#(as well as one where it's unknown pfft)
herrsherofsorrow · 7 months
Sinner Of Fate
The Before: Act 1, Scene 1
A Yandere!Getou x Isakai’d!Reader x Yandere Gojo ft. Yandere Jujutsu Kaisen characters, platonically and romantically
Prologue, Act 1: Scene 1(here)
First poll for the story here —> More Love?
Warning: Spoilers for both manga and Anime, each chapter is gonna contain spoilers.
The card in Getou bursts into flames causing him to open his palm as a sharp pain surges through his hand. His eyes were glued to the card watching as it glided to the tatami floor until it was gone leaving nothing behind. ‘Wait… tatami… floors?’ realization settles in. The once bright sun no longer shines over him. The once concrete floor was replaced with a familiar tatami flooring. 
Getou felt something grab his pants, snapping out he looks to see a small hand that belonged to little girl with light brown hair and standing next to her was another girl with black hair. Both were scared, bruised, and dressed in rags. Whatever Getou was feeling was gone remembering where and what he was doing, but he froze glances behind him to see two dead bodies of man and woman. 
‘I fucked up big time… but they deserved it… No that’s not…’ Getou was stuck battling with his thoughts. ‘What Will You Do?’ He was stumped, unsure of where those words came from. ‘Will You Run and Hide Or Face It?”
Getou closes his eyes and takes a shaky but deep breath moving to pulling out his phone can calling the one person he can trust. Just before the first ring could finish the person on the other end picks up.
“Satoru… I… I messed up… Big time.”
”Where are you?”
“Getou!?” “Getou?”
Suguru opens his eyes to see Nanako look at him with annoyance while Mimiko looked with confusion. He felt a sharp pain on the back of head and when he look to see Satoru and Tsumiki, she was giving Megumi a piggy back, close by with a stupid grin on his face.
”Where’d you go? Don’t tell me you backing out, you promised the twins to get some baked goods.” Satoru stated as Nanami nodding her head along.
Suguru lets out a laugh, “Sorry, had a strong sense of Deja Vu.” It was half true, he couldn’t help but get this strange feeling he’s been here before despite having no recollection whatsoever.
”Pfft, whatever.” Satoru rolled eyes even though no one could see it.
”I thought it was just me,” Mimiko says.
”Me too!” Nanako added.
Tsumiki joins, “My classmates had experience something and our teacher share that Deja Vu could be you sharing a memory with an alternate version of yourself.”
Satoru feeling left out throws his arms around Suguru pulling him into a hug, ”Aww, even in a different universe your with me!”
”Uh, I was talking about Nanako and Mimiko calls out to me when I zoned out,” Suguru shared causing Satoru to cry out.
Despite the group was standing by the door to your shop and could look out your window. You watched them through a book that displayed it as a security monitor. Sighing in relief, you moved your hand to rub your forehead feeling a headache coming on.
“So… I’m confused why do we remember you changing things but they don’t or anyone else?” Toji asks looming over you from behind the couch you sat on. Amanai was sitting on your left sit and Haibara was on the right side.
Fushiguro Toji, Amanai Riko, and Haibara Yu. Three who were set to die are alive and well, living in your two-story shop. For unknown reasons gravitated towards your shop after having saved them from their demise using dreamscape, an alternate reality. Even when they have no memory of you, especially since you didn’t want anyone one to know your existence, merely seeing you triggers suppressed memories to surface.
You had told them the your purpose was to change their fates and others, not about you being from another world, and hope they would leave afterwards. Not to your surprise, Amanai and Haibara wanted to help you while Toji insisted on you needing a protecter for when the Jujutsu Society catch’s wind of your abilities and future knowledge. He was not wrong, for what your told by the other Sinners that certain people wouldn’t be as affected by memory loss due to the changes. You deduced Kenjaku is one: each sinner had described different people with a similar scare on the forehead, possibly Tengen and Tsukumo Yuki may not be as affected as well.
”I know Getou won’t remember what he’s done, I just can’t help worry.” Amanai chimed.
”Technically, he didn’t do anything since he called Gojo instead of deserting Jujutsu, right?” Haibara question to no one in particular.
”No, Getou in fact did but using dreamscape to alternate the past he shouldn’t remember our interactions prior.” You stated, standing up and moved past Amanai heading towards the stairs leading down into the shop. “Theoretically, even if he doesn’t remember a part of his mind will, but it would be like nightmares, thoughts of ‘what if’s’, and commonly Deja Vu. The chances of him realizing are slim.” At least you hoped, you were quite sure how it works seeing as you have three prime examples. No matter, it was the least of your worries just in case you would have to avoid Getou for some time.
“Ya, I still don't get it.” Toji replied but you ignore him.
All this stress was getting to, you wanted to go and get something to eat. Be alone with your thoughts but Toji seems adamant being by your side at every moment. ‘Five minutes, just Five.’ You thought knowing Toji is right behind you, already dressed in a hoodie and mask to hide his identity because to the world he was still dead along with Amanai and Haibara.
All of this because you had to mess around on some AI Chat. You just wanted to go home, back before you got curious, back to where this was just a fictional story.
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Gn reader/no specific pronouns used. (You/they/unknown person) (lol)
(I would be happy if you reposted my dream or like <3)
welcome, outlander God(S) ♥︎
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CREDITS: [I was in a rush and my friend found it on Google for me, so I am not sure if it's correct so here's the title] Art, manga, boy anime #730263 on animesher.com [or you can just type what my friend searched "chained up hands manga"]
Traveler steps into a abandoned domain. They moved the tree branches that over-grown into the domain and searched around the area.
"Nothing seems to be here Paimon. I think we were just hearing things."
"But Paimon was sure she heard something!"
The traveler tries to reassure Paimon that they were just hearing things until the traveler leaned on the wall and pushed a hidden button. They both paused as they heard some stone moving.
Traveler carefully stepped into the new founded room...nothing...happened? They went in the room still cautious. It was pitch black so the traveler has to spread the arms out and just try to imagine what the rooms looks like and so they don't bump their head on something.
Suddenly, the Paimon screamed, the traveler quickly turned around and headed towards Paimon's scream. The traveler stood there shocked and horrified. They saw a eyeball staring at them. Black liquid drips from the opened eyeball as it stared at the 2 trespassers. Suddenly, the liquid that seems to come out non-stop became read then gold.
The light was suddenly on.
Paimon was grossed out as the traveler tried to not laugh at her reaction. A chill went down on their spine, then panic as both of them couldn't move. Their heart almost dropped into their stomach as they heard a voice.
"Oh? I didn't expect guests to be here. My, my."
The unknown person chuckled. They got closer to them as the traveler shivered from the cold hands that touched their face.
"Quite a beauty. Such pretty golden hair."
The unknown person was finally revealed. Well...not really since seems like a veil is covering most of their head. It was quite a length. While the clothes were fully covering their body.
Both of them were stunned when they heard multiple voices that sounded exactly the same if some didn't sound like their vocals was damaged or something.
"Look! There's a flying kid!"
"You mean a fairy?"
"No. It must be a realistic, human machine"
"Emergency food?"
Paimon stomped her feet in the air, pouting from the comments.
"Don't be mean. I'm sure she's just a living person" [The original you]
Paimon almost broke into tears. You're the first person who hasn't called her emergency food or some fairy at least once.
Their voices was terrifying in a way. Some was fine, but one of them had some kind of glitch in their voice or maybe gurgle noises as if their Drowning.
"Ah. Don't mind them. I'm the original."
'Original?' The traveler thought before stumbling into your arms when they were finally released from the paralyzed state they both were in.
"So....their your clones?"
The unknown person (you) laughed. Clutching their stomach as they fell on to their knees and holding on to the wall for support.
"Pfft- haha! That's quite funny"
Gosh. Perhaps would you die from laughter with Cyno's jokes because of your horrible humor? They thought.
"Well....they aren't exactly clones. They are just....versions of myself? I have many, perhaps infinity of them. But there somewhere else. These are just "me's" who will go soon. So just ingore them."
The traveler was stunned, before they could say anything, they witnessed the "you's" turning into statue, liquid or anything then disappearing. Although, they didn't question further since you looked tired from the questions. They looked over to the chains on your legs and wrist. About to ask this one last question but you soon changed the subject.
"Oh. Are you...ah, yes! Lumine/Aether?"
The traveler paused. Sweat dripping from their forehead as they looked at you in fear. They haven't told anyone their name. How did you know?
"No need to fear me....I wouldn't dare to hurt such a beauty. You're quite too cute to do that"
The person chuckled, seeing the traveler face flushed a slight bright red. The traveler finally opened their mouth to say something after 5 minutes of awkward silence.
"Do you know....my brother/sister?"
You paused. Seemingly hesitating.
"And....what if I say I do?"
The traveler looks at you and went straight forward.
"Please! Help me find my sister/brother!"
The traveler begged.
"Well....sorry to disappoint you, I don't know their location. But I could help you on your travels."
You hold their chin while smiling. The traveler heart suddenly quicken and pounded into their chest. You and the traveler noticed that Paimon was passed out on the floor, cold. You gladly offered them to help lead the way to the exit while carrying Paimon.
"Teyvat....looks so different......how long did I sleep?? God damn, I slept better than sleeping beauty for real!"
The traveler looked at you cunfused before you coughed awkwardly and asked them where do you go with them. Suddenly, the 4 archon appeared.
"[Name]...is that.....really you?"
Zhongli asked. Hands trembling as he reached out to you.
"Yes Morax- wait. Rex Lapis? No, God Of Contracts?"
"Zhongli. It's Zhongli"
He awnsered. Ei interrupted,
"[Name]..! You look......exactly the same"
You nodded. You almost fell as Venti jumped on your back.
"I'm going by Venti!"
"Venti, the famous drunken bard?"
You chuckled, Laughing at Venti's reaction. He pouted and hit you in the shoulder even though it felt like nothing.
You looked down, seeing a child.
"Oh? And who are you?"
Nahida looked up at you and fidgeted her fingers.
"I'm Nahida....I heard a lot about you from irminsul!"
She said excitedly. The traveler just stood there in the background, with Paimon in their hands. Although...you felt the presence of someone but quickly ingores it as you listen to everyone's words. Perhaps Nahida should introduce you to Wanderer
You should be careful with the Fatui and Tsaritsa
—to be continued—
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Original title: Malefics, 落ちる場所
Source: Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN Vol.1: Sakamaki-hen
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke & Takashi Kondou
*Twinkle twinkle* 
Reiji: …Hm? Oh dear. A shooting star. How unusual this early in the morning. I believe this might be my first time witnessing one here. I wonder when was the last time I saw a shooting star at all? 
( I believe it might have been back when I was just an innocent, ignorant child. Ever since that time I saw one fall to the edge of the Demon World. Even though it should have been nothing significant, it remains deeply rooted in my memory for some reason. )
…I feel restless. What could this mean? There’s this uneasy feeling in my chest, like waves of anxiety washing over me. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Ayato enters the room. 
Ayato: Yo, Reiji. You’re still up? 
Reiji: That’s what I would like to know. It is rather uncommon for you to still be awake at this hour.
Ayato: Tsk…I couldn’t fall asleep for some reason…Like I just feel really on edge for some unknown reason…There’s no lunar eclipse goin’ on or anythin’, right? 
Reiji: It should still be many more years ahead before the next one. Would you like a cup of tea, perhaps? 
Ayato plops down on the sofa.
Ayato: Nah. 
Reiji: Well then, I hope you don’t mind if I pour myself a cup.
Reiji goes to set himself tea as Kanato enters the room. 
Kanato: Nn…If you’re setting tea, I’d like some as well. 
Reiji: Hm? Kanato…Are you having trouble sleeping as well? 
Kanato: Yes…I’m exhausted, but it feels as if my body just won’t let me rest for some reason…It feels odd. 
Reiji: Oh dear. I did not take you for such a sensitive individual. 
Kanato: You say that, but you can’t sleep either, can you? 
Reiji: Well, I suppose you are right. …Seems like Ayato is having the same issue. 
Kanato: Ayato too? 
Ayato: Che…It pisses me off knowin’ I’m bein’ grouped together with you bastards. 
Laito enters the room. 
Laito: Pwaaah…Nn…
Laito: …Hm? Oh? Reiji, Ayato-kun and…Kanato-kun? What has all three of you gathered here this early in the morning? 
Ayato: Laito. You too? 
Laito: Hm? ‘Too’? I just so happened to wake up though. 
Reiji: At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if the remaining two wake up and join us as well. 
Laito: …What are you talking about? I’m not following. 
Kanato: For some reason, we all ended up here together because we can’t sleep.
Laito: Eeh? What do you mean? That could easily be a pure coincidence, no? We all follow a similar sleep schedule after all.
Reiji: However, it is early morning right now. Usually, we would all be sound asleep. And you rarely ever get up before I come to wake you, correct?
Laito: Hmー Well, I guess you have a point. This might be a our ‘first time’~
Ayato: Disgustin’...
Kanato: Reiji…Please set some tea first. I’m thirsty. 
Reiji: Pfft. Yes, yes. I know. 
