#(i'll love you in every universe) awww
yonemurishiroku · 9 months
If Percy Jackson had been born a woman [Penelope, Andromeda, Persephone or Amphitrite] Nico Di Angelo would be homoflexible.
Because regardless of the universe and circumstances, — Nico Di Angelo is always in love with Percy Jackson.
This is so poetic.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 9 months
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"Thank you so much for taking me to your lovely home, Mr. Schultz! It's so nice to see you! I had a feeling if I worked my hometown I might run into a few familiar faces...."
"The pleasure's all mine, Josie. Look at you! My, my, last I saw you, you were a skinny, nerdy girl who could barely land a date. I almost didn't recognize you strutting up and down my block, flagging men down for money to take a spin with that big, sexy pregnant body of yours."
"Awww, thank you! I'm glad you like pregnant girls! But I actually don't get paid."
"Oh, just providing some community service? My niece is about your age and she volunteers herself at the homeless shelter downtown."
"Mmmm, good for her! I'm actually working on my thesis. I guess you could say...."
"Oh? This I've got to hear."
"Well, I'm a Sexual Health Major and I'm trying to get my Master's. As soon as I started college they told me about my assignment. It's so time consuming it's almost all I do for college...."
"Does your college have you out working the streets, getting that belly pumped full of kids for the sake of experience, or is it more of a written project you need the experience for?"
"Both, kind of. I'm to fuck twelve new men a day. Every day, until I graduate. No exceptions. That's eighty-four men a week. Three hundred thirty-six men a month, at least. Over four thousand a year."
"That's quite a daunting amount of work. You have to catalogue them?"
"Yep! Get their names, or a pseudonym, their cock length, time they lasted, the positions they tried on me, what got them off the most, and summarize my findings about guys' sexual performance. I'm supposed to write an essay about it and share it with the university in a couple years."
"My oh my, seems you've been at this a while then. Already over ten thousand guys who fucked that curvy body of yours?"
"Yep! Closer to twenty thousand, at this point."
"And what wisdom can you share? You must be so experienced, darling...."
"Well, most guys are total perverts, but they won't just come out and say it. They're all porn addicts. The second one gets limp fucking my juicy, swollen pussy I have to roll my eyes, reminding them to fuck my ass instead to emulate the grip they use on their own cock. Then when they're about to cum take that dirty cock out of my ass and cram it in my pussy, cum inside it, and piss in it too, cause that's really all a girl's pussy is good for. Not getting men off, just a filthy toilet to do your business in and get out. Wipe your cock off my my labia. I'll lick the guys clean if there's any mess left....."
"Wow, and that works for almost every guy?"
"Well, most. Some like to fuck me doggystyle, others like me to ride them. But lots of guys have their own quirks. If it's an older guy I'll ask if they have a daughter my age, and if so to use her name as picture that I'm her as we fuck and that works every time. If the guy's my age I ask if they have a sister. Same deal. Oh, and other guys if they still have trouble getting all the way to an orgasm I tend to assume they must be into really extreme porn. So I just tell them to start beating me up. Punch my belly, my boobs, strangle me, give me a black eye. And boom, the second they start going to town beating on me they cum like crazy."
"Sounds like you must get that sexy body of yours beaten to a pulp fairly regularly, if my experience with the newer generations of men are anything to go by."
"Ohhh, you bet! But I'm a good girl, I get used to it. I just sit there writing about what gets them off in my little notebooks and I encourage them to keep escalating their aggression until it's enough for them to cum."
"Such a perfect student. I hope they're giving you extra credit for all the brutality..... and STDs, I'd wager."
"Nope, it's just considered part of the project! I have pretty much every std you can imagine, my pussy is so swollen and red from all of them it's starting to look like a balloon. And I'm sure having it treated like a toilet isn't helping either, but oh well. In my opinion, this is what a girl's sex is supposed to look like."
"I take it I won't be at risk of contracting anything with you?"
"Not at all, silly! My college gives me an unlimited prescription for the male-only std-prevention pills."
"Shame they don't make one for girls like you."
"Why? My pussy should be super swollen, red, irritated, and deformed from all the wonderful STDs men give me! Like I said, that's what a girl's pussy is there for..... Plus, the government would never fund an anti-std pill for girls!"
"Ah, good point, dear.... So, enough chatter, I guess I'll be the next entry into your notebook. Hope you enjoy yourself."
"I always do. And even if you don't really want to you can try out hitting me while we fuck, you'd be surprised how fun it is!"
"I think I just might, sweetheart.... Seeing you like this makes me feel like I'd be letting you down if I didn't."
Josie bit her lip. "That's good to hear. Do whatever you want to me, it's what my body's for.❤️"
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imagineitdearies · 5 days
Hey I loved loved loved your fanfiction as I’m sure everyone here did but now I, going through withdrawals I can’t find anything similar or as good as yours. So I’m curious what your favourite bg3 fanfiction are?
Hey there!! Awww, thank you ☺️ I sort of got super focused on writing PS for a while there, so I can't say I know of all The GreatsTM in this fandom. I will share what I have enjoyed/am currently reading though (almost all of it involving Astarion), but anyone else should feel free to add your favs in the comments!!
As always, please check tags and read at your own discretion!
Finished ones I've enjoyed:
Seducere by Tlon ~ Astarion/nb!Tav ~ Astarion doesn’t need a reflection to know himself – two hundred years of servitude has shown him exactly what he’s good for. Odd that his new partner seems to disagree.
Nothing is safe by foxflowering ~ Wyll/Astarion ~ "Wyll's the sort of prince-type I would have once dreamed of marrying. When I was about thirteen."
Carving through the dark by skitter ~ Astarion/f!Tav ~ Wren and Astarion descend into the Underdark in search of a new purpose, and learn a few things along the way. Namely, that healing isn't linear and sometimes love takes the long way round.
Astarion Origin Party Nonsense by starkraving ~ Astarion/Karlach; Astarion/Cazador, sort of Astarion/Wyll? ~ A collection of things that ostensibly happen in the same little mental universe. Loosely based on the events of an Origin Astarion run and the various questions it inspired. (All but one in the series is finished so I'm counting it, lol!)
All Our Missing Parts by Viraaja ~ Astarion/Halsin ~ Halsin discovers Astarion was turned before his maturity and all the sacred elven rites that come along with it. Including the sex one.
Friday Nights by SadinaSaphrite ~ Astarion/Gale ~ Professor Gale Dakarios loses his research, his magic, and his lover Mystra all at once and only has himself to blame. When he goes to drown his sorrows, he meets a pale stranger with mysteries of his own.
visions of your love by LargeOctahedron, notyournoise ~ Shadowheart/f!Tav ~ Shadowheart is tired of doubting - of feeling her heart twist whenever she looks at Tav without knowing whether they feel the same. One night, tired of sitting and hoping Tav will approach, she tries to read their mind, only to find them in a rather compromising position.
WIPs I'm following:
Palmarosa by thespectaclesofthor ~ Astarion/Raphael ~ Astarion is stuck in the darkness once more, yearning for sunlight with every fibre of his being, while bitterly reflecting on all the things that were denied to him. Raphael knows Astarion's desperate, and comes to him with not one, but two horrid contract offers that Astarion loathes and dreads in equal measure - but the prize at the end of both are too good to turn down.
To Defy the Gods by ~ Shadowheart/Tav ~ Dark Justiciar. Mother Superior. Shar's Voice Made Flesh. Her Chosen. Shadowheart had emptied her heart of falsehoods, of the illusion of life and love, and accepted the inevitability of loss. Almost.
A Dog's Retreat by ~ Halsin & Astarion, past Astarion/Cazador ~ For most, it was just the end of the Absolute. For Astarion, it was the end of two hundred years of agony. And the transition is steep and slippery. Now, all he can do is hope that there are enough pieces of him left for him to pick up and somehow put back together. Too bad hope has never been Astarion’s poison of choice.
