#(lotta hole jokes we could all make here though‚ does that count)
aeide-thea · 2 years
on the one hand my body is the body i have and good in many ways both safely normative and satisfyingly non-normative
on the other hand i sure did just fall down an internet rabbit hole and find myself on a gay cis guy's instagram looking at pix of his very beautiful boyfriend and having, like, thigh hair envy, in this very inchoate way where like. what do i even want there. do i want my actual personal thighs to be fuzzier. is this another one of those unreasonable 'gender avatar i'm asking us all to collectively imagine for me' things. unclear. why identify a desire when instead i could just. Yearn in a totally unfulfillable bc undefinable way
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another chapter of the ‘we summoned Tommy and now we found out Grian’s family” fic. this chapter is very long.
also warning, there are some references to sui//cide, but it’s never directly mentioned by name.
Phil tried to ignore the way his chest hurt at the name that had been said. Sure, biologically Grian was his son, but it had been years since they had seen each other, and he had grown up with different people who became a new family for him. And he understood that, but it still hurt that the avian thought of someone else as his dad.
“Er, not quite.”
“Oh, okay,” Grian spoke, matter of factly. The two of them stayed quiet for a few moments before he spoke again. “You found me ‘gain.”
“That I did.”
“You didn’t stop lookin’”
“Nope.” Phil replied, though he knew it was a lie. Of course he always wanted to find his son again, but he had given up actually looking a number of years ago. It wasn’t worth focusing on one child and ignoring the others. But he supposed that’s sort of what happened anyway with him and Tommy. 
“That’s what I thought. It kept me goin’ on th’ really bad days.”
“Am I allowed to know what those bad days were?”
Grian was silent before shaking his head. “Hurts too much…”
“That’s alright mate. How about you talk about some other stuff.”
And so Grian did. Talking with Phil about some of the things he had done over the years. Eventually, Stress arrived and helped out, getting the bots up there with Grian and Phil. At that point the stories stopped and Grian focused on his kids, who were glad for all the attention. Mumbo returned with Tommy shortly, also bringing Tubbo along, and soon Grian’s nest was filled, making him quite happy.
“He’s looking better.”
“Yeah, I think it was your admin who gave me the gist of things. He was tired and using his Watcher stuff which made him loopy.”
“Yeah, that would do it.” Mumbo shook his head.
“Hey, you know what that means?” Tommy asked, smirking and focusing his gaze on the bots. Jrumbot smiled and pulled out some pumpkin seeds, which Grian quickly pounced on and started eating. “That part of the bird stuff is great.”
“And what part isn’t so great?” Philza asked, though for a moment he regretted it, thinking the teen wouldn’t respond and just stay quiet or get angry.
But instead he just crossed his arms and gave an over-exaggerated pouting face. “When he gets all mother hen or whatever and is super overbearing. The other shit is fine.”
“Tommy!” Mumbo huffed but the teen just waved him off.
“Oh come on, they’ve heard me say it loads of times. Jrum won’t risk saying anything cause you’ll just take some of his diamonds away.”
“Yeah! I won’t say stuff like that!” Jrum agreed, before suddenly Phil jumped and looked to see a few of his remaining feathers now in the small robot’s hands. “How much would I get for these Tommy?”
“I’m sure if you meet the right people you can get plenty for those. He’s like, trillions of years old, and not many people have them.”
“I’m not that old!” Phil complained, trying to grab the feathers back. He managed to pull one out of Jrumbot’s hand, but the rest ended up disappearing into whatever the kid had for an inventory.
“You’re right. You’re older.” Tommy taunted. “Old as shit. Dinosaurs are younger than you and they’re all dead.”
Philza glared at Tommy before his gaze fell on Grian. The other avian was still out of it, but getting better. Then he looked at Mumbo before rolling his eyes. “Alright Tommy, maybe so. But it means I’ve got more experience.”
Tommy paused, not used to the hardcore player agreeing with him about something like this. He looked over at the bots, who shrugged. It wasn’t like they had grown up with him. “Says the guy who let two mobs get the best of him.”
“Hey that was one time! And that was also years ago!”
“I’m gonna ‘gree, that’s pretty lame.” Grian spoke up, giggling a bit still. “I’m still alive af’er uhhh…” He started counting on his fingers. “I dunno! Lotta years with Sam!”
Mumbo, Tommy and the bots immediately froze up, looking between each other nervously. Tommy moved a little closer to Grian to make sure he had the avian’s attention. “Hey G? You sure that’s okay to talk about? I know normally you-”
“Pfft, it’s fine! Not like I died! ‘Stead I just hurt a lot, killed some pipul, selled some drugs, stuff like that!” Grian looked over to Philza, who was starting to regret staying around when everyone else arrived. “Ya know, almost didn’ make it. But I didn’ wanna disappoint you by giving up. Mmm… plus Gareth freaked me out too much ‘n I didn’ wanna be like him.”
“Okay Grian! I think you should really get to sleep now! We can talk about this more later! But don’t you want to uh…” Mumbo trailed off. 
“I can get the jukebox once you’ve slept!” Tommy continued for Grian who seemed to really like that idea. He finally laid down and before long he fell asleep.
It was still quiet for a bit, no one sure how to react to all of that at first. Phil and Tubbo were the quietest since they had little to no context. Because of that, they easily jumped when Tommy finally shouted and broke the silence. “Okay Mumboli, when the fuck were you going to tell me about that part of all that shit?!”
“First off, that would be something Grian would need to tell you, not me! Second off, I didn’t even know about that!” The anger on Mumbo’s face quickly turned to some sort of melancholy. “He didn’t even tell me. I mean, he had made some jokes, but I assumed that it was just from the situation. It does make sense he would think of… but…” The redstoner became quiet, his normally pale face much paler than before.
“Daddy?” Grumbot spoke up, making Mumbo look at the bots. Jrum was shaking a bit and Grum didn’t look quite so well himself. “I think Jrum and I should leave.”
“R-Right. Let me help you down.” The redstoner picked Jrum up to help him down the ladder, Grum still well enough to go down it himself. Before he left the platform though, he got Tommy’s attention and nodded towards Tubbo and Philza. “Try to fill them in. If Grian wakes up before I’m back, tell him what he did. He deserves to know.”
Tommy nodded, waiting for Mumbo to leave before saying anything. “So… Grian kinda got stuck in a fucked up place for a number of years. He’s told Mumbo a lot of stories and me some as well, but not everything of course. Basically, he had two friends. If he was me, one of them was like you Tubbo. But uh… the other guy was like Dream. Like, Dream’s an admin and all that, but this other guy was for the most part just a fucking normal guy around my age but he went off the deep end. G and the other friend escaped, but not for a long time. That place was a hardcore world, but they didn’t have potions or healing or whatever the fuck. I mean, there weren’t any mobs either, so death wasn’t at every corner. I mean I guess it was for G because the one guy was a psycho and murderer, but whatever.”
“Wait, are you telling me that this guy just lived with someone potentially worse than Dream for years?!” Tubbo asked while Philza was trying to comprehend it all.
“Uh, well they didn’t live with each other all the time, but yeah. But ‘cause it’s probably good for you guys to know, his main triggers are wearing blue as well as rabbits. If someone else is wearing blue, it’s fine, but if he’s wearing blue it freaks him out. With the rabbits thing, some of them being around are fine, but white rabbits especially freak him out ‘cause the guy was a hybrid.”
“Alright, noted.”
“One of the people most frustrated about it is Grumbot because, well you know how he just suddenly knew who you were, right Phil? They kinda first built him to help with the election here- long story, talk about it another time- and he’s able to look into a lot of stuff, but only based on political stuff. There wasn’t really anything like that with G’s first world. I mean, he gets fragments since Grian’s been a campaign manager before, but all that really comes up is empire stuff.”
“Uh, he had an empire? Was it anything like-” Tubbo timidly asked, glancing to the unconscious avian.
“Nah, basically he just built a big thing in the middle of the ocean and decided he would become the Grian Empire. The only other member was his friend- the good one- but he went off and made his own place pretty quickly. The worst he did is the TNT there was really volatile. If you so much as touched it after placing it, it would explode. He’s told the TNT shop story a number of times where he built the shop out of it and made the stock the walls of the shop.”
“Was that the first time he did something like that, or did it never go anywhere?”
“No that’s the thing!” Tommy started laughing. “He did it so many fucking times and someone still fell for it! That’s why it’s such a great story.” 
From there, Tommy continued to mostly tell lighthearted stories Grian had shared with him. He talked about the prank war and following civil war from the Hermits’ previous world. The hippies against area 77, the time machine, the build height battle. After that he brought up the head games, which freaked Phil and Tubbo out when he suddenly pulled out what at first appeared to be a severed head but was actually a very accurate mask. From there the election was talked about like Tommy had promised, and then the following turf war and its minigame battle.
“I showed up right after the turf war which I’m really glad about because it freaked me out enough just hearing about it. I can’t imagine having to learn what wars here were actually like while in the middle of it all. Instead when Grian visited me when I was holed up in his old place, he just kept talking about the mole people. Around then’s when I really started opening up, especially when Zed showed up.”
“Who’s that?”
“Sheep hybrid that makes contraptions instead of redstone. He made me a bed that just kills me instead of what it should.” Grian spoke up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was still slightly groggy from just waking up, but the three SMP members could tell he looked rested and more lucid than earlier. “Where’s Mumbo and the kids?”
“He had to take them away.” Tommy answered, covering Tubbo and Phil’s mouths before they could say anything, even though they weren’t going to. “Grian, you were like, super out of it earlier.”
“Oh oof, how bad was it?”
“Well,” Philza pulled Tommy’s hand away from his mouth. “You mistook me for some person named Martin and asked me to swear loyalty to your empire. Then you called me some name resembling your admin’s name.”
“X eye sooma void?”
Grian laughed a little. “Yeah, a number of the hermits call him some variation of his name so I took it to the next level when I first showed up.”
Tommy put a hand on Grian’s knee and the avian looked over, smile falling from his face when he noticed the serious look on the teen. He immediately sat up straighter, worried for his brother. “Tommy what’s wrong?”
Tommy noticed the way Grian’s hand moved like it wanted to grab a weapon, something he had seen constantly when the two of them were alone at night and the avian was being overprotective of him when he could take care of himself. Well okay there was the factor that all the mobs here seemed to be stronger, but that wasn’t too bad. Grian asking Tommy’s name again pulled him from his thoughts and he immediately stopped Grian who was now actually reaching for a weapon. “No! No it’s nothing that bad! You’re going to freak out Big T if you do that!”
“Then what’s going on?!” Grian huffed, crossing his arms, mainly so he wouldn’t try that again.
“When you were really out of it, you said some things. Specifically from your high school stories.”
Grian looked a bit uncomfortable from that, but didn’t look too worried. “Okay. I- was I screaming? Did I scare the boys from that?”
Tommy shook his head. “No. You said something new. It- god G, not even Mumbo knew about it at first.”
Now Grian looked worried, eyes flicking between Tommy and the other two and he pulled his knees up to his chest. “Wh-which thing did I say?”
Tommy stood up, being the only one standing adding to his already tall height. “You mean there’s more shit you haven’t fuckin’ told anyone about?! Grian what the fuck?!”
Tubbo tried to pull Tommy back down, but the blonde teen resisted for a bit before falling back to the ground. “Tommy please. If it’s been this long and he doesn’t want to talk, it's obviously really bad.”
