#(all supposed to be platonic btw! - ADMIN)
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| .--. . .-. .. .--- --- …- . / .-. . … ..- .-.. - -.-.-. / .- … / -… . .- ..- - .. ..-. ..- .-.. / .- … / . …- . .-. |.. | .. -- .- --. . … / … . -. -.. .. -. --. / --- ..- - -.-.-. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .-. . .- -.-. …. / . .- .-. - …. / … --- --- -. |! Translation: | PERIJOVE RESULT; AS BEAUTIFUL AS EVER |.. | IMAGES SENDING OUT; WILL REACH EARTH SOON |!
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kaisooficrec · 5 years ago
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Sports AU make me cry of happiness :’) Last request was a little over a year ago so here are all the newest sports au we know & found :D don’t forget to leave kudos & comments to the authors <3
Do You Have the Balls?  - crack, head over heels jongin offers to help kyungsoo with his problem on how to dribble and shoot orange balls! 
hat-trick + yours to hold high - hockey + figure skating au, literally my whole life i love these two fics more than i love my exo albums ok it’s just that good jongin is too hot for our own good
Hope and Legacy - figure skating au in which ksoo finds hope in jongin
let the games begin - Olympics au, yeah jongin's basically a sports fan travelling to rio with sehun n drooling over this hot archer guy, gold medalist kyungsoo :P
hustler - (swimming) kyungsoo falls for his straight best friend
They Won't Know - tennis au. Kyungsoo and Jongin are both tennis competitors and rivals but jongin has the hots for kyungsoo (they both keep it in secret bc of the homophobic people around them)
run batted in - baseball au, kaisoo are from different schools but don’t care for the rivalry + double play their valentine’s day :-)
Snowflake - ksoo had to pause his figure skating career for his kid
So You Have a Crush (Here's How You Grapple with It) - both into martial arts, it gets kinky
Cloud9 - baseball au, the story of ksoo’s crush
Ice Ice Coffee - kyungsoo's first time at an ice skating rink together with his boyfriend and professional skater jongin (ft. sassy sehun)
Be My Boyfriend? - basketball captain!jongin asks out ksoo
Practice makes it perfect! - smutty boxing au
Overwhelmed - volleyball au / haikyuu anime inspo. kyungsoo sees their friendship in a platonic kind of way but when jongin does things that send his mind frantic, he finds himself having second thoughts
tricked (oops maybe not) - have some more fitness stuff :)) while everyone is busy with their bodybuilding agenda, Kyungsoo is busy ogling at a certain certified gym enthusiast. it supposed to be funny innocent kinda cause no smut, age switch 
He Works Out - soo is obsessed with working out and doesn't pay attention to nini :( slight daddy kink, 69, powerbottom jongin / bossy jongin hfhsf + some jealousy/insecurity on both sides
Ride Me Like A Bicycle - jongin working out with (on) kyungsoo aka riding dickbicycle ;o; 
Post Work Out Cooldown - maybe summ slightly yoga-related stuff while we’re at it but also an excuse to rec smut....:) boyfriends au. kyungsoo loves them yoga pants on jongin when he comes home from the gym ;) desk smut, super soft btw! 
football/soccer au:
Defense and Offense - football!au with quarterback jongin and not popular soo
All I Have To Do Is Find You (Among All The Noise In The World) - related to football but it’s more soulmate au! this is kyungsoo disliking jongin first :( poor jongin he’s such a sweet pure babie here! he is also a bear mascot!!! and kyungsoo can’t believe he’s his soulmate 
receive my ball(s), please? -  cheerleader jongin is just thirsty for captain soo :))) smut
Underarmor - pwp, kyungsoo and jongin get funky in the locker room (very short drabble) fgkk
Football/soccer fics like LMR were previously recced in sports!au here ^^
-Admins J & Macaroon
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bakubitch · 7 years ago
uh hi!! Could u write a scenario/hcs for todoroki izuku bakugou and iida/all might (platonic if u choose all might because well readers a student!!) where s/o is in 1-a but it's revealed they're part of a plot to be a double agent for the villain alliance but it then comes to light that they were instead a triple agent and actually grew to care so much for the class they joined a conspiracy from the inside and has sorta protected the class since??? mmmm idk if this makes sense but thank u!!
