#(meatball investigation agency company)
spacenutspod · 10 months
Teams with Astrobotic install the NASA meatball decal on Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, at the Astrotech Space Operations Facility near the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.NASA/Isaac Watson NASA will host a What’s on Board media teleconference at 2 p.m. EST Wednesday, Nov. 29, to discuss the science payloads flying aboard the first commercial robotic flight to the lunar surface as part of the agency’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative under the Artemis program. Carrying NASA and commercial payloads to the Moon, Astrobotic Technologies will launch its Peregrine lander on ULA’s (United Launch Alliance) Vulcan rocket. Liftoff of the ULA Vulcan rocket is targeted no earlier than Sunday, Dec. 24, from Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The Peregrine lunar lander will touch down on the Moon in early 2024. Audio of the call will stream on the agency’s website at: https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv Briefing participants include: Joel Kearns, deputy associate administrator for Exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters in Washington Ryan Watkins, program scientist, Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office, NASA Headquarters Chris Culbert, program manager, CLPS, NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston John Thornton, CEO, Astrobotic, Pittsburgh To participate by telephone, media must RSVP no later than two hours before the briefing to: [email protected]. NASA awarded a task order for the delivery of scientific payloads to Astrobotic in May 2019. Among the items on its lander, the Peregrine Mission One will carry NASA payloads investigating the lunar exosphere, thermal properties of the lunar regolith, hydrogen abundances in the soil at the landing site, and magnetic fields, as well as radiation environment monitoring.  Through Artemis, NASA is working with multiple CLPS vendors to establish a regular cadence of payload deliveries to the Moon to perform experiments, test technologies, and demonstrate capabilities to help NASA explore the lunar surface. This pool of companies may bid on task orders to deliver NASA payloads to the Moon. Task orders include payload integration and operations, launching from Earth, and landing on the surface of the Moon. The indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity CLPS contracts have a cumulative maximum value of $2.6 billion through 2028. With CLPS, as well as with human exploration near the lunar South Pole, NASA will establish a long-term cadence of Moon missions in preparation for sending the first astronauts to Mars. For more Artemis updates, follow along at: https://blogs.nasa.gov/artemis/ -end- Karen Fox / Alise FisherHeadquarters, Washington202-358-1600 / [email protected] / [email protected] Nilufar RamjiJohnson Space Center, [email protected] Antonia JaramilloKennedy Space Center, [email protected] Share Details Last Updated Nov 20, 2023 Location NASA Headquarters Related Terms ArtemisCommercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS)Commercial SpaceHumans in Space
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elle-eedee · 5 years
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oc commission for @politelyintheknow !!! these two are perfect, imagine me packing them little box lunches with post-it notes telling them to have a good day. thank you!! 
commissions 💖 redbubble 💖 donate
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reallyhardydraws · 6 years
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summer kidz 🌞🌞🌞
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reallyhardy · 6 years
i was thinking today since the completion of over the sea (around the mid point of the day when i was like hm, ive run out of drawing energy, how about some writing and then i remembered my huge project is over) so now just WHAT. do i write
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ssadropout · 6 years
Wednesday’s Child
Day 1- Parental Royai 
Beware of angst. About 1750 words.
Mustang sat at his desk looking even paler than usual. His head was pounding so violently that he was sure that it was visibly expanding and contracting. He was grateful that he had skipped breakfast. He'd never have kept it down. Hawkeye, on the sofa, looked like she might cry. He had seen- and done- terrible things in Ishval, but not even that could prepare him for the horrendous alchemy that a father had performed on his own daughter. He wished that he could have shielded the Elric boys from such an amoral horror. Hindsight is 20/20.
Shou Tucker was in pilloried custody, and Nina Tucker was in the Infirmary.
“We're going to investigate the disappearance of Tucker's wife, but I'd wager that no trace of her will be found. I fear that she was Tucker's other chimera. How could I have...”
“Sir... Roy...” Hawkeye broke in. Startled, by the interruption and the use of his given name, Roy jerked his head towards Riza and waited.
“Sir, I can't stop thinking about Nina. What is going to happen to her?”
I don’t see any way that the transmutation can be undone, but Ed is looking into it. If anyone can find a way, it's him. However, time is of the essence. We don't think that she is... viable.” Roy was too upset to insult Fullmetal. “Why don't we visit the Infirmary and see how she is?”
Hawkeye nodded and rose. Mustang joined her, and he informed the others that he and the Lieutenant might be gone for awhile.
Riza scanned the cots in the infirmary. One was occupied by a male sergeant, and the rest were empty. Finally, her eyes found what looked like a dog in a corner, curled on the floor. She whispered, “Sir,” and he looked where she was looking.
“Nurse! Why is the patient on the floor? She should be resting on a cot!”