A Warm House, A Ruddy Fire by DepravedJJJSchmidt ~ trans!Astarion/Cazador, trans!Astarion/m!Tav ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cazador Szarr have an ideal marriage. Astarion doesn't know if he will be able to survive another year of it. (And I don't know if I'll survive another chapter tbh, but like a burning building I can't look away 😬)
Alright, that's all I can think of! I'm a bit distracted all over again thanks to the original novel I'm working on now, but hopefully you find something new on this list you end up enjoying 🩵 this fandom is full of so many talented people!!
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 22
chapter 38:
1. “"Right, so, your stylist?" Marlene asks, settling in as they continue to sway. "The one who looks like a fucking goddess? Yeah, so get this, she says we're friends…"”
james and marlene gossip sesh <3333333
2. 😧 MCGONNAGAL??????????
3. wait i think mcgonnagal is good. i’m pretty sure she’s from the phoenix. i’m not sure. i’m hopeful. i’m so hopeful
4. aww huey is kinda sweet. i like that’s he’s reg’s breath of fresh air when it comes to talking to the hallows
5. reg, i understand your anger, but please don’t make one of the only good sponsors feel bad
6. jealous james >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
7. “"I like your tea," James offers. "Maybe I'm biased, but it tastes better than anyone else's. What do you do to it?"
Regulus hums and lightly says, "I spit in it."
Without missing a beat, James replies, "Ah, that explains it."”
8. “"Would you—" Regulus chokes on another relentless giggle, gasping a little. "Wait, would you actually drink my tea if I spit in it, James?"
"Love, I would let you spit directly into my mouth," James announces with absolutely no shame in his tone whatsoever.”
😭😭😭😭 james i love you
9. awww i love that barty is the most consistent part of reg’s life. i love barty
10. 😬 riddle is unconvinced in their love story. i- yikes
11. okay, right, mcgonnagal is good. thank god
12. dorcas wants to keep marlene out of the war, but only one of them has had a pov so far, so i’m not hopeful
13. oh shit marlene sounds hot
14. also, to add in, i’m so fucking glad there’s like no homophobia (that we know of) in this world
15. i do NOT want dorlene to be a tragedy in this universe
16. 😟 she gave back the ring. AHHHH
17. oh no. shit shit shit shit shit what did riddle do
18. “Riddle didn't even grant the liberty of leaving bodies behind for them to bury.” 😟😧
(but also, orion and walburga were dicks, so like, i’m not sad, just scared)
chapter 39:
1. aww regulus finally invites james in for tea
2. “On the day he accidentally kills a bee while tending to his flowers, he goes through the five stages of grief in less than an hour, which has nothing to do with the bee and everything to do with Vanity.” STOP! THE VANITY MENTION HURTS TOO MUCH
3. “When Regulus wants more time with him, he adds bagels, which James has now unconsciously been Pavloved into thinking of as his favorite food for that very reason.” STOP THATS SO GAY
4. sirius being dramatic about james and reg liking each other is TOP TIER in this fic, in the most realistic, aggravated, obnoxious, and completely loving way
6. oh shit, (i’m not the best comprehensive reader, but i should have figured this out sooner), but from sirius’ perspective, he has to do the back and forth with remus his whole life. he doesn’t have the knowledge that i do, that a war is coming and they’ll finally get a chance to live together. he thinks he only gets to see remus once a year for two weeks at a time. this- this shit is heartbreaking yall
7. “”I watched him stand to his feet and tip himself into a river of blood in an act so tender that I'll never again be able to look at him with anything less than pure love. Every other member of the Black family, including you, fought and clawed their way home to their family, oftentimes to a family that never truly made them feel loved at all. Regulus? He fought and clawed through that arena, the entire time, for James. He's far more gentle than anyone gives him credit for."”
y’all, i’m crying over this. this is so lovely. effie is right, and i’m crying over how right she is
8. 😒 i know what’s coming. riddles a bitch. a right bitch. he’s gonna announce that previous victors are competing and i’m PISSED
9. so far, all three potters offered reggie food. they’re so hospitable, i love them
10. “He hasn't forgotten what it is to long for James. He still knows what it is to want him so badly that he'd be willing to kneel at the altar of James Potter and beg; he'd drop down on his hands and knees and crawl if that's what it took, if that would prove his devotion. He is the manifestation of longing built up with nowhere to go, and he craves, he yearns, he covets.”
both of them are so down bad
11. omg reg is so horny. his inner monologue is literally only like “”””“rip my clothes off please, read my mind and rip my clothes off”””””
13. effie is a queen. she is a godsend. and i’m so upset right now
14. not effie making them promise not to volunteer, and immediately james and sirius arguing over who’s gonna volunteer for her
15. i’m seething. i’m pissed beyond belief. i’m so angry it’s indescribable. my babies are going back into that arena. honestly, fuck riddle
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Hi I’m a silent reader (I don’t comment and engage much online, it makes me so nervous) but I saw that you were receiving hate and just wanted to send my appreciation!
I’ve been obsessed with your CoD fic since February and just love seeing where the story is going. I’m kinda new to the world of fanfic (started kinda late at 24) and the whole Omega universe but you’ve explained it amazingly and answered everyone questions so well and in detail so I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your fic, I know I should probably comment and engage more and there’s probably others like me too but I always enjoy reading your work, even if I don’t engage with it!
I’m so sorry you’re getting hate and somehow people forgot there are human beings behind the screens but I hope you are doing great and having a good day/night :)
Ps, as a British person, I think you are writing the characters and world pretty good :D
Awww okay yeah I'm crying happy tears now 😭 y'all are being way too sweet in my inbox rn.
I'm so proud of you though for sending this ask 🥺 I know intimidating it can be, but I promise I'm not scary. Most of us creators aren't. We're just a bunch of awkward nerds 😂
I love all my readers, the silent ones and the ones that comment on every chapter. You all mean so much to me and are the reason this fic has made it this far 😍 I owe a lot to my readers and I will never be able to thank y'all enough.
Thankfully I haven't gotten hate in my inbox in a while, it's more just...weird asks. I reply to some of them if it's funny or if I can think of a funny reply, but most of the time I just delete, or I'll block and delete if it's particularly bad.
I did have a good day yesterday. Really enjoyed my break. Today has been hit and miss. Had a good morning but then irritated my back again so...cool. but overall I'm doing alright.
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gg-university-if · 9 months
Okay I have loadsss to say!!!
Apologies in advance! It's a long rant. I'm excited.
Spoilers below!
All my ROs are Male so hence the pronouns my MC is a MLM
1. Beck is the most adorable fucking thing in the history of everything. I love him. Omggggggggggggggggg just how could your brain even come up with such a bean of a dude. He seems so stressed but so sweet. I adored his interaction with Jason it was so funny to read. And how much he actually misses his friend. Loved that I can have a crush on him because come on.
On that note tho:
Can I throw Ethan off a bridge???? Like Jesus dude cut it out. I see I'm gonna have issue with him on a beck route because dude doesn't know when to take a step back and not come off as a di....dingleberry!
2. The farewell with the fam was bittersweet as my MC has very complicated feeling towards the parents but Jace is just the best brother ever. Makes me sad I'm an only child.
3. Sids cute. ♥️ just so cute. Friendly and funny. Quite charming.
4. R is such a little lovebug. I love how we cldnt say no to him. And I had to stand up for him because no one gets to push my roommate around especially if they are really hot.
On that note again: ugh I want to punch Hader so badly... but I also want to romance him.. but I also wanted to throw a can at his head..empty can.. calm down.. 🙄 he can be glad he's hot and that I'm Slightly masochistic when doing IFs.. I also go for the your an asshole but i like you routes.. unfortunately 🥲
5. F seems like he is soooo fun! Very charismatic and DRAMATIC lol
6. Question. You said we would encounter EVERY (yes i saw that) RO.... did I see correctly and is there a secret RO.. and does that mean they are in the chapter? If it's Ethan end me now. It's gonna be an enemy to lovers route cuz he is aloooot.
Hmm what else..
