#(not to sound rude to other on here ofc. like genuinely)
benefactordreams · 5 months
It's taking longer to copy and paste things then anticipated guys
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w0rmm1lk · 9 months
Hiiii! I’m back in my bnha phase and I’m here for a request!
Could you write Bakugo (or Kirishima) x nonbinary! S/o who’s like, extremely selfless and tends to forget about taking care of themselves since they’re usually focused on taking care/helping other people?
yesss ofc!
(I wrote this in a headcannon format I hope u don’t mind <3)
characters: kirishima
summary: nb!reader needs to take care of themself but luckily they have a certain someone there for them.
warnings: swearing
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🪨- when I say you are selfless I mean I’m the way of— carrying around a bag constantly filled with snacks, bandaids, water ect. You don’t like fountain water? You also have bottled. Even carrying pads in shit for the girls
🪨-Kiri loves how much you be taking care of everyone tbh. 🪨- gets stressed out bc he can’t rlly call you manly or womanly.
🪨- ends up just calling you humanly.
🪨- he didn’t notice at first that you weren’t taking care of yourself.
🪨- mainly because you were concerningly good at hiding it.
🪨- he noticed the first signs when you had slight dark circles under your eyes.
🪨- he mentioned it around some classmates only to quickly learn you had been acting as a therapist for todoroki like every night????
🪨- he then soon realised how dehydrated you were when someone offered you some water and you downed the entire bottle in less than thirty seconds.
🪨- he was genuinely concerned. Like asked you about it with this really weird look on his face.
🪨- “uh— Y/N? You doin okay— I swear I just watched you unhinged your jaw for that water—“
🪨- “oh yeah I’m doin great! Don’t worry about me I just haven’t drank water in a while lol.”
🪨- “a while as in a few hours…right”
🪨- “right…?”
🪨- “…”
🪨- “y/n. When did you last drink water—“
🪨- at first he didn’t think much of it— maybe you were just a little forgetful recently since exams were coming up.
🪨- he was very wrong.
🪨- he watch you as you basically teleported across the room because someone lost their pen.
🪨- kirishima finally realised he need to talk to you about it when he noticed you hauling about 3x the normal amount of clothing you washed towards the laundry room.
🪨- “hey y/n-! I— I didn’t know you owned *that* much clothing—“ he sounded weirdly awkward as he tried to not be too forward about the situation.
🪨- “oh! I heard denki and Mina mention they were behind on chores because of how much they’ve both been studying compared to normal since Momo offered to tutor them… so I decided I would help them out!”
🪨- “y/n… as a man I really respect how much you care about out class but— isn’t this a little too much? You should really take care of yourself more…”
🪨- his words made you think a bit… it had been a really long time since you did anything for yourself.
🪨- “well… I feel like it’s a little rude to stop what I’m doing right now after I promised them—“
🪨- “after you finish this then.. and let me help! It’s not very manly of me to watch my partner carry this much stuff without helping!”
🪨- his idea of you resting was watching movies in his dorm as he heald onto you so tight that you didn’t even have a chance to attempt to escape.
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Ngl I was struggling wit this one but that’s 1 more post out there so 🕺🕺
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rweoutofthewoods · 2 months
I hope this doesn’t sound rude, I’m just curious about it. how come you don’t read jegulus fics when you write them so much? Is it because you write about it or is there another reason
Hi! Dw it’s not rude at all!
I think I’ve talked about this before but it was a long time ago so I don’t mind explaining again. Sorry in advance if this is longer than it needs to be but there’s a few correct answers here.
Firstly, it’s not like I never ever read it or hard stop refuse to, I still read my friend’s and mutual’s work or little fics I come across that really interest me. It’s just, I don’t go through the tag or actively search out jegulus content. But I pretty much read the entire tag before I even started writing jegulus anyway. so like I originally stopped because I’d see fic recs after fic recs and I was like… I read every single fic on these lists 🥲… even “underrated ones” I was like okay I read that too what now 😭
and around 2023 I started investing all of my time into writing every single day and I stopped reading anything at all, like no fics, no published books, nothing, all I was doing was writing. But I found as I did that and stopped being influenced by other people’s versions of these characters and other headcanons, I felt a lot more free to write whatever and however I wanted and my own characterizations felt clearer and stronger. And don’t get me wrong, I love so many of the different versions of jeggy I’ve read and there’s a lot of fics that will always stay close to my heart, I just also wanted to figure out what my OWN version of them was without feeling influenced. Bc ofc a beautiful thing about a mainly fanon fandom is a lot of fics influence each other and headcanons and things that we then almost accept as being canon. And I just like being able to figure out like which of those pieces of fanon I genuinely really liked and wanted to use and which pieces I just felt like I should use because everyone else did.
So I hope that helps explain why! It’s improved my art, but also like I’ve been on this ride a good chunk of time my guys. before I even started writing myself in 2022, I’d already consumed a majority of the tag. And i genuinely just started reading at all again. So I may go back to my jegulus reading era at some point, but at the moment I’m trying to consume the entire aftg tag, so we shall see! Xx
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purplink8 · 7 months
Naomi is one of my favorite characters so I decided to compile my thoughts on her in this post! :D
(Disclaimer: I do not particularly like the fanon version of Naomi & while I do dislike Raye, I still believe without a doubt that he cared for Naomi (enough to go along with Light when he threatened to kill his loved ones, and the first one to pop up in his head was Naomi) and had his (however misguided (by sexism ofc)) best interests at heart for her. That does not absolve him for being, frankly, really really rude + sexist to Naomi and I will forever be annoyed with him for that.
tl;dr I'm neither a fanon!Naomi stan nor a Raye apologist. Anywho-)
Before I talk about Naomi, I want you to take a look at this panel directly above the one in which she first appears.
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Before Naomi's first appearance, Ryuk says "I guess women being tough in crisis goes for humans, too." This is said in reference to Yuri being unphased with the bus-hijacking and dragging our fave sexist murderer to Space Land haha.
But I think it's significant that the above quote was said by Ryuk for all women (maybe the real feminism was the Shinigami we found all along!) JUST BEFORE Naomi's first appearance.
Even before Naomi is introduced, the canon has (however jokingly (side-eyeing you Light-o)) established that women are tough in crisis. I do think that's saying something- especially when you'll see (which will be discussed in length in this post) that this statement holds true ESPECIALLY for Naomi.
But we'll come back to this later; let's move on to Naomi actual appearance in canon.
We're introduced to her as Raye's loving fiancé who is also attentive (receptive) towards him as she asks him why he's tired to which he mentions the bus-hijack.
She's quiet in noting down her observations in her head as she asks Raye for more info regarding the bus hijack:
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Look at the '...' she has before asking Raye for details. We can read it as hesitation to voice her suspicions before they sound strong enough or as the pause to think it all through OR more likely as we'll see in the panels below, she perhaps hesitates due to the conditions she agreed to with Raye. The pause may also be due to her analytical mind starting to work, she has to mull over the details she's just been given before reaching to a conclusion.
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She does speak out on her misgivings as she clearly cares about Raye and thinks (& correctly at that!) that he met Kira.
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Only to get shut down by him. Raye is, obviously, sexist and rude here but we have to remember that Raye thinks he's doing the right thing (according to his sexist 'i have to protect her from danger' attitude anyway). He does admit that she was an excellent fbi agent but still, he's not respecting her opinions.
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Now this is where my hate for Raye shines through like
"once you pop up some of my babies, that habit won't pop up anymore" ~Raye Penber, probably, i wish i was exaggerating
Raye is unbelievably dismissive of Naomi here. Not only does he not take her concerns seriously, he also follows it up with a 'joke' about directing her intelligence towards being his future wife. Now, I do believe that Naomi wanted to quit her job too but that doesn't make it okay for Raye to y'know treat Naomi like this. And Naomi (being genuinely apologetic) politely chuckles it off.
I think this brings us to an important aspect of her character: she has a sort of passive attitude. She is not that assertive imo instead preferring to be compliant and yielding. She values harmony in her relationships & avoids conflicts by being agreeable (at least with Raye).
Then Kira happens to Raye Penbar and other FBI agents. I find it interesting how these panels are placed next to each other:
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These panels are juxtaposed to each other to perhaps show us that while killing the FBI agents may be like a game to Kira & L, there are real stakes involved for those related to Kira's victims- they become pawns in Kira & L's game-: Naomi being the prime example, who is shown grieving Raye's death.
