beanghostprincess · 8 months
HiyorixKuina anon again!
I was thinking about Kuina more than average and I came up with this concuction.
So you often see that in many Modern AUs you have Perona and Zoro being Mihawk's adoptive children, and while I like this what if Kuina 2as also his adoptive daughter???
Imagine, you have Zoro being an orphan from a young age so he gets taken in by his relatives. But then something horrible happens (could be Kuina's mom dying or Koushiro kills her since everybody seems to agree he is murder coded) so Kuina and Zoro are taken away by CPS and are assigned to Mihawk, who had already adopted Perona. (I hc that Moria would be her bio dad, and he lost custidy due to his experiments on corpses and other stuff)
What we get is a sit-com like dinamic of middle aged single parent swordsman with 3 kids: one is goth, one is insane, one is bith and they are all gay.
I think that Kuina would really like Mihawk since he would teach her and not discriminate (as far as we know) and he would also reconize that Kuina is a better pupil than Zoro, which would add another layer to their rivarly and relationship.
Plus Perona and Kuina being vastly different older sister who are the two opposing extemes on the lesbian spectrum but still come togheter for each other when they need it and to annoy their dumb little brother would be so funny to me. I think Kuina would protect Perona from bullies and general pricks and they would both do wierd shit togheter like mutilate their Barbies to scare people.
I think Kuina would really get along with Zoro's friends siblings, obviously Ace and maybe also Sabo since they both reject the bigoted values that some people impose, but I think she would like Nojiko as well. The two of them both know the horrors of the real world so I think they would use some of the darkest humor ever with each other. And all of them would obviously keep talking about their siblings, that can't be avoided.
I also think Kuina might be Sanji's rival too. After all he treats women vastly different from men (even if its with benevolent intentions) and Kuina woukd interprete thus as Sanji thinking women are weak. So its Zoro and Kuina coming togheter against their shared rival: swirly eyebrowed dumb cook. But ironically Kuina would be fond of the dumb cook's boyfriend, after all Usopp is also a very underrated genious who defyes people's expectation to prove himself as strong and worthy.
Bonus headcanon: Yamace and Hiyoku double dates. Wlw and mlm solidariety at its finest.
HEY BESTIE!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAA I love all of this. It's awesome. I just know Kuina and Perona would be complete opposites but would love and protect each other a lot. Like, they're weird in their own ways. People don't like Perona because she's all dark and creepy and with a very princess-like personality and people don't like Kuina much because she doesn't fall in the standard men have for women and swordsmen. So they fit together perfectly even though they're different. And they'd take care of Zoro and also make fun of him 24/7. This is great. Also, Mihawk be adopting children every fucking where. I don't know if I should be sorry for him or not. At least his family is cool. Perona is his princess <3 Kuina is his fav pupil!! And Zoro is Zoro. He's just Zoro.
This is basically the situation:
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(He does care btw, he's just shitty when it comes to feelings and Zoro isn't as cute as his girls)
And yes, Kuina would definitely not stand Sanji but love Usopp. I agree completely. Their views don't match at all but well, Sanji can live with it (he can't. He's crying).
AND YAMACE AND HIYOKU DOUBLE DATES!!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!!! It'd be a bit chaotic, honestly. Both couples have such a different energy 😭😭 Ace might seem a bit more relaxed but the second Yamato goes insane about something, he probably does too if he likes it. So I can definitely imagine Kuina like "I wanted this to be an actual date,, I am sorry, I should've thought about this better-" and Hiyori would just laugh softly at Yamace's shenanigans because she's having the time of her life.
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holyangemon · 4 years
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Underrated Character Interactions  |  Yamato & Koushiro
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izzyizumi · 5 years
Meanwhile with Digimon's Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro]
Taichi: What happened???
KOUSHIRO, FURIOUSLY TYPING: I'm trying to find a way to delete people from the internet
Koushiro: while they're still digital might work
TAICHI: ...../Who do I have to punch/????
Koushiro, POLITE VOICE: Please don't, Taichi-san
Koushiro: As I also would not like you to become violent,
Koushiro: I'd rather delete them first
TAICHI: (* L O N G W H I S T L E *)
Koushiro: /I'm going to achieve this/, you know
TAICHI, VERY INSISTENTLY: I don't doubt you !!!
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patamon · 3 years
Inspired by this text post by @stoppingtosmelltheflowers​, I thought I would write a little fic of Mimi imagining herself crushing over Takeru in the future. Please be nice, I literally wrote it in 2 hours last night T___T
Title: Perhaps Someday Characters: Takeru Takaishi and Mimi Tachikawa Pairings: Takeru/Mimi (Takimi? Mikeru?) and Koushiro/Mimi (Koumi) Word count: 2160
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Excerpt (full text below the cut)
She focused her gaze on Takeru, cuing only now to the crick on her neck as she strained to keep eye contact with him. She never realized how tall he had gotten, his height surpassing that of Yamato. 
“When did you get so tall?” she blurted out without thinking
Takeru’s brows furrowed in confusion, “Uhh…well…I guess everyone said I hit my growth spurt at 11…so maybe around that time?”
Mimi laughed in response. She studied him some more, noticing for the first time how soft his eyes were. It reminded her of warm silk. Strange, in all the years they spent together, she never noticed it. Perhaps because she was too busy remembering tiny eight-year-old Takeru to notice his height, or perhaps because she only associated Takeru as Yamato’s younger brother in all the years they spent together. His eyes were always Yamato’s eyes, his hair were always Yamato’s hair. She never saw them as his own…until now.
Perhaps Someday
The cobbled street beneath her feet might carry with it a certain charm, one unique to the rustic district she found herself in. But at this moment, underneath the hot sun with frazzled hair and frayed nerves, the heels of her new stiletto tripping over the bumpy sidewalk, she only had mind for frustration and ire, her mental energy cued into her discomfort like a lightning rod.
She didn’t know who to blame for this predicament. Perhaps if she needed to point a finger, she would turn it towards her hapless new boyfriend. Wicked smart and kind, but clueless and without a lick of fashion. But he was her clueless dork, and this was to be his first birthday with them together as a couple. She had everything planned, from the party to the outfit, crafting the perfect theme and sending out the most clever invite after spending months learning the intricacies of computer codes. Now, all she needed was a perfect birthday gift.
But, it was today that she learned how hard it was to shop for the Koushiro Izumi.
She spent days wandering the malls of Tokyo, and weeks searching the boundless confines of the internet. Yet, she was at a loss as to what to buy for him, a problem she, the queen of gift giving, was not accustomed to.
As she listed the possible gifts in her head, her heels caught a bump on the uneven pavement, and with a yelp, she tripped forward. If it wasn’t for the post beside her, she might have face planted on the hard ground, But somehow, perhaps through years of fighting and running away from dangerous digital monsters, her reflex kicked in and she managed to hook her arms around the nearby post and steady her posture. 
She looked up and sighed in relief, and found herself facing a quaint bookstore. The sign at the front informed her it carried new and used books, and the display of cat sculptures intermingling with a village made of books drew her in.
After all, Koushiro was smart. And smart people like books. So…this could work. Right?
The moment she stepped inside, a strong scent of old books and cinnamon candles greeted her. She sighed as the cool air-conditioned interior caressed her sweaty skin, stirring within her an almost childlike delight.
Deeper into the quiet store she ventured. It was completely empty, she regarded with sadness. She hovered over a shelf of picture book, running her finger over the wrinkled spine of a faded cover, squinting hard to make out the title when a familiar voice called out her name.
She whipped herself around, and sure enough, standing before her was the familiar, smiling face of Yamato’s younger brother with a black fedora on his head.
“Oh, Takeru, what are you doing here?”
Takeru looked taken aback for a moment, but brushed it aside quickly with a wide smile, “Actually…I work here”
“Really? You work here?”
“Yes, I mean…I used to love coming here when I was younger so…it’s a natural fit. What are you doing here anyways, Mimi? I would never expect to find you here”
Her old frustration returned, pulling her lower lips out in a pronounced pout, “What is that supposed to mean? You don’t think I read?”
Takeru’s eyes widened, she could hear the panic in his voice as he struggled to rectify his words
“No no no…that’s not what I meant. I meant…I would imagine you at a much fancier bookstore, maybe that big one in Shibuya with a Starbucks”
“Oh…well…you know, this place has a certain charm,” she waved her arms around the store nonchalantly, swiveling her head to inspect the place, noticing for the first time the high ceilings and wooden furniture, the colour dark red, like mahogany wood. It reminded her of the bookcase she had in New York, the one she shelved with Japanese novels and books that reminded her of home, her attempt to preserve Odaiba in a foreign land. Suddenly, a wistful smile played across her lips.
“Can I help you find something, Mimi?”
“Oh, actually…” 
She focused her gaze on Takeru, cuing only now to the crick on her neck as she strained to keep eye contact with him. She never noticed how tall he had gotten, his height surpassing that of Yamato. 
“When did you get so tall?” she blurted out without thinking
Takeru’s brows furrowed in confusion, “Uhh…well…I guess everyone said I hit my growth spurt at 11…so maybe around that time?”
Mimi laughed in response. She studied him some more, noticing for the first time how soft his eyes were. It reminded her of warm silk. Strange, in all the years they spent together, she never noticed it. Perhaps because she was too busy remembering tiny eight-year-old Takeru to notice his height, or perhaps because she only associated Takeru as Yamato’s younger brother in all the years they spent together. His eyes were always Yamato’s eyes, his hair were always Yamato’s hair. She never saw them as his own…until now.
“Uhh…Mimi, are you okay?”
Mimi cleared her throat and turned away from him quickly, pretending to be absorbed in the books before her to ignore the captivating shine in his eyes.
“Of course, I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well…for a moment there, I thought…never mind”
He rattled out a light laugh, then bent forward and pulled out a picture book from the shelf.
“Perhaps you’ll like this one, Mimi”
Mimi accepted the offering with somewhat flushed cheeks. She looked down at the cover and gasped, her inside danced with recognition as she basked in its familiarity.
“Goodnight Moon. Ohhhh I used to love this book as a kid, my mom would read it to me every night before bed, then I would read it to her. It was my way of staying up as late as I can to…”
“...to wait for your dad to come home”
The book dropped from Mimi’s hand, she jerked her head towards Takeru, mouth agape with shock, “How did you know?”
Takeru blushed and shuffled his feet
“I overheard the story a long time ago…while you were talking to Sora one day”
“What story? When? Where? Are you eavesdropping on our conversations, Takeru?”
“No…it’s not like that. This was back when we were younger, when we were lost in the Digital World. At the time, I would sit still and listen as you guys talked amongst yourself because…I guess you all assumed I was too young to be included”
Mimi’s eyes softened. She bent down and picked up the book, then clutched it against her chest as she looked Takeru up and down.
“Oh Takeru…that’s not true”
“Ah it’s okay, I understand. I think I would have done the same if I was Yamato and his friends, I was just some crybaby kid tagging along for the ride”
He took his hat off and combed his fingers through his hair. It was a lot longer than she expected it to be. Strangely, she found it much more mesmerizing than Yamato’s, with thick blonde locks that appeared almost unruly. Unpredictable and spontaneous, just like him.
Her heart hummed with a familiar excitement, while butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
No, it couldn’t be.
This was Takeru. Yamato’s little brother. That tiny kid they had to tow around and protect while they fought monsters and enemies in another dimension.
