#(like I don’t understand why people think this way???)
tender-rosiey · 3 days
The sukuna with a shy daughter was sooo good. I loved it! Can we have more of them where its just sukuna and his baby girl in different situations and theres a lot of people and he has to deal with his brat?
peasant food — ryomen sukuna x f!reader
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a/n: i am a big fan of sukuna with a shy daughter so i am super glad you like it too
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right now, you’re standing beside your dear husband sukuna who stands with his arms crossed, watching with a frown as your daughter hands out food to the poor.
you almost let out a giggle, but then you feel his hand squeeze your hip in warning.
you huff in protest; however, he doesn’t let you dwell on it for long, as he hands you a necklace he just…acquired from somebody.
your little girl, on the other hand, with her wide eyes and gentle smile, kneels by a villager, offering him a bowl of rice.
“here you go,” she says sweetly, her tiny voice almost drowned out by the village noise. “you must be hungry.”
sukuna’s brow twitches as he clenches his jaw. “what in the hell are you doing?” his deep voice rumbles, earning a few fearful glances from nearby villagers. they recognize him, of course. the king of curses himself.
nobody dares to approach.
d/n looks up, flustered by her father’s glare. “I’m giving them food, papa. they’re hungry,” she answers, trying to keep eye contact, but she gives up half-way through and looks away.
sukuna’s eye twitches. “you’re supposed to cause pain,” he growls, leaning down with his arms crossed, looming over her tiny form. “not make people happy.”
you stifle a chuckle, placing a gentle hand on sukuna’s arm. “she’s just being kind,” you murmur, amused by his growing frustration.
sukuna throws you an incredulous look before turning back to his daughter. “kind? they don’t need kindness. they need fear, suffering. let them be hungry.”
“but… papa, that’s mean,” she protests, her little face scrunching up, and her lips wobble a bit. “they’re sad because they’re hungry. don’t you want them to be happy?”
sukuna steps back, his face twisting in disgust. “no. I don’t want them to be happy,” he replies right away. the coldness in his tone is enough for the nearby villagers to flinch.
you shake your head, eyes flitting and watching some of the villagers finally scramble away.
he looks at you with a small click of his tongue. your daughter, however, just looks up at him with innocent eyes, blinking slowly like she doesn’t understand why he’s so upset.
“b-but I like it when people smile,” she insists softly, handing another bowl of rice to a small child who hesitantly approaches. “it feels… nice.”
sukuna groans, running a hand down his face in sheer exasperation. “you’re supposed to be a curse, not some…do-gooder.”
he looks at you as with a quick side-eye.
“I think it’s sweet,” you say, shrugging lightly. “she’s got your stubbornness, you know.”
sukuna glares at you, then back at his daughter, who continues to hand out food, humming happily.
“I can’t believe this,” he mutters, watching her with narrowed eyes. “you’re lucky you’re my daughter,” he grumbles under his breath, crossing his arms again.
your daughter stands up after giving away the last of the food, her face glowing prideful but still timid, as she tries to convince her father with her point of view. “see, papa? they’re happy now.”
“you’re impossible,” he grunts, reaching down to ruffle her hair, though he tries to hide the fondness in his movements. the sharpness of his look returns a little as he says, “this doesn’t mean I approve.”
your daughter nods cautiously, before fidgeting with her fingers. ultimately, she decides on something. “do you want some rice, papa?” she asks softly, holding up an empty bowl.
sukuna scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I don’t eat peasant food.” he straightens up, glaring at the remaining villagers who are brave enough to linger nearby.
with just one look, they scatter, leaving the streets eerily quiet.
“but it’s nice!” your daughter insists, her voice earnest as she pouts slightly, her cheeks puffing out in frustration. “please, papa?”
you can’t help but chuckle at the sight of her trying to negotiate with him, and you lean in closer, nudging sukuna with your shoulder. “maybe just a taste? for her sake? please, honey.”
sukuna’s brows furrow in thought, and he glances between you and your daughter, who is practically bouncing on her toes with hope.
he crosses his arms again, acting indifferent. “fine. just a small bite. but I’m not doing this because I want to. understand?”
“okay!” your daughter replies, earnestly, her face lighting up as she dashes to a nearby vendor who is still watching with cautious interest.
sukuna watches her go, shaking his head. “unbelievable,” he mutters, but there’s no real anger in his voice now. it’s more of a begrudging acceptance.
“who would’ve thought you’d have such a kind-hearted little girl?” you tease, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“she’s a curse’s daughter, not a saint,” he replies, but there’s a softness in his tone that you recognize.
his gaze follows your daughter, who is now engaged in a small conversation with the vendor about the best rice. “she should be causing chaos, not handing out food like some charity.”
you laugh lightly, leaning your head against his shoulder. “maybe this is her form of chaos. besides, look how happy she is.”
sukuna’s expression shifts, and you can see the conflicting emotions playing out on his face. he wants to be frustrated, to be the fearsome king of curses that everyone knows him as, yet here he is, watching his daughter bring joy to others.
your daughter returns, bowl in hand, and holds it up proudly. “here, papa! just a taste!”
he takes the bowl and raises it to his lips, taking a small, measured taste of the rice.
“well?” your daughter prompts, her eyes wide with anticipation.
he chews slowly, contemplating the flavor as if he’s analyzing a potent curse. you can see the wheels turning in his mind, weighing the taste against his own expectations.
“it’s... not terrible,” he finally admits, and your daughter squeals with delight, jumping up and down.
“see? I told you!” she exclaims, surprising sukuna as it is the first time he has seen her so excited. “it’s good, isn’t it?”
sukuna shoots you a look that says he’s still not convinced, but the corner of his mouth lifts slightly, revealing a hint of amusement. “you’ve successfully managed to corrupt my child,” he mutters to you.
“awesome,” you grin, “do I get a reward for being able to corrupt like you do, my husband?”
he rolls his eyes then presses a firm—borderline aggressive—kiss to the top of your head. you pull away and frown, “you tryna squish my head or something?”
“you ask for affection, but can’t handle it?” he tilts his head, a slight smirk on his unfairly handsome face.
“mama, how did you speak in drawings?”
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize
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~ 04.10 - Neuvillette ~
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Dom!reader x sub!Neuvillette - reader is gender neutral
Warning: boss (neuvi) /assistant (us) relationship, neuvi & reader are both virgins~, vent fingering, bathtub, heat (implied), dragon anatomy, rubbing his dicks together, mind break, sub space, breaking into his house (lol)
~ Word count: 6.8k ~
Nini!rant: special thanks to @sh1-n0bu for explaining her reptile kink to me <3
Kinktober list 2024
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It was sunny on that day, no clouds were in sight, only the clear blue sky could be seen. The bustling sounds of the people are echoing from every corner, whispers akin to the buzzing of bees reached your ears. “Did you hear…” one of the shopkeepers murmured, “our archon, she…” another person commented. As always, people seemed to love gossip or rumors.
You couldn’t blame them, their curiosity was justified. Normally you would have wanted to eavesdrop a little more, but not this time, because you had other things to worry about. Today you were going to get a different position at work, all you hoped for was that it wouldn’t be worse than the previous one. You took the elevator upstairs, then made your way to your workplace, where you’ll have to deal with nasty higher-ups again.
If it were for you, you’d fire them all, every single one of them couldn’t do anything yet bosses their subordinates around like they are worth less than dirt. Not to mention all those unreasonable rules, who in their right mind would remember them all? After a short walk, you reached the Palais Mermonia. Hectic footsteps emerged from the building, the source was without fail beneath that unnecessarily huge door. With a final sigh, you opened that door and went inside.
First things first, since they told you that you were going to go to a new department, you had to wait in front of the office of your boss until he assigned you a new role. He was the chief justice of fontain and thus had his own room. It was the last chamber on the right. When it was finally your turn, you heard someone else opening the heavy entrance and walking in. No, not just one, many people, a big group of them, alongside photographers snapping pictures.
That wasn’t your business, so you ignored it and went on with your own life. You put on a fake smile as you greeted that old, insufferable boss of yours, “Good morning Monsieur, what can I do for you?” Your soft and calm tone, honed to perfection, was as flawless as ever. Not a single soul could guess your true feelings beneath that facade. Slowly you got closer to his desk, and he finally notices you.
“You are here, y/n.” He noted, without returning your greeting. “You know you are getting a new job, an important one at that. Don’t fail me.” That man said as he stared right into your eyes, a poor try to intimidate you. “Yes, I understand. May I know the nature of my work?” Despite his impoliteness, you replied in a professional manner. In truth you were sick and tired of this, why did they always have to beat around the bush? It was such a waste of time.
If in the end you have to work overtime because this superior of yours won’t stop yapping, you were really going to throw hands.
“You will see soon.” He said and pointed toward the couch on the left side of the room. You sat down on it soon after, not questioning all this strange behavior. How you hated this, but regrettably the pay was too good. After a short while, the door opened, and the crowd's screams seeped into the room. It got muffled again when the door got closed, the only sounds remaining were the footsteps of two individuals.
You didn’t think much about it and stayed seated, your boss on the other hand got up immediately and welcomed the two guests with open arms. He put on a cheerful air as he said, “Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to visit this humble place, our dearest hydro archon! You as well… errr.. Monsieur!”
Wait what?
Did you hear that right? The hydro archon, focalor? What is she doing here! How could it be that someone like you would be granted the chance to meet her in such a close and intimate setting? This has to be a joke, this has to be- “no need to thank us, please, I have to be the modest one in this situation.” She spoke, her voice was soft like silk, she’d be a great singer. “No way, I’d never dare to disrespect our archon like that. Y/n, you come here too and greet our archon!”
You heard that man call out to you, so you hurried over. There she was, a lady with beautiful long silver-white hair who owned a strong aura. This was no joke, she was the real deal. “Please excuse this citizen, I humbly greet the hydro archon.” You bowed, trying your utmost to be the best version of yourself. From the corners of your eyes, you saw a tall male standing behind the archon. He also looked important, as well as strong.
The way he stood there was confident and serious, something about him told you he wasn’t human. That feeling was supported by his appearance. Putting aside the fact that he was astonishingly beautiful, his hair was also long and white, and some blue strands could be seen on top of his head. Also, he was definitely filthy rich, his clothes were the top quality and looked like the meticulous work of a private designer. Just what did you put yourself into?
Focalor smiled gently, a parent-like smile as she spoke, “It’s alright, I should thank you for taking care of my friend here. Please do your best.” Now you were genuinely confused, this was beyond your comprehension. Was it something only high-ranking people understand? Was it a quiz? You don’t remember helping someone whose Titel was the friend of an archon.
Before you got the time to ponder over her words, she already explained it, saying, “From today onwards, my friend here will take over the job of chief justice. That means you’ll work under his command. But you see, he isn’t good with people, so I’d like to ask you to take care of him.” If this man here will become the new judge, then… you turned over to your now ex-superior, staring at him blankly. “I’ll retire soon, work hard y/n.” He said while smiling irritatingly, before patting you on the shoulder, as if he’s proud of you or something.
How you despised him. Did this really have to happen so spontaneously? Couldn’t they have given you a goddamn warning? A heads-up? You couldn’t get angry though, not in the presence of your deity. “I.. ehm, I accept this job with great gratitude.” You eventually uttered, not knowing what to do in such a situation. Well, you didn’t have a choice, did you?
“Good, how fabulous, then may I request for you to leave the room first?” The archon said as she turned over to look at your ex-boss, and he rushed out of the room just like how he rushed to them the moment he heard their footsteps. Somehow you wished he stayed because it was really suffocating standing there on your own. “I only have one more thing to discuss with you.” Focalor stated, before continuing with, “Can I ask you for a favor?”
You nodded in agreement, replying with a yes. “Could you teach him how to behave like a human? As you probably noticed, he isn’t of the same race as you, but I’d like for him to live among humans freely.” She smiled widely again, bringing forth a sense of comfort. Despite that, you were still hesitant and on edge. The words she voiced out; not human, teaching… it sounds like you’ll have a lot of extra work in the future. Also, how do you teach someone how to be human? Isn't it more of an instinct kind of thing, do you just tell him to have common sense?
“Great! It put me at ease to see my friend here got such a caring assistant, please take care of him in my stead.” Your archon smiled brightly, waving the other person goodbye as she left. Now this is awkward. You were standing face to face with your new superior, someone who was way more important than your previous boss. How great, this is only increasing the pressure at work. With a final sigh, you swallowed the nervousness down and began introducing yourself, “Nice to meet you, I’m y/n, and from today onwards I am your assistant, feel free to ask me anything.”
This should suffice, right? You had to adapt to your new position very quickly, to not seem unreliable, all you hoped for was that he wouldn’t be worse than the last one. “My name is Neuvillette, I’ll be in your care then.” He said while looking at you with his pretty eyes. His eye makeup was very beautiful, or were these markings?
Nonetheless, he was quite the eye candy compared to your ex-boss. Suddenly another concern popped up in your mind, what if he’s a player, or super arrogant? You quickly threw away these thoughts, it would be unfair to judge someone based on their appearance alone. Even though you still hesitated, you forced out a bright smile as always and uttered, “I’ll show you what kind of work you can expect.”
Contrary to what you feared, Neuvillette was very hard-working. He really wanted to do this job well, and he adapted to the position of chief justice very quickly as well. Less than a week later, he was ready to take on court cases and judge the convicts by himself. On the other hand, he didn’t understand humans and their emotions at all. It was difficult for him to learn their manners, especially the meaning of empathy.
He understood the basic concepts, like if someone lost something then they’d be sad. But why should their friend grieve with them as well, they didn't lose anything right? One of his problems was that he couldn’t read between the lines, so if someone didn’t tell him how they felt, he wouldn’t have the slightest clue.
You thought it was due to his rather emotionless nature since he never seemed happy or sad before. He always wore this serious and nonchalant expression, carrying out his duties with the utmost professionalism. He was the perfect judge who stayed clearheaded in every situation, and he was also a great superior. Just saying but, gosh, he finished his work so quickly it was amazing. Also one of the first things you taught him was how to be nice to one’s subordinates, and he’s been following your advice nicely.
Honestly? You enjoyed working under him. Your pay got raised, and you got to take care of a pretty boy. Sure, the hours increased by a bit, but it wasn’t as dramatic as you thought. Sometimes you’d even bring him lunch because you liked his attitude and wanted him to stay until you retire. It was also quite funny how dense he was, things that were normal for you were weird for him. Whenever you saw his perplexed face while studying humans, you couldn't help but chuckle under your breath.
One thing that you noticed after he came to fontain was how the weather worsened. Fontain wasn’t known for having long periods of bad weather, so it was strange how much it rained lately. Well, who knows, it probably doesn’t have a logical explanation behind it anyway. For now, you had to organize these court documents before handing them to 'monsieur' Neuvillette again, humming to yourself as you looked over them. Check.. and check, huh, looking good.
Now you had to find him, where could he be? He wasn’t at the Palais Mermonia, so perhaps he went on a walk? Or was he at his home? The next judgment was going to start in less than an hour, and the chief justice always had to arrive early, even if technically everyone would wait for him to start.
He mentioned to you before how he wished to do his work seriously, and that you had permission to do whatever to teach him if necessary. That’s why you were at his doorstep, knocking on the door while sweat formed on your forehead. You ran all the way here since you didn’t want his reputation to be tarnished by being late. The two of you would need to go to the opera house later as well, and that will take some time too. “Excuse me, Monsieur Neuvillette…?” You called out to him, no response. Weird.
Should you try and look through the windows? Or maybe he’s at the opera house already? That could be it, he has never been late after all. Before leaving completely, you tried to open the door just as a last resort, turning the doorknob. To your surprise, it opened, so the door wasn’t locked. “Huh..?” You gasped, feeling a little nervous now. Why was his door not locked, and should you really just walk inside? After pondering over it for a while you came to the conclusion, well, why not! If he was there, then you’ll quickly get him, and if not you’ll act like it never happened.
Since your reason was important as well, it should be all alright, right? With that being said, you carefully slandered through the halls of his house. His home was very modest, it didn’t reflect his position at all. With his authority, he could have gotten himself a mansion, but he settled for average? Nonetheless, you kept going, opening the doors carefully as if they were out of porcelain. Until you heard a noise. It was muffled through what seemed like a door, was Neuvillette still there or it was an intruder? Somehow you didn’t want to take another step anymore.