Reiji goes away to set tea. 
*Cling cling* 
Reiji: Oh dear, oh dear. I suppose my prediction was spot on after all. 
Subaru: Ah?
Shuu: Haah…
Reiji: Looks like we’ve got everyone gathered here today. 
Shuu: This has to be the first time I can’t fall asleep to Rachmaninov. 
Subaru: Che…I just woke up for some reason. 
Reiji: Please refrain from taking out your frustrations on your surroundings. You better believe you will have to pay for anything you break. 
Ayato: Anyway, where is she? Chichinashi, I mean. 
Laito: If she isn’t here, then she’s probably snoozing in her room, no? 
Shuu: She sure has some guts while we’re here having a hard time because we can’t sleep…But well, I guess she isn’t back in tip-top shape again after sustaining such severe injuries. 
Ayato: …!!
Kanato: …She doesn’t show any reaction to it. Which means that whatever is taking place only affects us Vampires. 
Reiji: That might be the case. Ever since Father disappeared, the Demon World has been thrown in disarray. Anything could happen right now. 
Ayato: …
Laito: A certain someone who inherited his powers fled to this world after all~ 
Ayato: Haah!? Excuse me!?
Reiji: Laito. Please do not test his patience. 
Laito: Nfu~ Sorry~ 
Ayato: Che…!
Reiji: Anyway, it is possible that someone malicious has entered this realm from the Demon World, causing our reaction. 
Subaru: And who would that be then? 
Reiji: It could be either a blood relative or someone who’s after Father’s powers. 
Shuu: I got a message from my Familiars that there’s a bunch of pesky Demons who have got their eyes on those powers because they were inherited by Mr. Irresponsible over there. 
Subaru: Those fuckers…I can’t believe I’m havin’ my precious sleep ruined ‘cause of them. 
Subaru: I’ll go make quick work of them!
Kanato: We’ll be counting on you to do that if necessary, so please. 
Ayato suddenly gets up from his seat. 
Reiji: Ayato? What’s the matter? 
Ayato: I’m goin’ back to bed, duh. 
He leaves the room. 
Shuu: Hmー …I guess he’s got plenty of things to feel conflicted about after all. And here I thought he was just some brainless idiot. 
Subaru: Hah? What are you saying all of a sudden? 
Reiji: Ayato was behaving out of the ordinary, don’t you agree? 
Subaru: That’s nothin’ new, is it? 
Laito: Oh geez, Subaru-kun~ This is exactly why you get called a kid. There, there~ 
Laito pats his head. 
Subaru: Don’t touch me! Who are you callin’ a kid!? 
Laito: Fufu~ 
Kanato: I wonder…just how long Ayato intends to stay here. 
Shuu: Who knows. 
Kanato: By inheriting Father’s powers…Ayato became the Vampire King, right? 
Reiji: Well, I suppose that’s how it works. 
Kanato: Then he has to be over in the Demon World, no? 
Shuu: Obviously. Yet, he has chosen to remain here instead. There’s nothing we can do about it. 
Laito: Ayato-kun might never go back there. After he lost control of his powers and badly wounded Bitch-chan in the process~
Reiji: Power is a double-edged sword. He must learn to overcome that. He is the one who inherited Father’s powers over any of us after all. 
Laito: You really love talking logic and lip service, don’t you? 
Reiji: Would you please stop pestering me simply because you’re frustrated over not being able to sleep? 
Laito: I’m not? …Still, I doubt Ayato will do any of that. I just can’t imagine he’d overcome those issues, let alone try and make those powers something of his own. 
Shuu: Well, you do make a point. 
Subaru: So what are we gonna do now?
Shuu: We’ll just let things proceed as normal. Who cares about what happens around us. It’s no concern to us, is it? 
Laito: Exactly. It’s over. Everything. …The sovereignty over the Demon World might just be stolen away by someone and because of Ayato, Vampires will lose their place there. 
Reiji: Well, judging by his reactions earlier, I do believe that he is worried about it. I suppose we have no other choice but to place our bets on him. 
Laito: I personally wouldn’t mind whether us Vampires fall into ruin or not. 
Shuu: Come on, we all know you want him to annihilate the Vampire race, so don’t spout that kind of nonsense now. 
Laito: Nfu~ Oh geez…Why would I want that? 
Shuu: I wonder. 
Kanato: Either way, I don’t want to get involved in this mess. 
Reiji: Which means we have to leave it up to Ayato after all. It would be correct to state that the fate of this family is currently in his hands. He was gifted with almighty powers, yearned after by everyone. That is a reality we cannot deny.
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commander-krios · 1 year
Pfft, I could just send you back the entire list for Dash x Leo, lol, but I'm VERY eyes emoji about "[cups person b’s cheeks] “you are a menace and you almost died back there if it wasn’t for me.”" :3
Have some Taris chaos! CW for blood, slight gore, violence.
I love these idiots btw, if you didn't know
Read on AO3
“I’m going with you.”
Dash raised an eyebrow, turning to face Leo. Concern was written all over his face. “That’s a bad idea.”
“No. The bad idea is you runnin’ off to get shredded by those rakghouls.” Leo cocked his hip, putting his hands on his waist and the sight of it almost made a laugh escape Dash’s mouth. 
“I have Elara to take care of me.” Dash assured him, feeling a little bad for making him worry, but this vaccine needed to be made. There were sick people that needed it. The worry in Leo’s eyes made him hesitate. He couldn’t tease the man when he was clearly in a frenzy over this. Putting his hand on Leo’s shoulder, he squeezed gently, trying to reassure the man in front of him. “I’ll be fine.”
Leo’s eyes slanted in suspicion. “I know you will be. Cuz I’m coming with you.”
There was no dealing with him when he made up his mind about something.
“You plan on telling Elara that she’s out?”
Leo snorted. “I’m sure Sergeant Dorne will be just fine not getting mauled today.”
Dash glanced over his shoulder where his medic was waiting a few feet away, her eyebrows raised in his direction. He tried to hide the smile that threatened to give away his true feelings about the situation. Nothing more desirable than getting fussed over by Leo.
Running a hand over her blonde hair to flatten any flyaways, Elara shook her head in disapproval. “I agree with Leo. I don’t like this, sir. There are too many unknowns about the rakghouls for this to be safe.”
Dash grinned recklessly, unable to hold it back anymore. “I never said it was safe.”
She sighed, exacerbated by the entire situation. She wasn’t going to have the best time serving in his squad if the things he did here annoyed her. Guess it was time to show how much of a disaster of a CO he really was.
“So how much of my skin needs to be exposed to do this?” Dash continued, unbuckling one of the plates from his arms before letting it drop on the ground. “Is bare chested enough or should I be completely naked?”
Leo’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline. “Did you want to lose your… man bits?”
Dash flashed him a grin, watching as Leo shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “Aw, Leo. Are you concerned for them? That’s sweet.”
He flushed crimson at Dash’s words, brushing a hand down his face to try to hide it. Elara coughed to cover a laugh. At least she wasn’t the perfect sergeant all of the time. Maybe he would get her to loosen up after all.
“That’s not funny, Dash.” Leo said with a sigh, chewing on the end of the toothpick in his mouth. “You’ll just about give me an aneurysm.”
“Sir?” Elara interrupted, a serious look returned to her pretty face. “I sincerely doubt you’ll need to remove all layers of clothing.”
Leo spun on her next, cheeks still flushed as he attempted to gain control of the spiraling situation… and of himself. “I can’t believe you’re allowing him to do this?”
“I don’t think either of us are allowing the Lieutenant to do anything.” She was right about that. Garza could barely control him and she gave him orders, there wasn’t any way Elara or the rest of their team would be able to. “Besides, the people of Taris need this vaccine, Leonth. As unconventional as he is at times, I believe Lieutenant Felaeon is trying to help people.”
“You’re laying it on a bit thick there, Elara. Leo knows me too well for that.”
Leo knew him better than anyone ever had.
Leo’s glare was strong, but Dash could see the man soften slightly at Elara’s words. “She’s right, ya know? You do have a hero complex, Dash. Gotta save everyone.”
“Hey, I only save them if there is anything worth saving.” 
It was a lie. He’d killed his fair share of people who were trying to atone for their sins. He wasn't even sorry about their deaths, just resigned. It was all a waste no matter which way it went. Deaths of decent people who made a mistake or a waste of resources for people who didn’t deserve the chance at redemption. In the end, most people only looked out for themselves.
Leo tilted his head, a frown pulling at his mouth. “Doesn’t explain why you saved me, but that isn’t important right now. You are not walking into a karking rakghoul den stark ass naked.”
Dash owed Leo for saving his life, for putting himself at risk while he was in Imperial hands. But the fool would never accept the reasons so instead of bothering, he flashed him a tight smile. “Jealous of the rakghouls, I take it?” 
His glare only got more pronounced. “Are you capable of shutting up for five seconds and listening?”
“He is not.” Elara interrupted again, this time with a long suffering sigh. “I think a scratch to the arms should suffice for what we need. Just be careful, sir. The rakghouls are dangerous, terrible creatures. If you get surrounded, you need to withdraw back to base.”
“Yes, that.” Leo snapped, crossing his arms over his chest, eyes only for Dash. “You should wear most of your armor because it’s the only way you won’t get ripped to shreds.”
Leo tried to hide the real fear he felt behind anger because to actually admit he was terrified of losing Dash… well, he didn’t do that. With a glance at Elara, he sighed, realizing his fun was over. A grim reality lay ahead. He was going to have to get mauled by a rakghoul, all for the sake of science.
“Ok, Leo. Fine. If it makes you feel better. I’ll be careful.”
Leo stared at him in silence, blue eyes blazing. Then with a tight inhale, he managed a ‘thank you’ before turning on his heels and heading for the waiting speeder.
Dash ducked the swipe on instinct, realizing too late that he should’ve just lifted an arm to protect his face. He heard Leo’s colorful choice of curse words somewhere in the distance, back where he was safe from the monstrosities attacking. Dash smashed the grip of his blaster rifle into the closest rakghouls head, a sick crunch echoing as its head caved in. It dropped to the ground before immediately being replaced by another.
This one didn’t hesitate to latch on his arm, however. Its snarling, dripping jaw snapped shut on his forearm, teeth piercing skin with a searing pain that felt like fire in his veins.
The sound of a sniper rifle echoed through the air and the rakghoul’s head exploded in viscera and brain matter, leaving Dash’s armor covered in it. Lifting his arm, he gazed at the wounds in his forearm, oozing with blood and green liquid that he didn’t want to think about.
“Is that enough?” He asked Leo over the comm, glancing around for another group of roaming rakghouls… just in case.
“How do you feel?” Leo asked, his voice breaking up as he most likely started gathering his medical supplies. Dash was going to need them if the appearance of his arm was any indication.
“Woozy.” He wanted to get back to the Republic base, have the scientist take his damned blood, and rest until the rakghoul disease ran its course. Well, he hoped he could.
No wonder Leo was so furious at him for volunteering in the first place. Sometimes he didn’t think things through and it was going to catch up to him one day. Unable to keep his feet, Dash sat next to the smelling corpses, trying to ignore the stench and keep conscious.
“Fine. I’m coming. Don’t move.”
“Didn’t plan on it.” He muttered, pressing a hand against his forehead. 
It didn’t take long for Leo to appear in front of him, rushed and irritated.He let out a huff before kneeling, kolto injector in his hand. “I’ll be careful, he says. How is this careful, Dash?”
“I had it under control.”
“If I didn’t hound your sniper to go with us-”
“Ah, so that’s who you called before renting the speeder.” Leo’s eyes widened slightly and Dash smiled at him fondly, knowing that the man would do anything and talk to anyone, even a Republic soldier, if it meant keeping Dash out of a grave. “Smart, but it makes me think you don’t trust me.”
“I don’t.” He said with a shake of his head, some of his dark hair falling out of the ponytail at the base of his neck. Leo swiped it behind his ear before sticking Dash in the neck with the injector. “I trust you to do something stupid.”
He hissed as the medicine made its way through his body, cooling the fire that burned in his blood. “Hey, I’m not the only idiot here. Besides, you can’t tell me you don’t enjoy my company. You’ve stuck around this long.”
“Someone has to keep you from killing yourself.” Leo cupped Dash’s face, turning his head in different directions to check his cybernetics. “You’re a menace and if it wasn’t for me, you’d probably be dead already.”
“That’s something we can both agree on.”
Leo smiled softly, tapping Dash’s cheek with his palm. Their eyes locked briefly, a moment suspended between them before Leo glanced away, blush coloring his cheeks slightly. He always looked so damned beautiful. “Alright, hero. Let’s get you back to the good doctor.”
Dash draped his arm over Leo’s shoulder, getting to his feet slowly before making the slow back to the speeder. Despite the pain he was in, being this close to Leo was worth the price he paid. He would pay it again any day.
