#(because he looks cool as hell and jayce loves him anyway
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br-disaster · 17 days ago
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and they lived happily ever after
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years ago
Basically Zero {Viktor x Reader}
Pairing: Viktor x Reader Warnings: a couple of swears Rating: T Fandom: Arcane Proofread: heck no Genre: Fluff
Summary: Viktor is snowballing, and unable to figure out why you love him. You try your best to help him.
He’s been distant with you lately, spending longer days and longer nights tucked away in the lab. In the past, you might have chalked it up to a higher work load; pressure from sponsors to squeeze out more and more new technology. But you hadn’t had more work dumped on you - more papers to sort, more notes to copy and make legible - and you’d seen Jayce on multiple occasions on your days off.
Viktor was a workaholic: you knew this when you confessed your feelings to him, you knew this when you started dating, you knew this when you agreed to marry him. It wasn’t something about him you ever sought to change - though you did try to encourage healthier habits when it came to caring for himself - nor did you want to change him. You loved him as he was - his mind, his heart, and his body.
But he’d always made time for you. Dates and entire days off were rare, but he’d still always found a moment to spend just the two of you: whether it be a quick lunch in the lab, pillowtalk as you were both falling asleep, or quiet conversation while you studied. 
Which is why you don’t understand his sudden coolness towards you.
You wrack your brain trying to figure out if you’d done something to upset him, but you’re unable to come to a revelation. Hell, even if you had done something, Viktor wasn’t the kind of person to give you the silent treatment - he cared about you too much to shut you out and punish you for a mistake. 
You know something is bothering him, whether it’s to do with you or not, and as much as you want to let him work through his emotions in a way that suits him, you hate to see him running himself into the ground in the process.
You miss him.
“Viktor?” you ask the following afternoon, when Jayce heads out for lunch with Mel and leaves you and your boyfriend to work in silence.
He hums in response, an indicator that he’s only sort of listening, but you continue anyways, “Are you alright?” You try to keep your tone neutral and non-confrontational, but still imply your concern; a vain effort on your part, as he hums again and mumbles something along the lines of ‘yes, everything is fine’.
You sigh quietly, and scoot your chair closer to him. “Are you sure?” you ask again, softer this time. “Because…well, our work is kind of slow right now. If I’m being honest, I’m twiddling my thumbs a bit this week, and I’m pretty much done all of my duties- that’s not to say that I have as much work as you guys do, but Jayce is out for lunch with Mel and-”
You pause for a moment, fully aware of the fact that you’re rambling. “What I mean is…you’ve barely been home. I see you in the day, yeah, but we’re working. I’ve slept alone for two weeks, and we haven’t had lunch together…we’ve barely even had a conversation.”
He doesn’t look at you, choosing to stay focused on the strange little trinket in his hands, and your heart sinks.
You don’t know why your emotions overtake you, especially since you’d started your inquiry off so strong, but they do; in a fraction of a second, your throat tightens and tears sting your eyes, burning thin trails down your cheeks.
“If I’ve done something, please just tell me, instead of shutting me out.”
His tinkering movements cease all at once, and he finally, finally looks at you. His surprise quickly falls away into guilt when he sees you barely holding yourself together, and he sets his little project down in lieu of gesturing you closer.
“You haven’t done anything, my love,” he tells you, wrapping his arms around you when you scoot closer. You sniffle pathetically, and he squeezes you a little tighter. “I’ve…just been busy…”
“With what?” you ask. “What could possibly be taking only your time, and not mine or Jayce’s? I just…” you lean heavier against him. “I just want you to talk to me. Tell me if you’re going to be busy…or if you’re using business as an excuse to avoid something-”
“I’m not avoiding anything-”
“Really? Because usually when you’re just busy, I don’t have to fight so hard for a simple conversation.”
Both of you are quiet for several moments, and with your ear against his chest, you can hear the way his heart quickens at your accusation. You wonder if you’ve overstepped, pushed too far or looked to deeply at crumbs that aren’t there…until something warm hits your cheek.
You frown in concern, trying to wiggle away to get a good look at your boyfriend’s face, but he holds you fast where you are.
“It’s fine-”
“You’re crying, Viktor,” you gently chastise. “Clearly, it’s not okay. Talk to me.”
It takes him a couple seconds to compose himself, but no amount of time could prepare you for the question he has.
“Why do you love me?” he asks, his voice shaky and bordering on hopeless. “I’ve thought about it for so long now, and…I cannot find an answer. Every quality I can see in myself can be replicated in someone better - someone who can go on long walks with you, and take you on dates, and spoil you every night like you deserve to be, and…you’ve still ended up with me.”
Every word he speaks, the deeper your heart aches for him. How unkind the world has been to him, to give him such a harrowing perspective on himself - and how wholly you brim with rage. You squirm in his grasp, and pull away. 
His face falls, and you know he thinks he’s finally managed to push you over the edge - spent too many late nights away from you, dumped too many of his emotions on you, made himself into too much of a burden. And when you pull your engagement ring off your finger, you can see it in his eyes; the resolute acceptance that he’s finally lost your love.
“Do you see this ring?” you ask him, holding it close to his face. He watches you warily, as you slide it back onto your finger. “Did you know that you beat me to the punch when you asked me to marry you?”
His expression morphs into something you’ve come to describe as ‘cautiously confused’, and he shakes his head.
“Well…you did. Two days before I was going to ask you to marry me, you managed to get yourself onto one knee and toss a wrench in my plans.” You laugh wetly to yourself, wiping your sleeve across your face.
“I had a ring made, and I wrote a whole speech - it took me weeks to figure out, you know. I used math and probability and- and you know how terrible I am with that sort of thing. I can copy notes faster than anyone in Piltover, but numbers? No. I’m not good at numbers. But I wanted to do something for you that was special and corny because I love you.”
Tentatively, he takes one of your hands, and you’re quick to interlock your fingers with his. “You could have asked Jayce for help, no?”
“No!” you retort, “I couldn’t. Because I wanted it to be from me. My numbers, my math, my gift to you. Because you’re worth the trouble it caused me. You’re worth the headache, and the thirty seven pages I ended up using just to figure out the formula, and- you-”
You start sniffling again in earnest, and Viktor strokes his thumb over the back of your hand.
“May I…inquire the question you were going to such lengths to answer?” he asks, and with your free hand, you swiftly reach into the pocket of your trousers to pull out a slightly-worn, folded sheet of paper.
“The question,” you say, handing it to him, “was how likely it is that you and I exist at the same time, in the same place, and have interests that correlate so closely as to give us an opportunity to start talking.”
He takes the little square from you, and carefully unfolds it. You watch as his eyes trace over the various numbers and sets that you’d scribbled down, expanded formulas and graphite smears where you’d erased incorrect conclusions.
“The chance that you or I would ever exist is…uh…one in…in…the number ten, followed by two point seven million zeroes. And the fact that both of us have those odds to exist, and we exist together? Viktor, that’s a number so small it’s basically zero.”
You can see his eyes getting misty again as he reads over your sloppy math, and you squeeze his hand that’s still holding yours. “And despite those odds, I still got to meet you, and fall in love with you, and have you love me in return. Do you…do you realize how close to a miracle that is?”
He sets the paper down on the desk beside him, and reaches out for your other hand. You give it to him without question, and he immediately brings your knuckles up to his lips to lay a warm kiss upon them.
“I still do not understand why you’ve chosen me,” he mumbles, and when you open your mouth to argue, he continues, “But I will not question such a gift again.”
You gently take his face in your hands, and pull him closer to kiss him in earnest, soft and comforting.
“We can work on the rest,” you promise him. “We can fight against whatever forces make you question my love for you - be it your expectations, or the expectations of others, or…hell, even that shitty librarian who always gives us dirty looks. I’ll punch her, Viktor. I’ll punch her if it means you’ll feel better.”
He lets out an amused snicker, and you both devolve into quiet laughter, falling easily into each other’s arms once again.
And then, when you’re finally comfortable and relaxed at his side, he mumbles, “You really should have had Jayce check your math, though. I can barely read these numbers.”
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aaronhart93-archive · 5 years ago
discord II text Roman & Aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron and @romanbeckett​
Mentions: @davieslandon​ @malakhai-ozera​ @jayceelynd​ @alison-haynes​
Where: Aaron is at his house and Roman is at his house.
When: evening of May 26th-monrning of May 27th, 11:30p-2:30a
Description: Roman texts Aaron and they talk all night until they both fall asleep
Trigger Warnings: smut, what I would imagine harry’s peen to look like, really cute shit
Khai broke up with me, so. With us.
with Jay and I. And he left.
oh my god...im sorry Ro
Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.
what did he say? Like why...?
He told us that he loved us but needed time to work on himself or whatever.
