#(but yeah this aint it gamers)
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rawliverandgoronspice · 1 year ago
genuinely bewildered at how it's just g@merg@te again. like it's just exactly the same strategy, except now it's a cabal of dark and sinister narrative designers instead of "there are women near my games" but it's like the same fucking thing and I'm so tired honestly
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clowningaroundmars · 9 months ago
playing with linux for the 1st time
what are ppl talkin abt that its complicated to use? i meaannnnn not really?
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i-am-a-reunion-soldier · 6 months ago
dude i saw this hot liberi goth girl at the gamestore right. so being the smooth bastard i was i tapped her on the shoulder and she turns around and hes a him oh my god. anyways i swing both ways so then the conversation goes:
me: *uses a liberi pickup line*
him (verbafuckingtim): Although your praise pleases me greatly, my appearance is oft mistaken for a Liberi - a Banshee Sarkaz, that I am.
me (no idea what a banshee is, confused as fuck and ignoring all the warning bells about the devils): ...shit cool so can I get ur number
and like so i got it but also he's a sarkaz????? like devils aint that common and they're supposed to be bloodthirsty and rude and nasty but oh god he's so pretty and his voice was silky smooth and he was paying for a copy of Burdenbeast Crossing so like?????
he works at that pharmacy company u told me abt. his number was on this business card and everything. idk why he got such a cool gamer tag but like. yeah. hottest sarkaz ive ever seen
I got this ask all the way back when I was stranded in Sargon, and decided to save it for later when I was in a better headspace
well I gotta say I'm currently in the best mindset I've ever been in in years and I still dont know where to even begin with this one
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emilycollins00 · 2 years ago
Act 1 re-read! The show must go on!
. To be honest the show being next month is really insane given that they at this point didn’t even have a script
. And oh wow I didn’t expect that shout from Sakyo, it spooked me a bit
. 10 million yens I had to make the change and it’s like 63,602 euros holy molly no wonder Tsuzuru’s like fuck and Izumi like double fuck
. Question nº1 Why did Sakyo act like bad guy? Do we know what response he hoped to get? Trying to scare Izumi? 
. Enjoyed the slap. That was stepping WAY over the line with the tricks.
. Also this game might have been just a tiny bit funnier funny had they been allowed to swear ksdhk
. Last condition being Izumi as the director now I’m like ok but what if she you know, had a job?? Did Sakyo expect her to leave it?
. Izumi is too good for Yukio there I said it
. Sakuya’s situation again tho oof, the fact he didn’t even tell their relatives?? And the FACT that he was already 2 days in right? My heart. The "thank you for calling for me” felt devastating. Feels like Sakuya reeeally didn’t want to even try to take any chances with them (ALSO crashing with friends?!! DIDN’T REMEMBER THAT!! Oh that’s a lot to take in)
. First time having his own room, I might really cry
. Masumi mentioning dating at this point wow, his vision is so… narrow I really feel conflicted, how lonely must you be to reach this point with someone you met on the same day
. In another universe where Masumi got paper kdhkfh  Tsuzuru and Citron roomies waaah, I think it’d have worked but yeah, who better than to learn to take care of others for masu than tsuzuru
. LEGEND OF CURRY. Gotta love Izumi’s “what can I possibly with these leftover….?? Mmm I don’k know… oh wait?? CURRY!” <- has if that wasn’t your only option ma’am/j
. Can I just mention that this might have possibly been the first dinner both Masumi and Sakuya might have spent with others feeling this content? I cry
. “Our scriptwriter-“ misumi grandpa right? I love already knowing stuff
. “Paying my own rent on (place) is just scary” aint that true when you first begin to live alone
. “With all due respect, are you nut” kissing location again
. Honestly they were lucky Citron and Itaru where there on their 1st day
. Tsuzuru my BELOVED, still I’d be with Izumi here, they took their chances but that was better than nothing. Making a 2-hour-play is A LOT in week what the- He’s so amazing pls
. ACTOR WHO WAS EXCELLENT WITH FEMALE ROLESGHJ KAZUMI (I still have to read about the story but-) I LOVE U
. Itaru felt scary talking so… like that and unlike him now that we know him more. I would have run away sdnk poor izumi
. “Tsuzu became one with his pc” help I can’t imagine the pressureee. Question nº2 I can’t help but think if he had done stuff like this before?? Or was this the start of him overworking himself?