You eventually reached the root of the noise, and more sounds emerged from behind the door. It kind of gave you Deja vu, but you weren’t sure what exactly. After much consideration, you just simply opened that door, and warm air instantly hit your face. The room was so hot and full of condensed water, was it a bathroom or sauna?
You squeezed your eyes shut, then blindly entered the room, hands fluttering around to try and find something to hold on to. Then you touched something akin to porcelain, or was it acrylic? When you opened your eyes again, you stood right in front of Monsieur Neuvillette, who seemed to be sleeping in the bathtub. All naked.
It was an understatement to say you were stunned. You were so speechless that you didn’t move for a good minute. What should you do? He is sleeping and hasn’t noticed you yet, should you just wake him up? But this situation was kind of inappropriate. After all, you just intruded into his home and invaded his privacy. Time seemed to pass so slowly, yet you still haven’t come to a conclusion. In the end, you decided to stop being such a wimp and wake him up, then apologize to him a thousand times.
When you gradually got closer to him, you got a better look at his body. His skin was so perfect, smooth, and pale, like these models in magazines. Though he had scales located near his pelvis, which you thought was fascinating. So, when the hydro archon said ‘not human’, she meant a mermaid? There were no mermaid tails to see, perhaps he’s hiding them? Damn, how curious you were, even so, you decided to ask him later since you had other problems at hand. Gently, you nudged his body, hoping that would be enough to wake him up.
Nothing happened.
Then, you shook his shoulder, trying to be tender with him. Still nothing. You sighed, asking yourself what to do. A few moments later his eyelids twitched, and it shocked you to the core, you felt your soul leaving your body for a split second. Now that it has come to this, you were kind of embarrassed. Waiting patiently for him to notice your presence. “Uh.. y/n? What are you doing here?” Neuvillette asked, eyes still half-lidded as he slowly turned to look at you.
“I’m so sorry, Monsieur Neuvillette, but we have a court case in a few-” You stopped abruptly, noticing how his face was all red. “Are you alright, sir?!” In the blink of an eye, you reached out to his face and pressed your palm against his forehead, testing his temperature with your hand. He was burning, did he get a fever or was it because of the water? “This doesn’t look good.. should I postpone the court case?” You mumbled under your breath and pulled your hand back, not noticing the slight blush on his cheeks at your bold moves.
To your surprise, the male commented, “Your hand.. it’s cold, it feels nice.” It seems he really is sick, damn it, you should have taken better care of him. He probably got sick because he worked too much. “I’ll call a doctor, please wait a second.” You proposed, but he denied your idea. “It’s not a big deal, it’s probably because I've been bathing in hot water.” The boy said and stared up at you, his lashes were all wet just like his hair.
Despite the guilt gnawing at you, you had to admit he looked irresistible right now, and the fact that he was all naked was not helping. After more hesitation, your desire won against your reason, and your consciousness was killing you. Should you really do this? You kept asking yourself that question. The thing you were going to do, was it morally correct?
Before you found the answer to that question, you opened your mouth and said half-jokingly, "I understand. But, Monsieur Neuvillette, did you know? There is a very unique human custom that you haven't learned yet." His eyes widened a little, head tilted to the side as he mumbled, "Yes? And what is it?" You swallowed the guilt down your throat and responded, "Our current situation fits the requirements, so following that tradition.. uhm... we could do something… fun, if you want." Look at that unsure tone in your voice, were you trying to convince him or yourself?
Neuvillette looked at you in confusion, waiting for you to continue your story. Eventually, you did exactly that, whispering in a low voice, "It means I could, if you allow it… er, t-touch here..." Out of nowhere, your hand reached downwards, and the sound of water splashing around followed close behind. “Somewhere around here.” He could feel your fingertips brush over his pelvis, and a dark blush covered his face. "I-I see, is it... um, really a custom?" The male shyly looked away, he wasn't sure what to think about this, was it really a cultural thing?
At the same time, he was curious, he wanted to know how humans interacted and worked, so he had to experience it firsthand to understand them. "We don't have to if you don't want to try." You quickly told him, hoping that he was oblivious enough to believe that crazy story. Instead of agreeing, Neuvillette grabbed your wrist and brought it to his crotch. His cheeks were even redder than before as he admitted, "I— I want to try then... I want to learn more about humans."
You could swear you were getting dizzy as well, feeling your cheeks heat up at the sweet voice and erotic display of the male. The uncomfortable yet determined look on his face, and how his body was subconsciously begging you to touch him. Even so, he was your boss, should you really do something like this with him? Your hand kept lingering over his private area, itching to touch him but too worried to actually do it. “Hurry up..” he groaned, and any concerns you had dissipated. “Then.. please lay back and leave it to me.”
Gently, you told Neuvillette to let go of your wrist, and he stayed put all obediently. Seeing how easily he did as you said sent a shiver down your spine, and you started rubbing his belly, causing him to tremble slightly. Neuvillette closed his eyes and sealed his lips together. Your touches moved slowly but surely lower, until your delicate fingertips caressed the baby blue scales above his vent. His breath hitched in his throat, anticipation filling him as well as fear. From that moment onwards, he was yours. His heart beat like crazy, and all because of you, only for you.
On the other hand, you were amazed with his anatomy. The scales were hard and sturdy, but the more you rubbed those beautiful things, the more they softened. It only took a short moment before the male started panting quietly, eyes still pressed into a thin line as he refused to look at you, all due to his own embarrassment.
How cute, you thought. The way he was underneath you with his face flushed like some love-struck maiden encouraged you to go further. This was also how you found out his eyeliner wasn't makeup instead he was born that way. What a beautiful being he was, so breathtaking that he could be an angel sent from the heavens.
The water was clear like glass, you could see everything through it, from his vent to his milky thighs, all of it was laid bare for your eyes to feast on. At first, you wondered if he had a cunt since it looked like one but also not. It didn't bother you in the slightest though. Later on, when you got to the point where you caressed the scales right on his lips, you saw how two dicks slowly emerge from that slit. As if they grew inside him, to the point they were noticeable from the outside.
Right, if that wasn't astonishing enough, there were two? Hah, how incredible! He was really different from humans, and it only intrigued you even more. Neuvillette on the other hand looked so embarrassed, he was never this exposed to anyone, and he also never touched himself there. So you are the first to explore that area, to see this vulnerable, emotional side of his. His expressions were just so pretty~
The fact that he had two dicks was extraordinary, no doubt, but for now you were more invested in that vent of his. With little caresses that were akin to the soft crawls of a kitten without claws, you rubbed the edge of his cunt. "Uh- uhm..! Y/n, please be gen-gentle with me..." He pleaded in a weak voice, hands thrown over his mouth to hide his humiliating noises.
You nodded before caressing that part of him in earnest, and it was so soft, it was way softer than what you imagined. Honestly, you couldn’t even believe what the heck you were doing right now. Playing with him like this, the sheer audacity got you all nervous and lustful. This power struggle was really hot in your opinion. How did things even come to this point? He was only taking a bath, so how are you suddenly doing inappropriate things with him?
The only annoying thing was the water because it kept washing away his natural lubricants. God, you wanted to do so many things to him, to your boss nonetheless, you were so shameless. Then an idea crossed your mind, could you perhaps fit your finger inside that space? Why not try it out..? Gently, or as gently as you could since you had to squeeze a little, you managed to stick your middle finger inside him. It wasn’t even fully in him, yet he was already gasping and moaning.
Hands clenched around the edge of the bathtub, enough for his veins to become noticeable. His insides were so soft and squishy, and the way the edges clenched around your fingers as well as how his dicks twitched was just so erotic. The scales on either side were shining like peals, they had long become soft unlike before. You licked your bottom lip, feeling a sense of lust course through your body.
His pleasure-ridden expression brought you further down this hypnotizing feeling of want and need. “Wha-what is this..?” Neuvillette gasped, gazing at you with a look of confusion and embarrassment. Is this how it is supposed to feel? He did want you to touch him, but this was kind of shameful, yet he didn’t know why. It just felt inappropriate but amazing, he's not even sure if he should stop it or encourage you.
“Y/n… ah, I, mhmm!!” Right before he finished his sentence, you pushed your finger deeper into him, until your digit was buried in his vent to the knuckles. This was quite the fight, though it was worth it. His mouth hung wide open at this point and his entire being was shaking in ecstasy. After making sure he was doing alright, to some extent, you started moving your finger.
Of course, the poor and innocent Monsieur who had never had anyone touch him there yelped in surprise, he didn’t even know you could reach that deep inside! Oh but now he feels like he was being stretched to his limit, and filled to the brim. There was no way he could take any more than this, there was just no way. Your fingers felt so good, he was too ashamed to admit but he loved the feeling of clenching around them, that was all he knew.
He didn’t know the reason why it felt good, nor why he liked it, so he blamed it all on his instincts. "So this is why humans have this custom, it's because it feels so hot and, good..." Neuvillette uttered under his breath, drool was handing out from his lips already. Suddenly you curled them slightly, to press and poke at his soft walls. “Ah-…ah.?!” The dragon couldn’t help but mewl again, his thighs were trembling, causing the water inside the bathtub to splash around.
“This is so fun, isn't it, Monsieur Neuvillette~" You teased while pleasuring him with your finger. "Hu-huh..? uhh- I think so.. er, please address me in-informally in these settings..." He suddenly said, seemingly flustered at the fact that you were using his official title. His adorable words were so cute that you couldn't help yourself again, leading to you rubbing his spongy insides. “HnnGH!! Please… no mo-more..” the male then begged you so sweetly you thought you were going to overdose.
What a pitiful guy, tears were collecting in the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill at literally anything. Then it started to rain, the sound of soft raindrops hitting against the bathroom window served as nature's background music for you. “Aw, you want me to stop, Neuvillette?” His two dicks both twitched at the mere mention of his name, precum collecting around his aquamarine tip. Now that you mentioned it, his cocks were fading into blue from his base onwards.
On another note, Neuvi would have been all sticky with precum now if it wasn’t for the water neutralizing it. “I-I mean.. uhh, no, don’t stop haaah...” The male gently placed his hand on top of yours, trying to keep your touch from leaving his body. “I don’t plan on.” You admitted, then used your other hand to jerk off his dicks, taking both with one hand and rubbing them against each other.
“UgGhHH..!! Too much, too- mhm..!” He complained again, to which you responded with, “Aw, don’t be such a fuss, doesn’t it feel good?” There was no denying it because both of you knew he liked it a lot, his expressions revealed it all. “Nghh, i.. I mean-, uhMMm!” It almost annoyed him how his own moans kept interrupting his sentences. Seriously, it was difficult enough to talk and think about how to form coherent sentences, and then his humiliating whines just had to ruin it.
You were enjoying yourself. Oh, you definitely were. His beautiful silver hair was soaked in the water, shining as if stars descended just to decorate his locks. That handsome face of his was tainted with a bright pink, a huge contrast to his normally pale complexion. The tears which were on the verge of falling finally rolled down his cheeks, or was it just the water of the bathtub? Nonetheless, he looked pretty damn erotic in that moment, so beautiful you were dazed.
Neuvillette noticed you staring, which is why he avoided your gaze, feeling too ashamed to hold eye contact. Yes, he felt hot and was craving whatever you could give him, but this side of his was simply too pathetic and lewd! Gradually, the sound and intensity of the rain increased. It kept hitting the window, so you could hear how it got louder and louder, people also started to run under random roofs to keep themselves dry. After you were sure he got used to your finger, you tried to add another one.
“AhHhh! Mhm, no..! There is no-no space left...!” Once again he was trashing around, complaining, making water spill over, wetting you in the process. “Shh, it’s alright, you can do it Neuvillette, I’m sure you can.” You whispered some words of encouragement to him, praising him while you were at it. He heeded your words, trying hard to accommodate your second digit, because he wanted to do it for you. Eventually, he managed to fit both of them inside, even if it was a long journey, “Ah- ahh.. this is, mHffFhm.. your fingers feel to-too gooood♡♥︎?!”
The boy groaned and whimpered, sobbing behind a face of uncontrollable lust. Each of his moans were a blessing from the heavens for your ears, making your heart flutter as if you were going to enter paradise. He was such an angel after all, wasn’t he? That gorgeous white hair he got could be mistaken as a trait of an angel, not to mention his pure and virtuous personality, if he told you he was an envoy of god you would have believed him with no doubts.
“So stunning.” After thinking all of that, you couldn’t help but compliment him again, all while you stretched his vent with all the tenderness in the world. “NGhHh.. m- uhhmm, y/n, please, I want more..” Neuvillette begged you sweetly, eyes half-open as he embraced this perverted side of his. You were genuinely surprised by his words, you didn't expect to hear him plead for more, hence you stopped your movements for a split second. Damn it, you thought he was just an innocent little mermaid, but maybe there is more to it?
To be honest, you were really into all of this as well. Normally he was your superior whom you had to follow and obey like a loyal dog, but now he was like your cute and adorable little pet, begging for you to play with him. How unpredictable the world is, and you didn't mind it at all. Just looking at him was enough to make you happy, and now you got him wrapped around your finger like it. You were ecstatic!
While you were immersed in the perverted appearance of your boss, you subconsciously trusted your fingers in and out of him, ending with him crying out repeatedly and almost creating cracks in the acrylic due to his tight grip. “AaHHhh!! OOHHh..<3! Mhm, too muOochH, fa-fAasterrr.!♡♡♡~!!” At this point, you didn’t know what he was hoping and pleading for. His sentences have long been rid of any logic since he kept giving mixed signals. So all you did was coo at him and promise him that you’ll make him feel good.
His eyes rolled back to the back of his skull when you accidentally brushed over an especially sensitive spot deep inside him. Now he was truly blabbering nonsense, you could barely understand the meaning of his words. When you sneaked a peek at his face, you saw how he was basically melting. Like butter, slowly falling apart due to the heat. Your movements fastened again, repeatedly pushing your digits in and out of him at a quick pace.
You even caught yourself drooling because you were too concentrated on his expressions, how his features twisted into bliss. All due to you and your fingers. “Ahh.. nghHh, I- I can’t.. it’s so we-weird!” Neuvillette managed to groan out with much effort, his entire body was quivering as if electricity was coursing through him. “So-something is..! NghH, hMMn~ <3” Something? What did he mean by that? “Co-coming… it’s co-mHMm, coming out..♥︎~!!!” Ah, that’s what’s happening. Pff—
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his adorable antics, does he even know how cute he was? Carefully, you rubbed and pressed the tip of your fingers against that sweet spot inside him again, almost abusing that poor spot at this point with how much you were touching it. Each time you did that, he’d arch his back off from the bathtub, and his two bluish dicks would jump in excitement. Everything about him was just so cute! Sure, you were smitten with him from the moment you laid your eyes on him, but now you were sure you couldn’t turn back anymore.
How you wished you could devour him. He just looks so delicious, you could eat him out all day long if he allowed it. Not to mention the way his vent clenches around you and churns, it wouldn’t be an overstatement to say you were obsessed, addicted to him. The rest of his body was like a god’s creation as well, sculpted by the meticulous care of the lord.
Each muscle was defined but not overdone, his chest rising and sinking with each breath. His perky nipples also owned a beautiful shade of pink, standing up all proud as if inviting you to taste them. For a second there you were lost in your daydreams, totally hypnotized by the male in front of you. One of his moans managed to pull you out of it, reminding you of your current mission. “UgghHH! Oh-UHhh! Y/n, y/nnn♡♡♥︎!”Neuvillette gasped out for your name multiple times, hoping to reach you.
You’ve been squeezing and grazing his sensitive spots without providing him a break, who would be able to withstand all these currents of ecstasy while staying sane? Though, perhaps the poor hydro dragon wasn’t even in his right mind anymore. He couldn’t speak properly or think clearly, can you really call him sane at this point? No, he was a mess, a fool for your touch, an addict drowning in pleasure.
“Oh? My, I was distracted for a second, wasn't I? You are doing great, Neuvillette, keep going. Cum for me?” You praised him once you took in the situation, now pushing your fingers even deeper inside him, causing his heart to stand still for a second. It was as if his mind was breaking, his brain malfunctioning as hot tears rolled down his eyes and into the bathtub. The loud rain outside the house was picking up, becoming harder by the second.