“No, you don’t know some of the shit Grian’s talked about. There’s nothing that could be that bad!”
“Tommy that’s enough.” Philza spoke coldly, making him and Tubbo freeze. “Grian’s not you. He decides what he’s going to talk about. Maybe to most people the stuff he talks about is worse than the stuff he hides, but obviously it’s different for him. So you’re not going to fucking yell at him and make him even worse.”
Tommy frowned angrily, but stayed quiet and slumped back. Tubbo tried to help calm Tommy down while Phil did his best to do the same with Grian. “So… can you tell me what I said? Grian tentatively spoke up, looking to Tommy, but Phil answered instead.
“You mentioned someone named Gareth and not wanting to be like him. Obviously Tommy and Mumbo knew what you were talking about, but me and probably also Tubbo don’t know anything and are still pretty clueless. We just know that it’s something bad.”
Grian let out a quiet ‘oh’ as he pulled his knees even closer to himself. “Um, after I disappeared, I ended up in a different world and made friends with some people named Sam and Taurtis.” Philza tried not to react as he recognized the second name. “At some point in high school I moved in with them, but before that it was just the two of them. They had a teacher named Gareth. He um… his wife was found killed and a lot of people thought he did it. He… got fed up with it and uh..” Grian shook his head. “The classroom was closed up when people found his, uh, body. They took that away but left… left behind what he used. There was one time I snuck in and thought about… you know. But his ghost showed up and freaked me out so I ran.”
After that, it was quiet, no one really knowing how to respond to that. Grian just ended up letting his feathers puff up and he hid in his wings, Tommy being able to wriggle his way in there. The wings ended up muffling a conversation the two had in whispers, though Tubbo and Phil could both hear a few curses from Tommy. Mumbo finally came up the ladder while they were doing this and was greeted by the two SMP members with a finger to their lips. The redstoner wasn’t planning to be loud since he didn’t know if Grian was awake again or not, but he still of course complied. He moved closer to the avian before putting a hand on one wing, Grian moving said wing out of the way to see who was there.
“Mumbo. A- How are the bots?”
“They’ve gone to bed. They seem like they’ll be fine.” Mumbo replied in a soft voice. “You can go back to what you were doing, I just wanted to let you know so you weren’t worried.”
“N-no, it’s fine. I… Hey Tommy, why don’t you show off your base.” When Tommy looked like he might refuse, Grian spoke again. “Please?”
“Alright, but not my fault if a war starts up!”
That earned a smile from the avian. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Remember to bring scaffolding with you. I’m sure you can find some in the chests in the basement.”
“You mean the storage system, or the fucking chest monster.” Grian smirked an evil little grin. “Fuck you. Alright come on you two. You gotta see Cobble Tower.”
The two other SMP members each gave Grian a look of sympathy before going down the ladder behind Tommy. He led them down to the fireplace that was centering the main hall, but specifically to one side of it. “Alright, this is the quick way up and down.” The teen opened some trap doors revealing some sort of donut-shaped object. “There’s one on the other side, but this is the elevator or whatever the heck Zed called it. You sort of lie down in it like this.” Tommy climbed in, lying down in the small structure. “Then you just hit that button and-“
Redstone activated and suddenly Tommy was lowering out of view. He quickly pointed towards the other side of the fireplace before pulling his arm in so it didn’t get crushed. It took a few moments, but an identical mechanism appeared there, ready for Tubbo or Phil to get into. Tubbo was the first to get in and was soon following behind Tommy. Philza, on the other hand, took more time getting situated, trying to be careful of his wings so they wouldn’t get caught or pinched on anything. He was mostly sure it would be fine since this was Grian’s place and he was an avian, but at the same time, the hardcore player could never be too sure.
When he reached the bottom, Tubbo was busy freaking out over all the items filling the chests. And there were plenty of them. There seemed to be a storage system lining the room, but also plenty of extra chests strewn about. “Hey, Philza Minecraft! Help us look for scaffolding, or at the very least some bamboo and string!”
The avian rolled his eyes before helping the pair, the three of them gathering enough for each of them to have at least two stacks. From there he led them out of the mansion’s basement and around the back of it in the direction of his own base. “Okay, so I haven’t been here as long as the other guys, so my tower is still in progress, but it’s got a couple floors. I mainly stay at the hobbit hole that’s back the other way.”
Both of the SMP members expected to just see a pillar made of cobble, but instead, standing tall in the distance, was a mostly completed tower that looked like it belonged to part of a larger castle that was nowhere in sight.
“Mate what the fuck is that?” Phil stared at the tower. There was no way that was Tommy’s. Or at the very least, he hadn’t built it. He had been close to Grian and they had all just been at Grian’s mansion which was a feat on it’s own. Obviously the avian had been building this for Tommy.
“I said we were going to my tower. And that’s it.” Tommy gestured to the tower before he continued talking. “I gathered all the cobble myself but bought a lot of the wood. Yeah some of it I got myself and I got gifts here and there, but I got a pretty good business venture so paying for it is easy.”
“Business venture?” Tubbo asked.
“Yeah. Speaking of which, I think Bdubs said the shop was empty so I’ll need to refill. Once I show you guys around, I’ll probably fly over to do that.”
“Could I come with you?”
Tommy paused to look at his friend. “I don’t think that’s a good idea Big T. Everyone’s at the shopping district like all the time, and they fly everywhere too. They aren’t all avians like Phil and Big G, and they don’t use tridents all that often, so instead it’s elytra, and those use fireworks to work. I don’t know how you’ve been since I left, but I’m guessing you and fireworks still aren’t on the best of terms.”
Tubbo crossed their arms. “I can use fireworks when I need to. You know that.”
“Yeah, you can use them fine, but you get jumpy when other people use them.”
Before Tubbo could respond, a voice from further ahead piped up. “Hey Tommy my man! Who’re your friends?”
“Hey Ren!” Tommy ran over to his neighbor. “This is my dad and my friend Tubbo. They’re sort of visiting.”
“Nice to hear.” Ren lowered his sunglasses slightly to look at the visitors. “I’m sure X knows about them?”
“Yeah, I sorta got half kidnapped while hanging with Grian and they followed us back.”
Ren inhaled sharply with a wince, his ears folding back as well. “Oof, how bad did Grian scare them?”
“Phil got freaked out cause he did some shit to piss off Watchers in the past.” Tommy smirked while Philza rolled his eyes. “He kinda tried taking me back again as well as the bots. I seriously thought Grian might kill him until Grum kinda shouted at us.”
“Yikes, how bad did it get for him to do that?”
“We kinda kept interrupting him while he was trying to tell us something important.” Ren winced again from that comment. “Fortunately it helped calm things down a little in the violence department.”
“And in the other departments?”
Tommy pulled Phil over closer to Ren. “So Phil isn’t just my dad.”
Ren nodded. “Yeah, you said you had some brothers.”
“Yeah, he’s also Grian’s dad.”
Again, Ren nodded. “Okay, yeah that-” the wolf hybrid completely froze. “Grian’s dad?! But he’s your dad!”
“But also Grian’s?!”
“So the two of you are-”
“Brothers, yup.”
“You know this explains so much my dude.” Ren ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at the avian with his new knowledge. “Who else knows?”
“Right now, Xisuma and Mumbo. Haven’t really gotten the chance to tell many others.”
Ren nodded in understanding. “Does this mean you two aren’t coming to triple H?”
At this point Tubbo finally spoke up. “What’s that? And also it’s nice to meet you. Tommy said your name was Ren?”
“Yup, Ren Diggity Dawg at your service. And it’s Hermits Helping Hermits. We try to meet up once a week to help out one hermit.”
“You say that, but we haven’t even done it once yet Ren.” Tommy piped up, making Ren frown.
“Well that’s how it’s going to work. Hey, if you want, these two could come along.”
“I dunno. There would probably be lots of flying.” Tommy shrugged before slightly gesturing towards Tubbo. 
“Tommy! I don’t need you acting so concerned for me! A few fireworks aren’t going to freak me out! Plus aren’t there unlimited lives here? Even if I do die I’ll just come back!”
Before Tommy could say anything in response, Tubbo took the elytra that were on Tommy’s back and put them on their own back. Ren seemed to be on Tubbo’s side, because he handed them some blank fireworks. He immediately lit one, which made them flinch just a little, but the next one didn’t cause them to have the same reaction. The only problem was while he was using the fireworks, he wasn’t getting into the air at all. “Uh, how exactly do these work?”
Tommy looked like he wanted to shout, but Ren spoke up before the teen could. “Elytra wings open up on descent, so you have to jump first. I’d say we get you some platform to test with before you try launching from the ground itself. Not even every hermit can do that right since you need to hit the sweet spot. Tommy’s pretty good at it though, but he’s got a good teacher.”
Tommy just rolled his eyes when Tubbo and Ren looked over at him. “Grian doesn’t use elytra, he uses his fucking wings.”
“He had to relearn how to fly in season six when he was still hiding his wings.” Ren pointed out and Tommy rolled his eyes again, though the sentence had caught Phil’s attention.
“Why was he hiding his wings?”
“Someone’s in parent mode.” Ren chuckled, which caught Phil slightly off guard. “I’ve heard that same tone plenty of times from X. Usually around the full moon.”
“Wait, so are you-”
“Werewolf, yeah. I know, most people just assume hybrid, and I kinda am. Anyway, to answer your question, he had apparently already gotten used to it in his older worlds. Even hanging around other hybrids didn’t help. He just had them hidden for so long that his standard was no wings. Iskall was the one to really get him with his wings out.”
“Iskall is Mumbo’s sibling, right?”
“Nah, unless we have another case of a surprise family connection. They had a business venture with Grian and Mumbo last season and the three have been really close ever since. They’re not officially related, but at this point they’re essentially all family.”
“I see, well what did he do?”
“They made a shop for hiring them as a hitman since they did that in the past. Someone ordered one on Grian and he got a plan ready and everything, but it involved outflying Iskall.”
“Good to know. I’ll have to meet with them at some point.” Phil nodded and Ren gave a barely noticeable wink at the avian correcting himself.
“Well, I’m sure I've held you guys up enough. If Tommy gives you any more trouble with flying, just shoot me a message.” Ren looked at Tubbo with his second comment, then he waved goodbye and headed off the other way.
Over the course of the next hour and a half, Tommy briefly showed off his tower, but for the most part it was Tubbo learning how to fly with elytra. Tommy was giving out pointers, but mostly was just freaking out whenever Tubbo did something that seemed even slightly concerning. Phil was doing his best to give tips, but wasn’t completely sure how elytra worked seeing as how he was used to just his own wings and hadn’t had access to elytra since they had been damaged.
By the end of the hour, Tubbo was flying pretty well, and Tommy was following nearby. When he had first gotten into the air, it had made Tubbo jolt, but before long, he had gotten acclimated to the firework’s initial sound with no following explosion. Tommy also ended up getting out a third pair of elytra for Philza to try. It wasn’t enchanted like the ones Tubbo wore or the backups on Tommy’s back, but it would do fine for a quick trip to the shopping district.
“Alright, you can explore the place as much as you want as long as you don’t go stealing anything. Otherwise I’ll have to pay for it.”
“You? Telling us not to steal?”
Tommy crossed his arms. “Yeah, no one does that here. I did a bit at the start, but you don’t really fucking need to. Even if you could just pay for shit at the shops, if you really need something, someone’s gonna show up to help you out.”
“Got it.” And with that the three of them flew over the ocean and to the island in the middle of it all. The place was littered with builds that surprised Phil and Tubbo. “These are all just shops?!”