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so let’s talk bite of ‘84-
as you already know five nights at whoopee’s is a crossover between fnaf and rc9gn where randy takes on the role of one of the missing children- but i’m sure you’ve already this blog’s lore! which brings me to the next point!
we all know the bite of ‘84- (or is it ‘87- the lore is so confusing sometimes- but this is when one of the afton kids was being bullied and was bitten by an animatronic in the process-)
though because five nights at whoopee’s is more of an au-ish crossover and not a direct copy, i decided to mess around with the information. bash johnson has been decided that he will be one of the bullies, not one of the missing children (yes i will post an updated version ft. the changes!).
it had originally been intended to be a joke- but bash didn’t know when to quit and it resulted in another kid nearly dying at the hands of an animatronic; though of course, his stepfather - hannibal mcfist- attempted to cover up the incident: a malfunction on the animatronic’s part, and bash’s involvement in the entire affair remained carefully under wraps. bash however, was downright horrified- even for him, it was too much.
the identity of the kid right now remains unknown, and i would highly appreciate suggestions but if not- i’ll try and work this already incredibly shoddy lore pfft. what i will say is this: mac antfee was the security guard around the time the incident took place! what this means, well, guess we’ll just have to see and find out~
bash didn’t fully change his attitude until he was close to graduating- though he never tried to go as far as he had that day in the pizzeria.
if this lore is somewhat unstable in the timeline and characters’ ages, well- that’s a little intentional because there’s only so many characters that are actually within the same time period, but this is my au and what i say goes /lh
i will be trying to come up with my own timeline at some point- but bash is not supposed to take the place of mike afton. he’s just one of the bullies, didn’t quite learn his lesson until much later-
but this is all i have for now, see you on the flip-side!
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I haven't seen cozmez food for a long time hehe well here's a bit long request, I would like some hdcns (separately) when their mc tells them that she wants to introduce them to her dear older sister but warns them that she has a blinding beauty * uhhh although they take it as a joke but they soon realize that yes indeed she almost blinded them with her brilliant smile xdd anyway now they know where mc got her appearance idk.. take care of yourself and don't forget to hydrate well hebi ^^
Writer's corner: Hii! Thank you so much for your kindness, sweetheart! Oh, well, it's an unusual request but, sure! Here! Please, let me know if there's something you want me to fix or change, so I can do it! Enjoy~♥
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER
Warnings: sfw
⭐𝐂𝐨𝐳𝐦𝐞𝐳⭐𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐜'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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⭐Even if already close to mc, Kanata would keep his usual cold and hard-trusting look, because he's tsundere
⭐but in deep he'd trust and care a lot about mc, especially if he has grown fondly with her
⭐So if she told him that she has the intention to introduce Nayuta and him to her older sister,
⭐At first Kanata would show his nervousness and he would say that it's not a good idea in his opinion
⭐There wouldn't be reason behind it, though..
⭐It'd be a sentence he'd say to hide the fact that he's actually nervous
⭐It's not that he wouldn't trust mc, but he'd simply be tsundere as always, trying to hide the fact that he's actually even curious
⭐"Hehe.. You know.. Just be careful, because my sister has a sort of.. Uhm.. Blinding beauty. That's it. Hehe"
⭐Kanata would open his eyes wide as he'd hear those words..
⭐I don't deny the fact that I personally think that Kanata would think something like..
⭐"Pfft.. Blinding beauty... Who does mc think she's talking to? My brother and I are not those kind of stupid guys falling easily for girls who are said to be beautiful..!"
⭐In short, he'd keep his usual cold temper..
⭐because he's tsundere, of course.
⭐One day, though, he'd see mc visiting him and Nayuta, accompanied by her sister
⭐He couldn't hide his reaction, even if he would try hard to!
⭐Kanata's eyes would widen and start glowing while his heart would start racing strangely after a simple smile by that unknown woman..
⭐Kanata, who has always been skeptical towards love, would be afraid by that sudden warmth inside his chest
⭐"Hi..! I'm mc's sister! Mc has already told me about you! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"
⭐While mc's sister would shake Nayuta's hand, Kanata would try to avoid her look, probably turning his head around as to hide his blushed cheeks
⭐On the other hand mc would notice Kanata's reaction but would simply chuckle softly in response
⭐As her sister would get closer to shake Kanata's hand, he'd get more nervous but would shake her hand
⭐Finally, though, looking at her closely, he'd realize that, yes... Mc is as beautiful as her sister..!
⭐To mc's surprise, Kanata would smile slightly before speaking:
⭐"Hi.. I.. Uhm.. I'm Kanata Yatonokami... N-nice to meet you..."
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⭐Contrary to his twin brother, Nayuta would become softer and a very good friend
⭐Even if always kind of traumatized due to his past, I'm sure he'd be able to show his feelings (and not being ashamed of it) more than Kanata
⭐Maybe getting clingier or letting mc brushing his hair etc..
⭐So if she told Kanata and him that she has the intention to introduce them to her older sister,
⭐Well, Nayuta would show to be happy (always coldly, though, not enthusiastically)
⭐He'd start asking questions about her and even trying imagining how she could be
⭐A part of him would also be scared of meeting someone new, but..
⭐He would soon get over it after hearing mc speaking:
⭐"Just.. Uhm.. Be careful because she has a sort of.. Blinding beauty!"
⭐What was already a sort of curiosity would grow into Nayuta's mind, who'd surely and slightly show his joy with a cute smile
⭐He'd be happy, in short, especially if mc's sister is as nice as her!
⭐But Nayuta would look surprised by those words.. "Blinding beauty"?
⭐Since it's said that he's more rational than Kanata- who's impulsive-, Nayuta would immediately spot his twin brother's nervousness..
⭐Just like Kanata would spot Nayuta's shyness as the day to meet mc's sister comes!
⭐Yes, I do believe that Nayuta would seem shy and almost unable to speak.
⭐He already has a sort of low (*cough* and cute *cough*) voice.. So I'm sure he would lowered his voice's tone more too!
⭐As his eyes met mc's older sister's ones, he'd open his more in surprise.
⭐That's when he'd understand that mc wasn't joking while saying "blinding beauty"
⭐This woman has really a blinding beauty and a charming smile!
⭐"Hi..! I'm mc's sister! She has already told me about you! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"
⭐All Nayuta's shyness would disappear after hearing her comforting and warm voice and realizing that she was as nice and kind as mc!
⭐Mc's sister would shake Nayuta's hand first and he would smile in return, introducing himself, feeling his nervous brother being behind him, as if hidden:
⭐"Oh.. Uhm.. Hey!.. The name's Nayuta Yatonokami.. Nice to meet you..!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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dajaregambler · 1 year
HeliosR - Lock On The Lost Night - Chapter 5
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Translation of chapter 5 of the event ‘Lock On The Lost Night’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Billy: HAHAHA~! Million’s pride and joy of an informant! Billy Wise has arrived~☆
Keith: Sigh… Ya didn’t have to go out of yer way to come here, y’know
Billy: I mean it’s kinda hilario---
Billy: Horrible, horrible that it turned into such an ordeal, so I thought I could at least emotionally support you two a little.
Keith: Naw, it’s definitely hilarious to ya
Billy: Woaw, you seriously are handcuffed to each other. May I snap a few pics?
Keith & Brad: Stop.
Billy: Eeeeh~ Keith-paisen aside, Brad-paisen being like this is a mega rare sight, you knooooow~~~~
Brad: Did you come all the way here for the sake of making fun of us?
Billy: NO, NO! I’m here to look into that rosary! I wasn’t able to judge if it’s authentic or not from the picture you sent me.
Keith: Got any clues then?
Billy: From my point of view, this rosary is probably some kinda membership card to this one bar.
Billy: What’s written on the back is the name of that place. It’s a pretty unknown bar that only those who are in the know, well, know about it. Now lemme have a look♪
Billy: Hmmm, not a doubt this is authentic…
Billy: I heard that these membership rosaries are pretty hard to get your hands on though, how did you score yourself one?
Keith: That’s where my memory completely fails me
Brad: ……….
Billy: Brad-paisen, you also drank yourself dead, right?
Brad: Ah, yes…. It’s embarrassing to speak of.
Billy: Haven’t you considered you’ve been there for a second round of drinks?
Brad: ….Right, there’s value in taking our chance with it. Tell us where it is, Billy.
Billy: Gotcha☆ I’ll text you the full details~
Keith: Then, let’s take a breather while we’re at it. Feelin’ like I need to smoke soon either way
Keith: Haaah~ Finally can have a smoke…
Keith & Brad: ……!
Keith: Tch, every single thing’s a pain in the ass…
Brad: I’m on the same page as to how inconvenient it is. You ought to abstain from smoking during such a time to begin with---
Keith: Ah geez, and you gotta stop nagging during break time!
Brad: ……..
Billy: Pfft…
Keith: Oi, what’cha laughing for.
Billy: I’m not laughing~♪
Billy: Me has used handcuffs for magic before, but that does indeed look troublesome
Keith & Brad: ……
Billy: Say say, how about you let me try to unlock these? I might be the capable man you need for this☆
Brad: Come to think of it, Jay had reported how you’ve done escapology at a circus before.
Billy: YES! As long as it’s not a complex structure, I can unlock anything I believe.
Keith: For real now. Be my guest
Billy: OK! Feast your eyes upon Billy Wise’s lock picking technique-----
Billy: !?
Brad: What is it?
Billy: Some… somehow these handcuffs are squishy!?
Keith: Huh? What did ya just say
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mrnovels · 2 years
Chapter 1: Seven hundred years later, new human beings!
Ice cold, shaking ......
  Ye Che's eyelids moved slightly and he woke up.  "Clang ...... clang ...... clang ...... clang ......"
  It was a train going to nowhere, the sound of the train moving, heavy and distant.
  A trace of confusion flashed in Ye Che's eyes, but soon, he snapped his fingers and stood up.
  Only when he moved, the entire carriage looked towards him.
  "En?" Ye Che frowned and raised his eyes, this compartment was about thirty people, just a glance over, all these people had deep frowns and were dressed in old fashioned clothes.
  "Where is this!?" Ye Che gaze, really bizarre scene, so he could not help but ask the mouth.
  "Pfft ......" a few somewhat clean-cut girls, instantly covered their mouths and laughed out.
  A boy who looked a bit grinning, but also muttered a sentence: "This person is not scared silly? Can't even remember he's on the exclusive train to challenge the new humans?"
  "What new human being?" Ye Che frowned even deeper, he was clearly on his way back from the s7 world finals, although he was also on the train, but how could he possibly sit on such an old and rusty train!
  Ye Che's mind was turning rapidly, but the passengers of this train were already muttering away individually.
  "This person looks like he's over twenty years old, right?"
  "Absolutely, it is estimated that he was stimulated, after all, this age still dares to come to take the New Human Promotion Competition, either he has great perseverance or he is an idiot."
  "Yes, after twenty years old reaction ability, innovation ability are greatly reduced, no wonder a sleep will forget where you are."
"Look at his dumb and dumber look, and innovative power, great perseverance?"
  With the chatter coming from his ears, Ye Che's brow furrowed even tighter, and the fingers of his left hand secretly snapped more and more sharply.
  If it wasn't too noisy, one could even hear a hint of a cracking sound.
  "New human!"
  This term suddenly gave Ye Che a very unpleasant feeling.
  Just as he thought of this, suddenly, the entire train shook slightly.
  "Woo ...... woo woo ......"
  The train roared long, and then an incomparably cold voice rang out on the train.
  "The train number from the Abandoned Land, bound for the Experimenter Canyon has arrived, those who do not leave the train within three minutes will automatically lose their qualification for the test!"
  As soon as the words of this voice fell, Ye Che only felt the train shake violently, and then the door snapped open.
  At once, a coldness surged in, while the doorway was filled with people's voices, as if they had been waiting for a long time.
  "Get out of the way!"
  A figure crashed in and tried to squeeze Ye Che out of the way.
  Ye Che's footsteps moved slightly and brushed against this figure by a hair's breadth.
  "Not bad, you still have some reflexes. But at your age, you still dare to come to test new humans, don't daydream, whether there is a team to take you in or not is still one thing, hahahahaha!"
  This figure, it was the boy with a big grin.
  Ye Che's expression flickered with thoughtfulness as he watched him quickly get off the train and proceed to drown in the sea of people.
  Soon, with the crowded flow of people, Ye Che also stood outside the train.
Just in a flash he sucked in a breath of cold air, because this train, actually at the top of a large canyon.
  This top has a large enough area, the place where the footsteps are even more unknown, carved with thousands of meters large League of Legends four words, plus the resulting gully with a large enough area, is very large and shocking.
  "League of heroes?" Ye Che saw this scene, some amazement and uncertainty.
  And at this time, there were thousands of people at the top of this.
  Many people four in a bunch, ten in a group.
  They are not well dressed, even very poor, clothes are almost washed white, with a kind of medieval style.
  Only at the moment their faces were enthusiastic, and a group of people were holding various signs in their hands yelling.
  "Wolf Lord battle team! Four short of one, any will d or top single please come, new human last year completion rate of sixty-eight percent!"
  "Aurora! Come a d, last year's completion rate of fifty percent ......"
  Ye Che turned his head to look, these two yelling warriors were particularly close to him, so he could completely see their expressions.
  The Wolf Lord battle team is okay, this Aurora battle team yells breathlessly, as if to come here just to get a number of people.
