#(even though she's the one sending her own love interest away....lol)
tracfone · 2 years
liquid smooth by mitski as chelldos song
thoughts? from the perspective of glados
I guess i can see it! It could be a song about glados being touch-starved & it's things she's thinking but not saying out loud
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tongue-like-a-razor · 4 months
Can you write something with young!Maverick?
Something like where they meet and she has heard about his reputation (he's the type to only stay a few nights and then move on to the next girl). So, when one night, he approaches her all smiley and flirty (and maybe a little shy and cute) she thinks that's exactly what he wants from her - to take her home for a night of sex just to move on to other people the next day. And, even though she has developed feelings for him, she accepts it, albeit with no expectation that she will become anything other than just another one he spent a night with or that it was anything other than just sex and fun. So, imagine her surprise when he starts acting the exact opposite towards her from what she expected - always wanting to be with her everywhere, skipping nightlife to be with her, being super clingy and loving, etc, etc. She doesn't believe he has feelings for her but she just can't understand his behavior. She starts to feel overwhelmed because her feelings for him only get worse and she fears the day when he will stop giving her that kind of attention (maybe she thinks this is just a harmless game for him, where she is the shiny new toy he is getting to know until she no longer interests him that much). She confronts him, confesses her feelings, gets angry and tells him to stay away. He desperately tries to tell her about his feelings for her, that he has always been in love with her and has tried to get closer to her through everything he has done because he didn't know what else to do. She doesn't believe him and it's basically him desperately trying to prove his love for her and all that cute stuff with a really happy ending 💖❣️
I also imagined a lot of cinematic chase scenes, inspired by that sand chase in There Are Rules and the f14 airport scene in Altitude 🤣🤣 so there's that. Lots of desperate, all-consuming love, perhaps ending with a love making scene that includes it all? Making desperate, passionate and hungry love. Someone so in love that they don't even know what to do, whether to cry or laugh.
You could also include a classic “misunderstanding scene” that unearths deep-rooted jealousy, but is it not what it seems? Lol it's all very cliché but honestly, it's the best shit in the world when it's written by someone who knows what they're doing, I live for desperate love.
I know this is extra long but hopefuly you'll be able to make it, I simply love your writing. Thank you. ❣️❣️
Oooh what a fun request! Thank you so much for sending this in!! I hope you don't mind, I kind of see this as a series rather than a one-shot, just because there's a lot to cover XD
Best of the Bad Boys
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader
CW: mild angst, swearing, fluff, allusions to sex
WC: ~2000
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“That’s Maverick. Maverick Mitchell.”
You tear your gaze away from the animated man near the bar, throwing his arms around wildly as he describes some aerial trick he’s no doubt performed just that morning. You know exactly who he is, and yet, you turn to your friend jadedly and say, “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
She gives you a sardonic smile and skeptically scoffs. “Right. Like your father’s never mentioned his name.”
You shrug, glancing back at the pack of fighter jocks crowding the front of the establishment, each one admittedly a high-flier in his own right – pun intended. But Maverick… Maverick still manages to stand out. “He talks about all of them,” you reply nonchalantly, adding, “It’s not like I sit there and listen.”
“Why are you staring, then?”
You blink away, executing an elaborate eyeroll as you do, and fix your friend with a serious expression. “I can’t look?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“They’re nice to look at.”
Your friend nods in approval. “Can’t argue with that.”
“Doesn’t matter what his name is. What any of their names are. They’ll be gone in a couple of weeks.”
“Perfect fling material, if you ask me,” your friend wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
“No thanks,” you respond with a grimace. Every couple of months, a fresh assortment of aviators arrives at Top Gun, ready to take on the world. Already the finest pilots in their respective squadrons, they are sent to train at the most elite fighter tactics school on the Pacific seaboard. Their egos soar higher than their jets and their heads are always in the clouds.
You see the various groups come and go – the program is only several weeks long – but it’s always entertaining to watch them transform over the course of their training. It’s why you frequent the officer’s club rather than any of the other pubs in the area. That and the cheap drinks.
“Probably for the best,” your friend sighs dramatically. “He’s got a reputation.”
You purse your lips, watching Maverick smile at the waitress as she distributes another round of drinks among the officers. You know about that too. “Point him out to me,” you say, as though you have no idea whom the conversation is about.
Your friend leans into the table and discreetly aims her finger in Maverick’s direction. “The pretty one,” she mutters.
You let out a small chuckle. “They’re all pretty.”
Your friend shakes her head. “Not that pretty.”
“Not that pretty,” you agree musingly. You make an effort not to fall for the top guns of Top Gun and, until Maverick, you haven’t had much trouble upholding that rule. But everything about him, from the squint of his eyes when he laughs to the radiant warmth of his smile, not to mention his muscular arms, makes your heart skip a beat.
And then he pivots in his stool and his gaze, coincidentally, lands on you. You hastily look away, hoping he didn't noticed you staring, and start to fiddle with the pearls of your necklace. Several moments later, you slowly lift your eyes to check if he’s still looking.
Your heart nearly springs up into your throat when you see that he is. His mouth quirks upward slightly before he gives you the kind of smile that says he’s confident you’ve already noticed him.
You don’t smile back. You’re not about to engage in this dance. You do not associate with pilots. Your friend, on the other hand, is all for the naval aviator experience.
“He’s looking at you,” she whispers excitedly.
“Stop,” you warn her sternly. “I’m not interested.”
“Well, I am,” she urges. “Let’s go talk to them. I like the blond one.” But before you can refuse for a second time, your friend mutters, “Oh god, never mind. They’re coming to us!”
You look at her in alarm and then gulp as several of the men from the bar approach your table. You glance up at them with raised eyebrows.
“Hello,” Maverick says, looking directly at you. He presses his lips together into a vexingly endearing sideways smirk.
When you don’t respond, your friend chimes in excitedly. “Hello, hello! Welcome!” she exclaims, as though she’s receiving guests for a dinner party. “I’m Susan. Hello!”
You eye her moodily as she motions for the newcomers to join the two of you at the table.
“Mind if I sit here?” Maverick asks, pointing to the seat next to you.
You meet his gaze reluctantly. “Knock yourself out,” you respond coolly. You’re still annoyed that he caught you staring and you intend to make it clear that you are not just some girl he can charm into bed.
Maverick’s smirk widens somewhat, as though he’s not quite buying the act. He takes a seat beside you while one of his friends starts chatting up Susan who seems very much to be enjoying the attention.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Maverick says, leaning over slightly so that he could speak more discreetly. “Slider, here, wanted to get to know your friend. And I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch him crash and burn.”
You glance at Maverick dubiously. “That’s why you’re here?”
Maverick looks at you, then, and his gaze drifts languidly over the features of your face. “Would you prefer a different reason?”
Ignoring the frantic stutter of your heart as his eyes settle on yours, you shrug and look away, taking a sip of your drink. If only he knew who your father was, he wouldn’t be so bold. “I would prefer honesty.”
“Okay,” he says, resting his forearm on the table. “Honestly? I couldn’t leave without meeting you.”
You glance back at him hesitantly, not sure how to react. “Why?” you ask, trying to control the embarrassing tremor in your voice.
Maverick drops his head and lets out a small chuckle. “I just couldn’t,” he says. “That’s as honest as I’m going to get.”
You eye him tentatively, wishing he weren’t so dangerously good-looking. His sheepish smile almost makes you forget that he dates women for sport.
But the longer Maverick sits by your side, the less important his apparent promiscuity becomes. And when the two of you wind up in the back alley behind the officer’s club, wrapped in each other’s arms, you aren’t overly concerned about the future outlook of this particular liaison. Something about the way he kisses your neck convinces you that some moderate heartache might just be worth it.
Maverick weaves his fingers through yours and lifts his arm over your head, pressing the back of your hand into the brick wall behind you. He cradles the back of your head with his other hand as his mouth moves hungrily beneath your jawline. You let out an audible sigh and he pins you even more firmly against the wall, as though the sound you made has aroused him further.
And despite your every intention to just kiss for a while before taking your leave – because you don’t do flyboys – Maverick has managed to change your mind without speaking a word. You want to tell him that you’re flattered but no thank you, instead, you breathe, “come back,” when he finally pulls away.
Maverick smirks at you and tugs on the hand he’s still holding so that you’re drawn directly into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere,” he whispers.
You wrap your arms around his body, flattening yourself against him like you mean to be absorbed. And he folds around you like a cocoon, his arms enveloping you so securely, you barely have to hold yourself upright. He moves backward, pulling you after him toward his bike.
“We fucked,” you tell Susan the moment she puts her car in park.
She looks over at you with wide eyes and an even wider mouth as her jaw literally drops. “You and Maverick?” she shrieks.
You wince anxiously and look around, making sure nobody heard her exclamation. Then you roll up your window and nod for her to do the same. “Keep it together, Susan,” you hiss. “We’re behind enemy lines.”
Susan grimaces apologetically but the remorse is fleeting and, before you know it, she’s eagerly bouncing in her seat. “As if you’ve been blabbering on about a fender bender for half an hour and drop this bomb right before you have to go!” she whispers feverishly. You give her a grievous look which she expertly ignores. “Was he good?”
You sigh. “He was fine,” you say curtly, still uncomfortable sharing the details of last night’s encounter while sitting in the parking lot outside Hangar 1.
Susan appears disappointed. “Just fine?”
You glance around once more and then respond quietly, “He was very good.”
“I fucking knew it!” Susan yelps, tapping you on the knee excitedly. “Tell me more!”
“Later,” you say. “I have to meet my dad, remember?”
She nods. “I’ll pick you up in half an hour?”
“Thanks, Suz,” you respond. “You’re a life saver.”
Your father, Top Gun’s very own Viper, paces back and forth as you sit in one of the chairs before his desk. He’s trying to keep his cool. “You sure you’re not hurt?” he asks again.
You nod tiredly. You’ve had a hell of a day.
Viper sighs moodily and shakes his head at you as though he’s not convinced.
It’s at exactly this moment that there’s a knock on his door and, as you begin to rise from your chair to leave your father to his duties, Maverick enters his office.
