situation at hand. “ W-wait a minute Kacchan, I’m s-sure that there is a logical explanation” He found himself saying before he could even register what happened. Midoriya was hit with an immense feeling of protectiveness, similar to when they had rescued Eri, but stronger. Without knowing he had subconsciously stepped in front of the girl, pushing her behind his back. “Don’t worry dad I can handle myself, besides it’s only uncle Katsu” she spoke up behind the protective cinnamon roll. “Explain now” Aizawa cut in before they could get side tracked again. It was like the fact she hadn’t introduced herself, only hit her now.
“ Right, allow me to introduce myself” Bowing slightly she continued. “ My name is Midoriya Izumi, I am 10 years old and from the future” Aizawa sent her a raised eyebrow, wanting an elaborated answer. “ My friend was being teased by the others in class about how he was quirkless” Izuku tensed slightly but continued listening to Izumi “ Since my friend’s parents each has a quirk related to time, his mom could speed up herself for only a couple of minutes and his dad could slow down others a bit. This made it really hard for my friend to know if he had a quirk or not, so I helped him research and test different theories. Our last one must have worked, which is time travel by the way, but I have no idea how long his quirk will last” Izumi rambled slightly, reminding them of another curly green haired individual. Difference is Izumi talked loud enough for them to hear, and a bit slower making it understandable.
“Wait, you said your name was Midoriya Izumi. Does this mean that you are Midoriya’s daughter” The ever stoic, conspiracy theory thinking, dual haired boy pointed out. “ Yep, sure am uncle Sho, Don’t tell me you don’t see the resemblance.” She stood next to Izuku hugging his waist with one arm, before continuing” I’m dad's younger copy but female, mom always says there is more wholesomeness in him than there is in her. I remember her asking dad one time why his genes were so damn strong. Luckily for her Haru looks a lot more like her, he’s her younger copy but male” The people present looked between the two Midoriyas, it was true nobody could deny that she was her fathers daughter. The only thing that was different was her eyes, they had specks of y/e/c instead of being fully emerald like Izuku’s were. Also she talks a lot, just like their classmate. They shared the same green hair, both were curly in texture and the classic Midoriya freckles. Though it seemed that she had gotten more of her mothers personality, at least they assumed so. I mean she stood up to Bakugou, without even flinching at his tone.
“Oi, squirt what’s your quirk. And quit rambling like shitty Deku” Bakugou asked, interest evident in his tone. “ Right, my quirk is called Telekinesis, so I can move stuff with my mind. It was also how I was able to keep daddy in the air” Izumi responded, puffing her chest out comically in pride. “Huh so it skipped a generation, and your quirk is stronger than my mom’s. But you also have a different approach so maybe that helps. I wonder why yours is stronger, is it because of your mothers quirk. But then again my quirk is also powerful maybe an aspect of it ties to the genes maybe that’s why your quirk is stronger than moms” The older green haired individual began mumbling on, and he probably would have continued if he hadn’t been cut off by his lowly daughter hitting him in the head. “ Daddy stop mumbling,” Izumi stated sternly.
Bakugou grinned, he liked this kid's spunk and she seemed to have a strong quirk, even if she was shitty Deku’s kid. “Oi squirt fight me” He loudly proclaimed, earning all his classmates attention. Almost everyone began yelling over each other, what the hell dude and she just a kid another one was so not manly bro. Instead of being happy her dad’s old classmates were defending her, stopping her uncle from fighting her she got annoyed. So what if she was a child, this wouldn’t be her first time fighting her dad or her uncles. Before everyone could attack Bakugou even more a voice piqued up “ Sure, if that is alright with you sensei” she directed her attention towards Mr. Aizawa.
It wasn’t rational to challenge a child to a fight, but he couldn’t deny she had a great fighting spirit in her eyes. So he allowed it, he was curious himself to see how it would end. The control she displayed earlier was phenomenal, and she was only 10 but she had a lot of potential in his book. He shooed everuýone a bit away from the hothead and the young Midoriya, and so then created a ring of sorts acting a the line of confinement.
Bakugou charged straight in with his usual right hook, only to have it swiftly caught by Izumi. She grabbed his right hand, squatted down a bit, then swiftly pushed her shoulder into his rib. The momentum of that allowed her to, even with some difficulty, flip his much larger body over her shoulder and into the ground. There was a small second of silence where Bakugou just laid on the ground in shock, a girl over 5 years younger than him just flipped him over her shoulder like it wasn’t even that hard. However Izumi didn’t give him time to think as she sent metal bars towards him. They had been fried earlier, before her arrival. Bakugou used his explosions to evade the metal projectiles, sending another one straight towards her face. Die squirt die, his colorful vocabulary re-entered the scene. She used her Telekinesis to command the explosion to change course and hit Bakugou square in the face instead. Slightly dazed Bakugou didn’t have time to move before a heel connected to his temple, effectively knocking him out.
Everyone who bore witness to this fight was shell shocked, Bakugou lost. The fight lasted only around 8 minutes before the winner of the 1 years sports festival got knocked out by a 10 year old girl. “Huh, that was easier than expected,” the panting girl exclaimed. Izuku could feel his chest swell with pride, that was his daughter. Strong and smart just like her parents. She walked over to Izuku and slumped against him “ I’m tired daddy, carry me” She looked up at him with those doe green eyes, and how could he say no to his little warrior princess. Blushing, he picked her up, and she let out a sigh of contentment. Using her quirk to command things on a molecular level, like Bakugou’s explosions always took a toll on her.
“Midoriya take Izumi to the dorms to let her rest, the rest of you come with me for our next exercise” Mr. Aizawa commanded the frozen teens and teacher. Izuku then began making his way to the dorms, asking his sleepy daughter a tornado of questions. Do you know about my quirk, how does your quirk work, how old is Haru, am I a good dad, who is your mom? Even in her sleepy state Izumi answered his questions to the best of her abilities, though she refused to reveal who her mother was.
When they arrived at the dorms he put her on the living room couch, and went to leave to grab her some old All Might merch that could fit her. Before he could leave she grabbed his cheeks rather harshly, looking him straight in the eye she said “Don’t worry about who mom is, she loves you for you so it's gonna be fine. Also don’t screw this up so I’ll still be born.” Izuku sweat dropped nervously, before getting out of her hold to go find that old merch of his.
When he returned to the living room after finding what he was looking for, he looked around only to find that it was empty. He walked over to the couch and coffee table where he found a note, picking it up and sitting down on the couch to read it. Dearest daddy, I felt tingly so I think the quirk is gonna wear off now. I just wanted to say that you are awesome and the best daddy out there, I love you so much. I’ll see you again in the future - hugs Izumi Midoriya. Izuku’s heart fell, she had only just arrived an hour or so ago and now she was gone. He didn’t get to know his daughter better like he had hoped, and he didn’t get to see her adorably dressed up in his old All Might merch. He read the note over and over again, trying to satisfy his heart. He would see her again in the future, and then it clicked. his heart swelled, yeah he would see Izumu again some day.
Yeah he would see her again when he was married and happy. Yeah he could wait for that, as long as he has too.
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blps · 4 years
Are you having fun?
Pairing: Sakusa x reader
Genre: fluff! (And maybe also stranger to why am I stuck with you to oh nevermind I guess you are nice to hang out with to oh shit I think I caught feelings) anybody got a name for that trope??
Word count: ~2.6k
Summary: Your friend’s crush has four tickets to an amusment park, and so while your friend and her crush pratically abandons you with the none other than Sakusa Kiyomi
a/n: Wow thos is my longest fic, I think Sakusa is a bit ooc in this because of how fast he warms up to you but THIS IS FICTION SO WHO CARES haha ok anyways enjoy!
You couldn’t believe you agreed to this. Currently in a car, hearing your friend besides you thanking you for tagging along and rambling about her perfect crush, you looked outside the window, thinking about how comfortable your bed was and how you wished you could have stayed in it.
But of course you had to agree to your friend’s offer. The pleading in their eyes made you feel guilty if you said no. She really liked him and you were pretty sure he did too. The both of them were just too shy to initiate the first move. So what could go wrong? Well the fact that you were going to arrive at 8am on a saturday morning was the problem.
And so with your little sleep hours you had, you encourage yourself to do this and make sure that your friend and her crush end up confessing by the end of the day.
One of your worries was the fourth person. Your friend informed you that you wouldn’t be third wheeling, another person would accompany you, wasn’t that wonderful? No. Doing first interactions with a new human being was nonexistent on your list of favourite things to do. Will you and them click off and could enjoy a day together? Or will it be awkward the whole time? What if you both will not get along? So many questions you weren’t so eager to find the answer.
Your friend parked the car, giving you a blinding smile as she got out of the car. You wanted to at least not ruin her first date so you switched your moody morning self to the ‘I totally want to socialise with you’ persona.
As you got out of the car, the sun warmed your skin from the fresh breeze of mornings. You walked behind your friend as you met with what would be the crush and your companion for the rest of the day.
Your partner for the day turned around, and you were just in awe of his beauty. He was tall, more than 6’. His dark hair curled nicely, perfectly framing his face. Well, the partial part you could see anyway as he was wearing a mask. But if that mask didn’t further accentuate his beauty then you didn’t know what else will. As you got closer, two beauty marks were more noticable and that was the last straw. He just took the prize for the most beautiful man effortlessly; it almost made you angry.
He introduced himself with the most soothing voice. You gathered yourself, not wanting to make him uncomfortable as you greeted him properly and his friend. The four of you then entered the amusement park, ready for a day of ups and downs.
You knew it would end up like this. As soon as your friend and her crush had a map of the place, they immediately left you and Sakusa alone.
It was silent between the two of you. Guess he wasn’t that much of a talker. You took a map for yourself. You were about to ask what he would like to do when his words cut the silence first.
“I’m not riding any roller coasters.”
Well, that was a really good start.
“May I ask why? Who would come to an amusement park and not try at least one rollercoaster?”, you replied.
“I hate germs and if you were aware, the seats are filled with strangers filth”, his eyes clearly judging you,” I’m sure you wouldn’t understand.”
