#(era genial tho
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sportinguistas com teorias malucas que o vídeo de promoção ao jogo de amanhã em que um gajo cuja cara não se vê mas que está a apertar as chuteiras é easter egg para a apresentação do Conrad amanhã porque as chuteiras são iguais às que ele usa e porque está a apertar a chuteira esquerda e ele é esquerdino 😭😭 Amorim e Viana vejam o que fizeram, we lost the plot
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Can't sleep bc my brain keeps thinking about wanting a gentle but interesting Bumblebee in canon shows ( not the teenager jerk archetype) but at least I heard he gets some development ( wow! that genially surprising!) but overall so it all might be decent at least and might enjoy him once I get to the show.
At least his design is pretty good )
Tho I still want pre-Bayverse era Bee to be canon again and actually explored, but I guess next time.
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hola hola, friends 🥰. de este lado bela, llegando un poco tarde para presentarles a mi peor personaje lorenzo gohl. les dejo acá su formulario pero igual se los hago cortito (??? mentira me quedó larguísimo meperdonan) bajo el read more. si dan un like me acerco a sus ims con alguna idea o headcanon! (si me tardo es porque estoy pensando pero son súper bienvenides a hablarme primero si ya se les ocurrió algo 💖) — @dmconexiones.
lista de conexiones.
tiene 24 años, es suizo (vivió siempre en berna) y estudia marketing en glion.
en resumidas cuentas es el hijo de una estrella de rock. el papá y tres amigos empezaron una banda llamada nomaden en los 80, y en los 90 alcanzaron mucha fama en los estados unidos y después el resto del mundo. su papá (markus gohl) era el vocalista y guitarrista. la banda se disolvió hace como ya diez años pero imagino que siguen teniendo relevancia en la industria musical.
por otro lado, la mamá es compositora y productora musical. ella no es famosa pero sí trabajó con gente que lo es. justamente mientras trabajaban juntos tuvo una relación muy corta con el papá de lorenzo y cuando quedó embarazada estaba segura de que el tipo se iba a borrar, pero al final sorprendió a todos y decidió reconocer al hijo.
EXCEPTO ah que siempre fue un desastre de padre. sólo le dio el apellido y después le enviaba plata todos los meses, pero nunca estuvo en su vida. hubieron un par de instancias en que al papá le agarraba culpa e intentaba tener un vínculo con él, y entonces lo invitaba a quedarse en su mansión en los ángeles o lo llevaba de gira o a las premiaciones y le compraba un montón de cosas, pero después volvía a no comunicarse por meses y como mucho lo llamaba en su cumpleaños (si se acordaba). also una vez se lo dejó olvidado en un hotel en otro estado lmao. en fin. si le mencionan al padre les escupe :/ encima tengo el hc de que son iguales físicamente así que siempre alguien se lo recuerda.
si alguna vez habla de "mi papá" se refiere al padrastro. también tiene un medio hermano menor por parte de la mamá. [ tw: cáncer ] el hermano siempre tuvo distintos problemas de salud, entre ellos cuando era chico tuvo cáncer dos veces. en la actualidad está bien hace ya bastantes años, pero igual esa época dañó mucho la relación entre los dos, básicamente porque a lorenzo el padre biológico le compraba todo lo que quería o se lo llevaba a pasear por hollywood mientras el hermano estaba mal. entonces lorenzo sentía un montón de culpa y el hermano le tomaba rencor, pero nunca lo aclaraban y los papás tampoco sabían muy bien cómo manejar la situación. no se odian ni nada pero tampoco se llevan genial que digamos, siempre quedó una pequeña tensión entre los dos.
es el skeleton 20 ("sale con la ex pareja de julian, quien no se encuentra presente en este viaje"). la novia se llama eeee *tira un dado* chloe y llevan alrededor de un mes ‘saliendo’ aunque ya se veían de antes. esta es la primer ✨ relación ✨ que tiene y según yo sus amigues ya están apostando a ver cuánto le dura hasta que lo arruine lmao. lorenzo es el primero en decir que no cree en el compromiso ni nada que se le parezca así que esto fue inesperado de parte de él. no sé si son exclusivos pero igual según él la quiere!! el tiempo dirá tho.
en cuanto a su personalidad es muy de what you see is what you get. su prioridad número 1 es él mismo y le tiene rechazo a la gente que busca complacer a los demás bc he doesn't get it. a veces es medio cruel porque no le importa parecer correcto así que tiene 0 filtros (salvo cuando le conviene, es bien hipócrita like that y pierde los principios en 0.2 segundos si hay algo que quiere de por medio). es tóxico perdón :/ pero también tiene un lado afectuoso y silly con las personas que lo soportan lo suficiente para llegar a verlo jsjs.
en el fondo es un nerd. siempre fue bueno en matemática porque se le dan bien los números, en especial cuando hablamos de dinero. he's that guy que siempre está pensando formas nuevas de hacer $$$$ (antes de empezar la universidad se tomó un año sabático y trabajó en un montón de cosas así que tal vez puede salir una conex por ese lado). en teoría sabe que cuando el papá se m*era va a heredar una fortuna pero él no quiere ver un centavo de esa plata porque lo odia al padre a ese nivel ah. es re orgulloso y no acepta una limosna ni que se esté muriendo, todo quiere conseguirlo por su cuenta. it’s funny tho porque el papá es el que le paga la universidad.
es bisexual y ha estado con mujeres y hombres por igual. imagino que es abierto al respecto tmb.
that's it i think??? muchas gracias si leyeron hasta acá <3 quiero de todooo, lorenzo es un odioso pero se presta para cualquier cosa ah 🥺 si tienen un hc o una idea que quieran desarrollar cuéntenme i'm in!!!
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@itsbitmxdinhere || Dolores
Dolores let out a chuckle raising her brows a little·“ well I mean what do you expect from someone who’s soul is c u r s e d· and trapped in a mannequin·“· really tho it still was amusing how they both ended up at this era and at same time she was back on her second and last life, she actually managed to get back time to learn couple things for herself, and now Five as also here.
To be honest she was really curious about Five’s family, she heard so many things, and there was a small temptation to just insist on going to his house, but she didn’t want to make things uncomfortable for him either,·“ well I’m ready when you are shall we? “she showed a small grin.
“ You shouldn’t worry that much about them tho, you know I think I remember·meeting Klaus in a van, I just can’t figure out when it was, there are bits and pieces all scattered around and without any timing order from when I was a mannequin, everything it’s all over the place, the only thing sustainable more or less is the time I spent with you on that apocalypse world·“.
As they walked to her place it was nice to have a small catch up, she would have to work on a couple of spells once they got there one to get Five back to the time he came from, because she didn’t want him to overuse his powers, and a second one to make his body back to its original age, which she had already one in mind what was sure almost 99% it would work.
Dolores was one of the most marvelous things that’d ever happened in his life. It was Dolores that’d rescued him from sheer insanity back in the Apocalypse World. It was Dolores that’d regularly kept him far from danger. It was Dolores that reminded him how important it was to sustain his humanity. A tenderness breathed from her, a concern, a care. But also a geniality, a teasing and rather impish attitude. She was a silver lining in the darkest of storms. And the idea of losing her, of visiting a timeline, where she was no longer present had terrified him. Killed him.
But they were together; as chaotic and puzzling as it might have been, they’d found each other. And even though, acting all clingy and sappy was NOT happening, he wanted her to know that he’d missed her. That despite the Apocalypse madness, the family drama and the Commission, he WISHED to stick around. To see her. Talk to her.
And maybe if they were lucky enough, she’d come up with a way to solve this; the problem of his rather young body and the lunatics that kept persecuting him.
“Trust me, Klaus is NOT the person that you’d wish to remember. Or EVER encounter again.” His brother was immature, had a nut for a brain and couldn’t grasp a single thing. Then again, all his siblings were exactly this way; ignorant, inane, childish. They were the last people that Dolores needed to talk with.
