#(m: leon kennedy)
zg0nuwa · 11 months
i’m not switching between my hyperfixations because i’m autistic, i’m just a whore
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8K notes · View notes
acecroft · 1 year
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4K notes · View notes
hheaven-sentt · 9 months
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summary: because love doesn't quite capture it | leon kennedy x partner!reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: depictions of injuries, angst if you squint, mentions of alcohol consumption, yearning, mutual pining, partners to friends to lovers
notes: BACK FROM THE DEAD W A VENGEANCE. my semester has finished and my second one doesn't start until january so i will be posting for once. college is kicking my ass like all the time so it puts everything else on pause for me anyway ily all | ao3
The dress feels itchy against your skin. You don’t want to go to this event, so you can’t imagine how Leon feels. He doesn’t even like when you thank him for doing the dishes, so you wonder how he might behave up on a stage to receive a medal. You stretch behind you, reaching for the zipper. Wordlessly, Leon turns to you and zips it up himself. Of course he does; that’s just Leon.
“This is weird,” he says. It’s barely a whisper, breath dusting over your shoulder as he says it. You nod with a sigh.
“I wouldn’t say weird,” you return. You watch his eyes in the mirror. They hover somewhere on your forehead. “Not normal, but not weird,” “I think it’s weird,” he says, and steps away. You nod again, because what else can you say?
Working with Leon has its ups and downs. He’s too quiet some days, and you have to fill in the gaps yourself. Or he’s too loud–sometimes without even saying anything–and you have to figure out how to deal with it. Or he’s just Leon; he laughs and jokes, he helps cook dinner, he doesn’t talk about work. You like those days the best. Had you seen these versions of Leon when you were assigned to him almost ten years ago, you would’ve laughed. Ten years ago, you couldn’t imagine being this close to someone, to care as much as you do about someone you’re paid to be around.
You suppose there’s layers to it, layers you haven’t fully unraveled yet. You know only a few things for certain: Leon is your partner, he is also your unofficial roommate, and you care about him more than you care about others.
“Are you ready?” he asks. He’s standing in the doorway of the bedroom, the light from the hallway making him look like an angel descending to relay a message from God. You swallow and nod.
“Just need my shoes,” you say, moving to the bed and sliding your shoes across the floor to be in front of you. Leon bends down without a word to help you fasten them.
When he looks up at you, he looks less like your partner and more like someone you’re meant to love. An ache resonates within you, a need to reach out a brush your fingers through his darkened hair. He shifts his gaze to your upper arm. Gingerly, he runs the tips of his fingers over a scar that spans from your elbow to your clavicle. It’s ugly and red, courtesy of the nasty burn you’d sustained there a few years ago. The ridged skin is unfeeling as Leon skirts his hand across it, tracing it from your elbow to your shoulder.
“I remember when you got this,” he says absently. His fingers dance across your skin, and you wish the scar didn’t run so deep so you could feel his ministrations. “Thought I’d lost you,”
He says nothing more, just stands up and offers his hand to you to help you off the bed. You take it, and he hauls you up with ease. He twists out of the room like a ghost. You follow him, like you always do.
The scar is one of a few you’ve come to own. You remember the day you got it, too. For whatever reason, you replay the moment in your head over and over in the taxi on the way to the gala. It makes your skin burn.
It was supposed to be a normal day, a normal mission. Go in, extract, get out. Three simple steps that you had done a hundred thousand times before. Leon stood beside you, always offering to enter a room first. You’ll admit, years removed from the situation, you should’ve been more careful, should’ve listened to what he was saying. But you were so angry at him. You felt weak, unnecessary. You remember shoving past him and through a door you hadn’t known was connected to a trigger. Almost as soon as your boot touched the concrete on the other side of the threshold, your hearing went out. It felt like you were standing miles away from a nuclear blast, and you had felt the effects of the delayed shockwave. You were knocked to the ground in an instant, but you didn’t feel pain–not yet at least. When you woke up in the hospital a day later, Leon was asleep in the chair beside you.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he’d said. You vowed not to.
“Do you think they’ll at least have an open bar?” he says now, drawing you back into the world. You turn away from the window of the cab to look at him. He’s staring at his hands, forcing a small smile.
“They better,” you say, reaching over and settling a hand on his shoulder. He looks at you. “It’s the only reason I’m going,”
This turns his smile genuine, and he even offers an eyeroll. You squeeze his shoulder, bracelets jingling with the motion. His eyes are on you, and you feel as hot as fresh sin. You hate this; hate that he makes you feel this way, hate that he is so beautiful, hate that you can’t seem to shake this deep seated love you harbor for him. You miss him when he looks away and you remove your hand.
The gala is overwhelming. Leon stays near you, hand hovering near your own. You wish he would reach out and take it. You debate the consequences of doing it yourself.
Breath hot on the shell of your ear, Leon whispers, “You think our taxes went into this?”
You suppress a laugh, tightening your lips into a thin line to fight a smile. “I wouldn’t be surprised, but I’ll pretend like this was all donated,”
“You can consider taxes a donation if you really think about it,” he says, gliding across the floor with you toward an empty table. You snort.
“I think that depends on what your definition of donation is,” you say. He pulls out your chair for you before pushing it in, then takes his own seat beside you. His legs are angled toward you like he only plans on talking to you.
“I think you underestimate my ability to bend definitions to suit my needs,” he says. You laugh again.
You like this version of Leon, and you know that it won’t last very long so you should hold onto it while it’s here. An old jazz song rings out from the speakers across the hall, and the lights catch his eyes just right. They’re really blue, as true blue as blue gets. They’re your favorite shade of blue. If you could paint your living room that color, you would. It’s a soft blue, like the crest of a wave blue, like the sky just after dawn blue, like two perfect oceans set into his skull. There’s a hairline scar that runs between the crows feet of his left eye, one you ache to reach out and trace.
That’s the best way to describe how you feel when you look at Leon: aching. It’s desperation, an aching need to touch and hold. It’s not exactly love, but you don’t have another word for it. Maybe devotion? Looking at him feels like the first time a child sees a kitten. You’re like me, soft and lovable, and we should stay together.
“Have you listened to anything I’ve said in the last few minutes?” Leon asks, putting a hand on your knee that brings you back to the gala. You suck in a breath and shake your head. He smiles wide. “Quit staring at me, makes me feel like I’ve got something on my face,”
“You’re pretty,” you say before you can stop yourself. Maybe pretty is the wrong word, but you don’t know what the right one would be. He’s handsome, sure, but handsome doesn’t encapsulate the way his lashes flutter against his cheekbones or the way he blushes when you smile at him. “Sorry,”
He’s grinning now, giving your knee a squeeze. “You flatter me,”
An hour later, and he’s being called up on stage by your director, who intends to decorate him. You’re beaming with pride, even though you know Leon is dreading this moment. He stumbles across the stage. Cameras are flashing, and you can almost see Leon cringe between photos. He’s off the stage a few minutes later, heading straight for you. You grin more, knowing that he’s choosing to seek solace in you, in your company. He wraps you in a stiff hug that loosens as it endures. You laugh into his shoulder.
“Don’t let me do anything heroic ever again,” he mumbles, burying his face into your neck. You bark a laugh.
“Yeah, okay,” you agree. “I’ll make sure to step in next time,”
In an act that surprises you, Leon tugs you toward the dance floor. You must look wildly confused because he explains, “Just this once. Just one dance,”
You agree, not that you could deny even if you wanted to. He’s looking at you like you’re someone he’s meant to love, like you’re more than just his partner. His hand slots against the curve of your waist like it was made specifically to be there. He’s warm and smiling, and you think maybe he’s had a bit too much champagne. But you like him like this. Who knows when you’ll see him like this again? You stare at him, intent to memorize his features and the way the light catches on the bridge of his nose.
“You’re staring again,” he whispers. You smile sheepishly.