“Yeah. You saw how big Big G’s mansion is. Just about everyone works at that scale. Even if they don’t fucking need to. You get used to it after a bit, it’s why my place is so big. You’d lose your minds if you saw Cub’s place.”
“I don’t even want to know mate.” Phil replied as they landed, sounding slightly exasperated at the thought.
“Right, well that’s my place over there.” Tommy pointed to a shop that looked more like a skyscraper and was near a number of similar buildings. “Most of the land in the actual shopping district is claimed, but Aquwu town still has lots of property.”
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“What’s the place actually called?” Tubbo piped up, making Tommy stop the joke.
“Just Aqua Town, but no one pronounces it like that. Even Scar, and he built the place. He normally calls it Aque Town.”
“I’ll be using that.”
“Suit yourself.” Tommy then walked towards his building. “You guys take the diamonds out and I’ll restock the place, okay? You can even keep a few of the diamonds.”
There were some nods of agreement and the trio went inside. Tommy put down his shulker boxes filled with stock as Tubbo opened the first chest, eyes going wide at the amount of diamonds in them. “There’s twenty-seven diamonds in this chest!”
Phil looked up surprised before looking in another chest. “This one too.”
“Well they said the place was all sold out.” Tommy responded as he opened up one of the shulkers and started pulling stacks of cobble out of it.
The avian noticed just what Tommy was grabbing and stared at it. “Mate, are you actually selling cobble for diamonds?”
Tubbo’s head whipped around to look away from the chest where he too saw Tommy pulling out cobble. “Not just cobble. There’s that, normal stone, andesite and granite.”
“And they buy that?”
“Yeah, at first I thought it was out of pity, until one day I got there to stock up and Bdubs was in there and was happy I was there. They all like building, but when they mine, none of the hermits bother to pick up all the stone since they normally fill their inventories with anything else and let the rest disappear. I make sure to go down with plenty of chests and put everything away, so when they need stone and shit, I’m the one they buy from.”
From there, Tommy and the other two stocked the shop. No hermits showed while they stocked, but one did show up just as they were leaving, Tubbo jumping back a little as the two of them nearly ran into each other, the wide eyed look of the hermit adding to the surprise. “Hey Keralis. Just stocked up so you’re good to go.”
“Why spank you Tommy. Who are your friends?”
“Tubbo and my dad Phil.”
“Will they be staying long?”
“Yeah, but Big G’s got them covered with housing.”
“Ah, Brian does have a good place indeed. But if they need a place to stay, I have plenty of room.”
“Almost too much. They’d be like me the first time I saw your place.”
“All the more reason for them to visit!”
“Right, see ya later.” Tommy followed behind Tubbo and Phil who had already slowly gotten ahead. He pulled out his comm and sent a message to Grian and Mumbo about where they were and where they were heading. Mumbo sent a reply that they would be coming over there soon with the bots, and Tommy put his comm away again. “Alright, I have a bit of land on a different part of the island, but it’s not really a shop. It’s more something I sort of brought over from the SMP.”
Tommy led them through the roads before they reached another area near the shore. Sand had terraformed the nearby land and various tables and chairs and other items were all over the place. But right next to the shoreline was a familiar piece of furniture that had Tubbo tearing up just a little. “You built the bench.”
“Yeah. Made it feel more like home sometimes. The rest of it is based on the beach party I held back in exile.”
Tubbo flinched slightly and looked down at the ground. Tommy was slightly confused and looked at Philza, who just gave a slight nod and wandered off. Once he was gone, Tommy led his friend over to the bench. “What’s up Big T?”
“Your… Your beach party. I- I’m sure you had fun.”
“Not really. Didn’t go the way I planned. Especially since you weren’t there.”
“I didn’t think you wanted me there. I never-”
“I sent an invitation, Tubbo. Ghostbur was supposed to give everyone in L’Manberg an invitation. But no one came. I thought it was cause you all fucking hated me. I mean, I did kinda ruin everything. I remember how mad you were.”
“I still thought that when I got here. Starting making friends out of spite instead of because I needed them. But then they made me realize some things. I don’t… Ghostbur wasn’t the most reliable, so I thought maybe he just didn’t manage to get the invitations out. But Grian said since Dream was messing with me the whole time I was there, he probably did something. Made sure you didn’t come.”
“Really? He’s been helping out. With you gone he’s become an ally to L’manberg.”
Tommy essentially growled in response to those words. “He’s not a fucking ally to anyone. He plays mind games and fucks everything up. He lies and tries to make you trust him so he can stab you in the back later. He was trying to make it so I’d only trust him. Unless you’re saying he told the truth when you immediately burned your compass for me.”
Tubbo’s hand immediately moved to hold where he had kept his compass, but it stopped midway there. “I… No. I kept it with me all the time.”
Tubbo started tearing up a little before forcing the tear back. “I sort of got killed by a creeper and the explosion or something destroyed it. Tommy… I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to lose it. I didn’t want to lose you. But-”
Tubbo was cut off from Tommy hugging him. “It’s fine Big T. We lived in a fucked up place, and now we don’t have to. It’ll be you and me again. I’ll build you a tower for yourself. I’ll-”
A loud sound suddenly rang out along with an explosion. A second and third pair of the noises quickly followed. Tommy and Tubbo jumped up from the bench and looked towards the source of the noises to find three withers in the middle of the shopping district.
“What the fuck?! Why are those there?!” Tommy was immediately pulling out his comm and sending a message in the main chat. 
Tubbo, on the other hand, squinted as something that seemed to be standing behind the boss monsters. They quickly shot open as he realized what he was seeing. “Technoblade?”
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agentsoftie · 4 years
stitches and ditches
summary: y/n and spencer get in a fight. due to the fight y/n goes to the hospital where she gets taken. spencer has to find her before it’s to late
a/n: plot holes. plot holes everywhere. so i’m sorry for that, super sorry. also like i don’t really know how to write fight scene and stuff ig so sorry if it sucks. and i skipped like 3 classes for this, so don’t let it flop
warnings: fight, angry spencer, torture, a case, violent spencer (idrk what to call it) and whole lotta angst. i happy ending though! kinda, idrk
word count & pairing: spencer x (fem) reader & 4.1k
remember to like and reblog!!
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It all started the day he came home from work. This was one of the longest trips he’d been on so you decided to make him his favorite. Pumpkin Pie. And god knows how hard it is to make pie, but you did it anyways, for him. It wasn't too late when he got home but It wasn't too early either. More like the time right after dinner and just before dessert. You had just got the pie out of the oven when you heard the door open and someone walk in.
“Spencer! Finally you’re home! How are you!” You said while he put his bag away. He didn't turn to look at you yet which was kinda weird since the first thing he does when he gets home is kiss you right on the lips. “Fine,” He mumbled while sitting down at the table still not looking at you. “Spencer, come on what’s wrong?” You asked while grabbing his hands, but he immediately retracted. Which made sense because of who he was, but you’re not gonna admit that it didn't hurt. “Nothing Y/N.”
You knew that something was wrong, and it didn't take a profiler to see that. Everything about him was just off. “Come on, it's me. You can tell me anything.”
“Y/N.” Spencer said in a deep tone. You’d never heard him like this or seen in that sense. He was always happy to see you, to be with you. And were with his too. “Spencer no, come on. I can see that you’re clearly not fine. So come on, open up.”
“Y/N I said I’m fine!” You were appalled. He had never raised his voice at you, but it was bound to happen one day, you just. You just were shocked. “Spencer,” You said in a low voice completely contradicting his loud yell. “What!”
“Spencer calm down!” You say yelling at him. Although you realized that yelling at someone to calm down probably wasn't the best way to do it.
“No Y/N, you need to just stop and shut up!” Shut up. That’s the first time he’s ever told you to shut up. Infact, you think it's the first time he’s ever told anyone to shut up.
“Spencer just talk to me! It’s not that fucking hard!”
“No Y/N it is. It's tremendously hard and you just wouldn't understand.”
“Just tell me. And I'll see if I understand. But don't just gatekeep your emotions and feelings.”
“Y/N I said no! Why cant you listen to simple fucking directions! It’s not that fucking hard!” Each and every time he yelled at you, it's like your heart physically broke. And you could feel it breaking. But how do you tell him to stop? All you wanted was to know how he feels. Was that really so hard?
“Spencer why the hell are you acting like this! I understand that your job is hard but that doesn't mean that you can pour all your anger out on me! And if you are gonna do that, you can at least do the kind thing and share how you feel! And what's wrong! I mean, is that really so much to ask!”
“Oh really, that's how you wanna play this! You think this is just a little game don’t you!”
“Game Spencer! You think I play this as a game! Well this game is my life!” You were drop dead angered at this point. “What in the world gives you the right to act like this! Please, explain!” All he does is scoff at you. “I'm not joking Spencer! Why the hell are you acting like this! You've changed!”
“Oh I’ve changed! Y/N you've changed! You're always trying to kiss up my ass! I mean jesus! All you want is money! Like god!”
“Oh I want money! Spencer! I don't need your pathetic money! It may not have dawned on you since you couldn't bother to care, but I make a good amount of money. Yeah, you’re not the only one who paid for this place. So stop acting like you are.”
“Oh wow! Haha, you sick son of a,” He stopped immediately after realizing what exactly he was saying.
“Say it Spencer! Finish the goddamn sentence!”
“Y/N, you know I wont.” He says in a shift of tone. Still equally as affecting though.
“Why? Huh? You've already said so much, just wrap it up with a nice little red bow on top!”
“Y/N, stop,” He said, his tone getting more and more demeaning by the second.
“Do it Spencer! Do it!”
“Goddamn it Y/N I said stop!!” He yelled before throwing a glass at the wall behind you. You both immediately shut up, as trying to process what just had happened. Did he actually just try to hurt you? No, Spencer would never do that. Would he? You touched the back of your head and felt blood on your ear. You looked down at the blood and Spencer walked towards you but all you did was pull back from his touch.
“Don’t,” You mutter in fright. Putting your hands up against his chest, but not touching. His eyes looked at you as if they were trying to say something but just couldn't. You grabbed your purse, keys, phone, a coat, and slipped into some shoes. “Y/N, where are you going?”
“To the clinic or hospital or whichevers open right now. To get this checked out and stitched up.”
“Y/N, come on just stay here. I can stitch it up. I can do everything. Just dont leave. Im sorry, okay. I- I don't know why I did that. I promise I didn't mean too.” He begs and pleads but you just can't say with him tonight. No, not tonight. Tonight was too bad, tonight was a dent that was not going to be fixed.
“I just can't, Spencer. Okay, not tonight. There’s some pasta in the fridge, and I love you… I guess.” And with that you got in your car and left leaving Spencer to just sit in his own tears. He just sat at the table thinking of everything he did wrong. Everything that went wrong. And the worst part is that absolutely nothing wrong or bad happened at work today. He was just exhausted, that's all. And instead of telling his girlfriend, he started a fight. And he knew that you were in the right, for everything.
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Dr. Michael Gray. And it looks like something happened to your ear.” He says while standing at the door.
“Oh hi! Haha. And um… I thought that nurses were supposed to, you know, stitch up stitches.”
“Oh yeah, well they are. But you’re just so gorgeous I pass up the offer.”
“Oh, haha,” You say, not knowing how to feel. Although there was one thing you knew, and that was that this was uncomfortable as hell. “Well, I mean I do have a boyfriend.” You said just so he wouldn't try to make any moves.