“She's a dog, Sir!” Then, a little softer “'Mostly a dog. We can't have her soiling a cot.”
Roy walked over to the chimera and knelt. “Nina, I'm Roy Mustang. I'm so sorry about... what happened to you. Would you be more comfortable on the cot?”
The poor chimera nodded and then, in that deep distorted voice that was almost a bellow, “Thank you mis-ter.”
“Call me Roy.” Glancing up at Hawkeye, he saw her nod. “And that's Riza. Can we get you anything? Have you eaten?”
“I just want to nap, now, Roy.”
“Okay, Nina. We want to talk to the nurse now. Ed and Al will come to visit you, later.”
“O-kay.” She sniffed and curled up.
“Nurse, will she be medically cleared? Where will she be sent?”
“There is nothing that we can do for her, and she's not contagious or dangerous, so she will be sent to a kennel. Children's Services will have nothing to with her.” The nurse's voice faded as she said it, anticipating the Colonel's anger.
“That is unacceptable!”
“Colonel, Sir...” Riza's voice was steeped in urgency.
“Yes, Lieutenant?”
“Sir, I want to take her home.”
Roy stared at his adjutant sure that his eyes reflected the same pain that hers did. They both wanted the poor child to have as good a life as possible for the time left to her. He nodded.
“I'll make it happen.”
Hawkeye was granted leave, and Mustang was cleared to spend the nights at her apartment, having convinced the top brass that it was necessary to have an alchemist present during the off hours. He drove them to Hawkeye's stopping along the way to pick up some food. Nina wanted human food- well, human junk food- and they indulged her, because nutrition was of no concern. Roy secretly hoped that Riza would let him have the same diet as Nina, but he knew that she would never allow it. Riza decided that Roy and Nina would wait outside while she put up that gate that she sometimes used with her pup. It would be the best way to introduce them.
Hayate seemed to be rather confused, but he generally got along with both dogs and people, so he was freed in less than an hour.
Nina seemed to be happy playing with him. Ironically but understandably, she missed Alexander. Her appetite was not great, but she ate enough of her mac and cheese, and she demolished her ice cream, surreptitiously sharing some of it with her new pal.
“Think about what toys you want, Nina, and I'll bring them to you after work tomorrow,” Roy told her.
“O-kay, Da.. Roy.”
“I think that you need a bath, Sweetie,” Hawkeye said kindly but firmly.”
“O-kay, Ri-za.”
Roy did the dishes while Riza bathed Nina. When she was clean and dry, Riza read to her from a book she had bought for Elicia. Nina drifted off , and Roy carried her into Riza's spare bedroom where Hayate joined her.
“How could he do that to his little girl?” Roy plaintively asked Riza. “Tomorrow, I'll bring her blanket and some records along with whatever she requests.” He got under the covers, and she joined him.
“The situation makes me sick,” Hawkeye replied. “Thank you for arranging for me to have custody. I really need to take care of her. And thank you for arranging to stay with me. We don't get to spend the night together nearly enough.”  She kissed him, and he pulled her close.
“I really need to take care of her, too,” he whispered.
It didn't take long. They'd been asleep barely an hour when the haunting sound awakened them. The wail was as unearthly as that of a banshee. Riza was running before the cry ended, and Roy was on her heels. Hayate was whimpering and butting Nina with his head, but she seemed to be unaware. Riza scooped up the chimera as well as she could considering Alexander's size.  
“Nina. Sweetie, Are you okay? How can we help?” No one but Hawkeye could have such a catch in her voice or look on her face. Roy sat beside her on the bed and leaned in, silently offering comfort.
With much difficulty, the poor girl cried, “Da-ddy hurt me. I want my Da-ddy.”
The next day, Riza and the Elrics took Nina and Hayate to the park. She didn't think that she had seen Ed so subdued since the day she had met him, fresh from the traumatic transmutation. The first thing he said to Riza was that he and Al had found nothing to help Nina. He and Al tried to play with Nina, but she barely reacted. Never running more then a few steps. Never knocking Ed over or riding Al.
“Does she ever play with Hayate's toys?” whispered Al.
“No. She doesn't do much of anything. Not people things. Not dog things,” Riza lamented.
Later, Roy arrived with enough spaghetti and meatballs for everyone from his favorite Aerugian restaurant and a chocolate cake from Ed's favorite bakery.  He and Ed nodded at each other in silent agreement to not argue. The agreement was unnecessary. The soldiers and the boys attempted to hold a conversation, but Ed mostly just petted a sluggish Nina. “What can we bring you tomorrow?” asked Al.
“I don't feel like play-ing.”
The night passed with only one incident of hysteria, but the once lively child didn't want to get out of bed in he morning. She refused everything that Riza tried to feed her, and she just shook her head when Riza asked what Roy should bring. She did not respond to Riza reading to her, but she seemed a little less sad. When the lieutenant's voice faltered, she played some of Nina's records. Not wanting to leave the child alone, Riza had Hayate go on paper. The pup didn't seem to mind, and he suppressed his usual high spirits to stay near his new friend.