“Never seen you like this,” you reply. He bows his head to chuckle. “Not sure I’ll ever get the chance to again,”
“I’m sure you will,” he says. “You’re the one who brings it out of me,”
You roll your eyes. “I’m more convinced it’s all the free champagne we’ve been drinking,”
“You can believe whatever you want, sweetness,” he says, spinning you. “I’m telling you the truth,”
You’re both giggly and joking the whole way home. Leon has you wheezing about something you can’t remember as you step into the apartment. Tears rest at the corners of your eyes. You shove him playfully. He follows you from room to room like a puppy, making you giggle and flash a smile as you clean up for the night.
You crash onto the bed, warm and light from the night, and reach to take off your shoes. Leon stands in the doorway, watching you. The light from the hallway gives him a halo. Your feet ache as you release them from their prisons, and you glance up to see Leon smiling at you. You return it with the cock of one of your brows.
“You’re pretty,” he says by way of explanation. You feel heat snake up your body. His hands are stuffed into his pockets, hair slightly messy from where he’s run his hands through it, and the first few buttons of his shirt are undone. If you weren’t as shy as you are, you’d probably move to touch him.
Instead, you huff a laugh and toss your shoes to the floor. “You flatter me,”
When you stand and begin to move around him, he grabs your elbow. “I mean it,”
Perhaps, in another life, you would see this as a win. The man you’ve spent most of your life following around and yearning for seemingly returns your affections, and you are about to deny him. Admitting it out loud makes it real, makes it mean something. What happens the next time something goes wrong out there? The next time he does something heroic? Everything will be much too real, and much harder to bury. You blink at him, looking at him for what feels like the very first and last time. He’s still Leon; scruffy stubble, blue eyes, and warmth. He’s still Leon, teetering on being your Leon, and you’re not going to let that happen. You, again, are going to deny yourself from what you want.
“What are you thinking?” he asks, voice barely above a whisper. You take in a shaky breath. He’s still holding you, but his touch is a ghost on your flesh.
“Leon, I don’t know-”
“You know that one Frank Sinatra song?” he interrupts. You gape at him.
“Why did you ask if you won’t let me answer?” you huff, crossing your arms over your chest. He returns his hands to his pockets.
“Predicted where it was going, figured I’d circumvent it,” he admits, the corner of his lips turning upward slightly. “The song he sings with his wife?”
You shrug. “Maybe? What’s your point?”
“I love you,” he says. Your body goes cold. “That could be the stupidest thing I’ve ever said, but I feel like you should know that before you make whatever decision you’re about to make,”
Your face breaks out into a grin, and you laugh in spite of yourself. “I’m sure you’ve said stupider,”
Whatever worry was on Leon’s face dissolves, and a real, full smile splits across his lips. He takes your face in his hands. He holds you delicately, like you’d break under the slightest pressure. To be fair, you feel like glass at the moment–if glass could have legs made of rubber.
“This makes it real,” you say. He swallows. “No going back, no forgetting, no pretending. When something happens, it will be real,”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” he whispers. “It’s worked out for us so far,”
You’re not sure who closes the space first, but it matters little after it’s happened. His lips are gentle and giving against your own. Your hands splay against his sides, using his suit jacket to pull him closer. His hands wind into your hair. There’s a desperation behind his movements, one you’re all too familiar with. After what feels like hours, he breaks from you, leaning his forehead against yours. His breathing is labored, you can feel it in his strong chest beneath your hands.
“This is real,” he says.
“We take risks for a living,” you say. He opens his eyes to peek at you through his lashes. “What’s one more right?”
He grins and kisses you again.
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knifefightandchill · 7 months
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slowbison · 1 year
Heyy!! I love your writing and was wondering if I could request a Resident Evil 4, Leon S. Kennedy x male reader. Reader and Leon always had that little competition between them, always trying to be better than the other which lead to them not liking each other. They got sent to various missions together but always ended up fighting with each other on how to do things instead of focusing on the mission. It just didn’t work between them. Additionally, Reader is sarcastic and acts a bit like an a-hole sometimes, flirts with Leon in a joking way and Leon just can't stand that.
After Leon was sent to save Ashley Reader is sent to back up Leon (and Leon didn’t know that so he is kinda mad that they thought it would be a good idea to choose Reader for it) on his mission and after a long and annoying search, he ends up finding Leon in the village. At first, he thought Leon was some sort of villager and attacks him. He pins him to the ground but then realized who he is and reluctantly apologizes which just makes the situation worse between them.
When they find Ashley and then lose her later Leon gets injured badly because he just rushed in without thinking to save Ashley. But he couldn’t and they ended up fighting when the coast cleared. In reality, the reader isn’t mad about the fact that they lost Ashley again. He is mad that Leon got hurt in the process and Leon noticed that the reader was worried about him. That could lead to an angry make-out session. Enemies to lovers type thing
a/n: you plot stuff down like me (T-T)7 except yours makes more sense and less sporadic. for inspo on reader i used baptise/cassidy from overwatch (if ya know the game, i personally am a rein main, love the big guy)
Bottom! Leon S. Kennedy x Top! Male Reader
words: 3.7k
warnings: hand jobs, praising, nsfw, leon is going through it with reader
The air was moist when the car dropped you into the woods. You were assigned as a back up to an agent in ensuring the rescue of the president's daughter as the villagers proved to be much more troublesome than they thought. At first you weren’t interested in the mission, citing it as not challenging enough for your skills. But when they mentioned the agent already deployed was no other than Condor One, you agreed without any hesitation.
Condor One, or better known as Leon Kennedy, was your greatest rival yet amazing partner; if only you two could get along that is. The higher ups had always placed you and Leon as teammates due to the impressive career history. Both were top of the police academy, senses far sharper than the average agents and able to complete missions despite the numerous unknown factors. Which is why you were both often paired up. But what they didn’t know was how much fuel they fed the flames of competition between you two and how long time was spent arguing rather than maintaining focus on the task.
Leon for one, couldn’t stand your arrogance citing the times you would dismiss his suggestions with your own better option or making decisions on your own, leaving him to “pick up your mess”. Much less the many times you were more focused on teasing him or flirting in the middle of an intense situation.
On the other, you found it entertaining to annoy the blonde, enjoying the banter following after.
Worse was when you both started fighting over who gets to open the door first for the other, Chris lost brain cells hearing this story. Least to say that you both always miraculously managed to complete the mission, receiving high praise while the field agents tasked with providing information through both of the men's earpiece quietly cringed inside.
A smile grew on your lips as you made your way into the woods. “Now, where could you be, little puppy.”
The woods weren’t much of an issue to navigate as you walked up to a muddy path that led to what appears to be a desolated home. Cracks formed on the outer shell while flies circled around a heap of trash, possibly dead carcasses. You had been warned that these people didn’t treat strangers from the outside world kindly and kept your guard on as you moved closer.
With a gun in your hand, you entered the home and scanned around the dimly lit room. Blood splattered the wall, trailing to two dead bodies of what appears to be the cultists villagers mentioned from field operators' information. One appeared to be an old man whose throat was slit and the other riddled with bullet holes in the head. Picking up one of the empty shells on the ground, you found that it to be the same as your own ammo — meaning only one thing.
“Heheh, you’re still around here somewhere, huh?” You murmured, a slight grin on your face.
From the countless times you’ve spent working and being with Leon, you were rather knowledgeable with how the man shoots. Partially because you wanted to beat him at weapon handling in the academy, but from the many times your eyes lingered on every move he made.
The way his arms flexed as he held his gun, steadying it against the recoil or when he slightly pouted his lips to focus more on the target while your mind kept wondering how they’d feel if their attention was directed elsewhere…
Needless to say, you consider yourself an expert when it comes to the man and the knowledge proved useful today.
The grin dropped as soon as loud banging followed by heavy footsteps could be heard down the hall. Three rather angry looking villagers came crashing through a door, jabbing their axes and pitchforks at you before charging. You sighed, already having to deal with nuisances and shot at two of their kneecaps causing them to fall on the floor, quickly moving to punching the one still running square in the face — switching to your own combat knife, slitting the man’s throat.