Oh yeah his looks wouldn’t be able to save him now.
“Excuse me? Are you calling me unsanitary?”
“Considering how you touched the rotating metal bars with your bare hands at the entrance, I would agree. Do you even realise how many germs you just touched?”
His look of distaste was the only confirmation that he was in fact, a germaphobe. Great. Who would’ve guessed a germaphobe would be in an amusement park. You really hit the target for the least desirable person to spend a whole day with in your situation.
You sigh as you took your hand sanitiser from your bag and rubbed your hands vigorously, giving him the most infuriating glare you could do.
“Here”, you showed your hands to him,” there now should be 0.01% bacteria, if you don’t want to ride a rollercoaster, fine. At least let’s walk around and look for our friends since you wouldn’t gain more bacteria.”
You turned around, ready to do anything but be alone with the judging look all day. You should at least have a good time when you were forced out of your comfy bed to be here.
With your back turned to him and his face mask on, you wouldn’t have known of that tiny smirk on Sakusa’s lips.
Your plan didn’t go as well as you expected. You and Mr. Nofun were sitting as far away as you could from a bench. You were even surprised that he sat on it. Your friend ran along with your crush to who knows where and so you weren’t able to find her.
Silence once again ruled in the atmosphere. Only the faint sound of rollercoasters and people screaming were reaching your ears. You have texted your friend to meet up, you couldn’t handle being alone with him anytime longer. Maybe you should leave him. Why should you stay? You were fully capable of having a good time by yourself.
“I didn’t expect you to have a hand sanitizer with you.”
This was not the time.
“Why did you even come if you weren’t going to do anything? There really weren’t any more suitable candidates?”
You were both staring each other down, arguments ready to be unleashed when a new sound reached both of your ears.
The great rumbling of hungry stomachs.
Yours to be more precise.
Burying yourself deep in the ground was a very enticing idea right now, until Sakusa’s stomach joined in on the symphony of hunger.
With few words of agreement, you both went to find something to eat.
You were both eating, in silence once again. Sakusa finished his bite, and stared at you until your own eyes met his.
“No there weren’t any suitable candidates. No one wanted to spend a day with two lovers at an amusement park. And since I thought I would be alone, I planned to do nothing. I didn’t know you would be here.”
Your temper from earlier calmed down, you finished your bite as you answered back:
“Well fair enough but I still would like to enjoy myself you know? You're not the only one that is forced to be here. I didn’t even get to finnish my dream and next thing I know, I’m out of bed and onto one of the most social places you could be.”
Since his mask was off his face so he could eat, which was both a blessing and a curse, you were able to notice the small smirk forming.
“Well how about you do what you would like? Don’t bother about the others, enjoy your day.”
Well, maybe he wouldn’t be a pain after all.
“You have something stuck between your teeth.”
You spoke too soon.
Aside from his comments, it was actually going pretty well. You had participated in some mini activities and won some prizes. You had gained stuffed animals, a balloon, and more unnecessary gadgets. You wanted to at least try the haunted house but Sakusa refused to go in it.
You were currently in a ferris wheel for a little break, devouring a pink cotton candy while your now tolerable partner was doing his best in trying not to touch the metal security bar.
You let out a chuckle, the both of you arriving at the top.
“I’ll let you use my hand sanitizer. Just hold it if you want to feel secure”, your soft chuckle making his eyebrows furrow.
“It doesn’t work that way”
“Here take this”, you handed him your cotton candy as you searched your bag for your gloves,” here I had these gloves since we would stay to watch the fireworks and it would be pretty chilly at night.”
His eyes reflected surprise as you took your cotton candy back and handed him the gloves. You continued admiring the view and eating the sugar, oblivious to the man besides you who wanted to calm his heartbeat and the pink blossoming coloring his cheeks.
When you were back on the ground and walking around. You spotted one of your favourite activities yet so far. The prize was a living fish and you were just so excited to win one you grabbed Sakusa’s sleeve and dragged him eagerly to the stand.
Time flew by as well as your money. Your wallet couldn’t withstand another round. You just couldn’t beat the game and win the fish. Adding on to that, you felt Sakusa’s annoyance from your back facing him. He was probably tired of holding your stuff.
You accepted your defeat, ready to go, until you felt his presence besides you. His arm extended, cash on his hand.
“Another round please.” The host prepared the booth once again, happy with his earnings. Meanwhile, you prepared to not disappoint Sakusa, mentally forcing yourself to not screw this up. You looked over him, about to thank him. However, he only gave you your stuff back.
“You are so bad at this, let me just show you how it’s done”, his gentle eyes were locked with your surprised ones. It was different from the usual judgemental and disgusted look he had.
Before you knew it, he was facing you again, but this time, he held a plastic bag with a bright small orange fish swimming around.
“Shall we continue, the others are probably searching for us as well.” He kept on walking, not bothering to check if you were following him. Snapping out of your shocked state, you quickly catched up to him, thinking how to thank him.
“Um.. thanks, for winning the fish for me, I-“
“Oh I think you misunderstood,” he smirked, giving you a teasing look, “I won this fish. So I will be keeping it.”
Irritation washed over you. But before you could respond, your name was called out in the crowd. You saw your friend jogging towards you, hand in hand with her crush. At least this day was going well for one of you.
“I’m so glad we found you! We went to the randez-vous point you sent by text but you weren’t there-” She hugged you tight before whispering in your ear, “I’m sorry I didn’t see the text sooner,” before pulling away.
“We were going to our last roller coaster, if you guys want to join us. It’s getting dark anyways, better not be separated again.”
You glanced over at Sakusa, wondering if he was ok doing at least one. He reluctantly agreed, but made an effort nonetheless.
You were walking with your friend, a little behind the others so your conversation wouldn’t be heard.
“I hope you are at least enjoying yourself”, your friend looked at you with concerned eyes, waiting and searching for signs that you would like to leave, “I had a really good time so I wouldn’t mind if you would like to leave, I can drive you home.” You knew that if you felt uncomfortable in any way, she wouldn’t hesitate to take you home safely. However, you didn’t need to go home yet, you could continue a bit. 
You considered it. You really did. What was keeping you from leaving? Even if Sakusa was a pain, you somewhat enjoyed his company. No. That couldn’t be it. It must be something else. You convinced yourself that it must be the fireworks.
Ignoring your feelings, you reassured your friend that you were fine. You would enjoy the rest of the day for yourself, not letting anything, or anyone for that matter, to ruin it.
The four of you finally arrived at your final destination. Turns out that no feelings will be ignored. The roller coaster was a lover's tunnel. Guess who’s your partner.
It was awkward. You and Sakusa were side by side on the swan shaped boat, not a word travelled between the two of you.
You were alone in the tunnel, the smooth warm lighting meant for couples not helping. If the situation couldn’t get more embarrassing, romantic music started to play and the both of you went stiff.
That was it. Better bicker about something else than being silent. Your heart beated frantically against your chest, a miracle it hasn’t bolted out and left you. You turned your face to face Sakusa, noticing the faint pink on his ears.
“So will you keep the fish?” You shouldn’t have talked, maybe it made matters worse. In this situation, perhaps it was better to keep silent and never speak of it again. But even if that was the case, you shouldn’t make a big deal out of it right?
You were certain you held no feelings for Sakusa. He was mean, teasing, insufferable, never having fun, a germ freak and handsome. Wait no, none of that attractiveness, when someone has an undesirable personality, they appear uglier. But was he really that unattractive or were you trying to convince yourself that even the idea of liking him was impossible. 
“I won it. Of course I’ll keep it”, he mumbled behind his mask. The atmosphere was falling once again in silence, besides the music playing.
You dug into your mind to find a new conversation. Or not. Maybe it was his way of wanting zero conversation. You hated this. Your mind was in total chaos and your heart was not stopping anytime soon, it only seemed to increase.
“I haven’t yet chosen a name though. If you want to help that is,” he was still averting his eyes, not completely facing your direction.
The rest of the ride continued with various propositions of names for the fish. And every single one of them ended either with a flat out ‘no’ or a mocking comment.
The sun was already setting, the night sky was ruling above as you sat besides Sakusa and your friend. You were waiting for the fireworks to begin, the final activity of the day. Finally this day seemed to stretch out forever. You were almost at your limit, the hours of sleep you skipped catching up on you.
Even at that, you couldn’t ignore that little sting in your heart at the realisation that this was probably the last day you would spend with Sakusa. He wasn’t the perfect choice, but he stayed by your side and let you have fun. The teasing was a bit annoying, but you enjoyed the insignificant bicker. Maybe if you had more time would you warm up to him. You wanted to continue spending time with him.
Your doubts were invading your mind. Perhaps Sakusa didn’t want to see you again. After all he was mean to you from the start. Did he enjoy your company? He did follow your lead all day. If he didn’t like you, wouldn’t he just go his seperate way?
“Did you have fun?” His question surprised you. You were captivated by his eyes. They didn’t hold the usual teasing look he gave you. You couldn’t quite decipher it, but they held something different this time. But you agreed. You did have fun today.
You knew he was smiling behind his mask. He looked like he wanted to say something,but your moment was interrupted by the loud noises in the sky.
In all but a few moments, Sakusa felt a weight drop on his shoulder. He stiffened, glancing down at your sleeping form. He was surprised you could sleep with all that noise. Your features were peaceful with the colored light illuminating your face.
He let you sleep, not wanting to disrupt your slumber. He had to admit to himself, he did have fun today too.
You woke up in your bed, your mind still urging you to continue to sleep. However you were distracted by the text you received from an unknown number. An image attached to it of an aquarium and a familiar looking fish in it.
Unknown number
We still haven’t found a name
a/n: Thank you so much for reading until the end!
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Going Under Part Five
Fandom: Doctor Who
 Pairing: 13th Doctor x Reader
 Summary: An accident during a routine adventure made your life spiraled out of control with only the Doctor as the anchor. Will you ever find your way back to your Doctor again?
 Trigger Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes as usual, attempted suicide, dark!doctor, death, insanity, etc. You have been warned.
