#(lack thereof)
somebluemelodies · 1 year
i always love when we get large order meetings like this and the lore implications but there’s something so funny about visualizing them talking about this Evil Cucurucho and q!Forever being in a coma and whatever happened to the eggs… in the Mexican attire
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platonic-sponge · 10 months
I relate to Tim partially because I, too, was ignored most of my childhood, and so speaking from that I feel like there are a couple stages that kids go through when they're neglected. I'm not naming all of them, but I'll name a few along with some situations I think Tim would have gotten himself into during those stages. (obviously talking abt parents who do neglect kids, not all parents but if I say parents, I mean the neglectful ones)(also the age ranges/"stages" are all based on personal experience + what i've witnessed, not saying any of this is fact)(+ if I get any personality traits/time stamps wrong w Tim pls don't come for me lmao but feel free to correct me in comments)(long post incoming)
So #1 we've got confusion. Basically, at some point between the ages of 2-5, I feel like that's when parents usually start to neglect their kids (can happen sooner or later but, generalizing). So the kid goes from moderate amount of attention and receiving affection, to a lack thereof. Sometimes the kid will continue to expect affection and when they don't receive it, this can leave the kid wondering what they could have done wrong to cause this.
I feel like one day, Tim (around age 3) goes to lay in bed and is expecting his mom to come and tuck him in/give him a goodnight kiss, and he just stays laying there for almost an hour. At some point he gets up to check if she's coming and she's already gone to bed. Tim knocks on the door, no response. Understandably upset, he goes back to bed and attempts to tuck himself in before giving up and laying in bed, crying himself to sleep. The next day he tries making his mom a card telling her how much he loves her, thinking that will fix his non-existent "mistake", and she accepts it kindly enough, but he finds it later that day in the trash.
Ok on to #2, we've got a mix of denial and the beginnings of acting out. This might happen between 4-7, the kid doesn't know how to deal with the neglect, so they act like it's not happening. They've adjusted to less affection but they're still so eager when they receive any bit of it, and they still offer hugs and cards when they think that will help things. If someone asked them if their parents loved them, they'd confidently answer yes. But there's still that pit in their stomach, like they can't do enough to get that love and affection back, so they find another way they think could work. It's not necessarily a conscious decision, to act out. Could be the kid is a little fussier in the morning, hoping their parent will offer to hold their hand on the walk to the bus. Could be the kid saying they don't feel well at school so their parent will come pick them up. Could be seeming like a "distraction" or "nuisance" because the kid keeps trying to make conversation or make funny faces during dinner.
I think little Tim would try and hug his parents each morning before school, going as far as being late to school because his dad had an important phone call and Tim sat there waiting for him to hang up. Tim would probably leave his lunch bag at home on purpose just so he would have to call his mom and ask her to bring it to school for him. She'd end up asking a nanny to send it for her, or just telling Tim to get a lunch from the cafeteria instead.
#3 is more obvious attempts at gaining attention. Probably from anywhere within ages 7-12, the kid will still preen at affection, but they're less likely to seek it from their parents. They might even outright dismiss any potential affection from their parents because they feel like it's not genuine or that they don't deserve it. The kid will likely try to get attention and affection from a teacher/authority figure, but they may also like attention from peers. This may lead to the kid either seeming to be a "class clown" or just a "class nuisance", that or a teacher's pet. They may still act out by faking an illness or being more irritable, but they could go further towards things like knocking stuff over and causing a scene, bullying peers, or interrupting the teacher to tell jokes.
I feel like Tim might try the joke route, while also being a teacher's pet with certain teachers. He'd do the jokes in a subtle way where it's not outright loud and attention seeking, but where people still know it's him. He might be the type to draw a caricature of a teacher he dislikes on the board before class, or put gum on the bully's desk chair so it gets on their pants, or pass around a silly joke on a paper. He might get himself into trouble with the principal, or get bullied more by some peers, for his various antics, but never bad enough that his parents are called. If they threaten to call his parents, he reminds them that either they're A) out of the country and would be of no use or B) that they fund the school (or smth like that, maybe Tim just straight up pays them not to call his parents). Teacher's Pet Tim would only happen with one teacher I think, probably the art teacher or maybe English. It'd be something where he'd start joking in that class but right as that teacher says so, he'll calm right down and be super respectful loll.
