#(not really couple talk but it's pride-themed lol)
real question: who does ik take to the pride parade
okay so i'm going to exclude asmo from the possiblities, because he is inevitably going to be at pride anyway, so:
solomon so that he can experience that human connection and community
diavolo because he deserves to meet a group of bears who will give him stern but sage advice for ruling a kingdom
lucifer because i think getting drunk at pride would fix at least one of his myriad of issues
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 5 months
Joe puts his foot in his mouth when he says that sex distracts him from being his best on the field, and you make him pay for it in ways that he didn't expect.
Warnings: language, smut, a little harmless arguing, angst
A/N: This didn't turn out very Valentine's themed lol but enjoy!
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You felt Joe's large hand on your waist, his fingers digging into your skin as he nestled his face in the crook of your neck. You looked at him through the vanity mirror as he placed gentle kisses along your neck and shoulder. You felt his hard chest muscles against your back as he pressed his body into yours, gently swaying back and forth.
"Good Morning, baby. Happy Birthday." He placed a small velvet box down on the corner of the sink. You brushed your nails over the top, feeling the soft fabric beneath your fingertips. Your stomach flipped as you thought of saying something, getting all of your frustrations out with your boyfriend, but words always seemed to fall short with Joe. He was a man of action, and the only thing he understood were moves made with intention. You tapped the box one more time before going back to putting your makeup on in the mirror.
"You remembered." It wasn't a question, simply a statement of notice.
"Of course I remembered. How could I forget your birthday?" He watched your face through the mirror, his brow knitted together as you tipped your head to the side. "Birthdays seem like a distraction."
Joe let out a small grunt as you shoved him off of you and walked out of the bathroom. "I thought you were over this." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he followed you into the closet. "Over what?"
"Don't make me say it. I really didn't want to bring this up on your birthday." You let your silk robe slip off of your shoulders and onto the floor, exposing your bare ass to Joe. He bit his bottom lip hard at the sight, resisting every instinct he had to reach out and grab you. "Joe, I have no idea what you're talking about." You put all of your focus on getting dressed for the day. He watched as you slipped on one of his favorite pair of your panties, a white lace pair that had a small bow at the back of the waistband.
"Baby...", he flexed his jaw as he contemplated his next move. He could swallow his pride and beg for forgiveness, but he had respect for himself, and he knew that would only turn you off. "I just think you misunderstood what I meant."
You turned on you heels quickly to face him, snapping the strap of your matching white lace bra on your shoulder. "See that's where you're wrong, Joey." You knew that nickname annoyed him when anyone but his mom called him that. "I understood you completely. You need to be in the zone so you can perform on the field, and sex, sex with me specifically, if I remember your wording, is a distraction."
You always respected Joe and how seriously he took his career but it seemed like ever since you moved in together, you were getting to see another side of him, one that you didn't particularly like. At first you chalked it up to him being superstitious, if a bit persnickety about his lifestyle. He had routines that he had to stick to, specific ways he liked to spend his days before and after a game, and sometimes you felt like you were just getting in the way.
The only place you knew he could relax was in the bedroom. Sex with Joe was fantastic, always had been. He was attentive and passionate, a side that no one else got to see but you. It made you feel incredibly close to him, and for the longest, you could convince yourself that the face he put on for the world was just to protect himself, and you knew the real him.
When he rejected your advances one night a couple days ago, you immediately began to doubt yourself. He gave you the excuse that he was tired, and you definitely wanted to respect that, but this was the first time you'd seen him all week, and usually he would be all over you the minute he got home. You pressed for an explanation out of desperation, a couple of quips quickly turned into a full blown argument, and finally you pulled the truth out of him.
"I need to focus on my game and I can't do that if you're constantly throwing yourself at me!" It was as if you could actually see the weight lift off his chest as he stood in front of you, teeming with anger. "I'm sorry", he let out an exasperated sigh as he raked his finger though his blonde locks, trying to call his breathing. "but you're distracting me. You're a distraction. I'm sorry to say it, but you are."
You couldn't hide the hurt on your face if you wanted to, tears stinging your eyes. You didn't want to be a distraction, you wanted to be the one place that Joe could always come back to, no matter what was going on. It hurt a lot more than you ever thought it could hearing him say that. "Okay, I'm sorry." You dropped your gaze to your feet, giving him small nods. "I'm sorry for pushing you."
"Baby I-". Joe felt immediate guilt as you looked at him through your tears. You held up a hand to stop him. "I'm gonna sleep in the guest room." You felt incredibly small as you walked away from him, wiping a stray tear that rolled down your cheek.
When he approached you the next day with apologies and a promise that he didn't mean a word he said, and he was just in over his head with his career right now, you were quick to forgive him. Only distractions were slow to forgive apologies, dragging on what could be resolved so quickly, and you were anything but a distraction. You put on your best smile, and allowed things to fall into place and go back the way they were, just how Joe liked it.
Joe traveled to Tennessee that week under the pretense that everything was fine between the two of you, and for the most part they were. You weren't vindictive in the slightest, but you did know how to keep your promises, and if sex was a distraction to Joe when he was trying to focus on football, you were not going to stand in his way.
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You went to the bed the night before your birthday fully intending to continue on as if nothing was bothering you, but when you woke up that morning, you just couldn't. You couldn't hide how hurt you were by Joe's confession. Standing in front of him as you got dressed just confirmed it for you. Joe didn't think he did anything wrong, and for that reason alone, you weren't going to get an apology.
You closed the clasp on the necklace Joe gave you for Christmas around your neck. "I'm going to brunch with my parents." You tucked your purse underneath your arms and slipped on a few of your favorite delicate rings.
"I can get dressed in five minutes, if you wanna wait for me downstairs." You stopped him from leaving, patting his chest a couple of times with a small smile. "Don't worry, I told them you were busy. They aren't expecting you to show up."
Joe expected you back a couple hours later, so he waited for you at home, keeping himself busy with getting your birthday dinner together. He pulled out all the stops even before this fight happened, planning for a private chef to cook you your favorite meal, working with a sommelier to ship in your favorite wine from Italy that you discovered on a trip their together. He even put on a suit, even though he hated dressing up to his core, and waited for you.
Two hours turned into four, four into six, and soon you'd been gone all day, the sun setting on the dinner that was now getting cold.
Joe left you what must have been thirty calls and just as many texts, all left unreturned and unanswered. He called your parents, but they hadn't seen you since you left brunch.
He was about to send out a search party when you finally came home, shopping bags filling both of your hands.
"Where have you been?", Joe asked as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his trousers. "Out", you replied plainly. "Time just got away from me, I guess."
You stopped in front of the dining room, taking in the incredibly sweet gesture that was now a pitiful display, the candles more than halfway burnt through, wax dripping on to the tablecloth. "This is very sweet of you." Your tone suggested otherwise, deadpan and not the least bit sincere. "A distraction, but still, very sweet. I'm gonna take a shower." You dropped the bags by the dining table, not even looking in Joe's direction.
Joe wasn't stupid, he just took things at face value, so when you said you forgave him, he truly thought you forgave him, but he should have known better. He could still vividly remember the hurt on your face during your fight, and the guilt still hadn't left him, but he was hoping the time would heal this, and things would go back to the way they were, as if the argument never happened. He needed to fix this.
He heard the water running when he entered the bedroom, shedding his suit jacket and stripping down to his boxers before he entered the bathroom.
Steam billowed out of the top of the shower stall, and he could make out your figure behind the fogged up glass as he stepped in behind you. You closed your eyes, allowing the hot water to run over your face and body. You didn't have the energy to fight right now, so you stayed quiet as you felt his hands grab at your waist, pulling you in close. His touch felt like heaven. It wasn't as if you wanted to stay away from him, and the distance was killing you.
You fell into his hold as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder blade, his lips lingering against your skin. You tipped your head to the side, exposing your neck to him. "I'm sorry", he mumbled against your neck. You nodded, keeping your eyes closed. "I know. I already forgave you." His hands spread wide as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in tight to his chest.
"I owe you more than one apology." He turned you to face him, the water pounding against your back as you looked up at him. "I'm sorry for even making you think for a second you were anything but the best thing that's ever happened to me. I was a fucking idiot for saying you were a distraction." You pushed the wet hair that fell in his face back.
"I get that you're under a lot of stress, but you can come to me with anything. We're on the same team." You watched the floor as a droplet of water fell from the tip of your nose. "I know, I'm sorry." You looked back up at Joe with a smile. "Stop apologizing. I forgive you. For real this time." He barely got out a chuckle before you crashed your lips with his, your hands finding the back of his head as Joe deepened the kiss, pressing you against the shower wall. You could barely breathe, but you couldn't care less in the moment.
You broke apart, letting out a short gasp as you felt his hands travel towards your mound, his thumb easily finding your clit, and drawing slow circles around it. You were so desperate, so hungry, you could feel your orgasm building only seconds after.
Joe let out a sharp breath through his nostrils as you began to stroke the head of his cock. He instinctively pressed his pelvis against your lower stomach when you didn't let up, keeping an even pace. Your hand traveled up and down his entire length, and he could already feel himself self start to come undone.
"Stop", he huffed out, "stop, please." You did as he asked, watching his eyes darken with lust as he kissed you again, pulling at your bottom lip with his teeth. "You want this as much as I do right now?"
"Yes", you moaned out, and Joe made quick movement out of wrapping your left leg around his waist, holding you steady with one hand, while he moved to line his cock up at your entrance with his other hand, teasing you as he drug the tip of his dick up and down through your folds before slowly pushing himself inside.
You shivered as you felt the water temperature change for a split second, whimpering as he pushed himself all the way to the hilt. "You okay?", he asked without ever looking up. You could only nod as you placed your hands on his shoulders, letting out another moan as he slowly began to rock his hips back and forth into you.
Your entire body was on fire as he quickened his pace, the angle brushing against your g-spot with each stroke. "Right there, don't stop." You knocked your head back in pleasure, closing your eyes, feeling Joe's hand dig into your hip as he felt the warmth pool in his stomach, already close to his orgasm. He could feel his knees grow week, but his pace never faltered, thrusting into you with all of his strength.
"Fuck-fu- don't stop", your mouth hung open as you pulled him closer, Joe burying his face into your neck as you cradled his head, your fingernails scratching at his scalp. You could feel his chest vibrate against your body as he took in ragged breaths, unable to control his thrusts, his hips staggering.
One final slam of his hips and you felt the coil in your core snap, every muscle tensing in your body before you released, your orgasm radiating throughout your entire body. "Fuck, I'm cumming", Joe slammed a hand against the wall by your head as you pulled him deeper and deeper with each pulse of your pussy. He stuttered, his legs shaking as he came inside of you.
He let your leg slowly drop towards the ground, his hands moving to frame your face. "You're so beautiful, truly the best thing to ever happen to me."
"I know", you replied with a cocky grin, making Joe chuckle.
You were drying your hair with a towel at the vanity, when he walked up behind you, hiding his face in your neck, just as he did that morning. This time, you felt nothing but bliss, a smile forming on your face. "Let's try this again", Joe chuckled, placing the small velvet box on the corner of the sink, exactly where he'd put it before. "Happy Birthday, baby."
You looked at the box before looking up at him again. He felt his heart skip a beat at the face you gave him, a mixture of anger and sadness. He backed away, concerned. "What's wrong?"
You quickly broke your façade, giving him a genuine smile. "Nothing, I was just messing with you." You reached for the box, but Joe was quicker, snatching it away from you. "Now you're not getting anything. I'm gonna save this for your next birthday." He ran into the bedroom and you ran after him.
"Joe, I'm sorry! I was just joking. Please give me my present!"
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s-4pphics · 1 year
tag, you're it! (e.w.)
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omg this is kindaaaa…. yeah
imma lil proud LOL hope y’all like it 
wc;cw: 14.2k, ceosdaughter!ellie, tagger/artist!oc, ANGST!!, mentions of depression and suicidal ideation, illness, parental death & brief mentions of funerals, descriptions of foster care/homeless shelters and poverty, both oc n ellie have daddy issues, MOMMY ISSUES!!, brief mentions of drug addiction(coke), homophobia DURING PRIDE MONTH🤨🤨, internalized homophobia and misogyny, ellie is a horny touch starved loser n kinda stalkerish?, mentions of criminal injustice(police, prisons, etc.) i hate it here, rich ppl being demons, SMUT!!!!! MDNI!!!!, light descriptions of masturbation, potential dubcon!!, sexual tension😟, bratty subbottom!ellie, mean domtop!oc she carries her dick on her like a glock lol, slight fearplay, KNIFE PLAY/BLOOD, DIRTY TALK, finger and strap sucking, fingering, pussy eating, MOMMY KINK!!, nipple play, squirting <333 n creaming <333, riding, reverse cowgirl, slapping(FACE!!! ass titties), hitting it from the bbbbback, loss of virginity, masochism LOL, a lil ass play LOL, pretty taboo themes catch it
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“She’s… I genuinely believe she’s deranged, your honor! She’s… uncontrollable! Look at what she’s done to our city! Civilians can see her tracks everywhere they go, and it’s disgusting! Not to mention she’s a pervert!” 
You rolled your eyes as you listened to the high-pitched, ongoing shrieks of one of the wealthiest women in the state as she spat belittlements of you to the judge. 
You were… fucked. 
You adjusted in your uncomfortable chair, leaning back and crossing your arms over your chest, turning your head to eye your lawyer, arching a brow at him as you waited for his defenses for you. He looked… scared shitless, to say the least. 
Yeah. You were definitely going to fucking jail. 
Were these pieces of shit really going to treat you like Satan himself for pulling a measly, little prank? Has April Fools truly lost all meaning?
A couple of days ago, on April 1st, you took it upon yourself to spray paint ♡GIRLDICK♡ across the largest building in the city, which just so happened to be owned by the Miller family, if anyone even bothered to call their cultist bond that. Their wealth swiftly accumulated when the now deceased founder of the organization, Joel Miller, discovered some new form of AI technology… or whatever the elders at the shelter told you. His death shook your city years ago; You weren’t sure why it was so moving for people, but R.I.P, you guess. 
You assumed they were just another group of elitist fuckers, but he must’ve been decent at the most; You still remember his memorial broadcasting on the small TV at the shelter as the other residents mourned in solace. 
Regardless, you hope all their institutions across the nation collapse one day, preferably with the rest of them inside. 
The broad in the black, silk suit kept pointing her finger at you, and it took everything in your spirit to not get up out of your seat and rip it clean off her hand and shove it down her throat. 
Not every tag you’ve done around the city has been rooted in “perversion”. There’s nothing perverse about… loving girldick. It’s a way of life!
Fuck security cameras. 
Unbeknownst to them, you’ve already been coined as a hidden talent in the city, at least according to some people you know at the shelter. You’re faceless in the eye of the public, but that separation doesn’t negate their appreciation for your artwork. You even went viral for the mural you painted of your father for his birthday two years ago, even though the fucker that posted it on Instagram hadn’t included your signature. You could bet millions of people have seen it by now, and you gained absolutely nothing from it. 
But, of course, your form of creative expression was being reduced to a jizzing penis. You've created countless mosaics around the city that represent the purest forms of love and sex, and now you are being blasted for being some sort of corrupt sicko. You only drew what came natural to you, and if people felt a way about it, they could choke on the fattest girldick known to humanity. You hate rich people.
Your father didn’t sacrifice everything he had to teach you the complexities of sketching for your name to be attached to outlines of dicks. You didn’t grow up watching your father skip meals so he could get you a new water paint set for your birthday every year for your art to be lawfully ridiculed. The only comfort this situation brought was that you knew he would’ve found the sloppily drawn cock hysterical. You still remember his laugh after all this time. 
You miss him dearly. You probably could’ve been just as rich, if not more, as the bitch at the other table if he was still here with you. He would’ve ensured you didn’t stray off into the life you live now. 
Being in foster care was the dissipation of your joy. You were considered a problem child very early on: fighting the caretakers when they tried to calm you, cursing at them, stealing, and nobody wanted to adopt you because of that, regardless of your talents. You were set up to fail too early, and you despised the world because of it. 
Your record was horrendous, and you were going to jail. You fucking hate rich people.
… Except the Miller's eldest daughter. She gets a pass. 
And she keeps staring at you. 
Every time you caught her sparkly eyes, she blushed and looked forward, her freckles surrounded by a deep red that rushed down her neck. She was dressed much less… sophisticated than her mother: her hair tied back in a low bun and littered with black bobby-pins, a dark-blue sweater, rings on her thumb, black pants, and clean Vanz. 
You knew a lesbian when you saw one. You could barely hide your knowing smirk. 
“My child doesn’t need to be exposed to such… nauseating ideologies! Think of the children of the city and what they’re forced to see because of vile people like that,” she pointed at you again. You were this fucking close to stabbing her with that pen in front of you. 
Your daughter’s gay, Mrs. Miller. 
“With all due respect, ma’am,” the judge started. What kind of backwards shit was this; Wasn’t she supposed to be respecting him? “It’s important that we stay on track. You’re specifically suing her for vandalism— “
“Ongoing, unchecked vandalism! This is not her first charge, your honor, it’s her seventh! She’s… she’s— “
You tried to tune her out, looking around the congested space of the courtroom, and you caught eyes—shiny, green eyes— on you. Again. 
She was fiddling with her hands in her lap, her teeth picking at the dry skin on her bottom lip. But she didn’t look away this time. You watched her eyes trail over your face, down to your jaw, your neck, your chest, only to come back up to your eyes. 
You did the same, taking in the dots on her soft cheeks, her eyes, her pretty nose, and mouth, looking her up and down, biting your lip, letting her know you were gauging her. She was cute, you had to admit. 
“—sentenced to three years in federal prison— “
You looked up in shock, feeling like your body had been dunked into a tub of ice water and left to die, instantly stiffening at the announcement of your sentence, the sound of the slamming gavel nearly putting you six feet under. 
You couldn’t do anything but stare at the judge in disbelief as he organized his papers emotionlessly, your lawyer putting his hand on your shoulder. You knocked it off and glared at him. You looked over to the table, the family already up and taking their leave, Mrs. Miller’s hand tightly enclosed around her daughter’s wrist as she dragged her out the wooden doors.
Two security guards were already walking towards you with cuffs, gripping your arms too roughly to pull you up out of your seat and latching the metal around your skin. You started to panic as they walked you towards another set of doors.
“Wait, wait, my backpack, I need my— “
“You aren’t allowed to have anything on you. Your property will be held by the court until further notice.” 
“But— “
“No buts, and don’t resist,” you felt the security grip your arm harder, and your anxiety peaked, your panting breaths hardly leaving your body.
You didn’t resist. You couldn’t. Your life was shattering around you in slow motion, loose shards slicing through you with intent to kill. 
You allowed the brawly men to drag you… anywhere. You didn’t care anymore; You were tired, and no longer had the urge to fight left in your heart. 
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Ellie was brought up in isolation. 
Homeschooled, no friends, no purpose outside of being the vessel to represent her family name, creating the next line of heirs for her father’s company. 
The benefits of his successes had simply… appeared when she was fifteen. 
She remembered how he went from being present, gave her the utmost attention, played sports with her, taught her how to sing and self-defense with his past down switchblade, to not, completely cut off from society as he barricaded himself in his study and worked relentlessly on new forms of technology. Being an only child brought nothing but loneliness for her after a while. 
But then they were rich. They moved to an affluent neighborhood and into a two-story house in a matter of months, driving Porches and buying out stores. Wealth appeared, but the relationship with her family suffered because of it. 
Her father fell ill, and after a multitude of hospital visits, teary farewells, and a memorial, he was gone. Merely a memory that hardly seemed real. Her and her mother’s relationship became even more unsteady after his passing. 
Ellie’s mother swiftly took over the company in an almost authoritarian way. She interacted with society in a robotic, rehearsed manner. Mechanical, soulless, the only proof of her humanity exposing itself when she snorted white powder. 
Her mother had brought up the idea of marriage the second she turned eighteen, a year before her father’s passing, saying that there were multiple well-off men that were eager to be with her, willing to give her children. Multiple. 
Men…. children… having children with men. Money. The empire. Her mother.
It all made her nauseous. 
… But art didn’t. 
She’d always kept her journals secret. Left in a box on the highest shelf of her walk-in closet where the maids couldn’t find them.
She expressed everything that she couldn’t to her mother on paper. Her depression, her insomnia, her desire for death, her mourning, the need for sex with non-men, any form of physical connection, something—anything that made her feel human, normal.
She needed a fucking hug. A kiss. Sex. She wanted to fuck.
The first time she saw your artwork on an abandoned building as she chauffeured to the museum, she’d nearly fainted. 
It’d been two women on top of each other, the most intimate parts of their body covered with the other’s hands and skin. One had her head between the other’s legs atop blankets and flowers as the other… apparently in the middle of an orgasm. Her mother always made the point of sex sound so… stiff. Lifeless. Merely a factor of procreation.
But your art was so erotic. Sensual. So full of pleasure and softness and care. 
She’d almost jumped out of the car and onto oncoming traffic to get a closer look at every detail, but the car was too quick. She couldn’t even get a fucking picture. 
And she was soaking. How the fuck was she going to explore a museum when she was dripping like this?! 
You’d given her one of the strongest orgasms she’d ever had in her life when she returned home that day, and she didn’t even know who you were. She’d spent hours with her hand between her legs as she thought of your creation while her mother was out working, moaning and crying out as loud as she wanted, and she wasn’t even embarrassed. 
She would sneak out in the darkest clothes she had when her mother passed out on the couch, and just walk. Specifically in search for anything with your signature that she’d memorized like it was her own. She’d taken pictures of your content, memorized them, got off to the suggestive ones in secret, and appreciated your love and passion for your craft. 
She’d even started recreating her own depictions of eroticism. All with women. They never looked the same: different heights, all skin tones and body types, anything that she could think of, she drew it. She’d tried to envision what you looked like after only a few weeks, and she prayed her envisions were at least somewhat accurate. 
She never could draw self-portraits with precision, but she knew it was her. She was always in the middle of the raunchiness that she conjured up in her mind, being touched everywhere, tied up, beaten, completely ripped apart and forced to forget the suffocating world around her. Her reimagining's of herself would be drowned in pleasure, sometimes by you, by herself, by faceless strangers. Anything she wanted. 
When she saw you for the first time, she almost couldn’t control herself. 
She’d felt like a fucking creep as she ducked behind parked cars to watch you paint all over an abandoned freight train behind a trashed building. The streets had been silent as she watched you decorate the metal cart in floral interpretations of pussy, her heart in her throat. 
You looked gorgeous and focused and tired. So, so tired, only in sweats and a tank top with a hefty bag strapped to your back. She assumed you kept your art supplies in there.