  At this moment, the people of the Aurora Battle Team were hooting and hollering listlessly, when one of the teenagers suddenly had a bright eye and saw Ye Che who was taking a closer look at them.
  Soon, he quickly walked over and whispered, "My name is Li Fei, do you know how to play d?"
  "d?Can a little bit ...... "Ye Che smiled faintly, a hint of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.
  "Hey, that's good, our team is ......" This Li Fei before he finished his words, his arm was pulled by another teenager who ran over.
"Li Fei, you and he waste what words, do not see this kid obviously over twenty years old? One look is n years have not challenged the new human successfully, although our battle team is the bottom, but also can not obviously pull a waste ah!"
  This teenager said while sizing up Ye Che, the contempt in his eyes was undisguised.
  Li Fei looked a little embarrassed, smiled apologetically at Ye Che, and was pulled away by this teenager.
  Ye Che was slightly stunned and sighed, but turned his head and didn't care.
  He just looked carefully at the whole canyon, at these crowds, and at the incomparably empty sky here.
  He faintly sighed: "It seems that I, Ye Che, seem to have stumbled upon something extraordinary."
  "Sky Blue Battle Team, recruiting peripheral members, requiring under 16 years old, gender female! Last year's new human challenge completion rate of ninety-two percent!"
  A cold voice suddenly sounded.
  "Wow ......"
  It was one of the four ace battle teams, Sky Blue!
  The hundreds of people nearby were instantly stirred, ninety-two percent completion rate! A very scary number, representing that this battle team would have a high chance of success in the examination this year.
  That way the entire battle group would successfully advance to become new humans and be qualified to enter the town!
  If you become a peripheral member of this team, the benefits are even more needless to say, technical guidance, material support, all of them will be available at that time.
  Ye Che listened to the heated chatter of the surrounding crowd and could not help but move his gaze over.
  After all, one side of the water and the land nurtures one side of the people, and Ye Che found the air of this canyon incomparably fresh.
  The five girls of this sky blue battle team, without any trace of makeup at all, looked just like 16 or 17 years old.
  Although Ye Che likes the girls to draw a little light makeup, but if they are so fresh and lovely without makeup, then there is even nothing to criticize.
Ye Che listened to the longing look of a boy next to him and could not help but smile.
  It seems like many years ago, such a thought also appeared in himself, just ...... many years ago.
  Soon, under the scenario of Ye Che looking around and wandering around, time passed nearly two hours and the sky was getting darker.
  And in these nearly two hours, the train came again, the number of people once again increased.
  Many people have found their own battle team, the sky blue expensive as one of the four ace battle team of these canyons, there is no lack of embracing households, only half an hour to fill up.
  Ye Che looked at his grandma not kissed unloved, some distress popped his fingers.
  After these two hours he also figured out that these people, including himself are old human beings.
  Like the canyon where they stand, there are a total of three in this neighborhood.
  And the place to live, even more resource-poor, is a place called the Abandoned Land, and only if you succeed in the test and become a new human, you will be qualified to settle in the town.
  Why use the game League of Legends to divide people into three, six, nine, etc., Ye Che does not know, ask the people around, they are even more bewildered.
  As if born, this concept has penetrated deep into the soul, as if eating, drinking, and scraping has become a lifelong belief.
  Moreover, Ye Che soon even found an even more frightening thing.
  "Seven hundred years later ah ......"
  Ye Che murmured with a complicated gaze, not knowing what he was thinking about.
Time, just like this, is gradually passing, finally, the sky has been the whole completely dark.
  The noisy crowd, all of a sudden stop all actions, an inexplicable atmosphere began to derive in these thousands of people.
  Ye Che stood up from the mountain rock he was leaning against, and he found that something unusual was happening on the opposite side of the canyon hill.
  That canyon on the opposite mountain was hundreds of meters higher than the one Ye Che was standing on.
  It was impossible to see what was happening there in the night, but a roaring sound represented that inexplicable changes were taking place there.
  "It's finally starting!" Someone muttered in a whisper of excitement.
  In vain, Ye Che only felt a brightness in front of his eyes, a blindingly bright light instantly entered his eyes, but Ye Che actually didn't even blink his eyes in any way, his expression didn't change.
  But all around the newcomers who just arrived this year, many of them came out with a cry of surprise, while those old people had already closed their eyes.
  "Number of eliminations, six hundred and fifty-seven!"
  The cold voice sounded again, the whole canyon!
  "What! Why, I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced!!!"
  This group of eliminated people, simply did not understand the situation, instantly the sky hundreds of red light flashed, like a laser, marking these six hundred and fifty-seven people.
  And these six hundred people were quickly sidelined out of the circle.
  "The situation is not alarmed, the first element of the League of Heroes, alarmed by the change in the surrounding environment, the thought of a big change, failure!"
  The cold voice finished, the canyon once again restored calm.
  And those who were eliminated, never appeared again.
  Obviously easy to see, that intense white light, is the test.
  It was nothing unusual for these six hundred or so people to panic and face elimination because of the sudden appearance of the white light.
  "Hoo hoo, luckily, luckily I was born
sluggish, otherwise it would be too wrong to be eliminated like this." A teenager next to him thankfully patted his chest.
  Many people around also looked thankful, but they didn't dare to make any sound, for fear that they would somehow be eliminated if they were not careful.
  In the blink of an eye, it was more than six hundred people who were cleared away, making some newcomers feel cruel.
  Ye Che shot a glance at the teenager next to him, then turned his head to look at the opposite side of that canyon again, and at this time, that canyon had already undergone a shocking change.
  On the surface of that canyon facing Ye Che, an incomparably huge light curtain quietly emerged, and then, instantly enlarged in Ye Che's eyes, enlarged ...... again!
Then, Ye Che was in the situation, as if he had opened the God's perspective.
  This is not to see 3d, nor 5d, completely have 10d also can not describe the immersive situation.
  Huge ...... vastness ...... shock ...... crazy ...... greatness... ...
  膛目结舌...... dumbfounded ......
  At this point it is impossible to use words to describe Ye Che's senses, he looked down from a height, his expression even a little trance.
  Below ...... below ......
  Ye Che horrified to gaze downward and, and instantly, the boisterous clamor that was enough to drown the sky and sea, broke through the sky and came straight to himself.
  "Kill! The pride of Valoran cannot be desecrated!!!"
  "We live! You die!!!"
  The sound was deafening, and the endless battle below swept over millions of kilometers. Ye Che had just shifted his gaze towards the place where the sound was coming from, when he found a dog-headed, humanoid monster roaring madly.
  Then, its entire body violently expanded a hundred times, like a great man standing on top of the sky.
  "Ah, that's Desert God of Death Nessus, he ...... has actually cultivated his Ultimate Technique Death Descent to such an extent, a perfection, definitely a perfection Ultimate Technique!"
  A creature shrieked.
  Ye Che is also watching completely hold his breath, only to see that Desert Death God Nessus, originally he was surrounded by thousands of glistening monsters entwined, but as soon as he unfolded this technique, those glistening monsters tautly broke layer by layer.
Then, Desert Death God Nessus shouted: "100,000 times soul-drawing painful strike!"
  The same swollen scepter in his hand was raised high, and suddenly the whole void was as if some kind of crack appeared, and that scepter was swung down by him.
  "Rumble!!! "
  This is like a ten-level earthquake, the whole ground sank violently, the surrounding five hundred meters of glistening monsters, as if they had been plowed through, moreover in a flash, they were destroyed and cleared away.
  Ye Che overhead watching the hands in cold sweat, this power ...... this power!!!
  "Start killing big time! Long live Noxious!!!" A cold and desperate voice suddenly appeared.
  Ye Che couldn't care less about the shock of that desert god of death, and hurriedly moved his gaze towards that place.
  As far as the sight could see, there was only a mat of bright red hair, and that seemed like some kind of sharp blade sheathing ......
  "Ten times the speed of sound! Instant Step!"
  "Clang ......"
  A bright red phantom instantly appeared a hundred meters away, along the way a piece of emptiness as broken as a mirror.
  "Ejecting blade, ominous blade ...... and ...... death lotus!"
  "Shoo shoo shoo!"
  A crazy tornado on the scene appeared in vain, like a sword blade storm, billions of daggers covered the sky, with a tsunami of wild waves swept the battlefield.
  "One thousand splendid monsters, die! Ten thousand! One hundred thousand! Dead, dead, dead!!!"
  Just ...... glistening monsters are just too ...... too much ......
  The glistening monsters that pervaded millions of kilometers, soon, drowned the woman with long bright red hair.
  Ye Che just vaguely heard that ...... stubborn cry, Noxious, long live!!!
  "Taste the big guy ......"
  A shrill, but firm voice came from the distance.
  Ye Che looked out, only to see that area as if a volcanic eruption, crazy trapped roaring ......
  including itself, was also collapsed pulled in.
  "Do not be afraid, I'm coming! Demacia!!!"
  The space around instantly a quiet, this moment as the whole world is quiet.
The sky seemed to reveal a bit of starlight, then a flash, a huge golden sword as if it were a skyscraper, descending from the sky.
  "Boom ......"
  This huge sword ripple range reached tens of kilometers in a flash, the ground left a bottomless hole, through it seems to be able to see the stars at the bottom.
  The planet, actually by this huge sword a through.
  "A malfunction ...... system power supply is weakening ...... occurred ......"
  Suddenly, a metallic synthesized sound came from the glistening monsters surrounded, Ye Che had not had time to look closely, only vaguely felt a yellow shell was completely covered into it.
  Tragic ...... incomparably tragic.
  The fall of this yellow shell, it is as if a trigger, that pervades millions of kilometers of glistening monsters madly surge up.
  Blood soared, and it was already unclear whose it really was.
  "A lesson from the previous car, the sword knows its master! The day the broken sword is recast, the time when the knight returns!!! Kill!"
  With this voice that contained an incomparable toughness of will, a huge Giant Queer Sword appeared.
  In the sky above the sword, a thousand-meter-long shadow of a giant sword appeared.
  Awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring aura erupted from above.
  "Kill!" This silver-haired woman had a solemn face, and along with her voice, a voice that spanned the void unexpectedly came from the thousand-meter giant sword shadow: "Kill!"
  The giant sword was united, and it was as if she was holding the backbone of the world.
  Then, the giant sword swept violently across the sky, UU look at the book (. &#) sword qi like a flash of aurora, countless splendid monsters were split into dust.
  "Good ...... so strong ......" Ye Che the whole person watching the gaze even flash, the whole person can not help but tremble, the excitement can not help themselves.
His dropping fingers were even more habitually flicking wildly, bringing up a whistling sound.
  As if so, it was as if he was in control of the battle.
  "Destiny ...... is distorted ......" a thick and magnetic voice just sounded.
  "Old human authority has been used up, return ...... return in progress ......"
  Ye Che only just heard this voice, did not have time to have any action, only to feel a burst of heat in the eyes, consciousness instantly reversed.
  The calm canyon mountaintop ...... as well as the opposite canyon light screen framed by four big glowing words, League of Legends!
  Ye Che gaze confused, like a world away ......
let me know, if you like the story
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magioffire · 2 years
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship ; accepting
i. vali fears the ocean/deep open water, and he has a rational reason to be that way. his body is just not made for swimming all that well -- and its all because of his chitin plating. if theres a bunch of air pockets stuck under his chitin, it will just make him annoyingly buoyant. however, if the spaces inbetween his chitin armor become waterlogged, it could drag him down like a rock if hes not careful. he knows how to swim *vaguely*, he can handle swimming in more shallow water, but any sort of sustained swimming in very deep water? he will just panic and that will likely cause him to drown faster than his chitin ever could. so i think...vasco should teach vali to swim BETTER. or at least get him more comfortable with being in and around water, if just to make vali's life a little bit easier on a ship. and also so vasco doesnt have the worry that the bug is gonna just get flung overboard and drown every time the waves get a little choppy. pfft. landlubber.
ii. once vali does get comfortable around water and on the ship, not much would be able to stop him from acting on his most savage fae impulses as we already talked about a little bit. he would likely go from walking shakey legged around the ship to crawling up into the crows nest like its nbd. i feel like that would be around the time where the two of them would start to get closer and bond, as vali would be able to more effectively interact with the nauts instead of being confined, sea-sick, to his cabin. he would be intensely interested in the culture of the nauts, curious to learn about a culture that is made up of people from entirely different cultures, who live entirely upon the sea, whom have no desires of colonization or conquest. the last one right there is an extremely foreign concept to a dokkalfar, whom could be considered a war-like race. he would begin to appreciate that mindset, even if at first he would not understand it.
iii. every time they are in port vali is going to immediately insist they go out drinking. he would drag vasco out from the docks and treat him to a good time. though im sure it would end in both of them getting too drunk and getting lost, and not making their way back until dawn. no one ever said vali was any good at retracing his steps in these big cities full of iron and smoke - he would get lost with vasco quite a bit.
iv. in the universe im basing the starter i wrote for you in, hes being chased from universe to universe by the wild hunt, which is his entire reason for joining the nauts on their voyage. he fully intends to just run as far as he can to the farthest reaches of unknown worlds, catch a breath before they find him again, then rinse and repeat. he would keep his identity as a fae a secret, instead merely posing as a noble among the bridge alliance. this not only will keep his identity a secret to the people around him, but also keep the wild hunt off his tail that much longer. however, his lack of knowledge of this world would quickly begin to show, and no doubt vasco and the other nauts would begin to notice the strange qualities and ways of their new ship-mate. vasco might see glimpses of valeriu's true form out of the corner of his eye. the glamour will maintain so long as vali has everyone around him convinced that they know what they see to be true. the minute vasco questions it, and realizes what hes looking at is illusion, then vali's glamour is just gonna be ppppftppfptpfptppftttttttt completely kaput. i wonder how he might first react to that realization, particularly if neither of them intended it. i can see when vasco is just starting to realize, he spends a lot of time of just staring suspiciously at vali, trying to figure out wtf is wrong with this picture. and vali is like *sweats nervously and pulls his collar* umm....can i get you something??? :)))) im definitely just a normal person....definitely NOT a bug.
