#(if my art block doesn't kill me??)
bea902 · 3 months
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my girlfriend and I got really into botw and totk again randomly so here's a hylian sidon doodle I accidentally spent 7 hours on?? 😭
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corgi-cthuwu · 11 months
I've been holding out on this for so long but I don't know what to do about it anymore--
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Anyone who knows how to color and/or draw faces, please just go wild on this and reblog your finished output!!
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crowsdove · 7 months
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
pain and suffering on planet earth
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idolomantises · 2 months
I haven't drawn Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss redesigns since last year and the fandom still regularly tags me/picks fights with me over them. I did not think a couple drawings would live in people's heads so rent free.
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Like you can go find my redesigns on twitter, they're still very public. I just label them as "Angel Dust redesign" or "Alastor redesign". The only time I think I explicitly called a design bad was when I said I found Beelzebub's design atrocious. Which it is. It's an overdesigned mess that doesn't convey the sin at all, I'm allowed to say I don't like it. And even still, when I posted the art, I still labeled it as "Beelzebub redesign".
I'm not going to forget when you fans regularly stalked my account and PATREON just to figure out when I would upload the redesigns. You think I forgot about when I posted my Angel Dust redesign which was just meant to improve my old design and you people harassed me for days? You accused me of "baiting" fans because you are so self-obsessed you think everything I do is explicitly to upset you. You people misgendered me, told me to kill myself, called me a fucking cockroach and flat out threatened to assault me multiple times. Sure I was harsh about my critiques, but I didn't resort to homophobic and transphobic comments like you people did with my Angel Dust redesign because for some unexplained reason you diehard fans who have been following this project for 10 years didn't know that he's meant to be a drag queen. When I did a quick redesign of Katie Killjoy on my personal tumblr, guess what? You people flipped the fuck out, AGAIN.
I can't even talk about my own religion without you sad, paranoid losers thinking I'm trashtalking hazbin hotel. You made up some rumor that I block all Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fans (despite being mutuals/friends with people who are fans of the shows or actually work on them) just so you could justify harassing me even more. You told me for years that I should wait until the Hazbin series dropped to get my full thoughts out and when it did you people still freaked out and berated me.
Even when I talked about my situation after posting my Angel Dust redesign, instead of apologizing, fans claimed I planned this hostile reaction to begin with to make the fandom look bad. That I was "pulling a transphobia card" for sympathy. I didn't do shit. You people have gotten more aggressive about your hate towards me because people finally saw how incredibly inappropriate and vile you people act over a midtier cartoon written by someone who has so many allegations of bullying, transphobia, racism and workplace abuse that it's become harder and harder for you to deny, so you take out your unrepressed anger on me.
I know the only reason you people target me is because I'm a big artist who doesn't kiss Viv's ass. You want me to be a diehard fan of hers like every other big artist you people bully into worshipping Viv and her show and I won't do it. So you just obsessively stalk and monitor my account and accuse every little thing I do as a spiteful attack so you can justify your little harassment campaigns again. It's pathetic.
Seek help, find a hobby, stop obsessing over people who don't like the same thing as you. It's getting sad.
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
Why would you make something like this of Alastor and Rosie killing Velvette. This is such a sick minded thing to make. And the way that you drew it implied that Alastor and Rosie stripped her down?? what the actual fuck?? that is SO odd... I dont know, this entire comic is something that is just so off putting and I dont want to imagine what kind of things are going through your mind to make something like this. Poor Velvette. And why the fuck is valentino biting his lip seeing Velvette dead?? Overall this comic is so gross. Get a new hobby. Go touch some grass. Read a book. Do all that, but stay away from Velvette please. Biggie.
Oh no, i'm deeply senserely sorry! How could I even think of such a thing?!! I'm a monster, the most horrible creature on earth, and your words have opened my eyes! I'm now realising how horrible and fucked up of a person I am! All this time i lived in the darkness, pitch black pit of evil, but now I see the light and this light blinds me, burns me! I know now that me, such a disgusting offspring of the dark and unimaginable horror cannot live under the light of this world and therefore doesn't deserve it! I don't deserve to do art, i don't deserve to live! Thank you, moonyxshunsuke-forever, i have seen the light and now it's gone, and i can't live without it! Knowing that such light can never shine inside my corrupted and twisted soul! I should never draw again, delete my blog and kill myself! To stop the darkness of my soul poisoning this pure and perfect world! In 24 hours this blog will be deleted and you'll never see or hear from me ever again!
✨✨✨S A R C A S M ✨✨✨
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yeah nno buddy, that doesn't work this way. I draw what i want and i'm not gonna stop because some sensitive vanilla flower didn't like it. It's fictional characters, dude, I do what i want with them and i don't care if it's immoral. Novody's harmed in real life. Block the tag of the AU if you don't like it, block me if you hate my art in general and fucking move on
And fair warning, if you or anyone else keep sending me shit like this, i'll find more creative and horrible ways to torture your precious little Velvette, just to spite yall.
Masterpost of the most twisted and gross AU on Tumblr
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rupeenotruby · 2 months
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I see all this discussion of who should pair up but may I suggest who should not pair up. (continued below)
Sure Hyrule has done dungeons but his puzzle solving techniques are:
kill thing(s)
push block
get key
bomb wall
walk through wall
maybe set something on fire???
Like there are a few unique puzzles (like the one with food) but in general... Yeah. And don't get me started on dungeon items. Very few of the items in loz1+2 are even necessary for completing the dungeon you get them in. (this is especially pronounced in aol as only the handy glove is used to complete a palace?? (I think??) The other ones just let you get to the next palace.)
Thus Hyrule would not be the best Link to pair with the one who's never done a dungeon. All he really brings is knowledge of dungeon monsters and the ability to kill them but I think Wars has the killing part covered. Might be a funny though...
Personally the most interesting Link to pair with Hyrule would probably be Wild as Wild doesn't have much traditional dungeon experience (and even less with dungeon monsters) but he does do a lot of unique puzzle solving. They balance each other out with Hyrule being able to kill things and navigate and Wild being able to better solve the puzzles. I mean Hyrule isn't stupid (or has at least 6ish years of Triforce of Wisdom radiation in him) and could probably solve a new-fangled puzzle but they are a team for a reason! Also Wild has infinite bombs. Which is very important.
