#(not me using both “holiday” and “break” because I dont know where the audience this will reach lives or uses)
phopollo · 6 months
In a little bit of a pokemon kick rn
Here's some Crater Crew outside of school casual outfit ideas + some of my thoughts when I was making them
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I was imagining they're doing something like going camping together ((w/ player character too of course)) on a school holiday, or during the break Nemona invited Arven and Penny to come stay at her house (they are NOT prepared for her estate) so that they can all still get up to shenanigans together since the player character will also be right next door
It's just so fun and silly to think about
See also the Kitakami Siblings!
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sophfandoms53 · 3 years
So would you say Dewey and Louie were the most consistently well written characters on Ducktales from start to finish with his arc overall? Considering how others either were not focused enough (Huey, Donald, Della, and LP), had not so good writing in the finale (Scrooge/Webby), and a bit of both (Beakley), those two seems to be the consistent ones.
Anon, honestly, I would love to agree with you about both Dewey and Louie in this regard, unfortunately, there’s a slight issue.
Louie’s character in the sense of his arc was handled very well throughout seasons 1 and 2, and throughout the majority of season 3. However, there are two episodes where Louie’s writing hits a bump in season 3, those two episodes being The Trickening and Fight For Castle McDuck.
Ironically, the two episodes from this season (outside of the finale) that caused the most discussion and uproar in the fandom.
While Trickening doesn’t mishandle Louie’s character as poorly as Fight for Castle McDuck did, it doesn’t change the fact this episode is the source of this writing issue involving Louie’s character, at least where his treatment of Huey is concerned.
Now in these two episodes we see Louie having issue w/ Huey’s planning/schedule tendencies, something Louie is very well aware that his brother does and that it’s a source of comfort for Huey, so it’s a little odd seeing Louie have this sort of animosity towards this rather normal behavior Huey displays.
In Trickening, Louie’s seen mocking Huey’s attachment to the JWG (again something that is a comfort for Huey, and Louie KNOWS that) and then getting extremely upset at Huey for lying about his awareness of the existence of the haunted house and immediately jumping down Huey’s throat about being selfish and for lying (the former is false and absolutely the last thing Huey is, and the latter, while true, Huey had his reasons for why he lied) and while an upset response to Huey lying is a normal reaction, it coming from Louie is a bit odd.
Louie’s anger towards Huey is over a minor harmless lie and could’ve just been solved with a simple “Huey, why did you lie?” and insert Huey’s explanation, but we have an episode length to fill so we gotta have some tension through a misunderstanding and then at the end we can have people finally communicate. As much as I’m being sarcastic, I do really like that scene of Huey and Louie talking and apologizing for their respective actions, and both coming together over their love for each other and for Halloween, the biggest holiday they had together w/ Dewey before going to the mansion, but it is slightly frustrating watching this inorganic Louie vs Huey conflict that is actually handled better in another episode, I’ll get to that later though.
Let’s talk Fight for Castle McDuck, holy crud is this episode a mess. Not even just with Huey and Louie’s plot, but Dewey and Webby’s as well as Scrooge and Matilda’s plots are so unbearable to watch. I rewatched this episode recently and I cannot tell you guys the amount of times I wanted to break my television over practically every single characters behavior in this episode, save for Dewey and Huey who were completely fine in the episode, but everyone else? OH. MY. GOD.
Critiquing the problems on this episode can be a whole discussion in itself, and I might do that, but right now, let’s focus on Louie in this episode.
Louie has the same issue with Huey that he had in Trickening, so essentially it’s a “we’ve done this plot before but let’s do it again except slightly differently” type of plot, nothing wrong with those, except Louie is uncharacteristically mean to Huey throughout the episode, like, borderline how Huey and Dewey treated him in Other Bin mean, and we all know how I feel about Other Bin.