“There is also something else that we need to talk about.” The words came out after a short pause -words of seriousness and quietness-. Nothing like his natural tone.
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LUCILLE WEASLEY é uma MESTIÇA que se identifica como MULHER CIS de 18 anos e pode ser encontrado no dormitório do PRIMEIRO ANO da LUFA-LUFA. A carinha é de LUCA HOLLESTELLE, mas dizem que ele também pode ser CALMA, CRIATIVA, DESATENTA e PREGUIÇOSA. O signo de LUCY é TOURO, seu patrono é BORBOLETA e seu user na wizarfi é @lucillesada.
・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ . wanted plots ❝ EM BREVE ❞
Lucy costuma dizer que “quando eu conheço uma pessoa nova, as chances dessa pessoa ser da minha família e eu não saber ainda é de, pelo menos, 78%" porque a família dela é ENORME e ela ama isso
Lucy é uma das gêmeas filhas de Percy e Audrey Weasley e ninguém sabe quem nasceu primeiro (só os pais, obviamente, mas eles escolheram não contar para ninguém)
É muito próxima da irmã e tem uma relação incrível com a mãe, e, apesar de também amar o pai, nunca foi muito próxima dele porque ele vive ocupado com o trabalho dele no Ministério
E, por conta da personalidade dela, Lucy sempre achou que era uma decepção para o pai, apesar dele nunca ter dito nada do tipo a ela.
Audrey é uma bruxa mestiça que, apesar de ter perdido a mãe na guerra, ainda era muito chegada ao lado trouxa da família dela
Então, desde pequena, Lucy sempre foi muito próxima do mundo e da cultura trouxa porque a mãe arrastava ela e Molly para visitarem o avô trouxa
Apesar de ser meio ‘gênia maluca que fica muito tempo sozinha’, principalmente quando está no meio de uma experiência nova, ela é MUITO apegada à família
E os usa de cobaia mais do que seria seguro admitir
Ela ama a bagunça que é uma casa cheia de gente, ama ir para a casa dos avós (tanto os Weasley quanto o pai de sua mãe) e já pediu, várias vezes quando era pequena, para Audrey se mudar para a casa da vovó Molly e do vovô Arthur
De vez em quando, os avós e tios (principalmente o tio George) olham meio estranho para Lucy e Molly, mas eventualmente Lulu entendeu que é porque elas se parecem muito com George e Fred.
Ela é o próprio clichê de cientista louco
Sempre foi super apaixonada por química, sendo uma das poucas matérias para a qual ela se dedicava durante o ensino básico
A maioria dos experimentos explodiram na cara dela? TALVEZ
Mas isso é só parte da diversão
E a meta dela em Hogwarts é estudar poções e virar a nova Marie Curie da magia
Ela vai ou mudar ou dominar o mundo com química+poções
Isso porque na verdade Lucille Weasley é um gênio. Ela é terrivelmente boa com as matérias objetivas (matemática, química e física, principalmente) e tem um pensamento muito muito rápido
Acontece que: Lulu está quase sempre drogadíssima de marijuana e gillyweed, que desaceleram o pensamento dela (tho ela usa o outro tipo de maconha quando ela precisa ficar atenta e se foca)
Então boa parte do potencial dessa mente genial se perde entre as drogas e a preguiça inata da menina
As notas dela são, portanto, terríveis desde os 16 anos: nas matérias exatas ela passou a ter notas medianas e nas humanas ela continuou sendo terrível como sempre foi
Ela só usa o potencial do cérebro dela para as matérias que ela gosta muito e para pegadinhas, honestamente
Não tem um parente ou amigo próximo que não foi cobaia da Lucy para alguma poção que te deixa com um focinho de cachorro ou que te faz falar a língua dos trolls o dia todo
Se ela não está fumando escondida em algum lugar, ela com certeza está com o laboratório portátil dela criando mais alguma poção química para testar nos primos
Em questão de personalidade, ela é exatamente o que se espera de uma slythpuff: ambiciosa ao extremo (levemente atrapalhada pela própria preguiça e pelas drogas), leal até a morte (com os próximos) e a melhor amiga que você pode ter na vida. Ela larga tudo para ajudar os amigos, ela vai rir antes de ajudar, mas vai mover montanhas pelos amigos se for necessário.
Lucy ganhou seu nome (Lucille) em homenagem à avó que faleceu na Guerra, Lucille Mills
Labels? O que é isso? É de comer?
O chapéu seletor ficou em dúvida sobre coloca-la na Lufa-Lufa ou na Sonserina e demorou uns vinte minutos para ela ser finalmente selecionada para a casa de Helga porque ela cansou de esperar e escolheu sozinha
Sexualidade é fluída e Lucy vai pegar todo mundo que ela tiver a oportunidade de pegar
“Sem tempo para seus sentimentos, irmão, tenho experiências para fazer e um mundo para mudar”
Lulu, Lily e Molly estão recriando o Mapa do Maroto porque se recusam a usar esse negócio desatualizado e ficar roubando o mapa dos Potter é altamente chato
Ela ABSOLUTAMENTE não usa vestidos ou saias porque ela precisa estar sempre pronta para uma emergência (leia-se necessidade de testar uma teoria nova) e não pode entrar em laboratórios se não estiver de calça
Apesar de que ela usa shorts e transfigura eles em calças quando precisa então podem call her out on this bulls*it
Ela enche a cara de drogas mas você nunca verá Lucille bebendo álcool porque ela não gosta das reações químicas que produz no cérebro
É uma jogadora decente de quadribol, mas tem preguiça demais para entrar no time
Quando joga, porém, ela é competitiva DEMAIS e vai xingando até a mãe (depois se desculpa porque ela não é louca)
Tem duas tatuagens: a molécula de serotonina tatuada no quadril e uma tatuagem que fez com a Molly na costela
Ela tem um estilo estranho: ou se veste como se ainda estivesse nos anos 60/70 ou se veste de jeans e moletom.
Dança muito bem
Tem o nível de atenção/concentração de uma borboleta e honestamente acha que esse é o único motivo para esse ser seu patrono
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What??? What????
How did I not know about this?
Considering two of my favourite things in life are Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party and Alfred Burke, it feels almost surreal to find out only now that Burke played McCann in the original TV production. I honestly don't know how I didn't already know this. Its just. Bizarre.
Some quick notes. Pearson seems like an odd choice for Stanley, not quite young enough and a little too soft, except he wasn't really too old, he just always looked older than he was. He originated the role tho, so he must have been good in the part.
McCann is a killer part, with Goldberg the two roles are the best in the play (and two of the best Pinter ever wrote). Young(ish) Burke is an excellent choice for McCann, he could do sinister and menacing very well, and had an excellent voice for delivering those occasional philosophical interjections that make up much of McCann's dialogue in the play. Likewise, Montague is a brilliant choice for Goldberg. I can see him doing the genial, charming, ingratiating thing before switching to quiet menace. Good choices both.
McCann is Irish and it would be interesting to know how well Alf did with the accent. I haven't come across him doing accents all that much (except when played for laughs a few times in Public Eye, and the very subtle use of a Germanic twang in Enemy At The Door). Alf had Irish heritage tho, so I'm sure he carried it off.
Twice, in that article, the character of Lulu is referred to as 'a silly girl', which I guess shouldn't surprise me, but is a disappointing testament to the writer either not having actually seen the play yet, or really not paying attention.
A cursory glance at the net suggests this is almost certainly a lost production, not entirely surprising, as it was an Associated-Rediffusion job (they have perhaps the worst record of any UK TV company for destroying their archives), and most 'theatre night' tv shows suffered heavy losses. It is, to me though, a personal tragedy. The Birthday Party is such a brilliant, mercurial play, and such a significant moment not just in Pinter's career but in modern drama, and to see an adaptation made so soon after its disastrous first tour (as the above article notes, it was almost universally loathed by critics) would be invaluable to understanding the relationship between theatre and television in that crucial era when the former was really beginning to struggle for the first time and the latter was quickly becoming ubiquitous. And, plus, Alf. Alf as McCann. God, move over customs-half-hour-nonsense, this goes straight to the top of my dream discoveries.
