#(also if you see this post bc you follow this blog and don't recognize it- its because I've repurposed an old inactive blog
dotheylookalikepoll · 1 month
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Are there two people that you think look alike, but you’re a little faceblind and unsure if others would agree? Do you often get into discussions with your friends over whether two actors actually look similar or not?
If so, this blog is a place where you can submit two people to be put into a poll, so the general public can vote on whether they actually look alike, and you can get some sort of outside opinion on the matter.
Not sure if there's much of an audience for this, so maybe there won't be that many posts, but I somewhat regularly see people discuss with each other about this sort of thing, so I thought it might be an interesting topic to utilize tumblr polls for.
(please fully read the Rules HERE (link) before submitting anything!!)
(Also if a poll blog with this premise already exists, please let me know! I tried searching everywhere I could think of, every blog title that seemed relevant, and couldn't find anything, so hopefully it's okay )
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urlredacted · 10 months
i feel terrible some of the ppl who follow me interact w so many of my posts and it's so sweet and neat that they like my stuff but i have never felt the desire to follow them back simply bc it would be practically a reverse carbon copy of my activity for the past few hours and mentally i don't think i have the patience for that but i see you guys and i love you
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evilwickedme · 10 months
I'm going to preface this with you absolutely don't have to answer if you don't want to/don't have the emotional energy - but I was wondering if you had sources for JVP being "not really Jewish"? I ask because as someone who usually says I'm Jewish for simplicity's sake despite my conversion being still in progress, I've definitely been told I'm "not really Jewish" (I recognize that halachically I'm not til I immerse in the mikveh, that isn't what I mean here, I hope it makes sense.) I also have a lot of friends who have been told they "aren't really Jewish" by other Jews because they converted or are patrilineal Jews or follow a different observance level or even because they're anti-Zionists. And since I happen to have a lot of friends and local community members who I know are JVP members and I also know are Jewish, I'm always really confused when I see claims the organization isn't Jewish - bc the folks I know in it are. Like, I personally know 5 members of their rabbinical council, one of the members is even my advising rabbi for my conversion. So I'm trying to determine if my local JVP is just *vastly* different from the rest of the org or if I'm right to immediately be on edge by "not really Jewish" claims and wonder if the person making them will start questioning the sincerity of my desire to convert (or once complete, validity of my conversion) next.
I hope that all makes sense? I'm operating on very little sleep this morning so I apologize if anything isn't clear or something. (Also, I would be happy to talk about my experience with my local JVP, which is rather limited beyond knowing they exist and knowing a lot of members, but I do have some knowledge of the work beyond JVP folks in this area who are members are doing.)
They're not Jewish cause they're run by goyim lmao
Here's a doc on their antisemitic history which has lots and lots of sources in it for every claim
Also, this:
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A quick search for jvp or Jewish voices for peace in my blog should come up with half a dozen other sources
I feel like I've been pretty clear in my pro-convert stance, and that I think converts are real Jews (I once made a post making fun of that saying "reblog if you think born Jews are real Jews" that unfortunately didn't land or gain traction, but I maintain hilarity). That doesn't mean that everyone who claims to be Jewish is in fact Jewish or that every org that claims to represent Jewish people does in fact represent Jewish people. Jvp is about as Jewish as messianics are - there's certainly some real Jews working with them, but nobody in charge seems to be, and overall they do lots of antisemitic shit.
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spencereid-reads · 6 months
the language of you | s. reid
wc: 2.1k // warnings: english isn't my first language! an extreme amount of italics, meet-cute, love at first poem sight kinda thing. poems that i found on either google or pinterest. a few swear words, maybe? // a/n: my first time writing for reid and cm in general. i'm in the middle of season 9 and idk where this idea came from. also i don't know anything about poetry, the last quote is as far as my knowledge goes. if you think you know me from my other writing blog no you don't<3but ily also idk if i'll keep writing, i just wanted to post it bc of world poetry day, i think it's a nice coincidence.
i use she/her pronouns//fem!reader in almost all of my fics!
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the cold hallways of the university building aren't as big and intimidating as he remembered. and this time, they welcomed him with open arms. he was just a kid when he first set foot here, and now here he was, being invited by a member of his team to teach the young minds of college kids.
spencer reid had never been a great public speaker, sure, he had the qualities of one, but he was also known to ramble on and on about a specific subject if he was interested enough in it, most likely overwhelming and quite often scaring the class attendees.
he followed dr. blake through the crowded halls, she'd invited him along to one of her lectures, she needed someone with vast knowledge about, -well, everything-, and a quick mind, and he was the perfect addition to her classes.
it was weird, being on the other side of the lecture hall, with dozens of eyes set on him as he spoke, he wasn't nervous per se, more... aware of the situation. but luckily the students were focused, paid attention and asked good questions. he considered that a win in his book. without noticing, the 90 minute class was over, and he approached blake after gathering his things and crossing his signature leather bag over his shoulder.
"ready to head back?" he asked.
"not quite, there's a friend of mine giving a lecture next door, it's her first class, actually. thought we'd stop by for a bit, wish her good luck." she said, sliding her black blazer back on.
"sure, what's it about?"
"you'll see. i think you'll enjoy it." she gave him a sly smile, making her way up the steps, he stood there for a second, wondering what the subject might be. there were a lot of things that he enjoyed, physics, math, science.
spencer caught up to her just as she opened the door to the other lecture hall, sliding in behind alex as his eyes adjusted to the change of lighting. compared to the room they'd just left, this felt nothing like a classroom. it felt more like a theater.
the lights were off, the room being lit up by fake candles lining both sets of steps on each side of the room, and he noticed real candles on the front stage, the flames dancing with the subtle change of pressure as a girl, maybe as young as he was, walked on stage. a book in her hand, but she didn't need it, whatever she was saying was from memory, the worlds flowing effortlessly out her mouth.
he stood frozen in his spot, it took him two seconds to recognize and figure out what was going on.
