#(but then started going: hey maybe ... we shouldn't do that? because y'know it's a fucking slur. and you can just say schaumkuss)
keeksandgigz · 8 months
painkiller (part three of lessons in alchemy)
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barista!eddie munson x fem!barista!reader AU
summary: After a rocky start, you and Eddie seem to be turning over a new leaf, but a small misunderstanding is sure to change that. You help set up the cafe for the Halloween party, which you end up going to after much begging by Colette, you try to make Eddie jealous and a healthy dose of liquid courage helps things get sentimental.
cw: 4k words, jealous!eddie, swearing, allusion to smut, reader being essentially a sensitive baby, some miscommunication, eddie being a softie for reader, no y/n, no physical description of reader, boys being silly, mention of throwing up/ retching, drinking (everyone is of age), it gets a little bit fluffy towards the end
read part 1 here, part 2 here
if you wanna be added to my taglist the form is here
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"You guys fucked??" Colette's voice booms in the car.
"Jesus Christ, Colette, the whole freeway didn't need to know that. And no, we didn't fuck" you take the exit that brings you into Daisy Street, the one towards the cafe.
"Then what? Steve keeps talking about how you guys look at each other like you wanna run to the back and fuck like bunnies" she nudges at you and you roll your eyes.
"Remind me to ask Steve to drive you to work next time, since you guys are such good friends" you smile at her.
"Yeah, whatever, so what happened?" she nibbles at her bagel.
You take a deep breath in. There are no secrets between you and Colette. "Well, he... spanked me" you hear her gasp, without giving her time to start talking you keep going; "Then he took me to his office and fingered me, but he didn't let me um...finish because I wouldn't apologize to him. Then he drove me home" you say, all in one breath.
"You kinky bitch" she laughs, a hearty laugh. After she comes down from her fit, she continues, almost like a phantom hand slapped some sense into her. "But what an asshole! Because you wouldn't apologize to him? And he drove you home?"
"I swear he's so confusing. He wouldn't let me take the bus." You just got your car back after two days without it because of a leak. You pull up into the parking lot.
"Shit, he's outside" you whisper. He's sitting on the curb, cigarette in hand, scrolling through his phone. Something tells you he isn't there to make drinks today. His hair is down and he's wearing chunky rings in both hands. You’re lucky I didn’t have my rings on. With the way you’ve been running your mouth you would’ve more than deserved it.
As much of an asshole as he is, you've been replaying the night before on a loop for the whole morning. You swallow.
"Too late to turn back and make a run for it" Colette quips as you park the car as further as possible from him.
"So what, do I just go in like 'Hey fancy seeing you here, remember when your fingers were in me last night?' or do I just ignore him?" you groan as you open your car door, grabbing your bag and jacket.
"Maybe wait for him to speak to you? I dunno. He should apologize, that was fucked" Colette says, closing the car door.
You both walk towards the cafe's front door. Eddie catches your eye immediately. Fuck it, your shift wouldn't start until two- thirty.
"Col, I'll meet you inside. Thanksgiving menu is launching soon, Steve'll have your head if you don't walk in right this second" you joke, she just nudges your shoulder and winks at you, as she disappears inside the cafe.
"Y'know" Eddie speaks, taking a long drag out of his cigarette "you shouldn't gossip about me when I can hear you from around the corner. I take it she knows?" he exhales a cloud of smoke, making you take a ragged breath at the way the smoke falls from his lips.
"Maybe you shouldn't overhear my conversations. Ever thought about that? And so what if she knows? Steve probably knows too" you spit.
"I usually don't tell Steve about the girls I fuck. Last night wasn't even a fuck, really. I just showed you what was so incredibly obvious to the naked eye, sweetheart" he puts the cigarette to his lips again.
"Which is?" you don't have patience for the slow drawl of his voice, sounding like he's just woken up. The way his fingers wrap around the cigarette, his lips puckering up as he sucks into the filter. You shiver.
"That we wanna fuck each other. Don't tell me that you're not looking at me and not thinking about what I did to you last night" Gotcha. He smiles around the cigarette.
"You really do think too highly of yourself" you sit on the curb, keeping a distance between you two.
"I've been thinking about last night the whole morning" he blurts out, putting his cigarette out on the sole of his boots “It was good, but you were kind of a bitch about me not letting you cum. Maybe you should rethink about apologizing” he smirks towards you.
“Well, I don't think last night should have happened at all" you shrug, pretending like the way he's playing with his chain bracelet isn't affecting you. He turns towards you.
"Is that so?" he says, voice a bit lower, gravelly. You inhale, then nod. 
He takes out a stack of black papers from a folder in his messenger bag, you take the chance to change the subject.
"What's that?" you ask, trying to peek over the the wall of black posters.
"The posters for the Halloween party next week. My friend Nancy just designed and printed them out for me. I scheduled you on Friday to come in and help with decorating, I'll pay you extra, since it's not in your job description. I'll talk to Jim about it" it's a lie, he just wants to spend more time with you.
"Am I required to come to this thing?" you interject, taking one of the posters in your hands, it's very well designed.
"Well, no. But the staff is invited anyway and I'm gonna be at the bar making free drinks, once a year we turn our bad boy coffee bar into a, y'know bar bar" he says, a movement of his ringed hand follows it.
"Oh, so you're a bartender too? What concoction are you gonna brew for this party, Mr. Alchemist?" you ask, chin propped on your hands. A flirtatious lilt to the way you talk, you bat your eyelashes.
"Guess you gotta come to find out" he winks and stands up, opening the side door to his van.
"Where are you going?" you ask, squinting to look at his face, the sun in your eyes.
"These posters aren't gonna hang themselves around town, are they? I just came here to hang one on the bulletin board and one on the door. Wanna come?"
You're not sure how to feel. He's suddenly being nice to you? And you wanna say yes so badly for some reason, maybe because you're tired of fighting with him and he seems like an actually cool person to be around?
"My shift starts in five minutes" you say, standing up and dusting off your butt.
He shrugs his shoulders "Consider this your shift? You're still technically helping me with the cafe" his tone is bordering a whine, can this man be that desperate to want you to come with him?
You really are pondering your options, it doesn't feel normal that you'd want to go with him instead of a chill shift without Eddie Munson's hovering eyes.
"You coming or not? And the pun was intended" he chuckles to himself as you hit him in the arm.
"You're an asshole" Alright, fuck it.
"You win" you grumble, jumping on the passenger seat of his van. The same van you were in the night before, cursing the man because he had left you unsatisfied.
In the back of the van there are stacks of boxes full of prints. You reach for the black poster he was holding earlier.
"What's 'Corroded Coffin'?"
"The band I'm in" he says, a creeping smile on his lips. Nonchalant, like he hadn't dropped a heavy piece of Eddie lore.
"'Kay so, you're a barista, a bartender, a business owner and you're in a band?!" eyes wide in disbelief as a smug expression appears on the boy's lips.
"The four b's, baby" he laughs "Me, Jeff, Gareth and another dude have been in this band since high school, tried to strike out but uhhhh different plans I guess" his shoulders rise and fall in a shrug.
"Lemme guess, you're the drummer?" you ask, finding yourself oddly at ease as he drives the car around town.
He shakes his head, his ratty curls moving around his face "Lead guitar and singer" lips pulled taut in a thin smile, face scrunched up.
"Shut the fuck up, I hate you! That's why you're so fucking slappable" he laughs at your comment as he thrums his ringed fingers along with Love me like a Reptile on the steering wheel. You gulp.
"That's why you're so good with your fingers, then?" it escapes you before you can even register what your brain is computing, but he's turning on his indicators to pull over, because he's quite literally doubled over with laughter.
"Jesus I did a number on you, didn't I sweetheart?" he says in the midst of his fit, and you can feel yourself getting hot, embarrassed, like he's making fun of you.
You really thought that things between you two had smoothed over, but the way he's laughing at you has your cheeks growing in anger, the cockiness exuding from him doesn't spur you on or stoke whatever fire you're kindling, rather it makes you feel humiliated.
You grab your bag and coat, immediately opening the latch to the door of his van. Eddie stops laughing immediately.
"Wait, what are you doing?" he asks, head jerking towards you.
“If you’re gonna be an asshole about it, then you can hang your fucking posters by yourself. I’m going back to the store to do what I am actually paid for. Fuck you, Eddie” and he barely has time to reply before you slam the door of his van and you book it back towards the cafe.
The shift feels uneventful, until Colette and Steve take you to the kitchen to sample the menu for the party.
The boy fixes the glasses on his nose as he shows you strawberry brain jellies, spider falafels, mini spiderweb pizzas, and the sketch of a big Halloween cake.
“That was Steve’s idea, actually. It’s blueberry and cream cheese filling on one tier and then I think custard on the second one. You’re gonna die, Steve’s custard is actually to die for” and he blushes at that, a quick brush of his face as his eyes twinkle at the compliment.
Steve and Colette have been spending a lot of time together after all, you chuckle to yourself as you reach for the spoons with the cream filling samples. Colette was not wrong, that custard is an incredible explosion of lemon and milk and vanilla, you're astounded that Steve and Colette were able to pull this off in such a short time.
There isn't much you can tell them, as their culinary talent greatly exceeds yours, wondering why they didn't ask Eddie to do the tasting, who seemed nowhere to be found for the rest of your shift.
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On Friday, he seems to be quite busy with various movers and decoration people to even pay attention to you as Jeff stands on a ladder with you yelling "higher!" every time he tries to hang a string of lights.
"Well, I'm a barista, not a fucking architect" he yells from atop of the ladder, as Gareth rolls out a bunch of boxes sitting in a cart.
"What's that?" you ask, still making Jeff mess with the purple string lights “to the right, man!”
You hear him groan.
"Our twelve- foot skeleton" he replies, taking the plastic parts out "good thing our ceilings are tall" he snickers as Jeff finishes setting up the lights and comes down.
"Why the fuck do you have a twelve- foot skeleton?" you lean against the ladder, watching him take the bone parts out of the boxes and setting up the first few bits.
"Eddie thought it would be hilarious if we got one our first year of doing these Halloween parties. We usually get the skeleton something stupid to wear, this year it's a giant clown nose" he laughs as you move the ladder towards him to help facilitate the building of this fucking monster of a decoration.
By the time night rolls, the coffee machines have been removed for the party and replaced with liquors, spirits, glasses and shakers.
Finally Eddie comes out of his office, hair mussed out of his messy bun, eyes puffy and tired as his eyes widen at the decorated party room around him. 
Red, orange and purple lights hang around the perimeter of the walls, along with orange tulle fabric and various decorations on the theme of bats, skeletons and pumpkins. The twelve- foot skeleton stood tall in that stupid clown nose, at which he laughed at. He shot you a pained look before leaning on the bar counter. 
“Wow you guys, you’ve really outdone yourselves this year” he mutters, taking a close look around at all the decorations. 
“It was the girls, really, they’ve just been bossing us around the whole day” Gareth responds “we’ve just been their lackeys” he laughs. 
“Regardless of that, I just wanted to thank you all for the splendid job, we should be expecting around 150 people in here tomorrow night, hope you guys are ready to party. Now get the fuck out of here” Eddie says as he motions for you and everyone else to leave as the guys protest “go get some rest, it’s literally midnight”
There’s a clamor of voices as you vacate the cafe, discussing costumes for the party, how fucked up everyone’s gonna get- Eddie being the last to leave and lock the door. 
Before heading to his van, though he surpasses you, walking to your car. 
“I trust you’ll be there tomorrow? You must be fun at parties, right?” he snickers, you roll your eyes. 
“Sorry, Ed, previous engagement I have to attend to. Devastated to be missing the party of the decade, I’ll send a postcard” you unabashedly lie, there’s no reason you should be going to that party.
You give him a sour smile and head towards your car, as he stands stunned in the middle of the parking lot.
Without much ceremonies, you and Colette get in the car. 
“Are you actually not going tomorrow?” your friend is outraged, a betrayed tone tinging her words. 
“I dunno, I really don’t wanna see Eddie’s stupid face, plus I don’t have a costume” you shrug, entering the freeway. 
You could do what you’ve always done since college- a sexy cat, make Eddie sizzle a bit, an unspoken revenge towards that unsatisfactory night where he refused to push you off the edge. 
You don’t know what this is, whatever game you both are playing, a never ending tug of war of power and stupid fucking remarks at the expense of one another- why can’t you just sleep with him and get it over with? 
“I’ll get you a fucking costume, babe! Just please come, Steve is being really weird to me and trying to ask me out, I’ll buy you lunch, dinner- anything” she begs, and you don’t see why Steve asking her out should be an issue, he’s handsome and the way he looks at her and the way she talks about him seems to be special, something you’ve never had in a person. 
“Colette, I honestly do not see the problem in Steve trying to ask you out. You like him!” you bang your hands on the steering wheel in frustration, why can’t anything ever be easy?
“I like him in the sense that I want to fuck him, not go out with him. Besides, Gin isn’t going and Chrissy has a midterm Monday so she’s gonna have to dip early. Do you really wanna leave me in the middle of a pool of nerdy men?” she’s whining and pleading with you, it almost makes you fold. Almost. 
“C’mon, I wouldn’t dream of doing that to you” she bats her big eyes, and she’s right, she wouldn’t do that to you because she knows that men put you off, being surrounded by them even so. 
“Alright, fine, and you don’t have to get me a costume. Sexy cat is the way to go” you grin at her as she gets out of the car blowing you a kiss. 
“I love love love you, I’ll see you tomorrow” Colette runs inside after that. 
You can’t say no to her. 
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And that’s why you find yourself in the midst of countless amounts of people, a third martini and a couple shots in and Colette is nowhere to be found. 
Eddie, on the other hand, is at the bar. Tight, black, form fitting shirt, his face looking pale and pasty as a rivulet of what looked like fake blood dripped out of his mouth. You could only see it when he smiled, but he had glued fake fangs on his incisors- a vampire, how original. 
You approach him at the bar, mind already loosened and buzzed, as he’s pouring a drink out. 
“Was expecting something more original than a vampire from you” you scream over the music. A smile creeps on his lips, and you have to admit, the fangs are really doing it for you. 
“I was expecting nothing less from you, though.Thought you weren’t coming?” he leans against the bar counter, his arms flexing from the exertion of shaking drinks for the past hour and a half. You stare, and he’s sure you are.
“Didn’t wanna come, Colette begged me to save her from Steve asking her out, so now I’m here” you take one last swig out of your martini glass “that’s really good, actually, can I have another one?”
Eddie shakes his head “Steve’s asking Colette out? When was this?”
You shrug “apparently it’s been going on for a while. Honestly, I don’t know how she does it, I would not be able to resist Steve’s cute little puppy eyes” and here it is. The drunken ramble. 
“Honestly I don’t know how you all do it, I’d be ogling at Steve and not getting any work done, actually. Have you seen his arms?” you giggle, maybe at an attempt to make Eddie jealous, maybe because those were your actual thoughts. 
Either way, that made Eddie’s stomach turn in a way that he wasn’t liking. How you were staring at Steve, in his Marty McFly costume, the tight pants and the coiffed hair- biting your lip like you weren’t talking about his best friend.
He chalked it up to drunkenness, the intoxication vivid on your blushy cheeks, as jealousy bubbled in the back of his mind, a small version of himself in his head wishing you’d talk about him like that. 
“Yeah, I’m not making you any more martinis” he says, a dry chuckle escaping him. 
“Boo, first you don’t make me cum and then you take the martinis away from me? You’re an absolute bore, Eddie Munson” and you fake yawn with that, a silly laugh follows it. 
“Sweetheart, you might not want to talk about that in a room full of people” he leans against the counter, and his fangs are looking really good in the glistening purple party lights.
“Are you suggesting we go somewhere private to talk about it?” you wiggle your eyebrows, which makes Eddie’s eyes roll. 
Taking care of your drunk self for the rest of the night is the last thing he wants to do. 
“No, I’m suggesting you go home. You’re drunk” he yells, shaking another drink and pouring it into a cup.
“I’m actually fine, thank you. I’m gonna go talk to Steve” pettily you stand up, turning away from him and booking it towards Steve, who is trying to talk to Colette. 
You don’t make it far, though as you go back to the bar wobbling, stomach churning with bile threatening to leave your mouth. 
“Eddie, I don’t feel so good” and he damns himself for how fast he comes around the bar to drag you to the employee bathroom. 
You’re kneeled on the black tile, dress hiking up your thighs as Eddie holds your hair as you fight for your life bent over the toilet. 
Eddie’s hand is running up and down your spine, the thin shirt making you feel every ridge and callus, as he feels your back flex and relax with every retch.
“It’s okay, let it out” he says, every time you tense up. You’re sobbing in between. 
Cries of “I’m sorry, Eddie” and “It’s okay, I got it, you can go” echo in the tiled room, but he stays. His hand firmly planted on your back, caressing, a stoic expression on his face when you emerge, finally done and a bit more clear- headed. 
“You good to stand up?” he asks, you nod meekly as he hooks his arms around yours, holding you up to walk to the sink. He opens the cabinet and takes out a little bottle of mouthwash, still holding an arm around you to help you stand. 
“Wash your mouth, then take some of this” you watch him bewildered as he opens the faucet, and you lean over the sink, the fresh water is a relief against the acidity your taste buds have had to endure, not caring that it would wipe some of your makeup off. 
“‘M sorry, Eddie” you mumble in a whine, between gurgling the tap water and spitting it out. 
“It’s okay, I’ll drive you home after this” he says, as he turns off the faucet and feeds you the blue liquid, watching you rinse and gargle it, spitting it out. 
“I’m okay now” you sigh, defeat in your voice as you escape from his grasp to sit down on the tiled floor. 
Concern tinges his face as he runs to sit next to you “Do you have to throw up again?” you shake your head. 
He looks at you, eyes glossy and a bit teary, your nose and cheeks reddened from the alcohol, or from the exertion of throwing up, your lips swollen. God, he really wants to kiss you. 
“Thank you, Eddie” it’s a whisper, ashamed as you look at him. Fangs and all, with the bright white fluorescents hitting him, hair mussed up and sweaty and a look in his eyes that makes you soften a bit. 
“Yeah, it’s- uh- no problem” he mumbles, he sees you shiver. He wants to put an arm around you, give you his jacket that he left in his office, but he wouldn’t dare leave you for fear of you leaving him and not coming back. 
So you just hold yourself flush against him, he’s still warm from the crowded room of bodies and smells like a smoky cologne, leathery with a hint of coffee. The fluorescent lights buzz and it’s the only sound in the bathroom and he tries to fight the urge to not put an arm around you, but when he does, you look at him. Big brown eyes staring into yours, bewildered and a little relieved, you haven’t run away yet. 
The makeup around your eyes is a bit smudged from the sobbing, stray glitter under your bottom eyelashes, he silently puts his thumb on it, getting black make-up and glitter all over his finger as his hand rests on your cheek. You blink. 
The breath in his chest is trapped, waiting with bated breath for you to come to your senses, leave him angry on the bathroom floor, like you did a few days before. 
Instead you stay, as you move in and kiss him.