. The script is done awwwiieee!! A LOVED hearing him so happy!! His VA did such a good job seeming so relieved/happy for real
. This part was SO scary, somehow, his way of talking as well
. Did itaru just try to (I don’t know if I’m using the word correctly) gaslight izumi??
. Masumi was reaaally not having it with Sakuya, again you can see somehow the only-child/big bro in a huge family differences
. Sakuya knowing all that from Masumi it’s wow. He truly remembers stuff
. I’m curious that for all that Itaru seemed to be hiding, he didn’t seem that surprised when the rest found out he was a gamer. Or maybe he didn’t really hide but just, went on his business?
. Someone let Sakuya in the manzai duo, these 3 are hilarious (I had absolutely forgot that Yuzo was from the spring troupe?? Oh WOW that was something. Also he really went hard, it was needed tho)
. That situation felt like an asmr with little snoring noises ghjkl
. That the first thing Yuki does when he appears is to give each of them a nickname while taking note for the costumes is sending me
. OH citron, and this scene. Him being honest with his feelings about him probably not being the best choice broke me a bit.. and Izumi being like, “then ill protect you” SOB, first breathing moment for citron maybe in that aspect since he came to japan. I love their friendship so freaking much
. “When did this goofball start acting like a prince?” MMMM I don’t think he’s acting Izumi
. OH again bc the drama when Itaru says he’s leaving was skdjn. Izumi “WHAT, WHY??” (also me in my room knowing it was gonna happen: WHAT, WHY??”)
. Question nº 3 Itaru says something along the lines of wanting to say it now so they had plenty of time to change it before it was late but like, how far could they be? They had 1 month so 4 weeks, 1st week was for the script, let’s say this is somewhat by the end of the 2nd is when Yuzo comes and they sleep in the stage, in less than 2 weeks you want someone to change? A bit all over the place for my taste
. But also he’s just over the place himself look at him? And then the iconic family play kauhsdkjk this was the beginning. (I COULD STAND TRUSTING SOMEONE AGAIN I CRY)
. Related to Q3 I’m still so confused with chapter 20 bc they say they only have five weeks to go?? I need help understanding
. I have to say, have we ever seen Sakuya speaking like this later on? I feel there was so much at risk here too so maybe its bc of that but wow Sakuya so… raw, hit me more than I expected
. Chap 23 broke my heart, fav out of the episode so far I think. Sakuya is SO strong as a character. ALSO feeling the need to be loved in a place? Masumi can relate this time and citron as well with the family stuff
. SDFGHJK their fight with godza I was like, “Just u wait just u wait just u waiiiit”
. Tsuzuru is so freaking relatable, not just bc we all have our circumstances that sometime stop us from doing things but like, time passes by so so fast and I was told so many time as I grew up but like, it’s so true. More true than I think I understood. Each year passes by even faster and I blink and we are already in August oof
. KAZUNARI APPEARS AWW I loved his enthusiasm since the beginning (“He’s annoying” “Masumi I know. Quiet” FGHJKL)
. No but I have to say Kazunari saved half the spring play somehow. Aside from Itaru talking in his gameplays, because the fact that he informed this many people, helped with the TV… I love him
. I also loved Yuki buying one, he definitely saw how much the spring troupe put themselves out there
. I don’t really get what brought Masumi to suddenly act like that after hearing “don’t act for me” from Izumi… I mean I kinda do but mmm felt forced to bring up his situation?
. The fanclub always felt all over the place and toxic honestly
. Anyway I loved how they all gave their opinion on how they react with love to make Masumi see it’s not the end of the world.
