#(i tested it on twt and it did NOT work *shakes fist*)
waveoftheocean · 1 year
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me while drawing trigun: i want to draw more trigun _(ÒωÓ๑ゝ∠)_
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maplespade · 3 years
My Favorite Flavor
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♡Note: Idfk how to put the stupid "read more" line- Also first time ever writing TwT
♤ Rosaline x (f !reader)
♡Tags#: fluff-ish...? (mostly, there's no smexy time that's going to come- at least not very soom ;) ), besties, high schoolers, dirty thoughts, sucking (js the lollipop :D ), LGBTQ+
♡Synopsis: Rosaline is your bestie ever since elementary until one day, you saw her sucking a lollipop and well- your mind starts going someplace you would never imagine it to be.
It's the second period before lunch, history-. You have a love-hate relationship with this subject (mostly on the "hate" side). It's either you have fun getting to know about a certain topic then the next one it's very boring to you. The quizzes doesn't make it any better. At all. Especially, when you spend more than 2+ hours studying then have most of the information out of your head when you get your test paper. Which is happening to you right now.
Knocking your head with your fist trying to bring out the information for the 2 essays with only 5 mins left on the clock until the submission of the test. Like that would do anything-. You decided to give up and just write the fragments of the answer into sentences to make it make sense. *Bell rings*
"Okay everyone! Finish or not, submit your paper on the desk." said Mrs. Castile.
Wooo- just in time! You thought, as you got up from your sit and walk to the desk to submit your test. While going back to your desk, you felt an arn around your waist and a head on your shoulder, it's Rosaline.
You and Rosaline have been friends ever since you two were put together for a partnered project during elementary. You two have been for each other through thick and thin, crushes and heartbreak, school work and studying. She always have your back and you always have hers. People have always shipped you two ever since you came out as pansexual and Rosaline came out as bi, not to mention how close you two are. Though you two always shake it off and just laugh saying how you and her are just best friends! Nothing more.
"Hey Y/n!" She gives you a back hug. "Rosa! Hii" You smile as you turn around to face her not breaking the hug.
"Soo how do you think you did on the testt?"
"Horribly alright-" You signed out tired. "I bet you got higher than me as always."
"Aww well maybe-" She giggles jokingly.
"Ha-ha-ha" playfully rolls your eyes as you sit her down on her chair. "Now go eat!" Thankfully her desk is right next to yours on your left side. Not going to lie, you and her have always been assigned sitting arrangements next to each other ever since you two became closer during last year of elementary. (It's almost like the school is doing this in purpose-)
"Fine finee, tho I'm not rlly that hungryyy" She whined.
"Shut your trap, go eat or else I'll make you" You threaten, but not rlly meaning it.
"Hoo hoo~ I kinda like that~" she whispered in seductive tone, loud enough so only you can hear.
You flick her forehead, feeling your face blush a little. "Jeez Rosa- ever since you started being a dirty-minded flirt the last year of middle school, You always gonna say someting dirty at least once or two times a day-" Just so you know you two are in the middle of your freshmen years right now.
She smirks "I'm just being mee~!", says in a proud tone.
You pretend you didn't hear anything as you sit down on your chair then being out your lunch to eat. Still flustered.
As you eat your lunch, you see Rosa sucking a lollipop. Astonished, what the- since when Rosa started eating sweets?! You didn't expect her to eat sweets since you don't EVER see her eating them. Actually to tell you the truth, she particularly dislikes them.
