#(also the wh no editing rule is only for the art and not the music 4 anyone worried)
yeah idk what to say about this one i think im possesed
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pixie-skull · 5 years
AU Disney # 5 Heroines: How your cutie asks you out
Before I go, yes I am going to attempt to make this open to anyone, but this creator wants more LGBTQ+ AUs, so this one just if you and x character went and the character’s thoughts. Please share your thoughts if this good or not in my ask box? :D Here are the rules too. I am not going to use gifs every time, but this felt fitting.
P.s. Like mentioned are the 1st AU and 2nd, 3rd, and 4th I can not promise all featured like in the first one, but I try to list the ones that are fan favorites and please feel free to give kindly-worded feedback. Lastly, I do edits with (non)Disney hand-drawn characters, so feel free to request. :D 
P.p.s. Compared to my other Alternative Universe, these can be shorter, yet I do like to write Disney AUs slightly more, but I am sorry for shorter. I am also so tired and I am sorry if unclear. I attempted to make kinda like movies, yet mostly creative ideas. I also feel this my weakest Disney AU. XD
Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs):
Snow White asked her friends to help her, so you got a hint. Doc asked if you liked the outdoors or indoors. Happy asked what makes you happiest of Snow White, especially in her cooking. Grumpy asked what foods you do not like. Sleepy asks if what kind of blanket you likes. Sneezy asked if you were allergic to flowers. Bashful asked what colors you like or thought looked flattering on Snow White. Even Dopey helped, he led you to a little part of the forest and you found Snow White with a basket of food you liked, with a blanket you, pretty flowers, and a dress that she looked beautiful in. On top of that, she squeaked when she saw you “I hope that my little clues were not too much, I wanted to ask you out, but I was shy” and her pale face turned pink when you said yes.
Cinderella (Cinderella):
When one day just goofing together and dancing, you leave the house, only you realized you left your jacket in her house. When coming back you caught her humming and rubbing her dog’s stomach and it warmed your heart in hearing all these kind things. Even “I want to ask Y/N out, yet I am probably just a friend in their eyes” and you sneaked up and hugged her from the back and she gave a mini yelp. Both you laugh and she then realized you overheard her and she went quiet. Only she gave your jacket with a hole patched up and she grinned. “I did not want you to risk getting cold or something”.
“Cinderella, Ella, we both know I heard you, and I be happy to have you as my significant other” and she smiled so widely and hugged you.
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty):
She did ask you out yet after a clutter fest of aunts getting too involved with a cute date night and her parents did little to limit the magic of the imaginative minds of her aunts. Even got Aurora three different outfits, a long-sleeved off-shoulder pink blouse or a cute blue top (a size up was accidental). She ended up wearing a shirt and make the blue top on top of the blouse. Also, she just wanted a nice day out in the garden and funny enough you planned to ask her out, yet seeing so much happened, yet did not want stress her out. It was a happy surprise when she asked out.
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit):
Jessica was busy preparing for her next performance night. After helping her practice and just general support with being there for her. Of course, spending more time together and just general hangouts, you two grew closer. When her big night finally happened she tended looked at you, sure she was quick to look at others, yet go back to you. By the end she went up to you and asked “I own you so much, so what about a meal on me and I can pick you up” and she smirked at you blushing. “So is that a yes” and you mouthed ‘yup’ and she kissed your forehead.
Ariel (The Little Mermaid):
Ariel asked when you are free and thought of going to a fun aquarium. Only, she was so silent, you at first thought was a hangout, but after nervous breathing steamed up the glass, and write ‘I like you’ and you understandably felt uncomfortable. However her tongue-tied has been always an impact in her life, like asking to order food, she points to the picture. Not she is shy, yet Ariel is so excitable. However back on topic eventually you look at her and smile.
“Ariel, I like you too” and she smiles widely and the hall of the aquarium played some music, which she danced with you.