The two villagers staggered their way to you, but you threw the now-dead third villager into them, crashing them both back onto the floor. You watched for a moment as they squirmed on the ground, reloading your gun before popping a bullet in between their heads, sending them to the next life. Sighing as it proved right that this mission wasn’t a match for your skills, but the thought of working with Leon lifted your spirits and made your way out of the home through the back door — marching into the forest.
Passing through the woods once more, going over a shoddy built bridge, you arrived at the main entrance of the village hidden behind a large door. Along the way you found more and more bodies, leading you closer to the man’s possible location. Hiding behind a pile of rocks, you watched as the villagers mindlessly yelled and prayed around a burning cross with a burn man tied.
Not wanting to watch for much longer, you moved further in, crouching as you rolled to hide behind a wall. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you sensed that there was a possible threat around the corner — most likely a villager.
Pausing for a moment to hear any movement made, an opportunity showed itself as the villager peeked at your corner only to be quickly pushed against the wall, gun clicking to the back of their head ready to shoot. You faltered as you realized who was at the end of the barrel, your grip on the gun easing, but a devious smile crawled on your face.
“Guess who, doll.”
The man tensed and immediately broke free from your hold, attempting to kick you at the side, one which you caught in your arm effortlessly.
“C’mon this ain’t no way to greet your partner Leon, dont’cha miss me?” You quipped, the man releasing his foot from your grasp. Leon huffed, moving back to peeking behind the wall, eyeing the villager’s for any reaction to the sudden noise.
“Just my luck I had to be paired up with you, was everyone out on break or what.” He spat, turning to finally address you.
Out of everyone they could have possibly sent out as assistance, he didn’t understand why they would send someone barely qualified to rescue the president's daughter. It just had to be a joke. You softly laughed, shaking your head at the man.
“Ouch, that hurts to hear Lee. I think we make quite the team, yeah? So long as you follow my lead, of course.”
Leon felt himself slowly losing his sanity the more he listened to you talk and moved to hide behind another home, you trailing after him. The first meeting didn’t seem to be going very well as the man decided to ignore your existence as he ran past homes, only turning to glare at you to ensure you were still real, smiling and waving as he turned.
So your brilliant mind decided that it was time to hit him with the old Y/n charm as you adjusted your clothing, wiping at the imaginary dirt. Clearing your throat and moving closer, whispering softly, “If it’s anything worth, you look great. Even if you got a little dirt on ya cheek.”
“Would you shut up for one second while I concentrate?” Leon hissed. You grinned, enjoying his reaction.
“If you’re having trouble, why don’t you leave this to me, doll? I’ll get us outta this shithole quick.”
“I don’t need your help, just shut up and stay-“
You quickly wrapped an arm around the man’s shoulder, pulling him close to your chest and fired your gun at the villager that had silently crept onto him — body falling lifelessly to the floor.
Leon snapped his head at the body before turning to meet your gaze on him, a sly smirk slowly spreading. “This is the part where you say thank you, sugar.”
The man grumbled before pushing you down, firing at the man on the floor who began convulsing, sprouting tentacles from his head. Ensuring the man was dead, Leon turned to face you with a smirk on his face.
“Guess we’re even now, huh darling?”
Your eyes slightly widened as the man referred to you with a pet name, something he never does and by the look on his face, he must’ve realized what he said. Though you could barely see it, a hit of red dusted his cheeks as he hid himself from you. You were about to tease the man some more when you heard the sound of many villagers walking in your direction, probably from the sounds of your arguing and guns.
“I’m afraid we’ll have to continue our little chat later, love. Maybe we could go out to dinner after all this.”
“I’d rather play bingo with these people than having to go on a date with you.”
“Oh?, never said it’d be a date, but if you insist.”
Leon let out an annoyed huff as he began firing at the villagers appearing, alternating between his combat knife to reserve ammunition. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount, you began busting through homes and fired at ones that broke in. The real challenge being a chainsaw wielding maniac that absorbed bullets like a sponge, barely reacting except for some staggering here and there.
Soon, the battle was over as many of the villagers lay dead at your feet as the last one standing was the chainsaw man who collapsed to the floor, blood painting the ground.
You and Leon shared a long stare as you both caught your breath from the long fight. Gaze landing on his lips while he scanned over your body before landing on your own mouth. You felt yourself pull closer to him and licked your lips while the other stayed still, eyes still focused on you. Only for the moment to be ruined, just as you were so close to him that his field operator Hunnigan, called asking for a progress report on the mission. You groaned as the blonde pulled away, speaking to the woman before turning to face you.
“Let’s go, they’ve got Ashley trapped in some big building up ahead.”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with. I’ve got a date to attend after this.”
Leon let out a defeated sigh and walked off, following the dirt path as you joined him at his side, chatting as you both dealt with more villagers. Though the talking stopped as you both ran into a tied up Spaniard who you later learned his name was Luis after being thrown into a wall and awakening tied up in a room.
A bit of jealousy flared within you as the man, eyes lingered far too long for your liking on Leon. Feeling dissipating once the man ran off, throwing the key which you caught and removed the chains from your hands as well as Leon’s. You couldn’t tell if you wanted to befriend that man or eliminate him as a possible contender for Leon.
Either way, it didn’t matter as you and Leon continued the search for Ashley after traversing the village, buying items from a strange hooded man, fighting an overweight mutant pet fish and finally arriving at a church where it’s believed to imprison the woman.
The first encounter, much like your own with Leon, was a short fight that ended with her screaming before calming down and thanking you both for rescuing her.
“I’m so sorry for attacking you. I-I thought you were one of them.” She said softly, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Yeah we look like decrepit old men and got the whole cultist gear going for us,” You scoffed, the woman meekly apologizing once more. Leon punched your shoulder and moved to place a gentle hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about him, he’s just an asshole. We’ll get you home, promise.”
Ashley gave a faint smile and nodded, seemingly feeling a little bit better at his words. You huffed, turning to walk out the church doors only to shut them at the sight of a large mob of villagers outside.
“If you two are done gossiping about me, we’ve got company.”
Leon rolled his eyes, warning Ashley to carefully follow them and equipped his gun. You pushed open the doors, alerting the mob that began shouting — a fight ensued.
The mob proved to be overwhelming as your group slowly backed into a corner after making it outside, forcing you all to run for cover. Ashley desperately tried to keep between you and Leon, but was caught by a few villagers that dragged her back to the crowd. A shrill scream was all you heard as they ran off with Ashley, most likely to another building to imprison her in.
“Ashley!” Leon yelled, aiming for one of the villagers that held her arms. You quickly turned to look at the man, alternating between hand-to-hand combat and firing your gun at villagers surrounding you. Your eyes widening as one of the knife wielding villagers rushed to impale the unsuspecting man.
“Fuck, Leon! Watch out!”
Leon turned to dodge and hissed as the blade struck the side of his torso, blood gushing from the wound. Swiftly roundhouse kicking the villagers around you, you went to pick up the man and ran as he fired shots at the mob chasing.
You both managed to lose the horde after hiding in a dense thicket, holding your breaths as the villagers ran over your head. Your arm wrapped around the injured man’s shoulder while the other held out a gun. Once the sounds of the horde began to die down, you directed your attention back to the man who let out soft groans of pain. A mixture of worry and anger swept over you as you helped him to his feet.
“What the hell was that Leon!” You spat at him, putting an arm around his waist, helping ease his balance. “You could’ve gotten stabbed! Use that damn head of yours smartass.”
Leon grit his teeth in anger before letting out a painful hiss. “Our mission is to save Ashley no matter the cost, you should’ve chased after them instead of being here, asshole.”
“Fat chance we’ll save her if we both get hurt and I’m not going to leave you here bleeding out.”
“Since when did you care about me?”
“I’ve always cared, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
“Goddamnit, you’re always so hard to tell. I can never figure-“
You crashed your mouths together, teeth clacking. Leon let out a surprised noise but he didn't let it deter him from returning the kiss — threading his fingers into your hair, licking into your mouth. The kiss turned increasingly desperate as you pulled him close, not wanting to separate from each other’s lips for even a moment. Though eventually, the lack of much needed air forced you apart, bumping your head against his as you stared into his eyes.
