#(he is the sweetest thing known to mankind)
written by @talesfromawannabejournalist, @things-arent-what-they-seem66
(this prologue is a wee bit long, please just bear with me also sorry it was posted later than scheduled things)
Back when the Earth was still young and new, in the garden called Eden the first of humanity was created, Adam and Lilith, the first alpha and omega. From the moment they opened their eyes, their fates were already sealed. Despite being the first of mankind and as made to be equals to the other as was ordained by the creator himself the elders proclaimed the alpha as the leader and the omega was made to serve him as the two would truly begin mankind. Adam did not like this at all, not only did not want to be superior he did not want to lay with Lilith, for his heart belonged to someone else. However, he did not wish to upset the angels so stuck to his role and tried to make it comfortable for his mate and provide for her.
Unfortunately, Lilith did not want to be comfortable she wanted to be free of this mundane life as the future mother of humanity and the alpha's omega, she wanted something bigger than Eden itself. Therefore, she took an angel into her arms and seduced him. She spun a tale of confinement and abuse, done by both the angels and Adam. Though it was only half true and the angel should have known better he fell for her story and took her far away from the garden. Not realizing the heartbreak, Lucifer the angel of light and music had caused to his friend that day.
When the elders found out what had happened to Adam when they heard his cries, they told him to wipe them away for an alpha should not waste any tears on a whore like Lilith. Even though his tears were not shed for her departure. With that being said the elders fashioned a new mate Adam, the second omega Eve. This time the elders told Adam specifically to keep close and make sure she did not stray from him. Adam did just that as he did his best to make sure Eve wouldn't leave and tried to make her happy.
While he did try his best to, and though it wasn't his fault, as Eve would remind him. She just could not feel happiness when she was under so much pressure from the elders to start conceiving and begin humanity. One day she went off on her own hoping for one minute to get away from the weight and burden of it all. She was approached by a snake and his wife. They explained to her that she could be free, truly free of them, all she had to do was eat the forbidden fruit.
Not fully knowing the meaning behind being free, she ate it. Then when she leaves to find Adam, she convinces him that if he were to eat it the two would be free from the expectations. With an offer he couldn't possibly refuse he partook in the forbidden fruit. However, what tasted like the sweetest honey in the smoothest of juices forever left an impact that remained forever bitter and rotten. When the elders and God descended from Heaven itself punishments were given to all four of them.
God had stripped Lucifer of his title as angel and Lilith of her fertility and cast them into a pit of fire and darkness that was created when sin entered the world. As for Adam and Eve, though they disobeyed his one rule in Eden he decided simply to banish them from Eden. Seeing as how they would already have it hard for the rest of their lives out in the unfinished dangerous world. When God left, however, the elders had decided that their Lord was being too merciful, especially on Eve. Therefore, they had placed a heavy curse that would not only on Eve but all omegas that would come from their bloodline.
An omega's heat would be a long, gruesome week where Eve would only desire her alpha. If she were to bear a child, then come time for the birth of it the pain would be the worst form of pain imaginable. If she did not conceive then she would bleed and though the pain would not be severe she would still feel great pangs. Though Adam's curse was not as painful it still was crushing. He was to make sure he provided for his family, as an alpha's job they said. He was to toil in fields and hunt in the dangerous wilds just to bring food for all the children Adam and Eve were expected to have, and they did have many, many, many mouths to feed.
By the time they had over a hundred children they had both had felt as if nothing more than breeding cows to start mankind. Especially when one or two of the elders would remind them of their roles and responsibilities. By the time Eve’s womb could no longer bear Adam’s they had more than enough with having given like to over nine hundred children. With that they had got to see their children mate with their own alpha/omegas created by the elders and help raise many, many, many, many grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even great-great grandchildren. After nine hundred and thirty years their time on Earth had come to a close.
They ascended to the Heavenly plane and were even welcomed by their creator himself into his loving arms. After spending their lives full of backbreaking labor, excruciating heats, and suffering they were finally at peace. They no longer had to bear the weight of responsibility and roles of alpha and omega. They could simply live the rest of eternity in bliss they didn’t even have to be married anymore! Seeing as how once you cross over any marriage/mating you had would be null and void, till death did they part.
They were so close to being truly free, until new souls kept arriving in Heaven and they were expected to now be the representatives of mankind always having to play the part as the first of omegas and alphas. Since they needed guidance and who better to help them adjust to their eternal life in Heaven than the mother and father of humanity themselves. Even though they decided to end their marriage, they were still expected by some to not stray far away from the other. Eve was still supposed to play the role of the omega, sweet and submissive. Adam was still supposed to play the role of the alpha, dominant and strong.
It all came to a head when Hell’s citizens attacked the pearly gates and Adam was tasked with vanquishing the evil. It didn’t stop after that though. Adam was then given the title of commander and was told that once a year to stop this incident from ever repeating itself. As well as to help lower the number of the population down there. So, without any complaint, just like everything else, Adam adorned a new mask, as a soldier.
For centuries this was his life, once a year every year his exorcists would round the sinners and cull them. For the rest of the year he trained his soldiers, help welcome his descendants into Heaven, make appearances, and basically be the poster child that Heaven expected him to be.
But how he wished he wasn’t, sometimes when he didn’t have to put up the act and he was around very few or even alone. He'd looked toward a winner family and couldn’t help but want that. What made it even more remarkable he couldn’t help but want to be the omega in those families. Yes, he knew life wasn’t fair to them, yes, he knew what they endured, but still, he couldn’t help but wish to be looked after and looked at with the same softness and compassion the alpha gave to their omega. That feeling of yearning that was buried all those years ago would come back tenfold.
Nevertheless, he still continued forward for he knew his role and his place in the grand scheme of things. He would make sure that everyone knew their place. including a troublesome princess who dared to challenge the rules. Her place was to guard over her citizens and make sure they didn't rise against Heaven. Not to try and restart what caused the exterminations in the whole place!
So, he decided to devise a plan with the exorcists, and his girls and would destroy the hotel, scare everyone but leave the princess and her residents alone. As it was the deal Heaven made with the king and queen to not harm any Hell-born. That ESPECIALLY included their precious, little baby. However, when they arrived, they were shocked at retaliation by turning their weapons against them and managing to kill over half of Adam's girls. His horror turned to pure rage as he fought the princess and squeezed hard on her neck wanting her to feel every bit of pain his girls had gone through. Including even some of the pain, he had been holding in for hundreds upon hundreds of years.
Despite gaining favor in battle, he was quickly overpowered by the king of Hell himself, Lucifer Morningstar. The former seraphim of Heaven and the former keeper of Adam's heart. It was probably the most humiliating experience of his entire life. Someone who he once thought the world of looked at him as if he was nothing more than some disgusting pest. One that he tried to exterminate personally.
However, it was not Lucifer who destroyed the supposed all-powerful commander. No, that "honor" was given to some lowly sinner. As Adam lay in the dirt his second in command, his best friend, Lute held him in her arms. He could barely hear what she was saying but unlike some people, she stayed with him till the end. She was a true friend and for that, he gave her a comforting smile as he began to drift off to sleep one last time.
As he lay there, he couldn't help but think of his family, his descendants, his children, not to mention poor Eve. Though they weren't together anymore and had been a bit at a distance for a while now. It didn't mean they stopped caring, that tends to happen when you've been with someone for so long. as well as having known them literally all your life. Still, he was sure that eventually, she'd be okay she was tougher than people gave her credit for.
She'll have to look after their sons and daughters now. he hoped she could do it, by herself. At least there was one good outcome that came from this. Adam would no longer be bound by Heaven's pressuring expectations and rules, yes finally, finally, at long last he free.
Adam thought as he closed his eyes one final time
Only for them to open again as he gasped up fully awake.
(hope you enjoyed the prologue @things-arent-what-they-seem66)
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utterentropy · 6 months
I have a headcanon that Mind looks like an animal while he sleeps, with the little frown eyes shut like that
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It makes since cos in my AU Heart and Mind are apart of a species of supernatural wild animals (evolution's strangest creation) that are parasitic and base themselves off of brain theories, ok there's a lot more but that's the jist and Cameron (Whole) decided to take them in instead of letting them scamper off to the forest
Mmmmm…… canon divergence and making human characters into alien abominations…………
Bonus Mid doodle at a mental health event I went to today
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riririnnnn · 5 months
More random things in Blue Lock I find endearing:
-> Appreciation
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Yes! Tell 'em, Nagi! It feels more sweeter when you remember that this happened before they verbally resolved everything.
