#(he's my darling angel sweetie baby boy. he is not brave.)
mamawasatesttube · 3 months
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The boy had a stressful day. He went to the vet for the first time for an ear infection. He gets ear drops for the next week. He’s been so good about it.
WAHH ITS SO CUTE WHEN CATS DO THE UPSIDE DOWN THING W PAWS TO THE CHIN.... hes so cute... poor lil man, im glad hes being good about it ♥
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lindseynicole1999 · 3 years
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7:After big Mac told his gang to partner up two, Big Mac partnered up with Warrior & finds Johnny Cuba….
???:*thoughts**Tee hee hee those f**king losers, what are they going find me!?HA!. I will get that your precious top’at of yours tee hee hee hee*
At Lillies Lighthouse, Tophat is still waiting for Warrior for his safe return…Tophat singing to his unborn baby a lullaby
Tophat:🎶La La Lu, La La Lu, Oh My Little Star Sweeper, I’ll Sweep the Stardust for You, La La La, La La Lu, Little Soft Fluffy Sleeper, Here Comes a Pink Cloud for you, La La Lu, La La Lu, Little Wandering Angel, Folding up your Wings, Close Your Eyes, La La Lu, La La Lu, And May Love be your Keeper, La La Lu, La La Lu, La La Lu~🎵…
And He Felt some couple of kicks..
Tophat:*giggles*I’m glad you liked my beautiful song, my little darling~*giggles**blows*sobs*thoughts*oh my Darling Warrior, my love please back to me safely my love, please, I swear on my life**Sobs**sobs*
And Tophat’s Daughter Wendy enters the room….
Wendy: Daddy….*sobs*
Tophat: Oh, hello Darling Wendy, is everything alright my dear, not in the mood playing with your friends?
Wendy: N-no, I’m worried about, you & the…baby brother or a baby sister too….*sobs*Papa too….*Sobs*….
Tophat: Aww Darling come here~[he picks up his daughter Wendy on the bed & she puts her hand on dad's belly]...Wendy, it’s going to be alright now, after your papa and your uncle Big Mac find evil Johnny Cuba, they will find him & he will go to jail & where he belongs...[and he felt a couple of sharp rough kicks]..a-aah*huffs**huffs**huffs**blows*
Wendy: Daddy?…*sobs*..is the baby?
Tophat: I’m alright, Wendy my dearest, it’s just a couple of kicks.[Wendy lay her head & started to rub her hands on her dad's belly & kiss her dads belly]…Aw sweet of you Darling, that feels good & the baby loves the kisses darling~…
Wendy: Daddy…Can I ask you a question?…
Tophat: Yes, what is it, Darling?
Wendy: Do you have a…name for a baby brother or a baby sister?
Tophat: Oh Um,*thoughts*hmmm if it’s a girl, I’ll call her Thalia or Willa or it’s a boy I’ll call him Warrior Junior or tophat Junior um but not tophat junior…..how about……*I know, I’ll call him mini tophat…*thoughts**oh, oh my goodness, mini tophat, how adorable & Very cute too*giggles*…
Wendy heads up & heard the baby’s name.
Wendy: mini top’at…..I love it, Daddy!!!
Tophat:*giggles*I’m glad you like it too Wendy & I’m glad your papa likes it too [tophat felt some sharp pain in his belly]. Wendy Darling, I…want you…to get….Lillie….fast..*huffs**huffs**huffs**huffs**huffs*
Wendy: Daddy!!!..*Sobs*
Tophat: daddy, is going be alright my dearest, go get Lillie!*huffs**huffs**blows**huffs**blows**huffs*blows*
Wendy:[trying act brave]R-Right!!!
And she ran off to get Lillie for help…& tophat collapsed off the bed in a very sharp pain…..
Tophat:aahh..*huffs**huffs**huffs*w-warrior….my love…..w-where…are….y-you…p-please*huff*huff*..come back to me….I-it hurts….*huffs**huffs**huffs*…m-my l-love…
Lillie just came to the room & realize what is happening…
Lillie: this is not good, tophat is getting into labor very soon….sunshine!
Sunshine: yes, Lillie...
Lillie: can you get Lina, Wendy, Zena, and H.J upstairs & I need some towels & more blankets, please…
Sunshine: Yes, ma’am!*thoughts**come on Warrior, he needs you*
Lillie: breathe sweetie, breathe…
Lillie: there now sweetie...
Tophat:*huff**blows**huff*blows*aah...Warrior..m-my love..p-please…..*sobs*
Lillie: it’s going to be okay, tophat sweetie, Warrior will be back soon…
Tophat:*Huff**Huff*W-Warrior…p-please……*sobs**sobs*COME BACK TO ME!!!!!!![water nymph transformation] *sobs**sobs*….*huffs**blows**huffs**blows**huffs**blows**huffs*AAAAHHHH
Lillie:*thoughts**oh no this is not good!!!*
???:*sniff**sniff*Jackpot, I smell a water creature, hee hee….
Song:La La Lu from Disney Lady and the Tramp
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Expecting the Unexpected Part 3
Sorry this chapter took so long, it is way longer than the others and I have been super busy so I could only write for a few hours a night.
Warnings: angst, tons of fluff, JOKES FINALLY, childhood illness/ treatment, vomit
Word Count: 5.2K
Summary: When Joe gets back from his recent business trip he notices something is up with your new little one. Can an urgent ER trip can change your lives for good?
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*3 weeks later*
The sound of your pounding alarm could be heard all throughout the apartment. Your phone lit up and read 5:30 AM Treatment Day. It took you and Joe almost no thought that treatment was Scarlet’s best option and his mom helped you both decide the best course of treatment to take. The price didn’t matter to either of you one bit, nothing was worth more than your precious little girl, who by the way, was still sound asleep down the hall. Her first treatment was scheduled to be in Los Angeles because of the Oscars and Joe didn’t want to miss her first appointment. Joe reached over your exhausted body, tapping the snooze button on your screen.
“Five more minutes pleeeease.” he muffled, head face down into his pillow.
Mornings like these were some of your favorite, most intimate times with Joe. You sat up from the cozy spot you once laid, eyes stuck on Joe’s body. You were wearing one of his Yellowstone t-shirt’s that you had stolen from the laundry almost every week, it might as well be your shirt by now because he has like five. You couldn’t help but roll on top of him like a sack of potatoes, attempting to wake him up and make him laugh all in one.
“What on earth are you doing?” he giggled, trying to hold it in but couldn’t resist.
“Well what do you think i’m doing?”