“MhMNG..! Noo- hhGGNnNMm~ I- I’m aaAngGhh!!” High-pitched moans left his throat, they were more akin to screams of pure bliss than anything else. For a split moment, he could feel his consciousness fading away, blacking out before he returned to reality. Some kind of fluid squirted out of his dick, ending in more pleasure cascading through his veins. “GuHhh, Mhh-nghh...? Ahh, ahGnn y/n, y-y/n… ♡~" Neuvillette gagged and choked on his moans, crying hysterically while his cum kept gushing out of his swollen tip.
His legs shook violently, unable to fathom all these sensations and feelings. It was too much to handle! His orgasm washed over him in the most unexpected way possible, and he wasn’t ready for it. By no means he was, though he wouldn't have been ready until the next century. The consistency of his cum was thick and milky, it immediately sunk down to the bottom of the white bathtub. All his strength was gone as if they got robbed from him.
Neuvillette was limping at this point, his bottom a twitchy something where cum kept shooting out of his slit. You took a good look at him, his hair wet and sticking to his body, head thrown back as if he didn’t have enough strength to hold it up. Those cheeks, ears, and shoulders were all flushed pink, also his mouth was a little open due to his continuous groans. He was panting heavily, breathing still unstable. If you had to take a wild guess, he was probably still processing everything that happened as well as the emotions swirling inside him.
Slowly you took your fingers out, he only reacted minimally to the loss of contact. Eyelid twitching a little when the warmth of your digits subsided. You stared at him, at his fucked out and broken state. At that moment, you were sure he was the most attractive he had ever been. Ah. Suddenly you got reminded of the court case he was supposed to attend. Reality hits you like a door in your face. Wait, what time was it? Could you two still make it in time?
You looked at your pocket watch and.. damn it. 10 minutes until the case begins. There was no way you two would arrive on time, especially since you weren’t sure if he could even walk at this point. Then you noticed how he seems to be coming to his senses, so you gently brushed some strands of hair out of his fucked out face.
While doing that, you wore a worried expression across your features as you whispered, “Uh, first, I’m sorry for entering without permission. Your door was open so I was bold enough to enter, forgive me.” Neuvillette’s eyes widened, did he really make such a stupid mistake, for no reason? Well, he did feel a little hot today, maybe a bit out of it as well, but still. You then kept apologizing, saying, “Second, there is a course case in a few minutes, I’m so sorry for neglecting work.” Your tone was an apologetic one, feeling bad for ruining his great reputation.
To your surprise he didn’t seem bothered at all, instead, he looked away in shame. Probably at the thought of what he just did with you, his assistant. “Uh.. no, it’s fine.. I’m at fault too. I shouldn’t have… gotten you into this mess as well.” You instantly shook your head in opposition, “No no, it's on me. But may I ask, how are you feeling? Does anything feel sore?” His face heated up again and he blushed furiously, you were almost able to see smoke coming out of his head. “No I'm fine..” the male mumbled quietly, still avoiding your eyes.
Without wasting any more time, you proposed, “Then shall we hurry-” “No, it’s alright, y-y/n.” He interrupted you, his voice also stuttered and cracked up as he worded your name. God, he was adorable. “The reporter, who was supposed to be present at the trial, couldn’t make it. He got sick. I.. uh, I met his wife on my way to the opera, and she told me she was going to stop by your office to delay it to you.”
You blinked, once, then twice. So that’s why he wasn’t present. Right, your righteous and hard-working boss would never come too late, there must have been an outer influence. The reason why you didn’t know, was because you were working from home today so there was no way for the news to get delivered to you. What a misfortune, but, you got to do this and that with him, so in the end it was a good thing?
You could feel your own cheeks heat up now that everything was over, and the misunderstanding cleared up. “Err, then.. can I help you with anything else, Monsieur Neuvillette?!” Your voice came out accidentally too rough because you were panicking a little. Damn it.. dealing with the aftermath of your actions was kind of embarrassing. So you really.. did this and that.. haha. Damn your self-control, you even lied to him.
Luckily your kind chief didn’t take your rather loud voice as an insult, instead, he handled it gracefully and said, “It’s alright, I’m sorry that you had to see me in that state. Please wait in the living room while I get ready.” You nodded and left right after he finished his sentence, you figured he’d want a little privacy now that everything was over.
Without wasting much time, you left the bathroom. Slowly, the rain stopped, and everything calmed down again. The fog that was once surrounding everything has also disappeared now. After you left, Neuvillette sighed before slumping back into the water. Whatever just happened… argh, how embarrassing! Please never ever remind him of it, or he might go back to living with nature and Melusines again.
The dragon gazed out of the window, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw as well, how the rainy weather from before left, now replaced by the bright sun. Next time he should be more careful about closing doors and whatnot, even if he ends up enjoying this occasion. His cheeks flushed once again at the thought of you, and he hid under the water. How can he ever look you in the eyes again...?
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Tags: @ghostiegirl56 @thisisnotangel @ghostgoosygoose @i-dont-fooken-know @chuuya-brainrot @allyfoxglove @thigh-o-saur @fallenthemisticalyingyang @fem-dom-roze
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Nini!rant 2.0:
This is going to be a short one, just a quick explanation of the dragon anatomy. (What nobu explained to me)
So, it’s a vent right? Kinda like a vagina but without the clit and looking more like a hole. Then imagine two dicks coming out from the hole, both are curled towards the stomach and the one on top is a little shorter. The tip is rather pointy, with the form looking a little spiky as well? At the base, or the part that’s buried in the vent, it’s his skin colour, and towards the gland it fades into a clear blue, or even mystical purple. Around the veins it’d be slightly purple and it shines a little as if someone poured sparkles over it ✨
Instead of hair, he’d have scales, shiny blue ones (so pretty!!) that cover the entire area. It surrounds his vent and is quite sturdy when he isn’t erect, if you rub it long enough it will become softer. He can hide the two dicks inside his vent or take them out! And a fun fact or headcanon nobu told me was, dragons can only cum from one dick at a time, except they are reaaaally overstimulated.
This artist drew it basically how I imagine it - but they drew it without the vent
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287 notes · View notes
grimmweepers · 2 days
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— ♤ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: yandere!dottore x assistant!fem reader
— ♤ 𝐜𝐰: obsessive yandere behaviour, emotional manipulation, psychological manipulation, stalking, build up to smut is longish sorry, reader is gullible, dubcon, no preparation, pussy slapping (once), he calls you sweetheart, pet, pup, unprotected sex, creampie, rough sex, power imbalance, biting, 3.5k wc, 18+ only, MDNI.
𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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It started with curiosity.
Maybe it was the softness in your voice as you confidently sat in his office, explaining why you would be perfect for the job, or perhaps the way you held onto the belief that he was a good person. But once Dottore saw how much you lit up when he offered you a position on the spot, he knew right then he needed to keep you close. 
This new revelation almost terrified him. 
Your voice was so innocent, clinging to him like honeysuckle, and that warmth behind your smile—it was too pure, too untainted. It had to be locked away before the world could tarnish it.
If you had paid attention, you would’ve noticed how his gaze lingered a little too long when you spoke; how his questions would dive deeper the more you got to know him.
You were ignorant of how much Dottore had deeply ingrained himself into every facet of your life, playing the role of the emotionally distant boss who eventually found comfort in your company. He saw that flicker of trust in your eyes and allowed you to believe you were the only person who could see the real him—“the man behind the mask who bled his heart and soul to you when nobody else was looking.” 
Everything was calculated. Subtle. You had become his latest obsession—a sweet, little experiment where the only result he deemed acceptable would be having you wrapped around his finger. So he made sure he was the first you turned to when things went wrong, planting seeds of doubts about everyone you knew. 
“Forgive me but your friends don’t seem to understand you.”
At first, you dismissed his comments but over time his critiques took root. You saw flaws in people that seemingly weren’t there before which made you wonder if it was truly only Dottore who had your best interest at heart. Gradually, you began to rely on him as your only confidant. Your rock. But it didn’t stop at just your relationships. Dottore had inserted himself into your daily routine, providing solutions for problems you hadn’t realised he created. After minor inconveniences and projects falling through, he was always there to pick up the pieces.
“Here, let me help you with that.”
And every time he did, you felt more indebted to him.
Dottore strung you along for years, feeding you enough affection to have you tethered with him while subtly isolating you from others. And when he finally made you his girlfriend, it was less a declaration of love and more of a confirmation of his control over you.
But you didn’t need to know that. 
You are his precious masterpiece, sculpted into the ideal partner—no longer the person you once were but a reflection of his twisted desires. 
When calling him “Doctor” transitioned from a professional title to something you moaned whenever he plowed you with his cock, it was difficult for him not to start touching himself at random hours of the day. 
Fortunately for him, he could simply just find you while you were working and suddenly, there was something hard pressed against your ass! It always satisfied him a great deal knowing how willing you were to please him, no matter the time of day.  
Sometimes he pitied you for never catching on so the first time you went astray, he was somewhat glad that his little darling wasn’t so dense.
“Dottore, I’m finding it difficult to get through to you. I feel suffocated. I’m worried about us.”
He glanced up from his notebook, almost affectionately, “You’re overthinking it, my dear.”
“I think we need some time apart," your words tasted bitter. "I just… need to clear my head. I’m sorry,” you felt guilty for even suggesting it.
“Time apart?” he repeated with a false frown, dropping his book to look at you wholly. “For how long?’
“I’m not sure.”
A tense silence hung between you, and you tried to steady your breath.
“Darling, you’re not making any sense,” he blinked.
“It makes sense to me,” you protested, “I wasn’t asking.”
Truth be told, he was more amused than angered. Although, he wondered what it was that finally provoked your sudden notion. Sure, disagreements were more frequent but it had been so long since this all began. He thought his tactics would be something you were used to by now. Perhaps you were starting to see everything for what it truly was.
Perhaps not.
Your voice was trembling but you were firm in your resolve. Dottore liked that you thought you had a choice, so he entertained you by letting the last of his smile fade from his lips, eyes narrowing in your direction. 
“So a break, then? If you think that will benefit us, I understand. But I’m not a mind reader. If something bothers you, you have to tell me, okay?”
His words seemed to melt some of your worries away so you couldn’t help but feel a little bad for him. Could you really doubt someone so patient, so willing to give you space when you needed it? 
“Of course," the lie effortlessly slipped between his teeth, "I respect your boundaries."
You nodded as you squeezed his hand and before you could turn away, his grip tightened. “Before you go, let me remind you that I love you, so very much.” 
And without warning, he kissed you. It was lingering, with no remorse, disguised as a parting gift—as if to say he know you’d be back.
“You shouldn’t be doing that,” you said, feeling conflicted. 
“Doing what?” He questioned.
Dottore knew exactly what he was doing. 
Weeks had passed but your time away from him was restless. Days felt semi-wakeful and what emerged was not clarity but the creeping sense that the world was conspiring against you.
It was like your life had taken an irreparable turn. Work became a constant setback, and friends you thought you had made you feel isolated and adrift. Even your home, which once felt cozy and safe, was starting to feel clinical and cold. 
And who would be the one to orchestrate your misery other than the Doctor himself? That vendor who suddenly couldn’t get your orders right? A bribe from Dottore. The neighbours who started fighting at all hours? A couple he had manipulated into conflict. Even your small office, a place that once made you feel so productive, now felt claustrophobic and stifling thanks to subtle changes he made while you were away.
Each of these inconveniences wore you down, making you long for the comfort and stability that only Dottore had ever provided. 
So when you received a short and carefully worded letter from him, asking how you were, you felt a surge of relief. You didn’t hesitate to see him that very evening, desperate to talk in person.
Before you knew it, you were falling right into his hands.
On your feet, you headed straight to the entrance of his lab and stared at the door before you gave a knock.
“Come in,” he said from inside.
The moment you saw him, he greeted you with that charming smile, and suddenly all the frustration from the past weeks melted away. You rushed into his arms, burying your face into his chest, “I missed you.”
He held you close, stroking the back of your head with practiced gentleness, “Ah! You’re finally back. I can’t say I’ve been happy without you.” 
If he was beaming out of satisfaction, you were blind to it. You were too distracted by the need to hear him say it back, to say that he missed you. But instead of the words you longed to hear, he merely held you tighter.
Looking up at him, your eyes searched for reassurance, “Did you miss me?”
He leaned in, pressing a kiss on your forehead, “Of course.”
“Everything’s been so hard,” tears began to well up, “I can’t believe I distanced myself when I needed you the most.” 
He was always enthralled whenever he was right.
“Let’s not dwell on that, shall we? I’m here now so don’t fret.”
His words felt like a balm to your wounded soul and you clutched onto his coat as if he might vanish if you let go. You could not refuse him and he wouldn’t allow that option to exist. Dottore watched you, elated with himself, “Come,” he said, taking your hand towards his familiar private quarters, “I have something for you.” 
After closing the door behind him, his gaze remained on you, “I was hoping you would see me sooner rather than later,” he started, guiding you to the couch where the two of you sat. “We have much to catch up on.”
Dottore wore his grief convincingly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a delicate crystal necklace that flickered like ice in the light, “I don’t want to lose you again.” Your heart skipped a beat as he put it on for you, the weight of it cold against your skin. When you relaxed your guard, he leaned in and whispered in your ear, “I can’t lose you. I won’t.” 
You thanked him for the gift but felt him craning your head to the side.
“It’s ice quartz," he purred, "For the pure love I have for you. For the healing that I hope it brings to your troubled heart. I’m sorry.”
There was a pause—a thoughtful stillness, and without another word, he kissed the exposed skin of your neck as if you beckoned him to. 
His lips were impossible to resist, each kiss slowly claiming you as he trailed his way to your mouth. You allowed your hands to explore his hair, messing up the neatness that once was.
Dottore wasted no time, the moment his lips met yours, you felt his hungry tongue and how it tasted of false apologies and something sickeningly sweet. He kissed you like he was starved—like he'd wanted his mouth on yours for weeks.
"Do you still—" he lightly pulled your bottom lip between his teeth, "—feel suffocated?"
Yes, you wanted to say. But for an entirely different reason now. This type of suffocation made your head spin and left something tingling between your legs.
"No," you finally answered against him. A string of saliva connected the small space between your lips. You relaxed under him and he took it as a chance to shuffle himself between your thighs.
"Hmm, I'm glad," he smirked before forcing another kiss out of you. Between gasps for air, his impatient hands found the hem of your blouse, unbuttoning it as he pushed you on your back. You pulled him down with you because you refused to part from the sinful way his lips collided with yours.
Piece by piece, layers of clothes began to disappear until you were left with nothing except the necklace he had given you. 
Spread out like this, you were ravishing, like a fine piece of art and the sight of you went straight to his cock. It throbbed in his slacks and you could hear his breathing growing uneven. At that moment, he could’ve taken you like an animal but he wasn’t ready. Not yet.
“Mmh!” you moaned in surprise as he cupped your breast, fondling your sensitive nipples and practically anywhere else that was available to him. He was so precise in everything he did, it was no wonder he was in his profession. 
The time you spent apart had left you already aching for him so when he dipped his fingers between your quivering thighs, he felt your arousal. You were hot and puffy and embarrassingly wet.
Dottore began to toy with your clit and it pulsed under the pads of his fingers. You moaned instantly. But he was excruciatingly light with his touch which only made you desperate for more friction. You whined and even though the sound of it made his heart beat quickly, his face was unreadable.
“Patience,” he urged. Dottore waited for you for weeks and you had the nerve to whine? At the very least you could have made up for the time you robbed from him. 
You intended to listen. You really did! But when his fingers teased the entrance of your hole, your body acted before you could think and suddenly, your hips rolled towards him. He had barely even touched you before he stopped. 
Tsk, you heard from him, clearly disappointed by your lack of control.
Instead of continuing, he gave your pussy a sudden slap which left you whimpering. 
“Why—!” You trembled, feeling its stinging aftermath.
Simply put, he decided he wasn’t going to bother with what you wanted. 
In exchange for running away from him, he would show you that not everything was served on a silver platter. Seeing you go from distressed to dependent on him only excited him more. No one riles him up in the way that you do so he couldn’t bear to wait a second longer. 
“Stay like this,” there was something deranged about the smile that appeared on his face. The clinical white glow of his quarters dulled his pale skin yet his teeth glistened through his lips. You felt a chill and it wasn't because of the cold air.