“Oh well hey! Do you have any siblings or friends? I'm fine with absolutely anyone and everyone.” He says while disinfecting your ear and pulling the glass out.
“You’re Pan?” You ask to distract yourself from the pain.
“Yeah. You’re not gonna request another doctor now right?” He asks while carefully taking out the glass and putting it on a white napkin in front of you. That was a big piece.
“No, of course not!” You say in offence. “How could you ever think that.”
“It happens a lot with people. Especially the pretty ones. They automatically get turned off when I tell them I like everyone. I don't care about your gender, just your personality and how you treat me.”
“Oh well I would never. And it sucks that-that happens.”
“Yeah. Okay, so here comes the fun part. Hey, how did you even get these stitches? Or, why do you need them? Like how did you get to this point?” He says while slowly stitching up your ear.
“Ha, I get it. You’re just fine. And all of this is due to my boyfriend.” You say in pain.
“Wait,” He stops doing what he’s doing and just stands there. “Your boyfriend did this?”
“Yes. And before you say anything else, I am not in an abusive relationship. Okay, he just had a bad day and I guess I made it even worse. And trust me, he didn't mean to do it.” You say as he finishes stitching up your ear.
“Do you have a place to stay tonight?” He asks while pouring out a liquid into a small cup.
“Then, come stay with me. At my place. And here drink this, it’ll help with the pain. A lot.”
He says while giving you a small cup filled with what looked like to be a crushed up powder poorly mixed in with water. Or whatever that the liquid was.
“Oh no. We just met.” You spoke before drinking it.
“You got anywhere better to stay? Plus my shift ends in 5 so it would be the most practical decision.”
You knew that it was wrong. After everything that Spencer had told you. But for some reason you still went. Even though you knew you should have gone back home to Spencer. And god knows what he was doing right now. But you couldn't just let your pride fall and go home. That would be pathetic. “You know what, okay! I mean what the hell! You seem nice and I’m not in the mood to face him again. Or at least for now.”
“Just one question… are you gonna kill me?” It was a stupid question to ask, you know. But after everything that Spencer and his family have been through. And with what happened to haley, you just couldn't help but to ask.
“No Y/N, I’m not gonna kill you. Now come on, let me get logged out and let's leave this place. Oh and Y/N, you can call me Michael.” He says while taking off his lab coat.
“Okay Michael.”
He brought you into his car and the drive to his place felt like hours. Although you really couldn't remember most of it since you passed out a quarter way through. The last thing you do remember is him putting his hand on your thigh and looking over at you with a smirk.
It had been 3 days. 3 days since you left to get your ear stitched up. 3 days since Spencer had last seen you. Since you had seen him. Or any of your friends. 3 days since you left your life. In those 3 days, Spencer completely lost himself. All of the books were on the floor. The bed was an absolute mess. And the kitchen was left just as it was the night it happened. He, himself, was a mess. His hair had not been brushed. He was still wearing the same clothes. And he’d been surviving on coffee and granola bars.
“Guys, we got a new case, come on.” Penelope chimes as they all do paper work. Spencer can’t help but look at his phone every 2 minutes just waiting for a text or call or any sign of life and/or love.
“What’s wrong pretty boy?” Derek asks.
“Yeah, you've been acting tense lately.” JJ adds.
“Nothing, It’s just Y/N,” He gruffs.
“Do I smell relationship problems,” Derek says jokingly.
“Derek!” JJ scoffs. “What's wrong Spence?”
“Nothing I just… Look, something happened, and now she’s not answering any of my text and calls, and I'm starting to get worried. That's really all there is.”
“Well what happened exactly? To you know, make her leave I guess.” JJ asks.
“Um, we had an argument. A pretty bad one. I came home after the case. The Checkersfeild one. And um, I was just tired. And instead of telling her that, I got super mad and said some things that I regret. And also did a thing I regret. A lot. And I would explain everything to her if she answered whenever I called or texted but she didn't.”
“How bad was the argument?” She asks again.
“Pretty bad. It was our first, but it was really bad. Just words coming and pouring out.”
“Spencer, how long have you and Y/N been dating?” Derek asks in shock at the fact that he just said ‘first argument’.
“2 and half years now.”
“And you two have never fought? What's this secret that you're keeping from me.”
“Well you know, we had our mutual disagreements. And sometimes we argued a little but it was small and it lasted for like an hour. And right after we would apologize and everything would be okay. It would all be fine.” Spencer said, his voice got longer and slower as the words went on.
“Wow, um… Spencer. You really love her, don't you.” Derek asked.
“Yeah. I really do, don't I.” Spencer says while walking into the briefing room.
As everyone sat down Derek couldn’t help but to keep looking at him. He knew that Spencer was hiding something, he just didn't know what. Or how to figure it out.
“Okay everyone this is Isabella Stines. The latest victim of our new unsub. Police are calling him The Ditcher. Since, as you can see, they leave the body in ditches after what looks like hours and hours of tourture. 5 other people were found too. First was Mindy Kindle, then Jake Johnson. Next, Rosé Hinnings, then we have Jennifer Gordon. And last, and hopefully least, Kross Noing. The ‘K’ is silent.” Penelope says while everyone looks down at the picture of the crime scenes and blood smeared across the screen.
“Do they have anything in common?” Spencer asks just before his phone starts ringing. He immediately picks it up even though the rule that Hotch made up states that you can't answer phones when you’re in the briefing room getting briefed for a new case. “Y/N.” Spencer asks, not knowing who this was since he didn't have enough time to look at the caller ID. “No, this is Sharron Richard, her boss. She hasn't shown up to work for these past days and we’re getting worried. She has a case coming up and this is a big one for her. We’ve been trying to contact her, but she’s not answering. So we called you since she left you as her backup or whatever you call it. So, have you seen or heard from her?” Sharron asks over the phone.
“Um no I- I haven't.” Spencer mutters through the phone so no one except Sharron could hear it. Although that failed miserably.
“Oh, okay. Well if you hear from her, or see her anytime soon. Please tell her to contact us.” And with that the phone was hung up.
“Pretty boy what was that?” Derek asks.
“Uh, nothing. Just a call from Y/N’s work. Apparently she’s been missing. Although you already knew that so…” Spencer said while looking down at his phone more time, then putting it away. Everyone just gave him this weird look of dissatisfaction.
“Okay anyway, yes there are some similarities. And luckily, all of these are taking place here so you guys won't be flying out anywhere! Or wait, isn't that a bad thing?” Penelope exclaims.
“Garcia,” Hotch says in his natural stearn and damning voice.
“Sorry boss. Anyways, The ME found traces of propofol and thiopental in each of their systems. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically a drug that doctors use to get patients into a coma before surgeries and/or if it's needed medically.”
“So only doctors would have access to it?” Emily asks.
“Over here in Virginia, yes. There are no stores that sell it here due to too many people ODing.” Spencer answers. “Garcia, did the ME find any signs of sexual assault?”
“No they did not. Looks like it was just tourture.”
“Hey Garcia, did they have anything else in common?” Emily asks.
“Yeah check this out. Each of the victims have a medical visit to “The Charleston Hospital” the night before dying. Or getting captured at least. And, it looks like each of them came in after what looked like an action of abuse. It was hard to spot but luckily the bill got it.”
“Okay, thank you Garcia. JJ, Prentiss, come with me. We’re going to the crime scene. Rossi, you go to the ME. Morgan and Reid stay here and try to find some things and connections. And Garcia, you just do what you do best.” Hotch says while getting up.
Everyone was gone from the briefing room except for Garcia who was taking down some files, and Spencer, who was looking at the file. But one part in particular. Could it have happened. No, it couldnr have. Could it?
“Hey Garcia?” He asked.
“Yes sugar,”
“Can I get something?”
“Why of course, what is it that you need?”
“Um, I need records and security tapes.”
“Come with me my sweet child.” She says while walking out the door and into her office, or as she likes to call it, batcave.
“Okay here are the records for-” She got cut off by a frantic Spencer.
“No, not for them, but for Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Your girlfriend?” She asks.
“Yes, my girlfriend.”
“Um, okay. So yeah. It looks like she went to Charleston um about 3 nights ago for some stitches.”
“And the security tapes. From that night. Can you see where she went? Or if she got in her car?”
“You doubt me. Don't doubt me. Okay so here. It looks like she got into this car. But, it looks like there is someone with her. Im sorry Spencer.”
“Don't be. Just, what’s the licence plate numbers?”
“Um, 56HI90ZC3. Spencer, if you want, we can talk about it.” She says in a soft tone. Thinking that his girlfriend would be cheating on one of her friends.
“No not now. I just need you to track that car, can you do that?”
“Done. Okay so it looks like the last time the car was spotted was here, Cherry Ann Avenue. It looks like they took a turn in this field, and that's all.”
“Great, I need you to contact Hotch and Rossi, and tell them that we got the guy.”
“On it. But, hey do you wanna talk about it?”
“Garcia, we don't have any time. Someone I love is in danger and I don't wanna waste a single second.”
You woke up to the smell of blood, the sound of crickets, and a gut wrenching pain, everywhere across your body.. Crickets everywhere. You looked down to see many cuts. Cuts all over your body, everywhere. And in one place, you swear you saw a knife. What had happened? How long was I out? You tried to remember everything but all you could was getting in a fight with Spencer and then getting in a car with a doctor. Or a nurse, or whoever they were.
“Ah, so you're up.” Michael said as he walked up from the shadows behind him.
“Who are you and what do you want?” You say trying your best to back away from him but something ties you down.
“You forgot who I am already. I must have added a little more meds in there for you. Huh, well that's alright. I’m Michael. More professionally, Dr. Michael Gray.” You just sat there trying to hear him over the intense pain you were in. Almost as if you'd been stabbed 100 times, maybe you had, who knows. “You see, your boyfriend was being the abusive piece of shit he is and so now I'm helping you. Helping you get better.”
“You sick bastard. You're not helping me, you're causing me pain.” You say as he gets closer and closer to your face.
“Shut up!!” He says as he slaps you. “I know what I’m doing!! Do you know how many people I’ve put out of misery!!” He yells in your face. You can feel the spit reaching your face as he does this.
“You’ve hurt those people. You've put them through pain. So much pain. Instead, you could have helped them. But this, this is not help, no this is torture, abuse, assult.”
“I SAID SHUT UP!!” He yelled while throwing the metal tray on the table across the room. “YOU KNOW WHAT, MAYBE WHAT YOU'RE PATHETIC LITTLE BOYFRIEND DID TO YOU WAS GOOD. YOU DESERVED IT!! Don't deserve me, or my help!”
You were shocked. You were scared. You were terrified. But you didn't want to admit it. And the sad part is, all he truly wanted to do is help you. But just at that moment you heard sirens. Sirens everywhere, and they got louder and louder until you saw the colors. Flashing up against the brown wooden wall and the shag carpeting on the floor.
Suddenly you heard a loud bang, the door had come down. “Michael Gray!” You heard someone yell. “Michael, we know what you've done, and we know that you’re here!”
“No, this can't be happening. No no no no no. NO!” He yelled in panic. The most stupid thing to do when you’re trying to hide.
Suddenly 3 people came rushing to the room. One of them happened to be your boyfriend. Who ran over to you immediately without any hesitation.