“Can you figure that out, puppy?” You quipped, trialing your hands over his ass, kneading the mound in your hands.
Leon pressed himself against your chest and hovered his lips over yours.
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
Not wanting to waste anymore time talking, you decided that your body could do it for you. Attacking his lips once more, tongues dancing together as you pressed him against a tree. Slotting your leg between his, feeling the blonde’s own hardness grind down on you. Leon’s soft muffled moans slipped past the gaps in the kiss, locking his arms behind your head to steady himself as he humped your leg.
The sound of the forest drowned in the background as the kiss got more heated, lips swollen, breathing heavy against each other — mind swimming in fog lustful daze. Trailing from his lips to his neck, you marked the man, leaving dark marks littered on his pale skin.
Leon clasped a hand on his mouth, hoping to suppress the drawled out moans and whining as he continued grinding on your leg.
“Shit, ah- not enough, need more please,” He whined, digging a hand into your shoulder before hissing at the pain from his side, blood still seeping into his clothes.
“Take it easy there doll. I've got you, I’ll make it quick alright?”
Leon groaned and nodded, pushing himself onto the tree — shoots of pain and pleasure coursing through him. Not wanting to prolong his suffering, you worked off his belt along with your own and brought the hard shafts together after freeing them of their confinement. Both letting out a soft groan as you started off with gentle stroking that got increasingly faster and tighter. Thumbing over the slits, letting the precum act as lube, making it
Leon threw his head back and arched his back, feeling the pleasure overwhelm the pain from the wound festering at his side.
“Yes, fuck yes, I’m close k-keep going please.. ah!”
Denying the man felt unacceptable, especially when he was begging so nice just for you. A satisfied grin emerged from your face as you continued working on bringing you both to climax.
“You look so damn pretty right now doll. Can’t wait to see what you’d look like when I fuck that tight ass of yours.” You panted into his ear, tugging at your cocks in your hand, leaving the blonde a sobbing mess in his hand.
“You’ll be good for me won’t you? I’ll make sure you can’t walk right for a week.”
A shudder traveled up Leon’s spine at the thought of returning back to the country only to be fucked into oblivion, feeling the ache of your thrusts all week. The fact it would be from his own rival no less, one that he swore up and down to never get involved with unless forced to. He didn’t know what was worse, the idea that he wanted nothing more than to submit to the same man that frustrated him to no-end or that is exactly what he felt missing in all the interactions shared with you.
Leon’s moan became louder as he started realizing the feelings he refused to acknowledge and buried his head into your neck, blush spreading across his face.
“I know you want it darling and I’ll make it a dream come true, now come for me.” You whispered into his ear, tightening your hand even more that proved to be enough for the man to spill.
The blonde concealed his broken cries into your neck as he came, coating your hand before dripping to the ground. You soon followed after and gently jerked the last few spurts of cum, stopping to wipe your hand on the tree, tucking you and him back into its restraints.
Leon panted heavily against your neck, heart rate dropping as he caught his breath. You placed soft kisses along his neck, moving your head over his.
“I’m serious when I say this Leon, let’s get that dinner and make it a date. I want us to be more than just.. rivals.”
Leon bit his lip in thought, conviction flicking between his eyes as he stared into yours. Gaze softening before speaking, “Alright then, but I’ve had enough seafood right now. I can still smell that thing’s breath.”
You laughed, bringing up a hand to rub a gentle thumb over his cheek. “I know this killer place downtown with a nice view, no seafood menu too.” You murmured, removing a strand of hair from his lips.
Leon softly smiled and leaned into your touch. “I’ll hold it to you then.”
A laugh escaped from both of you, only stopping when Leon hissed in pain, eyebrows furrowed as he bit back a groan. For a small moment, you both forgot that the man was still injured from a knife earlier and you quickly worked on fishing out some miraculous herbs. You weren’t too sure how they always helped heal such wounds, but it was the least of your concerns so long it worked. Digging out a large bandage to wrap around his torso, Leon stifled any pained noises.
You were slightly worried as the wound wasn’t anything deep, but it was a contender for possible stitches or better treatment than you could provide. Just how did the man ignore such pain during the heated moment shared between you two was beyond you. Unless..?
“Say you got a thing for pain or something?” You mused, a grin forming on your face as the man’s face flushed.
“What? No! I’m just used to getting hurt sometimes, this is nothing.” He huffed, pushing himself off the tree and adjusted his clothes, avoiding your pointed look.
“Is it also why you like it when I throw you on the ground back at the academy?”
Leon grit his teeth and shook his head, refusing to speak anymore unless he was to give away how he truly felt about being manhandled.
“Quit speculating and let’s get back to saving Ashley, again.”
You quietly laughed and made your way out of the thicket, returning back to focus on the operation. Though your mind couldn’t help wandering back to the man at times as you ran up to the new location they hid the girl in. Wanting nothing more but to end it quickly so you could spend more time with Leon than slaughtering villagers and cultists, even if you were good at it. A determined look set across your face as you watched from the door Leon helped free Ashley from her chains.
I’ll make sure we get out of here. No matter the cost.
a/n: yeah the reader is slightly psychotic when it comes to Leon at the end. i had thoughts of making a part two of this, but not all that sure. regardless of that, hope y’all liked this :]
if anyone’s interested, here’s a rough cut dialogue that i didn’t use.
“Think that merchant guy sells lube? Rather not hurt ya while we fuck doll, I can get pretty rough.” You grinned, watching the man’s cheeks burn.
“We are not fucking during a mission!”
“Damn, that was on my bucket list.”
Leon gave you a questionable stare.
“What? Why do you- forget it, I don’t want to know anymore.”
“C’mon, it’s a pretty good list and I just thought up a few more of what I could add.”
up next: reader request! Rocket x Male Reader. rocket isn’t fond of new people, more importantly a stranger that he’s to fight alongside with, but eventually comes around to you.
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wazzappp · 10 months
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Ok so all of these ideas are seriously impacted by quaser and polarspaz's amazing fic which you can read here and also this one called undertow. The combined might of these two fics are giving me brainrot that could make Ethan Winters jealous.
I love seeing everyone give Leon mandibles. Seriously. Mandibles for the win. Bug boys stay winning ong frfr. BUT. I wanted to try and do something slightly different because I saw the regenerators in the remake and went JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ITS HORRIFYING and then proceeded to watch like 3 speculative biology videos about how they work.
I have given himb. Teef. When in doubt just add more teef this always works no exceptions.
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I had some VERY OBVIOUS Xenomorph inspiration I'm not even gonna pretend like I didnt. However I am very proud of his tail. Ive essentially created a design that allows it to turn into a saw once its impaled someone. If the blade of the tail gets caught halfway through someones torso? Shaboom. The spines flex and you've got an automatic bone saw now cut that guy in half.
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I also have some speculation about how the plaga itself mutates the body.
Given that in game the infecting agent is called a 'toxin' I can only assume that the plaga is mutating its hosts with a geneotoxin. A genotoxin is a chemical agent that causes chromosomal damage and/or mutations. Usually these mutations refer to cancer, but the plaga could absolutely be making something specialized to mutate a host in a way it deems beneficial. This would mean that the plaga would probably be pulling nutrients/calories/protien/WHATEVER it needs from Leons body, and using it to create and refine this toxin.
Also, the black blood vessels leads me to believe that the plaga is spreading this toxin through the cardiovascular system, so I made a diagram that includes 'barbs' in the left ventricle and left atrium. I figure the toxin would be essentially 'hitching a ride' to the oxygenated blood that would then spread throughout the entire body. That also got me thinking about how much I see Leon coughing up some kind of black substance. I think that could be his body purging materials that the plaga has deemed 'waste'. So genetic material that it doesn't think is needed would be coughed up. So. Uh. I guess he's basically coughing up his own rotten insides. That gets worse the longer I think about it.
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yummyx1 · 10 months
Leon Kennedy Audio
minors DNI-18+ ONLY.