Ellie couldn’t keep her eyes off you when she’d seen you during your court hearing. 
You were just as gorgeous as the first time she saw you, but, somehow, even more exhausted. Far away, not really present, but she couldn’t blame you. And she couldn’t stop staring, enthralled by you. Even in your grayest moments, you made her feel vibrant. And that brought her guilt.
But it also made her lustful. Hungry. 
And she couldn’t stop staring. 
When her mother dragged her out of the hearing, she was enraged, even more so when she degraded you on the way back to the car. 
You fucking stared at that whore the whole time!
Don’t ever, in your life, embarrass me again. 
I’ll throw you in the gutter with that rat if you ever disrespect me like you just did in there. Do you understand?
Ellie didn’t even know what she did to garner a response this aggressive, but she was used to it. And, for the first time in her life, she didn’t care. She didn’t give a fuck. 
At that moment, she knew what she had to do.
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It was your fifth day in prison, and you felt nothing. 
You didn’t cry, you didn’t plead, you simply succumbed to your destiny in silence. Your father would be so disappointed if he were alive. 
I raised a fighter, so you fucking fight!
But you couldn’t. You were tired, and you wished you could stay asleep, never to wake up again.
You’ve been working like a dog since you got here, and you accepted it. This was your life, and you felt nothing. 
Until your cell unlocked. These fuckers were probably here to shit talk you again. 
They cuffed your wrists and led you somewhere. You didn’t care where, keeping your head down as they encased your arms in a calloused grasp. You hoped this location would be your last forever. 
They led you into an empty room and uncuffed you. You saw the old sweatsuit that you’d received from the shelter, and your heartbeat sped up. You looked at the security in confusion. What the fuck were they doing? What were they about to do?
You could barely hear what the officers were saying, jumbled words of bail bond and cash payments molding together and sounding like a foreign language to you. They undid your handcuffs and pointed towards the clothes, murmuring for you to change so they could transport you back to the courthouse to retrieve your belongings. 
What the fuck is going on?
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When you returned to the shelter, you inspected your bag. After nearly scrubbing your skin off while showering. 
The contents were all in their original condition, each individual item wrapped in plastic with small notes attached to them. Except for your dick. You assumed the court had no comments. 
Your paint, your brushes, random hairpins, your notebooks. They were all there in their original condition. Thank god. 
What you didn’t expect to see was a new jacket, sweatsuit, and small note wrapped in the same plastic from inspection. 
You ripped the plastic open and retrieved the note, unfolding it and… confusion, arousal, and fear rushed through you, shocking your body as all your feelings shot down your spine. 
It was a sketch of… you. And a girl bent over with her hands bound behind her back as you fucked her. An… incredibly familiar looking girl. 
A freckled girl. A rosy-cheeked girl. The rosy-cheeked girl from a week ago with the psychotic, sadistic mother.
Her expression in the sketch was pure ecstasy. It looked like she was screaming, her cheeks shaded dark with water-paint and her hair a reddish-brown, thrown in all sorts of directions. Her eyes wild and erotic. Yearning. Teary. Her pleasure seemed dream-like.
And you looked just as gone. Head tossed back, sweaty with your dick shoved inside her pussy, your nails digging into the soft skin on her hips, small, but deep, bloody scratches following the painful glide of your fingertips that make the red blotches on her backside. There were small doodles of strap-ons and pussies smudged, erased, fixed to perfection that seemed almost manic. Obsessive. 
You looked at the bottom of the crumpled piece of paper, a small signature across the bottom of it. 
Come back home. Five days.
… Come back home? You don’t have a fucking home. And who the fuck is E.M? Your heart was beating against your chest, climbing up your throat in an attempt to escape your body entirely. You couldn’t stop your eyes from flying across the sloppy penmanship. 
… Miller Enterprise. 
… Freckles. 
…. What in the fuck. 
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It was almost dark, and you were shivering as the wind blew past you. 
It had been five days. 
You were eyeing the large building in front of you from across the street, a giant M slapped across the top of it, windows galore, hoodie on your head and trembling hands shoved in your pockets. 
You could see the last bit of employees trickling out of the building, clad in suits and tight pencil skirts, heavy briefcases and clicking heels. 
You could also see the fresh white and black paint covering where your spray-painted dick used to be, and it made you chuckle to yourself. You were almost tempted to recreate it with your new snagged bottle of acrylic. It supposedly glowed in the dark. 
But then you saw a dark shadow in the corner of your eye, hurriedly moving past the glass of the entrance. 
Your heart raced instantly at the thought of being discovered, and you followed the body's movement. You could see it was Ellie the closer she got to the glass, dressed in a black sweater and comfortable pants, and her same shoes from the court hearing. She looked antsy, a bit on edge, but curious. She was anticipating seeing you. 
You could see her messing with the keypad on the door, the loud sounds of locks clicking over the bustling streets. Flashes of red, swiftly replaced with flashes of green shined through the maxi-glass, and she looked around at all the doors. What was she checking for?
She seemed satisfied with her job, and she slid the entry door open, leaving it slightly ajar so she could slip something between it. 
She gave one last glance at the system before bolting back inside and down the lengthy hallway before all the hall lights shut off. 
Did she… did she just disable all the alarms for you? 
Now, you were the one anticipating meeting her. 
You ran across the street the second you got a chance, hurdling through traffic before running up onto the sidewalk and treading the stairs. 
You looked down and noticed two pens taped together, holding the door open. You picked them up and inspected them, a glossy, silver M near the gel tip. 
You stepped inside before anyone noticed, the door automatically shutting behind you before the same green lights came on, a robotic voice confirming that the doors were locked.
You were inside the Miller Enterprise, and you were terrified.
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Ellie was so nervous. 
She’d been checking her Chanel watch all day, obsessively monitoring the windows to see if anyone that resembled your form had arrived, but she was disappointed every time she looked. No sign of you, yet.
The later it got, the more anxious she became. Did you see the note she left in your bag? Was it too forward? Did you think she was fucking crazy? Did you hate her for what her mother did? She prayed not. 
She was currently pacing around her mother’s—father’s—dark office, every step of her shoes echoing in the nearly empty room. She hasn’t been in here since she was seventeen, and it brought just as much anxiety as it did the first time. 
This will all be yours when I’m gone, don’t fucking ruin it. 
She hated everything about this space. Every aspect of her dad was completely gone. All his pictures, his vinyl, his pens and pencils, his nameplate. Everything. All of it, completely void of emotion. 
She hated it, she hated it. 
But then she heard a clang in the hallway, and her anxiety picked up even more before she could process it. 
She quickly made her way over to the exit, peeking her head through the doorframe and examining the hallway, searching for you. The noise had to be you! You really came! She could feel her nipples getting hard already.
But she saw no one. No one was in the dark hallway. 
… Fuck.
Why did she shut the system off? The lights wouldn’t come on!
Her hands instantly got clammy, her heart racing, and her knees shook. She hadn't felt like this since she was a kid, and she was horrified.
Someone’s here to hurt you, someone’s going to come in and hurt you!
You never leave doors unlocked! He always said to lock your doors, never, never, never—
She couldn’t stop the intrusive thoughts from taking over her entire body, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her father’s switchblade, pressing its latch down to expose the blade. She slammed the door shut and walked over to the large window and tried to steady her breathing. She looked out of the glass and inhaled harshly. 
Keep your grip tight when you strike! 
Calm down calm down calm down—
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You saw Ellie jump with a hard gasp before spinning to face you, a fearful look on her face and her switchblade in hand, pointed edge towards you. 
You could see her chest rise up and down with every shaky breath she took, her body trembling and cheeks flushed. You felt like your body was going to burst into flames, but you hid it, grinning slyly at her as you stepped forward. 
Deep breath. 
“Hi, Ellie.”
Another step forward. She took two back, nearly pressed against the glass. 
“Y-You,” she stuttered as her eyes darted around nervously, and you could see her cheeks flushing in the darkness, “How’d you get in here?” 
“I think you know how.” 
You shrugged, the contents of your bag shuffling on your back. You pointed towards the large, stretched windows behind her that oversaw the entire city, the hustling streets and lights beaming into the dimly lit room from the last bits of sunset. 
“View’s incredible,” your mockery littered in sarcasm. Don’t let her know you’re scared. 
She took a bold step forward as her brows furrowed, anger twisting on her doll-like face. You took two, as well. You saw her eyes dart to your feet before meeting your gaze to hiss at you.
“There’re cameras on every floor of this fucking building! I press that button,” She darted her small knife towards the enclosed, red button on the side of the wall, a large print of EMERGENCIES ONLY directly above it. “And every cop in this city’ll show up and take your ass back to the fucking gutter where you’re supposed to be.” 
… How the fuck was she going to threaten you when she told you to come here?! What was she playing at?
She pointed her weapon back at you. You ignored your confusion and raised an impressed brow before walking forward without pause, pulling her mother’s chair out from under the desk, the wheels squeaking against the marbled tile. You saw the grip she had on her knife tighten. 
You smiled at her. “You’re pretty good with a knife, honey.” 
“Fuck you. Don’t fucking call me that.”
“I dunno,” you scoffed, twirling on your heels as you took in the luxurious space around you. “I can bet my bottom ass dollar that you like it.” 
Her glare hardened, and your smile brightened. You finally moved to sit in the chair, the plush leather molding against your body and stuffed backpack. You scooted back under the desk and rested your elbows on the hand-carved rosewood, completely calm. At least outwardly. Your insides were jittery from adrenaline. 
You quickly inspected the contents of the desk: her mother’s matching rosewood nameplate, some loose paperwork with large sums of money scattered on them, dark pens and markers, and a signed restraining order. With your name on it. 
You’re apparently not allowed a hundred feet within the perimeter of the building. 
… Funny. 
“Press it.” 
Her scowl hardened, “What?” 
You pointed a lax finger towards the button as you looked up from the document, “I said press it. You want me gone so bad, right?” 
She didn’t reply, her fingers fidgeting around the knife as she adjusted her grip. Her eyes nervously flitted across the room, all over the white floors, back on you. 
“You’re not gonna press the fucking button.” You spat with a devilish smile. “And I know why.” 
“Fuck you, you don’t know sh— “
“You paid my bail.” 
You heard her release a shaky exhale when you sliced through her words, her eyes widening in shock like she saw through you, and you knew you had her. Your smile widened as your nails pattered where you tapped on the desk. 
“Uh huh. Why’d you do it?” 
Her throat moved as she swallowed, and you almost laughed. 
You reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out the piece of paper that kept you company in your small cot during your restless nights, unfolding it and holding up the explicit depiction that she left in your bag days ago. You pressed her as you swung the chair with your foot, “Think somebody’s got a little crush. Mommy’s gonna be so upset with you.” 
“FUCK YOU!” She marched towards you until she was in front of the desk, her scent enclosing around you before you felt the incredibly sharp blade against the side of your neck, and you stiffened in terror. You looked at her in shock, studying her expression. She looked pissed, but you saw… something in her eyes that made your core squeeze tight. 
It was vulgar, needy, and you hoped she missed your body’s excited shudder at her crude rage. 
She didn’t. Curiosity shone behind her lust and fiery, her enraged shrieks shook your eardrums. 
“You’re fucking worthless! You really think anyone’s gonna care about you rotting in a fucking cell?! You’re… you’re nothing! You’re a low life! You’re… you’re! —“
You deadened your own eyes as you slowly moved to stand, but she pressed the knife deeper into your skin as she leaned over the desk, your faces closer together. You stiffened and felt a sting on your skin, and a drop of wetness. Your pussy squeezed, and you could feel sweat looking under your jacket. 
“Gonna kill me, Ellie?” You glared at her, your heart pounding with fear and exhilaration. 
Say you want me. Say it, sayitsayitsayit!
Her eyes were vengeful as she scanned your face, but you saw that glint grow behind the harsh overcast. Something you craved just as badly as she did. 
“Really want mommy to see her precious girl killing somebody on camera? Hm?” 
“She,” her breath shuddered. “wouldn’t give a fuck if it were you, I promise.” 
You barely whispered your reply as you leaned even closer, your nipples hardening under your sports bra and your underwear clinging to your wetness. 
“Then do it.”
The heavy breaths she released hit your face in a burning wind, and your core tightened once more. You could see the aggression on her face slowly dissipate, that giddy sparkle in her eye overtaking her pupils as they darkened. 
You felt the cold steel pull away from you slowly, her hand coming down on the desk, — unfortunate— and it threw you into action.
Your hand flew up to her throat and squeezed the sides, and you heard the clatter of the object as it hit the wood. You heard her suck in a choked breath as her eyes glossed over, suddenly desperate and wanton and scared like you’d been seconds before. She looked like a neglected kitten, and it made you hold her neck in tighter constriction. 
She whimpered aloud as she attempted to gasp, her hand coming up to grab your wrist, but you snatched it away with your free hand, and it limply dropped to the desk, her body submitting. 
You leaned in closer to her, and her eyes squeezed shut, lips puckered, silently begging for you to kiss her. You snickered. 
You let her neck go and slammed your palm across her blushing cheek, a loud crack! filling the room. 
She cried aloud, looking like she was about to burst into tears as she jumped off the desk and backed away from you, her hand pressed against her searing cheek. You rose to your feet and circled around the desk, rushing towards her until she was pressed up against the window. Tears were running down her face. You shoved her closer against the glass, grabbing her cheeks to force her to look at you. 
“You’ve been watching me, haven’t you? I got a little fan, is that it?” 
“N-No— “
“Yeah, I do. Fuckin’ stalker. Probably gotta whole shrine t’me in your fucking room. Does mommy know that you worship me? The lowlife who fucked up her building?” You snapped at her.
She flinched at your tone before she choked out a gasped sob, “I j-just liked what you m-made.”
“Stop crying, Ellie.”
She nodded as she sniffled, wiping the tears off her cheeks. You grasp loosened on her cheeks as you cupped her face, your thumb brushing away the wetness on her already bruising skin. You noticed how she leaned into your caress. It made your heart jolt.
“Look at me,” you whispered. 
She hesitantly met your eyes. 
“You wanna kiss me?”
She looked down at her shuffling feet, and you saw her fist clench. 
“Answer me.” 
“Y-Yes, wanna kiss. Just… just one?”
You hummed in satisfaction, inching closer towards her like you did previously. She stiffened but shut her eyes tightly, her plush lips poking out in a pucker once more as your noses touched. You chuckled and whispered, your lips brushing against hers as you spoke. 
“You ever kissed anyone, baby?”
She sighed out an uneven nuh uh, her mouth chasing yours. You grinned wider.
“Oh? M’gonna be your first kiss?” 
She whined out a needy uh huuuh! 
You stuck your tongue out, slowly running the wet muscle over her lower lip, and you felt her whole body tremble against yours. She brainlessly stuck her tongue out to lick yours, but you pulled back. She tried to follow you, but you yanked her head back by the small bun at the back of her head, the soft strands curling around your fist. 
She let out a moan, and your tongue licked up her exposed throat, leaving a trail of spit up her chin, all the way to her mouth. 
You relented and connected your mouths, and she let out a shocked noise into your mouth. You slipped your tongue in her gaping mouth, wet, smacking noises filling the room as you kissed her hotly. She couldn’t keep up with your quick movements, her lips and tongue moving sloppily against yours. Her spit was all over the outside of your mouth. 
You felt her hands come up to your hips to grip your jacket in a tight fist as she moaned into your mouth. 
The noises she let out were so sweet: little, excited gasps and whiny keens as she tried to pull you closer. 
You released her hair and grabbed her chin to move her head to the side. You kissed down her neck, and she jerked against you. Her breaths increased in pace as you pecked her sweaty skin, lapping your tongue all over the side.
You sucked into the skin under her ear, right under her jaw, pulling her sweater down to mark her collarbone. 
“Pleeease, pleaseplease, ah— “
You mumbled in between gentle sucks, “What, Ellie? Talk.” 
You felt her hands grab your hips tighter, but she said nothing. You pushed her hands off you roughly and looked at her with piercing eyes. She shrunk into herself when she met them. 
“When I tell you to do something, you do it. You understand?” 
She nodded quickly. 
“So fucking talk,” you gritted out. 
“Want,” she whispered with a sharp gasp. “Want you.” 
You smirked, “You want me?”
You shoved your backpack off your shoulders, the thud echoing when it hit the floor. 
“Want me to do what?”
She paused before looking down at her feet again, twiddling and picking at her fingers as her face burned red. 
You rolled your eyes and turned away from her, but you felt her hand grab your wrist and you stopped. You looked at her in annoyance. 
She looked at you tentatively, her breathing shaky. 
But then she slowly brought your hand in between her legs. 
She shivered as she placed her hand on top of yours, making you rub her cunt back and forth. She released pleased sighs as her lashes fluttered, her head falling back against the window as she looked at you up and down. 
“P-Please?” She licked her lips. “Wan’you here.”
You scoffed in shock, and her thighs squeezed down on both your hands. You pressed your palm closer against her, and her hips bucked into you. 
You moved closer to her, your clothed chests pressed together. 
“Move your hand,” you spoke quietly, just for her to hear even though you were alone.
She dropped it limply. You pressed your palm into her covered clit, and she moaned. 
You leaned in, your lips brushing her cheek as you spoke.
“Baby just wanted her pussy touched? That’s why you acted out earlier?”
She didn’t speak as she panted heavily. You brought your hand up to slap her cheek again, and she released a pained cry as her hips twitched. 
“Yes! Needa… need t’be touched!”
“Tell me where.” You brought your hand back down to her pussy as fresh tears slid down her cheeks. 
She sobbed. “A-Anywhere!”
You leered at her soft face. “Yeah? I get t’choose?” 
She nodded quickly, her eyes screaming touch me, please! Make me cum!
“Open your mouth, honey. Stick your tongue out.”
She mewled softly, but did what you asked, her shiny, pink muscle glistening under the beaming city lights. 
You brought your hand up, rubbing your index and middle finger on her soft tongue. 
“Get ‘em wet.”
She hummed as she sucked them into her mouth with no hesitation. You felt her tongue messily swirl around your digits as she sighed contently, and you pressed an encouraging peck on her cheek. 
You slowly fucked your fingers in, pulling them out, only to push them back in again. You almost awwed aloud when she chased your digits every time you pulled out. She was already drooling for them. 
You pressed her tongue down as you fucked in, and she gagged on them. Her eyes shot open and they instantly watered, her throat tightening around you. 
“Bet you suck a mean dick,” you muttered before you could stop yourself. 
She moaned loudly as you fucked deeper into her mouth, pressing down on the back of her tongue. 
“Oh, yeah? Want mine down that pretty throat?”
She garbled and nodded as much as she could with your fast thrusts in her mouth. You couldn’t wait to fuck it open. 
“Snooped through my shit, didn’t you? Saw my fucking cock and creamed yourself? That’s why you bought me new shit?”
You saw her bring a hand down to touch her pussy, her hips bucking into her own hand, chasing any stimulation. You grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from her. 
You finally eased up on her throat and pulled out completely, lines of slobber connecting your fingers and her mouth together. You cut them with your own tongue, her spit clinging to the edges of your mouth. 
You planted a smacking kiss on her lips before you shoved your hand down her dark, flared pants and into her boxers. 
She squealed when you immediately found her clit with your spit covered fingers, the slippery bud sliding between your already drippy fingers. You watched her hand fly to the white windowsill for balance as your hand went wild on her cunt. 
“Such a wet fucking pussy. Feels good, baby?”
Her brows creased as she nodded, her body rocking with your movements. “A-Ah! —“ 
“Uh huh. You touch yourself like this when mommy’s at work? Hm?”
Her head shamefully jerked in confirmation. You could see her now: her pretty legs spread on her plush bed, her sopping pussy squeezing at the thought of you fucking her just how she needed. She’d be grabbing at her tits as she flicked her clit, desperate to cum all over her blankets for you. Your pussy was so wet. 
“You think about me when you do it?” You knew the answer, but you needed her to say it. Confirm that she thought about you just as much as you thought about her. 
“Yes! Yes, yes!”
“Fucking whore, no wonder she hates your guts.”
She moaned louder at your degradation. “S’c—coming! “
Your fingers were practically vibrating on her cunt, her clit thumping as her orgasm built. “Get my fingers nice’n sloppy, angel, c’mon— “
She reached down to grab your wrist as she jumped on your fingers, but before you could slap her, her body tensed, and her eyes rolled into her skull. You felt her clit pulsate under your touch, and you knew she was cumming.
You couldn’t stop the shock that appeared on your face as you watched her thrash on your hand, gasping out, asking you to please fuck me, mommy! Need you to fuck me!
You just massaged her through it, pressing your hips up against hers so she couldn’t run from your touch. 
“Wan’mommy to fuck you, angel?” you mumbled in your daze as your pussy dripped, your brain barely registering what you just said.
“Yespleasepleaseplease, gimme— “
“Fuck, baby, need mommy inside you?” Your heart was pounding in your ears. 
“Gimme your leg,” You lifted it up with your free hand, bringing it up so it came around your waist.
You slid your fingers down to her twitchy entrance and slipped the tip of your pointer finger inside. You almost moaned at how her walls clung to you, sucking you in deeper, milking you.
“Tightest fuckin’ pussy,” you mumbled to her, and she whimpered when your finger arched inside her. You prodded around until she slumped against you, pushing her hips down on your finger. You leaned in, your lips brushing her ear as you cooed right there? yeah? feels fuckin’ good?
She couldn’t even speak. She just plopped her head onto your shoulder and sloppily kissed your neck. Your cunt clenched and you flinched when her soft tongue licked into the small slit she made earlier. You heard her hum as her tongue swiped a line from your collarbone to your cut; She was licking your blood up like a fucking dog!
It made you punch that spot in her harder, and she cried out against your skin, her nails digging into your forearm. 
You slowly pushed your middle finger in, and she sobbed as she stretched around you. You arched your thumb out to rub her clit as you poked that spongy spot in her pussy; She was so loud for you. 
“Like when I touch you there?” 
“I like it, like it s’much!” You felt her nodding mindlessly against you.
“Gonna cum on me again?” you spat at her. 
“Fuck yes!” 
“Know you’re gonna cum hard, can’t even fuck you like I wanna, squeezing me so tight.”
You dug your fingers as deep and fast into her as her cunt would allow. Her walls were choking the fuck out of you, practically screaming for them to stay where you were pressed inside her. How the fuck was she going to take you fully?!
The thought of breaking her open made you shake, “Gonna make this pussy take me. Can’t wait t’give you this fucking dick.”
Then she started screaming out for you, trying to get you closer, wrapping her arms around you, her leg dropping onto the floor. “Ohgodohgodohgod, m’cumming, mommy, I’mcu—AH!”