#how did i not know this????#how??????#alfred burke#the birthday party#harold pinter#1960#lost tv#richard pearson#lee montague#margery withers#arthur hewlett#bernadette milnes#associated rediffusion#theatre#literature#play adaptation#itv play of the week#modern drama#forever weeping that this is lost#i considered pat magee in the 68 film version#to be the definitive mccann#but knowing alf played him throws everything up in the air now#pictures shamelessly stolen off facebook#sorry#i'll never be over this
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Motivada pelo duh como sempre eu também lembrei que preciso atualizar como foi 2021 aqui!!! Tô atrasada um mês já lol
eu lembrei de fazer isso mas fiquei com preguiça, mas agora que tô me exercitando e estou entediada talvez eu consiga me distrair escrevendo isso aki
anyways, lá vamos nós por partes como diria o jack estripador (essa piada eh velha né mas eu to velha também se fuder)
O ANO DE 2021 começou lá no poço, no fundo dele, extremamente embaixo, eu tava embaixo da água me afogando e não tinha um ser pra me jogar a corda pra subir de novo (entenda, não estou culpando meus amigos que me ajudam e ajudaram muito, eh porque faltava euzinha lá em cima tentando me ajudar a sair disso mesmo, tipo um omori da Camila (?)). Sim, isso ai.
Vou começar listando experiências ruins pra tirar isso de mim logo, mas quero deixar claro que não estou culpando ninguém e que isso foi resolvido comigo mesma, que é quem importa aqui, e bola pra frente.
Me decepcionei muito no início do ano, mas tá tudo bem porque embora tenha me gerado um ataque de pânico e eu acabei no hospital dopada + tomando antidepressivo e remédios pra ansiedade isso já passou. Obvio que eu não vou esquecer, isso marca, lol
Me decepcionei muito mas eu já esperava isso então não doeu por tanto tempo quanto achei que iria doer, felizmente. Parei de ir no psiquiatra e as vezes acho que deveria voltar porque ainda tenho episódios que desencadeiam ansiedade massss não tenho os trezentos reais da consulta. (Se alguém quiser me fazer o pix tamo ai).
Eu me senti extremamente sozinha e sem importância no início do ano, porque eu não sabia como viver na minha própria presença. Meu amigo me deu OMORI e muito apoio e eu acho que sempre vou ser grata por isso, porque jogar OMORI foi tipo um modo de lidar com os eventos ruins e perceber que: ok, eu errei muito e erraram muito comigo, mas tá tudo bem SE perdoar (eu não preciso do perdão de mais ninguém) e seguir em frente. O importante é aprender com isso e perceber que todo mundo erra. Eu te amo OMORI, eu te amo muito. Tanto é que tatuei você no meu ombro como lembrança disso: eu sobrevivi.
Rian e Renan foram de extrema importância pra mim e é por isso que cito os nomes deles aqui, Renan é um idiota que tem coração de ouro e ele merece muita felicidade, e eu desejo isso pra ele. Me acompanhou e ouviu desabafo de madrugada até mesmo quando eu fui uma cuzona com ele ou descontei minha raiva no coitado.
Rian é outra pessoa que nunca vai ler isso mas eu amo ele demais e ele é muito importante pra mim, me apoiando desde sempre, desde que eu era uma criança idiota e agora que eu sou adulta (meu deus???) também. Muito maturo e genial e eu quero muito que ele seja feliz, até porque espero que ele seja padrinho do meu casamento, né?
Eu amo todos os meus amigos mas cito esses dois porque eles estavam ali de madrugada me ouvindo chorar e me aturando quando tava tudo ruim.
Quero citar outra pessoa também: Moisés, porque ele foi corajoso o suficiente pra me chamar e pedir desculpas pelas desavenças do passado e agora somos migos (que não se falam tanto, mas ainda é legal) e eu adoro ele. Serzinho genial. Me ouviu desabafar também, mesmo com os seus problemas. 
Anyways, bola pra frente disso tudo aí. Eu apresentei meu TCC de cosplay, a pesquisa dele. Deu tudo certo. Fiquei muito feliz e tirei 10. Eu consegui, hohoho. You see, past Camila, nós conseguimos. E esse ano só tem os estágios e já consigo vislumbrar a formatura em janeiro de 2023. Se foda, eu vou pegar esse diploma sim e vou ser psicóloga. Eh isto. Meus amigos assistiram, minha professora favorita me orientou e me elogiou (uiii meu egooo!! feliz até agora quando lembro) E OUTRA PESSOA MUITO IMPORTANTE QUE ENTROU NA MINHA VIDA TAVA LÁ ASSISTINDO: meu namorado. Isso foi muito importante pra mim, sério. Eu sinto muito pela Janaina e a professora fazendo brincadeiras tho, foi meio sem graça mas que bom que tu levou na brincadeira KKKKKKKKK
Falando do meu namorado (LUCERITO MY BELOVED): Fizemos 9 meses não oficiais e faremos 8 meses oficiais juntinhos. Uma pessoa incrível, gentil, sensível e extremamente empática (muito MUITO mais que eu) que eu admiro e amo muito. Meu deus, você é muito inteligente e isso me assusta as vezes. Acho muito engraçado como nos conhecemos e adoro a nossa história de "quase encontros" que não aconteceram pra gente se encontrar na porra de um site online, eh mole? EUUU PODERIA TER TE VISTO NOS SÁBADOS OU CORRENDO PELO CAMPUS DE TARDEZINHA mas nunca vi. (E eu VERIA SIM, emuxo melodic-hardcore). Obrigada por me acolher e me ensinar todos os dias sobre relacionamentos. Eu continuo aprendendo muito com você e::: se relacionar pessoalmente com alguém é algo que eu jamais trocaria. Se relacionar com VOCÊ, eh algo que eu jamais trocaria. Vamo estudar pra esse concurso e ficar empregados e morar juntinhos lesgooo, os planos já foram feitos e eu rezo pra que aconteçam mesmo. A gente consegue.
Você é meu primeiro muita coisa e eu não poderia ficar mais feliz por ser você. Eu sempre te escrevo coisas do tipo então tu sabe. Você é lindooooooooo eu te amoooo muito e amo quando você me abraça antes da gente dormir juntinhos. Meu coração sempre se aquece.
Eu comecei terapia e no momento tá pausada, mas tenho que voltar assim que conseguir dinheiro pra pagar (70 reais me mandem pix). Meu psicológico é alguém incrível que eu almejo ser no futuro e que tem me ajudado muito, embora meus traumas estejam ai e eu lute diariamente contra eles. Aliás, obrigada, namorado, por entendê-los e fazer o possível, porque sei que refletem bastante em ti.
2021 foi a descoberta da Taylor Swift e de Malice Mizer pra mim também e sou obcecada por ambos. Sério, evermore da Tay falou comigo pra caralho. Literalmente todas as músicas, eu tô ali. Serviu de cope na fase ruim, com certeza. Coney Island (fav) Happiness e It's time to go. Simplesmente entregou tudo ali. Também tem a invisible string que lembra meu namorido (e tava no bolo que a gente comeu comemorando 6 mezinhos) e Begin Again hehe ><
Não sei se tenho muito mais o que falar, tirei as fotos de formatura com meus migos, vi alguns se formarem, fiquei meses na casa do meu namorado pela primeira vez, entreguei meu TCC, fui pro último ano da faculdade, e, acho que posso dizer: estou feliz, na maior parte do tempo.
Vou finalizar com uma letra da Taylor porque ela me guia até hoje, hehe
"And I was catching my breath
Floors of a cabin creaking
Under my step
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
This pain wouldn't be for evermore"
Beijos da Camila do início de 2022 e eu te vejo ano que vem, Camila de 2023.