He pulled away and you were immediately drawn to the tight bulge pressing against his pants. Dottore noticed. He knew you were watching.
"Now open your legs for me," he said, breaking you out of your daze. You shifted pathetically under him so it was ultimately his large hand, splayed across your thigh that held you in place. You saw his erection twitch when his eyes fell on your hole, drenched for him and all.
After quickly undoing his trousers, he pushed his throbbing length inside you in one, deep stroke. Your hands curled into the cushions and you were prepared to scream—
"Perfect," he breathed. You didn't need proper preparation. He knew your body better than you did.  
Your voice was lodged in your throat as his girth stretched you apart and Dottore couldn’t help throwing his head back, curses falling from his lips at how well you hugged him. You were so beautiful like this. He couldn’t wait to fuck you back into obedience. It was your fault for being this way, really. You were just so malleable, so easy.
“Ah, look at you. So wet already, my little pup. Did you miss me that much?” 
“Yes, I did. Yes, I did, Doctor!” you whimpered, and he began thrusting as if rewarding you for your response. His hips slammed mercilessly into yours at an unexpected pace, and you couldn’t even think about any of your frustrations anymore — each time he slid in and out was like erasing all the concerns you had before this. 
“Dottore,” he corrected you. “You call me by my name today.” There was a slight strain in his voice as he fucked you but that was better than what was going on with you. With each thrust bucking into your sweet spot, you could hardly talk. 
The coat on his back ruffled behind him with each erratic movement. It was almost humiliating how he remained entirely clothed as he rammed into you. Your bare skin was on display yet not so much as a zipper and his disheveled hair was out of place for him.
Maybe he was too eager, you thought. Or maybe it was because he wouldn’t strip himself for the likes of you. Not when he was trying to remind you that being with him was a luxury. What he needed to etch into your subconscious was: 
You could get whatever you want as long as you stay and listen. 
Huffing at the sensation of being balls deep inside your pussy, he held you with a bruising grip on your waist, fucking you in a way that had you drooling. You were trying to remember a time when he wasn’t the one making you happy or giving you pleasure — but you couldn’t. Because it didn’t exist. 
“Dott…ore,” you called breathlessly, your voice mixing with the sound of your necklace clinking against your chest. He knew you very well, you had more to say than just the spilling of his name. He could see it in your damn eyes. 
Lowering himself to your neck, he rutted you even further into the couch, “What is it, my dear?” He asked, biting into you, feeling his hot and heavy breath fanning your skin. You yelped as his teeth clenched, knowing there was going to be a mark later. 
“I… love… you…” The words came out in a broken whisper, the sincerity of your confession made his cock twitch inside of you, precum already painting the insides of your hole. 
His tongue began to trace a slow and deliberate path from your neck to your ear, keeping his relentless rhythm as he did. “Is that right?” There was a cruel edge to his voice when he spoke. And you nodded back at him, feebly. Truthfully. 
“Then act like it,” he hissed, grip tightening as he thrusted sharply.
You shuddered underneath him—out of fear or pleasure, you weren’t sure but you knew you didn’t want it to end. You pulled him closer, winding your hands around his neck while he was deep inside you. “I’m— sorry!” you moaned, an apology slipping out in a haze. 
He almost growled at the sensation of you trembling around him, his crimson eyes searing into you, “No, it’s not your fault. I should have paid better attention to you.”
Another lie but exactly what you needed to hear to keep you going.
Lewd squelching sounds filled the room as he reduced you to a filthy mess. Even in your years of being with him, you had never seen him so untamed. Your juices were getting all over his trousers and if you knew any better, you would've seen how he got off on that.
You had almost forgotten where you were, though, at that point, you didn’t care about whether anybody else in the building heard. He fucked you hard and desperately, whatever he needed to do to keep his darling at bay, and you shamelessly cried out his name over and again. It was adorable.
“Dottore… I’m close—! Fuck. Fuck!” You swallowed your words as he pounded you. 
"Dirty mouth," he grunted, "Who taught you how to speak like that?"
He hovered above you, so close you could almost feel his hair tickling your face. "Nobody," you moaned quietly this time, feeling ashamed.
Every veiny inch of him was inside you and the more you felt of it, the less you thought. You just wanted to snap, to cum on him while he drove into you.
“Oh my, you're getting tighter,” he cooed, his voice deceptively gentle as he neared his own release. “Feeling good, sweetheart? Finish with me then…” 
Fortunately—or unfortunately, his pace became rougher, like a repeated reminder of who he was to you and his hand traveled to your jaw, tipping your head to meet his gaze. Amid your bodies thrashing, he could barely keep up with his own voice,
“No one will ever love you like me
or care about you like me
or fuck you like me. Do you understand, pet?” 
“Yes—! Yes, I do,” you panted as you wrapped your legs around him, pulling his hips further into your sloppy cunt. In your lust-clouded daze, you were too weak to register the weight of his words. His sultry voice did a great job at masking the fact that he meant every single thing he said. 
Dottore’s face twisted into a more sadistic smile, letting his thoughts get the best of him. He relished in how little and helpless you sounded, how utterly pliant you were to his will. Everything felt right again and you were back to where he had woven you. With a final, brutal snap of his hips, he spilled his seed inside you, locking himself against you. 
You arched your back as your orgasm crashed simultaneously—you moaned collectively, and your walls pulsed around his cock like you were milking every drop he’s got. His hips stuttered, not giving a damn about the way your nails bit into his skin. Instead, he slammed his lips onto yours, devouring you in a messy, filthy kiss—a perfect match for the way he had just fucked you senseless.
Still panting, he clutched the side of your face, only gentler now. His thumb stroked your cheek as if savouring the moment of seeing you act the way you should.
“I love you,” he hummed, the words slipped from his lips like it was so natural to him. "I love you."
Of course, he loved you. Everything he has done for you was for himself. Everything has been catered to him. 
His sweat-speckled forehead shimmered in the dim light and as you looked up at him, your heart softened. The weight of him on top of you and the comfort in his embrace made you forget everything, lulling you into a peaceful state. 
You sighed, feeling a bit foolish for even creating a wall between you. In front of you, he seemed so fragile, like you were the only thing holding him together. How could you have thought he was anything but honest with you all along?
Now, everything felt perfect—perfect in a way that left no room for anything else. 
No room for doubt or escape.
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a/n: imagine at the end of this you think it's over and suddenly his segments walk in
© 2024 grimmweepers — do not repost, copy, translate, modify my work on any platform
dividers by @/astrumaur
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What're your thought on Skully/Skelly so far? Personally, I like the kid, he seems fun and cute (might even adopt him too lol)
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I’ll make an update post later once the full event is out; this post will be my first impressions of the guy! Thought it might be interesting to document my feelings now and see how those change over time.
First thing I’ll say is while I like his design, his personality didn’t match my expectations. I expected him to be polite yet also eccentric and a little sinister, not… going around kissing the hands of everyone he meets. Skully also comes off as much more harmless than he appears. It’s an odd mix of demure but also really excitable when his special interest (Halloween, lol) comes up in conversation. A fun-loving guy! He definitely looks a lot more imposing and mysterious than he actually is.
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I think a lot of his intimidation factor comes from the shades. If you take them away, he looks more like a dejected fuzzy animal or a Halloween-flavored Idia/Saeran (Mystic Messenger boi). LIKE SORRY BUT WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE A SAD PUPPY LEFT OUT IN THE RAIN… His spiral eyes are cool though ^^ It’s just slightly hard to see sometimes because of the shadow his hair casts and the shading around that area.
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His overall expressiveness is great! He looks cute when he smiles and blushes (from his idol complimenting him, haha). It feels very pure and innocent, which contrasts with his more… deranged expressions.
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The way he speaks surprised me too… He talks about coming from a rural place, but he speaks so formally! Sometimes even more formally than Jade. I wonder if that implies being of high class/social status or if he just taught himself to speak this way for personal reasons. My worst nightmare (hah) is that Skully devolves into a heavy Kansai accent later in the event (if only because I’m not sure how to transcribe the Kansai accent into English when I write his dialogue 💦).
I mentioned in an earlier post that Skully’s outfit is a Nightmare Suit provided by the book. We don’t know what he actually dresses like irl which is a shame. Knowing that would really help with getting a read on his character, even if he were just in a school uniform (because different people can wear their uniforms very differently, as we can see in the NRC School Uniform line of cards). Stuffing Skully into a Nightmare Suit by default doesn’t tell me much about how he presents himself outside of the book, in reality.
There’s definitely a lot of interesting (and vague) lore around him 🤔 like how he doesn’t know what magical pens are and how his hometown is the only place that knows who Jack Skellington is… Hopefully those questions get answered by the end of the event. I also have to wonder why he’s such an intense Halloween otaku??? There could be no deep reason behind it, but I’m a little suspicious since this is a Halloween event. It feels like Skully’s hiding something and/or he’s not confident in himself since his dialogue implies he’s a loner irl. Maybe he’s attracted to the idea of Halloween because even the dead and creatures of the night can fit in (so he, the outcast, can also have a place among them)?
That being said, I do find Skully’s personality charming, especially when he’s opening the event with his little dramatic monologue about Halloween. It’s a nice way to interpret Jack Skellington’s whimsy and child-like wonder into a Twst character. However, I don’t exactly find myself completely endeared to his character yet. He feels a little too… safe? Too… sweet. Unless this was all intentionally and he's actually a RSA student or something/j I’d like to see more of his villainous traits and weaknesses on display to get a full scope of his character. *rubs hands together* I want to see what he’s like when he snaps… We already saw some glimpses of his nastier side when he calls his classmates worthless for not understanding him. I want to see that unleashed on the NRC students! As is, I’m not sure if I enjoy him talking down to others (he calls his classmates worthless) for not being on the same wavelength as him when it comes to his interests. It feels like something elitist otaku do (Idia has definitely done this), and that’s a big yikes for me.
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1moreff-creator · 12 hours
DRDT CH2 EP16 First Impressions
We’ve reached the end of the chapter! A bittersweet feeling, finally getting closure on this chapter while also ushering in a new hiatus. Still, congrats to dev for making it this far! Hope they enjoy their break, while we enjoy whatever they’ve cooked up for the ending!
Without further ado, let us enjoy peak.
Spoilers for the entirety of CH2 (hell yeah). CW: Execution, suicidal thoughts.
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It’s Aceover.
ONE vote for Teruko! Do we think Ace voted for himself? Did the mystery voter from Trial 1 repeat their vote on Teruko? Or did they not, and the vote’s just Ace? {Hindsight: It’s CH1 Mystery Voter probs}
MonoTV: “You got it right!” IT’S ALL OVER.
Okay wait it’s actually kinda weird to see the new David sprites outside of the Trial. Like it’s trippy idk why. That’s crazy.
Eden: “Why her of all people?” Poor Eden, at least give her an answer! Even if it’s just “it was the easiest option” man.
Whit: “I really thought that no one would repeat what happened to Xander and Min.” Is this the very first piece of anti-Whit Time Loop theory evidence? Or is he just lying? I don’t believe the theory, so I’m passing that one to the defenders.
Ace: “I killed her. And if you can’t forgive me for that, then there’s nothing I can say.”
Hey remember when Nico said they didn’t see the point of saying sorry if they wouldn’t be forgiven anyways? Yeah.
The foils are foiling :O
Both Teruko and Eden blaming themselves in their own way (Eden mentioned it in Ep10 “just like Min!” and now Teruko’s bringing “misfortune” into the conversation), man we are in for some sad times with these two. And everyone else ig.
Hu: “How could you say it’s just misfortune?” And Hu is very against this idea, interesting.
“So we can’t blame ourselves for failing to prevent something like that.” Ah, there’s the ticket. She’s trying not to feel guilty about it, which is kinda fair, Arei’s death is 99% Ace’s fault.
Eden: “The Ace I met for the first time wasn’t a murderer.” Oof, Eden hitting us with the full highlight line. She’s so great for this honestly. Everything she says afterwards is also great for her character, I love her (and I don’t need to read her lines with suspicion!!! I’m free!!!)
Veronika. And she’s still smiling. Go worst girl! /affectionate
“The only thing anyone can do in this killing game is to shatter.” We are… getting worryingly close to secret quote wording here.
Rose: “Are you saying Ace was pushed into killing because of things like almost being killed?” (Paraphrased) Oh God she’s gonna feel guilty too because she let Nico get the turpentine! Even if that doesn’t work if Ace had already chosen to kill Eden, still! How much self-blame can we have this trial?
Teruko: “No.” Yeah thank you.
Ace: “Did you all get the Veronika virus or what?” God I’m gonna miss him so much actually.
[To Levi] “Shut up for the rest of your life and kill yourself!” Holy SHIT he’s going out with a bang. {Hindsight: I didn’t realize how accurate this would be}
David: “You still have it in you to throw stones in your glass house.” Did this motherfucker correctly use the idiom Ace fucked up earlier? He’s such a piece of shit /affectionate.
Ace: “I don’t care if it made me a hypocrite!” AGH-! New sprite and the voice acting continues the hot streak of being absolutely fucking stellar! Holy hell!
[To Levi] “I just needed a reason to stay mad at you!” Ouchie!
[The whole Levi v Ace thing] This is just fucking incredible. Levi still doesn’t understand, Ace just wanted to stay mad so he could live with his betrayal, just peak character writing all around. And peak VAing, of course.
Teruko: “I need you to do a favor for me. It might just save your life.” YOOO I CALLED THIS!!! Blackened Blaze of Glory let’s fucking goooo!!!! Thanks to shinycrows for asking me that!!!
“Kill MonoTV for me.” Alright so. Not the best plan ever, but then again, it’s not like any plan against the killing game will work on CH2. Also the way she said that was great.
MonoTV: “Yeah, more murder!” Why’s it so funny for?
Teruko: “Arei died because you’re a coward, Ace!” YO why’s she going so hard right now?! This entire scene is incredible, I don’t even have any words for this much peak. The emotion in her voice, holy fuck- Oh yeah because Arei’s crying reminded her of something! In the playground! So Teruko does have a small connection with Arei so she’d feel real bad (for more reason than just death of someone she knew)! I didn’t put that together till now.
[Ace punches MonoTV] PEAAAK! Oh shit it actually broke! That was so fucking awesome! Let’s fucking go Ace!!!!! Also MonoTV is definitely just coming back, right?
That broken MonoTV sprite though!
Eden: “Finally, it’s over—“ The lack of music is making this really impactful, even though we know it won’t work. Holy shit.
MonoTV: “A fatal error has been detected” We breaking out different fonts?
MonoTV: “Now loading the default XF-Ture personality drivers.”
Now we have the question. Was MonoTV created by XF for the game? Or did XF just create the AI, and someone repurposed it for thre killing game?
Also what are these defaults going to be?
…Wait whose voice is this? Someone we know? Please tell me I’m bad at recognizing voices! {I think it’s still MonoTV’s VA, just doing a different act, but I’m not sure}
[MonoTV speech] Didn’t expect MonoTV of all damn characters to have a badass moment, but I guess this is the world we live in now.
“But there is no reason to punish Ace a second time.” UHHH Chat are we cooked?
The death of every participant? This is about rule 14, right? “All murderers must be held accountable”? The “everyone is responsible for Mai’s death and must be punished” theory seems to be gaining ground.
It’s also saying this is why it was created, so XF likely did have a direct hand in the killing game. Min MM not looking so implausible all of the sudden.
“I will pass the punishment…” chat we’re actually immensely cooked what.
“I will now proceed with the execution of Teruko Tawaki.” UHHH LUCK BETTER COME IN CLUTCH!!!
[Machine Gun] BRO?!?!?!
Charles: “That thing will surely kill you!” Even Charles is sounding extremely distressed here, damn! But I guess Teruko is relying on her luck maybe?
Whit: “Charles! Stop talking and cover your eyes!” I mean yeah good advice but you know- More pressing things atm
Teruko: “No :)” Why’s she so silly coded?
Teruko: “Killed? I doubt it. As if something so kind could happen to me.” AAAAAAH!!!! The suicidal tendencies return with a vengeance!!!
[Her speech] Holy fuck holy fuck this is crazy she’s actually doing the unhinged Lucky Student thing of relying on luck she’s going in I’m so terrified for what’s about to happen.