You almost fell back when she went limp on you, her knees buckling as her slick coated your fingers, your palm, her panties. You used your weight to push her back against the window, her head thudding against the glass like before, but she seemed too engulfed in her desire to care. You almost brought your hand up to comfort her sore spot, anyway, but you stopped yourself. 
You took her in: practically dangling off you as she wailed from orgasm, her face beat red, the bun at the back of her head almost loose, her eyelids fluttering. You sneered at her, a nasty grin on your face. 
“Atta girl, so excited for cock, ain’t she?”
She could only grind out yesyesyes between her teeth, her fingers still squeezing down on you as you rubbed her clit, her orgasm slowing down. 
“You gotta make me cum first, m’kay?” 
“W’na make… mommy cum!” she nodded like a bobblehead as she slurred. 
“Yeah? Want mommy’s cum in your mouth?”
She wept desperately, “Yes, please, need it!”
You grinned, catching a glimpse of your desperate reflection in the mirror. You’re so glad she was too fucked out to notice.
“C’mon, honey.” 
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Ellie stood in front of you as you sat in her mother’s chair, her shoes kicked off. 
Your bag was tossed next to you as you stared at her, noting her fidgeting stance. She wasn’t looking at you, at all. She was looking down, specifically at your occupied hands. 
You’d picked up her discarded knife from the table, inspecting its rusty, scratched design, slightly bloody blade, retraction. You couldn’t stop fiddling with it. 
“W-What’re gonna do with that?” You heard her ask. 
You ignored it. “Where’d you get it?”
“It was my dad’s.” Her voice went sharp. 
“What kinda father lets his baby play with such sharp objects?” You said in between sarcastic snickers. 
“He’s fucking dead, who cares.” 
You finally looked up at her sharp tone, examining her tense face, and your playful smile slowly dropped. She tried to appear as if mentioning it didn’t bother her, but you recognized that look in her eye from anywhere. Grief fucking sucks, no matter how much time passed.
“… Hm.” 
You looked down at the blade again, then back up at her, “He taught you how to… handle it?” 
She shrugged, her brows raising as her arms crossed over her chest. You nodded. 
Your arm was suddenly incredibly itchy. “Mine taught me how to… draw n’stuff.” 
You looked off to the side awkwardly as you reminisced on the first pack of colored pencils he’d bought you. You remembered how particular he was about the art utensils and their conditions. You didn’t realize that he was trying to ensure their quality because he couldn’t afford another pack until you got older.
Always make sure these bastards are sharpened! That’s true precision!
“… Cool,” you heard her say, and you looked at her, “Were you guys, uh, close?” 
“Mhm,” You nodded stiffly, and silence surrounded the two of you. Ellie awkwardly nodded as she stared at the floor, and your lips twitched before you turned to stare out the window.
Some time passed in pure silence before you heard her speak. 
“… Still wanna, uh… D’you still wanna fuck?” 
You looked at her as she fumblingly scratched the back of her head. Her eyes met yours as her ears burned. You grinned as your shoulders rose.
“Up to you.” 
“Like… I still wanna if you do,” She nibbled on her bottom lip. 
You leaned back in her mom’s seat. 
The deep tone of your voice made her look up, her eyes shining like crystals as her arms dropped to her sides. 
“… C’mere.” 
She moved, her sock-covered feet padding on the floor until she was in front of you. 
You looked up at her, your hand coming up to play with the hem of her sweater. 
You spoke softly, “Off. C’mon.” 
She grabbed the back of her top and lifted it over her head, her bare chest jiggling with her movements. She tossed the fabric to the floor. 
You eyed her chest like you were going to swallow her whole, her perky nipples urging you to reach out and pull on them. Her pussy is so fucking sensitive; Were her nipples just as bad? Worse? Could she cum just from you touching them? Fuck, she probably could—
“Are they… Do you like them?” 
Her soft whisper cut through your gawking. You met her eyes through your lashes as she squirmed in front of you. 
Your hands came up to grab her hips, massaging them gently. 
“Yeah, baby. They’re so pretty, fit you perfectly.” 
She sighed in content, “T-Thank you.” 
You planted a soft kiss to her tummy as you looked at your thumb around the elastic of her pants to pull them down. 
Her stomach jerked with every sharp breath as your lips moved on her bare skin. You felt her hand come up to your shoulder to grasp it as she stepped out of her pants. 
Your hands traveled upward to grab both her tits in a rough squeeze. She wheezed and arched her back so you could get closer. You heard her murmur a quiet fuckme, and you looked up. She was watching your every move with wide, curious eyes. You held her gaze as you licked up her torso, and she whimpered. 
You brought your hands back down to grab the back of her thighs, moving her closer to your lap. She placed her hands on your shoulders as she climbed on top of you, and you sucked her nipple into your mouth. 
She grinded down onto you and moaned, and your eyes fluttered shut. Your tongue made circular movements on the pert bud, and you hummed at the taste of her soft skin. Her head fell forward as she gasped right in your ear, and it made you suck on her hard. 
Her hips were jerking on top of you, trying to fuck down onto your clothed thigh as her nails plunged into your back. 
“Feels so… mmh!”
You brought your hand back up to her other tit and played with her nipple with your fingers. 
And then you slapped it. Hard. 
She let out a sharp squeak and mindlessly bounced on top of your leg; You could feel a slight dampness building on your jeans, and you scoffed at her, sneering when you pulled away. You hit her other tit just as hard, your spit transferring onto your palm. 
“Ah! Fuckfuckfu— “
She squealed. “M’gonna cum!”
You reached up to slap her face before pulling her hair to the side with a tight fist. 
You quickly grabbed her switchblade off the desk and unlatched the blade, the sharp edge popping up. You instantly pressed it to her neck, and she choked on a ragged pant. 
The lust in her eyes was accompanied by fear, and you grinned. 
“Don’t get scared now. You were waving it around earlier. So ready to fight, huh?” 
She shuddered, rutting down on your leg again, and you pressed the sharp edge into her skin harder. Her eyes shut tight, and two fat tears fell down her cheeks. She nearly bounced on you. 
“I could fuck you up right here, you know that, right?” 
“Please, mommy, needa cu—!”
You moved the knife away and released her hair, slapping her in the face again. “Shut the fuck up, you nearly slit my fuckin’ throat and now you wanna fuck. I should leave right now, fucking brat.”
She sobbed, “Nonono, please don’t leave, mommy don’t go, m’sorryI’m— “
“Mommy, don’t go!” you mocked. “Get on your fuckin’ knees.” 
You kept the blade pressed against her jugular as she clumsily shuffled to the floor, her cries shaking her body. 
“You wanna apologize?” She nodded jerkily, minding the silver edge on her vein.
“Yeah? Wanna make mommy feel better?” You said with a mean pout. 
You sloppily kicked your boots off and shoved them under the desk. 
“Take m’pants off, baby. C’mon.”
She moved quickly, unbuttoning and tugging your jeans and underwear down your legs as she sniffled. She yanked them off with a hard tug, and her eagerness made you giggle as you lifted your hips. You unzipped your jacket and pulled it off your shoulders, tossing it to the floor, leaving you in your black tank top. You could’ve sworn you saw a glimpse of a grin on her face as she eyed your breasts before she dived towards your cunt. 
You shoved the knife closer against her, and you saw blood pool at the edge of the blade. She looked up at you with an anxious expression. 
“I didn’t say you could touch me. Ask nicely.” 
She looked confused as she mumbled brokenly, “Ask you what?”
Your brows furrowed at her, “My mistake. You probably never had to ask for shit in your life.” 
Her bruised cheeks glowed red as she looked down in embarrassment. 
You grinned slyly. “Say, mommy, may I eat your pussy, please?” 
Shock overtook her expression before she rolled her eyes at you and looked to the side.
“You’re fucking cra— “
You yanked her dark hair back and pointed the end of the blade against her bruised jaw. Her ragged breaths hit your face.
“Say it.” 
“Y-You're not gonna hurt me,” she stated unsteadily. 
“You don’t know shit about me, and even if I did hurt you, you’d want it. Admit it.” 
She avoided your gaze and her lips quivered. 
You continued. “You’d let me do anything I want because you’re disgusting. A filthy fucking slut with a silver spoon in her mouth.”
You huffed at her with a frown. “And you like girls. You’d be just as worthless as I am in her eyes if she found out.” 
You nodded over to her mother’s nameplate, and her eyes shut like she was a child getting scolded for stealing candy at the store. 
“I’m right, baby? You don’t want a husband? Don’t wanna get bred for the empire like she wants?”
She shamefully shook her head as tears fell down her face. You didn’t even know if she was in that circumstance or not, but by her reaction, it seemed to cut her deep. You ignored the searing pain in your chest.
“Mhm, so,” you turned her head so she could look at you, her red eyes burning through yours. “Something you wanna ask me?” 
Her mouth dropped open in submission.
“M-Mommy, may I… May I eat your pussy, please?” 
You smiled in satisfaction, placing a gentle kiss on her wet forehead. 
“Yes, baby, you may.” 
You pulled the knife away from her and set it on the desk, grabbing her chin to plant a kiss to her mouth. She whined happily into yours. 
You pulled back and adjusted your position, leaning back with your legs spread, the underside of your knees hooked into the armrests of the seat, your cunt on full display for her. Your sopping pussy was right next to her face, and you saw her eyes flutter in delight. 
“Want me t’show you how?” 
She nodded intensely. 
You brushed away the flyaway hairs on her forehead, your hand planted on the back of her head. 
“Spit on my clit, babe. Get it nice n’wet.” 
She released a glob of spit right onto your pulsing bud,
and you sighed as it dribbled down to your hole. You tilted her head back, remnants of slobber collecting on her chin. You gathered spit in your mouth and pulled her lower lip down, her mouth falling open. You spat onto her tongue, and she moaned, tilting her head down to spit it out all over your pussy. You bit your lip so hard; you almost drew blood.
You reached down and spread your lips, your throbbing clit poking through. You could see her trembling as she eyed you. 
“Wanna taste, Ellie?”
“Yeah, please, mommy,” she choked out. 
“Lick me, then, honey.” 
She wasted no time, the tip of her tongue circling around the nub instantly. Your mouth fell open at the sensation. The pink muscle was so soft, the licks slow and gentle, barely there. 
“Doing so good, baby, take your time,” you sighed out. 
She keened at your praise; her lashes flitted like butterfly wings in Spring as she rubbed your clit in deep licks. 
“Fuck, Ellie, s’so sensitive,” she whined against you, eyes begging for your approval as she watched your expression. You caressed her burning cheek with your pointer finger, and she licked deeper.
“Fuck, baby, that’s it, making me so happy,” her eyes rolled shut as she tongued you, sliding her tongue all over your pussy in slow strokes. 
You moaned out every time she came up to lap at your clit. You guided her head down to your hole, and her tongue slipped inside, slurping up all your slick. You were gasping her name out as her tongue wiggled inside you, swirling all over your walls. 
“Such a good girl, fuck, El!” you groaned out as wet sounds filled the room. “Wanna make mommy cum?”
She hummed excitedly and nodded, her tongue moving back up to massage your clit. You tightened her grip on her head, forcing it to move back and forth her hums shaking your clit. 
She moved her head faster against you when she sucked your clit into her mouth, and your head fell back against the chair as your eyes rolled back. Your thighs were shaking, toes curled as you squealed out encouragement. You needed to cum, she was going to make you cum!
“Get me there, pretty, m’— gonna make me fuckin’ cum— “
“Wan’mommy’s cum, please?” she sloppily murmured against you. 
“Gonna get it, baby, m’right there! —“
She was fully moaning all over your clit, “Gonna fuck you so good, angel, fuck yes!”
You peeled your eyes open and looked back down at her when she released your clit to moan aloud. Her drool and your pussy juice were all over her pink lips as she sighed and whimpered in pleasure. You couldn’t see what she was doing, but her forearm was moving frantically as quiet shhlcks filled the room. 
“Mommym’gonnacum— “
“I swear to g— “
“S’so wet, oh god, please!” 
Her head flew onto your thigh at your hard slap to her face, and she screamed out as her body tensed up. You watched her with a scowl as she squealed out m’cummimgsohardmommy against your skin, a puddle of drool forming on your skin. 
You yanked her hand out of her boxers, and she whined in protest as her orgasmed died, her hips bucking back into the air. You stood up, pulling her up by her waist and bending her over the desk, holding her down by her neck. 
“Stop fucking with me, Ellie.” You pulled her boxers down under her ass, taking in the sight of her still pulsating cunt and her twitchy ass. 
She spat at you over her shoulder, “Or wha— “
She groaned out in pain against the wood when your hand connected with her asscheek in a fiery slap, your hand burning. 
“Motherfuc— “
You hit her and hit her. And hit her again. And again. Until she was jerking away from you, her hips bucking against the desk and your handprints covering her ass in a cherry-red tint. 
You don’t even remember how many times you slapped her, but she was sobbing out apologies against the desk, asking for your forgiveness over her tears.
“You done fucking around?” Your hand felt like it was in flames when you dropped it on the desk.
“Yesyes, mommy, I won’t—sob— won’t fuck up again!” 
“I was actually gonna eat your pussy out,” you scoffed out nastily, and she only cried harder at the insinuation that you weren’t anymore. “You don’t want that, you don’t want me fucking nice.” 
You pulled away and walked towards your discarded
bag on the floor, digging through it and pulling your dick out, stepping into and adjusting the straps as you watched her bruised ass jiggle with each wail. 
Your dick stood up as you walked back over to her. You gave her one last hard slap on her marked ass and pulled her up by her arm, shoving her onto her knees in front of you so she was trapped between you and the desk. 
You could see her wiping away tears, but you grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at you. 
“You want dick so bad? Get it wet so I can fuck you.” 
Shock appeared on her face.
“Y-You’re gonna fuck me with that?” You watched her inspect the size of you. The length, the girth, all the ridges. Her breathing got heavier the longer she stared.
“Now you’re fucking scared, really, Ellie?”
“I’m not sca— “
“Talk back again, and I’m leaving. You’re getting on my fucking nerves.” 
She glared at you, but looked down, straight at your tip, then back at you. 
And then she spit on it, a fat glob of saliva dribbling down the sides of your cock. Her hand came up to wrap around the base, rubbing her spit into the silicone. She held eye contact with you as she stuck her tongue out. You reached down and placed your hand on top of hers, slapping your tip on her slobbery muscle. 
“Good fucking whore, good n’sloppy,” you let go to pat her still-red cheek with a heavy hand, and her pretty eyes hardened, her blush deepening. She dropped her mouth open, her lips curling on the tip as she sucked on it. You bit your lip as you watched her tongue swirl around you.
She moaned around the silicone, her eyes filthy. Her hand spread her spit up all over you as she took in your inches slowly, jerking you off and slobbering on you at the same time. She looked like a fucking pornstar, like she practiced for this, like she wanted to impress you, and you shook like you could actually feel her mouth. Your pussy was desperate to cum, but you pushed it aside and watched her. 
She released you with a wet pop, her tongue flicking around your tip like she was lapping at your cum, and you couldn’t stop the moan that left your mouth. 
“Nasty slut, goddamn— “
She smiled like you just called her the prettiest girl in the world before sucking you back in, her head bobbing up and down as she slurped you up. There was so much spit on your length that it started dripping onto the floor.
You bucked forward, your hips moving on autopilot, and she choked on you, her hand coming up to your thigh to squeeze it. You ignored her grasp and fucked into her mouth harder, pinning both her arms above her head on the desk. She gargled around your dick, and you could only imagine the tightness of her throat with each gag. 
“What, baby? Don’t like it? Want me t’stop?” You gritted out. And you thrusted deeper. She moaned and her mouth opened wider.
She was making wet noises around you, her head thudding against the top drawer of the desk when you fucked in. You fucked your entire cock down her throat, and she gagged hard. 
You pulled out and let her go.
She fell forward and coughed hard, her drool pooling down on the eggshell floors as she choked. You watched in irritation as she heaved.
“Get up,” her gasps slowed as she breathed in deeply, and she lifted her head to glare at you from her hunched position. 
“Get up.” 
“Fuck you,” she spluttered.
“I’m gonna. Get up.”
Despite her bitterness, she slowly stood and instantly bent over the desk with her scarred ass poked out towards you. You chuckled when you saw both her holes pulse in excitement.
“That’s how it is?” you slapped her asscheek, and her hips bucked back against your hand. 
“Uh huh,” you heard her crackly mumble dazedly. “Need you t’make me cum.”
“Seemed alright doing it yourself a few minutes ago.”
She ignored you, and you smirked, “Need your cock, mommy, pleeease, please— “
You reached out, running two fingers over her drenched slit, and she pressed back on them as she sighed in pleasure. You slowly slid your fingers down to her clit, and she moaned aloud, her thighs jerking. 
“Look at this fucking pussy, jesus.” 
“I-It’s pretty?”
“Yeah, baby, fuck,” your mouth watered when you saw her walls clench. “Can’t even be mad, you’re so fucking hot.”
“Then fuck me,” she whined out sweetly, looking at you over her shoulder. 
You leaned down until you were eye level with her pussy, her walls squelching and squeezing repeatedly. You bit your lip and kitty-licked her cunt, her slick painting your taste buds as her smell surrounded you, and she jumped at the feeling. 
“Taste like fucking honey.” 
“So do you, made me so wet,” she exhaled as she shivered in anticipation. 
“S’gonna hurt,” you whispered, more to yourself as you eyed her tightness. 
“Don’t care.” She pushed back on your face.
“Put your hands behind your back. Don’t move them.” 
She shuddered and obeyed instantly, her hands overlapping at the wrists at the small of her back. 
You pressed one last kiss to her pussy before standing upright, “You move your hands, I stop.”
“Not gonna move, mommy,” she whispered in between unsteady breaths. “Make me feel good, please. Please, please.”
“Shh. Got you, baby. Open your legs,” you caressed her back and she squirmed. You felt goosebumps rise all over her skin, and you smirked.
The gap between her thighs widened even more for you, her cunt on full display. You could hear her beckoning you to pop the tip inside her in tiny, desperate whispers, and it made your core clench. 
You inched closer to her until the back of her thighs pressed against the front of yours. You wrapped a hand around your wet dick and brought it up to her slit, soaking it in her gooey slick and sliding it between her silky lips. Her cunt was already soaking your entire length and you didn’t even fuck her yet. She was subtly pushing back on you, trying to get you inside her. 
You heard the enthusiasm in her voice when she keened, “Mommy, please, it’s right there!”
“Mhm, I know, I see it,” you mumbled wetly, her gooey cunt looked so pretty under the light of the city, shining like glitter.
“Making mommy so wet baby, such a pretty girl,” you brought your cock back up to her slit and pushed forward, slowly popping the tip in her snug opening. She squealed loudly, and you saw her fists clench at the end of her spine as her walls clung to you, pulling you in.
“Yesyesyes, oh god, mommy, fuck, uh huh!”
“Yeah, baby? It hurts?” 
“Nooo, feels s’good, oh shit! —“
You slowly pushed in another inch, gauging her reaction for any discomfort, your thumb moving on her hip softly. She tried to push back to take you deeper, but you held her hips down.
“Fuck mefuckmefuckme— “
“Gonna be my good girl, baby? Gonna take it nice’n deep?” 
“Yeah, mommy!”
You pushed in even deeper, and you could feel the resistance of her cunt the more you slid in. You couldn’t stop the moan you released when she said your name. 
“Y-You’re splitting me open, ffuck— “
You pressed in the last bit of your dick, her ass resting at the top of your thighs, your hands propping you up on the desk as you leaned above her, placed on either side of her head. She was sighing heavily in satisfaction, and you could see her glossy eyes rolling. 
“Feelin’ good?”
She nodded slowly, “U-Use me, mommy, please use me t’cum, fuck.”
“Gotta take care of my girl first,” you fucked out of her slowly before snapping your hips, fucking all your inches back into her, and she screamed. “Such a tight pussy.”
You bent down to kiss her pretty back, down her spine as you stroked her deeply. You’d barely completed your fourth stroke before you felt Ellie tense up under you, her body shuddering as she moaned quietly to herself. You snickered at her. 
“Baby’s cumming?” you licked up her spine again. 
You could only see her nod in jerky headshakes from where you stood, her cheek pressed against the desk. You looked down at where you were connected, and you could see how her walls struggled to choke your dick. You grabbed her wrists in one hand and fucked her through her orgasm, your free hand sneaking under her hips to rub her clit. 
The second her body relaxed, you saw the muscles in her back flex again, the arch in her back deepening, “Mommy, think—m’cumming again, oh god, motherfu— “
“How many are you gonna give me, angel?” you rubbed her clit faster, fucking in harder. 
“I feel it, I feel it, fuck!” She wasn’t listening to anything you were saying as she yelled in her pleasure. You could see how much she was wetting your cock, lines of her slick forming every time you pulled out of her. You angled your hips downward when you fucked back in, and she shouted your name out, her warnings of her orgasm echoing in your ears. You released her clit and pinned her down by her neck again. 
“Like it right there, baby? That’s the spot?” You could feel your core squeezing with every cry she let out, her voice completely broken, her squeals scratchy. 
She was babbling about something, but you weren’t listening, the squelchy sounds of her cunt increasing in volumes as you forced your dick in her, stirring her guts up. 
You looked down and saw her ass squeezing with every quiver of her cunt, and you licked your lips. You let her wrists go and brought a hand to your mouth, sucking your thumb in to wet it before rubbing her ass with it. 
She let out a loud slew of ah ah ahs before you felt a burst of wetness on your thighs, dripping down onto the floor. Her entire body was jerking back onto your, her rosy ass jiggling every time she hit your hips. 
But then you heard a slam above her shouts of pleasure and mommy!
You looked up to check on her unsteady form as she continued to drench your lap, her hand resting on the back of her mother’s nameplate, her fingertips digging into the wood as she screamed in her euphoria. 
It made you fuck her harder and pull her hand away from the dog tag. You didn’t even care about punishing her anymore, you needed to cum. You’d been riding that edge since you got here, and you knew you were going to cum so hard.
You leaned over her body and grinded into her, moving her hand away from the plate and sitting back up in its position. You grabbed her by her spit-coated chin so she could look dead at her mother’s name. She whimpered and tried to look away from it, but you tightened the grip on her face to keep her still. 
“Look at it, baby— “
She sobbed, murmuring how hard she was about to cum again, her eyes fluttering as she stared at it, her cheeks glowing like apples.
You bent down to her ear, “You embarrassed, angel? Huh? Wanna close your eyes? Gonna squirt on me again?”