I mean, obviously, it's pretty stupid to fight with your own teammate for the ball in such an important match, but it's so heartfelt to see Nagi be like, "Reo did all that for us! Do not let Reo's efforts go in vain!"
-> Green Flag + Green Flag = Greenest Flag
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I admire Isagi's parents so much. I love them so much. I pray to God every night that after my reincarnation as Nagi's Choki, I'm reincarnated as their daughter because they are exactly the kind of parents every child deserves. God bless them.
-> Silent celebration
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No matter what you say or feel about him, he will forever remain the OG Dad of Blue Lock.
I just know that he was so proud of his team. Yes, yes, he told Anri to stop crying because she was making it look like everything was a miracle, but it only means that he believed in the team!!! Given his personality, someone like him putting his trust on you is the best things that could ever happen.
And you guys remember that he was able to tell at once that Chigiri was unhappy being benched? I understand that he is a cunning man, but to see him call out to Chigiri to do some kind of indirect wellness check on him was his version of going the extra mile.
You getting me?
-> Moonmin
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The sweetest boy in existence. Oh god! He is so precious.
I just know he gives the warmest hugs known to mankind. He is just too precious. The big boy everyone deserves <3
Blue Lock Fandom, please give him loads of love.
-> Gang Gang‼️
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It's maybe the low quality, but they all look so goofy. Like, they all look so adorable.
I remember chuckling at these panel when I first saw them—it was a pretty crucial moment in the match and, then suddenly the focus pans on them which is so un-serious for no reason at all.
Lil guys.
-> Two idiots
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You know, unlike what he tries to make himself look like, Barou is actually so effortlessly goofy. Like, he is so.. random??????
I mean, this dude just does and says literally anything—I can never take him seriously.
If I were a Blue Lock-er, I would've definitely befriended him just so that I could slap his ass and run. Like, he just seems like the perfect guy you can irritate without getting bored!
There will be more posts like this because of the 10/10 image limit.
Here's part: 1, 3, 4.
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ohmykiyo · 1 year
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🪦 title ; tracing over their tattoos w/ tr boys genre ; lowercase intended characters ; draken, kazutora, rindou, ran, hanma 🗝️ jeilly's notes ; i'm in love with the tr series, so might as well start writing for them reqs are open!
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DRAKEN sighs tiredly as he leans impossibly closer to your touch. he's so out of it, he doesn't notice the way you cradle him as if he's the most fragile thing known to mankind.
he doesn't know why you treat him as if one wrong touch from you will cause him to shatter. he's not a child, he's not glass.. he's toman's number two for god's sake.
but the way you drag your fingers across the tattoo on his temple, he can't help but melt.
you trace it, eyes closed, letting out small breaths.
you've memorized every twist and turn of the tattoo, it's almost muscle memory.
you can't help but allow your fingers to leave a feather-like trail of your touch.
draken hums contentedly.
if there's one place he'd have to choose to stay in forever..
it would be here.
on your chest.
with your fingers tracing along the black color inked into his skin.
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KAZUTORA feels like he's still asleep, living in a dream. how could he believe that you, of all people, became his most prized possession.
he doesn't believe he deserves an ounce of your affection.
an ounce of your love.
he doesn't believe he deserves you at all.
but the way you caress his neck, fingers combing through his blonde layered hair, whispering sweet nothings into his ear..
he can't help but pray that this isn't a dream.
he prays and prays.
until he feels your soft fingers trail along the tattoo on his neck.
he flinches.
you notice.
but you continue to trace along the perfect ink.
every turn and swirl, you trace over them.
your touch leaves him breathless. it leaves him craving for more.
he presses sweet kisses along your collarbone, shivering at the feather-light touch of your fingers.
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RINDOU was always second-best to everyone else. he was never just "rindou", he was always "ran's brother".
so, when he met you.. imagine the shock plastered all over his face when you mumbled the sweetest greeting he's ever heard, "oh, hi rindou."
you didn't call him "ran's brother" you called him rindou. just rindou.
now he lays in your shared bed, lying on top of your warm body, cheek smooshed into your chest.
he's calm.
the way you caressed his arms, humming a random song, he feels at home.
but the way your fingers glide over the matching tattoo he has with his brother, he can't help but shiver under your touch.
your nails scratch over the ink gently, sending a shiver up his spine.
he can't help it, but every time you map out every line, every turn..
he falls in love all over again.
the touch of your soft fingers compared to his calloused ones lulled him to sleep.
and that became his favorite way to fall.
in your arms, fingers gliding over the pigmented ink, and your sleepy eyes shimmering so brightly at him.
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RAN was having the hardest day at work.
he came home mumbling little complaints here and there, not even acknowledging his pretty girl who's eyeing him intently.
you know these days are always the hardest for him.
so what's better than having him sprawled out over your body, laying gentle kisses on your soft skin?
he smiles, finally dumping his whole weight onto you.
he doesn't notice it at first.
but your fingers trailed lightly over the dark colored drawing inked into his skin.
his lets out a shaky sigh, mumbling into your chest about how it "feels good".
you chuckle at the vibrations of his voice, sending your chest a little tickle.
you continue.
dragging your fingers over the pretty lines on his arm.
mapping every single turn and twist, engraving it into your memory.
it doesn't take long for it to pull ran into the best nap he's ever had.
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HANMA runs to you after beating the shit out of a random member of an opposing gang.
he runs to you, a big grin visible on his lips.
you roll your eyes, arms crossing over your chest while an uptight expression makes its way to your face.
you hated it when your boyfriend got into fights.
you hated it because he would run back to you, bruises covering his pretty face.
and you hated it because he would return with dark marks all over his knuckles.
he slumps his body over yours, dipping his head into the crook of your neck.
you were mad. of course you were. but how could you ever deny your sweet boy access to your affection?
you sigh, nudging him away gently before taking both his hands.
examining the dark bruises and small cuts, you frown.
bringing both hands up to your lips, you press a sweet kiss to each bruise and cut.
hanma watches you in awe, his heart swelling at the sight.
his heart swells even further at the way your thumb rubs against the dark color inked into the back of his hand.
you caress it gently, your finger following the trail of lines.
he definitely thinks he should start fights more often if that means he gets to see you trace over his tattoo over and over again.
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teamatsumu · 1 year
haikyuu boys as types of boyfriends.
sfw and nsfw headcanons
warnings: smut, explicit content
part 1
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This one is pretty obvious, I think.
Kenma stays awake most nights so he's super cranky in the early morning.
He's blunt and straightforward with his words. He doesn't like sugar coating anything. As your relationship progresses though, he does realize that sometimes a little white lie is probably the best option (he would rather shoot himself than ever again say that a dress makes you look fat)
When Kenma gets tired, he gets very candid.
I'm talking love declarations.
"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?"
He mumbles a whole lot of nonsense in between such sweet sentiments though.
He is a very attentive bf. He picks up on little details very easily. And as laid back as he is, he has a special soft spot just for you.
This particular quality makes him great in bed.
Because Kenma is so good at reading cues, he knows exactly what buttons to push to bring you to the edge. And he makes it look effortless.
One major kink he has is having you blow him during a stream.
You will settle down under his desk between his legs before he starts, and he will have you down there for hours, licking and sucking until you've gone drowsy.
And when stream is over, he will finally pull you off, watching you breath deep, covered in sweat and cheeks flushed, precum and saliva dripping off your chin and down your neck.
You're a mess, and he loves it.
Best believe your reward will be mind blowing afterwards.
"How was your day sweetheart?"
He's very gentle with you.
Has a killer smile.
He cooks for you when he can. He stops what he's doing if you want to talk to him about something.
Just being a perfect gentleman.
He is great at pushing you and encouraging you. He always wants you to try new things and make new experiences. He always has your best interests at heart.
He's very protective. And he does have a jealous streak.
He can tell when a guy is talking to you what his intentions are, and he doesn't like it when the guy's stare lingers too long. He knows how desirable you are, and he wants to keep that to himself.
And when it comes to the bedroom, hoo boy.
Massive, massive control kink. He's extremely dominant. He wants you to submit and he sure as hell will get it.