"lines fall on the soul like dew on the grass. what does it matter that i couldn’t keep her. the night is fractured and she is not with me." she recited, eyes closed as she stopped walking, even from his spot at the top of the steps he could see her facial expression, a frown on her face as her eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed as if she was the one feeling the pain the author was describing.
neruda. poetry.
spencer had never been the biggest fan of poetry, but maybe he just hadn't found the right person to teach him about it.
what an incredulous thought, someone teaching a subject to genius spencer reid? but he couldn't help but be drawn to the soft voice that spoke with love, sorrow and rhythm.
"my voice tried to find the breeze to reach her. another’s kisses on her, like my kisses. her voice, her bright body, infinite eyes."
she was savoring each word in her tongue, and spencer's ears perked up at every sound that left her mouth.
"wonder boy, come on," alex's whisper brought him out of his thoughts, as he followed her down the candlelit steps to one of the first rows.
how he wished he could've stayed up there, hidden within the shadows, since he couldn't take two steps without his eyes having to find the young lecturer again, slowing down his legs.
but from down there he noticed the way the candles lit her face, casting a soft golden glow, and now he found himself thanking the small flames scattered around the stage.
she threw the two fbi agents a look, a knowing gleam in her eye as she recognized the female doctor. it was fleeting, she didn’t let the interaction distract her from the verses and the words slipping from her lips.
“loving is so short, forgetting is so long,” she breathed the words, barely audible as she felt every syllable in every bone of her body.
as she finished the poem, deafening silence fell upon the room, and spencer realized how quiet the room had been since he arrived, yet her soft voice seemed to fill it effortlessly.
“has anyone here ever felt emotions as strong as the ones depicted in the poem? joy, sadness, anger?” she asked, somehow leaving aside the ‘character’ she’d slipped into as she recited the words written by neruda. “love? has anyone ever experienced this… deep, unshakeable need to absolutely possess someone? to keep them all for your own, locked in a room to look, touch, admire as much as you wish?” she continued, eyes scanning the room, and spencer’s breathing hitched when she placed her eyes on him. “i know how it sounds like, but- poetry and language, is quite possibly the best way to express those intense feelings.”
“what about sex?” a voice from the crowd asked.
“that’s a great way too,” she nodded, laughing along with the class, “but have you ever stood in front of a girl, a boy, a person you truly feel like you’d die for, and told them exactly that? how just the touch of their hand holding someone else’s would rip your soul out of your body, or how you’d swim oceans just to get to hear their laugh one last time? i don’t know about you, but i feel like that’s a hundred times better than sex.” she continued, walking from one side of the stage to the other, using her hands and changing the tone in her voice to emphasize what she wanted to say. “i promise you that by the end of this semester you’ll be able to put all of that into your own words. read, everyone. please, read and do your research, and i promise you that you’ll get your chance to be neruda, dickinson. anybody can be a poet. poetry is about feelings, thoughts, the things that keep you up at night, and being able to put all of that into words. read, even if you don’t understand what they’re saying, but think about what they want to say. i know it’s our first class but i’ll leave you some work for friday. just pick a poem, learn it and present it here, i want to see what we’re working with. that’s it for today, thank you.” she vowed her head like an actor who’d just finished a play, walking around the stage as she blew the candles off.
“come on, let’s go say hi,” alex stood up, prompting spencer to do the same, and he had to swallow the feelings inside of him. his mind repeating every word the girl onstage had just said. he knew the importance of poetry, he had a few favorite poets, and he knew about all the hard technical work that was behind writing a good poem, but he’d never taken the time to think about the personal aspect of the work.
“dr. blake, great to see you here,” she greeted the older woman, who embraced her in a hug.
“you too. you were great there, no one would’ve thought it was your first time teaching,”
“well, what can i say, i learned everything from you.”
“please, our fields are as far apart as they could be. it’s all thanks to that big brain of yours. which, speaking of, meet dr. spencer reid, we work together.” alex stepped aside, revealing a tall man, hands fidgeting with his leather bag and long strands of hair covering his forehead. alex always had a soft spot for spencer, the young genius reminded her of herself, once upon a time.
“pleasure to meet you, dr. reid,” the young girl smiled at him, offering her hand.
“likewise,” he said, taking her hand in his. alex’s eyebrows raised, she’d been expecting a speech about germs and pathogens but got none.
“so, what’d you think? was it too much? think i scared the kids?”
“today’s youth doesn’t take things too seriously, they prefer one night stands and lack of commitment.” spencer explained.
“think i’m reaching for the stars for trying to get them to channel their emotions and actually feel them?” the young professor asked him, a smile on her face told him that she’d already thought about that.
“not necessarily, studies have proven that people who can feel and acknowledge their emotions are happier, live longer and have better relationships with themselves and others. also, they have more confidence in themselves and can make lasting relationships, but physical and emotional.” he continued, and this time dr. blake spoke.
“so if you do your job right you’ll get lots of people laid,”
“ah, if only i could make that work for me,” she replied, heat creeping onto her cheeks as she looked down. her words made spencer stop breathing.
“i’m sure someone with your wits and… well, you could get anyone you want,” the words slipped out before he could control them.
“sounds easier said than done, but i’ve decided to devote my life to my work and books, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone coming anytime soon to change that. i’m alright with that, life is more than that.” she shrugged her shoulder.
“not enjoyment, and not sorrow, is our destined end or way; but to act, that each tomorrow find us farther than today.” spencer recalled from memory.
“you speak my language, doctor,” the young professor breathed. and the older woman took the opportunity to interfere.
“like i said, genius. you two should talk, he’s got a very interesting brain that i’m sure you’d love to pick,” she reached toward her friend, wrapping her in a quick hug, “i’ll meet you out there, reid, i have a few things to do.” with that she walked out of the lecture hall, leaving the two young brilliant minds together.
“sorry about her, she’s been trying to set me up with someone since we met. i was her t.a back when i was a grad student.”
“you worked with her?” spencer asked, internally rolling his eyes at himself, she’d obviously just stated that.