She was looking dead at the plate, “You’re so deep, mommy, fuck yes, m’gonna!—“
“Nasty fucking slut, taking it so good,” You looked up at the clear window as your thrusts picked up pace again, the entire city shining through the glass in all its glory. Every light of every building, people roaming, honking, noises of construction. It was all beneath you, and it was all theirs. The strap was bumping on your clit with each thrust. 
“Look at your city, baby,” you lifted her weightless head by her wild, knotted hair and made her look into the distance as you groaned in pleasure. “Gonna be all yours one day, can do whatever you want with it soon.”
“Fuuuck— “
“Uh huh, you like having that power? You can get whatever the fuck you want— “
“Just need a baby, right? Gonna g-give her what she wants? Gonna give her that precious heir, that golden child?”
“Yesyesyes! Wan’your baby, ge’me fucking pregnant!”
You moaned at her begging as you babbled mindlessly to her, “Gonna cum in you, fuck, need it… t’catch— “
She was screaming about how your seed was going to catch in her womb, how hard she was going to squirt again, begging you to fuck her harder, hurt her, make her bleed, make her scream. You could feel your senses leaving as your orgasm built as she pushed back on you, and you moaned her name in her ear. 
“Fuuuck, Ellie,” your clit jerked, and you let her go, her head falling onto her arm in front of her as she yelled in euphoria. “Gonna make that bitch raise my fuckin’ kid while I’m gone? Huh?”
She didn’t even react to your slip of your departure, “Yeahyesyesyes! Fuck, I’m cumming!”
You felt another spray of liquid drip down your legs as you drilled her, and it triggered your own orgasm. Your clit jerked as your release rushed through you, your walls clenching as your body shook on top of hers, grinding against her to ride it out. You could almost feel the sensation of filling her up, her cunt sucking your cum deep inside her. 
She was still moaning above you, wringing the last bits of her orgasm out on your cock. You whined against her sweaty skin, the aftershocks moving through you. 
You felt her go completely lax underneath you, heavy sighs leaving her parted lips. 
You both caught your breaths in soothing silence. 
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After Ellie asked you to show her how to kiss properly, the pounding of your heart refused to slow down. 
You were seated in her mother’s chair once more, her wetness still coating you in stickiness as she straddled your lap, her arms around your neck as she gazed at you nervously.
“We just fucked, why do you look like that?”
Her brows creased, “Like what?”
“Like you’re scared.”
“I’m not scared,” she whispered, her eyes flickering down to your lips before looking back up at you. 
You only hummed at her, brushing your noses together before leaning forward, grabbing the back of her neck to pull her down to you. Her eyes shut tightly, and her lips puckered in front of yours, and you pulled back, grabbing her face to stop her.
“Stop doing that, just relax.” 
“… What’d I do?”
You mimicked her, poking your lips out stiffly before breaking out into a grin. She huffed with a tiny smile, shaking her head, “Sorry.”
You shrugged, uncaring. She looked down, “Where do I put my tongue?” 
You snorted, “Nowhere yet.”
You craned your neck up slowly and connected your mouth with hers gently, your lips molding against hers. She sighed and leaned closer into you, her arms tightening around the back of your neck. You felt a sharp sting in your chest at her delicate touch, and you pulled away. A soft smack filled the room when you separated. She smiled softly, “That was cute.” 
You nodded stiffly, murmuring a mhm, before looking down. Out the window. Behind her. Anywhere but her eyes. 
You felt her nuzzle against your cheek, kissing it gently, “Are we… uh, fucking again?” 
“You want to?” The pounding in your ears was giving you a headache. 
You felt her nod. Another kiss to your cheek. Another pull in your heart. 
Your hands planted on her hips, lifting them so she could sit on you, but she grabbed your wrists to stop you. 
Her hands latched onto the hem of your shirt, attempting to pull it up and over your head, but your hand caught her wrist. Not harshly, but stern.
Her eyes softened at your masked expression, releasing the gentle grip on your shirt, “I’m, uh… I’m sorr— “
“It’s fine. Ready?” you grabbed the base of your dick in your hand, and she mumbled a quiet yes. 
You felt her hand come on top of yours as she helped you guide it to her entrance, and your breath shook as you exhaled.
Her hips came down on you at her own pace, your free hand resting on her hip. She gasped when it slipped inside, her hands coming to support herself on each armrest. 
“Feels different like this,” she whispered huskily.
You smirked, “I know, take your time.” 
She nodded, slowly sinking down on you. You saw her eyelids get heavy as her walls caught on every ridge of you, her head falling back in her pleasure. Her soft locks disheveled all over her head, her bun nonexistent as her bobby pins stuck out from every direction. 
She slid in too deep, though. She let out a pained gasp as she caught herself on the chair, her brows furrowing. 
“Okay?” you checked in.
She nodded, her lip in between her teeth, “So deep like this, fuck… don’t know if I can go all the way down.”
“It’s fine, babe, make yourself feel good.” 
“H-Help me?” her breathing was picking up as her hips bucked. 
Your other hand flew to her hips, digging into her soft skin as you guided her hips on you. You eased her into a deep grind, and her hands flew behind you, landing on the headrest behind you. 
Her head rested in the crook of your neck as she followed your movements, her wet moans hitting the side of your neck. The sensation of her breath on your skin made your pussy clench. 
“Am I—gasp—doing good, m-mommy?” 
“Fucking me so good, baby, shit,” you whispered in her ear, and she moaned aloud in yours. She sped up on you, the harness digging into your clit with each swivel of her hips. 
Your hands moved down to grab her ass, spreading her cheeks before slapping them, grabbing the plush of them in your hands. She fucked you harder, and you felt her spit drip on your neck as she wailed into your skin. You threw your head back on the headrest when she sucked on your neck, right on your open scar.
She lifted her head up and looked at you with gentle eyes, her hands moving down from the headrest to grab your cheeks in a soft touch. She was panting on your mouth, her lips brushing against yours with every jump on you. She was so close and she smelled so good, her lips soft. 
She whispered dreamily, “Can’t stop cumming— “
Your eyelids fluttered, “Then don’t. Give it to me, m’so close— “
She grinded harder as she leaned down to connect your lips in a honey-sweet kiss. You reciprocated against your brain's desires. 
Push her away. She’ll never be yours! This is all she wants from you!
Tears built in your eyes as your peak approached, her moans increasing in urgency against your mouth. You sucked on her bottom lip, biting it hard. This is the most eager you’ve felt since you touched her. 
“Cum with me, pleasepleaseplease— “
“I’m gonna, baby, fuck me hard!”
She was going crazy on your dick, full-on bouncing on you, taking it all despite her protests earlier, and you felt yourself tipping. Your pussy squeezed and soaked the harness as your orgasm pulled in your gut. You looked down at your cock, and it was drenched in her white, sticky substance. She was creaming all over your cock as she used you. It made your eyes cross in your skull as your euphoria hit you. 
You were so loud as your nails tore into her skin, your moans matching hers in volume. You felt another splash of fluid on you, and you came harder, another wave crashing through you. You would’ve curled in on yourself if she wasn’t on top of you. 
You felt her tongue slide into your hungry mouth, swirling around yours as you shouted through your high. She was making you feel so good, and you couldn’t fucking think. 
You felt like you were cumming for minutes before the harsh pulses slowed into soft twitches, her hips slowing, and she bent down to kiss you. The touch was soft, sweet, undeserved. You stiffened, on guard immediately. 
She was close, she was too close. Her soft caresses on your face snapped you out of your intoxication, pulling away from her mouth and grabbing her hips to pull her off your dick. 
“T-Turn around, Ellie.”
“Huh?” she asked softly, her eyes teary and delicate. 
“T-Turn around,” your voice trembled.
She was too fucking close. 
She lifted off you, planting her feet on the ground and you spun her. You pulled her down on your lap, her ass in front of your cock. You grabbed your tip, pushing it past her entrance, and she mewled. She took it with ease, mewling out as her back arched into you, swallowing you whole as she sunk down again. 
She planted her hands on your knees and immediately bounced on you, her toned ass meeting the base of your harness with every jump on your cock. 
You could see her pussy suck on your inches, suffocating your girth, her walls clinging to you. 
You grabbed her neck and pushed her forward slightly, and she cried out in painful pleasure. You planted your feet on the floor and fucked up into her. 
“Fuck! Your dick feels so fucking good! Oh my—agh!”
You saw even move cream spread over your dick with every fuck inside her squishy walls. You were moaning with her, fucking her harder, faster, the hand on her neck moving up to pull her hair hard. The sound of wet skin slapping accompanied the sounds you both made in your pleasured state. 
You were going to cum so fucking quick, “Fuck, Ellie, shit— “
“I’m gonna cum so hard, mommy!” your hand in her hair flew down to her hip, grinding her down harder on you. You moaned at the feeling.
“Yeah? Already?” You were right behind her, those euphoric waves pulling in your gut.
“Want it so bad, get it all over this fucking dick, baby— “
Her hand that'd been playing with her tits flew down on top of yours on her waist, her fingers lacing with yours tightly as she shouted, screaming your name. She met your harsh thrusts as she bounced, and she squirted on you again, and you watched it gush out of her, wetting your stomach and harness and the chair beneath her, the sound of splattering liquid on the floor making you cum the hardest you ever had. Your vision whitened as your orgasm crushed you. 
She kept cumming on you, and you kept cumming for her. The pleasure didn’t stop, and all you could do was scream her name out like she did yours, hold her hand tighter as your brain melted. She rocked back and forth on you, prolonging your orgasm, making you cum harder. It just kept building in intensity, the aggressive pulses wracking through you, your toes curling as she milked you, and all you could do was take it.
You blacked out in her mom’s chair, the last thing you remember seeing was her pulsing, squirting pussy, pulsing ass, and the auburn stars that painted her entire back. 
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Some time passed, your lashes fluttering open as you felt soft touches on your face. 
You were met with delicate, green eyes, Ellie looking at you with a softness you hadn’t seen in years. It felt foreign, deep, and it made your heart pick up in panic. 
You pulled away from her touches and looked around unsteadily. 
She was too close. Too fucking close.
The office was a mess: clothes everywhere, the floor was soaked, the whole room smelled like sex and pussy, desk askew, its contents thrown everywhere, Ellie’s tears and puddles of spit all over the surface. You could even see splatters of… her on her mother’s restraining order against you. 
You were suddenly terrified, moving into action and guiding her off your lap so you could stand. You undid the straps of your dick and stepped out of it, cringing at the drying stickiness, and throwing it into your backpack.
You heard her speak from behind you, “Hey, hey, you okay? What’s wr— ‘
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine, I gotta go,” you said tensely. Unwelcoming. Guarded.
“Did… did I do something?” She sounded too soft, too gentle. 
“No, Ellie, I just, I gotta go,” You dressed erratically, pulling your underwear up and jeans on, wincing at your cum sticking to your garments. 
You could hear the crack in her voice, “Can I… do you need help or— “
“Ellie, I’m fucking fine. I’m fine, okay? Forget it.” You spat over your shoulder as you repacked. Don’t look at her, don’t fucking look at her. 
She sounded just as anxious as you did, “W-Why are you so upset with me all of a sudden? What’d I do— “
“You didn't do shit! Can you fucking drop it please!”
Her breath shuddered, “I thought… I thought we were… okay?” 
You whipped around to face her, an incredulous look on your face. Your heart shattered when she flinched, but you yelled at her anyway. Why the hell did you look at her?
“Why the fuck would we be okay?! Did you forget how we fucking met in the first place!” You pointed behind her to the soiled court order, “We’re never going to be fucking okay! Get that through your fucking head.” 
You reached down to grab your heavy bag, throwing it over your shoulder in a hurry. You felt like you were going to suffocate. You needed to go. Right now. You turned towards the door. You hadn’t even shut it all the way when you came in. 
“I’m never going to see you again, am I?” 
Your own tears fell at the dejected acceptance in her voice. She sounded so broken, and it was all your fault. 
But you knew this was for the best. The two of you could never exist together in bliss, even though meeting her was the most human you’ve felt since you were a child. Since your father was alive. 
But you were too different, too damaged. All you would do is hurt each other, you would resent each other, grow to hate, to regret. The world was too cruel, and she was not prepared for its harshness. You were barely prepared, and you lived it every day. And you promised yourself to never go through the despair of loss again. You walked towards the door and heard her release a quiet sob. 
“No,” you pulled the knob, the spacious hallway being another reminder that you didn’t belong. Not here, not anywhere. Her mother was right. 
You were worthless. Held no value in this society. 
In another life, you could’ve been something great. Your cards could’ve been different, better. You could’ve made your father proud. The two of you could’ve been happy.
“You won’t.” 
You left the same way you came, moving in urgency before her sobs lured you back to take her in your arms, against your will. 
Maybe in another life. 
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this was heavy sorry gworlies i love sad shit 
don’t hate me too much? 
omg tell me what y’all thought or whatever *looks away shyly 
thank u 4 reading if u did :3
hi taglist love yall @cherriessxinthespring @ellieswifee @elliespookie @belovednanami @sevikasimp @saturnsellie
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blazingstaro · 4 months
Here's my little side AU!
It's not a serious story like Dreams of the Stars, and just something of my own for funsies! I don't intend to make a series of this, more-so just little drawings or mini comics every now and then. DotS is my main AU and comic series still!
This is my SkyCotL Mago AU, and it's a mix of different types of AUs in one. Genderbend? You got it. Roleswap? Absolutely! There's also a personality swap between characters, and what-if scenarios all jammed into one Kirby AU set in a noir/spacepunk + 30s-60s swing era
It's a lot of what-ifs put into fruition while having SkyCotL on the side! It's wholesome, adorable, and really sweet! No serious angst in this (for now), but some heartfelt troubles and such. Absolutely a comfort AU LOL
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So here's the whole gang together! Not everyone's roles are swapped, I'll say— it's a mixed bag of this that and whatever because whoever said you had to stick to one particular thing in a swap-type AU HEHEHE
Quick look lore/info on each individual below:
Allow me to tell you a bit about each individual here, starting with our lead, Skye:
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The Magolor of this Magoverse flavored AU, this is Magoloria— a rising star from Floralia. She sings, she dances, she's quite the hit for tons of musical shows across the galaxy! Fashionable, fun, and cute as a button, Skye is a pure-hearted and humble gal. She's a young adult for her species!
Both a genderbend and a personality swap! Her personality is swapped with Joronia's (pre-Sectonia). She's as sweet as can be, and enjoys making herself feel pretty with a vast wardrobe of outfits and costumes. Her taste in fashion is impeccable.
The events of Return to Dreamland occur quite a bit differently for Skye, but I'll save that for another post! But the main premise is that following a decisive battle, hopelessly possessed by the Master Crown's evil, Skye and the shattered Master Crown are spirited away to the decaying Kingdom of Sky (hence her nickname), a land time forgot. The power-drained mage must travel across the realms to reclaim her lost powers, which fell into the hands of the sleeping Elder spirits.
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Here's Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee! Their roles remain unchanged, but their personalities have swapped! Bandee is confident and outgoing, whereas Kirby's a bit less confident, but aspires to be great— despite the fact that he's the most powerful of the group and constantly Popstar's savior. He and Bandee are besties, like brothers!
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King Malcom "Meta" Knytte, the presiding king of Dream Land! He's both role-swapped with Dedede, and his personality is swapped with Taranza. He's got the personality of a sopping wet kitten, but is low-key one of the most devastating warriors Dream Land has to offer. His Galaxia's design is more of the anime's than the games because good god I am not drawing the same Galaxia for two different AUs
King Malcolm is a great whistler and plays the piano, but has crippling stage fright. He owns a venue within his kingdom, which has been host to Skye's shows in recent years. He secretly mans backstage in disguise, so commoners won't recognize him (but it's somewhat obvious who he is). Rumor has it, he has an eye for one of the performers, and is secretly in love...
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Sir Dedede of Dream Land! He serves the Kingdom of Dream Land. As it's quite obvious, he's role-swapped and personality swapped with Meta Knight, though there's still a sliver of King Dedede's original ego/pride in this guy. He's aloof, something of a loner, and doesn't talk much, but he has a tendency to take aspiring warriors under his wing. His latest apprentice is Bandana Waddle Dee, who serves under King Malcolm too!
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And finally, the lovely couple— King Taranza and Queen Joronia! This is half a role-swap and a whole personality swap. Taranza's personality is swapped with Magolor, and Joronia has a partial of Dedede's personality, but stands alone on her own as well. Taranza also takes on Magolor's role as Manager of a theme park.
Though married for centuries, Taranza and Joronia are still in their honeymoon phase, madly in love and have profound crushes on each other!
The two have made their kingdom into an entertainment capital this side of the galaxy, bringing all walks of life onto Popstar to see a wide variety of shows! From circus acts, to live musical performances, and thrilling carnival rides and games, you name it, they got it!
This spicy pair act as parental figures for Skye, and took her under their wing when she was a lone, young girl selling papers to make do
AND THAT IS ALL FOR NOW! Just a basic look at everyone! I'll do more thorough info-posts later on 'em throughout the week 💜
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mochinon-yah · 3 months
uh i may have sent my ask too soon without completing it hejsjdjsksj im using mobile 😭
ANYWAY midterms are over thank god but i'm back at school again cuz spring break was only a week long and i turned 20 since it happened to start on my bday back in march mweheheh
BUT YEA AJDJSJJDHDJS LIKE I WOULD EXPECT A HIGH SCHOOLER TO KNOW WHAT A FRIGGIN SCORPION IS??? LIKE HELLO??? but yea! my bf is like albedo but edgy/emo? like usually wears darker clothing and hoodies, but he's really cute (will deny being called that and insists im cuter) and he's super sweet too so things are going rlly well!
anyway social anxiety is like. the bane of existence. especially as a college student and being an adult so thats fun to deal with aha :"D i don't really like the attention either since it makes me feel cornered so i just kinda make myself as small as possible or hide next to one of my friends- like. i make my body language pretty obvious when i don't want to socialize but people do it anyway hhhhhh
also nw! i've never read pride and prejudice but it sounds interesting! :D but i can relate to not being able to sit and read for long periods of time ehe (meanwhile i'm having an artist block-)
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KSWMJWWKQM YEAH, YOUR LAST WISH IS NOT HAPPENING LMAO 😭☝️since i'm on a break from school, i got extra lazy and just played hsr/draw smth inside my room for most of the time, sleeping at 5 am and waking up at 2 pm has been my new sleeping schedule 😭😭 i hope your sleeping schedule is much better than mine lol
*cough* anywayyyy
Weweweee, i don't know how many people have said it to you, but happy birthday and congratulations for making it to 20! I'm sure the journey for you to make it this far is not smth small, so i wanna shout out to you that you're verryyy amazing, and you earn a head pat and also a hug from yourself or from someone that you're already comfortable with 🫂
Well, you earn more than just a head pat and a hug, but i'll just say those two to make it simple :]
AND AYOO???? "will deny being called that and insists im cuter" THAT IS SO CUTE FROM BOTH YOUR BF AND YOU JSJSJAKQIWK- what is this cutesy couple thingy that i have only heard from people.... it was actually real???
Moving on lmao- YEAH, ME TOO!!! I make my body language obvious to people when i don't want to interact but people do anyway, altho if they were just asking for a way to a place or smth simple, i'm like okay with that. But if someone talks to me when i really don't want to talk, i'd be making a weird face (honestly i look like i'm constipated-) first for a quick second before i face that person lmao
Actually, i started pride and prejudice because of a fanfic LMAOOO. The fanfic itself was just a bunch of things from classical novels, and i got interested real fast since it was yandere-themed lol (the fanfic was so SILLY SKWKWSK i lop it)
I'll just respond you with this after you said that you're having an artist block:
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Good luck, vivi 😭💪
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strawbrygashez · 7 months
do you have any more hcs for the narrator with the old ladies? honestly love that idea sm!! i feel like they would knit him a little pride flag jumper when they found out he was gay or something
YES I DO!!!!!
•Starting off with ur idea, I SO agree.. they either knit him something of the pride flag or they get him those cheesy little gifts u can find in stores during pride month.. like a cup that says ‘I’m so gay I can’t even think straight 🤪’ and stuff along those lines. They’d probably even give Tyler something like that as well.
I also think they’d try to invite Jack along for pride parades if they are going to one for like their own family member or something.. & they also prob tell him long stories about their gay family members or how being gay was back when they were younger lol. They are just trying to show they support him & really love him.
•Speaking of them inviting Jack along to places tho, I like to imagine the group has some old rich ladies who constantly wanna bring Jack and Tyler along for vacations & I think Tyler would actually be alright with going since it’s not them paying for it. I picture they’d end up are like places like Hawaii and Florida but I guess just like everywhere else too. Any places with tons to do or great views.
•Tyler at first would not keep his mouth shut about Jack having old lady friends. I kinda talked about it before but fr like at first he won’t stop saying gross things like Jacks into old ladies. That and he makes jokes like how Jacks probably just trying to sneak his way onto some old ‘dying’ ladies will. He also just straight up makes fun of them too (not in front of them of course. He has a character to hold up to.) Jack would beg him to stop kinda bc he’s genuinely friends with them but I doubt Tyler would let up any until it’s been a long while or he can acknowledge that his weird bf is just seriously well meaning friends with old ladies.
I mean it would be fun to pull the ‘Tyler won’t let Jack have any friends’ possessive thing but I kinda am ignoring that in this AU lol I don’t think he’d see them as a threat since he knows Jack is straight up gay. The most he’d do is to tell Jack to stop hanging out with a certain one if he doesn’t like the way they treat him (kinda walking all over him and asking him to do tons of things for them. I don’t know if this would happen tho. Or if it did, it probably only happened once.)
•Also mentioned this before as well but I definitely think if one of his friends were near by, Jack would run off to their place if he wants to get away from Tyler for whatever reason. He’d probably even end up spending the night if Tyler hasn’t dragged him back home.
•Jack does honestly have old lady taste when it comes to decorating I think. He can’t decorate much since he’s with Tyler & in that old house but if he could, yes there would be ‘newer’ trendy furniture but also I think if you dropped him off at a thrift store and told him to have at it, he’d pick up tons of grandma-core junk. Like Garfield themed things, plates that look like you can’t eat off of them, gnome statues, and just weird little bits and pieces. He’s a very odd man…
•Jack has to come up with a good excuse to why he’s beat up all the time because they’d actually care and tell him how to bring down swelling and etc. He’d probably say some shit about how he’s training for professional wrestling or something 😭 If they see Tyler beat up also he’d probably say he’s practicing for it too. I don’t know how much they believe it. It’s funny to picture they can read right thru him and know something freaky is going on between them but I believe most wouldn’t picture that kinda situation between those two. They just picture them as a sweet couple.