She is intelligent enough to deduce that Raye was murdered by Kira.
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Now instead of wallowing in her misery (remember what Ryuk said about women being tough in crisis? yeah this is what's happening here), the former FBI agent picks herself up, gathers her wits + composure, and gets ready to investigate.
We're then shown panels of Naomi travelling alone. I want you to remember that the emotional wound of losing her fiancé is still fresh & forefront in her mind (trying to catch Kira is a very close second). Even if her thoughts are not depicted (her ride to Shinjuku is deathly silent: with neither dialogue nor thoughts- meant to express how she deals with her grief- Naomi takes action and does so quietly), we get an idea of how she feels.
Alone. Torn between feeling lonely/helpless yet determined to catch the murderer who killed the man she loved. Still, she perseveres.
And she gets info from the bus conductor, that there were six passengers other than Raye during the bus-hijack. She figures that since Kira must've been someone out of those six people, Kira may be living somewhere near that bus route. It's a small lead but a lead nonetheless.
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Naomi also infers that Kira is able to kill people by causes other than heart attacks too. More importantly, she is of utmost confidence that her finding IS a fact which means she wouldn't be shook off that belief any time soon. Which is really, really bad for Kira as it narrows down the list of Kira suspects considerably well.
I'm gonna focus on Naomi's POV (you'll know why later):
She enters the NPA building and the receptionists are being much help: saying that there's nobody on the task force here despite her appointment with them, which was made the previous day + asking her to just leave a message when she insists on meeting the task force personally.
This is important to her. Why are they being so difficult? She'd had an incredibly long day, her fiancé is dead and only she seems to have a clue of Kira's powers extend to killing people by causes other than heart attacks. She absolutely needs to tell this clue to the Task Force. If only somebody actually listened to her. (Even Raye, when he was alive, refused to do that).
Then a young guy, who introduces himself as the son of the task force Chief, comes in and talks with the receptionists about a case he had helped solve in the past. Whatever. That information does not help her in the slightest. She came here for one purpose and one purpose only: speak to the Task Force. Why are the receptionists so warm towards him while being so useless to her? And then the boy says something interesting:
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He (if she heard correctly) may be able to beat L in solving the Kira case. He's definitely got her attention now. Either he's way too confident or there may be a degree of truth in his statement (well, they did just say how he helped them solve a case when he was a high schooler). Still, it's not like this guy can help her catch Kira when he's not even in the task force, right?
She's just about to mentally dismiss him when:
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...he shares valuable information with her- something which the receptionists haven't (even if they had their reasons) and even better, offers to help her (he's the first person to do so ever since Raye died). He chooses to trust her (he had no reason to do that but does so anyway maybe due to the goodness of his heart? (she doesn't know- still he has helped her out a great deal already)).
It feels weird accepting his help but the boy is very polite + willing to help so she does. And offers him her sincerest thanks.
He also seems to think that Kira has greater powers than people think. That surprises her.
To think this young guy has deduced something which she had too...she chooses to confide in him a little (not so much, just a little without details, just as vague as his statement was) that that's why she's here.
The stranger tells his name. Light Yagami. And asks for hers. She's not taking any chances. Raye died because of giving his ID to someone in the bus (who, she's sure, was Kira) and while this kid seems relatively harmless, she's cautious. She has prepared for this. So she gives him an alias. Shoko Maki.
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It seems she hadn't heard the end of his deductions. According to him, Kira can also control people's actions before they die- and she finally has someone intelligent enough, trustworthy enough (he trusts her AND has helped her out a lot) who is willing to listen that she cracks, offering him the final piece of the info she has puzzled out: that Kira can kill by causes other than heart attacks.
More information trickles out her (the kid, Light Yagami- she reminds herself- is surprisingly great at putting her at ease)...she tells him about her fiancé meeting Kira before his death. He's silent. When asked about it, he tells her it is due to the shock of hearing that.
Light is a patient listener, asking her details, offering his views on the matter so she doesn't mind telling him everything she has concluded thus far with utter conviction:
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He's initially skeptical of course:
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Still, he agrees that it's worth investigating into and that's what matters to her.
After thinking about it for a while, he informs her that he's convinced of her theory. Not only does he take her seriously, he also takes notes of the details of the incident.
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Light has been as useful as a person in his position could have been and she's really grateful. She wishes to tell the task force herself so she heads back to the NPA.
He's still following her. Maybe he's doing this out of politeness? She tells him that she'll be fine on her own and thanks him for all his help. She turns. The kid approaches her again.
Only to tell her why the members of the task force were said to be absent.
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Now she's suspicious. Why does this kid know so much about this investigation which ought to be kept secret from the general public? So she asks him. Only to get hit by this bombshell:
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He is, if he's telling the truth, a member of the task force. Well, that explains a lot.
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He tells us that all the members of the task force have been hand-picked by L.
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Then she doesn't need to go back to the NPA, as she has already spoken to Light who, by his own admission, is a member of the task force which means her insights will be passed on to L.
Now that she knows that L selected Light himself, she allows herself to trust the kid enough (as she completely trusts L) to tell him that she worked with L on a case 2 years ago when she was in the FBI.
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Naomi reveals that she'd been reluctant to trust the police and even the task force compared to L who has her complete trust (her plan was to ask them to let her speak to L directly, i.e., she didn't even want the task force to know her insights). Light asks her then why did she tell him something which should've been for L's ears only.
She gives him her reason.
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She feels that Light & L are similar somehow (I think it's her gut feeling) and since she trusts L, she also, kind of, trusts this kid as he reminds him of L.
Then, something crazy happens. He asks her if she would like to join the investigation... She is flabbergasted, to say the least. She had come thinking that she'd be lucky if she got to talk to L directly but joining the task force herself?
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Still, she has to admit the kid is nothing if not convincing. She feels indecisive. She doesn't know what to do; she's been feeling lost since Raye died. They were in Japan for a short while only. Hell, they were going to get married & get settled permanently in the USA. And now none of it was possible.
Raye was dead. She had to accept that.
What should she do?
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But when the kid brings up how she's still a young beautiful woman for this dangerous investigation, she finds her doubts shattering and her resolve hardening. She realizes that she has gotten a new purpose now.
With her fiancé gone, she's got nothing left to lose anymore. Getting Kira (who was responsible for his death) is the only thing that matters to her anymore, as she says in her outburst. She'd do anything, regardless of risks to her life, to make sure that Kira is caught.
She's very determined now to join the investigation and requests Light for the same. He asks her some proof of her identification.
She hesitates, but feels this can't be helped: she reasons to herself, as she apologizes for giving out a fake name earlier. He praises her carefulness. And she gives him her driving license. He asks her some details about the time she was in the FBI. And keeps glancing at his watch strangely often enough to prompt her to ask him why:
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He, once again, looks down at his watch as he replies.
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He is Kira.
Light Yagami is Kira.
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She is horrified, with realization dawning at her eyes that she has already given him her real name, and is filled with dread of what is to come.
And just an instant later, she turns sharply (not unlike clockwork) away from him. She feels as if she's in a trance. He is speaking something to her.
What's the matter?
An answer comes unbidden to her lips, as if that's what she's been supposed to say all along, like she has practiced this chat with him before,
"There's something I have to do."
The words feel foreign to her, and yet she feels that that's what she was destined to say anyway.
Didn't you want to talk to my father?
The words are a blur as she replies mindlessly.
"No. I have nothing to say to him."
...well, that. was. Dark.
No, really, it's so fucked up how Light taunts Naomi in her final moments that's why I hate him during this scene.
But anyway, I wrote those 1.4k words talking from only Naomi's POV so that we may understand why she allows herself to trust Light.
I think the argument of her trusting Light "that easily" is uh... debatable? If you pay attention to the plot, it's not that hard to believe that Naomi comes eventually to trust Light.
I think people take this panel at its face value...
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...which is just Light self-congratulating himself AFTER he got Naomi's real name (only to think 'that was a close call...' in the next panel itself) like? You guys, don't fall into his trap thinking that Naomi trusted him way too easily.