. Ok I really, really liked how Masumi told her that it didn’t matter if her acting wasn’t good. It was about putting yourself out there and how much passion and work you gave. Good boy Masumi (also good for Izumi for mentioning a later talk about boundaries)
. First play IM SO EXCITED!! I also love that the main thing despite what’s at risk that Izumi wants them to have a good first experience above everything. I love her so so much for real. (Also Matsukawa sounds so pro on the intercom!) this is it
. “we can ditch this town and travel the world!” we’ve heard this 93849 times and I don’t say this in a bad way bc VA did an amazing job, you can truly see the differences up until the finale oof/pos
. Oh my GOD they did it oh my god im so freaking proud, I swear im so happy I got to experience this again they worked so freaking hard good job everyone!! (I forgot Masumi being speechless and it made me even more emotional if that’s possible bc I already sobbed when they thanked the audience)
. More asmr <3
. Now I forgot Itaru was hurt what a reality check. For someone who wanted to leave, hiding an injury to keep going is a lot. Also I adored Citron intervention and his tone of voice. He can see the change in Itaru but doesn’t want him to overdo it, I love him <3
. Sakyo you tsundereee
. Man chapter 34 is a sea of tears in here I don’t have the strength to talk about it.
. Sakyo yakuza with a heart of gold indeed!! And Muku and Tenma (snott-looking boy ajshkhdk) aw
This was a perfect 1sr episode!!💕💕💕
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ask-jasper-cameron · 10 months ago
Will we get modern au Jasper? And maybe some info on him? Occupation, living situation etc
modern jasper
he's indonesian in the modern au yippee yo! (bc the country already existed in modern)
Lives in wherever the fuck the others live, i suppose (im hoping it aint ohio)
helps out with the local vet (NO MAMMALS. Lizards, fish, bugs, he can handle)
I think hes way more nerdy lmfao
Diagnosed autism...?
Lives with- who? Huh? His parents left him with a friend of theirs. How sad
Likes sate and tongseng teehee!! Yummy yummy fewds,,,, drools
would totally own a ds/3ds/ps1 classic/neogeo/snes/nes/or all of the mentioned consoles
"Hey guys check this out i got all gold medals on rhythm heaven"
"Guys check out i have HARMOKNIGHT!!! HAHA" laughs smugly
Gamer boy real
Would have a tumblr blog where he shows off the fish he has catch on a nearby river
"Look at this silly thing i catched" shows a carp
probably mmore energetic (consumed too much coffee)
Berdly deltarune energy real (except way more nicer)
Uses the most absurd gen z slangs to throw off people
anyways yeah thats all methinks teehe
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neutrallyobsessed · 1 year ago
who is rangu gamer
rangu gamer is a spanish youtuber who does let's plays, stuff like that, and personally how i've started consuming the ace attorney franchise.
he is very funny, sometimes smart and BY GOD HE IS SOOOO FUCKING GOOD AT VOICE ACTING, he's probably the best youtuber who played aa in general cause some of the anglo ones dont even read the lines but rangu gives each character a unique voice and even an extra personality! i highly reccomend to watch his layton videos lmaoo the things that go on there are hilarious (and the games are pretty good too :v)
i first knew him for this vid which honestly is an excellent encapsulation of all that is rangu and his content
if you dont speak spanish, basically he goes to dewford town and chages the lastest fad in there to "eating kids" and now all of the island is like HELL YEAH EATING KIDS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER IT'S MORE THAN A FAD IS PART OF OUR LIVES and BOY if that aint hilarious then maybe rangu isnt for you :v which is sad but you cant win them all~~
also, he ships narumayo and that's hella based and epic so of course he's the best aa let's player out there, if you know any other anglo parlant youtuber who:
played all of ace attorney
ships narumayo
voice acts for the characters
is funny
let me know cause not all of ace attorney is in spanish so rangu didnt actually play all the games :(
so sad that programming is such a tedious and boring labor or else i could translate all the other games by myself joder e.e
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corrucyst · 1 year ago
gamers are so stupid man. i remember a thing gamers did or said and it pisses me off badders. just remembered watching ac6 ending cutscenes on youtube and making the mistake of looking at the comments and seeing people go like "fires of raven is the only good ending... there no other freaking way!" and THATS stupid obviously but kind of what you expect from youtube commenters with no reading comprehension. what really got me pissed was this one comment talking about fires of raven that was like.
