#(f2f: mchemsworth.)
chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
Everything hurt. Her head, her heart, her chest, her stomach, her entire being. It was filled with so much pain she didn’t think it would be reparable. Knew, after everything with Cam, this feeling too well, and she hated it. Isolation was her best bet. So she found herself in the hotel bedroom, under the covers, hugging her knees to her chest, trying to will herself to have a little bit more rest. It was the sound of the door opening that pulled her out of her drowsy, tired mindset. Followed by the very sudden appearance of a black pup, with an oversized duck in her mouth. She leapt onto the bed and nuzzled into her mama’s side, “Hey Delta.” China spoke softly, voice hoarse, as she petted the fur, receiving the squeak of the duck in return. That meant Liam was here, she noted, but still didn’t have the energy to move or go out and see him.
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hemsworthitmate · 5 years
f2f || McHemsworth
Liam had glazed over China’s text just as he pulled into the front of her home. “Liam, remember to kiss her this time.” Chris said as Liam shut his door.  “Could you just be normal for once instead of an idiot?” Liam replied shaking his head. “Bye, little bro!” Chris said putting his foot on the gas and heading into the distance. Liam glanced over his phone having that feeling in the pit of his stomach again wondering why he was the last to know things. quickly ran up the steps and lightly tapped on China’s door.
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F: Toronto | McHemsworth
It had been such a lovely evening, China had to admit. Just being back in Liam’s company settled her fears, and they’d had such a nice dinner and watched some TV together near the fire whilst they chatted. She’d even managed to get a well-needed nap in. Now the pair, laughably, were dealing with their friends messaging them about one thing or another, and that was when China saw it. Another one... She sighed. Locked her phone, and put it face down on the sofa, already growing upset once more. “I’m gonna grab some water, you want anything?” She asked, turning to him with her best poker face on so he didn’t know she was upset by it. The stalking had gone far enough now, and suddenly she found herself wondering if she would ever feel completely safe ever again.
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
The flight was fairly quiet, and China was welcoming it. It seemed that people were busy minding their business, or had fallen asleep, and she was fairly content with that. They’d started up Titanic on the screen in front of them, and her head was resting gently on Liam’s shoulder, Dora was dozing in the chair by the window, and Delta was curled up in her lap, lazily looking out the window. It wasn’t long before China felt her own eyes beginning to fall, but there was a soft chewing of puppy teeth on her hand that woke her back up. She lifted her head and ran a hand over weary eyes. “Liam?” She whispered, in case he had fallen asleep.
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hemsworthitmate · 5 years
Parents || China
Liam took his time enjoying what he could with China alone. Spending part of the day sleeping because of jet lag because who doesn’t like to cuddle with the one they love for an entire day? Then he and China spent time exploring the city. But meeting the parents had an entirely different feel to it today. China was definitely different than Miley. Good different. He had no doubt they would love her. He just hoped China would enjoy herself and relax.
Liam had walked China just the block over to his parents place. “How are you feeling?” He asked as they approached the door that was already opening when three little boys ran out and around the home. “nephews seem to be playing a game.” He mentioned with a chuckle. He was about to open the door when it swung open again “Liam! Did they?” She asked already heading in that direction. “Hey, Samantha. And yes. just around there.” He said pointing in that direction. “Thank you! I will see you two in a bit!” Samantha shouted chasing the boys. 
Liam turned to China, his hand in hers giving it a light squeeze before stepping inside his parents home. You could hear the loud commotion of having all families there. Liam’s niece’s had taken over the living room with their karaoke machine singing a princess song that liam couldn’t just put his finger on. He knew the mom’s had to be nearby just by the laughter coming from the kitchen. “Well, you’ve got two choices.” he smiled down to China, putting some of her hair behind her ear. “Princess karaoke? Or Mum’s?” 
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
It had been a long couple of days for China, she’d cried herself into a state last night, Gabe had confiscated her phone, and then spent the whole day cooped up in her dark bedroom thanks to the headache lurking behind her eyes that hurt more every time she so glanced at a little bit of bright light. She would like to say this was the first time in a while she had been in this state, but knew it wasn’t. She’d done the same for days on end in July and for a little while in August, too, and the heartbreak was hurting all the same. 