Belle (Beauty and the Beast):
You one day after work met her up in a library and after helping with books clicked. Sure you two only liked you as friends, yet once you felt comfortable and started to open up to her, she was starting to be attracted to you, as you in return. So another day after meeting up she wanted to list her and your favorite romantic scenes in what you both read. She took mental notes and asked “so if I made this scene come to life, will you be *Character A* to my *Character B* ” and you jokingly replied;
“Sounds like a date”.
Jasmine (Aladdin):
You asked her to a dance night at a local event and even though barely knew each other, she happily agreed. When taking a break from the dance, she and you played truth or dare version of “spin the bottle”. So whoever spinned it asked the person the bottle landed. She spun and asked you truth or dare.
“Truth” you spoke nervously.
“Was this a date or a friend hangout?” and you mumbled.
“I am happy for either or both”. Jasmine smirked and replied.
“Why not a date then?”
(this loosely inspired by how my first significant other and I started dated in high school at a school dance)
Pocahontas (Pocahontas):
After both of your friends gushing over how cute you two are, Pocahontas eventually caved in and asked you out. She felt bad for her father thought for sure she liked a childhood friend of hers, although he did like you and how kind you were to her and everyone. So one day when on a walk with your dogs she asked;
“Y/N I would be more romantic about it, yet my heart too blunt, would you go out with me this upcoming night show”? Even though you stood in shock, yet you understood she may have felt she lost the genuine comfort to ask you out, but glad she still asked you out and you agreed.
(inspired by a couple friends who got the extra push to date for everyone thought they were so cute and a good match)
Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame):
Esmeralda was helping hanging out one day after helping her friends, so nothing too special. Just after a watching movie and she offered to read your palm or tarot cards. You took the tarot cards and when reading she “did a new reading” and her new six cards. After asking what you hope for in the world of romance and more, she flipped a card slowly. Eventually spelled out “will you go out with me” and you blushed but said yes.
Megara (Hercules):
Meg was hoping you make the first move for she felt it be cliche if she did something. Only after a while, she grew more and more antsy, so when alone after a performance, she joked how gross the couple in the show was. Hinted how much she likes what you and her act. Eventually, she became sincere in how much she appreciated you. In the end she huffed “I guess I am just saying, I am asking you out”. You grabbed her hand and smiled.
Mulan (Mulan): 
Even though you been friends for a couple years, she formed happy daydreams of what it be like to date you. So she asked you to meet up alone one day and when you did she gave you a poem. It was simple, yet it was a cute flattering poem and ended “will you go out with me” and you agreed. Of course, right away all your friends found out and her friends too, and they were happy.
Jane Porter (Tarzan):
Jane always liked to invite you to art events if both could go and afford. One day was extra special and she needed a plus one for this rare event, her dad helped fond. She attempted to be causal, yet her shy smile and blushing gave away.
“Y/N, you mean so much to me, like supporting my passions, and wanted to ask you want to be a plus one?”
“So a date?” you grinned.
“Yes, I mean err, yes” and she and you laugh.
Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire):
Kida too forward so when she started to like you, she asked her friends for advice. Her dad eventually got word and told you the next time he warmed up to you. Sure, it made me uncomfortable, but you understand different customs can be why he can act differently. After bonding more and finding more to enjoy together, you felt close. Kida was unsure how to ask out, yet just simply asked you if she could kiss you and you knew her culture kissing and any form of affection like a hug was huge step. Additionally, Kida being demisexual added this level of how it felt to be asked. You checked in and Kida said yes, and you two started dating.
(I headcanon Kida as demisexual)
Audrey (Atlantis: The Lost Empire):
Audrey funny enough tends to act tough and confident, yet when slowly started to crush on you, she was more unsure and you checked in often. Even though her feelings became more transparent and you were flattered this intelligent and strong woman, so of course, you liked her too. One day you reassured her;
“Audrey, you know you can share what is on your mind?”
“Y/N I like you, but...” and you see her smile in relief “but I was worried you did not like me back”.
“I do like you”.
“So, want to go out?” and you both laugh.