Frankly the I'd like to see paired up the least are Warriors (for above reasons) and Legend. LOOK!! here me out. I like the downfall duo as much as the next guy. It's just when it comes to dungeons Legend outclasses Hyrule in every aspect. There's no puzzle Hyrule's done that Legend hasn't and there is no item Hyrule has that Legend doesn't (or doesn't have an equivalent to. Ladder my beloved). I feel like Hyrule wouldn't really have anything to do? Legend is just to op in this scenario. I mean if they do end up together I trust jojo to make it work. But right now... I think there are better options.
I also think that Sky and Twilight would work well with Hyrule (though I want to see Sky go with Time) as from my impressions of the games (still working on SkSw though) is that their dungeon items are used really well in the dungeons (I've heard that SkSw does it better though) which would contrast nicely with Hyrule. Plus Twi owes him one.
I don't think I'd mind Wind or Four either I just don't know much about their games and thus their dungeons.
(Also not the best text art I've done. This was supposed to be quick. Still took me two days. (lol))
Back to our regularly scheduled stuff after this!
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barblaz-arts · 11 months
I haven’t sent any of the other messages, and this is the first time I’m even seeing your opinions on this matter as I’ve followed you for your Wenclair art.
I’m an Israeli citizen. On October 7th thousands of Hamas terrorists went into Israeli villages (on Israel’s territory) and raped, shot, beheaded, burned alive and murdered 1400 CIVILIANS. They kidnapped 230 more citizens into the Gaza Strip, including babies and the elderly (no idea if they are alive, as Hamas didn’t let the Red Cross or anyone else see them and REFUSED any deal to release them, despite all the lies they are spreading). Hamas uploaded videos of them doing these deeds, they were proud of them. We are still not done counting our dead, 3 weeks later, because of the state they were left in. We identify people by DNA pulled from pieces of skull tissue, by CT scans of burned masses of flesh showing parents hugging their children as they were burned alive.
A little bit of history. In 2005 Israel completely pulled out of Gaza, and handed it over to the Palestinians. In 2007 Hamas was elected to lead the Gaza Strip. This is an organization that in its charter says loud and clear they want to murder Jews. It’s not hidden, there is no question about it. They are proud of it. And since 2007 they have not allowed for an election in Gaza, they have stolen international aid money to build terror infrastructure and embedded themselves deep within their civilian population (just a few days ago evidence was provided that Hamas built their HQ under a hospital, specifically because they knew Israel wouldn’t bomb it).
The truth is, the pictures from Gaza are heartbreaking. The civilians are suffering and it’s making me sick. But how is Israel supposed to respond to the massacre of October 7th? Just pretend it didn’t happen? No country would. Israel isn’t targeting the civilian population though, unlike Hamas. I’m not saying innocent civilians aren’t killed, they very sadly are because war is horrible. But it’s always an accident, they are never the targets. Hamas is the target.
Israel has its part in creating Hamas just like the USA had its part in creating ISIS and Taliban. Still doesn’t excuse terrorism. Israel didn’t deserve the October 7th massacre anymore than the USA deserved 9/11. I hope that you can appreciate that.
The truth is, there are innocent civilians on both sides here that are suffering. Things aren’t black and white, and they never were with this conflict. And if you want to have a discussion I’ll happily talk to you privately, answer questions as best as I can. But only if we come from a place of mutual respect. If you want to block me, that’s fine too.
I do want to let you know while I can that your art is beautiful and made me smile on multiple occasions. I hope you continue it. And I wish you luck with everything and hope that we all have peaceful days in the future.
First of all. Gaza was not given to Palestine. Israel put them there and had Gaza serve as an open air prison.
You can't go around saying "Israel has its part in creating Hamas but it still doesn't excuse terrorism" then go around saying that this genocide is justified because "What else are we supposed to do after what happened in Oct 7?" What a double standard. You do not get to say that what happened to them makes you feel bad but say that you were left with no other choice. You dont get to say that Hamas being born from 70+ of brutality is still not an excuse to kill but also say Israel doing the same thing is justified.
Now, of course this does not mean that I side with Hamas. Never have, never will. I side with Palestinians, something so many Zionists cannot seem to comprehend, because they see killing them as one and the same.
Listing off those atrocities, though heartbreaking, as I will always mourn the innocent, still does not change my stance or how I feel. I feel like a broken recorder, constantly having to repeat that the civilians in Gaza did not do those and in turn did not deserve any of this. The hostages don't either of course, and the families of the ones still held captive are furious with their government for choosing to bomb them along with Hamas like some sort of sacrifice, like what you are implying the civilian deaths to be. Just unfortunate casualties for the greater good.
You can go ahead and say that only Hamas were meant to be targeted all you want, but they did not need to cut off their water so they're not even able to clean and defecate. They did not need to cut off power and render hospitals useless. And NO they did not need to bomb those same hospitals, even IF it were true that it was a Hamas base. And they did not need to use phosphorus bombs to do it. This has, and always will be about Israel's hatred of arabs and Muslims, as it was 70 years ago before Hamas even existed, as it still is now.
Tell me, if the past two or so weeks was really about Hamas, then why are these people mocking the civilians that are mourning their families' death as they starve?
None of this should have happened. Hell, you shouldn't even be living where you are in the first place. No one has any right to colonize. Whatever white supremacists or religious reason anyone says.
Of course this does not mean that I believe all jews or Israeli are as evil as the pieces of shit in that tiktok compilation or the powerful pile of dung that rule your country. There are Isreali and Jews protesting for Palestine as well, and I deeply admire them for their bravery and to feel compassion for the other side and act on it.
It's baffling how you're aware that Israel is responsible for Hamas creation but still, maybe not want it, but think all you can do is reluctantly accept the unavoidable. Because this was definitely avoidable. But your government actively wants this, and frankly I dont think it cares about you. It does not care about the soldiers they send out and the people that died and the hostages that were taken. They are using you as an excuse for more death and money.
"Those thinking of revenge should be ashamed," said by one of the survivors of Oct 7. And she is right. You are demanding the wrong things of your government.
And no, I will not be talking to anyone about this in my direct messages. Talking about it privately makes it feel like some debate to be won, when this shouldn't be a debate at all. The reason why I answer these kinds of asks is to make people aware of what is happening. I'm just some girl, I cannot fight for Palestine in any way that can directly save a life and I dont have the financial capability to donate, but I can do this. We can make those sick excuses of humans on top know that we know of their stink and we will not give it any excuse.