#4 is basically all of the teenage years. This can vary a lot from person to person so i'm hesitant to label this, so i'm just gonna talk about what I think Tim would/does do. So at this point in time, around 13 years old, he's pretty much given up on his parents. He could give less of a shit about what they think (or at least that's what he tells himself). So during this time, he's started following Batman and Robin, bouncing around rooftops and photographing them and whatnot. His parents don't notice, and if they ever asked he'd have "i'm sleeping over at a friend's house" prepared as an excuse. During this time, he's distant from his parents and while Batman has become that authority figure that he looks up to, he's not close with Batman either. I think this would lead to him feeling exceptionally lonely, and while he still has friends, he doesn't ask to hang out near as much as he used to. Whenever they ask, he usually rejects and says he's busy that night, even on nights he wasn't planning to go out and do photography. On those nights, he mostly lays in bed either doom scrolling through blogs and news stories about vigilantes, or just listening to music. This span of time finds Tim occupied with art, photography, laying in bed, listening to music, and finding out secret identities.
Once he becomes Robin, he's far happier than before. Finally a vigilante, he's become the thing he looked up to for years. But there's downsides, besides the obvious horrible things he witnesses of course. He wants to reconnect with those friends he pushed away when he was in that depressive slump, but he can't just say "Hey batman, i'm taking a night off from patrol!", and this leads to his friends making rumors or just being suspicious in general. They realize he seems happier, but he still can't hang out? He dodges questions? Why is that? They begin to rely on him less, not inviting him to things because they already assume he won't be able to go. While he's happy, he still feels far too lonely.
But he's a vigilante now. He tells himself he doesn't have time for being lonely or feeling unloved. So he'll push down that urge to receive a hug from his mother, he'll ignore the pride he feels when he receives a sliver of attention from Batman or his teachers, he'll try not to feel lonely when his friends mention shows or movies he hasn't had time to catch up on yet, he'll hope Batman ignored those times he slipped and called him "Dad", and he'll ignore that pit in his soul that's been there since he was 6 years old and never really healed.
He's a vigilante now, he doesn't have time to want (need) affection.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
How long did it take for Dee to get used to having one eye and no depth perception? I imagine that wouldn’t be an easy adjustment. Lots of running into things. He’d probably need some help from his brother for a while.
Oh it definitely took him a while to adjust. He would constantly bump into things. Of course he didn't mind relying on his brother Phobos for help on occasions.
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saltwaterandstars · 8 days
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JOMP BPC - 14th September - Shelfie
These shelves are really high up - I can't reach the top one without standing on a chair - which means I rarely look at the books there. Maybe I should finally get round to putting all the books in the house in some kind of order and then these books would end up scattered through whatever system of organisation I settled on.
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performing-personhood · 2 months
Body: unsettled!
Me: Okay that's fine, we can fix that. What is it you're unsettled about, body?
Body: ....................... unsettled.
Me: o.....kay. I hear you telling me that you're feeling unsettled. What is it that you are asking me for, so that I can get rid of this feeling for us?
Body: ✨️unsettled✨️
Me: Yes I am aware. What do- ok let's try this another way. Are you bored and seeking stimulation?
Body: 🥺
Me: Sensing some executive dysfunction there, okay, how about some food? Are we hungry?
Body: 🥺
Me: We can find a cleaning chore to do, if we need a task to accomplish?
Body: [sounds of an engine failing to catch and turn]
Me: We can find a snack or a midday meal? Sandwich? Cuppanoodles?
Body:... ... ... ... ...... .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ............cereal
Me: Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart but we don't have any of that and we can't go to the store again today.
Body: 🥺
Me: We can work on our crochet project, or put in a load of laundry?
Body: 🥺
Me: OH MY GO- okay. Okay. How about a single slice of bread with peanut butter on it, for fats proteins and complex carbs, and a Pepsi for the sugar, caffeine, bubbles, and dopamine.
Body: ... ... ... ... ... ........ ... ... ... ... ... ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . [Windows log-off sound] I will accept this but I refuse to feel satisfied.
Me: .....wait let's keep talking about this.
Body: Here's some cramps to cover my tracks so you don't know if you're still hungry, if your back hurts, if you're having a flare, or if this is all just "four days until my period" standard procedural cramping.
Body: [pulls brain fog out of a pocket and throws it into my eyes]
Me AND My Body:
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brennacedria · 14 days
Am I "need a higher prescription" depressed or "need more therapy" depressed?
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poetry-of-the-fa11en · 4 months
are you uncomfortable looking into someone's eyes or uncomfortable with their eyes looking into you?