I don’t know Khai that well but it does seem like he’s got a lot of shit to figure out
how are you doing with it?
and jayc? Should I reach out to her or....does she not know we’re talking
you can talk to her if you want. I think we both just don’t really know how to feel to be honest.
im sorry
i hope he's okay
and i hope you and Jayc are okay too
don’t be lol honestly Aaron, I set myself up for it the second I agreed to close myself off, knowing all of the issues I need to work through as well
contrary to popular belief, I’m far from having it all figured out.
that makes two of us
that was quick tbh
Yeah. I just feel like an idiot.
what no....thats not what i meant
how are you
okay....no please dont feel like an idiot. its his fault not yours
im....okay....getting better than i was last week
miss you though not gonna lie
I miss you, too. A lot.
im sorry
idk why i am i just feel like i need to apologize
you have nothing to be sorry for lol at all
if anything, I’m sorry.
for bringing you into all this drama
and making you eat at a Chinese buffet lol
making me eat at a Chinese buffet is the only thing you have to be sorry for
i inserted myself into this mess as well. and didn't pull out once i realized who you were to landon
does it make me immature if I laugh at you saying you didn’t pull out once?
I might just be high, but now I can’t stop laughing lol
im sober and laughing so
well not sober
i had a few drinks
everyone knows you’re a lightweight Aaron, stop tryin’ to be sly lol
who you callin a lightweight, lightweight?
only when I haven’t eaten anything LIGHTWEIGHT
michelle tanner voice
You miss me. Just a reminder.
you miss me
another reminder
I’m not the one calling you rude lol
you called me out for being a lightweight and i retaliated
forgive me
you’re in denial is what you are :fingerguns2:
but I’ll forgive you.
idk you'd think for how much i drink i'd have a higher tolerance
i need therapy
probably lol I’ll go with you
lol couples counseling?
I actually think it would be quite funny to see what they have to say about US
i need a therapist to tell it like it is
then again i do have ali
that woman calls me out on my shit literally daily
maybe shes just a free therapist
LMAO that’s...amazing. I like her already.
she do be driving me up a wall
shes family
Ah, family. I’ve been trying to get my sister here, but she’s being an ass lol
who wouldn’t want to move to New York
satans demons.
whats keeping her from coming?
she’s not as hellbent on big cities as I am lol
city life has always been for me
arent you from manchester? is that not a big city?
it’s not New York lol
she lives in the country now though.
no city is new york
exactly lol
what are you doing
besides getting high
I’m naked on the couch eating cherry gilato while watching good mythical morning on YouTube
i would very much like to be naked on a couch with you
I painted my nails and did a facial first lol i could do yours as well
ill take the facial
i couldn't pull off the nails though
you’d look so kickass with some black nails
you think?
hell yes. Even a sky blue, like those eyes
i blush
maybe we can try the toe nails first
in case I end up hating them
OH, I’m also trained in Swedish massage, head to toe. If you want a personal spa day
that would just give me a boner
well, it’s a FULL body massage after all.
dont tempt me
Aaron. I just.
is it bad that I don’t want to stay away from you anymore?
that’s a dumb question
I know it’s bad.
its not dumb
I don’t want to stay away from you either
but I promised Landon
I know. So did I.
You’re right, I’m sorry.
he’s my best friend
dont be sorry
im glad you’re being honest with me
I just don’t see Landon being okay with this anytime soon
I know! I know. He’s mine too, and I care about him more than I care to admit. I shouldn’t be like this.
damn this is fucked up
I shouldn’t have said anything
I wish this could be easier
im the one that started with the boner references
Not really. I offered you a massage
okay yes but
I told you I wanted to be naked with you
because I said I was naked
I just don’t want you blaming yourself that’s all
I know, but it is what it is. I made a mess of everything, and now everything I had is ruined lol I deserve it.
I’m sad you think so little of yourself
I don’t. It’s just consequences. I made bad decisions, and now I have to deal with the consequences. That’s all. It’ll all be okay.
I wish I could make you feel better
you already do. I promise.
I just smiled
show me?
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omg bad idea my heart
you’re so fucking jahshsbzjdndjendj
I’m mad at you
for looking like that
Well i can’t stop thinking about u
let me just
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yeah I kept drinking
and as we’ve established I’m a lightweight
okay I showed you a selfie now you should be a selfie
oh yeah? Trying to boss me around again are ya?
do what daddy says
Roman.BOTToday at 2:02 AM
yes daddy.
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brb gotta go jack off
not kidding
you don’t need a better picture than that to do the deed
??? Lolll
I mean....you could send me some
Roman.BOTToday at 2:09 AM
Does this help?
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holy fuck
ugh I wanna fuck you so bad
and put all of you in my mouth
I want it too. I shouldn’t, but I do. I want you to fuck me with my hands tied behind my back, and you pulling on my collar from behind.
fuck don’t put those thoughts in my head or I’ll act up
I wanna tie you up so bad
and punish you for being so naughty
I’d want to call out your name so loud, but you’d have to let me.
you can’t do anything without my permission
I’ll do my best daddy. You know I like to make you proud.
Ro I just came into a sock so hard
I want you so bad but the fact I can’t have you makes that even hotter to me
forbidden fruit, hm?
you’re my forbidden fruit for sure
wish I could have been there to help
you did enough helping trust me
are we terrible people lol
I know
we are
im trying though
so that’s gotta count for something
I hope it does, for both our sakes lol
if this doesn’t work out we can always be together in hell
that sounds like a rightful ending
at least I’ll be tan.
we’ll both be hot and tan chilling in hell together
and we can fuck all we want
sounds like the next big Netflix series.
could you imagine a Netflix series about us
no, I’m scared to lol it would be more insane than Tiger King
you think our lives are more insane than Tiger King?!?
scary, right??
thats definitely...quite the comparison
I would have loved to have seen your face watching it for the first time
watching that together would have been so fun
I can picture us watching that and freaking out together
maybe one night we’ll trip acid and watch it again
confession I’ve never tripped before
do it with me!
I mean yeah I used to do a lot of coke when I got drunk and sometimes still do but that been the extent of my drug use
hahaha I will trip with you, Roman Beckett
aces! Just tell me when and where, and it’s a plan!
but yeah let’s do it this weekend
I’m British you knob. Shut up lol
I know MATE I was making fun of you
sends long audio clip making fun of Aaron’s New York accent
I do say that though
I know, I’ve listened to you talk enough
it’s cute though
ready for bed?
just about
I was gonna go to bed a while ago but wanted to keep texting you
tuck me in lol
do u want me to tell you a bedtime story
yes, but make it snappy
and I want warm milk
so bossy
but okay
you know I’m spoiled.
that must’ve been my fault
okay Des like this one:
By the African river, know as the Nile The sun fell away and it rested a while The rhinos had braved all the smoldering heat They lay down to sleep as they wiped off their feet The elephants marched to their elephant beds And gently they rested their elephant heads Slowly the hippos sank into the river The water so cold that it gave them a shiver (Hippos can't swim, like the pelicans think They also can't float, they could easily sink) The hippos went bathing in cool, shallow pools Thinking the rhinos and elephants fools Underwater, they fell to the soft river bed On darkish green plants with a smidgen of red They strolled on the bottom, then bounced up for air They did it for hours, without any care The fish followed closely, and wove in an out Under their belly, and up to their snout Each of the hippos came up to the shore To feed on the grass by the river once more They dried off their bodies by shaking and stomping And took bites of grass, chewing and chomping With night fading fast, they were full from the feast The sun returned back, rising up form the east The hippos crept off to collapse for the day While rhinos and elephants got up to play Enjoying the warmth of the sun and its light Never knowing the story of hippos at night
just read it in my New York accent you’re so good at
goodnight Lois
that was perfect. Goodnight Clark.
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prodigall · 6 years ago
In defense of the Battle Academy skin choices:
So, in wake of the wake of the new Battle Academy skins dropping I’ve seen a LOT of people getting mad about things like Lux and Ezreal getting more skins, their favorite champs not being in the skin-line, stuff like that. For the most part those complaints are all valid, I understand them, but I do think it’s not fair to get mad at riot for this specifically because a lot of their choices make a lot sense and the ones that don’t are really small, so, I’m just gonna...go over the list and state my two cents.