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moethh · 2 months
dashboard simulator but with saints
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⚔ knight--lover Follow
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♻️ ⚔ knight--lover Follow
nvm this stuffs good 💀
#like actually??? #gonna keep reading these while my leg is still healing #recovery update
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🌹 littlefl0wer Follow
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♻️ ⚜ born-to-do-this Follow
Oh this is incredible! I love it!
♻️ 🌹 littlefl0wer Follow
oh my goodness?! thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
#wow! i didn't know you would actually see this! #i'm so happy you like it!! #<3 #edit: we're mutuals now!!!
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🌟 host-prince Follow
EVERYONE‼ Below is a list of users who are ACTUAL DEMONS. PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT WITH THEM. Just block and report. Stay safe everyone.
Keep reading
#I am not going to add trigger or content warnings to this post as I want people to see it. #However #you are obviously free to add them to your own reblogs if you wish to do so.
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🔨 just-a-carpenter Follow
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♻️ 💧 locustman Follow
???? Uncle???????? What is this????? What does this Mean????????
♻️ 🔨 just-a-carpenter Follow
♻️ 💧 locustman Follow
???????????????????????????????????? @'mom? Can you explain? Please????
♻️ 👑 mom Follow
♻️ 🔨 just-a-carpenter Follow
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⚔ knight--lover Follow
OH MY GOSH. Ok. Rant incoming.
So there's this guy I'm traveling with and GET THIS: HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN @/mom's PERPETUAL VIRGINITY?!?!??!?!
I'm thinking of killing him. Like. Actually. I'm not even kidding. I genuinely can't decide whether or not I should kill him.
So you guys should decide:
#rant #my polls #tw antidicomarian #cw antidicomarian #please vote or else i'll just let my horse decide for goodness' sake
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👑 mom Follow
Alright, someone tagged me on @knight--lover's poll so this is my response to it:
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♻️ ⚔ knight--lover Follow
Hm. I'll think about it.
♻️ 👑 mom Follow
#Ignatius. Come on.
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🐭 martin-n-mice Follow
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Wow! I've just found a ton of these little guys in a part of the monastery I've never been in before!
♻️ 👤 purrtrude
seems like your monastery needs one of these
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♻️ 🐭 martin-n-mice Follow
♻️ 👤 purrtrude
what? don't like cats?
♻️ 🐭 martin-n-mice Follow
♻️ 👤 purrtrude
if you could save all the mice in the world, would you if all the cats starved to death?
♻️ 🐭 martin-n-mice Follow
??? What?????? I am so confused.
Are you implying that cats only eat mice, and if they couldn't, then they would just. Die? What is happening.
♻️ 🕯 claaaaaare Follow
Hey, @fraaaaaancis. Just curious how you would solve this.
♻️ 🐺 fraaaaaancis Follow
Hm. Well, it seems that St. Gertrude's situation is implying that you could only save either all cats or all mice with no survivors on the other side. To me, she is just asking which animal you like more.
There is really nothing to solve? This whole situation is very strange.
♻️ 🐱 gertie-the-kitty Follow
@host-prince @host-prince @host-prince??????
♻️ 🌟 host-prince Follow
purrtrude is definitely Not You.
♻️ 📜 more-of-thomas Follow
OP is this your post?
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♻️ 🐭 martin-n-mice Follow
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#wghhhhghghhh #i just wanted to show off the mice...... #they're living happily by the way! i bring them food!
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🎨 luke-the-artpostle Follow
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#my art #artists on christblr
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🐲 marthamartha Follow
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look at this Thing. with that look you would probably think that the man just so happened to crawl in its mouth. what a Creature.
anyways does anyone have a sword
♻️ 🐲 marthamartha Follow
in case anyone forgot, this is a literal DRAGON
♻️ 🐲 marthamartha Follow
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@turn-me-over-im-done-on-this-side???????????? what??????????
♻️ 🍳 turn-me-over-im-done-on-this-side Follow
I fail to see what needs explaining. Where did it live?
♻️ 🐲 marthamartha Follow
Ok. It lived in the water.
♻️ 🍳 turn-me-over-im-done-on-this-side Follow
hm. Maybe it would taste like fish?
♻️ 🐲 marthamartha Follow
Maybe. I honestly don't know what the townspeople did with the body. They just asked me for help 🤷‍♀️
♻️ 📜 more-of-thomas Follow
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#??????????????? #I am somewhat concerned for you two #(for all of my mutuals actually but as of seeing this post right now I am very concerned for Lawrence especially) #But I shan't say that I'm surprised considering that Lawrence told jokes while he was burning alive #and now that's his username for some reason #As a fellow joke-maker I suppose I admire that? #But as a human being I am concerned
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mauesartetc · 10 months
Trying to keep this blog more art- and creativity-focused in general, so I'll be removing the Gaza-related reblogs that are about a month old. But I'll use this post as a permanent archive that will update periodically (some of this information will grow dated as the situation develops, but I think it's important to keep a record of just how fiercely opposed people were to Israel's actions from this moment forward). We should all continue to raise our voices about this, and refuse to support politicians who enable genocide. Remember, they work for us, not the other way around. Keep going.
October 2023
-Donation links
-Social media links
-US congress ceasefire script
-Decolonizepalestine.com (information, mythbusting)
-More donation links
-Ways to pressure politicians for a ceasefire
-HUGE resource list
-"Is there anything I can do to help Palestinians besides call my representatives and beg them to stop killing people?"
-"We are isolated now"
-Palestine and landback
-210 PAGES of dead people's names.
-Bail money for Palestine Action
-Article list
-US action items
-Boycott info
-Grand Central Station shut down by protestors
-Message to white American citizens
-UK ceasefire petition
-How YOU can help Palestine (regularly updated!)
-"Please try amidst all this fury and grief to still have faith in the common people." (+donation links)
-Reminder about protest etiquette and privacy
-Prints for Palestine
-"We have no communication with the outside world. They are using their military might to harm us. We have no power but the power of God, no one but God. Please, pray for us." (spoken over mosque speakers)
-DAILY donate button + more donation links
-"Doesn't Israel have a right to exist too?"
-Script for US Congress calls
-Queerness under apartheid
-Sudan is also at war
-Hundreds of thousands of protestors in London
-Half a million.