“yup. i know, how could someone go from linguistics applied in criminology to poetry? it’s a big leap, but… she’s helped me more than anyone in my entire career.” she spoke with fondness in her voice. “anyway, she was right. i would love to pick that brain of yours.” she said, “sorry, that sounded weird, but-”
“no, no, it’s- fine. i- i’d like to talk to you, more, as well.”
“it’s a date, then.” she smiled, even wider when she noticed the slight blush creeping on his cheeks,
“if only i could recollect it, such a day of days. i let it come and go as traceless as a thaw of bygone snow; it seemed to mean so little, meant so much-” spencer started, the words taking over his mind and mouth before he could even think about it.
“if only now i could recall that touch, first touch of a hand in hand- did one but know,” she finished for him.
“i-i,” he started, surprising himself by the way he stuttered. “i don't speak your language, not like you do, not yet. i'm not a poet. but… i want to learn… i want to.”
she breathed out, all the air leaving her lungs, his wild eyes scanned all over her face, not profiling. but learning, taking in her cues, and a pressure left his shoulders when she saw her lips twitching, breaking for a smile.
“i may be the writer, but you'll always be the words.” she took a step toward him, his eyes settling for her own, it helped him calm down. “it's like i said, anybody can be a poet.”
“i-i’ll see you friday?” he said.
“friday?” she raised her eyebrows.
“yeah, you-you said you had to see what you're working with?”
“i do.” she nodded, a playful gleam in her eyes, “i guess i’ll see you friday. we can get coffee, before coming here.” she suggested.
“is that special treatment, professor?” one more time, he surprised himself by the way he spoke to her, like it was the most natural thing to do. we wished it never stopped, he wanted to hear her amused laugh again.
“maybe.” she bit her lip as she laughed.
“this could be the start of something new, and it feels so right to be here with you.”
-high school musical
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falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
Hi! I just fell on your blog a few minutes ago and then went on to read all your stories about Billy Kid (my favorite character in ZZZ) so I immediatly followed you and now dying to read more because I am starved for good Billy kid stories you have no idea. AO3 hasn't done much yet about him, there are some good ones, but they are also too few yet, maybe in a few months. Hope you don't mind if I flood your ask box with request about him. I love him being in a bad situation and the rest of the Cunning Hares immediatly going into War Mode the moment someone mess with him without their knowledge. Or him just being cared for by the rest of the girls when he's not in a good shape, or injured, or well, you get the idea. Think you could do a story where Billy suffers a blow to the head during a mission which makes him temporary lose his memories about his time with the Cunning Hares so he still thinks he's a feared enforcer in the Outer Ring and thus acts more like the old him, who is very much implied to have been much less nice and more ruthless than his present self given that in one of his trust events he actually sends a death threat to a thug, and also an entire gang of thugs running away from him the moment they recognize him. Meanwhile Nicole, Anby and Nekomata are at a loss at how to deal with a much less nice Billy who doesn't remember them and is clearly more than ready to shoot anyone or anything for just being in his way and them trying to just bring back the Billy they know by trying to show him everything he's been doing with them, and also them worried about how different he was before meeting them and them not knowing him more than that and stuff. Would be interesting, if you want to write it of course. Also, do you plan to maybe put your stories about Billy (all the asks you got about him) on AO3? There is not enough Billy Kid content yet there, and I think you would help immensely, given your stories are all incredible and they are about our favorite android. <3 <3 <3, Of course, no pressure there, I'm just curious and wondering, feels like a shame to only see those stories on tumblr, but I'll totally understand and respect whatever decision you choose. Also love the work you put for your stories about the Billy asks, I drank them faster than a thirsting man in a desert suddently having access to water, I love you so much for doing this the internet needs more Billy Kid stories the android is gonna be my death and I am so ok with that.
RAHHH YOU'RE SO SWEET, WHAT?? -> oml, you fr got me close to tears over here <333
as of right now, i don't have an AO3 account- bc it never seemed like much of a priority to make one, but i might just bite the bullet and start posting over there now that you're hyping them up so much 😭 
of course, i'll still primarily post on here methinks, and i'll definitely write that request of yours too bc i genuinely love that idea [just in a different post to keep this from getting too long] but seriously, you're so sweet. thank you so much and request away!! <3 <3 <3
HC for the Road: When Billy gets super angry, like genuinely needs to blow off some steam before he snaps at the girls, he'll just kick or punch the nearest safely destructible item -> for example: the Hares' could be in a Hollow and they get stuck or something, and Billy's already had a bit of a rough day so he just kicks one of the thick metal pipes laying around to vent and accidentally sends his foot through it [and gets stuck like a cartoon] -> the rest of the Hares' are struck yet again with the reminder of "oh yeah, he's CHOOSING not to break our bones 😃"
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chevelleneech · 14 days
So, this ask has been in making for quite some time and i assure you absolutely unrelate d to your recent post about km timeline, i started this ask way before that after ep5, but i feind you quite reasonable and civil so I am going to list down a few reasonable/plausible reasons of why there are certain discrepancies in the whole jikook narrative which sort of is overlooked or brushed over which sort of discredits the whole thing and, lets try to have a reasonable discussion rather than giving opinions on my(anon's) dumbness or whatever.
the recent bed softness/mattress talk in EPS 5, if they were partners (hell, even as friends/dormmates) and JK has all of them over all the time, seems like a preference that JM, as a partner, should know about. and yes, it was talked in a way that JK was letting him know his preference as a reason; otherwise, I would have said oh, that's too soft/hard.
jms depression talk in 2022 in the docu scenes/ that came out after the concert etc, is jk was not aware of anything his supposed bad mental state, his sleeping schedule, oh but jm's friend knew and helped him and he recognized it but it was all being made aware to jk as a friend and that was when they werent really doing any solo stuff. I mean, it's clear they didn't live together, but this is something that I would have thought jk would know, and don't come at me with the jm hides his thoughts. They all do, I would suppose it would be a bit diff for a SO.