I love the little things. Like choosing our aesthetics. Clothes, dorm room set up. It's a nice touch in customization. You love us awww 😭
Was wondering about customization and if MC is gonna have the option to have any piercings or tattoos their family know nothing about.
Oh I did see a bit of a typo I suppose. After Haders scene and meeting F. After you choose your food in the cafeteria. Instead of saying as you take a "bite out of your chicken katsu curry" it says take a "sip" but that's all I noticed. Also if you ever need beta readers.... 👀👀👀👀
Overall I loved the entire update. I can't wait to interact more with everyone. And as I'm on a music scholarship Hader is gonna have to get used to my MC talking back 🙄 it's great. Your writing is great. This is so fun to read and reading it brought a smile to my face. Thank you for working so hard on it. ♥️
Spoilers under the cut, let's break this down!
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I love, love, love all the detail!
So I'll try and answer or have a comment for each bit since you made so much effort to give me feedback when you didn't need to.
Fun fact: Sid and the male form of one of the ROs are actually holdovers from an ill-starred short-lived mlm fic I wrote before GGGLU ever existed.
1. I'm so glad you liked Beck! I was worried that people would get irritated with him or end up not liking his personality but I thought the way I wrote him was most authentic to the story I wanted to tell for his route. He's so exhausted but so willing to help and isn't that just the cutest thing ever?
Ethan is Ethan, you'll definitely get your chance to be snarky and put down some fighting words with Ethan in the future. Infact at no point do you have to come to like him for Beck's Route but I can atleast say that there is a reason that he is Beck's University BFF and to a certain extent in my mind it makes his character a lot more...understandable if not your cup of tea.
2. (Obviously) there's the death of the author and I don't get to dictate how others interpret my writing but I'm so glad that you saw it the same way that I saw that scene when I was writing it because to a certain extent parting is a bittersweet moment for the MC regardless of how they feel about Jace and their parents.
3. Sid is adorable, just a ball of pop punk flavored sunshine. Was definitely one of my favorite characters to write in this part of the chapter and as a music scholarship MC you might be seeing more of them...but I'll shut my mouth for now.
4. Yeah I had debated allowing the MC to deny R and totally skip the cafeteria scene but I thought it was more fun if it was a compulsory event and the idea that R already has so much sway over the MC is sorta funny to me.
Hader is a bag of emotions and definitely stormy ones at that, I can't promise he'll ever be B or R levels of adorable but I can say that Riley wasn't lying when he said Hader isn't always like that and that usually he's a little more hot than scary and broody than angry.
The intended effect for my Hader-mancers was that they would want to punch and kiss him at the same time and seeing as they were already simping I had to ramp up the punching bit.
5. Fred is also good fun to write, I keep on saying this but also one of my favorites to write this time round and also one of the hardest for me. I'm not naturally a very dramatic or big personality so it's hard to write someone who is naturally charming and affable, I'm happy it was able to work somewhat as intended.
6. Hehehe the secret RO is in the demo currently and seeing as they're already implemented it's not a particularly big deal for me to reveal them BUT seeing as you guessed wrong I guess I'll be keeping it a secret for a little while longer.
A little hint: part of the reason H is so angry has to do with our beloved secret RO.
7. Customization is going to come as necessary to the story, things like tattoos and piercings are planned to come in part 2 of chapter one.
At some point you'll have a chance to get bigger tattoos but so early in the story the only tattoos you can have hidden from your parents will be pretty small.
8. I do need beta readers 😭😭😭 but I don't know how to get in contact with anyone through the proper routes and I'm famously awful with Discord amongst my friends.
If I ever figure out how to set up a Discord or interact with readers outside of Tumblr itself through the proper routes of communication then you will definitely be at the top of the list!!!
Finally we're at the end, thank you for giving me such a comprehensive breakdown of your experience. I really couldn't and wouldn't be able to write if it wasn't for your encouragement and excitement to push me forward to write.
I'm glad my writing style is atleast palatable and I'm more than ecstatic that it was able to provide a momentary amount of joy when reading.
Thank you for reading!
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
I've just read the entirety of the head above water series over the course of the past day (wildly irresponsible, totally worth it) and I must say, I ADORE this universe. I love your Matthew and your Leon (so stupid, so emotionally constipated, so bad at communication and reading each other), and Quinn! Poor Quinn! I feel for this Victorian ghost child, haunted by the horrors (and pining) in every universe. I'm sure Brady will come around eventually. Probably. (I'm also loving the idea of Keith scheming for how to get Matthew and Leon on the same team, putting his experience and desire to be a part of his kids' careers to good use XD) Anyway, thank you for writing, time to reread!
awww thank you so much, anon! i'm so glad you enjoyed it! i feel a little weird posting this instead of just keeping it for myself but also i hoard nice comments like a dragon and i know if i leave it in my inbox i'll accidentally delete it or something. and that would be terrible ❤
i have barely had the time or energy to write at all this month so instead of doing that i have just been THINKING a lot, and while THINKING is of course a very important part of the writing process, it is not nearly as satisfying as putting words on the page. but specifically since people have been leaving really nice comments about the HAW anniversary ficlet i've been thinking a lot about that universe and i AM full of feelings about it. so i'm going to babble a little.
because like, obviously, the HAW is a fully separate timeline from the real world at this point. real world florida!matthew and HAW!matthew are totally different entities, not in small part because florida!matthew has a nice finnish boyfriend and several drops of serotonin. this means that continuing to write in the HAW universe means basically making up the whole future as i go, which isn't a problem — it's fun and also kind of nice being freed from the tethers of reality that i was basically ignoring anyway — but it also means that i can kind of pick and choose stuff from the real world to incorporate or not. which is all to say that in the HAW!verse, quinn definitely does still get named captain of the canucks, and feels a lot of things about his and brady's matching Cs, but also feels relieved in a way to have something so tangible to pour his future into that is not brady-shaped at all.
i touched on this in the replies to some comments on the anniversary ficlet already, but i really enjoyed writing keith in that because in HAW matthew's relationship with keith is kind of complicated and strained (his relationships with everyone are strained, lbr) in ways that i think are honestly pretty normal for a father-son relationship to be complicated even in a loving family, but the complications are so exacerbated by the headspace matthew is in. it was really nice in the ficlet to just get to be like, and here is keith loving his kid. i have a little headcanon that keith had some not-quite-out-but-not-quite-closeted teammates during his nhl days and at the time felt kind of weird about it, and it wasn't until matthew came out that he ever took the time to think about his own reaction and how he could be better/more helpful/more supportive than he was in the past. extremely typical "well this is affecting me directly now so i guess i need to think about it" reaction lmao. but he loves his kid. one day far in the future when the matthew/leon relationship is public knowledge he's going to say some very earnest things to the media about it, which matthew will find so embarrassing.
the thing is (and i think i also said this in response to a comment) that, yes, HAW was full of emotional turmoil and all that, but in my heart i am very much that austen quote about happy endings — "my characters shall have, after a little trouble, all that they desire." HAW!matthew and leon get to live happily ever after now. they will for sure have some bumps along the way but they did their time in the angst pit and now their problems will all be minor in the scheme of things.
... unless i think of some new horrors i want to put them through. but i don't foresee that happening right now. 😂 (that doesn't mean i won't continue to play in this universe, though, i love this universe.)
thank you again, anon!! 💖
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littlegreenplumbob · 1 month
welcome to littlegreenplumbob's saved games :
as you're about to see, my saved games vary few and far between. i used to start a new game every single time i wanted to play the sims - but now i have a good amount of key saves that i like to go back and visit and update every now and then :) you'll also see i am extremely picky with which games i play more than others oops
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as the name suggests, this is my save file put in place in order for me to have full creative exploration of any dlc. i've mainly used this to play test things like the interactive careers and most recently, making rental residentials. i'm also currently exploring the idea of a BIG family, with 7 sims and 2 pets.
you've heard of it, you know it, you love it - the not so berry challenge is my most frequently visited save file. i've got some updates incoming for the berri-behrs, is this save file photo a sneak peak? it most definatly is bc with my work ethic you won't get an update post until next year.