“Mhhh... turning me on?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Over the past 7 years of your relationship and 5 years of marriage he still managed to give you butterflies. He rolled you over to his side, keeping ahold of your waist in his hands.
“Maybe.” you teased, his smile only growing larger by the minute.
He grazed your thigh as he pulled his hand up to your lower back, the other hand upon your cheek.
“Well why don’t you just kiss me already.”
You both fell into the most passionate kiss. One after another, melting into his touch, your lips never parting from his.
“You know I don’t HAVE to go to the Oscars tonight..” he said.
“Joe, you and I both know that isn’t true.”
“Well I can make it true, tell the boys that something came up.”
“You still haven’t told them have you. It’s been 3 weeks Joe.”
“I know love but I just don’t know how to tell them, it’s hard.”
You totally understood how he felt. It took you almost a week before you could tell your parents, afraid they would think you were a failed parent, letting this happen to your child. But in fact, it was the complete opposite. They were nothing but supportive, even offered to help cover the expenses although they knew it wasn’t necessary.
“Joe you’re going. This isn’t a discussion. It’s Scarlet’s first time watching the Oscars, don’t you think her daddy should be the one she is looking at on the big screen.” You tried to persuade him back into his original plan.
It wouldn’t be the first time she got to see her daddy on the big screen, well she probably won’t remember it but you went into labor the night before Bohemian Rhapsody’s big premiere at Wembley. As much as Joe didn’t want to leave your side, it was in his contract that he attend the premiere. So even though Scarlet hadn’t even been a day old yet, Joe wanted to make sure you got to see your husband on the big screen of a stadium, so he facetimed you, through the WHOLE movie, commentating with his own silly jokes when Ben or Gwil would appear on your screen.
Just before your lips part, you could hear Scarlet from the monitor resting on your side table.
“I’ll get her. After all I won’t be around much today now. I have to get ready before noon so I won’t get to stay for her whole appointment.” he pleaded with a saddened look on his delicate face, brows furrowed.
“Babe it’s ok, I will still be there and you will be there all but an hour. You don’t need to worry.”
“I know but darling it’s her first treatment and I don’t want her to think I don’t love her.”
“Joe are you serious right now? First of all she’s only 4 months old, secondly there is no way on earth she would ever think you didn’t love her. You give her and I the world Joey.” you comforted him, his doubts only crushed your heart. Why would he ever think these things?
You could hear the rustling from down the hall. Joe probably decided to just get her ready seeing as you both snoozed the alarm for almost 20 minutes. When he came back Scarlet was in the cutest outfit EVER. He had dressed her in one of her pale pink onesies with the most adorable lacy details on the back and a small pink hair bow to top it all off. He had brushed her beautiful auburn hair, just like his, to create the cutest curls off to the sides. Sometimes you felt like Joe had better taste in baby fashion than you, well beside the dinosaur costume he bought her for halloween later this year.
“Hi sweetie, daddy did a good job dressing you today didn’t he?” you smiled.
“Just today?” he giggled.
“Really Joey?”
“Hey i’m just saying.”
At that point you couldn’t help but laugh. Anything to lighten the mood was helpful in taking your mind off of the hours to come. While Joe took care of the rest of the baby stuff, you quickly threw on a floral cream cami dress and ran downstairs to get breakfast started. The stove top read 6:30 and only caused you to rush even more. Eggs were your last minute decision because you needed to leave the house by 6:50 to make it to the treatment center on time. As you poured in the raw egg whites into the scolding hot pan, you felt the familiar hands of your husband slowly grasp your waist, spinning you into his arms.
“You look absolutely stunning my love.”
“Joey I do not-“
Before you could even finish your sentence, his lips were pressing onto yours once again, the passion still thriving between you. It was almost as Scarlet’s diagnosis made you both realize how much the little things meant, although your love for Joe grew more and more everyday, giving you a new reason to fall madly in love with him all over again. A burning scent spread through the air, you turned only to see that the eggs you were so frantically cooking were now burnt.
“Crap I totally forgot that they were still on the stove.” you whined.
Joe quickly pulled you close to him again.
“It’s ok love don’t stress, we can just get something later.”
“I’m sorry Joe.”
“Babe it’s just eggs, i’m not mad.” he pleaded. He hated seeing you sad like this. He couldn’t tell if it was from the stress about Scarlet’s first treatment or just your anxiety taking control again.
“We should get going love, it’s already 6:55.”
By the time you gathered all the things you needed and Joe got Scarlet all buckled into her car seat, it’s was already 7:05. You hated being late, especially for something like this. What if just these few minutes affected the way the treatment worked for Scarlet? All this time was more precious than ever.
Joe could see the worry in your eyes as he pulled out of the driveway and past the front entry. Before he pulled onto the highway, he swiftly pulled out his phone and put on the playlist he made for you when he knew you were feeling anxious. The first song to play was something that would definitely lift your spirts and you both could rock out to for the whole six minutes, Bohemian Rhapsody. Fitting, seeing as the very replica of John Deacon was sitting just to your left. All doubts and worries quickly fled from your mind as you turned to look at Joe.
“You know exactly what I need just when I need it don’t you Mazzello?”
“That’s my job isn’t it?” he joked, causing you both to let out the loudest of laughs.
The famous Brian May’s Red Special rift flooded throughout your car and not long after were each of the Scaramouch, Galileos and Bismillahs. Just after that is when you looked to you husband only to see him head banging like no other with the biggest smile on his face.
Nothing really matters to me.
Any way the wind blows.
“Man, Roger can really hit that gong can’t he?” Joe laughed.
“Sure can Mr. Deacon, bass wasn’t too bad either.”
He gazed at you with his loving eyes, absorbing everything about you.
“If you say so Mrs. Mazzello.” he said, grinning from ear to ear.
The rest of the drive consisted of all yours and Joe’s favorite music and some of Scarlet’s too, after all she did have a great taste in music for a four month old.
Joe signed in for you while you ran to the restroom with Scarlet to quickly change her.
“You are gonna do so good today sweetie. You are such a brave little girl.” you expressed, your eyes never parting from your little girl’s.
You knew today was going to be hard for all of you, especially with Joe having to leave a little early but his mom offered to come and wait with you while he was gone. When you walked back into the waiting room Joe could tell that you were back into that anxious state again, but he could blame you. He was just as scared as you were.
“She’s gonna do great love don’t worry. She’s a Mazzello and Mazzello’s are tough.” he tried to reassure you.
You glanced at him, your eyes becoming glassy.