-Tips for folks with phone anxiety
-This comic got real
-European and Canadian ceasefire scripts
-"The people of Gaza see the protests. That is reason enough to come even if nothing else." WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU. WE ARE HERE.
November 2023
-More genocides than just Palestine
-How to buy e-sims to circumvent Gaza's internet blackout
-"Occupying territories is illegal. Resistance to occupying forces is legal."
-MASSIVE resource list
-"For decades now the media has told us Muslim men are savages, terrorists, wife beaters and everything in between. I want you to challenge this trope the next time you see it in the media. Let these photos serve as a reminder."
-"Don't stop talking about the Palestinian genocide. IT'S WORKING."
-UN resignation letter
-Israel won't allow Irish or Brazilian citizens to leave Gaza
-"Palestine must never be forgotten. Promise me that." (from the documentary "Children of Shatila")
-Gifs of pro-Palestine rallies around the world
-Support Palestine's last kufiya factory
-Protestors flood the streets in Washington DC
-Explanation of why calling representatives is a numbers game
-FREE ebooks on the history of this conflict
-Petition to screen films by Palestinian directors
-Call to boycott Gal Godot's work
-Indigenous activists block weapons shipment to Israel
-If you're attending a protest, DON'T TELL YOUR GOVERNMENT SHIT. Y'know, friendly advice.
-Links to support Palestine Action and Palestine Legal. Get in the way.
-Parallels between Israel and the surveillance tactics used by NYC mayor Eric Adams
-Don't spiral into doomerism. Persevere.
-Want a different strategy to contact your representatives? Try faxing them!
-Florida rep Michelle Salzman calls for the death of all Palestinians
-"The phone doesn't stop" :)
-Indian trade unions call on the government to scrap deals with Israel
-An overview of Israel's human rights violations, and two major political groups that have exacerbated Zionism in the US
-Israeli man explains why he's protesting
-"Whoever stays until the end will tell the story. We did what we could. Remember us."
-US House of Representatives votes to send billions of dollars worth of weapons to Israel
-Canadian email campaign and petitions
-"Canada's First Nation standing with Palestine"
-"Freedom is infectious as it is just and no one is free until they ALL are."
-Israeli forces invade al-Shia hospital
-Leaked list of weapons the US has sent to Israel
-Only 32% of Americans believe the US should support Israel
-Cop City action demonstrates how to protest effectively
-Refugee grandmother "doesn't have to imagine a multicultural and integrated Palestine- she remembers it".
-Protestors block the Bay Bridge in San Francisco (plus bail fund)
-Israeli forces attack schools in northern Gaza. SCHOOLS.
-Journalist shares an update from an Indonesian hospital and pleads for others to spread it around as it "may be the last video we are able to send"
-Scottish Parliament votes overwhelmingly to demand a ceasefire
-Sobering texts from a friend providing humanitarian aid in Gaza. "They have been distributing guns to the civilian settlers and allowing them into the West Bank to terrorize people" "We have been given option to leave. None took it"
-"the absolute bare minimum in this situation is 1) a complete ceasefire and immediate humanitarian aid in Gaza, 2) complete halt of all military foreign aid to the Israeli government, 3) the Israeli government being prosecuted for its war crimes in the International Criminal Court, and 4) land back and reparations for the Palestinian people. free Palestine means free Palestine, not just temporarily stop carpet bombing Palestine."
-"It's important that you keep posting and speaking about the ongoing genocide. This 5 day agreement isn't the end of things."
-Boosting the incredible, FREE daily donate button again
-Protests at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
Heyyyyy could you do a hyunjin x twin sister reader where hyunjin plans a suprise for her (which is introducing her the members cause why not and he thought that she doesn't really listen to kpop much because he knew she would focus more on studies then that) but he finds out by seeing you try to sing one of there songs. Sorry if this is too long lol and if it makes zero sense
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stray kids x reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1k
summary: hyunjin's twin sister finally meets skz, and much to his surprise, she's a big fan.
I hope you enjoy! I might have gone a little off topic from what you requested but it still has all those ideas! :)
If enjoyed please like, reblog or comment! And if you want to be added to the taglist then let me know!
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"Keep up!" Hyunjin teased his twin sister Y/N as they raced up the stairs in the apartment block.
"What, is, wrong, with, you?" Y/N huffed as she trailed behind, only a few steps of course but that didn't mean she'd give up.
"There is nothing wrong with wanting my sister to see where I live!" Hyunjin raises a brow whilst stood hunched over, catching his breath as the palms of his hands rested on his knees.
"Not with that, you idiot! I swear there wasn't a sign saying the lift was broken..." Y/N trailed off.
"Oh that's because there wasn't," Hyunjin shrugged like it was nothing.
"Today will be the day you die, Hwang Hyunjin," Y/N dramatically stormed up to him, yet all possible intimidation was lost when she tripped over the last step.
"Woah! Hahaha," Hyunjin helped her balance herself as he caught her by the arms, and then immediately recoiled. "Ew you're so sweaty. And plus you can't kill me before I see your reaction, Hwang Y/N," he smirked, unlocking the door and opening it.
"See my reaction to what? Your art? I already know you're a hopeless romantic, what else could there be to- oh..." Y/N rambled back before standing still in her tracks at the sight of all the members of Stray Kids sat around on the sofas.
"Surprise!" Hyunjin imitated Lee Know's iconic moment, just without the party blower this time.
"H-hi..." Y/N quietly said, and automatically it was assumed by her twin brother that it was because she didn't know who they were.
In fact, it was the complete opposite.
The boys greeted Y/N with polite bows and greetings, before they all sat down and got comfortable.
"You remind me of someone..." Changbin thought, stroking his chin as if he had the wise beard of a wizard.
"It's probably Hyunjin," Seungmin rolled his eyes, jokingly crying out in pain when Changbin shoved him away.
"Yah you pabo! Of course he doesn't mean that!" Han exclaims.
"Seungmin is just teasing, Hannie," Chan facepalmed, whilst Lee Know, Felix, Jeongin and the twins merely observed from the other sofa.
"Are they always like this?" Y/N whispered to herself, yet Jeongin heard.
"Yes they are, noona... can I call you that?" Jeongin shyly asked.
Y/N's eyes widened.
"What's the matter?" Felix asked curiously.
"Oh nothing haha... but um, yes," she awkwardly answered.
"Hmm you two are very similar," Lee Know observed keenly.