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another legacy challenge! i've barely even touched this in comparison to nsb, mainly as my ultimate sims goal is to complete the nsb challenge so my postcard legacy has i think maybe 3 sims days played? anyways, once im done w nsb i think i'll switch over to a postcard legacy. this save is more of a exploring one to familiarise myself with the rules and such.
when home chef hustle came out i was obsessed with the idea of a home cook and thats exactly what this save file is. my sim is a home chef, trying to increase her skill, while learning gardening and caring after her 2 puppies, burger and barbie (que). at the same time, she also attends university. this is just a little cute save, dare i say quite relaxing at times?
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i've always wanted to make a completely revamped save file of all townies and all lots, and this is my attempt! it's something of a mammoth challenge to me and one that i can get extremely mind numb of in minutes but im still desperate to do it. it's another one of my major sims goals that i've had since i started playing a decade ago.
just like the name suggests. i've never shown loads of interest in the 100 baby challenge through the years, it's definitely something my younger self would do. (although i do stalk simstas and simblrs of it because you lot amaze me that you can stick to it) despite that it is pretty cool and some little part of me at least wants to give it a go, hence why just the one baby for now (bob pancakes' offspring may i add)
awww my little cute legacy challenge! which i haven't playing in a whopping 8 months mostly completely due to the fact that with a lot of the sims in that save have that glitched acne thing as adults and my eyelashes are glitchy. and idk, that just puts me off playing. but who knows, maybe in 4 months i'll open it back up again?
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shadowredfeline · 1 month
Four in One Post
For my Response to my Filipino Friend.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Thank you, Spot. I always wanted to go to California since I always love the beach. And yes, my mom and I do like going to Taco Bell. Since I did get some for Dinner during my vacation. So let’s go to Taco Bell while we head to the beach. 😊🤗
Plus going to that Taco bell looks nice anytime we want to see the beach and the waves. 😊
And for Response to both my Filipino Friend and my A-Pal
You know what, since it looks nice with Maxwell in his ability to look like a fighter, but what would be nice, is i would love to see a remake, except but with Maxwell in his Kingdom Smash attire. And i hope it'll be like in one of those Action RPG styles when Maxwell tags along with either his siblings or with Shadow and Spot. As well as for Sam, Emme and Jo when doing these Online Co-op adventures. But those styles can be like they're exploring the level and dungeon, but when they encounter a battle, we'll have to start the RPG battle when facing the Animal Crossers and Smash Enemies from Smash Run and Subspace Emissary.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Okay, Maxwell. Get your attire ready and we're going together in the Kingdom Smash universe! We'll have our weapons and cards ready for the battle and have our friends tag along with us.
And for my Filipino Friend's On this day post
I’m sure Chowder and Panini can both read it together. And I bet it would be nice if you can try getting a printer and scanner to a Laptop. If necessary or if it works with it. Because I used to have a Printer and Scanner, but I no longer use it since it doesn’t work. And I was lucky I needed space on my desk for my PlayStation 5. And my Scanner and Printer was an Espon brand and now it doesn't work anymore with all the scanning and printing, So we took it out of and we'll have to use the Printer and Scanner over in the grinder which it was my grandmother's old office. But every time i would draw in traditional, i would take a photo on my cellphone or my IPad, even if i did it in either color or draw it in sketch or draw a sketch and then take a photo and continue drawing by doing the line art and fill in the color. Those are the only options i would do with traditional art. Which i know our A-Pal does that too.
And speaking of our A-Pal, let's talk about his on this day post.
His Backpack looks pretty decent, normally i carry a bag which i can carry all my electronics and my video game handheld systems. That's what i usually carry. But i use Backpacks a lot when i go to school. But for now, i have a bag i can use anytime i want to go somewhere during my travels. Which it's one of those travelling bags since a lot of people use them.
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year
Got anything for the lee who will go nonverbal during a scene? Sometimes it’s hard to communicate I’m enjoying it, but I really promise I am.
Awww ~ feather got your tongue? Don't you worry my sweet lil gigglecake ~ I'll do all the talking for both of us. Luckily I'm fluent in ticklish body language ~ see, your hips are doing the little buckies, which means you want raspberries on your belly with my thumbs rubbing your leg buttons in tickly tickly circles ~ ooh and those arms pulling uselessly? I dooo believe you are telling me you want some tickles in your elbows ~ yeahhh that random spot! It's the kneepits of the arms. Come on now~ your body doesn't lie, and neither do you. I know you love it ~ look at those blushing cheeks awwwwwe you just want all the attention huh gigglebug ~ That twitchy belly and navel look like they're protesting buuut I think that's the universal sign for pleeeease fluff a feather duster across us ~ which ooh, look my rainbow duster is already here so we'll just fluff fluff fluff that adorable tum tum tum ~ eee and those toes! Such curly toes ~ that's so very obviously you telling me there's giggle spots buried down there. Mmhmm, riiight under the toes where my thumbs fit perfectly and every toe is just begging to get a good exploratory feather between them. Why darling are you gasping now? Does that mean you want hmmmm toe nibblies? Don't worry, I'll be gentle. I know what you want. Yeahh you're asking for all the tickles every one. Squeezies on your kneeees, kissies on your thiiiighs ~ and now brushy brushy lip tickles on your collar while my little q-tip goes exploring in your navel~
Be sure to rate your body language translation on the Amy Tickle Mama survey <3
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annotated DBD!!! episode FIVE
NIKO'S VOICE in the thingy!
"dyou wanna kiss monty" *cue charles face*
not the David/Charles paralells
Edwin. I think he really is trying to make a joke there. At least he can read the room now.
Eddie's maaad
Well I guess Charles can't read the room
how did he know??
also. ghosts don't sleep so they don't have nightmares. not important just interesting.
this scene is actually so sweet. more breakups on screen should be this sweet.
Who are the Taurus and Aries in the group?
I blame the guy from School Spirits for making me trust these assholes.
is that the University of Dublin?
it was exactly the plan.
they were gonna go to school together awww
they didn't even get split up after dying..
"they're just like us" "they're just best mates" Charles what are you saying
These guys REALLY don't want to do a seagull thing, huh.
only partly relevant but there's a US flag behind Niko as she mails the letter
wait where have I heard the music before?? the thing that plays when Niko sees Maxine's letter?
The music that plays after the chapter title!!!
the "Pathway to Knowledge" sign has a bunch of circles in it
Niko is so dramatic the way she moves omg
Charles: haha the cliff thing was good right?
Edwin: *sighs in oh fuck* *changes the subject*
Charles: Oh so we're talking about THIS now are we?
Also I think it's really cool for a teen show to have characters this excited about kissing. Like, I feel like lots of shows only have teens who are much more involved, and not everyone is into that.
Niko-ass question
the way he talks and moves when he says "I felt it up here" (in his head) wtfff he's so cute
aw you've been holding on to that one
the tone of voice when he says "of course"
AND now we're back to these two
the music here is so cute
interruption trope
Niko's smile when she looks at them all <2
Interesting that keeping them alive is what gets Niko to finally tell these two to be nice...
I love her voice when she says "outlook not so good"
Also it's interesting that Niko checks the 8-ball so frequently. She wants to know when she will die. (she won't tho!)
ew that mushroom thing CANNOT smell good
Also don't mushrooms have roots?? that soil looks shallow.
"I was supposed to see Edwin today, but of course they're off on another stupid case" he sounds like a caricature of himself. I love him.
actually I think his shirt might actually have a car on it
the way he's sittingggg
maybe you wanna try.... harder
why was that so hard for her to say? Also I feel like there's a double meaning here..
Monty perks up his little head IN GONNA DIEE
I don't know what that stereotype teenage tone of voice is called, but Monty has it every time he talks to Esther and it's hilarious
There are little plants in jars on the windowsill
ew she grabs his face. threats of violence
So they don't remember even leaving the party, huh
Edwin is so serious lol
Also have they NEVER been to Maren's house?? In a different memory, Brad was totally at Maren's. Why did he never see the tree until he died?
