#(it does not)
s1mpl3sp0ng3 · 24 days
i was really excited for the minecraft movie for the first five seconds of the trailer with those gorgeous sweeping landscape shots
and. then the badly greenscreened humans showed up
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naruto: how much sand do you think gaara actually carries around?
lee: i asked him once
naruto: really? what did he say??
lee: he just said “yes” and i was too scared to ask for clarification so i just assume it’s a lot
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dearweirdme · 1 month
not misogyny but doesn't it basically confirm that he's straight? like
Hi anon!
Um, no.
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haedshct · 2 months
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i have innovative thoughts like what if bedman got to have his own valentine stupid hat
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digikaa · 1 year
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Rvbtober day 9: revelation
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iamthecomet · 9 months
Man I would love to be one of those writer's with a release schedule. You know. Smut on Wednesday. Angst on Saturday. Ficlets in between. If only my brain actually allowed me to function that way. I'd be unstoppable.
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dougielombax · 3 months
The idea of Todd Howard.
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awlimagines · 2 months
Sorry I haven't posted any updates or anything new in a while. I've been having terrible indigestion and losing sleep as a result, so I haven't been super motivated to write or do much. On a positive note, my husband can now feel the baby move! Or at least he can when she cooperates. She's in the habit of squirming around a lot until I tell him so he can feel her and then stops for a break so that he can't.
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wanderingcas · 2 months
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sentientgolfball · 1 year
Which ghoul is eating cookie dough even if it’s not the edible kind
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electric-plants · 6 months
my toxic genshin trait is that sometimes when the bounty enemies are immune to dendro instead of switching characters i will just use physical alhaitham
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dyrewrites · 6 months
"I'm depressed."
"Aww no, pookums."
"Just wanted to warn you I'll be useless for a bit."
"Nah, you won't, it's fine. You want some manga to read, I have all of these things to throw at you."
So now I'm reading Chainsaw Man...because my husband somehow thought this would help.
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Right before I head off to pick up Dolce, I notice it's an event day. I figure, okay, we can put that off a little longer and reset to get something Venti can be mildly involved in, enjoy her presence before she spends the better part of a season unconscious. (Or get the first required event for my love interest of choice, since it's always nice to get that out of the way early, but something with Venti in it is the more likely option.)
And then literally every event that isn't one of those proceeds to trigger. It's almost impressive.
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ian-galagher · 1 year
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Chapter 11 - A Shadow from the Past
Length: 20k / total length: 165k
Rating: Explicit
Chapter summary:
"Y'know you got like, freckles everywhere?"
"I am aware of that, yeah."
"No, but seriously. There's just so many of 'em."
"Don't start counting them. You'll fall asleep."
"As if I could."
Summary: When Ian lands himself an internship with famous wildlife photographer Mickey Milkovich he can't believe his luck. Spending one month traveling through South Africa with his big hero is a dream come true. The two are off on a wild adventure but there's something mysterious about Mickey who seems to be holding more to his chest than just the tricks of the trade Ian had hoped to learn from him.
Click here to read chapter 11 or here to start from the beginning!
Banner by @sweetperversiongirl
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the-bees-patella · 1 year
apparently what it takes for me to become a rabid reply guy is dipshits in the comments on an article about whether a player strike is the only way to force changes in the exponential demands of club/league/international football. "they're millionaires and should stop whining" wash your ass and shut up, steve. we're all grist for the goddamn mill
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virge-the-artist · 3 months
i went driving today, almost hit multiple animals cause i didn't see it, got distracted and drove into a bush, and had an anxiety attack (tears and everything).
But i got ice cream after so....
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