“Hey Y/N, it's me, Spencer. You're gonna be okay.” He said while holding you. All you did was smile and nod. You wanted to tell him that you loved him, but you just couldn't. You were so sore and tired. And all you wanted to do was go to sleep. Even though you knew that you shouldn't have since, well, you know. You would probably die. But you just couldn't help it.
You woke to a bright light. Or multiple in this case. Why was everything so white. White hurts people. You felt a tug to your hand as you saw who was holding it, Spencer. He stayed. And for god knows how long. He was asleep, and you didn't want to wake him. Poor boy looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep for the past week or so. You checked the clock as the time read 10:37pm. Perfect, just the most perfect time to wake up. You tried to grab your phone, but you had to stretch to get it, and you were not doing that.
Spencer, although woke up from your failed attempt at grabbing your phone. “Y/N, you're awake.” He said dreamily with his eyes half shut.
“Hi Spencer.”
Once he truly realized what was going on, he jumped up from his seat and gripped your hand tighter than before. “Y/N baby, how are you? Are you okay?”
“Well, truthfully. No, I am not okay. I mean, I just got tortured for god know how long, and I think I’ve been asleep. But again, I don't know how long. And oh god, I had my case that I’ve been working on for the past 6 months that was supposed to happen and I missed it!” You say as if the world was ending. He just looks at you. No emotion, just stares.
“Y/N it’s okay. I sorted that out, don't worry. You’re just okay. Why did you go with them anyway?”
You don't know how to respond. Do you tell him everything, or tell him nothing at all. Do you leave out some bits? No, he deserves to hear the whole truth. “Spencer, after what happened that night, I was terrified of what was gonna happen if I came home. And my friends were out of town. So I really had no choice.”
“Y/N,” His voice cracked. “I am so sorry for what I did to you. I truly didn't mean to do that, it just happened. And I don't know why.”
“I know.”
“You probably hate me, and I get that. I would hate me too if I were you. I mean, look at what I put you through. I’m so sorry. And I understand if you wanna breakup and stuff. But, I just wanna say that I love you. I truly do.”
“Spencer,” You say while looking down at your hands, then back up. “I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Not after everything you’ve done for me. I love you, I do.”
He just smiled and kissed you on your forehead. “Y/N, you wanna about it?”
“Talk about what?”
“Everything that happened today.”
“Sure, but how about we talk about everything that happened the other day. I mean, I made you pie Spencer, Pie!” He just sat there while you were laughing looking into your eyes. “I love you.” He said. You just smiled and held his hand, “I love you too.”
tagging: @criminalmindsmoodrn, @marshmallowtraver, @ghostly-angelic, and @himarisolace
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Clone Wars      Episode 2
         Rising Malevolence
 Starting off I really like the title which implies things are going to get a little heated
  Title scene sequence still the same
   Ok this time’s quote is a little bullshit
  Belief is not the matter of choice          But conviction
   Conviction is literally how much energy      you put into a choice 
   Little worried considering last episode’s good quote     left with an okay episode
   Okay, whoa, whoa, got a lot of things, at once
   Firstly, Ahsoka  
   Her face looks lumpy?
   The narrator...sounds kinda - bored
    Lot of things happening at once
                         Not really tied together
                    Someone’s really                            abusing                       the jump cut
                   It literally gave me nausea looking at it
                      Not cool                           dude
   Then again    I guess they’re going for        Fast thrown together war footage
   But seriously       chill dude      On the jump      cuts
  And     nothing   seems    to     match   up
 If      I   can   actually    remember   what     happened       from   this   jump   cutted   mess     I   would   make     a   joke   about   the     off     piece            /    paced      sync        Up     But     for       the     sake       of     me       I        can’t    (And     I’m      Not      Back       rewatching)
(I     Tried...)
 Oh   here’s    one;    Growing     Fear          The   enablers      Just   Standing   around    Mate,         I   don’t   give      a   shit   about   them    (And   those     words   don’t   match)
The       Pictures
Still    recovering...    from    seasickness
So   excuse   my   scrawl     not   being    on   point
            I’m sorry, I was sea sick           Something about menace  
              Not happening again  
            Of the thing they enabled 
         I have, no idea, what is going on.          And I’m too afraid, of the editors, to go back
     Whatever, things are - moving -forward
     Red sun like planet
      Ships heading towards it
      Little stabilized
    Plo Koon           Standing         In Front
    Oh good         We get to       see what the other enablers are up to
    That’s nice
    Would be thrilled
    If the jump cut abuse         Hadn’t left me           In a state of not being willing       to handle the enablers-
   We’re not jumping straight into that     Right?            Like,        this            is          a       quick         photo       shot?
   Okay never mind we are
   Fuck me up episode
Tracking-       That’s not so bad
 Okay, giant ship in front of the Sun, Why!!?
 I am no longer hung over
 I’m good
What the frick?
 It looks like a shark
 It looks deadly       what the heck    is going on?
   Why is the boss music playing?
   I mean it’s thematically appropriate and more than we got in the last episode
    Just wasn’t expecting music
         Or Obvious Villain
        Before I think about it too much
       “Oh my Red!”
        That is a lotta Red.
       I don’t think you could get much Red
   “We are tracking republic cruisers”
    Okay wait, We were on Plo’s     ship
     Now we’re on Dooku’s
 “Ships in the area...
  I’m assuming they’re going to      intersect
  And is Dooku -       Is Grievous  Dooku’s apprentice?          I guess that would make sense         Given           That last episode             We learned                  Of Yoda’s and Dooku’s              Connection            Learning            more about the villain isn’t such a          bad idea
       No more jump cuts please though
      “Jam their transmissions,”
       Alright, straight to the evil      no hesitation           Possibly ending in murder?               What? It says ‘Rising Malevolence’!?               Murder would do that!
       The Fleet is holding it’s position sir
     “I think it’s wise to report our position before we attack,”
      Good plan
      ‘Skywalker’s fleet is nearby’
      A teenager, you’re trusting this to a teenager?
       I mean they have to obey orders          You’re trusting a teenager that Obi-Wan order programmed?         A less developed version of Obi wan?          I know Yoda has a seat at the head of the garbage fire council
       But Obi-Wan has a seat there for a reason
       - note I’m pretty sure this is true for all continuities             so I’m not calling out movie Obi-Wan specifically  
           All of his continuities                 Garbage fire
            Which doesn’t have to be a bad thing...
             Logic sin
            “Perhaps he can reinforce us,”
             Teenagers can’t reinforce shit
             But they can pick you up
              Like a taxi service
            “ From what I hear Skywalker’s always looking for a fight,”                      Great, Obi wan ordered him to give only aggressive answers and self destructive orders                                    /answers
               Kid’s going to get killed                    If any adult sets their mind to it
               * Which seeing as you set him to ‘attack attack attack’
  Well, someone to be preparing his gravestone
              Good job, Obi wan                  Dumpster fire
              I do not regret it
             “So I’ve heard,”
               And enabled!
               Trash Fire Council, everyone
               “~~~~, Master Ploon,”
              “~~~~, Ahsoka,”
              Oh they share a language 
            “how’s the hunt for the mystery weapon going?”
              They actually tell him things?                    Instead of just yelling orders at him?
              Also, so that’s what they were doing
I     was   spinning
            “We’ve tracked it to the outer Greknow (excuse spelling) system,”
               “I need reinforcements”
               Wait, need?
               Earlier, it was a “ it would be nice,”
               Now you need the teenager to hold your hand while you confront the other adult in your stupid war?
               “ I have to ask the council Mr. plo I was given strict orders,”
                 Translation; I need to ask Obi-Wan                                  Also; this, this is how you write teenagers
              A little bit too much energy
              But this is how one would react
               If confronted with an order and ordered to give that response
               Good job, writers, you used your experience ( and knowledge) as a human being, to create a realistic human being
                Get a cookie for that
                Carry on
              Breaking up
              Signal jammed
          Oh yeah clearly shows that Ahsoka is asking “what’s wrong?”                Immediately move out the general area     also is someone not monitoring interference?          Shouldn’t alarms be going off?
   “ what’s wrong with the transmission,”
     A) you’re the leader you should figure that out
    B) asking a in superior isn’t going to help
       - if it’s their chosen thing then just let them do it without          leaning on them
   Nothing ever got better from micromanage
  “There’s too much interference, sir”
  We’ve lost them
  “You heard Master Ploon, he needs her support, we need to go help him,”
       Good job writers, that is how a teenager would react, you even got the stunted - robotlike speech down - and energy level
       Another cookie for you
      “We’ve got to go help him,”
       A bit of energy there but still good
     “We have to see what the Council says first,”
      Anakin, Perfect, 10/10, you know how to write children,            Perfect monotone
Fantastic     Job   writers
  *And          Actors
            The logic was pretty sound to
              “This is an important meeting, Ahsoka”
 I’ll   stop   gushing   about     that
         “Speak only when spoken to,”
        “Don’t I always”
         Okay,            little noticeable breach               there
         Little             too            much            energy                       Children               Don’t               Have            Person               alities-                Still           Developing-
        Nor          Attitude
       This       mystery        weapon            has            Strucken                a         dozen        systems             And     disappeared       without           a         trace,”
      That           Sounds         Really             Severe
      Only             Wish            I’d             Know             What              It            Does
      We       cannot       afford            to        lose        any       more       ships       my     phone
   How -         One           Of       you         had          to      order       him
    The          Chancellor         must       not       of     been     there
 “The    Enemy       ship       is   closing”
 Well      it      makes   sense    that    they   aren’t       running
  As   contacting    others     with     their   location     and   getting   reinforcements      was   something        that        they     were     supposed       to      do     and    ‘would      be         nice’      respectively
  And         they     did     both
    * Technically
   “General Greivous,”           Oh so now we get to learn of the relationship         Or what Dooku claims it to be
    “This will be            a suitable test              for        our new weapon,”
          Oh, or that
         They             have              the           weapon
       Also             a             great           excuse            to          show             Plo          Koon        suddenly         getting            his           shit         recked
   “Yes        My         lord,”
   [Oh       wait       now         I    remember        he’s       Ventress’s       master
   General            Term             Is            Lord]
      Does             he        have           a        button?
     “A       large        energy      reading       from        the      target,         sir,”
 “Open       Fire,”
  Then       Get       Out          Of       Range
 “Brace       For      Impact!”
  Wait         You had Three whole ships   and you decide to clump them all together            Approaching from the same direction               Towards a giant space hole?                  You...               You got what you deserved
      “We’re losing all our power,”
      No duh         Space wave          * Shock wave
  Energy field , defenseless
      No duh
   “ Their shields are down         Full cannons,”                “they’re tearing us apart, one by one”
     Uh, Space                         pods?
         “[Ship explodes]
           Well I hope they got to the escape pod
           Quickly, into the pods!
         [ Plo being Captain Obvious]
        Well one fricker hit debris and exploded
       Really stable pods
      Well shit               It was just a ship        At least everyone      who wasn’t an idiot       is alive
   “ that was a successful test wouldn’t you say, Count?,”
   That’s        surprisingly normal given the side is supposed to be the  overinvolved                                                                                                    negative
      I’m surprise he isn’t abusing his in superiors by now
      Then again his ‘abuse’ style, based on name, is tech   
       Which isn’t an abuse style  
       Or negative thing
        Is either a weapon or to chew something         savagely
     Sidious           Is        just        this     version’s     Absolute      evil   (Human,   Sentient   version)
Dooku      .....     I         have    no   idea
He’s   clearly   meant      to      be   conflict       in   general       But       The      Name       ....       I   have     no   idea
Sorry   went      on     a   name   rant
    “ I       want           all           of      those        life       pods        destroyed,”
   What       was           the        deal        with         the       sound     Greivous        was      making?            And         why           is        that       droid      laughing?