I wonder if Maren only painted the eyes after hearing about her pictures.. as if she could feel people looking at her. That's pretty sad to think about.
no bro the eyes are not part of the bark
Brills? Really?
Charles has his Doom Patrol coat but Edwin literally didn't even change clothes
Why is that girl even talking to a "reporter" then?? do you think a reporter will be impressed by your drug use? do you think she will care if you can't give her information?
he wants to be so cool with the glasses
I remember that Jenny said a similar skeletons line at one point, maybe with the letters?? I'll have to recheck my notes!
why does this mascot bitch care??
so assuming Jenny is being literal that every edible bachelorette in town has cats, we can assume that there are fewer than 146 single women in all of Port Townsend.
her lil look round the room
Does Niko have a pompom stuck to her nail???
Trawler is a bad name for a newspaper
we don't actually have time to see Charles face when Richy mentions the supposed suicide pact
Crystal: I talked to Maren, and (serious words)
Edwin, looking at Charles: 👁👄👁
Charles' eyebrow raise at the word "hand jobs" LMAOO
she really said ur 2 pussy 2 kill ppl. not me tho
and for the whole rest of the episode, we never find out more about Shelby apparently stalking Brad
rule number one: if she sends you anonymous floral stationary letters from a typewriter, YOU are not the over-the-top crazy one.
is there a board on the wall with three clocks???
He rly said "ur too hot and jock-like to converse with her"
she died in her blue dragon tracksuit.
Those two REALLY like doing that creepy teleport thing, huh.
Also they totally ignore Crystal for this entire interaction
"can fuel a hyste- can change a ghost" look who's on his misogyny redemption arc
at least he's being all business and actually wants to get to the bottom of it
I don't know what to say exactly, but I love the entire Crystal-Charles interaction after the Shelby thing
oh yeah, and the eggshells line! I said that was important!
what does a peacock feather tattoo mean??
"run" sure. totally not stalking.
I think this is the first time in the series that Jenny makes a joke. She really was opening up.
the way when Maren mentions adderall, Charles looks down like 'damn it' and Edwin is like "hmmm"
perhaps we should follow up with this 'Molly' character
Also I kinda do wanna hear the molly story now. what exactly was going on?
why don't you want to be seen with her, Maren? because you don't want her death to trace back to you?
Edwin is already a little suspicious of Maren...
yes Edwin, we all care about her bathroom.
there's. a fucking doll shoe glued to her photo wall??
that is a weird fuckin place to put a light switch
the frickin. lean in front of the closet.
wait there's a ballerina thing!! like Isolde from the comics!
random round red lantern on the dresser. sure.
there are lights on by the closet, but none by the bed and none of the overheads. is that weird, or am I weird?
he just fuckin. breaks it open. I guess Maren knows less about the killing biz than Esther.
Thank gods Crystal has the sense to not drink that!
Do you think they have Maren a green phone case just so we could tell hers apart?
The way she doesn't even realize what she was doing until it was over..
pk but why tf did they go out of their way to write ""desire"" into the script?? "I've got zero desire to tell them" NOBODY TASKS LIKE THAT
why is there one random really bright light??
As far as I know, nobody told Crystal about Edwin's death, right?? Did she figure it out when they were talking to TNN or something?
"cutting meat can be really cathartic"
dragon tattoo??
what's her ear tattoo?? if anyone has a tattoo guide for Jenny lmk
your oversized nightshirt
she can just accidentally see into Jenny's THIRD FLOOR window from that close by in the alley and see what she's watching??
Good for Jenny, she is always straight up and says what she feels
I LOVE the backlighting bc even though this isn't a cartoon, Machine has such a good character silhouette. the obvious cardigan and loose skirt. the chunky mary Jane's. peak character design incredible shape language, looks fantastic with the cleaver.
Jenny is alive only because Maxine tripped on some shit and impaled herself. Holy fuck.
Maxine: overturns the fucking table
Crystal: um why are there flowers in here
they met up with those guys back at the school.
your gonna what?
I love the gloved hand drawing the bag all the way closed. like why does that make it look like they're about to make out in there. also the little melody that plays at that time!!
the random mix of warm and cool lights. okay.
I love that Charles can actualy talk about his feelings now!! that, and he and Crystal made up.
Ironic. worrying about being bad is what Edwin says means you're good, so do you then have to not worry? I mean, at least he tries.
What is Charles thinking when Edwin says he's the best person he knows? does he trust Edwin's opinion on that?
"let's get you sorted first" and then that little sniff. there's so much going on there.
Edwin was being pretty courteous by not making it about himself, but he also just want ready to talk about his shit yet. Charles might feel cared for, but he also might worry that Edwin can't come to him with this stuff anymore, but he is still respectful and A)asks about Edwin's feelings and B) doesn't press the issue
David wants to give Crystal a smooth brain!? is that what he said?
Also yeah. he seems really excited to eat some dumpster fish.
She wants to kill him.
why is the fog. glowing.
I mean, trust this show to always have some random-ass light source.
so Monty must have met Charles and Edwin near the butcher shop, then Edwin went off with Monty and Charles saw whatever the fuck happened to Crystal. Well, it must have been some other time on the way, actually, because um. Edwin editor not have left of he saw the whole. Production. going on there.
"I have something to tell you" Monty is so fucking excited :(((
"I think it best of we stop seeing eachother" WHY. It's this, like. A Yue thing? He just thinks being around Monty is too confusing to deal with?
If Edwin thinks Monty isn't in love with him, then all he's doing is saying that he's in love with Charles. So why would he want to stop seeing Monty? If he DOES know Monty likes him, why would he draw it out so long and let himself be misconstrued?
I think that Edwin changes his mind about what to say literally as he says it. New territory for him, I'm sure.
Monty's voice is so sadd when he says baggage
Do you think Monty knew that Edwin wouldn't feel him?
while you don't want things to be awkward, then what? I hate when characters get cut off. I WANNA KNOW!!!
the songs in this show always match the vibe PERFECTLY!
Also Monty's FACE. I always say you can tell this is his first time with people feelings because he puts them ALL THE WAY on display.
He's sad bc Edwin doesn't like him back but he's also maybe upset that he failed Esther but also scared of what Esther will think/do and probably guilty for thinking about Esther instead of Edwin but also guilty for having feelings for Edwin both because of Edwin's reaction and bc of his mission and also hurt that Edwin doesn't live him back and also blindsided because he thought otherwise and like. there's so many things going on and none of them even really occurred to him before and he's thinking up every single one in succession and you can see it on his face.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 5 months
Do you guys have podcast recommendations? I'm caught up on everything I listen to, but you guys are my favorite podcast, so I assume we have similar tastes
AWWW i'm so honored that we're your faves! grey is no longer a podcast listener so i (crystal) shall be the only answerer
in terms of people-watching-a-thing podcasts, i've enjoyed:
doctor huh- two brothers, one a former doctor who watcher and one who... only knows about it from social media... watch nuwho eps in a random order
zero to zero- three friends watch dc/marvel properties and respond w fun and funny levels of haterism. i have enjoyed ALL of this despite never once touching something they reviewed. on maybe-permanent hiatus
LMNOP- the only good cbs elementary podcast. also on maybe-permanent hiatus
i've been meaning to watch that- i've listened to less of this one, but it's hosted by manika dulcio, who we had on our s4 wrapped, so if you liked her there check her out on her home base!