•Like how I said Tyler wouldn’t shut up about them, They wouldn’t shut up about Tyler at first either since Tyler is really handsome and a charmer. If they are single they beg Jack to tell him how to find a man like Tyler 😭 I don’t imagine Tyler joins Jack with his little hangouts with his lady friends but they always do make sure to ask about him.
•THEY ARENT COMING OVER TO THE PAPER STREET HOUSE! The place is too dangerous with how old and crappy it is. Tyler says it would be funny to see one of them see how they live though or see them get hurt there 💀 he’s terrible.
•Oh yeah the little hang outs are usually at a restaurant or if they are feeling wild… bingo night! 🤩 that’s not all the places they hang out at but those are the main ones I can think of lol
•Some of the ladies feel really bad about Jack not being able to sleep so they recommended everything under the sun to him. Meds, beds, activities to do that will definitely get him sleepy, books to read, blankets, and all that kinda stuff. Jack actually might try some suggestions but none of them do anything for him. He likes getting new book recommendations tho :3 he gets them from the library the next day if he can.
•If neither Jack or Tyler talk to their own families, they might end up spending things like Thanksgiving and Christmas at one of the ladies houses. That is if Jack can convince Tyler to go though. Tyler is more likely to go if it’s one of them that’s particularly nice, southern (since I hc get grew up in the south) or rich. I said the rich one because I think he’d be kinda jerk and steal a couple things with or without Jacks knowledge.
They get a lot of gifts from all of them for Christmas. It’s probably how they end up with things to slowly improve the house or how they end up with more things to do (like if one got them a hockey table set or something lol)
• I’ll end this off by saying it would be funny if Marla ‘stole’ one of Jacks favorite friends 😭 at first she calls Jack weird and makes fun of him but once they actually meet, I can see some of the ladies actually taking a liking towards marla since they can see themselves in her. Them being actually nice and ‘cool’ surprises Marla and like.. just suddenly one day it turns out Marla has been hanging out with the ‘cool grandma with the dyed hair’ and that’s why that old lady isn’t around for meet ups anymore 😭😭 and they were wanna Jacks favorites. Smh.
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tanushakyrano · 1 year
Hi hello bestie!!
For the ask game: 1, 5 and then 13 for Penny <3
hello!!!!!!!!!! tysm for the ask!!!!!
1: what's a queer headcanon you enjoy?
i have a Lot. like a lot a lot. of queer hcs. one i really enjoy actually is trans john! maybe i am projecting a tad but yeah <3 i think he knew from a really young age and just presented himself how he liked, and jeff and lucille went along with it. he told them eventually and they were like 'yeah we kind of guessed'
5: talk about a fanwork with queer themes that you'd like to make
ANOTHER GOOD ONE!!!! i have so so many ideas tbh...ive already got a couple short half-written ones that hopefully ill get finished for this month, so i wont talk about those lol
hm. well anyone who knows me knows i love kayo/penny - because apparently i get myself invested in sapphic rarepairs WAY too much - and i have so many thoughts about them.. I would love to write a fic of them going as a couple to a ball/gala (for an undercover mission of course) and also just one of them spending time together at the creighton-ward manor!
13: how would Penelope celebrate pride?
oooooh this is interesting👀 i don't think she'd be as into all the massive events, seeing as how she'll have to deal with paparazzi (plus the fact she's always at events, so would probably be a bit sick of them). she'd definitely hold/attend events for lgbtq charities, but it's not the most relaxing! she'd probably have quiet get-togethers with queer friends (maybe international rescue has a queer movie night!) and spend time with kayo :]
thank u again for the ask!!!!!!!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Lastly, to get myself in the mood to be absolutely emotionally wrecked by Stars, I thought I'd talk a bit about some comparisons I was thinking about. I love thinking about how certain themes and ideas seem to persist throughout an author's work - I was thinking about this a lot a couple of weeks ago when Glass Onion came out and it was very similar yet distinctly different from Knives Out
Wilbur has the same sort of intelligence and wit across both fics, which makes a lot of sense. Both characters seem to struggle with identity issues but in very different ways. Stars!Wilbur is attacked and shunned for who he is, and he barely knows who he is. Glass!Wilbur is highly respected for who he is, but there's something obviously very fake about him. The Pythia has completely overtaken Glass!Wilbur
In terms of how they advise (or rather how their advice is taken), it's basically the complete opposite of each other. In Stars, Tommy highly respects Wilbur, is at times desperate for his advice, and when he doesn't listen to Wilbur it's because Wilbur is being highly irrational. In Glass Divine, Schlatt puts on enough of an air of respect for Wilbur as to fulfil expectations, while ignoring Wilbur's vitally important role. Also, Stars!Wilbur is stumbling along on what he believes is right while Glass!Wilbur adheres to divine intervention
Glass!Wilbur has his own demons and issues that Stars!Wilbur didn't have and vice versa. They have very different pressures on them. Really excited to see how Glass!Wilbur's story goes and how Stars!Wilbur's story ends
You do such a good job at writing Wilbur. You understand the character well enough to keep him accurate to the canon, while being able to adapt him to different situations and keep him recognizable. That's really what I'm trying to get at with this ask. Great job, I mean it, great job
(3/3) 🔥
aaaa this is so sweet thank you so much. I really pride myself on how i write c!wilbur. I love aus because you get to really analyze a character and figure out how different worlds and situations would alter the person they are. you have to try and find their core traits that stay the same no matter what, and then rebuild the rest of the character around whatever au you have them set in. c!wilbur is such a complex and multi-layered character that he's definitely my favorite to do this with. glass!wilbur and stars!wilbur are so similar yet different at the same time. they've had extremely different upbringings but deal with similar issues. I'm so glad you're enjoying the way I write him across all my different wacky aus lol
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kayzero · 1 year
Happy borth!!! It was a reminder for rambling about ocs I believe lol
thank you thank you!! i’m gonna ramble about a different oc with this ask!!
I didn’t really go into detail about the Seven Sins themselves. The writing concept continued from “okay Pride wants to rule everything, but she doesn’t want to be seen as a monster dictator, how do we get her into a position of power?” The answer was to make her a war hero. What would make better opposition for a group of personified Sins than Angels?
So the Sinful Saviors are a group of heroes that saved the world of Peccatum from a race of moralistic, puritanical invaders from a different dimension. They had large feathered wings protruding from their backs and wielded powerful Holy Magic that could also function as hardlight weaponry.
When the Angelic scouts initially came to Peccatum, they encountered the old regime of humanity, in which nobles owned land and ruled over the people who lived there. They were rude and selfish and condescending all to a tee, and the scouts took them to be representative of all humanity, and returned with an army.
(As an aside, in the old regime, what mattered most was who you were connected to, and every human had a last name tying them to their highest ranking family member, or rarely, the noble they served. Pride’s rule is meritocratic, and last names have been dealt away with in favor of Titles denoting their highest achievement.
Janet, the Sector Four Baker, who has recently dethroned Marcus, the Patissier as the best baker in Sector Four.
Rufio, the Hummingsnake, a member of the Prideful Militia who was praised by their captain for being quick and evasive after a particularly difficult Monster Repellent mission.
Solaire, who is either called Pride’s Right Hand when dealing with advisory or administrative duties, or the Nexus when on the battlefield in recognition of his mastery over Elemental Magic.
The exception to this is Lady Pride, who is either hiding her previous identity or has sacrificed her True Name in exchange for her overwhelming power, depending on which rumor you believe.)
I talked about Aurora, the character I resonate most closely with, now I’ll talk about the character I love the most, who I like to think about and write the most:
Cadenza, the Lady Sloth.
(cw for religious themes and themes of suicide. very long post to follow.)
Cadenza Accorda and her brother Iratius were born to a nomadic tribe of warriors with incredible magical reserves. They owned no land, but roamed the Eastern Continent freely, frequently making contact with nobility and maintaining positive relationships.
The tribe saw childrearing as a community effort, and rather than have nuclear families with couples raising individual children, they split the tribe into four parts:
The Children
The Caretakers, those in charge of nurturing the children and overseeing homemaking efforts
The Warriors, who fought in defense of the tribe and trained the children, and
The Elders, who made decisions on behalf of the whole tribe and taught the children culture and esoteric magic
The secret to the tribe’s success was a secret technique from an obscure branch of Spiritual Magic. Cast by the carrier about halfway through pregnancy, they start to absorb ambient magic and transfer it directly to the unborn fetus. The fetus, still in development, doesn’t yet have a magical core or any of the three magical centers, and sends most of the energy back to the carrier’s Soul Center. This process strengthens both the fetus and the carrier proportional to the quantity and quality of ambient magic during the spell’s duration.
Iratius was carried along a Leyline, but Cadenza‘a carrier spent most of their pregnancy in the Waterfall of Rebirth with a small detachment of tribespeople. The Waterfall of Rebirth is the origin point for the Leyline of Adaptability, humanity’s Leyline. So Cadenza’s carrier got a significant power boost, and Cadenza was born with extreme magical depths, as well as a deep connection to Humanity’s Progenitor, the Cyclical Goddess.
The tribe elders could also cast this spell on other people, rather than just themselves, and this was the source of their prosperity. They went to nobles and offered their prenatal blessing in exchange for treasures or knowledge or rations or safe passage. And because the blessing influenced the carrier as well, their warriors were the strongest humanity had to offer.
When the Angelic Invasion began, a noble hired the tribe for homeland defense. And it worked for a while — the angel’s chaff were no match for the tribe’s warriors. Nobility began to flock to this one specific area for protection. But then the Angels sent their Elites. They beat the warriors, found out the source of their power, killed every single adult tribesperson so they couldn’t repopulate their forces with more super soldiers, and offered a choice to the children: reeducation and guaranteed safety from the Angels, or they could venture out into the wilds alone and risk being killed later down the road.
Cadenza and Iratius chose to leave. They wandered for a while, with Iratius hunting and Cadenza foraging. He grew more and more angry as time passed, she grew more and more depressed. She started hearing a voice. Every time they got to a relatively safe camp, it would say ‘just stop here. it’s safe here. just give up.’ But something urged her to keep moving, so they did.
And eventually they found a Church of the Cycle. The church offered to shelter them in exchange for a either work around the land or devotion to their goddess. Iratius chose work, and began to run protection detail for missionaries, but Cadenza chose devotion, and began to learn about the Cyclical Goddess.
She threw herself into her studies, became immersed in the precepts of Life and Death. The circumstances of her birth meant that she could perform tremendous feats of magic, and she became the Church’s best Healer, while also attaining mastery of Earth, Soul, and Necromatic Magics.
She worshipped the Goddess. The Goddess had saved her, the Church had saved her and her brother, and she loved them both deeply.
Years later, Cadenza set out to spread the good word of the Cyclical Goddess, with Iratius by her side. Her brother was stronger than her, being both more physically gifted and more magically talented with regards to combat, but she was no slouch. She could detect and cure ailments in no time flat, she could speak to the recently departed and put families at ease, she could raise Angels killed in combat and use them against her foes.
She healed those wounded by the Invasion with a kind smile and pleasant demeanor, she defended bastions of humanity with widespread earth manipulation, and every so often, when someone would ask how they could be more like her, she taught them the Tenets of the Cycle.
Except she broke the most important one.
A contingent of Angels ambushed Cadenza and Iratius. They had heard of Humanity’s Miracle Worker, and how she was grinding all of their progress to a halt with her healing, and tried to take her out of the picture.
A duo swooped in and carried Cadenza off into the sky while a dozen dropped to keep her bodyguard occupied. They thought her weak — Angelic Healers hyperfocused on their duty to the detriment of all else — so they thought all they had to do was carry her high into the sky and drop her, let gravity do all the work.
They were dozens of flights* overhead by the time Cadenza snapped out of her panic, but once she did, she corroded her captor’s brain, killing them instantly, then commanded his corpse to drop her and kill the second Angel, then swoop down and catch her before she hit the ground. There were maybe ten or fifteen minutes between her capture and her return, but it should’ve been fine, Iratius had faced worse odds before—
But every single Angel sent to occupy him was an Elite. She came to the clearing to see four Angels dead, two Angels holding him, and a third drove their sword through the base of Iratius’ skull.
Instant death.
Cadenza felt… numb.
She walked slowly, hesitantly, to Ira’s body.
The Angels tried to attack her, but they were stopped by the corpses of their fallen comrades.
She dropped to her knees and put her hands on his face.
He was still warm.
She could feel his soul leaving his body, toward its destination of the Leyline of Adaptability, to swim up the River of Souls and return to the cycle of rebirth.
…She could… feel… his soul…
She saw grey.
Cadenza’s Magic lashed out and gripped the souls of the Angels, ripping them out of their bodies and toward her own, fueling her desperate spell. She reached out with everything she had and grabbed onto Ira’s soul, forcing it back into his body, healing his wounds as she did so.
She heard a chime in the back of her mind. A death knell.
Only the Goddess should reintroduce life to this world, for mortal hands to attempt such is an unforgivable error.
The most sacred tenet.
Let life returned by mortal hands be struck down by the Goddess’ attendants, and the heretic removed entirely from the Cycle.
The punishment for breaking it.
She backed up to a tree and sat there blankly. Ira got up, tried to question her about the situation, tried to move her somewhere safer, but she was rooted, staring at nothing.
She stayed there for fourteen days, unmoving, unresponsive. Ira stayed by her side. Each day, the goddess would send her Executioners to slay Ira and return him to the cycle.
First they each came alone. One came from the sky on leathery wings and attacked with soul-rending claws. Another swam in on a wave made from the River of Souls, assaulting him with sword and shield. The third came in from the tree line, her head disconnected from her shoulders, with a chain attached to her neck at the end of a mace. The last came out of Ira’s shadow, her hands missing, skin flayed from her arms, her ulna and radius sharpened and serrated.
Ira dispatched them all with ease. Then they came in duos, shuffled each and every day, approaching him with different strategies. When that failed, they came in trios, set in different formations, but he still withstood them.
On the fifteenth day, they came as four, and their flawless teamwork finally overwhelmed him. He was twisted away from claws, with one hand diverting a sword from his neck, another arm blocking bones, but the dullahan had an open shot and sent her mace to strike him down—
And then Cadenza caught the skull in one hand and crushed it. Her face was blank as she slithered past Ira to knife hand through the harpy’s neck, her eyes were dead as she swiped the kelpie’s shield and ran it into her skull. When she faced the final Executioner, she merely said one thing before dispersing into shadow:
“The Goddess will see you in her court.”
Still numb, Cadenza walked northeast to the Goddess’ Isle, still unresponsive to Ira’s questioning. When they reached the beach, Ira was sent to sleep to prevent him from following her across the water — she didn’t want the Goddess to steal him away from her.
She stood underneath the Waterfall of Rebirth, the source of which was hidden in the heavens, and waited. Between one blink and the next, she was standing before the Cyclical Goddess. Cadenza did not beg, or plead, or even answer for her transgression.
She loved the Goddess. She loved the church.
But she loved her brother more.
So the Goddess removed her from the cycle of rebirth, and cursed her. Cadenza’s soul would never return to the River of Souls, would never ascend the Waterfall of Rebirth, would never again be graced by the Goddess’ touch.
And then she was underneath the waterfall again.
A squad of Angels surrounded her — they had seen her crossing the water, knew her as Humanity’s Miracle, decided to deal with her immediately. And so they did, running her through with each of their swords. One through her stomach, one through her heart, one through her neck, and one through her temples.
But she did not die.
She could not die.
She certainly tried. After dealing with those Angels, she separated from her brother and traveled the world. She was bitten by a monster whose venom could down a fully grown elephant-boar, but she yet lived. She was eaten by the Apex Green Dragon, whose acid burned through the ground to the web of magic below, and passed straight through their stomach. She antagonized a powerful Angelic Commander until he used his Light Magic to vaporize the upper half of her body, but she fully reconstituted from her lower half.
The Goddess’ Curse is a funny thing. It shackles the human soul to the flesh and bars it from entering the Leyline of Adaptability. The Damned would remain alive through anything — suffer through the pain of organ failure, stay awake through total exsanguination, feel every single moment as their body decayed from old age. Only when their body utterly withers away to dust would they be free from pain, and even then, their soul would wander Peccatum until the end of time.
But Cadenza was a Healer, and her magic was attuned to healing. But Cadenza was born atop an Origin Pool, and her magic was deep. But Cadenza bore the Soul of Sloth, which amplified everything the closer to attunement it was.
She would always recover. She would never suffer pain. She would never die.
She would never smile again.
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For the OTP ask, 2, 6, 7, 11, 27, 29, 30, 31, 48, and 49 for the werewolf au? I'm literally obsessed with them! It's amazing!! Thank you!!!
M you sweet sweet soul 🥹 thank you so much, you know I could talk about them for days 💓
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2. Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon?
Jake is the big spoon more often than not. He loves just holding Ronnie in his arms, making her feel safe and warm and loved. But sometimes, maybe nights after he wakes up from those nightmares, he becomes the little spoon and it feels just as good to feel safe and warm and loved back.
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day?
This is an interesting one! I feel like Ronnie is a middle of the night kind of person. She will mull something over as she tries to fall asleep but then she just shoots up out of bed because she thought of the answer. She also likes to watch Jake sleep, it's when he's his most soft and when his guard is down completely, and she can't help but think about how much she just loves this guy so much. Jake, on the other hand, it doesn't take much for him to get deep in his feels about Ronnie. She could just be doing the dishes or reading a book and he's like "damn...i love her sm"
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
Jake does for sure. Ronnie is a very confident person by nature, compounded by the fact that she's now a Luna. He constantly worries about things (secretly, in private, he would never let anyone else see that). And Ronnie is his constant reassurance.
11. Who likes horror movies/Who likes romance movies?
Okay, neither of them like horror movies. They know that some of that stuff is real and they do not like it lol (I think Jake would try to watch a werewolf movie but then he'd get all sad cause "am I really just a monster?" OOF anyway). But Ronnie loves romance films!! Runaway Bride and Pride & Prejudice are some of her favorites. Jake would never admit to enjoying them though.
27. Who takes a long shower/Who sings in the shower?
Jake takes long showers, especially when he gets back from the full moon and he's covered in muck and animal blood and who knows what else. Ronnie sings super loud in the shower though. That is her own personal concert space.
29. Who is the better cook?
Ronnie!! In a way, she's kinda been preparing to be a Lunda her entire life. And that means taking care of an entire pack. She knows how to cook and cook for many.
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
I say both of them do. They'll spend hours on that beach where they really met for the first time. Have they also fucked in that cave down the beach during rain storms? YEAH
31. Who is more affectionate?
Like physical affection? definitely Jake. It's just werewolf nature to be very physical with your mate and touch is super important for werewolves. He constantly has a hand on her no matter where they go. They're like Those couples in line at the theme park but just like....all the time lol
48. Who loses stuff?
Jake does lol I think that's just a guy thing. They set things down around the house and it's just Right There but they cannot see it.
49. Who is the driver/Who is the passenger?
Jake is always the driver and Ronnie is always the passenger. Is it because Ronnie is a terrible driver that gives big Alpha Jake anxiety? quite possibly lol
thanks again M!
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 years
My 2022 in dramaland!!!
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I really wish I could have more time to make a bigger post (mostly so I can talk more about the dramas I LOVED) but it is what it is and it’s always fun to try and describe something you either hated or loved in a few sentences, so in the order I watched them:
My TOP5 first:
Dream Garden: Technically premiered last year but it aired like a kdrama (2 eps per week) so it took me 2 months to watch. Not excellent but far from being bad. A lot different from most modern romances in cdramas I’ve watched since it was a psychological thriller romance (with a super slow slowburn). Here because it was the only Gong Jun drama I got this year. Ugh. Cdramas, you know? Totally a rec!
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Anyone who watched it knows why. It just had a hold of me since the very first scene. Park Eun Bin was her usual magnificent self. Also Kang Tae Oh and his character, Junho were a delight. He’s my pick for best male lead this year. Greenest Flag in whole dramaland. I don’t want a S2, but I want another drama starring Eun Bin and TaeOh. Fingers crossed!
F4 Thailand: Because it technically was/is my first thai drama. I KNOW the drama was not perfect and a lot of people jumped ship halfway through but come on, the story is completely outdated yet they keep remaking it, why? Cause we watch it. We love and obsess with the story as much as Thyme obsesses with Gorya in every version. Would love to watch the whole main cast again in another project.
Love Between Fairy and Devil: On the surface, it’s just like any other xianxia... except it’s not. It’s so MUCH more. It’s all in the execution. I cried I laughed I cheered and wish I got more of the happy ending. Just a tiny little bit more, drama!! I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Also, I discovered Dylan Wang can truly act. So the drama was full of surprises.
Revenge of Others: Orphan girl moves to an awful school full of little psychos to avenge the death of her dear brother. Girl meets boy. Boy discovers has a brain tumor but he’s also quite the vigilante. They develop an amazing bond and relationship that most romances in kdramas wish they could have. A really well executed whodunnit drama, with interesting plot twists. I was pleasantly surprised that the writers managed to tie in all the loose ends and gave us a satisfying ending and truly a happy one for the two main leads. SUPER REC!!
All of Us are Dead: THE POOR KIDS. I rooted so hard for the kids and no one ever came to save them. My faves survived and that’s the reason I’m watching S2. Rec? At your own risk lol. Also, the title is the biggest spoiler.
Bulgasal: I always forget this drama aired this year. I actually loved it, but it needed something more. Maybe a kiss?? lol I don’t know, on paper it was perfect but something was missing. Totally a rec, though.
Business Proposal: It came out of knowhere and was my first enjoyable romcom in kdramaland in a really long time. For me it’s a classic already. Would love to watch the second leads in their own drama, though. Not on my TOP5 bc really good and great dramas came after it.
Tomorrow: Please know that I’m a huge Rowoon fan before you read the next sentence. He was a terrible miscast in this. Everyone was crazy about the romance with Lee So Hyuk and Kim HeeSun and I would’ve loved to be as well if only they ever had more than 3 minutes together per ep. Just when I was getting into it, drama took me somewhere else. Not a rec. Sorry Rowoon. Sorry whole cast. Love you. Come back to us with something better
Not Me: Not sure why I chose this as my first Thai BL, but I’m so glad I did. Very different even among its own genre. Chemistry and makeout kiss scenes were AMAZING for the 2 main couples. Give this drama a chance but be prepared for the activist theme and the political talk. These are youngsters trying to change their world for better. Also, the OST is magic. P.S. That scene in ep 7 with OTP holding hands under the Pride Flag must have its own monument.