All the complaints basically stem from “these champions shouldn’t have more skins, it should have been somebody like Taliyah”  this is probably the most widespread complaint, and whilst its true, neither need new skins, it’s totally understandable why they got them.  First: Since Ezreal got reworked, he was always going to be getting a new epic or better skin soon-ish, without question. Every champion thats been reworked in the past 2 years got a skin some time after their rework, this isn’t a new practice, the day the rework got announced I stated that Ezreal would be getting a new skin soon because of it, then when Riot said they were making a skin-line inspired by Shonen anime I said “without question, Ezreal will probably get a legendary skin in this skinline and be the focal point of it.” To a multitude of people, Riot are on record as saying Ezreal was DESIGNED around Shonen anime tropes from the beginning, there are lots of ‘anime’ characters in League, like Yasuo and, yeah, Lux (we’ll get to that) but for what riot were actually trying to DO with this skin line? It was always going to be Ezreal, there was never any doubt in my mind. I know a lot of people think Pajama guardian counts as his skin but...no, it really doesn’t, its basically just a chroma, thats why it’s half price if you already OWN Star Guardian, so it doesn’t count. Second: Keeping in mind Ezreal was going to be the focal point of this skinline inspired by ANIME, all the characters around him needed to fit into anime tropes, because recently for their big ‘alternate universe’ skins Riot have been focusing more on a whole narrative to go with them rather than ‘oh this would be cool’, so they had more of a plan for the champs they picked keeping in mind Ezreal is the ‘protagonist’ (because he totally is). The ones Riot went for were:  Rugged teacher who cares about his students but isn’t super affectionate (Graves) Popular kid who is a best friend/elder sibling figure to the protagonist (Jayce) Principle who is a parental figure to the protagonist after some event in their past (Yuumi) Small scale antagonist who will later go on to be an anti-hero then full hero designed to be a prominent threat in early arcs to help establish characters (Katarina) And of course, the love interest (Lux) Keeping that in mind, Lux wasn’t just on the table for this skinline, she was GUARANTEED to be in it. Say what you want about EzLux, I personally am not that into it, but the fact is that riot like it, so much so that they outright made it canon in this universe, you can have your ships, you can like LuxJinx, you can Like EzSona, or whatever, but as far as riot are concerned , Lux and Ezreal are Riots golden couple (with Xayah and Rakan), they’ve been one of two pairings they EVER acknowledge in canon for basically their entire life span, and they do it BLATANTLY. It’s not surprising at all this happened. Third: The Narrative is actually pretty relevant to the choices they made here, and the big one that I think totally invalidates Taliyah as even a possibility is that this is a school of WEAPON users. All of the champions they picked have weapons of some kind and Ezreal states in his voicelines that they all use ‘god-weapons’ AKA the narrative of this skin-line is entirely centered around those weapons as of the moment, so that means EVERY champion who isn’t a weapon user were never eligible from the start. Would champions like Taliyah suit this skinline conceptually? 200%, I’d love to see it for the next batch if they make more and change up a few things lore wise, but given the fact they clearly have an overarching plot and concept behind this school at foundation level? she just doesn’t really work right now. Sorry.
Fourth: Okay real talk Riot dropping champs that don’t need skins into new skinlines isn’t new and never has been thats just smart business. Lets say they put all these resources towards making SIX new skins, with a whole new universe to accompany them, with no guarantee it’ll be popular, and decide to put champions that need new skins in there EXCLUSIVELY.  Then, the new skinline drops on the main server and nobody likes them and they’ve wasted their time. The fact is for as long as I can remember, when Riot launch a new skinline they ALWAYS make sure at least 50% of the champions in it are the POPULAR ones they know will bring in profit regardless of if people like the skinline as a whole, This time it was Ez Lux and Kat, K/DA had Ahri and Kai’sa, Oddyssey had Jinx Yas Sona and kind of Kayn, Star guardians did it TWICE with Lux and Jinx (releasing at different times admittedly) then they did it a SECOND TIME with Ezreal and Ahri, its not until the second batch where they go for more out there less popular champions and thats been their business practice with stuff like this for as long as I can remember. I get why people are complaining but the fact is if it wasnt these champs? it still would have been 50% champs who don’t need it like Yi Fifth: The fact is that a lot the champions picked , as usual with large skinline drops like this, all fill a different role, thats pretty normal Ez: ADC Lux: Mage Mid/Supp Kat: Assasin Mid Graves: Jungler Jayce: Top Yumi: Support If we push Yumi to the side for a second, each champ fulfills one role in a game each. Riot for a while now have been making it so if a new Champ releases with a new skin line beside them, or an update to said skin line, they make that new champs on release skin part of said skin line for convenience sake, so we can probably assume that the inital skin choices were made not counting Yumi who might not even have been RELEASED by that point if she wasn’t done yet, and if she was done she’d be added. So it was probably a an intentional choice to make sure they didn’t overlap in roles until Yumi came out in which case Lux and Kat could probably overlap. With that said, and keeping in mind the aforementioned NARRATIVE role they were meant to fulfill, the pool becomes a lot smaller. The big one here being Graves, because he’s the one I haven’t fully accepted myself, I normally say Riot don’t like releasing multiple skins within a year for the same champion unless they were already making one when the worlds winners said they wanted another, thats the only acception, but along comes Graves like “second skin in 6 months baybee” which is kinda weird, so keeping that in mind, I did some research to find every jungler (cos this needed to be a jungler) who was also going to be able to fit into the rugged not nice but still cares teacher role they still had open, who ALSO had a weapon. (For reference here I mean actual jungle picks not your random off meta pick, I’m looking at you jungle Lucian, you don’t count). Not even COUNTING the fact they also had to fit into the character _archetype_ they still had open, do you know how many choices there actually were? 7 Max, and thats if you count Pantheon and Diana which not everybody does. The full list of choices with the role they still had open was  Graves, Jarvan, Jax, Pantheon (?) Diana (?) , Vi or Xin, when you take into account that they also had to come off as a bit more rugged, old enough to be a teacher, and serious and not in a nice way, its down to Graves and MAYBE Jax. This is one I’M still on the fence about, but with context I think that it being Graves isn’t...overwhelmingly shocking.  Kat is much more open and close, the roster for midlane assassins is pretty big so they just went with Kat cos out of all the assassin mids who was a WOMAN she’d waited the longest for a new skin (that yeah, she doesn’t need) and they just went with her so there was an even amount of representation between men and women in the skin line...that’s kind of it really. So, anyway that’s my two cents, I get that people will always be mad when champions like Ez and Lux and Kat get new skins, if it weren’t for the fact Ezreal is my favorite champion and shonen anime is like my favorite thing I’d probably be a little bit mad to but, as ALWAYS happens with new skinlines, the people who got skins for their mains will always have bias but I hope this didn’t come off as to apologetic? I really do hope that if these skins continue champions like Kayn Ekko and Taliyah and hell maybe Zoe get a chance to shine in it, but as it is now I find it really hard to really get mad about who they picked.
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leisurelypanda · 8 years ago
Here We Go Again chapter 4
They managed to make an appointment with Michael’s ob-gyn, Dr. Whittaker for the following Thursday. In the next couple days, Craig was a bundle of excitement. He spent some time upstairs, trying to decide whether he should have the new child sleep in River’s room with her or whether they should convert the spare room into a second nursery. Michael thought that it was a bit early to be planning anything until they knew how far along he was, but he honestly loved how ecstatic the idea of having another child made his bro. He remembered his first interaction with Joseph and how he had joked that anyone with more than 2 kids had to be crazy. Now he worried whether he might be crazy himself. They had Amanda, who was in college. They had the twins, who were in elementary school. River would be 2 by the time he gave birth, she’d be starting to walk and talk and everything.
 He hoped that it was a boy, honestly. They had 4 girls already. And he loved all of them (especially Amanda, but who could blame him? He raised her himself), but he honestly was curious as to what it would be like to have a son (whether he was born that way or came out later in life). He could imagine Craig teaching him how to play sports the way he taught his daughters how to play softball (he only knew the basics about soccer, which was enough to kick the ball around with the girls). He saw himself and Amanda teaching him to be a rebellious rascal.
 They hadn’t told the kids yet. It was still too soon. That said, nearly everyone who saw Craig knew that he was even more happy and boisterous than he usually was. It was infectious, really. His personal apprehension at being pregnant again was mitigated somewhat by his bro’s enthusiasm. He honestly could not have asked for a better partner to have another child with. He knew, of course, that there were lots of people who had children later in life and were completely fine. But he had lived so long with the message that pregnancy was dangerous later in life that he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong. It was a huge help that Craig’s boundless optimism and enthusiasm for the situation was so predominant.
 By the time the day of the ob-gyn appointment arrived, Michael was a lot steadier and calmer than he had been when he first received the positive result. Craig went with him, of course. For moral support. The official test echoed the over-the-counter tests and Michael’s doctor, Dr. Whittaker, did a general health assessment to determine the risk of complication during the pregnancy. Michael, it turned out, was about 4 or 5 weeks pregnant.
 “You seem much healthier than the last time you scheduled a visit with us,” she remarked. “I’m generally optimistic about your prognosis.”
 “So there’s no risk?” Michael asked.
 “Well there’s always some risk,” she said. “but I would say that your risk is largely minimal.”
 “See, dude?” Craig beamed. “All that running and working out is paying off.”
 “Your workout regimen should be scaled back, however,” Dr. Whittaker said. “Don’t overdo it.”
 “How much are we talking, here?” Craig asked.
 “30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 4 days a week is ideal,” she said. “Avoid heavy lifting. Avoid overheating while working out and saunas, hot tubs, and the like. Yoga sessions for pregnant people would be an excellent option.”