"yeah i never trusted ayre shes obviously hiding stuff from you, like why doesnt she use the sol 644 in the other endings? 🤨🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔🤔 she obviously is only nice if you do what she wants" or some shit like that. and man. please think for a single SECOND you dumb fuck!!!!! its allmind that gives ayre the sol 644 to stop you!! use your brain before you talk shit on my girl she aint done nothing wrong
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super slime slimeinator
sorry, super slime simulator. (literally my attitude for the whole game lmao)
yeah, it's a slime game.
it has "slime touching" graphics.
it makes disgusting "slime" noises.
i've terrorized my friends with it.
i love this game, no matter how janky-2004-DS game it is.
the game opens with the worst sound to ever exist,
followed by teaching u how to make a slime, which is pretty simple. u just kinda... make a slime.
...like u choose what type u want to make (u start out with a couple of types, ex. "classic" slime which i personally believe is a government fallacy but u do u) and then u circle ur finger around a dish to make it. then, u choose a colour and mix it in. then u choose 1 or 2 types of decorations and their colours (if they have that option. some don't- lookin at you, "jelly cubes")
some exciting exhilarating gameplay (ignore the ads at the bottom idk why they're there they aint even personalized smh):
then u finish, name it an play with it if you're a psychopath. i prefer the elite route of making slimes and never fuckin touching them bc they're nasty as hell.
there's also a chest thing which is ridiculously easy to unlock and will give you new slime... things:
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and for some reason, this game seemingly with no story to it, has SIDE QUESTS. Where we meet, for the second time since the tutorial, the "mascot" for this game: Lulu.
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She is just a fuckin person. She's a human mascot who somehow got her little godfearing name on things like "lulu's slime quest" and other equally icky things like that. She also somehow has her own collection of slimes, with ones worse than anything my pathetic little hands could even fathom making.
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Note: I have no idea who Noggi is.
and she forces you to make her slimes for her. exactly the way she wants it. or you lose.
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there's also some weird games like Slime My Image where u glunk up one of ur photos (I glunked up miku teehee):
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And also Slime Painter, where you can colour on a "slime" at will:
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And additionally, the real man's gambling, the aptly named Guessing Game:
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(i guessed correctly btw)
However, if u have had enough of those games, check out the tons of premade slimes that u can play with.
That is, if ur the kind of person who downloaded this game to...
to play with slimes.
o_O cringe if thats u
anyway, if u enjoy that, they made a fuckton of disgusting slimes that are strangely reminiscent of something i once knew and desperately want to forget all there for u to......... play with.
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Either way, if ur the type of gamer who needs regular validation, there's a series of incredibly rigorous daily quests to complete, which will truly test ur grit and determination as a Super Slime Simulator Pro Gamer™
The quests will demand various things, but most prominently, the grindworthy adventures of:
opening the game (im shakin in my boots)
making a slime (consider my timbers positively shivered upon)
playing with said slime (ew)
playing a single level of Lulu's Slime Quest (crying shaking screaming)
and other such harrowing tasks.
Now that I've briefed u on the game, let's get into some fun little details!
u can't turn the sfx off.
there is no option to turn the sfx off
the sfx make me want to McPerish™
i wanted to listen to music while playing this game but you can't turn the sfx off
there are some "fun and interesting" slime types that nobody's ever made before and nobody ever wants to make! I won't spoil them for u, but u definitely will spoil!
the colour names are fun, flirty and sometimes Pukeworthy! (there's a colour called carmine! how wonderfully fucking disgusting!)
there's one colour that i'm not so sure about!
Also, if you want to SHARE a slime with someone, you can "gift" it to them (gee, thanks) and they recive a fun little gift box all customized by you. mery cihsmast.
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anyway, it's a fun game. 7/10 would squelch again.
