#(I've had these on my mind for awhile)
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imdoingjustgr8 · 4 months ago
exe in tmosth stuff in varying degrees of quality
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his role is the big chao band's director, and yes he's borrowing sonic's symphony suit 🫶
i swear i'll get to the doodle stuff during school break
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miimeeks · 6 months ago
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two sillies.
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heatherfield · 1 month ago
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Ah, Darling, read some more of Mr. Poe. He's so exciting. He certainly makes the blood rush to one's head!
The Addams Family (1964) + A Tell Tale Vlog [x]
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pagetbewbster · 1 year ago
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Criminal Minds 7x24 • If Morgan & Prentiss actually hooked up after JJ’s wedding
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anannoyanceofjackofsmiles · 1 month ago
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"Historically, the [bloody mary] divination ritual would encouraged young women holding a candle and a hand mirror in a dark room. As they gazed into the mirror, they would supposedly catch a glimpse of their future husband. But, there was a chance instead they'd see a skull or ghastly visage, signifying they were going to die before marrying." -Bloody Mary Folklore
So, during a VC one day me and @thevioletscout were talking and joked that Poor Edward would function Very nicely as a type of Urban Legend, Bloody Mary-esque character. I mean look at his name.
And during that same call (or around that time frame), roughly at the same time we had the idea of what fankids of Poor Edward would look like from our respective PCs. So. Here's Helen Wolff! And why, you may ask, is she doing a divination ritual...?
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Girl is getting hassled by suitors at 15-16 and is probably the Most aro-ace person in the entire Neath. So I joked for a long time she'd overheard rumors of a divination ritual to see her fate in marriage, and Celebrates when she thinks she sees a representation of death. Truly, the only time someone would actually be Happy seeing Poor Edward.
And no, she never learned about her mirror dad. Sawyer Wolff kind of ensured she'd never learn about him. But you can't avoid every mirror in London, now can you?
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weirdlybeans · 1 year ago
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CM x Halloween x Dead By Daylight crossover
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 2 months ago
Really sick and tired of theists and seemingly agnostic people (especially the ones i know) projecting their own insecurities regarding their beliefs onto me. Yes, I'm an atheist. No, I do not care what you believe so as long as those beliefs aren't harming yourself and others. Just live your god damn life and quit projecting your weird ass insecurities and anxieties onto me.
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post-punk-revival · 6 months ago
If I say "I'm taking a break until I have my PC back" but then you see me posting, it's not that I failed, it's just that I lied
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askthecmcs · 1 year ago
oh also coming someday soon probably this month or next month, me voicing over/comic dubbing everything from this blog 😏
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kiealer · 5 months ago
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thinkin' about.... an AU where enlil brought nasuen & gali with him to earth when he escaped the planet....... and how frankly that would shake up a lot..........
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leohtttbriar · 1 year ago
jake sisko is stronger than i am because if my dad chose to be a space-martyr-god in order to hear divine cosmic truth at the sacrifice of his own health and life and leaving-me-behind, i would probably never really forgive him. i'd hold on to that shit forever.
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chickenmcnuggies · 1 year ago
so turns out giant war wargs are pretty dangerous. a pack of ten just wiped out my fort of 100 :(
I had quite a bit off issue with ones that spawned in my caverns (groups of 1-3), them being able to take down several dwarves/monster slayers. though i could always take them out with my military.
extremely unfortunate about ending up with 10 of them in a single pack though, they're only supposed to spawn in groups of less than 4. I can try looking at their size/stats later thought, to try and make them a little less bullshit.
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babisawyer · 2 years ago
decided to not let the bullshit get me down 😤 🖕🏻
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madlori · 6 months ago
My ankle journey
I am sharing this with all you good people on the dash because I am so fucking mad it took so long for me to learn it and if I can spare one (1) person the agony it will be worth it.
So for like...oh, 8 or 9 months, I've been struggling with pain/inflammation/tendinitis in my left Achilles tendon. I don't know what caused it. It just started up (welcome to middle age, this shit happens). It wasn't severe enough to be debilitating, but it was annoying and limiting. It was also intermittent, in that some days it would be very painful and other days hardly at all. The kind of shoe I was wearing affected it a lot.
Now, I have bone spurs on both heels (it's just a thing that happens as you get older sometimes). I'm also aware that heel pain is usually the result of tight calf muscles that pull and irritate the tendon. I tried stretching that calf muscle. You know the stretch, this bitch right here:
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I did it all the time. I also iced the ankle after walking for awhile, hoping to avoid inflammation. Results were...unsatisfying.
I went to:
A chiropractor
A podiatrist
A physical therapist
A bodywork coach
They all gave me some variation on the "strengthen your calf muscle, stretch your calf muscle" advice. I continued doing this without results.
I was getting frustrated, and a little afraid that this was just my life now. Finally, I thought...maybe some targeted massage might help. I asked for rec on a local FB site and was pointed to a woman who specializes in therapeutic massage including cupping, etc.
I went to her a week ago.
She spent over half our first session working on my left lower leg. Within about 10 minutes of making my eyes water, she uttered the sentence I did not know I had been waiting to hear:
"Oh, it's your soleus."
Excuse me, what?
"It's your soleus that's the culprit. It's all tied up and stiff." She started digging into it and I felt literal sparks run up my leg as she released adhesions and got the muscle moving a little. When she finally put the leg down, it felt like it was on fire with all the blood rushing into it.
She said, "You'll need to stretch your soleus. It'll clear up, but it'll take a bit of time - tendons take ages to heal."
But I HAVE been stretching.
"No, you haven't. The usual straight-leg calf stretch only stretches the gastrocnemius, that's the big belly muscle in your calf. That's not your problem. That stretch doesn't stretch the soleus. Don't worry, I'll show you how to stretch it."