 They asked some a few more questions, when around the baby would be born, when they could find out the sex, dieting suggestions to help ensure Michael’s health. When they were done, she handed them a schedule that had visits twice a month every month for the first 6 months and then every week for the last 3 months. As they left the office, Michael felt more optimistic about the situation than he had in days. He was actually a little excited to be pregnant again.
  2 weeks after the ob-gyn visit, Michael decided the worst part about being pregnant, aside from the whole throwing up every morning thing, was that he had to limit his intake of caffeine. Which was sort of okay so far, since he hadn’t started feeling tired all the time, but he really hated not being able to drink coffee when he woke up in the morning so he could go into the world without hating literally everyone. The first time Craig said early in the morning that water was better for you anyway, Michael glared groggy, sleepy daggers at him over a mug of said water.
 Pregnancy sucks, he thought, sitting at his work desk bitterly wishing he could go get some fucking coffee. He was just tired. All. The. Time. Amanda didn’t give me this much trouble, he tried to telepathically communicate to their little hybrid bro growing in his uterus. Please have mercy on me.
 When he was pregnant with Amanda he hadn’t actually been that tired for most of the pregnancy. Just the last month or so. Which was hell, but that was expected. These days, the only way he woke up was by running to the bathroom early in the morning.
 He sighed and got back to work. And by work, he meant thinking up baby names for the baby because it was a slow day at the firm and he had finished all the busy work he had for the day. On the sheet of paper in front of him he had a column for boy names and one for girl names. The list of boy names was longer. Bryce. Dakota. Jeremy. Jordan. Aiden. Liam. Julian. Samuel. Landon. Adrian. Brayden. Bryson. Easton. Nolan. Hayden. Leo. Jayce.  Chase (the potential for puns would be amazing). Elias. Evan. Asher. Malcolm. Simon. Cameron. Mark. Hunter. Mason. Grayson.
 I should really go to human services and tell them that I’m pregnant so no one will be surprised by my frequent need to pee or see my doctor, he thought. That’ll burn, like 30 minutes of my time if I’m lucky. He looked at the clock. 2:30. Maybe I can just leave early to pick up the kids and go home. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
 Craig got home later that night to find no one home. There was evidence of the twins. Their backpacks were on the kitchen table, homework looked done. But they were nowhere to be found. Finally he heard laughing outside from the back yard and he went out to find his bro and tiny bros running around kicking a soccer ball in the dark with the porch lights on. Michael was carrying River around strapped to his chest, going a little more slowly than his girls so he wouldn’t exert himself. Craig just watched them play for a while. He could get used to seeing his bro and tiny bros running around together. It was a beautiful thing.
 Eventually one of them looked up and shouted, “Dad’s home!” They ran up to him and he knelt and grabbed them in one big hug, kissing their heads.
 “Hey tiny bros,” he said. “How was school, today?”
 “Briar ate a bug at recess,” Hazel said. “It was awesome!”
 “Nuh-uh!” she protested. “Hazel ate a bug and she’s trying to pin it on me!”
 “Hazel…” Craig said. “What have I told you about impersonating your sister?”
 “That it was impulsive and rude?” she asked.
 “Yes exactly,” Craig replied. “Except the exact phrase I used was, ‘don’t.”
 “I’m so proud of you,” Michael said. “Of your dad, not you Hazel. Don’t impersonate your sister.”
 Craig let them go and stood up to kiss his bro. “How are you feeling, bro? How was work?”
 Michael sighed into the kiss. “It was boring. I’m tired. I miss coffee. I looked up some baby names.”
 “Oh yeah, bro?” he asked, grinning. “Gimme a minute to change and get started on dinner. I wanna hear what you got.”
 Craig changed out of his business suit. Michael got out the paper with his list of names and read them aloud as he helped Craig cook dinner. And by help, he mostly just chopped vegetables to throw into the spaghetti. Craig listened and occasionally commented on ones he liked (not surprisingly, he liked any and all nature names). When he was done, Craig produced his list of names and they compared notes.
 “Craig, bro, babe, I’m not calling my child Forrest,” Michael insisted.
 “What’s wrong with Forrest?” Craig asked. “Forests are awesome!”
 “Until you get lost in one,” Michael countered, chopping some mushrooms.
 “Whatever, bro. Nature is cool. Nature names are cool,” Craig said. “And may I remind you of how we started dating in the first place?”
 “I’m not saying I disagree with you, just not with Forrest,” Michael replied. “And if you ask me, that’s all the more reason to not name our child that. Who wants to be named after the place where their parents first had sex? That would scar them.”
 “Bro, I think we need a third opinion.”
 “YOU’RE PREGNANT????” Amanda said calmly over the video chat thing. “Skype” the twins had called it. “POPS, I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY I WASN’T THE FIRST TO KNOW!!! Or, you know, at least the second. But why am I JUST NOW hearing about this?”
 “Well…” Michael said, “I was nervous about the whole thing so I didn’t want to tell you/make a general announcement until we were a few months along.”
 “I can respect that,” Amanda replied. “How far are you along, anyway?”
 “The doctor figures I’m about 6-7 weeks pregnant,” he said.
 Amanda nodded. “Yeah, I can see why you didn’t want to say anything. So what do you need my opinion on? I’m not giving up my room for the new kid.”
“No worries Manda Panda,” Michael said. “We already moved all your stuff back to the old house.”
 “Wait, really?” she said. “Then hell yeah the kid can have my room! I’ll have loud, obnoxious parties all summer and adopt, like 6 dogs!”
 “Nope, sorry kiddo,” Craig said. “We’re converting the spare room into another nursery. Briar and Hazel will room together.”
 “Well, as long as I get my own space, I’m happy,” she said. “What’s the question, now that we’ve gotten off topic?”
 “If the kid turns out to be a boy,” Michael said, “Craig wants to name him Forrest.”
 “No.” Amanda said. “My little brother will not be named Forrest.”
 “What do you two have against Forrest?” Craig demanded.
 “It’s kind of a boring name. No offense, Craig” Amanda said.
 “Thanks, Manda Panda,” Michael said.
 “We have to name him something nature themed,” Craig said. “I got a whole thing going with my kids.”
 “Craig, I hate to break it to you,” Michael said, “but most nature names are feminine names.”
 “So even though I’m all for breaking the gender binary,” he explained, “I also know what it’s like to be misgendered and I don’t want that for my kids, bro.”
 Craig thought for a moment. “I get where you’re coming from, bro,” he said. “I didn’t think about that.”
 Michael laid a hand on his. “We have plenty of time to figure out a name, bro,” he said. “We’ll figure it out.”
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mollyshaj · 8 years ago
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Walking out of the courtroom Tristan and I were all smiles, happy all of this bullshit was finally over. Today we were granted full custody of Damien, his mother couldn’t come near him unless she had Tristan’s permission. Her visitation was two Saturdays of every month and that was only if he wanted to go.
“We’re celebrating tonight.” Tristan told me as we walked down the hall.
We were about to make our way outside when Carmen outside yelling like a damn banshee. I wanted to turn around and cuss her ass out but I just left it alone. Plus Tristan damn near started dragging me when she started that shit. He already knew what it was and what was going to go down if she got anywhere near me and that can’t happen in a courthouse especially when I’m pregnant.
When we got in the car he looked at me while shaking his head. “Don’t shake your head at me like that. I didn’t do anything.”
“I’m not shaking my head at you, I was doing it because of that bitch. I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with her ass.”
“I’m with you on that one. Oh well, what you wanna do tonight since you wanna celebrate this shit.” I chuckled. Tristan is the only asshole that would celebrate some shit like this.
“I wanna barbecue; we’re going to do that. You had me buy that expensive ass grill and shit. We’re using that shit tonight.”
“Cool with me, I hope you don’t plan on telling Damien you’re having a damn cookout because he’s not with his mother anymore.”
“No, I mean I am happy I don’t have to deal with her like that but this is about a new beginning baby. We have custody of him; we’re married, got my little nigga on the way. We’re good, I’m trying to celebrate that shit.”
“Mhm yeah okay just two things.”
“I need to go food shopping and I need to go by my store so I can do the deposit and everything tonight. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and I don’t feel like waiting.”
“So you want me to drive you around to do it?’
“Nah I can handle it by myself. Just get us home so I can change clothes. What do you want at this damn barbecue of yours?”
“I’ll write you a list.” He smirked at me. I already knew that meant he was about to be a complete fat ass but it’s cool. He can have that, he’s just lucky I’m in a good mood.
When he got us to the house he got Jayce and Damien up so they could clean up. They weren’t doing anything but sleeping damn near all day since they were officially out for the summer. Shit if it was up to me both of them would have summer jobs.
While Tristan handled Chase I went and changed out of the uncomfortable ass pencil skirt and blouse I wore to court, into a t-shirt, a pair of leggings and sneakers. After brushing my hair up into a bun I grabbed my stuff and left the house so I could handle everything I needed to.
