#(Once I get an entire site coded and thrown into the void its over!!!!)
koushirouizumi · 3 years
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{Concept for a Taichi Yagami Character Shrine}
(If I can ever get the pages finished.)
It probably won’t actually look like this in its final concept but the Frames style coding is actually from my old sites (Simple yet effective)
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enccrypted · 4 years
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@timerotted​  {
💖 from wraith !!
}       //  ⨳ — SEND 💖 TO HOLD MY MUSE’S HAND;  —  wraith .
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he’d known from the start that he was in over his head.  But just how far had he sunken into this terrible mess with Mila and the algorithm? ... with his desperate turn to the black market augmentations in an impulsive, short-sighted effort to escape Syndicate eyes? ... and with his too-elaborate plan to topple the Repulsor Tower and to insert himself into the Games, right under the noses of the very people who want him dead? No, Crypto wasn’t in over his head — he’s practically dug his own grave. 
With every match he survived and with each moment he spent biding his time among the Legends, he could feel it: the beginnings of six feet worth of dirt trickling down on him and piling atop his skull. That same thickheaded skull to which Ms Tik often delivered a firm but gentle whack!, accompanied by rolling eyes and that exasperated sigh of ‘smarty-pants’ she gave whenever he got too cheeky with her.
She had been worried for him when he’d gotten into the Games’ database and when he took down the Tower. She understood his intentions, understood it was necessary if he wanted a chance of ever reclaiming his life and his innocence — but could he handle it? she’d asked him over a letter cleverly disguised across adverts in the Apex Games’ email service. He sensed that maternal distress even in split, discreetly coded messages: her covert plea for him to consider his life above the pursuit of justice.
‘Trust me,’ he’d written back the only time he was able, just before he departed to Talos. ‘This won’t be the last time you hear from me. I’ll be all right — I always am. Mila and I didn’t learn resourcefulness from just anyone, did we? You're not going to lose a son.’
(Not again.)
‘I’ll see you again soon... Family forever.’ He’d signed off then with a simple C, packaging the encoded letter into the innocuous survey response that Mystik had supplied him. (It had been linked in hex code, hidden away within the banner image on the advertised site that she’d set up for their temporary communications... Mystik’s strays had to get their cleverness from someone, indeed.)
He’d survived this long. There was nothing left for him to lose.
And yet, he finds himself wondering more and more if this was a mistake, after all. He’d known, when he first hatched his plan, that he had no chance to wrestle his way into the Apex Games through the qualifying tournaments. Even with fresh tech driven into his skin that would let him see anything in the arena, he’d had no interest in trying his luck against the likes of McCormick and Newcastle. And of course, he thinks to himself bitterly now as he grits his teeth, digging calloused fingers harder into the rock above. How the hell would he have survived qualifiers if it's a piece of loose pavement that's going to send him to a pitiful death?
He thought he’d become good at running, if nothing else. And run he did throughout this entire match, falling further and further behind Wraith and Pathfinder as he ducked into side paths and crammed himself into tight cracks in Lava City’s cave walls. (He nearly suffocated there as he waited with bated breath for Bloodhound to scurry past, hoping to God that his EMP had fried their trackers enough to mask his trail. But at least he’d escaped the fate of being speared on their knife.) His detour took him, once he’d squeezed himself out of the rock wall, next through what’s left of the crumbling Capitol City. In hindsight, he should’ve known better — Capitol is never empty. 
He’d swerved into the ruins of a nearby building to avoid coming under fire and clambered down into what he knew is a still-intact level bridging the west and east of Capitol over the rift that split the city in two, with bullets streaking narrowly past his head...
And he’d tripped over uneven cracked cement and tumbled down a sharp incline, straight down towards the molten pit below. By some luck, in his twisting and his clawing at the ground above, his fingers found purchase amongst the broken rock and metal. He was stupid, so stupid...! Of course sheer luck was the only reason he’s made it this far. It’s the only reason he’s still alive now, hanging on for dear life with bleeding hands as he curses his own idiocy.
Glass digs into his palms and the underside of his fingers, the heat rising from the magma below hot on the soles of his dangling feet. He’s not going to last much longer. Crypto clenches his jaw and screws his eyes shut as his grip, damp with sweat, loosens — and the block of cement gives in to his weight, crumbling away from where it attaches to steady ground.
He falls, screaming.
As it turns out, life isn’t what flashes before your eyes when gravity’s sending you hurtling, at 50 metres per second, down towards the molten rock bubbling thickly below. Unless life was nothing but regret: all the opportunities gained (too few) and all the countless more he’s lost; all the failures (too many) that haunted his restless dreams, those same dreams that blur nebulously into his early waking hours; Mystik’s smile and the warmth of her hand against the back of his neck; his mother’s face...
Something snatches at his hand, wrapping his wrist in a vice grip and wrenching him up against the inevitability of gravity. Crypto gasps, the air fleeing his lungs as his weight protests the impossible counter-force. His shoulder flares hot, threatening to pop his arm out from its socket, and he thinks he hears himself shouting as he swings to a stop in mid-air. There’s a roaring from somewhere above him, one that deafens even the blood that’s rushing through his head. Accompanying it is a strangeness — a potent and insidious energy unlike anything he knows in this world. As he sways dangerously above scalding heat, his mind shrieks with fear, thrashing helplessly against whatever’s opened up above him even more than it protested the fate that waits for him below.
