#(So it COUNTS)
girlboyburger · 6 months
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[ cow uses it / its and she / he interchangeably ]
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heartstopperthought’s top 10 Nick and Charlie scenes so far: a countdown to season 3
#6: Nick comes out to his mom
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frownyalfred · 7 months
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ao3 author’s notes found in the wild that make me laugh ??/????
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artilite · 7 months
happy!! birthday !!! isabeau!!!!!
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goomyloid · 2 years
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now i bring u all… wolfwood dress
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Hezekiah Wakely 🤝 Oliver Banks
Committing murder for a good night's sleep
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nyaagolor · 2 months
Just finished chapter 2 and I am just endlessly fascinated by the sheer depth of internalized misogyny displayed by Eva Ushiromiya every time she opens her mouth
All the characters have this "punching down" kinda cycle of abuse narrative so far where their projection of their own insecurities onto others manifests as aggression, but Eva stands out to me as someone who reinforces conservatism by extricating herself from the idea of womanhood rather than fighting against the system
She seems to use her status as a way to push down other women to maintain her place in the hierarchy, admonishing other women for their perceived failings in their societal roles (Natsuhi's infertility and Rosa's inability to curb Maria's "misbehaving" come to mind specifically) if and only if she can use it to hurt them or their spouses. Femininity is and has always been a power play for her-- it's either a weapon for her to gain power over others or something that's holding her back, but never something that she actually attempts to change. If the world treats women poorly, it's not that the world is wrong, it's just that she is not a woman
Instead of hating the system that forces women to have these roles, she just... hates women. Yay for feminism
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konfizry · 11 months
no, no, i don't mean "witch" in the cartoonish old woman with crooked teeth and warts sense, no i don't mean it in the second-half-of-the-20th-century-sitcom sense either, or even the modern pop feminism sense, i mean it the umineko way, which is "someone who understands the narrative through and through"
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babybluebex · 2 months
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cb strike casting joe as one of the most emotionally heavy and complex characters in the entire show
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dangalakmayhem · 7 months
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papermonkeyism · 8 months
The internet tells me it's the 200th anniversary since the official describing of the first dinosaur discovered (Megalosaurus).
Happy full second century to the concept of dinosaurs!
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fandomtrash-16 · 1 year
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INK DEMONTH DAY 6 - MACHINE It is his machine, after all.
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xxhhunter · 1 year
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Drew more Sanji (and Zoro) while rewatching OPLA
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teffiyx · 5 months
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its 5/5 happy birthday Kakavasha!!
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dahpurplehatgirl · 2 months
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Bowser day doodles I did from Instagram suggestions.
🔥 Yes even tho it’s late, happy Bowser Day. 🔥
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probsdontrememberme · 10 months
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Different types of horns in Star Wars ✨
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