You freeze, meeting his gaze in alarm. Maverick, in turn, stops in his tracks, gaping at you from the doorway, forgetting even to salute his superior.
“Lieutenant,” Viper says. “You need something?”
Maverick, who seems unable to look away from you, stammers, “Do – I – uh…”
“Maverick,” Viper says sternly, and Maverick finally glances in his direction.
“Commander Metcalf,” Maverick says, a little dazed as though he’s surprised to find Viper in his own office.
“Speak, Lieutenant. I don’t have all day,” Viper grumbles, still irritable from the news he’s received during your visit.
Maverick, who seems unable to recall why he’s even come, gulps nervously and glances back at you again.
“Okay, well, thanks dad,” you say quickly. “I’ll be off now.”
Maverick’s face slowly morphs into a visage of terror as he realizes who you are and what, in fact, it means for him to have had relations with the commander’s daughter. He watches you in horror, beginning to mouth the word ‘dad’ before he catches himself and leaves his mouth hanging open on the ‘a’.
“How will you get home?” Viper asks you, not paying attention to Maverick’s reaction.
“Susan’s picking me up,” you respond.
Viper sighs again. Then, he sighs in Maverick’s direction. “Maverick, meet my daughter, Y/N. Y/N, this is Lieutenant Mitchell, recent Top Gun graduate and a helluva pilot. Hopefully, soon to be one of our newest instructors. If he finally remembers why he’s here, that is.”
Maverick glances anxiously between your face and Viper’s and then holds his hand out to you. “Pleased to meet you,” he says courteously, his eyes resting on yours for a significant moment.
You give him a tight smile and then give your father a hug. “I’ve got to go.”
Viper shakes his head all over again. “I still can’t believe that bastard hit you.”
“Who hit you?” Maverick looks over at you sharply, suddenly on high alert.
“Nobody – the other driver.” You exhale wearily, not too keen on repeating the story for a fourth time in one day. “I was in an accident –”
“Are you okay?” Maverick asks, immediately taking a step toward you.
“I’m fine, totally fine,” you assure him, taking several steps backward until you feel the doorknob at your spine. “I just need some rest.”
“We’ll sort out the car tomorrow,” Viper says.
“Hey, at least it wasn’t a jet, right?” you joke, trying to lighten the mood.
Neither Viper not Maverick is amused by your humor, however, so you reach behind and pull open the door.
“Okay, well, bye dad! Mav – uh – Lieutenant Mitchell.”
Maverick stares after you as you retreat behind the door, still somewhat speechless.
“Tell Susan to drive carefully!” your father calls.
“Will do!” you call back.
Finally, Maverick speaks again. “I, uh” – he clears his throat – “I could give her a ride, sir.”
You pause in the doorway while your father purses his lips, considering the offer. Joke’s on him, of course, since Maverick has already given you one – just last night.
Read Part 2
Maverick Tag List:
I have no idea when this list got so long but the rest of it will be in the comments. Hope I got everyone, let me know if I missed you! As always, let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my Mav works!
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aaron-m-geist-ff · 7 months
Hi, I hope your day is going well! 🫶🏻Omg the zodiac ask is such a cute idea!! If it's still open can I do one? 🥹 tiny 5'2 libra, she/her, love Halloween, just waiting for a man to toss me around like a ragdoll and not be afraid I'll break in the process tbh lol
Omg hello!! I also love Halloween ;) it’s my favorite holiday 🕷️🎃 and these asks started out with just a zodiac sign and a pronoun, now everyone has been sending me their hobbies and kinks and I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH LMAO.
You want to be treated like a ragdoll?? Sounds like you already know who you’re getting, Libra 😅 holy shit you’re gonna eat this up, I already know 🔮
Toji Fushiguro takes you to Spirit Halloween (smut)
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You got…🥁🥁🥁
Toji Fushiguro!
“I don’t even think that Spirit Halloween is open yet. It’s September,” Toji said flatly. He was busy eating some dumplings as you rambled on and on about preparing for Halloween.
“Oh, trust me. They’re open. We have to go now, Toji!! Come on!” You weren’t above begging. You knew that Toji was weak for you and would give you whatever you wanted if you begged for it. He seemed like such a rough man, and maybe he was, but he had a soft spot for you.
The two of you did end up taking your little shopping trip to Spirit Halloween. Toji followed you down the aisles aimlessly. He clearly didn’t know where to go so he just allowed you to take the lead. He totally wasn’t doing that just to stare at your cute ass 👀
He did pull a slutty nurse costume off the rack once, smirking as he handed it to you.
“Wanna take this one home?” He asked. You ended up swatting at his arm as you rolled your eyes.
Toji would definitely try a few of the animatronics, but he would just stand there with his hands shoved into his pockets. Completely unfazed by the jumpscares.
“What’s wrong, Toji? Aren’t you scared of those?” You questioned sweetly.
Your boyfriend scoffed.
“I’m scarier.”
…That was probably true. You had no idea what Toji did for work, but he did tell you that it was a dangerous job. That was kinda hot though. Jesus, you’re fucked up for liking that 😅
Eventually, the two of you would wander into the mask aisle. Toji jokingly put on a Michael Myers mask. He did it to be funny. But once he saw the insane blush on your cheeks, he started to catch on. His tiny girlfriend wasn’t just interested in Halloween for innocent reasons. She had a goddamn mask kink.
You stared up at the Michael Myers mask, panting desperately as Toji’s cock drilled into your tight pussy. Your legs were spread impossibly wide to make room for him.
Toji’s waist was huge compared to your own, his chiseled abs glistening with sweat. He was breathing heavily as he fucked you good. But the panting sounds only reminded you of Myers even more. You could see your boyfriend’s sharp gaze peering down at you through the mask.
“Fuck, you’re such a whore,” Toji growled. “Thought you were innocent. Guess I was wrong.”
He held your waist firmly with his large hands. You wouldn’t be able to push him away if you wanted to stop. The thought of that made your brain turn to mush.
“Y-yes! I’m a whore for you, Toji…P-please don’t stop!” You begged even more. Your voice sounded so shrill and weak. You gasped with every sharp thrust.
Toji moaned lowly from the feeling of your tight pussy wrapped around his shaft. He was slamming right into your G-spot with every movement. It made you arch your back from the sensations.
“Shit…Can’t even fit all of me inside, huh? Such a pathetic little girl. I could break you, y’know.”
Toji knew how much you liked the size difference. He always brought attention to it whenever you had sex. It was difficult for him to achieve an orgasm with you due to your small pussy. Therefore he could last a lot longer, which you never complained about. You loved feeling him inside. And…That Myers mask was insanely hot.
“Y’er so fuckin’ wet from this mask,” Toji hissed. He grabbed your breast roughly and squeezed it with his powerful hand. You keened, whimpering and yelping as he picked up the pace.
“Ya like gettin’ fucked by a murderer, huh?”
You nodded your head enthusiastically, unable to form words any longer.
Toji smirked behind the mask. Little did you know, you actually got fucked by a murderer every night. ;)
Read more Toji here
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iridescentdove · 8 months
can you do a continuation of full power Lumine with Fyodor, Sigma, and Ranpo. I feel like Fyodor would interested because of how complicated she is and how he would have a hard time understanding something for the for the first time I’m assuming. Same goes for Ranpo. I think he would be exiting too because the traveler is always willing to help and his type is someone that spoils him. For Sigma I feel like he would understand her in a way because he is a supernatural being that came into existence under interesting circumstances. And he would have someone to help him because we all know how the Decay Of Angels is I would also feel unsafe 24/7 😭
feel free to take your time if you have a lot of requests! (this was longer than I anticipated)
Fyodor, Sigma & Ranpo x Lumine! Reader
Hi! ♡ I'm quickly zooming through requests to make up for the time lost in my absence lol. Lumine is skeptical but shares the same curiosity her twin has for everything, she's rational and courageous, along with being generous and helpful towards others that need assistance. And most especially, rather beautiful and somewhat quiet, yet considered rather expressive.
As if a primordial being – Lumine holds power able to destroy worlds and travel through them with ease, and yet, most of it having been sealed away by the Unknown God's own bidding. What happens when she regains her full power and travels through the world of BSD?
Soukoku, Jouno & Atsushi Ver.
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You're a strange new specimen, and he actually finds interest in you. Plus – Fyodor actually likes pretty people, so seeing you for the first time is actually surprising.
Who knew someone so beautiful in this world existed 🗿
But honestly, although this man can read you like book if he wanted to, that's not happening.
You're rather complicated. Like no fr. You're pretty and small as hell, but you're so fucking strong hello? And you're not very talkative yet so expressionable it's alluring
He has no idea what to think, but all he knows is that he wants to keep you around.
The fact you're helpful draws him to you more. He learns to trust you overtime, and you have no ulterior motives when you go warm him up and make him feel comfortable.
Whenever he needs help or basically just you spoiling him and comforting from his anemia, that's cloud 9 ok idfc
He's starting to really ... really like you and I don't
You're basically everything he'd want tbh. Since you're from a different world, his ability probably don't work on you.
And just be glad it doesn't honestly. You're like God level strong and rather smart yourself, so he isn't bored and actually finds you worthy of being with him.
Well even if you weren't, you'd be an interesting playtoy on it's own. Please let me punch him already.
He'll have you run errands and do different things to go according to his plans, but he doesn't tire you out or anything because he still pretty much cares.
BRO this guy reminds me of the Fatui idk 💀
Dude is fuckin unhinged, commits warcrimes, hot and is very strong. You can't tell me he's literally the emobidiment of the harbingers in an alternate world lmfao
Even though he's a red flag you don't really care 'cause you can kill him whenever you want. Slayyy girlboss.
One of the rare times he'd take his ushanka off, and put it on your head because you're just too adorable to resist. The innocent, curious look on your face afterwards sends him.
You're a cute, complicated being he's just addicted to.
He's rather amused himself – so whenever you're like beating up Dazai or something (much to his satisfaction), he's watching in the back with his popcorn or sumn.
Probably smirking the entire time. He loves you more now
Imagine Dazai being Childe and that weekly boss you always fucking destroy every week? Peak comedy.