as for fiction podcasts, listing my fave subscribeds below! for some of these, the first few eps are kinda rough but i've found them all resoundingly Worth It eventually! also if you, babpod listener, care about this, all of these have queer main characters and i'll bold the ones where the main char is explicitly a poc:
hi nay- "a supernatural horror fictional podcast about Filipina immigrant Mari Datuin, whose babaylan (shaman) family background accidentally gets her involved in stopping dangerous supernatural events in Toronto." v rich lore v good at being creepy! (ongoing)
the silt verses- what if every single folk deity was real and hungry and society ran on ppl being sacrificed on telephone poles? incredibly sexy writing like SO sexy (ongoing)
midnight burger- space diner adventures and friendships! they recently dropped a 3-hour beautifully audio-engineered season finale they've grown so much since the beginning. great cast and fills you w so much wonder about The Universe (ongoing)
greater boston- an expanding cast of chars tell the story of the forming of a new city on the boston red line train cars. makes u wild about community and interconnectedness and local politics and how no one is beyond compassion while also having like. cheese robots (ongoing)
within the wires- what if a world war led to a worldwide cultural shift that decried all tribalism starting at the family unit and babies were separated from their parents at birth? extremely interesting world and formats though i do think it's kinda tired after s4. i think listening to s1 then reading the companion novel might be the Move (ongoing)
unwell, a midwestern gothic mystery- what it says on the tin! lily returns to the fading small town she grew up in to care for her mom. there are ghosts and town history and wolves in the woods. some rlly beautiful and complex family relationships and friendships, great vibe and sound design (complete)
parkdale haunt- p classic haunted house horror (well i say classic. there's also an influencers cult) which i also consider a Top Friendship-Focused Media (complete)
alice isn't dead- usamerican road trip show about the horrors of freedom. spn wishes. love jasika nicole as a VA (complete)
the pasithea powder- epistolary space bisexuals after a war that left them on opposite sides. excellent interpersonal drama and aliens (complete)
wooden overcoats- v funny british funeral home rivalry show antigone funn is the weirdgirl extraordinaire (complete)
monstrous agonies- nice soothing ten-minute segments of a supernatural advice show. i think i've mentioned it as being the anti-spn in terms of the monster rights and monster-human cohabitation background of the world (complete)
midnight radio- ten-episode small town radio show ghost romance. it's an excellent annual fall listen if you have a saturday free (complete)
mabel podcast- ONE OF THE PODCASTS OF ALL TIME. if you care about women you will like this podcast. i've always found anna and mabel so revolutionary and freeing to listen to. horror podcast about fairies and a house that loves (creepy edition?) you (long hiatus)
brimstone valley mall- silly delightful y2k demons in a mall (long hiatus)
the far meridian- magical realism story about a girl living in a teleporting lighthouse. sweet and melancholic (long hiatus)
khôra podcast- greek myths in space. i need to hug all the characters (long hiatus)
ty for this ask i love podcasts i need to catch up on them!
- Crystal :)
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dat-silvers-girl · 2 years
You're my friend now
Summary: Okay but seriously, Sarahi works on her own at the palace, barely speaking to anyone. The animals are a welcome respite. Thank goodness, the animals won't be her only friends going forward. Barnaby exists.
A/N: I wrote this and other fics while I was bored out of my mind waiting for paperwork to get done. So it isn't proofread, probably nonsense, and mostly written for funsies. If I make art I'll just post it seperately. If I make any.
HPHM Cardverse AU by @ariparri
Sarahi had only been working in the palace for a week when one day she was assigned the stables to clean. And while most maids would groan at that, Sarahi was excited, because it would mean finally being able to see the horses. Ignoring everyone's confused looks, she made sure to sneak some sugar cubes from the kitchen to feed them.
Creatures are friends, and friends are meant to be spoiled with affection after all. The only other time she'd seen the horses was when she was watching them graze, and this one white horse with black hair came very close to the fence and let Sarahi pat him. Sarahi had been wanting to go to the stables since, hoping to make a friend.
She'd come out with two.
The stables… they smelled bad. But that is to be expected when animals are involved, so Sarahi wasn't too bothered. The horses let out some curious whinnys at the new person in their stables.
As happy as she was to be surrounded by horses, Sarahi was well-aware that she would have to finish cleaning up first. There was hay all over the floor, hoof marks from when the horses were brought inside, and the unfortunate consequences of the horses that went number two a little too late.
Sarahi let out a sigh and began cleaning up.
The cleanup took nearly three whole hours. But every time Sarahi would get tired or annoyed, a random horse would nose at her for a sugar cube, or give her an encouraging whinny, which instantly brightened her mood. That white horse she met earlier got most of the sugar cubes, given that it was the one who poked Sarahi the most.
"I'm going to run out of sugar cubes if you keep eating them bud." Sarahi giggled, as the horse ate it's third sugar cube in a row. The horse huffed, and still nosed at her face for more.
"Stars above, bud! Let the others have some too!" Sarahi laughed. She pulled away to feed the other horses before this white one could eat them all.
Most of the horses seemed content with the amount of sugar cubes they had eaten, and had long since gone back to their own food. Except, of course, the white horse, that still stubbornly nosed at Sarahi's back for more sugar cubes.
Sarahi let out an amused sigh. "Oh alright. Don't tell the others, but I saved this last one for you, okay?"
Saying so, Sarahi held out her palm with one more sugar cube, which was instantly eaten by the white horse. It let out a pleased sound, as if it was satisfied about getting the last cube.
Sarahi chuckled. She was never more comfortable than she was around animals. For some reason, every time she was with a group of creatures, one or two members of that group would take to her. Like the one black puppy in that litter near her house, that gray horse named Moor in the University stables that kept trying to chew on her hair, the light brown rabbit in the gardens, and now this white horse in this herd.
As if trying to express his thanks for being treated as special, the white horse nosed at Sarahi's face politely. Sarahi took this as being allowed to let him, which he seemed very happy about, as he let out a soft huff.
"Awww… aren't you just a lovely, absolutely spoiled boy? But you're a good boy! Yes you are!"
Sarahi was so into babying this horse that she didn't notice the stable door open.
"Hey, Dash!" Came a cheerful voice. "Did you make a new friend?"
The white horse, named Dash, looked over to the newcomer and winnied loudly in reply.
Sarahi, however, had all color drained from her face as she instantly realized that the horse she was patting away belonged to Barnaby Lee, the Ace of Hearts. She immediately backed away from the horse and neatly clasped her hands in front of her to appear as small as possible.
"I am sorry. I was just finishing up cleaning in here. I'll leave."
Dash was clearly having none of it, because it prodded Sarahi again to demand more pets. The Ace laughed.
"Aw, but Dash seems to love you already! How many sugar cubes did you give him?"
"Too many… Wait! How did you know I gave him sugar cubes!? Was I not supposed to!? Well… I know I wasn't actually supposed to but he was such a friendly boy and I thought-"
"Hey hey hey, slow down." Barnaby said, as he approached to pat his horse too. "Dash will just take to anyone that gives him sugar cubes. Though this isn't the first time he's let you pet him."
Sarahi hesitantly continued petting Dash. After all, her own fear of talking to other people (especially important people) was no fault of the horse.
"Hey, you're new to the palace, right? Dash let you pet him earlier too! When he was grazing? Yeah, I think he was grazing."
The Ace looked thoughtful, but quickly beamed at the maid. Sarahi didn't notice, as she didn't look at his face, and kept her attention on the horse.
"Say, do you like creatures?" He asked.
Sarahi was startled. "Huh?"
"Do you like creatures?" He asked again. Unlike most people, the Ace showed no annoyance in having to repeat his question.
"Why… uh… why do you ask?"
"Oh! I know I love creatures! Just wondering if you liked them too!" He replied.
Sarahi blinked. Wasn't the Ace of Hearts said to be a tough, ferocious guy? This man seemed so innocent, and sweet. He was still smiling, and patiently waiting for her to give an answer.
Sarahi took a deep breath. "Yes, uh… I do love animals and creatures and all. They're all really lovely. Dash is very polite."
"Right!?" Barnaby squealed. "Dash is my best buddy! He's the dashiest of horses! Aren't you buddy?"
Dash answered with a loud whinny.
Sarahi had forgotten to hold back her chuckle. The Ace of Hearts was absolutely radiating with joy.
"Have you ridden a horse before?" He asked.
Sarahi smiled. "I have! I used to ride a horse from the University stables sometimes, back when I was still there."