Roy came over with two pizzas, each with two toppings. He thought that he'd enjoy eating all the good stuff while Hawkeye let him, but he barely tasted the pepperoni and anchovies. Nina took one bite. The Lieutenant didn't eat much more.
“Does anything hurt you, Nina? We can give you medicine if it does,” Roy asked while he stroked her head.
“No.” Her breathing was a little labored, and she was too leaden to move much, but her body did not seem to be otherwise in distress. Hayate lay with her, sometimes crying softly.
“It's getting close.” Roy spoke lowly, and Riza nodded. They'd both seen enough people die. At least Nina seemed peaceful so far.
“She's such a sweet little girl. How could such a calculated horror happen to her? Did Tucker want children, or was it just his wife? Why do people that shouldn't have children have them while people who love children can't?” Riza's voice broke throughout  her question.
Roy knew that the query was rhetorical and just gathered her into his arms. Hayate stayed with Nina since he knew that Roy was taking care of his beloved human.
They decided to have “everyone” sleep together in Riza's queen-sized bed. Nina's breathing grew raspier and raspier. Neither adult slept. Roy crooned to little girl, as he tried to think of her. Riza stroked her back while Roy sang soothingly. Before long, the child's breaths began to rattle. Riza looked at Roy, and he sat up, gently pulling Nina into his lap. Hayate curled up as close as possible, and Riza leaned against Roy and caressed the dying girl. After a crescendo of noise, there was silence. Not really knowing how to take a dog's pulse, Riza held a mirror to Nina's nose and mouth.
Hayate, always sensitive, whimpered. Roy and Riza kissed Nina and covered her. After keeping the body company for awhile, the humans moved to the sofa. “She didn't deserve this. She was cheated,” Riza sobbed.
Roy held her and spoke, after a pause. “She got what everyone gets. A lifetime. We will continue to strive to fight premature death and misery that occurs through human agency. That's what our love will do. Our love will never be wasted.”
Roy's quote about everyone getting a lifetime is a paraphrase of a quote from Neil Gaiman's Death: The High Cost of Living.
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Sunday 6th May 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  Beautiful day yesterday, spent an hour or so on the beach and then hours or so it seemed.. Shopping..! but it’s the beach again today, we don’t spend a longtime there, maybe an hour or so, but it surely is a great place to relax, if we get to the sand about 11 am until 1 pm its locals on the beach after that, it’s sunburn city as the tourist arrive to get as much of a tan as possible before they go back to whence they came.. as we live here there is no pressing need to get a tan, we already have one, for us, it’s more to relax as I said earlier and to top the tan up so to speak….  And Bella is as black as can be so she doesn’t need any more color…..
DOG DETAINED BY DYFED-POWYS WALES POLICE FOR TWO YEARS…. Dyfed-Powys Police has detained a dog in kennels for more than two years as part of an inquiry. The force is yet to make a decision on whether or not the animal is destroyed, returned to its owner or rehomed. It would not give full details as to why the animal was being held, saying it related to "an ongoing case". It has been highlighted by BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme in an investigation into the costs of enforcing the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act. The programme found animals suspected of being pit bull terrier types were routinely detained for periods of longer than 14 weeks. A senior officer has said forces in England and Wales were spending £3m annually on kennel cost with the length of time courts take to resolve disputes over breeds blamed for the longest delays. In 2017, just over 2,000 dogs were detained by police, the vast majority under the Dangerous Dogs Act, according to 29 forces in England and Wales which responded to a Freedom of Information request. Of those, at least 334 were taken because they were suspected of being a dangerous breed, although they did not need to be out of control or a threat. No further details have been revealed about the Dyfed-Powys Police case but the programme found it was responsible for the longest detention period. Figures showed the force has paid out £105,246 in fees for kennels, transportation and veterinary costs for 53 animals since 2014. North Wales Police spent £154,307 on fees in the same period but it has not revealed the number of dogs detained.
ABBA HAVE 'NOTHING TO PROVE' WITH NEW SONGS, SAYS BENNY ANDERSSON….  The band announced last week they have recorded two new songs, which will be released later this year. "I don't feel that we have to prove anything," Benny told BBC News. "I don't feel we have to think about, 'Oh, what if it was better before?' "Maybe it was, but we can't care about that. We do it because we think it was a good thing to do." He added: "We enjoyed it very much. We'll see. I hope you'll like them." He said the songs came about while he and Bjorn Ulvaeus were in the studio working on a project where the band will tour as avatars. "So we said, 'Hmm, maybe we should try and write a couple of songs, ask the ladies if they want to come in and sing'. And they said, 'Yeah, absolutely'. So it was just, out of pure joy I'd say."