“I’m just so scared. I know that she is getting the best treatments possible but I feel so helpless not being able to help her.” you sobbed, tears now slowly running down your cheeks.
“We are gonna get through this love. All of us.” His words always comforted you, like a warm blanket of reassurance.
When the nurse finally called your names, the walk down the hall seemed forever, passing by each new chart or poster. She guided you all into a private treatment room where you would be spending the next few hours. It was painted in many fluorescent colors with butterflies and flowers running across the borders. She quickly asked Joe if he would sit on the bed with her while she got started. Scarlet never seemed scared, she always enjoyed being around people and loved the attention, but once the nurse cleaned her a with the cold rubbing alcohol, it was over. Scarlet just looked up into her daddy’s eyes with the saddest of looks on her face, tears quickly forming. Joe tried to keep her distracted while holding her arm straight for the nurse to place the needle carefully and quickly so your little one wouldn’t move. The needle didn’t seem to bother her much surprisingly, but it was soon after when the nurse started administering the treatment that made her cry, tears swiftly streaming down her face. It killed you and Joe, every inch of your hearts aching at the sight of your sad little girl, her pain clearly painted across her face. It took everything in you not to get upset but Joe had already started silently crying, no emotion from his face but tears falling from his cheeks. He held her so close to him, hoping her pain would soon suffice as she adapted to it. Joe gazed at you with sorrow in his eyes. You sat down next to him, gripping his hand as your placed your other against Scarlet’s little cheek, lightly kissing her forehead. She gave a small smile, knowing that you both loved her so much.
About two hours into her treatment, Joe was contacted by his stylist that he would need to come in. He hesitantly passed your now sleeping daughter off to you, hating that he had to leave you both. His mother had just walked in the door as Joe was gather his things.
“Hi mom, I was just about to leave.” he said with a sad frown across his face.
“Oh don’t worry dear, I’ll be here to keep them company. They will be fine.” she reassured him.
“I know, I just hate leaving them. They are my whole world you know.”
“I do Joey, that’s exactly how your father and I were. That’s how you know you both can last forever.”
His frown soon turned to a smile at his mother’s comforting words.
“Well I better get going, can’t be late for a fitting like this. Can you believe it, i’m actually going to the Oscars.”
You gazed at him with such a passion. Not only were you proud of your husband, but you knew so many other people were too. His family. His friends. His fans. He was finally getting what he deserved after all these years of hard work.
He walked over to you and placed a kiss upon your baby’s head, rubbing her back as he did. Then looked to you and you could feel yourself melting into his touch, a kiss filled with so much love, and then another. Just as he was about to walk out the door he turned around and whispered,
“How did I get so lucky to have such strong women in my life?”.
The rest of Scarlet’s treatment wasn’t as bad, she slept for most of it which worried you, always watching the steady rise and fall of her chest to assure she was breathing. Joe’s mom could see the paranoia right through you.
“Sweetie you do know that you’re allowed to rest too right? You’ve been watching her like a hawk for almost three hours.”
“I just hate seeing her like this. I hate not being able to help her. She looks so lifeless.”
“She just fine dear, the medication is supposed to make her tired. That means it’s working in her system.”
Her words of comfort only helped so much but your motherly instinct still couldn’t pull you from your state. You could feel your phone start to vibrate in your back pocket which gave you an instant feeling of comfort.
Hi sweet, I’m on my way back to the hospital, i’ll be there in 10. Love you.
No matter what was going on he always managed to put a smile on your face.
As you cuddled up to your little one, still sound asleep, you hear a faint knock at the door. In comes your husband, all dressed in his Oscar outfit, the sparkle from his suit matching perfectly with his eyes. Your gaze never left his sexy body as he shuffled closer to you.
“Hi love, how’s she doing.”
“She holding in there, mostly sleeping the whole time. Also how can you just casually walk in here without warning me that my hot ass husband was already Oscar ready.” you both giggled.
“I wanted to surprise you. Seems like I did my job well.”
“Indeed you did Mr. Mazzello.”
“Anything for you Mrs. Mazzello.”
You could hear Joe’s mother laughing from the corner of the room. Soon everyone was laughing, but still trying to be quiet from waking the baby. You slowly passed Scarlet off to Joe so he could spend time with her before he dropped us off at the house after her treatment. You loved the way he would look at her, he looked at you the same way. His passionate eyes following your ever move as if it was his last time he would ever see you again.
When the nurse came in to remove the IV, Scarlet had been asleep for almost the full 4 hours, which caused you to worry.
“If you don’t mind me asking, is it normal for her to have been sleeping this much?” you worried.
“Yes, it’s completely normal. The medication is different for everyone but can cause drowsiness from the fighting of toxins.”
Her words eased your anxiety. As long as everything was normal, you could worry a little bit less.
The nurse quickly removed the needle and took a quick exam before we were free to leave. She said that Scarlet would probably sleep for a little while after and some side effects might kick in within the next 5-6 hours. Joe found comfort when he was with you, your perfect little mix of the both of you resting in his arms. He was quick to wrap his arm around your waist, your hand soon to cover his while leaning against him.
The drive to the aparment was quiet. Joe glanced over to find you sound asleep, your head resting against the window. His mother told him how you never left Scarlet’s side which made him worry for you. He didn’t need you getting sick from trying to help your daughter, but he knew you couldn’t help it. Mother’s instinct.
Just as he pulled into the driveway, a familiar buzz went off in the cup holder. It was Ben letting Joe know that they would be there to pick him up in an hour. He gently rubbed your thigh, trying his best to wake you. Your eyes felt heavy as you glanced at your adorably hot husband, his suit still shimmering from the sunlight.
“We’re home love.” he spoke softly.
He helped you out of your side and ran around the car to unbuckle Scarlet from her car seat. Your legs had been wobbly from how tired you still were and Joe was quick to hold your arm as he helped you both inside.
He refused to let you help him as he got everything ready for Scarlet that she might need for the rest of the day, bottles, medication, blankets, he even threw in a load of laundry. He always made sure that you both were taken care of before he left, even if it was just for the rest of the night.
As you lied on the couch, Scarlet sleeping peacefully in one arm and you lying back to be wrapped in Joe’s, you almost felt like you would fall asleep again. His warm body always felt like home, like a safe place where everything was ok. It was only until his phone buzzed that you knew this warm, fuzzy feeling would end.
“The guys are here love.” he said, gently kissing the top of your head as he rubs your arms. You didn’t want this moment to end, you didn’t want him to go again.