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taglist: @reidsbtch, @vintagehellfire, @fckyeahlames, @lavendermunson, @sunnythefriendlyghost, @onegirlmanytales, @aphrogeneias, @cryingglightningg, @munsonsuccubus, @strangereads, @gothvamp1973, @boomitsallie1, @thottywizard, @ali-r3n, @reysorigins, @yunirgo, @stqrgirl3, @neville-is-my-husband, @keikoraven, @minorlystuck13, @seexyyprincess, @sunnythespookyghost, @capricornrisingsstuff, @mandyjo8719, @xxhellfirebunnyxx, @hellfirenacht, @str4ngergirlw0rld, @strangerstilinski,
147 notes · View notes
theotherace · 2 years
why does every conversation with my relatives end with them wanting to use slurs.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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izuku midoriya | friends older brother!izuku + college student!reader + f!reader + squirting + size kink + more! minors dni! does this count? as dark content?
— 2.4k words
"It's simple: I'll stuff you full with two fingers, but they only do what simon says. Understand?"
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“Uh, hey Izuku!” You smile, grip tightening around the strap to your bag. Izuku fills the doorway, broad shoulders kissing both sides of the frame, and you can’t help but feel minuscule in comparison. “Kota around?”
Izuku shakes his head, peering over his shoulder for a second before returning his attention to you with a click of his tongue. "Uh, no I think he's out with Eri. They should be back soon though...it's been a few hours."
"Shit," you curse under your breath. Your friend's older brother smiles in apology, biceps straining under his white tee.
"You need something?"
"Yeah," you nod, forcing your eyes back onto his, instead of the broad chest presented at eye-level. "Just my precalc book."
Izuku waits a second, thinking, before his palm claps against the doorframe and he's walking deeper into the house. "Come on in, then! I'm sure he won't mind."
You step into the house after him, and it's...weird. Weird being with your Kota's older brother without Kota there, because despite the thousands of times you've been in your best friend's house and as well as you know the greenette, you and Izuku have never been alone.
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"Find it?"
You've been rummaging through Kota's room for a solid ten minutes and somehow still empty-handed, moving slowly in fear you'll see something you can't unsee. And hey, with Kota and Eri dating, anything's possible.
"No," you sigh, ready to give up rather than find a strap-on. "It's fine. I can just come to get it tomorrow or something."
"How soon do you need it?" The greenette asks, his forearms leaning against his younger brother's dresser. You take a seat on Kota's comforter instead, silently hoping you'll find your book by accidentally breaking your tailbone against the damn thing; you're a little disappointed when all your ass comes in contact with is a plush mattress.
"Like, tonight," you grieve, knowing that tomorrow morning, your math grade will suffer severely. "'S fine though. There's always another test."
Izuku snorts at that, crossing the room to take a seat next to you. The bed whines under his weight but doesn't collapse, and you feel a little bad to say you're surprised. Voice full of reminiscence, he sighs, "Ah, the college days."
You giggle, "You act like they're lightyears behind you."
"They might as well be," the greenette shrugs, before reaching behind your waist to steal a pillow. "Couldn't tell you a thing I learned."
You shrug trying to remember the last time you’ve felt prepared for a test, “Neither can I.”
Izuku chuckles and nods, though you’re convinced it’s because he has nothing to say. An awkward silence takes possession of the room by the neck, and you shift awkwardly, unsure of what to say that could give you an excuse to leave, or at least redirect his strange yet heavy gaze. As Izuku licks his lips, you notice how close you two actually are, as he's big to the point where your shoulders almost brush, but not quite.
"How um, hows your boyfriend?"
You scoff at that, but you suppose it's been a while since you and the greenette have talked one on one—and the last time you had, you weren't single.
"Oh uh, he's fine, I guess," you brush it off with a shrug and a wave, cringing at the thought of how that ended. "I don't know. We broke up a while ago, so."
"Oh sorry!" Izuku flushes and throws a hand over his mouth, and you giggle.
"You're fine. He was an asshole anyway," you chuck a laugh, but it's not really that funny. Frankly, he's left too many emotional scars to count, along with the ones healing from past exes. "I...don't have a good reputation when it comes to picking boyfriends."
“So, I’ve heard—no offense,” he says sheepishly, though you don't blame him. You've definitely had a few surprise visits caused by a nasty break-up or two, knowing this is the place you'll probably find both of your best friends hiding out. When Izuku speaks again, it’s borderline awkward as his eyes dart around the room, cheeks puffed and lips pursed in apprehension. “Found...anyone new?”
You frown, “Anyone new.”
“Yeah!” Izuku exclaims, and it’s almost encouraging. “Like a new boyfriend.”
“Oh,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Um, no. Like I said, I don’t have much luck with that type of stuff.”
Izuku snorts, rolling his eyes before he’s adjusting himself to lay on the pillow, half of his body upright. “I bet you do. You might not realize it, but you do.”
Now it’s your turn to snort and roll your eyes, leaning back on your hands with a huff. "You're just being nice, Izuku."
"No, seriously!" He props himself higher so you can see he really is serious, evergreen eyes locked and deadset, "Like—okay, and this might be a TMI or something, but how do they, y'know, and then be dicks, y'know?"
"They don't."
"They don't...what?"
"They don't...make me cum," you heave with great depression, despite the seemingly surface-level complaint. With wrists tightening around your ankles, you hate uncomfortably in the silence, and watch Izuku's mouth open and close, before it opens and closes again.
"No." You give him a weird look.
"But what about your last boyfriend? I thought he—"
"I don't know what you're looking for, Izuku," you chuckle, shaking your head. The greenette seems more pained than he is shocked, eyes wide with a big fat pout in place of a neutral face. "It's not like I haven't had an orgasm before. Just...not with someone else."
"That's not the same!" Izuku defends, slowly becoming more animated than you've ever seen him. "It's like...more passionate with another person, you know? And that makes everything a whole lot hotter."
"Thanks," you huff, mood souring more than it already has. Izuku's mouth stills once he realizes what he's essentially bragging, guilt clouding his face. As you exhale out of your nose, you can't escape feeling bad for snapping. "Look. I'm perfectly fine with being the only person to be able to make myself cum. It's not that deep."
"You sound like you expect no one to be able to," Izuku snorts with a raised eyebrow, shoulders bumping against yours. "You've just...had bad boyfriend luck. That doesn't mean no one's capable of doing it."
"Well," you click your tongue bitterly, because you've heard all of this before, and you're utterly tired of hearing it. "They've been able to make all their exes orgasm. And it's not like it even matters, relationships aren't abou—"
"I could do it."
"I—" you blink, shaking your head at the pure audacity of his request? Suggestion? Comment? Whatever the fuck. "Excuse me?"
"I—wait, listen," Izuku rushes like you're getting ready to book it the fuck out of there, sitting upright so his body is turned to yours. "You're...it's...I've been told I'm good with my fingers, right?"
And what a way to start a story.
"Izuku, in the nicest way, every guy is like this," you scoff, "He thinks he's all that just because a chick or two said you made her feel really good. I don't need to fake another orgasm."
"You won't have to," Izuku purrs cockily, leaning forwards on his hands and making you wonder where all of this is coming from. "Let's play a game of simon says, yeah?"
"Simon—" your chest collapses with a giggle of pure disbelief, "I'm not that much younger than you, you know."
"I wouldn't be offering if you were," the greenette reasons, eyes growing dark slowly, if any. "Yes or no?"
"What's the catch?" You bargain and Izuku huffs a laugh. You can feel it on your face.
"No catch, Pretty," he hums, and you can feel the vibrations in your fingers. "It's simple: I'll stuff you full with two fingers, but they only do what simon says. Understand?"
You gulp as Izuku lifts a hand—and a very large one, at that—and it's jagged and rough with scars and bulky knuckles. His free hand makes you grab his wrist and you're fingertips barely touch, but you’re pulling his hand south by your own volition.
“Gotta take your pants off first,” he chuckles, and you flush red. That would be helpful, yes.
It doesn't take long before they're off though, flung towards a corner somewhere—and this is when you realize that maybe, you shouldn't do this on Kota's bed.
"Izuku maybe we shoul—"
But before you can say anything else, he's pushing your panties to the side and shoving both fingers into you at once, eyebrows folding as he groans under his breath from the sensation.
"So wet already? Clearly, someone likes this more than they let on."
"I—what the fuck happened to simon says!" You yelp, but his fingers don't move. Izuku just beams like the deceptive asshole he is.
"Game starts now," is all he says, and you're huffing, propping yourself up on your elbows. Izuku's fingers might as well have knocked the wind out of you, lungs struggling to find room to breathe as he curls his fingers to tap directly onto your g-spot with worrying precision.
"Simon says um, move please," you grunt out. Izuku's fingers stay still, and you frown, kicking him in the thigh. "Hey, I sai—"
"You gotta be more specific than that, Pretty,” he says with a grin. You snarl. "Tell me what you want me to do to you."
"I..." you start, but it's fucking embarrassing, and you know Izuku feels you twitch around him when you say: "Can you um, fuck me with your fingers."
He doesn't move.
"Simon says fuck me with your fingers, asshole," you grunt with narrowed eyes, though they widen when he starts to pump his fingers in and out, chuckling when you shiver from the dexterity.
Except, his fingers move painfully slow, and you find yourself gritting your teeth at the speed when he doesn't make an effort to go any faster. You click your tongue—he's really going to make you request everything, isn't he?
"Simon says faster," you growl with a challenge burning in your eyes, and Izuku meets them with equal fire, fingers finally forgetting their torturous pace for a much quicker one. Finally.
"Fuck! Simo—simon says right t-there," your legs spread wider and Izuku makes more room for himself in between. He hums with dark eyes as you whimper and whine his name, writhing in his younger brother's sheets like they belong to him—like you belong to him.
"I wanna touch you all the time, you know," Izuku grunts before cursing at the sight of your wetness around his fingers. "Make you feel good, make you mine. I don't think Kota would approve, though."
"We don—" you wheeze and he places a hand next to your head, towering over you. The angle only gets better, your hands digging into the sheets as Izuku's fingers curl just right. "We don't have to tell him."
Izuku chuckles at that, chest rumbling as he leans in closer to the point where your noses nearly touch. "You dirty fucking girl."
You moan at that, hips bucking into his hand. You're so close and yet you need more, something else to push you over the edge for good. With a whimper behind a bitten lip, you say, "S-Simon says rub my clit."
Izuku's thumb falls upon your clit and you squeal from the amount of initial pressure, thighs jolting from the white-hot waves that pump through your bloodstream as his thumb moves in small, ever-quickening circles that have you gripping for Kota's comforter for dear life.
"Iz—Izuku I'm gonna—g-gonna cum," you pant, and he's ripping his hands away before you can even reach a hint of the edge. You glare at him out of pure and utter betrayal, and he beams.
"Simon didn't say, did he?"
Your mouth flies open before your brain has time to process it all, "Simon says make me cum, p-please, I need to—fuck!"
Izuku's stuffing you full with his fingers in an instant and his thumb returns to its rightful place.
"Yeah? You gonna cum for me, Pretty?" His hands somehow find the energy to speed up to the point where the clap of his palm against your pussy fills the room, slowly being replaced by a lewd squelch as you tighten around him. He chuckles when all you can do is whimper, grappling for his big shoulders as he says, "Oh, yes she is. So fucking close I can feel it."
You let out a broken moan and in a blink you're squirting, body buzzing as you make a big wet mess of Kota's sheets. It doesn't even register how screwed you two are because you're too busy wading waist-deep in the sea of Izuku's eyes, chest heaving in time with his as he gives you a look of pure awe. Not at what you've done, per se, but at you, and that's when you understand it—the passion.
"We should uh, probably clean up," Izuku flushes as he chuckles, cheeks pressing into the crescents of his face, and you find yourself smiling along with him. With a final click, he pulls his fingers out, gesturing to a circular wet spot on his now see-through shirt. "You made quite a mess."
Fuck the passion.
You shove your fists into his chest and Izuku laughs, pushing your hands away with his one dry free hand, wiping the wet one on Kota's sheets.
"Izuku!" You gasp, looking at the new and improved addition to your mess. The greenette shrugs.
"What? We're going to have to clean it anyway," he shrugs before assuming the dry spot to your right and nestling his forearms in the pillow to peck you on the forehead. Then he freezes.
"I uh...am I allowed to do that?"
You roll your eyes, grabbing him by his squirt-soaked shirt to pull him into a kiss. Izuku hums at that, suppressing the urge to smile as his big hands find their way to your waist. He's an annoyingly good kisser
"No, you're not," you say with swollen lips once you pull away. Izuku grins, teeth digging into his bottom lip as his eyes flutter to yours for a moment, before they're staring into your soul again.
"I like you," he boldly states, albeit quietly, like he's talking to your eyes and nothing else. "Like, a lot."
"I—" You start, but you're interrupted by a click of a lock and the sound of the front door opening. Shit.
"Oi! We're home, Izuku!"
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Hawks x reader- Permanent
"Can you keep a secret?" you sidle up next to keigo walking down the halls of his agency. Everything you'd ever done together was meant to be a one time thing.
A date? Just testing the waters
A kiss? It was a drunken mistake
Holding hands? You thought you saw your ex
A hookup? You were both frustrated
Nothing was supposed to come from it. No matter what happened. Did you love each other plain as day? Sure maybe a little but you had too much to do to be interested in a relationship with each other. Or so you hoped. Not in a never wanting to be together way, more of an it wasn't supposed to be like this way.
"Really depends on the secret dove spill the te-"
"Keigo the condom broke"
He stopped. You stopped. The world stopped the second your words cut in front of him.
"Well that doesn't mean anything right?" it didn't have to mean anything but it obviously did. The weight of your words formed a ball and chain around his ankles and locked him in place. He wouldn't have stopped if it just didn't mean anything.
"Keigo, I'm pregnant." This was so much more permanent than you were prepared for.
"No. You can't be it... it was just a one time thing?" he shook his head and you both started walking again. Up to his office where you didn't have to worry about who heard and people interrupting your critical conversation because really this conversation should be had in a single piece in person rather than over a formal email signed;
Kind regards,
Hawks agency primary assistant
0123 456789
Because that was ridiculous and your email signatures shouldn't need to be that long in the first place.
And of course you were both smart enough to know that just because it was a one time thing didn't mean it was impossible for you to be pregnant. It's just that how incredibly lucky, or were you unlucky? Either way how was it you could get pregnant after the first time by accident even with a fucking condom on. Your son better be Jesus after all of that.
"Okay. well, uh I guess... so. I don't fucking know (y/n) what should I do for you?" He had a sweetness in his tone. It wasn't saccharine. It was genuine honey dripping from his tongue making the corners of your lips pull up into a smile, it was sweet he was thinking about what he could do for you. "And stop standing here I'll get you a seat" today beng the day they'd taken all the seats from his office so they could fit more people into a meeting. He ended up dragging a couch over from the waiting room and pushing it so it was across from his desk.
"Hawks I don't need anything from you"
"That's not what I asked though what do you want from me"
You sighed from the back of your throat. "I was hoping to debut as a hero this year. Or as a sidekick at least, was gonna impress you in the gym or something until you asked y'know" you flopped your head back so you were staring at the ceiling and smiled lightly. You could feel hawks rolling his eyes knowing internally that you could have just asked and he would have been more than happy to take you on. "Guess that's out the window"
"Gah I shoulda been more careful. 'M Sorry (y/n)" his wallet flew out of his pocket and into his hands.
"Hey! No, I don't want your money, Or, I might but that's not what I really want from you hawks none of this is your fault specifically" you blinked slowly and sat up again finding it hard to swallow with your neck back like that. "Look. neither of us are stupid and I think in this situation it's about time we just admit how we feel and go from there don't you think? I'm tired of dancing around the subject and sure I like you. Maybe I am in love with you, whatever do with that what you will" you flick your hand out like it was a casual saturday subject.
"Wow. okay nice cool okay so. Great, I love you too. I'm bad at expressing how I feel so that's probably as in depth as I'm gonna get with it. 'M glad it's not just me though" hesitantly he stands up from his desk and drifts over to the couch where you were sitting. You scooted over to make space for him and he parked next to you, both of you looking in opposite directions. "You don't want my money?"
"No hawks-" 
"Sorry, I want your support. Just, your help I guess and maybe for you to be a part of it"
He was flattered. If he was in your position he'd have just quit his job, Raised it himself and asked for child support. He wouldn't be brave enough to ask all of that and that was the difference between you two. You knew what to do with feelings, how to use them and express them whereas hawks had been taught to run away from anything that didn't paint him in as the best of the best. Which wasn't his fault and he knew that himself, but it didn't help.
"Yeah of course. Of course I'll be part of it and there's no way in hell I wouldn't support you. I just... don't know what to do?"
You laughed and patted his arm, "you could start with helping build the nursery"
"Yeah I can do that. flatpacking is no problem for a pro like me" oh boy was he in for the surprise of a lifetime. "And I could move in with you? If you're okay with that, or you could move in with me? My house is bigger but I dunno if you'd wanna go there yet I mean are we officially dating now?"
"Well do you want to be?"
"Of course I want to be. I think we already established that was obvious from the get go." he chuckled and your arm hooked under his and your hand snaked down to hold his. His breath faltered for a second before he muttered "your hand is warm" and he squeezed making you giggle and squeeze even harder turning it into a competition.
"Let's go on a few dates before we decide who moves where, right?"
Maybe it's okay for things to be permanent.
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helloalycia · 3 years
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overstepping [one] // jane banner (Wind River)
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summary: after getting several voicemails from your colleague and best friend with her asking for your backup, you attempt to call her back, only to get no answer.
warning/s: mentions of rape, murder and injuries.
author’s note: this is a two parter because i finally watched Wind River and it broke my heart but also lizzie was v cute and i felt the need to write this, hope you like it x
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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"C'mon, work you stupid phone," I complained for the millionth time, before standing on the chair to get a better signal.
When I saw the bars in the corner of the screen increase, a grin appeared on my lips. I loved my parents, but the fact that they lived in a remote cabin in Tennessee with zero signal was not my favourite thing.
When the bars remained, my phone decided to actually be helpful and receive all the messages, calls and voicemails I missed. I did a brief flick through, noticing nothing was too important that couldn't wait for me to return to work. As an FBI agent, I rarely got time off. And now that I had taken a two month vacation to spend with my parents, I was adamant on enjoying it, even if I was missing work a smidge.
Next were the calls, which I noticed were mostly from my colleague and close friend, Jane Banner. I furrowed my brows, realising she'd left me several voicemails, too, which was strange since she knew I was on a break from work. What could be so important?
I sighed, glancing down at my uncomfortable position standing on the chair and leaning above the wardrobe. It was the only place in the house with decent signal and the only other place that wasn’t in the middle of nowhere was twenty minutes out. Telling myself I'd just listen to one voicemail to make sure everything was okay, I played the earliest message.
"Hey, Y/N. I'm sorry, I know you're on a break, but I just had to talk to you," it began, and Jane sounded troubled. "I was in Vegas, as you know, but I've been called out to a reservation in Wyoming where this poor girl was–" She paused, releasing a shaky breath. "She was raped and left to die out in the cold. I thought I could send in another team to take a look – y'know, usual protocol. But the coroner won't rule it a homicide and you know what that means."
I swallowed hard, knowing exactly what that meant. If it wasn't ruled a homicide, no backup would come and we had to move onto the next case. But if this girl was raped and left to die, the rapist was still out there and wasn't getting caught by the FBI.
"I can't just leave it and go," Jane continued quietly, with that recognisable passion for her job evident in her voice. "I have to do what I can. But I... I can't do this alone. It's not like other cases, Y/N. It's different out here. And there's only so much their police department can do. I know you're on a break, but I was hoping that, maybe, you could come out here and help me? It's the Wind River Indian Reservation. That's it, I guess. Bye."