“I’ll show you all what it means to be the Ultimate Lucky Student.” Shit boutta go crazy.
Bro I was not ready for this. I wasn’t ready in the slightest. This motherfucker better survive against all odds or it’s all over.
Bro that sprite- He’s so cooked.
MonoTV: “His injuries are not fatal” Wait are we saved? Arturo look I know you’re not a doctor but for the love of God tell me you can do something about this holy shit. I wasn’t ready for this.
VERONIKA. Holy shit she’s actually insane.
Arturo: “He could live…” Please??? For me???
Wait now that I’m thinking about it. He hasn’t said his secret quote. We might be saved.
[Whit sprite] … Huh??? Bro what the fuck is happening this episode.
Ace: “Execute me right now!” Ough this shit insane!!! I can’t- I genuinely can’t react. I’m just overcome with emotion at this point.
“I’ll have a third death in my hands!” … Wait the math. Unless he’s counting himself… does he blame himself for Taylor’s death???
[The entire Arturo - Ace debacle] I…holy shit???? The genuine distress in Arturo’s voice when he says he can’t save Levi??? Ace clinging to the hope that he can??? Bro what the fuck??? This is insane???? I can’t- I can’t compute- This is actually insane. This is so much. Levi better not fucking die after this I swear to god-
Ace: “I don’t want to die…” Holy shit dev did it. I’m feeling just as bad for Ace as I felt for Min. Bra-fucking-vo. Holy fuck. No words.
(Fear of death right? Fits)
… Okay, so. I know someone brought up this term in relation to Ace. Genius, first.
Second, that might just be one of the greatest executions I’ve even seen, if not the best. I usually don’t care much about how good executions are, but this… this is incredibly good. The music was banging. The execution method was unique. It wasn’t related to his talent, but his character, which makes it better imo.
(Also are the “unexplained illnesses” related to Xander’s family?)
And even through all this… dev showed the corpse. When they didn’t show Min’s. Why would you allow me to cope even further? You drop XF and show a corpse- holy shit. I just can’t even process anything.
And he didn’t say his quote. He never said it I don’t think. Levi better survive.
VERONIKA. Holy shit she’s actually getting more and more unhinged by the second the hell-? Yeah remember when she looked unnerved by Min’s execution?!?! She ain’t looking unnerved no more!
Hu: “The elevator is open!” We’re just- gonna ignore- Alright, I guess it’s fair. Surely Levi survives right?
Rose please tell me you looked away. I know you saw Levi so it’s not looking great either way, but still.
Teruko: “Go on without me.” Is she going to talk to David maybe? About the secret?
“Everyone was gone.” Alright no, she’s just going to mourn or something?
[Teruko reflects on her similarities to Ace and Arei] I really like this moment, it’s nice of her to say what the audience was probably already thinking.
MonoTV: “I must convince everyone that I’m the villain.” And what does this mean MonoTV? Genuinely too burnt out to think about it any harder rn.
[Teruko breaks down] Holy hell…
“I had known the answer…” AUGH- The character writing… it’s so good… fucking hell this is incredible…
Where do we even go from here? Teruko’s speed running the themes of trust and fate like they’re not the main themes of the series?!?! I’m going crazy.
… Are we seriously leaving it on a cliffhanger whether Levi is alive or not? Like, I know the “surviving students” thing counted him, so I’m guessing he’s alive, but… hot damn. This is an evil cliffhanger.
(Also I find it funny that David’s silhouette sprite did in fact change to what the dev said was his new default lol)
“Seems there’s something he’s not proud of” The nailbiting right.
General Thoughts
Bro how the fuck am I expected to even begin to summarize this shit?!?!
Okay, in… ascending order of crazy.
Did David just… not speak almost the entire episode? Did he even have any lines when Teruko was being executed? The fuck is going on with him? He didn’t even reveal Teruko’s secret???
Veronika was unhinged. Loved that for her. Hope she gets worse, it seems like CH3 will be a fun chapter for her (I hope that doesn’t mean she dies).
Whit officially gets his very own unhinged/breakdown sprite! We’ve completed the set! I mean, it’s not as crazy as others, but it matches Rose’s so…
Everyone endures further trauma, fun.
I even feel bad for Arturo! Poor guy did not ask for this shit! There’s fun foils here with Levi trying to protect the group as much as he can and Arturo being forced into the role…
Also. Of all ships. I did not expect Aceturo to get a dub here somehow.
I somehow called more or less predicted what Teruko was gonna do. Fun how that happened. And her little character reflection at the end was awesome, I loved it very much. Jesus fuck.
That’s gotta be the best execution I’ve ever seen, hands down. I don’t care that there wasn’t a single horse there. This is much better.
Also, no secret quote from Ace. So those are 100% not a good metric for defining who is at risk of death. Wonder if that means we’ll get a flashback with him?
XF-Ture Tech?!?!?! MonoTV character building kinda?!?!?!?! I’m going crazy?!?!?!
Levi??? This motherfucker better be alive. There’s no reason he should be dead, so I’m gonna assume he’s alive. But wow… I guess weightedblankettt was sorta right on the “final orbit” interpretation of Levi’s connection to Shoemaker-Levy 9, just… not in a way we expected. (If that meant nothing to you don’t worry about it).
And Ace… Hot damn. Just… an entire character arc at the eleventh minute, huh? How’s that for the people who were saying Ace wouldn’t be remembered, huh? Levi probably owes him his life, in a way. He broke MonoTV. He faced his thanatophobia to try to help Levi survive. Just… so fucking good. I said it in the reaction. I genuinely felt just as much grief for him as I did Min. And coming from me, that’s… a lot. Just incredible writing and voice acting and everything in between…
This cements it, btw. This is my favorite trial from anything DR related ever. It’s genuinely insane. I am going to make a more detailed, more coherent post analyzing the entirety of Part 2 of this chapter, because it deserves it. It deserves more thought than I’m able to give right now on account of feeling too many emotions. Stay tuned for that, I guess.
Props to the dev, the VAs, and anyone who might have laid a hand on this at some point. It’s genuinely incredible, this is an unforgettable experience. Holy shit.
I don’t- I don’t have the emotional energy to keep writing. Just… I think I need to calm down for a few hours. Genuinely loved every second of this. Thanks for reading, and see you when I gather my thoughts enough to trust myself to be coherent.
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filmbyjy · 11 hours
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SYNOPSIS > When you turned 18, you heard your best friend’s favourite song. Turns out, it was just one of the various signs to finding your soulmate. However, you couldn’t bring this up to jake. Not when he was in a happy relationship with your other best friend! Would you choose heartbreak or sacrifice your happiness for the sake of keeping the friendship?
TWENTY-FOUR – she has no friends!
a/n: aria strikes again. that annoying b–
WARNINGS: mentions of blood & fake blood on an image. do be warned if you’re squeamish. it’s fake blood though so don’t worry. pretend it’s red paint or something.
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it was scary. sunghoon didn't text you anything for an hour. maybe you were just paranoid. an overthinker. however, it was strange because sunghoon would've texted you that the line was long or that they were taking too long to make the food hence he'd be home a little late.
yet, there was not a single text. suddenly, you felt eerie. like you were in a horror movie. someone was about to knock on your dorm door. ready to possibly murder you.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
your head swiftly darts to the front door. you had every possible thought in your head to hide. your fight or flight senses kicking in. were you going to die? it was wrong. you had picked up sunghoon's bat from the living room. gaeul (sunghoon's dog) starts pacing behind you, seemingly protecting you. even though she probably can't, she's just a princess after all.
"gaeul, i love you but you have to follow your sister fae and hide in the room. it's dangerous, princess." you warned the puppy. she tilts her head. fae runs out from the room and meows. somehow, gaeul understood her and followed to hide somewhere.
bless your soul. you were going to get murdered today. why were you even walking towards the door?
you had forgotten there was a screen for the door to see who was there. you opened the door and screamed while holding the bat ready to swing. however, it was stopped. when you had opened your eyes, it was jake. all your nerves instantly calmed down.
"what the fuck are you doing here?"
"look. I know I'm the last person you want to see-"
"yeah, pretty much."
"I'm sorry but I need to tell you this. I have no idea where aria is. she's not in her dorm and-"
"and I should know? I dont want to know about your fuckass girlfriend. washed up bitchass dog." you cursed out of anger. to be fair, she did look like a white crusty ass dog that probably bit people.
"I know but the last thing she told me was she was going to see you."
"well she's not here."
"where is sunghoon?"
"..." you went silent. jake sighs. "are you trying to imply sunghoon and aria are secretly fucking around? you're insane."
"well, it's a coincidence that they're both-"
"aria doesn't have a soulmate!" you yelled. jake stays quiet.
"what do you mean she doesn't have a soulmate." jake tilts his head. you groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"she doesn't understand what a 'soulmate' is. i found that out like 3 weeks ago. which by the way, your bitch of a girlfriend is an asshole. she literally made fun of me for coughing out blood. also, she accused me of copying her??"
"she can't be possibly saying things like that-"
"she's an aNGeL." you imitated jake. "yeah, more like Satan reincarnated. I have screenshots and evidence of every single convo and if you fucking say 'oh, maybe someone stole her phone.' very fucking funny because who else could steal her phone huh? she has no friends!" you could feel something bubbling up in you.
jake doesn't say anything. you see jungwon running up from behind jake.
"noona! I think sunghoon hyung is missing! I checked his location and it was last seen at some weird location." jungwon worriedly explains.
"fuck." you muttered under your breath and went to throw on some slippers and then run past jake. jungwon follows after quickly.
jake didn't know what to do. he knew he should follow but something was telling him to go inside. which he did. he went into sunghoon's dorm and went straight to your bedroom. it was pretty much just tidied up and still new. like you just moved in. his eyes fall right on the books.
there were three. one labelled 'death note'. second one labelled 'fashion drawings'. last one labelled 'personal vents'. it catches jake's attention. he knew he shouldn't be snooping but he couldn't help it.
he picks it up. his senses heightened. he flips one page open. which leads him to read some of the pages.
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seeing as to how there was dried blood on the page and actual evidence of what was happening to you made his stomach drop. he could feel his hand start to shake in fear. his eyes start to water. you were going to die.
he had to save you. there was no other way!
then his phone rings. he looks down at the contact.
the only issue he faced right now was that he either saved you and break up with aria or watch you possibly die and take care of aria and his baby.
if only he knew, aria was just lying. she wasn’t pregnant. she was just manipulative and a gaslighter. he has yet to also find out the truth about aria. why doesn’t she have a soulmate? why was she acting this way?
if only he wasn’t oblivious…
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taglist[open]: @sumzysworld @mitmit01 @moon3verland @baribaaari @byty2k @alex-is-sleeping @viagumi @txtlyn @belovedsthings @woninluv @dreamiestay @niniissus @kyutiepeachy @yoongisbaguetteshoes @squiishymeow @jjaammm @enhaz1 @illvding @woniejjang @bee-the-loser @laurradoesloveu @ckline35 @ningx2stan @hoonlvly @clampclover @xyzyx01 @victoriasimm @eneiyri @nshmrarki @woorcve @bubblytaetae @i03jae @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @l1wv00n @onlyhyunjin @kyanmeai @isa942572 @lisaswifey @alisonyus @firstclassjaylee @szkstay @enhamysunshines @milanco @hsbae @zyvlxqht @lixiebokie @wth121 @enahasblog @gongiz @anuisamazing @heestrawberries @gyehyeonist @nshmurarki @heelovesmeknot @silquids
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lilislegacy · 15 hours
Hello everyone! I just want to say one thing real quick. If you are disappointed by Wrath of the Triple Goddess, you are allowed to feel that way and you are allowed to speak out about it. And if you want there to be a chance at change in the future, I advise trying to tell Rick in some way. As other people have said, the nice thing about Rick is that if we tell him about something we don’t like, he often fixes it. But first we actually have to tell him. It doesn’t mean you are entitled or think he works for you, but he writes the books for your enjoyment, right? So why wouldn’t he want to hear your honest feedback? Personally, if I was writing a book and 70% of my fans hated some things I was doing, I would want to know. We want him to be successful! And it doesn’t have to be all negative! You can go tell him what you like, too! But all I will say is that right now, WOTTG has nothing but shining reviews from super loyal fans. 4.4/5 stars on average. Which tells Rick one thing: keep doing exactly what you’re doing. But if we want him to understand that we don’t like certain things, like how Annabeth suddenly treats Percy like an idiot, or how Percy now constantly degrades himself and acts incompetent, a hell of a lot of people need to tell him.
Unfortunately (and completely understandably), Rick has made himself virtually unreachable by fans. He doesn’t run his own social media, he doesn’t accept fan mail or emails, and he doesn’t have a place for us to contact him.
So that only leaves 2 easy, accessible options that I can think of:
1. Leave a rating and review on Goodreads. If you would like to, go to goodreads (and any other review sites that you want), take 2 minutes to make an account, and give your thoughts. Be RESPECTFUL and civil. If you are rude and disrespectful, it helps no one. The only way to actually get his attention is to lower the rating, so, if you really want to reach him, give it 1-2 stars. Then leave a review giving your feedback, both the positive and the negative!
2. Make a tik tok. This fanbase is so loyal to Rick that I think everyone is scared to speak up. But if you make some kind of tik tok, even if it’s just showing quotes and captioning it “Separate the books and TV show” or “Stop writing Annabeth thinking Percy is dumb” or something like that, that still works. Or you can do a full sit-down review lol. Up to you. The thing about tik tok is that if one blows up, it will at least get back to someone close to Rick. And again, BE RESPECTFUL!!!!
I am sure there are more complicated ways, like emailing specific people who can reach Rick, but the ways I listed seem more realistic to me. If anyone has other ideas, please share! (AND DO NOT TRY AND REACH OUT TO THE ACTORS!! KEEP THOSE KIDS OUT OF IT!)
I am not forcing or guilting anyone into doing any of this. I’m not trying to rally troops against Rick. I’m just reminding everyone that if you don’t want to, you don’t have to suffer in silence. If you would like to give Rick your feedback in a respectful way, there are ways to do it. I’d rather he know now and be able to change things for the next book than us all stay silent and everyone despise the next one even more. Which could lead to the downfall of the whole series. And I really don’t want that.
Everyone can do what they want. If you want to go leave a big review for Rick to read, do it. If you want to make a tik tok, do it. If you just want to post about it on here, do it. If you don’t want to do any of that, don’t do any of it! No shame no matter what.
Have a wonderful day, everyone ❤️
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 days
The Palm of Your Hand
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Summary: Handcuffing Negan to the bars of his cell leaves him open for you to do whatever you want with him.
Characters: Negan & the reader (OC, second person)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59417653
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, Smut, Prisoner Negan, female reader, etc.
Notes: This is a short one shot to go with this kinktober list. The two prompts I used were handjobs and breast worship. Someone also recently asked me for another touch starved prisoner Negan, so here you go!
“I don’t understand why you are still doing this with me,” Negan grumbled, turning away from you to put his hands through the bars of his cell. Hooking the handcuffs around his wrists had him grunting out and he looked back over his shoulder at you. “Have I ever tried something with you? With anyone?”
“I’m just following the rules,” you reminded Negan, entering his cell with him dramatically dropping back against the bars of his cell. “You know that.”
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Negan countered, his right eyebrow arching up in amusement with you grabbing his bedding so that you could change it for him. “You seem like the type of person that was a bit of a rule breaker here and there. Sometimes breaking the rules can be fun.”
“And face the wrath of the people here in Alexandria?” you snickered, tossing his bedding into the laundry basket you brought with you. “I don’t think so.”
“Boring,” Negan snorted and it made you smile. Every time you came down here, Negan was constantly hoping that you wouldn’t handcuff him when you came into his cell. Then again, you were pretty sure that he was begging that from everyone.
“I’m the furthest from boring,” you suggested putting the sheets on his cot, shooting a small smirk his way. “I just don’t want someone giving me shit every day. The people here tend to have a habit of not letting things go.”
“You don’t say,” Negan snorted, a dramatic expression flooding his features pretending to have some kind of shock from your comment. “The people of Alexandria hold grudges? I would have never known.”
“Smartass,” you snickered, finishing up with his bed and standing up. Giving him a quick glance, you thought things over before unhurriedly lowering yourself down on top of his cot. Stretching out your body, you folded your arms behind your head. All the while keeping your eyes locked on his.