This guy cognitive-restructures his way out of every setback. Just because Light wants to convince himself that it was that easy to overcome this setback of a woman, doesn't mean you have to be fooled into thinking the same as Light too. This is just his hindsight-bias talking.
We know how hard it was for him to figure out a way to get Naomi's real name after she gave him an alias (while being as cool as a cucumber too). Do not forget that before you chide Naomi for being too naive (yes she IS a little naive (y'know the trusting L a 100 percent? after working with him through a computer screen?) but we shouldn't blame her for giving Light her real name). She was being careful all along.
Until Light, with his genius social skills (remember he's exceedingly polite & helpful + just. a. Kid in Naomi's eyes), focused all his intelligence to achieve his goal of getting Naomi reveal her real name and succeeded as he's an excellent manipulator and got luck on his side while Naomi's degree of luck is exceedingly low.
Also remember that Naomi is freshly grief-stricken and this polite kid is the first one to stop and listen to her (+ agree with her respectfully). And then too she gave him an alias. But was forced to give out her real name because the situation called for it.
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(I don't put much stock in htr13 stats but I think we can safely conclude that it's correct about Naomi lack of good luck. Also, she dislikes stalkers and Raye stalked Light (yes he was just doing his job but still you have to admit it's a lil funny that she was gonna marry a stalker- ok I'm done now with the htr13 discussion)). Moving on!
After Naomi's death (she was only 28 at that time), L accepts the phone call from her parents reporting her as missing and comes to know that she's Raye Penber's fiancé. L finds her name familiar and has Watari look her up, to find that she arrested the preparator of the LABB case, which reminds him that he worked with her on that case.
When Aizawa & Matsuda suggest that she may have killed herself after hearing news about her fiancé, L disagrees with them saying that the Naomi Misora he knew had great inner strength and was an excellent FBI agent. He thinks that she's try to go after Kira (and he's not wrong).
And that's all the info about her that the manga canon offers us.
In conclusion, I think Naomi is very intelligent yet a little gullible/trusting of people (she chooses to believe in the good of the people methinks), polite, quiet, introverted, a tad passive, and tremendously emotionally tough (seriously tho, she's in grief sure, and that makes her vulnerable to Light's tactics to get her to trust him & all that but it takes guts to go after a killer who can kill just by knowing your name & face just after he killed your future husband).
Canon!Naomi is far more complex than the girlbossified fanon version of her and I love her <3
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celestie0 · 5 months
🪷 CTFUUUUUU your gojo and reader sex tape post was so hilarious omg. Ngl to me they don't give the vibes of a couple that make one (I don't mean this as an insult omfg now that I wrote it it sounds rude as hell) but the type who are professional phone fuckers.
Doja cat's Cyber sex is their national anthem I just know it I had a little locker room talk with reader she told me 😙. And yeah what you said abt gojo's schedule being all over the place as a player I'd thought that too, which is why phone sex is 🔛🔝 for these two. Just two freaky frogs omg I know that dude sluts her out bad and she doesn't want it any other way
He's a player (the *other* type of player) too so ofc he'd have expertise in the area of tasteful nudes but reader's learning curve will be so exponential gojo would be left in the dust in a short amount of time😁 RIP BOZO‼️
Imagine a little roleplay scenario where reader dresses up as a cheerleader for gojo after he returns from winning some final match as a victory treat. That dong goes up at an angle of elevation so steep you could make a mean trigonometric question off of it. I need him BAD I need him esp when he's sweaty after a gym or practice session I'd climb that man like jack was climbing that beanstalk.
Anyway I hope you've been doing well sweets! Thanks for being so nice to me in your last ask and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us I wanna see that horndog be his authentic slutty self around reader finally 🗣️🗣️
Imagine a little roleplay scenario where reader dresses up as a cheerleader for gojo after he returns from winning some final match as a victory treat.
oh dear sweet baby jesus the scream i SCRUMPT AT THIS…HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT oh mygooodd that’d be so fuckin hot 😩😩😩 i ran to add that to my notes LOL my head is in my hands i need to write that so fucking bad. HIM RAILING HER WHILE SHE’s WEARING A SKIMPY LIL CHEERLEADER COSTUME AFTER HE JUST PLAYED AN INTENSE GAME babe u cooked w this ty
HAHAHA i feel like they would make a sex tape but they obv wouldnt post it or anything lol it’d just be something they’d do when they’re both drunk asf while on vacation in their hotel room n then they freak out once they get home n realize they lost the flashdrive n someone out there in barcelona is now jerking off to their amateur avante garde porno
And yeah what you said abt gojo's schedule being all over the place as a player I'd thought that too, which is why phone sex is 🔛🔝 for these two. Just two freaky frogs omg I know that dude sluts her out bad and she doesn't want it any other way
okay you’re so right ab cyber sex being (at least post grad) kickoff couple’s anthem 🤧 that “i wish u were here rn” yup. but also LMFAO THATS SO TRUE AB THE SLUTTIN HER OUT he’d have her so downbad she’s flashing her titties at the webcam just cuz she wants to see him cum all over his stomach while he’s jerking himself off to her pixels ✋🏼😩 i was not anticipating to start this day off so horny LOL
idk i like to think all the nudes kickoff gojo has received in his life have been raunchy asf so when he’s so desperate to get a glimpse of kickoff reader while he’s away for work n is like “babe send me a pic please” for the first time n she sends something that’s genuinely really tasteful n artistic n subtle but sexy n leaves a bit to the imagination i feel like that wld drive him more insane than any explicit nude ever would HAHAHAHA
THE DONG GOIN UP YOU COULD PERFORM TRIG ON IT IM CRYING babe i wish to be half as funny as you are some day 🤣🤣
thanks my lovee omg im so happy you’re looking forward to it :””) 💕 you’re my honeybunch sugarplum pumpyumpyumpkin i love yaaa
- ellie 🐸
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therealdeucespade · 1 month
So there’s this one rlly good fanfic (Cross over of Balck butler x Twisted wonderland). And I think it’s great with writing characters, ciels relationships with some of the other students, with Sebastian, ect. Good with handling ciels reactions to things (the tweels, overbolts, ect.)
Author is ‘Darkspellmaster’ on ao3 btw !!! Telling you this before I rant abt what I don’t rlly enjoy abt the fic. It’s still good overall tho!! (And they’re on here as well!!)
Okay so on to my own opinions!!
The only things I don’t like is how it sometimes explained Elisabeth’s appearance. She’s fifteen in this i think ? Ciels fourteen. But I digress- I don’t like how it mentions her ‘womanly’ body, ect. Feels awkward to me. And the shipping with Ciel and Eli, while like - I don’t mind if someone ships them ig? Still feels a little odd bc they’re cousins. I am aware that it’s normalized in their time but again- it’s icky to me so I stray away from that. But if you like it then shouldn’t be a problem for you!! This is her work so yeah!! This is just me ranting !! Same thing goes for the spoilers!!
So there’s this minor thing where cater has a crush on ciel. And at one point Sebastian is going through journals during the party arc (where the Halloween thing takes place), and in caters it mentions having dreams abt going on dates. And mentions how it would feel to kiss ciel. Which again I find kinda odd ? Cus cater is eighteen, and he acknowledges it.
It also includes that undertaker is ciels grandfather theory. Which imo is not the bestest of theories out there. Ofc if you enjoy it then that’s you!! But I personally don’t believe in it. Due to timelines not matching up, along with the fact it kinda reduces undertakers character imo. Plus we don’t know if reapers can even reproduce (which I doubt since they embody DEATH!!). But that’s all my opinions with the fic.
The fic is still pretty good, plus it’s on going. I still def recommend, if you don’t care or mind any of my own opinions with the fic. It’s good overall and I like it! So yeah! Again this is all my opinions. And even if I don’t agree with All the Authors opinions on black butler then that’s me. If you do (or if author sees this, which I highly doubt-) that’s you. Idc, some theories ick me. But again, that’s me. I again say that the fic is amazing!! Are there some things that I disagree with regarding theories in the fic? Yea. But will I just bash or over hate? No. The only reason for this post was bc I just needed to rant and I ion got any friends to rant to- but I digress. The author is the one who works hard, who writes it all. I cannot change that, nor do I intend to bc that’s the AUTHORS opinion. Not my own. Sorry for another rant- I just edited this bc I reread it (third time) and realized I sounded like- rlly rude- so I wanted to clear up some things. Bc I do genuinely like this au. But I digress(AGAIN) , that’s all and thanks for reading!!