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justmanic03 · 7 months
Amethyst - Chapter Twenty-four
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm slightly scared about going to Opaquia..." Mackenzie commented, his eyebrows knitted.
"Pfft... scared of what? Spiders?" Lisa teased, waving her fingers around to emulate creepy crawlies.
"Can you stop mocking my arachnophobia, Lisa? The joke is getting kind of old," He sighed in response.
"Well I kinda get why he's scared, I mean, Opaquia is literally the place where the greatest Champion in history fell to an unknown force." I interjected. My stomach was in knots at the thought of going to the obviously-cursed deserted black city.
"I'm not scared at all! You guys need to toughen up if you want to be the next Champions!" Lisa teased, skipping forward to emphasise her boldness. Mackenzie and I exchanged looks of concern.
We both shared the same really bad feeling about the quest we were about to embark upon.
Upon returning to where the flying taxi was waiting for us, I saw Crystal was waiting next to the Corviknight, petting its wings. She stepped forward when she noticed me. Whilst Lisa and Mackenzie proceeded to climb into the flying taxi, I waited, face-to-face with the region's esteemed Chairwoman.
"Clyde told me... you know everything about Flossi," she said quietly, a hint of shakiness in her voice.
I nodded. "I understand why you had to do it, but why keep everyone in Taldourse in the dark?"
"You make a good point. Clyde and Seraphina kept urging me to make an official statement about Flossi's removal from power, but... that would've scared everyone."
"How?" I inquired.
Crystal paused, scanning her surroundings, almost as if she were making sure no mysterious force was listening in. "Flossi is... extremely powerful. Even more powerful than Kossi was. He admitted that, himself, when he was alive. He was constantly singing her praises..."
The chairwoman proceeded to sniff as she recalled how much Champion Kossi adored his wife. "He'd be truly devastated to know the terrible things she did following his death,"
"Terrible things...?" I crossed my arms.
Crystal proceeded to step closer to me. "Y/N... even though I have yet to face you in battle, I truly believe that you're the strongest and most promising trainer Taldourse has to offer. Therefore, I shall entrust you with this story..."
~ Flashback~
"We had nothing to do with your husband's death, Flossi. Why would we murder our own Champion?" Louis asked.
"Well, I can think of a multitude of reasons, actually! Jealousy being one!" Flossi clapped back furiously.
"That's nonsense and you know it." Crystal interjected. "We adored Kossi, the whole region did!"
The Champion then proceeded to roll her eyes, which were heavily stained by tears of grief. "You loved him so much that you decided to MURDER HIM!"
"I'm trying to comprehend how you could even arrive at this absurd conclusion, Flossi. We weren't anywhere near the Opaquia gym when it happened, and you know that," Seraphina said softly, as the calmest person in the room.
"So what?! You could've hired someone else to do it and feign it as a Pokemon battle! Regardless, not a single other person in Taldourse has a motive!"
The Elite Four all proceeded to exchange looks with one another. No matter what any of them said, it was worthless. She just wouldn't listen. She was steadfast in her belief that they were the ones responsible for her husband's death.
"Flossi... I know you're grieving..." Crystal began. "But... you're being completely irrational."
"Exactly what a murderer would say. Stop with the gaslighting already, and just admit the truth!" Flossi raged.
"We all promise you that if there was anything we could've done to save Kossi, we would've done it! We had nothing to do with his death!" Clyde cried out. He looked to his left, both Louis and Seraphina had tears in their eyes.
"Flossi... it pains me so much that it has come to this but... I'm afraid you can't go on like this, as Champion." Crystal spoke up. She was shaking, clearly heartbroken that she had to make this tough decision.
Flossi turned around to face her, squinting. "Wait... what?!"
Clyde was the next to speak up. "You've been running around the place, stealing and spreading lies about us, telling people that we murdered Kossi! As those that govern this region, we all agree that we can't permit that."
Flossi then turned her head to look at Seraphina, whose tears were streaming down her face by this point. "I'm sorry, Flossi, I'm so so sorry... about Kossi, about everything, but, I'm afraid you're not fit to be Champion anymore. You're grieving, and you're lashing out, and that's completely understandable, but... the safety of our beloved nation must be Paramount."
"Typical. First you take away my husband, now you're taking away my livelihood. I always knew you were a ruthless bunch. Must be in the genes considering all your families were corrupt as hell." Flossi snapped.
"That was uncalled for!" Seraphina yelled.
Flossi then turned to the youngest member of the Elite Four. "Louis?"
"I'm afraid I agree with the decision to revoke your championship." He said quickly, to avoid breaking down.
The room was then enveloped in silence. Flossi turned away, digesting the devastating blow she had been dealt, before rising to her feet. She kept her face stiff, in desperate attempt to hide her pain and vulnerability to the heartbroken Elite Four. "Whatever..." she mumbled. "I'm not going to sit here and grovel to a bunch of murderers. You can take away my title in writing if you wish. But know this: Kossi and I will ALWAYS be the Champions of Taldourse. I'm the most powerful trainer in the region. And you can never take THAT away from me."
"Even so, you must return the crowns to us." Crystal instructed.
"Get lost." Flossi spat back in anger. "Kossi was the only person in the world to have EVER loved me! That Crown is the only thing I have left to remember him by. You murderers will NEVER, EVER take that away from me! I'm not giving you anything, you've already taken everything away from me."
"You can live your whole life believing that we killed your husband, but that doesn't make it true." Clyde spoke up.
Flossi disregarded this comment, and instead raised a finger, pointing directly at the Elite Four. "This is NOT over. I'm getting out of this hellhole for now. But I will get justice for my love someday. Kossi's death WILL be avenged."
"We are truly sorry it has come to this..." Louis began, yet was cut off again by the disgraced Champion.
"You make me sick to my stomach. I'm going to destroy you all."
And with that, she disappeared...
*End of Flashback*
After this conversation, I felt decidedly less comfortable with the whole mission. I stepped away from Crystal, and she appeared to pick up on my change in demeanour, nodding understandingly.
"It's not up to me which side you choose to believe... after all, it will remain a case of "he said she said" indefinitely,"
I nodded, turning to make my way into the flying taxi where Lisa and Mackenzie were waiting.
"Unless..." Crystal continued, causing me to snap my head back around.
"Unless someone somehow finds the real perpetrator behind Kossi's death."
As I began my ascent up into the flying taxi, the Chairwoman uttered her quietest words yet,
"Please be careful..."
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umbralsound-xiv · 7 months
A Different Sort Of Sweet.
I had searched the markets and picked out things that perhaps looked fun to try, to hope she would find some of them pleasing. There is always some fondness, going on a picnic...
Even in the evening, Thavnair's almost impermeable heat had scarcely dulled, though the faint breeze brought out the scent from the flower field the couple now walked through. Picnic basket in tow, took beneath the crook of his arm, and Sayuri's hand in the other, Eir gazed over the field with a pleased sigh. "…Any preference to where we sit? By a tree, perhaps? Would you like the view from a hilltop, or the comfort of a valley? The stars will be visible either way… As will the Moon." A wide grin is offered with his quip, looking over his shoulder to Sayuri.
Sayuri's fingers rested between his own, her hand keeping a gentle hold of his as she wandered alongside him - gaze trailing across the rows of flowers before seeking its way up to Eir once his voice graced her ears. She met him with a soft smile and a tilt of her head, a low, thoughtful hum leaving her as she considered the options. Their visit to the crucible had seemingly done good for the Seeker, who had slept easier since - and even on the now rare sun she hadn't, there had been no violent bursts of pain along with whatever ice had opted to emerge.
"The shade of the tree will likely be more pleasant for you.. On a hill? That will let us see more.." Her voice trails, eyes narrowing into the faintest squint at his quip. ".. Careful, or the Moon may go get a fancy headdress with one of those veils she keeps seeing around." She smirks.
"It will matter not, by the time of nightfall. But i suppose it will be nice to rest against." He agrees, taking the uphill path to the small overlook. Her reply brings a small frown to his lips, though it's a playful one. "You would hide from me?" He makes an effort to sound hurt. "How am i supposed to kiss you…?"
"You know best, considering.." She hums, keeping her smirk at his little frown. "With difficulty!" She grins, laughing softly. ".. In locations that isn't my face works too."
"Oh? I had not realised we were going to dine on persimmons this eve…" He trails, but the loft of his brow and the lilt of his words contains more than a little mischief. Still, to sweeten his words, he briefly turns to lean down, bringing the back of her hand to his lips. "I know just the place we can sit, if the tree is still there. I have slept beneath it a time or twenty…"
A snort of amusement leaves her at his words, head shaking. ".. Had that been the plan, we would likely have stayed in." She muses, smiling as his lips meet her hand - making her fingers squeeze his in return. "… A time or twenty."
"…Running errands in the hot sun was exhausting work, especially with a sickly child at home. On particularly poor nights, i rarely slept… So often caught up here, on my lunch break." He climbs the hill; the path was not well formed, and not well walked judging by the lack of wear. "…The view from there is lovely, when we get to it. Lovelier still for you being there."
It does not look any different than the last i walked this path. Perhaps it is still unknown to most; though i suppose sleeping outside is not perhaps so preferred by others. Suppose of the very few holdovers Golmore had of me, being eternally outside was the most appealing of it all. Perhaps why leaving Bozja and finding myself without so much as a coin to my name was not quite so daunting as it could have seemed. There is some... Invigoration, to being outside. ...Though i have grown partial to the comfort of a room.
".. Sometimes I forget that you have been a parent." She glances at him, treading the path just slightly behind him, hand still in his. ".. Pfft." The huff is her only response to his compliment, the smallest of pouts settling on her lips.
"It was something i did not think possible, considering. Unexpected thought it was, and… Difficult in ways, it was extremely rewarding. Though… I do not think it would be something i would wish for again…" He turns his head to look at her, and upon spotting the flicker of a pout… Opts to blow her a kiss, rather than lean and kiss her, for fear of loosing his footing, dropping the basket, or both. It could wait… At least for a little.
".. There might have been a problem, if you had wished to be. Considering.. I cannot." She pauses, tilting her ears back a touch. ".. Sure. Taking in a parentless child is an option, but.. I would not wish myself as a parent on any child." She half-laughs, poking her tongue out as the blown kiss is sent her way.
"You would rise to the task of being a fine mother, of that i am sure. Woe betide anyone who laid a finger on that child." Eir huffs a small laugh, before it moves to something softer. "…But i would not wish the stress and difficulties of parenthood on you, when you already have so much to contend with. I love you for you. Not for what you can or can not provide me." Summitting the hill, there's a small treeline before the forest thickens proper, a few perched upon the overlook. Eir makes his way to a particularly old looking tree; the trunk curved at the base ever so slightly, providing plenty of encouragement for lounging.
".. Sure. I'd protect it. Violently." She pauses, tilting her head. ".. I am not so sure I can offer it the other kinds of support it needs." A moment of silence hangs around her, features visibly contorting into mild distress at whatever thought graced her before she shakes her head in refusal of it. Her gaze settles on Eir, lips curling into a small smile. "Well, you already knew I couldn't have one before we married, so.. I figured you wouldn't suddenly turn around and be upset with me that I couldn't." A weak laugh leaves her, hand squeezing his.
Even if Sayuri were able, willing to have a child... I do not know if i could go through that grief again. Lilya was a surprise. A happy one. Outliving B'nhara was difficult enough... But i did overcome, even though it took me decades to do so. I do not think it will be any easier when... It happens again. But i do not think i could outlive another child. There is something about seeing them so small, to having them grow and grey before you while i scarcely age... No. I could not do that again. Asides, we are more than happy as we are, and i could wish for nothing more.
"Of course not. I am glad i had the experience, but… I do not think it would be one i could repeat. Asides. I am more than happy with all we have, now." Setting the basket down, he takes out a blanket, tucking it beneath his arm. "…Here? It is a fair place to watch the sun set. We can see the lights of the city, too…"
"As am I." She smiles, eyes shifting around the area to quietly judge it before nodding to him. "It is a good spot, I'd say."