"Ew don't compare me to her!" Hyunjin scrunched his nose and side eyed Y/N.
"There it is haha, the same flustered antics," Lee Know clapped his hands.
"Oh I totally see it," Felix nodded along.
"I don't get flustered!" Hyunjin folded his arms and huffed.
"You just did," Y/N shoved Hyunjin, smirking much like he did to her earlier.
"Yah!" Hyunjin pounced.
"Children! Don't fight!" Chan shouted above all the ruckus that had unfolded in simply ten minutes since the Hwang twins entered the apartment.
"Yes dad," they both rolled their eyes in sync and folded their arms.
"Woah, creepy," Jeongin shuddered, causing Y/N to fondly smile.
"Ah! I got it!" Changbin suddenly clapped his hands.
"Indulge me," Y/N smiled lightly as she sat back down.
"You look like Yeji!" Changbin smirked proudly.
"Oh from ITZY?!" Y/N beamed, excited at the comparison.
"How do you know ITZY?" Hyunjin gasped, shocked at his sister's sudden knowledge, assuming that she swerved away from KPOP all because of one time she stated she wasn't really listening to it anymore.
Which by the way lasted for like 2 hours, Y/N just couldn't find a song she wanted to listen to in that moment and ever since, Hyunjin thought that still applied to this day.
There's a reason he's in Paboracha.
"I love KPOP! Duh!" Y/N facepalmed, looking at Hyunjin with an incredulous look after.
"Hyunjinnie, did you lie to us?" Lee Know also turned to the younger twin, a glare taking over his features. Of course, he didn't really mean it.
"You said you didn't listen to it anymore!" Hyunjin defended himself, holding his hands up.
"Why else do you think that I was so awkward when I came here, Jinnie?" Y/N shyly admitted.
"Oh... Oh!!!" Hyunjin suddenly got excited.
"Oh no..." Y/N sighed.
"Why oh no?" Han laughed at the expression on Y/N's face, one he had often seen painted on Hyunjin's too but because of something he did.
"He's up to something," Seungmin chuckled lightly at Hyunjin's excited expression.
"Y/Nnieeeee, sing our song!" Hyunjin proposed the idea that had gotten him so excited.
"No way! That's so embarassing," Y/N turned away from her brother and hid her face.
"We won't judge you noona," Jeongin tried to reassure her, making her heart burst.
"Ah Jeongin you're too cute!" she let her inner fangirl out and squealed.
"Oh no, she really is like hyung," Jeongin's eyes comically widened as he referred to Hyunjin's obsession with him.
"Come on, Y/N, Hyunjin has told us you like writing, the talent must run in your family, just a little bit of singing?" Chan did his best to convince her and it worked.
"Ok, fine, fine," Y/N scratched the back of her neck wondering what.to sing before she couldn't help but fall into a fit of giggles.
"Come on, don't leave us in suspense!" Felix exclaimed, unable to hide his growing smile from her infectious giggles, ones that mirrored Hyunjin's but more high pitched and slightly quieter.
"Hoodie hoodie negan shim toga ji boogie boogie iepon kogo dance groovy groovy," Y/N perfectly imitated Hyunjin's viral part that had made it into many memes. This of course caused everyone to burst out into laughter.
"Wow she really is a true fan!" Lee Know applauded her approvingly.
"She's better than Jinnie," Changbin smirked.
"It's true," Y/N nodded, ignoring Hyunjin's shrieks in protest.
"Remember who was here first!" Hyunjin shouted emotionally, like he was part of some sort of kdrama. And ever since then, with Y/N being able to join in on their teasing, it was like she knew them from the start.
taglist: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z
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helsensm · 9 months
Sorry to bug ya again but my brainstorm is actin up again! Could be writing this on paper, but writers block. Got inspiration thanks to the Kung Lao dies art (all of them are amazing!), but thinking of the events before it happens. Once again on my Liu Kang mess because he's becoming the tragic god figure now. I'm imagining Liu Kang starts getting a pseudo MK9 mess going on. Not that he receives a message from his future self, but a serious case of "wait, this happened before! AND ITS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN!?!?!". Liu Kang starts seeing the signs of Kung Lao potentially dying again in his new timeline. Cue Liu Kang struggling with showing restraint by not interfering with matters, hoping that he's just getting paranoid and seeing things that are not there, and Liu trying to prevent Kung Laos death. He doesn't want to loose his friend again, even though they're not as close as they used to be. Bonus drama if Liu Kang becomes a bit too protective of Kung Lao and Lao starts thinking that Liu Kang does trust him anymore (thinking on the Arcade ending for Kung Lao where his pride nearly cost him his student) and starts getting frustrated. So when the inevitable starts to encroach, Kung Lao ends up getting himself killed as he tries to show that he can be trusted by Raiden and Liu Kang again. I'm sorry if this sounds incoherent and silly, I just got a lot of emotions for Fire God Liu Kang the the potential angst he carries
yes, good, very good, thank you for your food, friend 👁👁
I want to believe that after the Shujinko accident Kung Lao will start to realize, that he don't need to do everything all by himself and always perfect to prove his worth, and it's okay to ask for help, and believe in your friends, and listen to their advices, and- sorry, kinship by the inferiority complex got me. But as far as we know, no one except Cassy goes to therapy in the mk world, so that won't be enough for my man to start his character improvement journey. So yes, Liu Kang's protectiveness will def trigger his "must prove myself, must get approval" response.
The question is - how much Liu Kang will blame himself, when he realizes?.. 🤔 Poor man lost his timeline and just wanted to create one where everyone is happier. but here we are, creating drama and problems for him in our little gay app ggjhhh
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anpanham · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel character thoughts / impressions (Episodes 1 & 2)
UM. what a weird first actual post for my blog for this year... this is long, and i miss making ACTUAL blog posts instead of small threads... And i've explained on my twitter my thoughts on Hazbin / Helluva from a critical standpoint and artist from art separation, yadda yadda yadda---
ANYWAY... Episodes 1 and 2 of Hazbin are (Officially) out now, and i have some thoughts on the characters i wrote down after watching (In bullet points, because most of these are fresh-from-the-brain thoughts i wrote on my tablet from my bed)
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(Spoiler alert, Sir Pentious isn't ruined and I AM SO GLAD. my snake babygirl... ilu)
Read on, if you wanna, spoiler warning btw!!!!!