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Hey it’s sun guy thanks for the question!
Q: “Hellu Sun Man! Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect and just want to ask a few questions bcoz I'm genuinely curious as a Saturn woman. Ofc I understand we can't make generalizations but here we go. Based on you personal experience and other sun men: Is being serious and traditional a turn off? Would you rather invest in people who would benefit you in some way? Like what if someone was self-made, no connections but genuine? And lastly- what type of girls would y'all go for?/ will intrigue you? I'm sorry if I was rude. Hope you have a good day!😊” 
A: Being serious is not a turn off, in fact I think a lot of people’s first impression of me is that I’m quite serious. I think sun nakshatras strive to live in ways that feel authentic to them and that either will or won’t be “traditional” depending on the person. I personally wouldn’t describe myself as traditional in very many senses of the word. I was watching a For Harriet stream one time (great channel btw and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a sun nakshatra) and she was explaining how her ex said to her in an argument, angrily, “you want us to do this new thing together! and you’re just not gonna find very many people who will want to invent a new thing with you!” and she was recalling that like “yeah he was right” and I really resonated with that too, like I want to confront gender roles, lifestyle assumptions etc in my long term relationship (do a “new thing”) and I’m willing to put work into figuring that out with someone, than be stuck doing things according to this unspoken social contract or whatever.
Of course I would want to invest in people who benefit me! I think if you and your partner don’t benefit each other that’s a real problem. Benefit can mean a lot of things of course. But yes you nailed it someone who is self-made and genuine sounds exactly like my type. So that answers your third third question too. I would go for girls who are self-made, genuine, invest in their own happiness, have talents, have curiosity, have things they’re passionate about, have goals for themselves etc.
hope all your girlies are satisfied now ✨🫶tysm for answering!!
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gt-jar · 1 month
hi :3 I’m new to your blog but god god I LOVE YOUR CONTENT ARGHJDHDN
I never thought I could like parental / family tropes but here I am. This is too good . Seriously.
As I already said , I’m new so I might have missed if you already said this but- will there be new chapters for your story “two worlds among the stars?”
I’ve binge read it and I would really like to read more (without forcing anybody ofc!! I’m just appreciating a fellow writer’s work)
Okay uh bye
First of all, I hope you're going to see this, anon...
I feel especially bad when I need ages to answer anonymous ask, because I know that person won't get a notification, when I finally do answer it. And if that person doesn't follow my blog the chances of them seeing it are slim.
And I got this ask almost two weeks ago...
So dear anon, if you see this please let me know in some kind of way!
I said this before, but I'll say it again:
I feel so honoured every time I get an ask/comment/dm like this. Like... people take the time to write something like this, and the whole purpose of it is letting me know they like my writing... that's so wild!
Firstly, to answer your question:
Yes, there'll definitely be more chapters of "2WATS". I mentioned how many chapters in total I have planned a while ago, but I can't remember the exact number and I'm too lazy to look it up rn, but it's definitely going to be in the double digit area.
I can't tell when the next chapter will be out, though...
It's been a while since I've written anything and I have a hard time getting back to it. You probably know the struggle as a fellow writer.
I started to work on two other project, but everything I write just... sucks? And the motivation to work on it again just isn't there... and I really don't want the same thing to happen when I start to work on chapter 8 of "2WATS".
I know this probably won't get better if I don't write, but trying to write anyting frustrates me a lot atm...
But please don't be shy about asking when the next chapter will be out, I'm not annoyed by it or anything (as long as you're not rude about it), I believe it encourages me even to get back to writing again.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, what made you read my story? (damn, I'm hoping you read this, anon)
I know there are two people who joined the g/t community recently, who also like parental g/t, but I don't think you're one of them since you mentioned you're new to my blog, and not the community in general, and you didn't think you'd like the trope...
So what made you read it?
Like I genuinely wanna know.
I for example have no problem with reading a fanfic for a fandom I'm not even in on AO3, if the tags sound promising.
I recently read a jjk fanfic and I didn't even watch the anime, hell I barely know what it is about! I obviously can't tell, if any of the characters were ooc (the plot definitely probably doesn't have much to do with canon anyway), but I don't give a damn, because it was a foster story! And I'm definitely going to read the next chapter when it comes out! But does that mean I'm going to watch jjk? No!
And yet...
When it comes to tropes that I don't like or ain't interested in, it's unlikely I'm going to read a fanfic for a fandom I'm actually in.
So how about you? :)
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maebyshifting · 10 months
Hihii, i sae ur post on like trauma and ‘policing’ in drs, and I just wanted to add a lil something as someone who was actually traumatised by a dr (sorry for the ask, social anxiety sucks 🧍‍♂️) (also sorry if i sound kinda rude/angry in this, unsurprisingly im a little emotional abt it 😇 no pressure in reading it or anything, just thought id add my lil thingy to this whole. thing i dunno 😚)
For one, I think it’s kinda stupid how people have started to think that suggestions are policing. Like, I get if someone comes up to you and goes ‘uhm, actually, u cant do that in ur dr bc i said so’ then yeah lol that’s definitely policing. But, if someone’s giving you a genuine suggestion in goodwill, then it’s in no way policing? Like, sure, you might not like it, but you don’t have to listen to it??
Secondly, completely agreed with the trauma thing. I feel like people just get mad that they can’t do anything and everything in their drs without consequences, like its some magical wonder world or sumn. I’m sure there’s probably some kind of reality or way to get around it, or something, but imo it’s not worth using yourself as an experiment over. This is literal trauma we’re talking about. Like, serious mental problems that will seriously haunt you quite possibly for the rest of your life. There’s also some level of like romanticism of trauma that could def play into it, but I don’t really know enough about that stuff to add it all in 🧍‍♂️
Last thing, I think it’s pretty stupid how people expect us to just. Not say anything about it. Like, again, coming from someone who got literal harmful trauma in their dr, you just expect us to sit back and watch as other people do the same thing?? Personally, i literally got said trauma because I was a stupid, misinformed kid who didn’t know what trauma really was. People can’t expect us to just be happy with watching people traumatise themselves??? I’m never gonna try and force someone not to make that decision ofc, because it’s their life at the end of the day and if they’re gonna make that decision, it’s on them. But still, it’s something that imo everyone should at least brush over at some point (not to mention that it’s actually a sort of interesting thinking point when it comes to consciousness between drs and all that, imo.)
Anyways, sorry for the little rant <3 I just wanted to say tysm for actually covering this on here, seriously. It means a lot to me and it’s a really good thing to educate people on this and help keep people safe from it. Anyone accusing you of policing is ridiculous and has no idea what they’re talking about.
i’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to post this, this past weekend has been crazy busy.
thank you so much for sharing your story. i really appreciate others perspective on the topic and will continue to talk about it because of how impressionable minors are in this community.
i thought i posted this days ago and i actually didn’t so im sorry i wasn’t ignoring i just actually forgot i saved this and didn’t post it
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gltzpzy · 7 months
I have a thing for a guy from Egypt 😭 i don't know him, he's just someone I follow, but like he's something special man I swear
Um call me delusional, but when I first followed him on ig, he felt familiar to me. Which I don't get from many people, especially if they're from another nation and culture.
It's not easy for someone to catch my eye in person, and even more with attractions towards influencers or celebrities etc that you can only kiss thru the phone you know.. and sure I fangirl fucking hard..
But lemme tell you! Something! Something about this guy that just makes me want to meet him... And it's not even a want, it's a need. It's like something is telling me I gotta meet him 🤧
Do that make me sound crazy damn 😭 hes just so beautiful, and i just wanna- just marry him you know, pfft nothing too extreme or anything
ima be honest you do sound a lil crazy but not in a rude way, it just makes me wanna see what the dude looks like 😭😭 send the @ on here, i won’t post it or anything i’m just genuinely curious if you’re comfortable ofc LOL
but like, i followed this dude who’s sorta popular on a .. certain website .. and he followed me back and we literally talk every other day 😭 i’m sure if the guy ur talking about is nice enough he’ll interact with you if you do the same (if he hasn’t already)
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clara-licht · 2 years
*heavy breathing*
(I feel like this sounds rude and demanding. I do not mean it in such a way and if it sounds like that then I apologise, I'm genuinely curious ;;;)
Hiya nonnie! Don't worry you don't sound rude at all! I understand the feeling of waiting for a fic to update with no news at all ;w;
I was going to tell you all what happened when I post the chapter, but might as well do it now, ig?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Warning; this might get a bit depressing
So right before I was supposed to post Chapter 3 of come here (i'm your paradise), my supervisors told me I was gonna get fired unless I could make this one spectacular presentation in a week. The presentation went shit due to my anxiety and a family member's passing, so I knew I was going to lose my job.