"…It is quiet… Peaceful." The blanket is unfurled at the base of the tree, and the basket scooted over to perch on it. Eir himself slowly lowers down, and takes the small bundle of food from the wicker… Before pulling out two pillows; one each. "…I could not bring them all. But i thought you would at least like to be comfortable." He beams.
Sayuri eyes him curiously, head slowly canting to the side. ".. As if I won't be leaning on you for most of the night, love." She snickers. "I will be very comfortable."
"Hah, i should hope so. You seem to prefer leaning on me anyway, but you always seem happier with pillows in your presence." Eir shuffles back a little, extending an arm out. "…We can watch the sunset together. Then the stars. Then… suppose we can stay here. Or take a slow walk back to our room. Whatever we find fitting in the time." Opening the small bundle of food, allowing small, bite-sized things of many descriptions to unfurl, he glances to her. "…What to try first?"
"I could have a thousand pillows, and none of them would make me happy if you were not with me." She pouts, sinking onto the blanket and dropping herself, gently, directly into Eir's embrace. ".. Mmh? Maybe we'll just stay here.. Sleep under the stars." She hums, nestling herself against him and peering at the bundle. ".. You tell me. I don't know what half of these things are."
"I would like that…" Eir murmurs, pressing a kiss to her cheek… And then, noticing she was pouting, one to her lips, where he lingers for some time before he eventually pulls away. "That is part of the fun of it. First… Let us try… This." A vibrant orange fruit no bigger than a grape is plucked up by Eir's fingertips. "It has been some time since i ate one. Have you tried a kumquat before?"
She lingers in the kiss, raising a hand to gently brush a cool thumb along his cheek in the process, smiling once they part. Her gaze shifts to the fruit, one ear lofting ever so slightly. ".. I.. do not think so."
Leaning his cheek against the affectionate caress of her hand, Eir's smile broadens, a pleased sigh leaving his lips. "Think of it like a very small, sweet orange. You can eat the skin, too." Rather than wait for her to take it with her hands, he offers it to her that she might easily take it with her teeth, instead.
She eyes it curiously, briefly glancing to Eir before leaning forwards to very, very carefully, capture it with her teeth.
Eir slowly pushes the fruit to her lips, and when she has it, seeks out another fruit for himself. "…They are sweeter than i remember. Pleasant, though… I remember peeling them the first time i saw them. Thought they were the tiniest oranges i had ever seen. What do you think?"
Sayuri quietly chews on the fruit, head tilted as she considers it for a moment, shoulders eventually drawing into a faint shrug. "Hm. They're okay. There are other things I'd pick over it, but if I was offered one I wouldn't be unhappy about it."
"A fair assessment. We do not know if you do not try, hm?" The next thing he picks up is small and savory; fried and spiced dough in a vibrant yellow. "I… I do not know what these are called, but they smell good." He offers one to her in much the same way, seeming to enjoy doting on her in such a manner. "…Do let me know when you have had enough to eat."
Calling her a princess is as good as a death sentence; or at least a sharp glare. ...But that does not mean i cannot treat her like one, even in my own little way...
She takes this offering in the same way she did the first, carefully grasped with her teeth while comfortably resting herself against Eir.
As usual, Eir takes a piece for himself. "…Hm. It is… Doughy. Filling, and better warm, i think. But not unpleasant." He glances to her for her thoughts on the matter. "I did bring something to drink, if you would like? I have… A pineapple juice, and a mango juice. You pick. I like both of them." He can't seem to keep his lips from her for a moment, smiling as he presses a small kiss to the crown of her hair.
Sayuri lingers in a brief pause, shoulders shifting into yet another little shrug, not seeming all too certain about her own opinion for the snack. Her ears twitch briefly, a low hum leaving her. "..Pineapple." She murmurs, leaning herself closer to him as his lips press against her head.
Rummaging in the basket, Eir pulls out a bottle labelled with only a small drawing of the fruit, uncorking it to offer to her, a small, amused chuckle in his wake. "…I enjoy this. Doting on you. Hand feeding you things…"
She accepts the bottle, offering Eir a small squint. "..I will allow it. This time." She smirks, raising the bottle to sip from it. A tiny sparkle in her eyes may suggest that she's enjoying the doting more than she would ever admit.
"Just this time?" Eir asks, offering a small playful pout. "What about next time? What if i ask you nicely?" He widens his eyes, blinking slowly, something akin to a sad puppy. "…I cannot spoil you with coin. This is one of the only ways i know how…"
She pauses, giving him a prolonged stare in silence. "… We will talk about that when the time arises."
His pout almost turns a little sulking, then. "…But i like spoiling you…" He murmurs, plucking up a small wrapped paper box no bigger than the palm of his hand. Opening it, inside rests a single, chocolate covered rolanberry. He offers it to her, much the same as the rest. "…Do not tell Bexy."
She grins, leaning herself over to press her lips against his cheek. "We will talk about it when the time arises." She repeats, nudging her forehead against him gently before leaning back to peer towards the rolanberry. ".. Oh, she would be jealous." She snickers, leaning over to gently catch the fruit between her teeth.
"…She would. Chocolate covered rolanberries she might be able to get, but she will not be getting them hand fed to her on a cosy Thavnairian evening…" Eir is still sulking somewhat at Sayuri's words, and notably, he'd only gotten the one rolanberry for her. Still, he fights to hide it as he murmurs into her hair, arm pulling her that bit closer.
"I'm sure she and Laurent could have a pleasant night together where he fed her rolanberries." She smirks, head turning slightly to peer in his direction. A hand raises, curving around to let her finger lightly poke at his cheek.
"…Probably, if they have not already. But it will not be here in Thavanair." He states. Her prodding finger brings his face from out of it's hiding spot in her hair. "…Mm?" He glances to the offending digit, pausing a moment to then quickly kiss the tip of it.
"You're sulking." She states in return, lightly wiggling the kissed finger.
"…No i am not." Eir replies, head inclining a little. He shuffles to better look at her, propped up on an elbow. "I am pouting. It is different." She was, of course, right, not that he'd admit it. "I suppose i will have to make the most of spoiling you this eve, hm?"
"You are both sulking and pouting, my love." She tilts her head, peering at him. ".. Perhaps."
"…Perhaps just a little. I know i cannot always have what i want." He leans in to kiss her, a softer, lingering thing. "…But i will be waiting for next time, should there ever be one. For now, however…" He plucks out a persimmon… Or at least, that's what it looked like. Small and delicate, it was clearly some form of candy. "…It is not an actual persimmon, but i thought you would appreciate it."
".. Mmhm? And what is it you want, hm? To dote on me?" She murmurs, meeting his lips with her own to return the kiss. Her gaze draws to the 'persimmon', a small snicker leaving her. ".. I appreciate anything you do."
"Well that… Varies entirely on context…" Eir murmurs, before adding, "…I like doting on you. I am no great protector, nor do i have so much coin. So… I like to dote. Whether it is bandaging your wounds, or braiding your hair, or hand-feeding you little treats on a Thavnairian sunset…" The 'persimmon' is held aloft as the sun begins to sink into the horizon, as the sky begins to tinge much the same colour as the treat. "…I like to dote on you. I enjoy it. I… Hope you do too."
The night was a pleasant one. We stayed long until after sunset, after the stars had drawn across the night sky, and until the moon followed, trying all kinds of pleasantries. Moments like these... I have never prayed to many Gods. But if there would be more, i will thank them.
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nagalias-mindscape · 10 months
Welp, I now know what happens when I fail a wis save.
TL;DR: Nasty boom that wakes Medli from the dead with immense necrotic damage. Bad news- She's unable to cast spells until the following long rest. Which, fair. What's not fair- she's still blind and without her familiar... which she needs to cast a spell to re-obtain and 'see' again.
Also, aside: Teammates are fine. We were able to stabilize the rouge and paladin, but the wizard needed a revive spell from the cleric (two floors above us, whose player we pulled from their irl-work break just to get permission to use their character to use res said wizard). DM let us ignore the '10 minute' rule and instead made it 10 hours.
Medli's current status: Unknown reason for current affliction. 1 HP; 12 AC; 0 spell slots; semi-unlimited casting disabled. Unable to heal from necrotic damage until after the next long rest.
--- --- ---
DM: And with that, add another level of exhaustion to your character.
Me: Aaaand now she's dead.
Rouge: Great, we killed the bard. Anyone got a revive spell?
DM: I'll spare you all the trip and time sink, it won't work.
Me: ... Alright. Can i roll a new character?
DM: Nope. Roll a wis save.
Me: the fuck? i'm dead.
DM: Roll me a wis save, hon. Better be above a 15.
Me: ... 11.
DM: Yeah, everyone else roll me an investigation check. or a perception one, whichever one is better for you.
Barbarian: Wait, even the ones outside the room?
DM: Nope, just in the room. So, [Wizard], [Rouge], and [Paladin].
Paladin: I'm off my game today, I get the bard killed and then roll a nat 1.
Rouge: That's okay. 24. Not a nat, though.
Wizard: I'm in the rafters, off the side, with my back to everyone, going through scrolls. Do I get a roll?
DM: Oh, no roll for you. Well, [Rouge], as you watch your comrade fall from exhaustion at the paladin's attempt to heal her, you notice that she's... beginning to glow in a sickly, pale-green light? Give me an... perception check, [rouge], alongside an arcana check.
Rouge: Er, 18 for perception, 13 for arcana.
DM: You notice the light around medli begin to waiver around her, gathering in intensity, and swell. It looks like something is getting ready to explode.
Rouge: Um, I cry out 'shit' and try to run from the room?
Paladin: I assume I have no clue what's going on, but I try to follow.
DM: [Wizard], would you like to try and follow?
Wizard: When the rouge cries 'shit' and tries to flee, you know it's going to be bad. So, yeah.
DM: Everyone give me an athletics roll.
Wizard: 7.
Paladin: 13.
Rouge: I... Damn it. 3.
DM: yeah, none of you made it out of the room in time. But first, [barbarian]! Give me an athletics roll.
Barbarian: Um, 17.
DM: Great, now give me a con save.
Barbarian: ... Ha! Nat 20!
DM: Great. You, dearest [barbarian], watch in abject horror as the room that four of your party entered into lights up with a green light, and no sooner does that information sink in does the world around you erupt into a wall of force that pushes you back 30 feet, knocks you prone, and causes the world around you ring in silence once the rush of air dies down. You've taken.. one sec... 14 damage. Everyone else, you take... 32 damage.
Rouge: What the fuck. Welp, I'm down.
Wizard: Same.
Paladin: ... same.
DM: Pfft- whoops.
Me: This feels a little overkill, dear.
DM: In my defense, I thought that giving you a level of exhaustion when you have identify or whatever cast on you would have told the rest of the party to not try casting magic on you. Should have realized I needed to take into account those who don't pay attention to the dm.
Barbarian: Is it... is it safe to get myself on my feet and see what the hell just happened in that room?
DM: As you approach, you feel a sense of unease. Closer and closer you step, and the more you feel the need to run in the other direction. Whatever just happened in this room, you know it couldn't be good. However, the epicenter is where four of your party were. Do you step past the threshold and enter the room?
Barbarian: yes.
DM: You see a room- walls intact despite the explosion, but the now-broken furniture are haphazardly embedded in the walls. Three of your teammates are skewered on said furniture and pinned against the walls. The fourth is sitting upright and sightlessly looking around, dazed and confused..
Me: ... what the fuck.
Barbarian: I echo that statement.
DM: I'd more recommend doing something about your teammates. Medli appears to be battered and worse for wear, but a very clear degree better off than the others who were in the room.
0 notes
cursedcola · 2 years
Congrats on making it to 1000 followers! I absolutely adore your writing and I hope you're doing okay! I'd like 41 for Lilia if that's okay.
Prompt 41: "Let me see your scars..."
Character: Lilia Vanrouge
Normally when you think of a vampire, the beach is not something that comes to mind. Not with all the sunlight, heat, troves of people…yeah, definitely does not fit the association.
You watch your Diasmonia friends from a safe distance and seated under a large beach umbrella. For some reason unknown to you they had insisted on taking a vacation to the sea. With some strain you can picture Sebeck and Silver going for some resilience training, but Malleus? Lilia? Needless to say, you needed to hear the invite multiple times over.
Then again, Lilia’s never fit into the stereotypes you’ve heard of. He isn’t the brooding dark-academic that carries an umbrella everywhere and avoids the outdoors. He’s quite the contrary, being outspoken and more energetic than many of the “youngsters” on campus. Not to mention how he can decimate any gaming match whether he’s played before or not, and is one of the better performers in music club.
“Hey, quit staring at the sun or you’ll go blind,”
Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear. He breaks your thoughts by tapping your forehead with his index finger. He looks down at you in mock disapproval, one hand on his hips and the other still outstretched. Only when your attention is on him does he back off.
He pouts, “You know, we did not bring you here to sulk. Why not swim? Rest assured that the water is safe,” he says, and you swipe his hand away.
“Maybe in a bit. I want to stay out of the sun for a bit,”
You tuck your knees under your chin, shrinking further under the umbrella. Lilia huffs and plops down at your side, “Now now, I thought that I was the one at risk here? Do you burn easily?”