The first stop I made was at my store just to check on things. My store was definitely doing great business, so well I was thinking about opening up another store in a new location. Even though I had a lot of designer things in my store I made sure to have affordable clothes too. I’ve been through too much in my life and struggled too hard for me to turn my back on off brand clothing. I wanted to make sure any and everybody could shop here and it was making me a lot of money.
I got the money for the deposit then went to the bank before making my way to the grocery store. That’s when I called Tristan and told him to text me everything he wanted to eat and this nigga had a laundry list of things.
He wanted steaks, chicken, pork chops, ribs, shrimp, and some more stuff. The only reason I didn’t have a problem getting everything is because I want all of that stuff too. I was about to hit 12 weeks and this little boy has me eating everything in sight.
Ebony and Nicole swear I’m going to have another girl but I already know I have a boy. With Jayce and Chase I barely had any cravings, I really didn’t even feel pregnant until way after I found out. This time I’m hungry every five minutes, even when I’m not hungry I’m eating and all of the symptoms of pregnancy are on full blast this time.
Tristan is ecstatic about this pregnancy and that makes this whole situation better for me. We were about to have four kids in the house and from the way Tristan talks we won’t be done any time soon. This nigga actually wants to have three more after this one. Talking about seven is God’s lucky number. He’s lucky I don’t mind having all the babies he wants to. I actually love being a mother. We could go up to ten if he wanted to and I wouldn’t mind.
When I got home I went straight to the kitchen and cleaned then seasoned the meat so Tristan could start putting everything on the grill. After the meat was out of the way I got started on the sides.
“Ma,” Jayce came in the kitchen looking like she went on a shopping spree in my closet. “Can I use your charger?”
“Where is yours and why the hell do you have my clothes on? Stay out of my closet and you might as well change because I know for a fact Tristan is going to bitch about those shorts.”
“He bitches about everything I want.”
“Watch your mouth; we’re close but we’re not friends. Don’t curse when you’re talking to me. Go change into your own clothes and no little ass shorts either.”
“Can I invite somebody?”
“Who? Erica?”
“She’s coming but I was talking about Lucas, and his friend Derrick. I don’t want Erica feeling like a 3rd wheel.”
“Oh boy,” I shook my head. I personally didn’t have a problem with the boy, I think he’s a good but Tristan is a different story. He’s very protective over Jayce so seeing a boy here with her will not be easy for him to swallow. Then on top of that Kaylin and Rashad are going to be over here too and they’re no better.
“Are you sure you want him to come over? I don’t have a problem with it but you know how Tristan is.”
“Yes, and it’s not going to change anytime soon so why not get it out the way today. Besides, Lucas has been fully warned about him and his friends. Can he come please?”
“Fine Jayce, he can come. Don’t get mad when Tristan is damn near jumping down that boy’s throat. I already warned you.”
“I’m good mama trust me.” She came over and kissed my cheek. “What should I wear?”
“Something appropriate for a 15 year old that’s what. Stay out of my stuff while you’re doing that. Oh and let Erica know I don’t expect her to come over here with her ass all out either. If I don’t like what she has on I’m sending her ass straight home.”
“I know that and I already told her. She’s on her way right now but thank you ma.” She ran out of the kitchen with a huge smile on her face while I went to the backyard just to give this nigga some warning about them boys coming over here.
“Tristan, Jayce invited her friends over.” I went over to where he was working behind the grill.
“That’s fine with me, we got enough food. How many?”
“Three. It’s Erica and two boys.”
“Hold the fuck up,” he looked at me like I had two heads. “Boys? Who told her she could bring boys over here?”
“She asked if they could come and I told her they could.”
“Why would you do that? I’m trying to celebrate and have a good time tonight Mariah and now you about to have me out here watching some little nigga smiling all up in my daughter’s face.”
“She likes the boy, it’s not like they’re going on a date. They’re going to have their asses right up in this backyard where everybody can see them. Don’t sweat it, she’s the one who asked if they can come. She wants you to meet the boy, keep that in mind.”
“Yeah aight, that little nigga got one time to do or say some bullshit and I’m kicking his ass like I’m his daddy around this bitch.”
“Just chill out, keep your eye on her but give her some space too. She’s a smart girl alright, she knows what to do and what not to do.”
“I know that, you raised her right but I don’t know that little nigga and I’m not really feelin’ this idea but I’ll let it go.”
“Thank you, just relax yourself. She knows how to act and she knows what type of company to keep.” I kissed him on the lips then went back in the house.
Jayce was a brave one for even wanting her little friend to come over here because if I was in her position I would’ve been hiding him from Tristan’s mean ass…Then again hiding shit and sneaking around is how I got pregnant with her so young anyway.
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“Help me find something to wear.” I told my best friend Erica while we were in my room. I’ve been looking for the perfect outfit for what seems like forever but I kept coming up with nothing.
“What’s wrong with the shorts you have on? You look cute.”
“My mother told me to change, which I don’t mind doing because if I bring my ass down the steps with these shorts on and Lucas comes he’ll be right back out the door before niggas even eat.
“Yeah your parents don’t play. Well, it’s not that hot outside so you can just wear some jeans.”
“True, I’ll figure it out…You know he’s bringing Derrick right?”
“Yeah I know, that nigga text me telling me he was coming. He is so fine but he is so annoying.”
“I know what you mean. I just hope Lucas doesn’t clam up in front of my dad. Plus his friends are going to be here too and they’re just as bad.”
“And sexy, I’m sorry I know you hate when I say it but your pops is so damn fine. Oh my God…It should be a sin to be that damn fine.”
“That’s my daddy you’re over there lusting over. Eww.”
“Sorry,” she laughed. Erica is my girl. I met her as soon as we moved over here.
Our high school was majority white kids, it had to be about ten black kids in that school in total. The only girl that didn’t hate my ass was Erica, maybe it’s because she couldn’t really give a fuck about Lucas liking me. The rest of those broads were thirsty as hell for him so they turned into supreme haters when he started chasing me, the new girl.
“Yo you saw Naomi talking shit on twitter again? I swear to God I wanna punch that bitch in the throat so bad.”
“I don’t know what she said because she blocked me. It was about me again?”
“Yup, hating on the picture Lucas put up of y’all on the last day of school.”
“She acts like it’s my fault he doesn’t like her.” My biggest hater was this girl Naomi. Before I moved here Lucas was her boo, or so she says but he ended up dropping her ass like a bad habit after he met me. Now she pretty much hates me and talks shit every chance she gets.
“Haters are always going to be haters. It’s our jobs to embrace them and be proud of the fact that they hate. You think I give a fuck about Ashley’s boney ass liking Derrick? Nope. I don’t.”
“They can do whatever they want. As long as they don’t come at my neck stupid we’re fine.” I went through my closet until I figured out what I was going to wear. After I got dressed Erica and I went downstairs. Before I could go to the backyard Lucas was calling my phone telling me he and Derrick were outside so we headed out there to meet them.
“What’s up?” He hugged me before kissing me on the cheek causing me to blush.
Lucas was so damn fine it actually makes no sense. He was light skin, nice full lips, plus tall with a body like a basketball player. He kept his hair curly but he always made sure to get a good line up every other week. He was definitely a pretty boy but I liked it.
“Nothing, you ready to get grilled by my dad?”
“Not really but I gotta get ready I guess.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him around to the backyard where everybody already was.
Before heading over to where Tristan was standing by the grill talking to his friends I wanted to make him feel comfortable with people that wouldn’t jump down his throat.
“Ooh look at this one bringing a boy over here.” Nicole smiled at me. “Who is this Jayce?”
“My friend Lucas, and the other one is his friend Derrick. Lucas these are my mother’s friends, Nicole and that’s-“
“Ebony Martin, I follow you on instagram.” He smiled at her making her laugh.
“Thanks. How old are you and what grade are you in?”
“17, I’ll be a senior next year.”
“Alright, are you going to college?”
“Damn Ebony, why are you interviewing the boy?” My mother asked. “He’s already going to go through hell with Tristan.”
“You know what you’re right. I’m going to fall back but Jayce baby, you might want to go handle that. Your step daddy over there looking like he’s ready to kill somebody.”
I looked over at Tristan and he was glaring in our direction. If looks could kill Lucas would be six feet under already. “Alright come on.” I started to pull him over there but he put his hand up and went over by himself with Derrick right behind him.
“Ooh shit, little nigga got some balls. That’s a good sign, good job Jayce.” Nicole winked at me.
I watched Lucas and Tristan talk and Tristan looked pretty much bored and unimpressed the whole time. I for sure thought we were doomed until he held his hand out for Lucas to shake. When they shook hands Tristan smiled. “Is that nigga smiling?” I heard Ebony ask.
Confused I walked over to see what happened because Tristan went from looking like he was ready to murder this boy, to smiling. I know he’s crazy but I need an explanation. “So, what’s going on over here?”