She can’t be crushing on him. 
Could she?
Takeru placed the hat back on his head and flashed his brilliant smile. She never noticed how warm it was, and with his golden hair and magnetic presence, he could be mistaken for the goddamn sun. And Mimi found herself powerless to its glow.
Perhaps maybe…just maybe she was crushing on the Takeru Takaishi.
“By the way, Mimi, what were you looking for?”
What? What was she looking for?
Then reality descended on her, and the blush across her cheeks dissipated as she remembered her clueless dork. The butterflies in her stomach became heavy guilt that plunged in her soul
“Oh right! I’ve been looking…I was hoping I could…well…I need to find a present for Koushiro”
“Koushiro? Right, his birthday is coming up! Clever invitation for his party, by the way. It really looks like computer coding! It took me forever to figure out what it said”
He turned and walked down the aisle, his hand beckoning her to follow him.
“I was saving this as my gift for him, but I think it would be better if it’s from you”
He handed her another picture book, this one was in much better condition than the copy of Goodnight Moon in her hand, but the cover just as colourful and vibrant
“Horton Hears a Who?”
“It’s the book his mother read to him when he was younger. Plus, I think there’s a clever parallel in there somewhere, Horton discovering the secrets to an unknown world the same way Koushiro is discovering the secrets to the Digital World as a researcher”
Mimi flashed a grateful smile and flipped through the pages, her enraptured eyes catching words here and there amongst the cartoonish illustration.
“Thanks, Takeru. I didn’t even know…are you sure…? I mean, it’s your gift”
“Sure I’m sure. After all, you are his girlfriend, Mimi. I was worried it would be too sentimental for me to give to him. It might come off as weird”
“So…what will you give him?”
Takeru’s lips spread to a roguish grin, he then led Mimi down more shelf-lined corridors before he settled on the self-help section. He pulled out a thick paperback volume with a yellow cover. Mimi took one look at it and broke down laughing.
“Fashion Sense for Dummies,” Takeru read the title, “Although…it might be more of a gift to you than to him”
“Hey watch it,” Mimi cried out. She shoved him playfully, as if she was teasing her crush in the schoolyard, back when she was young enough to have crushes, “That’s my boyfriend you’re talking about”
Takeru shrugged and pushed the book back on the shelf, a teasing smile on his lips
“But I made you laugh, didn’t I?” he noted with a sly wink
Mimi shook her head and sighed, although she had to admit, she was working extra hard to force the smile away from her lips. She knew Takeru was impish, his witty brain capable of conjuring up the perfect comeback to any statement. But still, she didn’t know he was this funny. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed this hard.
Perhaps…just perhaps…she was crushing on Takeru. The type of crush that had her high on euphoria, twirling her hair as she dangled her feet in the air, gossipping and laughing with her friend over the phone as they divulged every tiny detail about their new crush of the week.
Stranger things have happened.
“Hey Takeru, how old are you now?”
“I’m 18”
“18?” She took a step back and scrunched her face. 
It might be the height and the calm tone of his sturdy voice, but he was a lot younger than she thought he’d be. An unsettling ick took over her bones, berating her for daring to cross that line with someone so young. She looked back at Takeru moving books on the shelves, and all of a sudden, the illusion dropped, the sun went back behind the cloud, and she found herself looking at Yamato’s younger brother again.
“But I’ll be turning 19 soon,” he added as he looked back at her with his smile.
“Right,” Mimi mumbled in response. He was 18 turning 19, she just turned 21. The age gap wasn’t too crazy, all things considered, even if the idea of her crushing on a younger guy was a little disconcerting.
“Anyways, let me cash you out,” Takeru continued, “Unless you changed your mind about the books”
Mimi blinked, clearing her throat to force herself back to reality
“I will take them,” Mimi informed him with her own dazzling smile, “Thanks so much, Takeru, for your help, for today”
“Anything for you, Mimi”
Charming, Mimi thought. He certainly embodied a certain charm.
Perhaps now wasn’t the best time. She was still too self-conscious about their age gap, too bothered by his younger status to allow herself to commit to the crush. There was also Koushiro, who was her clueless dork, the man she wanted to commit herself to. She’d rather devote her energy to building up their relationship before daydreaming about silly potential crushes.
Perhaps someday, when they were old enough that age gap no longer mattered. Perhaps someday, when she felt secure enough in her relationship with Koushiro to dapple in crushes and daydreams here and there.
Perhaps someday, just not today. But for today, she was certain of one thing. In her eyes, Takeru was no longer Yamato’s little brother.
In her eyes, Takeru could now hold his own.
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digimon Astrology Journey - 'Head first' buddies: Koushiro & Taichi
So I’m back with some headcanon Digimon Astrology and I’m diving into it head first! Something fierce leader Taichi would do, however he needs his loyal ‘brains’ there with him and that will be Koushiro. Where Koushiro is a thinker, analytical in every way due to his pragmatic Sun and Rising, Taichi is one of action due to his Moon and Rising (and Mars!). However don’t underestimate them, they have some serious airy energy going on, making them vocal, diplomatic and charming in their own individual ways.
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These boys are so different, yet work together very well. They just have a hard time… talking to others or each other about… the complicated, personal specific stuff feelings. Must be the stars, right?
It’s been a while, but you can read back all things Astrology (basics, background, etc.) in previous posts Part 1 | Part 2. Furthermore, exploring Taichi and Koushiro’s birth charts is part 2 of this series, you can read the exploration of Sora and Mimi’s birth charts here.
The important stuff
Koushiro Izumi, August 26th 1989 (around 05.30AM)
Sun: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Moon: Gemini (air-mutable)
Rising: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Taichi Yagami, October 15th 1988 (around 5PM)
Sun: Libra (air-cardinal)
Moon: Sagittarius (fire-mutable)
Rising: Aries (fire-cardinal)
Warning: IT’S VERY LONG! I’m sorry in advance…
A little disclaimer before I start rambling: These are headcanons! Their given birthdays are not canon at all, but just me having fun combining my love for Digimon and my love for Astrology. It can be highly self-indulging, but maybe you can find some truth in it as well! If you want to know how I calculated their birthdays, read my previous posts as stated above. I use these birthdays in my own fanfiction, but feel free to use them as well. Some credit in the form of a reblog, like or mention of these posts and/or my Tumblr would be highly appreciated! See something you want to discuss? I love to learn and talk! As said these are my headcanons, but I’m not afraid to change my mind or to defend what I have if necessary.
Everything charts and the why under read more!
Koushiro Izumi - August 26th 1989
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Assigning the Virgo Sun to this boy was the first thing I did, because I myself am convinced Koushiro Izumi is the embodiment of a true Virgo. I could be wrong, as I did not study Astrology and am a simple hobbyist, but everything I read about Virgos always lead me back to this particular maroon headed anime dork for years now. Hence why I gave him the same Sun and Rising sign, because Koushiro is who he is. Anyway, let me try to convince you.
For starters, here are a few (or actually all the) things about Virgos in general, for both Sun and Rising. Virgos are bright, practical, pragmatic, orderly, respectful, critical, perfectionists, security driven, communicative, tidy, nervous, detail-oriented… Can I stop already? Okay, now pick one of the above and tell me it’s not fitting for Koushiro.
Hm, I know. It’s hard, isn’t it?
Maybe his tidiness is questionable depending on the situation… But the guy is orderly and the chaos only exists in times when his perfectionism takes over. The nervous part from the Virgo can be seen in shyness or even being obedient. All of that makes Koushiro a dedicated friend who would do anything in his power to make everything work for you. Danger is that he will efface himself, thinking he’s not worth as much as the others. This is what happens in Adventure episode 28 right after he solved the card riddle. On the top left corner either the Agumon or the Gomamon is right, but he doesn’t know which one and he apologizes, which is not necessary at all, with: “I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations,” which is such a Virgo Sun/Rising thing to say..! The Virgo dynamic is alive and kicking.
It’s even more alive and kicking in his other strong Virgo placements: Mercury and Mars. With Mercury in Virgo, Mercury is in it’s sign of its rulership, making it a strong placement. And precisely that planet is the planet of thoughts and knowledge! The combination of his Sun, Rising, Mercury and Mars in Virgo makes him be, engage, think and act like a true Virgo. Detail-oriented, thoughtful, respectful, orderly, practical and curious!
The hardest part for his birthday calculation was his Moon placement. The Moon is all about emotions, needs, wants, behavior, responds, et cetera. I first gave him a Capricorn Moon, but my boyfriend is such a Cap Moon and it didn’t fit the bill for Koushiro in my opinion. So I read and searched and eventually came to the conclusion it had to be an Air sign Moon, simply for the fact that our boy Koushiro is the bearer of the crest of Knowledge and Air signs can be seen as the intellectual ones of the Zodiac! Eventually I went for the Gemini Moon and I’m going to explain why exactly.
One could say Gemini is the bearer of Knowledge just as much as Koushiro is. Gemini LOVE to know things! They are naturally curious and are great communicators, when it comes to knowledge (pun warning if you’ve seen the reboot: they love to bring joy to their knowledge). Gemini tend to be a bit superficial when it comes to having and sharing knowledge and of course we know that’s not the case with our Koushiro here, due to his many Virgo placements, making him more observant and inward. What the Gemini Moon DOES to him is making this boy very talkative! He likes to spill what’s on his mind, he likes to share what he thinks, he likes to ramble and rant. It’s something we see him doing in Tri a lot, especially that one scene in Reunion part 3 (episode 3) where he keeps on rambling about all the strange events and he misses the first part of the conversation between the other DigiDestineds (about the news and Jyou’s ‘girlfriend’ poor guy no one believes him). Koushiro misses the conversation because a) his Gemini Moon likes to ramble and keep rambling, and b) because his Virgo placements can make him a bit unaware of his surroundings quite the time…
That’s not a bad thing per se, Koushiro is just very much focused on his work and d e t a i l s, which is a VERY Virgo-ish trait. But lets not forget that his priority is to help others with that knowledge and that the combination of his Virgo placements with his Gemini Moon makes him a great mentor. Brings me to his role throughout the entirety of Adventure 02: The Mentor. You’re welcome.
Another Gemini Moon thingy is rudeness. Now we know Koushiro is the most polite person out of ALL DD’s, always using honorifics, even saying Hikari-san instead of Hikari-chan, because Koushiro IS respect. But Koushiro is not afraid to tell you what’s at stake in times of ‘danger’, he’s not afraid to tell the truth. There are a few examples for that in Adventure, Adventure 02 and in Tri, but I’d like to refer to one of my favorite moments in whole Digimon Adventure history. Because Koushiro x rudeness brings me back to Diaboromon strikes back when he’s obviously so done with everyone, then Mimi enters the scene and he doesn’t even care. In the English dub she literally says “How rude”. Ooooohhh Koushiro, you little rude demon… It’s not the biggest proof it’s a simple one and my personal favorite.
All of the talkativeness and rudeness is something we mostly see Koushiro doing when he’s most comfortable. So we won’t see him being all talkative all the time -sharing more than just plain, superficial knowledge and instead more personal helpful knowledge- with everyone, but we do see him being talkative and speaking up to certain characters he’s most comfortable with. Now name one boy he’s very talkative to compared with literally all the other characters… You know what? Scroll down.
