ask-emma-swan · 1 year
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Hi guys, FEAZeldagamer2247 here. So as you all have seen, I haven’t exactly been active on here in about a year or so… Well, I’m here to announce that I’m going on Hiatus for awhile, mainly because I’ve been busy with life, work, etc.
But also I’m just trying to escape the spam and porn bots that keep spamming me and my role-play blogs. 😅
I will be active on other social media platforms, and I’ll most likely post some of my artwork for Chrobin Week for this year on here.
Anyway, see you all, have fun, be safe!
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ask-emma-swan · 1 year
Porn bots, stop liking or following my blogs!
You will be reported and blocked! 😡
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
Emma got in the car, and after a few minutes, they arrived at the hospital.
Timeskip to after about four hours later, it was currently 1pm, and the man started to wake up in a hospital bed.
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The young man groans in dizziness, letting his eyes adjust to the lightning of the room.
“…..Augh….., w…where…..?” The man asked in confusion.
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
When Emma got to the unconscious person, she noticed it was a man, as he looked about 20 years old. She tried to gently wake him up by shaking his shoulder.
No response.
She checked for a pulse, thankfully the man had one, but she figured that it would be awhile before he woke up.
She gently hauled him up, putting an arm around his shoulder, as she came back to Julie.
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“Julie, we need to get this man to the hospital, he’s alive, but unconscious.” Emma said.
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
Emma noticed immediately noticed someone on the side of the road a little ways from the forest and road, but it looked like they were unconscious.
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“Stop the car, there’s someone collapsed over there!” Emma quickly said.
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
“Alright, I’m coming.” Emma said, going inside the diner.
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
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“Sure thing, kiddo.” Emma said, getting in her car, Henry did the same as well.
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
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Emma Swan In Every Episode
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
Henry nodded, thanking her.
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“Alright but just be careful when using it, I don’t want baby buildings on fire.” Emma said.
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
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“Thanks sis! You know, I’m glad that you’re my sister.” Henry said with a smile.
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 2 years
[OUAT Rp Starter for @princessjosie33.]
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In the town of Storybrooke Maine USA, the town was up and about this morning.
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Emma was taking Henry to school, not knowing who may come into town.
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ask-emma-swan · 3 years
Welcome to the Roleplay Blog!
(Here are some rules I would like everyone to follow!)
Before you ask:
No NSFW! (I’m not going to NSFW RPs anymore!)
Trigger Warnings for content will be appropriately be labeled with the following: ⚠️TW: (enter trigger warning here) ⚠️
Please don’t spam me! (This is a number one rule, because I don’t like people constantly messaging me every second, besides I have a life, and I have a job. If you violate this rule you WILL BE BLOCKED. Sorry but, that’s just the rules. 😕)
Be kind to me and others! (I want this rp blog and the rest of my blogs to be fun and friendly to each other. So please be respectful of others!)
Those are the rules!
Oh and also, the mun is @feazeldagamer2247.
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ask-emma-swan · 3 years
Warning! Information ahead!
I’d like to let everyone know that the Original Characters of mine are mine alone! An rp user known as @ask-liam-and-co is trying to steal my characters!
My OCs are:
Raven @ask-raven-oc
Tatshiro @ask-tatshrio-feoc
Amfrid @ask-amfrid-oc
Zelena (Succubus OC)
Vincent (Incubus OC)
Fire Emblem Awakening OCs
Kailey @ask-kailey-feaoc
Rebecca @ask-rebecca-feaoc
Kyle @ask-kyle-feaoc
And many more! So please, be warned! All of the ocs are owned by me, @feazeldagamer2247!
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ask-emma-swan · 3 years
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“So where is it?” Emma asked.
[Rumple explained that the last little bottle of magic was hidden inside the belly of a beast, underneath the ground of an old mine at the Storybrooke library. He even gave Emma a sword, but it wasn’t just any sword, it was her father’s sword.]
“Alright..., let’s get going.”