You huff out a short laugh. Hah. Funny. From your peripheral vision peeks his exposed calf, and across the center is a faded scar. Likely long healed but the injury must have been deep.
Your eyes trail up and start to notice more marks of differing sizes and pigmentations across his skin. One on his wrist looks recent, a light pink contrasting brightly against his milky white skin.
Lilia notes your wandering eyes on his skin.
He jokes, “What’s wrong? Do I have something stuck to my clothes?” And pats at his swim trunks.
You flush, quickly averting your eyes from ogling too much.
“Oh…no. I just never noticed all of your…uhm…scars,”
Your voice comes out quiet, as if expecting a scolding.
“Pfft-“ he laughs, “What?I was a war general, y’know,” he leans over, his face coming close to yours. His voice holds a tinge of playfulness,“or has my docile appearance caused you to forget,”
“Nononono,” your heart jumps at his proximity, “trust me, I am well aware of how powerful you all are,”
At that, something sparks behind his eyes. You can’t decide if it’s regret or pity. Or why the emotion is there in the first place.
He leans back, giving you space to breath.
“Do we frighten you?” Lilia asks, no longer teasing.
“No-“ you pause to rethink, “-maybe? Nowhere near how I used to be, if that makes sense. After everything my fight-or-flight has definitely been desensitized to all you scary folk,”
Lilia’s legs shift to cross beneath him, and conversation drifts off.
He turns to watch the rest of your friends. Silver and Sebeck are fighting with water guns for “target practice,” and Malleus is relaxing in one of the floating tubes you bought him as a present.
“Hmm…” he hums, picking up yet not taking his eyes away from the sight.
“Can I do anything? To make adjusting easier?”
You think for a moment, debating on being honest or not answering at all. He waits patiently, and you note his hand has come to rest comfortingly on your knee.
“Can you…” you look away, suddenly feeling bashful, “let me see your scars?”
“My scars?”
“Yeah. You know, tell me a bit about how you got them and where you’re from,” in a fit of nervousness, you ramble on, “I want to know more about you,”
Lilia smiles at that, and a light rose dusts the cusp of his cheeks. He doesn’t bother to hide how your words make him feel and happiness fills his voice as he explains the origin of each of his scars.
Even the light pink one on his wrist, which was from the clamchowder, butternut squash, chili pepper, and chocolate cake he baked last week.
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?? : Hah…Hah…No, my dream will never come true like this. I've got to make this happen before I run out of time… (I have to become a Grand Meister...)
The Sun had begun to rise once more by the time we’d crossed the Moon Road and landed in Sorciana, the land of magic.
EMMA : So this is Sorciana, is it? CROW : Ooh! This is your first time visiting another country, isn’t it, how does it feel? Shame the view’s kinda lame. EMMA : But there’s something really mysterious about it -- hmm, what could it--? EMMA : --Whoa, it's beautiful….!
ITSUKI : There are magic particles floating in the forests, shining in the sunlight. It's a uniquely beautiful natural phenomena of Sorciana because magic is everywhere here.
EMMA : So, that's why it all felt so strange. I should have expected as much in the land of magic! GRANDFLAIR : Flying on brooms, turning people into cats with your wand. That's the kind of spectacle you just have to expect in a country like this. Gran's words make my heart flutter, but I can't afford to let myself get carried away.
INTEL : To Moon Wanderers, the World Exploration Guild, and to Emma, we offer you a commission under the union of the King of Reckord, the World Guild Federation, and the King of Dreams. Find Eden and reveal it to us!
Remembering the mission entrusted to us, I pulled myself together. I could feel Crow patting me on the back.
CROW : Your shoulders are tense, you should relax more. We haven’t forgotten what we’re here for. EMMA : Yeah, you're right…First we need to find those two dark fairies. EMMA : (Let's do our best. As a keeper, and as moonwalkers--) ITSUKI : Speaking of, where's Navi and them?
EMMA : They’ve been quiet inside the key. I’ve tried to talk to them, but I’m not getting any response. CROW : ……I see. Well, I guess they’ll come out when they’re ready. CROW : For now, let's head for the city. ?? : Oooh~ Oooh~ Woohoo!!!!
EMMA : Now what!? CROW : Is that some kinda bird? ITSUKI : Or a phantom? GRANDFLAIR : No, that's--
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?? : Pfft! You're always getting in my way! ?? : I'm not competing with you. You're the only one who cares about this nonsense.
?? : Oh, yeah? Then why are you soaking wet too? Huh~? ?? : I just used a little too much magic. Don't mistake that for a second. ?? : Hah Hah …… Finally …… I caught up to you guys …. Please stop fighting……Are you both safe~? ?? : Kai…Are you listening~?
KAI : I was faster than you. ?? : Sion~ SION : Are you blind? I had the lead by 10 centimeters on the broom handle. ?? : Are either of you aware of my existence~? KAI : What!? I won for sure! SION : This simpleton is absolutely hopeless. How can you call yourself a doctor with this kind of witchcraft?
KAI : Who the hell are you calling a simpleton, you bastard!? ?? : I knew it, they don't even know I’m here ……. They just treat me like some overgrown weed……. But if the two of them keep this up, we'll all catch a cold…Where’s that magic tool I use to dry myself? ?? : Uh, not here, not here, either. Then, it must be in my backpack, which is--! Oh, no! It’s in the lake!
EMMA : …….Such a lively place. As it so turned out, the unknown object that plunged into the lake at such incredible speed was neither a bird nor a phantom beast. It was a just man, on a broom. ITSUKI : What should we do?
EMMA : Hmmm…Um, sorry to interrupt you. I was wondering if you could get out of the lake so we could talk to you for a moment? KAI & SION : We're busy!!!
The two mumble something, and two streaks of light flash in the air, illuminating the waters below. When the two wisps of light collided, a large column of water erupted from the lake, like geysers from the feet of the two mages.
EMMA : Hey!? EVERYONE : Whoa!!!?
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 309: Gotta Go My Own Way
Previously on BnHA: Muscular was all “well if it isn’t the protagonist on his solo journey of self-discovery, for some reason I’m unironically glad I get to fight you!” Deku was all “hey Muscular before I finish kicking your ass would you please take a moment to answer these two survey questions? Question one, do you regret being a total piece of shit? And question two, if you could do anything at all in the world other than being a total piece of shit, would you?” Muscular was all, “pfft, no and no.” Deku was all, “thanks buddy, your feedback helps make me a better hero, here’s a coupon for fifteen percent off your next ass-whooping.” Then he whooped his ass.
Today on BnHA: Deku is all “what up All Might can you believe you’ve been here this entire time?” All Might is all “I sure can since that’s literally my catch phrase, anyway how are your magic movie 1 gauntlets holding up?” Deku is all “they’re holding up fine, how are Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist doing?” Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist are all “we, your fellow co-conspirators, are also doing fine, thanks for asking!” Flashback!Deku is all “anyway so I secretly have All Might’s quirk and the most dangerous people in the world are after me, so sorry mom but that’s why I’m dropping out of school.” Inko is all “I CAN’T ACCEPT THAT” while totally accepting it. All Might is all “I GUESS WE’LL JUST HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH IT SINCE I DON’T FEEL LIKE TRYING TO STOP HIM.” Hawks, Jeanist, and Endeavor, as previously mentioned, are all “yeah that sounds like a good plan”, and Gran is all “see ya kid, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” So basically everyone in the entire world has suddenly teamed up with Deku to defeat AFO, except for the one person whose entire foreshadowed endgame is “teaming up with Deku to defeat AFO.” O Kacchan where art thou.
dear tumblr image limit: okay look. you don’t like me, and I don’t like you. but just as an experiment, I’m gonna try writing this recap with as few images as possible and we’ll see how it goes
(ETA: spoilers for how it went: it didn’t, lol.)
oh my god WHY ARE WE OPENING WITH MORE KETSUBUTSU ACADEMY KIDS.ffs we’d better at least finally get some Ms. Joke content out of this
(ETA: seriously who do I have to bribe.)
so these two KB kids who no one cares about are watching Deku leap away from the scene after dispatching Muscular. but more importantly wtf is this chapter title omg. “I can’t stay being a child” so that’s how it is huh. we’re gonna have feels and we’re going to like them. well then
oh my god he’s hauling Muscular away dhfksklfkh okay this is gonna have to be our first image because I can’t fucking help myself. look at this
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just. Deku is so tiny and he’s carting away this massive unconscious lump of a man like it’s nothing why is this so funny to me. it’s like when people buy furniture, and they don’t want to pay extra for delivery and so they’re like, “I can definitely fit this king-sized mattress in the back of my compact sedan if I fold the fucking seat down, idk.” and they refuse to be talked out of it, and the next thing you know you’re watching them drive home with their open trunk door haphazardly tied down with bungee cords, and somehow it fucking works. because it turns out the compact sedan has super strength
anyway for SOME REASON now Horikoshi is all “have fun with that Deku, meanwhile we now return you to your regularly scheduled SHINDOU CONTENT” whyyyyyy
look at this. we’re really using up a whole fucking entire page on everyone arguing over who gets the honor of carrying Shindou
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love how the civilians are all, “shit lol is this actually our fault?? quick, how do we play this off all casual like we were the reasonable parties here all along”
turns out all it took to finally get them to listen was making them watch while a kid got his insides ground into a pulp because of their stupidity!! what a heartwarming conclusion to this little standoff
anyways THANK GOD we’re cutting back to Deku now!! well actually we’re cutting back to Muscular who is being dropped off at the police precinct, good bye and good riddance lol
so Deku’s leaving him there and bounding away and okjdlSKFJLKJDSL OH MY GOD
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no fucking way. no fucking way this little jaunt is All Might-sanctioned and approved. are you serious?? then who else is in on this?? what the hell is going on
so All Might is just WAITING FOR HIM IN AN ALLEY FFF WHO ARE YOU, JIM GORDON. or would Alfred be a better analogy here?? but like, Alfred if he ditched the suit for a moto jacket and shades
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this new ensemble of All Might’s may or may not severely impact my ability to take this forthcoming conversation seriously; please stand by
also, quite the spectacular landing there, Deku. seriously lol what was that
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are these the same gauntlets from the first movie, then? well that’s all well and good, except that now there’s going to be more Deku Discourse than fucking ever lol. so if it’s all the same to you guys, I’m gonna once again go ahead and declare this week’s post a discourse-free zone, at least when it comes to the specific discourse of Deku’s merits as a MC, and the impact that him kicking ass and having working arms has on said merits. this has been something of a low mental energy week for me, so I’d rather reserve the energy I do have for more fun topics, such as All Might’s bitchin’ leather jacket
anyway so All Might’s saying that the gauntlets will help reinforce Deku’s arms, but they can’t withstand OFA at 100%. so basically it’s a support item designed to maintain the status quo lol. we’re basically in the same situation we were before, arm-capability-wise
homg All Might’s getting a call. time to see who else is in on Operation: Deku Alone?? or not so alone for that matter
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(ETA: seriously are they really gone for good?? why would he even be back on active duty then?? does he have his own American ex-boyfriend who can hook him up with exclusive support items?? dammit Horikoshi we want answers.)
looks like Jeanist and Endeavor are teaming up as well, just like they said they would. I would gladly follow this trio around all day long tbh
is this the same giant villain from the very first chapter??
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looks like it to me, and it would tie in with that callback from the end of chapter 306. we all thought that was Muscular, but maybe it was this guy, and Deku left these three to deal with him while he ran off to take Muscular down
oh my god now Deku is running off again just like that
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kids these days
ffffff I have not had nearly enough sleep to follow along with whatever tf Hawks is talking about here sob
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like, is he trying to say that All Might is keeping Deku’s whereabouts unknown to anyone except for him?? in order to keep him safe?? but Hawks is pointing out that that’s a bad strategy and probably won’t do shit against AFO and it’s better if he lets Deku work with the rest of them?
(ETA: so @hanashimas​’ translation makes a lot more sense -- it’s not All Might who’s being overprotective, but Deku. in other words he’s trying not to drag All Might into his battles. and in addition Hawks is saying that their strategy is to take the offensive and go after AFO themselves rather than wait for him to come to them. which I’m not too sure about myself, but that’s another topic for another day.)
btw I can’t help thinking how much better this entire conversation would be if All Might was still wearing his sunglasses. put them back on my dude. it’s not too late. embrace your inner badass
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“turns out, we were just trying to scare you straight. fuck lot of good that did though lol”
also what is this. one true love: the hospital bed. is that a scanlator joke or is Horikoshi actually that funny omg
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ITSA ME!! omg I love this hospital so much. though it’s sure not helping me in my quest to try and keep this post below ten images. I’m already up to eleven haha r.i.p. to me if tumblr doesn’t get its shit together
whaaaaaat, so he’s saying that Deku’s injuries were external (i.e. Tomura beating the shit out of him) rather than internal this time?? whaaaaat. excuse me but that’s some bullshit lmao. believe me, I was there
okay now he’s going on to explain that Deku’s “internal structure” seems to have been protected from the inside and out, and the corresponding panel seems to be implying that using Blackwhip as a brace paid off. huh
and also that his body is just stronger now?? so I guess he’s better able to withstand the quirk after an additional year of training?? I’M NOT SURE IF I BUY ANY OF THIS LOL but I’m willing to suspend my disbelief
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what is this soft pop beat that’s suddenly being pumped in over the speakers. I’VE GOT TO MOVE ON~ AND BE WHO~ I~ AM~~~, I JUST DON’T BELONG HERE, I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAAAAAAAND. also, follow-up question, when is Kacchan finally going to come back so he can jump in with the “WHAT ABOUT US~~~” bridge, huh. come the fuck on, Horikoshi
lmao All Might jesus christ
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but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision...
anyway, yes!! finally that sweet, sweet “I don’t want to put anyone else in danger” angst!!