Tipping his head to the side, Negan’s eyes narrowed with him gazing over you, “Well that’s just rude laying in a man’s bed without asking.”
“I made it for you, I figured you wouldn’t mind,” you suggested, lowering your hand to drag your fingers up and over your abdomen toward your midsection.
“Of course I don’t mind,” Negan countered with a shake of his head, sucking at his bottom lip. His long eyelashes fluttered and he let out a rumble of a growl. “It will give me plenty to think about tonight while I’m laying in it.”
“I’m sure,” you chuckled dragging your palm across your chest. Maybe you were testing the limits and playing with him. You just couldn’t help yourself with the way his hazel eyes ate you alive from where he was handcuffed. “You jerk off a lot?”
“Several times a day,” Negan confessed, an arrogant expression tugging at his features. Dragging his tongue out over his bottom lip, his face grew hot watching you touch yourself while you laid on his cot. “Someone has to touch me. I haven’t been touched in years.”
“That’s a shame Negan,” you hummed, palming across one of your breasts leaving him breathing unevenly. “I wish I could help, I really do.”
“You’ve been toying with me for weeks,” Negan hissed wanting to look away from you, but he couldn’t take his eyes off when you allowed your shirt to ride up just underneath your breasts. “Flirting with me, wearing tight shirts to bring attention to your beautiful breasts. And here I was thinking you weren’t doing it on purpose.”
“I’ve been doing no such thing,” you feigned innocence, sitting up for a moment to reach for the bottom of your shirt. Setting it aside on the cot had Negan’s lips parting, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat and his stare eating you alive. “Why would I do that to you?”
“To torture me, like you’re doing now,” Negan growled, tugging at his wrists causing the metal from his handcuffs to clank against the bars. Sucking in a sharp breath of air, Negan lowered his head and winced. “You’re not playing fair.”
“What would you do if you weren’t handcuffed?” you lowered back down onto his cot, tracing your fingertips over the length of your abdomen. With every move, Negan’s hazel eyes followed with his lips parted.
“I would give your breasts the attention they rightfully deserve,” Negan hummed, resting his head back again. That answer had a tiny smirk tugging at your lips. The muscle at the corner of Negan’s jaw flexed as you palmed over your breast again purring out. “I’d make you feel like a fucking queen with the way I’d worship them. Palming over them and teasing your nipples.”
“Tell me more,” you hummed, circling your index finger over your nipple through the material of your bra.
An amused rumble fell deep from within Negan, “I’d spend a very long time showing you just how talented my mouth is while I’d pamper your breasts. Kissing, sucking, licking…nipping…” Negan dragged his tongue out across his bottom lip when you tugged at the cup of your bra revealing one of your breasts to him. His eyelids grew heavy with you circling your nipple with your fingertip turning it to a hard bud. “Fuck me.”
Reaching around your back, you undid the clip in your bra letting the material pull loose. Hooking your fingers into the straps, you lazily pulled the material from your body leaving you completely naked from the waist up. Hopefully no one walked by the window or decided to drop in to check on Negan because then you’d have a lot of explaining to do. And you’d likely be in trouble.
Palming over your breasts, you kept your eyes locked on Negan finding yourself incredibly turned on with the way that he was watching you. Slowly pulling yourself up from the bed, you moved across the small cell. Nudging the wooden stepping stool that they had given Negan to use when he’d look outside, you nodded down toward it and had Negan breathing loudly.
“Prove how talented your mouth is,” you demanded getting a wicked smirk to tug at Negan’s lips. Looking down, Negan yanked on his arms around and shrugged his shoulders.
“Like this?” Negan was referring to the handcuffs and you nodded your head.
“Yes ma’am,” Negan slightly lowered to his knees with a rumble, carefully balancing his weight on the wood stepping stool so that he was about level with your breasts. Stepping forward allowed Negan to lift up just enough to start peppering hot, wet kisses at the side of your neck. Closing your eyes tightly, you enjoyed the way his short beard scratched at your skin.
Gradually, his kisses lowered down over your collarbone toward the center of your chest. Balancing his weight with his arms handcuffed to the cell door was going to be hard for him, but he was managing. Growling against your flesh, Negan nipped softly at it getting you to purr out. Teasing his kisses at the swell of your breast, Negan’s big, hazel eyes lifted to watch your reaction. When his mouth reached the nipple, you felt the teasing flick of his tongue out over it before sucking faintly.
“You have such beautiful breasts,” Negan hummed against your flesh, a wet sound filling the air with his wet kisses pampering your body. Between his kisses and the sucking that followed, it had your back arching forward toward Negan who appeared to be enjoying himself while he cherished your breasts just like he said he would. “They deserved to be worshipped, not hidden away.”
Moaning out, you hooked your fingers into Negan’s dark hair caressing at the scalp when he went back to circling your nipple with his tongue. Fuck, you didn’t know where you were headed with this, but you liked it.
With a wet popping sound, Negan’s mouth released your breast letting it bounce slightly when he went to focus on the other covering the flesh with same dedicated strokes of his tongue and meticulous kisses. The bad thing about this is that you were going to want more and you didn’t know if you’d be able to get away with it. Yet, you weren’t going to complain about this. It had been so long since someone had made you feel this special.
“So fucking perfect,” Negan nipped at your flesh, dragging his tongue out over the nipple in a lingering moment.
“Stand up,” you ordered with Negan’s wet lips glistening. Looking up at you with his hazel eyes, he didn’t seem to want to comply but as you grabbed the collar of his blue shirt, he didn’t seem to have much of a choice.
Stumbling to his feet, Negan seemed confused when you slammed him against the bars to his cell. Kicking the stepping stool away, you reached out to start pulling apart the buttons of Negan’s long sleeve shirt revealing his flesh beneath. Pushing at the sides of the shirt, you let out a tremoring breath finally getting a full look at his slender body. Gazing over the tattoo that covered his pectoral muscle, you felt a breath escape your lungs. God, he was beautiful.
Outstretching your hands, you went to touch Negan and you noticed that he was trembling before you, “Are you okay?”
“I just haven’t been touched in a very long time,” Negan explained, his lips agape and his eyelids heavy with lust for you. “Not kindly anyways…”
Hearing that just made you want to touch him more. Extending your fingers, you let the tips of them graze against his flesh. That alone had Negan tipping his head back, resting it against the bars. Flattening your palms over his chest completely had him whimpering sucking in a sharp breath of air. The vein at the side of his neck was bulging slightly and it made your heart skip a beat.
Caressing down over his chest, you teased your fingers through the dark curls of hair that covered his lean torso. Sucking at his bottom lip, Negan groaned out and you were shocked by the way that he was shaking with you touching him.
“You are so touched starved,” you noted, palming up toward his shoulders and then back down again. Stepping in closer to him, you slid your hands up stroking through the dark hair over his chest. Once you reached his shoulders, you caressed at the freckle covered flesh. Leaning in, you very faintly pressed a kiss at the center of his chest. A tremoring breath escaped his throat followed by a groan. “It’s so attractive.”
Stepping back had Negan releasing a panicked breath, “Please, don’t stop. Please.”
“Wow,” you were enamored with him now having him begging you to return to him. His long eyelashes fluttered with chills flooding your body. Starting at the top of his pants, you unhurriedly lowered your hands to palm up his abdomen, over his chest and toward his shoulders. Hooking your fingers loosely around his neck, you urged him down toward you. With the warmth of your breath lingering over his, it had Negan’s eyes closing firmly. A pathetic Negan was surprisingly exactly what you needed right now. Taking your time, you dragged your bottom lip against his. It had a loud exhale following from him before you dragged your tongue out over his lips. It elicited a moan to fall from him and he licked his lips in return after you did it. “Good boy.”
Palming in over his neck, you let your thumb caress over his chiseled jawline toward his lips. With broken breaths, Negan took your fingertip into his mouth nibbling at the pad before sucking at the flesh. You gave a big smile and tipped up on your toes, tugging him to you to claim his lips fully in a passionate kiss. At first he was careful, not wanting to upset you, but when you continued to pepper kiss after kiss against his lips, Negan hungrily kissed you back. Parting his mouth and allowing your tongue to brush against his. Returning the gesture had a warmth growing at your core.
Stepping forward, you allowed the heat of your breasts to press against his chest and the skin-to-skin contact felt amazing. If Negan was shaking before, he was a complete mess after your kisses and being able to be touched like this.
“Look at you,” you palmed over the side of his face with your left hand, your right tracing over his lips again having him softly kissing at the tips. “You’re so desperate.”
Looking down between the two of you, you noticed the bulge at the center of Negan’s jeans. Lowering your hand between the two of you had Negan’s eyes dropping. Grazing the back of your hand against the material of his jeans had his hips arching forward. You’d teased him long enough. Taking one step back, you stroked over Negan’s belt, unhooking it and then swiftly pulled apart his pants eager to get the zipper down. You were being rough and he was hissing with every strong movement you had.
Forcing his jeans down his hips, you got them to his knees. Kneeling before him, you looked up at him and had never seen Negan so vulnerable before. At least not when you were around him. Taking advantage, you started caressing up over the sides of his long legs. Squeezing at his calf muscles before raising higher up toward his thighs. Circling around the back of them, you tested the flesh in your grasp until you grabbed firmly at his small bottom through his navy-colored boxer briefs. Standing slowly, you hooked your fingers into the waistband of Negan’s boxer briefs, pushing just enough at the material in the front to get his cock to bounce free from the restrictive hold they had on him.
“Fuck,” Negan winced again looking down at his throbbing length. He was completely rigid standing before you tied up to these bars and, in that moment, you could do whatever it is you wanted with him. Dropping his boxers at his knees with his jeans, you licked your lips at the sight of Negan’s cock. It was straining. What you had done in just touching him had him aching. Prominent veins donned his flesh from the thick base all the way up to the swollen red tip. “Please.”
“Don’t be greedy,” you hushed him, stepping beside him. Palming up over his chest had him sucking in sharply again, his back arching forward as you lowered your caress. Teasing your fingers through the curls of hair that surrounded his cock, you finally allowed your traces to run along the length of his shaft. Groaning, Negan’s lips parted and his hazel eyes were locked on yours. “Good boy.”
Curling your fingers around his girthy length, you took your time testing his flesh in your grasp. Lowering them to the base before dragging up toward the tip. Looking down, you watched your movements loving the way that Negan shook with just your touch alone. Lifting your hand, you spit into it then went back to pumping Negan’s flesh, focusing on his reaction to every touch.
“I wish I had a better lube, but this will have to do,” you slurred leaning up on your toes to start pressing kisses at his jawline. Each caress of your hand over his cock had Negan eagerly meeting your touch with careful thrusts of his hips. “With a cock like that, you shouldn’t be the only one touching it. You’re so fucking beautiful.”
Opening his eyes again, Negan locked stares with you. Lowering down told you that he wanted to kiss you and you met his mouth in a sloppy kiss that took your breath away. Negan’s moans vibrated against your flesh and you liked the way that it felt. You felt powerful being in control of Negan like this, having him a shuddering mess before you.
Using both hands, you pumped over Negan’s member, drawing attention to the red tip where precum was dripping from the slit. Licking his lips, Negan panted, never taking his eyes off you, “Are you going to come?”
Nodding, Negan could barely form words with you quickening the pace of your hand over his length. Dropping one of your hands, you cupped his testicles in your hand, gentle enough to have him bouncing into your touch. His throaty moans were growing more frequent and raspier.
His long eyelashes fluttered to a close, his chest rising and falling repeatedly, “Be a good boy and come for me.”
Working your caress over him harder had him hissing, burying his nose against the side of your neck. Winces were escaping his throat and you noticed his abdomen sinking in further. His thighs started to twitch with his breathing growing labored.
“That’s it, let it happen,” you urged him focusing now on the sensitive tip of his cock. At the side of your neck, Negan moaned out your name with his hips bouncing forward. Not wanting to miss, you looked between the two of you to watch the first line of Negan’s come cover your lower abdomen. Panting against your flesh, Negan continued to buck into your hand with his thick ropes of come covering both your abdomen and hand. By the time you milked him completely of his orgasm, Negan was a spent mess before you. His body was twitching, his legs weak with him being held up by the way that his hands were cuffed to the bars. With your free hand, you reached up to stroke your fingers through Negan’s damp hair kissing at the side of his face. “Good boy.”
Negan’s cum was dripping down your body onto the concrete floor of his cell, his breathing incredibly labored. Getting him to drop his head back, you gave him a tiny smile and traced your fingers over the sensitive tip of his softening cock. It was still twitching after his release with Negan’s eyelids heavy with awe for you.
“I think we can do this every time I visit, how about you?” you hummed against his flesh depositing a wet kiss at the center of his chest.
“Yes please,” Negan whimpered with a euphoric expression flooding his tired features. Hovering your lips over his had Negan whining and it made you smile. From this moment on, you’d have Negan eating out of the palm of your hand and that was an idea that you liked very much.
Tags: @slutlanna976​ @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @pixelb4rbie @ibelongtonegan
@smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan
@redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted
@akumune @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03
@sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @ayumi-wolf
@promiscuousbarnes @tone-stark @lanadelnegan @peachihellcat
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 days
No offense but your brother sounds like kind of an asshole
He has a difficult time understanding other people’s perspectives. I don’t think he’s like mean on purpose but he also doesn’t really care to understand why he comes off that way. He self describes himself as being kind of selfish. Which like whatever but I just wish he wouldn’t raise his voice about it.
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jeonscatalyst · 2 days
I wonder why Tae was only hurt about jimin not telling him about the jeju trip. Why wasn’t he hurt because of Jungkook too? I mean the trip was for both of them and Jk didn’t tell him either yet he didn’t say anything about Jk. Why do you think?
Hey anon,
This is a honestly a very good question and this explains so much about Vmin and Taekook. We know that Tae only found out about the trip to Jeju from the group chat, two days before they had to leave for that trip and Jimin and Jungkook must have both known about the trip longer than the two days before the trip when Tae mentioned that he found out about it so not only did Jimin not mention it to him but Jk didn’t either but he seemed more hurt about the fact that Jimin specifically didn’t tell him. Anon, the simple answer to this is that Tae probably didn’t expect Jungkook to tell him in the first place maybe due to their history, communication style and nature of their friendship so because he had no expectations from him, there was nothing to be mad about.
Let me explain something. Anyone who has followed up keenly with these guys knows that Tae doesn’t really expect certain things from Jungkook that he would expect from Jimin. Tae has always seemed to care more about Jimin’s actions than he cared about Jk’s. Remember years ago when Jungkook was given a task to ignore Tae for about 24 hours or so but then when Tae found out about it he just said he didn’t even notice that Jungkook was ignoring him because he always did? Now, I don’t think this meant that Jungkook ignored him in a malicious way but it was so telling that he went that long without noticing that he was intentionally being ignored by Jungkook. Jungkook also didn’t tell him about the NY trip and shoot as he only found out when Jk called him while they were filming so looking at all of these, it isn’t hard to see that there probably is alot of things he doesn’t expect Jungkook to tell him because Jungkook usually doesn’t but maybe he is more used to Jimin telling him about stuff like that than he is with Jungkook. Because Jungkook was seated right there and Jimin kept saying “we” as in himself and Jungkook didn’t tell Tae but Tae still didn’t seem bothered by the other person seated there who didn’t tell him. It’s just like I mentioned before that contrary to what taekookers think, Tae and Jungkook actually sought Jimin out emotionally more than they sought each other out. Remember back in 2020 after they heard the news of Dynamite going number one on BB, Tae wanted someone to come sleep by his side and even though Jungkook was available, he only asked Jimin. The simple answer is that Tae just doesn’t have certain expectations of Jungkook because he already knows how Jungkook is about certain things and the biggest thing that should have made people understand this is when Jk went 24 hours ignoring Tae but Tae just said he didn’t notice and didn’t seem to care. This says a whole lot!
What is actually a bit funny about this situation is that taekookers believe that Taehyung and Jungkook talk all the time or are always glued to each other up to the extent that they truely believe that anytime Jk was on his phone while filming AYS, he was texting with Tae but this definitely isn’t true because for people who supposedly spend that much time together or talk on the phone that much, there is quite alot of things that Taekook don’t know about each other. Tae only found out from the group chat that Jk was filming another Suchwita episode, he only found about his trip to Jeju from the same group chat, he didn’t know details about Jungkook’s album process and only found out about it from suchwita, he didn’t know Jungkook was filming a show in Newyork with Jimin but taekookers seriously believe that taekook talk all the time and are always updated about each other’s schedules. What do they talk about if they don’t even know these little things about each other?
