#(btw these are horrible and my last attempt at gifs in this fandom)
heavensenthale · 2 years
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us Derek girlies (gn) have been living on crumbs for so many years... y’all couldn’t do it
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baseballbitch116 · 5 years
My Hero
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x reader
Request: “Would you be so kind to do one where Emmett and the reader are together? Like she is getting bullied or harrassed and Emmett comes to her rescue and pampers her? Btw I love your work please keep it up!!!”
Word Count: 1005
Warnings: Bullying - may be triggering for some readers
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To say that some of your “friends” and classmates were jealous when you began going out with the big, sexy, mysterious muscle mass that is Emmett Cullen - would be an understatement. When the two of you went public, everyone was beyond shocked. When you stepped out of his car for the first time, everyone stared unashamedly. Girls glared at you, guys watched in awe. The people who you had considered friends ignored you, and new people tried to pretend to be your friend just so that they could try to get close to Emmett.
The feeling was horrible.
After about two weeks, everyone seemed to adjust to the idea that not only did Emmett Cullen have a girlfriend, but it was you. Almost everyone, that is.
Some of the more popular girls in your grade could not let it go. They would flirt with him at his locker or in class, follow him around like a lost puppy. And whenever he would ignore them and go off to find you, it seemed to infuriate and determinate them even more.
You stood at your locker as you gathered your items, beyond ready to head home for the day. It seemed like it drug on forever, and right not you really just need to relax with Emmett. However, he was in the nurse’s office with Edward, making sure that Bella was not hurt from that kid almost squishing her with his truck - and that their secret was safe.
Suddenly, your locker door slams shut, nearly on your fingers, and you jump back - startled and frightened. “What does he even see in her?” Ginger, one of the more popular girls in your grade, speaks aloud.
Beside her stands Allison, head of the cheer squad, smirking grossly at you. “She’s so... plain Jane. I mean, look at her hair. It’s never styled. And you barely wear makeup... Your clothes are so prudish.. Come on girl, show some skin.” She taunts, tugging at your T-shirt.
You swat her hand away and pull your books up to your chest, attempting to remain straight faced, despite her hurtful words.
“He could do so much better. I just don’t get it.” Ginger continues, crossing her arms as she looks you up and down.
“Maybe she’s just his little slut.” Allison adds, Ginger nodding her head at the comment.
“Leave me alone.” You mutter, feeling your eyes beginning to burn at the tears threatening to fall.
“Why? Can’t take a little criticism? What is it? Huh? Why would he pick you, out of every girl in this school, why you? There’s gotta be some explanation.” Ginger continues, taking a hostile step toward you.
Before you can attempt to retaliate, a large arm is thrown over your shoulder, causing you to jump again. However, it’s only Emmett - although he certainly doesn’t look happy.
“Did I hear you correctly or were you actually bullying my girlfriend..?” He questions, glaring down at Ginger. He is easily a foot taller than her, and she actually looks a little intimidated by him. You put a hand on his chest and look up at him, his eyes diverting to look at you. “They aren’t worth it, just take me home.” You mutter, not in any mood to start a fight or make anyone dislike you more than they already do. He shoots one last dirty look at the girls as he takes your bag from you, placing it over his own muscular shoulder, and dropping his arm back over you.
“Stay away from her.” He warns, then starts guiding you toward the front door, eager to get you home and make you feel better.
You don’t say another word until you reach his jeep, where Jasper and Alice are already waiting. “What happened?” Jasper asks, obviously feeling how distraught you were and angry Emmett was.
“Nothing, doesn’t matter.” You insist as you open the passenger door and slide into the car, placing your books in your lap and resting you head against the door.
“Some girls were picking on her. Because of me.” Emmett explains quietly, making his angry voice sound husky. You feel your mood lightening and are momentarily confused - then you turn and shoot a look at Jasper, who gives you an apologetic half-smile.
“Guys, I’m fine. It’s nothing new, everyone thinks it. We all know it. Can we just please get out of here?” Emmett sighs and hops into the car, Alice and Jasper following suit, and he speeds out of the parking lot. No more words are exchanged, and Jasper leaves your emotions be. You try your best not to let what they said effect you, but you can’t help but agree with them. Why would Emmett choose you over all the other girls in your school?
As if he could tell what you were thinking, Emmett places his large right hand on your thigh, brushing his thumb lovingly over it and glancing over at you as he drives.
“Nothing they said was true. You are perfect for me, I am the luckiest guy out there.” He mutters, taking your hand into his own and bringing it up to his lips, placing a sweet, chaste kiss on the back of your palm. You can’t help but blush and smile at his sweet words, nodding your head to say that you believe him.
“And I am the luckiest girl.” You respond, interlocking your fingers with his, admiring his gorgeous grin as he keeps his eyes on the road. You feel your mood has lightened once again, but this time due to Emmett’s sweetness - and you decide to let everything they said go. Who cares what they think? All that matters is what Emmett does, and he thinks the world of you. He chose you over them, that’s something to feel proud of. And you are here sitting in his car, on your way back to his house, where he is going to focus his undivided attention on you - so that’s enough payback that those girls need anyway. ;)
Let me know if you’d like to be added to one of my taglists!
Also, I just wanna say that I do not condone bullying AT ALL and if anyone ever feels like they need someone to talk to, my inbox is open. Everyone is special in their own ways and nobody deserves to ever be made feel unimportant and lesser in value. If you are going through something like this, please talk to someone you can trust and do your best to ignore whatever they say about you. If you stay strong, no one can take that from you. <3
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