     We’ve         had         no       further       contact         with       General           Plo                Koon 
     And        nobody         is     panicking
    Then    everyone         else         is      enablers         so         I’m        not     surprised
    They       knew       what         they            were   getting      into     with     this    stupid    war
 “The   absence     of   distress   beacons        indicates      that      his     fleet     was,”
 Destroyed       killed
   Also     there’s       no      beacon         or      way         to      signal      for       help      in     those   light     pods   
The         Galaxy’s    huge
“-was”  A   bit   too   much   hesitation     there
           I’ll                accept              a            slight              bit             that             Anakin                was          ordered              not               to                talk            about                   death               in             front                   of              Ahsoka
         But              a             bit             too           much          emotion
         & personality
       And it isn’t overrided by one of his elders,            Obi wan specifically
       Or Understood by          the others
      We’re about to     launch a    rescue     mission
  Hasn’t clone intelligence reported this weapon     never leaves any survivors?
   But not that they had a giant stab wound through the   chest?
 Enablers, man
 Again, children don’t care about them
   They haven’t even developed a personality
   Nevermind the ability to form and remember      healthy preferred relationships
     With individuals
     Of their own age group
     When they’re Adults
      This ‘everyone’s afraid to say ‘die’ in front of Ahsoka Is bullshit
      Even      the              expression           doesn’t             feel             natural
       They are tidy they don’t want any witnesses
         See, that’s even acknowledging that they know some foul play is about
     ‘They’ is not the weapon
     It’s a person 
    “ these losses are tragic,”
      Not enough to stop the stupid war and             stop enabling
        What great friends      Plo Koon has      
      “ prevent more, we must,”
        You aren’t doing   shit
The Music      just      give       me       the     feeling       that      they’re      sitting      around     playing      cards
  “The power grid is burned out”
   Okay and that took out this whole life pod   functionality?
    Like are these not for emergencies?
   Shouldn’t have multiple backup power sources?
    Or some rudimentary fuel  
     Also, the force,
      Like with it you can exactly   have any moments of tension
       Like   normal humans
        Like            if you want to get out of the situation     there’s like 10 options
   Humans are space orcs
   Like just use the force to       paddle to safety
   Or power the ships
    This is   definitely   not as bad as a situation   as they’re going to make it out to be
 “Life support recharge.”
  Well good thing none of you is dying
   Oh did they mean     oxygen recycling?
   My bad
 So we’ll just sit here
   And hold our breath
  Snarking doesn’t really help it
  “someone will come looking for us, right?”
  Generally speaking, yes
  You clearly sent out    communications
  And abided by all the   rules        But you signed up with the enabler’s United Toxic Foundation, while everyone did sign up for a basic war - Palpatine’s things that one kid in the E for for everyone Minecraft let’s play role-play that insists everyone be allowed to swear
Like yeah everyone agreed not to do that       But you still don’t kick him
And the second you avoid accountability   things were on rocky basis
  You can kick him to a higher level of accountability
     (Or lower)
   But not accountability
   I don’t think that’s coming back from levels this   tox
 And     Everyone knew      it
   Including      this      guy
  “ let’s get the power restored     , so we’re here to be found”
    Also if you could do them   why were you wasting time?
I know the address they’re assholes who don’t care about their own        life
But still dude
 Logic sin
  [not storytelling]
 Holding a bit too long on his face   for a jump cut
“ All our battle convoys will be sent to guard our   supply lines,”
 Meanwhile them selling them out
 Including yours   Skywalker
  Nice friends      you have there,       Plo Koon
 “i’m sorry we can’t risk any more ships with the rescue mission”
 Any more
   Meaning you sent some
   “wait just because there hasn’t been any survivors...”
   Bit too animated
   Like holding on the thin string of     orders
  And      still it should be                                stunted
Even     under the order of                                         ‘feel sad’       their eyes would still be moving around like they don’t know what                                        they’re doing
“ doesn’t mean they won’t be any this time,”
  Animation...a little choppy
 Like beforehand the stiff moment really worked with the fact that they were children
        That I thought it was   intentional
  This little awkward bit of moment   doesn’t
 Maybe it’s the     overall movement of an of Ashoka as a   character
   It doesn’t work
  “ boldly spoken for one so young,”
    And almost unrealistically     so
    If not for the string of   orders
  I could possibly be reasoned by   Plo    issuing an overriding effect
 Assuming he was her first     and longest caretaker
  His order    if I’m in danger do this      Might still be   in system
But    it   wouldn’t   cause     an   outburst     like     that
  Not     that     loud
  Or   emotional        at    least
 Just     monotonously      Repeat         ing          the      line
 Which   would    still    get    the   same   reaction
Working          better       with          the       military        child      soldier      theme
  “ Yes she is learning from Anakin,”
      They’re child soldiers
          They’re both still operating under your    orders
 Anakin likely taking her up under   your orders
[If Common sense is      to be       believed]
   If anything ‘she sounds like   Plo Koon,’ would be a better   option and highlight the   his-tory, they have   together as well as makes sense why   she would be   sent 
 “ Excuse my Padawan,”
  Excuse that     bullshit
    [I have a thing against        un child like          behavior]
   “ I will deploy as   instructed     master,”
  Ahsoka      [turns her back and     leaves]
   I swear     if this leads   into a fight
And     one     with     them          not    talking             like         robots
Are   emoting
I’m    calling     bullshit
  If they’re not just repeating orders at each other
    How long do you think Anakin heard that tone of   voice?
    [Because he’s not doing it on his own]
  Little more     disappointed computer    needed   Too much   vitriol         But     Still     valid
  “if   anyone   could   survive,”
Stunted     tone     good
  Few    jumps     in   logic
And   conclusions      that     don’t     think     they   could’ve    ordered
 But   overall   serviceable
 “I don’t   understand,”
 “what you don’t   understand,”
Well there are remarkedly   a few bumps here and   there,     This does play out     The way two   assumed authority   kids     would    play out
 Good job writers,   actors   and   animators,     you     did     a   good   job
  “....Jedi protocol,”
   Know your place       My Padawan
   “Know your place,”
    Too          much         Energy
      Has too           much energy  
      And perso          -nality
      Never    mind             it’s fine
        “ isn’t that              risky?”
           No, approaching/confronting an enemy from only one Direction when you know they have an unpredictable weapon, is risky
                And stupid
                This is a patrol                and as such                   it’s a relatively good move
           “ The mystery weapon out there,”
            No, Plo Koon       wouldn’t have found himself             in that situation         had he done this
     Also are you mouthing off       to      a superior
   Fair       enough          you’re             older            and            have          nothing             to            fear            from               a             child
          But       you              agreed             to              serve                  under              said                child
           Stop            breaking           immersion
     I       like       the      fact      that      they   immediately      show      that    Anakin‘s   superiors       are   abusive        to        him
 While    it’s     true   Anakin     broke     code       by   addressing   someone       of      lower        rank
  This    dude      is     lower    than     him   
(And       older)    And   still   gives   back   toxicity
(No ne    Reflect   ed)     Too
 “It might be,”
 “But I know you     won’t argue my orders,”
Wow,        Not a really good picture of    Obi-Wan    we’re painting
 He possibly   (very often)    compared   Skywalker     to his       in superiors    Derogatorily            Or   at least gave him     an order     to do   so
 Come     on       Snips      
   Come on          [Pet name]
    Bit       too      much   personality
    But     Still     managed      a     lot
“The      air         in      here            is   getting          a         bit          stale,”
    Then        stop         using           it             up
       And           focus              on             fixing
       “Don’t           look             at             me                it’s             Boost               sir,”
*also       no one keeps a plant      on them?
    “He only takes a bath when    he’s        on      leave,”
   Dude seriously not cool   throwing someone under the bus     like that
      “ save it work on fixing the   pod,”
   Yeah you’re running out of air    and this seems to be the only dude that doesn’t wanna die
   “ Not your jokes,”
  They’re toxic anyway
So the air quality isn’t getting much   better
“ Do you think we’ve got a chance,            General?”
You have several   chances  
You have a   Jedi     on board
You could      doggy       paddle      to     the   nearest   station
“I know if we walk together we will stay alive,”
 No, you’ll run out oyour oxygen, and die
Also the rest of you are doing       nothing
Lay down      And save some oxygen
If you’re not going to be   helpful
Someone will find us
  Yeah, God
Or, in this case, hell
   If you believe in      that sort of thing
         And                Not          secure       nothingness
“ With      all      due respect,”
Strategically        it   doesn’t     make     sense       for   someone          to      come       look        for        us
  Yeah     you’re       all     enablers       no        one      has        more   inherent     worth      than      the     other
   If I was in command I’d be hunting that weapon down
 Humans are more important than weapons
    Our decisions decide       whether our time together          Will be pleasant          Or        non-       pleasant
 I value your life 
   Involved in this war that will likely take it
   “-more than finding that weapon”
As   noted   that’s       a   valid   thing
But   doesn’t    have    much      value       in       an    enabling         war       and         a         poisoned    generation
   “Sir,      there’s        another       pod           out        there,”
    No      duh
   You    launched      from      the     same     place
  The            only        people     dead       are       the      ones         that       ran       into       that      debris
   And   exploded         On    contact
 There     was         a       gulf      of     flame
 Likely     from      the     impact       of      the      ship
  But     no   indication     that   anyone      else          died
 (Not       like      he   could’ve     just   willed      them     out      of     the     way     with     the   force        Or     not   splurged      on        the   exploding   escape    pods)
 “If only if we had power we could contact them,”
  Again you should be working on that
 Also what would that do?
 You’re both
   In the    pods    how   about      we just wave   Hello   when the viewfinder   comes back around?
Because that implies it will   rotate
 *Waves hand*          See?
  Completely      preventable
   Can     get out of this situation     at any time
  Like that glass is supposed to be   surprisingly strong
  Like plastic
I’m calling   bullshit
“They’re dead,”
One-hand    that extremely sucks        (The loss of life is a     terrible       thing)     Then again     completely     preventable
“ Someone         busted their pod       wide open,”
    Oh,         that’s clever         writers
      But      that looks shattered        from the impact
     That glass       is some           weird            stuff
       Really           I’m           just        sinning            the           fact               that           they         would          have         glass       anywhere           on            this      supposed           to          be         very       durable        space        pod
     Like        that        shit’s             a      safety         risk    regardless       of   where         it      is
 Time      to ravage their ship for any supplies  
  What, they’re dead?
They       won’t      be     using       it
  And         this         is   supposed       to       be        a      ‘life        or         death     simulation,’!
  “ We’re        not         alone        out            here!”
   Also       this        is      why         it’s         a      good       idea       to      get       down,    fix        the           ship       And     Get     Out
  (Why      you    even      have      a     window      when   cameras    would   suffice         ...)