You stared her closely, let alone- how could she be good at sucking so well- You look at how her lips made an O shape and her tongue licking and swirling a part of the candy making it wet. You squeeze your thighs together, That kinda turns me on ngl... You stopped right there.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
a non-canon Christmas special loosely based on the Christmas event on the BSD anime’s twitter
-December 24- atsushi: everyone ready for tomorrow? Kyoka: *holding a bear trap* "Almost..." Sylvia: I-I'm not sure w-what exactly to do t-tomorrow....m-mr ted never let me... atsushi:...um...kyouka? Kunikida: "Well, the first step is to find presents for those you care about--" Dazai: *shiny eyes* Kunikida: "..." *presses Dazai away, hand over face* "Or ones you tolerate. And are forced to buy for secret Santa." Kyoka: "...What?" Sylvia: I-is t-that right? Kunikida: *nods* "Any gifts you were thinking about? Perhaps for Kyoka?" sylvia: .///. u-um... atsushi: kyouka, what are you doing exactly? ^^;; Kyoka: "I will capture the Santa." atsushi: *sweatdrop* eh? Kyoka: "He comes into houses, yes? Then I will make sure he dosn't escape." *pulls out taser* atsushi: ._. k-kyouka... Kyoka: "Don't worry, I was thorough. I even put traps into the bathroom." atsushi: but what if I have to do my business at night?! -morning- kirako:..? kyouka? are you ok? atsushi: well... Kyoka: -3- "I was unable to apprehend the Santa." kirako:...*blinks* Kyoka: "Not one trap worked. I mean, I captured Atsushi, but that's pretty easy." atsushi: good thing I can regenerate TT3TT Kyoka: "I said I was sorry." *holds up a wrapped box* atsushi: TTuTT; Naomi: oh, there you guys are! we got presents! kenji: ^^ Kyoka: "??? Where did they come from?" Naomi: seems santa left all the gifts in our room. ^^; but still, everyone got something, right? ranpo: YES! Kyoka: *picks up a box* "...This one will have coal." atsushi: *looks at the tag; for dazai* ._.; k-kyouka... Kyoka: "???" Dazai: TwT kirako: speaking of which, where were you yesterday? Dazai: "..." *smiles* "Just...shopping." atsushi: .... odasaku: something on your mind? atsushi: (I want to get him something that might make him happy) Dazai: *sits in the chair, staring at the fireplace* "..." odasaku: …well, I heard there was a Christmas plaza at the market today, maybe something from there? atsushi: sounds good. Kunkida: “What sounds good?” atsushi: !! kunikida, may I go to the Christmas bazaar by any chance? Kunikida: "Oh, sure." *hands him a list* "Pick these up as well." atsushi: thank you sir! *exits* sylva: m-m-mr atsushi wait! atsushi: ?? sylvia: c-can I come with you? I-I want to get something nice for m-miss kyouka, so... atsushi:...sure thing. ^^ ranpo: be back by 7, ok? -and so- atsushi: now lets see, what would dazai like? hmm.... sylvia: *looking around* ???: "ELISE! Come back!" atsushi: O_O sylvia stay close to me. sylvia: e-eh? Mori: "Elise! Where are you?!" *spots Atsushi and Sylvia* QwQ; atsushi: do not make eye contact! sylvia: ._.;;; uhhhhhhh.... Mori: "Atsushi! Hello!" *grabs his hand, shakes* "Good to see you!" *stares at Sylvia* sylvia: *looking away nervously* atsushi: ^^;;;;; *SCREAMS INTERNALLY* Mori: "What an adorable little moffett? And what do you want Santa Mori to give you for Christmas, little miss~?" atsushi: we were just leaving now, hope you find your friend! elise: hey rintarou. Mori: *shiny eyes* "ELISE! WHERE DID YOU DISAPPEAR TO?!" elise: rain's stuck. again. rain: *in a skimpy reindeer costume and tied with ribbons* someone please get me down! TTATT atsushi: .____.;; sylvia: ._.;;; Mori: "..." *takes out his phone, snaps a picture* rain: YOU'RE TERRIBLE!! >A< Mori: "But predictable~ Now, what will this do..." *looks at one ribbon* rain: Q~Q;;;; Mori: "Let's test it~" *gives it a tug* Akutagawa: *walking by--spots Rain* "???" -squeeze- rain: STOOOOP!! TTATT atsushi: *trying to walk away quickly with sylvia* Mori: ^w^ Akutagawa: *sighs* *calls out* "Okay! Get ready, I'm going to cut..." Mori: "??? Akutagawa? What are you--?" *slice* *Rain falls down* rain: EEP! *catch* rain: ah! Chuuya: "Um...Hello." ^\\\^ rain: o///o t-t-thank you mr nakahara... Chuuya: "..." *looks at her* .\\\\. "Um...I didn't want to spoil it, but I guess now is the best time..." *sets her down, reaches into his shopping bag--and removes a brand-new coat* "H-Here. Make yourself decent..." rain:...