He probably won't even bother trying to fight against you, man knows his place so he gets humbled. But that probably won't stop him from testing you a few times.
He'll purposely get you in a tricky situation so he can observe more of you, and you'll never fail to surpass his expectations every time.
P.S. expect yourself to beat up Nikolai often. His orders lol
Rat king's actually found his match <3 fuck you
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You probably crash landed in the agency or smth. How would I know that?
I'm the writer, bitch /hjq
Now let's say both of you were just acquaintances at first, you'd help around the agency a lot though. And that also includes him.
So here we are! At this point, you're basically just spoiling him from all the help that you give.
He doesn't even mind he fucking loves it I bet
Other than Atsushi, he now drags you with him to go and buy candy, or just makes you go out and do it yourself. Either way the candy is bought so 🤷🏻
Dw babe he shares it with you <3
Must I say you're pretty once more? It's not even annoying bro I am SPEAKING FACTS stan lumine
Ranpo is very interested in you and your specie, if he ever got bored he'd probably take breaks away from doing some cases and listens to your talking.
Will get extremely invested in the world of Teyvat, learning more about it.
"Hehe! Number one detective you say? Even more so than I am~? After all, I am the greatest detective in the world!"
We get it babe.
Like if you ever honestly tried to put them both together in Poe's book it is very obvious who will come out first. Bro will legit rub it in your face too, not even cap
Oh, speaking of which – he'd probably invite you into one of them too. It would be a fun hangout ... maybe.
You're the bodyguard that fucks up any murderer tryna get to him while he deals with the shit and puts his glasses on then DAMN BITCH we boutta go usain bolt on this shit.
It doesn't even take that long. You guys did it in a heartbeat.
Ranpo honestly adores you, that much you can tell. He likes mostly everything about you and finds you so entertaining.
Especially your expressions which are peak comedy.
Definitely the type to do something real smart and show off his skills so he could see your reaction.
And maybe even get a bit of praise. You know this guy loves it when you compliment him and agree with things that he says. That's already fulfilling his heart.
I'd say you'd help him out a lot honestly, the ADA is basically the adventurers guild 💀
You'd be relaxing and having a chill time until Ranpo or some other member comes up and tells you to fucking beat up Mori or something
Yeah. They entrust it all to your capable hands.
But of course, Ranpo wouldn't leave you alone with that. You both make great teamwork in all cases.
Right after each remotely easy to borderline difficult case, Ranpo will be a sweetheart and take you out somewhere nice to relax. His treat.
kisses in the ferris wheel pls
It's already easy enough to tell, but you can see all the affection in his eyes as the night comes to an end once more. More than that, even.
It's such a cute sight. But honestly, who could even say no to this guy? It's literally Ranpo.
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So here you've already been in the world of bsd for a while and you're just doing random bullshit the agency adventurers guild gives you.
Mersault arc timeskip. Dazai off sucking and teaming up with some Nakahara toes, Nikolai being a material gworl
Fyodor is mimicking Odasaku's ashes
And obviously you're here in the back forced to do everything yourself because shit goes down 🔥
You have a pretty good knowledge on yourself in this world you're stuck in again, and it's necessary to use that info to your disposal because wow, the situation is complicated.
Especially during this arc now, but it's less difficult when you're only focusing on the DOA.
We'll say you only be familiar with the different organizations because you often go around a lot and travel.
Then meet various people and ... fight over half of them 😐
By this time, you and Sigma have been well acquainted. Due to his ability, he managed to get info about you easily. And boy does he use that to advantage.
Asked begged you to help him out in the DOA.
Look man he's suffering, don't leave babygworl all alone with all these gay men who're too broke to afford proper therapy sessions
Don't worry Sigma, we're here for you <3
By now you had no idea what was happening, just getting random info from everyone around you
Moving place to place (teleport waypoints are real handy right about now), collecting random shit and beating up enemies along the way
Classic genshin ripoff moment :/
Although you don't actually do a lot of stuff for the DOA, it's mostly personal mishaps coming from Sigma. Because no we don't want to be a wanted terrorist tf
So you soon arrived at mersault and saw poor Sigma either dead or unconscious.
Bro is in need of tevyat fried eggs
Anyways, you of course could not LEAVE him out of your sight after that. The one time you thought it was okay to stay out of business ... that happened 🤡
Sigma was indeed alive, but at the same time it wasn't okay to leave him since he was barely clinging on.
By the time he awoke, he thought he saw heaven. He frantically sits up from bed.
Oh wait, it was just you <3
You brought him back to the sky casino, as he was resting at a safe distance away from the three psychopaths in jail
You guys do end up having to go back much to his dismay, although this time it felt more safer because you were around. He's down deep and he can't return.
Sigma really likes you. Not because you're helpful and quite beautiful, but strong and empathetic in a sense both of you relate to various things.
He's seriously lucky to have you, his little shooting star ❤️
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gibor-zolel · 3 months
Tabitha: The sacrificial lamb? And possible Sybil motivations + partnership with Wayne
So in this post I'll be discussing why I think Tabitha is supposed to be the sacrifice and we're supposed to run the town.
I will also give a theory as to what Sybil's motivations might be and why her and "Wayne" seem to be working together even though they appear to dislike each other.
Right at the beginning of the game we can tell that Tabitha is unhappy with her lot in life and feels forced into doing what she believes is best for the town (similar to how Neeks feels forced and trapped)
She even admits as such during our time with her in chapter 3.
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She; as the cousin who is older and has lived in Scarlet Hollow has been groomed by her mother into thinking that all this falls on her and she needs to sacrifice her life and happiness for the sake of the town.
But she's not the only one that believes this. Both Keneeka and Sybil have stated as much. Keneeka makes an offhand comment about how "we're not even a real Scarlet like Tabitha and this should fall on her" if we give up years of our life in chapter 3.
But Sybil is more....insidious and serious when she says this;
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Sybil thinks it's Tabby's responsibility to give up a decade of her life to placate a ghost that was murdered by a Scarlet decades ago. I'm not gonna screencap every time Sybil makes an argument "for the greater good" but if you listen to her all throughout this story, you'll notice she does it A LOT.
Here's one example;
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Everything has a price....but would Sybil do something like this herself? Perhaps...but it's more likely she's willing to do something horrible to her own daughter "for the sake of the town". She makes a big deal out of how the people in Scarlet Hollow are tied to this town and how they can't just get up and leave in chapter 2. She's not wrong but it's also obvious she's plotting and hiding information from us.
Which brings me to this; There's a strong possibility that "The Witch" is not merely an ancestor of Sybil but rather Sybil herself. In this scene we notice that The Witch has many poisonous plants...similar to how Book Smart can point out all the poisonous plants in chapter 1 or 4.
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The Witch also sends Charlie on a dangerous mission to uncover the seals...hmmm who does that sound like? In chapter 4 after our tea session with Sybil she tells us to investigate the seals and find out what's hidden beneath them.
More importantly....if you have Mystical or don't drink Sybil's tea you can resist the urge to open the door in chapter 3.
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We also learn towards the end of chapter 4 that Sybil is the one who told Dr Kelly to poison her son but we can only learn this if we didn't drink the chaga tea in chapter 2.
So it's pretty clear that Sybil wants two things;
(1) Uncover the seals
(2) Protect the town....even at the expense of others
But something that's interesting is that Sybil and whatever is piloting Sam Wayne's corpse seem to be working together for a common goal..even though the two don't seem to like or even respect each other.
We learn in chapter 1 or 2 depending on our choices, that "Wayne" has been coming by Sybil's tea room. Although it's unclear if the original Sam Wayne did this as well.
Regardless; Sybil tells Wayne she can't help him tonight and tells him to go away. In multiple chapters Sybil refers to Wayne as a drifter who'll be gone soon. She also stresses that we should be wary of him and to steer clear whenever he's around and we'll be fine. It's clear she knows what Wayne wants and most likely knows what "he" really is. She also gets this worried (disgusted?) look on her face if we tell her we're in love with Wayne (sorry no pic lol)
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But she also steers clear of Wayne as well and rarely interacts with him and Wayne straight up threatens her if we choose to give up years of our life.
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So why this hostility? And why do I think they might be working together?
Lets talk about those boxes in chapter 4. If you have Keen Eye in chapter 4 and open the closet you get this;
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So it's Wayne that opens these boxes and shifts the doll around. Why? Well at the end of chapter 4 he tells us to investigate the estate and that we might be surprised at what we find. Wayne does this thing where it's obvious he knows what's going on but he won't directly tell us what's happening. He says it's because it'll be better for us to find out ourselves so "we can know who to really trust".
In other words; Wayne believes that once we uncover everything we'll be on his side. He's pretty confident about all this and I'm unsure how much to trust him; given that he repeatably bad mouths our friends and suggests we abandon them to save our own skins.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Why did Wayne open these boxes? Did he hope to find damming information against the Scarlet's? I find it hard to believe that Tabby has that pushed into the front of our closet but maybe she doesn't know it's there? And why didn't he put the boxes back in place? Almost as if he wants us to open that specific box.
What if...Wayne planted something there? Or maybe he took a piece of evidence and hid it? I think option 1 is more likely considering he seems to be isolating us from our friends.
I believe Wayne is working with Sybil to make sure Tabitha is the one to pay for all the crimes the Scarlet's did and insure that we are unharmed. I don't think Sybil cares too much if we get hurt but I also think she's of the belief that it's Tabitha who should be the sacrifice not us. Tabitha is the only one that Sybil agrees on being "The Cat" in episode 4. Sybil pushes you to distrust Tabby and perhaps Wayne planted something there to make us distrust her too.
Look at this interaction between Wayne and Tabby during the haunting;
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He says this if you deliberately taunt Tabitha but I don't believe he's being sincere here. It sounds like he's mocking her in a subtle way given what he says in another option;
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So far Tabby and Wayne haven't interacted much but imo it appears that Wayne enjoys taunting Tabitha and rubbing her ex's dead body and their failed relationship in her face. Pretty nasty but Wayne is pretty nasty to a lot of our friends.
Either way; Wayne is very invested in making sure we're safe and he gets pissed if we sacrifice ourselves and this is the only time we see him have any kind of emotion.