After that presentation, work was hell. My replacement arrived and everyone so blatantly ignored me and my attempts at working, making me super useless, which was huge blow to my mental health. THEN I caught covid, right before I had a Forum Discussion test for a dream job I applied to. That covid was awful, btw.
I went to the test and got through, thankfully, but then I didn't get pass the next Health and Psychiatric test. And then ofc I got fired.
Had some interviews for other jobs too, but didn't get any callbacks until now.
THEN my dad got sick and had to be hospitalized, but he's fine now. Relatively.
My younger brother got into a minor accident, my older brother failed his thesis and I had to help him, then it's my grandma's first death anniversary,,,,,,,,
Soooo....... yeah......
TL:DR; life happens and it sucks ass.
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Welcome Back
A little bit of sexy angst...
Pairing: CM Punk x OFC
Word count: 1,271
Content advisory: sexual content
You hang back deliberately so that you’re the last one he notices. You could leave but that would be so obvious and, you understand, kind of rude. You’re going to have to work together now, see each other every week, act like grown-ups who are capable of moving beyond their history, not that you feel very grown-up at all. And the way your heart is pounding is evidence that you have in no way moved beyond your shared history with CM Punk.
When he finally sees you, it’s immediately obvious that he’s been dreading this reunion as well. You see his shoulders rise and fall in a heavy sigh as his dark eyes lock on yours.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he jokes dryly as he approaches you.
“Hey, if I wasn’t working here already, I would have bought a ticket,” is your lame response. “Welcome back.”
He gives a quick, practiced grin. “It’s kind of weird knowing I’m going to be doing this again.”
He glances around as if it’s still sinking in.
“You’ll be great. It’s what everyone’s been waiting for.”
He shakes his head and gives you a sad look. “What have I always told you about memorizing your promos verbatim? Always sounds stiff and insincere.”
You pout and look at the floor because you do genuinely want to congratulate him for being back but you know perfectly well what you just said came off like the on-hold voice that tells you that your call is very important.
“It’s great that you came back, for the company and the business.” You shudder as you catch the look on his face.
“That’s worse.”
“I’m trying, Phil,” you groan. “I don’t know what to say. You know I’m happy you’re here, you know I’m as excited as everyone else. You know how much I’ve been hoping you’d eventually decide to come back.”
“Good, very good,” he says. “Now keep going.”
You wince. “I don’t want this to be weird.”
“Weird?” He closes the distance between you, smirking. “Now that’s an interesting word choice. What do you mean by that?”
“Stop playing. I don’t want things to be tense. I’m doing well here.”
“Oh so you’re worried I’m going to start pulling rank, start telling Tony and the guys that if they want to keep me happy then they can’t push you.”
He stops about a foot in front of you and straightens his back so that he’s at his full height, looking down at you.
“You think I’m going to tell them that my poor ego is so fragile that I can’t handle working with my ex-girlfriend.”
The way he spits the word “ex-girlfriend”, it’s just venomous. It’s been years and you still hate hearing it. You hate being it.
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” you mumble, unable to meet his steely gaze. “It’s nice for me here. And I’m happy to be working in the same place as you again. I just want to know we can get along.”
There’s a long pause and you’re acutely aware of how close he is, how long it’s been since he’s been this close, since you’ve smelled the faint traces of his cologne and heard the slow cadence of his breath. You’d underestimated the effect he was still going to have on you and you’d guessed it was going to be pretty significant.
“You broke my heart.”
He says it like it just happened and hearing it, you feel like it just has. You’ve had seven years to think about how you wrecked everything, You were the one who cheated, knowing what it was going to do to him. You’d come clean about your little affair in the hopes that he’d be able to forgive you but he hadn’t. You couldn’t really blame him for that, or for anything else. You were the asshole.
“You know how sorry I was. And I still am.”
He steps closer again, so close that his head brushes against yours as he whispers, “Are you really?”
You nod, not trusting yourself to say something that sounds honest, real.
He stays there, next to you, his face touching yours ever so lightly, the wiry scruff on his jaw sending shivers through your skin.
“You don’t want to say?” he coos.
“I do want to say. I just never seem to be able to say the right things.”
“Never had a problem with the things you said.”
“I am sorry for everything I did. I was sorry then. I’ve never stopped being sorry.”
He pulls back a little and eyes you in that knowing way, like he’s been living in your head all this time, like he’s just now emerged from a kind of hibernation there.
“See? You’re good when you’re not giving a speech. I believe you.” He shakes his head a little and a pained expression flickers in his eyes. “I was gonna ask you to marry me. I bought a ring.”
You lift your chin a little, exposing your neck like an animal trying to signal trust. Or submission. You see him breathe heavily as his eyes run from your jaw to the top of your shirt, shaking a little as a vivid memory of the feeling of his teeth on the sensitive skin there washes over you.
He leans in, pressing you against the wall and letting his lips trail along your ear as he whispers again.
“Sorry isn’t the only thing you didn’t stop feeling is it?” He gives you space to answer but you can’t, It’s like you’re suffocating. “You still want things to go back the way they were with us, don’t you?” His tone becomes harsher. “Answer me.”
“I messed up. But I still loved you. I told you what happened because I loved you and I hoped we could work through it. That didn’t happen and I’ve accepted that.”
“You still think I’m going to change my mind, though, don’t you?” He pulls back with a triumphant glint in his eye. His body is still pressed against yours, the heat of it burning through you like you’re being swallowed by lava. You catch yourself as you lean forward a little, your eyes focused on his lips, possessed to capture them with your own. He raises a hand between you and brushes a few strands of hair back from your face. As he does, he presses one of his lean thighs between yours, smirking a little when you reflexively push back against him. He presses his lips against your ear again, so that his soft voice pushes out everything else in your mind.
“I’m not sure I won’t.” You feel him smile as he nuzzles against you. “It’s not like I’ve forgotten anything. Before I came here tonight I was thinking about what it was going to be like to see those gorgeous, lying lips of yours and I remembered how great they felt around my cock.”
You give a weak, involuntary whine as he nips at the corner of your jaw, his hot breath cooling and condensing there. He strokes at the base of your throat with one finger.
“Do you still like to be choked? Does that still get you off the way it used to?”
“Haven’t found anyone I trust enough to let them do it,” you murmur.
He steps back and gives you a crooked smile, eyes glowing like embers.
“Yeah, trust,” he hisses. “That’s the bitch.”
He takes a few steps further back and arches an eyebrow at you.
“Guess we’ll be seeing each other around,” he says softly before he walks away.
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
Oddly specific bnha headcanons
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Characters: Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Dabi
A/N: I'm finally back from my mini hiatus and I finally finished a part of my never ending cursed head canons and I also hit a new milestone so I feel like you all deserve this attempt of mine at comedy for the love I've been getting...I'm also sorry, this is a wild ride, and as you're reading you might wonder why did I make these? And the answer is, simply, because I can 😭, no lol though true... I'm soft so if these made you laugh and you leave an LMAO comment I'll think about it forever uwu. I've talked about most of these with my dear friend @aichiin, who is an amazing artist whom should support in all platforms uwu bye
Warnings: some of this content is NSFW, 18+, so if you're under 18 DO NOT INTERACT
Disclaimer: everyone is at least of 18 years of age
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• I can't explain why, and we've seen Endeavor texting shoto in canon but... I feel like probably his texts look like this: …..shoto why aren't you Answering your phone… 
….tell fuyumi to make you soba… . 
… ……are you still friends with that rude boy from school.. 
