#(Mom has issues reading fiction these days but did REALLY enjoy watching Good Omens.)
regallibellbright · 2 years
My brother had been poking through Guards! Guards! for a couple months, enjoying it well enough, but having little time to read and not totally loving it enough to let the Hyperfocused Reading Skill kick in.
But he went to visit his girlfriend while she’s visiting her parents over winter break, and he mentioned he might want to read Hogfather over it, what books would he need to get to that one? I sent him on the plane with Mort and Reaper Man.
He texted me yesterday having started Mort that day and already being halfway through. He returns with it finished, 50 pages into Reaper Man and having my exact same thing I like least about that book (ie, the wizards are a thematically-important subplot but I read their bits and go “when are we going back to Death?”) but really enjoying it.
Me: Oh, GOOD! We found your subseries. *Squee*
And then when he explained why Mort clicked I went ‘oh that makes perfect sense THESE are the ones you’ll really like next outside the Death series’. So now I’m planning.
(Dad got, on universal recommendations from every Discworld fan who knows him, the Watch books as his starting point.
Dad, reading Guards! Guards! for the first time: “So everyone keeps telling me I remind them of Vimes, and I’ve just been introduced to him passed out drunk and depressed in a gutter? I have some concerns?”
Literally all of us: No no no we mean as he DEVELOPS, trust us, there’s an ARC!)
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