#(and I don't know how soon that'll happen tbh I was kinda trying to ignore how huge this is for me too)
willel ยท 2 years
El also knows that MF was Henry all along, and she knows the Hawkins Massacre. Didn't she connect the dots that... Hawkins Massacre and that massacre that happened in S2 were kinda way too similar, after also explicitly learning that MF was Henry and he used it to steal her powers in S3. Bro..? Something is surely not clicking.
Okay maybe they are just waiting for the moment where all the characters are going to explain things to each other and then it will click for them or something?
I gotta agree on characters' being 'too confident' or sometimes careless part because that is actually kinda how Max died imho. But they are way too careless about Will, when they already know he has been connected and 'marked' since S1 already and we know what happened what they ignored Will's warnings in S2 (Bob dead, an entire army team is dead/massacre). Will almost lost himself completely because of that connection, albeit he is not possessed anymore he still was feeling him in S3 and now in S4. Weird writing choices tbh.
You know, that is very true. El knows Henry was the Mind Flayer all along now. El told the Cali gang nothing from what we know right? That means Will independently figured out that the Mind Flayer was Henry all along too. Interesting. I mean, in a way, Will knew that before anyone. He always referred to a sexless creature as "he". He knew, he just didn't understand without some context.
But anyway, yeah. I can only hope this is gonna lead to some epic plot twists. Even if I see it all coming, I'll be excited for it if it all ties together in a mostly neat bow. I just need these dots to finally connect.
Sometimes when I'm planning out my fic or imagining what they'll do in season 5, I think so much stuff will finally start clicking for the cast and they decide to try and take Will out of town because they realize proximity is a problem for him. The closer he is, the more dangerous it is for him.
But something prevents them from leaving, whether it's a government lock down or something, or maybe even Vecna does something to keep Will trapped in Hawkins.
Then I imagine they try to replicate season 2 and take Will somewhere in town he doesn't recognize so that Vecna can't easily find or get to him. I imagine it being like some weird team game of "hide and seek". Our protagonists are trying to find Vecna and Vecna's team of monsters are trying to find Will and they have to do everything they can to make sure their locations aren't given away to give the other side an advantage.
I doubt that'll be the story or anything, but it's fun to imagine.
I don't know if I'll be frustrated if our protagonists don't notice the danger of Will's connection soon or if I'll be so excited to see everything go to absolute SHIT. Because I do enjoy seeing my favs suffer. Mixed feelings. Lol
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fuckyeahkagepro ยท 5 years
( tags ramble )
#fyeahkgpr tag rambles#fyeahkgpr rambles#fyeahkgpr tag vents#fyeahkgpr vents#fyeahkgpr fandom commentary#(ok I made a silly post earlier trying to distract myself but honestly I'm. very drained right now)#(I didn't mention it here yet. but.)#(I'm actually going through a MEGA LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE RIGHT NOW that is in actuality involving my family)#(it's a POSITIVE experience that is but yeah)#(IT HAS BEEN. SO. DRAINING. VERY DRAINING)#(I was trying to keep finding things to archive because honestly there's a LOT and I do like doing that#(too actually yeah)#(but at the same time I might. need a break for a while. at least until I get a better idea of family things)#(because honestly when I say LIFE CHANGING I mean LIFE CHANGING and yeah I'm kinda totally lost NEGL but TRYING)#(but yeah. Queue might be on single posts again for a long while until I can sort things out)#(and I don't know how soon that'll happen tbh I was kinda trying to ignore how huge this is for me too)#(but I might need a lot of time to rest)#(I'll still queue and work on theories since people asked me for them and I well. try to get them out there haha)#(but yeah)#(idk Jin could drop a PV randomly tomorrow and MAYBE I'LL SUDDENLY RESUME YELLING ABOUT K@GEPRO and will still reblog news but yeah)#(this family news kind of dropped on me like an anvil some weeks ago and I'm STILL in a kinda shock and can't really ... talk about it YEAH)#(it's kind of all super private and just. yeah. A LOT GOING ON itried)#(but yeah just to restate it's a GOOD kind of news just ... still a SHOCKING kinda news and yeah I need some time)#fyeahkgpr personal
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