He loves titles. Sir, Daddy, whatever. He loves pushing you to the limit, encouraging you the whole way there.
"You can do it baby girl, I know you can give me one more."
Manhandles you like crazy. Definitely wants to leave marks.
The morning after? He is the sweetest, most attentive and gentle boyfriend again, as if he didn't wreck your shit the night before.
SAKUSA KIYOOMI - Tsundere bf
One thing we all know about Kiyoomi, he can get really mean.
And that doesn't exclude you.
As his gf though, you've gotten used to his jabs and know he doesn't really mean them. And if he does, he doesn't intend to hurt you with them.
And one thing is for certain, these little jabs are reserved for him only.
Because the second someone else teases you, he is not having it.
He knows he is intimidating, and he will use that to make anyone shut up.
He hates PDA. He doesn't want to do it and he doesn't like anyone else doing it.
Ask him to say 'I love you' and he will make the most constipated face known to mankind.
His love language is definitely acts of service. He will go above and beyond if it means it might make your day even slightly easier. Even if he will tell you how incompetent you are while he does it for you.
You think it's pretty cute actually.
In the bedroom though, all bets are off.
He loves degrading you, loves telling you how pathetic you look when you beg for his cock.
"You want it so bad, don't you? You little slut. You can't get enough."
He doesn't let up for one second. Sex with Sakusa is very intense.
The one time he doesn't hold back on the affection is during aftercare. He becomes gentle and giving, and will make sure that by the end you are so comfortable, that sleep comes natural.
He's the perfect gentleman.
Always dressed immaculately, nicely done short fluffy hair, million dollar smile.
He plans great dates. He loves spoiling you every single time no matter how much you protest.
He loves music and making you cute playlists.
He gives great advice when you need it. He is more of a 'do it yourself' person, because he thinks it will help you grow. But he is there to encourage you every step of the way.
It's absolutely no surprise that he's a soft dom in bed.
He loves praising you. Loves telling you what a good job you're doing when you go down on him. Runs his hand through your hair and coos at you when you look up at him with teary eyes and his cock stuffed in your mouth.
He wants you to be good and listen to him, but secretly loves it when you're being a brat, because then he can put you in your place.
"Say please"
He's bigger on reward than the actual punishment, which includes so many orgasms and so much overstimulation that the reward starts to feel like the actual punishment.
(That's the whole point though, in his eyes)
SUNA RINTAROU - Skater Boy bf
I didn't know what else to name this lol
Very laid back. Looks like he doesn't give a shit.
He definitely gives a shit though.
He's very sarcastic and very witty. He will send you the most random, out of pocket text at 2 in the morning as if it's completely normal.
"Okay I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." Proceeds to send twenty Instagram reels bec he can't go to sleep without scrolling through his phone.
He def smokes weed.
He wants a lazy makeout session all the time. He loves making you sit on his lap, slowly going through every crevice of your mouth with his tongue while he gropes at your body.
Two things he loves in bed: eating you out and having you ride him.
He could stay between your legs for hours, just licking and sucking until your pussy is swollen and red, until you're shaking and crying and begging to cum.
This little shit loves edging. Loves to hear you begging. Loves it when you cry.
"Look at you. Big fat tears coming out your eyes. Oh you want this so bad, don't you?"
Loves the view when you ride him. Crosses his arms behind his head and watches with that steely narrow gaze as you unravel on top of him and use his dick to make yourself cum.
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Let me know what you think!
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firemenenthusiast · 1 month
kinda random what if reader was a domme and had not only Jann as a sub but FARLEIGH also and reader makes them get freaky deaky with each other while reader watches 🌚🌚🌚🌚
or Farleigh gets to fuck reader and lowkey cuck Jann watches and can’t touch them or even touch himself and has to clean up the juices afterwards.....OOOOOORRRRR vice versa, oh I just knowwwww Farleigh would be having a fit but high-key like it maybe RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I NEED TO SPREAD MY POLY READER/JANN/FARLEIGH AGENDAAAAAA
hell, to spice it up even more throw Kai in there, he's the ultra king of freaky fucks out of all of archie's characters to me so I have a feeling the whole thing would have him in freak paradise me thinks 😼😼😼
im officially combusting juniperhasfallen i fear you are a freaking genius cuz all your ideas in my inbox are nothing short of absolute deliciousness WAAARRRBBRRHRHRH. oh how i love making all of them my sub cuz they be suubbbyyyy
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warnings: 18+, porn w/o plot, no protection (which is very unethical in this situation), three foursome, p in v, sub!/dom! farleigh, sub!jann, sub!/dom! kai, blowjobs, cum eating, reverse cowgirl, m! masturbation, creampie, teabagging, men whimpering, whining, crying, edging, overstimulating, ruined orgasms, cuckolding, cumshots, cuffing
a/n: well isn’t this interesting
GET THIS. we all know how farleigh is willing to fuck basically anyone. and jann, is by default the sweetest sub known to mankind. but when you brought up the idea to farleigh he secretly got excited but pretended to hate it cuz he thinks jann’s a loser. also because he’s lowkey jealous with how sweet you are with jann. farleigh ofcourse had to get his turn first with you, making jann sit in the cuck sofa in the corner, forcing jann to watch you play with his cock at the edge of the bed, his arms propped against the mattress with his thighs spread far apart. farleigh wants to be all whimpery and whining while you tease the sensitive tip of his cock but when he remembers that jann’s watching, he contains his moans cuz it would be embarrassing. while jann sits pretty in the chair naked with his hard cock out, tip red and leaking with the vein on the side bulging prominently, farleigh makes sure that he watches with his hands obediently on the armrests, no touching allowed. eventho farleigh’s literally getting fucked over by you, his cock twitching and precum trickling down his length into your hands, he still manages to be an asshole towards jann who’s watching, saying things like “dont you dare look away racer boy, keep your fucking hands to yourself” farleigh’s just spewing mean orders to jann, who suprisingly, obeys whatever farleigh says.
jann aches to fist his length with his hands at the view of you bouncing on another huge cock but he has to behave, because you’re praising them both while farleigh is in you, telling jann how good of a boy he’s being just sitting there obediently, and how pretty he looks, and reminding him how good boys get rewarded. jann refuses to jeopardise his chance at an orgasm even though he’s close to cumming undone from cucking you and farleigh. he doesn’t want to end up being overstimulated like him, being edged over and over again by you, being stripped off from his orgasm repeatedly that his balls are starting to turn purple. farleigh’s whining, begging you to let him cum, his hips desperately bucking but still, he’s running his mouth at jann. “fuck—, you okay over there, mngh ? you’re so hard man, it’s pathetic” which gets him another ruined orgasm from you, for being mean to jann. guess he just couldn’t help it. jann is quiet, maybe too fucked with how hard he’s bucking his hips into thin air, desperate for some sort of relieve for his rock hard cock, bending towards his navel. every time farleigh would humiliate him with his words, jann would whine, tears threatening to spill from his pretty eyes. his balls are tight, full of cum, rubbing against the fabric of the sofa. “please—oh, please farleigh let me have her” being one of jann’s pleads amongst others that came out incoherent, sounding more like blabbers from how lightheaded he is, only for farleigh to respond with “shut your mouth”. at times farleigh would receive a slap across his face, as you put him back in his place. you would think that’ll shut him up but no, he’d let out a loud moan, enjoying being slapped that you can feel his cock twitch. jann almost cums when you’re cumming for the second time on farleigh’s cock, all while ruining his orgasm for the ninth time.
farleigh’s now crying from blue balls, his tip leaking so much precum, his hand desperately grabbing at your waist to aid the intense aching on his crotch, another hand over his quivering lips, his eyes red with droplets of tear clinging onto his long lashes. eventho he’s in that state, his mouth is still spewing humiliation towards jann, only to whimper again from you overstimulating him. “stop, stop- stop, stop please” farleigh would beg, shutting his eyes as you edge him over another waves of pleasure, only to rip it away again. you’d kiss down his body from his jaws, making sure to spend extra time licking at his nipple, feeling yet another orgasm coming from farleigh from his twitching cock. you bite at his nipple slightly harder before quickly getting up from his cock for it to instantly slap against his lower belly before ropes of cum squirts out of his raging red tip, so much of it landing all over his body, some even getting on his lips. he’s crying, hips bucking from the overstimulation, as you hear jann mutters a low “fuck—“. catching your breath, you smile at farleigh in his fucked up state, he’s too hazy to say anything to jann now, only being able to blabber strings of thankyou’s to you for letting him cum this time. while you watch him come down from his cries, your fingers trace small hearts with his cum on his chest, giggling at his limp twitching cock in front of your pussy. when you turn your head over to jann, he looks like a madman, having just watched his girlfriend fucking another huge cock that’s not his, all while he’s forced to keep his hands to himself by a brat he doesn’t even know why he’s obeying.