Just at the start of the episode Louie yells at Huey by saying, “No! BAD NERD.” And that’s just a line that doesn’t sit well with me, like Louie, Huey isn’t a dog, there was no need for such a line. And then later when Huey is explaining his plan to find the bagpipes, Louie is dozing off and explains how he’s taking a Huooze, something he does when Huey explains nerd stuff, except Louie’s never done that before or after this episode so that’s always fun. Louie is just not giving off good vibes the entire episode, and I understand the lesson Louie was meant to have is sometimes doing things the easy way isn’t always the best way, and that lesson is fine, but they didn’t need to execute it the way that they did.
Not to mention how this plot, which is completely disconnected to Dewey and Webby’s & Scrooge and Matilda’s plots, suddenly gets dragged into those two plots because this is season 3 where comedy is our passion so let’s have every single character be overly dramatic and insult everyone around them despite us being family and then after everyone’s been absolutely awful to each other, let’s not apologize no, let’s just act like this was a normal lesson in family’s fight but we can work through it and be stronger because of it! AND OH MY GOD NO NONE OF WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS EPISODE WAS A NORMAL FAMILY FIGHT. PLEASE DONT TELL YOUR AUDIENCE OF CHILDREN THIS IS NORMAL.
Okay okay, rant for another time, back to Louie.
I bring up Trickening and Fight for Castle McDuck as examples as bumps in Louie’s writing because outside of these episodes, Louie is written rather well and very supportive of both Huey and Dewey’s comfort tendencies, Huey w/ his JWG and Dewey w/ his thirst for attention/validation.
Focusing on season 3 episodes specifically, in Challenge of the Senior-Junior Woodchucks Louie is the only one who actually helps Huey feel better about not having the guidebook with him, he even calls Huey “king-nerd” in a very kind way, then in Lost Harp of Mervana Louie learns from Webby’s optimism that sometimes looking for the best in people isn’t so bad just as Webby learns that sometimes people don’t always have your best interest from Louie, that’s a balance in their dynamic and is done very well, and finally in Rumble for Ragnorak Louie’s behavior is reliant solely on knowing Dewey his whole life and exactly how his brother is going to react when being put in front of a crowd, and because of how well Louie knows Dewey, when his older brother is doubting himself, Louie has learned the best way to get Dewey back to himself by telling him “Let’s Dewey it.”
Louie’s grown a lot and he understands his family incredibly well, so seeing that aspect of him disappear in two episodes, while minor, still sucks in the sense of character consistency.
There is an episode from season 3 that does this conflict between Huey and Louie really well and it’s Let’s Get Dangerous, the reason being: Louie doesn’t mock Huey in this episode for his JW tendencies or questions, instead, Louie just straight up tells Huey that not everything has be a problem or a mystery, which ironically leads to Huey discovering the problem with Bulba’s machine and that it was part of a lost mystery that Finch was searching for. That’s exactly how Louie should react when he feels Huey’s want for answers can get in the way of him getting a quick fortune. Not mocking his brother for comfort tendencies he is well aware his brother has.
Overall, Louie has been well written throughout the series but we can’t ignore how the writing for him in both Trickening and Fight for Castle McDuck mess up his rather solid consistency.
Now Dewey’s character arc and development can also be an entire post like this as well as I genuinely feel, favorite character bias aside, Dewey is the best written character in the entire series, and I mean that from a writers and critic’s perspective.
But like I said, that can be a whole other discussion.
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8771eh · 6 years
A Real Thanksgiving
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Sid is ecstatic that they are in Canada for the real Thanksgiving. As soon as the schedule had been posted and he knew they were having a couple days between the Leafs and Habs with the Real Thanksgiving landing in the middle of the three day break in October, he rented a cabin where the team, some of their families and staff could all do a dinner. Granted the cottage was only going to be stayed in by Sid and his family.
Its not often he throws around his wants on the team but luckily Rutherford and Sully liked the team bonding aspect and it's a little delay in going back on a plane. In the locker room Dumo keeps teasing Sid about never using his powers for the betterment of the team, which earns him a wet towel being dropped on his head as Olli passes by him from the shower.
"What the hell, Olls?" Dumo chucks the towel towards the laughing naked Finn.
"Isn't that what Americans do-clean their kid's face when he is being disrespectful?" Olli smirks as he pulls up his suit pants and readjusts himself to make sure nothing is caught in the zipper. Dumo grumbles as their remaining teammates laugh at his expense.