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Tag Game
Rules: Answer questions given to you, write 11 new questions, and tag people to answer those questions!
Reglas: ¡Contesta las preguntas que se te den, escribe 11 nuevas preguntas y etiqueta a otros para que respondan esas preguntas!
I was tagged by @real-life-sucks-ass (thanks!)
I’m answering this in two languages so I can tag more people c: / Lo responderé en dos lenguajes, así puedo etiquetar a más gente c:
1) What would an evil version of you look like? Describe it or draw it. / ¿Cómo luciría una versión malvada de tí? Descríbela o dibujala
I am my own evil version. Lmao kidding. Oh boi, it took me a lot of time to get this one! I think my evil version would be as extra as me, therefore she would dress in all black and have really showy makeup (unlike me), and will be very very rude and conceited. Lowkey I want her to have a cool hairstyle, but ceteris paribus, my hair is so straight that she would probably be trapped in the same I-cant-do-anything-with-this-hair hell.
Soy mi propia versión malvada. Lol, broma. ¡Me tomó mucho tiempo pensar en esta pregunta! Creo que mi versión malvada sería tan extra como yo, por lo tanto, se vestiría completamente de negro y tendría un maquillaje muy vistoso (a diferencia de mí), y sería muy grosera y engreída. A medias quiero que tenga un peinado genial, pero ceteris paribus, mi cabello es tan liso que probablemente quede atrapada en el mismo infierno de no-puedo-hacer-nada-con-este-cabello.
2) Share your knowledge! Teach us something weird you know :D/ Comparte tu conocimiento! Cuentanos algo extraño que sepas :D
I’m not quite sure of how unknown this fact is, but it will always shock me that the first biological weapons were corpses contaminated with the black plague catapulted into walled cities. And just to be sure I can surprise you, I’m going to tell ya that plesiosaurus and pterosaurs weren’t dinosaurs, in fact, all dinosaurs lived on the land. These species are classified due to the differences in its anatomy (especially bone structure) as big flying/swimming reptiles.
No estoy segura de cuán desconocido es este hecho, pero siempre me sorprenderá que las primeras armas biológicas fueran cadáveres contaminados con la plaga negra catapultada a las ciudades amuralladas. Y solo para asegurarme de que pueda sorprenderte, voy a decirte que los plesiosaurios y pterosaurios no eran dinosaurios, de hecho, todos los dinosaurios vivieron en la tierra. Estas especies se clasifican debido a las diferencias en su anatomía (especialmente la estructura ósea) como grandes reptiles voladores/nadadores.
3) You find a way to stop the time, as long as you want, as many times as you want. Only you can move, everything else is frozen. While it’s frozen, you don’t age. How do you use that power? / Encuentras la forma de detener el tiempo, por tanto como desees y tantas veces como lo desees. Solo tú puedes moverte, todos lo demás están congelados. Mientras [el tiempo] está congelado, no envejeces. ¿Cómo usas ese poder?
As I’m the most boring human being on this planet and also because I’m always stressed with college or wanting to write or watch a show, or paint, etc; I would probably just sit down and do as many things as possible. It would be very helpful tbh. I would also enjoy some time on my own, and maybe i would also be a little robin hood and take a few things from large commercial chains to give them to the poor. Yeah, mostly those kind of things.
Como soy el ser humano más aburrido de este planeta y también porque siempre estoy estresada con la universida,d o con ganas de escribir, o ver una serie, o pintar, etc; probablemente me sentaría a hacer tantas cosas como fuera posible. Sería muy útil tbh. También disfrutaría algo de tiempo por mi cuenta, y tal vez también sería un pequeño robin hood y tomaría algunas cosas de las grandes cadenas comerciales para entregárselas a los pobres. Sí, como ese tipo de cosas.
4) Can you cook? If so, please share a recipe with us? / ¿Puedes cocinar? Si es así, por favor comparte una receta con nosotros
I can certainly prepare a really good white rice and some pasta and salad lmao. Mmm sweet things are my speciality tbh, but I never learn the recipes from memory so… sorry.
Ciertamente puedo preparar un arroz blanco muy bueno y un poco de pasta y ensalada. Mmm cosas dulces son mi especialidad tbh, pero nunca me aprendo las recetas de la memoria así que … perdón.
5) If your life was a book, what would the first lines be like? (It can be a serious biography, a funny light book, poetry, drama, romance, or even a comics of child’s book, whatever you want!) / Si tu vida fuera un libro, ¿cómo serían las primeras líneas? (Puede ser una biografía seria, un libro divertido, poesía, drama, romance, o incluso un cómic de un libro infantil, ¡lo que quieras!)
“No one would have thought that Constanza was worthy to be a heroine, for her life is so boring that this book will make you sleep” Pfff, this is a hard one. I would probably like to have a really smart and sarcastic context, as Jane Austen always wrote; but in the case I’m blessed with being part of a fantasy book I want it to start with a fight or super badass escape.
“Nadie hubiera pensado que Constanza era digna de ser una heroína, porque su vida es tan aburrida que este libro te hará dormir” Pff, esta está dificil. Probablemente me gustaría tener un contexto muy inteligente y sarcástico, como Jane Austen siempre escribió; pero en el caso de que sea tan afortunada como para ser parte de un libro de fantasía, quiero que comience con una pelea o un escape súper rudo.
6) How’s your day so far? / ¿Cómo ha sido tu día hasta ahora?
Pretty calm, I woke up late, eat my breakfast and spend some time on my social media. I also got a comment on a fic so I’m happy c:
Muy tranquilo, me levanté tarde, desayuné y pasé un tiempo en mis redes sociales. También recibí un comentario sobre un fic así que estoy feliz
7) How many languages can you speak?
I can speak Spanish (native), English (quite fluently, but I mumble some words, working on that tho), and I started learning French (but I can only say really simple stuff).
Puedo hablar español (nativo), inglés (bastante fluidamente, pero farbullo algunas palabras, estoy trabajando en eso de todas formas), y comencé a aprender francés (pero solo puedo decir cosas realmente simples).
8) Rec us one or two good fanfics you’ve read recently! / ¡Recomiéndanos uno o dos buenos fanfics que has leído recientemente!
Ok, so. These are going to be different answers for obvious reasons. Lately I have not read so much in English and I do not know if we will coincide in fandoms but:
Rose Tinted by darkbrokenreaper is a Killing Stalking fanfic that i really like because it doesn’t romantice the uhealthy relationship between the characters, it characterizes them very well (which is especially laudable in my opinion, especially considering that there are some whose minds we still can not totally understand), the plot is really good and over all is really really well written. As a summary: Bum has amnesia and Sangwoo, after realizing that he has fallen in love, takes advantage of it pretending that they are married; from there it develops everything that Bum lives from waking until he realizes that something strange is happening, and seeks to escape.
Another fic that i liked is from Yuri on Ice, On My Love. It is so well written and full of feelings that i cant even think clearly. Just read it please, the plot is so iteresting and i literally cried twice. As a summary:Yuuri has an accident and wakes up young again, in a world where he does not know Victor (his beloved husband) and dode has not yet made a career in figure skating. Many feelings.
I actually need to catch up with both fic yet oops
Ok. Estas van a ser respuestas diferentes por razones obvias. Últimamente he leído mucho de latin hetalia so:
Arranquemos del invierno de rantingprince me gustó mucho. Lo estaba leyendo en clases y me sentí embargada por sentimientos de nostalgia y a la vez una enorme calidad en mi pecho. Si alguna vez le ha leido dabrán que redacta muy bien y su estilo fluye y te hace flotar. Muy recomendado, no tiene un gran plot pero sí mucho sentimiento.
Seguimos dando Vueltas de Iris también muy recomendado, me la sufrí toda leyendo (ppor Martín y por Manu y por todo), pero fue tan lindo al mismo tiempo como todas las heridas fueron sanando y ambos encontraron en el otro lo que necesitaban. Claro que para entender van a tener que leerse La Mansión Prado primero, pero tbh ambos son tan tan buenos que me lo van a terminar agradeciendo.