when you get up from farleigh to walk over and kneel before jann, your fingers carefully grazing over the length, an immediate spurt of cum shooting onto your face. you look up to jann who’s breathing hard, he just can’t keep it anymore, cumming with just a slight touch from your hand. you help him ride out his orgasm, though not as satisfying as he would hope for, atleast he finally gets to be touched by you. you continue to milk his cock, popping his balls into your mouth before sucking on them, slobbering saliva all over the skin. now that he’s allowed to touch himself, he’s tugging on his shaft while you suck on his balls, swirling your tongue over the soft mounds. he’s occasionally bumping his knuckles over your forehead from how hard he’s jerking his cock off. flattening your tongue over his balls, you grab his hand away before dragging your tongue from the underside of his balls to the head of his cock, finishing off with a suckle on his tip, swallowing the drops of cum decorating his cock, before pushing your head down to throat his length. the way you reward him is the exact reason he’ll always behave, because good boys get rewarded. and jann loves delayed gratification. “having fun, racer boy ?” you hear farleigh chirp from his place, sprawled out on the mattress, too fucked out from his turn before. “come here farleigh” you order, earning an eyeroll from him. “i said— come here”. you get up to meet farleigh halfway at the edge of the bed, climbing over him before grabbing his jaw to kiss him, giving him a taste of jann’s cum. he’s moaning at the taste, fingers kneading at the soft flesh of your waist. jann is breathing hard, his chest heaving covered in sweat.
how would i add kai in this mix you may ask ? while you’re fucking yourself on jann’s cock, farleigh submits to kai who’s also been watching the whole time, except he’s fully clothed in that navy blue shirt with his hands cuffed to the railing in the wardrobe. farleigh’s sucking him off, kneeling over him having to take it all with his hands over his head, depraved from the satisfaction of pulling at farleigh’s tight curls. wet sounds bouncing off the walls of the room pornographically, the four of you moaning against each other’s touch. jann is fucking into you reverse cowgirl, so you’d be able to watch kai getting a blowjob from farleigh, who looks like he’s having the time of his life. just as you can tell that kai is close, you tell farleigh to swallow most of it, keeping some on his tongue to bring it over to you, before spitting it into your mouth. he’s hard again, so you let him stand beside the chair and fuck your mouth while jann’s chases his orgasm, rapidly thrusting into your cunt. as you’re taking both farleigh and jann’s cock, kai is left still hanging on the railing, his cock limp with stickiness dripping from the tip onto the floor. he’s groaning, his knees threatening to give up yet his eyes couldn’t get off the view of you getting fucked by two cocks at once. “kai, baby- you wanna join ?” you deliriously ask with half lidded eyes, not even knowing where to fit him in the position. maybe after jann finish fucking his load into you, you make him get up and uncuff kai, plopping him onto the bed to ride him into oblivion.
and when you decide you’re done with all of them, they’re all gonna have to lie on the bed, cuddling with each other <3 who knows ? maybe kofun or ivo can join next time
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sphireath-wisp · 1 year
#My Favorite Lipstick
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Sypnosis: How do they kiss?
Warnings: I have never experienced those deep heated kisses (only quick ones), not proofread, different from my usual formatting, not individual sections, F! reader is implied maybe, suggestive at some parts?
Featuring: A Variety of characters x GN! reader
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QUICK, SWEET, SIMPLE The type of kisses that he steals from you when he wants your attention on him only. He has so much to do today, so would you let him have your eyes on him and him only - even for this short, fleeting moment?
He stops in front of the door, his feet coming to a halt when he lightly grazes his own lips, realizing he had forgotten the thing that keeps him energized throughout the day.
You spot him, completely still accompanied by a stare that tells you he's deep in thought. Just as quickly as you saw him, his head turns to you. That rational part of his mind jerks his hand up to the doorknob, well aware of the time crunch he's in, yet he hesitates to leave.
"Bye-bye honey! Have a good day at practice," You wave with the sweetest grin known to mankind - the smile that was crafted to be too perfect, the smile that greets him home and showers him with butterflies.
His defenses are toppled down, and the grip on the door handle softens as his fingers hover around your cheek. Pushing away those irritatingly silky strands of hair that become an obstacle for him, he leans in for a short kiss that leaves the both of you wanting more.
While he still wanted to give you another - you could tell from his gaze, stuck onto your pretty lips like glue - he had to endure the hellish task of holding himself back.
It'll be fine though, he'll be able to satisfy himself once he gets home and returns to your side.
RIN ITOSHI, Sae Itoshi, Rensuke Kunigami, Shoei Barou, Seishiro Nagi?
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FUN, PURE, INNOCENT The type of kisses that is embedded into your daily routine. The ones that don't seem that special brighten up his day nevertheless. The ones that cause giggles and laughter to escape out of the both of you.
He tackles you onto the bed, arms tightening around your waist as he presses kisses onto your belly. No matter how much you yelp and cry that it tickles, he doesn't stop, your laughter becoming the soothing music to ease anything bothering him.
Lips explore your upper body, pressing his soft and heart-filled kisses onto you until he reaches your face. Puppy dog eyes stare back at yours whilst his cheek nonchalantly rests on your chest. Like a cat, he claws his way up, tugging on your shirt once while he continues to cover every inch of your face with his endearments.
Making those dramatic "mwah" sounds whenever he leaves his mark on your skin, he holds the 'mmmm' sound with cold lips against your cheek for what feels like an eternity - and you would exaggeratively wish euphoric moments like this could last an eternity. Covering your face to shield yourself from his 'attacks', you giggle as you notice the apparent pout forming on his face.
His forehead flattens against yours and your pinch his cheeks gently, molding his face into a silly, lighthearted expression that engraves itself into your memory. "I love you," or so he would declare to you, his pupils dilating the moment he heard you repeat the exact words back to him, adoration laced into that siren-like hum of yours.
MEGURU BACHIRA, Reo Mikage, Yoichi Isagi, Hyoma Chigiri, Seishiro Nagi
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DEEP, HEATED, FORCEFUL The type of kisses that he expects as a reward for all of his hard work. After a long day, he loves those cute kisses that you pepper onto his face - but he's demanding and knows damn well that he loves that rush in his body when you're aggressive with him.
He pins you to the wall, the loud crash of your body against it passing as if it didn't physically cause you to wince. Well, it's not as if you had any time to focus on the pain when you're stuck in a deep kiss, the satisfaction from receiving such a treat from him washing away any pain inflicted.
How could he not hold back? It had been months since he had seen your precious face and he just had to let loose. You invited him to a secluded corner away from anyone else and that ridiculously smug smirk told him everything he needed to know.
Your hands travel to his hair, pulling at his scalp to give you the limited time needed to breathe before getting to round 2. He doesn't restrain himself either, hands tucking themselves comfortably under your shirt and caressing your back.
Once the both of you stop, you catch your breath, heart still racing in your chest. "We're going to get caught, idiot. Hold back a little." You rub that dark spot on your neck, flustered face scowling at him as if he was scum.
An Iron grip holds your hand, lightly kissing another spot on your shoulder. "You're asking too much out of me, princess." He was still hungry for more, unluckily for you.
Technically, you initiated this, so you better be ready to bear the consequences.
RYUSEI SHIDOU, Micheal Kaiser, Aiku Oliver, Reo Mikage, Shoei Barou, Sae Itoshi(let me dream)
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toomanygoldfish · 10 months
You and Asahi had debated getting a dog for a long time. The two of you had finally decided to get one.
except at the last moment work pulled him away. But him being the sweet boyfriend he is, he insisted that you should still go.
The shelter was extremely daunting, but you had done it and picked out an older dog. She was the sweetest thing known to mankind.