Sid smirks from his stall as he sits up from tying his shoes. He leans back and glances over at Geno who is chatting with Murr, Riley,  and Brass with his shirt unbuttoned while he gesticulates, pulling laughter from his audience. Sid smiles softly as he pulls his gaze to look at the rest of his team.  There were several small groups that added to the noise of the room as some players finished getting dressed and others were lounging around before having to climb onto the bus.
They would come out to the cabin the next morning, but tonight Sid was going to head up to prep the cabin so he could greet his parents and sister warmly when they arrived tomorrow. He was looking forward to being able to have both of his families together for the holiday. His bags were in the rental car he had secured before the game. He had packed extra for this road trip and he knew he owed Dana a new bottle of whiskey for all his help.
"Hey, Sid, look at this pic I just got from Cath." Tanger thrust his phone in Sid's face as he presses on to the bench next to him. Blinking to adjust to the screen in front of him, Sid furrows his brow as he sees a series of texts as opposed to a picture. "What do you think?"
Sid glances at Tanger who is looking at him slightly exasperated. He looks back at the screen and reads the words. It's a conversation with Cath and Taylor. Having his sister in Pittsburgh has been a blessing and a curse. She doesn't let him get away with half as much as he would like to. This Thanksgiving was definitely something he had to wrestle control of. She had been so enthusiastic about a family Thanksgiving with the team that her plans quickly started to become too grandiose.  Especially with a couple of the wives and girlfriends involved.  The screen was a screen shot of a conversation between Cath and Taylor then Cath's texts to Kris.
/-Is he certain we aren't supposed to try and get there earlier tomorrow? I dont like showing up when the food is supposed to be ready
-Tay, let him host he has had plenty of parties at his place since he became Captain.
-But that's not depending on him cooking everything.
-He's not making all the food, everybody is bringing something. It will be fine. He needs the tasks to do. It's good for him. /
-this is a Crosby thing, isn't it?
"Thank Cath for me, please?" Tanger jerks his head. "You're still ok with picking everybody up at the airport?"
"Not a problem." Tanger's gaze softens as he assesses Sid. "You sure this is what you want to do?" Sid glances at his lap as a soft smile pulls at his mouth. "Alright, don't say anything. I've got your back, Cap."
"Alright, gents, last call for the bus. Get out of here so I can start to break down and go to sleep." Dana steps thru the doorway as the remaining men start to head out the door with random jibes about how Dana never sleeps. As Sid stands, Tanger claps his shoulder before he nods quickly at him and slips into step and speaking rapid French with Brass as they leave.
 Sid glances at the only remaining player who is quickly buttoning up his shirt and slipping his peacoat on. Geno smiles and Sid holds out his hand. As Geno twines their fingers together, Sid slips their joined hands into his coat pocket before leading him out with a goodnight to Dana.
The drive up was quiet and peaceful. A win meant that Geno and Sid tended to be running on a high, however the benefit of chatting with the boys in the room afterwards is they had allowed some of the energy to wind down. Making the 90 minute drive filled with more ease then restlessness. Geno occasionally will reach out to intertwine their fingers and lift their joined hands to hold Sid's finger tips or back of his hand to his lips while he reads on his tablet.
Sid pulls on to a quiet dirt road. He knows the small road would be a bit rocky as they make their way to the cabin and it does little to disrupt their peace. Sid parks the car outside the garage and cuts the engine as Geno turns off his tablet and slips it into his bag. They exit the car in silence. Sid makes his way to unlock the door and turn on the porch light as Geno starts to pull their luggage from the back of the vehicle.
"We sleep or you want to see how Kings play with baby goalie?" Geno asks as Sid takes his luggage from him.
"I was thinking about just relaxing in the bath after we get everything put away. There's something in the bathroom that sold me on this place." Geno chuckles and shrugs.
"So weird, my Sid." The smile they share is soft and content with years of familiarity obvious before they make their way inside.