The message ended and I found myself chewing on my lower lip anxiously, unable to think about anything other than Jane now. She'd worried me with that one voicemail alone – I couldn't imagine what the others said.
She was usually so good at dealing with cases, but this seemed different. She sounded shaken up, attempting to put on a brave face by the sounds of it. What was so different about this case? She didn't need me. She was capable.
Curiosity got the better of me and I played the second message, ignoring the discomfort in my arms as I stretched to maintain the signal. It was left a day after the first one.
"Hey, so I just remembered that you said you don't get much signal up there with your parents," she began apologetically. "I don't mean to– shit, it's so cold..." There was a pause, a noise in the background, then she continued, "Sorry, just turning up the heating. Anyway, I was saying. I don't mean to intrude on your break. I just– I'm hoping you'll find signal and hear this because I could really use your help. I think we've got a lead on who may have done it. It was hectic today. Really could've used that backup."
She chuckled dryly at her attempt at a joke, but all I felt was guilt. She sounded exhausted within a day of being there.
"I hope you get this," she finished with a sigh. "I should go. Got a busy day tomorrow. Hope you're doing okay. Bye."
I wasted no time in playing the next message. Three days into her case.
"I don't know why I keep sending these," she began with a hoarse voice, and my heart clenched at the sound of it. "You clearly aren't getting them in time. But it's easier talking to you like this than not at all."
It went quiet, so quiet that I thought she may have finished and forgot to hang up. But then she spoke up again, a whimper escaping her lips.
"It's so hard," she admitted. "We've covered worse cases, but this one... everything about it makes me uncomfortable. Something doesn't feel right. I've got a lead – we think it might be the boyfriend who did it and we're gonna see him tomorrow. But I don't know."
I frowned, squeezing my phone tightly because I didn't recognise the girl speaking as my friend. This girl sounded broken and I wondered what she could have discovered that made her like this.
"I've got the police department with me for backup," she said with a sniffle. "And Cory, he's a hunter whose been helping me with the case. They're all gonna be with me tomorrow. But I wish you were here, too. You always make things easier."
The lump in my throat wouldn't disappear no matter how many times I swallowed it. She made things easier, too. Always. And all I wanted to was be by her side and be there for her like she always was for me.
"Sorry about this," she said with a watery laugh, and I could imagine the embarrassed smile on her face as she did. "I sound like such an idiot. Never mind these messages. Just enjoy your break. I shouldn't be worrying you like this. See you when you get back."
The message ended and I checked to see if there were anymore, but to my disappointment, there wasn't. That message was from a few days ago and she hadn't sent anything since which was concerning in itself.
Trying not to panic for no reason, I called Jane. Hopefully everything was okay and I was being stupid. She was a fully-trained FBI agent. She could take care of herself. Right?
The call rang and rang, but nobody picked up. One missed call. No biggie. She probably heard it and couldn't find her phone or something. So, I tried again.
More ringing and no answer. Okay, no big deal. Just try again.
Another call and no answer. The chewing on my lip became more intense. Why the hell wasn't she picking up? Was she still working the case?
I waited an hour, trying again at ten minute intervals, unable to fight my concern. But there was no answer every time and I realised that I couldn't sit and wait for her to call back. Not after how she sounded in those voicemails.
No, I had to go there. She needed backup.
Wyoming was way colder than I could have prepared for.
I mean, technically, I prepared for nothing. I bid my parents a goodbye, threw some random clothes in a bag and caught the next plane over there. I tried for Jane's phone constantly, knowing she was never one to ignore me for this long, but there was no point. She wasn't answering, which could only mean so much.
When I reached the reservation, I had no idea where anything was or what I was looking for exactly. I just knew that as soon as the taxi dropped me off in the centre of town, I didn't know where to go.
There were a lot of locals hanging around, so my first port of call was to ask them if they'd seen Jane around – or Agent Banner, as she may have introduced herself. I showed them a picture of her on my phone, described her with vivid detail, but they just stared at me like I was crazy. I was starting to believe I was at one point, until I stopped by the convenience store.
As worried as I was for Jane's whereabouts, the chill in my bones was real. Especially my hands, which I was certain would fall off any minute. So, I decided to buy some gloves and also ask the cashier if he'd seen Jane around or heard anything of her. Whilst I was doing that, a customer caught my attention, probably having overheard my conversation.
"Did you say Jane Banner?" he asked with a quirked brow, interrupting my purchase. "The FBI lady, right?"
I nodded quickly, facing him. "Yes, that's her! D'you know where she is?"
He nodded casually. "Yeah, she's in the hospital. That big shootout that happened a few days ago, right?"
My stomach dropped. "The what?"
"The shootout," he repeated, not aware of the concern in my face. "At the drill site. A bunch of officers were killed and the FBI lady was one of the only one left standing." He tutted as he shook his head. "Very lucky that one."
A shootout? The hospital? Only one left standing? No wonder she hadn't been answering her calls.
"Can you– do you–" I stopped, clearing my throat and trying to stop freaking out. "Which hospital?"
After getting the address from him, I caught a taxi to the only hospital in town and prayed to God that Jane was okay. The one thing she'd asked for was backup and I couldn't even give her that. If I'd just looked at my messages sooner... fuck.
Getting past the front desk and to Jane's room was no issue at all. A quick flash of my FBI badge was enough for the receptionist to give me the details and wave me through. My heart was constricting in my chest the longer it took. What if it was really bad? What if that customer's intel was outdated and Jane was– no. I couldn't afford to think like that.
Upon finding Jane's room, I spotted an older man leaving through the door, being careful to close it behind him. I didn't recognise him at all.
"Excuse me," I called, earning his attention. "Is that Jane Banner's room you just came from?"
He seemed surprised, glancing over his shoulder to make sure I was speaking to him, before nodding. "Yes. Sorry, who are you?"
I pulled my badge from my pocket and showed him, though I doubted anyone would take me seriously when my eyes were watering at thought of Jane being severely injured.
"I'm her friend," I said, swallowing down the lump in my throat before lowering my badge.
"Oh, you're the backup that didn't come," he said with realisation.
My eyes flickered to the floor guiltily. He wasn't exactly wrong.
"I didn't mean it like that," he added quickly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
I shook my head, lifting my eyes to meet his. "It's okay. I should've... I should've been here." It went quiet as he didn't know what to say, so I looked to him halfheartedly. "I assume you're from the police department, one of the ones who helped Jane."
"Not exactly," he said, before putting out his hand for me to shake. "Name's Cory. I'm a hunter by trade."
Returning his handshake, I recalled Jane's voicemail. "Oh, yeah, she mentioned you... thank you for helping her out."
When I couldn’t, I added in my head.
He offered me a small smile and I couldn't find it in myself to return it. I must have looked like shit, since he gave me a pitiful gaze.
"You want me to catch you up before you go in?" he asked, nodding to Jane's door. "She's okay by the way."
I nodded, sucking up a breath. My nerves were eating away at me the longer I didn't see Jane – half of me was terrified of what I'd find, and the other half was afraid she'd be upset or angry because I left her to it, even when she pleaded for my help.
Cory and I took a seat down the hall and he proceeded to explain about the case and how they found the guy who raped that poor girl. The shootout was the worst bit, making me shiver with discomfort. Apparently, Jane had gotten blasted with a shotgun, puncturing her torso and neck despite the vest she wore. All of the officers with her were killed and by the sounds of it, Jane almost was, too. But Cory managed to take out the criminals and the rapist himself. When he was finished telling me, I had no words.
"She's a bit shaken up, but her surgery went well," Cory reassured with a short nod. "Does she know you're coming?"
I shook my head, voice thick with emotion. "She wouldn't answer her phone. I guess I know why now."
Cory nodded, rubbing the back of his neck before sparing me a consoling glance. "She talked about you a lot. I think it'll cheer her up seeing you. You should go."
My eyes met his, teary and stinging with unshed tears. "Thank you so much."
He shrugged bashfully, but he didn't realise all that he'd done. I gave him a small, tight smile before standing up with a sigh. No point dwelling anymore – I had to see her.
Pushing my selfish feelings aside, I sucked it up and approached Jane's room. She would either want to punch me or not, but either way, I had to see if she was okay. And so, when I opened the door slightly, heart racing in my chest, said heart jumped in my throat at the sight of her.
She was laying on the bed with wires stuck in her and, only from what I could see, bandages were covering the side of her neck. I thought she was sleeping at first, but then her head tilted towards the door curiously, and bright blue eyes widened with disbelief.
"Y/N?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "What are you– how did you get here?"
I closed the door behind me and hesitantly approached her bedside, unable to stop my eyes from soaking in the sight of her. She looked so feeble and vulnerable and unlike how I saw her last. Then, Cory's words came back to me and I began to imagine the worst scenario of her getting shot, blood seeping from her wounds, the life draining from her eyes...
"Y/N," she called, and I looked to her startlingly, hoping I didn't look as troubled as I felt.
"Sorry," I said, clearing my throat. "I, er– the messages. Voicemail. I heard them and tried calling you back, but..."
She pursed her lips, exhaling with a wince and looking up at the ceiling, as if suddenly remembering she left messages in the first place.
"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," I said quietly, guilt seeping back in.
"No, no, don't be," she said, and I just about noticed the pink dusting her cheeks. "It's not your fault. I shouldn't have interrupted your vacation like that. I know you said you wanted a break and–"
"Jane, no, don't even say that," I cut her off, reaching for her hand in an instant. She looked my way, eyes flickering between mine nervously. I squeezed her hand gently and said, "I should have been here. You needed me and I– I didn't come. Maybe if I had, this could have ended differently."
She tried to smile, but I could see the discomfort in her eyes. "It's not that bad, honestly. It just looks bad."
I pressed my lips together, eyes falling to the bandage on her neck. Even though it was big and covered her wound, I could still make out the bruising around it from the impact of the shell. I didn't imagine the torso wound looking any different, and that thought alone made me regret leaving her alone. It was very much as bad as it looked; I knew that and she knew that.
Her lips trembled as she avoided my eyes, her own tearing up. I pushed away my guilt momentarily and changed the subject.
"So, I met Cory. He seems like a great guy."
She didn't say anything as she seemed lost in thought. Either that or she was trying not to cry in front of me. I hoped it wasn't the latter, since the last thing I wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable.
"You know," I said, when she wouldn't speak, "I'm pretty sure I told you to stay safe before I left for my vacation."
At my poor attempt to lighten the mood, she cracked a small, tight smile, but a smile nonetheless, and my racing heart slowed down momentarily.
"I'm glad you're okay," I said, now that I had her attention again, and she looked my way with a softened expression. "Kind of okay. But you know... okay."
Thankfully, she knew what I meant and her hand tightened around mine.
"I'm glad you came," she returned, and I couldn't look away even if I tried. She was always able to trap me with a single gaze.
With a tug of her hand, she motioned for me to sit on the edge of her bed, so I did. And then she began to ask me about my vacation, what I'd been up to this past month, how my parents were... basically anything and everything except for the case. And it was understandable, since she was reminded of it all the time. If I could be a form of escapism for her, so be it. It was the least I could do.
We spoke for hours until the nurse came in to let me know visiting hours were over and I'd have to come back tomorrow. With a regretful sigh, I got up from my seat on her bedside and stretched my limbs.
"Where are you staying?" she asked, a slight frown on her lips.
I smiled awkwardly, realising I didn't think that far ahead. "I'm not gonna lie, I don't know. I came straight here. There's gotta be a hotel or something in this town, right?"
She nodded and flicked her hand to the shelves on the other side of the room. "You should stay in my room in the inn. Key's in my bag over there."
"Oh, I don't have to do that–"
"Y/N, it's not like I'm going to be staying there anytime soon," she cut me off, smiling halfheartedly. "Please."
I chewed on my lip and nodded, giving in. When I grabbed her keys from her bag, I stopped by her bedside and gave her a supportive smile.
"I'll back first thing in the morning, if you don't mind," I said, and she finally gave me a smile that reached her eyes.
"I'd like that."
I nodded, resting a hand on hers and squeezing comfortingly. "Goodnight."
Though I knew Jane was okay, I still couldn't stop myself from thinking about her all night. The sight of her wounds and the broken expression on her face was enough to keep me awake. And the guilt that came with it all... why couldn't I have just picked up my damn phone?
As promised, I returned to Jane's hospital room the next morning, this time bringing some breakfast snacks from the hospital cafeteria since I knew the food would be much better than whatever they were serving her. Judging by the content expression on her face when I gave it to her, I was right.
When she finished eating, she was able to sit up slightly and move over on her bed, urging for me to join her and watch some TV with her. There was no way I was going to turn down that offer, so I slid next to her and kept a packet of sliced apples between us as we watched whatever was playing on the TV.
About halfway through watching, she spoke up randomly, taking me by surprise.
"When are you leaving?"
I tore my gaze from the screen and realised she was staring at me with intense green eyes.
"When you're well enough to," I answered truthfully.
She looked down to her hands. "You don't have to stay with me. You can go."
I studied her profile, knowing it was the wrong time to appreciate how stunning she looked even when she was makeup-free, sporting a bed head and tired.
"Do you want me to go?" I asked softly, afraid I may have overstepped.
She was quick to shake her head slightly, finally lifting her gaze to meet mine with glossy ones. "No."
I nodded, trying very hard not to smile, cleared my throat and grabbed her hand. "Then I'm not leaving. I'll be right here until you get better and I can take you home."
A ragged breath escaped her lips as she nodded in response. We both looked back to the TV and I noticed she didn't let go of my hand, her fingers warm to the touch and giving me goosebumps at the contact. But I wouldn't have had it any other way.
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Which do u think has been ur most iconic anon ask akakqjqk
my most iconic anon ask...? Damn, I dunno sksks
Y'know how many anon asks I've answered since starting this blog? with all the themed nights I had? When you go to my blog and go to the #asks tag, there's over 200 pages soooo I honestly don't know if I can give you *the* definitive iconic anon ask.
Also, what do you mean when you say iconic? Are we talkin' the most memorable? and is it in a positive or negative light? because not gonna lie, anon, the anons that I remember the most are negative. Isn't that how it always goes? You could get 10 asks, 9 positive experiences and 1 negative and it's that one negative that's gonna stick with ya. Awesome, right?
I do think I have an experience with a certain set of anons from the same person that I suppose you could say is "iconic" or memorable in a shitty way? In fact, they're a set of anons that I never even publicly answered.
I believe I shared some of the story once before when I was promoting The Writer's Guild? But not the whole story, just the part that explained why people had to directly message me if they wanted to join.
I dunno, maybe it'll be good to fully share this, get it off my chest and all that. It's probably the most bizarre thing to happen to me in this fandom, and not a good bizarre.
Y'know how I used to do T5F on this blog? They were a lot of fun, I loved making them! But, the very first one I ever did about the top 5 dumbest things about TFS not only got me yelled at by an anon, but they kinda sorta spied on me in an old discord chat. It's a wild story, most of the chat was present for it and it was an overall uncomfortable and unbelievable night.
I wish I had taken screenshots but it didn't occur to me at the time, and I'm not apart of that chat anymore for this reason, but you can even ask @pi-creates or anyone else who was present.
So, the reason this anon was upset with me and this T5F I posted was a joke I made about Violet.... because of course this all happened because of Violet sksksk. I don't exactly have a happy history when it comes to interacting with hardcore Violet stans, they don't really care for my takes on her character or her relationships.
The 4th entry on that post was about Abel's shotgun and how it doesn't make sense that Louis was the only one hit by it. I said the following:
"Soooo…. I guess the buckshot swerves around and above Violet to ONLY hit Louis? Like, I know she ducks a bit but I still feel like something should’ve nicked her as well?? At least?? Like, are lesbians immune to shotguns and that’s why nothing hit Violet?? Am I only learning this now??"
I made this joke as a way to show how absurd the whole thing with Abel's gun was, I was being hyperbolic, didn't think twice about it, right? I post the T5F, it's well received, I'm already planning for the next week's T5F.... but then I got the first anon. It was mostly in all caps yelling at me for being lesbophic, hating Violet, telling me to shut the fuck up and get out, etc.
Here's the deal, if this person was genuinely upset with my bad throwaway joke about Violet, then that's fair. If they had sent me an ask that was like "Hey, that joke you made about Violet made me uncomfortable, you shouldn't make jokes about lesbians like that, especially if you're not a lesbian." then I would've responded with an apology and a promise to do better. Because yeah, I am truly sorry if that did rub some the wrong way, and I've tried to watch myself, make sure I'm not making jokes like that after this whole thing happened, getting second opinions, doing what I can to not make anyone else feel uncomfortable.
That person didn't do that, they were aggressive and I've learned that aggressive anons are not worth responding to, so I didn't. But back in that old discord server, I used to share those anons with the group and we would talk about them. This person sent me another ask that was super passive aggressive, I remember it going something like, "hey bestie when are you going to respond to my ask calling you out for being lesbophic?" which I shared with the group to get their take on the joke and this anon.
As we discussed this, more anons kept coming in from the same person, all about the same thing, written the same way, all aggressive.
It stopped being all fun and games when the asks started responding to the things I was saying in the chat. We figured out that either this person was in our chat, or someone in chat was sending them everything I was saying.
What's funny is we all had a clear guess on who it was- someone joined the server under the most generic name of like "Anna Smith," they had clouis fanart as their picture, and they were never online... until that night. That night was the first time they have ever shown up as online, they were online the entire time we were talking about this, and when Pi messaged them, they responded but then went offline and the asks stopped coming in.
Like... cut and dry, right? They got caught. It was clearly this random person who was never online, who never interacted with us, who randomly joined and was in the server for I dunno... weeks?
Maybe it was them. I don't actually know and I never will, and it made me so paranoid to be in the group that I eventually left.
But the part that gets me the most? This anon made me feel like I had to explain myself to the chat about my sexuality, something I never shared here on tumblr or with the group for personal reasons.
The ask that kickstarted the realization that this anon was spying on our chat simply asked "are you wlw?"
which again, I didn't publicly answer, but brought to chat because I was pretty sure this person was expecting/hoping for me to say I'm straight so they could have their "GOTCHA" moment, y'know? or they got ahead of themselves and had an "oh shit, what if she's not straight?" moment after calling me lesbophobic, a bitch, whatever other insults they called me that I can't remember.
After I shared that, I felt like I had to justify my sexuality? in a way? I don't know how to describe it, it felt a little bit like I was in a corner with ample room to get out but I had to decide which direction to go but once I went, there was no going back. I was worried that my friends would end up thinking that I was just some straight person making jokes about lesbians, that I didn't respect queer women because I wasn't giving the anon what they wanted... So I told the truth that yeah, I am wlw, I'm bisexual.
Then I got an ask that was something like "and being bi isn't the same as being lesbian, you can't talk about lesbians" so on, they said something about how no one jokes about Clementine's bisexuality [which isn't true, people joke about Clementine being bi all the time and if I had made the same exact joke about Clem instead of Violet, then I bet that anon wouldn't have said anything to me] so don't make them about Violet, same stuff they've said before... which set off alarm bells because it was almost like they saw exactly what I typed in chat.
It's just not something I put on display, y'know? My bisexuality is mine, it's personal, and that was definitely not the way I wanted to tell my friends in chat but it's how it went, it's how people found out, and now here we are.
I'm pretty sure all of us were weirded out, uncomfortable, it was.... an experience, lemme tell you.
....so does this count as iconic? sksksks
I know this probably wasn't the answer you were looking for but hey, if I have to give my most memorable anon[s], then that one takes it.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Revice, Episode 48!