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So what if he's so intent on keeping us safe he wants Tabby to take the fall for whatever skeletons are in the Scarlet's closet?
There's also this theme of the heir to the estate sacrificing their younger siblings or others to keep themselves in power. After all; Enoch sacrificed Teddy for power.
Tabby may be older than us but she's not the child of the heir, that's us. Vivian was supposed to be the boss of the mines but she left after she discovered she was pregnant.
I believe the Scarlet's have a history of having one side of their family rule while the other side gets used as sacrifices for whatever is cursing this town. Wayne wants to protect us from getting murked and Sybil is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the people of the Holler can keep living their lives.
And let's face it; most of the town believes Tabby is to blame for all of their problems. She isn't sociable, she's blunt, she's isolated, she's alone....the perfect scapegoat?
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mysticmellowlove · 6 months
Sub jock hcs 🙏🏻
I hate jocks ands that’s where this gets fun-
Jock that’s on a powerful position( typical quarterback because it’s the only position I know lol) and the girl who everyone is lowkey jealous of. Like richest girl in town but she’s not from the town her family just kinda can in and took over. She is super kind though and that’s why he began to like her. They’ve never even talked but he always notices her. Always. But…. She doesn’t like him. She’s nice to him of course but she isn’t into him how others are. He’s a jock- ew
note; anon sent in an inspo as well (here)!
warnings; fem reader, sub male, solo masturbation,
The streamers fell over him as he clapped his friends on the back, the last game of the season and they had just won it. Cheers and hollers surrounded him as their cheerleaders flooded the field and began their routines, sending kisses to the players as they clumped together in a mass of grass-covered sweaty boys.
His best friend slapped him on the back and grinned through his mouthguard, his head inclining towards the stands where he knew she'd be waiting. Always here for college cheer, the leader of the student spirit committee was the cutest, kindest girl in the world. She also happened to be a major crush of his. He pushed his friend away teasingly as he jogged over to her, watching her shake the pompoms she had been handing out before the game that sported their university colours.
He basically grinned as he took in her smile, her eyes soon locking onto him.
"Hey QB, great job today." She hummed as she looked up at him, his form easily dwarfing her own. He knew he was a big guy, it's why he was picked for the quarterback position. Tall and muscular, devilishly good-looking... he often had his friends say he exuded 'raw masculinity' whatever that was. The girls also loved him, fawning over him and chatting him up.
But it was unanimous around the university that he had eyes for one person only, the one person he just couldn't seem to snag. She had moved here from a rivalling uni about a year back and had been a ray of sunshine ever since. She was the leader of the cheer committee and basically lived for setting up student union events. She was at every sports game, concert and exhibition.
She really was like an angel sent from above.
"Thanks, me and the boys are going out for celebratory drinks later on, you interested?" He grinned as he leaned against the stands, willing her to look his way for just a moment. To nod and give him a chance. She smiled that sweet little smile as she shook her head.
"Sorry, I have some module work I need to get done. I just had to come over and support our boys." He willed the flush in his cheeks to go down as he referred to him as her boy, even if it wasn't exactly what she had meant. He swallowed his disappointment but nodded anyway.
"Alright, good luck then. I'll see you sometimes on campus anyway." He shot her a heartwarming smile before he crawled his way back to the others, heart doing flips in his chest. This was usually how their interactions went. She was a lovely girl, so kind and open but it was clear she wasn't interested. He knew she liked the scholarly type more, her friend group reflected as much. He didn't like to admit it but he was a little bit of an airhead, but that's what had drawn people to him.
He knew others called him a 'golden retriever' which by his understanding meant he was lovable and energetic. But she seemed to like the stoic type and he couldn't bring himself to change... maybe one day when they were older something would happen between them. He wasn't going to be the star quarterback forever after all.
"Hey man, we're heading toward Joey's, gonna bring some of the girls along. You down?" His friend came up to him and they shared a clap.
"I would but I have something on later, I'll meet up tomorrow yeah?" He laughed as others gathered around him, booing playfully. Soon enough they relented and he watched as they filed towards the lockers, he'd be following as well but he wanted to help out his coach with the equipment first.
In reality, he was simply stalling time, he wanted the showers to himself after all. Packing up was nothing for him, mainly because there wasn't anything to do but it served its purpose. When the coach let him go he made his way to the lockers and grinned at their vacancy. Now he'd not only have the space to himself but the showers would actually be hot.
He shucked off his gear and stepped under the relaxing spray, just hot enough to relax his muscles. He flicked his hair back from his face and doused it in a small amount of shampoo he kept in his pack. As he let the water and suds run down him his mind began to wander.
Frustrated he leaned his head against the cool wall of the stall, his hand unwillingly going to cup his hardening cock. Every time she let him down easy he'd get hard, as if it was like magic. He was so down bad for her it was insane. And yet he couldn't bring himself to move on. So long as he was able to see her on campus he knew he'd keep fantasising about her like this.
Sure it made him feel dirty but the sheer amount of pleasure overrode anything in his mind. Never before was he able to get himself off like this thinking about others. He tried the porn, tried the mags and even his own imagination but everything looped back to her. What would she look like as he plunged into her? Would she look good in pink or red lingerie? What would her voice sound like as she scolded him for thinking of her like this?
That's how it began, he had noticed a shift in his preferences. All his friends would point at the smallest things around but his mind would be on her. It was innocent at first, her riding him as he held onto her hips but soon.... soon it changed. Her forcing him to lay down as she perched herself on his face, making him surrender before her so she could please herself first.
His tie and satin bows turned to handcuffs and ropes. His dick inside her turned to her hand wrapped around a toy she was teasing him with. Making her cry out his name turned into her making him a whining, sobbing mess.
"Fuck." He hissed as he realised he had been jerking himself off all this time, his hand wrapped furiously around his cock. God what he'd do to have her in this position. Her hand stroking him as he fought to stop his legs from buckling.
A drawn-out moan left him as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, just the thought of her had him wanting to cum.
It really was insane the hold she had on him...
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
in anon because I'm a coward but I confess that I love the parent-child dynamic of the targaryens, and being a incestuous family already make any relationship odd.
one of your posts about Jaehaerys and his daughters being groomed made me think about other parent-child relationships that are fascinating to me, like visenya-maegor, rhaena the lesbian-aerea, viserys i-rhaenyra, viserys ii-his three children. i wish there was more info him as a father because: he was violently separated from his family, forced to marry the daughter of his kidnapper, become a father between the ages 13-16 and by 17 he is a single father.
in my delusions 🤡 he didn't want naerys to be a septa because that would mean she has to go to oldtown, and he didn't want her to leave him like larra or aegon did
i mean you have COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE lol, i think the ones that interest me the most are similar: aligon obviously lol, visnyra (always sad that tag is 90% rhaenyra and an oc lol), rhaenyra-jacaerys, maegor-visenya, jaehaerys-daughters in general, alysanne-daughters in general (god that court was crazy lol), aegon iv-daeron, viserys-naerys, naerys-daemon, and viserys-rhaella. i think what's fascinating about emotional abuse and targaryens is that a lot of emotional abuse is like,,,,, rooted in a parent forcing a child to take on a role that a child is ill suited for, usually the role of a parent or a friend. it's not that every parent-child abuse dynamic is inherently sexual, but i guess it's that emotional abuse is meant to blur the lines between boundaries, and sexual boundaries are just a subgrouping of emotional boundaries - when you add in the incest, it's like it lays bare that thread that ties emotional abuse to sexual abuse and how those things can feed off each other. did that make sense lol.
i'm also very curious about viserys ii as a parent - i think we can assume he has some level of trauma surrounding marriages because even though larra rogare dies a handful of years after returning to lys, he doesn't remarry and doesn't have more children, even knowing how frail naerys is and knowing how insane aegon is already. i think it's really intersting that he sends aegon to braavos instead of lys when he's trying to separate aegon and naerys as well. i also feel like all the poisonings he's accused of aren't likely - why wouldn't he just off aegon then, once daeron was born and lived past infancy, if he was so cool with kinslaying? we can see aegon was a problem already, and a big enough problem that viserys is trying to send him away so he doesn't rape naerys to death - speaks to both a high level of extreme sexual abuse being heaped onto poor naerys as well as a level of compassion (however sleight) shown to a woman suffering from domestic violence that is not particularly common in Westeros. and it's interesting that he's really similar to show alicent, in that he becomes a parent at a disturbingly young age, and then basically parents his kids on his own from his teenage years and onward.
i think that's a really likely and great reading of what we've gotten from viserys-naerys so far too - that he has so many attachment and abandonment issues (i mean literally though not purposefully abandoned to die by aegon and coming so close to being sold into slavery and the who knows where the hell that horror show would have taken him!) and would force naerys to marry aegon to keep her close. it's not dissimilar from visnyra - forcing her to marry a gay man, allowing her an affair, but refusing to allow her daemon specifically because he wants to be the most important man in her life and neither laenor nor harwin are a threat to that but daemon is. so viserys ii follows in his footsteps by binding naerys to aegon, and putting aemon on the kingsguard - she'll never love aegon because he's a monster, she can never openly be with aemon because he's celibate, so no one can ever usurp viserys' position as the number one man in her life.
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bestworstcase · 6 months
I have a question about some of your Salem thoughts
If Salem is 110% certain that she can take down the Gods (assuming that's her goal since we don't actually know), why wouldn't she communicate her plan to Oz? Especially if she truly doesn't want anyone to die like you say. Oz would jump at the bit if Salem said "Hey I want to stop fighting" since that would mean their shadow war would stop. I really don't think Oz likes the Gods either, and even if he's afraid of them, if *Salem* is that confident she can stop them (she's far from an idiot), I'm sure he'd at least hear her out (which would tell Salem a LOT).
If she's that confident and truly doesn't want to fight, why wouldn't she tell Oz her new plan? And why would she kickstart her plan by attacking the kingdoms/Academies? Surely she could find a way to steal the Relics without flat out attacking them (like sending in double agents to take the Maiden powers)? Like... she would've known she'd get people killed, including children and innocent people. Even if she did damage control (which I think is just strategic, why bother going after people if she's focusing on the Relics? She's not gonna waste precious time and resources), she surely knew people would get caught in the crossfire.
