#(evangeline lemoine the witch)
talesofterrebonne · 1 year
@ghxstwrxter || Continued from [x]
"What??? You keep telling me that I should have just talked to you six years ago and now here I am, telling you I want to talk, and you're still mad at me???"
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talesofterrebonne · 2 years
@ghxstwrxter || Continued from [x]
Andre wasn’t the only one that the last live show haunted. Cam had died that night (also resurrected, but still...). And Eva, Eva had entered into a bargain with Baron Samedi. A bargain to be called in whenever the Loa desired.
It was something she still needed to tell Andre about. 
But for now, everything was fine. And their trip north had so far proved to be uneventful. As she looked over the response, she rolled her eyes ever so slightly at the thumbs up emoji. Not too long ago that particular emoji had been a VERY sore spot between them.
Looking up, Eva nodded in response to Sasha’s question. “He’s just checking in. Making sure none of us have plans to raise elder gods or...you know...” She motioned towards Cam.
“Can’t say I blame him. Tell him I say hi. And that we continue to keep you away from the stove for the safety of all involved.”
Don’t worry. We are. Sasha says hi, btw. And to tell you that he is keeping me away from the stove. Asshole.
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talesofterrebonne · 2 years
"Don't wake any elder gods today. Love you!"
Seeing the text pop up on her phone, Eva couldn't help but roll her eyes. While Andre was totally valid in his worry -- given what happened last year, the awakening of the Elder God had been an accident. Had Eva thought for a moment the creature actually existed, she would have never let them within a hundred miles of that site.
This year, things were quieter. Their "Live from" Halloween special taking place in some "witch woods" up in the Pennsylvania Mountains. And being a witch herself...well, Eva had nothing to fear.
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Funny. Love you too. Pretty sure this year is gonna be uneventful.
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talesofterrebonne · 1 year
28 & 29 (for Eva)
28.     five most recent sent text messages 
What time are we leaving tomorrow?
I mean...it's possible he's as old as he says he is. But if you have doubts, ask Laine. She might know.
Thoughts on dinner?
Why is your brother texting me?
29.     five most recent received text messages 
Flight's at 8. Don't hate me!
Oooooh. Good plan? Come with me to the Underground tonight?
Thought I might bring something home.
Ew. No idea. Quick. Block him.
I see your charming personality doesn't shine through over text. Can you come by the shop tomorrow?
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talesofterrebonne · 1 year
11 (for Eva)
11.     phone home screen.
Ooooooh. Okay, Nonnie. This one, it actually changes a few times. When she first left Terrebonne, her home screen was a picture of her and Andre. Together on Landry's family's boat. Shortly after leaving, she changed it to a picture of her, Marie, and Sabine. As constantly seeing Andre's face was painful. Like a constant knife through her chest painful. After meeting the boys and Sasha, it turned into a pic of her and Sasha. A selfie taken on set somewhere. It remained that until the show returned to New Orleans. Then it changed to a photo of all of them -- the boys, Sasha, Marie, and Sabine taken in the city. That is...until she and Andre reconciled. Then it once again changed to a picture of the two of them. And then, finally, once the kids were born...it became rotating pics of them.
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talesofterrebonne · 2 years
Meta: Groundhog Day
So I learned today that in Louisiana, the weather is predicted not by Punxsutawny Phil, but by a nutria named Pierre C. Shadeaux. This led me to realize that there was probably a very weird (and possibly slightly heated) coversation between Eva and the boys about Pierre vs Phil. Especially since that was one of the years that the two predicted different outcomes.
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talesofterrebonne · 2 years
☺️ (to Eva from Rich)
"Do you see now why we said this was a bad idea????" Eva was pissed. And while normally making a witch of her caliber that mad was ill advised, today....well, today it was just...adorable. As whatever had happened in that house had reverted Eva back to her four year old form. Still her. At least mentally. But now pocket sized. And so pissed...came off as more fussy.
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talesofterrebonne · 2 years
Open Starter || Evangeline “Eva” Lemoine
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“I promise, nothing like what happened last year is going to happen this year. Sasha and Fix thoroughly vetted the area and there are no elder gods to piss off. It’s just your normal, run of the mill, haunted woods. Cursed by a three hundred year old witch because the neighboring town ran her out during their own version of the trials. But really. Piece of cake. I’ll be back Monday night.”
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talesofterrebonne · 3 years
Open Starter - Evangeline “Eva” Lemoine | Open to All
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Noticing the glance towards her arm and the nasty red scratches upon it (almost like fingers made of twisted and gnarled wood had raked across it), Eva tugged at her sleeves. Trying to cover it.