That's all for Super Slime Simulator! It's not that bad but certainly quite jank. Loves ya :P
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not-your-bro · 2 years ago
As a pc gamer; I am simply not doing it. Fuck them. Bring back optimization for user comfort because I'm using this pc for other shit as well and I'm not deleting a single thing for a game that big. It can suck my dick and I still wouldn't download it
lmaooooo i can't blame you!! not to mention the fact that some recent AAA pc ports seem to be uhh?? bad??? i watch a lot of skillup's reviews bc i appreciate how thorough they are and i find him to be a very fair reviewer, and it's wild how many of his reviews over the last year have been skewed by the game simply running terribly on pc. he's literally been like "it kind of sucks to be on pc rn" and i'm like yeah man 😬 sounds like it
a few years ago i aspired to have a pc for a couple reasons. one, to make streaming on discord easier (i've learned to work with ps remote play but it aint easy and its thrown many fun new problems at me over the course of its use). and two, to access the few xbox games i'll probably want to play. hellblade 2, south of midnight, whatever double fine does next..... xbox hasn't had much to show yet imo but they've gobbled up a lot of studios i'm personally interested in.
that said, at this point i would rather keep wrestling with ps remote play and maybe buy an xbox down the line, as opposed to spending an exorbitant amount of money on a pc that still may not be able to run a new game well (and even if it can, the port itself may be shit, and that's entirely out of my hands).
anyway, this was long and rambling but tldr i've been hearing more & more about pc woes lately and i feel your pain!!!
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rainamabow · 2 years ago
what if a woke geek did "Baby Got Back" ...
i like all butts and i cannot lie, you other lovers can't deny that when someone walks in with a jigglewiggle pace and a round thing in yo face you go SPLOOSH, wanna mop up muff cuz you notice their clothes be stuffed deep in the jeans they wearin i'm hooked and i can't stop starin oh baby, i wanna get wit'cha and take your pic'cha my bestie tried to warn me but that butt you got make me so horny, ooh, rumple smooth skin you say you wanna get in my gams well, use me use me but have empathy and bound'ries i've seen them dancin, i still need romancin there's sweat, we're wet it's going like a water jet i'm tired of porn hubbings, saying big dicks are the things take the average person and ask them that yall gotta pack some back so people YEAH people YEAH has your person got the butt? HELL YEAH Ask'em to shake it! (shake it) shake it, (shake it) shake that healthy butt baby got back (kindest gaze with sweetest booty) baby got back i like thighs round and strong, when i omnom nomnom nom I just can't help myself I'm actin' like an animal Now, here's my scandal take me now to your home cuz UH mine's messed up UH HUH i aint talkin about hentai cuz vibrating rabbits break and die i want em real thick n juicy, in front that makes it double mix-a-lot's in trouble, beggin for a commitment bubble so, i'm lookin at twitch videos smartest cuties game in windows, you can have that console-y my peeps are Linus, Jay, or Steve a word to the nerdy bruthas, i wanna build wit cha i air cool, no water but i gotta do my own pipe if i wanna til the break of DAWN if he keeps it goin on a lot of simps won't like this song cuz the toxic masculinity sucks but i'd rather stay and play cuz my gamin is strong and i'm down to turn the rumble on so, duders yeah, dooders yeah if you wanna cuddle up in my blankies then flop on down, with arms out in pillows we'll talk it out baby got back baby got back yeah baby, and about your genitals, your size aint got nothin to do with my selection and i don't care about inches! ha-ha, unless you body shame at me SO your guy can drive a dodge ram headbangs to music you can't stand but Sublime's shallower than most bands, my sexy spread don't want none unless you like Muse, hun you can do squats, get it pierced up, just please keep that thang UP some people wanna pounce that hard roll and tell you that the thighs aint gold so they toss em and leave em but i pull up quick to support them so GQ says lift bro, i aint likin that, yo cuz your squish is good n your curves are kickin and i'm thinkin bout lickin to the Tinder guys with abs pic, you just dont get it. communicate? DAMN, i can't resist them self-awareness is my fav jam some narcissist tried to use i blocked before the abuse. i shouldnt have to but i did more of his emotional labour so hun if you reciprocate and youre ready to really date use okcupid, read write-ups and listen to their thoughts baby got back baby got back (nerdy and a gamer, cuddles in the sack) (squishy in tha middle so i can pounce that) (self-aware mentally, and cooks cheesymac) (dad bod is the shiznit with strong arms and back)
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I present: trashy white girl poetry about self care and faking it till you make it
Clears throat
The, extended cut.