 More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
   I found myself materialized inside some poorly lit room, disoriented and confused. I blinked my eyes trying to focus on the current surrounding.
  Suddenly someone strangled me by the neck and pushed me toward a nearby wall. I have no idea who it was that attacked me. I tried to get the hand around my neck off in futile. I groaned in pain as my eyes tried to focus on the attacker.
  "Did Jack send you?" The figure asked coldly.
  I blinked in confusion. I know that voice. I gasped as my vision finally cleared enough. It was the Thirteenth Doctor. As I focused on her sudden appearance, I noticed something off about her. For once, she has a menacing look on her face and she wasn't dressed in her usual outfit. She was dressed in all black and she has different hair style, wavy hair that framed her already beautiful face.
  "Doctor..." I managed to whisper her name.
  She stared at me in surprise and then suddenly snarled angrily. "Don't call me by that name!" she said as she tighten her grip on my neck.
  I gasped like a fish as I couldn't breathe. "It's me...(name)....Doct..." I don't understand why she attacked me but my mind supplied the answer, it is another version of the Doctor, one that apparently also has no idea who I am. "Please..." I begged her for mercy. 
  She glared at me coldly as she continue to cut me off from oxygen.
  A bunch of people barged into the room. They have guns as they demanded the Doctor released me.
  She glanced at me, rolled her eyes and released me as she raised her hands up in mocking gesture of surrender. The Doctor being pulled away from me roughly. I fell to the floor, gasping for breathe.
  A man bend his knees beside me and asked in concern, "Are you okay?"
  My eyes widened again. It was Jack Harkness. I lightly touch my sore throat as I glanced at the Doctor. The Doctor is being restrained. Her expression look bored now as she regarded everyone in the room with disinterest, as if she has not just attacked me violently.
 Jack pulled me up and away from the room where the Doctor is. The room then sealed with complicated lock. I realized it was a holding room, like a prison. I warily stared at Jack.
  Jack told me to sit down in the chair in another room. He wanted to check my neck. "It look bad. I will Tanya to look at it. She is a doctor." He said. "So...how did you get in? That room is deadlock so that nobody get in or out and yet you are able to come in undetected. Who are you?"
  "It's complicated." You said. 
  "Well, try me."
  This is Jack Harkness, a former companion of the Doctor in any universe, so I should be able to trust him, right? Beside, currently, it seemed he is more trustworthy than the Doctor. She just attacked me, after all.
  "Before that, can you tell me what is wrong with the Doctor?"
  Jack looked suspicious of me now. "How do you know the Doctor?"
  "I am her companion...in the alternate universe." I finally relented and tell him the truth.
  To my surprise, he accepted the explanation without much fuss. "I have seen so much in my lifetimes. I'm not surprised that alternate universe come into play now." Jack said with a shrug.
  "What happened to her? And where are Yaz, Ryan and Graham?"
  "You're kidding. Who is she traveling with then?"
  Jack frowned. "She doesn't travel with anyone as far as I know. She called herself the Valeyard now. She gets angry if anyone call her the Doctor."
  "I noticed." You said as you rubbed your throat while your mind flashback into the room. "What happened to her?"
  Jack sighed. "Honestly I have no idea. I haven't seen the Doctor for a long while suddenly I heard rumors that she went insane, killing and maiming people, blowing up planet. She is not in a mood to be chatty about why she changed." he explained.
  My mind flashed back into a version of dark Doctor I met before, how she torture that person who shot me. I gulped as I have a feeling this version of the Doctor is way more dark than the one I met before after listening what Jack said about the Doctor who called herself the Valeyard. 
  Jack explained to you the prophecy of the Valeyard, a most darker version of the Doctor.
  "How are you able to imprison her then if she is that dangerous?" I asked curiously as I warned him not to underestimate the Doctor, Valeyard, whatever.
  Jack explained he tried to reason with the Doctor at first but that did not end well with her killing Jack's friend as if she is making her point of her no longer the Doctor.
  He tried to multiply times to capture her and stop her reign of evil but failed. It was a genuine luck Jack is able to meet the right people and able to outsmart the Doctor. Or so everyone think. Of course, Jack knew better that it might be a trap. He is trying his best to rehabilitate the Doctor.
  Jack stood up and walked toward the giant computer in the room, one of the monitors showed the room where he imprisoned her.
  "It was like after the last regeneration, she just gave up and actively choose to be the Valeyard..." Jack said. "I heard the rumor of her cruelty...even her kindness is a double edge of sword thing...she is just brutal..." he said. "Of course, I found it weird that we are able to capture her. She is up to something but I have no idea what."
  I frowned as I realized that maybe this world's version of Twelfth Doctor, after he lost Bill and Nardole, regenerated into this dark version of Thirteen Doctor. My heart hurts for her. I thought of my Doctor, how she suffered so many lost and still able to overcome it. Of course, there will be alternate universe where she just gave up.
  "Who was the Doctor's last companion? Was it Bill Potts and Nardole?" I asked Jack and he confirmed it after he checked his file on the computer.
  I coughed suddenly and it turned into a bout of cough as I tried to cover my mouth.
  "Hey, are you okay?" Jack asked me after he noticed the blood between my fingers. He offered me water.
  I cleared my throat, accepted the water and reached around for my medicine but to my horror, I couldn't find the bottle.
  It was then the Doctor, no, the Valeyard suddenly called out from the monitor. "Looking for this?" she asked, showing the bottle of my medicine in her hand. She looked so smug. "I will return it to you, (name), after we talk."
  She knew that I needed the medicine, she somehow knew that the medicine is for internal bleeding. "Tiktok, dear (name)."
  I flinched at her tone. I exchanged a look with Jack. I was afraid to get into the room with her but I do need the damn medicine.
  "It is your call, if you want to talk to her, I will make sure she does not attack you again." Jack said.
  I tried to be brave as I prepared the face her. She wanted to speak to me alone.
  "W-what do you want?" I asked.
  "I'm bored. You are the first entertainment I had in a while." She said with a pout. "I just want a conversation. I promise I will behave." She winked at me.
  Apparently, she is curious about me and how I know her as she never met me before. So, I told her the truth that I am from alternate universe where I am her companion alongside with Yaz, Ryan and Graham.
  She looked curious when I mentioned alternate universe but get bored real quick when I told her my condition is the result of me trying to protect her alternate self. She is more curious about the weapon but I don't know much about it.
  "Can I have my medicine back?" I asked politely.
  She hummed and shook her head. "I think I will hold on to it for a bit. I still have some questions."
  I am nervous around her and get jumpy if she get too close to me and she knew that, still do it on purpose. It feels like I amused her and she is toying me now.
  I gulped. She is acting all nice now but she still feel intimidating. I figured I could hold on for a bit and hope I will splinter away from here soon.
  "So, who gave you this medicine? One of my alternate self?" She asked.
  I nodded.
  Suddenly an alarm sounded loudly making me flinched.
  "Well, that is my cue..." She suddenly said.
  My mind registered what she said a bit slow and before I could do anything, she suddenly took a grip of my wrist.
  With a chilling smile, she said, "You are coming with me."
  "W-why?" I asked dumbly.
  "Like I said I'm bored, your condition is interesting, I want to study it." She grinned menacingly. "Who know, maybe if you are good, I might even get you a cure."
  She rolled her eyes. "It is cute you think you have a choice." She gripped my wrist so hard I hissed in pain. 
  I laughed at her suddenly. I was hysterical now. "I don't have a choice since this whole thing happened..."
  It was at that moment Jack entered the room with a gun. "Release her, Valeyard!"
  The Valeyard seemed amused with Jack but she did release her grip on my wrist. She suddenly stepped forward menacingly toward Jack.
  "Don't come any closer." Jack warned but she ignored him. He shot her.
  I flinched at the sound of the gun. It was then I felt the tingling.
  The Valeyard laughed as if she is not just gotten shot. "Really, Jack, a gun? You should know better than..."
  I couldn't hear anything anymore as I splinter away from that horrid place.
  "(name)? (name)!" Someone shook me awake. "Are you okay?" 
  I blinked as my vision cleared up. It was River Song, she is wearing an astronaut suit. "River?" I hesitantly called out. She knew me. Which River is she? "Where are we?"
  "We are in the library." River answered. 
  "Inside the Tardis?"
  "No. We are in a planet called the Library." She explained as she pulled me to stand up. It was then she noticed the red handprint around my wrist. "You are hurt."
  I pulled my wrist away from her but she suddenly reached out to touch my face as she noticed the hand mark around my neck.
  River looked angry. "Who hurt you?"
  "It was a long story." I lied. I finally noticed the Tenth Doctor and he is with Donna, staring at us suspiciously.
  River pulled me to the side and explained that the Doctor and Donna has no idea who I am but she did because she had met me in her past before. "I guess you could say this is the first time you met me, this version of me."
  I had a fit of cough again. 
  "Your medicine..." River said. "You should take one."
  "I can't. Someone took it from me." I said weakly.
  "The same person who leave these marks on you?" 
  I nodded.
  "I would like to have words with this person."
  I felt vulnerable and the way River spoke, she sounded so protective of me, and suddenly I couldn't hold the tears. 
  "It was the Valeyard..." I said.
  River froze in horror at that. "Valeyard?" She asked for confirmation. "You met a version of the Doctor who called himself the Valeyard?"
  "It was her, actually, not a him." I said forlornly.
  River looked sad for me. "I'm sorry, it must be hard for you."
  I glanced at her sadly. She even know what the female version of the Doctor meant to me. She knew I traveled with the Thirteenth Doctor.
  She explained to me what the Valeyard is to me. Like Jack said, it was a darker version of the Doctor devoid of any care for those the Doctor stand for.
  "If you ever met that version of the Doctor again, you should run for your life." River said.
  "Trust me, I never want to see her again. I hope I never have to see her ever again." I said, shuddered at the reminder of the Valeyard's cold, unfeeling eyes on me.
  The Doctor stared at me and River curiously and he suddenly walked toward us. He introduced himself to me. 