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mmm that’s good angst Brent. Kacchan with center panel honors as usual, you love to see it. anyways though who do I have to yell at to get Deku a goddamn HUG around here seriously
so Inko is of course reacting with panic, and sensibly saying that she doesn’t approve of Deku’s “RUN AWAY AND FIGHT THE BAD GUYS ALL ON MY OWN, DON’T WORRY MOM I’LL JUST GET STRONGER, EASY AS PIE, IT’S A FOOLPROOF STRATEGY” plan
son of a bitch this manipulative green asshole is really gonna sit here and smile fondly at his mom and try to convince her that he’s Not A Little Kid Anymore. the hell you’re not mister
y'all are really just gonna sit there and let him talk you into this?? surely it can’t be that easy??
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anyway sob so that’s the story of how Deku talked his parents into letting him drop out of school, and even convinced All Might to be his own personal Guy In The Chair. holy shit. this kid really went and rolled a nat 20 and the rest of them had no choice but to fold without argument
meanwhile here’s a panel of Best Jeanist trying to braid his phone into his hair just cuz
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I’m dying to know which part of his language he considers to be crude here. you literally didn’t even use a contraction my guy
so now flashback!Deku is talking to Gran in the dark, and Gran is all “can you believe I’m not fucking dead yet lol that’s too funny. anyway, you sure I can’t interest you in killing Tomura after all?? no?? okay then here’s my cape.” truly a heartwarming scene
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I’m kind of torn here tbh. on the one hand, my adhd ass wasn’t all that interested in sitting down and having an extended scene between these two when there’s so much else that I want to get to. but on the other hand, even I can admit that cramming this entire reunion into a single page seems just a BIT rushed. idk. like maybe someone can let Horikoshi know it’s a marathon and not a race. Deku didn’t even get any dialogue here, some of us want to know his thoughts!! but anyway
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how did all four of them let him con them into this. I literally just watched it happen and I still can’t figure out how. “I GUESS THIS SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT IS OUR LEADER NOW” ffflfjf. when Aizawa finds out he’s gonna go apeshit. AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BAKUGOU KATSUKI, WHO I HAVE BEEN ASSURED DOES IN FACT STILL EXIST. WHAT ABOUT USSSSS, WHAT ABOUT EVERYTHING WE’VE BEEN THROUGH. WHAT ABOUT TRUST???! YOU KNOW I NEVER WANTED TO HURT YOUUUUU
btw lol don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying this, and I’m honestly glad Deku’s not alone because that would suck for him! but that said, Hawks and Jeanist have lost any credibility they might have once had as far as being The Responsible Ones, and as for All Might and Endeavor, fucking hell lol. everyone just deposited all of their fucks in a bank somewhere for safekeeping and decided to never look back. godspeed you mad lads
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petri808 · 3 years
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For my tumblr bestie @random-rave 🔥⭐️ a Nalu birthday gift of smut 🎁
Before opening her birthday present from Levy, Lucy read the attached card. She was quite curious about its contents ever since she’d been warned to open the gift at home and not at the guild where she’d received it.
‘Follow the instructions on the potion for a kinky fun surprise. I’ll tell you later how I found it. Have fun you two!’
Kinky surprise? Lucy’s brow raised. She opened the box next and pulled out a small green bottle filled with an unknown liquid.
‘Draconian elixir for mages only. Drink contents to transform into a faux dragon slayer. Heightens sense of smell, taste, and touch along with physical features. Magic possessed by the user may be intensified. Effects are temporary and will wear off in 12 hours.’
“Why would Levy think this is kinky?” Lucy wondered aloud until a recent conversation jogged her memory. Right... she’d mentioned the biting thing... Lucy laughed and tucked the bottle into her pocket. This will make for a very kinky surprise indeed! Natsu was due to arrive home the next day from a quick mission a couple towns over from Magnolia. So, that gave Lucy some time to prepare a delectable meal they’ll never forget. ‘Happy birthday to me!’
When Natsu arrived at Lucy’s apartment, he found a note on the dining table that simply read: Meet me at your cottage and tell Happy not to follow. Well, he knew what that meant, but why his cottage? He shrugged it off for the time being and informed the Exceed who had plans of his own anyway with Carla.
It was a curious thing to meet at his cottage now that they’d officially become a couple. He’d moved into her apartment while his home remained a storehouse for his collectibles and her growing book collection. Though the second part of Lucy’s message made more sense since the cottage provided a lot more privacy for their rambunctious encounters.
The closer he got, a brighter bounce in his step took hold as his imagination ran wild. Once they’d made the leap to a romantic relationship, it opened a whole new world to them. It’s true Lucy had to explain a few misunderstandings, like the where human babies actually come from thing, but what came surprisingly naturally was the sex. It was as if his dragon instincts were awakened, and primal urges became his teacher. They were both nervous in their first encounter, but once the pheromones had hit, it was all over.
Wait a minute! Natsu paused a few steps outside of his cottage and put his nose to the air. Lucy’s scent had changed somehow, stronger, headier, with a bit of dragon essence woven in. Was there someone else inside?! Another slayer?! His eyes shifted into a serpentine pupil and a growl escaped his lips as he raced to the door and threw it open. “Lucy, what’s go—!” Natsu stopped dead in his tracks.
“Welcome home, Natsu,” the blonde grinned, flashing the longer fangs the potion had given her.
The scent was coming from Lucy?! “Why do you smell like a slayer?!”
“Well,” she sauntered closer, “Levy found a temporary potion that gives me some slayer features for 12 hours and these,” she tapped a fang, “resulted from that.”
“Anything else?”
Lucy shrugged, “my senses are also heightened, but I’m mostly excited for the fangs because now I get to do some marking of my own.”
So, of all the things they’ve tried out, biting was a kink Lucy never realized she’d like receiving or Natsu in giving. When he bit her the very first time and broke through the skin, they were both washed over with a strange sensation akin to the connection she’d felt when she had written in the END book. But when she’d asked Levy if they’d had a similar experience, the answer was no. Lucy surmised she and Natsu’s bond was much deeper than they’d ever realized.
“Awww,” he pouted, though a smirk stilled curled at edge of his lips. “That’s my thing.”
“Pfft, well too bad.” Lucy grinned and ran a finger down his chest, then trailed it back to his neck. “I’m gonna make sure to put one right,” she presses on his nape, “here, so everyone will see it like you’ve done to me. Property of Lucy.”
“Mmm,” his own fang flashed, “that’s kinda turning me on.”
“Oh, yeah? Then why don’t you show me just how much?”
Natsu swept Lucy off her feet and walked to the back of the cottage where a bed was set up, placing her down while pulling at her clothes and coveting her lips. Hands were everywhere, both sets yanking and stripping away fabric to reveal the flesh beneath like a runaway train with no intention of stopping. Her excitement that afternoon was increased, be it the potion itself or the exhilaration it brought. Though his scent was something she’d come to love, it was toxic this time due to her heightened sense of smell. Oh, how the taste of his smoky saliva made her salivate and her fangs almost tingled! She moaned against their molded mouths in bursts, chasing his tongue with her own and mewling when he sucked the hot flesh.
Her passions and mixed scent served to fuel a new wave of lust in Natsu as well. He would have shredded Lucy’s clothes if he didn’t wanna hear the ending of it. His growls and grunts melded with her purring rumbles like two wild animals in ardent throes to rival a fight for dominance. Natsu wasn’t sure if it was the potions effects, but she was sure straining his muscles tonight to stay in control! He pinned her down momentarily. “I won’t let you win!”
Lucy cocked an eyebrow with a hedonistic grin, “challenge accepted.” Oh, she has no plans to physically dominate him tonight, her goals were simpler, to leave the first and last marks of the evening romps. Of course, Natsu didn’t need to know that. She wrapped her legs around his thick thighs and pulled his pelvis flush against hers, relishing in the heated length pressed against her core. “Now get on with it, dragon.”
“Tch,” he smiled back, “impatient, are we?”
“I feel him throbbing, so don’t act like you ain’t feeling it too.”
That was true. Natsu’s inner dragon wanted nothing more than to fill its mate up and re-stake its claim. If it had its way, Lucy would be spread multiple times every night until she fell asleep with him buried all snug inside. Their mating had truly released an inner beast in Natsu that only by willpower he could control... but not tonight with how fucking amazing she smelled. “Don’t blame me if you can’t walk tomorrow.”
She giggled, “I don’t have any other plans.”
“Well too bad.” Natsu moved in faster than Lucy could react and bit down on his mark. Despite gaining extra abilities, she didn’t have the same kind of control he did.
“Damn yo—” the words cut short from a burst of heat flooding her body and an overwhelming wave of lights dancing behind her eyelids. Heaven help her, the bonding effects were so much stronger! She couldn’t even think straight, just abject lust surging through her body. Lucy ground her hips desperately to rub herself against his cock, smearing the growing slick coating the area. “Burns…” she mewled, but in a delicious way. Things weren’t going to plan!
When he let go of the skin and kissed his way down her chest, Lucy took note that Natsu’s eyes were turning serpentine. The last time she’d seen this change was their first time. “Na…tsu…?” she moaned in a slow questioned tone repeatedly.
He stopped and looked up, unsure why Lucy was trying to get his attention. “Yeah?”
Tit for tat, Lucy caught him off guard and latched her mouth onto the junction of his neck and shoulder causing Natsu to cry out, a moaning growl as her fangs sank deep into the skin. “Fu—ck—” ‘Wow!’ His hips buck uncontrolled as her bite triggered a stronger reaction by his inner dragon. Without waiting for her to pull away, Natsu let his dragon take control and maneuvered his hips, pushing his cock in through her folds to the hilt. His eyes rolled back a second, relishing in her warm embrace. It felt so much better connected like this!
Lucy broke away and head craned back in a deep moan, but Natsu didn’t let up. Seated and grinding, he bit her a second time to ensure a longer euphoria, then coveted her lips, licking at the iron-taste coating them. Was it weird to taste his own blood? Somehow, it only added to the high. No thoughts, just carnal instincts taking control as he fucked her hard two ways. His pelvis pivoting slow, but rough, and his tongue stealing every moan leaching out from Lucy. He usually paid her other body parts some attention, but not this round— not when the only thing that could satiate his dragon was a good fucking.
“This is your fault…” Natsu growled heady and low as his lips teased along her jawline towards Lucy’s neck. He licked at the marks on her skin, already turning an angry red, rocking his hips so hard in an upward angle it lifted her clear from the bed, gaining a small yelp. “This is just round one.” He leaned in nibbling her ear as he spoke. “Don’t be surprised if you end up pregnant after this.”
“Worth… it,” she moaned in response. “But you know what?”
Lucy opened her eyes to reveal they’d turned serpentine too. Semi-surprised, Natsu grinned at the change, but was caught off guard again when she suddenly grabbed him, wrapped her legs, and flipped them over in a power roll. His eyes flashed wide in a mix of shock and awe— Hell yeah! Now on top, Lucy locked her heels around his thighs to hold her position and bit down a second time. Natsu responded by grabbing hold of her pelvis. He wasn’t about to lose his stride! If she wanted to bite, let her, because he had something else to finish.
He continued pumping his hips from below, chasing his end. But the position hit upon Lucy’s buttons too, and the more he rocked, the harder it was for her to maintain control over her senses. Something feral inside broke free and she started biting sloppily along his neck and shoulders, wherever she could reach. Being on top was supposed to be a power move for Lucy, but the combination only fueled each other to drive harder and faster towards the inevitable conclusion.
Natsu grunted when he felt the squeeze against his shaft and Lucy’s body enter a spasmodic stiffening. Her moans and hyped-up pheromones made the area surrounding them thick, stifling like breathing in drug-laced air. That was it for him. He quickly rolled them back over and pounded fast and rough, timed with each milking pass until only a dry heave remained.
“Where’d Levy find this stuff again?” Natsu panted out as his body dropped onto Lucy’s in exhaustion.
Still trying to catch her breath too, Lucy giggled. “You like it, huh?”
“Fuck, yeah.” Natsu leaned down and kissed her with a gentle pressure. “Happy birthday baby.”
Lucy returned the kiss with a brightened smile. “Best birthday ever.”
“Oh, it ain’t over yet.”
Natsu flashed a cocky grin. “Round—s…”
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