…I don't want any take out dont get any for me tell natsuo that I'm sorry and try to ask him if he's changed his mind about forgiving me.… 
• All might opens a Facebook account a month before the beloved class graduates as his way to keep on touch with everyone after they're off to fight crime and lives his life as the ultimate Facebook mom and thinks he's texting people but apparently posting on your Facebook wall isn't texting. He has probably made a thousand posts asking midoriya how it works until people just, they just, accept it, I guess, there's nothing else they can do. He uses the Facebook mom tulip emoji and writes in all cap. Give him credit for being so sweet tho. 
And probably it goes like this: "💞🥰🌷🤣WHAT AN AMAZING SUNDAY. GOOD MORNING YOUNG MIDORIYA HOW HAVE YOU BEEN" Ofc he will not hesitate to use all these emojis unironically, in fact, he doesn't know that is the ironic use of an emoji, leave him alone
Denki: mister al mght do we have english tomorrow ? 
Momo: @denki, no but we have literature, hello mister all might sir, have a nice day too
• I'm sorry for this but.... Midoriya, Denki and Kirishima probably lick their finger after they absolutely drill it in their noses but here's the deal
Midoriya inspects what he fished out like thoroughly, Denki dissociates while staring at it, and Kirishima does so straight out of his nose
• Someone told Shoto that Saiki K is based on true events and he genuinely believes it and tries to find Saiki K, claiming that he is the answer to all of his problems. Is very subtle about it tho.
• I think that in part one of these atrocious head canons we established that Keigo would willingly put effort to find the clit, right? Listen he probably asks what's the concept of the clit, like why is it outside and not inside- wait you have another spot inside, yeah? He's is so confused and for what? Won't stop for it mid sex but he searches reproduction organ anatomy later on on google because he brought some questions in his brain that need answers. On the clit. You heard me right.
• Dabi looks like he once had a break up that was so rough that he opened a Twitter just to drag the other person down. For once, I won't go into detail and will let your imaginations run wild. 
• I have to do a a cursed one for Bakugo right? Well yeah uhm, he probably was caught flexing his muscles in the mirror during vacation, totally naked too, by one of his friends in his group and screamed in a high pitched voice and picked up that little hotel room fridge to cover himself up and chased them around the hotel room until he just crushed the poor item. To the floor? Because he tried to use it as a cover up and it just slipped... It's even worse if the friend was a potential s/o. He'll scream like one of the screaming/simping TikTok sounds.
• Bakugo also really hates chairs. Idk why I have this headcanon, but I know it in my heart that this man, as an adult, only has those round weird- ish IKEA stools around the kitchen table that's all. No more chairs. Nothing.
• this is too self indulgent but Kirishima and Deku look like the people who, while washing forks, spoons etc they create whole stories about them and treat them like characters, and others would just look at them so confused as to why it takes 16 minutes to wash off a spoon and why are they also crying but you wouldn't understand. This spoon is Cinderella. Back off and let. them. finish. their. stories.
• I feel like Jirou has phases where she only wants to wear black but then she sees a nice pair of jeans and buys it, and then buys some more and then she gets mad about having blue jeans and she dyes them, but then she grows out of that phase for a few months and she tries to find ways to make the fabric paint fade away
• I also think that she, after spending a little time with Momo, spends money on a lot of clothes, and it's not like Momo buys too many clothes, but Jirou always wants to upgrade her wardrobe and ends up feeling lost on what she wants to wear
• Denki and Kirishima turn into the same person a little more every single time they hang out together. You'll listen to Denki say 'manly' all the time and Kirishima starts trying to find leather jackets that look cool on him, and just adopts Dennis speaking habits.
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138 notes · View notes
I love the energy and all and I don’t want to offend but as a Muslim girl i can tell you that it is literally haram to identify as anything other than your god given gender. Like I’m not trying to be rude and I’m glad that there a respectful supportive people out there but if you’re looking at the Quran and other islamic book you’ll find stories about how its considered haram. Accepting the islam religion means accepting everything and dedicating yourself to it you can’t just pick and choose.
omg my first anon hate hahaha
i know im not obligated to answer hate but im going to anyway bcuz of i have things to say (sparkle emoji) (im on pc and dont have the energy to find an emoji keyboard)
okay first of all nowhere did i say that I identify as Muslim. i get that it was ambiguous tho so its cool. to clarify,, I am personally not Muslim but I kind of have to act like one so I don't get kicked to the streets or some shit lol and maybe I'm a bit of a coward idkkk but anyways
I would be interested to know what other Islamic books ur talking about btw, but I'm pretty sure the quran doesn't mention being trans anywhere at all. in fact I'm pretty certain, I've read it multiple times with translation and commentary interpretations and anyway being trans wasn't really a 'known' thing back then? bcuz obviously patriarchy and gender roles n segregation blah blah was wayyyy more yk. shit I forgot the word. uhhh yk like prevalent?? ofc the quran does mention a shitton about gender roles,, so yk men r the breadwinners, women raise the kids and keep house and be good wives etc. and also remember the big important fact:: GENDER AND SEX R DIFFERENT THINGS!!! meaning technically u cant be 'born' a gender (omfg my keyboard hates me imagine a question mark here) ur born with certain genitals and society assigns u a gender based on that . sounds a bit fucked when u put it like that actually but anyway back when the quran was being revealed this wasn't a known thing cuz yk they didn't have studies on this stuff,, and yea ur probably gonna say 'but the quran came from allah and he knows everything' well the fact of the matter is he either forgot or smth idk I don't speak for God but trans people definitely exist that's a fact we know so yeah. oh I should come back to my point which was, even with the quran saying those things about what ur supposed to do based on whats in ur pants which is crazy outdated anyway it doesn't take gender ≠ sex into consideration either soo ye that's the most it could've said about being trans and that not very valid anymore rip and that's not even mentioning non-binary people
and anyway Islam is literally all about acceptance and respect and everything so idk it would probably be better if u didn't go around telling ppl they're 'literally haram' for being trans or gay or any typa queer bcuz its literally not our choice (insert question marks) believe me I would fucking love to be comfortable in my 'female' body but I cant no matter how much I try to force myself so I'm sorry dude. no one would choose to be stuck in a situation like this. personally, I believe Islam needs a super massive reformation. well not Islam exactly, but a lot of things said in the quran r outdated wildly now, while a lot of it will also always be relevant, eg. everyone being equal and yk give to the poor etc. i have absolutely nothing against Muslims (I have it against my family for being so forceful about religion - different thing) yall r super cool and ik being a Muslim girl isn't easy believe me, but genuinely seeing Muslim people around and yk, just existing in wider society outside of Islamic spaces makes me feel so proud of where I came from even if its not been the best experience. have u seen the show We are Lady Parts (question mark) its about an all female Muslim punk band and there's only six episodes I literally watched it all today but the message of it is what I'm trying to get to you. u don't have to be the perfect pious wife to be considered a 'good Muslim',, there are so many ways u can show faith. you don't have to be a big strong man who can handle all pain with ease while single-handedly providing for a family either.
anyways peace out that sure was a journey lol and I definitely have forgot some of the things I wanted to say but yea that's all don't forget to like and subscribe <3
(colours r to make it easier to read for people with shorter attention spans,, they don't have any other significance)
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu boys with a professional volleyball player! s/o 🏆
characters: kuroo, bokuto, kita, oikawa & sakusa 
tw// swearing
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thank you anon for this awesome request!
