#(oh and she smokes like a victorian chimney so theres. that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)
undefeatablesin Β· 2 months
Thinking about your hunter OCs makes me think about my hunter OC and how they might get on.
The problem is that Stella was always more lover than fighter, tends to be more of a nervous wreck than one would expect from a hunter, and I think she'd be secretly scared of Aloysha...
Hey there!! Thanks for popping in!! I always love to discuss Hunter OCs with people lmao ✨️
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But I am not surprised poor Stella would be a little scared of Aloysha though; that's honestly a very reasonable reaction for anyone to have to her company πŸ˜‚ She can be quite intimidating at face value, given her coarse attitude and the very real threat of her more bestial nature lurking under the surface. She was hounded out of Yharnam in part for that very reason, though the real catalyst for that much was her brother Rain selling out her and her private affairs to his superiors (probably Hradi tbh lmao.) Even Aloysha's employer-turned-hunting partner, Ruza, found her extremely off-putting at first. People generally either find her insufferable or unnerving (or both!) and understandably so, with Aloysha being the sort of creature that she is.
However, Aloysha is definitely not all bad. She's one of the better people you could hope to bump into in Yharnam, honestly! Despite her hard edges and bestial qualities, she's very much lucid and rational; she makes for a valuable (and powerful!) ally if you get on her good side. So your hunter wouldn't have too much to worry about if she ever did cross paths with Aloysha. Sure, she's blunt, curt and a little rude, but she's relatively level-headed, and generally open to rubbing shoulders with other hunters. Her worst qualities only tend to show themselves in full when she is provoked–so a genial hunter will be (mostly) treated genially in return.
Well, except for maybe being teased a bit, but that's just par for the course with this woman πŸ˜‚
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