 “ Set those coordinates,           R2,”
  “ I should tell you why       I spoke up    before,”
    That     would      be     nice
But     if it’s Overinvolvement of Plo Koon       in your          upbringing
    A few things should be         more   obvious
    “You don’t have to explain,”
      Anakin        was taught not to question                                         things
       Including dedication to            previous scouts
    Oh, the deadpan
Ahsoka             is having a bit too much   reaction
But ot’s justified    in      confusing          orders
   Good start
 That’s      a lot of Ships
   Nice music
   Very uppity
   With a sense of     authority
    Our ships    are in defensive formation          sir
 “Oh Obi-wan,”
 “Alright commander     I’ll check on Anakin’s progress,”
 You’re not     supposed to be here
 “How       goes        escort,”
He looks    terrified      of him
  Convoys     Are     preceding on schedule general
The   fact    he’s   used    to     answering     to   him    says   something
“No          sign of enemy                           activity,”
 “and      where’s        Skywalker,”
     “The         general felt the redeployment of this fleet would increase our defensive perimeter,”
        Dude’s            really on his case on respecting the            Council’s orders
       “I see        thank you            Admiral       that will be all,”
    Nice       chat
  Problem         Sir
“Anakin     has       just   redeployed    himself,”
  How        is     that     sus?
  Didn’t          You       Give           Him        Orders?
   Someone had to have given him some orders       that got missconstrued
   Then    someone       else      gave      him    orders?!
Rt,     set up the     scanner
Mystery Weapons    
No Rt,   tune the scanner     for life forms     Highest sensitivity
Interesting    Anakin was given more   orders      To value human   life          over objects/      The   Mission
Interesting enough   this could’ve been     what they referred to   as any more ships
As an      Anakin   and     Ahsoka    had   already    been   assigned
And   given   specific   orders   by someone   who spends more time with Anakin therefore has more authority   to ignore the other orders
My   moneys     on   the     chancellor
He’s    supposed   to be   grooming   Anakin
And     it makes sense     he could get away     with     a    “no other Jedi” order       without including       himself
Not to mention     get more time       with Anakin   to justify     the authority   override
I would   also   make     sense
Given   Obi-Wan’s    -bluff-?      (Whether      you   believe       he      did       or      did      not         know     about      the       order)           That        he          was     surprised         that       Anakin         wasn’t       responding          to           his         seniority*
 *Face   Value
“ Why   would     we      Scan     for   lifeforms      to     find      an   enemy   weapon?”
 Too     much        energy
“The Abogado system”
Too     much    amazement
   More    ‘statement’       needed
     Do you know normally I would        criticize this        but it has the perfect          half           assed         energy
      So           good job everyone involved         that took  skill
    “ so it’s fine when you don’t follow what the council      says,”
  Ooh       that’s a          miss
Doing   what    the   Jedi   Council   says   that’s   one  thing
 How     we     go   about      it,      that’s   another     thing
 That could possibly count for double   answers
  And does count for   misconstrued orders
Considering a lot of orders can be fit into a          lifetime
Some do contradict and mix   to form up     interesting   combinations
And results
“that’s what I’m trying to teach you   my young Padawan,”
Good   answer
“So   you   always   meant      to    come    out   here    for   survivors,”
Better      Read
“Live are in danger of     Ahsoka,”
“We just     can’t turn   our backs   on them,”
“That’s       what        I,”          No        good       try      that’s       too      much     emotion
   Tip         toeing        into   emotion   adult
  Watch it
   “ I know              But        the        way        you         said         it          was       wrong,”
     Now Anakin’s following
     Got to watch that        realistic tone
     It’s hard      not to write   emotional characters
   But it makes   the moments when they are   all the more sweeter
I’m really looking for that   ‘I realized my life was a lie’ moment
“We haven’t got much     time-”
“No           that’s not it-”
   Time for the   idiots!
     Well honestly the time with our Villains - enablers               - are just as       entertaining
it’s slow burn            But decently so
“We       don’t   want      to       make     things         worse,”
  “How      can       we        make     things     worse?”
 Death isn’t fun
“ When        you      ask       for      trouble,        you      should        not           be   surprised      when        it      finds        you,”
    OK      Boomer
    Who        has        never         helped          at         any          point             in          this        procedure              (And             is              the             big                g               est               enabler              of           anyone              here)                *Tox
“ I think trouble already found us, sir”
   Good job!
What if we connect these two     wires right here
It’s an     electrical   puzzle game
 I thought   something   was   actually   broken
“ I’m     getting        something,”
There are 14 minutes left
What goes wrong?
Despite     maybe a   fight
 They managed to figure   it   out   quicker
Now we get to listen to someone dying
In       extreme      detail 
  “That signal is weak, it must be close by,”
    Uh, what?
     I think          he might’ve        misspoke
      That’s            a         giant         Crane!
       I        don’t        know          what         to        expect
   But      that      was      not         it!
   Go          Get         ‘Um          Boys
    They’re        Normal         Droids
   “The       Droids          Are      Cutting      Behind        Us,”
Cutting.   through
   They      just      sat       by and watched as their friends die
  And we know    
Plo Koon can move   the   ship
“ Things got a lot worse,”
 And you watched    it happen
 Soco       -paths
 “The Scanners are practically useless “
   The Ship left
Shouldn’t the jamming signal   be gone too?
“ Got anything    on the emergency channel    R2?”
How   do you not?
please save those guys
Like they’re enablers
But I’m a fan of   accountability
Not       death
You   can’t   hold   dead     people      accountable
“ We   might    find   something    you   don’t   want    to   find,”
“ he’s     one      of     my   oldest   friends,”
 That      is     the   perfect    tone   good    job
“It was Master Plo   Koon Who found me   and brought me to the temple   where I belonged,”
Oh yeah   that doesn’t   smell of indoctrination!
“ I think someone noticed     We’re gone,”
Too much Emotion!
“Anakin,      where      are     you,”
Conflicting     orders
 “ we are making a quick stop      in the Avogadro system,”
  On point
   “A rescue mission I suppose,”
   “You had other       orders, you know,”
    I don’t like that someone else is      ordering you around       And has   higher   authority       Then      Me
“ it   was    my   idea   Master   Obi-Wan,”     
Too    Much     Argh-
“ oh I’m sure,”
You’re both child soldiers    
but I’m going to blame the   oldest
Despite   all orders
“ Well, have you found any survivors?”
 That is an “order to be sad’    Eye flicker
Good job
“ all the more reason for you to join the defensive   escorts,”
Adding   pressure to break   authority
“You’re      Going       to     Miss   the       rendezvous      With       The      Fleet         If      You     Don’t     Hurry,”
    I     want   you     to      be      my    back      up      escape     not         Plo’s
“We’re      on     our       way,”
   So   whoever    gave    him    this   order   didn’t   give      him     an   order    that   would   contradict   joining      the   fleet   afterwards?
“ i’m sorry         Ahsoka,”
  Wait,     what?
  He’s   getting   over   written?
  By    that?
  “R2-ooie        Thinks              He’s          Got        Something              On             The           Emer           gency,”
      Please-          Stop          calling          him              R2-ooie
      “Can he trace it?”
      “Let’s get going,”
“ I think they see us,”
Wait,       what  “Uh       -oh,”
   There’s     another        pod         over        there
    The      droids        got            a         lot        less        cute
     Also         the         droids         are            so           cute          for
    Genocidal            Manics
    “It        is        time        to         go,”
  Yeah your boss has essentially been letting you die this entire time
   “Outside, to destroy the enemy,”
    Again, could’ve done that anytime
   “ I can withstand the pressure for a   brief time,”
      Oh, that’s the     excuse
      To be fair I don’t think humans can be   either
      Not without seriously draining...
      I will give him that   notion
    Not, however,  not moving the     ship
    To safety
In fact all of this is just       badassery Like he could’ve easily rescued those guys and stop the, from the safety of the inside of his pod and without wasting the probably be limited oxygen       By going outside
   But         enablers
    “ Put         your            helmets          on,”
       I’m        about               to suck               all the oxygen             out of this                 damn                     thing
                “If                       you                        say                       so                       sir,”
                  ‘I’m                    willing                        to                         die                         for                         this,”
                   That                       one                       sane                       guy’s                        like
                    “ This                           is                           a                             difficult                      situation,”
                       Y’all                             making                             it
“ There remains a possibility we will   survive,”
That’s good enough for     me
Everyone besides that one dude is     down     for   death
Love   how   that   one   dude’s    just   staring    at   them
“Kick    their    ass,”
Also you waited till they were right on top of you
‘Wolf   keep   the   communication   signal   alive’
I mean is the oxygen on, is the   electricity?
Like you could do more than just     fight?
“It’s   our     only   chance   someone   will   find   us,”
“ Let’s just hope someone’s looking for us,”
This is enabling   hell
“ Are    we still   picking up   that   signal,”
“ but    why    aren’t     we     finding   anybody,”
 Are   you   following   the   signal?
“ I don’t know,”
I don’t know either
“ what’s           a       Jedi        doing       out     here?”
 Real question     what’s a random person   doing out here?
Like   are    these    droids   Plo Koon        fanboys?
If is anyone out there,        This is Ahsoka Tano,”
Seriously, you weren’t trying the transmissions   before?
 Oh so those guys had blasters?
And can stick to the roof
But     those   other   two   just   got   blown   out
Didn’t   want     to   fight
Accepted     Death
“I can’t get a clear shot,”
“ Time to put the squeeze on them,”
“ is there anyone out there?”
Dude not paying attention
 You had                    One Job
“ It’s Ahsoka,” Just press buttons
He can’t hear you   he’s outside in space
“ keep the signal   alive   commander,”
He has   a point
Dude’s    been   slacking
 “Boost       the     reception”
“Argh,”  - - -
“We’re        Losing       The     Signal,”
He   just     threw      a   fricker
 That’s all        it   took?
Death   seekers
“ Sir,       we have lost contact with the     Pod hunter,”
 Only    one?
Also yeah, after multiple people died     Plo Koon     finally decide to do something
“ Perhaps some survivors are putting up a fight,”
Big leap 
 More likely your   robots      fell off    something
“ that is something we   cannot   allow,”
Cut        To the   Senate
We must find a way to destroy     this mystery weapon
Don’t fly right into it
‘end this war,”
Not gonna   happen
“Dooku     always   seems,”
“Tell     me,!”
Looks    proper    creepy
“Master Plo       koon     Or         his    fleet,”
“No,   we must fear     the worse,”
After we did nothing to stop it
Go, enablers!
On whose   authority?
“His own   I’m afraid”
Someone     gave him an      order
 ‘His own’     only means you don’t know      Or are lying
But I’m going with     face value   for   Obi-Wan
With       His   flight     out   of   position
You trusted a teenager with a fleet
This is your own fault
Oh never mind   his fleet is fine
So Windu     was complaining out of his ass
And his Padawan
so whoever gave the order is fine with him having his Padawan
Oh yeah that does leave   Yoda sus
Twice the trouble     they have become
You gave them the order!     Abusive     old man
A reckless decision,        skywalker          has         made
   Teenagers             can’t              make            decisions
         “ Let                   us               hope                it                is                 not                   a                 costly               one
   “Well general another fine mess we’ve got ourselves into”
   The tox level is getting pretty   high
“ your sense       of humor       is improving,”
   No his ability to be a dick     is
   Well technically it was always there
    He’s just really utilizing it
Right now
  Toxic bastard
“ I don’t mean to say I told you so,”
Dude even a slight bit of accountability is acceptable   around now
Also wouldn’t the com’s guy be more accurate?