“I wish you could stay but I know you are gonna kill it out there babe. Go show those actors that sparkle.” you spoke passionately about him, like you always do. A smile quickly formed on his face just before he placed a tender kiss to your lips, a feeling that you never wanted to part.
You walked out with him to the car, Scarlet lying snug in your arms while Joe had one arm around your waist, gently rubbing your side.
“No Oscars for you two tonight?” Gwil said with a puzzled look to his face.
“Nope not tonight, this little one has been a bit uh- tired lately.” you hesitated, remembering that Joe had yet to tell them.
“It’s a shame really. I’m sure you would have looked incredible.” Ben quickly flirted.
“Are you hitting on my wife again Hardy? Don’t make me go get Cardy B because he can be my plus 1.” Joe was fast to snap back, laughter soon filling the air.
“What can I say. You did good Joe.”
“I know. How did I ever get so lucky?”
He cupped your cheek as he placed another kiss between the two of you, and another soon after causing you both to fall deeper into each other.
“Uhh don’t mean to interrupt but we do have an award show to attend.” Ben blurted.
“Oh shut up you weasel. Let them have their moment.” Gwil shoved Ben from the front seat.
Joe placed a quick kiss against Scarlet’s head, and your lips once more before jumping into the backseat.
“I love you Y/N.”
“We love you to Joey. We’ll be watching all night.”
You watched them drive off until their car soon became just a small speck before walking back inside. Joe had set up a travel crib in the living room for you to be able to see Scarlet while watching the Oscars. He knew you would worry about her so he ensured that she would be close to you all night.
Just before the red carpet was about to start Scarlet had finally woke up from her nap and you both began to watch all the amazing outfits of the night. Scarlet didn’t quite understand but you kept your eyes peeled for that sparkling husband of yours. You did however spot Lucy and Rami walking the carpet and noticed something so touching to your heart. They were both sporting tiny gold ribbons pinned to the designer outfits in support of childhood cancer. It didn’t take long for the tears to fall from your cheeks. Looking down at your child, she was absolutely adorable as usual, so in love with all the colors on the television, and decided to take a quick snap for instagram considering you and Joe have been so private lately.
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You soon spotted Joe with all his cast mates as they strolled up to the next interviewer.
“So Joe are you the spokesman of the group?”
“Umm no I think we’re all pretty good at this.” he giggled in reply.
He seemed back to his normal self once he hit the carpet and that made you feel so much better. You both had been having a really rough time with all of this.
“So Joe any news we should know about? The hospital photos for example?”
You could see the hesitation in his eyes. You didn’t want the whole world to know, especially before the boys.
“That was just a normal check up. Scarlet’s pediatrician is based out of that children’s hospital.”
The boys looked a little confused noticing the hesitation from Joe. It was quite unusual for him especially during events like this because he was a natural during interviews. They knew something was up. That was the last you saw of them.
“Joe what was that back there?” Gwil asked.
“I can’t talk about this here.”
“Talk about what Joe?” Ben chimes in.
Joe felt the vibration of his phone in pocket. It was a text from you.
Joe it’s the baby. She won’t stop throwing up and I don’t know what to do. I didn’t want to bother you with this but I can’t get ahold of anyone. I can’t get her to stop what should I do!!
A rush of panic flooded his body. He quickly grabbed both the boys arms and dragged them into an empty room in the building.
“Listen, Scarlet she- she has cancer. That’s why we went to the hospital. That’s why she has been so tired. That’s why Y/N couldn’t come with me tonight. It’s why i’ve been so distant and I’m sorry for that. I just didn’t know how to tell you guys and-” he was quickly cut off by Ben.
“Joe i’m so sorry mate. Is there anything we can do.”
“Yeah Joe you guys don’t have to go through this alone.” Gwil continued.
You could tell the news was heartbreaking for Ben and Gwil. They both loved every bit of your little one.
“It’s been really rough guys. Today was her first treatment and I couldn’t even be there the whole time to support my girls because of all this Oscar prep and now Y/N just texted me telling me that Scarlet can’t stop throwing up and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to help them.” Joe was sobbing at this point. His heart breaking into a million pieces as he finished his last sentence.
“Joe you should go be with them. This isn’t as important as them even if it’s the Oscars. I know being here is killing you, we could tell all night.” Gwil convinced Joe.
“Yeah Joe, we hate to see you go but family is more important and we understand. Bri and Rog would understand. We are all here for you buddy.” Ben pleaded.
Joe didn’t think twice before wrapping them both in a tight, well-needed hug and running of to catch a car back to your apartment.
“Good luck guys! Don’t party to hard without me ok? We’ve got this!”
“Love you Joe. Kisses to the baby and Y/N for us!” Gwil yelled.
Paparazzi must have caught you running off the property in a hurry because it didn’t take long for a story to come out.
“Joe Mazzello seen running out of the Oscars in a panic. Another hospital visit ahead?”
You got the notification as soon as it hit the press. Thousands of messages poured into your dms all worried about you and Scarlet. You had finally gotten Scarlet to stop vomiting and gave her a quick bath to help sooth her discomfort. Her poor eyes still red and puffy from all the previous events. You didn’t even bother cleaning yourself up, all you cared about was Scarlet and making sure she was ok. You could hear the Oscars playing in the background, hoping Joe was still there enjoying all the winners. You soon collapsed into the couch before feeding Scarlet a bottle so she would fall asleep easier. After she finished and had dozed off, you felt yourself soon follow.
Joe frantically opened the door to find his two girls sleeping sound on the couch. He smiled in relief as he shuffled over to scoop Scarlet from your arms, careful not to wake you. Just before he went to put Scarlet down in her crib, he draped your body with your favorite blanket and placed a light kiss on your forehead, slightly waking you from your sleep. When he came back, he found you lying on the couch covered in baby vomit and clearly exhausted.
“Hi love, I came back as soon as I could.” he whispered.
“Joey you didn’t need too. I just didn’t know what else to do, I’m so sorry.” you wept groggily in his arms, tears sinking into his suit.
“Love it’s ok. You both are so much more important to me than some silly award show.” he tried to reassure you.
“Come on lets go jump in the shower and get you cleaned up.” he quickly guided you down the hall and helped you undress as you held his body close.
“Join me? I need the company.”
“How could I refuse?”
You both climbed into the shower, the warm water quickly running down your back. Joe insisted he help you wash your hair, his gentle touch massaging your scalp with both the shampoo and then conditioner. Your kisses consistent with every move. The passion you two shared never failed to shine. Your love growing stronger with each and every moment you spend together. The warm water pulling you both closer, almost inseparable.