Y ya que estoy en esto, hay versiones traducidas al español de On My Love de Yuuri on Ice, que no sé cuán buenas sean. Pero si lograron captar la mitad de la belleza de ese fic, entonces deben leerlo. En serio.
9) What do your family members and/or partner think about you being into fandoms (and writing fics or drawing fanarts if you do so)? Are they supportive? / ¿Qué piensan los miembros de tu familia y/o pareja de que estes en fandoms (y escribiendo fics o dibujando fanarts, si lo haces)? ¿Te apoyan?
My family doesn’t even now what a fandom is and they don’t know that I write fics, neither I want to tell them. I’m not sure, but they probably would not be very supportive (not for the writing part but for writing about gay otps). Also, I’m single af lol.
Mi familia ni siquiera sabe qué es un fandom y no saben que yo escribo fics, ni tampoco quiero contarles. No estoy segura, pero probablemente no me brindarán mucho apoyo (no por la parte de escribir, sino porque escribo sobre gays). Y soy super soltera lol.
10) Your top 3 fav characters ever? / ¿Tus 3 personajes favoritos de la vida?
After a long time of reflection I have decided that my fave of all time is Fitz Chivalry Farseer from The Farseer Trilogy because he is so useless but at the same time he tries so hard, and I suffer so much each time I read him to the point that I already feel that he is a part of me now (but I’m always changing of mind tho, since The Fool is so bold and sarcastic, and every time he opens his mouth I can not stop smiling, it’s really hard to choose between these two).
My second is Merlin from BBC Merlin. He is such a cinammon roll and his smile is so beautiful and he always tries to hep people and also he is so sarcastic too. If I was not so emotionally engaged with Fitz after reading so many pages of him, Merlin would be my number one. And honestly he is my number one of all the tv shows I’ve seen. I love him.
Finally, I’m going to choose Wonder Woman both as my favorite female character and favorite superhero (I’m sorry spidey, you are my second tho, and I still love you). I literally cried on every single fight scene because I felt really empowered and after watching it I wanted to kick some asses tbh. To this day I still smile when I remember the movie. And she is so strong and smart and kind, it is impossible to not love her.
Ugh, I left so many of my faves outside. This was hard.
Después de un largo tiempo de reflexión, he decidido que mi favorito de todos los tiempos es Trapié Hidalgo Vatídico de la Trilogía de Vatídico porque es tan inútil, pero al mismo tiempo se esfuerza tanto, y yo sufro demasiado cada vez que lo leo, al punto que ya siento que él es parte de mí ahora (pero siempre estoy cambiando de opinión, porque Bufón es tan atrevido y sarcástico, y cada vez que abre la boca no puedo parar de sonreir, es realmente difícil elegir entre estos dos).
Mi segundo es Merlin de BBC Merlin. Es un cinammon roll, y su sonrisa es tan hermosa, y siempre trata de ayudar a la gente, y también es tan sarcástico. Si no estuviera tan emocionalmente comprometida con Fitz después de leer tantas páginas de él, Merlín sería mi número uno. Y, sinceramente, él es mi número uno de todos los programas de televisión que he visto. Me encanta.
Finalmente, voy a elegir a la Mujer Maravilla como mi personaje femenino favorito y superhéroe favorito (lo siento spidey, tú eres mi segundo de todos modos, y aún te amo). Literalmente lloré en cada escena de pelea porque me sentí realmente empoderada y después de verla quise patear algunos traseros tbh. Hasta el día de hoy todavía sonrío cuando recuerdo la película. Y ella es tan fuerte, inteligente y amable que es imposible no amarla.
Ugh, dejé a muchos de mis favoritos afuera. Esto fue dificil.
11) Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself / Cuéntanos 3 datos divertidos sobre ti
-I have a little mole under my right eye that I find cute / Tengo un pequeño lunar bajo mi ojo derecho que encuentro lindo.
-I’m really into women’s political issues and I want to work on that area / Realmente me interesan las cuestiones políticas de las mujeres y quiero trabajar en esa área.
-I used to be blonde, now I’m brunette / Solía ser rubia, ahora tengo el pelo castaño.
And now I’m tagging: @a-pair-of-iris, @leochamposa, @coloresfrios, @bluebirdinatree, @pico-sour, @lemonmilk1, @im-a-boat, @veektahr @mardeleste y @dinosauria–anacleta
To answer these questions / Para responder estas preguntas:
1) What is your favorite song and why? (You can choose 2 if it is too hard to only pick one) / ¿Cuál es tu canción favorita y por qué? (Puede elegir 2 si es demasiado difícil elegir solo una)
2) If you had the ability to enter the universe of any story, which one would you choose and why? (You can choose anything: video games, books, comics, movies, etc) / Si tuvieras la capacidad de entrar al universo de alguna historia, ¿cuál elegirías y por qué? (Puedes escoger cualquier cosa: videojuegos, libros, comics, películas, etc)
3) Tell me, what are your top 3 favorite things about yourself / Dime, ¿cuáles son tus 3 cosas favoritas de ti?
4) If you could make a wish without any limits, what would it be? / Si pudieras pedir un deseo sin ningún límite, ¿cuál seria?
5) What would you do if the zombie apocalypse started right now? What is your plan? / ¿Qué harías si el apocalipsis zombie iniciara ahora mismo? ¿Cuál es tu plan?
6) What is your favorite historical time and why? / ¿Cuál es tu época histórica favorita y por qué?
7) What would be your ideal future life? / ¿Cuál sería tu vida futura ideal?
8) Your top 5 writers evers and why? (can be both books and fanfics) / ¿Tus 5 escritorxs favoritos de la vida, y por qué? (pueden ser tanto libros como fanfics)
9) Best 2017 memory? / ¿Mejor recuerdo de 2017?
10) Do you have any oc? If so, would you like to tell me a little bit about them? If not, tell me a little about your favorite character ever and why you like them! / ¿Tienes algún oc? Si es así, ¿te gustaría contarme un poco sobre ellos? Si no, cuéntame un poco sobre tu personaje favorito y por qué te gusta!
11) If you could be a magical creature, what would you choose to be and why? How would you look? / Si pudieras ser una criatura mágica, ¿cuál escogerías ser y por qué? ¿Cómo lucirías?
Por supuesto pueden decidir no hacerlo! No hay ninguna obligación (: Espero que se diviertan~
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[29.07.2016] the Gazette radio con Reita y Kai.
Audio de la radio
Kai: ¿Por qué se supone que debemos hacer esto hoy? (RAJIGAZE)
Reita: Nosotros debemos... *risas*
Kai: Los otros deben estar pensando “ah, son estos chicos otra vez” (Porque Reita y Kai estuvieron aquí por los últimos dos programas con Aoi)
Sueños donde los miembros aparecen:
Reita: No podía encontrar mi mascara negra
Kai: *Risas*
Reita: Y luego Ruki me dijo que tocara la nueva canción y estoy como “¿eh?”, entonces Kai comienza a tocar, y Aoi y Uruha también, y yo soy el único quien aun está como “…¿uh?”
Sobre el pasado de Ruki como baterista:
Kai: Bueno… un día le dije que tocara y… fue horrible
Reita: ¡Eso es normal! *risas*
Kai: Honestamente, después te preguntas si él realmente era un baterista… *risas* (hablando sobre el último tweet de Ruki acerca de “patear al líder”)
Una chica muy andrógena les comenta que una amiga le dijo que estaba enamorada de ella y que quería ser su novia. La chica se rehusó porque le gustan los chicos, así que le pregunta a la banda si hizo bien diciendo esto a su amiga o si se suponía que debía aceptar salir con ella. Kai y Reita dijeron algo como “si tú estas segura que te gustan los chicos, entonces hiciste bien”.