“It’s fine. Whatever I awoke in that corn field, I’ll put it back to sleep. Fix and Sasha are already in full research mode.”
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talesofterrebonne · 3 years
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The Lemoine Witches: Presley, Annalyse (deceased), & Evangeline.
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
@ghxstwrxter​ is getting a starter cause ANGST
When the concierge of the hotel had called up and told her there was a man waiting for her in the lobby, she hadn’t known what to think. It obviously wasn’t any member of the team, or Sasha and Murphy; they all would have just come to her room. Same with Andre or any member of the pack -- as she had learned her first night there. And Bellamy most likely would have called first; let her know he was coming into town. It was possible it was one of the practitioners in the Quarter. Leroi or Sabine’s brother, Laurent. But again, they would have just come up. Or had Sabine call to arrange a meeting somewhere other than the lobby of The Saint.
She supposed the only way to find out was to go see. After all, chances were it was more than likely just some fan of the show. Someone who had figured out where they were staying and wanted to say hi or get a picture. And whatever. She was happy to do it. 
Smoothing out the black lace dress she wore, she stepped out of the elevator and onto the hardwood floor of the lobby, boot heels clicking as she made her way over to the desk -- allowing the girl behind it to point her in the direction of the man sitting in one of the many white leather chairs scattered about. 
He definitely didn’t look like a practitioner. Too...Ralph Lauren. And he didn’t look like most of their fans, but he could be a dad. There to get something for his kid?
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Walking over, she offered her hand and a bright smile. “Hi. I’m Eva. The concierge said you were here t’ see me?”
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
@ghxstwrxter​ is getting a starter cause I’ve missed these two
Hearing the knock on her hotel room door, she assumed it was Sasha -- bored with waiting in the lobby and coming to see what was taking so long; what was keeping them from dinner and a round or six of drinks on Bourbon Street. Was it cliche? Yeah. Was it trashy? Possibly. But would it be fun? According to Sasha, absolutely it would. And it would help to distract Eva from all the emotional baggage this trip brought with it.
Tying up the gris-gris she has been working on, she moved towards the door, a bit of graveyard dust till smudged across her cheek.
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“Hey. Sorry, I was just fini...Andre? What are you doing here?”
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
@ghxstwrxter is getting one unhappy witch for Richard
She probably should have let Eric call; Eric tended to be the level headed one while Eva...well, Eva had a tendency to get emotional. Go off and let her magick spark; as was evident by her conversation with Andre. But this was about her. Her past, her hometown, her secrets. And so, back at the hotel, just the tiniest bit tipsy...she made the call.
“Rich. Hey. It’s Eva...do you have a sec to chat?” So far, so good. Direct. Polite. And with the accent still under wraps. 
This was gonna be fine...
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
Open to all
After avoiding home for years, Eva’s luck has run out and Syfy has sent their show down to New Orleans to film a three episode arc about the ghosts of the French Quarter. Now she’s home and forced to face her own ghosts in those she left behind. Including her ex (m), her friends (m/f), and her family/coven (m/f).
Convincing the others she’d be fine on her own for a bit (after all, the city was still a good hour away from Terrebonne and the bayou in which she was raised), Eva headed out of the hotel and into the thick evening air. It was just early enough that the tourists were still at dinner (or getting ready for their evening adventures) and so had not yet rolled out en masse. Still, just as an extra precaution, she cut short of Bourbon and headed up Dauphine Street.
She wasn’t quite sure yet where she was going. Or if she was even going anywhere in particular. All she knew was that as much as she had tried to deny it, she had missed this place. Missed the energy her home state gave off. The wide acceptance of the occult -- even if it was mostly in a hokey, tourist attracting sort of way. It was so very different from Philly.
Still, what was done was done. And she knew damn well what would have happened had she stayed. 
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Crossing over Conti, she headed in the direction of Dauphine Books, a cozy little used book store where she was sure she could find something for her aunt. A small gift to show how sorry she was to have just disappeared on her; on everyone.
In her newfound focus, she never noticed the other person watching her from across the way.
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
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Headcanon: Juju
A black, glossy crayfish snake and Eva’s familiar. Bought for her by Sasha shortly after the two met. He even went so far as to have Louisiana soil sent up for Juju’s terrarium. Just a small piece of home.
And yes, he was named after the snake in Princess and the Frog.
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talesofterrebonne · 4 years
@ spiritchasers: Ask and you shall receive; the Chasers stay in Louisiana has been extended. More episodes. More ghosts. And a peek into the past of @ chasing_eva. #hauntedhomecoming
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