Jesus Christ, it's been 47 episodes already... not counting the vast amount of side content, that's a good deal over a thousand minutes worth of demon stamping, compelling family drama, and really poor marketing on Bandai's part. Yeah, I see you collectors, and I realize and sympathize with how unpleasant Revice's merchandising has been to your wallets when it really shouldn't have been.
If I seem a little cranky, it's because I woke up at 6 am after accidentally having a good bit of this episode spoiled for me. ...and also my mattress is awful, but you don't need to worry too much about that.
Spoilers, I guess... Fun fact, this is phrase is a holdover from the ancient days where I used to provide commentary on Chuggaaconroy's EarthBound LP remake. It was mostly meant to be kinda ironic, since I was talking about a Let's Play of all things, but I've said it so much it kinda feels weird to go without it.
...anyways, yeah, let's go then.
-Hewwo Kagerou.
-Oh hell yeah, the Evil suit's back. ...I realize that's not a huge deal, but
-Oh shit, the credits. ...I think I'm gonna be cheered up a bit soon.
-Oh my god, they use the stamps as stamps! ...where the hell was that?
-I realize this isn't very new, shaking the Fullbottles gives you their properties for a short time, and the SB-555P Faiz Phone works as an actual phone, but as somebody who started with late Heisei, it's so weird to see the collectibles actually used for stuff other than powering weapons or transformations.
-Nothing good comes from malice, Karizaki.
-Oh wow, the Demons Driver's fucked.
-Yeah, I know I really shouldn't be surprised, but it's been such an important fixture of the show for so long, that it's kinda weird to see it in this state.
-Yeah, Daddy Issues really do be like that, Dai-chan. Thank God I don't know shit or care about my dad.
-Ikki continuing to fight even at the risk of his own mind.
-Yeah, really having to
-Hello Hikaru-kun. ...think I have one of those shirts, it's real comfy.
-"I have no plan! That's why we're making one!"
-Hello, Hana-chan!
-"Ahhhh, that's cute~! What a little dingus~! ...Wait a fucking second."
-Holy crap, Hikaru's being useful!
-Oh, this is Masumi's house. ...I mean, it was pretty silly to assume that the Ushijimas legally owned it, but
-Guess Hana and Tamaki are doing alright. That's good.
-Then again, killing them might be a bit beneath George's ideal.
-Yeah, Ikki really do be buttin' in.
-And because of that, Tamaki became epic, HanaSaku became best ship, and Daiji went through an extremely turbulent character arc.
-Thank you Tamaki, very cool.
-...y'know, with the Demons Driver scrapped, I wonder how it gets repaired in time for the movie's place in the continuity.
-Burn that bridge when we get to it, I guess.
-Open Sus-ame.
-Yeah Hikaru, go get them tools.
-That's the whole family.
-My heart
-Bath time
-"Please be there for my son, I am consumed by regret and sorrow and am about to die for my crimes against humanity."
-Japan's Greatest Busybody, ready to make George's problems his problems too.
-Man... the art of good overdubbing is something that often goes unappreciated, but wow...
Hiromi: Hey George, you wanna go out for dinner sometime? :) George: Ew, that's gay, I'm not gay. ...well, maybe I am, but not for you Hiromi. Hiromi: :(
-Wow, Hiromi's even dressed his best for this.
-Big man with a point to prove.
-Juuga's transformation fucks, btw. I really like how the Megalodon is actually magenta, that's a really cool detail.
-Oh, and Juuga being an artificial imitation of Kuuga? Really cool call-back to the G3 System in Agito.
-Aaaaaaaaaand... Fight!
-Daaaamn, Crush Genome Edge!
-Hot damn.
-Gotta show George his best, Ikki.
-I don't have a whole lot to say about the action, which is really good by the way, but I do wanna take a bit to talk about something interesting.
-George seeking to completely free himself from Masumi's control is a very interesting motivation... his obsession with the Riders is ironically only possible because of his dad and people like him. Shocker, Noah, the countless organizations like them, they all sought power for their own purposes, damn near all of them extremely selfish ones. And the Riders rose above that selfishness and their own personal tragedies to become heroes.
-That's where the Karizakis come in. Masumi formed his own organization. Combating the Deadmans and the corrupt Fenix is definitely a noble goal, but Masumi's logic and method for doing so are selfish. I have to ponder whether or not Masumi would be so willing to atone for his mistakes if he never had George. With how long he's been playing everybody on the field, how willing he is to dig through his son's garbage.
-And meanwhile, at Fenix, George indulged in his own vices. Sacrificing practicality for things he thought were cool with Revice, creating the TwoSiDriver and letting Kagerou steal it, willingly putting Hiromi in such danger without questioning why... even decades into the future, with the world in outright ruin, we see George holed up in his basement with all of his favorite Riders, tinkering away and hoping for the ultimate lucky break.
-It's just as Ikki's trying to drill into George's head. He really can't forget the good times he had with his Dad, no matter what. I'm sure Ikki is imagining, just as we are right now, what kind of even stronger non-demonic Rider would be created if the two could've truly become a family again.
-Actually, come to think of it, we don't have to imagine what that'd be like. Because we've seen Kamen Rider Century first hand. We met Ryunosuke and Hideo Momose in Beyond Generations, going through the almost exact same scenario. Evil science guy with a love for his family is involved in the creation of a Kamen Rider in the 20th century. He disappears after dealings with demons and turns up decades later in the future. The son has never truly moved on or accepted the loss of his relationship with his father, and understandably refuses to hear anything he has to say now out of a very understandable feeling. Thanks to Ikki's intervention, the two are willing to put aside their conflict for the sake of the world. Ikki murders the fuck out of the big evil scary demon monster, and the world is safe once again, please buy our toys.
-Where's the difference in their story that caused their vastly different endings, you ask? Well, if you ask me, what separated the Momoses from the Karizakis was their willingness and opportunity to communicate. Having a kid of his own had to have put things in perspective for Hideo, and Ryunosuke being so openly happy to see his son again would've made things go a lot smoother. Meanwhile George and Masumi treat each other very aloofly, not unjustifiably on George's part to be clear, and so they were very unwilling to meet in a way that didn't involve the Igarashis or Weekend in some way. I think the biggest difference between them though was time. Both runtime and in-universe time. The Momoses made up basically over the course of an afternoon because they recognized the necessity of working together thanks to the immediate threat of Diablo, but the Karizakis didn't have that epiphany. Giff took his sweet-ass time enacting his plans, and as such, the Karizakis were made to stew in their own failure.
-Side note, I find it very ironic that the Momoses were able to repair their familial bond thanks to the Karizakis' inventions.
-I apologize that was so long and rambling, I had a lot of thoughts and if I didn't get them out there, I'd be thinking about them all week. Call it retreading if you'd like, but I thought this contrast was very interesting.
-Anyways, enough about that, let's kick some ass!
-"Ah dammit, Ikki's really goin' for it."
-"Well, whaddya gonna do?"
-C'mon George, you gotta hit harder!
-Well, we won.
-Look at this, George.
-It's that really cool dinosaur you drew as a kid.
-And all your really cool prehistoric animal buddies, all of whom make up your Juuga Driver.
-There you go man, let it out.
-...I'd do the same thing if it were my mom, I won't lie.
-Oh... right...
-"Who are they?"
-Fuck, man.
-Literally lost everything but Vice.
-Oh fuck, Destream next episode! Finally!
-For the love of god, please end on a good note Revice, I'm beggin' ya on my hands and knees here.
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callemreine · 3 years
Brave face, talk so lightly(hide the truth)
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'All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them.'
Au August
Day/Prompt: Day 26 - Soulmate
Ship: Prinxiety, brief logicality, creativitwins
Word count: 3k (I'm so sorry I got carried away)
Cw: swearing / brief murder mention / implied death / crying / nightmares(?) / anxiety mention / caps / claustrophobia(?)
A/N: the prompt is your dreams are your soulmate's memories. The title is from the song "Sick of losing soulmates" by dodie. I wrote the first 1/4 of this a few days ago and the rest in one sitting and I couldn't care less about proofreading it so Im so sorry if there are any mistakes ;-;
I see a girl in the distance. She has her back turned. Long chocolate-colored hair tied in a low messy bun. My hand is reaching out to her. I feel this sudden longing to be held by this woman. Craving her caring and loving words. Telling me that everything is going to be alright.
Wait. Why is she getting farther away?
She looks back at me with a sad smile. Everything gets dark. I let my eyes stray from her to look around. When was I in a hospital corridor?
"I'm sorry, Pumpkin. You're gonna have to continue our adventure without me. But, fear not, Little one. I'll always be there by you. You just gotta learn to know where I am,"
She caresses my cheek, giving me the warmest smile I have ever received.
She's gone, suddenly. I touch my cheek, still feeling the ghost of her warm touch. Along with… something wet? Am- Am I crying?
I don't move. I feel stuck. But, also free, somehow. Just unsure of what to do, I guess?
"Roman! Wake up. You idiot!
"Oh, thank all things unholy! I thought someone was in our room, trying to murder us! You were crying, and- and whispering stuff! And it's creeping me the fuck out! And I'm not easily creeped out, you know that" Remus exclaimed as he sat on Roman's chest, grabbing his twin’s shoulders.
"Man, you're soulmate must have some twisted memories," He continued, getting off of Roman and returning to his own bed across the room.
'Yeah. Twisted…' Roman thought.
"You okay there, Sweetie?" Roman heard from where his head was buried on the kitchen counter. "Yeah... Just thinking about my soulmate again," he admitted.
"Another bad dream?" His mom inquired as she sat next to Roman, patting his back. "It's not just that. It's about the move. Like, we're never really sure which of our memories they see, right? But, they've seen all my memories from this place. Like, they know where I've been my entire life…" he trailed off.
"I'm just not sure how they would feel seeing a whole new different place… They don't seem to be in a place to experience a big change right now. All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them. And, yeah, my dreams don't really change that much. But, I make an effort, y'know?" Roman looked up at his mom to seek at least some kind of reassurance.
"I understand what you mean, and I think that what you're doing is great. And I know that you're gonna be the bestest thing that's ever gonna happen to them. But, I'm really sorry. We don't really have any choice with this move. I know your soulmate is in a dark place right now, but you can't always do everything for them. You're also your own person," His mom hugged him.
Roman felt like he was hopeless in this situation. And, he was always hoping for the best. For his soulmate or otherwise. Maybe his mom was right about putting himself first sometimes.
Virgil was in his first period when someone he didn't expect to walk into his classroom… walks into his classroom… They were wearing an army green shirt, a denim jacket with neon green highlights and spikes at the bottom, ripped jeans, and platform boots with more spikes and vulgar words written on them. To say that this man was familiar was an understatement. He KNEW this man's entire life THROUGH his dreams.
Virgil felt like he was trespassing someone's life. Like, he wasn't supposed to know the man. And that, they shouldn't be in any way related. Especially to their sibling.
He wasn't really ecstatic about meeting his soulmate. IN SCHOOL NO LESS. It wasn't really an ideal 'meet-your-soulmate' place for someone like Virgil.
"Alright, students, I'm sure you've all noticed that we have a new student right here. Now, why don't you go and introduce yourself, Mister," their teacher said to the denim jacket guy.
"Umm. Sup? I'm Remus Duke Kingsley. Nice to meet you all. And, if you see a guy that looks like me but without the mustache and wears red all the time, he’s always loud, you can’t miss him. That's my twin brother, Roman. The boring one," Remus says, yawning by the end of his introduction.
'HOLY FUCK, TWINS?!' Virgil thought. Fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on which part of Virgil's brain you're asking), Remus already gave him a vague description of who to look out for.
Virgil continues his day and falls into his daily routine, which mostly includes attempting to avoid being perceived by anyone. It usually succeeds if you exclude his friend, Patton, from ‘anyone.’ He only hopes that his soulmate also sees Patton in their dreams cuz, to be honest, Patton is the ray of sunshine everyone needs. Yeah, he was also friends with Logan, but he’s more like a moon if you ask him.
Virgil goes into the cafeteria and sits at their usual table, his back facing the entire cafeteria. He takes out a paper bag from his bag and grabs the sandwich he bought earlier, not waiting for his friends.
A few moments pass before Logan and Patton reach his table. “Hey, kiddo! You alright?” Patton says as he sits down. Virgil just gives them a nod and continues to eat. “I heard this morning that there were new students,” Logan inquires before Patton interrupts “Oh yeah! They’re twins! I have first period with one of them. He’s really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!” Patton shouts and waves his arm toward a student that just entered the cafeteria. “Hope you guys don’t mind that I invited him over to sit with us,” He continues and flashes both Virgil and Logan a smile no one could say no to.
“Hey, Patton.” The guy says to Patton. “Hope you guys don’t mind me crashing your table. I’m Roman by the way,” Roman says to the other two. “Pleasure to meet you, Roman. I’m Logan. And, no, we wouldn’t mind at all,” Logan answered him back. Roman looked over to Virgil who just nodded and said his name. Roman then proceeded to sit next to Virgil but not paying him any mind.
And, though Virgil seemed to be calm about the situation, his mind is currently in flames having his anxiety and his gay panic fight over each other. Virgil is currently waiting for who would win, that's why he seems so calm on the outside. After finishing his sandwich, he was trying to think of something he could do to keep himself from leaving and be noticed. He looked over to Logan, attentively listening to Patton talking about the dog he saw this morning. Roman was silently eating his lunch, also listening to Patton, but looking around the cafeteria every once in a while.
It seems that Virgil’s anxiety won the fight because he decided that he doesn’t want to stick around with his friends and his apparent soulmate without doing anything. So, he stands up and excuses himself from the group. "Hey! Wait!" Roman calls after him. Virgil stops a few feet from the table to look back at Roman who was already jogging towards him.
"Virgil, right?" He assures.
Virgil nods. "Ok, there’s just something I wanna ask you. Are those two soulmates?" Roman throws his thumb back, pointing at the two left at the table. "Cuz, as much as how adorable they look together, I kinda don't want to be stuck as a third wheel," he continues.
"Oh. Yeah, those two are soulmates. Sometimes, I wonder if they ever do notice me every time I leave the table," Virgil elaborates, looking back at his friends with a slight smile.
"Umm. Class doesn't start for a few more minutes. I was wondering if I could join you for a while? Wherever you were going…" Roman trailed off, realizing he didn't know where the shorter male was headed.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure. I was just headed to the courtyard to pass the time,"
'Shit. Virgil, why are you doing this?! Why did you agree?! You have anxiety!' Virgil mentally scolded himself.
"Ok. Cool. I'll just go get my stuff," Roman flashed Virgil a smile before heading back to the table.
'Fuck. I am so screwed,' Virgil thought.
"So, what's the deal with those two? I mean, how did they deal with the soulmates thing?" Roman finally spoke a few moments after they found a bench to settle on. "Uhh, well. Logan is my childhood friend and the first day we started high school here, they both had a dream of roll call the other had that day, I guess? They both heard each other's name and boom. You got your glasses gays," Virgil discussed, reminiscing the events that happened that day.
Roman let out a chuckle at Virgil's last words, causing the other's heart to skip a beat. They remain silent for a while, watching the other students passing by.
"What about you?" Roman spoke up.
"What about me?" Virgil glances back.
"I mean, what about you? Have you met your soulmate? Do you know who they are? You just seem like an interesting individual to me, having to stick around knowing you're third-wheeling all the time yet valuing your time with them and your time with yourself all the same. Well, either that or I'm just embarrassed that I think you're uncomfortable with me here…" Roman rambled, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.
Virgil chuckled, "Nah. I just get anxious when meeting new people. Plus, I think you're a pretty nice guy." They smiled at each other, Virgil feeling his face heat up, and looks away immediately. "And, about the soulmate thing. I think I have a clue of who they might be, I just…" he trailed off.
"What's holding you back?" Roman muttered, lowering his head, attempting to catch the other's eye. "I… I just think that my memories aren't that… for them. They're just this amazing and joyful person… I just don't think they deserve to see my bland memories every night,"
The pair fell silent, Roman feeling sympathy for the other. Virgil felt Roman shift in his seat before speaking up, "I don't think anyone's memories are ever bland."
Virgil looks up at Roman who has a far-off look with a slight smile on his lips. "I think that our dreams are what shows us what we're missing in life. What our soulmate has that we need and what we have that they need. You know, what makes you both feel complete when you're with each other," Roman smiled.
Virgil pondered on the other's statement for a while. "Is that... Is that how you feel when you're with your soulmate?" He said, being careful with his words. Roman sighed but remained smiling, "I haven't met them yet. But, what you said earlier reminded me of them. I always think they're a little different. My moms said that dreams are supposed to show my soulmate's memories. But, no one is ever sure which ones we see. Well, my dreams always have one thing in common… There's darkness every time…" Roman trailed off, looking more sad as he continued.
"Sometimes, they walk out of their house and, suddenly, everything goes dark and I see pairs of eyes staring at me as I walk. Or sometimes, they lie in bed and, suddenly, it's dark again and I'm stuck inside a box too small for me. But, there’s always this one dream that always repeats itself. Though, I'm not sure my soulmate's gonna be comfortable with me sharing," Roman finally snaps out of his trance and looks up at Virgil, looking embarrassed.
At this point, Virgil is now entirely sure that the person in front of him is his soulmate. He feels tears cloud his eyes so he looks away to play off wiping them away before looking back at Roman with pity in his expression. This is exactly what Virgil was afraid of, having his soulmate also experience the darkness that clouds him every day he wakes up.
"Wow… They- I- I don't know what to say… What are you gonna do when you meet them?" Virgil glances at Roman, pity still in his eyes. Roman let out a sigh but smiled, "I'm gonna give them the biggest hug they've ever received and reassure them that I'm always gonna be with them and that they'll never have to feel alone all the time ever again." Roman looked at Virgil with a smile. But, before he could notice the tear that fell from the other's eye, a loud shrill of their school bell rang throughout the courtyard, signaling the start of their next class.
"Talk about first impressions," Roman said with a chuckle, standing up. "Well, see you around, Virgil. I got a few more 'Hi, I'm Roman' to do," he continued, leaving Virgil on the bench.
I hear my converse squeak as I walk through the hallway. There are people around me, but they're all just silhouettes of the same familiar darkness. I'm walking to what seems to be the cafeteria. I sit down and grab my lunch from my bag. A few minutes pass, two figures sit in front of me. There's something familiar about them despite being two black silhouettes.
"Hey, kiddo! You alright?"
"I heard there were new students," Logan?
Wait. Am I…
"Oh yeah! They're twins!"
"I have first period with one of them. He's really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!"
Before I could look over to… me…
Darkness. Again.
I hear muffled voices. Too muffled to be recognized.
I stay in darkness for what felt like hours before I get surrounded by light.
Too bright.
There's a silhouette in front of me. It doesn't have any facial features but I can feel it stare at me. Slowly, the light around me doesn't feel too bright anymore. It feels… warm and comforting. Similar to the feeling I have in my chest, along with a squeezing feeling. I feel tears cloud my eyes, but I feel happy, somehow?
I feel someone embrace me. I look up to see the silhouette. Its arms around me, like it's protecting me. I feel secure. I feel loved.
I hug back, breaking down in its arms.
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
I hear my own voice. I break down sobbing, seeking more of the silhouette's warmth.
I stopped sobbing after a while but remained in the silhouette's arms for what felt like hours.