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adviceformefromme · 3 days
Your life can drastically change in three months, and this is coming from someone who started last October unexpectedly in hospital everyday for three weeks, to then leave London and move back home and share a ROOM with my mom due to space issues and by the end of the whirlwind I finally got to move into my dream ocean view apartment in Europe. ALL WITHIN 3 MONTHS. How did I transform my life? What remained consistent was my inner voice, leading me towards faith and not fear. Being able to hear God’s direction and having the courage to take a leap into the unknown at each twist and turn. So no matter where you start this October, trust and know that miracles are possible, and if you stay true to where you are being guided you will end up exactly where you need to be. 
Are you leaning into fear or into faith? Each day, are you sticking to what you know or are you taking risks? Are you using your voice to speak up when you’re usually quiet? Are you still remaining true to your vision despite not seeing the results in the 3D? Are you trying to control situations feeling anxious and stuck, or are you remaining trusting and faithful to the visions God has placed in your heart? If you find fear is guiding your life, your TRANSFORMATION is going to a struggle, there is going to be friction, and this is where you need to get out of your own way. God wants to move you somewhere you’ve never been, you’ve been doing your vision boards, affirmations, praying, reading, trying your very best to LEVEL-TF-UP, and STILL feeling stuck…and this is because your inner voice is holding you hostage to what you’ve known, to the old version of you, the expired version. These next 12 weeks are for tuning into a different frequency, to locking into God’s direction and here are the steps…
1] You need to meditate to create space in your mind to hear the voice that wants to lead you to your highest potential. It’s always there waiting for you to listen, in order to HEAR you need SPACE.. and to get space you need to meditate. The aim is 20 mins per day, if you’re already comfortable with this aim for 1 hour. I know this might sound like a scary amount of time to sit in silence but think how easily you can spend 20 mins on social media doom scrolling…Do you want to GLOW-UP or do you want to stay stuck? This is what you need to ask yourself daily…But please walk before you run, here is 10 mins meditation that is simple and transformative and will 100% allow you mental space so you can slowly throughout the day start to hear your inner voice - God speaking to you. 
2] Tune out of negativity (the news, low vibration music, gossip, scrolling through peoples highlight reel) and tune into high vibes… Listening to high vibes is going to move you energetically into a new space. There will be more peace and positivity. The high vibes include, morning motivation on YouTube find one that empowers you, cleansing your social media accounts of anything negative or deleting it full stop while you’re on your glow up journey. Listening to binaural beats, gospel, or anything that has empowering lyrics that lift you up. 
3] Once you have removed the low vibes you also want SILENT vibes, this means going for a walk without your phone. Waking up and not checking your phone for 1 hour, having as many moments of silence as possible, and this is when you will start to hear. You might hear negativity in your mind at first, it might be overbearing, the voice might be telling you how stupid you are, how pathetic you are, but PERSEVERE. Get curious on why you have this negativity in your mind, journal on what was coming up for you, you want to clear out the negativity so you can hear the inner wisdom that is waiting to flow in. 
4] PRAY FOR GUIDANCE. If you don’t have the direction, you are wanting to transform your life and don’t know what the next steps are, I promise you the moment you start praying and asking is the moment you receive the answers. It will come in the form of conversations, YouTube content creators will appear in your feed, you will have thoughts, dreams, a book will fall of a shelf, there will be direction from above. God wants to help you, you just have to ask and listen clearly for the answers. They will appear.
A little story time of my 3 month transformation from last October - December and how I completely transformed my life in that time…
Until next week, stay in your faith, your journal and remain hopeful that this time things are going to be different. Your transformation is in progress.
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No Man's Land |4|
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Sam can’t help but be drawn to the cute stranger from her gym, even if everything about them makes them the perfect suspect, just when Ghostface has returned.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.3k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Sam crossed her legs, trying to stop the bouncing of her foot, but it was no use. She just as quickly uncrossed them, so her foot was bouncing on the ground again. Her fists were clenched together, and her eyes hadn’t left the stained tile floor of the hospital waiting room. She tried focusing on the stain, silently debating if the brownish color was coffee or blood. She had been sitting in the waiting room since they brought you in, she wasn’t sure how long it had been.
“What were you thinking!” Tara’s voice came, making Sam’s head snap up. “A note!” She held up the little sticky note that Sam and written. “Went to gym, be back soon,” Tara read the note Sam had written, crumpling it up after she finished.
“I didn’t want you to worry,” Sam tried to defend.
“Then a text!”  Tara threw her arms in the air. “Ghostface attacked,” Tara held up her phone, reading the quick text Sam had sent. “Headed to hospital.” Tara aggressively dropped her phone back down at her side. “What the fuck! I thought we were supposed to be staying safe! And together!”
“Yeah,” Chad said, flopping down into the seat beside her. “Running off alone in the middle of the night is the opposite of that,” Chad gave her what she could only describe as a big brother look.
Sam could only roll her eyes. “I just needed to clear my head,” Sam sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“What happened?” Mindy asked, taking the seat across from her. Tara continued to stare down at Sam, shaking her head and her arms crossed. It wasn’t often Sam was on the other end of that look. Sam was usually the one giving that look to Tara and occasionally the twins. She was beginning to understand what Tara meant every time she talked about Sam hovering and being overprotective.
“Y/N was attacked.”
“What?” Tara asked with a furrowed brow.
“Oh no,” Chad whispered, bringing a hand to his heart. Sam scrunched her eyebrows, Chad seemed to have gotten really attached to you after just one conversation, she wondered what the two of you could have possibly talked about.
“They saved my life,” Sam continued. “I was down, and they came out of nowhere.”
Mindy furrowed her brow, crossing her arms as she leaned back further in her chair. “Why were they there?” she questioned.
Sam could only shrug. “Sometimes they like to work out late.” Sam had been surprised to see you, not just because you jumped in to save her life without a second thought but because she didn’t think anyone else was in the gym at the time, there had been no vehicles in the parking lot. Mindy only let out a hum at her response though.
“What?” Chad questioned.
Mindy looked at everyone but kept flicking a glance at Sam. Sam raised an eyebrow as she waited to hear whatever Mindy had to say. “Don’t you think it’s suspicious?” Mindy questioned. “This mysterious person Sam likes suddenly shows up the same time as Ghostface?” Everyone sucked in a breath as they took in what Mindy was saying. “It can’t be a coincidence.”
Sam frowned; she didn’t necessarily disagree with Mindy as much as she hated to admit it. It was oddly coincidental that you of all people showed up just the moment Sam needed you. For all they knew this was all a ploy to get them to drop their guard down around you, to let you in and then you’d help whoever Ghostface was take them down.
“Looks like we’re about to find out,” Tara mumbled.
Sam looked up to see the doctor walking towards them. She was instantly on her feet to meet the doctor when he got to their side. “Your friend is in room 582, they are clear, and you are free to take them home,” the doctor said.
“Thank you,” Sam said, giving a grateful smile to the man.
They all made their way to your room. When they got there Sam saw the door was ajar. “Wait here,” she whispered to the others. Tara frowned but Sam didn’t wait for Tara to argue back before she pushed the door open and stepped into the room.
Sam froze in the doorway when she saw you. You were standing by the bed, pulling down your shirt. Her eyes widened at the exposed skin she saw before it got covered by your shirt. There were several scars on your back, your side, and front, your body seemed to be littered with them. Several of them were knife wounds, Sam could recognize them instantly, she had some of her own after all. There were others she didn’t recognize but looked eerily similar to bullet wounds, but she had only seen those a handful of times before.
Her eyes couldn’t help but linger on the fresh stab wound, newly stitched up. It was a large wound, just under your ribs. Sam sucked in a breath, it was her fault you had a new wound, that you were stabbed. Just a little higher and you could have died, Sam could have been the reason you died.
Before Sam could say anything, she was pushed further into the room as the others piled in behind her. You whipped around when you heard them all stumbling in. “Guess patient confidentiality isn’t a thing anymore,” you mumbled. You sat down on the edge of the hospital bed as you looked at Sam and the others.
“We’re sorry,” Sam said. “We just-”
“Why were you at the gym?” Mindy asked, cutting Sam off. Sam suppressed a sigh, if they wanted to get answers from you, jumping right into questioning was probably not the best idea.
You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes at Mindy. “To work out,” you said. “That’s what one tends to do at the gym.”
“After midnight?” Mindy crossed her arms.
“Less likely to be disturbed,” you shrugged. You were answering their questions but giving them nothing, Sam couldn’t blame you for being so guarded.
“So, right place right time?”
“Not exactly the way I’d describe it.” You stared at Mindy, but your face gave away no emotion. “Considering I was stabbed.”
Mindy let out something between a hum and a scoff. “How convenient.”
“If you have something to say,” you said calmly. “Say it.” Sam wasn’t sure how you could remain so calm when you were being questioned by people you didn’t even know.
“Why’d you do it? Why risk your life for someone you don’t even know?”
“So, just because I don’t know Sam means I should let her die?”
Sam started to nod, seeing your logic when she froze. Her head, along with the others, all snapped up towards you. “How did you know her name?”
You rolled your eyes and looked at the group. Sam furrowed her brow as she realized you weren’t looking at all of them but one of them specifically. She heard someone let out a hiss and turned around to see Chad with a guilty look. “Yeah,” he said, holding up a hand. “It came up in our conversation.”
Sam glared at Chad. She knew he got your name, but she hadn’t imagined he gave you, her name. He had somehow neglected to mention that little fact when he was telling everyone about his very short time getting to know you.
“Whatever,” Mindy said, waving it off. “Do you make it a habit of throwing yourself into danger?”
“I make it a habit of not turning my back when someone needs help,” you said simply.
“Guys,” Sam finally spoke up. “Give us a minute.” She nodded towards the door. Mindy looked at her, clearly wanting to question you more but Chad grabbed her and led her out of the room, followed by Tara.
“I’m sorry,” Sam whispered. “You were just stabbed, the last thing you need is a bunch of people questioning you.”
You just shrugged; it was like none of this phased you. “You were attacked,” you said. “Of course they’d be suspicious.”
Sam nodded, you were taking everything very well, though you had yet to question them, had yet to demand answers. You hadn’t even asked why a masked psycho was trying to kill Sam. She wasn’t sure if you were that uninterested or if it was because you already knew the answer.
You stood up from the bed, barely wincing as you did so. Sam saw you eye your jacket that was next to her, she grabbed it and held it out to you. You silently reached out, taking the jacket from her. You shrugged on the jacket and moved towards the door, stopping next to Sam. “Thanks,” you whispered softly.
“You got stabbed saving me,” Sam whispered back. “I’m pretty sure I should be thanking you.” You just shrugged and pushed past Sam out the door.
Sam barely had time to process what she was doing before she followed after you. She wasn’t fully sure why, maybe it was because you saved her life, but she wanted to keep you close. It wasn’t just because she liked you, she felt responsible now, you were caught up in her mess whether you realized it or not. Even if the two of you had never talked until a few minutes ago she knew Ghostface wouldn’t just let you go, you were a target now.
“Wait!” Sam called, running to catch up with you, assuming the others would be trailing behind. “We aren’t done yet.”
You lightly chuckled to yourself and gave a little shake of your head. “I am,” you said without even bothering to turn around.
Sam suppressed a groan; she should have known you would be incredibly difficult. The two of you had talked for only a few minutes but you had told them nothing. Sam couldn’t say she was surprised you were a person of few words. You barely spoke to people at the gym, it didn’t seem like you talked much to your friends either, it wasn’t a surprise you didn’t want to talk to Sam, she is the reason you got stabbed after all.
“Gale Weathers,” Sam heard a voice she knew all too well say. “Channel Four.” Sam slowed down when she saw you come to a stop. She came around your side to see Gale standing in front of you, blocking your path to the front door. “Care to answer some questions about surviving a Ghostface attack?” Gale held her microphone out towards you.
You looked down at the microphone and back up at Gale. Sam held here breath as she waited to see what you would say or do. “No,” you said and walked right past Gale.
Sam couldn’t help but smirk at the way Gale opened and closed her mouth. She slowly brought the microphone back towards herself and flipped the switch to turn it off. “You just don’t know when to quit, do you?” Sam asked, masking her face again.
Gale rolled her eyes and stepped closer to Sam. “I’m just following the story,” Gale said with a shrug.
Sam just scoffed; it was such a typical Gale Weathers response.  She opened her mouth to say something back but stopped when she saw detective Bailey walking through the doors. She furrowed her brow and stepped past Gale, making Gale follow her gaze.
“Y/N Y/LN,” Bailey said, raising his hand to stop you in your tracks. Once again you looked down, this time at Bailey’s hand in front of you. When you looked back up at Bailey you seemed even more annoyed than when Gale had stopped you. “Mind if we have a few words?”
“Yes,” you replied with your one-word response again.
Sam couldn’t blame you for being annoyed. She could only imagine what you were going through, it was late, you were stabbed, then Sam and her friends interrogated you, then Gale stopped you, and now Bailey was stopping you. Sam assumed you only wanted to go home, probably just wanted to rest in an actual bed.
You moved to walk past Bailey when he grabbed your arm and held you in place. You glanced to the side, looking down at Bailey’s hand on you. “I’m going to need you to come down to the station,” Bailey said. “I’m not asking.”
Sam saw the way your jaw clenched but you didn’t say anything more, you just nodded. Bailey kept his hand on your arm as he led you out the front of the hospital. Sam and Gale followed behind watching him put you in the back of his police car.
“You really know how to pick ’em,” Gale mumbled.
Sam shot her a glare. She turned around to see Tara and the twins standing there. Sam rubbed her eyes, her plan worked, she was officially tired. “Go back to the apartment,” Sam said.
“What about you?” Tara asked, stepping forward. Sam sighed and looked back to where she could see Bailey’s car still making its way down the street. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Sam turned back to her sister. “I’m the reason they’re in this mess.”
“Then I’m going with you.”
“It’s not up for discussion.” Tara crossed her arms.
“Fine,” Sam rolled her eyes.
Tara tossed her keys to Mindy and Chad, telling them to go back to the apartment and wait for them. They all agreed to keep each other updated and text each other regularly so they all knew each other was okay. Then Sam and Tara flagged down a cab and made their way to the police station. She didn’t have a plan, but she was beating herself up, if it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t have been stabbed and you wouldn’t be on your way to be questioned right now.