Reita: Vamos a probar una pequeña cosa… Voy a preguntarle a Kai …
Kai: *risas* ¡Eh, eso es asqueroso!... pero puedes venir a mi habitación luego… *risas*
Sobre fails con el alcohol:
Kai: Ah, probablemente hay algunos
Reita: tu sabes, por el líder, pienso que vi algunos, como 2 o 3 veces.
En el pasado los 5 fueron por Yakiniku y si alguien no bebía era como “¿Por qué no bebes? ¡Bebe!”. Como Reita salió por un momento, parece que Kai fue al baño y no volvió.
Reita: Aunque quería abrir la puerta, él no pudo.
Este chico realmente no es bueno. Reita es el mas débil de ellos. Si Reita bebe un vaso él enseguida se pone rojo como un tomate, los más fuertes son los guitarristas, ellos beben a diario y tambien siempre antes de los encores.
Kai: Ah, lo estoy haciendo también a veces
Reita: si bebo antes de un live mi cabeza…
Kai: *risas*
Ellos tocaron una canción solicitada por una fan, Akai Kodou. Pareciera como si a Ruki realmente le gustara esa canción.
Hay una fan quien le dio a sus hijos el nombre de los miembros, solo Reita queda fuera (cambió los kanjis tho)
Reita: ¿Eh? ¿URUHA?
Kai: Pero Uruha-chan. Hay unos cuantos ¿no? Aoi-chan por supuesto que es normal.
Reita: Kai… kun…
Kai: ¡Estoy escuchando!
Reita: De algún modo no hay, ¿no?
Cómo ellos podrían llamar a sus niños si ellos tendrían alguno, Reita quiere ser realmente cuidadoso con dar el nombre, porque los nombres que están de moda ahora podrían ser embarazosos cuando el “niño” tenga 30 o 40 años.
Kai: Si es una chica, en la secundaria le gustará el visual-kei y saldría con miembros de bandas.
Reita: ¡Lo mataría! ¡Lo digo una y otra vez!
Si es un chico, Kai no quiere que toque la batería, pero las guitarras podrían ser geniales.
Traducción inglés: theGazettEFans@Facebook / 259Paradox@Tumblr
Traducción español: Sixth Bullets Chile.
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Naaaaa toda la suerte del mundo lpm ajajajajja Y vas a volver a hockey o todavía eso no está habilitado? Re lindo hacer algún deporte con amigues 💚 Que paja lo de los huesos blda! Lo más importante es que te haga sentir bien y ese sentimiento de "puedo hacer x cosa ahora que antes no podía" es increíble, alto mood eso todo menos ser débil 💁♀️(? Que genial que la profe sea buena y 3 días a la semana está perfecto
Es hermoso no cursar, me da un respiro y es un día más para reponerme de la vorágine que es la cursada. Me gustan mucho el tenis, gimnasia rítmica y patín, son todos deportes que hice cuando era chiquita pero no por mucho tiempo. No sé si cuenta técnicamente como deporte pero amo trapecio y tela (más el primero que el segundo tho), tmb lo hice de chiquita pero lo retomé en el 2019 y bueno, dsps ya sabemos que pasó 😅
Holaaaaa qué onda???
Circe💚 todo tranqui por aquí mi ciela, obligándome a ser productiva y fallando para no morir más adelante. Vos??
#datazo mi vieja nos mataba a leche y hoy también nos sigue comprando MUCHA leche#<- una grosa ajajajjaja#pregunta tomas la leche con o sin azúcar?#Circe🥰
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Ebertfest 2019 Reveals Full Line-Up Honoring Scott Wilson, Richard Roeper and Jonathan Demme
I AM SO PROUD TO PRESENT THE SLATE FOR OUR 21st Annual Roger Ebert’s Film Festival—Ebertfest! The festival is presented in cooperation with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and will run from Wednesday, April 10th, through Saturday, April 13th. As we approach this sixth year of Roger's death, Festival Director Nate Kohn and I are honoring Roger with movies from his Four Star reviews list. We couldn't be happier than to welcome three of his favorite actresses, Virginia Madsen, Gina Gershon, and Jennifer Tilly, to this year’s festival. Additionally, we are so pleased to present the Ebert Humanitarian Award to Morgan Neville and his film, "Won't You Be My Neighbor," a film about the television show, "Mister Rogers Neighborhood" and its creator, Fred Rogers, who preached and practiced radical kindness. This film goes hand-in-hand with Roger's message about empathy.
We are dedicating this year's Ebertfest to a friend and frequent festival guest, the late actor Scott Wilson, and you can read about it below. We are also celebrating Roger's television partner, Richard Roeper, and their career together. The films we are showing with those tributes are listed below.
Roger was very much a techie and would have loved the fact that we are bringing a V-R demonstration to Ebertfest that will give our audience a chance to experience ‘empathy’ through the lens of technology. The Virtual Reality Lab and Innovation Studio at the University of Illinois will set up equipment to allow us to put ourselves in the life situation of another. The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning will host these V-R demonstrations on the plaza outside of the Virginia Theatre in between films on Friday, April 12th, consisting of a series of short films that allows one's senses to “experience" border crossings, natural disasters or joyous occasions in other countries.
And, now I'm proud to present the full slate of films scheduled to screen at Ebertfest...
Rather than conclude this year’s Ebertfest with a music-themed movie as we usually do, we are opening it on a glorious, gospel-infused high note, thanks to Alan Elliott and Sydney Pollack’s recently restored 1972 documentary, “Amazing Grace.” It chronicles the two days in which the legendary Aretha Franklin returned to the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Watts, Los Angeles and recorded the most successful gospel album in history. The footage sat in a Warner Bros. vault for 35 years before Elliott made it his mission to ensure the film’s release, a journey that took just over a decade. After its premiere in New York City last November, we are thrilled to be presenting the film at Ebertfest as it finally receives a theatrical release through NEON in the U.S. And we eagerly anticipate welcoming the Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Community Choir onstage at the Virginia Theater after the film. How glorious.
“This film is a powerful love letter to the Black Church, offering a soul-shaking introduction for the unfamiliar and a grandmotherly yank of the arm for those who know—it drags you from the theater straight into the pews,” wrote our critic Odie Henderson in his four-star review. “It is profoundly moving and extraordinarily soothing. Nowadays we could use a good salve. To paraphrase another gospel standard, if we ever needed this film before, we sure do need it now.”
Special guests: director Alan Elliott and producer Tirrell D. Whittley; the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Choir will perform live on stage at the Virginia Theatre.
To honor the memory of Scott Wilson, one of our favorite frequent guests at Ebertfest, we are showcasing one of his best performances in Krzysztof Zanussi’s 1984 romance, “A Year of the Quiet Sun,” commemorating its 35th anniversary this year. Wilson plays Norman, an American soldier who falls for a Polish refugee, Emilia (Maja Komorowska), in the aftermath of WWII. Roger praised Slavomir Idziak’s cinematography for its masterful use of light and color, as well as its love of “the actors' faces, which instruct us how to feel.”
“One of the remarkable qualities of tho film is the way it tells its love story without resorting to the devices of cheap romance,” wrote Roger in his 2003 Great Movies essay on the film. “These are two middle-aged people of dignity, who have been through unspeakably painful experiences; at one point, Emilia asks her priest, ‘Does a person have a right to happiness?’ One answer, which the priest does not think to provide, is that a person must be willing to be happy.”
Special guests: Heavenly Wilson, Maja Komorowska and Jerzy Tyszkiewicz.
This year we are thrilled to be celebrating Richard Roeper, Roger’s seven-year co-host of “Ebert & Roeper,” by screening two of their favorite films at Ebertfest. The first is Cameron Crowe’s “Almost Famous,” the 70s-set comedy selected by Roger as his favorite film of 2000. In his euphoric four-star review, Roger confessed that he was “almost hugging” himself as he watched a story unfold onscreen that was not unlike his own—that of 15-year-old William (Patrick Fugit), a plucky kid assigned by Rolling Stone magazine to follow the rising band Stillwater on a concert tour.