"A fireplace?" Geno gawks at the gorgeous hearth across from the deep claw foot bathtub. Sid smiles lazily from deep in the tub. He allows his eyes to trace up and down Geno's naked form with a proprietary gaze. When his eyes meet Geno's he has no shame at the raised eyebrow and slight flush that greets him.
"I thought the view would be worth it." Sid let's his gaze slip to Geno's lips before closing his eyes and settling back in the tub, "definitely a worthy a view."
"Clearly you wrong because I'm have best view." Geno teases as he presses a kiss to Sid's head before climbing into the tub betwen Sid's legs and sinking down until he can rest the back of his head against Sid's shoulder. He presses a kiss to the patch of skin closest to him before humming quietly in contentment.
"Let's go for a walk. Its gorgeous and the leaves are falling. This is what Thanksgiving should look like." Sid grins, sipping from his coffee mug brightly. Geno nods half awake.
After breakfast, Sid preps the Turkey, and puts it in the oven as Geno puts together a couple cold salads and puts out eggs for a dessert recipe for after their walk.
Sid slides up behind Geno, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "Come with me?"
Geno pushes away from the island and takes his coat and beanie from Sid's hands. He smiles as Sid throws his scarf around his neck and presses a kiss to Sidney's nose before the scarf covers his mouth. Sid chuckles fondly. "Can't have you freezing on me. I'm a bit too fond of you."
Geno makes a noise similar to a purr at Sid's words. He reaches out and readjusts Sid's beanie-he will never call it a toque no matter how hard Sid and their teammates argue. They join hands and make their way out of the cabin.
The backyard presses into a forest filled with trees in various states of autumn colors. Sid guides him off to the side of the cabin where a path has been worn down and leads into the forest.  They walk in silence for a few minutes, just taking in the scenary.
"Is it ridiculous that I'm nervous about this?" Finally breaking the silence, Sid keeps his gaze forward. "I know my parents love you. I'm pretty sure Taylor would trade you for me in a heartbeat." Sid sighs heavily and shakes his head. "And the team is the team, you know? It's not like they dont have a hint that we're together." Geno squeezes their joined hands.
"No, makes sense. I'm know Mama and Papa Crosby many years and Taylor so small when I meet her. But is like different that now we together. Like maybe they not like that you love me not like because I am man, but not sure, you know?" Sid nods as he pulls Geno's hand to his lips.
"Well I am Sidney Crosby and I only accept the best for myself when I've worked for it." Sid can see Geno's eyes crinkle as he hears the muffled chuckle.
"Of course, I'm best. Only best for me and Sid is best so of course Sid only deserve best. Work hard for eachother,  you know this." Geno glances back at Sid for a moment as they walk and can see a softness to Sid's face. He feels a tug at his hand and stops to look at Sid who has stopped in his tracks. He is looking up at the trees with a set in his jaw that makes Geno think of all the face offs they've taken against one another. There's a determination that both inspires and sets a flame of curiosity deep in Geno's heart.
"Baby?" Geno watches as Sid nods stiffly before making eye contact with Geno and letting out a slow breath.
"Good. That's good." He let's out another breath. "Makes this next part a little less frightening." He adds as he sinks to his knee. Geno stares in disbelief.  Sid reaches into his pocket with his free hand and pulls out a small velvet box. "Because I only want to try and be the best for you for the rest of my life. I want to be able to really mean it when I say this is my holiday with teammates and family and know you know you are family. That my parents know and accept you as family." Sid's voice quivers for a moment. "I want to marry you.You are all I want imprefections and all. Because honestly, I don't want anybody else by my side if I never lift a cup again or the next time I do. I want our numbers hanging next to Mario's to mean so much more." Geno's cheeks are wet as he stares at the determined and adoring expression on Sid's face. "I only want to fight with you about which shampoo to buy or where to go on vacation. I want to make plans with you about how to teach our kids about Canadian and Russian culture and laugh as you whisper with them in Russian that maybe one day I will understand. When I think about life after hockey all I want is you and I'm pretty sure you feel the same."