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green-naruto38 · 1 year
the silly 🙈🙈🙈 with his nonexistent knowledge of how fashion works🙈🙈🙈
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i hate you pharmacies with an agenda i hate you Your Prescription Refill Is Delayed i hate you rationing medication i hate you reusing needles i hate you good quality mobility aids that cost more than a month’s rent i hate you “your insurance doesn’t cover this prescription” i hate you “your insurance does cover this prescription but because you ran out before they thought you would you have to pay full price” i hate you “your insurance does cover this prescription but we’re making you pay full price anyway for no reason” i hate you “this thing which is essential to your health is a controlled substance” i hate you “this thing which is essential to your health will have some effects which i deem unacceptable for your body and thus will deny you it without your input” i hate you “this thing which is essential to your health isn’t available for you because you’re under 18/21/25/26/30/55” i hate you protests outside abortion clinics i hate you protests outside gender care clinics i hate you “we’re not going to give you all of your prescription now and we won’t ever” i hate you being unable to access care because you can’t afford to be diagnosed i hate you being unable to access welfare/housing/employment because you Are diagnosed i hate you medical facilities that aren’t disabled friendly i hate you board-certified medical providers thinking you’re exaggerating about your pain i hate you refusing treatment because of mental handicap or gender identity or race or whatever they fucking want i hate you US medical system run by a government that would genuinely, unequivocally and without exaggeration or remorse would rather see physically disabled/mentally disabled/bipoc/trans/female/poor/disadvantaged/any people Dead than provide any sort of care and empathy for people who Need Help From The System That Is Supposed To Help Them I FUCKING HATE YOU
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rahirah · 2 years
Should I make a bunch of Spike vs. Angel or Spuffy vs. Bangel polls and then berate people in the comments for not voting the way I want them to?
1. Yes
2. No
3. What does it matter when you don't have polls will never have polls and no one would vote in your polls anyway?
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platonic-sponge · 7 months
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- a little life
dear god this book. this book is. i'm consuming it like i did with books back in third grade, back when life was just beginning to crumble and i was going down with it, back before i knew just how bad it could get. i'm devouring this book and it is so painful. it's speaking to me and it's making me cry.
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thepotentialof2007 · 2 years
Race car drivers die because of lethal injuries caused by 6 different mechanisms which are examined here in detail. Much has been done, but much more must be done as most of racer deaths in the past few years are preventable with changes to track design.
Has the time come for a universal driver's group to come forward to provide a louder and unified voice advocating change in the name of safety?
CW for frank medical discussion of racing driver deaths and injuries by name, including at least one that happened due to off track activities. Earliest incidents discussed are from the 1960s. Article was last updated in 2014.
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The MissingNo in MissingNo: Lack Thereof is on the larger size, and is roughly 3000 LBS and 9'6" tall. This puts it on the larger side.
It has perfect HP EVs and IVs and a Bold nature with its Red/Blue/Green stats.
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cyberelle2087 · 1 year
They're speaking again 😔
Whispers but they're definitely talking
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headbandsandflats · 2 years
i got a really nice review at work this week (my first review cycle since i started, just over a year ago) and i’ve been struggling a bit with how much it meant to me, and why it meant so much to me, and wishing it didn’t matter quite so much to me. part of it is just that i’m not at - and will never be at - the place i expected myself to end up. i assumed that i’d either be working in the arts or that i’d reach a specific level of education but due to a mix of factors - debt, the economy when i graduated (let’s hear it for those of us in college during the 2008 recession!), overall burnout, etc. - i tapped out after getting my bachelor’s degree. and bc of that, and the field i work in, i’m limited in how high i can advance.
and so i feel lame not just for caring so much about basically getting graded at work (was i a kid who was excited to get my report card, and carefully read the comments ...who’s to say) but specifically about being graded at something that sometimes feels like almost anyone could do it. but i cared. a lot. more than i expected to. i’m working, while not at a dream job, at what’s pretty close to a dream company for me. i work for a woman i like and respect, in what has traditionally been a male-dominated field, and for the team below her, all of whom are pretty great. and i got really lovely feedback from all of them.
and i think part of the swirl of emotions stems from how nervous i was to take this job. i’ve really struggled with my mental health and some pretty severe blows to my confidence (which was not stellar to begin with!) over the last several years, and even though i was unhappy in my last position it felt so much easier and safer to just stay. i felt incapable of shifting to anything new - just getting out of bed to go to a job i already knew was almost impossibly hard some days - and was fairly certain i wouldn’t last a month. so to wrap up my first year with a review where the only negative comment was that i should be more confident in my abilities, trust more in how good i am and how much i know - to leave our meeting with the knowledge that my boss pushed for me to get a higher than average bonus to compensate my work product over the year and the team’s appreciation of me - felt more meaningful than i was/am comfortable with.
(then i called my mom to talk about it, like a real loser. aside from that call - which i was of course then embarrassed by bc hot girls spiral - i haven’t really processed the layers of my feelings about it, which is why the word vomit here. you’re welcome & ty.)
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minamotosousuke · 2 years
somebody make a mitsukou personal bubble collage before I do
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