“‘Almost Famous’ is about the world of rock, but it's not a rock film, it's a coming-of-age film, about an idealistic kid who sees the real world, witnesses its cruelties and heartbreaks, and yet finds much room for hope,” wrote Roger. “Kate Hudson has one scene so well-acted, it takes her character to another level. William tells her, ‘He sold you to Humble Pie for 50 bucks and a case of beer.’ Watch the silence, the brave smile, the tear and the precise spin she puts on the words, ‘What kind of beer?’ It's not an easy laugh. It's a whole world of insight.”
Special Introduction by Director Cameron Crowe
The second selection, personally chosen by Richard, is Alexander Payne’s 2004 Oscar-winner, “Sideways,” a film hailed by Roger as “the best human comedy of the year.” Paul Giamatti delivers one of his most beloved performances as Miles Raymond, an “oenophile” who joins his friend (Thomas Hayden Church), on a week-long trip through California wine country, where they cross paths with two intriguing women (Virginia Madsen and Sandra Oh).
In his four-star review, Roger wrote, “The characters are played not by the first actors you would think of casting, but by actors who will prevent you from ever being able to imagine anyone else in their roles. […] Miles is not perfect, but the way Paul Giamatti plays him, we forgive him his trespasses, because he trespasses most of all against himself.”
He also praised the film for making each of its four central characters necessary. “The women are not plot conveniences, but elements in a complex romantic and even therapeutic process,” he wrote. “Giamatti and Madsen have a scene that involves some of the gentlest and most heartbreaking dialogue I've heard in a long time. […] Women can actually love us for ourselves, bless their hearts, even when we can't love ourselves. She waits until he is finished, and then responds with words so simple and true they will win her an Oscar nomination, if there is justice in the world.” And win one she did.
Virginia Madsen will be our special guest for this closing night screening.
…Morgan Neville’s enchanting film about the life of television trailblazer Fred Rogers, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” His genial declaration of, “I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,” voiced a sentiment that wasn’t shared by many Americans in the still-segregated era when his iconic children’s program, "Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood" premiered on television. As noted in his rave review, our critic Odie Henderson affirmed that Rogers’ true genius was in how he “showed by example.”
“Mr. Rogers made you feel like someone gave a damn about you...and that you had value,” wrote Henderson.
Director Morgan Neville will be our special guest for this screening.
In addition to “Amazing Grace,” we are also screening another long-lost treasure of cinema, Horace Jenkins’ first and only full narrative feature, “Cane River,” which vanished soon after its 1982 premiere in New Orleans, Louisiana. Featuring an all-African-American cast and crew, the film traces the burgeoning romance between two young lovers caught within a complex web of family ties and Creole history. The Academy Film Archive struck a new 35mm print of the film from a 90-minute negative, and with the assistance of the Roger & Chaz Ebert Foundation, Sandra Schulberg of IndieCollect mastered a 4K digital copy that premiered last October at the New Orleans Film Festival.
“Jenkins’ debut feature itself remains a rare beast: an independent drama about black romance that openly contends with intraracial strife,” wrote our contributor Vikram Murthi in his coverage of MOMA’s To Save and Project festival. “The [lovers’] debates about colorism and the weighty shadows of their respective families provide ‘Cane River’ with a powerful historical foundation, one that offers a compelling racial twist on a ‘Romeo and Juliet’-style romance. Jenkins’ film also works beautifully as a travelogue of Louisiana. Most importantly, the film is a fantastic artifact of early-’80s American independent/low-budget cinema.”
Special guests: Sandra Schulberg, Dominique Jenkins, Tommye Myrick & Sacha Jenkins.
For the Alloy Orchestra’s latest performance, in which they will provide live orchestral accompaniment to a silent classic, they have selected Jean Epstein’s 1923 romantic drama, “Coeur fidèle” (“The Faithful Heart”), starring Gina Manès as a woman who dreams of leaving her job and lover for a dockworker (Gina Manès). According to Adrian Danks at Senses of Cinema, the pictures emerges as “a model of Epstein’s connected and, at times, visionary but singular approach to the cinema.”
“‘Coeur fidèle’ exists as the jagged and transformed scar of a conventional melodramatic story, where things are often only ever surreptitiously expressed, where time stutters through ellipses and expansions, and where the audience are never properly introduced to situations or characters,” wrote Danks. “One revels in the vision of an experimental cinema attempting to prise apart the syntax of an already established visual and narrative system, a ‘new’ cinema that pulses with emotion and which attempts to replace established systems with the prismatic orgasm of the kaleidoscope.”
Special guests: Alloy Orchestra, Michael Phillips
All of our selections this year center on powerful and fascinating women, whether they be characters played by Virginia Madsen, Gina Gershon or Jennifer Tilly, or real icons such as Aretha Franklin and Maya Angelou, the subject of first-time filmmaker Rita Coburn Whack's acclaimed documentary, “Maya Angelou and Still I Rise.” The Guardian’s Lanre Bakare wrote that the film “shows the varied, creative and often brutal back story that created one of America’s finest writers.”
“What Coburn Whack [does] so well is capture Angelou’s power and elegance, which seems to have increased as she got older,” said Bakare. “An important figure throughout the 60s, in the 70s and 80s she developed into a maternal figure for black America, ushering in the period of Oprah and black female empowerment. It’s that longevity and creative drive that the film celebrates. No hagiography, it paints a portrait of a life lived to the full and dedicated to being true to oneself.”
Special guest: Director Rita Coburn Whack
We listened to you request for more comedies and are bringing you a doozy. David Mirkin’s irresistible 1997 gem, “Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion,” centers on the friendship between two longtime friends pushing thirty (played by Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow) who attend their high school reunion. Roger hailed the film as “one of the brightest and goofiest comedies in a while, a film that has a share of truth, but isn't afraid to cut loose with the weirdest choreography I have seen outside a 1960s revival.”
“Sorvino and Kudrow work easily and wickedly together, playing conspirators who are maybe just a little too dense to realize how desperate they are, or maybe just a little too bright to admit it,” wrote Roger in his review.
Special Guest: David Mirkin
The Wachowskis’ 1996 directorial debut, “Bound,” is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that is also anchored in the relationship between two women—an ex-con (Gina Gershon) and her neighbor (Jennifer Tilly)—who conspire to steal money from the mob while throwing some crooked men under the bus.
“‘Bound’ is one of those movies that works you up, wrings you out and leaves you gasping,” wrote Roger in his four-star review. “It's pure cinema, spread over several genres. It's a caper movie, a gangster movie, a sex movie and a slapstick comedy. It's not often you think of ‘The Last Seduction’ and the Marx Brothers during the same film, but I did during this one--and I also thought about ‘Blood Simple’ and Woody Allen. It's amazing to discover all this virtuosity and confidence in two first-time filmmakers, self-described college dropouts, still in their 20s, from Chicago.”
Special Guests: Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly
One of the best performances of 2018 was delivered by Joanna Kulig in Paweł Pawlikowski's sumptuous black-and-white romance, "Cold War," the director's follow-up to his 2014 Oscar-winner, "Ida," which previously screened at Ebertfest. Lensed in glorious black-and-white by Lukasz Zal, the film is comprised of vignettes centering on the relationship between music director Wiktor (Tomasz Kot) and Zula (Kulig), who first meet in post-WWII Poland. Serving as a fitting yet stylistically disparate companion piece to "A Year of the Quiet Sun," it is both a richly etched love story and a haunting ode to the hardships of living in exile. Kulig, who had a small role as singer in "Ida," belts out her own vocals here as well, and her performance is simply mesmerizing. Pawlikowski says this film is a semi-biographical story of his parents.