Don't get me wrong, I like what you bring to the table!! Your posts are thought provoking and unique. But I can't see Salem being somehow secretly good. I don't think the show is setting her up that way, and I think she's a fantastic villain, so from my own perspective, doing that kind of twist would be a disservice to her character. I don't think she's inhuman or a complete and total monster who should go, but she's definitely not a good person especially if she can't communicate that she supposedly doesn't want people dead. She seems to be an "the ends justify the means" kind of person, and the show I think has stated that that isn't a good mindset i.e. Ironwood.
Sorry, I rambled and completely strayed from my point 😅 I don't mean to be mean if I come across that way. I hope my ask is interesting or thought provoking though :P
my position is that salem is right, not that she’s secretly good—that is an important distinction. i think she sees the gods clearly for what they are, thinks the divine ultimatum repulsive and unjust, wants remnant to be free, and believes that humanity is transcendent over their creators; she also, quite plainly, does not have any compunction about doing whatever it takes to achieve her ends and while i do think she is still fully capable of and driven by love, she is so TERRIFIED of being hurt again and so CERTAIN that no one could ever care for her that when she does care for someone else it comes out in very, very twisted and often cruel ways. she’s not good, she’s not nice, she’s just right.
equally the heroes are good but not right, because they have yet to really grapple with the premise of the divine mandate (that humanity as it exists right now does not deserve to exist) or their own role in upholding it (their immediate goal is survival, but when they envision the ending of this war they imagine salem driven back and the relics squirreled away again in hope of at best everlasting stalemate). the point of structuring the narrative this way is that neither side can get to the proverbial good ending alone; they need to work together, salem’s ends with the heroes’ means.
like. she’s evil. lol. that’s not in question and i think it goes without saying that she is doing evil things so i don’t feel the need to make a “but she’s still evil though” disclaimer every time i try to tease out what’s going on in her head. notice how my reaction to salem razing vale was OH GLINDA LAYS SIEGE TO THE EMERALD CITY, WE’RE REALLY IN IT NOW and not, like, shock or dismay that salem would do such a terrible thing. brgdfjs
(i DO think she has mostly been trying to avoid ozma and not reciprocating the shadow crusade against her prior to about fourteen years ago and that she isn’t about wanton destruction or killing for the sake of it; and in that sense i think she’s not as bad as the general fanon reading. but that comes with the territory of thinking she has actual reasons for doing what she does as opposed to being, like, a genocidal lunatic.)
anyway. to your questions. the short answer is she’s just as scared of oz as he is of her.
“but he’s the good one!”—think about this from her perspective for a minute. set aside your opinion of her and oz, presuppose for the moment that i’m correct on her motivations, and consider what everything ozma’s done in the last few thousand years looks like to her.
she knows that the gods were monsters. she witnessed them slaughtering the whole world and she saw how little it mattered to them after. she was alone for millions of years, and then hated and feared for thousands of years because she didn’t look human. all that suffering because the gods are punishing her for praying to them. yes?
then ozma returns to her, somehow. he doesn’t explain how or why—maybe he tells her he just doesn’t know—but that’s alright. what matters is that he’s here. he asks what happened to her, and she tells him the truth: the gods ended the world. cursed her. killed everyone. she was alone for so long. (maybe not the whole truth: there are things she’s afraid to say, because the gods did it all to punish her, and it’s her fault, and she’s so scared that he’d despise her if he knew everything. the only reason for her to fear ozma would reject her is if she blamed herself. you don’t hide things out of shame if you don’t feel ashamed of them.)
they learn each other again. fall in love all over again. things are finally okay. they fix up her house. they’re happy together. one day ozma tells her that he’s worried about how divided people are. she wants so badly to make him happy; she would move mountains for him. salem herself has no interest in ruling over people as a god—if she did, she wouldn’t have been living alone in a rotting shack in the middle of nowhere—all that enthusiasm is for him. to support what he wants.
they build a following, found a prosperous kingdom, start a family. four children! how long do you think they were married—ten years? twenty? and the whole time, the whole time, ozma was keeping these secrets from her. that the god of light, who’d condemned her to eternal suffering for praying to his brother, who’d shown utter indifference to the deaths of millions, had sent him back to redeem humanity FROM HER SINS, from what SALEM did. that the point of all this is cleansing humankind of her defiance and inviting THAT MONSTER to remnant to judge whether this world deserved to be subjugated under the brothers’ tyranny again or else be put to death.
imagine how she must have felt when ozma finally told her the truth, knowing that the first thing she told him was that the gods ended the last one. imagine the sickening realization that their whole marriage is built on a lie, because she would never, ever, ever have agreed to help him unite the world if she had known what he sought to unite them for, and ozma knew she never would. that he deceived her! manipulated her into serving the will of a god she knows to be a monster!
and even then—even to the very end—she loved him enough to try. she was willing to forgive all of that and figure out a way to move past it together, and the only thing she asked was that he walk away from his task of submitting this world to the judgment of THAT MONSTER. and he wouldn’t do it.
there’s a gap we don’t get to see, in between ozma backing away from her and salem catching him leaving with the girls, but we can infer that ozma walked out of that room and salem didn’t. imagine how she felt. ten years, twenty years, however long it was, and he was lying to her through it all, and he left her with hardly a moment’s hesitation when she refused to help him enact THAT MONSTER’S retribution against herself. because that is, ultimately, what this is all about; humanity is found guilty by association with her.
imagine how she felt. used. worthless. duped. like a fool for ever trusting him. did he ever love her at all, or was that a lie, too?
when she caught him in the hallway later that night, they both attack each other in the same instant. ozma remembers her attacking him first, but their volleys meet in perfect symmetry and right before salem throws her first bolt of magic, her eyes flicker down in surprise as she tracks the motion of his staff (which we see in the previous shot)—salem remembers him attacking her first.
because they were both so tense and scared and angry at each other that they snapped in exactly the same moment.
their battle is so intense they blow up the castle, and when the smoke clears, salem is a pile of ash. ash! he incinerated her! imagine how enraged you have to be to burn someone to ash. that level of fury, of absolute hatred of her, is literally burnt into her memory as the last thing he did to her before she managed to kill him, inextricably twisted around the guilt and unbearable grief she feels for her children.
he’s dedicated all but a handful of his lives since then to getting rid of her. finding a way to destroy her. (how far is he willing to go? what would happen if salem tried to move on, find community and solace somewhere far away from him? would he come after her? would he follow his god’s example and go after the people she cared about to punish her? is she willing to risk that he might?)
do you think salem understands why ozma did any of this? she doesn’t. she doesn’t get the luxury we do of jinn narrating his side of the story and showing us the anguish he felt, wanting so desperately to be with salem but eaten alive by terror of dooming the world for his happiness. she doesn’t know.
all she knows is how he treated her: the secrets, the deception, the manipulation, the immediate and absolute rejection when she told him no, the explosively violent anger at the end, then centuries upon centuries systematically erasing her from history and enforcing her exile whilst searching for the relics he needs to summon his god for the final judgment. which she knows will inevitably end in the annihilation of the whole world and yet more torture for her with no hope of reprieve, because if all of this was not enough to satisfy the god of light’s grudge against her for, again, just praying to his brother, nothing ever will.
salem feels about ozma now the way blake felt about adam. why did he lie to her, why did he use her, why does he keep coming back, why won’t he just LEAVE HER ALONE, hasn’t she suffered enough, hasn’t she been punished enough, when will it be enough—and intertwined with that, she is being EATEN ALIVE by the conviction that no one could ever truly care about her or feel for her or want to help her or think that she deserves help or even just see her as a person, because if ozma—ozma, the one who saved her from her father’s tower, who knew her and loved her before all of this happened—if ozma thought her so worthless that he would rather serve a god who ended the last world and promises to condemn this one too than suffer her to exist at all in this world, why the fuck would anyone else be any different?
thousands of years later, she still flies off the handle when anyone lies to her. (except cinder. but cinder is always the exception, to every rule.) there’s a reason she recruits the kind of people she does—desperate, broken, angry people starving for something she can promise to give them if they make themselves useful to her—and it’s because she does not believe that she can get anything better than strictly transactional relationships with people who have literally nothing and nowhere else to turn. and when she actually cares about someone? she fights herself tooth and claw over it because she desperately doesn’t want to open herself up to more heartbreak. look at how erratic and cruel she is with cinder.
it’s not rational. salem is smart and very, very tactically shrewd but she is making all of her plans and all of her choices from the assumption that she is and will always be alone in this, because she is unlovable, because she is worthless, because she is the reason this world is damned. and she’s terrified of ozma because to her everything he does suggests that his conviction and dedication to the god of light has never wavered. she cannot see his doubt. she cannot see his misery. she cannot see how much he misses her and desperately wants to make amends. all she can see is that he’s zealously guarding the relics and spreading his god’s word and training children to fight and die in the name of keeping her exiled.
why doesn’t ozma just go to her and tell her he wants to make amends? because he’s terrified she’ll never forgive him and terrified that he’ll damn the world to annihilation if he follows his heart. they’re the same. they’re exactly the same.
but this is also what makes it so possible—even easy—for salem to undergo a villain-to-hero arc, because the only thing that needs to happen is a spark of real hope. that someone, anyone, could really care about her. like. the things she says in her soliloquies about the transformative power of hope? “even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change,” and “it’s true that a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary…”—that’s her. one small reason to hope. that is all she needs to change.
she doesn’t want to be razing kingdoms to the ground or cutting a bloody path through children to get those relics. she is willing to do it because she truly, genuinely, from the depths of her soul believes that it’s the only way to free herself from the torture she’s been subjected to for millions of years. she’s driven to this by desperation. she won’t keep doing it if she’s given a reason to feel less desperate.
but she does need to be given a reason, first. she’s hemorrhaging. this is why the winnowing of her inner circle and the split between everyone else in vacuo versus salem + cinder + summer in vale is important; Those Two are the ones she cares about—technically we don’t know for sure regarding summer yet, but the level of trust she has for the lieutenant holding beacon is suggestive—and that being reciprocated is what ignites her hope.