"You gotta wake him up!" I heard a distant voice say in a hushed tone.
"No, he hasn't slept like this since who knows when… Something must've happened yesterday..."
I feel myself slowly drifting from where I was standing.
"We can just tell the school he's sick"
"On the second day?"
I feel someone caress my cheek.
"You can stay too if you want"
"Hey, sweetie," Roman opens his eyes to his mom in front of him.
"What's going on? Why are you all in our room?" Roman asks as he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He eyes Remus standing in front of their mama. Their mom is sitting on the edge of Roman's bed, facing him.
"Well, sweetie. You see, you just had a full night's sleep," their mom explained.
"You looked so peaceful too," their mama added with a smile. Roman stopped to let the events of his dream last night come back to him.
"Roman, is everything ok?" Their mama walked over to him, tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm okay!" He flashed a smile to his moms, meaning what he said.
Roman hadn't been able to sit still ever since he got to school. 'Late', he should add. Apparently, he overslept while Remus and their moms decide whether to wake him up or not.
When they got to school in the middle of first period, they were excused because their moms were there to explain. With a slightly bent truth, of course.
Roman had to wait three(and a half) classes to talk to Virgil. They didn't have any classes together, to which Roman was bummed to find out. When the bell rang, signaling their lunch break, Roman hurriedly headed to the cafeteria. When he got there, he spotted Virgil just about to sit down at their usual table.
"Uhh. Virgil? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Roman felt awkward, to say the least.
"Uhm. Sure," Virgil replied, standing up. Roman led them under a tree in the courtyard, away from other students. They stayed silent for a while before Virgil spoke up, "So… what'd you wanted to talk about?"
Roman just stared at Virgil for a few moments, examining him, before enveloping him in a tight hug. Virgil stood frozen for a while, surprised at the gesture. He slowly placed his hands on Roman's back, still confused at the sudden affection.
"You're not alone anymore, Pumpkin," Roman said in a gentle voice, cradling the other's head. Virgil froze when he heard the nickname. His expression then softens and hugs Roman tighter, burying his face on the taller male’s shoulder.
"How did you find out?" Roman heard, slightly muffled by his jacket. "Had a dream about yesterday," Roman simply stated, not elaborating more. "What about you? You said you had a clue. Oh! That rhymed,"
They both laughed.
"I have first period with Remus and I recognized him right away," Virgil replied, his face still buried on Roman's shoulder. "Oh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with him," Roman chuckled.
"No, I'm sorry you had to deal with him your entire life,"
"Well, we're not alone anymore now, are we? Roman asked with a serious tone. Virgil parted a few inches from Roman, still holding on to him. He smiled as he looked up at Roman, "No, we're not."
This might be the last one I'll do for AU august but I'm also deciding if I should go back to the prompts I missed when I was sick hmm
I wish I included Remus more in this but it was already 3k words and thats the longest I've ever written so maybe its for the best XD
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Long for Who You Could Have Been.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 4, Day 19: Mistakes} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| They might be monster hunters and that might mean their lives are fraught with chaos and danger. But there were moments in between the contracts and courts, fragile and wavering like the dying embers of a flame; where pasts, and hopes, and dreams were shared in the refuge of the campfire. |
| Word Count: 1,764. |
| A/N: So this is my second to last Jasonette July fic but the last to actually be posted in July since the other fic (Prompt: Loss) is taking longer than expected to write, whoops! Anyway here's a shorter Witcher au that's mostly fluff with a tinge of sadness here and there. Definitely feels weird to be using/needing so few tags for the first time in a long while! Lastly, thanks to my friend Saf whose reactions to the snippets I send her, absolutely fuel my will to write! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
The fire crackled gently, flames flickering in soft almost hypnotising patterns. The light and warmth were all that was keeping the chilling coastal mist at bay, from reaching their little makeshift camp.
Crescent moon and stars twinkled above, shining their silvery light down to mix with the ghostly mist below.
It was almost haunting, in the precious silence, punctuated only by the gentle lapping of waves against the cliff rocks not too far away. And the low hum of the local nocturnal bugs and other such creatures; the flap of bat wings, the cry of an owl, the flutter of moths and beetles, the scuttling of hedgehogs, mice, and foxes. The air was still, not even the faintest sea breeze and yet the fret rolled and crept and seeped into every nook and cranny outside of the protective glow of the campfire.
Jason sat on one side of the fire, on his bedroll and worked on cleaning his silver and steel swords with a rag, not quite humming as he quietly mouthed the words to a jaunty little tavern song, the Fishmonger's Daughter.
On the opposite side of the campfire, on her own bedroll, Marinette had a cloak splayed out across her knee with a needle and thread in hand. Tongue sticking out slightly, in concentration, carefully she darned away at the numerous little holes that had formed from walking through the thorny bush filled forest that their current contract had led them into entering.
With a huff, Jason threw the cleaning rag at the saddlebag on the ground beside him. He sheathed his swords and pulled out his favoured weapon, the crossbow with steel and silver-tipped bolts. Immediately he began checking the bolts for any potential damage and ensuring the shooting mechanism on the crossbow hadn't jammed.
“Something on your mind, Blue Jay?” Marinette asked, glancing up from her needlework for a moment.
He tipped his head back and sighed. “I've been thinking…”
“That's new.” She responded, mirth glinting obviously in her eyes and the bubble of laughter in her tone.
Jason gasped in faux offence, mindfully dropping his crossbow and scrambling for the cleaning rag just to throw it at her face.
Before it could hit her, Marinette plucked it out of the air with two fingers. She hummed mock-thoughtfully. “Your aim's off.”
“You take that back! My aim is impeccable. Alfred said so!” He argued back.
She snorted. “Alfred is biased because he's your grandfather figure. And I'll take it back next time we get through an entire contract without you missing a single shot.” To punctuate her point, she tossed the rag back at him.
He half-dived for it, grabbing it with both hands and with it safely in his grasp, placed the rag inside the saddlebag beside him. Throwing his arms up in mock-exasperation, Jason scowled playfully at her. “C'mon! That's not fair, you've never gone an entire contract without messing up or missing with your magic either!”
“Yeah,” Marinette agreed with a nod of her head and a smirk on her lips, “but I've never claimed to be perfect at magic!”
Her words caused him to falter slightly. “Right,” he swallowed a breath of air thickly, “That reminds me of what I was going to say before we got distracted.”
She frowned, furrowing her eyebrows and putting on a softer tone. “What is it? As much as we joke, I'd never actually judge you for missing shots or anything else, you know that right?”
“Yeah, I know… I just.” He huffed in frustration. Hesitantly, he held her gaze with his own but not a second later, winced and shifted his to stare down at the flickering embers of the campfire pit. Avoiding eye contact with her. He clenched his fists. “D'you ever, I don't know, feel like this was all… a mistake?”
Scrunching up her face in confusion, she squinted at Jason. “What do you mean? As-as in taking the contract?”
“No! Well, yes but no. I mean…” He waved an arm, gesturing vaguely around them, “just everything. Becoming a Witcher. Or I guess in your case, a Sorceress. Do you regret it?”
When she didn't immediately respond, Jason huffed again, hunching his shoulders up and practically bristling like a particularly grumpy and grizzling moggy. “Look, never mind. Stupid question.”
“It's not stupid!” Marinette retorted, “I just… wasn't expecting a question like that at this moment.”
He stared at her expectantly. “Well?”
Tipping her head back slightly, she fiddled with the needle still in one hand and sighed. “I suppose I do, I know I shouldn't… but I miss the easy days. Like before I knew what I was capable of. Before I knew what horrors the world could bring. Back when my only worries were getting stitches right and not messing up when dealing with expensive materials. Or maybe having to worry if the Alderman's daughter was going to harass me at some point during the day.”
Marinette tilted her head forwards again, a frown gracing her lips, and shrugged. “What brings this up?”
There's not an immediate response, as Jason casts his gaze away from the fire—towards where the sea could be heard but not seen. His fingers twitched midair, almost as though plucking the strings of an instrument. “I never wanted to be a Witcher. I was a Child Surprise, dunno who was the one that offered the Law of Surprise though.”
“Ah, I sorta get that. I'm also a Child Surprise, didn't get to choose to be a Sorcerer either.” As she spoke, she nodded in solidarity.
Jason jolted, gaze immediately snapping up to stare at her, completely taken aback. “Wait seriously? You're a Child Surprise too? How'd that happen?”
“Well, my parents' bakery was attacked and Félix, y'know my mentor, saved them. He invoked the Law of Surprise, expecting to get bread or some other baked goods.” She snorted, “he was awfully surprised to end up getting me instead. And when I accidentally cast my first ever spell trying to escape the Alderman's daughter, I ended up teleporting to Félix.”
“So, wait Félix fucking invoked the Law of Surprise to get food? And got you instead. Holy fucking shit that's hilarious!” He wheezed, doubling over in raucous laughter.
Huffing, she cast a spell, causing a vine to sprout up out of the ground beside him and slap him on the knee. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up!”
“Ouch! Hey, no fair!” Jason mock scowled, choking back any further laughter. Quickly, in retaliation, he cast a weak Aard.
The telekinetic wave knocked into Marinette, pushing her onto her back from the weakened force.
“Wha—! Oh, so the vine isn't fair but throwing me to the ground is!” She griped, crossing her arms (carefully as to not prick herself on the needle) but made no attempt to get up.
Half-shrugging and grinning smugly, he replied, “you started it!”
She made an exaggerated groaning noise in response before slowly shifting her position to push herself back up into sitting cross-legged. “Well, now you know how I became a Sorcerer. How'd being a Child Surprise tie into you ending up a Witcher, if you don't me asking?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged with both shoulders this time, “I tried to steal the infamous Bat of Gotham's horse, he asked me my name. Reluctantly and after some bribery of hot food, I told him. Didn't think to give a fake one, at the time. He made a face, invoked the Law of Surprise owed to him and dragged me back to the Bat Witcher school.”
“Huh,” Marinette responded, “so if you hadn't… what would you have done with your life?”
Jason raised an eyebrow at her. “Seriously? This is me we're talking about. I'd have gone to Bard College, obviously. I'd have written poems and shit. And books, I'd have written books.”
Scrunching up her face once more, Marinette glanced down at the needle in her hand. “We're by the coast.”
“What?” He asked incredulously, giving her a bemused and questioning look. “What does that have to do with poetry and books?”
In a rush of words, she rambled, “we could take a holiday. I could find out about the spell to disguise your eyes… and uh hair too. That way no one will know you're a Witcher. And we can go to the bard college-town that's down the coast from where we are. We can scavenge together enough gold for you to attend, and you can write your poetry and books.”
Jason stared at her in shock, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Softly, as though anything louder than a whisper would cause the offer to shatter like his childhood dreams once had. “Oh, oh, could you really?”
As warmly as the fire between them, Marinette smiled, “of course! I'd have to ask Félix first of course. But he fell in love with Bridgette and she was a Witcher and he came up with a spell to disguise her whenever they weren't doing contracts or courtly politics. So I don't see why he wouldn't show me how to do it!”
Shakily, he wiped his eyes and smiled back. “Fuck, I'd love that!”
“Okay then! I'll contact Félix on the xenovox tomorrow.” As she spoke, a yawn slipped past her lips. “I think I'm gonna head to sleep now. I'll see you in the morning!”
“Good night, Marinette. I'm gonna stretch my legs real quick first.” He answered, hefting himself up and stretching his arms. “Sleep well, though.”
“Be careful!” Marinette yawned again and packed away her needlework for the night. She then wriggled into her bedroll. “And I'll try, g'night!”
“Night,” he whispered once more.
Quietly, so as to not disturb her, Jason slipped away from camp. Following the direction of the fret, he made his way down the safest cliff path he could find in the dark until his boots hit the sand. Step by step, he walked across the beach until the sea spray spattered against his clothes. He's close enough that the waves gently lapped at the toes of his boots.
Clutching one hand to his chest, just over where his heart was, Jason sighed and gazed longingly at the mist-shrouded sea.
“I never thought I'd get to continue my dreams after becoming a Witcher.” He whispered to the wind. “And now I can, thanks to her.”
He sighs again, heart warmed. And silently in the quietude of the beach at night, he cries alone. For his heart is too full with the kindness of another to contain the feelings any longer.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are much appreciated! |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I’ll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
A Thousand Times (Osamu x Reader)
A/n: I'm gonna be real this took so long because I just didn't know what to do? And then I started a various! Haikyu x reader. But I got this done finally so if you've been waiting for this one here it is. Also I just really like putting Osamu through the ringer huh? I'm so sorry bby. And Forget You beat out Unrequited for top one-shot recently!
WARNINGS: Angst. There's one mention of assault as well. Told from third person Osamu p.o.v
Date: Friday November 6th, 2020
Details: 5 pages 1,800 words
Theme: Star Tears- The victim cries tiny star-shaped tears. They are extremely painful and eventually cause the victim to go blind. They produce a dim glow and make a light 'Tinkling' sound when they hit the ground. The blindness can be cured if the person the victim loves makes a statement of love and means it.
Angst Masterlist
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It wasn't supposed to be like this.
There were so many other ways this was supposed to go. He thought while he looked at her. She stood twirling around the white dress catching the light and sparkling. She was beautiful to him and of course someone else thought so or else they wouldn't be here right now.
But here they were. 'Maybe' he thought if he hadn't been a coward then it would have been him dancing with her in a suit while she wore a white gown. It would have been him telling her he loved her. It would have been him calling her Mrs. Miya as they danced. Maybe he should have told her the day of their first date. While he helped her pick an outfit she had been panicked.
"Calm down Y/n," She scoffed in response "Calm down? Samu you and I both know I've never been on a date before. And now I'm going on one with my childhood best friend!" He watched her his heart rate picking up as she held up different clothes in the mirror.
"It's not that big of a deal y'know? He's known you pretty much your whole life," He stated feeling uncomfortable helping her. Maybe making her more nervous would be a better idea so she'd cancel and they could spend the day together. "I guess you're right but still! It's different now!" She stated. "Okay just...Treat it normally and you'll be fine,"
She went into the closet coming out in a cute outfit that fit her b/t figure just right. "Alright Samu I'm off. Wish me luck!" He waved by as she ran out the door a bright smile on her face and excitement in her eyes. He stood heading back to his own house with slow steps.
Arriving home he closed the door to his room intent on hiding away from everyone. He laid down staring at the ceiling as the familiar burning sensation built up behind his eyes.
"Fuck," he mumbled when he heard it the soft twinkle of a star tear and the pale glow that lit up a small area around his bed. More of them fell sparking pain in his eyes and across his face. The pain followed the trail left behind by the glowing stars and despite his best efforts to shove his palm into his eyes and stop the tears it didn't work.
"You know I didn't even think they liked each other!" Osamu tuned into her moms voice and then he heard his own mother speak and he sighed. "I know! I always thought she'd end up with Osamu not...," He tuned out knowing what they were talking about. He didn't need to listen anymore.
"Samu what's wrong with ya?" Atsumu was looking at him with judgement. His arms were crossed in front of him clearly upset and honestly he didn't blame Atsumu. "Nothing's wrong with me," He answered him. "Bullshit," His own eyes narrowed at his brother "I just don't like it okay?" Atsumu rolled his eyes "I told you you wouldnt," Atsumu voiced.
"Osamu," He looked to the right his eyes meeting the blank pair of Kita's. "Kita," he answered back watching Kita gesture with his hand. He stood following Kita outside throwing one last glance over his shoulder at Y/n as she danced around with Aran her dress sparking like freshly fallen snow.
"What is it Kita?" He asked when the two of them were outside. "You have to let her go Osamu," Kita voiced quietly. "I cant let her go," He said back. "Osamu...You shouldn't love her...Not when it causes this," Kita gestured to his face where the star tears were already prevalent. 
"And you especially shouldn't love her now that she just got married," Kita sent him a pointed look. "I would go blind over and over if it meant I could love her," He answered the male staring forward. The wind softly brushed them causing their hair to flutter. "Osamu...We all know we didn't expect it to go this far...but he loves her so you have to let her go," They heard a series of dull thumps against the ground turning they saw Atsumu jogging over.
"Hey what are you two doing out here?" Atsumu stopped as he got closer a wide smile decorating his face. "Oh we were just catching some air y'know," Kita easily responded handing Osamu his handkerchief as he stepped infront of him, blocking him from Atsumu's view. He wiped his eyes quickly hiding the star tears before they could give him away.
"Shouldn't you be inside Tsumu?" He voiced at his brother while said male hummed. "Ah they don't need me in there right now. Sakusa’s getting drunk and Bokuto’s dancing with Y/n," He flinched at the last part of the sentence. Though Atsumu never seemed to notice "Isn't Bokuto drunk? Are you sure they should be dancing?" Atsumu shrugged at Kita's question. "I think they'll be fine," Atsumu adjusted the sleeves of his button up with a hum as if he was truly thinking it over.
"You know maybe I should go-," "There you are!" The group looked past Atsumu. Y/n was there a bright smile on her face her hands were wrapped into the skirt of her wedding dress. Her head was tilted to the side eyes crinkling in pure mirth. "Hey what are you doin' out here?" Atsumu asked turning to face her. "Ah Bokuto passed out Akaashi and Hinata are sitting him down now. But I think the party is wrapping up soon," she giggled it was a light sound and God did Osamu love it.
"Alright we'll be back over soon. Kita can you bring the lovely bride back to the party?" Atsumu asked with a small smile. "Alright ya flirt," Y/n said with a laugh taking Kita's arm as they walked back. Atsumu sighed as he sat down. "So...I know you're upset about this...," Atsumu started off quietly.
"Im not upset Tsumu...I had my chance and I blew it," He voiced. Atsumu sighed as he stood up heading back to the party. "Hey Tsumu," He said looking at his brothers back. Atsumu turned back facing him with a questioning look. "You told me that if at any point I wanted her you'd back off...I know that deals off the table now so just...don't hurt her okay?" 
Atsumu shook his head "Im not going to hurt her Samu...She's everything to me," He raised a hand up to push his hair back the light from a nearby lamppost reflected off his ring. "You didn't even like her at first," He scoffed.
"Look Samu we all know you like her!" Atsumu claimed with an eye roll. "No i don't. You're just being stupid," He denied quickly just like every other time. "Alright fine Samu. I'll give you a deal," he rolled his eyes at his brothers provocation. "What?" He asked "You either ask her out by the end of the week or I do," Atsumu challenged.
He scrunched his nose in distaste "You don't even like her why would you ask her out?" He asked. "To spur you on. If you tell me to back off at any point I will y'know?" Atsumu said. "So you're just gonna string along our childhood best friend for this?" He asked incredulously. "No she'll get over it," Atsumu shrugged. "No. I'm not letting you string her along," He stated.
"You're right I didn't," Atsumu hummed in agreement. "But I love her now and that's what matters," He stared off into the distance with a smile. "You remember the day I told her I loved her? It was an accident too," he laughed.
They were playing at nationals. Atsumu and him were third years now and Y/n was watching from the stands. She wore Atsumu's jersey and everytime they looked at her she made a face at them before trying to get away from the guy next to her. Atsumu glared at the guy mumbling something under his breath "Let's finish this game," he angrily said. Sending one last glare at the man.
They finished the game with a service ace from Atsumu and as soon as the whistle blew Y/n raced down to the court the strange guy following her. She showed up on court with a smile "Tsumu!" He turned and on instinct Atsumu smiled as well. "Y/n," she hugged Atsumu while his nose crinkled. "Babe I'm all sweaty!" She pulled away placing a kiss on his cheek. "Dont care! I'll be outside okay?" She said skipping off.