Last thing and then I’ll stop rambling about this beautiful and lovely nerd. His Venus, planet of values (and love…) is in Libra. What does that mean? Well, I’ve seen quite some fans type Koushiro as a bi-sexual, or something in that direction. Or even better a ‘disaster bi-sexual’. I already agreed on that, but when I saw this birth chart… IT’S (HEAD)CANON! Seriously, Libra is the zodiac sign of doubt, decision making (or actually no decision making, but I’ll get there with the next boy) and relationships and if you have your Venus placed in Libra you’re doomed to be a disaster when it comes to making decisions in your love life both romantically and platonically! Venus in Libra creates the desire for a good and loving relationships, but Koushiro’s Virgo Sun/Rising makes him more shy, his Virgo Mars makes him hold back. Once again, the Virgo Sun/Rising-Libra Venus dynamic lets him efface himself in relationships, thinking they have nothing to offer, but they have!! And so Koushiro gets left behind with his unresolved feelings… the boy has a hard time in love, let’s give him all a hug!
Taichi Yagami - October 15th 1988
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The protagonist. Okay, let me compare this goggle headed protagonist to another goggle headed protagonist outside the Digimon franchise: Naruto. This is probably more interesting to people who have watched and know Naruto, so you can skip the part. To me Naruto is the classical protagonist type; bold, adventurous, playful, (a little) obnoxious at some times, hot headed… These are traits we easily assign to fire signs in the zodiac, especially Aries. So I would immediately give Naruto the Aries Sun placement. However, when we see Naruto grow up, his behavior and the way he speaks and leads grows up with him as well. That’s only natural. And based on those changes I wouldn’t necessarily give Naruto the Aries Sun placements, although the Aries placement or another fire placement is very likely to be present in his chart.
Now I could go even further, explain the development from child to adult through Jung’s theory about cognitive functions, but that’s incredibly complicated and a looooong stretch I won’t be making here today. In short, Jung’s development theory is interesting, because it shows how we first see the obvious traits in a child which are the traits the child engages (Rising sign) the world with before it develops the other functions showing the person’s true identity (Sun sign). So we could say we first see someone’s Rising sign more clearly before the Sun comes shining through. Like with Naruto. And the same could be for Taichi in the case of this headcanon.
To tackle his birth chart and big three, I’ll be starting with explaining his Rising Sign before his Sun sign. And the Rising sign I assigned him is Aries Rising.
Like I said above, Aries is bold, adventurous, playful and above all: courageous. Especially the Aries Rising placement which is more courageous than its Aries Sun counterpart. Aries are born leaders, can be extremely competitive, are somewhat restless and desperately need to move. In Taichi’s case with the above birth chart, that urge to move is magnified by his Aries Mars placement. The dynamic of his Aries Rising and Aries Mars makes Taichi a mover, an adventurer, and incredibly determined. This could be both positively, always wanting the best (especially for yourself, as Aries is a pretty selfish sign), and a tad negatively, always going and going and going. In the Adventure series this could be the reason why he makes Greymon dark-evolve, because he wants things too bad and too fast. Aries are hot headed and can grow impatient if things don’t go the way they want. And the Aries Rising and Mars dynamic makes Taichi a very physical guy. Mix that with the impatience and he is not afraid to pick fights and use his fists.
All of this can make Taichi a very stormy and reckless boy (boundaries? What’s that?), but also a fearless leader. The exuberance, the impatience and restlessness comes back in his Sagittarius Moon placement as well. This Sag Moon in combination with his strong Aries placements in Rising and Mars makes Taichi a sportive, physical, optimistic and forward leader that is incredibly courageous and adventurous, which could make him a bit ‘superficial’ as a protagonist. But the Sag Moon also deepens and strengthens his leader skills.
Sagittarius is a sign pictured by a centaur with an arrow and bow. The centaur’s horse legs make the Sag want to move and be free, but the arrow aims in a clear direction and aiming takes knowledge and focus. Sagittarius thus is an adventurous fella, but also a philosopher. Taichi’s Sag Moon placement makes him a pro in seeing the bigger picture and connecting dots next to his never ending energy. He will make sure we’re going in the right direction by overlooking the whole situation. So we absolutely shouldn’t forget Taichi is a true strategist! He sees, understands what’s at stake in a situation, connects the dots, comes with a strategy and like a true leader knows his team and can place everyone in his right spot to get through the toughest of situations (once again referring to Taichi asking Koushiro to pick the cards in Adventure episode 28). Speaking about a great leader, gosh, Taichi, you’re truly amazing! <3
However, it’s his Aries Rising and Mars that often make him act before he thinks, preferably alone (Taichi is a teamplayer, but the selfish and reckless Aries in him makes him act alone. And the sum of teamplayer + acting alone = self-sacrifice mode… which happens ALL THE DAMN TIME). Or actually makes him act while thinking without doing a short reflection beforehand. Seriously, I’m convinced that this reflection in advance could have saved him a lot of trouble throughout Digimon Adventure. Let’s blame it on (t)his (headcanon) birth chart…
Also, all of the above vouches for Taichi having an amazing intellect, but the guys needs to be challenged… Hence why he’s always staring out of the window during classes in Tri, daydreaming away to where the adventure is. He feels trapped, needs to be outside and should use his intelligence for things he finds important (like saving the digital world, soccer and saving friends and the world). The daydreaming could also be his Libra Mercury who can make Taichi lose his focus and could make him lazy. Luckily Taichi has a very active Aries Mars in opposite aspect from his Libra Mercury that neutralizes that lazy and dreamy Libra Mercury.
Okay, back to topic. Now you maybe think: But if Taichi is good in knowing where to go, being the fearless leader, also an intellect who has the knowledge to aim straight and shoot… then WHY is he so lost, down and in doubt in Tri and so unknowing of his future in Kizuna…??!! I have an answer to that. And that answer is his Libra Sun.
I know I know, this is a very VERY unpopular Sun sign to give this goggle leader, but please hear me out. For starters, Libra is the sign of diplomacy and if we believe the 02’s epilogue what’s Taichi’s job? Right, a diplomat. We also know he studies something like political sciences in Kizuna (which I think is AMAZING and vouches even more for Taichi’s intellect! Politics is a tough study…) and to make it in the political field you really do need diplomacy and charms.
Taichi is an absolute charmer, in my eyes at least. I mean, look at his 02 self! He’s such a smooth charmer in every way… The way he sends off Sora to Yamato while acting all cool and collected, phew, that requires some serious smoothness. And still we often see Taichi depicted as a down and broody boy besides his energetic and bold (sometimes indifferent…) character, especially after Tri. That too could be due to a Libra Sun placement.
Like Sagittarius is depicted by a centaur, Libra is depicted by scales and those scales are all about harmony, balance and justice. Libra is the opposite of Aries in the zodiac, but also about weighing opposites in the sigh itself. When we look at the Aries/Libra opposite placement: where Aries can be quite selfish, Libra as an opposite is the people’s pleaser. Where Aries is reckless and impatient, Libra is thoughtful and patient and one could say that an Aries acts where a Libra waits. Where Aries makes the impulsive decisions, Libra keeps deliberating leading into constant doubt and confusion. And how do we see Taichi in Tri? Ah yes, in doubt and confused.
A Libra Sun desperately wants to bring peace and harmony, driven by justice, in a diplomatic way. Libra Suns are deep thinkers which can make them very doubtful, making them spiraling down into a hole of overthinking and doubts. The Libra Sun-Sag Moon dynamic makes this all even more deep and almost philosophical in a way there will always be more and more questions, but never answers because Libra simply can’t make choices. All while being solution-oriented!
As Taichi grows up from a middle schooler to a high schooler, it’s that doubt coming from the Libra Sun that kicks Taichi hard. It conflicts with his carefree and bold Aries Rising nature and as that Libra Sun comes shining through, we see Taichi becoming more cautious and reserved compared to his younger self. The guy has a strong inner dialogue always looking for the best solutions to please everyone and bring harmony (I wanted to say ‘balance to the world’, yes to all the avatar the last airbender cameos) to the people and world(s in case of the digital world) around him he so desperately wants to protect. This is what we see happening in Tri, where he can’t choose what’s the right thing… Most of the time that inner dialogue is hidden behind his Aries Rising (and Aries Mars and Sag Moon).
So under that tough and courageous Aries Rising demeanor (remember that a Rising sign is all about engaging and how you come across to others) is a very soft, sweet, friendly and overall smart Libra Sun boy who has troubles expressing himself because the boy is in conflict with himself (which we see in the Dark Master’s arc in Adventure where he expresses his concerns towards his sister to Koushiro… it’s so hard for Taichi to let it all out, even when he needs it badly). It’s so sad, he’s such a complicated character, but that’s also one of the most beautiful things about Taichi. He’s layered af. He could be the best listener (Koushiro’s feels this, that’s why Koushiro can talk so open and freely to Taichi, because Taichi lets him thank you Libra Sun) if it weren’t for his strong fire placements opposite from his airy Sun sign. But give the boy time and space and he can show you his charms in a way no one else owns those charms.
So Taichi’s Libra Sun is hidden away most of the time due to his strong Aries placements. Usually his Rising and Sun sign being in opposite aspect from each other, should neutralize the placements, but Taichi’s Aries Mars placement makes the Aries Rising overrule the Libra Sun. Still, we shouldn’t forget Taichi is a softy with a big heart. He just needs the right people around him to get his charm on and Taichi definitely has some great people collected in his life who can help him think and make decisions.
A few things I want to point out before I stop rambling, because this analysis is already WAY too long.
Taichi’s midheaven in Capricorn in combination with his Libra Sun and Aries Rising makes him very ambitious on the intellectual side! Directly aiming for the UN and quickly climbing up the promotion ladder (and being successful like a true Cap, let’s not forget that).
His Mars was in transition from Pisces to Aries during his birth. Which means his Aries Mars is highly influenced by Pisces which could also explain why he spirals down as Pisces Mars has a lot of stormy energy on the emotional side (whereas Aries Mars has stormy energy on the physical side). When this emotional energy comes out negative, it can lead to mental health problems (!!! TRI DEPRESSED!TAICHI), especially when close friends and family (can you feel it coming? The whole Hikari-trauma is a thing) are involved.
His Libra Sun makes him in need of a group of friends and he loves being surrounded by them! Though he doesn’t like to admit that due to his Aries Rising. Taichi is such a conflicted boy…
An end note on these two boys: A heart to heart/hard friendship with a lot of mutual understanding and support <3
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squirreltastic · 3 years
I wondering if you have any polyship/crackships for Joker from Batman, Bluebird Azurite from SU, Jessie & James from the Pokemon Anime, Melony and Piers from Pokemon Sword/Shield, Cynthia from Pokemon DPPT, Sabrina from Pokemon RBY and Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi from Digimon Adventure.
Joker is so hard because honestly my favorite ship is him and his wife from that one backstory where he was a failing standup comedian and things went wrong. I feel like you can just do whatever with Joker so I'm saying his wife. I love fluffy Harley and Joker but things never stay fluffy....😑
Bluebird Azurite needs Navy Ruby, she's the mastermind they need to be truly evil. Navy and Aquamarine is still a fav ship of mine and this polycule is perfect. Eyeball, Aquamarine and Navy together could take over the world. Boss ass bitch squad.