jk asking to bring his stuff to jm in that vlive in morning so its good to assume they dont have stuff at eo's places + in April 2023 jk did not know any of face schedule and seeing it for the first time on a tv, when he was actually quite free through early jan/feb/sort of mar too. In the SMF pt 2 trailer, even Tae knew; suga also knew his schedule, but aside from that, he was even confused about the last day of jm's music show.
literally the first comments jm did on jk's live was followed by jm saying take care or how ar eyou something was clearly seperate and miles away from eo atleast for the past two years. whereas tae and jk were clearly closer with jk saying what are you doing here to tae as in they were doing soemthing before/playing as also confirmed in tae's vlive in feb was it? which was not rude but just continuing convo.
the infamous vlive of jk watching jm's content wasnt because of he missed him like people romantically state but because he was def. not up to date on his band member who is supposedly his couple but was catching up on his content bc he did not know when things were airing or when his schedules were or even talking to eo.
i have more which i do not recall fully at the moment (have sent asks about them in past and each time by each person its answered by a simple no or not possible w/o any reasoning (prob bc yall dont have it yourself) but i will def come back and point out if needed)
so talking about knwoing eo fav spices which is obv if jk and jm lived in a dorm for 10 years should know about,hell they know taht about suga as well, tae as well etc. is not a very proof of thier relationship infact its all these small unnoticable or brushed over things which show such discrepancies and holes in the whole narrative which should make a person think again and be reasonable. there are a few blogs, not yours (hence why I even came here, but you , akookminsupporter etc, are a few blogs that are actually reasonable) that pull such weird ass thoughts as if they know what km are thinking, it's surprising and concerning. all these points are no compare but to point fallacies which appear to exist if they are, in fact, dating. the recent mattress talk is what made me even more aware and why I thought I should try to have a civil discussion/ask about it.
Here’s my thing, I feel like all of these concerns and questions have been discussed at length many times over, so there is no answer I can give you, one you deem reasonable or otherwise, that will satisfy your curiosity.
The only reason I would imagine they talk about certain things the way they do, is because they either don’t already know the answers or they’re bullshitting for the cameras. The members have known each other for over a decade, as you’ve said. Jimin and Jungkook shared bed many times in their early years, and we know again, that Jungkook used to hang out in Jimin’s hotel rooms all the time. So in regard to your first question, isn’t it reasonable to assume he already knew JK wasn’t a fan of too soft mattresses?
They’ve shared a mattress so many times, that the idea of it having never ever been brought up until that day in Jeju simply does not seem likely. It makes more sense that he, for whatever reason, just didn’t want that particular bed. Could it be he just didn’t want to swap? Sure. Could it be the mattress really was too soft? Sure, either way, I don’t know. I also don’t know why he’d present his reasoning to Jimin the way he did, aside from: a) reiterating info people already know about you is normal or b) JM truly didn’t know and he was telling him. Either way, it doesn’t change what I think is likely going on between them.
2-4 are things neither of us know the full extent of. They don’t owe us 100% full transparency on what they’ve talked about together. We don’t have to know how much of Jimin’s struggles he shared with Jungkook, because we don’t know what their relationship status is outside of assuming they like each other and prefer being around one another. Personal struggles and whom Jimin decided to let in, is not our business, and whether or not he was open and honest with his potential partner falls into things we don’t need to know. If not knowing whether or not JK knew all of it tells you they aren’t together, so be-it. You don’t have to believe anything you don’t want to believe, if your experience and understanding of the world tells you not to.
I already said enough about 5. I already said I believe them saying they weren’t that much in touch during 2023, but it’s not an objective fact that JK was watching Jimin’s content because he wasn’t caught up. Same way it’s not an objective fact that he was doing it because he’s in love with him. It’s all subjective, as there were times where he said he didn’t watch something, then other times when he’s quoting Jimin before he even speaks, proving he did indeed watch the content. So perhaps he simply just missed him. As a friend or as something more is your choice to decide.
Basically, unless either of them reveal partners they’ve been with during these later years, the answers any of us want will likely never ever be given. At least not until it’s 2053, and one of them writes a tell-all. So you can think they’re dating, best friends, or just good coworker friends, but you can’t ask questions to strangers online in attempt to have them hash out the reasons behind something they don’t have the full details of.
I personally think Jimin and Jungkook have something going on. You don’t, and that’s perfectly fine.
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puppy-phum · 1 year
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7.7.2023 (1, 2) – Last Twilight Filming
+ bonus: The first look on Night
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I doubt I will be posting all the preview pictures like this, but I might occasionally drop some here as Tumblr and my own blog are both my archive and my safe space. So welcome on this journey with me if you choose to follow along ♥
I also try to keep away from talking too much about my own opinions and expectations when it comes to this series bc I don't really have much to add to the general discussion. Also, I hate to be known like that. But I wanted to share a few thoughts on these pictures nonetheless.
First of all, I am extremely curious about the whole mood change we can notice in these pictures. The warm and soft yellows in the trailer have changed to these stark and cold blues and grays. I know this most likely won't be their final look as the actual filmed material will go through coloring and editing in the post-production process, but these colors on set and in their styling are definitely a choice. I'm personally expecting this to mean the story will hit even harder, though I also think that was a given either way. They're out to murder us, I'm just saying.
I love what this change has done to Mork however. I've seen a lot of people on Twt say they don't really approve Jimmy's new hairstyle and that they cannot recognize the character of Mork without the longer hair, but I'm stoked. He looks worse, in a good way, than he did in the trailer. He's sharper, rougher from the edges. I can see that he can be even mean like this if he wants to, and I was kind of expecting the beginning of MorkDay's story to be based on some level of distaste or even hostility towards each other. Mork is not a natural caretaker and Day doesn't really want to be taken care of so I'm excited to see what will become of that.
(Also I will not talk about Mork with his bike bc my brain is just empty when it comes to that. You point that picture out to me and all you can hear are crickets. Though my brain will insist that the one in that picture is Wai which I find hilarious.)