Only five minutes later they were leaving the building looking for Y/n. Only for the team to pause as they spotted her. She stood trying to get away and the stranger that was in the stands with her was harshly gripping her wrist. "Come on baby I just wanna show you a good time!" "No thank you!" Atsumu moved first separating the two while grabbing the collar of the man. 
Osamu grabbed Y/n holding her close to him while she held on just as tightly. "Hey! Why are you putting your hands on my girl!" Atsumu yelled. He wasn't paying attention too busy trying to sooth Y/n the handprint already forming on her wrist. "You're okay," he whispered into her hair line.
"Y/n," He was thrown back into reality then remembering that no he wasn't the one dating Y/n. "Tsumu," He let go of her watching her throw herself at Atsumu and he held on to her just as tightly. "Fuck you alright babe?" He said catching her arm and seeing the bruise. "Im okay now," she smiled at him. He didn't know what his brother was thinking in that moment but he just watched Atsumu kiss her and pull away. "Im glad you're okay...I love you Y/n," she gasped then and smiled again. "I love you too Tsumu,"
"I remember," he got up following his brother into the party he stood off to the side watching them as Kita and Suna came over. Atsumu reached Y/n and kissed her Atsumu's voice carrying as tears started to drip down his face. "Ready to go Mrs. Y/n Miya?" She laughed taking his arm. "Of course Mr. Atsumu Miya," and as they walked out the last image he could see was Atsumu and Y/n looking at each other matching smiles on their faces.
Her dress sparkled next to the black suit Atsumu was wearing. They were holding hands matching rings sparkling on their hands. His vision faded until it was just black but despise that he smiled.
"Take care of her okay Tsumu?"
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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Emotions (pt. 12)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy does his best to win you back, but a certain person keeps getting in the way.
Word Count: 2485
Chapter 1 • Chp. Masterlist
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Billy was not giving up. He was set on winning you back, and started by waiting at your house to take you to school. At first you tried to ignore him and just walk, but he kept driving next to you and you felt too guilty. You'd end up getting inside and seeing his relieving smile. Hopper did always say that your conscious would screw you over some day.
During biology he was constantly trying to make you laugh. His charming jokes and quick wit would eventually get to you, and you would end up cracking a smile. You couldn't help it; you just thought it was funny how much of a child he could be, even with his beautiful grin.
During lunch you went with Steve Harrington. It pissed him off, but he needed to learn that you're entitled to hang out with anyone you want. He just didn't understand why it had to be him. When Billy passed by you in the halls or anywhere at lunch, he would always smile and wink at you. He'd see you blush, which was all he needed.
Billy had learned to have patience. He needed to be patient with you when you felt insecure about yourself, or when you didn't understand something simple. Looking back at it now, he could see why you had trouble adjusting to normalcy. He would now need to be his most patient self, because right now you were doing something you thought would be best for Billy, and he saw that you were trying your hardest to be better for him by trying to have him move on. He just needed enough patience for you to realize that he wasn't going to move on from the love of his life.
When Steve caught on that Billy's dumb ass face was actually working on you, he knew that he had to do something as your self proclaimed best friend. He invited Jonathan over to see what to do about it, pacing the floor and acting like he was planning a war strategy.
"We have to do something about this!" He said to Jonathan in the living room, with you easily listening from your bedroom easily listening. Hearing the two of them was like having a devil and angel on your shoulder. "Okay, what's our plan?"
"I don't know man. I think Billy's okay now, if I'm being honest. He's actually sorry, and he's okay now with y/n's powers. Maybe we should give him a chance?"
"Are you kidding me? And let my friend get hurt again? No, she's not going to fall for that dickhead again. Someone has to protect her; she's too innocent."
"Hey, dumbasses," You said from your door frame. "If you don't want me to listen in then maybe you shouldn't be talking about this crap in my house."
"See what I mean?! He taught her how to curse!" He then pointed to you. "And shut up. Your house is comfy, okay?"
"He's actually not wrong about that." Jonathan mumbled.
You scoffed. "I told you guys, we're not getting back together. And shouldn't I be able to make my own decisions anyways?"
"No, you need the guidance of a loyal friend." You rolled your eyes at his serious face, which then lit up with an idea. "I know exactly how to get him to back off! We need to get him jealous, and he'll get so pissed that he'll give up."
"You sure you don't just wanna see him get pissed?" Jonathan asked, scoffing as well.
Steve gave him a pat on the back. "That, my friend, is an added perk." He then gave the two of you a teasing smile.
The next morning when Billy went to your house to pick you up for school, he saw that Steve's car was parked there. He watched in disgust as the two of you came out, with your head down as you went into his car. Steve looked back, smiling and nodding at Billy. "You ever tried her pancakes?" He called out. "Delicious!"
He then got into the car too. You didn't look at Steve when saying, "You don't have to be an ass about it."
"You want him to move on or not?" Steve asked as you silently nodded.
Billy gripped his steering wheel as his breaths became deeper. You used to make him pancakes. You used to sit on his lap and feed it to him. Sometimes you'd lick the syrup off his lips. You'd never do that with that jerk off Steve, but the thought of you making something for Steve instead of him got Billy so fucking pissed.
At school, Billy thought about his options. He could still try to keep it up with strong flirting, but that dick off Steve would probably also start flirting. You hate conflict, and you'd hate that situation. Fucking Steve Harrington. How the hell was he supposed to win you back now?
It was time for him to really look back and think. When you two first got together, how did it happen? Back then, it happened slowly as you saw that his attention was focused on you. This was when you were just friends. Bingo.
When he saw you enter fourth period, he gently smiled and nodded his head. "Hey." You put your head down. "So, I was thinking. I'm sorry for going against what you want, and I think we should start over. As friends?"
This was painful for you, and you knew that you should just reject him so he can move on and be happy with someone else in the future. But you were dying to talk to him again; the conversations you missed so much. "Okay." You squeaked.
Unlike when you first met, this time he was the talker in the conversation and you were the listener. He rambled on and made jokes, and you responded with a smile or a nod, occasionally making a comment.
Once class ended the two of you were still talking when Steve walked into the classroom and smacked your shared desk, startling the both of you. "We should head over to lunch now. Let's go y/n."
Billy stood tall. "Sure thing. Let's all go."
"Let's not fight guys. Please." You quietly said.
Steve glanced at you before nodding. "Whatever you say. C'mon." He then put his hand on the small of your back to lead you out. Billy trailed behind, his nostrils flared and his teeth gritted.
You walked over to the basketball bleachers, with the two boys both ending up linking to each of your arms. Instead of sitting at you and Billy's usual spot, you sat on the other end. Billy took this as a sign that your memories together were still sacred to you. In actuality you knew it would fuel his anger if Steve sat at your 'special spot' that he loved so much.
"So, you two are, like, what? Friends now?" Steve asked, attitude in his voice.
"We never stopped being friends." Billy gave a shit eating grin.
"Well y'know, with kicking her out of your house and not accepting her for who she is I figured you guys were having a little trouble in paradise." He gave a shrug.
"Steve." You hissed.
"No, he's right." You whipped your head to Billy. "I did act like a jerk, but y'know what? Our bond is so fucking strong that I realized I don't care about any of it. She does that to me, I guess. Always reeling me back in, huh sweetheart?"
"As her best friend, I don't feel comfortable with you calling her that."
Billy gave a tch. "I'm her best friend."
You stood up out of anger and started walking away. "Where you going?" They said in unison.
"To Jonathan and Nancy." You turned to look back at them.
"You hate being around Nancy." Billy said.
"And you know Jonathan won't stand up to her."
"Yeah. Well, that should tell you how crappy I feel around you two right now." And with that you left.
"Very nice, ass wipe." Billy said as he shoved Steve.
"Really? This is my fault?" Billy only glared back at him. "Why can't you just leave her alone?"
"Why the fuck can't you just leave me alone?"
The two of them quickly got up and stomped away from each other, with Billy going over to an ecstatic Tommy and Steve trailing shamefully behind you as Nancy lectured you about not listening to her.
After school you slipped away from both boys and used a payphone to call Hopper. When he pulled up, you began walking over to his car before you heard Billy and Steve call out your name in unison. You started to speed walk before breaking out into a run when you saw them running over to you. You got into the car and slammed it shut. "Drive! Drive!"
Hopper, being flustered by your hurried tone, quickly drove off. "You wanna tell me why the hell we just Marty McFlyed the crap out of there?"
You let out a loud groan, ready to rant. "Ughhh! It's Billy and Steve! They keep fighting with each other, and it's about me. I hate that. They know I hate that, and yet they still have this alpha male bs going on. It's so stupid! I just want Billy to calm down, and Steve to tone it down! This whole thing is so dumb." You then quickly turned your head to Hopper, who had been listening helplessly, and caused him to jerk his head a bit in surprise. "What do you think?"
He was caught off guard by the question. "Uh, well... take a break from both of them. They sound like they're doing idiot things for good reasons, but they're jackasses if they're making you like this. Maybe you could try to be by yourself for a while."
You let out a breath and grinned. No matter what El or Mike said, you knew Hopper listened and you knew he was a smart person. In actuality, Hopper just wanted to say that these two were jackasses and that he should just arrest them for a day or two, but he knew you would get mad at him too, with your emotions all over the place.
You gave him a hug as he pulled up to your house. "Hopper you're a genius."
You happily got out of the car and went inside to your room, where Hopper smiled. He hoped you knew that he was there for you. That he could be your dad.
As you did your homework that night you got a call from your phone. When you answered, your face fell. "What do you want Steve?"
"Um, so you got home safe then?" He attempted to lighten the mood.
You sighed. "Goodbye Steve."
"No no no, wait! I'm sorry, I wanted to say that I'm sorry. We just really need to get him off of your ass, y'know?"
"I mean, he said he just wanted to be friends. Maybe we could go back to being just acquaintances?"
"God five, you'd think all things considered with you that you wouldn't be so stupid about this." Steve said this out of rage, but after hearing your soft gasp over the phone, he knew he just fucked up.
"Are you kidding me right now? You know what Steve, you'd think all things considered with you that you'd understand how hard it is for me to let him go, and how badly I want him back even though I know it's best to let him be."
"Don't ever call me that again!" You then hung up.
You breathed hard, trying to calm yourself down. You're not a crybaby. People who cry all the time are stupid, and you're not stupid. The damn telephone rang again, and you picked it up. "Damnit Steve, leave me alone!"
"Whoa there sweetheart, wrong guy."
You let out an involuntary breath of relief when you heard Billy's voice. It felt good to hear from him, but it just pained you in a worse way. He's trying his best to be perfect when you feel like you're too fucked up to even be allowed to have a boyfriend.
"Hi Billy." You said quietly, tears forming and your nose beginning to sting.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"
You sucked it a hard breath. "People keep telling me things that hurt."
You were really struggling to hold back the tears. "Y/n–"
"I have to go!" You slammed the phone back. You rolled up into a ball, and cried. Maybe you are stupid.
Once you exhausted yourself and stopped crying, you saw headlights flashing outside. You confusedly and sluggishly got up, since everyone was asleep by now, and saw Billy's car. He got out and said nothing, swiftly bringing you in for a hug. You hugged back. "C'mon, let's get you inside."
You only nodded and let him guide you. You knew that this wasn't right, but you were too damn exhausted with everything to do anything about it. He kicked off his shoes where he normally did, and took you to your room. He laid you down on your bed, and got in with you.
"You shouldn't be here." You quietly said as he tugged you into his chest. You didn't do anything to stop him, and instead embraced the smell you missed so much.
"Course I should." He took a deep breath, before continuing. "I'm sorry for adding all this stress to you. I know you've always been my little rule follower."
You felt the tears begin to sting in your eyes again. "Y'know, Hopper's always told us to follow the rules. That people who don't follow the rules are stupid, and we're not stupid. We can't be, and we won't be." You looked up at him. "I can't even follow my own rules. Why am I so stupid? How do I even do better?"
"You're not stupid. Don't ever say that about yourself again. Okay?" He spoke sternly, and you nodded your head while he wiped away a tear with his thumb. "You're just confused. It's okay to be confused about your feelings. Just as long as you don't have any for cock sucker Steve." You could practically hear his smile.
"Mm. You don't really think I'd have feelings for him, do you?"
"Nah, he's too vanilla."
You snuggled into his chest. "So are you, but only in private."
"Only with you baby." He grabbed your chin, and kissed your lips for a second before you pulled back. "Too soon, got it. Do you want me to leave?"
You sighed, knowing it's better if he did. But you felt so safe with him there. "After I fall asleep? Please."
"Course doll." And the two of you stayed like that until you fell asleep, when Billy gently kissed your unconscious lips and silently slipped out of the house and off to his. He went to sleep, content that he could still make you feel safe.
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arsonistslut · 3 years
Chapter 9: Reminders of Tragedy
"Hey, Jane!"
"Hey, Ingrid! How is my favorite person in the world?"
Jane's girlfriend of a good 9 years now happily walked over and kissed her on the cheek, beaming as she always seemed to do whenever she looked at her lover.
"Amazing now that you're here. Hey, you wanna go to that party Randy's having at his house tomorrow?"
"He's having a party? I didn't figure him the partying type."
"Despite the whole business parents thing, he is a real party animal. Hey, you know what's weird about the party?"
"What is?"
"He invited that Jeff guy there..y'know, that creep with the Conduct Disorder?"
She gestured to the tall, dark clothed young adult that sat alone at a lunch table nearby, playing with a switchblade.
"Hey, I remember him being pretty nice.."
"Remember him? You two date at some point?"
"We did, actually, wayyyy back."
Jane smirked when she saw the look of surprise and pride on Ingrid's face when she realized she guessed right.
"What was he like?"
"He was a sweetheart. Cheesy, but a sweetheart. Hell, even cheesier than me."
"Jane, you've carved our names into multiple trees. There's no out-cheesing that."
"Oh, you wouldn't believe how we met, either. My dad was out mowing the lawn, and he accidentally ran over a rock and it hit Jeff in the head."
"Oof, that sounds bad.."
"I visited him in the hospital with my parents one time, and I will never forget what he said to me as a pick-up line."
"What did he say?"
Jane cleared her throat, before trying her darndest to do an impression of a young Jeff.
"Did you come from heaven? Because you look like an angel!"
Ingrid couldn't help but let out a giggle as she quickly pulled Jane into her arms.
"Aww, that sounds so cute!"
"It was!"
Jeff himself was hearing this conversation from afar, the little tricks he played with his knife not an adequate distraction from the constant reminder of what could've been.
"I don't think he handled our breakup too well..nobody really wanted to treat him as anything other than a freak after his diagnosis went public. One time, I heard him ranting to his brother about how it was hypocritical of the school to do a health topic on depression when they wouldn't stop judging him for his CD."
"Sheesh, it sounds like he's been through a lot..poor kid could use a friend."
"It doesn't really look like he wants any. Liu isn't sitting with him..that's weird, Liu always sits with him."
"Prolly had an argument or something, you know siblings."
The day continued without incident, Jeffrey getting home at the same time as usual..yet his mind was not thinking about the party, or school, he was thinking about Jane and Ingrid. Why was Jane so special that she had everything she wanted in life and not him? What crime did he commit that landed him with absent parents, demonization from his peers, and a fucking smile cut into his face? That love, that relationship they had..Jeff came to the conclusion that it was something to be destroyed.
Liu, meanwhile, was..struggling with something. Something he never expected would be a problem in his life. Lately, he began having these thoughts..these violent, awful, intrusive thoughts, thoughts that seemed to be begging to be spoken aloud, the actions they describe seeming to grow more and more appealing as time passed.
Kill Randy.
Maim Keith.
Skin Troy like the cattle he is.
Maybe if he gave the thoughts an identity, they'd be easier to handle, he thought as he thought of a name for these urges..one stood out from the others. Not at all goofy, but not as laughably edgy as the other options.
Chapter 10: Enter Sully
Liu ended up speaking to Sully for the entire night..and even into the morning. When Jeff woke up the next morning, he could already hear Liu downstairs talking with..someone.
"It's sad, really..so concerned about themselves..no time spared for you."
"I-I guess..but they've got more important things to worry about.."
"Child, they do not have a thought in them about you. They're all self centered egomaniacs that would rather get pushed around by a genetic failure of a human rather than do anything about their situation!"
"That's not true, Sully! You're lying!"
A horrible growl soon came from the room.
"We are friends, child! Friends do not lie to each other, do they?"
"I..I guess not..goodbye for now, Sully."
"Where are you going?"
"I..I need some time to think."
Liu got back up, jumping from fear when he saw his brother staring at him.
"Holy shit, Jeff! You scared me!"
"I bet."
Awkward silence soon filled the dining room where they stood.
"Hey, Jeff...?"
"I'm..sorry about punching you, and saying all that shit about you. I shouldn't have done that."
"No shit, Sherlock."
The elder brother turned around and began walking back up to his room, but not before his brother called out to him.
"Hey..is there any way I could make things up between us?"
"You could make things up by not betraying my trust again. You're all I've got, Liu..don't pull a Jane and fuck it up for me."
Liu always did question that grudge Jeff held for his ex, after all, he chatted with her in the past, and it always seemed like she genuinely enjoyed what her and Jeff had, and she always felt bad for leaving him like that. Hell, it sounded like it was as painful for her to leave him as it was for him to find out that his girlfriend left him. He was tempted to point that out, but he feared ruining things with his brother again.
Chapter 11: A Hell of A Party
When Jane and Ingrid rounded the corner home, they found..a disturbing sight. A dead raccoon laying in the middle of the street, it's guts ripped out of it's body and thrown aside, Jeff gleefully pawing through the freshly murdered animal, childishly gawking and giggling over the corpse.
"Hey, Jeffrey! What happened here, what the fuck did you do?!"
Ingrid cried out to the blood-soaked kid, who looked up at her, confusion riddling his bloodied face.
"I killed a raccoon. It's not like anyone's gonna miss it."
"Why, you little-"
Ingrid slapped Jeffrey right across the face, knocking him to the ground as Jane held her girlfriend back and tried to keep the situation from escalating any further.
"What the hell was that for?!"
"You killed a helpless animal, you freak!!"
"I oughta kill you next, you piece of-"
Woods choked on his own spittle as he made his threat, never having been particularly..elegant with his words.
"Oh, really?! I'll kick your teeth down your fucking throat!"
"I swear to God, I'll strangle you with your own fucking intestines!!"
When Jeff reached for his switchblade, Jane panicked and grabbed her lover's hand, running off with her as Woods continued to scream at them.
"Your last words better be some Mark Twain shit, because it's going on your tombstone!! You hear me?!"
That experience was all on Jane's mind as she watched Jeff steadily get more and more wasted by the bonfire outside as time went on, at least, what glimpses she could catch of him when she wasn't busy dancing with the other students. Randy was also outside, reluctantly playing Truth Or Dare with the others as well as his increasingly hot and bothered enemy.
"Ok, Jeff!"
"Whaddup, baby?~"
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare, hit me with the worst ya got!"
"Slow dance with Randy."
"What the-no! I'm straight as a arrow, dude!"
"So is spaghetti until it gets wet~"
"Jeff, never say that again."