“I like these little niggas. They got their shit together, he knows what he wants to do and he’s going for it. I respect it and I respect y’all little situation or whatever but we got some rules.”
“Yes Rules Jay. First off, you’re not allowed at his house until your mother and I meet his parents. He can come over here but if you’re up in your room the door will be open at all times. No cuffin’ in this bitch, and as long as you keep your head in the books, keep your grades up and don’t fuck up on curfew or whatever else we’re good.”
“Thank you.” I gave Tristan a hug then pulled Lucas and Derrick away. We got our food then sat down around the pool. “So what did you tell him?”
“He asked me what was going on with school and stuff.”
“That’s why he likes you.” Lucas was a straight A student, captain of the basketball team plus he’s already pretty much a scholarship to go anywhere he wants to go. The boy has a bright future in front of him as long as he does what he needs to do. “That’s all he asked you?”
“Nah he asked if we were fuckin’.” Lucas laughed like it was funny. I couldn’t do anything but shake my head, I wish I could say I was shocked but I wasn’t. Tristan has no filter and doesn’t bite his tongue for anybody.
“He got the answer he wanted if you’re still here. That man is too much.”
“Yeah but he cares about you, so just deal with it.”
“I know he threatened you.”
“Yeah, and if I don’t want my head blown off I need to do right by you.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t even worry about it, that’s how fathers operate. So what’s up? Your mom likes me, I got pops seal of approval. You have no more excuses.”
“Talking about the whole girlfriend thing?”
“You know what I feel about that.”
“What? Are you scared of Naomi or something?”
“Hell no, I just don’t like drama. As soon as she finds out about us being together for real, she’s going to be running her mouth.”
“It’s the summer time, I’m not encouraging you to fight here. I would rather you didn’t but it aint shit stopping you from beating her ass if she tries you is all I’m saying. Fuck her, she’s salty I don’t want her.”
“You were fucking with her though.”
“Yeah because she was throwing that pussy at me, but that bitch is foul. She fucked Derrick and a couple of other niggas from my team.”
“That’s some hoe shit honestly.”
“Exactly, plus she just wants me because she thinks I’m making it to the NBA. I know you’re not impressed by that shit.”
“I have no reason to be, I mean congratulations if it happens but whatever.”
“That’s why I like you. You don’t care about the extra stuff. Shit, you played me for three months straight.”
“Man,” I laughed. “You were annoying when I first got to that school. You grew on me though.”
“So what’s up? I got a girl or not?
“Yes you have a girl.” He leaned in like he was going to kiss me but I turned my face so he only got my cheek. “Don’t kiss me out here, he doesn’t like you that much.”
“My bad. I got you later though.”
The rest of the day went without a hitch. Tristan wasn’t all down my back like I thought he would be. I guess Lucas talking to him right off the bat really impressed him.
After everybody left I helped my mother and Tristan clean up and put everything away. Before I could go to my room so I could block everybody out for the rest of the night I went to the kitchen so I could bring snacks upstairs with me.
When I got in the kitchen Tristan was sitting at the table eating a big ass plate of ribs like he wasn’t eating meat all day.
“Keep eating like that you’re going to get fat.” I told him.
“Nah I work it off.” He chuckled. “I’m glad you came down here, I wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“Your little boyfriend.”
“I thought you liked him.”
“I do but I love you so I need to make sure your head is in the right space. I’m going to assume and pray that you’re still a virgin.”
“Yes I’m a virgin,” I laughed at him. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“This is your first time with a boyfriend, and I want to make sure you know certain things.”
“Tristan my mama already had the sex talk with me. I think we’re good.”
“Your mother is not a man so she can’t tell you everything. Jayce niggas will tell you any and everything you wanna hear if it means getting what they want aight. You’re a beautiful girl so you’re going to have boys chasing behind you like crazy and I don’t want you out here getting played left and right.”
“Alright so what’s your advice for me?”
“My advice to you is to always put your self-respect first. If you don’t want to do something, say no. Don’t let these knuckle head boys talk you into doing some shit you know is not right. I’ll put it like this…Don’t be out here busting it open for every little nigga smiling in your direction. Don’t fall for that I love you and if you really loved me bullshit.”
“Anything else?” I laughed again.
“You’re laughing but I’m dead serious.”
“I know you’re serious and I appreciate you telling me this because I know you care. I know all of this already. I didn’t see my mother every single day for a couple of years but we talked every day. We still talk about everything, all the time. There isn’t really much she doesn’t know about me and the same goes for you. I see how you are with my mom, and even though I do think you have a slight temper problem.” I chuckled before continuing, “You’re a good man and you make her super happy. She’s walking around here with a smile on her face just about every day. Y’all are like real like relationship goals.”
“Relationship goals? What type of shit is that?”
“Something some of us young people say,” I teased him. “You wouldn’t know anything about that of course but I’m just saying.”
“Well I just want what’s best for you. You already know that though.”
“Yeah I know.” I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, grabbed some oreo’s from the pantry then started to make my way out the kitchen.
“Good night Jayce, damn you and your mother rude as shit.”
“My bad,” I laughed. “Good night Tristan.”
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mollyshaj · 8 years ago
Three Years Later - June 17, 2016
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Walking in my house I shook my head when I saw Damien sitting in the living room playing that video game like he always does. I swear to God you cannot get that little nigga off that thing. It’s cool though, he’s out the way when he plays that. He needs to play it in his room though, I don’t know why he gotta be in the damn living room all the time.
“Damien, is your father here?” I asked him after stepping in front of the TV. He sucked his teeth but pressed pause on his game. “Lose the attitude I’m just asking a question.”
“I know, he was in the kitchen the last time I checked. He probably went upstairs though.”
“Alright thanks,” I mushed his head playfully then went upstairs. Before I could walk down to the bedroom I shared with Tristan I stopped and opened the door to Jayce’s bedroom then walked in. “What are you doing?” I questioned when I saw her typing away on her laptop.
“Finishing my book report. This is my last assignment for this class then we’re done.” She answered. “You’re home early,” She turned and looked at me and I couldn’t help but smile at her. Jayce is so damn beautiful and she’s growing prettier every day. Shit, I feel a great sense of pride just looking at her sometimes.
“I know I let Rachel close the store down tonight. I didn’t want to be there longer than necessary.” My store Material Girl, opened two years ago and business has been booming since we opened. The only problem with my store was it kept me busy. Running the store dealing with my kids and Tristan’s big headed ass always had me on the go. I never really got the chance to just sit back and relax.
“Okay, well I have a question. It’s really a question for you and Tristan but I think it’s easier to ask you first.”
“Oh lord, what is it?” If she’s scared or hesitant to ask Tristan anything that means she either wants to go somewhere or it’s about a boy.
“You know that boy Lucas, the one that goes to my school?”
“Yeah, what about him?”
“Well he asked me out so can I go?”
“I personally don’t mind you going but Tristan isn’t going to see it that way.” To say Tristan was over protective over Jayce would be an understatement.  He really goes psychotic over her; she doesn’t even like him coming to the school because his grown ass doesn’t know how to act.
“That’s why I want you to talk to him. He only asked me to go to the party the school throws. That’s completely chaperoned and no I don’t need one of y’all to be there.”
“I’ll talk to him; I’m not making any promises though.”
“That’s good enough for me.”
“Alright did y’all eat?”
“I did earlier when I first came in from school. Tristan said you were cooking.”
“He got me fucked up, get dressed and tell Damien to get dressed to we’re going out.” I walked out of her bedroom and walked down to mine.
Tristan was lying across the bed with our daughter Chase lying on his back watching ESPN. I swear to God this nigga was determined to turn her into a tom boy. “Hey baby,” Tristan said when I walked in the room.
“Hey,” I went over to the bed and kissed him on the lips before picking Chase up and kissing her cheek. “You might wanna get up bruh; we’re going out to eat. I’m not cooking.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to that’s why, come on get your big ass up. I’m going to get her ready, you handle whatever you need to handle.” I walked out of the bedroom and went right next door to Chase’s room and put her in her crib. “You ready to look pretty baby girl?”
Our daughter Chase Amari Myers was born on September 20, 2013. She was a week late and took me through 15 hours of labor before she popped her little ass out of my body. As if birthing her wasn’t bad enough, she’s spoiled as hell. Tristan literally gives her whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. He doesn’t know the word no unless he’s talking to Damien and Jayce and even then he still doesn’t say it as much as he needs to.
Chase wasn’t the only thing that was new for us, we just moved into this big beautiful house twenty minutes away from Ebony and Kaylin last year. Granted it’s not as big as theirs, we have five bedrooms four bathrooms but I didn’t need that much space anyway. Jayce and Damien were both mad about having to switch schools but they eventually got over it.
I was going through Chase’s clothes when my phone started vibrating in my pocket so I pulled it out and looked at it. When I saw it was Ebony I answered. “What’s up Eb?”