This turned out like a super long HC or a half-bastard scenario. Im skipping out Baks bc he is fucking everywhere so I’m sorry to disappoint you on that one. Tho whatever you may call it, I hope it will be to your liking nevertheless. 
The most rational out of the three bc he instantly sees through that it’s not like it seems to be after what it seemed to be
Thepoor boy was shocked which could be an understatement due to the factthat he grew serious feelings for his supposed-to-be-lover, it wouldprobably also bring him close to tears, devastating him in so manywrong ways that he did not deserve from all of the people. If itwasnt for the fact that he holds the water in, sight already blurry,instead just breathes in shakily perhaps he would’ve bursted outright then. Ofc he’d feel as if a huge rock crushed him but as soonas he faces them, noticing their features contorting as theyconfessed, Midoriya would notice that there was more behind thestory. And with another exhale he is also willing to listeninstantly, throwing away all the negative feelings that wereconstricting his so pure and hurt heart. Just like anyone even theworst person has the right to justify themselves as far as hesucceeded in being calm over this. At the end of the explanation,surprise takes over him but instead of focussing onto the main topiche cant help but to ask if their love was also just a facade to coverthem up, to mix better within the crowd. And when a „No“ falls ofhis partner’s lips, looking sincerely into his with a blush crossingtheir cheeks Midoriya cant hold it anymore and starts tremoringincontrollably. He is still able to catch a gentle smile playing ontheir lips before telling him their true feelings and he just lungsto hug them.
Itdepends how far his character had developed until then to be honest.If he grew out of his stubborn teenage mid-life crisis phase, thebetter it is. 
If not, he is having none of this, would probablyrefuse to listen to them at all and losing rationality. Butconsidering Todoroki did: Just like anyone he’d be hurt, actuallyquite bitter about the reality. He’d call himself stupid as of he didnot realize anything of this huge play they wrapped him up with,wishing nothing else but to bury himself away from this wholebullshit. But maybe it will take him some time before he decided tohear them out bc.. There was definitely a lot to talk about even ifit meant with him ending up even worse than he already was. Themale’s face as stoic as ever but not void of emotion per se, he’dconfront them calmly to sit down and have a serious talk. At somepoint of life he has learned to give someone a second chance: Hisproof was his mother. (Not his father though just btw) And so he letsthem explain themselves bc when they had their first talk about it,it seemed as if there was more that they were about to say but stupidhim just stomped out and slammed the door shut bc of the feeling ofbetrayal having washed over him was just too intense and too much tobear with. All this steadily creeped off his shoulders to stopcontinuingly weighing him down. His beloved asked after making himunderstand the actual situation, with a painful look crossing theirfeatures to give them another chance and with a shaky voice he willrespond: „Yes. Definitely..“ and utter miserable apologies forreacting this harshly upon them. He felt too stupid.
Warning: Spoilers for the Herokiller Arc
Nopenope nope nope – i think that sums up his reaction at first. Hedoes not see any reason to have a calm and serious talk with them,still hung over the Villain Stain, the Herokiller pretty much even ifhis internal storm may have calmed down after that Arc. He couldntstop thinking about his brother considering that he was stillfrequently visiting him at the hospital. It was unforgettable andunforgiveable. In comparison to the other two he needs to talk tosomeone else about this whole mess if he is even willing to at somepoint bc Iida was relating that kind with such a horrific experiencein second hand, some in first hand. Why his dearest of all thepeople, how could they do this to him and toying with his feelingslike that? Iida loved them so much that it hurt even more. It’s hisolder brother he is going to for that who enlightens him a littlebit. And it reminds him of the hurt look his significant other hadsent him during his outburst before leaving the scene. Iida’s siblingwas his idol, his hero, his respectable older brother that he admiredso much and Tensei damn deserved it bc he is such a rational and justbasically good-hearted fellow. After gathering advice and taking sometime to contemplate even further, he will have a talk with them.Guilt is what follows after his love explaining them with their gazelocked to the floor and their fists resting tense on their lap. „Ilove you.“, they’d be the one trembling, confessing all over againand bc he returns the feeling he’d sincerely apologize and ask tostart over – to the very beginning.
Admin Shiro
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