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Context: You finally managed to convince your boyfriend to go out drinking with you. Though, things turn weird when he ends up drinking too much and attracts a lot of attention. Worried, you take your boyfriend home, and boy oh boy. His personality does a 180, and you are ALL for it.
Script written by u/Musashinoya-
Audio made by-
[Sweet Love] [Established Relationship] [Drunk] [Fingering] [Cunnilingus] [Kissing] [MSub] to [Gentle MDom] [Sweet Boyfriend] [Nerdy Boyfriend] [Caring] [Shy] to [Confident] [Creampie] [Drinking] [Slight Jealousy] [Binaural]
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Serennedy is like the Minecraft End Poem to me
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‘And the universe said I Love You because you are love’
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gaybatmanenthusiast · 9 months
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⋆★ word count : 387 (that’s so short sorry☹️)
⋆★ warnings : n/a!
⋆★ summary : you and leon start talking while ashley sleeps, and you start talking about your old dreams
⋆★ extra : new theme, new year, new me😍 (I’m gonna be more active sorry guys😞)
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The night was quiet, and Ashley had finally fallen asleep not too long ago, exhausted from the day's events. Leon and you found yourselves sitting by her side, keeping watch over her. In the stillness of the moment, you’d both began to talk about your lives before the apocalypse took over.
Leon leaned back, staring into the distance. "You know, before all of this, I really wanted to be a detective. I wanted to make a difference, to protect as many people as I could and bring justice to those who needed it."
You nodded, a wistful smile on your face. "I can see that. This whole time we’ve been together, you’ve been a great leader Leon. You would have made a great detective. ”
Leon chuckled softly. "Thanks. But what about you? What did you want your life to be like?" his gaze shifted to look into yours.
You pondered for a second, It’d been a long time since you’d thought about your dreams. “It might sound silly but, I really wanted to be a veterinarian. I wanted to care for animals, nurse them back to health, and be their voice when they couldn't speak for themselves. It felt like my calling."
Leon's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Thats not silly at all (M/N), I could see you being really great at that. You’re quite passionate about animals.”
A faint blush dusted your cheeks at the small praise. “You think so? Maybe one day, when all of this is over, I could still pursue that dream." It was a silly thing to say, but hope was the only thing you truly had left in this world.
Leon reached out, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I believe in you. Don't let the chaos and darkness of this world extinguish your dreams. We'll find a way to make them come true, just you wait."
You both shared a hopeful smile, your heart warmed up at his words. It was a nice thing to think about, being able to go back to the way things used to. As the night wore on, you continued to talk about your other smaller dreams, your hopes, and the future you’d want to build. It was a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there was still room for hope.
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anarchistbitch · 4 months
ok so like yes obviously challengers is about how tennis is about sex. but i need to know why art sounds like hes being put through the mattress every time he serves
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acecroft · 1 year
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hheaven-sentt · 8 months
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summary: healing wounds you couldn't even see | leon kennedy x reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: yearning and pining, depictions of injuries and first aid, leon being weirdly chill, softness
notes: i like dis one | ao3
You sense the knock before you hear it. You’re curled up on the couch, a few files spread out on the coffee table that you’d been pursuing for the last few hours. You’d grown bored with them, opting to stare out the window as the traffic down below on the street began to disperse and disappear. It was growing close to half past two in the morning. Which is why you almost expect the knock. It comes at exactly 2:18, and you practically jump off the couch to answer the door. Eagerness oozes from your skin.
He’s leaning against the wall, propped up with a single arm while the other cradles his stomach. With a sigh, he looks up at you, bright blue eyes looking a little more glassy than normal. A breath gets caught in your throat.
“Leon?” you ask, reaching forward to help him into the apartment. He grins up at you from his bent position.
“Sorry about the mess, sweetness,” he chokes out. He’s hurt, badly. You haul him into the apartment and set him up on the couch.
“I need you to count to ten and back out loud while I look for the first aid kit,” you say. He huffs a laugh. “I mean it, Leon. I need to know you’re still awake,”
Rolling his eyes, he says, “One,”
You smile as he continues counting, and begin your search for the kit. You find it just as he hits six for the second time, and you’re back in front of him as he reaches three. Crouching between his spread knees, you hoist the hem of his shirt up to see where the blood is seeping from. You grimace as you take in the injury. It’s a red and angry slash from his hip toward his sternum. You’re unsure of how deep.
“You wanna tell me what happened?” you ask, digging through the box for something to wipe away the excess blood with. He groans when you lay your hands on him the first time, and you have to remind yourself that he’s hurt and not enjoying this.
“Wasn’t paying attention,” he hisses between teeth. You’re threading the needle for his stitches. “Guess I should’ve been, huh?”
You shake your head. “You’re not reckless, Leon. What happened?”
He lets out a low whine as you sink the needle beneath his flesh. “Got distracted, thought I saw something I didn't,”
You know you won’t get a more direct answer out of Leon, so you don’t press for one. Instead, you continue sewing up his wound. “You see a medic, a doctor, anyone other than me?”
He laughs. “No, sweetness. No one’s as gentle as you,”
You try to fight the blush on your cheeks, and you’re thankful for the half dark room. He groans again as you tighten his freshly finished stitches. You spread an alcohol wipe across the suture, and you hear him let out a strained breath. Gingerly, you run your fingers over it.
“If it’s not better in two days, I order you to go to a real doctor and get antibiotics,” you say. “I can’t guarantee it won’t get infected,”
Slowly, he nods and lowers his shirt. You take the bloody part of it between your thumb and forefinger, contemplating on whether or not you should offer him another shirt. When you pull away your hand and see the transfer of red on the pads of your fingers, you frown.
“Need another shirt?” you ask. He grins. “I’m sure I’ve got something for you,”
You help him off the couch carefully, eyeing the way he favors his right leg. You draw your brows together, but don’t press him on the matter. Instead, you lead him to your bedroom where you force him to sit on your bed while you dig through your drawers for a shirt from a long forgotten boyfriend or something your brother left when he was last here. You find an old shirt you’d stolen from your dad at the bottom of a random drawer. It’s black and huge; when you wear it, it goes past your knees. It’ll do, you decide.
“Here,” you say, passing the shirt to him. He takes it. “You’re more than welcome to shower, but call for me if you can’t reach somewhere. Do not tear those stitches because I won’t redo them, Leon,”
Heat creeps up your neck as you say it, and you see the faintest amount of pink coloring Leon’s cheeks, but he nods and attempts to stand. It’s a slow process, but he does it on his own. As he passes you to head into the bathroom, he stops for a second, looking at you in the dim light illuminating half your face. He half smiles and takes your hand in his. He gives it a quick squeeze before dropping it, and then he goes to shower. 
It’s more than a want, the feeling you have for him. It’s an odd sort of craving. An itch you long to scratch and tear away your flesh at. In any other story, he’d be the villain. He’s mysteriously beautiful, ethereal in his ways. In any other story, he would break you down to your barest essentials and make you pick the pieces back up. And maybe you’d let him. He’s someone you shouldn’t share your secrets with, someone you shouldn’t care about this deeply.
Maybe he’s still the villain in this story, your story. But he’d only be the villain to everyone except for you.
You hear the water running in the bathroom. You anxiously bite your nails, pacing the living room. After a few moments, you hear the bathroom door squeak open, and you busy yourself with something to look more natural. He emerges a second later, hair still dripping as he runs the towel over it. Something lurches in your stomach, a breath catches in your throat.
He lays the towel over the back of a dining table chair. There’s something unholy about the way you look at him, something sinful. You attempt to school your features.
“Alright, sweetness?” he asks, voice low timbred and honey sweetened. You feel it in your bones.
You nod, swallowing thickly. “Really worried about you,”
He smiles at this, that sort of half smile that only lifts one side of his mouth and crinkles the apple of his cheek. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll heal,”
“Hopefully,” you chide, matching his smile. He shrugs. “Seriously, Leon. You have to swear to me that you’ll get that checked out by someone actually qualified,”
He raises his hands in surrender. “I swear,”
He takes a seat on your couch, and you move to join him. There’s something sacred about the time you share here, between the four walls of your apartment and the dust accumulating on your shelves. His arm is slung across the back of the couch, inviting you into his space. The other hand fiddles with the hem of the shirt you’ve lent him. Without thinking, you seize his hand, examining the splits and cuts surrounding his knuckles. They’re beginning to heal on their own, crusted over with scabs and skin. You run a gentle brush over them, and he twitches as you sweep across the tender skin.