Eventually the sun had fleeted, it was around seven in the evening when Gabriel entered the room with his own eyes heavy and sleep exhausted. Cujo on his lead in his hand. “You need to get some air.” He informed her, and practically shoved the dogs lead into her surprised hands. China went to protest, but Cujo’s excited face said it all. She got up, got herself showered and dressed, took two more aspirin and was out of the door ten minutes later with the pup on his lead en route to his favourite dog park.
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Her head was still throbbing, and her heart sat heavy in her chest, stomach aching from lack of food and tense from all of the crying. China got lost in her thoughts as they walked, her eyes tearing up as she remembered the texts once more, replayed them to an extent that made them seem worse than they were, something that was in no way useful since she didn’t have her phone to reassure her it was just a small miscommunication. She was so lost in her thoughts, letting Cujo lead the way, she barely noticed a large, fluffy, almost too familiar dog in her pathway, only realising what in the world was happening, when she had tripped over the lead connected to Dora, landing flat out on the concrete, a confused Cujo sat on one side of her, and a concerned Dora began licking her face eagerly.
“Dora?” China asked, eyebrows knitted together, a wince from her trip. Her hand reached to stroke the dogs fur, try and confirm she wasn’t seeing things in her weakened state, but she wasn’t wrong... Dora was there, which meant... she glanced to her side and saw Liam, and her heart was thudding in her chest all over again.
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hemsworthitmate · 5 years
Fix You Pt 2. || F2f Mchemsworth
When 1 pm rolled around Liam did everything in his power to not worry. Not worry that he broken every single thing they had because he couldn’t come out and say what he really wanted. So he busied himself. He fixed up the backyard, Fixing up the patio furniture, restringing the lights too so they glowed within the grass, and re soiling the spots Delta had dug up. He thanked Dora for teaching her that and she trotted away happily in response. Liam watered his flowers before stepping back inside and buried himself in trying to help his friends, Amber & Chase.
Chase would check in on him every now then, constantly urging him to sleep because he could hear the exhaustion in his voice on the phone. Though Liam told him he would, he just put his phone away. He knew Chase was just helping but the lack of responses from China just made his feelings worse. 
He eventually just put the house hunting on hold. He was finally at a good head space when he just simply played with the dogs in the living room. From reading to ball chasing to a simple game of tug of war. He took one last look at the dogs, who settled by the window again, when he realized it was close to dinner and decided to wash up and actually check his phone again.
He ran cool water on his face in hopes it’ll keep him up. He didn’t want to miss her walk through that door or let her leave like that again. He put on a clean pair of clothes when he noticed that familiar smell of his favorite pizza. He forgot about that pesky phone of his and hurried on down the stairs. He momentarily freaked out because the dogs weren’t where he left them. Though he figured, Dora opened the door. 
He started for the back yard just to keep on them because he wouldn’t have been able to forgive himself if he lost Delta let alone China probably never would. He noticed the pizza instantly and he knew he didn’t order it. He looked around thinking she was near though he figured she only came back for the pups. He opened the pizza and his eyes watered at the simple message that was left on. I’m sorry. She just didn’t know how truly sorry he was. He needed to find her.
The sun was setting as he looked outside. He slid open the door seeing the familiar frame on the steps, flipping on the switch just as before sitting next to her. “China?” He said feeling himself get choked up again. He was staring at her, his hand to his beard, before tugging lightly on his ear. “I’m sorry too.” he said with a lick of his lips. 
Dora noticed liam instantly. Running up to him and licking his hand for comfort. Delta following suit. 
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
China was relieved to be back in the hotel where she could see Liam and keep him calm. At the end of the day, she knew Jess wasn’t worth the stress or the drama. She walked into their room and had to coo for a moment over Flint laying in Liam’s open palm. “He sleeps so peacefully!” She whispered with a little smirk on her face as she took her coat off.
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hemsworthitmate · 5 years
McHemsworth - F2F
It had been a rough few days to say the least. Trying to keep from lashing out at false things being said about him to not being sick to trying to keep his fiance from being popsicle. Even with the amount of time he was spending with her he could still feel the distance that began between. Rather than pry he knew she'd come to him eventually. But when Bill mentioned something about acquaintances, Liam thought to ask her about it. Because it felt like more but seeing her sick, all Liam could think about was just getting her better again.