“Not a damn thing, I’m bored as shit. What are you doing?”
“About to get Chase dressed, we’re about to go out to eat. You wanna come with us? Y’all can meet us at that Italian restaurant we always go to.”
“That’s cool with me, we’ll see you there. Thirty minutes good?”
“Yeah that’s fine. You spoke to Nicole?”
“Not since last night, you know she and Rashad are off on one of their littler voyages. The plus of not having kids I tell you.” I shook my head chuckling because she was right.
Nicole and Rashad are always taking a trip somewhere. They just went to LA in April, now they’re out in the Virgin Islands. I hate them so much sometimes, lucky bastards.
“You got that right; it’s cool though because I want to go to Paris for my honeymoon. I already told Tristan he better not try and get cheap with me, I’ll slap his ass.” I told Ebony and she laughed.
“The last thing that nigga is cheap, wait the way he proposed to you was kind of cheap. Actually it’s not kind of the shit was cheap.” She joked.
“He’s lucky I’m not an ungrateful ass bitch.” Tristan proposed to me on New Year’s Day and as much as I thought he would try and go all out to surprise me his ass got pissy drunk at Kaylin’s party and when we got home he pulled the ring out and asked me. I laughed at his ass but said yes. When he woke up he didn’t even remember asking me. That man is dumb as hell sometimes.
“You love him that’s why you’re not ungrateful but fuck that I been meaning to tell you something. Tell me why I ran into that nigga Rio the other day when I was taking Jayden to get his haircut.”
“Are you serious? I thought his crazy ass was in jail.”
“He was but he’s out now. Girl the nigga was screaming my name and shit. I just grabbed Jayden’s hand and left.”
“I told you to stop taking his ass all the way to JC to get a haircut. You should take him to the same place Kaylin goes.”
“I never had problems taking that drive though, plus he knows Dave and I know he’s not going to bullshit with my baby’s head. I don’t know, running into that nigga really freaked me out.”
“Did you tell Kaylin?”
“Hell no, you know how he is. Let him find out the nigga that was beating my ass is out of jail he’s going to lose his damn mind.”
“Well what are you going to do? Hide it?”
“I don’t know, I just saw him one time. Hopefully I won’t run into him again. Fuck him though, we’ll see you at the restaurant.”
“Alright.” I ended the call then shook my head.
Ebony was really playing with fire trying to keep running into Rio a damn secret. Rio, or Mario as the law knows him is a complete nut and he’s Ebony’s ex. She met him maybe two years after Quan first left. They weren’t together for six months before he started putting his hands on her. It got so bad that she ended up in the hospital with three broken ribs, a broken wrist and a fractured leg behind that nigga breaking in her house after he heard she was supposedly giving her number out to other niggas.
Luckily she wasn’t that damn dumb and got his ass put in jail but obviously he wasn’t locked down too long if she ran into him. I don’t understand why she’s hiding it from Kaylin, he got rid of Quan’s ass he can get rid of Rio but that’s on her. I’m going to mind my damn business.
After getting Chase dressed and ready I took her down to Jayce’s room so she could watch her while I got myself together. Once I was dressed and ready we all left and headed down to the restaurant.
We sat there for about ten minutes when Ebony finally came walking in with Kaylin and Jayden. “Hey y’all,” I got up and gave all three of them a hug. They said what’s up to everybody then sat in their seats.
“Where’s baby girl at Kay?” I asked him about Angelic. She was the sweetest little girl ever but she was hyper as hell at the same time.
“With her mother, she’s with us next weekend.” Once everybody ordered their food, Jayden and Damien were sitting next to each other talking basketball or whatever else and Jayce was on her phone doing something with Chase.
“You see that picture Nicole put on Instagram?” Ebony asked me.
“Nah, let me see.” She pulled her phone out and scrolled around for a minute before finally handed me the phone since she was right next to me. I looked at the picture and started laughing.
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xbrownbeautyx: how is he with you if we ain’t even in the country? Bitch don’t flatter yourself my nigga don’t want you, you won’t be getting my life. Get the fuck over it.
“Oh Lord,” I shook my head. “She doesn’t throw shade she just chops your ass in the throat.”
“Kay told Rashad he better do something about that bitch.” Ebony shook her head.
“I don’t understand why she’s so pressed. They never even fucked before. These bitches be out here losing their mind for no reason.”
“For real, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that bullshit. Y’all have some damn patience. How is everything going with his mama?”
“Court in a few weeks, we already know we’re going to win and keep full custody.” Two years ago Tristan and I ended up getting temporary custody of Damien because his mother is a complete idiot. She met some nigga and started dating him, I guess she thought it would make Tristan jealous but it didn’t. This bitch wasn’t even with him four months before she moved him in that house.
Come to find out not only was he a fuckin’ alcoholic he was a dip head. Dip is basically cigarettes and or blunts dipped in chemicals, mostly embalming fluid. Being where I’m from I’ve seen a lot of dip heads and that shit is not only fucked up its makes them crazy and violent.
Tristan and I knew nothing about her moving him in the house until one night Damien calls Tristan crying talking about that nigga was beating the shit out of his mother. I sent Chase and Jayce next door with Mc. Cicely, an old woman I was living next to while we rode over to this girl’s house.
When we got there we could hear her ass screaming from outside. Tristan busted in the house and ran to the living room and Carmen was standing there beat the fuck up, face all black and blue yelling and screaming while this nigga was beating on Damien. I’ve never seen Tristan explode like he did that night.
He pushed the man off Damien and dragged his ass outside the house and proceeded to beat him the fuck up. Usually I would rush to stop him from doing something stupid but I had to let him get them licks in because it was necessary at this point. I don’t know who, but somebody ended up calling the cops. Just as the police was pulling up Tristan picked that nigga and slammed in on the front of somebody’s car so bad the whole damn windshield shattered.
They arrested him while I stayed back and tried to figure out something with Damien and Carmen. When the ambulance came around to look at their bruises they ended up transporting everybody to the hospital. Tristan called my phone and basically told me to stay and figure out what was going on with his son, he just wanted me to call Kaylin or Rashad to come bail him out. I called both of them niggas and they went and got him.
While in the hospital I learned that not only did Damien have bruises on him from that nigga putting his hands on him that night. He had bruises that looked a few days old and the only way that was happening was if Carmen had been letting that nigga beat her son. Sure Tristan disciplines him but he doesn’t beat him like that. Damien didn’t want to talk in front of the doctors but once he was left alone with me he told me everything.
That man Carmen was with was beating on both of them the whole time he was staying there and was telling Damien if he told Tristan he was going to kill Carmen so he kept his mouth shut. The only reason he called Tristan that night was because this time the psycho pulled out a gun.
The next day when Tristan was released we were still at the hospital because they wanted to keep Damien overnight. I went and picked up Jayce and Chase and took them to Ebony’s. When we all got back to the hospital and I told Tristan everything his son told me it literally took Kaylin, Rashad and about three security guards to get him away from Carmen because he was trying to kill that bitch. If we weren’t in the hospital I probably would’ve let him.
Tristan took Damien home with us and filed for full custody the next day. He didn’t try to get her locked up he just wanted his son with us and he’s been with us ever since. Now we were going to our final court date in a couple of weeks to find out if we won. The lawyer basically guaranteed us custody but we still had to go.
To say Carmen is salty as fuck about her son being us full time would be an understatement. If she didn’t hate me before she definitely did now. Damien refuses to talk to her, he doesn’t want anything to do with her at this point and she thinks I’m the reason. As if I have mind control over her son and told him to hate her ass. The bitch is always popping shit on social media and now one of her cousins that used to talk to Rashad back in the day is starting shit with Nicole.
The bitch is playing on her phone, stalking her social media accounts being annoying and lying on her pussy. Claiming Rashad if fucking her and shit and we all know that’s a lie. I don’t even get why the bitch so pressed. Nicole and Rashad have been together for years at this point and everybody knows it so why the bitch is acting like she doesn’t know that and faking like she hurt is beyond me. I personally feel like Carmen is putting her up to it. She can’t get to me because it would be bad for her case so she wants to annoy my friend. The bitch just doesn’t know Nicole is with the shit, she’ll drag both of those bitches.
Shit was just over dramatic with Nicole and I right now as far as relationships are concerned. Luckily Ebony didn’t have crazy ex problems, she and Brandi were actually getting along. They didn’t hang out with each other or anything but they don’t have any issues or anything. They actually speak and have conversations when they see each other. My bestie is growing up for real because five years ago, Ebony would’ve still been mean to the girl.
“You know she’s going to be coming for you once the custody is official right?” Ebony asked knocking me out of my thoughts. I shrugged my shoulder before taking a sip of my drink.
“I really don’t give a flying fiery fuck; she can come at me and get her ass whooped if she wants to. I’ve been waiting to drop that whore for years.”
“She needs her ass whooped for real.”
“I know and she’ll get it. I’ll see that bitch around. Just wait.”