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[Once Upon a Time RP
Part 9: Breaking the Curse]
(Note: Timeskip for this part of the rp is skipping ahead of the main plot of Once Upon a Time the tv show. So spoilers will be ahead when I announce these important things.)
(Spoiler!) Graham is killed due to the Evil Queen aka Regina crushing his heart.
Emma becomes the new sheriff of Storybrooke.
(Please note: A major spoiler from the tv show will be at play in this RP involving one of the major characters, so if you want to be a part of the rp, be prepared and warned!)
(These are the only spoilers to know about. Anyway onto the RP.)
@askjunpeiiori & @ask-liam-and-co
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ask-emma-swan · 3 years
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[Regina lead Emma, Junpei, and Akihiko to Mr. Gold’s Pawn Shop.]
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[They all noticed a older man, about 60 years old at a nearby counter. Emma since her memories were back, recognized the man.]
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“You’re... Rump-?”
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“Rumple Stiltskin? Indeed, I am. So, why is the Sheriff and Mayor here, if I may ask?” Gold asked.
[Regina explained about what happened to Henry.]
“So you’ve come looking for magic? Alas, I’m afraid there’s not much left of it here in this world. But you’re in luck, I have some magic that I’ve been saving for a rainy day.” Gold replied.
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[Once Upon a Time RP
Part 9: Breaking the Curse]
(Note: Timeskip for this part of the rp is skipping ahead of the main plot of Once Upon a Time the tv show. So spoilers will be ahead when I announce these important things.)
(Spoiler!) Graham is killed due to the Evil Queen aka Regina crushing his heart.
Emma becomes the new sheriff of Storybrooke.
(Please note: A major spoiler from the tv show will be at play in this RP involving one of the major characters, so if you want to be a part of the rp, be prepared and warned!)
(These are the only spoilers to know about. Anyway onto the RP.)
@askjunpeiiori & @ask-liam-and-co
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ask-emma-swan · 3 years
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“Liam, you stay here. Junpei, Akihiko, you’re coming with us. We’re going to Mr. Gold’s.”
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[Once Upon a Time RP
Part 9: Breaking the Curse]
(Note: Timeskip for this part of the rp is skipping ahead of the main plot of Once Upon a Time the tv show. So spoilers will be ahead when I announce these important things.)
(Spoiler!) Graham is killed due to the Evil Queen aka Regina crushing his heart.
Emma becomes the new sheriff of Storybrooke.
(Please note: A major spoiler from the tv show will be at play in this RP involving one of the major characters, so if you want to be a part of the rp, be prepared and warned!)
(These are the only spoilers to know about. Anyway onto the RP.)
@askjunpeiiori & @ask-liam-and-co
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ask-emma-swan · 3 years
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“You did this...”
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[Emma immediately grabbed Regina, and took her to a back storage room, and slammed her against the wall.]
“You did this...! You gave him the apple turn over, it was poisoned and he ate it!” Emma spat.
[Regina was shocked, and honestly worried.]
“He..., what...?! It wasn’t supposed to be for him, it was supposed to be for you! Because as long as you’re alive, Henry won’t be mine...! It was supposed to put you to sleep!” Regina said in worry.
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“Then what’ll it do to him...?” Emma asked in complete worry.
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“I don’t know... Magic is... unpredictable here. But I know someone who could help us save him.” Regina said.
[Emma and Regina decided to work together in order to save Henry.]
@askjunpeiiori & @ask-liam-and-co
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[Once Upon a Time RP
Part 9: Breaking the Curse]
(Note: Timeskip for this part of the rp is skipping ahead of the main plot of Once Upon a Time the tv show. So spoilers will be ahead when I announce these important things.)
(Spoiler!) Graham is killed due to the Evil Queen aka Regina crushing his heart.
Emma becomes the new sheriff of Storybrooke.
(Please note: A major spoiler from the tv show will be at play in this RP involving one of the major characters, so if you want to be a part of the rp, be prepared and warned!)
(These are the only spoilers to know about. Anyway onto the RP.)
@askjunpeiiori & @ask-liam-and-co
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