“Does it hurt?” you ask, looking up to meet his eyes. You see something in them that you can’t place.
“Yeah,” he says, watching you. Then, with a breath, “Nothing I can’t handle,”
You frown. “Maybe we should get you a desk job. Come to work with me,”
He laughs, a bright sound to counteract the dim room. “If you could make that happen, I’d take it,”
You wonder if he’s telling the truth. From what you understand, he’s been doing this for a long time, longer than you’ve known him, and you’re not sure he would walk away given the opportunity. You hope that he would, but you’re not confident that he’d give it up. You’re not sure he knows how to do anything else. He squeezes your hand, bringing you back to the present.
“Sorry that I only ever seem to show up when I’m half dead,” he whispers. He phrases it like a joke, but you know he means it. You wave a hand.
“I’m getting pretty good at patching you up,” you say. “Maybe I’ll run away and become an EMT,”
He smiles softly. “You’d be good at it,”
“Don’t know if I could handle all the blood,” you say, shrugging. “It’s different with you,”
Even when he’s fully healthy, you look at him like a fresh open wound. He’s something that should scare you, make you faint, but adrenaline kicks in and you need to fix it, need to mend.
“You should get some rest,” you whisper. His mouth sets into a line, but he nods.
“I take it I’m on light duty for the foreseeable future?” he asks. You roll your eyes and move away from him.
He says a hushed goodnight, and you disappear into the dark hallway. You hear him shuffle as he gets comfortable on your couch, and a weird sense of guilt washes over you. He’d deny you if you were to offer your bed to him, you know him well enough to scratch that idea before it’s even born. Instead, you allow him his ego, and settle between the sheets.
You’re surprised that he’s still here when you wake, even more so when you see him still asleep on the couch. The blanket is pulled up to his chin, his face bent inwards so that he’s almost in a fetal position. It makes warmth radiate in your chest and you smile. You resist the urge to join him.
He wakes while you’re making coffee. You hear him shuffle around, the creak of the couch as he moves to sit upright. He lets out a low groan. You halt your work on the coffee and rush to help him. He’s about halfway to sitting when you find him, grimacing against the pain and stretch of his stitches. Gently, you pull him into a sitting position, and he looks at you with something you can’t place.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you say. He frowns. “You took a hard hit. You’re not going to heal overnight. I’m not magic,”
“I know,” he responds. You sit beside him. “Thanks for trying, though,”
You laugh. “Keep it up, and I won’t stitch you up next time,”
“We both know that’s not true,” he says, looking at you like you’re an angel. “I know you too well,”
You could kiss him, right here and now. You think, for a moment, that he might just reciprocate. Flush creeps up your neck at the thought, and you remember that he’s still looking at you.
“Where do you go?” he asks. You blink at him. “When you stare off like that. Where do you go?”
You shrug. “Just get lost in thought, I guess,”
He doesn’t pry further, just accepts the answer and remains silent. You can’t tell if you’re satisfied by that. 
“What made you come here?” you ask quietly. He looks at you, studying your features. You wish you could snatch the words from where they linger in the air. Clearing your throat, you add, “The first time, I mean,”
He shrugs. “Figured you wouldn’t ask questions,”
He’d been right. You hadn’t asked questions. You’d tried to, thought about what you could possibly ask, but the idea was too daunting and he was bleeding out in your doorway. You’d hoped that stitches were as easy as they seemed.
“I’m good at keeping secrets,” you say. He smiles. “Can I share something?”
“I’m glad you showed up that night. For a while, I was angry. Felt like I couldn’t wash my hands enough to scrub away the blood. But I’m glad you came,” you say, feeling short of breath. He’s staring at you, and you worry that you’ve said the wrong thing. You worry that he’ll get up and bolt. Instead, he brushes a few stray hairs from your eyes and smiles.
“If it’s any consolation,” he says. “I didn’t stick around for your stitching abilities,”
The apprehension wipes from your bones and you let out a laugh. “You’re so corny,” you say.
He rolls his eyes and kisses you like it’s something he does every day. It’s sweet and soft, plush against the jagged beat of your heart. It doesn’t last long, but you don’t need it to. You’re breathless anyway.
“What was that for?” you ask, starry eyed and far away.
He shrugs, as if this wasn’t the single most important thing you’ve ever experienced. “Figured it was making you anxious, so I got it out of the way,”
His cheeks are pink as you look at him. “What do we call this?”
“Healing,” he says, and kisses you again.
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inarizqkis · 1 year
pillow talk ㅡ l.k.
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summary! in which leon wakes up to find you gone.
warnings! angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, leon had a nightmare, u have insomnia (ME), comfort, slight derealization, ooc leon
notes! THIS ISNT AS ANGSTY AS THE SUMMARY SAYS I PROMISE,, u guys should listen to hojean hes so cool and funny his music is so fire too ‼️‼️ also leon is my bbg 😍
edit: i tagged this wrong mb guys 😭 i was half asleep when i posted it LMAO
fem aligned/identifying dni
reblogs are appreciated! enjoy :)
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leon looked for you everywhere. he felt like he was running in circles with how tired he was, but finally he found you. before he could get to you, the floor gave out, and you fell. before you could fall, leon grabbed your hand, trying desparately to pull you up, but you were slipping. he couldn't hear anything, not even his own words. it was dead silent, and it freaked him out.
'leon, it's okay.' he saw you mouth, and let go of his hand. shaking his hand, he grabbed your wrist tighter, and as fit as he was physically, it was like his arms were made of jelly. he was unable to lift you back up, and watched as you fell down, sobbing.
leon shot up in a cold sweat, panting heavily, tears gathering in his eyes before he wiped them away. he looked around the dim bedroom, only your light had been turned on, and he looked for you around the room. not seeing you in bed, he got up, his heart beating fast.
"babe..? where are you?" leon called out, searching the whole house for you, nearly in hysterics, looking on the balcony before you had stopped him, putting your hands on his shoulders gently.
"leon? what's going on, is everything alright?" you had asked worriedly, and leon sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around you, burying his head into your shoulder. you furrowed your brows, concerned, returning the hug gently.
"i.. i thought you-" leon sniffled, trying not to cry, eyes slightly watering. it was rare for him to be like this, so you just let him let it out, running your fingers through his hair soothingly.
"shh, shh, it's okay, just calm down, leon." you murmured, and he squeezed you tighter, afraid you would disappear, taking deep breaths.
"you.. i had this dream, and then when i woke up, you were gone.. i thought it.." leon explained, calming down slowly as he pulled away to look at you, eyes flitting over you; unable to focus on one thing, he was just making sure you were okay. his thick eyelashes were clumped together with tears and he was still unsure if this was real, flashes of his dream appearing in intervals.
"no baby, i'm right here. always." you reassured, combing through his hair gently, looking into his eyes. you took his calloused hand into yours, pressing your palms flat together.
"see? look, leon. remember what we practiced?" you said, and leon nodded, his breathing slowing down and his fingers gently intertwined with yours, squeezing your hand gently, wanting to be sure for himself you weren't just a figment of his imagination.
"thank you.." leon replied, now calmer, not as panicked as he was a few minutes ago. you smiled, kissing his hand gently, and led him back to the bedroom, while he followed you like a puppy.
"are you okay?" you asked softly, rolling to the side and turning off the dim light. he nodded, laying on your chest, still holding your hand.
"yeah.. i think so." leon mumbled, so quietly you had to strain to hear it. you kissed his head gently, your thumb rubbing his hand gently.
the two of you layed there until the sun rose, and you continued to lay there when leon fell asleep once more, combing your fingers through his blonde hair.
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all rights reserved © inarizqkis 2023. do not repost, rewrite, or translate.