“Paweł Pawlikowski’s film concurrently swells your heart and breaks it, just like the sore memory of a lover that drifted away from your life, or an intensely craved kiss that never was,” wrote our critic Tomris Laffly in her four-star review. “The tragic yearning in the impossibly sexy ‘Cold War’ is so palpable that it makes you feel thankful to be alive with human feelings, heartbreaks of the past be damned.”
Just as we previously screened an excellent short film from one of our longtime writers, Sheila O'Malley's "July and Half of August," in 2017, we are showing a three-minute triumph this year marking the filmmaking debut of Sam Fragoso, a friend of the festival who has been attending since he was in high school. His short film, "Sebastian," is based on letters sent by and to his immigrant grandfather in the middle part of the last century. Fragoso is the creator of the Talk Easy podcast, featuring long-form conversations with such trailblazing talents as "All in the Family" creator and previous Ebertfest guest, Norman Lear.
RogerEbert.com Editor at Large Matt Zoller Seitz enthusiastically praised the film, writing that it "somehow manages to be assured and ambitious but also self-effacing and seemingly without ego—combinations of qualities you rarely encounter even in the work of veteran directors. [He] is "comparatively new at directing, but he already seems to know how best to showcase gifted acting, photography, music and editing, letting the work seem offhanded rather than studied, putting moments across by letting them speak and not talking over them."
Special Guest: Sam Fragoso
Last but certainly not least, Ebertfest will host a glorious celebration complete with wedding bells courtesy of “Rachel Getting Married,” the 2008 masterpiece directed by Jonathan Demme and written by Jenny Lumet. Referring to the film as “theme music for an evolving age,” Roger said it was one of those rare pictures that absorbs you into the experiences of its characters, slipping “you out of your mind and into theirs.” Anne Hathaway earned her first Oscar nomination for playing Kym, a troubled young woman who leaves rehab to attend the wedding of her sister, Rachel (Rosemarie DeWitt).
This film is so personal to me because Roger and I loved it and discussed it over and over. We wondered whether this was Demme's ode to what utopia on earth can look like when we empathize with other's shortcomings and accept them and love them for who they are, part of the human family. Demme confirmed this when I asked him about it later. This film also exhibits the values espoused by the Champaign County Alliance for Acceptance, Inclusion and Respect, and we have asked them to join us on a panel to discuss them.
“I believe the film's deep subject is the marriage itself: How it unfolds, who attends, the nature of the ceremony, what it has to observe about how the concept of ‘family’ embraces others, and how our multicultural society is growing comfortable with itself,” observed Roger in his four-star review. “When Robert Altman is thanked in the end credits, I imagine it is not only because he was Demme's friend, but because his instinct for ensemble stories was an example. Demme demonstrates something he shares with Altman: He likes to be surrounded by his own extended family.”
Special guests: Stephen Apkon, Jenny Lumet and Sony Pictures Classics executive Michael Barker.
In addition to Barker, Fragoso, Phillips and Roeper, the film experts scheduled to attend the festival this year include Nick Allen, Matt Fagerholm, Chuck Koplinski, Scott Mantz, Jennifer Merin, Nell Minow, Pamela Powell, Todd Rendleman, Whitney Spencer, Brian Tallerico and Matt Zoller Seitz. Various Ebertfest guests such as Eric Pierson will also participate in panel discussions held at the Hyatt Place in Champaign and at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Passes are now available for purchase and cost $150, plus processing. Four passes purchased together are $510 instead of $600, or 15 percent off. Also available are a small number of U. of I. student passes priced at $100 each. They can be purchased through the festival website, the theater website or the theater box office, 203 W. Park Ave., Champaign, 217-356-9063. Updates will be posted on the festival website. Tickets for individual movies will be available April 1.
Those interested in being a festival sponsor should contact Andy Hall, the festival's project coordinator, at [email protected].
For additional information, please visit http://www.ebertfest.com.
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Tag Game (Otra vez)
Fui etiquetada por @coloresfrios (malvada!) y me niego a etiquetar a nadie más porque capaz que se me devuelva de nuevo XD
1) ¿Qué es lo primero que recuerdas en tu vida? (no importa la edad)
No soy la persona con mejor memoria de la vida, así que las primeras cosas que recuerdo son yo jugando en el patio de mi casa, sin mucho contexto más que había mucha luz y era muy divertido.
2) Mejor año que hayas tenido, explica a grandes rasgos el por qué
El 2017 fue definitivamente mi mejor año hasta ahora porque pude descubrir qué me gustaría hacer con mi vida (al fin!!!), terminar mi tesis, hacer muchos amigos, tome cursos muy buenos, experimenté como son las clases de literatura y por fin volví a escribir públicamente! Un muy buen año en general c:
3) Recomienda un libro y haz una reseña a tu gusto.
Aprendiz de Asesino de Robin Hobb. Un niño es abandonado por su familia en un palacio, donde descubre que es el bastardo del príncipe coronado y es recibido por su abuelo, el rey. Crece aprendiendo a ser un protector de la corona entre las sombras y vive muchas intrigas políticas entre medio. También hay mucha magia y personajes muy geniales. ¿Y lo mejor? El protagonista es lo más fail del mundo! Leerlo es un sufrimiento, asombro y risa sin fin! 1000/10
4) Tienes la oportunidad de revivir un momento exacto de tu vida, ¿Cual sería? explica.
Me gustaría revivir el concierto de André Rieu o unas vacaciones al sur, algo entretenido
5) Cuenta algo que en algún momento dijiste que nunca harías pero al final lo terminaste haciendo
Creo que nada xD Mmm ¿quizás alguna vez haya dicho que no usaría maquillaje? Parece que soy muy consecuente jajaj
6) ¿Conoces el programa televisivo “31 Minutos”? si es así, ¿que personaje te identifica más y por qué?
Creo que Patana, la niña bien que se esfuerza mucho y es muy dedicada y estudiosa jajaja (Y un poco de Bodoque por el sarcasmo tho)
7) Género musical que odies y otro que te guste.
Mmm creo que me cargan las baladas romanticonas, esas como de radio (las encuentro fomes y repetitivas) o los rap (exceptuando los de los musicales). Y me encantan los musicales el rock alternativo.
8) ¿Por qué te hiciste un Tumblr?
Porque estaba aburrida y había leído en blogspot que ese nuevo sitio era muy entretenido (¿alguien me levanta el carnet, plz?)
9) Solo cuentas con 10 dólares como reserva monetaria, ¿cómo los invertirías?
Un sandwich y luego le voy a morir a algun lado jajaj Mmm ¿trataría de comprar alguna acción quizás? Pero siento que el sandwich sería lo más realista o un trozo de torta xD
10) Festividad favorita, explica por qué
Ok, debo confesar que soy una entusiasta de las festividades, siempre decoro a lo grande, y cocino algo, y me emociono, y pongo música, etc. Siento que hacer eso te permite vivir la vida más alegremente. Y pa que caches, decoro hasta para la Pascua de Resurrección po!
Dicho eso, mi favorita es Halloween porque:
1. No debes ver a tu familia y nadie espera nada de tí
2. Spooky things are cool af (y me encantan demasiado!!)
3. Dulces
4. Puedes hasta usar disfraz libremente, literal es una fiesta solo para disfrutar!!
11) ¿Te gusta tu vida actual?, justifica.
En general me gusta hacia donde voy, pero aun me faltan cosas (aunque todas se pueden conseguir con esfuerzo! Y a eso me dirijo)
#tag game#me demore caleta en hacer esto#y eso que mis respuestas son super fome jajaj#de la 11#diria que lo que más me molesta y no puedo cambiar es mi familia#y lo más dificil de conseguir el postgrado#y en volá una posible 2da carrera#pero igual eso sería a largo plazo y me he fijado que no es 100% necesaria para ser feliz#lo más más dificil sería enamorarme tbh porque le da pánico; pero igual eso como que no lo quiero ahora mismo#primero trabajo; postgrado; escribir#depto y un perro#jajaj eso#di más info aca que allá arriba wtf
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