#(i can't tag you for some reasons sorry djkhdf hope you see the post still!)
icharchivist · 7 years
@tsubasayorukage  submitted:
So, I am fairly new to the D, Gray Man series. I’ve watched a couple of episodes and some clip compilations…I discovered it because I needed a faceclaim for a character with black hair and blue eyes and I settled on Kanda. XD Actually, a friend of mine uses a picture of Tyki for one of HIS characters…XD So when I saw the fight between the two all I could think of was our characters duking it out, ha ha. 
I found the characters to be really interesting! I love the way the Noahs interact with each other; there are some really funny moments there, and apparently they live “human” lives, too? 
Though the villains seem to always be going after Lenalee from what I saw; is there a reason for that?
But anyway, while I was watching some clips today, I felt really sorry for that little guy in the cage that wails, “Aaaaaallen Waaaalker.” XD I have to wonder if the only way for it to get out is if Allen dies, though Tyki seemed to indicate that it could be let out before then…
Like I said, I don’t know much about the series, though I tried reading the Wiki once and got a bit lost. ^^; 
I don’t understand why people are badmouthing the author and the series. I like that the main character doesn’t seem like the typical shounen hero. Heck, I didn’t even know it was considered to be a shounen series…
Ooooh Heya, welcome there! :D
Kanda is an amazing faceclaim omg, i’m glad it had you be able to discover dgm! (and also A++ for your friend’s faceclaim, and no wonder, it must have been funny once they fought in the manga :’D)
I’m glad you find the characters interesting and yes, i completely agree, the Noah are amazing. I honestly had a huge Noah-obsessed phase when I was younger, and I just adore the family dynamic between them. It’s refreshing to see, i love them.
Aah as for Lenalee, there’s two things about it: if you watched the anime, you likely mostly saw the fillers episodes. In the begining of the series, she handles herself a lot, the anime somehow added a lot of fillers of her being a damsell in distress and having the guys rescue her. (it’s to notice that, once they meet Lavi, they immetialy go on the track of Cross and barely stop on the way. They meet Krory on the travel, but I think that’s the only detour they make before meeting Anita. Everything you see is fillers otherwise - hell if Kanda is here, it’s filler, because Kanda isn’t supposed to come back until far later)
The other thing might be a little spoilery, but by some point in the manga (after the Attack on the Boat), some… strange things happen to Lenalee, which makes the Noah suspect she may have the Heart of Innocence. From that point, and especially because of Lenalee’s physical issues, she ends up hunted down by the Noah, because they try to get to her. If they can destroy the Heart of Innocence, all Innocences will be destroyed, and they will be the definitive winner of the war.
(I personally don’t believe Lenalee is the Heart, but that’s another debate - it still means that after the Boat attack, the enemies are trying to reach her)
But before the Boat attack, aside from Road using her as a doll, everytime Lenalee is in trouble is because of Fillers. 
Usually I mention that the manga is far better than the anime, mostly because of that - timeline issues, since the anime squeezed a lot of fillers in a time where they should be rushing to get somewhere, and that the anime decided to develop it… a little ooc. 
Lenalee is especially the one who suffered the most from it since apparently the anime studio didn’t know what to do with her and mostly made her a damsell in distress. It’s especially a problem imo because then Lenalee’s arc is about her feeling Helpless,  and that people already are upset because of her arc in that part of the manga, and I think the anime makes it even more frustrating because it makes you think from the start that she is always helpless anyway, which is a real disservice to her character.
(I could legit talk for hours about the character arcs, especially in the ark’s arc, but when i start mentioning the innocence i’m biased af because of my theories about the Heart, so i’m. Not the best to talk about it either.)
And omg!! ye that little guy in a cage :’D I always felt so bad for him! but we never see him back again, so i don’t know if he could ever be free. It seems to me like it was probably something the Earl created, hopefully without any sentient being… Hopefully. 
But also, the little being in the card acts like a list - he has the name of multiple people, not just Allen, inside his cage, and if Tyki says he’ll be free, it will be once all the names will be erased - and the names won’t be erased until the person dies. (which is a cool gimmick and also some more “Names are important” kind of things). so unless Tyki kills everyone in that list, the little thing will stay trapped :’D
But ye, the manga can be a little hard to follow, i can understand, especially with just the wikipedia entry. (also god knows what was put on the wiki, i don’t trust it). But i’m glad you still find the plot interesting kjdhfdkjhf!!
As for people, people are just mean. I agree with you, the fact it’s not a traditional shounen is what driven me to that story, and i find it unfair people try to hold it to that standart. I don’t even really see how they could expect that from it, and honestly it reassures me that, even by having seen the anime (which for me already made the manga more Shounen-y), you can tell it’s not really a traditional shounen.
It’s considered a Shounen because it was published in the Shounen Jump back when it started. It was in the same magazine as N.aruto, B.leach, O.ne P.iece and the likes. So people expected it to have a Shounen structure which is… unfair.
idk if it’s how it works in Japan either, but in France, we used to refer about “Shounen that don’t respect Shounen structure” as “Dark Shounen”. Manga like Fma and dgm fell into this category, because while it targetted a young audience, the themes were more heavy.
But honestly I don’t even know if this characterization exist outside of France so…. 
But ye I truly don’t get what people are expecting, especially by chapter 226, about the rest of the manga. It just makes me sad bc the author put so much work into her story, especially since she had to struggle all that time with terrible editors who belittled her, with how much she had to fight for her plotlines to happen, and how much she has to fight against her health. That’s so unfair for her, and especially when you see how gorgeous the manga is and how much thoughts was put in the narrative, it’s just so unfair people bashes her for that.
I would rather people to leave dgm alone rather than people being rude af about it :/
but anyway ;;-;;
Thank you for your sweet message though!! it makes me happy that you still enjoy the story from the little you’ve seen!
Take care!!! ❤❤❤
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