But instinct surges above the blood surging hot in his veins and head. Crypto latches on without another thought, curling fingers tight around the sudden anchor and grasping hard.
As soon as he finds his grip, he’s jerked up towards that terrible potency, and something heavy and dark and cold swallows him whole. His stomach lurches as he’s dragged forward, up and down, thrown about, weighed down and crushed beneath the pressure of the space that’s devoured him, pulled in every direction all at once. He forces his eyes open, through the swelling tears, to flashes of blinding white and blue shimmering through the blackness. The dizzying reality around him swirls uncontrollably, familiar and yet shapeless, without form —
And then he topples face-down into cracked ground, his arm burning and chest heaving for air that won’t come. He pushes himself up with his uninjured arm, forcing himself up onto his back with a gasp as his lungs finally learn how to breathe again. He’s alive. He squints up into the sun, his eyes burning as they rekindle a briefly-lost acquaintance with light and colour.
He thinks he’s dreaming it at first. But as he lifts his head, his blurring vision shifting back into focus, he sees it clearly: a still-lingering void, murky and shimmering between his eyes and the skies. As soon as Crypto catches sight of it, the portal vanishes, leaving nothing but a cloudless afternoon blue above. He lets his head fall back, wincing as his skull hits the ground with a hard thud, and heaves a sigh.
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There’s a stinging burn in his torso. Crypto looks down to see the jagged, dark tearing across the front of his shirt and the skin of his chest. He presses a metal-padded fingertip against the wound, wincing as it comes away slick with blood. At least a half a centimetre deep. The steel in the reinforced concrete must have caught onto flesh and sliced him through in his tumble. Teaches you to look where you’re going next time! a voice snickers in his hazy mind, tossing a mane of red hair in its wake as it retreats again to the back of his head.
It takes a minute or two. But the throbbing in his temples and the beat of his thundering heart finally slows as the adrenaline of near-death ebbs out of his system. As the thrill bleeds away, every scrape and ache flares to the forefront of his consciousness. His chest is on fire, his arms like lead and his right shoulder almost certainly dislocated. He tries, experimentally, to flex the fingers of his right hand... and realises he’s still clutching tightly to Wraith, his thumb and fingers encircling her wrist in a tight, still-trembling grip. Crypto’s eyes dart up to hers, mouth falling open as he searches, dumbly, for the words to form some sort of apology. 
Finding none, he glances away, loosening his fingers quickly and making to tug his hand out of her grasp. But, too caught between the fogginess of blood-loss and the agonising throb of his entire body, he doesn’t quite manage to free himself.
“S... sorry,”  he mumbles, turning away to peer dazedly towards the edge of the crevasse he’d narrowly avoided dropping into. He’s not so sure what it is that he’s apologising for. Finding himself separated from the squad when he’d spent too long easing his drone into unexplored territories, searching for some place or something that screamed ‘Syndicate secrets’? Nearly taking the most pathetic exit from the Games possible? Or making her chase him all the way out here to make sure he didn’t take that fall?
... Right.  “Thank you.”  He drags the back of his sleeve across his upper lip, wiping away the damp of sweat. Hopefully that, and his gratitude, will be enough to distract her from the shame burning red-hot in his cheeks. He lets out a hollow chuckle, squeezing her hand dazedly, and blinks over his sleeve and up into the skies.  “I was... I — I guess I was being an idiot, huh.”
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/2204-2/
February Report & Monthly Horoscope
February Forecast
The monthly horoscope for February 2019 has Mars triggering a few planets but the most important things about this Mars is that it is incredibly potent since it is in one of the signs that it rules, Aries. Venus is also busy too, conjuncting three points in Capricorn. Those cardinal signs are really getting the best out of the planets of love and sex. This is also the month of St Valentine of course! We are coming out of the frosty months of winter and there is a slight glimmer of sap rising from the earth. February can feel like a bit of a nothing month since it is neither Spring nor does it have the sparkle of Christmas or the New Year. But I guess they had to find an excuse to sell cards so Valentine’s day fills the void of dull, rainy days nicely.
February Astrology ~ Valentine’s Special
So we start with Mars square Pluto which is incredibly predatory, very handy if you are in pursuit of a date for February 14. Mars square Pluto marries sex with power since the dynamism of the hard aspect will pull out these planets most domineering qualities. Negatively this aspect makes the bully or ruthless dictator. However more positively it endows steel guts and the deep courage of a survivor.
Sexually this is a bit of a humdinger. Anyone touched by this aspect will need to channel this furious energy into physical exercise if they do not have a partner. But even if they DO have a partner, one may not be enough as Mars in Aries is going to make Pluto more sexually obsessive voracious. So yes, beware of stalkers leading up to Valentine’s day.