He grabbed you a towel and wrapped it around your body, kissing your shoulders then up your neck to your lips as you guided his hands to yours. It didn’t take long for you to throw on one of his old hoodies, which he didn’t mind. He loved seeing you in his clothes, seeing the comfort they brought you, making you feel closer to him. When you ended up in the living room again, the Oscars were still playing and you decided to finish watching them with Joe. Your back leaning into his arms with your knees tucked close to your chest. His hand sliding up and down your arm while the other remain across your waist. The final award of the night was up, best actor.
“He’s gonna win I know it.” you said to Joe, he just smiled at you, amazed at your every move.
“And the Oscar for Best Male Actor in a Drama film goes to... Rami Malek in Bohemian Rhapsody.”
Brian’s guitar solo surrounded the entire room as Joe looked to you.
“He did it. I always knew he would do it.”
You loved the friendship they shared. The support they both gave one another.
Joe held you tight as he kissed your lips. The both of you having your own little celebration of kisses. He quickly ran to put We Are the Champions on the record player and lifted you off your feet. His hands wrapped around your waist as he guided you into a slow dance, your head swift to lie on his shoulder. A sudden familiar buzz hit the side table once more. It was Brian.
“Dearest Joe and Y/N, Rog and I have just heard the news. We can’t image the pain you both must be going through during this time. If you need anything don’t be afraid to give us a quick phone. I believe that your little one will beat this bully of a disease. She is a strong one after all, she gets it from her mommy. Lots of love to you all. XX -Bri.”
Joe read the message aloud to you. You both fell into a moment of sadness again. Tears not yet showing from your faces. Brian’s words were comforting to the both of you though. His soul almost connecting with yours. Maybe that was his intention, after all he was the legendary Dr. Brian May. He could do just about anything.
Joe could feel you begin to fall asleep in his arms. His eyes locked onto you. He delicately picked you up bridal style and guided you into the bedroom. He slowly placed you under the covers and set a quick kiss on your forehead before he went to brush his teeth. When he came back you were all snuggled into the comforter before he soon came to cuddle with you. His arm became encased around yours, his lips placing light kisses across your shoulders.
“I love you Y/N. I love you with everything in me.” he whispered, not knowing you were still slightly awake.
“I love you too Joe. More than you could ever know.” you whispered back.
For a day filled with many emotions, this was the moment you had been waiting for all day. To be loved by your husband, your child sleeping soundly down the hall, and all you could ever want lying right there next to you, holding you close and never letting go.
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@onehystericalqueeen @queens-n-roses @soberandfurious @sevenseasofky @toger-raylor @sincereleygmg @mrsmazzello @myfreakydeaky @readdyyfreddie @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @misterbrianmay @heartsarecompatible @ixchel-9275 @benmeadowstaylor @slutfordeacy-mazello @winnielinleigh @everybodyplaythegame @radioxtaylor @deakyspuff @okiegirl24 @imagines-xxx @classypaintercolorcowboy @super-heros-are-my-life
I hope you all enjoyed Part 3! I put so much into this chapter.
Also it might be a week or so before the next chapter because I am very busy right now!!
Send in Request for more stories!!!
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“Abused” | “Imprisoned” (JSE Ego Fic Pt. 1)
A brand new fic is here! I have to thank @thesepticactress who wrote an amazing ego fic (check it out if you haven’t yet seriously), which inspired me to write my own! :D
I’ve been doing a lot of drafting and reworking so I’m kinda nervous about posting this because I’ve worked extra hard on it and I really hope it shows. Anyway I’ll shut up now, hope you enjoy the first part of this new fic! 💚
Charlotte’s (Chase’s Mother) POV
When I first met Mitchell, Chase’s father, he seemed like a charming and decent man, and I thought he was an ideal partner. Once we’d been together a while, though, he started to become manipulative and controlling - but he had his way of making me believe it was my fault, and that he was the victim in it all. He somehow kept me convinced that he was a good guy, doing what he did out of love, and so I stayed with him and eventually ended up getting pregnant with Chase. I thought that he would change back to how he used to be, thinking that he would look after me now that I was carrying his baby, but I was utterly mistaken - it only got worse as time went by. It started by verbally abusing me, which made me begin to fear him and do everything he told me to - even if that meant carrying out chores that I felt too exhausted to do as a result of being pregnant. It just got worse still after that, when his words were no longer his only method of choice for hurting me and became physically abusive. The first time was a single slap, but it left me reeling with shock as I never thought he would raise his hand to me; he was apologetic afterwards, putting on his nice guy act and fooling me once again. I forgave him, thinking that it would never happen again, but that’s the thing with abusive people - it always happens again. Every time, he would make me believe he was sorry and would never do it again, but every time was a lie. I stayed with him, thinking that he would eventually stop and even somehow still believing he was doing it out of love for me. The lies he spun me were so convincing and he brainwashed me into thinking in such a way that I was the one who felt guilty. I was certainly too scared to leave him, as I knew what he was capable of. He always liked a drink but, as time went on, he started to have more and more every day and he never went a day without; he turned into an alcoholic, which only made him more nasty and violent. The physical abuse continued to get worse, even as I became more heavily pregnant. There was a scare when I ended up falling down the stairs, where I thought I would lose my baby - but I was very lucky that he was completely okay. Sometimes, when I was alone in our room, I would rub my bump and talk to him; I would tell him that, although his father hurt me, I would never do anything like that to my little boy. I let him know that I would love him with all my heart and do everything I could to keep him safe.
Eventually, the day came to have my baby; Mitch pretended to be caring as we were in the hospital, holding my hand and being supportive while I was in agony. The pain was worth it when I cradled little Chase in my arms, looking at this beautiful bundle of joy that I held and feeling like the luckiest person alive despite all the abuse I endured. I thought that the abuse would end now that we had a baby at home, but once again I was so wrong. He continued to hurt me, becoming less and less apologetic about it, and he would make Chase cry from shouting at me. He would then yell at poor little Chase to shut up, which of course only made him scream even louder. I would pick him up and soothe him in my softest voice, rocking him gently to calm him down, and eventually he would quieten - only to start crying again the next time his father shouted. Of course, being a baby, he cried for other reasons - but a lot of time, it was down to his horrid father scaring him. He went beyond shouting eventually, and I was terrified that he would actually kill him. I always got up to see to him in the night, but there was one time when I clearly didn’t wake up straight away - because when I did, Mitch had already got up. He was bellowing into my little baby’s face, and then he started to shake him. I screamed at him to stop, and I forced Chase out of his hands and cuddled my boy close. Chase howled his little lungs out, the poor boy, and I did my best to comfort him - and it took me a while to get him back to sleep. I’d heard what shaking a baby can do, so I snuck out to the hospital once Mitch was asleep. Thankfully, Chase was okay; we were lucky again this time. Poor Chase got more and more scared of his father with each passing day, as did I. It got to the point where he would cry just by being picked up by him, feeling unsafe with him - which was exactly how I felt. I didn’t think either of us were safe, yet I was still too frightened of him to leave. We were imprisoned, trapped in a cell of of pain locked by fear.