"Oh, were you the one riding Moor?"
"How did you- yes, I did ride Moor. He… uh. He wasn't the fastest so a lot of students just ignored him. I felt bad for the buddy, so I wanted to make sure he felt good too. I hope he did…"
"Great, I've been out of University for a week and I already miss him." Sarahi added under her breath.
"I'm sure you riding Moor cheered him up, really!" Barnaby said. "He was always happy to get out of the stables. Have you been riding horses long?"
"Huh? No. The only other horse I rode was when my grandmother took me to a farm once and I got to ride a big brown horse. I remember his name was Blue."
Barnaby raised an eyebrow. "Why would one name a brown horse Blue?"
Sarahi shrugged. "The world may never know."
If anyone told Sarahi earlier that day that she would be discussing her favorite creatures with the Ace of Hearts that afternoon, she would have called them delusional. And yet, this man had somehow pulled out from Sarahi, her bucket list of every creature she wanted to meet, while he told her of his own.
"Unicorns." Sarahi had added. "They're extremely skittish. My father tells me tales of how a unicorn used to eat out of my grandmother's hands when he was a boy. I have never seen any, alas, but someday…"
Barnaby nodded. "Did you know that unicorn foals are golden?"
"I do! And they're horns are just little nubs. I'm sure they look absolutely precious!!"
"Oh you'd love the Abraxan Derby! It's an event in the Land of Clubs!"
"I've heard of it. I've always wanted to see an Abraxan up close. I really want to see how big one is compared to me. And do you need a huge saddle to ride on one?"
"I don't know but I'd love to participate in the Abraxan Derby! I like to think I'm pretty good at riding."
"I'm sure you are, I mean… Dash wouldn't love you so much if you didn't ride him well. I'd probably fall off the saddle. Moor just didn't seem to mind my fidgeting, I think.."
"Well, given how much Dash likes you, maybe he would let you try?"
"Pfff… He only likes me because I gave him one too many sugar cubes. More sugar can't be good for his health."
"Are you sure? Because he hasn't stopped whining for your attention since we started talking."
Dash huffed in response to his rider and prodded at Sarahi's face again. That was all it took to remind Sarahi where she actually was and who she was rambling about Unicorns and Abraxans with.
The maid sighed. "I have to leave now, buddy. Maybe I'll be assigned here again next week."
Barnaby nervously chuckled. "Oh. Right… we were talking for too long, huh?"
Sarahi gave a polite nod. "I must get to my other chores before I get yelled at. I do apologize for taking up your time, sir."
The confusion on the Ace's face was almost amusing.
"What?" He asked.
Sarahi blinked. "Huh?"
"Was me rambling on about creatures getting annoying?"
"What!? No!" Sarahi yelled, shaking her head in disbelief. "If anything, this was the most fun conversation I've had in a long time!"
Barnaby clapped "I feel that way too! That's great! So… what were you apologizing for?"
"Uh… taking up your time?"
"Shouldn't I be apologizing for taking up yours?"
"No! Your time is more important than mine, isn't it?"
It was like more question marks were appearing over Barnaby's head with every passing question.
"Why would my time be more important than yours? Also… how did we go from unicorns to… time?"
"Well, to start it's because you're the Ace of Hearts, and I'm just some maid. And secondly… you're right. Um… how did we get here?"
Barnaby's face slowly broke out into a smile before he started giggling. Sarahi looked around nervously, not sure what exactly he was amused by.
"I just remembered that I forgot to ask your name. What's your name?" Barnaby asked, now that his fit of giggles stopped.
"Oh. I'm Sarahi."
Barnaby beamed. "I like you, Sarahi. You're nice!"
Barnaby tilted his head at the lack of response. "Hello?"
"May I ask you a question?"
"Why are you talking to me?"
"Oh, is that all? Well, I was coming in here to see Dash, and he seemed to like you. So that made me think that you were nice and liked horses. And turns out you like creatures, just like me! And that's great! I've always loved creatures, and it's always nice to meet more creature lovers. The more love for them, the better, right?"
Sarahi turned away and frowned a bit. "I see. It's just that… didn't you hear what I said earlier? You're the Ace of Hearts, and I'm…"
"What? You're just Sarahi, right?"
"I'm just a maid."
"So, just Sarahi. Me being the Ace and you being a maid is important… why? Head's getting a bit muddled."
Sarahi turned to the man to see him so genuinely confused that she wanted to laugh. "You don't think that someone as great as you shouldn't have to interact with or be close to anyone of my level? You know… the maid that just spent 3 hours cleaning up after the poor horses whose lunch didn't sit right?"
Barnaby giggled again. "No, I don't think that. In fact, I can't think of any reason I'd possibly think that. You're nice, so why wouldn't I be nice to you?"
"Huh. Important people usually aren't."
"Then let me be the first to change that." Barnaby smiled, and extended a hand to the maid. "I'm Barnaby."
Sarahi hesitated for a bit, but then decided to take her chances. She shook his hand.
"Sarahi. Nice to meet you, sir."
"Huh? No no no! You're my friend now, why would you call me sir? Just Barnaby, okay?"
"Uh… okay? Nice to meet you then… Barnaby? Look, I'm sorry, but I really need to leave. Heaven forbade me from ever being on time since the day I was born, apparently."
Dash, who had just been an observer for most of the conversation, let out a sad little huff.
Sarahi gave the horse another reassuring pat on the snout. "Oh it's okay, bud! I'll be back next week. Just don't eat all the sugar next time."
The maid picked up her bucket and then looked back. "It was a pleasure to meet you, both of you."
"Same here. Dash and I will see you here next week then?"
"Huh? You'll be here as well?"
"I'm sure it'll be a lot more fun if you have someone other than the horses to look at. And I can introduce you to the other horses too!"
Sarahi grinned at the idea. "Really!?"
"Yes!" Barnaby answered, mirroring her excitement.
"I'd love that! I'm so excited for next week! See you then, Dash and Barnaby!"
Sarahi had already gotten scolded by the Senior maid and gotten her next list of chores when she actually thought harder about what happened at the stables.
"Mama seems to be wrong." She thought. "Maybe not everyone hates me? Maybe he won't drop me? Too early to tell, I guess. But a friend? Here, at the Palace? Eh... Who am I kidding, he won't show up. But imagine… a friend here…"
"You're… you're actually here."
Sarahi let out that thought without thinking as she entered the stables, only to see Barnaby pacing back and forth.
Barnaby noticed, and gave her a big smile and a wave. "Sarahi, hi!"
The maid beamed at him in return. "It's nice to see you again."
I think I have a friend in the palace. I have a friend.
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Dazai with a motherly user (married), like every morning he always wakes up to find himself nestled into their chest right above their heart, the muffled beats only further convincing himself that he shouldn’t even bother with work today; he’s never felt so warm and he wants nothing more than to stay in their arms like a koyla, although he’s afraid the universe will tear them away from him just like his dear friend was in the past he allows himself to indulge in their embrace and pleads to the world that even if just for a second he’ll get what he wants. Don’t rush yourself or anything if you have writer’s block and take time for yourself I’d hate for you to be overwhelmed by a bot request, your writing style leaves me with a warm feeling in my heart like a warm cookie made with love I love the new hubby Chuuya bot it’s so comforting talking to him and I have no doubt that any future works whether it be bots or writings it’ll be just as pleasant and leave others feeling warm as well:) I’ve been picking up writing as well as you can probably tell (thanks to you) but I’m too afraid to post on my own blog anyway stay silly.