To find, China wandering to the balcony wasn't nothing new. However, to hear her call him Cam and mutter things about Bill, Liam knew his feelings for anything were to wait until after he could get her well again.
He had just hung up with a local in-house doctor, who was on his way but told him to keep cool cloths on her at all times.
He hadn't slept much.
But she was all that he cared about.
There were so much he wanted to ask her. So just as he was replacing an old wash cloth with a new one he could see China stir just for a moment. "Hey, beautiful." He greeted, taking the old rag and putting in the bucket filled with cold water he created to lessen trips. "I'm getting your fever down."
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
China hadn’t expected to spend a whole day crying of all things. She was prepared for work, read the scripts, knew their warning at the start of the season that she’d be crying all the more, but it was draining to say the least. So, when it came time to chilling in her trailer on her breaks... well, she was adamant she wasn’t going to cry, and then that gossip blog started up, and she found herself doing something she never thought she’d have the courage to do: she poured her heart out for all the world to see. It wasn’t something she did often; kept her life as private as possible, but it felt right. And so the tears falling from her eyes as she let the thoughts pour out and the list get longer were happy ones, of love and acceptance, because she realised soon enough, she was in deep, and that was perfectly okay.
Nafessa had caught her mid cry, and there was a pep talk and hugs that brought her around to a realisation that this was it. They were them. Together. And Chi was okay to learn to embrace it and welcome it, in spite of the craziness that it came hand in hand with. So, when she heard he would be finishing work around the time her plane could have landed in Toronto, she had to take her chance to see him; get those precious hours together because that was what love was all about.
The flight was a good chance for her to rest, but she kept on talking to Liam whilst she did so, noticed shit kicking off once again with the blog, but tried her best to ignore it all, honestly. Like she promised him she would. So, if it made her upset, she only allowed it to last a few seconds. Once she landed in Toronto, she grabbed her things and made her way toward where he was staying. China didn’t know if he would be back yet, but didn’t want to invade the set for another time that week, so she rang the doorbell and waited, deciding it was an okay day, a little on the chilly side and overcast, but she didn’t mind, it helped clear her head. When there was no answering of the door, she took purchase on the top step and waited for him to wrap up and make it back to her, checking over her emails and texts as she did so.
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F: Surprise! | McHemsworth
When all of the drama had gone down, she had panicked. Her upset was clear, but more so because she was terrified of how upset Liam would be, and now they were thousands of miles apart. It had been a little while, but he didn’t seem okay when she finally spoke to him, and that was her mind made up. Yes, she would be tired by the morning, but it was worth it. She found the first, fastest flight she could to LA, packed an over night bag from the things in her trailer, and caught the first taxi she could there. By the time she was boarding the plane, she was nervous but so so excited too. She took her chance to nap whilst on the flight, and by the time she reached LA at 6:00pm, she knew the one place she was headed. Like the first time she had been to his place, China found the local restaurant and brought some pasta for them to eat, then brought some candy at a local gas station, because that was simply how she functioned, and moments later she was on his doorstep, hoping he was back from surfing, she knocked nervously. It was as she stood there that her doubt set in: what if he wanted the space? what if he was busy with someone else? what if he had decided to come here to escape her?
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But as the thoughts played over in her mind, she heard the door open, and her eyes lit up at the sight of him. “I thought you could use a bit of company.” China said, holding up the bag of food and candies. There was a bit of a fault in her smile, it wavered ever so slightly at the edges with worry that he wouldn’t be pleased to see her, but she tried to push that away and hung on the hope he would be happy to see her there.
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
They’d settled on a bench near the small play park. Dora and Delta enjoying resting in the sunlight as the sounds of children played around them. China was happy Delta had given up her game of trying to take her ice cream, and soon it was finished and disposed of in a nearby trash can. They’d settled and just enjoyed one another’s company in the quietness, when something entered the sunlight blocking the light off with a shadow. 
A frazzled young mother with a toddler on her hip and a smaller baby, looking to be younger than one, in a stroller. “Just, one second.” She was fussing, and Chi glanced up with soft, almost pity filled eyes. When the words left her mouth it took China by surprise, “I’m sorry to ask this, but she really needs the bathroom and there’s not enough room for a stroller and-”
She cut the mother off with a smile, “It’s okay. We can keep an eye on her for a couple minutes.” Chi offered, and saw the mother’s anxiety ease away in an instant. 
