#(maybe i'll delete it later)
3pujem · 2 days
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volim ovu sliku
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unmotivated-student · 11 months
If they rearrange the teams and put Roier and Cellbit together I can perfectly imagine Roier going "don't worry baby i protect you 😘" every time someone try to kill Cellbit just to make fun of him, which is ten times funnier considering that Cellbit is supposed to be a cannibalistic murderer but the entire first day the other teams were sweeping the floor with him and his team
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evilforgood999 · 11 months
fine, I know about the unification of DS and Pirates of the Caribbean (not bad) what if DS is combined with star wars/j
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tired-reader-writer · 9 months
Somehow my thoughts drifted back to a former friend I blocked some while back.
The buildup that led to me ultimately blocking her was... frustrating, to say the least. It's still frustrating even now. Honestly, I don't know how or why my brain decided to remember her in this moment. Maybe the exam season stress is getting to me.
This girl, this person, hah, always loudly proclaimed to detest AI art and AI fanfic/writings, and yet still happily posted a lot about extensively using character AI.
Like, if she recognized the problems w AI art and voiceover and fic, why did it take so long for her to realize chat AI is bad too? I couldn't fathom the dissonance. I tried to break the news to her. Y'know, AI art scrapes from art, AI writing scrapes from real people's writing, and these generated responses that the character AI spits out... it's in written form, right? AI can't create from thin air like us creatives do. It's gotta be scraping from somewhere, it's theft too. It's no different from AI fanfics.
She acted like... It's hard to describe, her responses to my messages were... It's like she didn't want to stop using character AI so she padded out her replies with stuff about AI art and AI fic. Y'know, the things we both agreed were theft. The things that were not what I was trying to talk to her about.
She said she was scared that AI was running rampant now, that she was “on the fence” about character AI. Despite me having already laid out my reasoning it's no different from the other types of AI she claimed to hate.
She was not on the fence.
She kept using character AI after our conversation, she just refrained from bringing it up in our DMs.
I kept reblogging anti-AI posts hoping she would see and come to her senses (after all, talking directly did not fucking work) and she ignored my very unsubtle anti-AI reblogs on both my main and side blog, both of which she followed. She reblogged the stuff about AI art fic and voiceovers and completely and purposefully skipped over stuff about anti character AI.
I snapped.
I made a public rant about the scenario, grossly summarized and without naming names of course, because I was so fucking frustrated at this girl.
And then after that, after all that, she gets upset that I'm frustrated and ranted out loud (never revealed who I was frustrated at, I intentionally worded it so that it comes across as me being mad at a widespread phenomenon, which it also was, I was deeply frustrated with not only her but the rest of the AI apologists in the world).
Make it make sense, girl.
She said she was “trying to quit” character AI, she sounded really upset, and I thought, well I clearly snapped and crossed a line. She said she's trying to quit and she's my friend, she couldn't possibly lie to me, right?
Haha, WRONG.
I don't exactly remember the sequence of events after that. She kept using character AI, for sure, kept posting about it too (and that's the kicker isn't it, she could've kept using it in secret and not post it in public, then I would've blissfully assumed she had quit earnestly, but no, she couldn't help herself from posting and gushing about the generated responses the AI bot spat out for her). In the end I ended up blocking her. Probably because of that.
And then when she found out I blocked her she made a Sad™ post lamenting how sad it was when one is blocked by a mutual. And had the gall to say she “used to use character AI” and “used to be on the fence” when that... just wasn't the case, was it? I didn't block her because she used to use AI, it was because she kept persistently and stubbornly using it even after all my repeated warnings. It wasn't that she used to be on the fence about character AI, it's that she routinely refused to heed my very unsubtle (both direct and indirect) warnings over and over that made me fucking snap.
Like, don't make it sound like I blocked you for unreasonable reasons 😭 What else was I supposed to do? I certainly didn't want to keep interacting with someone who betrayed my beliefs.
And then? And then she figured since I wasn't watching her anymore she can do whatever she wants and then went all in on the whole character AI thing. Back to horny-posting about the generic thirst trap daddy archetype responses the blorbo character AI's were generating.
It's my fault, really, for going back to check on her again after a couple days, I should've stuck by my decision to block her forever but nooooo I got soft and wanted to see if I should unblock her after all, if I was too harsh on somebody who was trying but... Welp.
So, yeah. Dunno what brought on this trip down the (horrible) memory lane.
Anyways, if you are an AI apologist or leave your AI apologist friends to keep doing what they do with zero attempts to stop them you may feel free to block me forever and never interact with me or my posts again ✌️
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beijinho-conchah · 2 years
thank you so much!!🤍🤍🤍 I was so bored I ended up drawing misaki again without realizing it...
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I don't know how to draw teddy bears :'(
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fhhvuh0 · 10 months
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DID I REALLY DRAW THIS!? (The drawing is a little more than six months old)
`Explanation: I came up with the idea to draw a kind of comic based on "Tokyo Avenger", where Takemichi is Yandere. It's like he's gone crazy and wants Mikey back (to himself) furiously, and he's also killed all his former friends 👍(he's like a pinkamina). That's how dumb I was back then.😅
• Honestly, I have no idea how I came up with this... Maybe because Takemichi is constantly being made a gentle omezhka who can't and can't do anything. And because of that, my stupid brain came up with this._.