Jessie and James I thought of Lucy, though she's technically a good guy she is a strong willed woman that will watch and wait, also snake fan. Her level headed nature with a silent fire is a good balance to the passions but rarely well thought out nature of the other two. Gee James how come you get two femdoms
For Melony I don't have a romantic/sexual ship for her but I think a great friendship would be her and Pheobe. Both are rather "contrary" to what you expect for being users of their types Melony is warm and has mom energy but ice is considered an aloof type. Phoebe is friendly and energetic but ghost is considered chaotic and depressing. Depending on Phoebes age Melony might mother her. But both are affectionate and would spoil each other's pokemon. Good vibes here.
Piers x Raihan x Leon, Leon and Piers got that older sibling dynamic they probably had to help raise their Lil sibs and can bond over that. Leon and Raihan got that good vibes, it's a common ship and the energy of Leon and Raihan is good for Piers. The ship is called 'fashiondisastershipping' and yeah that checks out.
Cynthia and Elesa feel like they'd have a nice relationship. In masters ex Elesa comes off as a woman that looks 'stuck up' but is a big ol softy inside, fashion is how she is creative and she's all smiles when you get her talking. I don't have Cynthia in the game but that's basically how I see her. Especially since she gives the player a togepi egg a pokemon that is highly associated with friendship. Cynthia is fashionable imo, she's fashionable in that all black palette way. A good third would be Olivia, fashionable with a hard outside and soft sweet inside.
Sabrina and Morty are just my pet ship. I'm cheating a little but stick with me. They both are psychic actually, in the games both mention seeing the future. Morty uses his training to hone his psychic skills and Sabrina is connected to her pokemon psychically. They could relate to each other over the frustrations of having incomplete visions and the risk of living in the future and not the present.
And the fact that Haunter was what made Sabrina laugh in the anime was so cute and iirc anime morty could understand what his pokemon were saying, and Sabrina still has her connection to her pokemon, they both cultivate a deeper understanding than what the average trainer can achieve with their pokemon.
They are going to be slightly out of step with the people around them, so why can't they walk together?
Izzy x Mimi is probably my favorite ship for Izzy. Nerd x fashionesta, mimi would make him get away from his tech more often and Izzy would show her really niche topics that would get her curious and excited. A bit of a opposite attract in just the best ways.
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
Puits d’Amour Chatter
Character/theme spoilers beneath the cut.
So somehow, brotherhood became a huge theme of Puits d’Amour. 
In this story, rather than Yamato going with one parent and Takeru going with the other, the brothers are separated from their parents together.  They live in not France (Autun) while their parents live in and rule not Japan (Hakone).  Their parents have a partnership; they are equally devoted to leading Hakone and establishing peace between Hakone (Hiroaki’s birth country) and Autun (Nancy’s birth country, where she was a second-born princess).  Their relationship was never romantic, although they work well together and see one another as allies and partners in their shared goals.
Yamato and Takeru are basically... lowkey political hostages in Autun, although they have a great life there and receive all the training/education/luxuries anyone could dream of.  They are there to indicate to Autun that Nancy hasn’t been more or less abducted by Hakone, a country they have warred with for generations.  If something were to go down between Hakone and Autun, the princes of Hakone would be forfeit.
So there’s this huge theme of brotherhood, Yamato and Takeru together in this unique position of both intense privilege and isolation.  And now that Yamato is in his mid twenties, it’s time for him to go ‘home’ to Hakone and train for the crown.  Takeru will join him there after his college semester ends, but for the first time, the brothers are separated, and it hits hard.
Meanwhile, Sora needs an entire staff to run her café, which means I had to tap into some additional characters, like Wallace, Meiko, and Osamu.  AND NOW I suddenly am having an absolute blast exploring Osamu- someone who is smart, charming, capable, cunning, but also an asshole with a huge chip on his shoulder.  Social/financial class is a huge issue in Puits d’Amour, and the Ichijoujis had very little social or financial standing...  Until their firstborn began showing signs of strong academic achievement.  His parents did all they could to call attention to his abilities and get whatever they could out of them, and Osamu loved it and felt like a king among the Ichijouji’s social class.
But when he was pushed into higher classes, attempting to pull his family up with him, he hit a wall that no amount of cleverness or ability could overcome.  Now, he’s an attendant in the palace in Hakone’s capital city, seeing firsthand how people of higher birth live, and understanding more with each passing day that this is as close as he can get.
Osamu loves his kid brother, but sees Ken as the totally average kid that Osamu’s genius will elevate someday.  But Osamu is realizing more and more that this can’t happen, not really, not for any of them, so his dreams of grandeur combined with his inability to achieve them are really pushing him into ‘bitter asshole’ territory.
Meanwhile, Yamato sees himself as taking on the responsibilities of the crown in order to help Takeru live a freer life.  But what can that really look like for the princes?  Even if Yamato takes on every responsibility alone, Takeru is still a prince, with certain privileges and certain restrictions.
Basically, although Osamu is being much more of a butt about it (and to some degree, you get where he’s coming from), both Yamato and Osamu have to learn to listen to their younger brothers, the people they are supposedly sacrificing for.
AND THEN, when Osamu is introduced to Koushiro, an inventor whose abilities actually have improved his social standing, the fireworks really spark.  There’s definitely going to be this concept that, if Osamu put more energy into his passions and skills and less into promoting himself and clawing at the next social strata, he, uh, he might actually be there.  Especially since Osamu doesn’t realize that Koushiro was adopted into the Izumis, a family of above average standing, not born into them.
The trouble here is that, in typical Hidden fashion, the romance is getting lost in all of this “characters struggling to make their way and figure their shit out” stuff that I love so much.  This story is bigger than Nanowrimo, but I’m struggling to catch and explore all of the things I want to say, and to integrate a prince into a cast of working class people.  Like, he can’t just roll into the café and be buddies with everyone, you know?  It’s a whole thing.
So that’s some of the stuff rolling around my brain!  I hope it sounds interesting!  See ya!
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canisblack · 3 years
Fanfic Idea: Crest Swap
Crest Swap
Following the defeat of BelialVamdemon, Gennai contacts the original eight Chosen Children from Odaiba and arranges a meeting. At this meeting he speaks to them about their crests and their true meanings explaining that each crest encompasses far more than a single word, but that they were given names indicating a simplified concept that was core to the true meaning of each crest.
He further explains how each crest is associated with a particular type of energy born from the human spirit and that each of them were chosen for how strongly they resonated with each crest. That they each, naturally resonated with all of the crests, but that for each of them there was one crest with which their spirits resonated most strongly and that that crest was the one they were chosen to wield. He also reveals that there were dozens of candidates discovered the night they witnessed the battle between Greymon and Parrotmon but that out of all those candidates the eight of them possessed the strongest resonances.
He then amends his statement to say that six of the eight were chosen to wield the crest they most strongly resonated with. But two of them were discovered to have much stronger resonances than the others by an order of magnitude. Strong enough that the leadership of The Order he had once belonged to were worried was too strong. That allowing them to wield the crests they most strongly resonated with would make them too strong, too fast.
That they would become a threat to The Order and its vision for the future of the Digital World.
Though, Gennai admits, that last bit was never stated. Only something he would later infer from their actions years after The Order had fallen to Piemon.
Koushiro: Gennai in what way would they be too powerful?
Gennai: Well Koushiro, depending on who was running the simulations and what variables were being tested? There was an estimated 60 to 80 percent chance that the first time either of those two activated their Crests their partner would skip Ultimate and evolve straight to Mega.
Gennai: All the tests and simulations also agreed that they would activate their crests immediately after receiving them.
In order to try and curb this potential disaster The Order looked at several options, including replacing the two outright. However, outright replacement was deemed to be too resource intensive to be a first resort and was shelved until other options had been examined. Several methods of artificially restraining the power of the Crests were proposed and examined, but none of them were deemed likely to work as anything but a stop-gap. Then one of the members of The Order working on the project noticed that the two’s resonance with each other’s crests were roughly on par with the resonances the other six had with their crests and the decision was made to swap the crests the two would wield.
Gennai was against this idea as he felt that the nature of the artifacts they were using could cause undue harm to the children over and above what making them Chosen was already guaranteed to do and The Order’s duty to the Digital World would not be well served by acting so recklessly with the lives of those it was conscripting to do its work. He was overruled.
Gennai: I was also right. Much to my own sadness and dismay I watched as those two were slowly warped by the crests they were made to carry and wield. A warping that continued even after they were sent home and accelerated after the eight of you poured your energies into creating the Crest Barrier. And thanks to the oaths I had sworn long before you were chosen I have not been able to act to correct this grave wrong. Until now.
Gennai: With the awakening of Qinglongmon, the imminent unsealing of the other three Harmonious ones and Oikawa and Black War Greymon’s sacrifices, the Crest Barrier is no longer needed. After today you will gradually recover your energies and regain your ability to evolve your partners to their Ultimate forms. And eventually, should the need arise, you may even gain – or regain as the case may be – the ability to evolve them to Mega.
Taichi: And what about the two of us that have been…warped.
Gennai: Sadly there is little I can do. Though I do intend to do that. I have recreated the physical crests and tags for all eight of you though for most of you they will be little more than keepsakes. For the two who have been harmed though…I will use them to link you to the crest you should have carried. From there…I do not know. The only thing I can think of is to advise you to try and activate your crests once again. To make them glow.
Gennai then dops the bombshell that the two he has been talking about are Taichi and Sora. That Taichi should have had the Crest of Love and Sora the Crest of Courage. It shocks everyone, but then Hikari speaks up and says that for the two people who left for summer camp that day so long ago the crests fit. Koushiro, after reflecting a bit agrees. The others are not so sure, but Sora and Taichi had known Hikari and Koushiro for much longer than the others. Their insights are sharper, their knowledge greater.
So the two agree to allow Gennai to make this switch, and then they go on their way.
The changes that come as a result of this are not instantaneous. It takes weeks for them to begin to truly manifest. Yet they also show signs as soon as the next day. The two become somewhat more thoughtful. A bit more introspective, as their crests begin to draw their energies back into their natural balance. It’s not a pleasant experience for either one.
Sora begins to see where she’s allowed herself to go astray as she blindly pursued an ideal of “love” that ignored the self and its needs and desires. A self-destructive, warped vision of what it meant to love others, constantly changing oneself to fit an ideal of what one should be to obtain love. To be deserving of love. Instead of having the courage to be oneself and reach accommodation born of respect and mutual understanding. To be loved for oneself instead of what one appears to be.
Taichi likewise begins to see where he’s learned to wrong lessons about courage. That he has, all too often, pushed aside his own feelings to do what he believed was correct. To make the choices that he believed he should without regard to his own feelings. Sometimes, perhaps, he was correct. But others, he was clearly not, and has damaged or strained a number of relationships with those around him by his actions. Most notably his friendship with Sora. He’s seen the way she was changing herself, but rather than reach out to her to find out why. Rather than express his concerns, he’d held his tongue and waited believing that she would reach out to him if anything was wrong and that it wasn’t his place to intrude. Even though his own feelings said otherwise.
…and this is about where I run out of steam on this idea for now. Not sure how to move it forward from this though I do intend for it to become a Taiora story. If anyone wants to pick up the idea and run with it, or even just use the base idea of a crest swap feel free. Just let me know so I can watch the fireworks.
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] What’s Mine Is Mine:  chapter 17
Hikari fiddled with her D-Terminal, considering if she wanted to reach out to any of the others. Miyako had already sent her an e-mail, telling her that things were proceeding. She and Koushiro still didn’t know when – or if – they would have the antidote ready but they hadn’t given up.