"C'mooooon, do the dare, ya pussy~ I don't bite!~"
Woods took his time getting up, but still had enough cognitive function to put on Grover Washington Jr's "Just The Two Of Us", to try and improve the mood, but Randy still wasn't having any of it. In a last ditch effort to try and seduce Randy, Jeffrey just..up and took his shirt off. That'll get things going, right? No, it didn't. Despite some swooning from some of his classmates, Randy himself didn't want any part of this. He was a few drinks deep as well, so in a drunken haze, he grabbed one of the bottles of booze they had, took a running start, and smashed it right over Jeff's head. The problem with that is that they were only a couple feet away from a bonfire, so when Jeff stumbled backward, he fell right into it, the alcohol on his exposed flesh quickly igniting. He quickly burst into flames, screaming and running off as the fire quickly seared his body, every remaining nerve ending he had that wasn't burnt away shocking his body with waves of pain. He could feel his scalp burning up once his hair was scorched away, finally finding solace in a nearby puddle that put out the flames. Jeff could see his life flashing before his eyes..his family, his brother..that was all he could see. As Randy and the other students' screams of horror faded away, Woods silently cursed himself for not doing anything more with his life..a single bloody tear rolled down his face as he shut his eyes for what he believed would be the last time.
Chapter 12: The End Of The Beginning
Suddenly..he was in some sort of void. The ground beneath him was black as pitch, and footsteps began to grow ever closer to him. When Jeff looked to see who was approaching, he found no earthly being waiting for his attention. When he laid his eyes on whatever approached, the previously totally dark void began to turn a sickly red. What stood before him was a monster unlike any other, an otherwordly monster many believed to be a mere tall tale.
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danurso · 5 years
Colorguard league AU
*in the middle of the night, at vale docks*
Thug 1: come on, can't you go any faster?
Thug 2: *loading a large truck* do you want me to damage the merchandise by accident so boss can break our spines? No? Thought so.
Thug 3: still, we should go as fast as possible, we don't want to face him.
Thug 4: are you talking about that crazy guy dressed as a bat? Heh, if he tries to show up i'll show him something *pumps shotgun*
Thug 3: he took an entire cartel by himself, you don't wanna end facing him do you?
Thug 4: i bet that's all made up, no one can do that.
Thug 3: still, we better not risk it.
Thug 4: risk what? We're five, we can take out an lunatic dressed as a bat.
Thug 1: yeah...speaking of witch, where is mark?
Thug 4: i thought he was helping you unload the boat?
Thug 1: he was, but he needed to take a piss and said that he would come back soon.
Thug 3: that was twenty minutes ago, where is he?
???: right here.
Thug 1/2/3/4: *looks back at the body of their unconscious friend that just fell between them*
Thug 1: what the fuck!?
Thug 4: *looking around aiming his shotgun* who did that!? Show up already!!
Thug 3: oh god, its him! We're doomed! HE'S HERE!!
Thug 4: SHUT UP!! *looks back at the group, unaware of the shadow that just landed behind him* THERE ISN'T ANY CRAZY BAT HERE!! IT'S PROBABLY THOSE GUYS FROM THE JOKER FACTION PLAYING WITH US!!
Thug 1/2/3: *terrified and pointing behind him*
Thug 4: WHAT IS IT NO- *turns around and freezes at the dark tall figure behind him* WHAT THE HE-
???: *punches thug 4 straight in the face knocking him out*
Thug 3: HE'S HERE!! HE'S REAL!!! *opens fire*
Thug 1/2: *open fire as well*
???: *throws a smoke bomb at the ground*
Thug 1: where the hell is he!?
Thug 3: i don't know! I can't see a thing!
Thug 2: AAAAHH!!!
Thug 3: what the hell!? David! David! Where the hell are you!?
Thug 1: AAAAAHH!!
Thug: mike! MIKE!! Come on guys this isn't funny!! Show up already!! *looking around but seeing nothing*
Thug 3: *flinches looking back at his unconscious friends piled up* w-what? What the hell is thi- *starts to back away but bumps into something and starts to turn around facing a dark figure clad in black* WHAT THE HELL!? *tries to shot at him*
???: *grabs the barrel of the rifle and twists it, throwing away right after*
Thug 3: *falls back on the ground and starts to back up in panic* h-how!? W-WHO ARE YOU!?
???: *grabs him by the collar pulling him close* i'm batman. *headbuts thug 3 knocking him out and throwing him at the pile of thugs* done here. ozpin, send a message to commissioner ironwood, tell him to come investigate the docks.
Ozpin: *through the intercom* as you wish master jaune.
Jaune: now to the next area. *starts to walk away but its stopped by a red and yellow lightning*
???: im here!! Bad guys better get rea- *stares at the scene* ohh...am i late?
Jaune: *sighs* yes flash, you are late.
???: sorry jau-i-i mean batman! Sorry batman!
Jaune: *sighs again* its okay ruby, what are you doing here anyways?
Ruby: oh...well, i was passing by and thought you might need a extra hand here. you've been working a lot to keep vale in peace lately and you're probably tired and all, maybe if you're done here you could go back home, eat some cookies, watch a movie and rest for the night.
Jaune: *in a serious tone* i'm not done yet, there are still many other criminals around vale and someone needs to stop them.
Ruby: still...you're not the only hero around, can't you just take a day off and relax?
Jaune: the crime doesn't take 'days off', so i can't take any either.
Ruby: not even today?
Jaune: no, and if that's everything, i still need to scan the area, one of them said something about the joker faction and i need to check it out. *pulls grappling hook throwing at the top of a building and flying off to it*
Ruby: why are you always like this? *crosses her arms with a pout* can't take a day off even on your birthday.
Tyrian: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! well, well, well, what do we have here? If it's not vale's number one bat boy.
Jaune: *tied on a chair and with his hands handcuffed behind it* joker, i should have imagined that you were back. *looking around at the several barrels of laughing gas* and planning something big i suppose.
Tyrian: of course batman! I've been out for a year now, i need to do something special for when i get back to the show.
Jaune: and so you planted your laughing gas around the city so it falls into chaos while you stroll around it?
Tyrian: Ding! Ding! Ding! Ten points to batman for figuring out my plan! *raises a controller* All i need to do now is press this button and BOOM!! Everyone around vale will have the time of their lives!! And this time batman, i won't allow you to stop my fun like you always do, this time i will-
???: *red and blue blur crashes through the wall taking out joker and his henchmen in a few seconds before landing in front of jaune with several knocked bad guys on her shoulders* hello again batman.
Jaune: *deadpans at the red haired girl with green eyes in front of him* superwoman...what are you doing here?
Pyrrha: i heard the joker was back and i thought you might need help to defeat him.
Jaune: *sighs* you shouldn't have interfered, everything was under control.
Pyrrha: *sheepishly* well...it didn't looked like that to me.
Jaune: it's because you preferred to crash into the building before thinking about it. Joker was bragging about his plan just like i wanted, luckily he said everything before you showed up. *gets up massaging his wrists*
Pyrrha: wait, weren't you trapped?
Jaune: i let them capture me so i could find out joker's plan.
Pyrrha: b-but what if he used his gas on you!?
Jaune: *pulls out a shot from his belt* i have the antidote for his gas.
Pyrrha: b-b-but what if he used his gas on the city!?
Jaune: i already sent loads of the antidote to every hospital around vale, besides, the first thing i did when i got here was cut the signal of his transmissor, he couldn't trigger the gas around the city no matter how much he tried.
Pyrrha: oh...right...im sorry, i didn't wanted to get in the way, i just thought you might appreciate some help. You're always working alone and pushing yourself so much to protect the city, you should take a day off and relax, why don't you go home for tonight? You're probably tired after everything that happened.
Jaune: i'm not tired, i still need to patrol the area.
Pyrrha: why don't you let that to the others? You're not the only hero around here.
Jaune: vale is still my city, i can't just let the work for other peoples to do it. *walks away*
Pyrrha: *sigh* why don't you let us help you even on your birthday?
Hazel: im surprised to see you here batman.
Jaune: it wasn't hard to track you down after finding your subordinates at the docks bane.
Hazel: huff, i think it's like they say, if you want something well done *presses a button on his chest injecting dust on himself through green tubes* THEN DO IT YOURSELF!!! *charges at batman*
Jaune: *jumps over hazel and dodges his following attacks*
Hazel: stay still batman!! HRRHAAAHH!! *lands a punch on batman making him fly away and hit the wall* now be still *cracking his knuckles* i'll be qui- *gets punched in the face and flies back across two walls*
Jaune: *gets up and sighs* oh god, not again.
Yang: *winks* sup batboy!
Jaune: wonder woman, what are you doing in vale? Wasn't there an entire island in mistral needing your help?
Yang: it did, but after i finished there i thought, 'maybe my good friend batboy needs a hand' and so i'm here, and it looks like i came right in time.
Jaune: everything is under control.
Yang: *grins* really? Then why was bane kicking your ass?
Jaune: he wasn't, i let him hit me so i would get some distance.
Yang: *rolls her eyes* sure, and why did you needed to take distance?
Jaune: because of this.
Hazel: *charging at yang from behind* YOU-
Jaune: *presses a button on his belt, discharging a large amount of electricity on bane, frying his device and knocking bane out*
Yang: h-how did you-
Jaune: i placed a electric discharge on the device on his back when i dodged his first attack*
Yang: you're scary y'know?
Jaune: i just like to have a plan before jumping in the action, something you should start doing. *starts to walk away*
Yang: where are you going?
Jaune: patrol the area.
Yang: don't think you're good for today? I mean, there are other heroes around vale and you've been fighting a lot lately, why don't you take a day off?
Jaune: *stops and looks back at her* the day crime take a day off, i will think about it. *walks away*
Yang: geez, only you to avoid fun even on your birthday.
Cinder: *sitting on a large flower* well, well...look what do we have here.
Jaune: *lands a few meters from her* i see you redecorated since last time ivy.
Cinder: i'm glad you noticed batman, although i think these walls need a bit of red to it *raises a hand lifting several vines* mind helping me with that?
Jaune: i- *gets interrupted by a pair of girls coming through the rooftop* *sighs and facepalms* not again
???: *fires several arrows cutting the vines* NOW!
Cinder: wha- *gets hit by a giant white hand before getting trapped in a white bubble*
???: and done.
???: poison ivy neutralized.
Jaune: black arrow, white lantern, what in the world are you two doing here?
Weiss: *floats near him* we're helping you batman, try being a bit grateful for that.
Jaune: why would i be grateful? you two just got in the way.
Blake: hey, we know you have the lone wolf thing of yours, but don't you think that saying that we just got in the way is a bit too much?
Jaune: but it is the truth, this place used to be a water treatment station, ivy was using her plants to poison the water, even if you defeated her she could still release the poison on vale's water system.
Weiss/Blake: w-what!?
Cinder: *grins*
Jaune: good thing i blocked the pipes connecting this station to the city' water supply and also prepared a special something for your toxins and plants. *drops a small pill in the water making all plants wither*
Cinder: NO!! HOW DID YO-
Jaune: you can find poison for plants in any gardening store on vale, i just made a more concentrated version of it, now if you excuse me. *turns around and starts to walk away*
Blake: wait!
Weiss: where are you going!?
Jaune: patrol the area, who knows what other criminals are still around the city?
Blake: don't you think that-
Jaune: no, i didn't do enough for today, no, i'm not gonna take a day off and no, i don't need to relax, what i need to do now is stop criminals from hurting people, and if that's everything, i'll take my leave. *walks away*
Weiss/Blake: *sighs in defeat*
Cinder: pff, and here i was thinking to be the only woman he's cold with.
Weiss/Blake: SHUT IT!!
*a few minutes later*
Jaune: *driving his batmobile* what's next ozpin?
Ozpin: *in a small screen* master jaune, don't you think you're done for today?
Jaune: please don't start you too.
Ozpin: i know about your resent about taking days off, but don't you think that you should rest at least on this day.
Jaune: why does everyone keeps repeating that, what's so special about today?
Ozpin: *raises eyebrow but chuckles*
Jaune: what's so funny.
Ozpin: master jaune, could you please tell me what day is today.
Jaune: i believe its march thirty, but what is so... *sigh* its my birthday isn't it?
Ozpin: i believe it is master jaune.
Jaune: let me guess, the girls are waiting for me with a whole surprise party ready, and that's why they were trying to convince me to come home earlier.
Ozpin: correct as always master jaune.
Jaune: *sighs* im an idiot.
Ozpin: just a little bit sir.
Jaune: ozpin, what other heroes are on the area?
*on the arc mansion*
Weiss/Blake: *gets in the house with more casual clothes*
Ruby: *also in casual clothes, bolts from the couch to them in a split second* so?
Weiss/Blake: *shook heads*
Ruby: *whines* wha- b-but why?
Yang: *crosses her arms* cause work is more important to him then anything else apparently.
Pyrrha: i-it's not like that, he just want to make sure the city is safe.
Yang: there's a bunch of other heroes around it! The city is safer than ever!
P/RWB: *deflates*
Yang: face it, he just don't wanna spend time with us.
Jaune: that couldn't be farther from the truth.
P/RWBY: *flinches and jumps slightly*
Yang: holy shit!! Where the hell did you came from!?
Jaune: the elevator that connects the cave to the mansion is right here. *points to the clock behind him*
Weiss: why are you here? Shouldn't the batman be patrolling the city?
Jaune: yes he should *looking around at the decorations, balloons the presents and the huge (poorly done and probably handmade) cake* but jaune arc had an appointment here, one he was already getting lato to.
Yang: ohh, now you remember?
Jaune: yeah, but only because ozpin reminded me of it.
Ruby: what? What do you mean?
Jaune: i mean that i didn't even knew today was my birthday.
P/RWBY: *shocked*
Jaune: i only remembered because ozpin told me about it. *looking down slightly* im sorry girls, you all had the work to prepare this party for me but i just pushed you away... *sigh* i think i've been batman for so long that i don't even know if i can still be jaune arc anymore, i can't even remember about my own birthday...im really sorry girls...
Ruby: *bolts to him and hugs him tightly*
Jaune: err-
Pyrrha/Yang: *trapping him in a bone crushing hug*
Jaune: ugh...girls i can't-
Blake/Weiss: *Joins right after*
Jaune: girls-
Ruby: shhh...you need a hug.
Jaune: *getting blue* maybe, but oxygen would be really nice too.
P/RWBY: ooops. *let go*
Jaune: *taking deep breaths* thanks, so, when is this party going to start?
Ruby: *with a beaming smile* RIGHT NOW!!! *press play on the music*
Pyrrha: *flying to the table* should we begin with the presents?
Jaune: sure.
Yang: let him open only the ones on the table.
Jaune: there are others besides these?
Yang: *grins* yup, there are five other presents ready for you, but you can only unwrap and use them later on the bedroom.
Jaune: w-wha-
Yang: you've been neglecting your girlfriends for some time now ladykiller, so your last present for today is going to be a present for us as well, do you mind?
Jaune: *sighs* i don't have a choice on that matter do i?
Yang: nope.
Blake: no.
Pyrrha: *shooks head*
Ruby: nopey.
Weiss: no way.
*on the next morning*
Jaune: *sipping his morning coffee* so, how it was yesterday?
Sun: good, we stopped a gang from robbing a bank.
Neptune: yup.
Sage: we took out a small cartel in the docks.
Scarlet: they weren't expecting any surprises so it was quite easy.
Nora: and we broke the legs of some guys trying to attack a girl.
Ren: *nods*
Jaune: besides that?
Sun: nothing much, after your apparitions yesterday most criminals decided to take a day off and just a few were acting, but the cops took care of it mostly on their own, we barely had to help.
Jaune: so it was an uneventful night?
Neptune: Practically, what about yours?
Jaune: well-
Ruby: *lazily* yaaaang, i can't feel my leeegs.
Yang: *floating towards the bathroom with ruby on her back* me neither sis, me neither.
Weiss: *groans* how did he kept going for so long?
Blake: no idea...
Pyrrha: *floating towards the bathroom, carrying blake and weiss* oww...im sore in places i didn't even knew could get sore.
P/RWBY: *gets in the bathroom*
SSSN: *staring wide eyed at jaune*
Jaune: what?
Sun: what's happening to them?
Jaune: well...let's just say that i went a bit overboard after my party yesterday.
Neptune: dude, how did you do that?
Jaune: *raises eyebrow* Do what?
Neptune: do what!? You're a human being that managed to sleep with the superwoman, the wonder woman, the flash, the white lantern, the black arrow and survived, not only survived but got them all sore, how the hell did you do that!?
Jaune: it's simple *sips his coffee and grins at them* i'm batman.
Ren: yeah, he is.
Nora: *shrugg* can't discuss with that.
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Rocket Queen
0.6: Late Night Conversations
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Henley's P.O.V
It's about an hour later after me and Duff had the conversation in the bathroom. Duff ordered the Chinese food so now we're eating it and watching some stupid movie on TV. I sigh, looking at the clock. It's only one in the morning. Fuck, how am I gonna make it home before my parents notice I'm gone? There's only one obvious answer. I can't. Unless I know for a fact that Hyde won't rat me out for being a minor in a bar, I'm stuck here with the blonde I barely know.
And where the hell is Madeline?
"What's goin' through your head?" Duff asks, breaking me from my thoughts.
I look over at him, then back down at my container of sweet n' sour chicken. "How do you know I'm thinking anything? I could just be enjoying my food."
Duff laughs, setting his container on the coffee table. "You have to be thinking of something. I doubt you're just sitting there not having one thought. That's, like, impossible."
I sigh, laughing a bit. He had me there. "You got me." I set my container on the table as well, losing my appetite almost completely. "I-uh-was just thinking about how I'm going to get home before my parents notice that I'm missing. They'll go bonkers if I'm not in my bed in the morning."
"You could just call them and tell them Madeline had an emergency so the both of you went to her place."
I smile at him. He has this hopeful look in his eyes as if he really wants to help. God he's so adorable.
I mentally groan at that thought. I just met the dude! Get that shit out of your head.
"You came up with that pretty quick."
He smiles, puffing out his chest. "I am the king of excuses," He says proudly.
I giggle, rolling my eyes. Damn, I haven't laughed and smiled this much since before Tommy left. "I'll call you up next time I need help with that."
"So, you still live with your parents, huh?"
"What do you mean still? I am only sixteen, y'know?" Did he seriously forget I told him how old I was not even a few hours ago.
Duff's eyes widen. "There's no fucking way."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I narrow my eyes at him.
"I just mean, you act older. I would've thought you were at least eighteen," He explains, taking a swig from the beer that was sitting on the table.
I really hope that's a new one and not a bottle that has just been sitting there for days. It's obvious he doesn't clean often. I cringe watching him drink it.
"What?" He asks. He looks genuinely confused as to why I was looking at him like I am.
I almost laugh at his look. I, however, manage to keep a straight face. "Please tell me it's a new bottle."
Duff looks down at his drink, laughing as he fully processes my statement. "Oh my God, Henley. You're seriously worrying about how old my drink is?"
I shrug, looking down. I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
Duff's laughter dies down after I stay quiet for a while. I know it's stupid to feel embarrassed like I am, but I can't help it. I don't like it when people laugh at me.
"Henley," Duff says, his laughter still working it's way out of his system. I don't say anything. "Hey," Duff says, his voice quiet and soft. I look up at him, shocked at how his voice changed in a second. "Did I say something wrong?"
I feel my heart drop. He thinks he did something wrong. In reality, I'm just an oversensitive ass. It's amazing how my "Bad ass aura"-as Madeline would call it-disappears as soon as I'm alone with someone I'm comfortable with. I become overly sensitive with everything. I'm like that with Athena, Tommy, and Madeline. And now, apparently, Duff. Fuck, he's broken down the walls I put up within just a few hours. What the hell is wrong with me?