Я ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО НАРИСОВАЛ ЭТО!? (Рисунку чуть больше полугода)
`Объяснение: Мне в голову пришла идея нарисовать недо комикс по Токийским Мстителем, где Такемичи, является Яндере . Типа он сошел с ума и яростно хочет вернуть Майки обратно (а точнее себе), а также он убил всех своих бывших друзей 👍 (типа пинкамина). Вот такой еб*нутой я тогда была. 😅.
• Честно без понятия как я это придумала... Может потому что Такемичи постоянно делают нежной омежкой, которая ничего не может и не умеет. И из за этого мой тупой мозг придумал это ._.
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mountainofhistory · 9 months
other people: my tags are for blog organization
me: my tags are for the extra thoughts that come with every post courtesy of ADHD
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
Talking about some personal stuff again...
I have my performance review tomorrow, my probation ends by the end of January and my mom suggested I should quit on the spot, but I don't think that is very wise when I don't have any fully thought out back-up plan yet... So she gave me a long pep talk about how this is my life, how I can't keep on suffering like this. My problem is that I lack courage on both ends - pushing through and quitting. I don't feel confident enough for the former and I'd feel too much of a failure for the latter, so no matter what I do, I lose and THAT is what fucks with my head today.
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pelmeniforeveryday · 1 year
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Я отмечаю 5-й год своего блога Tumblr! 🥳
Venting...just venting and whining
5 years. 5 long years. I can't even remember the certain reason why I started to blog on Tumblr. I wanted to do something personal, be a part of something, contribute to whatever it is.
At that time I was 16. It seemed to me like a have a lot ahead of me. A whole life. I was utterly naive as I didn't see obvious things. And at that time I had hope.
I know, it may sound fancy, but whatever. I had dreams, but they haven't come true. Maybe because of me. I don't really know. Now I want to take them from someone else, the way mine were taken from me.
I wished I would be at least attractive. Maybe average, or a bit better. I didn't completely realize that I wasn't like my other classmates, either of my naivety or stupidity. Or I was unwilling to realize it. I've recently seen a photo of my class, taken when we were exactly all 15 — 16. Finally I see that among other girls I'm an unattractive one. It sounds childish, but what I really want is to feel attractive. I want to be that bitchy high school bimbo which is loved or worshipped by everyone at school. I want to be adored. Even if it's considered egoistic.
I remember that I wanted to practice my English with native speakers. But here I haven't succeeded as well. It's getting more obvious that I'm just incapable of talking to people and maintaining friendship. I'm aloof, nonchalant, and in my heart of hearts I completely comprehend that I simply don't want to interect with people at all. I'm just built this way.
There were also academic aims, creative, personal. I don't want to utter a word about them.
My friend abandoned me, I left someone — isn't it just ordinary life challenges? This all will happen again to every person on this planet.
My blog makes me feel like there's something missing. In me, maybe. Especially after a long time after I had stopped posting things. It reminds me of all things I haven't managed to do
I don't even like pelmeni that much
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i-am-a-fish · 1 year
I'm on that tgirl egirl grindset
Logically I shouldn't post this because it's incoherent and I'm hyped on caffeine but I have the ability to say words on the internet and I think it's funny to use this power to say that employers SUCK ASS
did you drink water today? If not it's coming
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dovewingkinnie · 1 month
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will redo this shot hatsune miku and teto animation maybe
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the-modern-typewriter · 5 months
"Tell me something nice."
"It's been a day," the protagonist said. "And I feel spectacularly mediocre. So tell me something nice."
The villain blinked at them. "You're wonderful."
"And now tone it down to something believable."
"I happen to really like you," the villain said, "and if you were extraordinary I'd have to kill you."
"...I'll take it."
The villain snorted.
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retrobr · 4 months
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Idk what this is and I apologize that it looks kinda shitty 💀
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bixels · 7 months
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Some scene ideas I sketched a while back while working on the wedding arc character designs.
The story's a tribue to Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella and would focus on Celestia and Cadance's mother/adopted-daughter relationship. I imagined the ending to be an homage to Cinderella's finale, with Shining Armor and Cadance running down the steps to their wedding carriage. The bottom thumbs were an idea I had where Cadance gives one last look back at Celestia at the top of the steps, who's crying happy tears, watching her newlywed daughter leave to take her next step in adulthood. I had it in my head that the moment would sync up to the lyrics, "No matter how your heart is grieving; if you keep on believing..."
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ryegarden · 3 months
it's election day I can be a little political as a treat. if you still purchase or publicly consume or create harry potter media or content, donate to a UK based trans person and sit with your morals for a bit. Both major political parties ran a campaign stoking a culture war against trans people because of Rowlings ideology and funding. Every time you line her pockets - and that includes by consuming and creating fan content publicly, thus proliferating the enjoyment of hp (because even if you don't spend money on it, you are making it acceptable for people who do spend) - you contribute directly, personally, to British trans kids dying early. I don't care if it's important to you - I wore a ravenclaw scarf to school well into my teens, and then I found out Rowling was a terf (and all the antisemitic shit in the books) and every piece of harry potter merchandise got stuffed in a box at the back of my wardrobe. It turns out, when the author of your favourite book is best buddies with the MP of your constituency and they talk about trans people like you're dirt on the bottom of their shoes, it sours the experience a little.
Read a better book. Do better by british trans folks
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atomi-cat · 8 months
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Thinking about the Arthur plushie like
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