With Day, I'm a bit more indecisive. I'm honestly surprised how much he suddenly changed from the trailer and how much the feeling I get from him changed when they decided to put these colder colors on him. Sea's hair is styled down which somehow makes me think about an anime character, and it doesn't help that he's dressed in those black shirts/jackets? with the stickup collar. (The blue stripe in that second picture makes me think about Connor from Detroit: Become Human which. Not an AU I thought I had in me lbh.) I am not against it though. He looks younger if colder, and with the casual t-shirts, he has this almost child-like feeling to him. Makes me think that Day will be a bit of a brat. I love that for us.
My biggest grievance currently is that they apparently changed the actress for Day's mother. I love the lady they had in the trailer and I was honestly so excited to see her working with JimmySea. She has, after all, played some of my favorite mothers in Thai BLs (Ayan's mother in The Eclipse, Mon's mother in GAP, and Junior's mother in Bad Buddy). I like her face and she has this very warm and gentle feeling to her. Maybe changing her out also had something to do with the overall mood switch, we will have to wait and see.
Overall very excited to see what actually happens in this. Also excited to see other locations than just Day's house but I guess we will have to wait for that for a while. Same with anything softer which I'm not against bc the first hint of intimacy between MorkDay will probably make me pass out.
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landinrris · 9 months
i have a question to cleanse your mind from that young royals hot mess on twitter. do you think norrix may in fact be real and if it is when do you think it became real? and if not do you think it might ever become real? my own view is they've not acted on anything right now and would say they're only very good friends if asked and are most likely even still hooking up with women but there are feelings much stronger than normal friends bc well it's crystal clear that it's not a normal friendship but a fair chunk deeper than that like a soul connection or something as an anon said the other day. but i don't know if they'll ever get up the courage to act on it. my projection clearly as we'll never really know how they feel if they don't act on it and go public but they come across like of two of my friends who so clearly care for each other in a non-platonic way and are joined at the hip every opportunity and are physically affectionate with one another but never did anything about it so far at least from what we all know anyway and only one has recently come out as not straight. though i guess even having that deep love even if it remains platonic is a special thing regardless. was wondering what your take on it is if you don't mind being public about that.
Okay, so here's the thing. I'm very hesitant to speculate in an open space about someone's sexuality where anyone can see it. (Sometimes I really wish Tumblr's search function didn't catch literally everything, but whatever). I don't know, I have really complicated feelings on the matter in general because I recognize things from my own life, but nothing is universal etc etc. And maybe I blur the lines on my blog a bit, but at the end of the day, the plausible deniability side, and the side that doesn't really know any of the people I post about, will lean towards these relationships not being real in the romantic sense.
That being said, I will gladly address this question from a more "fictionalized" viewpoint using things that have actually happened. It might be counter-intuitive to write like that, but it hasn't stopped me yet because I am not them, so it's default fiction.
In one of the things I'm writing that utilizes real-world timelines, I have them kind of getting together following the Spa 2023 gig when Lando goes back to Amsterdam and posts the photo to his Insta Story from Martin's balcony. All the feelings from the past year build up until they can't hold them back anymore.
The reason I think Spa (besides the fact that the aforementioned picture kills me), is that following it, and even the event itself really, Lando largely stops posting their meetups on his social media. Someone else brought to my attention that after New York and Canada, McLaren also largely stopped posting content of the two of them. As compared to Miami where there was plenty of content of Martin hanging around Lando's driver's room.
So New York/Canada happens with "Real Love." Then Spa happens with Lando and Max flying into the show and Lando going back to Amsterdam. Lando specifically realizes then that if he wants to avoid scrutiny and rumors and gossip as much as possible, he has to let the psycho girl rumors go wild while he flies under the radar with privacy and avoids advertising who he's with. Hence, a tangible lack of material from both him and McLaren for the rest of the season when Martin is present.
The ski trip is the exception because I think the ski trip is special. Especially because Martin was nowhere near France prior to it. Lando says, fuck it, for a brief moment and posts the photos he wants to post.
But then we have winter break and go back to both of them being very quiet when they're together. Martin gets to post the proof that they've been together while Lando keeps his profile meticulously bare of anyone but himself. The fact that Martin was back in Amsterdam for ~8 hours and posted 3-4 things says a lot. But he's quiet again, now that he's somewhere snowy while Lando's plans of Finland seemingly grow nearer.
They're not sure if they'll ever broadcast anything, but maybe they'll work back up to posting like they used to pre-New York where they were much more likely to show up on one of their Stories at the least.
So, in my world, yes it's happened, and this is why I think so.
In the real, tangible world, who knows. Whatever their relationship is clearly means a great deal to them both. If it's purely platonic, if there's a legitimate romantic element, or if they just sit there and pine for the next few years, I hope they're happy and content they have one another. Finding people you click with that quickly and genuinely is a special thing.
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
have gained a following on here that is kinda completely separate from my main blog so i thought it would be fun to do a little mod intro post. if you think this is corny erm ignore it LOL.
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elvis release summer -> dune/mota release winter <3
i'm in law school- currently my first year!!! i don't say where for um op sec reasons (real reason: my main blog has made me a lot of very oddly intense enemies, somehow, and ive gotten both doxxing and swatting threats to the extent there's a paper trail with my school LMFAO)- but it's in the midwest. yeehaw baby.
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i'm doing an international law study abroad trip this summer and am very excited! watching mota made me even more excited in that a few places we'll be going came up during the show.
i don't think this is new info LOL but i found mota through being a massive austin butler fan. my main blog @bcofl0ve, doxxing threats and all, is my baby and a labor of love for austin that i started after i saw elvis in 2022. he means the world to me and with all the shit he gets online seeing so many mota/hbo war fans be so receptive of him has been really great!
re: that ^ i have a post on my main blog that's essentially a master post for new austin fans if that's something you're interested in! has where to watch everything he's ever been in, my favorite interviews, some fun facts and more. check it out here <3
i also became a massive elvis presley fan through the biopic- to the extent that my 'big' christmas present this past year was an estate sale haul of a deceased woman's elvis merch from the 60s-the 90s. i have a tattoo for him and his daughter lisa on my arm- that i got last year as a memorial thing. her passing last jan. was the hardest ive ever been hit by a celebrity death and it still upsets me to think about for too long.