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astermath · 1 year
hey aster, happy 1k!!! love your work and you fully deserve all the love💗💗
so i’m sending in a prompt from idiots to lovers (“you’re so cute.” “what did you just say?” “i said you look like a boot.”) for robin buckley because this literally SCREAMS her
aww tysm that’s so sweet, hope you enjoy and ty for sending in a request! <3
♡ aster's 1K celebration ♡
wc: 0.9K
tags: lovestruck robin, crushing, fem!reader (duh), just some pining lol, not rlly proofread! normal sized font below
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Robin is a girl that tends to fall hopelessly in love. She can’t simply have a crush, or think someone is cute, no, she always falls head over heels, straight into a vat of hearts and sappy confessions.
And usually that’s fine, that works for her. Her crushes give her a reason to go to school, to get stuff done, to put extra effort into her appearance. But she tends to admire from a distance. She knows how much she talks, and how hard it is to stop talking too.
That’s why she usually just sticks to looking at you from a distance, cheek leaning against the palm of her hand as she daydreams about the dates you could go on. In the timeline where she musters up the courage to talk to you.
But it seems that the universe has other plans. The universe being your English teacher, and the plans being a duo project about a country of your choosing.
You couldn’t choose your groups, which you didn’t mind, you could work with just about anyone. You’re smart, you could probably do this whole thing by yourself.
But to Robin, this was a huge deal. She’d never even talked to you before, besides the one time she had to apologise for bumping into you in the hallway. She still dreams about that interaction.
And now she’s gone for embarrassingly daydreaming about you to sitting in your room, surrounded by books about Italy, writing down interesting facts and discussing the order of the presentation.
But her mind is only halfway there. It’s hard to focus on wine, Rome, and pasta when you’re sitting right in front of her like this. The sunlight coming through the window is hitting your skin just right, she can smell your perfume, and your PJ shorts are the cutest she’s ever seen.
“So, do you have anything to add, or can I start writing out my part of the presentation already?”
“You look so cute.” The words leave her lips before they can even register in her own brain. It’s like her body has decided it needs to tell you how adorable you look, without her mind being able to pull the brakes at all.
You look up, quirking an eyebrow, clearly confused by what you’ve heard. “Sorry, what did you just say?”
“Ah! I, uh—“ She sits up straighter, her eyes averting to the papers scattered in front of her, cheeks tinging pink from embarrassment. She’s not great at coming up with excuses, but she doesn’t exactly have a choice right now.
“I said you uh… You look like a boot.”
She could have slapped herself right then and there.
'Seriously, Buckley? A boot? That’s the best thing you could come up with? Not fruit, or something else nice?'
“Oh,” You look up, scratching the back of your neck for a moment. “Well, like a nice boot?”
“What qualifies as a nice boot?”
“I don’t know,” you smile, leaning backwards onto your hands. “I like cowboy boots. And gogo boots are cute too.”
“Huh. I see.” She tries not to make it seem like a big deal, but she enjoys learning small things like this about you.
A few moments pass, and she’s already got her nose shoved back into a book while you try to write down a good introduction.
“Did you actually have something to add though?” You ask, looking up from your paper.
“To the presentation?”
“Oh, I don‘t know.” She puts the book down, thinking it over for a moment. “Maybe that the word America comes from the Italian language?”
"Huh, seriously? That's really cool." You smile, and it makes the blood rush straight to her cheeks again. You're already noting it down under the 'fun facts' section of the presentation, your pen scribbling away as Robin tries to compose herself.
"Yeah, uh, Vespucci came up with it. Italian explorer." She fiddles with the bit of frayed fabric at the hem of her shirt to keep her hands busy.
"You're really smart, aren't you?" You flash her another smile, and she thinks it actually might kill her this time. There's no way someone could look this pretty.
"Oh, uhm... I-- I guess." She chuckles bashfully. "You're pretty smart too, though. You always know the answers to like, every question in class. Even though you never raise your hand."
You grin, knowing damn well that's out of pure laziness and not shyness at all. "Yeah, I guess so. 'M glad I got stuck with you on this assignment though. You're full of interesting facts, Buckley."
She smiles, averting her eyes in hopes of not looking like the complete lovestruck fool she is. "Yeah, well, maybe I'll teach you some Italian here and there too."
"Wait-- you speak Italian?" You sit up straight, eyes practically sparkling after finding out this new juicy bit of information.
"Well, only halfway so, but I like learning languages. Keeps the brain juicy, you know?"
You chuckle at that, leaning your elbows onto your knees and letting your cheeks rest on your palms. "You're somethin' else, you know that Buckley?"
"You're one to talk."
"Well, you did say I looked like a boot. I guess that counts as 'something else'."
The both of you start laughing, and suddenly she doesn't feel so bad about her slipup from earlier anymore. Or this project. Bless the universe for putting her in your room that day.
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teetlestansecond · 2 years
since the boys are cold blooded, can we have a shy female reader (romantic) where they hate hot weather and when shes in the lair she tries to get any excuse to get some of their cold. (Donnie would probably just let her in his air conditioned lab lol) i imagine his desk is cold so she would often sleep there instead
okay so reader really is me huh
also i ended up just doing donnie but PLEASE send in another ask if you'd like the other boys!!
rise!donnie x cold-favoring!reader
she/her pronouns used!
listen. summer's nice, okay? the vibes are great and all that. but the heat is unbearable.
you thrive in the winter, and the chill of fall and early spring makes you feel alive. and it's a lot easier to warm up when you're cold, versus cooling off when you're hot.
and right now, you're hot. a little too hot, and by that i mean way too hot, so you make your way down to the lair.
there are a lot of benefits to having the turtles as a friend, but one of your favorites is their lack of tolerance for the summer heat. the lair is rigged with fans and some heavy air conditioning, and before you even step into the lair you can already feel the cool air reaching you.
three of the four turtles are lounging in the atrium, much to your amusement, and you stop to join them for a few minutes.
“see? told you guys y/n was gonna show up,” Leo teases smugly. “she always visits when it’s hot.”
“it’s like she brings the heat with her,” Mikey teases as he gets up to give you a hug - only a short one, though. Mikey loves hugs but they’re warm and he is not interested in being any warmer than he is right now.
after hanging out with the three for a few minutes, you make a stop in the kitchen for two popsicles, because you know they stock up in the summertime, and then you make your way to Donnie’s lab.
it’s the coldest spot in the house because, like you, Donnie has no tolerance for heat. i’m talking beyond what his body can actually handle. he can’t stand being hot and feels like he’s going to melt anytime the weather gets over 70 degrees.
you make yourself known with a knock against the wall as you enter, then walk over to where your boyfriend sits, working on a new project presumably.
“keeping cool, Don?” you ask, leaning over his shoulder to press a sweet kiss to his cheek.
he looks away from his work long enough to smile and give you a quick kiss in return, and to steal one of the popsicles you brought with you.
“doing my best,” he replies. “i’m guessing you’re having a hard time topside?”
“you have no idea,” you reply.
you guys spend a few minutes chatting, you catching Donnie up on your day and Donnie telling you about what he’s working on.
some days you just bring your phone or a book and do your own thing while Donnie works.
on other days, you take a nap. being hot is tiring and the heat has all but drained you of your energy.
because Donnie knows you sometimes like to nap, he’s finally gotten around to getting a cot in the lab.
however you insist on sleeping on one of his desks, because they’re made of cool metal and it feels so nice in the heat of the summer.
Donnie pretends to be shocked and offended every time, but he’s been keeping one desk cleared for you to nap on so you know he’s just kidding.
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ineffablenlghtingales · 3 months
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Crowley and that beard. Hm not my favorite look, I'll have to say, but it's him. So the episode starts with him in the Land of Uz, 2500 BC, getting ready to kill all of Job’s goats. Aziraphale floats in ready to stop Crowley from killing all of these innocent creatures. Then he tries to get rid of Crowley and Crowley answers simply, "No."
Aziraphale: *big formal declaration meant to expell Crowley* Crowley: ... No. Aziraphale: No?? Crowley: No thank you?
Then there's the bet between God and Satan. Crowley shows Azi the very long contract showing that he has permission to kill these animals, God has agreed to this . Aziraphale's probably a bit horrified to learn that upstairs, they want to see if Job will still be loyal even after all his belongings and children are taken from him.
Aziraphale questions this. I immediately though of Crowley from the previous episode. Intentional, I'm sure, no? Okay, then we have Gabriel organizing books by the first line. Aziraphale is not impressed because lol who does that? Then, Gabriel start singing this song and Aziraphale asks the local record shop owner Maggie for a copy of this song. He discovers it's from an LP from The Resurrectionist pub in Edinburgh, which he believes may be a clue.
Later, the archangels come to the bookshop to investigate the miracle that set off their alarms. Thankfully the miracle has worked, and they don’t recognize Gabriel, the individual that they are after. They think he is just Aziraphale’s assistant. Aziraphale makes up this fib about making Maggie and Nina fall in love and explains that that's the miracle.
Turns out that Maggie is actually in love with coffee shop owner Nina, but Nina isn’t in love with her (not yet, at least). The angels take Azi's word for it but explain that they will be sending someone to verify this miracle at a later date.
Afterward, Aziraphale meets up with Crowley. Istg, I live for the banter between these two. Crowley shows up, telling Aziraphale he's got three reasons for calling the demon. 1) He's bored, 2) He's really excited about something he's done and he'll pop if he doesn't tell someone (which please, that implies that there have been moments when Aziraphale has literally called Crowley to gush about something he did and Crowley's probably just sat there, nodding "Mhmm"ing patiently as he listens to his husband be excited about those things....if someone hasn't written a fic about this or done art, please, I beg you. Do it.) and then 3) bc there's a problem. Azi's used the third one.
He tells Crowley about the fib and they've got to figure out how to make it work.
Flashback to Job's time, and we see Aziraphale arriving to stop Crowley from killing the children (though we find out later, he never actually intends to). Job’s kids are actually brats (except for Jemimah, she's not too bad). Then the reveal that Crowley never actually killed the goats (just um you know turned them into crows), and he wants to protect the children as well.
