#(btw was feral zeke ever in the bad end friends? was that ever a thing? it should’ve been)
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i am unleashing these creechurs into the world. go forth, my children
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feralaot · 4 years
how'd the aot characters be like when drunk? i've once read a hc about this topic would like to hear it from you too! keep up the good work btw i love your blog!
ahh tysm lovely anon! I like this idea :) 
AOT characters + how they act when drunk 
warnings: alcohol, mentions of vomit, hangovers
season 4 time, all characters are adults
he can put back more than most, but is a massive angry drunk when he gets there. his voice gets louder and his face redder with every sip he takes. very high likelihood of getting into a fistfight, especially with jean if he’s unlucky enough to be in the vicinity. will probably spend the next morning vomiting and mikasa has to be there the whole time to make sure he doesn’t pass out with his face in a toilet
doesn’t drink much because she pretty much has to act as eren’s wrangler for when he’s drunk. HOWEVER when she does drink she doesn’t drink a lot because it gives her killer headaches and she gets very touch averse. if someone so much as brushes against her she’ll lose her mind
do not, under any circumstance, let armin have alcohol. he’s the biggest lightweight, a featherweight, if you will. two shots and he’s already an emotional mess going on long rants about how beautiful nature is and how precious his friends are to him
connie and sasha
these chaotic little disasters are a two for one deal. they only ever drink when they’re together because it’s “a lot more fun” and by fun they’re probably going to try communicating with animals and/or inanimate objects. jean is the responsible one and always puts away sharp objects or things that could possibly be used as weapons because at some point sasha will inevitably attempt to demonstrate “hunting methods”
though he’s usually the semi responsible one and helps connie and sasha recover from hangovers, when he’s the drunk one he is BOUND to get everyone in trouble. tries to fight people, starts incoherent arguments, and by the end of the night he’s the one most likely to be arrested
so so emotional. she’ll see a flower and start crying about how beautiful it is. she uses her small size to her advantage and curls up in places ymir can’t reach, just becomes completely feral. giggly as all hell and asks so many questions bc her brain cells are just absolutely buzzing
really cocky and really flirty. compliments historia and her friends endlessly, going off about how great they are and how much she appreciates them, but THEN she’ll turn around and completely flame someone. everything she thinks about them is made very clear. doesn’t start fights herself but will ABSOLUTELY stand her ground. drunk eren tries to fight drunk ymir and he gets his shit wrecked
it depends. usually he’ll just be sprawled out on the couch completely dead to the world. a heap of misery. on bad days he’ll start rambling to people about his emotions (despite them not asking) then proceeds to deny it ever happened by the time he’s conscious again. gets very touchy and will cling onto bertholdt like a monkey while he drags him around because he literally will not let go. he gets really really hungry too and would probably eat an entire block of cheese by himself should he happen to get his hands on one
so sweet and kind, barely different personality-wise to his sober self. he doesn’t drink much himself but will have beers with reiner sometimes. despite not knowing what the hell is going on he’ll sit and listen intently to someone talking even though he can’t really understand, then proceed to compliment them on how smart they are and probably give them hugs against their will. as you can probably guess, this is usually reiner. he manages to fall asleep in really strange places while drunk. examples: squished into a closet, wedged between the fridge and the wall, etc. somehow his drunk self finds this comfortable
threatens to fight people but won’t actually do it unless she’s really angry for whatever reason. might just curl up on the couch and completely zone out, dead to the world, barely processing what’s going on around her. usually she refuses to move so it’s pretty normal for armin to have to pick her up and place her somewhere to recover. she’s the responsible one in the trio while sober however and will babysit bertholdt and reiner while they’re crying and holding each other or something
levi, erwin, and hange
neither levi or erwin get drunk drunk but will have glasses of wine together while gossiping about other scouts. meanwhile, hange is collapsed somewhere, probably face down in a potted plant. eventually levi and erwin have to flip a coin to decide which one of them is gonna be the one to drag hange out of their predicament and place them somewhere a little more comfortable where they can sleep. hange is barely conscious but laughing really loudly the whole time
porco and pieck
they really don’t like drinking, porco because he doesn’t want to do something he regrets and pieck because she doesn’t want to embarrass herself. and, of course, neither of them want to have to deal with the pain afterwards. HOWEVER if porco were to drink he would be 1. really fucking rude and probably mad at people for nothing and 2. sleepy as hell. literally just... he yells at someone and curses them out then goes straight to bed. he sleeps in weird positions while intoxicated and will somehow be sleeping peacefully while contorted like a cat. pieck on the other hand would be 1. very affectionate and kind and 2. somehow completely feral at the same time. she can’t stand on two legs while drunk and will often be laying on the ground just dead to the world (and sometimes people do actually check if she’s still alive)
I feel like he’s always at least slightly intoxicated. would probably hide a bottle of whiskey in an absolutely-not-conspicuous paper bag and write “work documents” on the outside of it with a marker. he’s very deadpan and monotone so his drunkenness could be mistaken for indifference. unfortunately he has the alcohol tolerance of a tank so it takes a lot for him to get pass-out-on-the-ground drunk. he also gets REALLY hungry so the other warriors have to hide their lunches from him because he will absolutely consume everything in his path
is probably very quiet and kind of just stands there like some kind of cryptid. will just linger and watch people. would probably try to hide herself behind a lamp post but, of course, everyone can see her. she refuses to believe that she can be seen however and despite being fucking huge she thinks she’s a master at hiding. has swan dived into a bush to “hide” on more than one occassion
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