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mushrubes · 9 months
A date
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Masterlist | Resident Evil masterlist
Requested : yes
'Hii, can I request a RE6 Leon Kennedy scenario with the prompt “Let’s go out. Just the two of us”, it can be about the reader and Leon being work partners for a long time, sometimes after missions they go out and drink with other people from the work. In one of those hangings reader invites him to go on a date or something like that.
Reader doesn’t necessarily have to be so flirty it can be more of a idk awkward? Like, when you’re about to ask someone out but never have done it before so things kinda turn awkward but cute'
Pairing : Leon Kennedy x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type :  fluff
Word count : 1.9k
Content: Swear words, mutual pinning, slightly ooc :)
Have a great day !! <3
You'd just gotten back from a mission with the group, all of you agreeing to meet at the local bar to celebrate how successful the mission had been. You'd been the last to show up with Jill, greeting Chris and Carlos who were sat at the table. Your eyes wandered around the room, looking for a certain blonde, unable to find him. You were searching around for Leon when you heard that familiar voice to your left. "I'm right here," he spoke in a soft, calming voice, a slight smile on his face. He had a beer in one hand and his other hand rested in his pocket. "who said I was looking for you?" You teased jokingly, looking at your long-time work partner, trying to hide the flush on your cheeks.
"I can read you like an open book. I knew exactly what you were thinking when you walked in." Leon chuckled, taking a sip from his beer. He looked over at you, staring at you for a moment before speaking again. "You know, it's always a joy to see you." he responded, his voice genuine. "It's always a joy to see you too. How's your arm holding up?" You asked softly, looking over the bandage. Leon followed your gaze to the wound on his arm. "Oh, it's just a scratch, nothing I can't handle" Leon chuckled, looking up at you, his eyes shining with emotion. "I know I've told you this before, but I just have to say, you look absolutely beautiful tonight." He complimented, eyes soft. Leon looked at you , his eyes starting to glaze over, he was becoming infatuated with you all over again. he looked away for a second, a light blush forming on his cheeks. "Um, thank you. You're sweet. You should know that." He chuckled before finishing off his beer.
"Hey, uh..."You paused, your nerves getting the best of you. You took a deep breath, wiping your sweaty palms on your sides. Leon raised an eyebrow, looking back at you "Yes?" he gave you a soft, gentle smile as he waited for your response, listening intently to every word you would say. "Let's go out. Just the two of us." you got out, cheeks tinted. Leon felt his heart skip a beat as he heard you suggest a date. He took a minute to collect himself, trying to come up with a response "That sounds… that sounds amazing to me. I would love to go out as just the two of us. When were you thinking? Saturday night?" he paused for a second, his eyes glued to you, waiting on their response. Leon smiled as he looked at you, their quick response caught him off guard, but the fact that their was so excited made everything all the better
"Well, it looks like I have a date with the prettiest person in the city this Saturday night. I'm gonna have to think of something special to do for you."
The cool autumn breeze and dark, cloudy sky made the entrance to the haunted corn maze even more creepy. Faint screams from participants could be heard from the corn maze. Leon wanted to visit a spooky attraction with you. He thought it was the perfect date idea considering Halloween was just around the corner. He turned to look at you and gave you an excited smile. His hand found yours and interlocked them together, squeezing gently. “Don’t be afraid to grab onto me if you get too scared.” he assured, a smug grin on his face as he looked down at you. "You're more likely to grab onto me." You teased, grinning at him.
Leon grinned at your sassy remark. “Oh, is that right?” He said, a challenge in his voice. The pair of you walked hand in hand into the corn maze. Shadows cast by the low sun rays made the atmosphere seem even more ominous. The sweet scent of fall air wafted by your nose. Leon noticed the nervous tension in you and his voice softened. “It’s alright. I’m right here,” he assured, thumb rubbing your hand. "I know, I know," you said softly, smiling weakly at him. He squeezed your hand gently and smiled as you looked up at him. The pair of you walked through the corn maze. You felt his strong presence next to you, making you feel safe. Leon noticed some movement between the corn stalks. “Ready to be scared?”
You nodded, gripping his hand slightly tighter. Leon chuckled softly as you squeezed his hand, showing your nervousness while waiting for a scare. Leon had a teasing grin as you both made your way deeper into the maze. The screams from other participants got louder the more the two of you walked deeper into the maze. Leon looked at the corn behind you, noticing movement between the stalks, a sign of an upcoming scare. As the two of you walked, Leon slowed down a bit.
He noticed you start to tense up, and heard you let out a sharp inhale when you saw movement behind the corn. Leon gripped your hand tightly, a signal for you to stay close and follow him out of range of whatever was hiding within the corn. You couldn't see exactly what was behind there, but its shape was enough to cause you to feel a slight chill. Leon squeezed your hand again and led you out of the maze, making sure to stay close to you in case of any scare attacks from any side - neither of you noticed the clown approaching behind.
Leon stayed vigilant as you continued to walk the corn maze. You both kept your senses sharp, waiting for a scare to happen anytime. As you were both focusing on the front, both of you failed to notice the clown sneaking up behind you. The clown was very adept at sneaking up on unsuspecting visitors. It was a skill that the workers in the maze were notorious for. The clown had now positioned itself behind the two of you. It was so quiet that it managed to slip right behind you without an inch of detection.
Now it was just waiting for the right moment. The clown stayed still, staying silent and waiting for the right moment. It was looking right at you. The clown's breath was now visible due to the temperature change. You could feel its presence behind you, just waiting. Both a good and bad feeling. Leon was still keeping a close eye on the front and behind him, not noticing that the clown had managed to slip behind you. The clown raised its head as if to check if anyone was looking at it. It made its move now, raising a blood-stained machete up into the air.
Leon noticed you started to scream. He heard a loud metallic sound, that must have been the machete that the clown had just swung at you. Leon acted fast, rushing towards you and tackling you away from the clown. The machete came crashing down on the corn maze, slicing right through the stalks. Leon quickly dragged you both towards the exit, the clown was still chasing after you both. Leon pushed the both of you against the maze wall, your backs pressed against the hard surface.
You were shaking slightly, cheeks pink from embarrassment at your fear. Leon looked at you and squeezed your hand reassuringly. The sudden adrenaline had caused him to start getting into his work mode, but his look of concern remained. He noticed the trembling in you and smiled a little, finding it somewhat cute. He noticed the pinkness in your cheeks from the embarrassment of fear and chuckled softly. "You okay?" He asked, looking away to check if the clown was nearby before turning his attention back to you.
You nodded, intertwining your hands and walking out of the maze with him, too embarrassed to speak. The two of you exited the small haunted corn maze, breathing heavily from the scare. Leon looked at you and smiled at the pinkness in your cheeks from the blush of embarrassment. He squeezed your hand as he looked down at you and chuckled. "You shouldn't feel embarrassed for being scared. Everybody has fears." He reassured you. "And it wasn't just you who that clown managed to surprise too. At least 25 people have reported seeing that thing just today. It's a professional at sneaking up on people."
"Still-" you sighed softly, looking at the ground. Leon noticed the defeat and disappointment in your tone. He was still holding onto your hand and looked down at you. He smiled reassuringly. "There's no shame whatsoever in admitting that you got scared. Everybody has fears, just like I do. And even if you're embarrassed, the fact that you've managed to keep your cool and go on this date with me says something about your character." He said, squeezing your hand softly. You smiled, walking with him away from the maze. "What do you wanna do now?"
Leon thought for a few seconds, contemplating what to do next. He wanted to do something that wasn't related to horror or anything spooky, considering what just happened at the corn maze. He had a sudden idea for the date. "How about I take your mind off that scare and we visit the pumpkin patch?" He asked, looking you in the eyes. "..yeah. we could get two and carve pumpkins tomorrow?" you suggested, grinning at him. Leon smiled a little and laughed at the thought of carving pumpkins together. “Definitely.” He said, still amused by the thought. He squeezed your hand and his expression went from amusement to seriousness as he had an important question to ask. “Can I ask you a serious question?”