Helga (Atlantis: The Lost Empire):
Helga always so busy, but you liked her so much, and she notices and tries to tell you it not work. Only your ambition to keep in contact when she away, warmed her distant heart. So one call she asked you out and when you came back, you rushed with a sign “yes I date you”.
Nani (Lilo and Stich):
Nani so busy, yet Lilo was trying to be your little wingman or wingperson, so she helps in her special Lilo way, to make Nani more free in time. Nani even wondered how she asks you out, so one day when having a movie night, she sleepily asks you out. The next morning at her job and you ran over to talk to her quickly
“What Y/N?” she asks worried if Lilo or the dog Sitch were hurt.
“You asked me out, right, or did I dream that?” and Nani froze.
“Yes, I did”. 
“Got it” and she rolled her eyes laughing.
“So I talk to you about this after work?”
“Sounds good”. You leave smiling so widely.
Tiana (The Princess and the Frog):
Tiana and you been friends since ever and when realizing she liked more than a friend, she asked Lottie or Charlotte, if she asks you out.
“Oh, Tiana, this like a fairy tale, plus if Y/N says no, at least you can be friends, for how close you two are. I advise ask them out by writing on your famous benyas”. So Tiana sat down waiting for you one day and when you came she had an honest chat and you saw the banyas and happily said yes to dating her.
Charlotte (The Princess and the Frog):
Charlotte meant you through Tiana and she could not hide her attraction you to Tiana. So when going to one of her dad’s parties, she rushed up and asked you to dance and Tiana hinted slow dance be a fun idea. So when dancing it clicked and Lottie asked you;
“Y/N can we do more fun cute moments like this together? In other words, I like to date you”.
Rapunzel (Tangled):
Rapunzel meant you through a festival in the kingdom and even though she liked you as friends, you slowly grew to like her and given her compliments and tiny gifts. After a few days of hanging out, she was getting the hints. So one busy fun day, she and you leaned in to kiss, and when done with that day she half-joked, “was that date” and when you nodded she was so happy.
Merida (Brave):
Merida hated being gushy and traditional romantic dates, so when her brothers were making fun of her liking you, she owned up to it and said she liked you. Her parents were happy she liked someone, her dad thought you were awesome, her mom was a bit more unsure, yet after you let Merida choose the date, she said archery and said as long she comfortable, you were happy, her mom liked you.
Anna (Frozen):
Anna asked you out on your birthday, well the day after, because she did not want to ruin your celebration. Even though she got you so many gifts and a huge card on how she thinks you are the best friend she could have had. The next day her last “gift” was part two in how what traits she liked about in you.
Elsa (Frozen):
Elsa wanted to deny she liked you, but once Olaf saw how happy she was around you, he told Anna, and Anna told her she had to ask you out. Even though Elsa felt like romance was not her thing, she had to ask you out, because Anna would have asked you all these embarrassing questions; at least Anna claimed they would be embarrassing. So Elsa when alone with you half-mumbled and half-said how she would like to spend more time with just you, she was happy you said you like to too.
Moana (Moana):
Moana and Maui did a fun game of questions and somehow the topic of crushes came up. Maui bragged how many deities liked him, yet his powers could tell you and Moana liked each other. So he asked Moana all these questions that subtly built up to confessing her liking you. Moana was able to laugh it off, yet when both alone, you shared your feelings and thoughts of her. Eventually, she asked if you wanted to go out and when you agreed, Maui yells “YOU’RE WELCOME!”
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feed-my-reads · 3 years
Colin Ward Author interview
A little introduction:
I am an author and self-publisher with many years' experience in writing, design, and the arts. I write novels, poetry, plays and any kind of professional copy for websites. As a qualified and experienced teacher, I also give editorial advice and critique, especially to new writers.
When did your love of books begin?