Bad Buddy: I always thought people were overreacting when the drama was airing. I thought “it must not be that good”. Oh but it was and I ate my words lol Fun, romantic, bit of a Romeo&Juliet themed, and the twist at the end?? Delightful. I cheered!!! SUPER REC!! Btw I also loved the OST of this one.
Love all Play: Back to kdramas. Badminton, romance, a charming male lead but terrible families. Another show that came out of knowhere but it was actually really inspiring and cozy to watch, in the first half. I loved the OTP. The found family dynamics in the team but there was TOO MUCH angst, really unnecessary and that’s why it’s not on my top 5. It had a a super happy ending though, and I loved that. Rec? tbh yes, really bingeworthy. And you would feel the angst less.
Sh**ting stars: For a romcom, I have to admit drama’s best joke was its title. It was enjoyable but not that memorable for me. Kim YoungDae is really good in this genre, though. He should stick to these kind of roles. The Oh NamJoo kind (where my Extraordinary You fans at?) He shines the best like that. Rec? Honestly, yeah. Good for a binge if there’s nothing else to watch!
Kiss Sixth Sense: Romcom, cliche, full of tropes. AMAZING chemistry between the leads. Because of fate, he could hear really well, superpower level. And she could see the future of the people she kissed lol drama’s biggest mistep was that it took itself too seriously. Also, the last episode was really bad. Technically a happy ending though. Not a rec.
Yumi’s Cells S2: Jinyoung was the best part and I regret nothing. Except the part where I loved and had so much fun with S1. This sequel though, did not spark joy, on the contrary, it killed it. What happened, Yumi?? 
Remarriage and Desire: Makjang. 6 eps. Happy ending. What can I say? It was great to relieve stress and at the time, I truly needed that. Rec? Yeah. It’s crazy, it’s soapy, it’s stupid, but it’s fun, short and its plot twists have plot twists.  Also I’m sorry but I watched it in spanish dub and it was even more hilarious.
Fanletter, please: Romcom. She’s a top actress. He’s a single dad taking care of his young and sick daugther. Sounds like a downer, but it truly wasn’t. Only four eps, and the chemistry between the leads was soooo good that I want them in another, longer drama. A total rec, for sure!!!
May I help You: Enjoyable drama but, as per usual, something was missing in the second half. The romance was nowhere to be found after OTP got together so maybe that’s what, at least for me. Drama shifted genres. The plot twist on the actual baddie was surprising but not shocking. Rec? Yes? Maybe? Well, I love Lee JunYoung and Hyeri’s acting got better imo.
Summer Strike: I honestly think the best thing about this is that the eps were only about 40 min long and that there were only 12 of them. A longer drama with a longer runtime would’ve lost the desired effect. In my opinion, the best slice of life kdrama of the year and really inspiring, even if it made me cry at times.
Under the Queen’s Umbrella: Iit honestly doesn’t sound like my thing. But I kept watching spoilers and gave it a chance. I’m still watching but I know how it ends and I think it’s a pretty great drama. I love the acting, the stories, the Queen and her sons and have never rooted for someone to kill their mother-in-law so much. Also, Queen is mom of the year. Total Rec.
Dishonorable mentions (shame on you, dramas! You were suppossed to be be better!):
2521: I think even the people who did not watch the drama know why. I made a rant post about it. It was not that they didn’t end up together. It was the how they got there what bothered me and traumatized me. Blacklisting the director and writer for life.
Love in Contract: Look. It took me out of a mini drama slump and I’ll always cherish that. Not the best drama (far from it), not a single bit made sense in the second half, but it honestly wasn’t as bad as people made it sound. Also, happy ending!!! Yay!!! Put it here because of the second lead. That dude was a psycho.
Note: The second male lead in this drama shares his award for most annoying second lead with the one from Cheer Up, cause I honestly think they’re one and the same annoying, entitled and deluded asshole!
Cheer Up: Conflicted. I loved this show when it was a fun coming of age story with youngsters in college, full of dreams and hopes and just wanting to cheer in a club after class. But sometimes it was like Bring it On meets Scream. Or something weird like that. Also, that asshole second lead was truly hateable. I honestly don’t know how I got past him and finished the drama. Last ep got a lot of things right, a pity drama spent so much on the love triangle.
Silent: jdrama. I actually finished this because I love Meguro Ren and became invested in a secondary couple (their story was soooo sweet) but this drama was more of a downer than anything else. Also ten eps of conversations, of taking big steps towards healing (or so we thought) only to realize male lead is still in the same place he was in the first ep? Doesn’t spark joy. Silently frustrating, despite the happy ending. Watch at your own risk.
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the-pjo-analyst · 1 year
Chapter 16 - We Take a Zebra to Vegas
Theme of the day: Comfort
I never meant to take such a long time off whoops. Thank you to everyone still reading my posts and leaving such kind comments ❤️
Lots of things that brought both comfort and discomfort this chapter, and also one that seemingly brought comfort at face value. The first discomfort is definitely that Kindness International truck lmao. Those poor animals though, I’ll never understand people who like. get a kick out of spreading misery to others. Even though this is all fiction, I’m very thankful that the trio helped those animals out by cleaning them up a bit and giving them their proper meals, if you can even call them that. I hope that satyr blessing worked and they’re in a better place.
Now onto something that does bring comfort, like ✨FRIENDSHIP✨ lol. The conversation Annabeth and Percy have on the truck shows a turning point in their relationship. Most their previous convos/heart-to-hearts end up with them insulting each other in some way, but this is the first time they actually talk without bickering. The first time Annabeth puts aside her idolization for her mother and calls Percy her friend. I think Percy helping her through the traumatic experience of facing her phobia at the water park without mocking her for it kind of put things into perspective. In fact, when Annabeth brings it up, he tells not to worry about it. Like of course he’d help! they’re a team! Annabeth is probably so used to being competent and level headed in every situation. Like Annabeth prides herself in it, makes it synonymous with her very identity, that when she’s faced with a problem she’s practically useless in, it not only hurts her pride but she might also think that it’ll make others value her less. But this is Percy we’re talking about, and he (nor Grover) doesn’t value people based on what they can do for him. This moment and the water park incident shows Annabeth how loyal Percy actually is. So much so that she’s willing to open up to him about her father more. And openly admit that she considers him her friend. Idk why but her handing Percy half of her oreo as like a sign of truce really gets to me ;w;
Grover also gets a bit of comfort from Annabeth and Percy too. I’m not sure who has lower self esteem between Grover and Percy, but Grover definitely outwardly expresses his low confidence a lot more. The encouragement he gets from them is so sweet though. These three together are everything 😩👌🏾
Speaking of insecurities, the beginning of Percy’s dream straight up screams his self esteem issues. He states that it’s his reoccurring nightmare where he’s alone in a classroom and forced to take a test while wearing a straitjacket, being ridiculed about his inability to even pick up his pencil. Like hello??? that whole dream screams “no one thinks I’m capable of anything.” What’s strange about this dream is that Thalia appears in it, and he knows exactly what she looks like. It’s not like this is a dream about the past or present, so I can only assume her dormant spirit or whatever came to him. Like “get ur shit together kid.” Maybe she helped him eavesdrop on Kronos and Luke talking? I’m still trying to figure out that part in Hades’ throne room though. Why that whole thing with skeletons dressing him in silk and crowning him with poison? What does Kronos mean by calling Percy the conquering hero? I’ll set that aside for later lmao.
A lot of things happened this chapter lol. I think with how important the Lotus Hotel becomes later and how much it pops up in the fandom, I forgot that it only takes up a couple pages in the story. The trio come in thinking they have plenty of time for their quest, just short of a week, finding a place of rest and comfort and entertainment. But in reality, those things are just a deception. Just a few hours in the hotel makes them lose the 5 days they had as a cushion for the quest. Too bad book!Annabeth didn’t have the same sense as musical!Annabeth 😂 But to her defense, she’s 12 and exhausted and just wants a nice shower lol. I mean that was basically Percy’s reasoning too.
Small things:
As someone from the Denver area, it is unfortunate that the city didn’t bring much comfort to the trio 😔
I find it funny that whenever Percy mentions Thalia, it’s always her full title “Thalia, daughter of Zeus” lmaooo
“It only works on wild animals” “So it would only affect Percy” 😂😂
Previous: Chapter 15 - A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Next: Chapter 17 - We Shop for Water Beds
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 years
1 2 3 4 13 26 27 30 36 37 40 42 43 44 47 49
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
this is another concept i dont really understand. hikari finalfantasy probably falls into this group though
2. lighter or matches?
what am i setting on fire? probably matches. i love the smell of matches. i love watching them burn. i love flicking them off the box across the campsite and watching them ignite in midair. i do like those lighters that have the really long head though.
3. do you leave the window open at night?
god no. the cats would get out. the temperature would. get out.
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in?
do i have to choose one? moth man. wv pride babey <3
13. when was the last time you ate?
a couple hours ago when i was working on p8s. my internet died tho so i didnt get much prog :(
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
the tomato-faced neighbor yelling at me for mowing my lawn at 830am on a wednesday. if i had even the slightest bit of confidence i wouldve killed him.
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
6 ish?
30. is there dishes in your room?
doesnt look like it, no.
36. how many times have you changed your url?
permanent changes, just the once iirc. i did used to make it holiday-themed back in the day though.
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
uhhh like. we dont talk much anymore but the only person who really fits this bill is my friend Allison, who i met at church in high school. shes cool tho she was super supportive of my transition and calls me mom <3
40. did you have any snacks today?
i had a nerds rope and a butterfinger that was the last thing i ate lol.
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
arknights <3
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
already did this one!
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
....................................................... the tomato faced neighbor. killing one billionaire would do fuck all and killing this guy would feel very personally rewarding.
47. what was the last message you sent?
"I am lol" , to you
49. can you skip rocks?
yes!!!!!!!! its so fun i love skip rocks. i try to skip rocks on every body of water i come across. it does not work well on rivers or oceans. this does not stop me.
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questinwitchface · 2 years
ok so from your WIP Game
Two Big, Blonde, Bearded Himbos Discover They're a Little Queer
fucking iconic title we love it
Peter/Oli - No Bad Decisions
basically all of your writing projects sound so cool and so do all of your other art projects
like,,, nerd vest? bi pride skirt?? avenger dolls??? askSJOdjsjZIS
i would love to learn more abt the wips u talked abt if u have the energy to share that's all thx <3
Okay, you asked for a lot of them (thank you for being interested!), so I'm gonna try to keep the explanations short so this answer isn't a mile long lol.
Two Big, Blonde, Bearded Himbos Discover They're a Little Queer is a Steve/Thor fic. I don't have much of it written, but the premise is basically that Thor and Steve both think they're straight and discover that they are not. Steve realizes he's feeling some kind of way about Thor's sparkly eyes and freaks, so he goes to Sam and Bucky for help. Meanwhile, Thor figures out that he's not squeezing his gym bro Steve's biceps platonically, so he goes to Valkyrie and Loki for help ("Can you just... wake up one day and realize you're attracted to a man after thinking you were straight for a couple millennia?"). Their friends try to help them get together, and it's really just a bunch of awkward fails and confusion lol. They get together at the end tho. (Also thank you, I'm really super proud of this title 😊)
Peter/Oli - No Bad Decisions is a spin-off of Pride Brought Us to Bad Decisions that takes place during Peter's sophomore year at MIT, when Oli ends up moving in with him, Ned, and MJ. Cue the cute Oli/Peter romance. Idk if I'll ever actually write this one bc I always feel kinda weird about making OCs a main part of a fic, but idk. I really love Oli, and I liked writing Peter like this, so whether it's popular or not, I'll probably end up writing it eventually. I love them. 😅
Nerd Vest is a white denim, cropped vest I bought about a year ago on clearance at my favorite store, and I've been slowly and surely doing nerd shit to it. I'm currently working on some Avengers-themed embroidery along the hem, which is slow-going because I have embroider and denim is thick. I have plans to acquire patches to sew on and pins to pin on it, and if I get really brave, I'll pick up some fabric medium and maybe attempt painting on some designs, but idk about my paint skills, lol.... Nerd Vest!
Bi Pride Skirt is my attempt at crocheting myself a skirt. It's basically like 15 purple panels I plan on joining together with pink and blue, and doing a pink waistband with a blue scalloped hem at the bottom. Idk if that makes any sense for people who don't crochet, but, as usual, I'm making it up as I go along, so idk how to explain it better yet. I only have the purple panels made right now.
Avenger Dolls are little crochet dolls (I think they're technically called amigurumi or something like that?). I found a pattern book and kit thing at Barnes and Noble 2+ years ago, and it only includes like 8 character patterns, but I'm pretty sure the patterns are adaptable for other characters if I dedicate enough brain power to it. So once I've finished the first one (I misunderstood the pattern on the first attempt and the result was 🥴 not great, poor drunk-looking Steve), I'll figure out how to make myself a little set of my favorite little characters.
I'm sorry that was so long. Hopefully each thing was interesting enough. I know you said you're interested in all of it, but explaining all my WIPs in one post felt really gratuitous lol. Thank you for asking and being interested! 😊
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bangtanintotheroom · 2 years
Neck and Neck (M)
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The night's almost done, but I see your eyes You wanna go again, girl, I'll go again
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• Pairing: Underground Rapper!Yoongi x Underground Rapper!(F)Reader
• Genre: Smut, Enemies to Lovers
• Rating: 18+
• Words: 10.9k
• Summary: This battle wasn’t over yet, not by a long shot.
• Warnings/themes: verbal foreplay, “footsies” 😏, Namjoon is clueless lol, reader is a bit of a brat still, swearing, dom!Yoongi, dirty talk, degradation, usage of sl*t, taunting, oral (m. and f. receiving), face-fucking, deep throating, hair pulling, ripping panties, fingering, pussy slapping, riding, scratching, biting, choking, spanking, protected sex (keep that rubber on, folks), rough sex, lowkey hate sex, sleepy Yoongi 🥺, these two are competitive af
• Notes: Y’all wanted a follow up to Sore Loser so here it is 😏 The thought had been floating in my head and of course, a couple of people encouraged me to do this soooo 😶 Expect this to be rough as hell, the last part was only a hint of what’s coming. So now I must say a special prayer for @sunshinerainbowsbts​ because I don’t know if she’ll survive after this 🙏🏾 Shoutout to the wonderful @jeonjcngkook​ for beta’ing AGAIN how could you come back after I tortured you with 37k ilyilyily 😭💖 Also, I’m happy this happened to fall around a special someone’s birthday! Happy birthday, Yoongs! 🥳💝
• Song Inspo: Often - The Weeknd (Spotify | Soundcloud)
• Taglist: @sunshinerainbowsbts​ @exileoflove​ @sugalaritae​
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Masterlist | Sore Loser | Neck and Neck
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One thing that Yoongi always prided himself on was his discipline and self-control when it came to things he wanted.
But you had been pushing his limits since you all sat down to eat.
Namjoon had been surprised to see you trailing behind his friend when they met up, knowing that the two of you weren’t on the best terms. His jaw nearly dropped when Yoongi had asked if it was fine for you to tag along for dinner. He was about to ask if he was joking until the other gave him a look that screamed ‘don’t ask questions, just say yes or I’ll kill you’.
So now the three of you sat in front of a grill at Spice, the atmosphere a little awkward despite the lively music and surrounding chatter.
“So, uh, Y/N—“ You looked up from your menu at Namjoon, a sheepish expression on his face. “First time here?”
“Nah, I’ve been here a few times with some friends.”
“O-Oh, well, that’s good! There’s so many options, I was worried you’d get overwhelmed.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Don’t worry, I already know what I’m gonna get, just figuring out what I’m drinking tonight.”
Yoongi cut in, raising a brow. “I hope you have money on you.”
You weren’t fazed by his bluntness but Namjoon smacked his friend upside the head. “Come on man, don’t be rude, you were the one who invited her out. The least you could do is buy her drinks.”
Yoongi scowled at him, both at the swat and the fact that he was right. “Yeah but if she orders that expensive ass sake, she can forget about it.”
Just as Namjoon was about to scold him again, you giggled and waved to get their attention. “Relax, RM. Thanks for the offer but I’m a big girl, I can pay for myself.”
“Hmm…if you say so.”
“Really, don’t stress—“ You tilted your head at the mint-haired man. “He’ll make it up to me in some other way, right?”
At quick glance, your teasing seemed playful but Yoongi saw that spark in your eyes that was anything but innocent. Huffing a short laugh, he reached for his water glass. “Yeah, whatever.”
A waiter stopped by a few minutes later to take everyone’s order (Yoongi made sure to order extra kimchi while smirking at Namjoon). As soon as the food arrived, you grinned at the sight of the meats and veggies. You reached for one of the tongs only to find your fingers brushing against Yoongi’s, causing you to freeze. Your eyes stayed locked onto those appendages, mind wandering off as you remembered how good they felt inside you earlier. It took a few seconds before you came to your senses, looking up at him with a raised brow.
“What are you doing?”
“Going on cooking duty, what does it look like?”
“I can help, you know.”
Yoongi scoffed. “And let you burn the food? No thanks.”
You scowled. “I can cook, let me help!”
He pursed his lips at your stubbornness, giving your hand a tap with his index finger. “Relax, rookie, I got it. Besides—” That damn smirk came back. “Consider it a thank you.”
Your eyes darted to Namjoon, glad to see that he was occupied with figuring out what sauce to put on his short rib.
“Pft, if you say so.”
You were glad that Yoongi insisted on taking over, everything he had cooked came out perfectly (he had to step in between you and Namjoon when you both reached for the last piece of curry chicken and glared at each other). To your shock, the two ordered a few more servings of food for the hot pot, making you swallow hard as you debated on filling your stuffed stomach up more. You decided to give it a shot but wanted to digest first.
So you chose to start up a conversation with the guys.
“What’d you guys think of the show tonight?”
Namjoon finished slurping up his noodles while Yoongi stiffened visibly. “I thought it was great! The others were on their A-game as usual but you really surprised me, Y/N.”
You blinked. “Oh? How come?”
“For such a newcomer, you held your own throughout the night. And taking down this guy here?” He shot you a dimpled smile. “You’ve got some serious talent, kid.”
You couldn’t help the way your face warmed at having one of the vets compliment you. “Thanks, RM. Be careful though, your friend is still pretty sore about losing.”
Namjoon scoffed. “Whatever, he needed to be knocked down a peg, he’s been getting too cocky lately.”
Yoongi grumbled and elbowed his friend hard. “Fuck you, man, I’m right here.”
“I know and I’ll say it again in case you didn’t hear me the first time.”
You laughed at how Namjoon narrowly avoided a smack upside the head. It amused you how bothered Yoongi still was at the loss, an almost pouty expression on his handsome face. This led to you getting an idea, hiding your devilish grin behind your sip of water.
“I don’t talk shit to you when you get your ass–”
Yoongi stopped abruptly as he felt something brushing against his leg, eyes darting to you in shock. 
“When I get my ass what?”
He ripped his gaze from you to look at Namjoon’s face, a brow raised at the sudden interruption.
“When you get your ass beat to hell and back and come crying to me.”
Namjoon scowled. “You must have a selective memory, you’ve done it more than once, asshole.”
Yoongi was ready to fire off again until he felt your foot climbing up his leg, the side of your shoe now pressing into his inner thigh. Sliding his hand down, he gripped onto your ankle, trying to push your foot off but failing. You were stronger than you looked.
Rolling his eyes at his friend, he let go of you but not before shooting you a warning look. 
You didn't listen of course, waiting until Yoongi picked up the hot pot ladle before returning your foot to its previous place, biting back a grin as you reached for your bowl. He gave you a harsher look this time, not fooled by the innocent gaze as you held it out.
“Mind pouring me some?”
He didn’t want to look like an asshole in front of Namjoon so he begrudgingly nodded, dipping the ladle into the broth and gathering up some of the meat before bringing it up. But just as he was about to pour it, Yoongi jolted as the tip of your shoe brushed against his crotch, causing some of the liquid to slosh out and splatter a bit.
“Hey man, watch it!”
You had to do your best not to bust out laughing at the miffed look Namjoon shot at his friend. 
“S-Sorry…hand nearly slipped.”
The other rapper sighed and shook his head, murmuring something about not letting Yoongi order any more whiskey. Little did he know that the liquor had nothing to do with the blunder. 
“Careful Suga, you could’ve burned yourself!”
A pleasant tingle went down your spine at the heated gaze the other gave you, the tips of his ears turning red. “Thanks for your concern.”
Nodding, you motioned Yoongi to continue adding to your bowl, shooting him a guilt-free smile before digging in. He hoped that you would ease up with the foot games but you would not leave him alone. There were too many times that he almost choked on a noodle or let out a grunt as he felt his cock start to awaken. He would have reached down and pushed your foot off again but Namjoon chose that moment to start a deep conversation with the two of you about next week’s shows. His eyes were on him too often to get away with moving his hand constantly.
Eventually, Yoongi had to excuse himself, speed-walking to the bathroom to get under control. Why did he choose to wear leather pants tonight?
He didn’t know mercy until the bill was paid and the three of you walked out of the restaurant, praying that he adjusted himself enough on his second bathroom trip.
“Wow, can’t remember the last time I ate that much, how do you guys make it look so easy?”
Namjoon shot you a proud smile, pointing to himself with a thumb. “We’re grown men, we need to keep our strength up!”
You sighed wistfully. “Ah, to be able to burn all those calories off with minimal effort. I feel like I’m going to need to go on a long run tomorrow.”
Yoongi had to bite his tongue to keep himself from suggesting another way that you could burn the calories off.
“Pft, you’ll be fine, kid. Thanks for coming out with us, we should do this more often.”
“You can thank your friend here, he was the one who invited me in the first place!”
Yoongi shrugged when you both looked at him. “Consider it a celebration for beating my ass.”
You chuckled, reaching out and patting him on the back (a surge of wickedness came at the way he tensed from the touch). “Thanks Suga.”
Namjoon let out a yawn, looking down at his watch right after. “Damn, I didn't realize how late it was. You gonna be alright getting home, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’ll manage. I live in Hongdae so the ride’s not too long.”
“You take the all stop line?”
You looked up at Yoongi. “Yeah, what about you?”
“Same one, I’m over in Yeonnam-dong.”
A sound of wonder left you. “Wow, to think you’ve only been a few minutes away from me. Maybe you can invite me over for some practice cyphers one day.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Oh sure, let me give you more ammo to take me down.”
You and Namjoon laughed at his expense once more, finally deciding to split off afterwards. Yoongi walked with you to the nearby train station, the two of you silent until you both hit the platform.
“Are you really going to let me go home by myself?”
The man next to you turned his head to see you facing him now, your arms crossed and your hip cocked out to the side. 