We see later their conversation about where their allegiances are and their sides. Then Crowley remarks that he's on his own side, and Aziraphale notes how lonely that must be.
Then there's this whole bit about God talking to Job and the angels are deceived by Azi and Crowley's plan. Gabriel isn't convinced though, and demands the truth. Aziraphale lies.
That lie eats away at him and he's afraid he's going to hell for it, but Crowley promises to keep his crimes a secret. Crowley comments on how Aziraphale is an angel who goes along with Heaven for as long as he can. Iirc this is the point when Azi says something about following Heaven up until some point, but there's a 'but'. Crowley notes that.
I think it's immensely interesting that the two of them do what they do, but they do what they know to be right, whether or not Heaven or Hell approve of that. To (hm pun a little bit intended) hell with all of that. And then, and then the bit with car.
I love these dorks so much.
Up next: Recap for 2x03.
Next episode's recap ➵
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agent-troi · 1 month
Thank you for your answer and analysis to Diana. You brought up some great points. Your analysis led to some discourse that I hadn't thought about of the forced intimacy aspect that Diana and Phoebe force upon Mulder. It's interesting because I sense that he wants intimacy with Scully, yet the closest he gets is with a touch here and there or look into her soul intense "eye F*" as I have heard other bloggers call it.
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who has an absolutely not to a Mulder Diana fling.
Is she so manipulative that she might have had a fling with CSM? Didn't he say that she was the only one who hadn't betrayed him?
The finale in season 11 would have been the perfect time to bring back to Diana to give her a final send off and tie up loose ends.
see this is the thing anon. historically mulder has been drawn to emotionally abusive women because that's what he's used to. that's what he thinks he deserves. he was told samantha was his responsibility, and he lost her. he had to parent his own mother after samantha disappeared, denying his own needs in the process. no one ever bothered to sit down and explain to him it wasn't your fault, you were just a child. quite the opposite, in fact. a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort, etc.
scully is different. scully never forces mulder to do anything he doesn't want to do. she never makes him feel worthless; on the contrary, she becomes his biggest cheerleader and defender despite their different viewpoints. even before meeting him, she looks at him with an open mind, determined not to judge him the way everyone else does. she never laughs at him or mocks him or dismisses him. and he has no idea what the fuck to do with this. unconditional respect is a foreign concept to him. no one ever appears to listen to or believe him unless they can get something they want from him, and he thinks this is normal. scully doesn't ask of mulder anything that she's not also willing to give, and this simply Does Not Compute in mulder's brain.
on top of that, every time scully suffers a new trauma, mulder's self-imposed burden of responsibility only increases. he didn't succeed in scaring her off when they first met, and now everything that happens to her is his fault. you're bad for her, the voices in his head tell him. you don't deserve her. she deserves better. however, they're also telling him you need her. she's good for you. you'd be nothing without her.
so he pushes her away, but not too far. he pulls her in, but not too close. and so they dance.
a big part of their journey towards finally getting together is mulder learning that yes, he does deserve love. he does deserve happiness. he didn't somehow trick scully into staying with him or fail to give her adequate reason to leave. she chose him, willingly, because he's a person who's worthy of being chosen.
anyway, back to diana lol. the thought of her and csm makes me want to🤮 and i don't even wanna think about it long enough to decide whether it's plausible. i think i may have read it in a fic once? i don't remember anything else about it though.
YES bringing her back for season 11 would've been perfect, actually they should've brought her back instead of besmirching monica reyes the way they did. it would've made so much more sense. i want to find whoever made that writing decision and shake him.
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
Hi! Love reading your writings on the whole RE franchise, and I just would like to know what you think about on a certain part regarding Separate Ways. I bought the game a while ago and have been replaying it nonstop. One thing though that always sits with me (and that I can’t seem to find any other type of discussion for) is the scene where Ada comes across Luis’ death and as she watches it from afar.
Do you think Ada genuinely felt upset and angry at Luis’ death like Leon and Ashley did? How did she feel about it in general? How she did it affect her long term or short term like it probably does to Leon? I know she chases after Krauser, but Ada constantly gives me mixed signals on how she feels lol (but I am autistic and may not be able to read her tone, face, etc, etc.). So some different perspective on it would be nice :) Thank you!
I've found that Ada gets sentimental and develops attachments to people and things. This is a character trait that she carried from OG to Remake. She's of course not a bleeding heart "save the children" type, but people grow on her and she gets attached to them. Think of the three people we actually see her interact with meaningfully in the Remake series so far: Wesker, Leon, and Luis. Ada develops some kind of attachment to all of them.
Incidentally, I think this is also why she refuses to call Ashley by name at any point in SW. She doesn't want to get attached to her, too.
We know that Luis's death affected her because of this moment:
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Ada wouldn't have fucked with the bombs to save Ashley if not for Luis's influence.
In fact, Luis's death was the catalyst for a lot of change in her.
So, when Ada witnesses the "For Luis" scene and she stands up and says:
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That's her own way of joining in the chorus of "For Luis" -- because helping Leon and Ashley was Luis's dying wish.
I think what would be helpful would be mapping out Ada's character arc in RE4make:
the lie she believes: looking out for myself is the most important thing
doubt moment #1: helping Leon during the village fight and at Mendez's house
test moment #1: Wesker taking her blood and yelling at her for incompetence
test moment #2: Luis expresses a desire to help Leon and Ashley
doubt moment #2: learning that she's infected, too
doubt moment #3: chasing Luis into his burning lab
doubt moment #4: sending Luis away as U3 approaches
CHANGE MOMENT: Luis's death
reinforcement of change: Ada fucks with the bombs even after Wesker pointed a gun at her
further reinforcement of change: refusing to give Wesker the Amber, despite knowing what he's capable of and willing to do to her
moment when she's actively realized that she's changed: encountering Ashley
ending mindset: helping others helps me help myself; I am not an island
I think Ada realized that she couldn't have gotten as far as she did without Luis's help, and she saw that Luis was sincere in his desire to help. So, to watch him fail sparked an "I can't let it end like this" feeling in her, which then prompted her to honor his dying wish.
What's interesting about Ada -- and what probably makes her so hard to read for a lot of people -- is that she doesn't realize right away that she's changed. Most characters have their "aha!" moment as part and parcel with their change moment, but not Ada. Her change kind of sneaks up on her and hits her all at once when she encounters Ashley and finally sees the face of the woman she's been helping all this time.
But, again, none of that would've happened without Luis.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Crawler Commandeers"
The calm before the storm...
I actually do not have a live reaction version of this one, huh.
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Ryder's misgivings with their circumstances showing even more. You know, I bet if they could have avoided showing footage of him helping in the attack on the Dome in the finale trailers, they could have sold the red herring of his "defection" even more.
You know, really make us worry for a moment there. XD
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What's with that look, Sabine? Lol.
A very slow and strained Ezra's Theme in minor key as they observe the ore crawler here.
And a similarly strained and altered "Shenanigans". We are just putting all the serious musical modifications on the leitmotifs today.
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Meanwhile at the Dragging Their Feet HQ...
Interesting that they specifically cite Thrawn's presence as a reason to be hesitant to attack. The man spooks them so much they're afraid to move. Anything they do can wind up giving something away to him that he can use later to destroy them. This is reminiscent of their paralysis when confronted with the knowledge of the Death Star in Rouge One. The Rebel Alliance know they're hopelessly outgunned, they know it's a hard fight, but it isn't until you're actually staring down the barrel of the full huge might of the Empire that you realize just how big and overwhelming the threat is.
And it's hard to figure out what to do in the face of such overwhelming odds. Which is why every so often the Rebellion needed its firebrands and Jedi to reject fear and spurn action into them.
You know... I think Hera told Ezra about the Alliance's long debate over this attack and that's what made him decide that Thrawn needed to be taken off the board permanently. Which is one reason why he was okay with sacrificing himself to take Thrawn out.
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Ezra with another cute "Lookit my girl go!" look, and in my head I'm hearing his bragging, "Those troopers are in trouble now." from "Ghosts of Geonosis".
The way she effortlessly takes out those two droids is pretty impressive.
Lol the Trandoshan is listening to Zeb's favorite band, it sounds like.
Once again showing off the smaller more wirey members of the species. Wonder how many mental comparisons Ezra was making. (He worked briefly with Bossk in the junior novel Ezra's Gamble, Bossk being a much taller and heavier Trandoshan than this Mining Guild shrimp.)
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Ha ha Ezra just straight up clotheslining him, awesome.
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Big fan of the absolute chagrin in Ezra's face as he attempts his bluff here, he already knew this effort was doomed before he started lol.
Seevor's so offended too.
You guys really should have knocked this guy out from the outset. Just saying.
The steam effects are perfect. But then mist and cloud has always been a strength of this show.
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Hi Vizago!
Lolol and I just thought of how this had to sound to Kanan all of a sudden he hears this loud familiar voice, he can't even see how excited Vizago is to see him but his WTF expression is perfect.
Oh and here's one of my favorite Zeb moments this season!
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First giving him a badass entrance--"Drop the whip and step away from my friend you knuckle-brained lizard!" is an amazing line, I should rewatch this episode more often I'd completely forgotten it--and then we proceed into a very knock-down bare-knuckle outright brawl between Zeb and someone finally in his weight class.
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The way Ezra just grabs Seevor's collar and drags him is sending me.
Seriously though, just stun him. Your blaster does have a stun function yes? Does it not work on Trandoshans?
Gilligan Cut to Kanan and Zeb clearly NOT being fine lol.
The comedy is On Point this episode.
I've already mentioned how I love this brawl so I'll just enjoy it and move on.
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Meanwhile on Yavin, Mon Mothma is putting an official name to the Empire's habit of withdrawing its own forces before launching a major attack. "Protocol 13". The complete evacuation of an occupied world by Imperial forces.
So now you're left to Fridge Horror exactly which planet is on the chopping block. Chandrilla? Ghorman? Alderaan? The official timeline (which I don't ascribe to anyway because of NUMEROUS problems and inconsistencies) places this episode very close to Year Zero, within smelling distance of the Battle of Yavin, so the Empire's new plan is almost assuredly the Death Star.