She started to type a message to Taichi, just wanting to let him know that they’d come through the night all right. She wasn't going to tell him about the Kaiser’s visit – she wasn’t even sure if she should tell Miyako about that. They would need to know about him feeding Daisuke, maybe that would help with the antidote, but Miyako would have a few words to say about the Kaiser in general.
She was just about to send the message off when a cold, emotionless voice cracked.
“Lightning Blade!”
Tailmon struck back a breath before Andromon’s energy blade lashed into Hikari, pushing her partner down and standing in between the two of them. The Cyborg Digimon stood at the edge of the clearing they’d claimed to watch over Daisuke in. What Hikari noticed first was the Evil Spiral clamped firmly around his upper arm.
“Are you all right, Hikari?” Tailmon asked, claws pointed towards Andromon as if she were ready to shred him without bothering to evolve.
“Sure, I’m fine.” Hikari scrambled to get her D-Terminal and D-3. She was going to need to evolve Tailmon in order to protect Daisuke and free Andromon.
“Hey, you!” V-mon charged at the enslaved Digimon, slamming his head against Andromon’s leg, and doing little, if any, damage. “Stay away from my friends!”
Andromon barely spared V-mon a glance. All of his attention remained on Hikari as he moved forward.
The Kaiser sent him, Hikari thought, even as she focused her attention. “Ready, Tailmon?”
A breath later, light enveloped Tailmon, and she transformed, her body reshaping into that of Nefertimon. Hikari wished that they could have performed Tailmon’s normal evolution, but even without the Kaiser’s Towers in the area, going to Perfect was more difficult than it had once been. Maybe another day. When so much wasn’t at stake.
Nefertimon wasted no time, rising high in the air to get a better position, then firing a laser at Andromon. The Cyborg deflected the beam and stalked forward, inevitable and terrifying. He hadn’t taken his attention off of Hikari at all.
V-mon positioned himself in front of Hikari, growling deep in his throat. “We’re not going to let you hurt anyone! You don’t even want to hurt us! It’s just the Kaiser making you do it!”
“I will obey my Master,” Andromon intoned. “Do not attempt to interfere.”
Hikari backed up, keeping at least part of her attention on Nefertimon as her partner swung around above. Once again Nefertimon aimed, this time tossing out one of her Rosetta Stones.
Andromon slashed one arm at it, cracking it in half before it could hit. The moment that he did, V-mon darted forward to slam into the Cyborg’s leg with his hard head. Andromon glanced down briefly.
“Do not interfere.”
“I’ll interfere all I want!” V-mon declared. “You’re not going to hurt Hikari or Daisuke!”
Andromon almost seemed to hesitate for a second. “I was not sent to hurt Motomiya Daisuke.”
Hikari tensed. “You weren’t?” That didn’t reassure her for a second, in all truth. She knew that calling for help was probably her best option; they’d never been able to beat Andromon before and she wasn’t sure if Nefertimon could crack that Spiral on her own. Maybe if Andromon didn’t fight back – but that wasn’t likely to happen.
“No. He is to be unharmed. He belongs to Digimon Kaiser-sama.”
Oh, no. Hikari wasn’t going to let that happen. None of them were. She wasn’t even sure what V-mon was saying; she was sure it was Japanese, but it certainly wasn’t polite language. Had he picked that up from Daisuke?
She didn’t have time to think about it for long, though. Nefertimon struck down again, hooves striking against Andromon’s metallic arms, then darted back as her opponent aimed his Gatling Missiles at her.
We need more help. Hikari grabbed for her D-Terminal, ready to send that call for help. Before she could hit a button, however, a tiny gray form slammed into her, and the D-Terminal dropped to the ground.
In front of her there ranged five or six Pagumon, each with a tiny Evil Ring on their ears, and all glaring at her with hate-filled crimson eyes. She started to reach for her D-Terminal again, only for two of the Pagumon to snatch it up and start bouncing away with it.
“Stop that!” Hikari moved after them, but the other Pagumon threw themselves at her. She had only a second to understand what was happening as they all drew in deep breaths.
“Acid Bubbles!”
Hikari heard it in four voices as the bubbles flew towards her. She threw up one hand to protect her eyes and stumbled back. Tiny bubbles broke against her skin. The acid wasn’t very strong but it hurt and she couldn’t see what was going on. The other Pagumon were escaping with her D-Terminal, and she didn’t think Nefertimon’s battle with Andromon was going very well either. And where had V-mon gone
Today was barely half-over and already she knew it was one of the worst days o her life.
To Be Continued
Notes: So close to the end. I’ve already finished the story and made plans for an eventual sequel. I would never just leave Daisuke in the Kaiser’s clutches – forever. For real-world years, yes. Forever, no.
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Review
Episode 3: And to the Digital World
We’ve reached episode 3 and continue exactly where the last episode left off.  Here I spend too long looking at screens and attempting to over-analyse everything (because I can)!
I found it kinda interesting in the recap that we don’t see the feathers that led to Omegamon’s evolution. Might be me reading too much into it, but I’m guessing we won’t see that used again for a while.
Once again Koushiro’s laptop comes up with a bunch of screens, but his new Sampling Data Analysis System (SaDAS) is unable to analyse Omegamon properly.  I was a bit interested by the top left screen as well. Some of the words at the bottom of the graph appear to be Latin, but it’s difficult to know what they’re referring to beyond the obvious stats.  Anyone with better language skills than me able to pick it apart? So far I’ve got:
Proin – not comparable, so possibly being used to denote uniqueness?
Arcu – singular for ‘arcus,’ meaning arc or bow (or rainbow?)
Lectus – chosen
Vitae – life
Dui – only thing I can find for this one is it’s derived from ‘duo’, so could refer to partners?
Nisi – if not, except … no idea how that relates
Nec – not (essentially it denotes negativity, which seems to be a weird thing to have on a chart)
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The fight begins and it’s clear Omegamon is the stronger of the two. Not only is he able to easily dodge Algomon’s attacks, but he takes one to the face and not even Yamato or Taichi seem affected.  However, it seems Algomon won’t go down easily, taking a sword through its middle as well as a blast at point-blank range.
At first I thought the creepy eyes were going to be a distraction and that they were going to have to destroy every one of them, but luckily the writers seem to have realised that missile has been travelling for a while now, so things end when Omegamon gets a good hit on Algomon with his sword.
Defeating Algomon seems to allow them to gain proper access to the missile system.  This is an interesting development compared to the original series.  We also see that the launched missile seems to be locked behind a screen/program with similar properties to Algomon.  Omegamon is able to easily destroy the program and forces the missile to change course. It also causes a temporary technology blackout (poor office guy (Taichi’s dad?) who just lost all his work – I’ve been there too many times) that seemed to radiate from a specific point.  
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Rather than being thrown into the Digital World (shame, but not unexpected), Taichi and Yamato (and presumably the digimon) end up back where they entered.  It’s not completely clear how they got back and I’m wondering if this is going to be revisited later in the not-too-distant future.
Koushiro picks up on the strangeness of the blackout.  After all, none of the technology was permanently damaged by it, which is what you’d expect from a high energy explosion (the same thing would happen if a particularly strong coronal mass ejection from the Sun hit the Earth – as has occurred in the past – think the New York blackout a few years ago).  Although not stated explicitly, the narrative seems to imply Omegamon was the one who restored all the devices (I’m thinking it was the rainbow light that enveloped the black ball after the explosion?).  It’s not confirmed though, so I’m guessing the mystery will be solved more explicitly later in the show.
At this point Koushiro also brings up an interesting hypothesis: that Taichi and the others returned to their respective worlds because of they were cut off by whatever Omegamon did at the end.  The ‘complete’ message that popped up on Koushiro’s screen also goes some way to supporting this idea.  Another mystery to keep us interested!
The scene between Koushiro and Taichi is really nice and I love the background music.  It makes this episode feel like the end of a long pilot episode, which I don’t think is a bad thing.  A lot has been established so far and we’ve got a few good mysteries we can look forward to the story unravelling.  
Hikari basically reveals, like the original series, that she has a pretty decent idea what’s going on.  It’s less clear that Takeru does, but his conversation with Yamato at least confirms what we suspected last episode: that Yamato lives outside Tokyo, but Takeru lives in the city.  Suddenly, the idea of the brothers rarely seeing each other becomes much more plausible (or at least more due to distance than family politics) compared to the original show.
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Yamato’s place looks gorgeous! I also got ‘Your Name’ vibes, but I think that’s just the contrast between Yamato being (most-likely) in Shimane and the others being in Tokyo.
And against the expectations of many, we suddenly fast-forward to summer camp!  Any thoughts of camp being significant to the narrative this time around seem to be quickly dashed (nicely played, writers!).  However, it does introduce us briefly to Jou and gives Sora a proper introduction.
Jou’s scene is great because he’s basically the same Jou that appeared at the beginning of the original Adventure.  In just a few lines we establish he is a perfectionist who feels the need to be an authority figure because he’s the oldest rather than being good at the job. It provides a nice contrast to Sora’s appearance (nice catch btw!).  Sora’s reputation preceeds her and she is considered dependable and well-liked by the others.  Interestingly, she seems to be wearing a different hat – is she taking Takeru’s role?
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There’s more speculation between Taichi and Koushiro about what digimon are and why Tokyo in particular was targeted.  I have my own hypothesis (which I’ll include in my next predictions), but again the narritive highlights there are currently a lot of things we don’t understand.  By laying out the mysteries, the writers are nicely laying everything out and basically telling us we’ll get some answers to these questions later on.  It’s reassuring, and points to a plot that’s been given at least some thought.
There seems to be little time to rest for the viewers, though, as Taichi and the others barely return before Tokyo is engulfed in a blackout.  Once again, it seems to be radiating out and we have a set time limit of 72 hours before the whole city is offline.  Taichi and Koushiro spring into action and Sora, carrying a bag (is that a new hat, Sora?), catches Taichi running along the street.
This time, we see both Taichi and Koushiro become digitized and six lights (blue, green and white/grey, followed by orange, red and purple) enter the Network.  This suggests Sora, Jou and Mimi already have their digivices, which I’m a little disappointed by, but only because I wanted to see each of them activated the first time. I imagine this is a pacing decision though.  We’ll see.
Instead, of being pulled into the Network like last time, Taichi stands alone in the Digital World.  Luckily Agumon finds him pretty quickly and we are shown some pretty beautiful scenery.
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Seriously, how gorgeous is this?!
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digitalgate02 · 5 years
Epilogue Celebration Day ONE: Daughter.
The original post got deleted by accident -- and due anxiety-bar-paranoia attack.
So I’m re-doing it as text format & olde doodles for older design.
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泉未来 -- Izumi Mirai [Knowledge]
Koushiro’s prodigy daughter, a very intelligent and genius girl for her age. She’s an inventor, always plotting and trying to create great things. Has some interest on technology, digimon and the world. But she also likes dresses, pink & green and tiaras. No one questions her, she is the one to question the others. Has great comebacks and sometimes can be too much naive enough to be fooled, showing that even having great intelligence she’s not able to predict if a person is good or bad.
Partner of choice: Mochimon → Kokabuterimon (Koh)
A strong little buddy who enjoys talking with Mirai about the nature, and dislike fights. So they work as the support and not always in the offensive.