-Charlie is good., Charlie is cute, but i fear for her safety, not everyone can new redeemed. she's like steven universe at points i stg 😭 (not a jab but i think it's funny)
-i like how they gave Charlie bags under her eyes a lot, she is a tired princess just like all of us
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-She gives off elementary school teacher vibes but in a wholesome way
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-Charlie's hair is SO CUTE MESSY..
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-PERFECT voice /gen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAGGIE NOTES
-GIRLBOSS (still, but more)
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-Vaggie is still cool, she just loves her gf and is sick of everyone's bs but is still supportive...
-If she doesn't get into a bloody death match with Alastor (and win) i will be disappointed /hj
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She doesn't seem to have as much of a temper as she did in the pilot, but seems more dead inside
-Good voice!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGEL DUST NOTES
-Angel... hm. Angel. he's Angel, for sure. Hi, Angel!
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Insecure about a lot, but also YOU CAN BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT!!!!! if vox doesn't kill val angel should. please and thank u.
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Also his voice is alright, just need to get used to it a little more
Also i hope he's not too bratty jealous of sirpent / whoever else charlie praises because again, it's ON HIM TO COOPERATE WITH HER CAUSE MORE??? ignoring his other stress sources (Val)
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-Waiting for him and Husk to kiss. I know it's coming
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-Just fucking block Val's number and rip up the contract (YES i know it goes deeper than that...)
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-At first i was kinda Eh about his voice but it's grown on me, the radio filter is a little more subtle than the pilot but it's still there which i'm glad for
Delightfully passive aggressive
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-Weird magic still, there doesn't seem to be any limits to it... we need to know what his weakness is...!!!!! please (maybe that will come later??) ....... i theorize he has underworld contact (Shadow-world, because of the shadow imagery?) , the underworld might be different from Hell maybe? (Where do those fucking tentacles come from, also weird monochrome demons)
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-Interesting he was gone for 7 years. 7 is an angelic number. HMMMMMM (sealed away by angels somehow??)
-Punchable (Vaggie please)
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-Weirdly enjoyable and not genuinely hateable like some of the other characters, but i also want to see his demise, maybe his sadism is rubbing off on me, but i want to see it badly...
-Sir Pentious... u are so good.. probably has some of the best writing so far, maybe... he's my favorite so. hhHHmm
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his voice is different but at the same time it's what you'd expect, i like it a lot... so silly, i pat him and his silly hat
-Pathetic old man. You win my heart (50x as much)
-Only one egg spoke so far, i wonder if they'll all have unique voices this time (the Japanese dub of the pilot did that lol)
-Genuinely a joy every moment he was onscreen (Too fucking cute... GRRRR)
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-How did he get into contact with Vox? Why would Vox want anything to do with him if he thinks he's a loser? (I guess easy access into the Hotel) ...Fuck em either way (DON'T BE MEAN TO SNAKE MAN)
-Cool temporary stunning hypnosis, maybe we'll see him coil and bite next, the snake attack traits are fun
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-His autism vibes grow stronger and it's canon in my heart
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-We LOVE a redemption song. please stay in the hotel with everyone, don't fuck it up!!! you're a good noodle.... 😭 The song was genuinely so cute... it's probably going to be the highlight of EVERYTHING for me, besides Nuggs..
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-i luv u kitty
-His voice is different but captures "Grumpy old alcoholic" perfectly
-His heart needs to be melted...
-Him holding the script in front of the camera was great
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIFFTY NOTES
-Niffty is a BIG COWARD. you can still love a "Bad boy" who's a redeemed bad boy!!!! just because he's not morally bad doesn't Not make him a Bad Boy. fuck u (i still like you)
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-Her voice is really cute, also her nightgown.. though finding out she doesn't have dark bug limbs but is just wearing gloves and stockings surprised me more than it should've... put them back
-Also autism vibes, love it
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-She still frightens me a bit
VOX -----
-Seems to carry the team, voice has grown on me
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-I can't stop looking at his weird finger claws, they almost look like
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he's just wearing things over his fingers, i dig it
-Interesting hypnosis power, i assume Alastor is immune
-Why can't Alastor and Vox just compromise and create a podcast?
-Hates Val (sorry shippers) ,,... kind of expected it since in old official sources it's been shown that he's been abused by Val too
-This isn't a note but everytime Alastor said "THE TV IS BUFFERING~" in their duet, the player kept fucking up 😭
-Decent song, I like seeing him and Al argue
-I surprisingly don't hate him! i'm glad. i wanted to like him (though, it's only been 2 episodes so far...)
VALENTINO ---------
-More manchild vibes than i expected tbh
-Voice is alright but his accent is weirdly inconsistent for some reason???? interesting direction
-His manipulation is shown well in the voicemail scene with Angel, he's literally got the "Nice Guy" energy
-Surprisingly didn't order Vox around as much as i thought he would
-Why does he have girl Fizzy bots...
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-Fashion design isn't something i expected, but then again i didn't know that much about her prior other than she's obsessed with social media
-British is also not what i expected but cool
-Uh. she didn't really stick out to me that much...sorry..... she's fine tho
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADAM & LUTE NOTES
-Personally do not like how these angels look so menacing, i get that they're technically bad, but... make them look more angelic besides halos and wings??? they could easily be mistaken for hell residents. Also again, i feel like angels should swear less and drop swears in critical / good timed moments, it would be funnier... subtlety is not a thing i guess
-Adam's guitar solo was good tho, not really feeling his character tho, he's just an asshole but that's the point
-Adam looks like the fucking dress meme. I can't unsee it
-Lute is pretty...
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-Brandon Rodgers
-They sure were there for a second!
-i luv tom
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All in all...
Episode 1: 6-7/10
Episode 2: 8.5/10
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threepandas · 1 month
Bad End: Traps
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"Darling~!" A rich voice greeted me, as I stepped through the final doors leading to an opulent office. "You're looking better! Are you finally adjusting to the anti-poisons? I know they made you feel quite sick."
THAT was an understatement. Try worst cramps and fever of my life, with a dose of puking for days. They put me on IVs. Buuuut? I wasn't gonna say THAT. Not a chance in hell. We, team Earth that is, were supposed to be here for DIPLOMACY. So? Fucking LIE~☆
Yep! "Bit" sick. Just a touch. Hardly noticed, really. Took a nap.