She was a beagle with her muzzle graying. Her splotches of black were littered with silver testaments to her age. she limped a small bit when she walked, but was very happy to walk with you outside the shelter. You had sent pictures to Asahi throughout the whole process
he seemed just as smitten as you. Opening the car door, you barely even had to encourage her to get in the car.
shutting the door and getting in on the other side you find that she had rested her muzzle on the armrest her eyes staring at you. Patting her on the muzzle you drive back home. At some point she had curled up and started to sleep. when you came home you found Asahi waiting for you in front of your house. Once you had stopped the car, the dog perked up and started to wag her tail. Asahi and the dog were looking at each other with the biggest eyes, and you knew that this was going to work out.
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luna-naoffcial · 1 month
His Fallen Angel
Lucifer Morningstar x Fallen! Angel! Reader
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This takes place before everything that had happened with the Hotel or with Lilith's disappearance. So this is during the making of Hell and basically the royal family life together for anyone who's confused during this chapter
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Y/n's POV
As time went on, you can imagine that Lucifer and Lilith had grown more affectionate towards each other. While I, on the other hand, had still remained a loyal friend towards the two But that didn't mean that I wasn't hurting... Overtime, Hell become a place where all of mankind who were cruel and weren't worthy of being sent to Heaven. And during that time, Lucifer and Lilith became the King and Queen of Hell but also husband and wife, I gave them my full support but seeing the man I once had felt something for was now taken a liking to another.
As for me, I became their loyal right hand and it wasn't bad as you may think. I was by their side over the many years and helped over look everything to make sure it was in order. More specifically the sinners. While Lucifer did his part of overruling Hell, he was also ashamed of what it has become of it, knowing full well that this was his doing all because of his dream of giving free will towards humanity. But that didn't stop Lilith from overpowering demons with her voice and songs which I found fascinating each time.
Speaking of Lilith, she and I grew closer as friends and would sometimes come to me for advice on Lucifer, knowing how I had known him the longest, which I found adorable. Lilith was everything that Lucifer described her out to be and treated me like her own sister. I could see why Lucifer fell for her and I didn't blame him. So you can see how everything was working out for us even with the everything going down here. But the most excited moment was when the princess of Hell was born. Charlie Morningstar.
She was the most adorable and cutest child to ever been born. Lucifer and Lilith were just as loving to her as they were to each other. Charlie would often call me Aunty which would kill me to death.. of course not literally but you know what I mean. But like always not everything last for long.. The Royal family were just like any other family you would see on Earth. A loving, calming and affectionate family. Often times, I would join on their family outings but for the most part, I would refuse since I didn't want to intrude on them and knowing I may or may not still have the slightest bit of feelings towards a certain fallen angel.
But that's not what we're talking about. You see, the family seemed a bit distant, more specifically Lilith. Now I didn't think much of it nor was it my place to question anything but I was worried about her. I asked Lilith but she would seem to brush it off and dodge the question. Not to mention, it was also affecting Charlie. While Lucifer was still ashamed of what he did, he used his spare time to create small things even if they would be shown to anyone. And whenever Charlie would see these creative dreams her father would share, it was like Lilith was keeping her away from them.
The best that I could do was give Lilith advice and tell her to communicate with Lucifer so I only hoped everything would work out. Moving forward the family remained as it is and Charlie, who was now growing, was filled with curiosity, wonder and her love for musical theater, singing and dancing. If you ask me, I can proudly say she was the sweetest thing you ever imagine. But that didn't make her a pushover or naïve as she would stand up for herself no matter what.
One day, Charlie came to me, looking lost and nervous. I stopped whatever I was doing before walking towards her "Charlie! Sweetie, what's wrong?" I ask, before walking towards the small couch that was in the right side of the room "Oh just wanted to see my favorite Aunty that's all!" Charlie said, with a nervous grin "Honey I'm your only Aunty and I know there's something going on in that head of yours" She looked towards me with a sigh before telling me what was wrong. Now you all might be wondering what was Charlie so upset about. Well, remember how I mentioned Lilith had thrived and empowered demonkind? Well as that happened, Hell's number grew more over the past years and this didn't go unnoticed by Heaven.
So they made a truly heartless decision. That every year, they would send down, an army, an Extermination to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. Charlie knew her father had agreed this and had made the expectation of Hellborn species and his family and I are spared.
Now Charlie was young but still made it her job to look after her people, even if she isn't unaware that Hell is populated with souls that have committed egregious acts in their living lives, she still views their yearly extermination as a senseless waste.
That's when the next words out of her mouth shocked me. "I wanna make it my mission to help my people by helping them redeemed themselves and get them to Heaven" i was shocked to say the least. A sinner rehabilitating themselves? It was unheard of and not to mention, she hasn't seen a single sinner want to try to become a "better person" "What made you think of this idea?" "Well I've heard stories from you and Dad talking with Mom about how Heaven is and how the people are. And I thought back to our people lives being at stake every year. I just feel like there should be other options other then death.."
I looked towards her sadden eyes before patting her head gently "Your parents raised you well sweetie" She looked up at me before pulling me into a hug, wrapping my arms around hers "So do you think it's possible?" "Well if I'm being honest here, I never heard of such a thing and while I don't have an answer for you at the moment, I believe that there might be some sinner who want to redeem themselves" "Really?! You think so?" Looking towards me with hope and excitement in her eyes "Of course! I mean everyone has their flaws down here but there might be some who want a second chance and feel guilty for those wrong doings. But there are people who don't give a damn but themselves, you about anyone know?" She nodded, understanding what I meant by my words.
"Have you talked about this with your parents?" Charlie wondered her eyes around the room while rubbing her arms nervously "N-not yet. I'm a bit nervous about telling them, especially Dad.." "Why's that?" "Well when it comes to Heaven, he seems to be.. well not in good terms with them and after what happened to you both years ago, I'm scared to bring it up" "Charlie I'm sure he'll understand where you're coming from with this idea. He's your father and loves you very much" "I know but I just wanna make him proud" She says, as she leans into my shoulder, as I pat her head softly play after "you're still young and plenty of time to figure out everything"
She nods again before giving me a hug "Thanks (Y/n), you really are the best" "Of course sweetie. That's what I'm here for" With that, she headed back to her before I went back to my work and sorting things out. But what we didn't know that it was all going to change. Y/n lay on her bed as she was about to asleep but what she didn't know was someone coming into her room. And that someone was Lilith..
(Y/n) didn't know if she was dreaming or not, but she could make out the one sentence that would stick with her the rest of her life "(Y/n)...take care of Lucifer and Charlie... treat them as if they were yours" (Y/n) didn't know what she meant by this or why she was saying this but she would soon find out why later on. It happened so sudden and out of nowhere, all she heard was Lucifer in a panic.
"Lucifer! What's wrong?" As (Y/n) ran towards Lucifer, who looked in panic around his room and all over his home "My love... she's... she.." "What happened with Lilith?!"
"She's gone.."
Author's note:
I know that the backstory between Lilith and Lucifer probably isn't accurate but I'm kind of making this up as I go. I used the story that Charlie was narrating in the first episode and used info from the Hazbin Hotel wiki to make up for this chapter. Not to mention, there's gonna be a lot of time skip between the 7 years that Lilith had been gone for and then the pilot and finally we get into the present which is the show itself. Also I'm sorry if this seems fast pace, I just want to get these chapters out of the way before the
pilot :3
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Tags: @n0tmentallystable @divineknightmare
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merakiui · 1 year
PUPPYBOY FLOYD PUPPYBOY FLOYD PUPPYBOY FLOYD AAAAAAAAA UR SO RIGHT MERA he'd be the sweetest little puppy yet the moment you turn away from him he's already messing everything up (definitely not so you pay attention to him bc he doesn't like when you pay attention to anything other than him, he's so annoying in the best of ways <333 orz) He should be punished for being a bad boy, but his puppy eyes are so powerful no one can resist them,,, (i'm no one) Even when he starts humping you in the most inappropriate places there's no way you can be mad for more than 5 minutes
And catboy Jade being the worst menace known to mankind - definitely the kind of cat to swat everything off a table of counter while looking you straight in the eye. He's absolutely awful, but can you really get mad when he looks so cute napping on your lap? (you really ought to, he's only going to get worse and more daring if you let him misbehave) So many thoughts, both horny and not,, tweels are just too perfect orz
(also, could I be 🦈anon? I sent in a request for the lunar love hotel asking but obviously it'll take some time for you to answer that one!)