Taglist: @thatshyboy1998 @artrizzler19 @btay3115
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b4ddprincess · 18 hours
I have read your blogs and I understand what you’re talking about but how do I stay on track with that mentality? Like knowing that the void is easy? I try to relax and focus on the darkness behind my eyes then I affirm but there’s so many distractions and negative people around me that I feel like I’m doing something wrong. How do I not focus and obsess over time and the 3D? Because I am trying absolutely everything that you’ve said and I know it works I just don’t know why it wouldn’t for me.
you see....
a lot of y'all view pure consciousness as an actual void, when it's not. it's just another state of consciousness you induce. just like when you're going to sleep; you relax your body, you quiet your mind, and boom! you induce sleep! you don't need a tutorial on how to sleep, cuz you do it every time u want to sleep, or when you accidentally fall asleep.
y'all think pure consciousness is sumthing extremely different when it's not. it's very similar in nature. you induce it by only paying attention/getting carried away/focusing on your thoughts, daydreams, affirmations, internal dialogues, etc., and not paying any attention to your body!
everyone can induce pure consciousness! it's not for special people! the only way i knew this was when i induced pure consciousness awake without expecting to. multiple times at that. trust me! when you induce it, you'll realise how natural it was!
in my last success story, before i induced pure consciousness awake, i told myself "all i needa do is not focus on my body" and so i did! the only thing i personally gotta remember doing is not physically checking, but mentally checking and realising that i was pure consciousness.
anyways, don't think of pure consciousness as a huge accomplishment. cuz it's not. that should help with molding your view it! 💗💗💗
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hiiikiko · 3 days
IF THATS THE CASE … would u write ellie x hikikomori reader
𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 𝕩 𝕙𝕚𝕜𝕚𝕜𝕠𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚!𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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ellie w. x reader | tlou m.list
[a/n] AHHHH I LOVE THIS PROMPT SM !! (speakin as a former hikikomori <now forced to work a 9-5>) also im doin this heavily based off me bc my room is literally like the ones in the pics lolz n there’s not many other known moris that aren’t minors n i dont feel comfy roping them in 0__0 idk if this is good bc it was so hard to come up with anything lolz
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ as a hikikomori, you rarely ever left your apartment, too anxious to face the chaotic world outside but on this particular day, you were craving some strawberry shortcake from a nearby bakery; so you put on a brave face and stepped outside for the first time in awhile
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ on the way to the bakery, you passed a comic shop and decided to take a peak because it seemed to be empty, and the only worker looked too engrossed in their comic
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ the comic shop was very neat! they even had the exact comic you were looking for so you snatched it up and made your way to the register
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ as soon as you placed the comic on the counter, green eyes peaked over a spiderman comic which a very pretty auburnette was reading, your face was covered in a blush as she began to scan the book and make small talk, but unfortunately you were too shy to talk
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ for days after, she would pop into your mind, the way she looked at you over the comic made you smile
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ so, you made plans to come again the next day.. then the day after that.. then day after that.. then-
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ soon, you and ellie became aquatinted, she even knew your favourite series but you had yet to know anything about her
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ finally, one day you had the courage to ask her what her favourite series was, ellie leaned over the counter, a smirk on her face as she said “Ah, i’m a bit busy right now but.. why don’t i tell you later, hm?” your soul left your body when you saw she had written her number on a sticky note tucked into your comic (little did you know that she had written that weeks ago and finally worked up the courage to give it to the pretty girl with immaculate taste in comics)
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ soon, you and ellie were chatting everyday
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ you even got her into manga lol
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ even though you weren’t keen on sending photos, ellie would constantly send videos/photos of her at school, or work, out hiking, gym pics, and more (she also sends you haul videos of what she bought at the comic store and would tell you that she saved a comic for you)
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ BUT when you did work up the courage to send pics (usually leaving out full body pics or face pics) she would go completely crazy and bombard you with compliments, making you kick your feet and blush
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ you decide to invite ellie over to play a game, you clean up because now you finally have motivation, ellie looks almost out of place in your room that’s filled with pink things and little figurines, she doesn’t mind it, as a matter of fact she thinks it’s cute and she loves how many comfortable things you have, your whole room is like one big pillow
⋆. 𐙚 ˚the two of you have a great time, ellie ends up spending the night which you don’t mind, it’s been awhile since you’ve had company
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ the next morning, you wake up and can’t find ellie anywhere but when you walk into the kitchen you see a little box with a note on it that reads ‘had to go to work, picked up a cake for you <3’
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ there’s no official start to your relationship, instead ellie ends up staying over days at a time, buying you comics and games, taking you out on dates, so the two of you had somehow became a ‘thing’
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ ellie even has a highlight full of pics of you (only if you’re comfy with it) and of your dates
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ when you finally open up to her about how you struggle with going outside and being around other people, she’ll try her best to understand
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ after you tell her, she’ll still plan outside dates but will also make sure the two of you have at home dates, mainly playing video games and watching movies
⋆. 𐙚 ˚she’ll also listen to whatever you’re struggling with
⋆. 𐙚 ˚she’ll accommodate you but she will NOT coddle you because she wants you to get better and treating you like a child won’t help, somedays she’ll drag you outside to go on a little walk or take you over to her place instead
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ she does get frustrated at times because she wants to show you off and take you out but it’s so fuckin frustratin how often you say no, during these times she’ll sometimes lash out or go for a walk but then apologize as soon as she gets back and try her best to communicate what’s going on
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ this does prompt you to try harder so when ellie does take you out, she’ll check up on you every couple of minutes just to make sure she’s not making you feel bad
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ she’ll encourage you to get a better sleep schedule and a healthier diet, even going as far to come over and cook for you or bring leftovers from whatever joel made
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ she’s very nervous to touch you, her hands practically hovering over you because she’s not sure if this is okay (even if you’re practically throwing yourself at her, she’ll still be nervous and awkward about it)
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ when she does realize you’re not a porcelain doll, she can’t get enough of you, she’s been so nervous to touch you for so long that when she realizes that she can, she goes feral, her hands roaming all over your body
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ she punches your stuffed animals when you’re not in the room
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ if ellie’s in a band, she’ll invite you to gigs and at first you’re scared and frequently decline but when you finally do show up, ellie puts on the best show she ever has just to impress you ♡
⋆. 𐙚 ˚ overall, she loves that your geek matches hers and she wants you to get better, so she’d try her best to help in whatever way she can
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astrcmoni · 3 days
ੈ✩‧₊˚Avec toi, je suis chez moiੈ✩₊˚
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pairing: billie eilish x fem!reader
warning- none except that you might cry(?)
wc: 1.8k… i don’t think i’ll ever write anything under 1k
authors note: if you don’t know what the title means it’s french, meaning “with you, i am home”.
edit: idk if i like this anymore🧍🏾‍♀️
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Nervous. That’s what you felt as you rushed through the bustling streets of Chicago, your heart pounding in your ears. You looked around frantically, weaving through the crowd, eyes darting across each building until you finally saw it—the stadium. It towered over you like a beacon, glowing under the night sky. Breath hitching, you stopped for a second to catch it. That’s when you heard it. The melody of her voice. The thrumming of the beat. The vibrations of the bass. It all floated through the glass doors and straight into your body. each note vibrating in your chest, pulling you like an invisible thread.
Pushing through the entrance, you approached the front desk, showing the clerk your ticket. Instead of tearing it and handing you a stub, she shook her head, almost smiling. She motioned toward the backstage area, her intentions clear. But you gently refused her kind gesture, insisting—almost pleading—to let you join the general area, where you could be in the crowd with everyone else, feel the energy firsthand.
After what felt like forever, she sighed and relented, her brows furrowed like she couldn’t understand why anyone would give up such a golden opportunity just to be squished in a pit with a bunch of sweaty, screaming fans.
The screams grew louder and louder as you made your way toward the heart of the stadium. The chant of thousands rising up to the rafters, vibrating through your bones.
“Billie, Billie, Billie…” They sang her name like a prayer, like a hymn to their goddess.
The theatre came into view, and you had to stop yourself from gaping at the sight. People were packed shoulder-to-shoulder, the space bursting at the seams with bodies and voices. You murmured small “excuse me’s” and “sorry’s” as you squeezed past, trying not to step on too many feet or jostle too many shoulders until you finally found a good spot near the front.
Walking through rows of bodies, you murmured small “excuse me’s” and “sorry’s” as you brushed past shoulders and accidentally stepped on toes. When you finally found a good spot, you rooted yourself to the ground. The stage loomed ahead of you, stretching wider than you’d imagined—an expanse of sleek black and shimmering lights. But before you could take it all in, the house lights dimmed, casting the stadium in a sea of darkness.
A soft guitar strum filled the air, the first few notes fluttering like a heartbeat. Then, from somewhere high above, a black platform began to lower, and there she was—in all her effortless glory. Sporting yet another one of her oversized jerseys along with a baseball cap, Billie’s silhouette cut a striking figure against the smoke and spotlights.
“i’m trying my best, to keep you satisfied...”
Her voice was more than angelic—it was otherworldly, like it could reach deep into your soul and fill every empty space. It made your entire body go still, goosebumps rising along your skin. It was as if you’d been yanked out of reality and thrown into some surreal dream, like she was your guide to a place beyond pain or stress, where only her voice existed.
Feeling as if you’d ascended into the heavens and were being welcomed by God himself, each note wrapping around you like a warm embrace, soothing every ache you’d been carrying for the past two months.
Every time she sang, it was like she poured her entire heart into each note, every syllable dripping with raw emotion. She moved around the stage with an ease you hadn’t seen in so long, lying on her back, staring up at the sky, just… lost in the music. Seeing her like this—completely at peace and at home—made something warm bloom in your chest. You couldn’t help but beam with pride, feeling like you were going to burst with how happy you were just to see her again.
It had been almost two months since you’d last seen her in person. College and tour had become separate worlds, tearing you apart and leaving this gaping rift between you two. The balance you used to have was shattered into a million pieces, no matter how much you tried to pick them up. It wasn’t that you weren’t both trying—of course, you were. It was just that time zones, schedules, and everything in between made it near impossible to connect.
Nights turned into weeks where you’d wear her hoodies to sleep, drown yourself in her favorite scents, and even try her diet, just to feel something like her presence. But instead of getting closer, you found yourself grasping at straws—like trying to hold onto water slipping through your fingers.
When you found out about her show in Chicago, you packed your bags without a second thought. You’d rushed your assignments, booked the earliest flight, and somehow managed to snag a last-minute ticket. That’s how you ended up here, front row, heart pounding as you watched her sing.
Being in the crowd was different from watching backstage. Here, you could truly see her, raw and unfiltered. You could feel the way she poured every ounce of herself into her performance, connecting with every person in the audience as if they were the only one there. The passion she poured into her performance, the way she moved with every beat, the way her voice soared through the stadium—it was truly and utterly captivating.
Smoke erupted from hidden vents, and strobe lights flickered through the air as the platform started to lower again. the music filtering the air.
“I loved you, and I still do. Just wanted passion from you, just wanted what I gave you…”
Billie’s voice reverberated through the room, and as she sang, her gaze swept over the crowd. She looked at faces, at outstretched hands, until—suddenly—her eyes landed on you. Everything around you seemed to freeze. Her lips parted, a flash of recognition sparking in her eyes. And then she moved.
In one swift motion, she had jumped down from the stage and was running toward the crowd. People screamed, confusion rippling through them as they watched her dash forward, seemingly abandoning her performance. But she didn’t care. She didn’t stop. And each second felt it dragged on forever, every breath sticking in your throat until she finally reached you.
Flashes of red and blue seared through the smoke as she collided into you. Her arms wrapped around you so tightly it was like she was afraid you’d disappear if she let go. She buried her face in your neck, and you could feel her body trembling against yours, hearing the soft, choked sobs that escaped her lips. Her grip was fierce, almost painful, like a child clinging to their favorite doll at the park, afraid someone would take it away.
“Hi, baby. oh my god hi, my love.” you whispered softly into her ear, cradling the back of her head and rubbing soothing circles down her spine.
“I know, it’s okay i’ve got you..” You could feel eyes on you, phones pointing, trying to capture this intimate moment between their idol and her lover. But right now, it didn’t matter. In this small, fragile bubble, it was just the two of you.
She pulled back slightly, leaning her forehead against yours. Her hands caressed your cheeks, thumbs brushing away tears you didn’t realize were falling. She stared at you like she couldn’t believe you were real, eyes wide and glossy. Before you could say anything more, she leaned in, capturing your lips in a kiss that tasted like salt and honey—tears mixing together a bittersweet reunion.
The kiss was a breathless, desperate collision of emotions. Her lips were soft but urgent, fierce but tender, carrying the weight of every “I miss you” and “I’m sorry” neither of you had the chance to say. She kissed you like she was memorizing everything about you—the way you felt, the way you tasted, the very essence of you that she’d missed so much.
She deepened the kiss, and it was like two waves crashing together, a powerful force that left you both breathless and wanting more. Her hands got lost in your hair as she tried to pull you closer, as if she couldn’t get enough. But even as you strained against each other, the metal gate between you felt like a cruel reminder of the distance that had kept you apart.
The crowd around you screamed at the scene, their excitement transforming into frantic movements that jostled you both, forcing you to pull away. You stayed close, though, foreheads pressed together, breaths mingling in the small space between.
The crowd roared in excitement, the energy around you reaching a fever pitch. The intensity of their reactions pushed you, jostling you both until you had to pull away. Foreheads still touching as your breaths mingled in the small space between, eyes locked and smiles wide.
“Sorry for stopping the show, guys,” she said, voice crackling through the mic. She glanced back at you, eyes still glowing with joy and relief. “But, you know, my girlfriend’s here…” She turned back to the crowd, a sheepish smile tugging at her lips. “Oh, and if anyone has that video, please send it to me.”
The crowd erupted in cheers and laughter, awe and admiration radiating off them in waves.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” she asked softly, her fingers brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I didn’t know I was till I got here. It was a last-minute thing.”
Her gaze traced every inch of your face, memorizing the way your hair was slightly disheveled, the way your eyes shone with nothing but love and admiration for her. She looked at you like you were the only person in the world, like she wanted to capture this moment and keep it safe forever. You looked at her the same way—seeing her not as the girl on stage, but just as her, the girl you loved more than anything.
“I’m so glad you’re here, mama. You have no idea.” she breathed, thumb swiping gently across your lower lip.
She closed the space between you again, this kiss softer but no less meaningful, more sacred than the last. This kiss was slower, softer, filled with a tenderness that made your heart ache. It wasn’t just a kiss—it was a promise, a vow whispered in a language only the two of you understood.
It was a dance of emotions, each touch speaking volumes. A conversation without words. A yearning poem written in the press of lips and the brush of tongues.
The air around you crackled with electricity, thick with unspoken words and feelings. This kiss, this moment, was everything you needed to remind you that no matter how much time and space separated you, this bond, this love, this electric, soul-deep connection, was the golden thread that would always stitch you back together.
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authors note: I wrote this at like 1 am after seeing a video of her performing the greatest at her first show and finished it this morning, i’m so tired😭.
i wish i could go to a show so bad but not this round unfortunately 😓. ngl i wanna write in french more.
remember to take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and stay safe. love and light🫶🏾- vay
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this whole entire situation is absolutely fucking disgusting. there is a clear difference between using s*xual ass*ult as a kink and writing dark romance. if you can’t see the difference, then you need to get off the internet because YOU are the ones creating this toxic environment.
this whole situation stemmed from a writer on this website using s*xual ass*ult as part of a friends to lovers fic. not only did she not use tags or warnings to give people the chance to choose not to read it (because it could very easily have triggered someone else’s trauma) but then she doubled down on it after being initially politely and privately called out on it. she blocked everyone who tried to talk to her about it, changed the writing in the fic without ever acknowledging it, and finally decided to deactivate her account and make a new one thinking that she was going to escape the backlash she was getting (she’s now @elendraliege for anyone wondering)
there are people backing, defending, and supporting her when what she did was unequivocally WRONG. using s*xual ass*ult as a fetish in itself is WRONG. writing and using a scenario that could very much be someone else’s exact trauma story is WRONG. not putting a trigger warning at the beginning and taking away someone’s choice to not read it is WRONG. and if you think differently, you need to reevaluate your morals because there is no situation where that is okay.
now i do understand that some people who have experienced s*xual ass*ult use writing as a way to take their power and control back and that is completely completely valid. however, i do think that if you choose to post that, you still need to put trigger warnings out of respect for everyone else’s trauma and i don’t feel like that’s an unreasonable thing to expect.
i also think its important for people to understand that while writing fanfic about a real person is normal and a lot of people enjoy it AND NONE OF THE BOYS HAVE STATED THAT THEY DON’T LIKE IT OR THAT ITS THE REASON THAT NOAH LEFT SOCIAL MEDIA, writing these kinds of fics about them can be dangerous and very damaging to their reputations, as a lot of people don’t understand what the word fiction means; thus why there should be some kind of statement that clearly specifies that it is not a real scenario in addition to the trigger warnings.
this divide between the whole fandom on this website should not exist, nor should this situation because that fic should never have existed in the first place. y’all gotta stop with the baseless hate because the only thing it does is make you look bad. bullying those who speak out against actions that are, again, unequivocally wrong is immature and heartless. supporting someone who writes fics like the one that started this mess proves that you have no regard or respect for someone else’s trauma and it makes you a vile human being. hiding behind a screen and using the anon shield to harass someone in any situation is despicable and only proves how miserable you must be in your own life that you feel the need to make others just as miserable as you.
anyone who disagrees can block me and if you want to send me messages or start bullying me too, don’t be a coward and hide behind the anon filter. say it with your whole chest or don’t say anything at all. *update: you no longer have the choice to use anon because i disabled it so if you want to say something to me now, you have to do it without hiding yourself :)*
oh and also i mean this genuinely sincerely from the absolute bottom of my heart
fuck all of you for bullying my favorite blogs off of this website.
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