Veneni laughed, rising from the elegant sprawl she'd been resting on one of her "not called couches but totally are" things. To be honest, her voice reminds me of those old "radio stars" from the clips at the museums. All smooth yet husky, curling around you, like they're going to invite you somewhere dark to learn a naughty little secret if you're very VERY good.
Kind of voice you could listen too for HOURS, reading the most boring shit imaginable, and it be the best time you'd had in years.
I am... SO gay, for Veneni.
Like? You DO NOT UNDERSTAND. She SASHAYS. Not walks. Not strolls. Sashays! Like life is a catwalk and she is the alpha bitch here to show these other models how it's DONE. But also? Like she doesn't even NOTICE! It's just... effortless. How she moves. All delicate hand motions and rolling hips and curves.
That I Can Not Touch because she is SUUUUPER poisonous.
Which is? Frankly? Homophobic and a crime against me, specifically. Yeah, her whole species is like that. And it's why all of us are suffering through the Anti-poison adjusters. But STILL! I can't even "accidentally" brush her hand? No potential kissing of hot hot hot alien gf? Illegal. Blocked. Everyone here is a bastard and I want to complain.
.....not, mind you, that I have the metaphorical lady balls to actually CONFESS anything.
But you know... maybe.... maybe if I pine hard enough?
Good ol' stand awkwardly nearby and mentally project "NOTICE ME SEMPAI!" At her? I put on my nice outfit! Makes the girls look-! Wait, does her species even give a shit about boobs? FUCK. Okay, see this? THIS is why I was a flight assist. Just inventory and handing stuff to people who knew what they were doing.
MASTER of the fine arts of "I Can Understand The Instruction Manuel, In Case Of Emergency"!
Pretty good at coffee, too. Not to brag.
But, like? Jokes aside? Things had been... Bad.
Everything had gone to shit. Then somehow found a shovel in the manure pile and started digging. Started OUT okay! Really, it had! Travel was unexpectedly a bit rough. Some sort of space storm that went RIGHT over my head, but we dodged every major catastrophe. Got here in one piece.
There was a fancy meeting party. Whiiiich? In hindsight? Terrible idea. WAY too many people with hella poisonous skin, standing WAY too close. Only reason we didn't IMMEDIATELY lose the head diplomate? Was the regulation "new planet, unknown pathogens" full body biosuit. He? Got a HUG. Like... right out the ship.
Oof. That would have been IT, for him. Unfortunately, he didn't make it past that much longer. Someone's pet bit him. And? Yep. Completely fucking venomous. Lethally so. A tragedy, right? Outlier, surely?
No. No this planet was trying to fucking kill us. It was a toxin coated hellpit and had so far? Murdered just over half the diplomatic crew. Those that were still alive? Over half of THEM were in emergency care. With just over a forth of the OTHER survivors being the only ones who could safely care for them.
Rest of us were either in isolation or sick as FUCK.
Isolation for those who needed to get rescued, because the Anti-poison adjusters would fucking kill them. Or sick as hell, for those few who remain that finally, FINALLY had found a way to Not DIE.
It was a shit show~☆
I? Went from basically a nobody? To "congrats! By merit of NOT being dead or dying, you're the head diplomat by proxy!" Which? Fucking WHAT? You could physically SEE the stress radiating off the poor guys back home, as they tried to speed run me through "how to not Accidentally A War 101".
I was pretty sure his cup, did in fact, NOT contain coffee. But I wasn't telling.
Instead, I got the honor of carrying the video call. Literally. Since our tech was incompatible. I got to carry the whole set up. Portable battery included. So the ACTUAL Really, Actually, Trained In Diplomacy, Diplomat could call in. And then I could look pretty and nod seriously at the appropriate times.
Mmmmhmmm. Yes. I agree. I both understand what is being said, AND support Earth's position on these matters! I have definitely studied the materials. Am supposed to be here. We have DEFINITELY suffered no catastrophic loses, pay no attention to the chaos behind the curtains! Diploooomacyyyyy....
God, she is pretty.
Watching her smile, her sensors gently shift around her like flowing water, the way her hand delicately gestured as she spoke? I... I wanted to build her, like, a cabin or something. Bring her breakfast in bed. Maybe adopt an alien dog together. And like? I don't even KNOW how to build shit. But, fuck it. I'd learn.
Cause I mean... you KNOW you got it bad, when you look at Toxic Super Hell the planet, look at pretty lady, look BACK at the planet that in no uncertain terms ACTIVELY thirsts for your blood... and go?
"So when do I move? Feeling REAL patriotic for my new home! Wooo, New Home!"
Yes I have a problem. Shut up, I'm aware.
A quite click signaled the end of their talks. Finally done for the day. I definitely, in now way shape or form, perk up like an excited puppy hearing the word "walkies". Because that? THAT would suggest I had WAY more dignity. I am a thirsty, thirsty bitch, okay? SO PRETTY. Nice laugh! Calls me Darling!! I have a LIST!!!
"Mmmm, what an unpleasant man that was. Did something happen to Mr. Ho?" She asked, stretching in the slow rolling way of hers. It looked boneless and decadent. REALLY distracting. "I hope nothing Serious~. We were nearly on the cusp of getting you home! I do hope he gets well soon. But, ah~, where ARE my manner today, Darling? You must be starving!"
Veneni sweeps forward to tuck my arm in hers, pulling me against her side. Even through my biosuit and her modest dress... I... I can FEEL her body heat. How soft and warm she feels pressed close against me. She smells tingly and spiced, kinda like citrus and mulled cider. NOT! That I'm smelling her! WHICH I'M NOT!! Because that would be so, SO creepy! It's just-!? You know-?! AaaaaaAAA???
She guides me to our little table. Probably set up for guests in general. But... you know... kinda like to THINK of it? As ours?
I REALLY need to stop while I am ahead. Good fucking gods. Ignore me.
Mmm, yes, distraction cake! Let's talk about THAT instead! Wonder what she-? I then choked on my drink. Because... because after bringing out the usual traditional deserts of she was teaching me about? And dishes I could try? Veneni... c.. casually as you please rests her chin, propped up on one hand, then reaches out with the other... to place it on my hand, which rests on the table between us.
Hear that? That's my soul screaming at a pitch only dolphins can make.
I'd like to say? I don't immediately embarrass myself? But that's a lie. I make a wheeze reminiscent of something dying horribly. Against all odds. She is NOT immediately disgusted and done with me. Dear lord, my parents may actually have a chance at seeing me married! Holy FUCK.