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石田愛鳥 - Ishida Atori [Love]
(Name adopted from @demonoflight HC btw)
Atori likes to dress comfy and stylish clothes, but nothing over her age. She’s smart and reasonable, pretty sociable and likes to design outfits for dolls. With the help of her mother, she likes to make those into real pieces for her dolls and plushies. She got Sora’s mom friend behavior, being the one to help the older kids to deal with the group. She’s calm, but don’t mean she can’t fight when needed, showing her father’s temper. Birds are her favorite animals because of the colors and the plumage. She also takes many naps and dislike when she ends up oversleeping.
Partner of choice: Pyocomon → Scarlet Macawmon (Scarlet)
A very noisy yet very friendly bird-like digimon who adores the Ishidas so much besides having to deal with the boys in the family.
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一乗寺舞 -- Ichijouji Mai [Energy]
(Name adopted from @demonoflight HC too)
A very energetic and modest lady, blessed with the trait of music and scholarship. Besties with Daiki, who has a secret crush on her, and Hikaru. Since she’s the heart of the party, she tends to move them by making the best tracks to be their life’s score. Plays video games and fight like a girl.
Partner of choice: Poromon → Sapphmon (Sapphi)
This peculiar bird in the past belonged to a group of digimon, but an unfortunate event disbanded them all.  She loves Mai and enjoys listening to music, giving samples of her singing voice so Mai can remix it and make interesting songs.
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火田怜華 -- Hida Reika [Fairness]
Reika has a mix of her parents: she is adorable but mature, although she does not judge people so easily. The group thinks she’s timid/shy, but she probably is a quiet person.
Partner of choice: Upamon →  Armadimon (Goldie)
A noisy clumsy Armadimon who wants to cave a tunel from File Island until the Server Continent. He’s extremely ridiculous, as you can see. He also only eats Daisuke’s ramen, sometimes making Reika and her mom upset
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[note: the doodles are actually my versions for my project, @digimonadventuretimelines​ ]
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izzyizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventures + Tri AMV ~ x Kagerou Project [subbed original: here] “Yuukei Yesterday” AMV [Music (C) Jin, singer: IA {Vocaloid}] (Title translation: “Yesterday Evening”) Featuring Duo/Ship: Taichi Yagami [“Tai Kamiya”] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [“Izzy Izumi”] [Taishiro(u)] (This amv initially completed around 8 AM on December 18, 2019) PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory ( * It’s ok to start on this current AMV “Yuukei Yesterday” ! ) [ *You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from “Kagerou Daze” though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point! ]
Note: Many more AMVs for this series have been made since this particular one, which could be considered an “End point” (or in-between End point) of the first phase/set of AMVs! {As in, the first series of AMVs I had initially planned to make; many more have been Inspired to be made since!!} Please see this post, made later than this post was, for most of the rest of the AMVs + edits currently in this series!
- part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] REPEAT?_ ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for Kagepro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s not a direct parody (but very inspired) (if you can’t tell) - no, the Digimon characters aren’t meant to portray those (specific) characters exactly or even at all; though inspirations were taken from all the Kagepros - Digimon Tri minor non-plot related spoilers; through to "Kokuhaku” [Tri Part 3] - further Tri spoilers may show up in the other amvs but THIS ONE IS SAFE - note: the amv at the direct youtube link has somewhat better quality if you change the definition to high definition / 1080p!!!
Further trigger/content warnings (also re: the series it originated from) / lyrics under the read more!! + links to the non-subbed version & comparisons video!
If the AMV appears broken at any time, Please check back, as it may be a video player issue; or ping me {or leave a tag about it!} to let me know! {You can also watch at the direct Youtube link!}
- there are some other vaguely implied side pairings in the overall story besides Taishiro but Taishiro is the main focus so please note that !!! - in other words, THIS AMV PARTICULARLY IS TAISHIRO-FOCUSED. - PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT if you don’t ship them. I don’t care to hear that. - PLEASE DO NOT TAG AS SIMPLY “BROTP” (A STRONG RELATIONSHIP IS INTENDED) unless you also tag as ship, please. - ( Basically please just acknowledge that yes, this is more of a shippy amv, but I also have no issue with others’ LGBTQIA+ headcanons for them!! )
- basically, to make a long story short,           T I M E L O O P S - with something like a not-quite-soulmates AU     BUT VERY CLOSE - ( ok but it’s still not really a soulmates AU ) - ( MORE LIKE A DECONSTRUCTION *WAVES HANDS WILDLY* ) - ( I HAVE A LOT OF COMPLICATED THOUGHTS RE: SOULMATES AUs ) - ( AND MY FRUSTRATIONS WITH THEM Y E A H ) - Tri is here because … ah … … - let’s just say it’s probably AT LEAST ONE part of the “start” of it all ah - Koushiro voice: ( ‘ W H Y ’ )
- THEY GOT IT BAD . VERY BAD .     VERY VERY BAD - TAICHI GRINNING LIKE THE SUN        " HEY KOUSHIRO " - KOUSHIRO IZUMI                              " O H hhHHHH " - " WHAT IS THIS !!     STRANGE !1!      FEELING !!!1! "
- " I WANT TO TELL YOU " - " PLEASE , "               " GOD " ,               " LET ME !!!! "
- SPOILER: the song creators' next song AT THE END OF THE SAME MONTH OF RELEASE was basically m O R E ........... // W E L L //
- FUN FACTS: their expressions around the last chorus are from the “Keep On” ending theme (the 2nd Japanese ending theme for Digimon Adventure!) - as seen here and here and yes I tried to match it up with the K@gepros version near exactly just because it was THAT CUTE
- I do not care if you dislike/hate Digimon, Adventure/s, 02, Tri, or 02′s epilogue, etc., or, again, if you don’t ship this pair. Please keep it off this post. This is a Digimon Adventures positivity post / Taishiro post.
* In the K@gepros version, the girl in this video, “Takane Enomoto” is later implied to have died in one of her earlier videos “Headphone Actor”
* The boy, Haruka, also dies the same year as he is seen in this video
* HARUKA KOKONOSE (THE BOY) IN K@GEPROS IS VOICED BY MAMORU MIYANO OF VARIOUS ANIME FAMES IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW: - Tamaki Suou (Ouran High School Host Club) - Tokiya Ichinose (Uta no Prince-sama!) [ WHERE HE ALSO SINGS ] - Rin Matsuouka (Free!!) / that swimming anime - Gym Leader Dent(o) [Cilan] (Pokemon Best Wishes [anime]) - AND TOO MANY OTHERS TO LIST HERE those are the ones I know best - if you know Mamoru Miyano you can probably assume perfectly how he sounds as this boy Haruka when in-character IT’S CLASSIC MIYANO just add in an extremely sleepy/slow drawl AND WHOOP THERE’S HARUKA
“Ta-ka-ne~~~ aha~~~ um, your headphones.....” - BASICALLY (non-canonical but inspired quote /mine)
[1st verse] in this place with lots of merry people basking in the sun I cut through the crowds while glaring at their happy faces; a morning after an all-nighter
[2nd verse] Past the offended people who dodged me, And who are now looking down at me, " Good morning! " he said, as he stretched out, With messy bedhead, that guy stood in front of me.
[3rd verse] As I finally came to, ... a young love, at first sight I'm not really interested in that... So, I wonder, why can't I look you in the eye? "Well, it doesn't matter, because... aah, how irritating!!"
[chorus verse 1] Glaring at the sun, I found While hiding this throbbing heart Ah, I can't supress this emotion, it makes me sick! (What a strange feeling...)
[chorus verse 2] (Wow-wow-wow!) My face is like an open book For some reason I get so nervous that even my voice squeaked! "What's wrong with me?! This is pissing me off!" I'm such a fool!
[1st verse] I take another YAWN in the classroom today next to our very own window (I'm really) nervous! Even if I act bored, While listening to the radio
[2nd verse] As I stood up, I made a CARELESS MISTAKE And so you FOUND OUT, that my 'headphones' which I was listening to always had been disconnected...
[3rd verse/interlude] "I'll forget about him with time!", I stubbornly told myself But for some reason, I can't put my feelings into words, Staying upset, I can't talk at all
[chorus verse 1] Carefully trying to "show it" through my behavior, But I still ended up hiding my feelings today too, "Maybe this feeling isn't so bad after all?" WOW, I'm surprisingly timid...
[chorus verse 2] WOW-WOW-WOW "You seem to be really cheerful today!" "Don't you see I'm in a BAD mood??!" I hate that kind of insensitive attitude! What should I do? Today's already ending
[chorus verse 3] ONE-MORE-TIME ( “ MOU IKKAI !!! ” ) I stare at the sun again, "Please don't set just yet!" I took a deep breath, My throbbing heart hurts so much, What a strange feeling...
[chorus verse 4] "I want to tell you!" I thought as I started to run I don't understand my feelings any longer, BEFORE THE SUN SETS, I JUST  WANNA  TELL YOU SOMEHOW!
- translation credit: jellification @ youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ67rjQ_0EA
Raw/non-subbed version amv:
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iggytheperson · 6 years
Some headcanons about the Dark Ocean, and also Nightmare Soldier type digimon in general.
-The empty, desolate town Hikari walks through when first transported to the Dark Ocean used to be bustling and full of life. The Dark Ocean was once a subsection of the digital world, home to most of the Nightmare Soldier types and many, many other virus types alongside them, as the ocean provided them with energy much like a holy stone does for a holy digimon. At this time, the world was in balance. But the Holy Beasts do not seek balance, they seek complete purity and light, and thusly had the original chosen seal the ocean away onto another small plane of existence. The Digimon who’d been in the ocean at the time, namely Dagomon’s people, were swept up in this and sealed away forever, and the digimon who’d resided near it were left with nowhere to call home.
-The more innocuous looking Nightmare Soldiers such as Digitamamon relocated nearer to the other digimon and attempted to integrate, but the majority of the blatantly evil looking digimon remained as nomads. The digimon who remember the homes and communities that were taken from them have a deep-rooted resentment for the holy. The young ones hate them too, because they’re taught that when something bites you, you’re supposed to bite back.
-To Nightmare Soldiers, it is basic fact that the strong should conquer whatever they want to conquer, and that anyone with a sliver of common sense would want to serve under such a person. As such, the Nightmare Soldiers don’t begrudge the Kaiser’s conquest, they get it, a kid’s gotta let off steam somehow, and a child’s first conquest is an important part of growing up. What they do disagree with is the whole brainwashing business. A powerful being should not have to resort to such a pathetic means of building their army, a ruler should either have the charisma or fear-invoking power to make people want to be on their side. Honestly, someone ought to teach that kid a thing or two about ruling.
-Similarly, Ogremon is Devimon’s only assistant because Ogremon is the only virus with such a lack of self respect that he’d serve under such a classless conqueror. Devimon is never invited to any of the other world conqueror’s parties. What a loser.
-No one ever begrudges a usurper. After all, if you’re weak enough to be overthrown by your own minions, your minions honestly deserve your spot. Demidevimon never understood why Tailmon ran off to join the chosen. He always figured she was aiming to overthrow the boss someday. Of course, he often forgot that she wasn’t a virus (and wouldn’t have ever really been introduced to such hopeful ideas being raised by Vamedemon anyways) since she always seemed so much like one of them.