  I told him my name. He said hi to me and then asked if I am also someone from his future.
  "She is." River answered for me. "But she can't tell anything more. Spoiler."
  I turned my eyes questioningly at River. I usually have to tell the Doctor about me being alternate companion and stuff.
  River shrugged. "I'm sorry, (name), but I need him not to be distracted right now." She informed me of the vastra nevada situation on their hands. "I suppose you would better off not taking that medicine of yours. The sooner you splinter away from here the better. It isn't safe for you."
  When the situation got worst, the Doctor wanted to send Donna back into the Tardis and River wanted to do the same for you but the Doctor refused, saying he doesn't trust you or River. River tried to calm herself. I felt like she is second away from slapping the hell out of the Doctor.
  I pulled River to the side. "I will be okay, River. I will have to splinter anyway sometime soon." I said. "Beside, you said you met me in the past, so I will probably be okay, we will all survive this situation."
  River still look worried. "Time can be rewritten sometimes..."
  I blinked at her. Wait, so there is a chance we could get eaten by these shadow monster? I internally started to freak out.
  "(name), make sure you stay by my side at all times." River said.
  I am not complaining so I stick by River side.
  After Anita got two shadow on her back and with Donna possibly dead, the Doctor seemed to get emotional and get mad at River. River didn't take his crap and told him to calm down. She whispered something in the Doctor's ear. The Doctor look shocked as he glanced at River. They seemed to talk again in whispers. I got the feeling that they were talking about me now as the Doctor stared at me in curiosity and wonder. 
  River told me that she finally tell the Doctor that I am his alternate future companion and will be someone he need to protect in the future.
  I glanced at River in worry. "Why? What is in my future?"
  River smiled. "Don't worry about it, (name), let focus on now, shall we?"
  They eventually figured out about CAL keeping Donna and the rest of the survivors. The Doctor said he need to download them back and he even goes oncoming storm on the shadow monster, telling them to search information about the Doctor in the library. River suddenly punched the Doctor much to my surprise. She told me the Doctor has to survive the Library. 
  I realized that River is about to sacrifice herself after hearing how the Doctor won't be able to survive the download. "River, isn't there any other way?" I asked in concern. I really don't want her to die. "River!"
  River is busy making the preparation and didn't answer me for a while much to my frustration. She told me that she knew she will die in the Library anyway that today will be her last day to see the Doctor. She said the Doctor knew it too. She suddenly turned at me and grabbed my face. I blinked at her in confusion. She tenderly kissed my forehead. "You will be okay, (name). I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for all the hardship that you will have to endure but remember, you will be okay."
  She released you as she continued her work.
  "There has to be a way, River, you can't die here." I pleaded with her.
  "There is no other way. The Doctor has to survive today or the future will be rewritten." River said. She turned to me and smiled softly. "It's alright, (name), we will see each other again somewhere in your future."
  I couldn't help my eyes being a bit teary, I felt emotional toward River for some reason. She is kind to me from the moment I landed here and she said we are friend and now I discover she will die here? I can't accept it but there is nothing I can do. And, of course, at that moment I felt the tingling. I don't want to leave. I don't want her to die alone.
  River smiled at me. "I know that face. You are about to go, aren't you? Go, (name), It is okay. I would rather you are not here to see what happen next..."
  I hugged her immediately and she hugged me back. I released her and then I was gone.
  I wiped away the tears in my eyes with my hand so that I could see where I landed to this time. My mouth dropped open when I realized I was in some train in space. Before I could do or say anything, an officer suddenly grabbed me, calling me a stowaway.
  "She is with us." I heard someone said. It was Twelfth Doctor and he is with Clara. They sort it off with the officer and they let me go.
  Clara turned to me and smiled. "It was nice seeing you again, (name)." 
  I smiled at her. "Same. Wait, the last time we met, was it with that time with Robin Hood?" I asked.
  Clara nodded with a laugh.
  I grinned with her before turning to the Doctor who is staring at me calculatingly. I suddenly felt self-conscious about the marks on my neck and wrist which thankfully I was able to cover with my coat but I have a feeling that he already saw a glimpse of it. I cursed myself for not being careful.
  Clara pulled my arms and took us to the scene of party.
  I scrunched my nose at the taste of the drink. "I don't like it."
  Clara grinned and talked to me about how I am doing so I lied that I am okay so far.
  I felt out of place in here due not wearing the period-appropriate dress for the occasion. I have fun in the party, eating some of the food. I watched as Clara and the Doctor talked to each other but I couldn't hear their conversation but they both looked sad for some reason.
  There was some incident on the train. Some old lady died after yelling loudly about some intruder. I glanced at the Doctor, wondering if he will investigate and Clara asked the same but the Doctor said it was nothing.
  Clara took me to a room on the train. I felt happy to see a bed but also annoyed realizing I couldn't rest properly for I don't have the medicine to delay splinter. But I used the time I have to wash my face and body. I suddenly remembered how the last Eleventh Doctor licked my face. I scrunched my nose and washed my face again.
  After that, Clara and I shared a bed as we tried to get some rest. We couldn't though so we ended up talking. Clara told me she wanted to stop traveling with the Doctor and that today trip apparently supposed to be their last hurrah. I felt bad now to crash it with my appearance but she told me not to. She said she is happy to see me again and once again asked if I am really okay as she pointed to the marks on my neck. Apparently, she noticed it too.
  I sighed. "I am fine now at least. I'm just...tired you know. I want to go home. I just...wonder if I will ever..." I shook my head tiredly.
  Clara wrapped her arms around me suddenly, rubbing my back in comforting gesture. I am grateful for the comfort all the alternate Doctors and their companions gave me. I remembered what River said about me will be okay but I don't feel like I will though. In fact, I almost feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown soon.
  Clara couldn't sleep so she goes to the Doctor, wanting to investigate if there is something going on in the train. She told you to get some rest. I honestly felt tired so I decided not to go with her.
  Not long after she left, I had a fit of cough again. I stared at the blood and washed my hands. I could feel my condition get worst now. I really need to get the new medicine from the Doctor. I stood up, wanting to go search for the Doctor for I knew this version actually have the medicine as he said it during the Robin Hood fiasco. But I get a headache suddenly as the surrounding started to blur. I fell back to the bed as everything turned black.
  I woke up to the frantic Clara. She asked me if I have taken my medicine yet. 
  "I don't have it." I whispered weakly. "I lost it."
  "You should have told us, (name), the Doctor will have one on board the Tardis." Clara said as she pulled me up. "Come on, (name), we have to go. It isn't safe here."
  I couldn't focus on her at all but she was saying something about a mummy on the train, something about sixty-six seconds left to live once targeted and how it goes after the weakest in a bunch. I blinked awake when she told me the Doctor deduced that I could be next due to my condition. She took me to some lab where the Doctor and a bunch of people are.
  It was then I saw the mummy. I freaked out but I was also too weak to run or do anything else but staring at the mummy. I heard Clara yelling at the Doctor and then suddenly the Doctor is in front of me, clutching my face on both hands, talking really fast about transferring the link the mummy had with me on himself. He went inside my head somehow, tracking down the link and pulled it to him but as he did, he seemed to froze. He stared at me in horror but he composed himself and turned to face the mummy.
  I fainted after that and woke up on some rocky-filled place. I heard the Doctor telling Clara about sometimes the only choices are bad choices. 
  The Doctor noticed me awake and pulled a bottle from his coat pocket. It was my back-up medicine. 
  I smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Doctor."
  He suddenly tousled my hair around in somewhat awkward but affectionate way. He glanced at me. "Hang in there, (name)...and I'm sorry..."
  I was confused why he is apologizing to me. 
  He looked grim now. "I saw it...inside your head...the Valeyard...and River."
  I glanced at him, suddenly mourning for River again. "I'm sorry too, Doctor, about River."
  The Doctor sighed as he sat beside me. I put my head on his shoulder. Clara watched us with a fond smile. I wanted to hug them but I felt too weak to do anything. I should probably take one right now so I could...
  I felt the tingling much to my disappointment. I pulled away from the Doctor and smiled at him and then at Clara. "See you soon." I said to them.
   tags: @thatsonezesty13 , @newheart97, @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang
A/N: I want to say thank you for those who comments/reblog/kudos my stories, especially those who comments, I love re-reading your comments, give me energy boost and the believe that my stories are not that bad. So, thank you so much!
I know this is shorter than the last four chapters but hopefully it will be enough for now.
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ratmonky · 4 years
Stairway to Devotion
I’m quite certain that if a character is very like me, I just write them ooc and turn it into vanilla self indulgent fic.
AO3 Link
Word Count: 4.3K
Warnings: none
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The abandoned warehouse was quiet for the most part. Demons were lurking in the shadows and in the forest, ready to attack unassuming humans and that was why this small town had been declared as dangerous. Humans didn’t come here to avoid being killed. Yet for a stray like Denji, it was welcoming enough to call home.
Denji had been to many places but he liked this warehouse the best. It provided him the security he desperately needed to sleep at night and most importantly, the electricity was still working. He had gathered many simple kitchen gadgets and a small heater thanks to the people who had thrown them away despite them functioning properly. But that was life, he thought. He would be thrown away by Yakuza soon if he didn’t make enough money. No matter the fact if he was giving results or not, just like the electronic junk he kept finding in the dumpsters.
With the little money he had, his dinners consisted of a slice of bread and very rarely the leftovers he found in the trash behind a restaurant if he was lucky enough.
He ate when there was enough and slept when there wasn’t. But even in his desperate state, he made sure to feed his demon dog, Pochita.
Pochita ate almost anything, even go as far as nibbling on Denji’s arms when he was sleeping at times but sometimes even he, a demon, gave his single slice of bread to Denji out of pity.
In the last years, Denji had sold his body parts to the black market. He had thought he had made quite some money out of his kidney and eye that he sold but he had no idea how they paid him only the half amount of money.
And now, he was trying his best to live for another day with Pochita. Chop woods, kill demons and sell more of his body parts to pay his debt to the Yakuza.