YES YES YES puppyboy Floyd is so physical with you, always wanting to cuddle with you or, more commonly, hump you from behind. He loves caging you in against the countertop if you're preparing food in the kitchen, distracting you from your main priority by rutting against you, breath hot and wet in your ears... he's so clingy, so needy, so whiny whenever you ignore him or aren't giving him enough attention. He especially hates it if you bring unfamiliar scents into the house. His nose is very keen, as is his sense of hearing, so he'll know when and if you're home before you're even turning the key in the lock.
When he's in particularly nasty moods, he has a tendency to destroy things or make a mess, but he'll help pick things up if you seem truly angry or upset with him (he always makes it up to you by snuggling with you in bed or even preparing your favorite meal; he tries to make it up to you with sex, but you always stop him and he pouts about it. >:( Floyd's always considerably sadder if you yell at him, call him a "bad boy," or ignore him out of frustration. But he's perfected the puppy eyes, so it's really impossible to stay angry for long). You've started fixing this habit of his by providing him with things to chew on or squeeze (like stress toys) so that he won't take his feelings out on the decor in your house.
Catboy Jade... very much a menace and a nuisance and a misbehaving catboy!!!! But he's so cute (and so mischievous), so how can you possibly be cross with him? :< he's very cute when he's napping. He looks so content, and when he purrs when you scratch his head or behind his ears (or when he leans into your hand with that cute, sleepy smile) it's enough to have you cooing so sweetly at him. Sometimes he'll lick your hand a few times before biting down hard, as if he's marinating it. T_T but he's cute, so even if he shreds your curtains or destroys the belongings of any friends (or hopefully not romantic partners) who visit he can be forgiven!!!
He's also a catboy who's fond of water!! He loves to take baths with you. >:) and though he often sleeps in his own bedroom, every morning without fail you'll wake to find him curled against you. Though sometimes he likes to stay up late into the night to do all manner of fun things; if you feel a sandpaper tongue against your bare skin while you're sleeping, don't pay it any mind! You're most likely dreaming about it. :) (catboy jade is a lover of somnophilia hehehe) you're so right when you say he will get worse if you let him misbehave. If you keep forgiving him for every devious thing he does, sooner or later you'll wake to him lovingly fucking you so slowly into the sheets. <3
(aaaa the tweels are so perfect yes!!! I always have too many thoughts for them. They give off such catboy and puppyboy energy, so thinking about them as a catboy and puppyboy... it's too good. orz and you may absolutely be the 🦈 anon!!! I also received your request for LLH, so I'm eager to write it!!)
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lunas-nargle · 1 year
chapter seven of "meddle about" series brian o'connor x reader
vii. race wars
"Yeah." the sound of Brian's voice woke Y/n from her slumber. She let out a quiet yawn as she looked up at Brian. He had his phone up to his ear, talking to someone through it. 
"Who is that?" Y/n said, sitting up. She stretched her arms, feeling her joints pop. Brian looked over his shoulder at her before hanging up the call.
"Uh, just a wrong number." he said, setting it down. 
"What time is it?" she asked.
"Around 7:30." He leaned back on his hands. All she could do was smile at him as she soaked up his beauty. 
"Hi." she said quietly.
Brian smiled back at her, titling his head, "Hi." He placed his hand on her cheek before leading her head to his. He laid her back down, not disconnecting their lips for anything. She placed her hand through his hair before trailing it down to his back, feeling his muscles tense. 
Y/n sighed and pulled away, "I should get back home. I have to open up shop at ten." 
"I'll drive you." Brian said, getting up from his bed. He grabbed his discarded boxers and pulled them on. Y/n got herself out of bed, before grabbing all of her clothes from the floor, putting them back on one by one. 
After the couple were both dressed and ready, they left the shop. The only sound in the truck was the radio that played new hit songs. One of Brian's hands rested on Y/n thigh, while hers settled itself on his, lacing their fingers.  
They stayed in the peaceful silence until it was time for her to get out of the car. Y/n gave him one last searing kiss, before she said with a loving smile, "Bye." 
"Bye, I'll see you later." Brian said.
"Same time?" Y/n questioned as she leaned through the open window of the truck.
"Same time." Brian specified with a smile as wide as hers. 
"All right, see ya later." She pushed herself off the side of the truck and walked up the walkway to her house. Once she got through the door, she could hear Brian finally drive away. 
"So how was it?" Y/n heard Mia ask from the living room. Y/n walked in, seeing her sitting on the couch munching on a bowl of cereal. 
"Better than I ever could imagine." Y/n sighed dreamily as she dropped onto the couch beside her. 
"Did you use protection?" Mia asked, innocently.
"Oh my god, okay, this conversation is now ruined." Y/n stood up, ready to go get ready for work.
"What?" Mia laughed. "It's just a question."
"And I'm not answering it." Y/n replied, going towards the stairs. 
"Come on, you're acting like I'm five!" Mia said as she went up the stairs. 
"I'm not engaging!" 
"I know what sex is, Y/n!" 
"I'm disengaging!" Y/n said, finally before Mia heard her door shut. Mia chuckled before going back to her show and cereal.
Y/n left Mia at the shop for a bit to go to the garage to work on anything that the guys needed help on. She stopped in her tacks once she saw Brian's old rusty piece of junk, now transformed into a nice sleek open-roofed glory of a car. It was a bright orange. 
"Like it?" Jesse asked with a proud smirk.
"Like it? Dude, this is one of the sweetest rides you've made yet. I mean, Jess, you out did yourself." she praised "I mean, if I was a guy I'd have the biggest bony known to mankind."
"It's ready for decals, once you are." 
"Alright." Y/n nodded before getting all the things ready, to decorate the sides. 
The next morning, the car was ready for a test drive. It was going well, to Y/n that is, I mean the boys got back in one piece. That let her know, it was ready for Race Wars.
When day of said Race Wars finally came, Y/n was thrilled to say the least.
She walked around the grounds, trying to find her cousin. She soon spotted her by Monty. He leaned against his car, with both hands in his pockets. Y/n smiled as her cousin laughed at something he had said. She decided to turn and walk back to the trailer. 
As soon as she arrived at the trailer, Brian pulled up beside it. 
"Hey." she said, as he got out. Brian gave her a peck on the lips and greeted her as Jesse walked out of the trailer. 
"Hey, Bri, what's up?" he said, coming closer to them. Brian dabbed him up and said, "Hey, what's up, Jesse?"
The two followed him, seeing as he was in a rush. "Hey, what's in your hand?" Y/n asked, catching up to them.
"Throwing down the pink slip, just like you, Bri." he answered.
"The pink slip to what?" Brian asked. "The Jetta?"
"You can't bet your dad's car." 
"It's all right. I ain't losing." Jesse said, cockily. "This fool is running a Honda 2000. I'll win. That way me and my dad can roll together when he gets out of prison. It's all good."
 "They're gonna throw him right back in prison after he kills you." Brian said, trying to talk some sense into him.
"Oh, shit. I'm up." Jesse said, before running off to his car, that was now stationed at the finish line. 
"Hey, visualize the win, Jesse." Leon said, as Brian and Y/n caught up to him. "I'm serious. You got to listen to me, man."
"Who are you racing?" Brian asked, kind of dreading the answer. Suddenly Jesse's opponent rolled their window down, revealing Johnny Tran. 
"Oh, Christ." Y/n mumbled as Brian crouched to talk to Jesse through his open window.
"Jesse, don't do it." he said. "I bet you he's got more than a hundred grand under the hood of that car."
"Uh-huh." Jesse said, not really listening as he inspected his controls. Y/n sighed and pulled Brian out of the way and into the crowd beside Leon. 
It wasn't long until the two sped off. Jesse was in the lead for quite a bit but at the last second Tran caught up, eventually passing him up all together. Y/n's heart dropped as Johnny crossed the finish line. Jesse, however, didn't stop. He just continued on.
"Dom, we got a major problem." Y/n said, as she and Leon ran to him. 
"What?" Dom asked, getting up from his seat.
"Jesse." Leon pointed towards his best friend, who just continued driving down the road.
"Where's Jesse going?" 
"He just raced Tran for slips." Y/n said, making Dom's confused face fall.
"Oh, shit." he said, rubbing his forehead. All of a sudden, Tran came to a stop beside them. 