Geno stares at Sid quietly. Sid shifts softly on his knee and glances at the box. "Oh, really?" Sid chuckles and opens the box and turns it to Geno. A thin platinum band sits in the box with deep red ruby and diamond chips embedded in the band. "Zhenya?" Geno glances back at Sid and feels his brows furrow as the color drains from Sid's face. "Why are you shaking your head? I-I thought," Sid pauses and searches Geno's face intently. "You don't want to marry me?" Geno shakes his head vigorously.
"No, Sid. Want to marry you. Want everything you say. You mean most to me in world. I just have ring for you at home." Sid sighs as Geno drops to his knees in front of him. Geno pulls the scarf down and presses his lips to Sid's. "Have to say question."
Sid leans back and sighs before smiling. "Zhenya, will you marry me?" Geno grins and presses a kiss to Sid's nose.
Geno wraps his arms around Sid's waist and hooks his chin over his shoulder. Sid is talking animatedly with Jamie, Troy, Matt, and Murr. Geno has had enough alcohol that the English is too much to focus on. He just let's the sound of his friends' voices roll over him.
There is a loud noise before Geno feels a body crash into him and Sid. He looks over and sees long blond hair and felt his hand being pulled away from Sid. Trina is staring at Geno's ring with tears in her eyes and cups Sid's cheek in one hand. She keeps glancing between Troy and Sid wordlessly.
"Its about fucking time!" Taylor cries as she throws her arm around Sid and Geno. Geno has only a moment to brace himself before more people rush into the kitchen to see what the exclamation was about. The hug grows quickly as words of congratulations come from all over. It's similar to the pile that happens when the final buzzer sounds in the final game of the playoffs when they know the Cup is their's but right now they get to enjoy with friends and family.
Sid starts to laugh his happy unguarded goose honk. There are voices speaking in multiple languages over eachother, arms and hands wrapping around him and random lips pressing kisses to his and Sid's cheeks.
Geno leans forward to press a kiss to Sid's ear and whisper, "most thankful for you this thanksgiving."
Sid grins up at Geno with tears in his eyes, "happy Thanksgiving, babe. I love you."
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vixxxenly · 7 years
I like how these boys are acting like they didn't just get broken up with/break up with their SOs, “oh we’ve been better” tf, ur BROKEN UP just say that?? I get it’s a CW show and you’ll be together again in an episode but forreal
lol healthcare is even an issue in Riverdale shocker
“for my best girl” adorbs
“we’re still friends” “isn’t everyone” lmaoo petty betty
FP Jones’s “BOY” i’m living for it
“get to school” *goes to a school that is definitely not his school*
plz give me an ep where B & V get couples massages
love this Reggie/Ronnie dynamic bc of the comics tbh gimme more
lol i’m living for all of these salt ass looks from jug and ronnie when betty opens her gift, let these babies be salty together 
awe jug was waiting for her 
they are so soft spoken with each other this scene ugh
that fuckin dorky ass smile uggghghh
“why arent you in school” THANK YOU GOOD LORD
can the writers make up their mind about how they wanna portray the serpents orrr what
betty’s makeup looks gr8 this episode
...now lets work on her wardrobe, ear muffs omg
alice fuckin cooper has holiday themed nails
yeah that secret santa font is totally not ominous or anything
yikes @ FP literally being like yah u shouldn’t live here anymore
“i split with betty because of the serpents” FP’s like BITCH THAT SOUNDS LIKE A YOU PROBLEM
“we have to take out penny” jug are you even hearing yourself
also, isn’t penny technically a serpent... how is this whole, her forcing other serpents to run for her thing even going down if serpents never “stand alone”... this whole gang dynamic really doesn't make any sense none of these writers were ever in a gang what is the point
hiram in that coat wow zaddy
why tell penny where you dragged her to..?
who is this jughead bc i dont know her
like @ the writers you really ganna make soft boy jughead jones SKIN A BITCH in S2??? do you read your own scripts....or we just ganna let all of this dissolve into OOC fanfic.
why do these hoes suddenly think they’re ganna end the black hood tonight...? like...where was this established....
okay, that kiss? tragic. 