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and lastly bc i do get this sometimes- if i seem vaguely familiar and you follow the guy specialbooksbyspecialkids- ding ding ding, i was on there in 2018 talking about my stutter and my interview blew up a smidgen more than his videos typically do. ive been recognized from it *in public* by strangers which is wild to me but chris is a sweetie and i can't say enough kind things about him.
that's it about me i think- but if y'all want to share any fun facts about yourselves pls feel free to reply!!!
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hi potato!!! omg im not sure if we're mutual yet but i love your art a whole lot!!!!💗💗💗💗 and you're also in brba/bcs fandom too?? that's awesome!!! hiii!! do you perhaps have a brbabcs oc? I'd love to know!
(or, if you dont have, maybe you want to make it..? 👀 abby can them can be friends...)
hey there! yeah im a huge fan of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, but not really active in this fandom… i typically just lurk around, reblog and enjoy the silly memes on YouTube. if i feel inspired, i’ll just draw the characters (mostly jimmy & kim cuz im so normal about them ) and then bail. my squishy brain can't stay in one fandom for too long, it's always jumping around to another new interest. im glad you like my art ❤️ you got a beautiful drawings too!
oo your ask inspired me to create an OC for BCS/BRBA! here she is! her name is Joy
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she doesn't have much details and backstory yet, but im planning to flesh her out more if im not busy with other things.
with how messed up the brbabcs world can be, figured that putting my OC as a Los Pollos Hermanos employee would fit right in. she’s also Lyle’s close friend! let’s just hope she doesn't face as much tragedy as the other characters lmao
gonna put on read more for the question about being mutuals because this post is already long ⬇️
[shaking and crying rn i hope i don’t upset anyone..]
so.. uhm im very picky about who i actually follow & follow back because i need to limit it for the sake for my dashboard. preferably id have to REALLY like and rather follow blogs that i vibe & familiar with the contents that i want to see than something… i dont really want to look at 🙏 this is just how i curate my experience
in general, i also dont feel comfortable with others dming me personal things and it feels anxiety-inducing. unless it’s a specific topic like art discussion about drawing tips, ocs design, request, art trades, collab and maybe commission
im SO SORRY 🙏 🙏 it’s nothing personal i swear, really! and im letting yall know that i will always recognize and remember all the people who consistently ✨ like and reblog ✨my stuff and you're all honorary mutuals to me even if i don't follow you back and i appreciate you all sm!!! <3 i go bounce bounce seeing everyone being super sweet in my notif
if yall interact often and you’re super nice in the notific you’re already a mutual for me! 🩷 sending me question and art suggestion never bothers me! i love to talk, get to know and interact more with people in this lovely app! :)
thanks for the question!
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opossumgirltongue · 1 year
legally you have to tell me if my posts make you cum
this is my side blog for self indulgent activity of the sexual kind . if you recognize me OMG you should say hi~ . i post shamelessly and will not hold myself back
all of my posts are ok to reblog . mandatory even
my inbox is always open for you to leave your fantasies about dolls like me in . i will read them tho
please don’t dm if your intent is sexting . might do that someday but right now i’m not fine with that . dming for discussion or writing inspo or w/e is prob fine but also i’m timid so i might not get back to you . please don’t think i’m mad at you . mutuals can ask for discord tho
i do have a partner . we are poly and in an open relationship but this is important to know probably .
my opossum and rattlesnake sonas . do what you will with them . especially if it makes you horny
18+ past this point ! i’m serious ! please just put anything indicating you are an adult in your bio or title or pinned or something. blocking works weird with sideblogs but i will block minors and ageless
original posts: #oc
favorite reblogs: #💖
most favorite post ever that everyone needs to look at
below the cut for specific likes and dislikes , please read before following (and maybe reread in case of changes. last update Aug 16, 2024)
subjects i like and will probably post about (in no particular order):
being trans
feminization (no detrans)
tickling ( lee ///u///u/// )
petplay? (its growing on me)
robots(factories included)
transformation(usually pertains to the subjects above as well)
free use
hypnosis (NO loss of self)
subjects that make me personally uncomfortable and that i will not post about (exceptions are unlikely, will be very rare):
underage/race/incest(including step)/zoo
identity death/memory loss
nuns specifically (any other religious figure is fine)
sending me nudes without me explicitly asking
please don’t tag my posts as misgen . y’all can look and rb but i don’t want to see that in my notifs
i don't plan on posting anything pertaining to sissy content . i can 100% guarantee that if i do, it will be tagged “sissy” bc i know that can be a touchy subject . enjoyers can stay so long as you’re respectful of boundaries and are normal abt trans people and women and poc outside of the bedroom . same applies to misgen/detrans
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Sending this all in one ask even though it's technically four different things, hope that's alright-
1. Ik it's small and just in the tags but the Sol response for the soulmates post is so 💞
2. I really liked the writing in your Yurgir post, just thought it was really neat and I liked your wordings (I could not come up with a better way to word this, though- my bad). Let him protect Tav!! Even though he's also completely wrecking them <3
3. I agree really hard on the backgrounds giving dialog options. It really feels like it should be a thing- I think maybe all background affects dialog wise, is whether or not your character gets the Baldurian tag..? But that might just be a race thing (in which you'd either get Baldurian or Underdark. Or... Nothing for githyanki? Unless they have the Planar tag? Idk)
I may not be able to have the option in game, but in my mind's eye my noble Tav introduced themselves proudly with their full name, and Astarion immediately poked fun at them for how much of a mess their family is known to be. Them most likely recognizing Wyll as the Ravengard son and assuming he'd know of them as well but he straight up doesn't. Beautiful stuff
-Tressym anon
Thank you for taking the time to write this! Love hearing your thoughts <3
1 - You read it!! I didn't think anyone would notice, I'm so happy. I really want to add them to the several characters mini-lists I make but I always hesitate because since the post will leave my blog tags, I don't want it to feel like I'm forcing my OC into the fandom main media?