"Where's he going?" he asked, slamming the car door shut. 
"Went to the car wash." Dom answered him. 
"Whatever. Go fetch my car." Tran said, strictly.
"Go fetch your car?" Dom questioned, before waving a finger in his face. "We're not on your block anymore. You better watch who you talk to like that."
"Torretto!" Tran nearly growled his name as Dom walked back towards the team. "Torretto!" Dom stopped and turned to him. "SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family because somebody narc'd me out. And you know what? It was you!" Tran accused, making Dom punch him straight in the face. The crowd then erupted into chaos.
"Yeah, get his ass, Dom!" Y/n shouted as he started to beat the shit out of Tran. Security pried Dom off of Tran. Vince with the help of a guard, got him off, letting Tran spit out the blood that was filling his mouth. 
"I never narc'd on nobody!" Dom shouted, as he struggled against security. "I never narc'd on nobody!" 
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maraschinodreamo · 1 year
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He has the sweetest, cutest face I have ever seen. He is so precious and kind with a gentle soul .......and I want to do unspeakable things with him including every conceivable sex act known to mankind.
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moon-lv3r · 6 months
heaven sent ~
🦋 category: fluff, one-shot
🦋 characters: jonathan, erina, dio (small appearance)
🦋 summary: in which jonathan was so head over heels for erina that he would do anything to see her smile. one day, the two of them were out and they just could not hide it, which led to a confession under the rain
🦋 warnings: nil, unless you’re allergic to love and happy people
🦋 notes: just something i’ve been writing since april of 2023 and forgot what i wanted the plot to be… so why not just extreme fluff and love that is filling up every corner to the point where it overflows?
at some point i wanted dio to start some drama but i couldn’t think of anything, that’s why dio has a very small and useless cameo but its ok its dio. he’s extra and needs to be included in everything like the bitch he is
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Love often grows as one goes. Never in ways people predict. Often in people one never expected to lay eyes on. That was what happened with Jonathan of the Joestar family.
How could he fall for Erica Pendleton? The prettiest, kindest, sweetest girl to have ever blessed his eyes? What had he done to deserve such an enthralling lady?
Exquisite as she was, as gentleman as he was. Never had their paths ever crossed. His eyes admiring her smiles from afar, never had he once built up the courage a man should have to pursue the one they ever so desired. The sight of her has him turning into a silly, shy teenage boy.
Once Jonathan laid eyes on the fine maiden, she started to appear at every corner. He could never escape her. How was she appearing everywhere? Once he noticed her, it was like he could always see her, everywhere. The way her long blonde hair glistened under the rays of the sun. Her soft skin always looks so delicate. Her face always looks so graceful. The woman that she was, Erina Pendleton. Would she even feel the same for him? When he had that step-brother around?
A thief around, who always stole the sole good things Jonathan cared and valued. If he ever found out about his feelings for Erina, he would definitely do everything and anything to drive the only good thing away from Jonathan. It wasn’t fair. He couldn’t have Dio ruining another thing for him. He can’t. Jonathan would never allow it.
As each day passed by, his feelings for the blonde girl grew like it was a plant being watered everyday. At every chance he got, he walked up to her and began a short, but sweet conversation. The more he found out about her, the deeper in love he became. It was a never ending cycle. What had Erina done to him? He wasn’t normally like this, yet here he was, letting a girl take over his mind and being silly over the mere thought of her. Was this the way he should be acting?
He had no idea what to do about the way he was feeling. There was absolutely no way for his feelings to fade away naturally. His feelings grew deeper and deeper as the seconds ticked by, and there was nothing he could do about it. It didn’t help that they were in the same class, he sat right behind her. The way the sunlight spilled into the class and highlighting her blonde hair, a sight that never failed to amaze him despite witnessing it almost everyday of his life. Something so mundane had turned into something he was excited over.
She lived inside of his mind. Each and every waking thought was all about her. Even if it wasn’t, Jonathan would find a way to make it about her. He would smile the biggest smile ever known to mankind whenever she was on his mind.
Imagine the joy that filled his body when he was presented with the opportunity to talk to the lady of his dreams.
It was during one of their lessons in school, their teacher had paired them up. Jonathan couldn’t be happier, though he had to act normal about it. He didn’t want to scare the sweet Erina away. Her gentle voice had Jonathan thinking that he was up in heaven, listening to the voices of angels. Her sweet smile… Jonathan began to question just how much he deserved to view it all.
“Jonathan,” Erina began. “I think we should maybe start with this.” She pointed at one of the instructions they had received for their newest project. Erina was eager to begin and Jonathan could not be anymore delighted at how smoothly things seemed to be flowing naturally.
“Yes… How do you propose to do it?” Jonathan asked, trying to sound as gentle and as normal as a man should sound.
“Hmm,” Erina pondered, her mind searching for answers. Her face seemed so focused that Jonathan could not get distracted from looking at her. His mind was not focusing on the very matter they should have been paying attention to.
“Joestar? Jonathan Joestar?” Erina whispered, “Do you have any ideas how we could start?” She asked sweetly.
Jonathan had not expected Erina to call him by his full name, though it was not something he would complain about. “Unfortunately… no,” Jonathan replied. It seemed as though they were stuck.
Time slipped by them as they worked on their project together. Jonathan could not be more grateful for the time gifted to him that he could have spent on knowing Erina more. Every part of her personality made Jonathan sink down the hole of affection more than he should have. How could a person be this… exquisite?
Jonathan was blessed to be under the same sky as Erina, to be viewing the same sunrise and sunset everyday. He longed to know her view on the beauty of the scenery they had the honour of seeing, just not together. How lucky he was… to exist at the same time as she did. He was truly the luckiest man to have ever existed. Jonathan Joestar, the gentleman, falling for a delicate gem that was Erina Pendleton.
“Jonathan?” The door to Jonathan’s room suddenly opened, to reveal the one stain in his ever so pure life.
Dio Brando.
He had a smirk on his face that Jonathan knew could only bore malicious intentions. He had seen it several times throughout the years where they had to tolerate each other for the sake of their lives. Jonathan did not want to know what his step brother had planned for him this time, he wished to keep his peace.
“I have a letter,” Dio began. “From one Erina Pendleton.” His tone shifted at the mention of the young maiden’s name, one where Jonathan realised to be a small hint of malice.
Jonathan was confused as Dio handed the letter over. What was going on? Jonathan knew he had to thread carefully, Dio was not one to trust. He had to have seen how Jonathan seemed to light up whenever Erina was around. Dio must be plotting a sabotage. What better way to ruin something other than using your own hands?
That must be what Dio was planning! Jonathan wasn’t going to allow for himself to be used like this. But Jonathan could not show Dio that he knew of his plans, or rather, a gist of it. Jonathan knew he had to be careful. Perhaps he should even let Erina know?
Jonathan took the letter from Dio and thanked him. Dio left shortly after, though the unsettling feeling he brought in had stayed. Jonathan simply could not allow Dio to foil the best thing he has right now. Dio had done enough damage. He was not going to allow Dio to destroy one of the finest things life had to offer to Jonathan.
Jonathan just had to figure out the best way to go about it. He needed to know just what Dio had planned too, so that he would not end up feeding into Dio’s plans. All Jonathan had to do was just to be careful and delicate, so that Dio would not suspect that he was up to something as well. He wondered if he should allow Erina to know about the devil that was Dio… He wanted her to at least know what kind of person Dio was so that she would be able to defend herself if she had to. Seeing or risking Erina in harm’s way was not one of the things Jonathan wanted to see in his lifetime.
“Pendleton?” Jonathan began as he reached the riverside, where he had agreed to meet Erina. He was not sure if she was alright with him calling her by her first name so he had decided to call her by her last name until she told him otherwise.
“Hi,” Erina greeted with the warmest smile that has ever graced humanity. “You’re here!”
It seemed to be a smile that Jonathan could get drunk on.
Perhaps it was the nervousness getting to them, but neither seemed to be bothered by the droplets slowly landing around them.
“Why did you ask me to come here?” Jonathan asked, trying to sound as normal as a gentleman could ever be.
“Well,” she began. Erina broke off the eye contact with Jonathan as her eyes drifted to view the scenery that was bestowed onto the land. “I have something to say.”