"No," I say, shaking my head. "I'm sorry. I'm just sensitive sometimes."
Duff's face is once again full of disbelief. Damn, do I really surprise him that much?
"What?" I ask, feeling shy with his eyes on me.
He just shrugs, shaking his head. "I just find it hard to believe that the Henley is sensitive. You're one badass chick."
I laugh at his use of the word 'chick'. "You say that as if I'm some notorious girl that has a reputation."
"You kinda do," Duff responds. I furrow my eyebrows. What the hell is that supposed to mean? "Anyways, you never answered my original question."
"Huh?" Then it clicks in my brain. I never did answer his question. Fuck, I don't remember what it was.
"Uhm, what was it again?"
"What were you thinking about before we started this odd conversation," Duff laughs.
"Oh, right," I respond, looking at the TV for a moment. I turn my head to Duff, feeling a smile spread onto my lips. He's so fucking cute. His smile is absolutely adorable. It's different than other people's. I can't really explain it. He's different than other guys I've met. Yes, he did try to kiss me, but he backed off as soon as I pushed him away. He didn't try anything else and he's kept his distance. "I was just thinking about Madeline. Will she be alright with Steven?"
"I'm sure she'll be fine," Duff answers, taking a swig from that same bottle. "She's a big girl. She can handle herself."
I sigh, leaning back against the couch cushions. "I know, it's just that she tends to not think things through. She gets herself into a shit ton of trouble all because she can't keep her mouth shut."
Duff laughs. "Sounds like someone else I know."
I blush, looking down at my lap. God, his laugh is like music to me. "I usually do a good job at shutting up. I was just a bit tipsy. If I get any amount of alcohol in my system, I can't shut up." The fight definitely sobered me up quick.
"Looks like I'll just have to keep my eye on you from now on," Duff says, nudging my thigh with his foot.
I laugh, looking back up at him. "You think we're still going to hang out after all this?"
"Of course we are. You're stuck with me now," Duff answers, giving me a heart melting smile. Fuck me, he's too good at making me feel.
"You say that like it's a bad thing," I say, deciding to be a little flirty. What could it hurt?
Duff shakes his head, running a hand through his gorgeous blonde hair. "It can be sometimes."
"I can't see how. From what I've seen of you since I met you, you're one awesome person to be around. Steven seems pretty cool too," I say, grinning at him.
"Yeah he is, but I can be-."
He's cut off by a sharp knocking at the front door. Duff groans, reluctantly getting off of the couch. He walks over to the door, opening it with a certain amount of sass. I giggle at him as he places his hand on his hip, jutting his hip out like a girl would. He looks back at me and winks. He's such a dork.
All of a sudden a ball of blonde hair pushes past Duff, toting a smaller dark haired person behind him. I grin as Madeline nearly falls from how Steven is pulling her.
"Stevie slow down!" Madeline yells, looking disheveled.
I take it those two had one hell of a night.
Steven laughs, pulling her into his arms. He kisses the top of her head. She grins, wrapping her arms around his waist. I smile at them. They really like each other. I guess I will be seeing more of Duff after all since Madeline will probably be hanging around Steven a lot.
"Aren't you two just adorable," Duff teases, sitting down next to me again. He's closer to me this time.
Just scoot over a little bit more.
I shake my head, trying to clear that thought from my mind. I focus my attention on the new couple in front of me.
Steven flips Duff off, giving one of his signature Steven smiles. "We're heading to bed."
Madeline and Stevie walk down the hallway without another word. "Don't have too much fun, kids!" Duff yells at them.
He's answered with a door slamming.
I giggle. "So I take it you and Steven live together?"
Duff lets out a mock sad sigh. "Yeah. He's such a pain in the ass."
I shake my head, laughing slightly. I yawn, looking at the clock again. Two o'clock in the morning.
"You tired?" Duff asks.
I try to shake my head 'no', but then my body decides to let out another yawn.
"I'll take that as a yes," He laughs, standing up. "Come on."
I get up, walking behind him. I'm way too tired to argue. Duff leads me into a bare room. The most he has is more records and a mattress laying in the floor. Duff walks over to the dresser that I somehow didn't notice, and pulls out some boxers and a shirt. He hands it to me.
"Here," He says. "I'm sure you don't wanna sleep in those clothes."
I smile, looking down at my feet. "Thank you." I walk over to the bed. "Could you at least turn around?" I turn to see a blushing Duff.
"O-Oh, yeah, right," He says rather flustered. He turns around, his head bent down.
I giggle, then change as fast as I can. "Alright, I'm done."
Duff turns around, a smile on his face. "Okay, well, I'll be on the couch if you need me."
"What? No," I say. "This is your bed. I can sleep on the couch."
Duff rubs his eyes. "I'm too tired too argue. Can we just share the bed? If that's okay with you?"
I nod, already climbing under the covers. I turn to face the wall. I feel the bed dip beside me as Duff gets in.
"Goodnight, Henley," He says almost in a whisper.
"Night Duff."
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme 
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Duff: @daisystuffsstuff
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years
Heeeeeeere it comes! The big first third of the season marketing push! It's coming in hot!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Starting out on the SHIELD Helicarrier- I mean, the Artdessei- I mean, the Supremacy- I mean, the Variblune- I mean, the Machine Buffalo- I mean, the Fenix Skybase, are we?
-Yeah, maybe just locking them up in there is a bad idea. Do they at least get to use this bathtub? Do they get exercise? Do they at least get to call their family members? Fenix is looking more and more sus by the minute.
-Oh yeah, you're telling Sakura that you canned the Libera Driver now, George?
-Hiromicchi agrees! Lovekov is best demon!
-Ah, so playing Twister with Vice ten times made the upgrade possible.
-"Just you two?!" Hiromicchi is right there, man! I understand you're worried about your siblings, especially since Sakura just became a Rider last episode and we don't know what Kagero's been doing, but damn! You really roasted him like that, huh?
-Wakabayashi, you give that back right now! >:O
-Just two bros worrying over their families.
-Damn, Aguilera-sama's down bad.
-Please forgive my immaturity, but Giftex sounds like a brand of tampons.
-Yeah, "even with", that's all you deserve Amahiko! Guess what, I spent a whole two weeks not bothering to learn your name and it's only now I even know it at all! Know your place, bitch!
-I have to ask, how many people in this universe would pay to be around Aguilera-sama? Is there an entry fee to join the Deadmans or is it just kidnapping and brainwashing random people with a select few super rich and powerful assholes going in with full knowledge? Is it like Golgom?
-My heart sank when I saw those dominoes, for I knew exactly what was coming.
-Y'know, maybe you shouldn't have let George take the Driver so soon, especially considering Fenix is apparently short-staffed.
-Buu-san :)
-I hope the running gag about his job's secrecy has a payoff that he's actually just working a very difficult to explain job.
-This whole scene is just Vice going "Ikkiiiiii, pwease wet me outside? OwO" like a cat. And just like a cat, you absolutely shouldn't let him outside unless you want to destroy your local ecosystem.
-And so Lovekov charges into battle! Boy, you guys are gonna die in five hours.
-Ah, yep. Fenix rehab is just a straight up mental ward. I know the Deadmans are dangerous, but their hosts are still normal people.
-So, since Julio was undercover as a student at Sakura's dojo, does this mean he was supposed to study how Sakura fights for Aguilera to pick out the Libera Driver? That'd make a lot of sense if so.
-So, was Ikki standing there the whole time in his Rising Sun headband? Did they ever finish the domino video? Is Papa handling it? I want answers, Toei!
-What!? Hey, come on, Rex!
-Wow, the Igarashi kids are getting whooped already. C'mon, you guys are better than this!
-Yeah, that's what I thought! No more getting rolled!
-Hiromicchi! My man! Protecc the snek!
-"WHY?!" indeed.
-Ohhhhhhhhhhh, shit! Here he comes! The edgy boi is back!
-Fine, Vice! I'll let you into my backyard, just stop meowing and don't you dare bring me another dead bird!
-Hell yeah, get that importance Buu-san!
-You guys have been bros this whole time.
-Oooooooooh, that's a good deck! A lot of force behind it!
-Good job Sakura! ...please don't get sidelined, I beg of you.
-Here we gooooooo!
-Oooooooooooooooooooooh, good jingle, good jingle, good jingle!
-I know I say that a lot, but damn, Revice's henshins are all top notch as fuck.
-So, do all the writers, directors, actors, special effects artists, costume designers, and cinematographers working on Revice channel their pride through George? Because that'd be very understandable if they did.
-What'd I tell you Vice!? Of course you're gonna be stuck in the backyard until further notice!
-Oh hell yes! More Jeanne action! Thank you, George! I forgive you for literally everything you've done this episode!
-Oooooooooh, war fans! So, Love-chan's gimmick is turning into weapons? That's a really cool idea, and I want to see even more of it!
-Oh wow, that shield... has a very good color palette. That gradient is gorgeous! I hope we get some axe and shield action soon. Oooooooooooooogh, that ice too! So frosty!
-Yeah homegirl, give the bat man a Rider Kick! I swear, it's like Revice knows exactly what I want at any given opportunity.
-Did the fucking Barid Rex Vistamp make the Driver say "OwO"????? You know I was just kidding when I said "OwO" like ten or fiteen minutes ago, right?!
-Wait, the subs say "O-O". ...which is honestly not any better.
-This show is so unhinged, I stg.
-Yeah, Vice is just real now. And he's coming to get you.
-You tried to eat Mama Igarashi, so I think you're probably gonna end up sleeping outside like the cat you are. That is, unless you decide to go back into Ikki's various orifices. ...in which case, gross, don't do that, just go sleep outside.
-Yep! Called it! Wakabayashi is the sussy baka impostor that was among us in command! ...I don't play Among Us, so I don't know if that's accurate, but this could mean that Hiromicchi's getting a promotion and that's all I care about.
-Oh, shit, I almost forgot, people are dying. And considering we're officially a third or so of the way through the season, things are gonna go very badly. I'm probably gonna end up crying at one point through these liveblogs/review thingies.
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Emotions (pt. 10)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy reevaluates his relationship, and the both of them spiral.
Word Count: 2009
Chapter 1 • Chp. Masterlist • Chapter 11
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"I can explain!"
"What the fuck was that?!" Billy yelled, freaked out.
"Billy, please calm down." You felt like you almost couldn't breathe. It felt like panic was taking over you and squeezing your heart. You really wanted to cry. What was this feeling? "Please."
He took some deep breathes and pointed at Neil. "How the fuck did you do that?"
"Please don't freak out–"
"Friends don't lie!" He shouted. You could feel your nose beginning to burn and the stinging in your eyes were starting up. "Tell me the truth!"
"Okay. Okay, um, I have powers. Like, like an ability to do something that, um, regular people can't do."
"You telling me that you're some kind of mutant?" He looked at you with an expression that he's never given you.
"No. I'm not a mutant. I was just born like this. My mother had experiments done on her and she died in labor. I, I just came out with my ability."
"And what the fuck is that ability?"
You've never felt this bad about yourself, you don't think. The way he was speaking to you, looking at you. The love of your life was looking at you like a monster. It was almost too much to handle. "Um, I can alter emotions." You squeaked.
"Emotions?" You nodded, and Billy paced around the room and ran his fingers through his hair. What if you were controlling his feelings? You could knock someone out from sleepiness, so you'd be able to do it, right? Was your whole relationship a lie? "Have you ever used that shit on me?"
"Well, once but it was an acci–"
"Get out."
"Billy I–"
"Get out!" You said nothing as you looked at his angry eyes, and walked out. You walked down the street, sobbing uncontrollably. As you walked towards the woods, it began to pour. You walked over to a telephone pole, and tried to think. Hopper's at work. Who else would you call?
It was about a few minutes until Joyce came rushing with her car. You got from the ground where you were sitting, and got into the car. "Jesus y/n you're soaking. Are you okay?"
As you told her everything she took you home and had you take a shower. She got you comfortably seated on your bed and let you listen to the radio that she got you for your birthday. She was the one who decided when your birthday should be, after all. You felt like a burden right now, and you didn't have to tell her anything for her to say that it wasn't any trouble when it came to you.
El saw this, and called Mike, who called everybody else. Jonathan drove everyone there, and soon they piled up in your room to check up on you. Everyone each got their turn to say something, whether it was helpful or not. "I knew he was a fucking piece of shit from the start." Dustin stated as they all looked at you on your bed.
"Yeah, he was a jerk anyways." Lucas said.
"Like, he just speaks out his ass most of the time." Max commented.
"Don't worry five," Mike said. "We got your back."
Jonathan ushered everybody out to talk to you. He sat on your bed while you still laid there in silence. "I called Steve. Maybe he could cheer you up." You nodded. "How're you feeling?"
"Like a monster." You sat up and rubbed your eyes, which were still puffy and red. "I just wanna be normal."
"You are normal." Jonathan said. "You just have something in you that others don't, but you only use it for good. That just makes you a good person."
"I don't want something extra. It doesn't matter how I use it. I'm either a monster or a freak."
"No, you're just y/n. The one who's always happy and nice to jerks. When I look at you, all I see is my friend." You gently smiled at him, and he smiled back.
"I'm here!" Steve said, storming into your room. "Oh my God, that asshat really did it this time." He rushed over to you, grabbing your arms. "You're not hurt, are you? Your face..." He trailed off, trying to get you to laugh at how puffy your face was.
"Yeah, well you look like you just ran a marathon and I'm not even gonna start about your hair, so I wouldn't be talking." The three of you chuckled. "Thanks for being here guys."
"Your welcome!" Dustin called out from the other room.
"Hey, dickhead, way to ruin the mood!" Steve called out.
Just then Hopper walked into the house, and looked around. "Does anyone wanna tell me why my home is a day care center right now?"
Joyce grabbed her keys with Max trailing behind. "Talk to Jonathan. I'm going to take Max to get her stuff. She's sleeping over with everybody else."
"Every– what is happening?!"
As Jonathan and Steve explained everything that happened, Joyce and Max left. When they stormed inside the house, they saw that Billy had just put Neil on the couch. He looked at Joyce. "Who are you?"
"Who am I? I'm a friend of Hopper, and a friend of y/n buster." Joyce crossed her arms and pointed at him. "C'mon Max, get your stuff."
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Billy took a step towards Max.
"I'm sleeping over at y/n's to make sure she's okay."
"Max, you don't–"
"I know about it all dipfuck!" Max yelled. "About her powers and everything!"
"Yeah!– woah, language." Joyce said.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just cause he, like, really deserves it."
"Well yeah he does deserve it and he is one, but just, y'know."
"Yeah. Totally get it. I'll watch my language next time."
"Max!" Billy yelled, stopping the bickering between the other two. "You knew?!"
"Yeah, I knew. What does that matter? She wouldn't use it for bad things. She's a good person Billy. She's been through enough cra– um, stuff, for her to become, like, a supervillain or something, but she chooses to be nice and better."
"She's admitted to using it on me before though."
"Well did you let her explain the situation?" Joyce asked, causing Billy to fall silent. "Sometimes she gets so full of emotion that it just radiates off of her. She's not used to being so happy, but you wouldn't know that."
"Don't you have kids? You're really okay with them hanging with someone who could toy with them if they wanted to?"
Joyce got close to his face and pushed his shoulder. "I'll have you know that her and her sister were the ones who helped save my son's life. It is not their fault they were born that way, and they just want to be like regular people."
"Her sister..." He trailed off.
El. Billy didn't think about her until now. It actually explained a lot of things. Her lack of speaking fluently. Her shyness. Why she wasn't in school. He thought that she was homeschooled because of past foster parents or something. But it wasn't a foster program. It was a lab. She couldn't even be a kid.
This caused Billy to think differently. He had a soft spot for El, and it made him think about you. You were once like that. You must have struggled to make complete sentences at some point. When he met you, you were pretty shy. You probably didn't know anything about anything in school, and yet somehow caught up and even excelled.
You had to learn everything from the start and work hard because of it, yet you were bullied from it. Unlike El, you didn't really find any die hard friends. You had that one guy, but felt like you couldn't be around his without bothering that girl. And now all Billy did was make you feel a hundred times worse.
"Shit." He muttered.
"Yeah, now you actually start thinking. We're gonna leave you here to think. We gotta go comfort y/n now." Joyce said. "At least Jonathan and Steve are there with her right now."
Steve. He was probably hugging you, maybe making you laugh right now. He could picture the two of you together watching TV as you were snuggled up against him, smiling. And you needed that right now, thanks to Billy. He wasn't the one you were going to right now in your time of need. Damnit.
"Have fun with your guilt asshole." Max flipped him off.
"Okay okay. That was the last time, I swear."
As they came back, everybody had situated themselves to where to sleep. All the kids slept in El's room, Hopper insisted Joyce take the bed while he was on the couch, and Steve and Jonathan were on the living room floor, where they had put a bunch of blankets for cushion.
They all let you have your privacy tonight. As you got ready for bed, you grabbed the jean jacket that had been thrown on your chair only a week ago. Billy had forgot it, and when you put it on as a joke, he said that you should have it. That you looked cute in it.
You put it on. It smelled like him, and felt comforting like him. It made you think of the memories you have with him. You could almost feel him brush your hair away from the back of your neck, giving it loving kisses. You could almost smell his cigarettes, when he tried to kiss you, but you were quick enough to dodge it and kiss him on the cheek.
Would any of that have still happened if he had known from the start? Would he had still loved you? Maybe it was really just a lie?
Billy went to his bedroom and opened his bottom drawer. He took out the small teddy bear with a leather jacket on and cigarette in hand, which you called Damien. He opened his top drawer and took out the polaroid pictures of you. Some were just of you smiling, some had the both of you, and some were of you unaware that he was taking pictures. There were also a few naughty polaroids of you, but Billy suddenly felt like he shouldn't be looking at you so exposed, so he put those back.
He laid down on his bed, with the polaroid pictures of you spread out next to him, and with Damien in his arms. He snuggled his head into the bear, and silently cried.
Billy was never really a crier. He would get choked up sometimes when he was being vulnerable with you, but never full on cried. He always had you to make him feel better. You'd clean off the blood from his face, and put some Band-Aids on him. You even bought him a first aid kit for his car. He can almost feel you lean up to kiss his forehead, tracing your thumb over his jaw. He could remember the gentle hugs you gave, so gentle it was almost as if you were afraid to hurt him.
You never messed with his head. If you had then those crappy feelings about himself and his dad would go away, but they never fully did. Even around you, he had some anxiety that he'd mess things up. If you really were controlling him, wouldn't he just have been happy all the time?
It wasn't a lie. You weren't lying.
As you were in your bed and recalled your fond memories with Billy, you decided that this was your fault. You shouldn't have dated in the first place. All you did was drag a good person into your life and issues, and that was selfish of you. Billy would be your one and only love, but you needed to give that up.
As Billy was in his bed and recalled his fond memories with you, he decided that this was his fault. He should have listened more instead of getting angry. All you did was try to be happy with him like a normal couple, and he couldn't see past your flaws. That was selfish of him. You would be his one and only love, and he's not giving that up.
Tag List:
@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear @ellie2468 @sassysmiles @frozenhuntress67 @fansanctuary @homewrites @tearsforhan @waymorecake4me @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @dustyblueboo @grave-details @marvellover48 @i-want-to-shoot-myself @jjlizz
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