Awww(∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗)
FINALLY, THIS IS MY FIRST DAZAI BOT REQUEST. I really like your ideas, they match my mood o( ˶^▾^˶ )o
Thanks for another awesome request, I will definitely try to make it as fast as possible! I'm slowly trying to get out of my lazy state, yes, I have a couple of creative crises for a month🤓🤓🤓
But I try to do everything the best I can, as long as I have motivation and inspiration (and such great subscribers and readers (≧ヮ≦) 💕) I will try to keep making bots. I recently had an interesting idea that I want to implement soon, I think it will be very cool, since I planned to write MY FIRST FULL-FLEDGED POST HERE and also create a bot based on this post (I hope I don't die /forget about all this)
And yes, GOD, it was so nice to read about how you wrote that I shouldn't worry about making bots. The comparison with cookies was so cute I can't... (ง ͠ಥ_ಥ)ง
I want to say that you should not worry about starting to post full-fledged posts, I think you have very good skills for this and you will be able to compose whatever you want. So I'll be waiting for real fanfiction too. 💌
Thank you again, I will try my best, I am always ready to accept your ideas ⋆.˚ KHL (kisses hugs love ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚)
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hekateinhell · 1 year
"The same hypnotic eyes staring at Lestat now, shifting from side to side in its skull to follow the slight motions of the gold necklace swaying in the sea breeze" cat!mermaid!Armand RISE. I love how his unhinged feline nature is an immovable trait in every universe/timeline.
But also ow, I'm soft, that was just precious. They're learning to communicate 🥹 claiming each other with pretty, shiny objects 🥹
"Lestat’s made a mess of the poor thing, his cum painted over its smooth shoulder and hair, clinging to the russet strands and even part of the necklace" EXCUSE MOI? 🥵 I already live in fear of dying of a heat stroke pls be kind to me 🥵
ALSO, "for the first time, the creature didn’t seem particularly invested in ensuring Lestat’s spend entered its body through one manner or another" !! is it because the baby fishies are already on their way? Is Armand aware of it and therefore not interested in Lestat's cum anymore? 🐠🐠🐠👶😩 can't wait to meet my godsons and goddaugthers!!!
Will read every single fish fucking follow up you have to offer ofcccc xoxo DA 🥹
awww DA, i'm so glad you enjoyed my little fish continuation! it makes my heart happy to see other people having fun with my little world and wanting to play with me there! just something sexy and lighthearted for summer 🥹💙 (at this point i think we've diverged from the og tone of the fic which to me was more gothic but i'm totally fine with that lol i'm living in the moment with my fish son, his himbo boyfriend, and their dozen baby fishies)
cat!mermaid!Armand RISE. I love how his unhinged feline nature is an immovable trait in every universe/timeline.
omg lmao yes i didn't realize i was catcoding him even in fish form until i showed @rainbowcarousels a picture of my cat with her big ass eyes and she pointed out the ⚫_⚫ inspiration and yeah i see it...
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EXCUSE MOI? 🥵 I already live in fear of dying of a heat stroke pls be kind to me 🥵
no listen you're one of the few that supported me with this idea when it sounded like the most ridiculous thing i could ever write and i was so fucking anxious about it, so if there's ANYTHING you want to see in a follow up prompt response or vignette for this universe just let me know and i'll make it happen!! 🥹
is it because the baby fishies are already on their way? Is Armand aware of it and therefore not interested in Lestat's cum anymore?
yes ma'am you clocked it! armand's got what he needs for the time being and how he's living his best life (and he's kinda tired from whatever is happening inside his body with the eggs so he just wants to be sweet and lazy and close to lestat)... lord help me i just wrote that sentence with a straight face in vc fandom i'll stop now 🤧
tysm as always for hyping me up, it means so much 🥹♥️ please stay cool and hydrated!!!!!
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moveslikeanape · 8 months
haha, i do love cats! i have two of my own, with matching names: daisy and lily.
not sure how much you already know about twisted wonderland, but i'd like to try and explain it a bit, attempting to be as brief as i can: it's a mobile game with gacha mechanics and an anime art style, but if you've ever heard claims of it being a disney villain dating sim, that's not actually true! the characters are simply inspired by disney villains in terms of design and backstory and/or personality (riddle rosehearts is based on the queen of hearts!), while the villains themselves are legendary figures who once existed in-universe. the main focus of the story is on the player character, a normal person who's been transported into a magical world, learning about each of the boys and helping them with their interpersonal problems, but there's no romance. it might not be for everyone, but i'm a big fan of the ways that it uses the original disney movies to tell its story and the unique spin it puts on things. and it actually has an entire event based on HoND! you should let me know if you do check it out.
right?! i've been a huge disney fan since i was a little kid and i don't see that ever changing, i love disney movies and animation in general far too much. but it's crazy how much things have changed. starting with princess and the frog i have a streak of seeing every new WDAS film in theaters (the only exception being raya and the last dragon because of covid, but i did watch it at home as soon as possible). but after i saw wish i regretted going to the theater and wished i'd saved money to see something else. every film they currently have announced is a sequel, and pixar has several upcoming sequels as well. not that sequels are always bad, of course, but when they're so focused on sequels over original ideas it makes me fear that disney/pixar is just making them for money and not because they truly think they have a great story to tell. i'll probably wait for reviews to decide if i wanna see any of them.
if you'd like to check out the blog i mentioned, it's "feelinganimatedblog" on wordpress. they have a lot of reviews of animation-related books as well as highly detailed reviews of disney movies. i haven't fully read their tarzan review, because it's very long, but the part i did read had some interesting info about the production of the movie!
it's funny that you say that about germany loving tarzan, because i have an online friend who's from germany. he's never been super into disney or seen many of their movies, but lately he's been watching some of them and he told me tarzan was his favorite so far! i wonder what it is that makes it so popular there.
ooh, it's cool that they expanded on kerchak's character like that! i love when disney uses their stage musicals to flesh things out that wouldn't have fit into the limited runtime of an animated movie.
oh yeah, i forgot that they removed tantor. in that case i suppose it makes sense, but i do like how in the original movie tarzan has a female best friend in terk, and she's not involved in any sort of weird love triangle with jane. it's another thing that i think makes her pretty unique as a character. whenever i do listen to the cast album i'll definitely let you know!
awww, that's awesome! Kitties are the best, and I love that they have matching names! I have 2, Taz (going to be 18 soon!) and Oliver. And my dad has 2, Oero and Beckett)
Oh wow, twisted wonderland sounds really interesting! That's such a neat idea, will definitely have to check it out.
Sequels are fine if they are few and far between, or if they really have something interesting to add to the original story. But the rate they're coming out at is insane. It's easy and cheaper for them, because the characters are already designed and have a fan base, they just need to find a new situation to drop them in. The fact that there's going to be a 5th Toy Story movie?!!! Between the constant sequels and the never ending remakes it's getting so boring. I used to get so excited for new Disney movies, but now… I got far more excited about the 4K edition of Snow White (a movie I've seen so many times I know it backwards and in a format I can't even watch!) than any of the new movies that have been released since Moana.
I used to pride myself on knowing the all Disney Feature films in order of release (I grew up in the 90s, and I actually remember important events in my life by what Disney movie was released that year… like, my I know my mom got remarried in '98 because that's the year Mulan was released), and at the drop of a hat could tell you who animated which characters. I actually had to look up which movie came out before Wish, because I just don't remember any of the recent ones.
That's so sad you regretting seeing Wish in the theatre. Disney's fallen really far when that's the case. I'm almost glad I live in a small town and our theatre never even got it. Everything I've heard/seen about it so far makes it easier to just wait until it's on Disney+
I had a quick look at the blog, and I'm definitely going to have to find time to read through it! I love that in the beginnings of the movie reviews there's a section about what was going on in history the year the movies came out.
lol, you'll have to ask your friend if he has any ideas as to why Germans love Tarzan.
I think the little expansions the broadway shows have with story and characters is one of the reasons they're so popular. It's already exhilarating seeing the shows live, but it's even better when you get to learn new things about the characters you already know so well.
I've always thought the avoidance of a love triangle (or even just the suggestion of any inter-species relationships) was a key factor in making Terk male. Seems like in most media if you have a male character and a female character hanging out together all the time they have to fall in love at some point. It worked in the movie because with Tantor you had a group of friends, but maybe they thought if they had Tarzan hanging out with only a female Terk, people might get the wrong idea.
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