When Chase became a toddler, no surprise, things still hadn’t changed. In fact, the situation was worse because - now Chase wasn’t a baby anymore - Mitch had no problem taking his abuse of him further. The insults he threw at him became more and more nasty - and he didn’t stop there. One day, when it was cold and icy outside, Chase wanted to go to the park; I was worried, with all the ice, that he would slip and hurt himself, so I didn’t want to risk taking him there.
“Wanna go park!” he cried.
“You can’t, darling, you might hurt yourself,” I responded gently. “We’ll have fun here today, sweetie.”
“No!” he contested, “Wanna go!”
“Not today, sweetheart,” I reiterated apologetically, because I could see how much he wanted to go. Little Chase started to cry. “Oh, no, darling, don’t cry,” I spoke to him softly, “We’ll go out another time, okay?” It was then that Mitch entered the room, and he rolled his eyes with an uncaring sigh when he saw Chase.
“Oh, shut up, you stupid child,” he told him cruelly, which only made him cry more. “What d’ya want, anyway, idiot?” he continued nastily.
“W-Wanna go - park!” he gasped tearfully.
“And you’re crying over that?” he teased him, “You pathetic little boy!” Chase just sobbed louder after hearing that. “Shut the fuck up!” Mitch yelled at him.
“Mummy!” Chase bawled, toddling over to me.
“Mummy! Mummy!” Mitch imitated him mockingly. “I just told ya to shut up!” Mitch grabbed him, and Chase screamed. “You need to learn to do as your told, you disobedient little shit!” he spat, rather too close to the poor boy’s face, and Chase just cried harder still in pure fear.
“Let him go, Mitch,” I begged, tears now in my own eyes as I saw my poor little boy so frightened, but he just ignored my desperate request.
“You wanna go outside, do ya?” he barked at Chase, “Then let’s go outside, shall we?” Mitch dragged him as he screamed for me, taking him outside of the house, and I ran after him. “Let’s see how you like this!” he bullied him, before shoving him into the ice. Chase hit it very hard, and it was no wonder he cried loudly in pain. “Not so fun, is it?” Mitch smirked, before leaving him there and going back into the house.
“Oh, my baby!” I cried out as I rushed over to him. “Come here, darling,” I said softly as I helped him up, and I saw that he had a bruise on his face. He sobbed and choked, and all I could do was cuddle him. “Alright, sweetheart, alright,” I comforted him, stroking his little head gently, “Mummy’s here now, it’s okay. Shhhh.” I picked him up and rocked him like a baby, but I didn’t take him inside because I didn’t want to risk Mitch yelling at him for crying again. That was how all this started, and I couldn’t bear to see my little boy get hurt again. Someone walked by and asked what happened and, out of fear, I just told them that my poor boy slipped on the ice. Chase continued to cry, still in pain and terrified about what just happened with his father. “How about Mummy kisses it better? Yeah?” I suggested lovingly, and I placed a kiss on his cheek - although a little to the side of the bruise, in case it hurt him to touch it. Once he had quietened down, I took him inside to put some ice on the terrible bruise, and he cried as soon as it touched his little face. “I know, darling, I know,” I reacted sympathetically. “This will help make you all better, my angel. Mummy’s gonna make you better.” He eventually got used to the ice, and he started to calm down. “That’s it, good boy,” I praised him as he stood there quietly. Once it had been on for long enough, I gave him another cuddle. “You’re such a brave boy,” I told him affectionately, and I kissed his head gently. I then held his hand to take him to play with his toys. When he saw Mitch, his hand tightened a little on mine. Mitch smirked proudly when he saw the bruise on Chase’s cheek.
“It’s an improvement,” Mitch commented callously with a bottle in his hand, before taking a big swig and swaggering away.
“Just ignore him,” I muttered gently to Chase, and I soon managed to distract him once we started to play with his toys. We had a race with his cars, and he actually started smiling and laughing again despite the big bruise on his face. I was so proud of him for being so brave. He then wanted to get his doll out and play with its little outfits. I loved letting him play with whatever he wanted, rather than forcing gender stereotypes onto him - but his father was different. He’d not caught him with his doll yet, but I feared what would happen when he did. Chase rocked his little baby doll, cutely singing a little lullaby to it, but then he decided he wanted to do something else after putting it to bed. I relaxed thinking that his dad wouldn’t catch him, but then Chase decided he wanted to dress up. Again, I let him do whatever he wanted to do rather than forcing stereotypes, so he got out a little pink tutu to dress up in with an excited smile spread across his face.
“This one, Mummy!” he announced as he picked it out of the box. I helped him to put it on, and then he twirled around happily. “Look, Mummy! I’m ball’ina!” he chirped as he spun and danced.
“You’re beautiful, aren’t you, sweetie?” I smiled at him.
“I’m pwetty!” he stated joyfully. It was at that moment that his father entered the room.
“What the fuck?!” Mitch snapped, “What are you doing, you freak?!” Chase immediately burst into tears as he became frightened. “Get that off right now!” Mitch demanded.
“Don’t wanna!” Chase howled.
“You get it off or I’ll do it for ya!” Mitch yelled in reply. Chase just sobbed.
“Mummy’ll help you,” I spoke softly, assisting him to take the tutu off. He was too shaken to resist, even though he didn’t want to take it off. I cuddled him once it was off, but he continued to bawl his little eyes out, the poor thing. Mitch came even closer, right in his face to intimidate him further.