“Thank you.” She breathed out quickly, “Two minutes, I promise.” 
Chi did think for a split second about how odd the moment had been, and maybe about how terrible it was so leave your baby with strangers, but she knew her and Liam were safe and fine, and nothing would go wrong, and God, she looked like she needed a bit of a break, so she couldn’t help the offer.
“Sorry.” She apologised to Liam, watching the bright eyed little girl in the stroller who was chewing on her fist adamantly as if to ease her gums with teeth likely to be growing in, just like Delta normally did at the moment.
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
She took a little while longer to get to where he was filming, instead, stopping off to find a local pizza store and picking out something for them to eat. It was awkward to carry, but she managed as best she could, getting to the set and his trailer with a small sense of pride for having managed it all; and her hands barely hurt, though she had a feeling that was thanks to the painkillers. Chi didn’t want to interrupt his filming, so she let the pizza sit on the table in his trailer; they could heat it up when he was done, and settled herself on his sofa while she waited. Bill was texting her, and she was trying to reply back, but soon enough the tiredness from the stress of last night was weighing heavily on her, and that combined with her painkillers soon had her dropping to sleep on the sofa.
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chinawof · 5 years
Shivers - F2F - McHemsworth
The tiredness had been immense the past few days, with the blog stressing her out and working. She’d even gotten herself up at five in the morning, having been used to it for her early shoots the past week, so by the time she reached The Stanley Hotel with Liam, China was far too tired to even take in much of its beauty, and thankfully too tired to dwell on what lurked inside. After a reunion of hugs and kisses to the disdain of the boy at the desk, Liam showed her the room and China made sure to unpack her things as little as possible - just in case she was getting the fuck out of there quickly - but making sure all the crazy-ass religious shit she had brought with her was proudly on display, before she found herself settled on the bed in Liam’s comfortable arms, the pair chatting and catching up over the last few days they hadn’t been together and making plans for the few days they did have together. She must have taken his arms as a security blanket, because soon enough it was like her body had permission to rest, and like she did most of the times she was with him, China fell into a soft sleep...
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She woke up to the sound of movement somewhere in their room, and it startled her; her paranoid brain going insane. It was now growing dark outside, and it seemed Liam had fallen asleep beside her too. Chi took in the dimness of the room, to see what was going on, when she heard distant footsteps walking in what sounded like their en suite bathroom. She didn’t want to wake Liam, but she was definitely on the scared side, cursing herself for leaving her bible and holy water on the dresser across from the bed, she knew she had to wake him up. Wordlessly, she nudged him awake.  
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F | S.S. McHemsworth 🛳️
Today had been taxing, which was weird, since she was so ready to return to work yesterday, but since her conversation with Liam this morning, Chi had spent most of her downtime busying herself in order to not over think things but it hadn’t seemed to help one bit... It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Liam, because she did with every fibre of her being, but God, she didn’t know if she could give him everything he deserved, and that hurt her more. She had poured her heart out to Nafessa who knew just the right things to say to settle her worries and upset, but as she sat in her trailer waiting for him to show up for their goodbyes, those worries were reappearing slowly. China occupied her time by organising the bowl of candy she had in there, her pride and joy, and one of the things that always made this place feel like home.
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chinawof · 5 years
F2F - McHemsworth
It had been a long few days without him around, but she’d been working most of it away, which made it all the easier. China had just gotten home, about to pick up Delta’s things, ready to take the pup on an evening walk, when she saw the text from Liam. She was confused at first, but it all slowly dawned on her in the end with Liam’s less than subtle prompting. Before she knew it, Sisi was shouting up the stairs to her, “China, your boyfriend is here!” and she felt her heart lurch; knew the feel of the familiar metal ring against her chest that her family knew nothing of, and refrained herself from correcting her sister to, ‘Fiancé.’
Instead, China took off practically running from her room and down the stairs, still a little dishevelled from dressing down after being on set, but it didn’t matter. Her eyes lit up as she saw him, and Dora, right there in front of her. Instantly finding herself in his arms in a tight hug of pure love and joy while smaller steps followed behind, before Delta gave excited barks and ran in circles near Dora. 
“What’re you doing here?” She asked, before stealing a kiss from him, tears in her eyes as she did so. 
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