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Tetsurō Kuroo
he’d tell all his teammates about you and none of them would care
well, lev would care - he’d be so excited and asking for kuroo to get him your autograph but yaku would just be like ‘you don’t actually believe him, do you? 🙄’
so yeah, yaku would convince lev and yamamoto that you were just a figment of kuroo’s imagination
and he did the job well bc kuroo was definitely annoyed
he’d be waving his phone around, desperately trying to show lev and yamamoto the selfies he took with you but they’d just be like 😑
then he finally convinced you to come visit him at practise to put an end to his humiliation
so you appeared one day and kuroo was so hyped
but not as hyped as yamamoto
he has hot-ppl senses which tingled when you entered the room so he was the first to greet you while kuroo was sitting setting up the nets
he was literally all over you
‘woah 😍 your thigh are so toned’
‘uh thank you ???’
and kuroo was not here for it
yamamoto fkn shits himself and runs ✌🏃‍♂️💨
then kuroo picks you up bridal style and parades you around the gym, rubbing it in everyone’s face - especially yaku and lev
‘guys, do you see this? my totally REAL s/o! who’s been to NATIONALS!! uhuh. all mine, y’all.’
yaku is so ticked off and definitely goes to snitch him out to Nekomata
and lev is just so awed, ‘(y/n) is real???’
for a moment he thought he was dreaming too until kenma purposefully hit him with a ball
‘put me down, tetsurō.’ you groaned, folding your arms over your chest
he obeyed, gently setting you down on your feet before pecking your lips, ‘ok, well, i should probably get back to practise now - train hard so hopefully one day i can be as good as you.’ he joked, teasingly emphasising the ‘you’.
you playfully punched his arm before turning on your heels to head out, ‘you wish!’
although he’ll always joke about how amazing you are in comparison to him but he genuinely admires you 🤩
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Kōtarō Bokuto
he hypes you up to his team constantly
they’ve literally never even met you and they are being asked all these questions from bokuto lol
‘hey onaga, did you see (y/n) at their nationals game the other day?’
onage flinched upon being jump-scared by his captain, then choked out a little white lie, ‘uh yeahhh.’
bokuto’s face lit up, ‘great! they were so amazing during the third set, weren’t they? what was your favourite part?’
onaga froze, ‘uhh- oh, i think i hear anahori calling me to help him practise his sets! gotta go.’ then he proceeded to bolt off
bokuto shrugged it  off at first as he shouldn’t complain bc a teammate dropped a conversation to continue training with anahori - i mean, onaga came to volleyball club to practise so he wasn’t obligated to make conversation with bokuto
but while he was saying his goodbyes to everyone as they left the gym to go home, it hit him-
‘bye, komi! buh-bye, washio! and goooodbyeeee, konoha.’ bokuto let out a relived sigh as he had now finished saying his partings which meant he could lock the gym then go home, ‘wait-- ANAHORI DIDN’T EVEN COME TO PRACTISE TODAY! ONAGA!’
bokuto was deeply disheartened that his own teammate would lie to him - to get out of a conversation about you, no less
he just wanted them all to love you as much as he does
like..he’s your biggest fan!!!
~ even post-timeskip ~
he’d show up to all of your games wearing your jersey and some of the eagle-eyed press would try talk to him
they’d interview him about his own affair or about the MSBY Black Jackals but he genuinely has no interest in talking about that bc today is your day and he is here to support you
‘are you and your team hopeful to attend Olympics despite player Miya’s rumoured injury? and disclose whether these rumours are factual?’
sakusa decked atsumu after he joked about having covid-
the interview shoved and waved a microphone in bokuto’s face while he just stared at them blankly like ◉_◉
after a while bokuto stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth and chuckled, ‘don’t know! but the game is about to begin, shhh!-’ he hushed the interviewer, instinctively swatting the microphone away as he stood up in the stands to cheer for you, ‘WOOOO! GO, (Y/N)!’  
then he turned to the interviewer who stood frozen with a dumbfounded look on his face, ‘THAT’S MY LOVERRRR!’ he screamed into the microphone so loudly that all the press naturally backed off
and please do the same for him when the press approach you at his games 🙏
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Shinsuke Kita
ofc he dates a volleyball player player-
he is such an ushijima
he is ushijima if he wasn’t left-handed
he doesn’t really brag about you too often at practise but he feels so proud when you win a game then he comes to practise the next day and his teammates tell him to pass on a congratulations
also he always comes to your games
no matter how minor or how large
you’d think you could both bond a lot over volleyball and you did that in the beginning
but over time - especially when you started playing volleyball professionally - you found other things to bond over and saved volleyball for work
he probably runs a (y/n) stan page AEIVBARTBV
like he is literally a rice farmer- you are under the impression that he doesn’t even know what facebook is
and he’s good at selling the act too
‘did you see the picture of us i posted on my instagram?--’ you asked, taking another spoonful of your cereal
‘insta what?’ kita inquired without hesitation
then as soon as you exit the room, he’ll log onto his (y/n) twitter stan account
ok ok sorry i’ll stop now
anyway he ALWAYS tries to ensure that the first thing you eat after a big game is something that he cooks
and if you go out with your team to eat after a game to celebrate a victory, he’ll try at act sweet but he’s lowkey shady tbh
‘congratulations on your victory, (y/n). and to many more’ he lifted his glass and so did you
but just as you were about to take a sip, kita interjected, ‘but that is going to be difficult if you keep filling your body with junk rather than healthy, organi--’
‘ok.’ he took a sip of his drink in your honour
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Tōru Oikawa
again, when you and oikawa first started dating, volleyball was one of the only things y’all talked about
but now that you were both doing it professionally, it was basically banned in your home
well, the the game itself wasn’t banned but i mean, why would you do something all day then come back to talk about it more?
you both might adore volleyball but everything has it’s limits lol
anyway, oikawa is another one that is extra af when they come to your games
he probably makes a sign and paints his face in your team colours
and when you come out onto the court, he’ll blow you a kiss and if you don’t blow one back he’ll be so offended lmao
bc he always makes a big deal out blowing you a kiss or winking at you as soon as he steps out onto the court
it’s basically a thing he does for good luck at this point
also, if there are ever ppl trying to take pictures of y’all in public- oikawa is the first to make a big show for them
like he’s all up on you 
he’ll dip you then push his lips against you for a passionate kiss, in front of the ppl and they always go fkn crazy
he thinks he is like..Beyoncé famous...which he is not
please humble him 
but nicely 
but y’all only get attention around summertime when you are frequently playing big games 
like if oikawa leaves the house a week you competed in a big game- he’ll literally get swamped with ppl asking about you 
but contrarily, if you both leave the house in winter literally no one would even spare you a glance
on a RARE occasion, someone might sneakily snap a photo but that’s it
so you get the best of both worlds :))
also, if you’re an ace and he’s ever feeling down, if you ask him to set for you for a bit and you compliment one/all of his sets, he’ll literally feel so much better 
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Kiyoomi Sakusa 
sometimes you both come back from a rough day at work, slump on the couch and watch TV together
after showering, changing, dinner etc
he’s not nna come anywhere near you if he thinks there is a chance he might be stinky from practise 
he turned on the TV and it just so happened to be on an Live volleyball game in some language that neither of you understood
he’d snake his arms around your shoulders and pull you close to his chest, satisfied by your synced breathing 
he’d press a single kiss against your jaw before shifting his attention onto the channel
you’d lay there in his arms, both of you seeming content in each other’s presence while watching the game
in reality though, neither of you were actually absorbing anything that was happening on the court - you were just staring blankly at the TV
the TV simply served as background noise to your cuddling
tbh he was way more interested in hearing the sound of your heart beat peacefully against his chest 
after a while, if he gets bored, he might finally break the silence by inquiring about your day
but if he doesn’t, you’d probably end up falling asleep in his arms, forcing him to sleep on the couch bc he’s doesn’t want to risk moving and waking you up 🥺
anyway, he’s another one that likes to save volleyball for work then leave it by the door as soon as you step inside the house 
but he’s not as uptight about it as oikawa or kita
like he’ll happily put on a volleyball match for you guys to watch if he thinks the player’s techniques are impressive
also, if the weather is nice, if you ask him to come out and practise with you for a bit and he’ll say yes 🤠
but actually 🤔 now that is think about it, if you guys had a pool in your back garden sakusa would definitely make the most of it
you’ll humbly ask him spike for you on a nice sunny day and he’ll be like
‘volleyball? really? we bought this expensive ass house with a pool which we can only use 4 out the 365.25 days of the year and you want to play volleyball? don’t you do that like..every work day.’
what can i say? man likes getting his moneys worth 🤷‍♂️
‘so is that a no to volleyball?’ you’d ask
*cue sakusa picking you up bridal style and dropping you into the pool*
then you play pool volleyball 👍
as for your games, he turns up in casual wear 😔
disappointed but not surprised
you’ll jokingly be like ‘hey! why aren’t you wearing my team colours? how are people gonna know who you’re cheering for?’ which is fair bc you turn up to all his games with his MSBY black jackals jersey with one of those foam pointy fingers with his number on it
MANS WOULD POINT TO HIS FKN WEDDING RING LIKE ‘our team colours right here.’