-Eating your minions is generally frowned upon and that never would’ve flown back home had VenomVamdemon ever returned.
-A lot of the other chosen’s digimon find Wormmon kinda weird, because despite being as shy and timid as he is, all this culture is still deeply ingrained in the way he thinks. Tailmon, on the other hand, finds him the most easy to talk to out of anyone.
-The reason Koushiro never learns much about the Dark Ocean despite his search for such information is because Gennai and his associates have worked very hard to obscure such information from everyone who doesn’t already know about it. The Holy Beasts genuinely don’t understand why learning about their deeds upset the children so much, but they’ve nonetheless decided it’s better if such concern never has a chance to exist in the first place.
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The tale of the three head beast -the marching fishes-
Digimon GoT AU
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
Pairs: Taiyama, taisora, Joumy, daiken, and sooo so many others
ACT 1. ESCENE 4:THE SON after the cut 
Ruki never doubts, her hand  never shake at the sight of danger, all her life has always been all or nothing, rush and violence, a never ending run, still she has no regrets, no second thoughts; until him, until the prince.
Sixteen years has past since that night. The night that she decide Takato will live.
The moonlight  shone over the smallest cradle in the last tower of the castle,  it would be easier if the baby were sleeping,  if his crying didn't pierce her ears, if he was less tiny, if she wasn't so sure that his mother would never come to him.
The blood of the queen was still fresh on her hands
“What the hell are you doing!? Hurry up!” her partner yell since the door, surprise for her delay
“No”  she said, more for herself than for him “this is wrong”
“What?” they hear steps coming closer  “we have no time Ruki just do it!”  But she didn´t move, she saw him straight at the eyes as he said “we have orders”
“I'm not going to kill this baby and I swear on the sands of the desert that I will cut your throat if you try to stop me!”
“Damn you woman! what a moment for a moral crisis!” He locked the door and walked through her “if you think I would rather fight you than the entire order then you don't know me”  
His arm cash her waist and push her closer, she smile, like she only smile for him
An explosion sound on the down floor shaking the room just enough to break them apart
“Koushiro is gonna kill us” she said while wrapping the baby
“No if we kill him first” he prepared his knife ready for when they reach the door
“No!” she stopped him “we need to escape”  but it was pointless, there is nothing he hate more that run out of a fight “this baby is the heir to the throne, he needs to live”
“Live? Ruki, we killed his family, we burn his castle, we killed his Saurios!”  
They hear them forcing the door
“I can save him!”  she climbs on the window
“What about his brothers? why his life worth more than them?”
“They must be death by now, come on!” she hurry, desperate and he follow her standing on the cornice, getting close enough for their forehead to touch, his bright blue eyes stood out in the night and for a breve instant she aloud his strong armors to reconfor her
The baby finally calm down
“I would give you some time…”
“What? come on Ryo” she pull his shirt “ don't try to be the hero now…”
“I couldn't help it”  but again she didn't move “You want to save him, I want to fight!”
The hand that held his shirt pulled him harder and with that same strength she kissed him, Ruki loved the way she lived, fast, intense, sure.
“Until the next life my love” and she jumped out of the tower
Her current life wasn't that bad, She had been worse, boredom wasnt by far her worst misfortune.
Takato has grow, maybe not as much as she would expect; but he compensate in kindness what he lack in force, a good quality in a King, not that she would ever tell him.
“Tell me what?”
“I´m talking to myself”
“Then you must use your inner voice” he laughs, he use to laugh so much lately.
“How long we had been here? in piramide?” She walk behind him, while he sigh papers and decide meaningless stuff
“Three years, How do you don't know that?”
“It's too much, i never stay so long in anywhere…”
“We pass fifteen years on the temple!”
“wherever..” he put his travel cloat “where are you going?”
“To the town, i have a meeting with the council about the new dam”  
The investiture fit him well, the gold-embroidered cape, the crown forged with rubies, Piramide had prospered so much under his command but of course that would be something else that  she would never tell him
“You are wasting your time, our time! we must have sailed to the continent years ago”
“I´m not, this is my Kingdom Ruki and i must..”
“This is not ” she interrupt “this is not your Kingdom” he stop, turn to her, and talk in the most annoying tone
“Im the King of Piramide, my wife is the Queen of Piramide, my son will be the Prince of Piramide..”
“Your son!”
“Yuri is pregnant!” he yells
“Why don'tyou tell me?”
“I told you a month ago! and as soon as the child born we´ll sail to the continent, really what is the matter with you?”
“Takato!!” the queen voice surprise them, Yuri wave a handkerchief since the balcony “ mi amor! good luck in your trip!”  she blow kisses that he pretend to catch
“At least she has learn more than your name”
“Don't be rude!” he said “ Gracias Corazón! volvere pronto!” but a bit of discomfort show on his face
“Talk with the Lion as soon as i left, he has instruction to not let her stand out of the bed”  he explain as soon as they keep out of her sight
“I´m not one of your lackeys” she refuse but still obey him
Outside of the castle a man and a carriage  await for the King
“What is he doing here?” Rika yells without shame when she recognize at Henry Wong
“I would join the majesty on his travel”
“Why?” she despise his calm tone, his heavy clot, his daring to speak to her with such a familiarity
“He is my translator” Takato try to stay neutral in more of their feud but he couldn't avoid his empathy with Henry, he was fun, in some ways it was his first real friend “Please wait for me inside” he order to him “ Listen Ruki” again that condescending tone “I know you don't like Henry”
“I don't  trust him, You should not travel alone with him, he refuse to train”
“ He prefer to train the mind instead of the flesh, what is wrong with that?”
“Takato… Takato.. Takato” she kick the ground “ those are the most dangerous kind of men”
“If you said that, listen  i understand that you are boring here, but just be a little patience, you know… like you just to be, back on the temple…”
“I had things to do on the temple! i have nothing to do here!”
“what?” he seems confuse “What did you do on the temple? you just boss me around and talked to mirrors”
She couln´t believe his audaci, she did nothing? who changed his diapers? who carrying him at night when he couldn't sleep? who teach him to talk, to walk, to fight?
“Dont put that face!” he climb at the carriage “Beside, what about the new reluctant? Hirokazu and Kenta were excited about your training! that is a good invested of your time!”
“That pair are the most idiotic, incompetent and disgusting men in the entire world, i has never been more disappointing of the humanity  in my life”
But the carriage was already gone before she end her complains, unfortunately  Takato was right, she past the rest of the day  in the training camp making that pair of buffoons bleed, the time passed so slowly, every minute was overwhelming, she began to miss her old life, the emotion, the mystery, the sun over the sand, sometimes even his blue eyes .
At night alone, she  think on the impossible, what if Takato was not the chosen one? what if be the King of Piramide was his greatest achievement? what if he was just another mortal king?
All her fears come together when the alarms sound, when the soldiers bring back the king to her, cover in blood, unconscious, on the edge of death.
Fire, light, heat, an unbeatable force, were he is?
He is sweating, the flames dance around him, it is like walking in the sun, and there is a boy; a toddler playing with a sword, Takato come near to him, he has his same brown eyes, his same wild hair, a slightly darker skin; the child smile at him, Takato also has a sword on hand, the both play for a long time until he was incapable of resist the heat and keep his journey.
Then it comes the rain, thunders and noise, the heat keeps the water warm.
Over the pots, jumping and smiling he found another boy, same eyes , thicker eyebrows and darker hair, but Takato is sure he is his flesh and bones; he is almost a baby, barely could stand on his feet; but that doesn't stop him, he jumps and falls countless times.  
The sound of the sea call him and he ended leaving the second boy.
The waves and breeze feet his spirit, the full moon shines and the stars dance on the sky.
A baby cries over the sand, a baby who looks just like him.
The hearth shakes, the storm becomes stronger, he could not stand on his feet, but the boys drow on the sea, far away from him, Takato must reach them, they are his family, his blood… a last roar explodes at the distant and everything turn dusk.
“What happened?!” she run until him, with a fear that she has only feel ones, ones when she hold a knife over his cradle
“We..” the traductor talk difficult and Rika hold her wish to stab him to death “we were attack, it was dark, it happened suddenly”
“He is not breathing!” she scream while the soldiers put him on the bed
“I´m a doctor!” Kenta yells at his way to the king
“Well at least you are good for something!” he ignore her while checking the injuries  “Is not a lethal attack,  they are only bruise and cuts”
“Then why does not he breathe?!”
“I don't know!” Kenta cryes sure that Ruki would kill him
“I think…” Henry yells louder than them “I think he was poisoned”
“That's impossible!” she stand up “He is a son of the house of courage, the poison is nothing to him”
“No, no with a substance, i think his energy was poisoned, an act of witchcraft… I… I.. “ he stutter “ I saw the attack and i had read about the symptoms”
“I have no idea of how treat that” Kenta lament
“Of course you don't have an idea you are worthless!” she exclaimed furious, witchcraft for the east, she was as helpful as the idiotic doctor  “did you?” she turn to Henry “Did you know how to save him?”
“I… meaby but im not sure..i have never done it before” she could smell the lies on his words, but she has no option
“Do it” she orders and suddenly he was the one without options
“I would need everyone to leave the room immediately” he stutter no more “i need to be alone with him”
All obey, except Ruki and he knew it has no point to argue with her.
The heavy coat fall and his tone muscles jump to the eye, Train the mind, not the flesh her ass
He put the cold body of the king on the floor as he stand up in front of him, his hand perform a ritual that make the room warmer, Ruki didn't know that kind of magic, his breathing change with each precise move of his wrist, his knees flex with the strength of a warrior, and all night long  Henry Wong fight against the death itself.
When he finish Takato breath again
“What now?” she ask
“now we pray”
Pray was for the weaks, for the desperate, for the fools, for the ones who has no control over their faiths.
So, of course she pray.
The next  days were her penitence, he breath but he didn't wake up, he murmurs and scream once in awhile, and she ignore the madness and chaos outside his room, everything but Takato was irrelevant.
The kid who cry at the moonlight was dying. She had been a fool for letting the prince walked alone, she confided on the peace of Piramide, this old land who loves his King, so far away of the old castle where Takato was born. But his enemies reached them even here. And now Takato, the survivor, was dying for the attack of a murderer that she hasn’t even seen.  
She asked to the light to mitigate his suffering, she begged to the old dragon and the wolf to give him the stretch and courage she knew he lack of, and finally she supplicated to the shadows to keep him alive.
Takato woke up at the sunrise of the third day.
“I need to see him” he yelled, sweating, standing up in his own feets,“Take me with him!”
“What?” she hold him afraid of his weakness, blissful by his recovery “who? you must rest…”
“No!” he seem excited and lost, probably stunned by the injuries “My son Ruki, I must see my son!”
Her smile fell apart, he was delusional
“You have no sons Takato…”
“What?” his eyes didn't focus on her “I know.. I know… I saw them..”
“My children… I saw them in a vision”
“It was a dream Takato, you were unconscious for three days, you were dreaming”
“No! no it wasn't a dream! I felt the breeze and the ocean, it was real!” he tried to get out.
“Takato wait!” she stopped him “You were attacked! you almost died”
“Let me go!” he fighted with too much stretch for someone on his condition, but he stopped  and hold her shoulders “Everything is gonna be fine Ruki! I saw my children!  I have to see Yuri,  tell her that this time everything is gonna be fine”
“Takato…” but she didn't obey “Takato you were attacked…”
“That doesn´t matter”
“Yuri…” she struggle with words “Takato… she lost the baby”
“No”  he shook her arms “No!”