SWEDISH MEATBALL ADMISSION: THEY'RE TURKISH…. Swedish meatballs, the national dish of Sweden, have been revealed to have originated from another country - Turkey. A post on Sweden.Se, the nation's official Twitter account, on Saturday told followers: "Swedish meatballs are actually based on a recipe King Charles XII brought home from Turkey in the early 18th century. Let's stick to the facts!". Reaction to the news has included speculation over what other foods may be Turkish, and what this may mean for Swedish furniture store Ikea, known for its meatballs. Many Turkish media outlets have called the tweet a "confession" and pointed out it is not the only product the King took to Sweden. The Anadoly Agency refer to Annie Mattson, a researcher at Sweden's Uppsala University, who claims the King also brought with him coffee beans and stuffed cabbage. King Charles reigned from 1697 to 1718 and is said to have lived in Bender near Moldova, part of the old Ottoman Empire, after losing a battle with Russia.
BACKLASH OVER PLAN TO GIVE OUT 'MODESTY PONCHOS' AT PROM…. A school in Michigan has been criticised over threats to make students wear a "modesty poncho" if they fail to adhere to a strict dress code for their prom. People on social media have supported students who posted photos of the ponchos, saying the policy highlighted society's double standards towards men and women. The dress code for the dance includes requirements such as "no exposed cleavage", "no backless dresses" and "hemlines no shorter than one inch above the knee joint". Students were told they might be sent home if they flouted the dress rules but the problem came to a head when "modesty ponchos" were put on display around the Divine Child High School in Dearborn. A note attached to the poncho read: "If your dress does not meet our formal dress requirements - no problem! We've got you covered - literally. This is our modesty poncho which you'll be given at the door." As a result of complaints a letter has since been sent to parents stressing that the additional garments will not be handed out on the night.
CALGARY POLICE: BODY BEHIND WOMEN'S TOILET WALL 'ACCIDENTAL'…. Canadian police have ruled out foul play after a man's body was found behind the wall of a women's public toilet in the province of Alberta. Authorities say the man was alone when he entered the restroom in a Calgary city centre shopping mall last week. They believe he climbed behind a short wall, through the vent shaft, got stuck, and died on the evening of Friday 27 April. His motivation for crawling behind the wall remains a mystery. The body of the man, who was in his 20s, was discovered by a maintenance worker on Monday. The worker removed a wall panel in order to repair a toilet that would not flush and found the remains. "It is believed that [the victim] climbed on top of a pony [short] wall which was directly behind the toilets and removed a vent cover, which was located on top of the wall," police said in a release. "The pony wall, used to hide utilities, is approximately 7ft tall and is not connected to the ceiling and has no other access points." Based on evidence police say they believe the man climbed inside the wall through the vent. His identity was not released and police say they will not send out any further information because the death is considered accidental.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, Sunday morning… …
Our Tulips today are "Doubles" and called Queen of the Night..
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Sunday 6th May 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #robertmcangus
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reallyhardydraws · 6 years
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mi dotters wardrobe
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reallyhardydraws · 7 years
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tfw u draw a victorian AU of your own thing
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reallyhardydraws · 7 years
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this year’s better ref pages for my kids!!! now with fabric moodboards. vivi is largely ‘stuff i like and would wear if i was a bit cuter’, freddy is...mostly plaids.
i’ve settled on ‘meatball investigation agency co.’ for their mystery solving organisation. they named it after their pet/mascot, who’s name is meatball. it’s a faintly misleading name (do they just investigate your spaghetti?) but that’s fine.
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reallyhardydraws · 7 years
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she could beat him if he’d switch sides.
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reallyhardydraws · 7 years
I love ur OCs!! Do you have any other ocs then two mystery kids?
sure!!! do their families count???
vivi’s parents, jian-min and gabriella. gabriella is a geography teacher at vivi and freddy’s school, and jian-min is a cook. (not at the school.) (at a restaurant.)
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also, vivi’s older brother rafael. he’s off having his own adventures, but makes frequent visits to bring vivi cool souvenirs.
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freddy’s mum, madeline, a flighty, artsy kind of lady who’s very unlucky in love. and freddy’s younger brother, frances, a quiet kid who likes dresses and thinks beetles are cool.
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mr sparks is freddy’s pseudo-uncle (a family friend, and the only adult who believes in the weird things freddy and vivi claim to find), and the owner of the local bookshop. miss osei isfreddy & vivi’sform tutor at school, and mr sparks has a bit of a crush on her. they are both a bit mysterious.
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i don’t actually have any OCs that aren’t in some way related to the meatball investigation agency co. tho.
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reallyhardydraws · 6 years
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discovery #152: the lake is home to a big fish that’s surprisingly fond of banana-gherkin-herring sandwiches.
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