So I just leave it in the tags for my readers to hopefully find, since only you guys know about Sol and will see the OG post while most people will see reblogs of reblogs without my tags.
It's like, while Halsin embraces fate and has faith in it, Sol and Minthara do not. They realise how incredibly lucky they are to have met you. Sol condems fate for being so pitiful, how easily they'd have never met you and just spent their life hiding their true self and following their family.
While Minthara fears fate, she knows she would've killed you under any other circumstances. She dreads the idea of never waking up from her brainwashing, be it from Lolth or the Absolute.
2 - I'm glad to hear you liked it! I can't stress how I will never get tired of hearing this or how these comments never get redundant to me. Honestly, I'm having a really bad day rn but still pushed out a fic bc I felt like it's been a while, it makes me feel appreciated when people tell me they liked anything about my works. So thank you again from the deepest of my heart.
3- omfg, the Astarion idea is gold. He would totally have gossip on most noble families since he spent so much time in the upper city. You'd be announce yourself and titles so proudly and he'd be like "didn't your cousin runaway with that barmaid and leave his wife and three kids behind?"
Or playful banter with Wyll since he came from nobility originally, the two of your characters could've seen each other as kids or something before the whole Mizora thing and he'd be like "wait...I remember you! You're that kid who stole my piece of cake during my birthday party"
Also imagine insulting Gortash during his coronation with a noble background, basically calling hime fake nobility and how he doesn't know the first thing about rulling or etiquette.
Maybe when you come back to the city, you already have an account made in the bank and don't need to start another? Maybe you get pickpocketed quite often because you "look rich" and if you sleep at any camp besides the elfsong tavern, you remain restless and don't heal to full.
Being an obnoxious noble sounds way too fun. A spoiled rich person who has to trudge around in the mud in the underdark and complain about their silk clothes getting absolutely ruined while the party snicker behind you.
Imagine teaching Lae'zel and Shadowheart how to slow dance <3 or taking Karlach to a very fancy restaurant reservation during her date in act 3!
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lastoneout · 1 year
how do u grow ur tumblr acc is it like twitter
Genuinely I have no idea. Most popular blogs I see either are creators of some kind, so artists or writers or people who just write interesting posts about what they think or stuff they like, "tumblr funnymen" who post a lot of memes and jokes, and educational blogs.
Though tbh, having a lot of followers doesn't really like...do anything for you here? Like that's kinda just not the point. No one can see your follow count anyway so it doesn't get you clout, and being too popular kinda just leads to a lot of anon hate and drama, plus follower count doesn't guarantee engagement anyway. Tumblr values quality over quantity in terms of followers and mutuals, so it's less about getting more followers and more about making good connections with people who share your interests.
And in my experience, the best way to go about "growing" your blog is to engage with people!
(Well, first what you REALLY need to do is change your pfp, header, and blog description so people don't think you're a bot. I'd say pick something relevant to what you're gonna be posting about, like your art if you're an artist, or screenshots from movies or anime you like, and just drop something about yourself/what you're interested in in your description!)
But yeah, engagement is best! Follow people who post art or fics or original content that you like and reblog their posts, and don't be afraid to add kind comments in the tags or replies, that kind of thing really stands out to creators(most of us joke about recognizing urls of people who come back time and time again to like our stuff, and leaving comments/replies makes you stand out even more and might get someone to follow you back). Send asks too, a lot of my longest mutuals I've made bcs we shared a fandom and started talking through asks :D
Aside from that, really just posting is your best bet. Reblogs are good, some people follow other people just bcs they reblog good stuff, but also post original stuff too! Even if it's just you screaming about how much you like an album or a picture of your cat, posting stuff and tagging it(as there's no real algorithm) is how people will find you and tbh I've seen plenty of blogs get big just bcs people like to hear what they have to say about random things or want to see more pictures of their cats.
(You can also use tumblr blaze to advertise yourself if you want to, I've seen people use it to share a post with some of their art like "hey I draw this stuff follow if you like it" or something like that, it's an option, though it does cost money so there's that.)
So yeah, engage with others, reblog posts, and make your own posts! That's all there really is to it. Tumblr is really more about making connections and having fun and less about "being popular", so don't worry too much about it if you don't get tons of followers right away or ever. Just post what you want, talk to people, and have a good time :D
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Also Kat. I have to say. I would recommend disengaging from the discussion with people who make additions to posts.
I completely understand where you're coming from, but with the reblog system most people don't think of a post as relating to OP or responding to OP when they reblog. And they reblog it with an addition thinking of it now as a post on their blog. Most people don't really make original posts. And they may not even have many followers, or expect anyone to see their addition. With the new tumblr features OP is forced to see every little comment people make on their post, but that's not really common knowledge to people who haven't had their original posts reblogged much. They don't think of it as a comment directed at you, or necessarily even anyone.
And because you are a big blog getting annoyed with additions from blogs that will statistically always be smaller than yours, reblogging them back to your (big) blog with a criticism of their addition will simply come across as mean.
It's one of those things like we talked about with the asks where it happens a thousand times a day and it grates on your nerves and you end up responding to one person. But from the outside, and to that person, it appears as if they have been singled out, and your reaction appears out of proportion (to that one person).
So while I think it's ok to vent about not liking this type of addition in general, I really would be careful to reblog and comment on individual additions, esp when they are more misguided or personally uncomfortable to you than downright malicious.
Bc I don't think you recognize this, but bc you have such a massive following compared to most, dragging someone's username unto your blog in a negative light really tends to look like bullying or at the very least kind of mean.