Jonathan felt as though heavens were welcomed to him. The hopeful grin that had surfaced on the most amazing face he had ever seen. Suddenly all hope had surfaced and lived inside of his mind. Before the news even left the angel that was Erina, Jonathan already felt as though he was the luckiest man to have ever graced the earth.
The rain continued to land as the two maintained their eye contact. Each anticipating the words that each other would spill. Droplets landing on their faces as the tension grew… their environment growing more moisturised as the silence continued…
“What… is it?” Jonathan asked, masking all of that anticipation that was boiling within him. It was taking all that he had to not break into a smile. “Would you like to head somewhere without rain?” Jonathan continued asking, taking off his overcoat and handing it over to the blonde lady standing before him, shielding her from the rain.
Erina flashed the shyest smile the earth had ever been graced with. Jonathan could not believe his eyes at such a breathtaking sight, he almost felt undeserving of the scene unfolding before him. What had he done to deserve such gold? She accepted the offer with a shy smile, but not before she said what she came to say.
“I think…” Erina began, unable to maintain the eye contact she had built with the boy standing before her. “I think I might… have some feelings… for you.”
Jonathan could not believe the way his ears had just been blessed. There was just no way this was true. There was no way he had just heard all of that. Did he deserve it? He wondered…
He must be looking like an idiot, grinning to himself before the girl he liked for so long. There was no way he was this lucky… right? He had to be dreaming, there was no way he would be this lucky.
‘I… uh… well…” Jonathan stammered. Poor boy, he was at such a loss for words. One can never be prepared enough for this situation. What was a boy to do in such a thing?
“I like you too,” Jonathan responded, breaking eye contact before sneaking a glance at Erina once again.
He could’ve sworn that he started melting as his eyes took in the sight of Erina’s smile. How was he this lucky? It felt as though he was already in heaven, without ever being there.
Suddenly all worries were washed from his mind, he had forgotten about all the warnings about Dio. All that was on his mind was the lady before him, the one who blessed his sight.
He could not fight the urge anymore, looking deep into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen… The urge to close in and remove the undesirable gap between their lips… Jonathan’s eyes glanced over at Erina’s lips, before going back up to her eyes…
“Do I have the honour?” He asked
He watched as Erina’s cheeks suddenly flushed a bright pink, her eyes tearing away from his. “Yes… please,” she answered, her voice barely a whisper.
Jonathan could never forget how electrifying the kiss was. Underneath the rain, with the most beautiful piece of art he had ever been blessed to see. The most exquisite girl he ever saw. The sweetest, kindest girl to have ever walked the same path as he did. To feel her soft lips against his was a dream he never knew would happen. To experience heaven while never actually having to be there was not an experience he thought he’d ever have.
He hoped that in every other life he was in, Erina would always be by his side. He’d remind her of how lucky he was to be by her side. How beautiful she was. How he’d never get tired of looking at her. How he’d always want her and only her. How he’d love to wake up to her face every single day of his life. How his day would be incomplete without her. How the word love does not even come close to how he felt about her. How his love could only grow like a plant being offered water. How he’d be lost if she was gone…
That was how the most beautiful day in Jonathan’s life went, with the most breathtaking scenery standing right before him. It was indeed, heaven sent.
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otemporamores · 10 months
Vannak dolgok, amik valtozatlanok. 🤪 Justus Lipsius (Monita et exempla politica) a mohamedanokrol (a haja is milyen volt!):
But let us move on to those examples which should make us laugh rather than cry and let us accuse stupidity rather than savagery. The famous Muhammad, all too well- known because of our defeats, driven by the desire for new riches and for power, made up a new religion, that is to say, superstition. My God, it was disgraceful, worthless, and without a single trace of truth, although he produced it by mixing Jewish and Christian Scriptures like a hotchpotch. What nonsense, what madness! I would like to recount a few examples. The first one is that God is one and a solid substance (“with undivided ankles”, the Greeks say) and at the same time incorporeal. Christ is not God, but an important soothsayer and prophet. Nevertheless, Muhammad himself is the more important prophet, and the last one to have been sent by God. The reward for those who will listen to him is Paradise, which will be opened after several thousand years. In that Paradise four streams will flow, of milk, wine, honey, and water; there will be palaces and buildings covered with jewels and gold. There will be meat of the sweetest birds and all sorts of fruit, which they will eat whilst lying spread out in the shade of trees. But as the height of bliss, these will be men and women who will be larger than usual, with large genitals for constant sexual desire and intercourse without boredom or tiredness. Will anyone believe that this has been said and accepted? And there is more: he has filled his whole law with this type of enticements from Venus and he allows a man to have four legitimate wives and as many concubines as he likes. Moreover, he writes in these exact words that women are a dwelling-place for men, therefore men have to honour women constantly, but also enter them whichever way they want. What a disgrace! He does not only stimulate frequent but also promiscuous lust and equals above and below, front and back. And he himself even boasts nicely and exemplarily to have had eleven women in his company and to have in one hour penetrated them one by one and concluded each act. These and other things are written in his Koran, but also his physics are astonishing.  [...] What shall I add? One feels shame, disgust, and pity for mankind, of which a large or the largest part is oppressed by this kind of vanity, or rather stupidity. For nearly the whole of Asia, most of Africa, and much of Europe have accepted the civil and sacred laws of the Turks. Moreover, also many who do not fall under the Turkish law, such as the great Khan of the Tatars, such as the Persians and others in India and the Far East, are raving along with these ravings.
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i need to rant real quick because this "friend" of mine is making me frustrated 😭 this will obviously gloss over a lot of details because i can't tell stories without jumping into other side stories akjdfn
okay so i've known her since i moved in middle school and she's the sweetest person ever, and now we even go to uni together and since she's a math major we have classes together so we get to spend more time together which invariably is a good thing!!
or so we thought
can i tell you she's become the biggest pick me girl known to mankind good l o r d-
to sum it up: there's this guy in our calc class who she asked if i thought he was cute and tbh i'm not really paying any attention to anyone of the male species rn because i kind of have someone which is a story for another day but i said "yeah kind of i guess? i never really looked at him closely" and then she said that she thought he was cute and whatnot, and dropped the subject and started talking about other things that were going on in our lives, and while this is happening we're walking in the student center which is structured in a way where there are group study rooms on the second floor, and since they have glass walls (?) people at the top can look down and see the lower floor
so as we're walking there's this group of guys studying in one of those rooms and one of the guys looks down and sees us walking and starts smiling in our direction which i thought "oh maybe he knows her or something" but then she asks me if i know him which i have never seen him ever so obviously we're confused and she goes "he was staring at you!!" and then changes her narrative to "wait he was staring at me" and then back to "he was staring at you" BACK TO "he was staring at both of us beautiful women ^-^" he was in fact staring at me which i know because i made eye contact at him and half smiled which made him smile more
AND THEN THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING EVER is that she's always like "oh look at me" and keeps making a bunch of comments in class about the content, which might i add is quite loud, makes unprovoked dark humour jokes which literally just seem more unnecessary than joking when other people do it
but idk it's been annoying me and there are a ton of more instances where she's been like "guys think i'm flirting with them but that's just how i am 🥺" and it irks me which makes me feel bad because she's genuinely a nice person and would quite literally lay down her life for me and i for her :((
Ah, Rose, I'm so sorry you have to deal with someone like that. Of course, even good friends have their... icks, so to say, and to put it in my perspective (granted I only know so much about your friend), it sounds like she's still rather immature. Things like this take time, but I'm sure your friend will come around once she realizes that she actually has to start taking classes a little more seriously. I definitely understand your annoyance, I used to be friends with someone like that. We really only stopped talking because she was a business major and I'm in biochem but she's the same, we were basically closer than sisters and in some ways we still are. I can't say distance is the best solution, because I'll be honest it really made me sad lmfao, but if worse comes to worse you might be better off calling her out on it. Sure, it'll hurt her feelings at first, but if you're as close as you're implying she'll understand you and you'll both be able to work through it!
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wint3r-h3art · 1 year
I had a dream a while ago about Marc Spector telling me I was ‘taking him so well’ and ‘being such a good girl for him’, and that he was going to keep me full of him aaaaaaaaaaand I haven’t been the same since lol
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Please the moment he opened his mouth, it’s over for me 😭 I just think that man will have the sweetest and dirtiest mouth known to mankind. I want him to just whisper dirtiest things to me 😫
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