“You are disgusting,” he muttered nastily. “A pathetic - little - freak.” He then snatched the tutu from me, stormed out of the room briefly, before returning with an evil look in his eye that told me he was about to do something even more horrible to Chase. “Your stupid little dress is about to make a friend,” he smirked, “Time to meet my scissors.” Chase screamed in tears as Mitch tore through the tutu, clinging to me as tears poured down his cheeks which were reddening from the loudness of his cries. “Fit for the bin, I think,” Mitch laughed once he’d finished. But before he left, the smirk left his face as he glared angrily at poor little Chase. “Shut the fuck up, you stupid, pathetic, fucked up little shit!” he barked at him, before finally leaving him alone and taking the ripped up outfit with him to throw it out. Chase was heartbroken and petrified, his body shaking like a tiny leaf as I held him. He cried so loudly that I was worried he would end up giving himself a sore throat. I soothed him softly, stroking his head gently, trying to think of a way to calm down my poor little boy. I reassured him that we would find a way for him to play with his ‘girl toys’ (as his dad would probably call them) without his father finding out, and I told him that he was a beautiful child to me and not a freak. I told him that his father is just nasty and not to believe any of the horrid things he said. Poor Chase didn’t even understand why his father did what he did just because he wore a tutu; he cried that it wasn’t fair, because girls could play dress up without their mummy or daddy being mean. He had a valid point and it broke my heart that a toddler could understand gender equality and the subject of toys not being gendered, yet a full grown adult like his father didn’t. Once I eventually calmed him down a little, so that he was no longer crying his lungs out, I knew I needed to do something nice for him to cheer him up. “You’ve been ever such a brave boy today,” I lovingly praised him.”Mummy’s gonna give you a special treat.” I carried him downstairs, went into the kitchen and I went into one of the cupboards; I got out a tin, immediately making Chase get excited. I took out one of his favourite chocolate cookies and handed it to him.
“Thank you,” he sniffled sweetly with a watery smile, before taking a bite. He almost looked completely content as he enjoyed his biscuit, and again I was proud of his braveness. Chase had to be brave every day, Mitch abused us both daily with cruel words and violence. Chase and I were both terrified of him. Chase would often ask me if we could go away so that his horrible father couldn’t be nasty to us anymore, and it was hard to explain to him why we couldn’t. He was still a little boy, and it was difficult for him to understand; I wanted to get him away, and myself, but I just couldn’t. I didn’t know exactly what Mitch would do to us, but I knew it would be horrible. I wasn’t even sure we would be able to get past him to get out of the house, as he questioned me every time I tried to go anywhere. There really seemed to be no escape from this hell. People always ask why anyone stays in an abusive relationship, and this is why; fear makes people do strange things, including staying with someone who does nothing but hurt them and their child. I hated myself for putting poor Chase through it every day, because he deserved so much better than this; I feared that he would grow up traumatised and damaged, and it would all be my fault. All I could do is be there for him as best I could, and hope that he would learn from me rather than his father - and that he would somehow grow up happy in spite of what his father did to him.
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iraniq · 7 years
Imagine... Coffee
I was at work, at the almost empty cafeteria. Just causal staying at the window, awaiting the crowd for lunch to appearm as any other day. Then I saw this girl. I knew her, well not exactly, but I see her every day and night the same time. She must be living somewhere nearby. I was kinda a fan. She was indeed very entertaining with her outfits, but also having the balls to go out the way she like it. She was just walking on the other side of the street, tripped, in her own foot and stoopped to fix her shoes. I so totally relate to her in this particular moment.
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Although it bugged me, why was she so skinny. As she was ready she kept waking like a boss and I chuckled to myself.
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My coworkers got me out off my thoughts. As I was the only one who knew how to fix the old coffee machine, that's why no one else bothered to learn, my duty called. After couple of minutes someone walked in. It was her... Well she wasn't exactly "she". Everyone got silent. She just sat next to the window and got her phone. I sighed, so much stupidity. I grabbed a menu and approached her.
- What will be for you miss?
- Just a coffee darling... And a juice... I am trying to have it a little bit healthier. - she raised her missing eyebrows and I chuckled.
As I returned to my previous patient and prepared the cup I heard the manager yelling. I barely understand what he was saying...
- ... You nasty homo... We don't want any AIDS in here... Garbage....
I rolled my eyes. The same man, who loves to smoke outside in the sunny days only to watch the young school girls in their short skirt, the dick doesn't even hide it. After he was done yelling. She simply answered she was awaiting for her coffee.
- We ain't serving coffee to hobos! - he left proud.
The rest were again quiet. She fixed her hair and just stood there. They start whispering. The door bell ringer a couple of bikers waked in. They kinda liked me, because I was listening to their music. She must got scared, because as she saw them she gathered her stuff and left. 
As I looked again I saw her outside. Sitting on a bench in the park. She must be freezing. Fuck!
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I got the coffee. And walked outside.
- You forgot your coffee miss.
She looked surprised to see me.
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- Thank you darling. - she smiled.
- This one is on me!
- Don't you dare! - she start digging in her purse.
I waked away fast.
- You can try, but I doubt you will manage in these horrible shoes. - I heard her yelling "Hey!" after me and laughed.
In the afternoon I saw her again. Apparently going home.
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Her pantyhose had a hole. But as she was crossing the street she looked happy. So I cancelled my worry.
After cople of days I saw her again, but this time in the center, the small streets.
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She looked in a hurry. She was speed walking in her horrible shoes again, with a coffee and some papers.
I had a meeting with my friends. We sat in the fancy cafeteria in the center, had some drinks, we laughed. Later we hit a caraoce club. I ended up slightly drunk, and decided to ditch them earlier. On my way home I stopped at the supermarket for food. Obviously. And then I saw her again.
- Hey little angel! - she smiled.
- Hey, beautiful!
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- Oh come on! - she blushed.
- Hobo! - a man yelled passing by us.
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- You fucking apologize! - I yelled.
- I ain't apologizing to this!
- Dick...
- Shush, darling! - she grabbed my hand. - No need to get mad over him.
- I am so sorry... For my coworker, and the manager... And...
- Please tell me he didn't fire you! - she was concerned more about me than the stupid moron, who was still madly staring at her.
- Nah, he doesn't even saw me!
- And your coworkers?
- I am the only one who can do shut around there, they won't dare rat on me.
She laughed.
- Come on, darling, shop with me! - She laughed hugging me. - The name is Rayon.
- El!
- Just El?
- That's the only short version of my name that I like.
- Horrible parents ruining your name for you? - I nodded. - Welcome to the club, I'll be your guide. - she laughed.
As we finished our shopping, she insisted on paying for my stuff, we had a cat fight at the pay desk, but I end up agreeing with her. Not like I could win. Besides that the security was heading out way.
We said our goodbyes and parted ways.