This is a silly poem, if it does not seem so, try a different tone
They call me fat biscuit, with gravy
Cause i've i give her that white biscuit roll baby
Given her cat a little ice cold seasoning
Aint no mild reasoning
Is it intense man, making art this stressful?
Hell yeah bro, y'all should lucky im so blessful! (Woo! Double time 'specter!)
My lessons no vector, it's an inspector
Rolling up to the crib like i alrea-dy expect her here, with a beer!
My cash is rhymes, going so fast i cant catch all my dimes, been flowing so slow i only feel stuck. Hitting that ass, like i cant cop that girl, gamer, help im stuck!. Moving so slow im stuck taking my time i cant keep with my own rhymes!
Im hitting the breaking point,
my pants nearly soiled aint ready, my fake gun's sights aint steady, im no ganster, im just a white boy.
But i know some-thing about you, heckler cock suck-ler, your face too bright in my ice, i had to cut the lights! stop my damn bike! Get off and let papers loose i aint a some true shooter loose, leash gone, hands ready liek a moose!
i aint some (imitate) true mother fucker goin out for loot! (No sir!)
Im some stuck up white kid in a rich position, too good for the money, cant carry the mission.
The coming burden is mine i'm my blowing my own damn mind (could i always?) The spectrums back, full fucking heart attack, im gonna bust my attack up your ass crack if it keeps speaking to me like that! (Oh!)
So thats my lesson, take no shit, bust a rhyme, keep ya dimes, and someday you'll get to write shit like this! Im out!
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sanssupremacy · 3 years ago
Tomorrow more shenanigans with me suffering on how to draw.
Stay tuned at 6 am for less news.
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arundolyn · 3 years ago
i just had like A Thought, as im making lambda gifs?
its weird to articulate and might not make complete sense, so bear with me
but like... comparing lambda and nu’s sword effects. there’s a cool distinction going on there, which is:
lambda, who is a predecessor but not necessarily a prototype, per se. her swords are more....... bulky and needlessly. clunky. jagged. comparatively. (despite it being called sword summoner EX in fight, ignoring that for the sake of simplicity, it to me just indicates nu existed first playably). i mostly noticed this from crescent saber ngl. 
but nu, on the other hand, the actual Proper murakumo unit wielder. everything is more streamlined and (they’re physically the same size but.. SEEMINGLY) compact and efficient. 
it just struck me as an interesting detail
#crow.txt#blazblue#blazblueposting#by no means is this a nu appreciation zone fuck nu lives However i just thought it was cool?#there are only a handful that are still Identical and just have a different palette#but i thought it was interesting#iirc this was enacted in like... hm. i'd assume CP? i dont remember if lambda had her own effects in CSEX cause there was no. need?#nu WAS playable but it was literally just unlimited lambda so? hm.#actually i should crack open csex AND cpex because i kinda wanna see if nu in her other mode thing. the one from vanilla cp. facelift thing#if her swords ALSO change aside from just the properties. that's also intresting.#but yeah lambda's to me seem..... more. unrefined? than nu's. which seem more... sleek and rounded#its a nice touch honestly. makes narrative sense yknow?#and also i dont know if its just cause theyre bright ass green and i know a little gremlin catgirl is controlling her#but lambda's are also kinda Gamer Aesthetic which is funny to me. like the angular bits and sharp curves and stuff. you get what i mean.#literally just Look at the sword for exiga nail and tell me that aint some Gamer Shit#also i get why its there i guess but the stupid little... black hole or whatever effect on lambda in fight. is fucking annoying#like yeah yeah to tell the difference at a quick glance but... if you know shit about shit you will know the difference instantly#just from strategy and behavior. but thats just me i guess. like sure their normals are nigh identical but STILL.#the moment specials come into play its literally night and day#and honestly i love lambdas weird shit. shes a zoner But has some pretty decent close options#shes insane. what are you doing. i love you.#and yes lambda gifs incoming probably next weekend
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chainsawworld · 4 years ago
Sorry yous have had to see me complaining a bunch these past few days
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fedine · 3 years ago
Brought my gaming PC to my girlfriend's place as I slowly move in. She has taken it from me to play modded Skyrim and write her novel.
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mothpile · 6 years ago
old laptop machine be like :b:roke
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