*she puts it on* t-thank you... .///. elise: =3= come on you guys, those cakes wont buy themselves! atsushi: so it was a happy ending after all. ^^; Chuuya: ^\\\^; "You're welcome...Merry Christmas!" elise:....hey you, bag eyes. sylvia: ?? elise: don't talk to rintarou, he's gross. sylvia: um...o-ok... Mori: Q_Q Akutagawa: *eyeroll--and then sees--* "...!!!" *stares at Atsushi* atsushi: O_O >->;;;;;;;;; sylvia come on lets go now- Akutagawa: "Stop. You need your gift." atsushi: um.....thank you? I think? Akutagawa: *pulls out...a ball of yarn* atsushi:....thank you...I guess? here's....yours? *hands him some loose change, a paperclip, and a pack of gum* Akutagawa: "...I don't like spearmint. I like peppermint." atsushi: oh, *hands him a peppermint candy* Akutagawa: "..." *trying to hide shiny eyes* "Th-Thanks..." >\\\> atsushi: we're gonna go now bye *FLEES WITH SYLVIA* Akutagawa: "..." -3- -later- sylvia: hmmm...we still haven't found anything... QAQ Atsushi: TwT "Well, they are notoriously difficult...And batteries for Kyoka's taser would just encourage worse behavior." ???: oh? are you two in need of some help? sylvia: ?? -a person with long white hair smiles at them- Atsushi: "???" *stares* "...Just...looking..." ???: for something to give them?? hmm...*hands them a pair of gemstones* its not much, but I'm sure they will appreciate it. ^^ syvlia: ah! t-t-thank you- ???: its no problem at all, young one...*looks at atsushi* although I wonder...that man... Atsushi: OwO "...'Man'?" ???: in the bandages....do you really thing what he desires most is something of the material world? Atsushi: "...I mean, I had ideas of something...if not for him than maybe...Um...I-I don't know..." -the person has disappeared...- sylvia: ...ah! w-we should h-head back now! Atsushi: "B-But I haven't...I wanted..." *defeated sigh* -and so- Kunikida: "You're late." atsushi: sorry, sir. sylvia: m-m-miss kyouka! miss kyouka! miss kyo-... o///o atsushi:...whats with the costumes? yosano: director's orders fukuzawa: *in a santa beard* Kyoka: "...Hi, Sylvia." Tanizaki: *in an elf costume* ._. sylvia:...l-l-look! *hands her one of the gemstones* Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Ooooo...Sylvia, it's beautiful." *smiles* sylvia: s-santa gave them to us! Kyoka: "..." *sets down the gem* "Which way did he go?" sylvia: I-I don't know, they just vanished.......santa was way more androgynous than I thought. yosano:...u..huh... Kyoka: *shakes her fist* "Next year, Santa...Next year." atsushi:...say, where is dazai? I wanted to talk to him. Kunikida: "He said something about 'tying up loose ends'-- ...Oh, sprinkles." *runs to his apartment* *breeze is felt through an open window* Dazai: *pops up behind Atsushi* "??? Where did Kunikida run off to?" atsushi: back to the apartments I think... *hoists dazai in* Dazai: "UMPH!" *crashes face-first onto the floor* "...Well, I was just there--was fixing the blinds in the baby's nursery, tying up loose ends--" atsushi: oh.. ^^; Dazai: *looks around* "Looks like everyone got their gifts..." atsushi:...almost....*sigh*.... Dazai: "??? What's wrong? I haven't seen you all day." atsushi:...I was trying to find a gift for you, but in the end, I couldn't find anything.....what is it you want for Christmas? Dazai: "..." *smiles, holds up two bottles* "Look what I got from Kunikida's desk drawer." atsushi:....dazai, please...I just want to know so I could...I dunno...make you feel a bit better? I guess? Dazai: "..." *sits down, grabs two glasses, pours drinks into each one* "Sit." atsushi: *takes a seat* Dazai: *hands him a drink* "Tell me something--you happy with this year?" atsushi:...yeah, I guess so. we've got a new member, and things seem to be doing well for the agency. Dazai: "..." *smiles* "Good. That's enough..." atsushi: ?? Dazai: ^w^ "If you're happy, I'm happy. And that's a pretty good gift." atsushi:....I guess so.... (still....) odasaku:....don't try to force it. let him open up when he feels like it. then just listen, let him vent. ok? atsushi:...(ok) Dazai: *looks at the Christmas lights...smiles* "Here's hoping we're doing this again next year." atsushi: yeah...merry Christmas.
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