"go ahead." You nodded as you headed to the pumpkin patch. Leon had been enjoying the fun-loving and cheerful side of you that he had seen throughout the date, but his expression changed to one of seriousness as he looked over at you during the journey to the pumpkin patch. “I know it's a little early to ask, but I was wondering if we could go out on another date? We've had a lovely date so far, especially with the little horror element in the haunted corn maze, and I'd like to know if we could keep seeing each other.” His cheeks were a light pink, eyes full of love. "I'd…I'd love to go on another date with you. I enjoy hanging out with you - more than just being your partner at work." you giggled, squeezing his hand.
Leon's expression brightened once this had registered in his brain. He was delighted! He thought that he would be too pushy if he asked you to be official already, so being told that you'd like to continue seeing him was the most perfect answer he could have received. "Awesome!" He said, squeezing your hand with enthusiasm, "Well, now that you mention work, I was going to ask you something else." You tilted your head in curiosity, silently telling him to keep going.
"Would you maybe… Be interested in maybe being my partner?" He asked, a little uneasy because he didn't want to be too pushy or too fast in asking. "Don't feel obligated to answer immediately. We can see each other for a little while longer in a romantic context before you decide if you want to commit. Just a proposal from me for consideration in the future if you do end up having feelings for me." Leon said. Your cheeks went red and you grinned at him, eyes full of adoration.
"I'd love to."
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r0tt1ng-c0rp53 · 1 year
Leon Kennedy x M! Reader HCs
RE4 Leon:3
Tumblr media
⚠️: Mostly Fluff, Slight NSFW
TW: None.
• He loves leaving all of his weight on you, laying ontop and cuddling you is the best.. he loves just wrapping his arms around your back.
• Sometimes he'll just lay on your stomach with his arms around you with your thighs on either side of him, its calming for him just to lay with his boyfriend comfortably.
• If your smaller than he is he loves just comparing everything, whether it's your hand size or even shoe size he just loves how small you are so you can fit comfortably whilest you cuddle.
• Sometimes just to get you flustered if your cooking or doing anything really he'll come up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist from behind, laying his head ontop of yours.
• Hes not a particularly loud snorer but the nights you both drink together or hes just a little tipsy he'll lay in the most uncomfortable position and fall asleep like that whilest snoring like a siren, but if you've been drinking you'll adapt to how he sleeps and you start doing the same.
• Sometimes he calls you the most foul pet names just to frustrate you, names like "pumpkin", "sweetie pie" and "cupcake" make you absolutely recoil and he loves using them against you even tho even saying them makes him recoil too but its all worth it.
• When you both clean the house together, he'll ask to blast the music throughout the house and it'll always start out with Linkin Park, sometimes you'll walk around the house and catch him doing lil dances and lip syncing the lyrics.
• After the first few months of living together he'll start begging for you both to get a cat together, specifically a black kitten.. he loves cats but black cats get the best of him.
• Other than trying to fraustate you with the horrendous pet names, most of the time he'll you give you sweet ones like 'Love' and 'Baby' but if he's feeling a little teasing he'll call you his babyboy.
• Tries to enjoy your interests just as much as you do and tries to watch/play them with you, sometimes if he spots it whilest he's out he'll buy a little keychain of your favourite character for you BUT he'll act suspicious about it before giving it to you because he always wants it to be a surprise.
• Everytime he wants to do something with you or goes out and you reject the idea he'll always try and do the puppy eyes hoping you'll change your mind, but if your serious about it he won't try anything and he'll accept your rejection.
• He can be quite quiet when it comes to going out with friends or your side of the family but he'll always light up after awhile or if you start conversations with him infront of everyone about things he's interested in, he'll immediately light up and talk about it all, smiling the whole time like a giddy child.
• Biting and kissing on his neck is a massive turn on for him, he'll immediately hold onto you tightly so you can stay in that position and keep doing it.
• Depending on his mood during the 'hanky panky', Leon will either praise you or desgrade you.. If he's praising you he'll call you a goodboy and tell you how well your taking him but if he's degrading you he'll use more degrading names like 'slut' and tell you that your taking him so good.
Im on holidays rn for my birthday‼️ (Tmr is my birthday:3) so I might not be focused on writing as much:C
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Come check out my works bellow!
I've seen how devastatingly little male!reader fics are in my big fandoms, and as a gay man i feel like i should provide us with said fics! Which is why I'm opening my ask box for any and all male!readers and gn!readers requests! (Including anon requests!)
I WON'T ACCEPT FEMALE!READER FICS REQUESTS. I’m a trans-masc genderfluid, so male!Readers or gn!Readers are the ones that I usually write and am comfortable with. It’s hard looking for male!reader fics, especially in female-dominated fandoms, that's why I'm opening requests for any and all sad and touch-starved dudes out there! If these don't fit your preferences then you are free to leave, and if you're a female user/reader entering my blog, I hope you remain respectful about the fics I write or get requests for, thank you.
NOTE: I NEVER USE ANY FORM OF Y/N IN MY FICS. Please be aware that i write based on my current fixations. Fixations may vary in how much i want to write them so i’ll be ranking from the MOST interested to the LEAST interested but will write. Please be patient in waiting for your fics as i, sadly, have IRL work to worry about too! 
What i will write:
gender-neutral reader
Ftm! Reader
Platonic or Romantic relationships
Kid!reader (ONLY platonic-parental relationships)
nsfw alphabets
What I Won't write:
underage characters (anyone under 17)
real people
age play
offensive/harmful things
Current immediate fixation:
HOUSE MD (Up to s2)
Gregory House 
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Lisa Cuddy
Ezra (prospect)
Joel Miller
Javi Gutierrez
Javier Peña
Frankie Morales
Whiskey (Kingsman)
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Tomas Vrbada
Dr. Ratio
Satoru Gojo
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Ryoumen Sukuna
Yuuji Itadori (Fluff)
Toge Inumaki (Fluff)
Less interested (but will write) Fixations:
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John 'Soap' Mactavish
Connor (RK800)
Nines (RK900)
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Hannibal (NBC)
The Corinthian (Netflix Sandman)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE4 Remake)
Luis Serra (RE4 Remake)
Understand that these are all works of fiction; I am perfectly fine with writing for topics including mafias, mobs, murder, organized crime, war, mental illness, abuse, etc.; but please do not romanticize them in any way. Reading it is fine; please don't romanticize them in your head.
If any of this provided information may seem confusing or have any questions, feel free to drop a DM and I will explain further! I will try to post fic requests as regularly and as fast as I can!
For refrence, these are fics i've written and uploaded to my AO3!
Steven Grant/Male Reader fluff
XMEN Family Pride Fic
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #1
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #2
Deadpool/Male Reader Fluff Confession
Deadpool/Ftm Reader Smut
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader Fluff
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader sunshine x grumpy
Tangerine/Male Reader Fluff/Angst Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader (Escort Fic) Mature
Tangerine/NB Reader Teen&Up
Tangerine/Gender-Fluid Reader (Coming out fic)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Husband Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Ellie Fluff
Joel Miller & Kid Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Tess Fluff a bit Angst
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Fluff slight Angst
Din Djarin/Boyfriend Reader Smut
And the Short Fics/Drabbles on Tumblr!
Pulse (Tangerine/M!reader)
Deep Dive (Namor/M!reader)
Hold Tight (Tangerine/gn Reader)
Ner Mesh'la (Din Djarin/Male Reader)
Trinkets (Kurt Wagner/Gender-fluid Reader)
"Anythin' you wanna be." (Hobie Brown & Ftm Reader)
Little Nap! (Meows Morales Drabble)
Anyone that starts an argument about me writing exclusively for men and gender neutrals alike will get a very passive-aggressive and sarcastic reply to your request. There is an abundance of female!readers fics and writers who provide them; I am just here for people that takes a whole day searching for good male!reader fics. IF you do start an unnecessary rant about my fics or my writing preferences at a given moment; I’ve been in fandom spaces for the last 7 years of my life and run on pure manic adrenaline, I will throw hands. 
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