“She cannot resist to see you hurt…”
“You are lying! I know what i saw!”  the panic made him irrational
“You were dreaming, it wasn't real” she tried to be gentle “Takato, all of this is a sight, we… you must change this path, we must sail to the continent right now”
“A sight? yes.. yes It is a sight, we, the next time is gonna be different… the next time” he mumbled, talking with himself.
“Why would it be any different!?” Ruki lost her patient “this one didn't work! not the one before or the one before that! Goddammit Takato! She cannot carry your children!”
She was a well training warrior, of course that when he raised his hand to her she reacted, but just the intention hurt as much.
And he ran and she followed him, away from the palace, away from the city, were he could feel the breeze and the ocean again, one foot near to the ravine.
“Takato!” she shouted breathless “Takato stop! we can go home! you… you don't need this, any  of this!”
“I'm not going anywhere, no without my children”
The wind became intense, the waves bursting with force, she saw him cry while throwing himself to the abyss.
Henry watch them leave the castle and followed them, but he wasn't fastest enough. When he found Rika she was on the beach, the knees over the sand, screaming, crying like a widow.
No, even worse , she whipped like a mother
He knew immediately that the worst had happened, but how?  He saved Takato, he saw him stay and walk. Henry’s heart hurt, he shouldn’t have dare to attack his King, he regretted when he saw Ruki crying, Yuri sicked, Takato hurt. But his remedies wasn’t been enough to repaired his mistake. For the first time in his life he felt like the murder he was.
The sound of the ocean could not quiet the sobs of  Ruki. Henry walked near to her, as if for some miracle he could comfort her
“Stay away from me!” he didn't even bother in touch her
“Como on Ruki we need to…” it was the first time he adresered her by her name
The violent tied suddenly calm, they hear a thunder at the distant.
“Ruki…” he called her
“leave me!” she begged
“No” he found the courage to hold her and with a new strength he forced her to stand up “Come Ruki look it up!”
And she looked at the sea and found the impossible
The king was there, walking through the waves until her, complete naked, save and alive, on his arms something roar with the sound of the ocean, three creatures sneaked over his naked torso.
It looked like a three head beast.  
living Saurios, breathing monsters almost as miracle as the resurrected son.
Henry stared at him, knowing he was unworthy, holding Ruki who almost fait in his arms.
And the King talked, with a confident Takato has never show before
“Calm down mother,  I have my babies, it is time to go home”
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
If you could give Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori their own crests, what would they be?
This is a really tough one!  I do love that they “inherited” crests; the whole “these kids gets mentors” was so cute?  A great way to bring back the older kids in a meaningful way.  I personally think the 02 crew “had it together” in ways the original crew... kind of didn’t, lol!  But they did have a lot of benefits (ability to go home, Koushiro as an advisor, mentors, two members who already knew what was going on, etc).
I also really love the observation that Adventure emphasized individual development (finding and earning and internalizing their crest traits, evolution is triggered by understanding yourself) and 02 emphasized team development (jogress/evolution triggered by strong bonds between teammates, inheriting wisdom from the ones who came before).  So...  I guess I hate to mess with that?  But I do also see the appeal of giving them their own traits...
THIS GOT INCREDIBLY LONG, but it’s a really cool post, I think!  So please read on beneath the cut!
Honestly, I think miracles works pretty well?  I’ve heard people say that Daisuke just...  Does whatever he wants/follows his gut, and it tends to work out; ie he’s more “lucky” than “an effective leader.”  
Personally, I...  Truly admire Daisuke’s faith and optimism and just...  Just raw belief in everyone?  I have anxiety, so sometimes my brain loves to tell me that a thing I’ve done a million times with no problems will somehow explode in my face.  Can you imagine just...  Choosing to always believe, and acting like everything will be okay?  I don’t mean “sticking your head in the sand and going LALALA THIS IS FINE,” I mean taking action without hesitation, even when things are scary.
Like, yeah, maybe that’s not always valid IRL- you need to plan and be realistic and accept and reevaluate when your plan isn’t working- although I’d argue that Daisuke learned to do that over the course of the series (I remember him saying the team should rest at some point, and everyone was surprised that he didn’t want to press on, except Ken).
But I also maintain that Daisuke’s ability to believe in himself, his team, and just a general “things will be okay” is what creates success that almost seems... miraculous!
Also, I think he is suuuch a great meld of courage and friendship, because he pushes on when things are scary (courage) and is able to do so because he believes in everyone (friendship).
So, I’m thinking something like faith/confidence/trust.  And having listed some similar-ish words...
I’m going with trust.  
What incredible things you can do, when you believe in yourself, your team, and the future.
I’ve seen other people assign her the crest of “passion,” which I think is great!  
I think the thing about Miyako is that she’s, like...  Always on, always 150%, so dynamic and vibrant and just... her cup overflows with energy and... Miyako-ness.  
It’s clear to see how she relates to her “purity” side.  It took me a long time to understand what I think the crest of purity means, thanks to a lot of... ickiness around the word “pure” in western tradition, which is also why I am loathe to throw the word “innocence” into my definition.  Basically, I think the crest of purity means that Mimi and Miyako don’t dissemble/hide how they really feel.  You’re always getting their raw, honest truth.  And, because Mimi in particular is spoiled, she can come off as childish- which is where people like to throw in the word “innocent.”  
[The general selfishness of children is related to them not knowing yet that they aren’t the center of the world- psychologically; Freud would call it “being ruled by the id.”  It’s just a developmental stage, and doesn’t really indicate actual selfishness.  You know how Winnie the Pooh is a sweetheart, but can make things miserable for other people by just assuming he can help himself to everything?]
But Mimi also displays a child’s heart in terms of being kind and sweet and sensitive and wanting to help... and then swinging back towards the id at the drop of a dime, lol!
Like Mimi, Miyako is very comfortable giving her opinion and drawing attention to herself, and she doesn’t seem to be holding herself back...  But we do eventually see that things can weigh on her, and that she’s sometimes putting up a front when her energy actually isn’t at 150%.
I think the “love” part is a bit harder to pin down, but then...  The word “love” is incredibly vague, and means a million different things to different people, which is why I kind of hate discussing the crest of love!  I like to think of it as “the crest of compassion” to focus discussions; sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.  
It’s kind of funny to think of Miyako with the crest of love compared to Sora.  Sora tends to show love by watching over people, being kind and supportive and brave even when she’s struggling and hiding the signs of her struggle/dismissing her own struggles, doing things for others, often without even letting people know she did anything.
In comparison, Miyako shows compassion by being present for people she loves, telling them bluntly when they need to shape up (which, frankly, a lot of Digimon characters really need.  We need waaaaaay less staring into each other’s faces and never answering concerned questions and waaaaaaay more *slap* GET IT TOGETHER!  God, ilu Miyako), and being honest and open about how much she cares for them.
So yeah, passion!  
One of my favorite Chosen, this sweet good boy that I lovelovelovelove!
So one thing about Iori is that, while I can write big honkin’ analysis of how Daisuke and Miyako show their inherited crests...  Um, I think Iori is his own thing.  Like, I don’t... super get honesty and knowledge off of him.  I mean, the honesty thing, sure.  His Grandpa taught him not to lie, we had a whole ep based on that alone.  As for knowledge, yes, he wants to know the truth and get to the bottom of things.  
But...  Neither crest ever felt like a slam dunk for him?  Even though it’s easy to see how “honesty” and “knowledge” coalesce into “a desire for truth,” which is further illustrated in his career as a (presumably upright and truth-seeking) lawyer.  Like, it’s right there in front of your face, Hidden!
The thing that, to me, stands out about Iori most is that he’s grounded and centered.  Have you seen that post recently that explains how Daisuke tried, just one time, to treat Iori like a little kid (he says, “shut up, little brat”)?  And Iori- who is about three years younger than Daisuke, and much more withdrawn- politely but firmly replies, “Please don’t talk to me like that.”  
Iori is like...  He’s like eight, my dudes!  Rolling with a bunch of eleven-ish year olds!  He’s personal friends with Miyako, a twelve year old, before Adventure 02 even opens!  And we don’t often see him being doted on and protected like Takeru and Hikari were in the same situation.
YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?  The simple answer is that he’s mature, but I wanna say that he’s grounded, the ultimate earth sign type (I think Digmon is a pretty clear metaphor).  He doesn’t get flustered or swayed.  He knows where he is, where he stands, what he must do.  On the one hand, this makes him mature beyond his years, reliable, able to stand up for himself and be an equal team mate among kids who are older than him.
The downside is that “that which cannot bend must break.”  I’m sure you’ve read a zillion metas about how Iori sees in black-and-white originally and has trouble changing his world views and learning to forgive...  But he does all of those things, maturing further into possibly just... just...  Can you even imagine him as an adult?!  HE’S TOO POWERFUL.
So, if he were an Adventure character, I’d say that his crest is integrity, and he has to go through his adventure to learn what that really means for him- to develop from stubborn, black-and-white thinking to true integrity.
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firstagent · 7 years
do you still doing ranks? well can you rank who is the best dancer including Meiko and the 02 kids?
To elaborate a little on the criteria, this is less ballroom competition and more who looks the best at a typical high school or wedding dance with a variety of music combining slow formals, upbeat songs that can incorporate actual steps, and cutting loose to some modern EDM. That said, based on these rankings I’m now dying to see Ken doing a proper cha-cha with Hikari or Sora.
Hey, I remembered to include the 02 kids and Meiko on the first try this time!
Yamato (Smoothest operator in every category. Impeccable rhythm and rock star flair makes him a one-man show on the floor no matter what’s playing)
Hikari (Not a spectacle, but very practiced and skilled at dancing, plus not afraid to open up if the music hits her just right)
Ken (Daisuke has to drag him out to the floor for him to really open up on faster numbers, but in formal situations he’s a brilliant dancer and charming as hell)
Sora (Maybe not as seasoned as Hikari or Ken, but has the fitness to make up for it. Years of tennis means she knows how to get her body to do what she wants)
Iori (Disciplined and capable of processing complicated dance routines. Maybe not as thrilling to watch, but dancing with him is an intense thrill ride)
Meiko (Once you get her out there and feeling the beat, you’ll find a surprising combo of strong and graceful that suits certain dance styles to a tee)
Mimi (Not one to care much for appropriate steps, anything formal, or any dance that requires her to put down her drink, but her own improvised moves will look impressive enough to see her through)
Joe (Capable of tripping over himself, but get him out there and comfortable with the music and steps and nobody’s going to look more gentlemanly)
Miyako (Equally likely to nail the steps as she is to make an idiot of herself, she’ll be unmatched in terms of sheer energy)
Takeru (A sleek smile and mimicing whatever Yamato does will only get him so far. Easy to expose him as not knowing what he’s doing, but hard to say no to a dance with him all the same)
Koushiro (He’s going to study every dance style and dress to the nines, but expecting him to coordinate his steps to the rhythm and stay composed up next to a girl in a hot dress is too much to ask for)
Taichi (His dancing philosophy doesn’t believe in set moves or following the beat or not crashing into the couple dancing next to him)
Daisuke (One time he started wildly thrashing around, knocking over four people, a table, and a speaker. It was a waltz)
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