Two weeks later we met again. I was in her neighborhood. I had to move out of my previous place and there was the only available place to rent. It looked filthy and gross. But then I saw her.
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- Hey Ray!
- Hey, girlfriend! - she smiled and rushed to hug me. - What brings you around?
- I am kind looking for a place to rent, for myself. I quit my second job and the place I had, got to expensive.
- You can stay with me! I have another free room.
- I am just looking for now, but thank you. I'll have you in mind.
- Sexy, come in! - a blond boy yelled.
- My man is calling me! - she smiled and ran away. Got in the car and left.
Few days later I had a day free to renew my health papers for the cafeteria. I was in the hospital waiting for it, as I saw her again.
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- Hey Ray!
She looked sad.
- Hey, Rayon... Are you OK?
- Oh, gorgeous! - she faked a smile. - I am fine! You? - she looked sincerely concerned about me.
- I am here to renew my health papers. Cafeteria?
- Oh yes, silly me. - she laughed.
- You look exhausted. Do you want me to help you home?
- Oh no, my dear I am waiting...
- Is everything all right.
Her eyes got tearly.
- My boyfriend... - she whiped some tears - ... someone beat him.
- Oh my... Is he all right.
- His arm is broken. - she breathed in, waving her hands to dry the tears. - He is fine. Well that's what he said, but... How fine can you be with a brokeb arm?
I hugged her.
She pushed me away.
- You thought I was homeless hooker, don't you? That's why you gave me the coffee for free, which I am not forgotten, btw!
- Guilty as charged! - I said, no point of lying.
- Well guess what Missy, I work in the health care ambassy in the center. I answer for the buget for alternative AIDS medicaments, as you know the well known ones, are only ruining the body even more. - she strike a pose and I chuckled. - And guess who graduated business school with full glory? Also me! ... Well it was Raymond actually, but who cares! - at this point I was already laughing. - And for your information my place is all sunshines and fucking rainbows, not only because of the gays. It's clean, quiet, if it's not Tuesday of course, and they all shower! OK! They look nasty because they are giving free duty at the shelter! So you better move there, because there is no plase like him! - she made a weird face and this funny thing with her eyes.
- You just confirmed by theory, that the "normal" people are the one to blame!
- Well yeah...
- So... As you are not homeless, and you are apparently super brave, why you ran away of the cafeteria?
- I didn't ran away, it was because of the bikers... - she got silent - one of the men's brother died recently, he is coping with his death his own way, I didn't wanted to make him eve more sad. The boy wasn't gay or anything. He was teacher in the University, one of the best, if I must say. Physics, total genous... and i am not saong it only becaus I suck at physics. - she whispered the last one.
- Wow... - I was speechless.
- Your boy will be fine, Ray. I mean it.
- Oh thank you darling! - She hugged the nurse. I smiled as well. - That's my roommate, El! - she showed me, like a souvenir, I chuckled and did a little bow, the girl smled brightly.
Rayon creeped in the room. I saw her hitting the blond boy with a pillow, he was laughing and she was crying. I looked surprised. 
- She was just crying over his broken arm, seconds ago...
- Don't worry this is typical with them. How long have you been living together? - she laughed - You must know this by now.
- Am... I haven't moved in... Yet!
- Come on, baby, we are going home. - she shared kisses with the nurse and we left.
Five days later I had moved my stuff in Ray's place. The neighbors were amazing. I had taken some days off so I could manage. And also to look around my new place. The neighbors were amazing, helped us. Made a Welcoming party, although it wasn't Tuesday.
I was at home, still in my days off, mostly laming around the place, when I got a call from Ray.
- Sweetie, I need help, it’s fucking important… Shut up with your language Steve… Hey, El? Are yoy there!
- Yep I am here!
- In my room, on my desk, there must me a folder… Red folder. I need you to bring it to me. OK?
- You room… The deck. Yes, red folder. Dark red folder?
- Yes. Same one!
- OK. But what if you lived alone?
- I won’t be distracted by your sexy ass in lace underwear.
- I am sorry I had the nature need to pee! - I teased while I was putting my shoes on. - I thought you were into boys?
- I am! But I ain’t looking away of beauty tho! - she sassed me.
- Well, in that case it ain’t my fault you were staring at my as…
At the door I met one of our neighbors.
- I told you to be careful with her!
- You did, Trevor, you did! - I rushed to the bus stop.
- Oh, don’t mind him, he still hasn’t got over me!
- Men! - I laughed.
10min. later I was in the health ambassy. As I wasn’t allowed to go any further, she was waiting for me at the lobby.
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- How are you even existing in these horrible shoes? - she rushed and kissed me.
- You are a life Savior! Darling! - she hugged me again. - We should party! Get drunk. But not now, now I have to work go away! - she rushes me out.
- As long as Steve and Trevor tag along! - I teased.
- Oh please! - she made a painful grymas. - I’d rather go as a boy!
- Eww…. - I laughed and left.
I got home from work. I found Ray lying in bed. Her boyfriend was singing and dancing, waving his one arm around.
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- Oh my, a Star! - I jumped next to her in bed.
He had am amazing voice, but for the fun he was singing like a dying cat. He kept on performing. We danced and sang along. After a solid hour he collapsed on her bed and start snoring.
- Let’s go out! - she shruged me.
- What! Now? it’s 1 in the morning. It’s late!
- Don’t be ridiculous! It’s early. Come on I still own you a drink, as you made it clear you don’t drink coffee.
- Rayon… Are you for real, this was like 2 months ago.
- I told you I won’t forget this. Come on, get ready.
As I just got out if the bathroom, still in my underwear, she was already done, and strike a pose to show off her outfit.
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- Wow! Your boyfriend might have to look for another girlfriend!
- If you keep doing this, he might will! - she blew me an air kiss.
- Do what? Have underware, shame on me… Besides that, you have some too. I’ve seen you! - I pointed my finger at her.
- Well, not like this one for sure. - she winked.
- Ugh… - i waled to my room - Eny me, peasant! - I hised before closing the door.
In 10min. I was ready.
- Done, baby…
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- … And you better drag me to one of these rock clubs you know, otherwise we are gonna have a problem!
She looked at me, speechless.
- And you dare call me “are you gonna go out naked like this again”. - she said making air quotes.
- Bitch, staph! We are going sluity tonight, on a girls night... besides that you dress like this for work.
- You know ... - she shruged - Steve! ... also Trevor ... - we both laughed.
She left a note on the pillow next to her boy - “girls night out :* ”. She placed a kiss on his cheek and we left.
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