#(Y U U R A M IN 2K24)
koushirouizumi · 16 days
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{from here!}
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{Digimon Adventure:} {2020 Reboot} ~ Final Episode{s} + 2020 Koushiro & Tentomon {+Mimi as Support} (Friendship)
(Tentomon, Low m u r m u r i n g softly into Koushiro's e a r):
>Koushiro-han, we JUST 'finished' a "big j o b". >Lets take it easy from here.
"...You're RIGHT" - Koushiro, more calmly & content
Cap'd by @izzyizumi {Do Not R E P O S T} {Do Not R E P R O D U C E My Works Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission} (Please ASK to Use/Share!)
(Original commentary + Image usage rules under '
{T e n t o m o n proceeds to actively h e l p m a s s a g e Koushiro's s h o u l d e r s, something which should, 'T h e o r e t i c a l l y', 'Take W o r k'} (But Does It A n y w a y)
"No, they might POSSIBLY..." - L e o m o n
"H U M A N S and D i g i m o n... What kind of effects the M E R G I N G of the T w o W o r l d s produce from here"
"...Is 'something' EVEN I CANNOT {'P R E D I C T'}." - W I S E M O N
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