it was such a small blip on the entire episode, like i’m on the commercial after it and i already forgot about it
there was no...build up to that even...? the dialogue: poor. the look on both their faces after: yikes. the chemistry: non existent.
i’m not one to shit on another ship (unless it’s toxic, which i don’t think barchie is honestly, i just definitely view it more platonically) but i feel bad that that’s what barchies got and have been waiting so long for. like damn that’s some disappointing shit, and i heavily ship couples that haven’t even kissed each other lmao
also they didn’t...even...talk about it...question mark
"okay veronica we’ll tell you” *cuts scene* “okay so now you know everything” ....yall testing me
this episode is paced so poorly good lord i cannot get into it (my thought during the rushing to the devil’s hand scene)
okay mister serious serial killer you’re really ganna tell your victim to pick up something they can easily use as a weapon against you. bitch a real psycho would have been like, “use your fuckin hands and bury your stupid friend alive i’ll sit here all night hoe”
u know KJ’s klutzy ass definitely slipped on that bridge on his own and they were like fuck it just use this take
okay.. so.. i hope the writers know that no one in their audience believes for a fuckin second that the janitor is the BH
like if they wanted that to be convincing and then pull a twist on who the real BH is later...they did not do this well
the gifts are so sweet ugh - for my beloved, fuck me up
“ya wanna stop by betty’s” “uhh no..” “BOY” - FP Jones probably
i did enjoy the varchie reunion
so, more general episode thoughts:
i’m so sick of these episodes being almost totally separate narratives from each other. the pacing is so awful this season, we have zero development for side characters (or screen time even), the main characters themselves barely have a moment to breath and be actual characters on this show with how the pacing has been... just... stop. yall got 22 episodes (god knows why), USE THEM
the barchie kiss scene was actually not infuriating, so that’s nice i guess (like i said, still feel bad for barchie shippers tbh). I am slightly annoyed they had betty initiate it though, considering it was archie that was all, “oh i always thought...” and whatever last season and he’s the one that really drove that window staring scene home. but oh well. also...they really just not having betty and archie talk about it that ep...what
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montrealroleplay2 · 8 years
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THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF MONTREAL PRESENTS     —The Fifth Annual Charity Gala & Date Auction
Good evening, residents of Montreal! The Junior League of Montreal presents and invites you to attend the fifth annual Date Auction and Charity Gala! This is a newly made yet time honored tradition that brings forth a night that no one will forget. With food, music, dancing and beautiful dressed quests, this one event you won’t want to miss. —This year, the event is being held on Saturday, February 11th, in honor of the special holiday that will be taking place just three days after! The Junior League has decided to donate any and all earnings to the Habitat for Humanity organization. So we ask that all guests play their part and agree to either auction themselves off for a date with one luckily resident, or donate as much as you can.
The event is to start at 6:30pm sharp! The reception will begin with a cocktail hour that supplies guests with a completely open bar as well as small appetizers to hold them until the full meal. At 7:30, all those who have entered themselves into the auction will be asked to wait backstage until your name is called. There, you will enter the runway, and those in the audience get to see their options, while also enjoying a perfectly prepped meal, brought to you by some of the finest chefs in Montreal. Once the auction has come to an end, the dance floor will open up and everyone is free to enjoy the rest of their night however they wish! The gala will be held at The Queen Elizabeth Hotel, and you must present this invitation at the door to enter. Tickets are being sold online or at the door, though prices may vary in person. This is also a black tie event, so formal wear is required and there will be a best dressed competition for those who attend! We hope to see you all there for our fifth annual Date Auction and Charity Gala! 
Hello lovely members, some of you may have seen this before as it is the same gala from last year! Hence the whole annual thing, hehe. But there are a few differences!
Alright, so here are the details to the event! The Gala itself is going to be like every other event. Everyone is welcome to go, it’s a formal affair so your character must dress up or they can’t get in. It’s going to be formal, fancy and nice. But of course, your character is free to make it get crazy. Spike the punch, put pot in the food. Break shit. Get wild! Yadda, yadda, yadda!