Wait. No. Slow your roll.
SMILE first. We GOT this! Seduce her!
I open my mouth... and stupid fell out. FUCK.
"Calm yourself, Darling!" She laughs, the bemused fondness lighting up her face. "You hardly need to impress ME! Believe me. I knew you were mine the second I saw you. Nothing could possibly change that~"
Her cute fangs catch the light, deadly sharp. Her's is a predatory species. I wonder if they like social touch? Cause I REALLY want to cuddle. Hold hands. Touch. Ooooother stuff~ But! Mostly the Hold Cute Alien GF! Assuming that's where this is headed. Please GOD let that be where this is headed!
"I was thinking... and I don't want to be too forward, of course," oh god please do "and I hope I'm not interpreting things incorrectly!" You are not. Take me you magnificent, purple, high femme queen amongst the masses. "But... I would VERY much like to... get to know you, Darling. On a more... personal level...?"
I kept my lips pressed desperately together to keep from literally shouting the word "Yes" in her face. Be cool. BE COOL! We are both cool and Very Normal About This! Scream in incoherent joy later!
Y..Yeah! Sounds great!
This is the best day of my-!
An explosion shook the biodome. While the whole planet WAS toxic as fuck? There were levels to it's toxicity. Some places too much for even native life forms to handle. And, of course, no place that non-natives could safely survive. Thus the capital's biodome. Highly filtered air, earth, and resources. Built for diplomacy and several critical care hospitals.
Now under attack. Another bomb exploded. Cracks in the dome.
I could only stare in mute horror at the pillar of smoke. Because... Because that was the isolation area. Our evac's. Someone just blew up... Then my brain seemed to comeback online all at once, as adrenaline flooded my system. I looked between the still unpacked call system and Veneni.
A piece of tech or a high ranking, probably high interest target. My maybe hopefully girlfriend. Not really much of a choice.
Fucking LEAVE IT.
We had to go. I pulled Veneni up, told her as much. She looked so startled.
"Of... Of course, Darling. Yes. You're right. I AM probably a target, aren't I?" The thought didn't seem to have occurred to her. God, I felt like a monster having to bring such ugliness to her attention. Scaring her like this. But ignorance wouldn't keep either of us safe.
"I...I think there was a safe room?" She faltered, arms crossing almost artfully, looking so uncertain I couldn't help but want to comfort her. "But, Darling, I'll admit.. I'm.. I think I'm rather scared. Will you protect me? Stay with me? ...please?"
I couldn't help it. She looked so scared. So delicately small. I stepped forward, arms going around her. Pulling her close like I could shield her from the world. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I promised myself. Felt her arms, a few of her sensors, desperately curl around me.
I didn't see the smile, pressed against my front. That quickly vanished as she pulled back. Nor did I notice the calm technician, hidden in the shadows of a side hall, who nodded at Veneni as I herded her to "safety". Would think nothing of how, tragically, my rooms were hit in the follow up blasts. How very lucky, that Veneni has rooms to spare. But oh~ she would not want to over step!
I don't notice a lot of things. But hey, things are great! I got a girlfriend! Or, as she likes to joke,
She Got Me.
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Bill Cipher and the Mind/Body Problem
I have been thinking about this for a while lol. Most of my information here is from my Psychology lectures (I'm an Art Therapy major, which is a type of therapy, so I have to do a lot of psychology work :D)
The Mind/Body Problem is a debate in psychology and philosophy about what is the mind. One view, the Mentalist view, suggests that the mind is a separate entity from the brain itself, something that could possibly be outside of the body itself, the more philosophical idea. The other view, known as Materialism, suggests that the mind IS the brain, and that everything is a result of physical functions, the more psychological view.
I wanted to explore how Bill Cipher's possession would fit into this.
Mentalist point -> Since the mind is something supernatural and non-physical, Bill Cipher would possess someone by accessing this space and then using this space to connect to the person's brain. Basically, he would attack the mind first (the personality, the memories, ect), then go after the physical functions through the brain (sight, motor controls, speech, ect). This view would make more sense in-lore with us seeing Dipper float out of his body when Bill possesses him, as well as him being able to communicate with Mabel, and Stan's memories only being purged from his mind when he kills Bill. Furthermore, his mind is more or less under his control and looks like he wants it to (the Mystery Shack living room). Furthermore, this would fit with the idea of the memory gun, as it would be easier to target memories via the mind rather than memories via the brain, without messing up things like personality and motor functions. Materialist point -> In this viewpoint, Bill would possess someone just by entering their brain and take everything over at once. This seems to fit closer to his possession style, as we saw when he possessed Dipper, in which he had almost immediate control of both Dipper's memories and his physical functions. Dipper floating out of his body could also be explained in this theory, as people who have near-death experiences often describe seeing themselves float above their body during this experience, so it could explain Dipper floating after Bill's possession: he is still there, it's just his body making sense of what is happening. Of course, this doesn't explain Dipper being able to communicate with Mabel through a sock puppet, which is purely supernatural and more aligns with the Mentalist point. The memory gun is easier to explain than the possession with this point - I'll use Fiddleford as an example for this one. While the memory gun targets memories specifically, it still could work with the brain being the mind, if it targets, say the Hippocampus (the main point of memory encoding and retrieval), therefore, it will mainly affect memories. With Fiddleford, it wasn't only his memories that were damaged, but his personality, and even his motor functions (like his eyes). This would fit more in the Materialist point, as it makes more sense that the memory gun would interfere with things that would cause these changes, whilst trying to remove his memories. The brain is a finicky thing after all. We could also explain Stan's experience before he kills Bill with a combination of the previous theories. He is having a near death experience; therefore, we can assume his is experiencing a near death experience hallucination, which is why we would see "his mind." Also, since he has less exposure to the memory gun than Fiddleford (even being able to get his memories back), we can assume that the memory gun targeted specific memories in the hippocampus and blocked them from being encoded/retrieved. As he was able to retrieve his memories (thanks to Mabel), the memory gun in this case, gave him temporary amnesia and didn't affect the rest of his brain noticeably.
Taking into account that Gravity Falls is a supernatural show, both theories could fit it! The Mentalist theory is a metaphysical theory; thus, it fits the show stronger in some respects. However, the Materialist theory is a physical theory, and can have some interesting implications, while still fitting the show when taking into account the supernatural elements.
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