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“I’m not ready to leave man.” I told Rashad as we were packing our clothes. We’ve been in the St. Thomas for the past week and I was not ready to go back home.
“Me either but we gotta get back to the real world. Besides you keep going back and forth with bitches on the Gram anyway.”
“I’m not going back and forth I’m just setting the bitch straight. Posting pictures of you like you’re around her when we aint even in the country. The only reason I did it was because I know her raggedy ass friends and that thirsty ass cousin of hers be watching my damn page.”
“Just ignore her; you know I’m not fucking that bitch. You know I never fucked that bitch so fuck what they’re talking about.”
“I can’t make any promises about that. You know I don’t like lying so therefor I’m just going to say I’ll mind my business as long as the bitch stays in her lane.”
“Do you Nicole; just don’t bring that messy shit home.”
“I got you on that.” After we were done packing we left the hotel we were staying at then went straight to the airport where we had to wait about an hour before even boarding the plane.
Once we were seated in first class I looked at Rashad. “What’s the next destination?”
“I don’t know, I was going to leave that up to you. I don’t mind going to Paris again. That was a good time.”
“Yeah, but I want to go somewhere we’ve never been before. That’s the hard part.” Rashad and I take advantage of the fact that we have no kids. We were together, I love him and he loves me but we weren’t settled down like Ebony and Mariah were. There weren’t any kids running around our place and we didn’t have anything stopping us from doing whatever we wanted.
They had the houses in the suburbs and shit while Rashad and I still lived in the city. We did move out of his one bedroom condo and into a two story, four bedroom, three bathroom penthouse apartment. Hell, the only reason I wanted the extra room was because I knew our friends were going to have us on babysitting duties which neither one of us had a problem with.
“What about Rome?”
“That’s a good one, I like that idea.”
“Alright then, Rome it is. We’re going to set that shit up for August.”
“Cool. You think they had everything straight at the hotel while I was gone?”
“I didn’t get any calls but you never know. You just gotta see when you go in.” I was running The Carter Hotel in New York for Rashad, that’s how I made my money.
When I first started working there I was just looking over the employees and helping him organize everything but after a year he basically promoted me to the manager of the entire of hotel. Of course it’s some employees that had an issue with my being there but I really couldn’t give a fuck. The only reason they don’t like my ass is because Rashad and I are together plus I don’t play games at all. I run a tight ship which is why it’s making as much money as it does.
After the four hour flight back to New York I called an Uber to get us back to our place. When we got up to our apartment I went straight to the bedroom to lie down. The only thing I hate about traveling is missing my bed. Nothing felt better than being in my own shit.
“Baby, you hungry?” Rashad asked me when he came in the room.
“Yeah, you wanna order something?”
“Nah, I gotta go check on some shit so I’ll just bring you something back. I’ll only be gone for like an hour.”
“Alright, text me when you’re done doing whatever you’re going to I’ll tell you what I want then so you won’t forget and bring back some bullshit.” I smirked at him. Rashad’s memory is fucked up sometimes. He forgets the simplest shit and instead of asking about it he just takes a guess.
“I’m not going to forget but do that.” He came over and kissed me on the lips then walked out. “Love you ma!” He shouted from down the hall.
“Love you too!”
A smile came on my face while I got up to take a quick shower. Once I was good and clean I threw on one of Rashad’s old football jerseys and a pair of his boxers before sitting on my bed and calling Ebony. I didn’t really get to talk to them much while I was gone and I needed a good laugh.
“Are you finally back bitch?” Ebony asked when she answered her phone. I didn’t get a hi or anything the bitch went straight to questioning me.
“Well damn, hello to you too.”
“My bad,” She laughed. “What’s good Nic. Are you back?”
“Yeah we just got back home actually. Rashad went to go do something and get us some food so now I’m just sitting here. What are you doing?”
“I just got in the house from a photo shoot.”
“Ooh shit, what magazine this time?”
“Not for a magazine, this hair company. I forgot the name of it but their hair is the shit. Got this shit flowing all down my back. You know they send me free shit just to promote it.”
“Yeah and they pay your ass lovely. Who said you can’t make money off Instagram?”
“Dummies, shit I make stacks just for taking a picture of some damn jewelry and posting the shit.”
“What happened with that offer you got?”
“I’m not doing no damn Love & Hip Hop. I almost pissed myself when Viv told me they contacted her about me. The fuck I look like going on that shit and making a complete fool of myself.”
“Yeah they will have your ass doing some pure divine bullshit. Take it as a compliment, that means your name is out here bitch.”
“Oh please, that’s a bad thing as much as it’s a good thing. The great part is I’m making my money. The fucked up part is people think they know my life or think they know me. Calling me a damn IG model, no bitch I’m a professional model signed to an agency who just so happens to milk the shit out of that dumb ass app.” Ebony said in a serious tone.
The one thing that pisses Ebony off is trying to down play her and what she’s done. She’s been grinding hard as hell for the last few years and working her ass off. She’s graced the covers of numerous magazines and she was bent over fucking a rapper, shaking or showing her ass to do it. She did more than just post pictures with that nasty ass Flat Tummy Tea. Call her an IG model if you want to, you might get slapped.
“People are going to hate Ebony don’t let that shit get to you. You know you work your ass off fuck everybody else. Shit, you think I care about those bitches at that hotel hating on me? Talking about I don’t do my job, I’m just there because I’m fuckin’ Rashad. I had to curse one of those bitches out and fire her ass before we left.”
“What happened?” Ebony laughed again. For whatever reason this bitch thinks me going off is funny.
“First of all the bitch was already on thin ice because she’s a fuckin’ idiot and she’s always later or calling out. So because she barely comes to work her check is bullshit and she came at me about it talking about I’m jealous of her and that’s why I docked her pay and that I wouldn’t be shit if I wasn’t fuckin’ Rashad.”
“Oh hell nah, what did you say?”
“I went clean off on that hooker. I looked at her and was like I don’t know who the fuck you take me for but you really got life fucked up. I said Rashad is my man so the fuck what, that has nothing to do with how I do my job which I do quite well thank you very much bitch. Now you check looks like shit because you barely bring your dumb ass to work. The fuck you think you automatically obligated to money because your name is on the pay roll? No bitch the hours have to worked and you don’t do that so you can take that shitty ass paycheck and get the fuck out because you’re fired any way. Then I walked back to my office.”
“Wow Nic, you probably hurt the bitch feelings and everything.”
“I don’t care either, bitches really be having life fucked up. I’m about to be 30 years old I don’t have to be dealing with these dummies. I’m running out of patience my nigga.”
“Oh do not bring up age please, I’m 28.”
“So? You say that like you’re old.”
“I know but come on man my baby is 11 years old he’s almost a teenager. Angelic is 3 going on 30, that little girl is a mess.”
“You think you got it bad, Mariah is in the house with two teenagers and a toddler. I’m pretty sure Tristan is going to fuck around and get her pregnant again just wait.” I laughed.
“He probably will, when are you and Rashad going to pop one out?”
“When I have a ring on my finger and say I do, I got him until then I’m good.” It wasn’t my desire to be a baby mama. I’m good.
“I feel you; I told Kay the same thing. You know he’s asking me about a baby and shit. I told his ass I got you after we all have the same last name. If I marry him Jayden’s last name is getting changed to King just like mine.”
“Good, that’s his father they need the same last name.”
“Yeah well his father is irking my nerves with this baby shit, if we’re not arguing about that we’re arguing about some other shit.”
“Y’all are out of that honeymoon phase and real life is setting in. You’ll be fine, y’all love each other.”
“I know but damn shit is just rough right now.”
“Rough how Eb?”
“It just is, we argue all the time. Sure we have good days and when we’re good, we’re good. When shit is bad, it’s bad. If we argue I don’t even sleep in the damn room with him. I’m talking about me going to bed in the damn guest room for five nights straight in the past week Nicole.”
“The fuck happened?”
“I don’t even know but I’m over this shit man, and then I ran into Rio the other day and now he’s stalking my fuckin’ pages. I block his ass and he pops up again, this nigga is on this crazy bullshit.”
“When the fuck did he even get out?”
“I don’t know but he’s out and he’s on my ass. This nigga is really buggin’ I’m scared to go to my bookings because this bitch boy might pop up.”
“You told Kaylin?”
“Hell no if I tell him he’s not going to let me out of his sight and I don’t have time to be following his ass around when I have my own shit to handle.”
“You need to tell him, the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I’ll be fine Nicole, and don’t go running your mouth to Rashad.”
“I’m not but you still need to say something. I’ll keep quiet for now but as soon as I get the feeling something is going on I’m snitching.”
“Yeah alright I hear you, I gotta go cook for these kids. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Alright, later.” I ended the call the put my phone down. Ebony is as stubborn as they come. Let Kay find out this nigga been damn near stalking her and she’s keeping it quiet. She thinks they’re into it now he’s really going to have a fit.
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