For the main event, however, there’s going to be a date auction. There are two categories here. The dates (any gender can auction themselves off) and the bidders (open to anyone who isn’t a date!). If you wish to participate, there’s are a few things we must go over. Below is what you must do if you’re going to be auctioning yourself off. (Which everyone should do because it’s going to be fun!)
Only 27 characters can be auctioned off (this can be changed depending on how willing people are to actually bid). Current Count: 27/27
Message the main telling us you want to be auctioned off
Fill out this questionnaire
Name: Age: Occupation: Celebrity Crush: What you look for in a partner: Three adjectives to describe yourself: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go: How important is family to you: Where do you see yourself in five years: Lastly, your ideal date that you would take your bidder (or significant other) on:
Once you answer those questions, post them & the questions on your blog, and tag it with the event tag. This way everyone can see who is being auctioned and can base their bidding off of those answers. Example made here.
Who you are paired off with will be announced the night of the auction.
TRACKED TAG: MRP: Date Auction 
This is the most important part! THIS EVENT WONT WORK IF YOU DONT BID! 
Can be anyone. Gender doesn’t matter.
Once the all the date cards are in the tag (or even before if you see one you like) you are asked to send in an ask to the main, stating which date you want and how much money you are bidding on them. You have the option to pick three (you don’t have to pick three, you can pick just one or two if you wish), and place a bid on them, but you will only win one date.
All bids MUST be realistic. If your character doesn’t have money, don’t bid more than they can afford. Example being my character Sophia. Girl has like no money to her name personally, so she will not be bidding because she simply can’t afford it. (We can work something out where we can rig it though, if needed.)
Not everyone will win a date! If there is someone who bids higher than you, they will get it. If there is a tie, we will put it in a randomizer. If you do not receive a date that doesn’t mean you can’t still go on a date with said person though. Get the courage and just ask them out yourself ;D
I will also post a huge master-post linking to all dates, on the main, incase you missed any!
Best Dressed Competition:
To add more fun for everyone, I will be adding a best dressed competition again as well. You have until February 11th to make a post of what your character is wearing to the event and post it in the tag. This can be done via manips, via polyvore, or just a collage of something your FC has already worn to a formal event.
All outfits must be formal! Black tie event, my loves! So gowns and suits. Hair all done. Jewelry, good perfume, please shower and don’t stink! You get the gist.
After the posts are made, you will have to go to the main and tell me that you’re entering for the best dressed competition. I will then make a Poll with everyone’s name on it.
The poll will be going around throughout the entire event! So you’ll have time. Then, on the 12th, I will announce the winners of the best dressed competition.
You’ll basically just get bragging rights? It’ll be IC so everyone will know.
The winners will be based off gender. Meaning one non binary winner, one female winner and one male winner. All will be categorized in the poll.
More rules will be announced but know that if you vote for your character over and over and over again (which I do get to see on the poll btw) you will be disqualified.
TRACKED TAG: MRP: Best Dressed 2
Okay, so now that that’s all out of the way, I have one last list of things for you to read! This is all the ooc information you need to know.
The event will start on February 10th and to till February 14th in real time. In character it only lasts for one night and that’s February 11th.
It will start at 3PM EST on Feb. 10th.
There are TWO tracked tags. MRP: Date Auction & MRP: Best Dressed 2
MRP: Date Auction tag will have all the Date Cards inside there. Then, when the event starts, you will put your starters in there. HOWEVER! Please tag all event related starters with BOTH MRP: Date Auction AND MRP: Chat.
MRP: Best Dressed 2 will have JUST the outfits in there. Do not put your outfits in the Date Auction tags.
There will not be any tasks this time. I have too much to organize with the date, bidders and best dressed that I can’t focus on plot drops. However, if you want something to happen like last time, come up with the idea, tell me it and I will more than likely approve it. PLEASE PLEASE PLESE DO THIS! I want you guys to plot! So please plot and go wild! But ask me too! So I know what’s going on if it’s something crazy.
Please make sure you follow the dates. Anything submitted after the dates I put above, will not be considered. 
We hope this all makes sense and if you have any questions, message the main! Thank you and enjoy!
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