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pyaasa · 3 years
lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers is racist; she thinks she understands racism better than poc, stands by racists, and attacks poc for trying to speak to her about racism
Tw: racism, rape mention, incest mention. also possible transphobia 
For the full story, you first need a bit of background: if you’ve been following me for a while then you will be aware I have called out @ayeforscotland’s racism several times. I would recommend reading this post for a full explanation.
In addition to the incidences mentioned in the post I have just linked, ayeforscotland has also had interactions with neo @androidgynes who is Romani and another person who is black (but didn’t want to be named) and they’ve both also called him out for his racism.
Anyway so. @androidgynes​ saw that lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers was reblogging from ayeforscotland, and that the op of the post was @/getpoliticaluk (who defends incest). Androidgynes messaged lesbiansandgayssupporttheminers (who I will from now refer to as lagstm) and informed her that ayeforscotland is racist and getpoliticaluk defends incest - the conversation that followed went like this. (the below screenshots are posted with permission from @androidgynes​)
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The post that neo (@androidgynes) linked of mine was this. And I mean... clearly that particular post by ayeforscotland was very racist, he literally just sat there laughing about anti-black racism as if it was a joke. When @mangopickled​ tried to speak to him about how offensive this post was, he removed her comments from the notes of the post (like. to be clear: ayeforscotland, a WHITE MAN, made a post about racism, and then removed a WOMAN OF COLOUR’S commentary from that post when she told him that his comments were inappropriate). When I saw that, I called that out, and he blocked me. There’s many levels to his racism here that I don’t have the energy to explain, and if you don’t understand why it’s so problematic then you should probably stop reading here cos you clearly know nothing and probably care even less about anti-racism.
So on that particular post that neo linked to lagstm, there is ayeforscotland being racist, and 2 woc calling out his racism. And yet on having this post shown to her, this is how she chose to respond
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lagstm literally says that she thinks my views on racism lack nuance. I am a woman of colour, I am visibly muslim, and I’ve experienced racism pretty much all my life. And here is a white woman saying that she thinks my views on racism “lack nuance”. I,, I genuinely don’t have words to convey how angry this makes me. Literally who does she even think she is. Not even is it racist to dismiss my literal LIVED experience of being a woman of colour in this country, but she is literally saying “look at these stupid brown folk, they don’t know what they’re talking about cos they’re so stupid :)”
neo points out firstly that as a white person lagstm doesn’t have the right to make that call, and also that there is ofc another woc on that post saying that exact same thing, and androidgynes themselves are roma. lagstm is not just dismissing me as a stupid savage who is too stupid to form complex thoughts, but she is also indirectly saying the same thing about 2 other poc, and saying that her judgement, as a white person, is more sound than all of ours.
It’s also worth mentioning that neo, who is Romani, was polite to lagstm during this exchange, and lagstm was rude and dismissive. I find this deeply hypocritical. Lagstm has been talking a lot about the policing bill and how it will affect GRT communities, but when she’s talking to someone who is actually *from* the Roma community, she is dismissive and condescending. All this shows is that she’s fake AF. She pretends to care about the Roma community on her blog and then speaks down to them in private.
And again this is worth repeating: AYEFORSCOTLAND WAS BEING RACIST ON THAT POST. IT WAS RACIST. WHAT HE SAID WAS RACIST. So lagstm isn’t just ignoring 3 poc, she is also ignoring,,,, you know,,, the actual racism,,,
And she also says ayeforscotland is borderline racist? Like she acknowledges ayeforscotland is borderline racist but she’s still happy to follow him? Like that alone would be enough for me actually
neo then blocked lagstm and messaged me and told me what happened, and showed me the above screenshots - btw prior to this neo and I had never interacted. Anyway I was obviously a bit disgusted but instead of going straight to blocking lagstm or making a callout post straight away, I messaged her to explain herself and take back what she said. That is now two poc who tried to resolve the matter privately - clearly a lot more than lagstm ever deserved. Androidgynes messaged me last Friday, and I messaged lagstm the next day on Saturday
My convo with lagstm went as follows:
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So you can see that initially she was apologetic and said she “didn’t mean to imply that that my judgement on racism was flawed” (even tho that’s literally what she said) and defended herself by saying “I react poorly in interactions like this” - genuinely not a defence but whatever. She then proceeded to say that what she doesn’t trust my opinion on is Scotland and Ireland - which completely irrelevant. Firstly I am ambivalent to Scottish nationalism and have always said I don’t know much about it, and I support the reunification of Ireland. And secondly, my issue with aye has got literally nothing to do with Scotland or Scottish nationalism; he is racist all on his own. And the post neo linked was barely even about scottish nationalism, it was just him being anti-black. So lagstm saying “I don’t trust your judgement on Scotland and Ireland” is ridiculous considering that Scottish/Irish nationalism have nothing to do with this.
Like akjfbkjdfbs this is actually so ridiculous. It doens’t make any sense. Lagstm clearly says “I don’t trust pakisstani’s judgement on THIS issue [the issue being racism] and her views on THIS issue [the issue being racism] lack nuance” but now turns around and says “I wasn’t talking about racism, I was talking about Scotland/Ireland” like she must really think I’m dumb
And you can see Lagstm bringing up unrelated hypothetical scenarios, and saying “in this situation, you can’t tell me to defer to poc” which i found ??? Like why are you bringing up scenarios in which you think you are allowed to educate us poor and stupid black and brown folk?? I then told her she was straw-manning and that her points about Ireland/Scotland were ridiculous, but then she claimed it was me that was engaging her in bad faith. Like SHE, the white woman who practically said that I am too stupid to understand racism, and when confronted on it started straw-manning and bringing up unrelated scenarios, said I am not engaging her in good faith. AFTER both neo and I tried to speak to her privately about this. Like I tried to speak to her privately AFTER I FOUND OUT SHE HAD SAID RACIST THINGS ABOUT ME. BUT I’M NOT ENGAGING HER IN GOOD FAITH? LMAOOO
And then the accusation about rape threats which is actually the most disgusting part of this entire thing. I shouldn’t have to explain that accusing 2 poc of conspiring to send her rape threats (without any evidence whatsoever. Frankly I think she’s lying about the rape threats 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s quite a transparent attempt to distract from her own nasty behaviour and deflect onto us) is actually extremely racist. She is invoking her white fragility and painting me and androidgynes as aggressors who are threatening her safety and inflicting/threatening to inflict sexual violence on her. It is beyond disgusting 🤮
What’s more, neo is trans, so when lagstm is baselessly accusing them of issues related to rape, she is also playing up to transphobic tropes.
One more thing worth mentioning is that there are several lies peppered throughout lagstm’s comments. Firstly when she claimed to have briefly unfollowed me - she didn’t actually. I was checking regularly, and she never unfollowed me. This was a small lie that I picked up on striaght away but because it wasn’t relevant I didn’t say anything about it. But I just think it’s interesting that she would lie for no reason. And another lie - feigning ignorance about ayeforscotland’s racism, and actually even asking for receipts is incredibly disingenuous when on this particular post, if you scroll through the notes, you can see she has literally liked it. Like she had already seen the posts where me and mangopickled called out his racism and literally LIKED it, and when neo says to lagstm that aye is racist, lagstm says “receipts please :)” YOU’VE ALREADY SEEN THEM! AND LIKED THEM! screenshot in case she unlikes it (sorry for including dumb comments by dumb scots but i need to prove it’s the same post so):
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LASTLY. Last point I swear. When lagstm said “it was also coloured by the statements they’d made about another tumblr user, which didn’t relate to racism, which I didn’t address with them because I didn’t want to upset them” <- she must mean getpoliticaluk defending incest? So like what is lagstm saying here, she didn’t want to bring up that she also herself defends incest?? Like is she tryna say she’s a pro-shipping freak?????????????????????? What other way is there to read that statment
Okay that’s everything.
I’m not interested in discourse on this post - if you are white and think lagstm isn’t racist or you’re inclined to defend her then save your breath, I don’t need white people telling me what is or isn’t racist. I gave her the chance to defend herself, which is way more than she deserves, and this is how she responds. Her actions and indefensible and she can choke ☺️❤️  I will be unfollowing/blocking anyone I see reblogging from her because I deserve better than to follow people who are ok with racists ❤️ 
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