“Hmph, maybe I should, especially after your little stunt.”
You weren’t fazed at his threat, seeing the faint greed in his dark brown eyes. “Oh please, drop the tough guy act.” Your lips curled into a sensuous smirk. “You know you still want me, baby.”
Seeing your eyes drop down to his crotch for a split second, Yoongi felt his cock twitch in response, flicking his tongue over his lips. “Do I?”
You stepped closer, leaving only a few inches between your chests as you whispered, “You do.”
The two of you stared at each other, refusing to back down until the sound of the train started getting closer. The corner of Yoongi’s mouth tilted. “Rookie, do you know what you’re getting into?”
“Isn’t it a little late for that, Suga? I made up my mind backstage hours ago–” A finger came up and poked his chest, your nail digging into the fabric. “So now you need to make up your mind.”
The train was about to arrive, leaving Yoongi with only a few seconds to decide.
“...Fine. But let’s go to my place.”
A bright smile stretched on your face. “Sounds like a plan.”
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The train ride was torture for the both of you, despite the short distance. Neither of you spoke but your eyes flickered to each other multiple times, thinking of just what was going to happen once you got to Yoongi’s apartment. The tension remained thick throughout the rest of the journey, increasing as his building came in view. He unlocked his door and motioned you to enter first with a nod of his head. 
You didn’t even get a chance to take in the environment as Yoongi pounced on you the second your shoes were off. He pinned you to the wall next to his front door, those cat-like eyes narrowed and swirling with lust and ire.
“You’re a brat, you know that?”
You held back a smile as you looked at him with confusion. “Oh, am I?”
“Yeah, you are.” Leaning in, he hovered his face in front of yours, his hot breath washing over your lips as he purred. “Getting me all worked up under the table. You know how hard it is to hide a boner in leather pants?”
“Mm, must have been difficult, I'm sure I could still see it on the train.”
A growl was all you got before his lips smashed onto yours, taking away your ability to breathe properly. The intensity from earlier was nothing compared to what he was giving you now, all of the contempt from the last few months coming to the surface. Yoongi forced his tongue into your mouth, lashing against your own with authority. A moan escaped you at the dominance, bucking your hips against the prominence in his pants. At the contact, he pulled his lips off of you, huffing softly.
“Look at you, rutting against me like I didn’t just fuck you less than three hours ago.”
You gave the man a pointed look. “Maybe because you didn’t satisfy me enough, Suga.”
In a split second, his large hand came up to wrap around your throat, making your breath catch as he gave you a heated glare. “First of all, don’t try to play it off like you weren’t squeezing me every moment, brat. Second, you’re not going to be calling me by my stage name in my own house.”
He wasn’t pressing down on your airway so you were able to respond. “So what should I call you then, hm?”
“Yoongi…” You said it like you were rolling it along your tongue, getting a feel for the name. “I see.”
“Get used to it, doll—“ He leaned in to shoot you a sinful smirk. “Because you’re going to be screaming it for the rest of the night.”
Before you could say anything else, Yoongi reattached his mouth to yours. You were sure the two of you were going to have bruised lips in the morning but that was the least of your concerns right now. You managed to hold your own against his aggressiveness, your panties getting wetter by the minute. Wanting to take this further, you thrusted harder against his hips, feeling his mouth pause, allowing you to pull away and pant roughly, “Are you going to just make out with me or are you going to actually fuck me?”
Yoongi laughed, rubbing his thumb over the front of your throat. “That mouth is still running, huh?”
You swallowed instinctively at the touch, keeping your stare cool and collected. “You’re not a mind reader, how am I supposed to let you know what I want?”
“Hmph, true, but you’re starting to kill my buzz here, baby.”
Teeth flashing at him, you looked up at him through your lashes. “But I thought you liked my mouth, Yoongi?”
He rolled his eyes. “I never said I did earlier.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to. I could see the look on your face when your cock was inside it.”
Yoongi hoped you didn’t see the tips of his ears turning red at your call out. “So?”
You smirked and leaned in to purr in his ear. “So you want more, don’t you?”
With your offer, he licked his lips at the thought of having that big mouth of yours wrapped around him again. Making up his mind, he stepped back and grabbed your wrist, dragging you further into the apartment to enter his bedroom. You couldn’t help but look around in curiosity, despite the circumstances, only to remember what you were here for when you heard the door shut behind you. Turning, you smirked at Yoongi as he stalked towards you. 
“I’m guessing that’s a yes?”
He chuckled and reached a hand up to hold your chin, tilting his head mockingly. “What do you think, brat?”
You giggled. “How do you want me?”
He let go and motioned with his head. “Sit on the bed.”
Grinning, you backed up to perch yourself on the edge of the bed. You shucked your jacket off to toss it on the floor, looking up after to see Yoongi doing the same with his own. He walked closer, raising a brow when he saw you lean back on your arms. “Don’t get too comfortable, Y/N.”
“Aw, why not? Your bed feels so soft.”
Tsking, the man reached down to straighten you up by your shoulders. You shot him a pout that quickly fell once you saw him begin to undo his belt. His teeth flashed in a devious smirk at the expression while his hands moved.
“Gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours, doll. Didn’t spend enough time in it earlier.”
Your lip caught in your teeth, nodding slowly as you continued watching him. Soon enough, Yoongi got his pants undone, shoving them down with his underwear to gather around his thighs and reveal his dick. Your mouth began watering at the sight of him, able to get a much more thorough look than earlier. Just looking at the girth had you aching to feel it rubbing against your walls once more.
Looking up, you saw Yoongi wrap a hand around himself, lifting his other one up to curl his index finger towards him. You wasted no time in scooting closer to him, being met with the reddened tip of his cock in front of your face. 
“Go on.”
With his curt command, you scowled lightly, batting his hand away before replacing it with your own. You ignored how he chuckled at your attitude, leaning forward to lap at the head. That grin on his face began ebbing away the longer you did this, making way to an expression of lust.
You kept eye contact with him, angling his cock upwards so you could run your tongue along the underside, laughing softly at the hiss that escaped him. 
“Fucking tease…”
“You know you like it, baby.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, bucking into your hand while he tangled his fingers into your locks, pushing your head a bit. “Stop messing around.”
Not ready to give in just yet, you batted your lashes up at him, stroking slowly with your hand. “What’s the magic word?”
A growl left his mouth. “Y/N…”
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
His nostrils flared at your stubbornness. “You little…please.”
He could have been sleeping instead of dealing with this crap right now. “…please get my dick in your mouth.”
You grinned deviously, throwing in a wink. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Just as he was about to throw out another profanity, you stopped your hand at the base and began taking him in, stopping a little over halfway down. Yoongi’s breath caught as his tip was close to hitting the back of your throat, fighting the urge to start pounding away. Taking a moment to control himself, he let out a low groan as you pulled back, keeping only the head in your mouth before you slid back down, starting a steady rhythm close to the one from earlier. Yoongi took his bottom lip in, watching as you bobbed while your eyes locked onto his own.
“Fuck, that’s it…”
Your eyelids fluttered at his mumbled praise, grateful that you could take your time with the man in front of you now. Those quiet groans he had let out back in the dressing room earlier in the night weren’t enough to satiate your desire. That’s not to say Yoongi was a noisy man when it came to vocalizing his pleasure, opting for expressing in a more physical way. From his fingers tightening in your hair to slight jerks of his hips, he made it clear that he was happy to spend more time in your mouth.
“Damn, baby—”
Your lips stretched as a rougher tone escaped Yoongi when you gave a squeeze with your hand. Opting to give him a bit of a show now, you moved your head back until the tip was the only part in your mouth. You wrapped your other hand around the rest of his cock, only giving him a wink before you began twisting both of them around his shaft, forcing him to take in a sharp breath. That breath then came out as a lust-filled profanity the second you started sucking hard.
“Oh fuck--! Jesus…”
Yoongi had to keep himself from pulling strands out by accident as the grip in your hair significantly tightens, thanks to your little move. He wanted to tip his head back and just let you continue working his length over until he filled that mouth of yours up with his load but he had other plans for you. Grunting at a strong jolt of bliss, he bucked towards you while practically snarling, “Slow down, rookie, gotta fuck that mouth before you make me come…”
Looking a bit put-off that he wouldn’t let you continue, you obliged and removed your slick fingers before raising a brow up at him, the expression on your face screaming ‘what are you waiting for?’. Smiling crookedly, Yoongi pushed your head down until he ended up halfway in once more. Wasting no time, he eased himself in and out with harsh thrusts, grunting all the while.
“Shit, doll…you look so good with my cock in there—”
The vibrations from your giggle were felt around his length, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Mnh— Of course you’re enjoying this, bet this is what you were thinking about when we were on stage, hm?”
At that, your eyelids fluttered. Yoongi noticed and barked out a short laugh, giving your hair another slight tug.
“Wow, you’ve got no shame, huh? What would everyone else say if they knew that’s what their beloved Y/N wanted? To suck off the champ in front of that big-ass crowd?”
His taunting brought embarrassment painted with arousal to you, your face heating up as he continued directing that infuriating smirk down at you. You never thought in a million years that you would admit that something so lewd had run through your mind as you watched your senior spit out rapid-fire words just a foot away from you. But could you be blamed? The way his feline eyes would bore into yours with sheer determination and contempt almost ruined your concentration and flow. Seeing those large, veiny hands of his grip onto the mic had you wondering how they would feel on your body. And catching his tongue running over those pouty lips of his?
You nearly blurted how you wanted him to shove the pink muscle down your throat between verses.
Yoongi’s feral grin only expanded as you let your thoughts show on your face. “Rookie, I’m flattered, really. It’s kind of cute how you’ve been so nasty to hide how much you want me—Hah!”
Tired of his mocking, you took it upon yourself to shut him up by sliding your head down until nothing was left out, your nose pressed against his pubic bone.
A grin formed around his cock at how he lost his nerve. Your eyes zeroed in on the way his pale neck was exposed to you as his head was thrown back, the Adam’s apple bobbing under the slowly reddening skin. Now you decided to torture him by swallowing around the portion of him that was in your throat. Yoongi didn’t seem to appreciate that as a growl left him before his fist tugged harder, making you wince as he pulled you off of his dick, standing upright and dripping with spit now. As you caught your breath, he pushed your head back as he leaned down, a sneer painted on his flushed face.
“Are you fucking crazy?”
A humored scoff came out of your puffy lips. “I should be asking you that. Why’d you stop me?” You gave him a cheeky smile. “Was sugar baby going to come already?”
His scowl darkened his face further, giving you the answer you needed.
“Oh wow, you were! Damn dude, I know guys usually don’t last long when I do that but—”
Yoongi interrupted your teasing by slamming his mouth onto yours, making the thin skin even more sore than before. His tongue forced its way in to fight against yours, not giving you a chance to come out on top, groaning quietly at the slight saltiness from having him inside just now. He made your odds worse with his iron hold on your hair and the way he had your head angled back, causing your neck to start cramping at the unusual position. Thankfully, he broke the kiss but kept up his control by staring deep into your heavy eyes with animosity and hunger.
“Shut the hell up, rookie. What did I tell you about calling me that?”
“Mm, you only said not to call you by your stage name, you didn’t say anything about nicknames.”
Yoongi growled, reaching up with his free hand to wrap around your neck, wiping the smugness off your face to replace it with surprise. “Getting real tired of this fucking mouth of yours. Guess I need to shut it up some other way, huh?”
The danger lingering in his voice only served to increase the arousal soaking your panties, wanting to push him into the scenario he was offering. You were probably going to regret this in the morning by having to deal with marked skin and sore hips but fuck it.
With your tongue lazily creeping out, you licked up the saliva that had crept past your lips, looking at how his dark eyes followed the appendage. “I guess you’ll have to.”
Your approval brought an almost feral smirk onto Yoongi’s face as he released his hands from you, moving them down to grab onto the underside of your ass. You squeaked as he lifted you off the bed all of a sudden before tossing you onto your back, causing you to bounce as you landed further up. Yoongi shoved his garments down the rest of the way to kick them off, leaving his lower half completely bare. He crawled up onto the mattress, eyeing you like a rabid lion sneaking up on a poor gazelle, ready to go through on his promise. It took everything in your being not to shift under his gaze.
The second he reached you, Yoongi brought his hands up to rest on your clothed breasts, beginning to grope them roughly, chuckling lowly at how you held back your moans yet arched your back.
“Don’t do that, doll—” A hard squeeze gave him a sharp gasp. “Wanna hear every sound out of that big mouth of yours.”
You did your best to fight against every noise that wanted to escape but those fucking hands of his were ruining your resolve. If you weren’t watching the avid expression on his face, you were watching the way the veins popped whenever those long fingers flexed on the mounds. You then felt his hands traveling down to the hem of your cropped shirt, gripping the fabric before sliding it upwards, leaving you to sit up quickly so he could tug it off. Tossing it off to the side, Yoongi’s dark eyes lingered on the tops of your breasts peeking over your bra. Just as you were about to taunt him for gawking, he brought his hands up to hold onto the cups, tugging them down to expose you. The air hitting your skin made your nipples harden, pulling a low groan from him as he bent his head down to latch his plump lips onto one of them.
Yoongi quickly began lapping at the bud with his tongue, heightening the sensitivity before his teeth brushed against it, ripping a cry from your throat. Smirking against your skin, he returned to using his tongue again until he felt your body relaxing underneath his, only to throw you for a loop by giving a hard suck, feeling your hand dart up to grip his mint-colored strands.
“Oh goddammit, Yoongi—”
Wanting to push you even further, he brought his hand up to grip onto your other breast, playing with the flesh while pinching and pulling hard at the nipple, savoring the needy whines falling from your lips. Once he got his fill, he slid that same hand around your torso to fumble with the clasps of your bra, pulling his mouth away to slide it off once it was undone. Letting it join your shirt, Yoongi returned to your tits, now choosing to lay bites all over the flesh. You wouldn’t be surprised if you found evidence on your body in the morning with how hard he was digging his teeth into your skin.
Yoongi pulled back, licking his lips in satisfaction at the budding marks before he moved down to your stomach, eyes staying steady on your flustered face. His mouth reached the butterfly-shaped charm hanging from your navel, taking the jewelry between his teeth to give it a slight tug, loving how you gasped and arched your back in response.
“O-Oh--!” When Yoongi pulled off, you scowled down at him, despite your aroused expression. “That hurt, asshole.”
He chuckled. “Did it? It seems like you enjoyed that, baby.”
Grumbling as you felt your face heat up more, you were ready to retort until his hands landed on your pants, quickly getting them undone before dragging them down and off your legs. Now you were just left in your lacy thong, smirking at how Yoongi eyed your clothed center with hunger. You brought one of your feet up to brush your toes against the side of his bare thigh, giggling at how he jumped at the sudden contact.
“Come on, Yoongi. Are you gonna keep staring me down or are you actually going to do something?”
Shooting you yet another unamused look, the man in front of you gave your own thigh a slap, making you gasp sharply. “Shut it.”
“Mnh– Ow.”
Yoongi scoffed at your attempt at pain. “Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this, Y/N. I bet if I took these off–” His long fingers ran over the flimsy fabric. “Your pussy would be soaking wet right now, hm?”
You did your best not to show the surge of desire on your face at his words, opting to roll your eyes instead. “Whatever.”
This didn’t sit well with Yoongi as he growled before delivering a swat between your thighs, ripping a cry from your throat at the rush of pleasure mixed with discomfort. “Try again.”
“Y-Yoongi, what the hell?!”
Another slap came, your hips jerking in response. “Answer me.”
“Fuck— You’re crazy…”
Yoongi puffed air out of his nostrils, starting to hit his limit with your defiant attitude. His other hand took its place around your neck, giving a light squeeze while he gripped your mound, making your breath hitch as some of your air was cut off while a shock went up your spine. Those dark brown eyes of his were narrowed, piercing into your own with rigidity. 
“Stop acting like you’re above all of this, brat. I only gave you a taste of what I could do back in the dressing room and you were being so needy then. You must be in fucking heaven right now, having me manhandle you like this, huh?” His teeth flashed as your eyes looked away in mortification, unable to hold back anymore. “...I knew it.”
You did your best to ignore the burning in your face at him putting you on blast, looking directly into his eyes now. “So what if I do? You’re not the first guy to be rough with me, Yoongi.”
Even the way you spit his name with venom couldn’t wipe that aggravating smirk off his handsome face.
“Oh, I’m sure. But after I’m done with you–” He leaned his head in to bump noses, husking out over your swollen lips. “No one else is going to compare.”
Your self-control was nearly dissolved now, thanks to him. That confidence he exuded on stage clearly wasn’t limited to just the mic; it almost scared you just what he was going to do to go through on his promise.
Swallowing the spit that had been gathering in your mouth, you scowled at Yoongi, pushing your hips into his lower hand. “Are you gonna do it or are you just gonna keep talking shit, sugar baby?”
With the spiteful delivery of the beloved nickname, Yoongi moved his fingers to creep into the top of your panties, dipping the tips in enough to hold onto the lace. All of a sudden, his hand flexed into a tight grip.
Then the sound of ripping filled the air before you felt coolness on your heated center.
At your stuttered gasp, the man looked up at you with heavy eyes, throwing the ruined scrap of fabric off to the side. “I’ll buy you new ones, relax.”
Before you could even berate him for destroying your underwear, Yoongi placed his hands under your thighs, pushing your legs back and to the side, exposing the area between them further. The sight pulled a growl from the other’s chest, eyeing the drenched folds with fervor.
“Look at this pretty little cunt, ready to get destroyed. Told you you were fucking dripping for me.”
The sheer ferociousness in his delivery made your breath catch. Now you were really in for it.
Yoongi pushed on your thighs until you were forced to lay back all the way, lifting your head up to watch with anticipation as he lowered his face down. But rather than dive straight into where you wanted him to go, he latched his plump lips onto your inner thigh, giving the sensitive skin a hard suck before nipping it with his teeth.
Ignoring your plea, he continued attacking multiple areas of the flesh, your patience running thin the closer he got to the apex of your thighs.
“Dammit Yoongi, hurry up…”
Yoongi slapped your other thigh with swiftness, shooting you a side glance before pulling his lips off to mumble out, “Be. Quiet.”
You huffed, ready to rush him again until he descended to latch his mouth onto your sensitive clit, giving a hard suck that forced a shriek out of you.
Another swat was delivered to your leg, Yoongi pulling his head up to shoot you a warning glare. “Not so loud, rookie, I’m not trying to get noise complaints.”
“How the hell do you expect me to– Mnh–!”
You were compelled to slap a hand over your mouth to muffle your noises, thanks to the devil between your thighs sucking your nub once more. He began flicking the tip of his tongue over it now, cat-like eyes zeroed in on the way you were reacting. Your back arched into a curve, stiff nipples aiming towards the ceiling while you gripped onto the sheets with your free hand for dear life. 
Just what he liked to see.
Yoongi decided to have mercy on your clit and moved down to lick up whatever arousal smeared around before going to lap at your folds, grunting at the taste. “Fuck…didn’t think someone so spoiled could taste so sweet.”
Of course your cheeks heated up at the compliment. But you didn’t have time to savor it as he delved his tongue between, parting them to run over the smooth area with pressure. The obscene sounds emitting from the action traveled up to your ears, causing your pussy to leak some more wetness out for him. Yoongi seemed to appreciate it as a snarl vibrated against you.
“So fucking filthy–”
You couldn’t hold back anymore, choosing to give in and buck your hips against his face. But he wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of moving, strong hands coming up to pin them down to the mattress, making you whine. “Stay still, rookie.”
Raising a brow as you complained louder, he moved back further, bringing a hand up to rest on your thigh. “Y/N–,” Said hand went to deliver a light slap to your wet folds, ripping a sharp cry from your lips. “I said stay still.”
Now you were trembling from the shocks of having his swat make contact with your sensitive skin, biting back a whimper as he rested his forearm across your hips to keep them steady. Seeing that you weren’t going to fight him anymore, Yoongi lowered his head once more to lick at you, blocking your view of his facial expressions. It was alright for now as this allowed you to focus more on the sensations of his mouth working you over. You’ve had your pussy eaten before but none of those experiences were living up to how the man below was consuming you. Ferocity laced his actions, lapping at your wetness like he was a man starved. There was no pause in the way he let his tongue and lips explore you, almost as if this was just another part of his daily routine.
You wished he could stay down there for the rest of the night, making you come over and over until you were nothing but a boneless mess on his bed.
As if he had read your mind, Yoongi slid his free hand up under his chin to press his pointer finger to your entrance, grunting at the way it clenched from his touch. Pulling off, he husked, “Want it, baby?”
“Shit…please, put it in–”
Nodding, the mint-haired man watched your face close as he slid the digit in, licking his coated lips at the way your mouth fell slack and your lids fluttered, a drawn-out moan leaving your mouth. 
“Damn rookie, it’s only my finger and yet you’re gripping me so tight…”
“Sh-Shut up…” 
Giving you a gummy smile at your flustered reaction, Yoongi chuckled before curling his finger, feeling against your walls until he brushed against the spongy area that made you freeze. He didn’t give you a warning, choosing to pump into it with unrestraint.
His free hand pulled off your hips to smack your thigh, growling in warning, “I told you to keep it down, didn’t I?”
You bared your teeth at Yoongi, torn between kicking him or pushing his head back down. “Fuck you, asshole! You can’t just do that and not think I won’t–”
Your ranting was interrupted by a hand wrapping around your throat once more, pushing your head back into the bed, breathing halting when you saw Yoongi’s face hover over yours, hostility hardening his soft features.
“Rookie.” Just the way he said the nickname had your stomach dropping and your pussy clenching.
His finger slipped out of you but you were unable to whine with how much he was pushing on your neck. “If I tell you–” A smack hit your slick folds. “To be quiet–” Another one. “What does that mean?”
A harsher swat was able to pull a cry from your constricted throat, hips jolting. “I-I…”
“Answer me.”
A quiver ran through you at his command, doing your best to rasp out to avoid angering him further. “I-It means be quiet…”
Yoongi rewarded you with another slap, focusing on your clit this time; it took all your might not to scream at the two different aches that resulted from the contact.
“Exactly. I know you don’t like to follow directions but you’re not dumb, right?” You shook your head, making him smirk deviously. “Thought so. So don’t play stupid with me, slut.”
The derogatory name leaving his lips surprised you but left you shamefully more turned on than before, hitting something dark in you that wanted to hear more.
“Don’t…” You couldn’t even meet his eyes as you protested weakly. “Don’t call me that…”
Yoongi tilted his head. “Oh? You don’t like that, baby? Don’t like me stating the obvious?”