Anyway Hera's convinced to go in and make her speech of hope. It's only too bad that they're facing Thrawn for this sortie. He keeps things at the Alliance at an impasse with his presence. Can't let his TIE Defenders go into production, can't attack his forces outright.
The Immovable Object to Ezra's Unstoppable Force.
Vizago and Hondo would get along immaculately. Actually kind of weird that Vizago's developed into a Hondo-like personality when he was so cold and chilling at the beginning of Season One but again I point to "The Empire makes all other threats into miniscule nuisances" and also he's clearly been in contact with Ezra too long, everyone softens around him lol.
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My son with his impressive glares again. <3
And the plan is once again to bluff the Empire, and it's mostly a good plan, aside from the fact that they still haven't stunned the damn crawler captain.
Oh good! Zeb went and knocked him out again.
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Don't mind me I just like this shot of Ezra readying his lightsaber.
And Seevor has turned internal saboteur. Man's dedicated to his job.
Sabine looking entirely too amused to make Ezra go in the vents, just like the old days.
But also:
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These shafts don't look as ah... sanitary as the ones Ezra's used to crawling through.
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It was a nice touch that Ezra totally knew Seevor was there before he could attack. Force Sense warned him, it's implied.
When these clips were shown in the trailer I genuinely thought Seevor was Ruhk it was so hard to see him.
Again, Ezra senses the attack a hair before it happens.
People weirdly thought Ezra went briefly Dark Side again right here? Because they thought he manipulated his dropped saber into Seevor's foot path, sending him into the furnace, plus the dark humor comment later.
...I both do and don't see it. I see how it would certainly look like Ezra deliberately moved his saber somehow to make him slip but... I dunno I can't square it away with how he's been characterized for the most part. I'm going to settle on a maybe.
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Sabine looks so happy for him, awww.
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Hhhhhhngnghhfhfffff my heart I ache now. Everything is so hopeful and optimistic it huuuuuuuurts.
This is a fun one. A bit silly in places, but entertaining. Lots of good moments for characters and unlike "The Wynkahthu Job" I don't want to slap anyone upside the head.
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xxxdizzy19 · 7 months
𝕲𝖔𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕽𝖊𝖉 Big post about my sarentu oc
With release of 1.03 update I decided to start a new game and came up with a final design of my ikran and my sarentu boy, at last (you can't even imagine how many times I changed their appearance). Anyway, Zandar is still Zandar. He's the only character I feel comfortable with, his face type, etc. Ikran is final as well (red is my favourite). Now we are truly bonded, lol I beat the game at least 2 times and Pandora still won't let me go. The world is so beautiful I can't. I'm sure many of you will understand. By this point I had already thought of Zandar's personality. I want to share with you my thoughts about his personal characteristics and his relationship with other Sarentu kids. I'll use some old screenshots you might have already seen !!! WARNING, big amount of text and some SPOILERS for those who haven't played yet !!! 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙵𝚞𝚛𝚢 𝚉𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛'𝚜 𝚒𝚔𝚛𝚊𝚗
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𝚉𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛 My imagination is so sad to be honest, yet I wanted to add a little bit of personality to my boy instead of sending the same endless screenshots. I really love to read about others original characters tho and it is inspiring. Zandar feels so ordinary compared to them. The only thing I can say about him in general is that I imagine him not being that shy and unconfident in his behaviour like the main hero of the story sometimes, and he's not that diplomatic and kind as them too. Less patient, more impulsive in his actions, but he's honest, a straightforward person.
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Nah, Zandar is not some kind of "badass guy". He's simple, maybe not that much mysterious and interesting for someone, and I like it this way. Somewhere deep inside he's just as hurt as Nor is, but he's much better in hiding it and instead of pouting Zandar prefers to act. Peaceful Sarentu ways of solving problems it is something Zandar does not understand yet.
𝚉𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚒'𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚊 tandem of brute strength and elegance
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Ri'nela is his mental safe harbour. In their chatter he finds comfort. He admires her wisdom, optimism and hope for the future of the Sarentu clan. He believes in her, trusts her, and wants her to become a tsahik one day. Therefore, he provides her mental support, shares the burden of leading people, offers any help that she may need, though she never asks, being stubborn and proud in her own way. Zandar even started to think that perhaps he has developed romantic feelings for Ri'nela after all, yet even the single thought about that itself is already enough to scare him away. He believes that Ri'nela is too good and kind for such hardened person like him. She's such a pure soul in his eyes. Zan is not even sure if his feelings can be mutual, because Ri'nela has always been soft with him, so the poor guy doesn't want to bother her. The irony of the situation is that he has no fear of battle, but is afraid to show what's going on in his own heart. He doesn't have the right words and has a hard time imagining himself in any kind of relationship to be honest. This is why Zandar understands Anqa's feelings so well and gladly helped her with Priya.
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𝚉𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚘'𝚕𝚎𝚔 RDA's nemesis
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Growing up among humans, Zandar quickly realized that RDA understand only language of power. No peace with those who want to take your home and kill Pandora's wildlife for fun and trophies. Ahari's death made Zandar even more ferocious and extremely cruel, especially towards RDA. No surprises here. He does not remember his own father, but he found shadow of him in So'lek. Almost every day they hunt down RDA soldiers together, including those who were involved in extinction of So'lek's clan. Young boy loves to listen stories of an older warrior about his journey, sitting by the campfire and drinking zangke. He is on the same level of thinking as So'lek, so they both agree on a lot of things.
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𝚉𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚎𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 older, younger
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One of those things, for example, is Teylan's inner desire to please humans, especially Mercer. After everything they have witnessed at TAP, Teylan's "obedient dog" behaviour made Zandar sick. RDA humans understand only language of power. Still, he loves Teylan like his own brother and after Mercer's defeat he tries his best to help him feel more na'vi, to find his own way among their people using the example of Kametire, but sometimes he's too harsh with Teylan. Anufi and Okul help them a lot. And under Solek's small guidance, Zandar teaches Teylan to hunt and fight. When Teylan is ready (and if he wants to do it), Zandar will help him to make a bond with his own ikran among those who flies Clouded Forest skies.
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𝚉𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙽𝚘𝚛 the lost one
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Common grief unites injured souls. Zandar, his sister Ahari and Nor were always very close, because they had the same thoughts about human "culture and civilization". After Ahari's death Nor and Zan became even closer friends. Boys shared a deep respect for each other and stronger than ever before, they were both determined that they should not let RDA erase their na'vi identity and destroy their home.
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Not a single day goes by without Zandar thinking about Nor. He misses him and often wonders where he could have gone. Zandar decided that when things at headquarters were more or less sattled he would go on a journey to find his best friend.
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Zandar is very protective of their little Sarentu family. The bond these kids share is the only weakness he has, but in the same time it is his biggest strength. So he'll keep fighting for all of them, for their future. In the name of Ahari and mother, Kataru. For the only home he has, for Pandora.
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90s-2000s-barbie · 10 months
Hello, Megan! How are you doing? I was wondering if you have any tips for someone wanting to start a 90s/2000s collection like yours.
Where do you shop? How long did it take to accumulate your collection?
Last question might be weird but do you sleep in the room in the photos? The reason I ask is because I want to make my room look like that but I'm a little worried about what people will think...
Hi! This is a great questions and literally anyone can do it and affordable! So I’ve been collecting my whole life but I started going super into it in 2009. Not only do I collect nostalgia, I collect about anything I would see and like, antiques, records vintage clothes, toys, ex. What started my interest is I just saw something a couple antiques i wanted at goodwill and passed it up and I would never live it down. I will forever remember is and kick myself in the ass for it. I said that’s it, I’m not regretting leaving something so cool behind in fear of being judged.
Even though I started in 2009, I will admit, no one has to break bank to start collecting. The best place to start is goodwill, local thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales. I don’t pay much for anything I own in my collection. One time I thrifted an entire huge box full of vintage McDonald’s toys for $2! It’s very simple to do. Some garage sales, people were so tired of selling, they would tell me to have things for free! Like I’m doing them a favor getting rid of the items. lol u really don’t need to spend much.
I started collecting by going to my local goodwill every week and I’d find a cart FULL of 90’s -2000’s finds and I’d spend like max, $50 for my entire cart and I’d find the coolest stuff, toys, clothes, books, ex.
I leave no stones unturned. Some people hid things at goodwill and wait for the color tag to go on sale so look everywhere! I would go by myself and look for a few hours and pick out everything old, and decide at the end what I LOVE and put back things that I just don’t. I’d find cool 2000’s clothes hidden in the kids clothes! I found a vintage adult sized Powerpuff girls sweater in the kids! People hide stuff everywhere and workers also put things in wrong spots just cause it’s got cartoons on them. lol
So the photos of my room is right before I moved into my own house but YES. I slept in that room for years and everyone that walked in thought it was cool! Now I have childhood friends sending me photos of it and asking why my room is all over the internet! lol 😂 I had 2 beds so I could have my best friends over and have cool sleep overs, all my friends, guys and girls loved it and even my boyfriend loved it when we first started dating. My mom loved it cause it reminded her of when me and my sister were kids. She would come up and hang out with me and we would watch Britney and Backstreet Boys videos. I say, do things FOR YOU. If people aren’t supportive, then that’s there problem. As long as ur responsible and not harming anyone or anything, then there is nothing wrong with u doing what makes u happy! ❤️ If u have anything ur really into, the fashion or toys, ask any questions u want, fill free to ask. Something I always do with everything, is pick something up, look for a year. Sometimes older stuff didn’t always have a year on it. Now they always have years.
Also I don’t make YouTube videos anymore but I do have one thrift haul on my YouTube channel Nostalgic Studioz. Can kinda see what I found going to one goodwill! One store is all it takes. lol
Thanks so much for the ask! I love talking about my hobbies and I hope this helps u too! ❤️❤️
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Here is one flea market haul and there is that box I spent 2 dollars on to the right. lol I bought all of this in one place, one day at the local flea market. Ohio’s biggest flea market is like 30 mins away and it’s my FAVORITE place in the world. It’s opened all year around and it’s like a giant garage sale.
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