This is a very nice month for love, Valentines or not though as Venus makes an exciting trine to Uranus on February 2before this planet moves into Taurus for the next seven years. Passionate farewells may be on the cards during this time, but also new starts. Mars conjunct Eris on February 3 could see some apple bombs being thrown by a spurned lover. “Hell hath no fury” when Eris is wronged or exiled. This can also surface as narcissistic rage if one has managed to escape the prison of Mars square Pluto.
Sun conjunct Lilith on February 9 plays out as the ego feeling exiled from the dominant cultural system. Sometimes this is as a result of actual abuse from authority figures. The closer Lilith gets to the Sun the more it feels eclipsed. At this time certain people are demonised for revealing the shadows at work in the world. But those touched by this aspect must be careful they don’t fall for the forbidden fruit of drugs to numb the pain of feeling like an outcast.
February Monthly Horoscope Aspect ~ Valentine’s Grenade
The day before Valentine’s day could see some bombs dropped with Mars conjunct Uranusat on February 13, hopefully, this with only be metaphorical. Someone could admit to an affair or come clean that they have been living a lie concerning their choice of partner. Uranus can be confused over its sexuality also so some could admit that they have feelings for someone of the same sex or be confused about their gender. Maybe this comes out In the news with a prominent person, though these days it is not the big scandal it once was.
Over to Venus now as she makes some power conjunctions with Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in quick succession. But she starts with a dreamy sextile to Neptune on February 17. It reads like the start of a romantic novel really. The euphoric, poetic start then on February 18 Venus conjunct Saturn wants to know if this is real or just fantasy. Venus conjunct Pluto on February 22 things get very intense and maybe become more physical. That way Pluto has got under Venus’s skin.
On February 26 Venus conjunct the South Node is looking back to the past and wondering if this new relationship is karmic and/or from a past life. Whatever is your Capricorn house will give you some idea what style this romantic novel will take. Eight houses will be gothic and dark, the seventh house could ring serious wedding bells while the tenth house could just be an office fling. In the monthly horoscopes, I will have a look at how Mars conjunct Uranus at 29º Aries will affect your sign and also Venus’s juicy conjunctions through your Capricorn house.
See more aspects of the year in the Astrology Of 2019.
Monthly Horoscope Aspects, Ingresses & Moons
February 2019
February 1 Mars square Pluto at 21º Aries/Capricorn February 2 Venus Trine Uranus at 15º Sagittarius/Aries February 3 Mars conjunct Eris at 22º Aries February 3 Mercury sextile Jupiter at 18º Aquarius/Sagittarius February 4 New Moon at 15º Aquarius February 4 Mercury conjunct Lilith at 19º Aquarius February 7 Mercury sextile Mars at 24º Aquarius/Aries February 7 Sun sextile Jupiter at 18º Aquarius/Sagittarius February 9  Mercury sextile Uranus at 28º Aquarius/Aries February 9 Sun into Aquarius Decan 3 February 9  Sun conjunct Lilith at 20º Aquarius February 9 Mars square the North Node at 26º Aries/Capricorn February 12 First Quarter Moon at 23º Taurus February 13 Mars conjunct Uranus at 29º Aries February 13 Mercury square Ceres at 5º Pisces/Sagittarius February 17 Venus sextile Neptune at 15º Capricorn/Pisces February 18 Venus conjunct Saturn at 16º Capricorn February 18 Sun sextile Uranus at 29º Aquarius/Aries February 19 Full Moon at 0º Virgo February 19 Mercury conjunct Neptune at 15º Pisces February 21 Sun on Fomalhaut at 4º Pisces February 22 Venus conjunct Pluto at 21º Capricorn February 22  Mercury square Jupiter at 22º Pisces/Sagittarius February 23 Mercury sextile Pluto at 22º Pisces/Capricorn February 26 Venus conjunct the South Node 26º Capricorn February 26 Last Quarter Moon at 7º Sagittarius February 26 Sun sextile Mars at 8º Pisces/Taurus February 28 Sun square Ceres at 9º Pisces/Sagittarius
March 2019
March 1 Venus square Uranus at 29º Capricorn/Aries March 1 Sun in Pisces Decan 2 March 6 New Moon at 15º Pisces March 6 Sun conjunct Neptune at 16º Pisces March 6 Uranus re-enters Taurus March 6 Mercury Retrograde at 29º Pisces March 9 Sun sextile Saturn at 18º Pisces/Capricorn March 10 Mars sextile Neptune at 16º Taurus/Pisces March 10 Sun into Pisces decan 3 March 13 Sun sextile Pluto at 22º Pisces/Capricorn March 14 First quarter moon at 23º Gemini March 14 Mars trine Saturn at 18º Taurus/Capricorn March 14 Sun conjunct Mercury at 24º Pisces March 20 Full Moon at 0º Libra March 20 Mars trine Pluto at 22º Taurus/Capricorn March 21 Venus sextile Jupiter at 23º Aquarius/Sagittarius March 22 Mars sextile North Node at 24º Taurus/Cancer March 22 Venus conjunct Lilith at 25º Aquarius March 24 Mercury conjunct Neptune at 16º Pisces March 27 Pluto conjunct South Node at 22º Capricorn March 27 Mercury Direct at 16º Pisces March 27 Last quarter Moon at 7º Capricorn
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