His paycheck wasn’t great and that debt collector of his was a douche but he never complained. Even if his paycheck only allowed him to buy bread and nothing else.
Because at the end of the day, when it was nighttime, he always found peace in the small store he bought bread from. Not because the prices were so low that he sometimes managed to buy two loaves of bread or how they let the customers read the magazines before buying and although he never bought the magazines, he liked to entertain himself and sometimes check the newest porn star’s spread open legs so he could go back to the warehouse and wrap his hand around his cock as he closed his eyes to remember what that looked like-
No, Denji liked this store because of the cashier.
Someone so sweet, someone so kind, someone so loving and someone so beautiful-
“Hii, Denji! You’re late today!” you smiled as the boy entered the store. Stopping sweeping the floor for a moment, you crouched down and gently petted the small dog that had run up to you. “Aww, Pochita, I missed you too!”
Pochita happily whimpered and leaned into your touch as his tail kept hitting the floor out of joy.
“Came to buy bread?” you asked, looking up to the young man. He nodded sheepishly and crouched next to you to pet his dog. “Well, it’s good that I was waiting for you two just in case then.”
“Oh, sorry…” Denji lowered his head. “We were too deep in the forest so coming back to the city took a while. Don’t wait for us if ya gotta close the store.”
“It’s alright, I kinda memorized how often you came to buy bread so I guessed you’d be here. And where would you buy bread from if I had closed the store, huh?”
Denji couldn’t answer.
“Exactly!” you giggled, scratching under Pochita’s chin. “Ahh, he’s so friendly today. Didn’t you feed him?”
“I did! He ate my share too! He started running down the damn street when he realized we were gonna buy bread,” Denji said. “He just likes ya better than me.”
“That’s because I always have this in my pocket!!” you giggled as you pulled out a beef jerky from your pocket.
Pochita started wiggling his tail rapidly and barked excitedly. You tore the packaging open and let the demon dog nibble on the snack before standing back up again.
Your eyes met Denji’s while he was pouting. A soft smile spread across your face, “What?”
“I told ya, didn’t I? If ya keep feeding those he’s gonna leave me for ya!” Denji slowly rose up to his feet, completely unfazed by your puppy eyes.
“Admit it, you’re just jealous,” you said, playfully hitting his chest.
Denji blushed slightly, “I ain’t jealous!”
“Yeah, sure!” You walked behind the counter after picking up the small broom. The lights flickered as you crouched to put the broom away and disappeared from his view for a second.
Denji’s eye landed on Pochita who was still munching on the beef jerky and then back to the counter before he went to grab a loaf of bread.
He wondered how much longer you would be waiting for them if Denji hadn’t taken the bus. His paycheck was almost finished. That bus ride hadn’t been cheap and he would have to sleep instead of eating dinner for a couple of nights, Denji wouldn’t hesitate to take the bus here again. It was outrageous for a nobody like him to make you wait. Although he knew you were doing this because you had a soft spot for his dog but Denji couldn’t help himself. He enjoyed having someone greet him with a smile and talk to him as if he was their friend. It all made him feel welcomed.
With you, he felt like this world wasn’t just rotten.
When he put the loaf of bread on the counter, there was a large plastic bag full of food next to it. You were smiling at him with the biggest smile he had ever seen.
He wanted to flash you a smile matching yours but remembering how yellow his teeth were, he resisted the urge. “What are ya smiling at?”
You shrugged. “Is that all?” You put the loaf of bread in a plastic bag.
“Do ya even have to ask?” Denji scoffed, taking out the thin envelope that had the rest of his paycheck money in it. He reluctantly took out a bill and gave it to you.
“You never know!” You gave him his change. “Maybe you’d wanna spice things up and buy hot coffee or something!”
“Heh, if I could I’d buy meat buns and beer.” Denji shook his head. By the time he took his bread, Pochita was done eating. He was about to turn around and leave the store when you called out to him.
Whipping his head around, Denji’s eye landed on your nervously fidgeting figure holding the large plastic bag of food.
“What is it?” he asked.
You took a deep breath and held the plastic bag out for him. “Please accept this.”
He stared at the bag for a moment longer than the normal. “What’s in that?”
“Meat buns, beef jerky, beef, and everything I knew you’d want.”
Denji gently grabbed the bag from your small hands and felt his chest tighten. “I don’t have enough money for all-”
“It’s a present from me!” you said.
“For what?” He couldn’t believe the amount of food a plastic bag could carry. There was enough food to feast on for months if not weeks.
“For being a loyal customer!” you chirped and put your hands on his shoulders to start leading him out of the store. “So don’t you ever stop shopping here! There’ll be a bigger present next time!”
Denji’s lips curled up into a smile. “I may be stupid but I’m not an idiot. We can’t accept this.”
Pochita growled at his owner in irritation.
“Stop that,” Denji told his dog. He then turned to you. “Thank you but ya really should return these.”
You weren’t going to give up that easily.
“I can’t! We have a no return policy, I already paid for them.”
“Haa? Why would ya buy shit for me with yer own money?” Denji didn’t sound upset even one bit. Only surprised. “Ugh, nevermind!” He put the plastic bag down and picked Pochita up. “We’ll be going home, ya should take that to your place if yer unable to return it.”
“Can you at least help me carry it back to my place?”
Denji was going to say no but seeing the way your lower lip quivered, he was unable to.
“Alright but I’m doing it because it’s too heavy!”
“Please! Next time… rent a place with an elevator or… on the first floor!” Denji wheezed when he finally reached to your apartment.
You giggled and let Pochita down, “You’ll get used to it.”
“What does that supposed to mean?” He caught up to you with his wobbly legs as you opened the door.
“Have you two had dinner yet?” you asked, ignoring his question.
“Ah...” Denji rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and avoided answering your question but his growling stomach gave him away.
With another friendly smile, you opened your door wider, gesturing them to enter. “I should at least thank you two for walking me home, right?”
“We should really head back- ack! Pochita!” Denji shouted after Pochita who ran inside of your apartment. “You bastard,” he mumbled.
“At least one of you are honest.” You took off your shoes and watched Denji huff in defeat before taking his own shoes off.
You stole a quick glance in his direction and snorted when you saw him still stuffing food in his mouth.
Pochita had already passed out from overeating and you wondered how long would it take until Denji joined him on the couch.
“You’re still going?” you giggled as you placed a can of beer in front of him.
“Of course!” Denji chirped in between bites. “It’s soo tasty!”
You blushed at the compliment, “I’m glad you liked it. I have some leftovers if you’d want them.”
He nodded rapidly and continued wiping his plate clean.
Once he was done eating, he cracked his beer open, holding it towards you. “Thank you for the food!”
You clinked your beer can with his, “My pleasure.” Momentarily you looked at Pochita and snickered. “He’s out cold already.”
“Pathetic, he should’ve eaten until his stomach started bloating. He’s never gonna get this much food again.”
“Dogs have a smaller stomach, Denji,” you giggled. “He probably ate as much as his little body allowed him to.”
“Do you live alone?” he asked suddenly, it was clear that he was only curious but from the moment he stepped into your apartment he had been looking at the framed pictures or any decoration you had in the living room to figure out what kind of a person you were.
“Y-yeah,” you said softly. “What about you? Where do you live?”
“I live in some abandoned warehouse next to the forest with Pochita.”
You would have laughed thinking it was a joke if it wasn’t the pained tone he said it in.
“Thank you,” he said weakly, his voice didn’t come out as confident as he thought, “I’ve never felt this way before.”
Stunned, you looked at him with a faint blush coloring your cheeks. “D-Denji? W-what are you talking about?”
“You’re the only person who makes me feel welcomed in this world.” Denji smiled sadly. “I… I know it’s pathetic but I have feelings for you.” Denji could never willingly let you be involved with him completely. If he did, you would be involved in deep trouble. You didn’t deserve him, you didn’t deserve human trash like him.
Your eyes widened and you stumbled on your words. “Oh… I don’t know what to say-”
“You don’t need to say anything,” Denji sighed. “I wanted to let you know, that’s it.”
“That’s not it!” you protested, your voice trembling. “Don’t think so lowly of your feelings, idiot!v Why do you think I care for you? Why do you think I started working night shifts?”
“It’s because I like you!”
It was quiet.
The kind of quiet right before a storm.
Denji’s cheeks flushed bright red and he looked unsure of what to do or say. He was prepared in case you rejected him but you had gone and accepted him right away.
You looked up at him with your cheeks tinted with a faint red, “I like you,” you admitted meekly again.
Another moment of silence passed.
You couldn’t stop blushing. It wasn’t your plan to confess your feelings to Denji tonight but you had done it. There was no going back now. You had to say something else, you had to do something because that damn idiot looked like he stopped functioning.
“Do you want to have sex?” you dared to ask.
He started to tremble, then his eye widened. He stared at you and he looked so utterly confused. “With who?”
You blushed even harder and pointed at him then at yourself.
Denji pointed a finger at himself and then at you before he looked at you for affirmation.
You nodded slowly.
Everything happened within a minute.
You got up from your seat and offered a hand to him. He gently held your hand, intertwining your fingers as he followed you into your bedroom and closed the door.
Both of you were blushing and didn’t know where to start.
He wanted to touch you everywhere, your face, your neck, your breasts, your stomach, your waist, your thighs and your… your-
The image of the pornstar spreading her legs to reveal her pussy flashed before his eyes.
Whether it be the years of sexual frustration suddenly exploding or his crush trembling in lust and need, Denji’s body moved on its own. He could already feel himself lose control.
Denji put a hand on your shoulder awkwardly, his eye locked on yours. You were looking at him with anticipation, waiting for him to make a move… no you were desperate for him to make a move.
Oh, he wanted to do so many things to you but he didn’t know where to start.
He gave you a shaky smirk to cover his own embarrassment. You looked at him as if you knew what he was thinking and beamed at him, making his already hard cock twitch impatiently.
With the way you looked at him, he could see the attraction you felt towards him.
He cupped your cheek in his hand and you leaned into his touch, rubbing your cheek into his palm.