You reached a hand up to grip onto his wrist, gathering up whatever nerve you had left and managing to lock your gaze with him. “You think I let anyone else treat me like this?”
“I don’t know, do you?”
A snarl left you. “I don’t. Be lucky your dickheaded self has special privileges. If you were any other man, I would have knocked you out by now.”
Slight surprise came onto Yoongi’s face at your admission. “So why am I an exception, Y/N? Are you in love with me or something?”
His taunting only made your face heat up more and your irritation grow, digging your acrylics into his skin, taking joy in the way he winced. “What are you, a fucking psychiatrist? Either go back down on me or fuck me, Yoongi, or else my ass is leaving.”
With your threat, Yoongi’s shock disappeared, morphing into a look of apathy. “You know you won’t leave, Y/N, unless–” There went that infuriating smile again. “You don’t think you can handle me?”
A laugh came out. “I should be asking you that, baby. Maybe you won’t be able to handle me and I’ll have to tell everyone how the champ got taken down on stage and in bed.”
You were playing with fire by bringing up what started this whole mess in the first place but at this point, you were too far gone to care. It didn’t help that the ferocity in Yoongi’s eyes returned in full force at the reminder, sending a pleasant chill down your spine. Even as his grip on your neck tightened, you grinned at his low voice rasping out, “Is that so? Then I’d have to tell everyone how the rookie let me fuck her twice in one night because she’s such a greedy little slut for me.”
Lids lowering, you batted your eyelashes at him. “Then I guess we should keep this going and keep our mouths shut, hm?”
Yoongi gave a short laugh, sliding his hand around to hold the back of your neck now. “Finally, something we can agree on.”
He only let you giggle for a second before he pulled you in for a hard kiss, grunting when you moaned against him at the way his tongue invaded your mouth, the taste of your arousal now on your tastebuds. You were able to tangle your own with his for a minute until he pulled you away, letting go to grab the hem of his t-shirt, tugging it off to throw it on the ground. Your eyes traveled over his now bare body, appreciating the slight tone of his torso and the way his cock stood stiff, the head wet and flushed red. 
Yoongi crawled off the bed to walk over and rummage through his nightstand, pulling out a condom. Before he could open the packet, you swiped it from his fingers.
“Shush, let me do it.”
Grumbling, he let it slide, listening to the way his dick screamed for him to shut up and let you take over so it could get some attention. He watched as you ripped the foil open, tossing it to the floor before beginning to slide the rubber onto his length, twitching as your fingers brushed against his heated skin. Thankfully, you didn’t tease him at the reaction, removing your hands as soon as he was completely covered. But then you pointed to the bed.
“Lie down.”
“...excuse me?”
You raised a brow. “I said, lie down.”
Yoongi scoffed in disbelief. “What do you think this is? Who said you can boss me around in my own place?”
Air puffing out your nostrils at his stubbornness, you grabbed his shoulders. Using all of your strength, you turned him around before pushing him to fall onto the bed, trying not to giggle at the put-upon look on his face from that.
“Y/N, what the hell?”
“Oh, shut up–” You straddled his hips, hovering your own above his cock while your head tilted. “Don’t you want to see me on top for a bit, baby?”
Yoongi really couldn’t say no to that, picturing how your head might lean back in bliss while your breasts bounced and your ass smacked against his thighs. With a roll of his eyes, he crossed his arms behind his head, giving you an indifferent gaze. “Whatever, go nuts. I guess I can kick back since I did most of the work earlier.”
“Ugh, you’re such a dick, you know that?”
That cocky ass smirk returned. “You love it, rookie.”
Rolling your own eyes now, you reached down to grasp his cock, giving it a squeeze to spite him (the grunt he let out made you chuckle) before angling it to brush your entrance. Not wanting to hold off any longer, you began sinking down onto him, struggling to keep your eyes open as he filled you up. 
You swore when you finally got him in all the way, panting harshly. He felt different in this position, stretching you more than when he was behind you earlier. 
“Come on…” Yoongi’s gruff voice commanded you, paired with a buck of his hips. Squeaking at the motion, you narrowed your eyes before splaying your palms on his chest, using the leverage to start lifting your hips up and down. The pleasure you were denied started making a comeback, pulling soft moans from you.
Underneath you, Yoongi was starting to think that his imagination wasn’t as strong as he thought. Seeing you actually bouncing on his lap was nothing compared to the picture he conjured up in his head. Maybe he could let you ride him all the way if it meant he could come to a view like this. 
“Fuck—“ His tongue flicked out over his lips. “Look at you, riding my dick like an expert—“
You huffed out, “Yeah?”
“Mhm—“ Yoongi gave a crooked grin. “You do this often?”
“None of your—mm— business, baby.”
“Oh? Don’t be shy. You can tell me if I’m not the only one who you’re fucking—“
Yoongi was cut off by your hand around his throat, pushing his head further into the mattress with force. His eyes darted up to see you giving him a smirk, dripping with barely-disguised malice.
“Just shut up and let me fuck you, asshole.”
Although he wished he could taunt you some more, he wasn’t opposed to letting you continue and so, he kept his mouth shut. 
He figured that you would remove your hand from his neck by now but it was still wrapped tight, interfering with his breathing a bit. To his surprise, the feeling wasn’t terrible. If anything, it heightened the sensations of everything else. Yoongi was hoping to keep the discovery to himself until you clamped down on him too tight at one point, forcing a strangled groan from him as his hands came out from under his head to grip onto your hips. 
“Oh shit–”
The sudden noise and action from him caught your attention, blinking at the way his face was screwed up in restrained bliss. Your hand clenched without thinking, bringing a hitch from him and another profanity. Now your brain put two and two together, grinning shrewdly.
“Aww, does someone like getting choked?”
Yoongi refused to meet your eyes, choosing to close his own instead. “Shut up…ngh–!”
A giggle came out at his avoidance. “Wow, who knew the boss would like something like this? I thought you only liked doing it to others, guess I was wrong.”
A feral snarl came from the depths of his chest. “Y/N, shut the fuck up–”
“Or else what?” You squeezed harder, making Yoongi thrust up with more force. “You said you would let me do the work, no? So just lie there like a good sugar baby and let me–”
You forgot yourself as your mouth moved without thinking, not realizing what you had said until Yoongi’s eyes flew open, the almost black irises burning with scorn. Before you could finish your sentence, one of his hands came off your hip to give your ass a harsh slap, wrenching an intense cry from you.
He didn’t hold back on the other side, baring his teeth at how you gripped his dick and dug your nails into his chest in response. 
“What did–” Smack. “I fucking say–” Smack. “About–” Smack. “Calling me–” Smack. “That?”
“Jesus, Yoongi– Ah–!” The swats were bringing a pleasant sting to your skin, making you bury him deep inside before rolling your hips. “You said– mm– Not to call you that.”
The man underneath growled as he gripped a cheek and gave it a shake. “So now you’re just trying to piss me off on purpose.”
You couldn’t help the grin that came onto your face, leaning down closer to his. “Of course, baby–” You licked your puffy lips. “I already told you how fucking hot you are when you’re mad, didn’t I?”
Indeed, you did.
Yoongi scoffed despite the way his cock twitched at the reminder. “I’m starting to think you’re a masochist, Y/N.”
“And what if I am?”
“Then there’s no way this is enough for you right now, is it?” He asked with an expectant look.
You didn’t answer right away, trying to decide how you should go about this. Something was telling you that giving an affirmation would unleash a side of Yoongi that your body just might not be able to handle. But he did have a point. As fun as it was to ride him, you wanted to see how much more he had to give. 
Oh well, you could deal with the consequences in the morning.
“No, it’s not.”
Yoongi flashed his teeth, giving your ass one last hit. “Get off and I’ll take over, doll.”
Ignoring the logical part of your mind telling you that this was a terrible idea, you waited until he removed his hands before climbing off his lap, watching as he stood up now. He bent down and lifted you up, dropping you so you laid flat on your back in the middle of the bed. Pouting up at him from the manhandling, it was quickly wiped off when Yoongi crawled on and took one of your legs, lifting it up to bend and rest on his shoulder.
“H-Hey, what are you–”
Swallowing hard, you could only watch as he spread your other leg flat on the mattress, opening you up to him completely. Scooting closer, he took his cock in his hand, rubbing the tip against your swollen clit for a few seconds, smirking at the gasp you let out. Just when you started glaring at him, Yoongi angled himself to sink back into you once more, a guttural moan leaving his pouty lips. “Shit…”
You weren’t faring much better, his dick hitting spots in you that it wasn’t before, resulting in whines. Thankfully, he didn’t wait a minute longer to start moving once he made it in all the way, starting up a merciless rhythm that had your body bouncing in time.
“Oh God–! Y-Yoongi–”
“Ngh– This is how you like it, right?”
“Y-Yes, ah!” A deep thrust made you yelp.
Yoongi chuckled deeply, leaning down so you couldn’t look anywhere but his face. “Look at you, practically screaming for my dick. Do you ever sound like this for anyone else?”
It was hard not to shut your eyes, from pleasure or shame, you didn’t know.
“Hmph, of course. And you know why, right?”
You did. 
“Because…” Might as well go all the way. Your gaze didn’t stray from his as you looked at him with defeat. “Because I’m such a slut for you.”
The gummy smile on his face did not match with what he was doing to you right now. “That’s right, baby, glad to know you’re finally figuring it out.”
Scowling with your cheeks burning, you pulled your upright leg further back, thigh pressing to your torso. “Whatever, Yoongi, just stop messing around.”
The new angle made his breath catch, eyes darkening as he nodded. His free hand went to wrap around your neck once again, giving a light squeeze as he continued pounding into you mercilessly. The room filled with sounds of skin smacking mixed with his grunts and your moans and shrieks. So much for avoiding those noise complaints.
Yoongi kept up the brutal pace, panting harshly as he watched you reacting with intensity to his motions. Your eyes could barely stay open, only able to focus on him when they were. Your skin was drenched with sweat, sticking to his own whenever they touched. Your tits bounced with each thrust, the nipples stiff and begging for attention. He was starting to pat himself on the back for convincing you to let him on top; how could he miss out on a sight like this?
A violent swear came out of you, paired with a strong clench that threw him off for a bit.
“Shit…what is it?”
You croaked out, “I-I’m so close…” One of your hands crawled down your body to begin stroking over your clit, gritting your teeth at how sensitive it was. “Oh fuck, don’t fucking stop, Yoongi–!”
That little display paired with your words brought a sharp pang, cursing lowly as he sped his hips up.
“Damn, doll…you trying to kill me here?”
You couldn’t even respond with your own quips anymore, the pleasure starting to become maddening as you desperately chased your finish. All you could do was lie there and let the man above you help. Soon enough, a familiar tightening began forming in Yoongi’s lower stomach, leading him to focus on arriving at his own end as well.
“Fucking hell– I better feel this little cunt squeezing me soon, baby…”
A nod was all you could give, words failing you as you tightened around him again and again. Yoongi’s mouth fell open, harsh breaths falling out the closer he got to his peak. 
Your breathless gasp caught his attention. He raised a brow, only to swear when a hand came up to wrap around his wrist, pressing his hand a little more on your neck. He gave a nod in understanding, keeping the pressure up, twitching hard at the way your eyes rolled back in response. Within a couple of minutes, Yoongi started feeling the hints of you coming, tongue flicking out to wet his lips.
“Come on, Y/N–”
A broken whimper left you. Yoongi growled and leaned his head down more, baring his teeth in lust and dominance. 
“Fucking come for me right now– Be a good little slut and do it.”
Not long after he grunted out the command did you feel yourself be pushed over the edge, letting out a strangled cry as you shook fiercely underneath him.
“Oh God–! Fuck!”
Yoongi could only enjoy the sight for a few seconds before being forced to still his hips, a guttural groan releasing from his throat as his own orgasm took over his whole body. “Shit–!”
The two of you released various sounds into the room as you both came apart, the tension building up since dinner finally being released. It took some time for the sensations to subside but once they did, you slumped onto the bed. Tipping your head back as Yoongi released your neck, you gasped for much-needed air, still feeling the heat from his hold on your skin. He also lowered your leg back down before choosing to lay his body on top of yours, much to your dismay.
“Hey, get off.”
He grumbled, burying his face into your shoulder. “Quiet, gimme a second.”
You pouted. As nice as his body felt, he was heavy on your exhausted self. “Yoongi.”
“Mmh.” Growling, you moved a hand to swat him on the back of his head. “Ow!”
“Move, you’re fucking heavy!”
Yoongi brought his head up to scowl at you, rolling his eyes before removing himself from you, pulling out in the process. He flopped onto his back next to you, letting out a weary sigh. “Brat.”
“Shut up, dickhead, I’m not your personal mattress.”
He gave a noncommittal grunt, closing his eyes to get his bearings together. You took this chance to sit up and look him over. His fair skin was covered in sweat, tinted red in the fleshier sections but mainly on his chest where your nails had raked over. His mint-colored hair was in disarray, the bangs sticking to his damp forehead and exposing his furrowed brows. And lower down…
“You gonna take that off or not?”
Yoongi’s eyes cracked open, peeking at you. “Hm?”
Shaking your head, you pointed down at the soiled condom still sitting on his softening dick.
“Oh. Yeah, hold on.”
Forcing himself to sit up, Yoongi stood and walked to his bedroom door, opening it before disappearing into the hall. He returned after a minute, giving a flourish of his hands with a deadpan expression. “Ta da.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Idiot.”
Yoongi smirked lightly at that before it fell off. Now the room was silent as the two of you stared at each other, the atmosphere a little awkward now that the sex was over.
His head tilted at your soft sound. “Yeah?”
“You, uh, mind if I use your shower?”
“Oh. Uh, no, go ahead.” Motioning you to follow him, Yoongi waited until you got up. He almost ran forward when he saw you wobble for a second but was waved off when you steadied yourself. He headed back out to the hallway with you in tow, leading you into the bathroom at the end. Flicking the light on, he held his hand out to the shower. “Use whatever you need, towels are above the toilet.”
You nodded. “Thanks…”
There goes the silence again. And the staring. Jesus. Why did you have to look up at him like that? But why was he still standing here? You couldn’t bathe with him there, obviously. Before he could step out, Yoongi found his mouth working without thinking.
“Are you…are you alright, after all that?”
His words brought you out of your trance, blinking rapidly as you scrambled for an answer. “O-Oh! Yeah, I am. I told you, I’m used to the rough stuff.”
Even with the way your chest puffed out, Yoongi couldn’t stop his damn mouth again. “Are you sure? You don’t have to lie if you aren’t, my ego isn’t so fragile that I–”
A hand came up and clamped over his lips, eyes widening as he looked down into your amused face. 
“Relax, dude. Trust me, if I didn’t like any of that, I would have been gone or your ass would have been out cold on the floor.” With that, a sense of ease came over Yoongi, leading him to nod. You removed your hand, only to pat one of his cheeks with a giggle (earning a pout). “Now get out of here so I can get clean, I’ve got work in the morning.”
Of course he had to say something smart to hide that little slip up of his. “Wow, you actually work?”
It did the trick as you rolled your eyes, turning Yoongi around to push him back into the hall, shutting the door behind. He glanced at it for a second before sighing. Nothing else to do but wait for you to finish.
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You didn’t plan to take this long but Yoongi’s shower put your crappy one to shame. Not only did the warm water last longer and feel better, his showerhead had better settings, including a massaging one that did wonders for your sore muscles. You were surprised he didn’t come along to bang on the door and tell you to stop wasting his water.
Drying off with one of the towels, you wrapped it around your body and left the bathroom to walk back down to his room. “Hey, sorry it took so long. What kind of showerhead do you have–”
Your question cut off as you spotted the person you thought you were talking to fast asleep in his bed.
Yoongi had curled up under his sheets, his bare torso peeking out. His cheek was pressed down to the pillows, lips parted as he snored softly. Sighing, you walked over to the bed, eyeing him with amusement as you poked his shoulder.
“Way to fall asleep on me, jerk.”
Not even a grumble came out. Looks like he was a heavy sleeper.
Shaking your head, you removed your towel and began looking for your clothes. Once they were gathered up, you slid them back on (you remembered that your panties were practically useless now and cursed Yoongi under your breath). Making sure that you had everything on you, you turned to look at his prone form. You were debating on waking him up to let him know you were leaving until you came to your senses. 
Why should you bother? Normally, the guys you slept with wouldn’t give a damn, choosing to shoo you out of their place as soon as they got their rocks off. But Yoongi had allowed you to use his shower and even double checked on your wellbeing; you were lucky to even get a wipe from the others. The least you could do was give him a heads-up.
But he looked so peaceful…
Your eyes widened.
Oh hell no. You had to get out of here.
Making up your mind, you shot him a smile before heading back into the hall, carefully shutting the door behind you. You walked over to the front door to put your shoes on when you paused. Pursing your lips, you looked around to see if there was any paper or notebooks lying around. Spotting a nearly-empty notepad on the coffee table, you headed over to pick it up, along with the pen that was lying next to it. Taking a minute to think, you scribbled down what was in your head before setting the pad down and returning to the entrance.
Slipping your shoes on, you unlocked the door. Looking back into the apartment, you whispered with a pleased smile on your face, “Thanks, sugar baby.”
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Yoongi wasn’t someone who had trouble sleeping but when his eyes cracked open, he could tell that he had one of the best sleeps in a while. He estimated that it was somewhere between 6 to 7 AM by the faint light shining through his blinds. He was ready to turn over and go back to his slumber until he remembered just why he was so tired.
Or who made him so tired.
Sitting upright quickly, Yoongi looked down at the opposite side of his bed, surprised to see it empty. That vanished when he remembered you saying that you had to leave. Right.
How long was he out for? And why didn’t you wake him up?
Realizing there was no point in mulling it over, he sighed and stretched his arms up, wincing at the slight ache that came with it. Maybe a hot shower would help. Throwing the covers off, Yoongi stood and started heading to the door, only for his foot to catch on something on the floor. Frowning, he looked and reached down to pick the item up, eyes widening at the panties in his grasp. At least, what used to be panties.
Even though a part of him felt smug about it, his cheeks warmed at how far he had gone last night. He never got that rough in bed with previous partners but you were a special exception. Hopefully you weren’t bullshitting him when you said you were okay with the way he treated you. 
Tossing the fabric onto his bed, he made his way to his bathroom to take a much-needed shower. Once he finished, Yoongi realized that his front door was probably still unlocked. Trudging to it, he grumbled as he did the locks back up, glad that no burglar decided to target his place. He was about to head back to bed until he noticed one of his notepads sitting in the middle of the coffee table. He tilted his head as he saw writing on it.
Picking it up, he scanned over the words.
Hey Yoongi (Suga, sugar baby, etc.),
Thanks for last night, can’t remember the last time I got taken to dinner and then fucked like that lol. And thanks for letting me use your shower, it’s 10x better than my shitty one at home, you gotta tell me what kind of showerhead you’ve got. P:
Hope you slept well, was gonna wake you up but you looked so cute (for once) :D see you around in the underground but if you change your mind and want more:
Y/N (rookie, slut, etc.) <3
Yoongi stared down at the paper for a good minute before he started laughing, shoulders shaking in mirth. 
Looks like this was the start of an interesting affair.
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2022. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Random Randy Meeks HC’S
here ya go :D thanks to those who were interested in these heheh
WARNINGS: some nsfw stuff mentioned throughout, mostly wholesome tho lol
Randy is Jewish and he takes it super seriously
His family does easter egg hunts though, Randy is so competitive it makes me laugh
He has so many freckles especially on his shoulders and back
His first tattoo is on his thigh and it’s a knife
You know, because of Halloween lol
He wants to get his entire leg done up in horror movie themed tattoos
He’d do those couple tattoos where you each write out something in your handwriting and then get the others tattooed in a spot you can always see it 
Randy can sing
He is so good at carnival games it almost worrying 
He can win you the biggest stuffed animal you’ve ever seen
Randy is also good at those arcade games but he doesn’t really like any of the prizes so
Like a fucking angel
He gives his tickets away to kids who haven’t gotten any
He’s a big fan of DND and magic the gathering
More of a fan for DND though
He does not take it seriously, though, like character creation wise
Him and Tatum are besties and (because they fucking lived don’t talk to me) they hang out even as they grow older 
Needs post it notes to keep his life in order and even that doesn’t help
Really neat handwriting 
He really loves trashy reality TV, it’s a weird guilty pleasure of his
Big fan of edibles and he is the type to get ripped off LMFAO
“$50 for a gram?? What a steal :D” and then its oregano
He plays animal crossing with his partner and they share literally everything
He brings gifts for said partner in the game and will text them if they’re not playing at the same time and is like “Check your house when you get on :)”
And it’s a random fossil or something
Randy is a fan of poetry and will write his own even if he thinks they’re shitty
And if you ask enough he’ll let you read it but he’ll be so embarrassed im going to kiss him
He loves kids and is so good with them
He has a big extended family and lots of younger cousins that he watches and plays with on holidays and get togethers
They call him Uncle Randy :,)
He wants a big family when hes older but he wants to have a daughter first
Girl Dad Randy omg
He takes pride in being the ‘cool’ dad so he keeps up to date on the latest trends so he can talk to his kids about stuff
“Have you seen this dope tik tok?” “Dad don’t call stuff dope” “Is swag out too???”
Randy loves hard rock music 
He needs glasses to read heheh
Randy will go to college for film but he’ll minor in fashion idc he LOVES fashion and the trends throughout the decades
He’s also a history buff lol
Not one of those WW2 history nerds but he’s super into pirates
He’s a panty sniffer fight with yourself LOL
Randy will never admit it but he loves (and i mean LOVES) shitty horror movies
Like yeah he appreciates the ‘better’ films and has a hard rating system but look me in the eye and tell me he wouldn’t get high and watch Thankskilling???? 
Randy is a scrapbooker 
He’s super sentimental and he writes in his journal everyday to keep a log of everything thats happened
Wants to have an apartment with his significant other with a cat and a few fish and maybe a gerbil
And he wants the place decorated in a way that shows how homey it is and how well loved the place is and he wants to be cooking with his partner and have the radio playing soothe jazz and he wants to wrap his arms around them and dance with them in the kitchen
GOD i want to make out with him so hard
Hes so submissive it makes me want to fuck him
Randy also does paint by numbers hehe
He lets you do his makeup and nails and literally anything else
Big fan of skirts and mesh tops 
His happy trail….. God im salivating
He has his nipples pierced
And if he wasn’t super scared he’d get his dick pierced
Just imagine how it feels when he’s going down on you-
Doesn’t spend money much, more of a saver
But when he buys stuff it’s something he really really really wants
He can go three rounds minimum 
Master at using his tongue mhm
I have so many more but i forgot them all lol
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