#(i'd include the full-length profile here but the depth of detail i went into would make for a pretty long post)
bawdy-booster · 5 months
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Meet Syla!
Syla is a sunny lamia who loves slithers on the beach and ice cream. She’s a confident sort, who believes that with her outlook on life, she can make almost anything happen. Although she’s somewhat of a hopeless romantic, her sunny disposition is unwavering at every turn, especially when a potential lover has caught her hypnotic eye.
About time I posted about her! Here's Syla, an OC I adopted from Jack_Munchy back in January and haven't been able to do much with for a number of reasons. Among them being busy with college and also writing and rewriting her full profile until I was satisfied: Which you can find Here on My DeviantArt Page!
I've got a number of different stories in development atm, but this Summer I really want to work with her and give her a few stories (maybe even commission some art with her if I can scrounge up some spare bucks)
Special thanks again to Jack_Munchy for the wonderful character!
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