Audibly, Denji gulped. He leaned in to press his lips on yours. You moved your lips softly against his, encouraging him to open his mouth and when he did, you gingerly snaked your tongue into his mouth.
Denji, as someone who had only seen people kissing in pictures, followed your lead.
The kiss was short, tongues timid and teeth clashing. Nonetheless, it left you breathless. But when Denji leaned forward for a second kiss, that changed everything.
This time, he wasn’t shy, his mouth moved hard against yours as he savored your taste. His hands started moving on their own, his fingers went under your shirt and up to feel your clothed breasts. He moaned into the kiss when he finally groped your tits, they were softer than he had imagined, he wanted to touch them without your bra on. He needed to feel them completely.
His clothed erection was poking at your stomach You moved a hand up to his hair and stroked his cock over his pants with your free hand.
A gasp left Denji’s lips, he broke the kiss and stared between your bodies.
You were touching his dick.
You really were touching him.
“Should we go to bed?” Your voice was as soft as your touch.
Numbly, Denji nodded but he couldn’t move a muscle when your finger very slightly brushed against his bulge, he buried his face in the crook of your neck instead.
You huffed as if you were disappointed but then with a giggle, you removed your hand from his cock and dropped onto your knees.
Denji squealed in surprise and covered his mouth in shock. “(Name)... w-what are you doing?”
“What does it look like to you?” You fumbled with his belt and when it came undone, you hastily pulled his pants down along with his boxer briefs, making his cock bounce free.
“It’s weird...” he whispered, about to take a step away.
You licked your hand to coat it generously with your spit, ignoring his cry. You wrapped a hand around his cock and looked up at him after noticing why he had been so insecure. “It’s fine,” you said reassuringly, pumping his cock.
Slapping a hand over his mouth, Denji held his voice back. Your fingers stroked his cock gently as you ran your tongue up following a vein before kissing the sensitive pink tip. No matter how good it felt, he couldn’t help but move his hips, begging for you to take him into your mouth.
Denji placed a hand on the back of your head and you smiled, stroking him harder. His legs started to shake. Deciding that you might have been teasing him too much, you kissed the tip of his cock once again but this time you sucked his cock into your mouth.
He groaned loudly against his hand. His cock throbbed, nearly cumming because of your hot mouth closing around it. You put a hand on his thigh and bobbed your head slowly.
“Ahh.” He bit his lip. “Your mouth feels so good.”
You chuckled, the vibrations coming from your throat made him shiver in pleasure, almost making his knees unbuckle.
All of Denji's remaining self-control disappeared at that moment.
His hand that was on the back of your head shoved you onto his cock until he could graze the back of your throat. Your eyes teared up as you resisted the urge to gag, instead, you tried to push him away with your hand on his thigh.
Denji’s hips started moving, he thrust forward and moved you to meet his thrust halfway until your nose brushed on his pubes. He kept you there as long as he could to enjoy the view.
Your cheeks bright red, eyes filled with tears and his cock buried deep in your throat.
He had only imagined what it would look like in his dreams but now that he had seen the real thing, he wanted to see more of you. Like how you would look under him.
Decidedly, Denji pulled you away from him, the strands connecting your lips to his cock broke as you inhaled deeply. You opened your mouth to scold him for carelessly forcing his cock down your throat, he picked you up and threw you onto your bed.
Your body bounced against the mattress and you watched him climb on top of you, just like a predator stalking its prey.
His unkempt hair was sticking to his forehead, his clothes were a mess, his eyepatch had slipped slightly and his breathing was uneven. It made you wet seeing Denji look so… messy.
Though you were about to undress, Denji moved quicker. He hoisted your skirt up and tore your pantyhose to reach your now soaking wet cunt.
Quickly, Denji undressed.
“Can you?” Denji leaned forward, his fingers gripping the hem of your shirt.
Biting your lip, you nodded. You sat up and with one swift move, took off your shirt and moved to remove your skirt along with your now ripped pantyhose with your panties. Finally, you reached back to unclasp your bra. As you slid your bra down your shoulders, Denji’s eye didn’t look away from your tits even for a second.
You folded your arms over your chest in an attempt to hide your breasts.
“Don’t hide yourself,” he pleaded. His hands gently unwrapping your arms.
A moan left your lips when he squished your tits together, mesmerized by them. He stopped moving for a second and blushed. He kneaded the soft flesh slowly until he heard you moan again.
“Do you want me to stop?” he took a staggered breath as you laid on your back.
“No,” you stammered. There was no way you could deny how aroused you were. Not when your juices were leaking out from your pussy and soaking your thighs. “P-please be gentle.”
“I don’t think I can.” Denji’s words left you petrified. “I can’t hold back, sorry.”
“Denji,” you softly sighed, nodding sheepishly. “Do as you like.”
Pausing for a second, he looked at you and swiped his thumb across your lower lip, he pressed it on the corner of your lip and gently pulled it down to slightly part your lips. Then he lowered himself over your face, pressing his chest against yours until his lips met yours.
The kiss was soft and warm, only a distraction as he was lining himself up at your entrance. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning softly while he ran his cock between your folds, coating it with your juices.
To let him know that you were at your limit, you spread your legs wider, welcoming him completely.
Denji broked the kiss and abruptly pushed himself in. He froze inside you, his cock twitched in pleasure as the gummy flesh of your walls wrapped around it.
This felt so different. It was nothing like your mouth.
He took a moment to steady himself, he wasn’t sure if he could last longer than a minute.
You let out a whimper, your lips parted and you moved your hips, begging him to move.
“Gimme a second,” he choked out.
You didn’t listen.
Moving your hips, you tried to slam yourself onto his cock.
With a loud growl, Denji grabbed you by your hips and snapped forward, forcing a moan out of you. He had finally pushed himself balls deep into your pussy, filling you up to the brim so perfectly.
Another moan left you as he tentatively pulled back and slammed himself back into your twitching pussy. And again and again-
Each thrust of his hips was deep and penetrating enough to make your toes curl and wrap your arms tighter around his neck. His cock was stretching you so well, you had never felt like this before.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and your fingers twirled around his long straight hair, moaning quietly into his neck each time he hit a sensitive spot. Denji’s thrusts became stronger and more animalistic each time you screamed or whimpered.
Denji’s lips clumsily found yours to muffle some of your noises. He sloppily kissed you, sucking your tongue in his mouth while he humped your cunt like a desperate dog in heat.
He grabbed your hips even tightly, his nails digging into your skin as he mercilessly began pounding in your pussy. Your legs started shaking in pleasure, your hips kept moving to meet his and your walls tightened around him.
Your nails dug into his shoulders when the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix, you dragged them down, leaving red streaks on his back.
“Denji,” you whimpered. “I’m close.”
He nodded knowingly, his eye rolling up as your walls tightened around his twitching cock and pushed inside of you for the last time. Your walls pulsated against his dick and sucked him in deep as Denji spilled his seed inside your unprotected fertile pussy with a loud growl. You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist with no intention of letting him go as the warmth of his seed completely filled your belly.
Right after sliding out of you, Denji lazily fell onto the bed next to you, exhausted and breathless.
It took him a few minutes to collect himself and as he was about to open his mouth to say something awkward, you pressed your lips onto his for a short kiss, taking his breath away.
He pulled you into his arms as soon as you finished the kiss. His hand cupped your tit and his nose nuzzled into your hair to inhale your delicious smell. He moved closer to you while you were busy trying to pull the blanket over the two of you.
Once you managed to get under the blanket, Denji gave you a chaste kiss against your hair before you drifted into slumber.
“I told ya, didn’t I? You made him into a softie! He can’t even cut as sharp as before! His chainsaw broke!”
“It’s your fault for not feeding him well,” you said, hugging Pochita tighter. “Besides everyone needs a little embrace sometimes to work harder.” The dog licked your cheek in response.
Denji wheezed out for air as he reached on top of the stairs, nearly dropping the groceries.
You laughed and put Pochita down, “Geez, you’ve soaked your shirt in sweat!”
“Because it’s too damn hot!” Denji furrowed his brows as he tried to catch his breath.
The weather was too hot compared to any other summer months. Although it was nearing the end of September, the sun was still blazing hot.
Denji faintly remembered how you had told them that here the weather was always warm.
He liked the warm weather, he liked this place too but the damn stairs… they were going to be the death of him. He didn’t even know why he climbed them so hurriedly each time.
Leaning down, you planted a kiss on Denji’s cheek, “You’ll get used to it.”
Dumbfounded, he stared at you and when he saw you smiling at him so brightly he remembered why. “Ya keep saying that!”
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
🎄𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝒾𝒻𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈  🎄
SUBMITTED BY @vcl-1807​ 
                                                                   FOR THE 1ST DECEMBER 
Pairing – Jumin Han x MC/Reader
Summary – Christmas morning and Jumin get’s gifted one of the most precious and irreplaceable things he could ever ask for
Warning(s) – None!
Author’s note – It’s been some time since I last wrote for Mystic Messenger, never mind actually playing the game, so I’m going to apologize in advance for any OOCness for Jumin and/or weak/dry parts in the writing. Also - hopefully this is Christmas-y enough!
Other than that I hope this is a somewhat enjoyable read!
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Being in the position of running a large corporation comes with the task of rising before the sun even peaks, needing to wear fancy clothes and sometimes even arranging lavish dinner meetings. Even requiring to act a certain way is needed for this kind of position. Not now though, not for Jumin at least. He, like many others, is allowed to take this very special day off - to enjoy the simple things of life with the one he cherishes.
Still, it was quite a shock to wake up the morning of Christmas to the smell of his favourite breakfast, the other side of the bed cold and void of the one who’s supposed to occupy it.
Climbing out from under the warm, satin sheets, the corporate heir left his shared bedroom, walking into the kitchen without making a sound. There he was met with the sight of his wife bustling around the cook area, one or two pots and pans littering the counter. 
“Morning Jumin” she called, eyes still glued to whatever she was doing. Ah, she always knew when he was around, even when he’s quieter than a mouse in the mornings. 