I have always loved reading and learning. But after my degree in theatre I stopped reading for pleasure for almost ten years. Academic reading had put me off so badly. Then I picked up "Deadline" by Simon Kernick, purely by chance, and read it front to back in a couple of days. I was blown away by how fast paced and action packed a book could be. After that, I consumed his entire series, then found Mark Billingham, Michael Robotham, and so many more. These days I am a huge Audio Book fan and chomp through so many of those. A great narrator is needed, though.
When did you start to have the wish to become an author?
I have written in many forms for well over twenty years, mostly in theatre and plays, and musicals, for a long time. It was only when getting into Crime Fiction that my love for story pushed me to go big and write a whole novel. So, in 2014, I spent the whole of October planning my first book and jumped into NaNoWriMo for the first time. A very rough draft of my first novel came out the other end. Sure, it took a long time to finally have it ready to publish, but still it existed.
How have you found the process for becoming an author?
I enjoy writing stories. I had serious problems with my second novel because I hit a major writers block with it for various personal reasons. But I am not publishing that (literally THIS MONTH) and writing my third of the trilogy. The first book was a steep learning curve as I also had to learn how to self-publish. I had grown tired of writing for theatre where you spend a year or two writing a play, then spend years trying to get people to stage it. I wanted my story out there for people to read. I had to design the book, the cover, get it edited and learn a lot of new technical stuff. Nowadays, I help other self published authors learn those basics.
What would you say to those wanting to become an author?
Read. Read. Read, and read some more. You need to learn the craft of story - it is not something "anyone" can do. It takes practise and skill, just like learning photography. Just having a camera won't make you a good photographer. Just like having paints and canvas doesn't make you a painter. And so just having a pen and paper, or your laptop, does not make you a good writer. It's worth seeking out some bloody awful books, too. So you can hear the difference. My background is in theatre, and I have always been a strong writer, but even I still look to improve. To hone my skills, iron out bad habits. One has to know the "rules" and be able to perform them before you can claim to intelligently break them. Learn the difference between feedback and critique, and between "Opinion" and critique.
Tell us about your book/books:
My heftiest books are my crime fictions. I tend to dive into the deep end with challenging issues. I don't do it to be gratutous, I do it out of a passion for catharsis - give one's reader the opportunity to explore issues that might be too frightening in real life, and put them sqaure and centre on the page. My second novel, Innocent Lies, (Due out 18th November 2021) opens with a fifteen-year-old girl taking her own life having just given birth. My first novel, "To Die For" pushes the boundaries of depravity when it comes to the way the serial killer does his deed. And my third novel...well, time shall tell. My play "No Smoke" is also about the complex world of child abuse and false allegations (it was due to be staged again in 2020, but had to be cancelled. It might see the stage in 2022.)
I also write poetry, too. I have two collections out and will be getting back to more of that now that "Innocent Lies" is off my shoulders.
What do you love about the writing/reading community?
The writing and reading community is a great way to meet like-minded people. I also found out about Swanwick Summer School for writers - which runs in August. In fact, on my first year there I ran a workshop for delegates on writing plot twists. Making good contacts is vital, especially in Indie writing, because we don't have the vast publishers behind us to market our books. But also, do get in touch with well-known authors - they are great people. At the heart of it, most good writers just love spinning a damned good yarn, and we love reading, too. Currently I am working through Peter May's books - I so wish I could write such compelling fiction as him.
If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?
My readers? Well, firstly, huge thanks for reading - I hope you enjoyed the stories and got hooked in by all the twists and turns. Shot out about the books, get people to read them, come back and tell me about other writers you'd loved: I love to read, too. If you want to write, the do it. But tell us a story - it doesn't need to be a brand new story, either. Tell us an old one in your way. Find your own voice, and that doesn't mean tell us "your" story, because I promise you, a well crafted fiction is so much better than a mirky half-remembered "you had to be there" memoire or biographical book.
Where can people connect with you?
My website is the best place to connect. When I keep it update, there's news, my books, my shop and my blog. (Yes, all need updating). And you can subscribe to my mailing list.
Also, if you use the "@inasmanywords" name, you'll find me on Facebook, Twitter and most other places.
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