#(a lot of fics bc i am indecisive and keep starting new wips)
heartpascal · 1 year
hi my loves :) just a little update for you all
first off, apologies to those of you who have sent in asks that i’ve yet to answer!! i’m about to explain why so pls bear with :’)
so exam season is coming up wayyy too fast, and i’ve been finding writing kinda hard so that’s been going pretty slow (which is v frustrating) but man these deadlines coming up are … a lot. and with an already stressed out heartpascal you can imagine how that’s going 😭 plus my lovely hamster is getting sick and everything just appears to be going wrong!!!
BASICALLY. what i’m trying to say is i’m super sorry but asks are going to be put on the back burner for a little while :( i’ll answer when i can ofc (bc you guys make my days sm better) but it’s all just. a LOT.
i’ll still put out fics when i can, but they’ll probably be quite slow :(
i love you all very much & don’t worry, i’m doing my best to take care of myself (before any of you say anything hehe) but sorta slowing down on here is a part of that!!!
hopefully after exam season is over everything will ease up and it’ll be back to normal on here!!! but i won’t be leaving you guys with nothing so don’t worry <33
AND A SIDE NOTE!!! don’t forget that my dm’s are always open!! if you ever need a chat i will be there as soon as i can be <3
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