Like it's obviously your call, just wanted to give a friendly outside perspective ❤️
Good point. I took the responses down and won't be engaging again
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steel-bunny-archive · 2 years
Warning you now that ghost wrote a post about your callout so it doesnt catch you offguard 😟
thank you for the heads up!! the call out isn't mine but I appreciate you letting me know. I actually saw it on my dash unfortunately so I can give a quick run-down on it:
Ghost never apologized to Grimm for misgendering them - his pronouns have always been available in his Discord bio, and Ghost had directly interacted with him many, many times. however I think the point being missed here is that she misgendered him in the middle of viciously attacking a mutual friend of ours under a false assumption she'd made on her own, thinking the mutual friend had been the one who found her comment about non-con. if this were like, casual convo and then she accidentally used the wrong pronouns for him but apologized and corrected herself, none of us would be airing this out bc it wouldn't have been an issue
I don't think Grimm or I have used the terminology she said she's uncomfortable with in the post, but I have to assume she brought it up because someone called her that. I'll double back and make sure I didn't use that language for her, but Ghost never stated her pronouns or language preferences in her Discord bio or in the servers we shared.
Ghost having "no minors" in her bio but not filtering anything out and not interacting with ageless accounts is not enough in a fandom like this one. when you only mention that your account is NSFW in your tumblr bio, it requires a minor to have seen a post from you first and then go to your profile. there are so many tools tumblr provides for us to keep minors safe. I don't expect an adult account to catch every single minor lying about their age to bypass the safety checks, but that's just it - she doesn't put ANY effort into doing so, and she doesn't employ ANY of those safety measures. she shows a clear pattern of not caring about who sees her fetish art as, like I said before, she posts all her fetish art under a general audience label on FA (username is also ghostbellies).
I don't hate that she's adding a filterable tag to her fetish art, BUT I also don't think it solves anything. just like how minors would have to see her posts and then her account before knowing to block her, minors (and others who don't want to see NSFW) are going to need to know to filter this highly specific tag. I would really just advise adding #NSFW to her posts instead, as well as using community labels and/or flagging her blog as explicit.
finally... her post still doesn't address her attack against our mutual friend OR her stances on non-con, which was a huge portion of the call out. I think Ghost recognizes that a lot of people in this space are not comfortable interacting with someone who's okay with non-con, and the longer she can go without publicly stating her stance, the longer she can continue building a following and making friendships with people who openly state "no proshippers" (or similar language) on their profile.
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duunswitch · 1 year
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Name / Alias: Kelpy, though you may also know me as Newt or Ven!
Pronouns: they/them, though I'll also accept she/her since I'm not out among family
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both| other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: Dolls, specifically porcelain and BJD. Lifelike dolls as well; toys like barbie are fine.
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it’s mandatory | I have it, it’s not mandatory but I’m more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it’s up to people whether to fill it or not | I don’t have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practice it | I practice it sometimes | I don’t practice it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it’s mandatory | I have one and it’s optional | I don’t have one | I send passwords | don’t sent passwords
I have no sleep schedule, please don't try to match my reply speed bc I reply immediately a lot of the time and do not expect people to do the same.
Mutuals mean mutuals only.
I'm small and anxious so I tend not to reach out first a lot of the time; I promise I don't bite though so you should definitely just kick in my inbox and forcibly befriend me. I promise I'll be happy about it.
Sometimes I'm like a rat terrier with a rat about subjects; if you're tired of hearing about it just tell me to shut up lmao. autism means I don't always recognize the cues and need to be told straight up that I'm doing a thing
I'm just a small seaweed, please be gentle
Despite my best attempts, I promise I'm not stupid. Please don't treat me like a child; lmao I had an ex friend treat me like I was an idiotic 5 year old at a con once bc we got separated and never have I wanted to punch someone so badly. Don't condescend to me. If you do chances are I'll go silent and you'll never hear from me again.
Acting like I owe you my time! I'm always willing to interact and yell w/ people, I promise! I'm really excited to interact with people at all times, but more than once I've had other muses both IC and OOC act like I/my muse owed them all of my time and energy and that always ends in a block. 
Please be legible posts lmao. I have bad eyesight, don't make it worse.
Lack of respect. Treating me like I'm an idiot/child, or not respecting my time.
Not actually giving me equal effort. I absolutely do not expect anyone to match my length and definitely not my reply speed lmao but if I give you a couple paras, please don't slap down one line and call it good. UNLESS you can give me enough to work with in said line for a reply. (Legit once had someone reply to a ten para starter with two lines and MAN did that kill a muse.)
Harassing me/friends over people they're RPing with or ships we have. If someone is genuinely dangerous that's one thing, then sure lemme know privately but showing up on anon or posting vagues about it doesn't get you the result you think it does.
Yoinking my icons/other stuff. Unless otherwise specified, I make everything myself. I've had icons drawn specifically for me by friends as a bday gift stolen more than once in other fandoms, and it's annoying.
Forceshipping. I promise, I'm super easy to ship with; I see two characters interact once and my brain's already going "hey what if they kiss tho" within three posts if they have the chemistry for it so if you're interested then just say so! Forcing it when I/the muse clearly aren't interested tho, no pls.
Not tagging things, or being an asshole about people politely requesting you tag a trigger for them. Your blog so if you don't wanna tag triggers alright, but don't be a dick about saying no. 
I don’t know your muse, our styles wouldn’t click, or I’m not a fan of a lot of the content you post. I like to keep my dash clean with people I know and those I can see myself writing with.
I know you from before and you’re someone I haven’t had good interactions with. I've been in many fandoms on tumblr in the last decade or so in the RP comm, and surprise I do in fact recognize distinct rp styles; if you're known for being a predator or anything in another fandom, there's a high chance I know and I've been there to watch it happen. I know who you are, you aren't fooling me with a new blog and a new alias.
I didn’t see you follow; tumblr's bad at doing it's job so I may not have noticed. Or I did, but you're a personal with an RP sideblog and didn't post anywhere where your RP blog is so I don't know there's an RP blog to follow.
tagged by: @pseudomonacarriea tagging: theft!
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