Still, he stepped out of ‘hiding’, the male wrapped his arms around her waist, chest pressed flush to her back. He planted a feather light kiss to the crook of her neck, strands of black raven hair tickling her cheek before he whispered in her ear, voice still heavy with sleep.
“Good morning my love.” For a moment it was quiet, nothing but the sound of food cooking filling the large space. Oddly though Jumin liked it. Usually a silence like this was tense, in his experience, though with her it was the exact opposite. And while he may not completely understand why, the warm feeling he gets in his chest had to be some kind of good sign. 
“Why don’t you sit at the table? I’ll bring breakfast out.” Unable, or rather not wanting to protest, he did as told, the light of his life emerging a couple minutes after. She pressed a kiss to his temple and set both plates down, a short thank you uttered before the two ate in a comfortable silence, nothing more to be said with the day only just starting. Either spoke up only when they finished.
“I know we’re going to be exchanging gifts later tonight with the others but…” she trailed off, reaching under the table and pulling up a small red and white striped box, “I think you should open this one now. I just can’t wait till tonight.” 
“Alright then” He nodded, the only indicator of the surprise at the gift laid out in front of him coming from his wide eyes. Jumin slowly reached for the box, gently, and with lots of care, removing the lid that hid what was underneath. Finally, he pulled something out.  
“What is this?” he questions, steel grey eyes studying the palm sized object that lay on his hand.
“It’s multiple picture frames stuck together, and it’s filled with pictures of us.” She pointed to the already inserted photographs.
“Is this from our first date? The one that you took?” Jumin uttered, pointing to the first picture in line, the one where she pulled him close, a warm drink in hand and her phone in the other. She had one of the brightest smiles he’s seen on her face, Jumin recalled. Then there was him, who at the time had no idea what a selfie was, therefore looked cutely confused in the still image. 
The next one was similar by the fact that it was taken on a date. This time though, rather than being bundled up to fend off the cold, they had on as little clothing as social etiquette would allow for a hot summer day. They’d been laying in the shade of an umbrella, sand between their toes and the sound of the ocean hitting the shore filling their ears. 
“This was our 6 month anniversary…”
After was one that depicted a more cool and calmer setting. An elegant restaurant where they sat on the roof under the stars, the two dressed to the nine for dinner.  
“My birthday,” he chuckled lowly, eyes moving to the last, and perhaps the most important picture of them all. 
It was black and white, a birds eye view of two hands interlocked and a pair of matching bands around their fingers, a physical representation of their love. A photo that was taken on their wedding day.
“The day we got married…” Jumin looked up into the eyes of his wife for the first time in awhile, a small, gentle and loved filled smile on his lips.
“You remember all those…?”
“Of course I do. I remember every moment I spend with you…” he told her, delicately grasping her hand and raising it to his lips. “May I go put it up?”
“I was hoping you’d ask that! Come on I want to see what it looks like on display!” Cheerfully she hurried into the other room, intently watching as her husband rose and joined her at a much slower and calmer pace. 
“Here…” he pointed to a bare spot on the mantle, a place that any visitors will be able to catch a glimpse of it. The moment his lithe fingers left the frame to stand on its own his smile grew just a little more, arm reaching out and wrapping around the waist of the woman beside him. 
“Why there?”
“I want everyone to see it of course.”
There was that feeling again, the one from before - warm and enveloping his heart like a hug. It put his mind and soul at ease, something that he hasn’t felt in a long time. Something that he found once more through her. Through her he found the one piece he was missing, the normal of dates and the domestic feeling of a family. 
She was his happiness, he concluded, the one who brought colour and joy to his once monochrome life and being able to look back on those moments like he is now is something he will never take for granted. 
Although, just being able to experience them is a gift in it’s own.
“Thank you, for the gift and everything you’ve given me. I hope to make more memories like these with you in the years to come.”
“Of course. Merry Christmas Jumin.”
“Merry Christmas my love.”
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Cheers (Elder Maxson)
Note: We’re assuming Sole is around the same age as Maxson in this; a middle-aged Sole with 19 year old Maxson is an iffy concept to me. Thank you to the Discord server for fixing my writers block! Also, weird analogies for 500, anyone? Mildly OOC Maxson.
CW: Potential death mention, abstract/rhetorical poisoning
It’s easy, Sole thinks at the end of the day, to drink poison. To tilt your head back and surrender to what may come, no matter what. It’s easy to allow yourself to be captured in the will of whatever's been mixed into your glass, slightly acidic, barely masked, and pretend to be unknowing. Knowing Elder Maxson has been like drinking poison, and so, they think it must be very easy to allow oneself to do so.
They’re staring into the wine that’s been handed to them, a deep plum color swirling in the foggy glass it’s been poured into. In another timeline, this wouldn’t be the last they’d share with him, and there was a much more content life waiting for them at the end of their internal battles. But they often told themself they weren’t one for wishful thinking, and with that, returned their attention to the man himself, who sat, quiet and contemplative, across from them.
On any other evening he’d be lounged across the plush cushions next to them, a sharp contrast to the usual appearance he showed every other member of the Brotherhood. There’d be a lazy grin on his face, a little too much wine wiping away the stern expression that’d been burned into the lines of his skin, and the two of them would be deep in the throws of a playful debate. Sole had lost that privilege, though.
Just as Maxson had lost the privilege of seeing them with their head tilted back, a laugh shaking their frame, delight taking over the weight of the world that they held between their strong shoulders. Two friends, or something more, turned strangers. What a twist. “Is this it?” Sole spoke up. Maxson had resumed his public facade, and they knew he wouldn’t be the one to break the silence.
“I suppose it is.”
The meeting of their gazes brought both of their internal battles to the forefront, images of warfields flashing between the pair. Sole clenched their jaw and tilted their head up, still trying to remain casual in the way they spun the wine in the glass. They didn’t dare take a sip; they wouldn’t put it past him to actually poison it, and as much as they cared for him, there was a reason the air was so tense.
Sole had made it into the Brotherhood a little shell shocked from their experiences with the Wasteland, looking for structure and someone to have their back as they fought to survive. Of course, the Brotherhood was much more than that, and didn’t hesitate to introduce their bigotry, disguised as defensive beliefs, as soon as Sole stepped through the doors to the Prydwen.
They were unsure at first of where they stood. Ever the scholar, they tried to remain neutral and stand back, observing, as they made their way through the beginnings of their Brotherhood experience. Other than Nick Valentine, they had never met a synth; maybe he was an exception, and the Brotherhood was right in the idea that they weren’t to be trusted. They’d found themself in the company of Elder Maxson more than once at this point, eager to look through the cracks of the mask he wore and get to know the man behind the ideology, the intense scowls, and the unwavering leadership. They’d begun to debate as a pastime, and slowly, as the tapestry of his beliefs came into full view, they found themself suffocated.
The threads were frayed, woven by generations beforehand. Maxson’s contributions were made for no reason other than that he was told it was right, to add strength to a fabric that only caused pain to those that were innocent. Sole found themself edging closer to the tapestry with a thread ripper and magnifying glass, wanting to take apart every argument and excuse and bring forward the man behind the brainwashing that the Brotherhood was so fond of, but it was too late. It seemed that the threads had been woven into his skin as well, leaving no person outside of his anti-synth ideology.
They needed time away, and after one particularly intense debate-turned-argument, they asked for it. Maxson knew what was happening as soon as they were hesitant to look him in the eye, and when they finally did, there was no vulnerability like he was once given access to. They were choking on the smell of his soap and aftershave, suffocating on the tenseness flooding the room, and needed to get away to think.
After a month in Sanctuary, listening to synths and humans alike recount their tales, their life experiences identical in the way that both types of people hurt and thrived, became overjoyed and mourned losses, Sole went to seek out answers. In the back alleys of Diamond City they heard whispers of an organization, and went to find the Railroad.
They had a long talk with Deacon, looking over his own tapestry with a magnifying glass, shielding their eyes from the reflective, joking threads, so they could see the life lessons hidden beneath. Despite how hard it was to access, they found his tapestry much warmer, if not a bit worn from how many had taken refuge under its fabric. Every time they dug in and pulled at the threads, trying to find a fatal flaw, it held together like no other. One month away and they knew what they had to do.
It was hard to return to the Brotherhood, knowing their days there were limited. They’d seen the people before the ideology, instead of the other way around, and once considered many of them friends. But at the end of the day, the ends of their tapestries were coming loose, and Sole could no longer justify sticking around. They were smarter than that.
Maybe it was obvious, and a little immature, but they avoided Maxson upon their return to the best of their abilities. He tried to reach out to them, calling them in for meetings, upon which they kept their answers short and didn’t give any information as to what they had been up to during their escapades away from the Prydwen. But at the end of his third try, when his expression changed from curious and a little hurt to hardened and stern, they knew he understood. They had their own tapestry now, and didn’t need the refuge of any others. Certainly not his.
So when he invited them to one last evening together, they accepted. There was nothing they weren’t prepared for as they walked through the doors to his quarters and settled down on the couch. It was easier than they expected it to be, but they supposed the time away had already given them the opportunity to sever any hesitancy they would’ve once held.
They found themself indifferent to the intense discomfort in the air that would’ve pinned them to their seat just a month ago. Their breath remained in their lungs, their hands didn’t shake. They tilted their glass and stared at the liquid inside before placing it on the table in front of them and folding their hands together in their lap. “I sincerely hope you don’t plan on doing anything stupid, Sole.” Maxson’s voice was harsh, biting. He sipped his own drink.
They found a small smile betraying their lack of fear of the man in front of them. With a light sigh they glanced out the window. “Arthur, please. Let’s not pretend you haven’t been picking apart my brain for the last few months in the name of getting to know each other. Do you really believe me to be stupid?”
“I didn’t. And then you left for a month and returned doubting Brotherhood ideals. It seems you still have time to prove me wrong.”
“I think we can both agree a resistance to brainwashing is the exact opposite of stupidity.”
