#(i also dont have a kenren tag lol)
wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
a kiss to make each other feel alive + a kiss after being pulled into an alley to have a moment to themselves + a kiss after one muse has killed for the other (i tried to think of a proper situation for him to take the step and this might just be it with the adrenaline and all XD @dreadfulbrutality
another kiss prompt ||| accepting!
a kiss to make each other feel alive + a kiss after being pulled into an alley to have a moment to themselves + a kiss after one muse has killed for the other
'FUCK!' Renji cursed and bit his lips as he flash stepped throughout the entire Seireitei, trying to find Zaraki - that bastard. He could smell the scent of blood still lingering on his uniform, almost too strong that it made Renji naseous.
Images of a body laying unconscious on the floor, slashed from head to toe as they bled out, flashed through his mind as much as he tried to push it out. Another figure standing atop them, heaving and panting for breath, sweat dripping from his brow, weapon dirtied and soiled, as it dripped excess blood onto the pavement, dying it crimson. It was clear as to who had done it - their large figure towering way above average height, hair gelled up and accessorized with jingling bells - none other than THE Zaraki Kenpachi.
Before Renji could even begin to say anything as he witnessed the scene before him, Kenpachi had fled the scene, running as fast as he could in any direction he could possibly go. Renji had recognized that man - a face he could not forget even on his death bed. That same man who was the sole cause of Renji's nightmares, the man who had sold him, the man who had prostituted him out to hundreds of people, promising Renji a better place after all that. That face, so clear in his mind, now a bloodied mess laying on the concrete, dead.
Why..? How..? There were so many questions racing through his mind right now, he couldn't even start to think. How did Kenpachi know this man? How had he found him? Why did he kill him? Renji grit his jaw - he already had a terrible inkling why, and how, and for what purpose, but he was refusing to acknowledge it.
His mind was a swirling tornado of emotions right now. The realization that the man who had been plaguing his every nightmare was finally dead, was finally gone, and not being able to do this to anybody else made Renji feel elated. Freed. Finally, free of the shackles that had tied him down. But at the expense of what? Broken promises and empty words on Kenpachi's part - swearing never again to kill an innocent man.
Despite being terrible at directions, Renji still couldn't find the man after an hour of thoroughly searching. He could almost feel the low thrum of his reiatsu from nearby, but Renji was not skilled enough to really detect and pinpoint his location. "Shit."
Then, from the corner of his eyes, a large figure crouched down in a dark alley, the shadow of his hair clear against the tall building he was rested against. As fast as his legs would carry him, Renji ran towards that individual, making no effort to hide his presence.
"What the fuck were ya thinkin', ya asshole??" he confronted the captain, slamming his arms against the wall in fury. "Ya promised me. No more killing. YA PROMISED!" Renji was livid, as he glared down at the captain. "What use are yer empty words! What use! How am I supposed t'believe what's real and what's not if I can't even trust ya!"
His voice was shaking - he didn't know whether it was out of fear, anger, or merely because of the emotional rollercoaster he was on right now. His legs going weak, he slid down onto his knees, tugging at the captain's uniform.
His voice came out weak as he pleaded with the captain to stop his killings. "Please... I didn't ask fer ya to do this. I didn't... I never wanted to see his face again. Never. He already brought me so much pain. So much anger, so much fear. He haunts me, Kenpachi. Even when I had escaped from his grasp more than fifty years ago! But I didn't ASK fer ya to do this!"
Tears start streaming down his eyes then as he bawls and sobs, as he finally breaks down, crawling into the captain's arms to seek refuge. It was much too agonizing to handle in this moment. "He's gone! I can't believe it. Gone! I'm free! I don't have to live in fear anymore!" And now he understood, finally why he was feeling like this.
Not because he was angry at Kenpachi for breaking his promise, no. Not because he was scared that somebody would find the corpse and trace it back to the captain. No, it was the pure relief, the pure fact and knowledge that never again in his life would he ever have to see that man again.
He desperately clung onto the man, who had this entire time been quiet, even at the beratings of Renji, an unusual trait. Now he finally moved, to wrap his strong arms around the redhead and pull him into a comforting embrace. Feeling safe in this man's arms, Renji allowed himself to break down and to release all these years of anguish, pouring out his heart and soul.
After what seemed like an eternity, finally the tears had stopped, his hiccups had ceased and his entire body felt like it'd been through war. Renji slowly peeled his face away from the captain's shoulder, now drenched with his snot and tears. He glanced up at this man, who ironically he'd met during his time in the Red Light District as his first customer, and the very man who would be his last. He snorted - it really came back around in a full circle did it not?
Quietly, he adjusted himself to sit more comfortably on the man's lap and without any warning, pulled Kenpachi's face down to meet his. Lips meeting in a hesitant kiss that began soft and shy, then grew in fervor as they both pressed up against each other, hungrily devouring the other.
Teeth and tongue and lips met in a clash of dominance, as Renji gasped every time those sharp canines would dig into his lower lip, but he relished in the pain. A reminder that he was alive and well and would be okay going into the future.
Reluctant to part from the captain but his need for air had him pulling away from the captain, to rest his head once again on Kenpachi's shoulder. "I'll forgive ya this time fer killing. I forgive ya, a thousand times," he whispered.
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