Pretty sure     he was the one     trying to guide everyone   away from death
“ I never believed anyone would come looking for us,”
“ Anakin, the council was furious”
I decided we couldn’t just give up on Master Plo Koon
“But     the council    feels,”
Please     listen to me     Anakin
Return       at   once
Okay here I’m a little conflicted
It could be literally anyone
“ Yes, Excellency,”
It is him
Good job   writers
“ we have         to        stay,”
Note I’m assuming the vision is a metaphor an action   order
         Because Visions     just no
         Too much emotion
He   allows   her   to     do   this
“ sergeant why are you so certain no one is coming,”
Because they’re enablers
And he’s     particularly     negative
He’s       a     person   that’s     his   choice
(That       you’re     enabling)
He     still     toxic
“ We’re just clones,sir,”
That’s          a     good       excuse
 The past trauma doesn’t justify     creating present trauma
You’ll be     held       accountable         the       same
“ we’re meant to be expendable,”
Yeah,   doesn’t justify this bullshit
“ Not to me,”
You       were       
In what occurred to     them
You enabled them
* This        Situation
 This      is       like      a       boomer     comforting         a     millennial     abuse       victim!
You       were       instrumental       in     what     happened       to     them
Point       being;          If       you    actually     cared     what       was       happening       you       would’ve       stopped     it       before     it       began!
Now       everyone’s     an       enabler
‘Light’,         assumed to be heroic     turns           into         actual       light
Okay, good
Was worried there. for         a second
Ready tow         cable
 Why wouldn’t -
Okay,       they’re moving him     towards the     door
Good        They        were          running        out       of       oxygen.                  Sometime                            There                       were                      no                       real                      stakes      
           “ Come on                     hurry!”
What’s the rush?
They’re fine
“ are you ok,     master Plo,”
All this work and build up      and he’s dead
“ there’s         someone          in           the        pod,”
That       poor           guy
Pretty       sure        he       was           the       one       who       least         wanted       to      die
“argh,       argh,”
Oh       now       there’s       health       problems
Now     that       they’ve         been       rescued
Was     talking      fine       just           a        few           minutes       ago
Sudden        medical     droid
When     both         Anakin         and           Ahsoka           should            know           how         to          do           first          aid
   Will          they          be          alright?
      Not               at                that                pace               they             won’t
And     with        that         acting 
 “The         pressure       suits       provide          some     protection”
   Some?            They              were       completely         fine           up           to            this        point
  “ but           they         require           a     medical       frigate,”
 Did they bother...?
Bringing you?
   “I         will     stabilize      them        sir,”
             Pics                      or                         it                       didn’t                 happen
            “Your                     men                      are                      safe                    now,”
                Dude                        he’s                   sleeping
“were      there       any       survivors,”
IDK, Mister      I′m gonna.   sit-around       while-     people-      Die!
       Probably          would’ve                 killed               them                 himself
 This        was         his     favorite        unit
*Fake         Guilt*
 After        he       caused           and           let           all           of          it       happen
    You          let           it     happen
    And          them
But      mostly         you
    Authority        -claimer
“ I’m           sorry,”
   Not        her         fault
   That.                This         Dude       Is                 An          Asshole
  So          Heading        to           the       big          battle
  Not.             A             word
*Plo’s      voice  
   *No             Plo*
Behind both of them??
Telling this story, why??
To a teenager??
Also       see        he’s fine
“ an ion cannon,”
Standing in front of it     surprisingly didn’t help
“An ion canon,”
 Some thing neither Plo                                                 nor                                                    the Jedi Academy apparently covered
“ neutralizing all power to our ships”
                  ‘Wow, if you knew all about it then why didn’t you make some.                           defenses to prevent from knocking you out’
                     ‘Shh, I’m sacrificing my men!’
                      “ Defenseless,”
                         ‘ yeah we obviously shouldn’t                                     alert the council            right now,’
“ massive vessel approaching,”
“ shut down the power systems,”
Okay,      Boomer
It’s not like we could contact the council
    While running!
“The droid”
Nearly         gets       everyone       killed
“Sorry       Little     guy,”
Don’t       get         down         or         anything
“ That’s           one            big          cruiser            crusher,”
     Yes            and          this              idiot             went           right            into            it!
*Intense       noises *
   Dude, they’re not going to see them
Yeah       it’s             big
“there’s still no signal from the pod- hunter,”
  That’s - repetitive
  Did you think it         would be 
   Like it’d           suddenly                come back online??
     This stupid quest for            someone else                  would end?
“Reactivate your scanners,”
   Turn it back off and       on           again
    “ We will find who is responsible,”
     Who could be no one
     Or left the system
“ hey what’s         with the lights,”
    “Power’s gone out,”
 Five minutes in         and already complaining
        Also shouldn’t you guys     be asleep
      After the cold vacuum of       space?!
 What did the robot         put you on??
“ Maybe the         ship has returned,”
   Now He’s          panting??
     Like dude,            didn’t even fight!
      We didn’t even            hear or see him get hurt                   at all
       (Only                squeezed!)
           What                 The-
*Getting         Caught*.                 “You          are          too       weak,”
Suddenly           and       only       now
 Would           make           more             sense             for            one           of           the         soldier-
              For                      Him-
The             Injur-
Also         doctor,               Maybe                  help              him   To              The           Location,           Summon                   Some               One               Or         Bring          him              to                 Bed
“ Let             me           go           see       what       is     wrong,”
  Uncomfortable                  close                  up                on           face
     Two           soldier            guys        Jump       Ing            Up             -            But            Like           -
 The...         Roles    should               Be                 Reversed
   You.      Should          Be        Him
    You.               Received                More          Damage...
*Mischief          Music*
  Still             Looking                at         the              ship
While          their             Ship                Hurdles             (Dangerously)          Close               To             a            Star      “We’re            Picking            up            a                    faint               signal         from          a         droid,”
Seriously,        That            was            Five         minutes            ago
 That                  Long?
 Catches                 a                signal?
 Also,           yeah,          so         what?
“One             of             ours,             they’re             right             behind        us,”
“Move.                        Us                   Into             Attack         Position,”
  1 to 10
   Real              Quickly
  Like he doesn’t even know     anyone’s on there
The ship he’s about to shoot   resembles          A       Wreck
      And              Could         Very         Well               Be                  One
    With         Only         a        droid          On           It
      Like                 Dude            is          Just        Down           To          Blow              Stuff             Up !
     They’re         Coming             Back
      “Are            All           Systems...”
  I paused      At the
Tumblr media
Five Nights       at Freddy’s         Bullshit
  Anyway,                     After        That        Bull-     terror-        Fuel
 Yeah       Shit’s       fuck     ed
“Is there       A Pro       Blem -s      -ir?”
  “You       for-”
   That       Dude         Had         One       Use,        Not         Even         Why?
  Power       Back        On
  Which       You    should’ve        done      from       the   beginning!
You’re    smaller         And     faster  
 “Can               I          Be          of      Assistance?”
 NIGHTMARE              FUEL!
*Who-        ever         Tho     ught       This         Thing          Would          Be            Com         Fort            ing?!            !
    That             Is            My         Programming         Sir
“General           I         Don’t        Want       Any       Wit     ness        es,”
Your   ship      Is   so   big   And     Difficult       To    Maneuver
 Any     scout      ship   could     out     maneuver!
“En    -er       -gize,”
Still       It         Only       Points         One        Dire       -ction        And        Moves          Like             A           Barrel             Ing            Ox!
   “Program           the          Navi        computer,”
  You- “You             We turned        Off!”                    Forgot                    Him
                        Appreciated but                                Still too                                   Much                                       Sass
    Aww, nice
   He was        gentle
    “ ~~~         Droid,”
   I’m going           to assume       “You nearly               Fucked               Every          Thing             Up,”             Is           What               That            Means
       “ Target             range            almost              locked,               sir,”
         They’re                   Not               Gonna                Make                     It               If              They              Don’t            Move             Slightly                To                The              Left!
    “Program             a      Hyper-drive,”                   What?!!
     “Any where!”
     “Enemy          ship          target            ed          Gen             er              al,”
   Going         to            the       Prometheus       School            of       running         away          from           things
      (You           Can           Literally             See              The            Ed              ges)...
       This              Was             Your              Plan
  Good job     *Turns)
  We’re        Clear
  Plo       Koon         Not      Sitting      Down
    Like        How        Does             He             Know??
    Now         the       republic         will        learn         of        our        ion       cannon
            Then don’t-
      Like        a scout-
                     I just                              Don’t                         Think                         They                          Cared
                      Dooku                           Quiet
                      ‘Sidious                                Is                            going                                 To                              Beat                             Our                              Ass
                     “Your                           Failure                           is                           most                      unfortunate,”
   Correction;         *Yours
       “ I will              have              to            discuss               this               with              my                master,”
     Get Back             To            Work’
        There’s                 That           Abuse                 Of              in superiors,              I was                    Looking              For
     ‘Roger,          Roger’
  *Grievous            Head       Pressed           To        That           Board,”
     Ship             Brig            ade
      Impress            Ive
        Dock            ed          Sur            Prised
      “Thanks               for               getting             us              out            of          there            in            one           piece,”
      ‘It’s           More          Than           Master           Koon             Would             ‘ve           done!”
        Even                if              you           have              no         choice          since         you’re          just              a        compilation             of          orders !
      Too             Much        Personality           Also         Didn’t         Happen
“General Plo said someone would come for us,” nobody said in the most enabling way and seemed to imply enablers
   Also, again, child soldier
Skywalker it’s time to give our report to the council
    That            Just       Doesn’t-           Hit            Right
      Too          Much           Person-          Ality
  “C’mon      Ahsoka,”
  “You       Want        Me      There,”
  He needs you   there
    The       Council           Pret       -ty            Much          Ordered         Him            To            Take          Care                  Of             You           (If we’re          follow-ing           non-stupid              logic?)
     “ I figure           because            of                before,”
      He HAS TOO
       ‘I was ordered to            by a bunch of Deranged sociopaths             who think child soldiers             was a good idea,”
        “You did              A              Great job,”
        Line work,            Wasn’t so            Good, near              the end
     “ but if I’m getting in trouble              for this,              You           share            the       blame         too,”
        I             feel           like          there        was          a        tortured         attempt            to       connect            it          back          to       Dooku          and     grievous        but         that         only      works   because        they’re       adults         capable          of        Malician,”
  “ Right       besides          you       Sky Guy,”
                        First off; 
                   Misleading title
                   Nothing really                  escalates
             (Nothing really rises                Except for               the Introductory                sec                            Which                    will                   make                  you                    feel                       like                  you’re                    in                high tides
               Before                    Red                     Please                       For                    the                    Love                       of                      You,                      Skip                        to                          the                         Red)
             As we            don’t really           have a scale
       Enablers do things
       It’s not really a scale of an            intensity
       Nothing basic yet
     The plot I feel was on the     weaker side
     Finding a weapon from     out of nowhere
     ‘ oh wait we know everything it does,’
      Didn’t really come to a conclusion
    But assuming they might follow it   up
    As for now I feel that    they really could’ve gone for a       Fight ending
  Really hyping   up this weapon
  In Master Koon’s       Return
 Only for     us     to see nothing
  In      terms of    an equal battle
  But, hey, maybe that comes in to play later
         The one thing I can say really improved
   Or was just better/ Good to see
                  Was the better writing                          Of the                      Child                           Characters
          There were     a few       minor           Slip          Ups         Here        And       There         Especially         Near          The             End
         Where there was a line
          “ You did a great                                         job!”
          That sounded...
         Well it sounded like something from one of those cheap         TV shows
        Or commercials
     * hopefully not too harsh
I don’t    hold    Any    grud      ges
        It was just an awfully recorded line
        Any way next is; Shadows of Maleviolence
0 notes