Sole sighed and brushed the palms of their hands down their thighs. They stood with little hesitancy and made their way over to one of the windows that decorated the walls of Maxson’s quarters. The view was one of the few things they’d miss about the Prydwen.
Of course, they supposed they could understand how members of the Brotherhood became so out of touch with the Wasteland. Everything felt so untouchable from their perch in the sky, rocking gently in the light winds that flooded the ground with radiation. Staying, surrounded by the hivemind and far away from any contradicting opinions, would’ve been the death of any independent thought from Sole.
They would miss Arthur, not Maxson, and the way they thought they were two separate people just a few months ago. It was easy to pretend, when he had been less than sober and forgot everything he thought was his responsibility. His thoughts flowed more readily into speech; the first slip he had made was calling Sole beautiful as they leaned against that very window, looking up at the stars that almost appeared to be within reach from where they sat in the sky.
It had caught Sole by surprise, though they supposed it shouldn’t have. Yes, Arthur was in a position of power, arguably one of the highest in the Wasteland across the factions, but they had spent enough time with him at that point to know he fell victim to alcohol. Well, that’s what they pretended.
Arthur was no lightweight. They could see it in the way his movements still remained controlled in contrast to his words. It was an excuse, they’d realized, after just two nights, to say what was on his mind instead of what he had been taught to say.
Maybe that’s why they thought they could get to him at first. Unravel some of the tapestry that had dug deep into his skin and latched onto his mind. It seemed as if he wanted free of the Brotherhood mindset and the way everyone looked to him. It showed when they were together in the low lamplight of his quarters, alone in a space that didn’t allow for his facade, and he looked 19 again instead of aged beyond recognition.
His hand brushed across their cheek and they fought hard to keep their attention out the window; they wouldn’t let him exploit vulnerability that should’ve never been given in the first place. They were hyper aware of the placement of his hand, knowing that into two smooth motions they could be on the floor, dead. Instead, he hooked a finger under their chin, and they felt a kiss placed to their forehead. Then, he was out of their space and across the room, busying himself behind his desk with paperwork. They were dismissed, for the last time.
Just a week later, it was easier than expected for the words to spill out of their mouth and into Deacon’s ears. Descriptions of the Brotherhood’s guard shifts, the weakest point of their aircraft, protocols and every hidden weapon they knew about. They didn’t choke, didn’t waver. They had seen too much upon their return to the Railroad; synths injured from the hate the Brotherhood had spread, members fatally wounded when they jumped to defend. Sole had reveled too long in the privilege of ignorance and the company of a man who, despite being tragically indoctrinated, they could no longer lend sympathy to when they had to bear witness to the consequence of his actions.
Maxson’s last mistake was assuming that the silent goodbye they’d shared just one week earlier would be their last. Sole was ready to take a torch to his tapestry, and they were the last person he should’ve assumed was stupid enough to let him go easily.
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mikanyuzu-26 · 3 years
Is Chapter 139 of Attack on Titan being messed up deliberately?
*Views are my own. I barely post anything on social media but I feel the need to express my thoughts as a long-term AOT fan.
You need to be a genius in getting everything wrong. As a reader who has been following the series for 8 years, the frustration and disappointment the recent chapters brought me are beyond words. The series Attack on Titan has long been known for its well written plotline, with pieces of hints eventually leading to the reveal of mysteries, ranging from the identity of enemies to the origin of titan. Isayama the author is more than capable in building a story, as evidenced by the carefully arranged setups and successful characterization in 130+ chapters. Probably echoed by other readers, the story surprisingly went downhill since Chapter 124 (aka the alliance arc) when pacing becomes slow with no major progress in overall plot. Eren who is the supposedly main protagonist is nowhere to be found in most of the chapters, let alone his inner thought. The conclusion in Chapter 139 is even more confusing, showing clear disconnection with previous chapters and major characters being OOC. There are fans who are kind enough to summarize the inconsistencies.
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Chinese netizens’ comment on the story quality
I would interpret the bad writing in Chapter 139 as intentional, with two possible reasons, or both: 1). To betray and hurt the readers as expressed in his interview. He is free! 2). To passively protest against a plot change by his editorial team
“I was a big fan of Game of Thrones, so I can relate to the feelings of those fans who were disappointed with how the series ended. But when I’m drawing, I’m expressing my own feelings, and I think as long as I’m doing that, my fans will be able to accept whatever ending I come up with for them”. The question is – was Isayama hinting at a GOT-like ending that expressed his true feeling? Looking at his response at this point of time, was he foreshadowing a disappointment?
Personally I am a believer of (2) – the plot was hijacked. I see the pacing issue starting from Chapter 124 as Isayama and the editorial team trying to buy time in reconstructing the plot. This is the period when multiple minor subplots (e.g. Connie’s mom, Aruani, conflicts with Yeagerists like Daz, formation of Alliance, Reiner’s mom & Annie’s dad) are introduced and closed off shortly after, while Eren is nowhere to be found.
Also note that Isayama did not even show up in the interview/live stream after the end of the manga in on Apr 10 and Apr 14, 2021. The editor represented him instead. It was also revealed in the most recent live stream that the editorial team had quite a lot of influence over the plot, in which they changed the last few pages of Chapter 139.
As many of you have already raised, early chapters already mentioned the “only way to put a final end to the cycle of revenge” is to do a full rumbling. I believe this is the first draft of the ending of the story as this idea has been expressed more than once directly out of the mouth of Eren.
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The other possible change is the way of how Ymir is being freed. In earlier chapter, Eren clearly understands what Ymir has been waiting for 2000 years in Chapter 122, and this is also the reason why Eren is able to start the rumbling in the first place. The possibility of Mikasa freeing Ymir is not being introduced until Chapter 138 (or 139), and certainly comes out of nowhere as the only people outside of path who have seen Ymir are Armin and Ramzi.
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How is Chapter 139 being intentionally messed up? The inconsistencies above suggest that at least two plot twists are only being decided at the very late stage of the story. • Eren’s true intention (Eren Requiem vs. full rumbling) and the reasons behind • What Ymir wants
Throughout Chapter 139, there are definitely better choice of words which even average Reddit/Twitter/Tumblr users were able to re-write in the past few days. However Isayama just somehow chose the worst way in presenting the story as if it is a shoutout to readers. The presentation also makes Chapter 139 memorable, though not in a way most have expected.
“Why Mikasa?” “Well…only Ymir knows that one…” When I reread Chapter 139, it seems to me that Isayama is not trying to shy away from admitting the plot change. The disbelief from Armin’s way of saying “Huh? Did you just say Mikasa?” is an analogy to the readers’ reaction due to the lack of interaction between Ymir and Mikasa before the last panel of Chapter 138. Eren is also drawn with a resigned expression. If this is an over interpretation of the frame, Eren’s next response “Well…only Ymir knows that one…” directly points out how the statement lacks a clear and sound reasoning. You can translate it into “Well…only [the company/my editor] knows that one…” or “Nothing I just want to throw this in”. Isayama clearly knows what he is writing and indeed “only Ymir knows that one” becomes a meme.
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Also to add that prior to Chapter 139, Ymir has always been a parallel of Historia/Krista, not Mikasa, even as early as Chapter 51, but this plot was just somehow nowhere to be found eventually.
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Why Rumbling? The most disastrous consequence of a plot change, from wiping all history and civilization (that has been repeated in his conversation with Historia in Chapter 130 and his internal monologue in Chapter 131) to an Eren Requiem, is that it takes away all the justification and rationale for Eren to eliminate 80% of the population in the first place. Whether or not Eren executes the rumbling and dies willingly, the world will still be in conflict and future generation will remain in the forest. If the plan is to free Ymir, a better way is probably just asking Mikasa to chop his head off. That saves humanity (Ymir likes drama, after all!).
Isayama could have easily used phrases like “I just want to move forward” but he put “I don’t know why, but…I wanted to do that…I had to”. This is also Isayama speaking from the Eren – he does not know why Eren is doing rumbling just to achieve the 80% plan. He just “had to” draw it.
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“10 Years, At least!” This is probably the most debatable and dramatic part of the chapter. Eren expresses his love to Mikasa but the scene is presented in a way as if it is a kid throwing a tantrum. In addition to that there is Armin’s comment “Oh ok…I didn’t expect something that pathetic..” as if it is again, the readers’ comment. The scene is portrayed in an unbelievably comedic way, especially when you compare it with Eren’s conversation with Ramzi in Chapter 131, which is supposed to serve the same purpose in showing Eren’s human/soft side. Most importantly, freedom has always been Eren’s core value throughout the series. The outright contradiction this line shows only makes the whole idea of this panel questionable.
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Character Regression Needless to say, characters’ behaviours surprisingly regress back to the first arc, wiping out all developments throughout the series. The worst thing is it even kills the hype of re-reading the manga as you know the characters never grow, after all the sufferings and hearts sacrificed. Examples include: • Eren is still a crybaby • Mikasa remains trapped by her relationship with Eren and the scarf • Historia is not living proudly for herself after the Uprising arc • Reiner sniffs Historia’s letter after going through depression and wars (there is even a petition online asking Isayama to change this! You see how problematic this is.) • Jean and the horse joke
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Almost everything that could possibly go wrong is wrong in 1 chapter These are written by the man who have been writing good chapters in the past 10 years. Can you believe it is just a lack of sense?
• “Thank you. You became a mass murderer for our sake.” • The “poop” that Armin gives Eren (Isayama likes using meme right? :P) • Eren’s face when he is punched
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Is this the High School AU style?
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Compared to Chapter 112...You can tell the difference.
The way how the fandom views Chapter 139 is certainly very divided, but even amongst those who like it, most still think “things could have done better” (source: SNK Chapter 139 Poll), showing how awkward the style is compared to previous chapters. The inconsistencies in character portrayal and plot are too hard to ignore. It pains me to see a well-constructed and reputable series, one step away from legend even just with an average ending, closed with a chapter that almost defeats the purpose of the rest. Trust in Isayama – while he can build a legend in 10 years, he can also take it down with 1 chapter.
By the way, Levi is one of the few characters who isn’t ruined. Probably also a conscious choice.
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