My mind is spinning.
So here are the muscles in question:
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The gastroc (as the pros call it) just attaches down the back but the soleus runs underneath it from the knee around the side to the heel. The lower part above the ankle is where it typically gets tight and forms adhesions.
To stretch it, you do the same calf thing where you put your foot back and press your heel to the ground, but you have to do it with your KNEE BENT:
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The bent knee keeps the gastroc from engaging. It's one of those selfish muscles (like traps) - if you give it an inch, it'll just take over and prevent other muscles from working or stretching. There are other ways to stretch the soleus but this is the easiest and you can literally do it anywhere. I've been doing it while standing and waiting for things (the elevator to come, the toast to toast). You just put the heel back and bend the knee. It's kind of like curtseying.
The minute I did this stretch, I could FEEL where it was pulling on my tendon. I knew that THIS had been the problem.
The massage therapist also told me to stop icing my heel. She said icing is for an acute injury, but a more chronic aggravation needs heat, to increase blood flow for healing. She recommended elevation with heat every day (I've been doing it in bed during "phone before bed" time).
I have been doing the soleus stretch at least half a dozen times a day for almost a week, and the ankle is at least 70% better. It is still a little tight and tender, but the improvement is significant. I think a few more weeks will have it feeling normal.
I am...blown away by this. This massage therapist was able to pinpoint an issue in only a few minutes that eluded all the other professionals I saw. I can't wait to go back to her and have her solve all my other problems, tbh.
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xstarlightsupremex · 1 year ago
There is so much about Rhysand's character that doesn't make sense tbh. Especially when it comes to his overwhelming power/authority in Pythian.
Rhysand is constantly framed as the character who does bad things for the right reasons. But what are the right reasons? Like you said, Rhysand wore a mask to protect only Velaris for centuries, but considering how Velaris was a well-kept secret from the start...what was the point?
Was it really all just to protect Velaris? Or to maintain an image of strength by projecting fear to other courts?
The book often mentions how Rhysand is seen as a threat by other High Lords. But in the books, we don't see much evidence of it. At the High Lords meeting, almost everyone (minus a few) seems to be on good terms with him despite everything. Kallius and Tarquin hold contempt for Rhysand based on his past (fair). Rhysand and Tamlin have a complicated history, and Beron is just hateful towards everyone.
So this ongoing narrative of how targeted Rhysand is for his power and influence has no backing in the story at all. It's his actions and past behaviour that have created most of his "enemies." And if Rhysand really was the most powerful High Lord seen in centuries...then his presence alone would afford him enough protection, and he wouldn't need to resort to wearing masks or other kinds of awful behaviour to ward away harm.
And there is that bit too. Rhysand is labeled the "most powerful highlord", as SJM likes to remind us every few pages. But when it really matters, he doesn't step up or stand out from the rest. Like you mentioned, if he was really as powerful as SJM tries to make us believe, then he should be able to defend his court with ease. But he falls short every time.
At the end of the second book, the "most powerful highlord in history" (along with his "powerful court") is easily overpowered by a few soldiers, Hybern, and human queens. They suffered heavy injuries and lost Feyre.
During the war, the 'most powerful highlord in history" doesn't volunteer to winnow multiple armies by himself and needs the combined strength of Feyre and Cressida to glamour said armies.
On the battlefield, the "most powerful highlord in history" doesn't take on the brunt force of the army on his own. He doesn't stand out from any other High Lord in terms of power or presence. We saw nothing new, or profound from him.
So what is the point of continuously labelling him as this overly strong individual if he isn't when it truly matters.
To make his character more interesting, he needs to face defeat and true consequences for his actions. It's a weakness not only in her writing but in his character to always come out on top, when he doesn't really deserve it. If SJM wrote that after the events in ACOMAF, Rhysand stops seeing himself as "the most powerful" and for once in his life has doubts. This would motivate him to either a) learn to trust and lean into others, rather than taking everything on his own, or b) regress and take even more risks + manipulate + lie leading to conflict internally and externally.
But instead, despite the losses, Rhysand remains as triumphant as ever. He still carries on as if he is the most powerful and strongest male in prythian. The resulting losses from Hypern does not leave him shaken or prompt any character growth. This is boring. This is also predictable.
Rhysand is by far the most stagnant character in this series, and the Rhysand that walked on page in Book one would undoubtedly remain the exact same Rhysand we see in the final chapters of the series.
S/N: I find it SO hypocritical for Rhysand to act as if he is the only one who can wear a mask, and play the villain for "the right reasons." Eris does the same thing, and he faces so much judgement from Rhysand/Night court? I'm not saying Eris is innocent and hasn't made mistakes...but Rhysand is in the exact same boat lol. Literally pot meet kettle.
Don't even get me started on Cassian's little "you could be good if you tried" speech. The IC constant holier-than-thou charade gets more annoying day by day.
If you think about it, Rhysand wearing a mask to protect only Velaris doesn't even make sense. While UTM, sure, but everybody thinks so badly of the Night Court that it must have been going on for way beyond that. What was the point of that??? The other courts lived in perfect harmony with each other. Rhysand supposedly possesses far more power than the other High Lords anyway, so he would be able to protect his court from invasion quite easily. There's no need to separate the CoN and Illyria from Velaris if you just properly enforce laws. And if you think about it, guys like Tamlin (and Tarquin) who believe in the freedom of all, would 100% help him get rid of all the oppression and misogyny that occurs in the Night Court. The cut wing problem could be resolved through Nuan, a brilliant technician who made herself a metal arm and a certain redhead a metal eye. What do Tamlin and Nuan have in common? Yes, Lucien. He could've solved all of the Night Court problems in one swipe. With Eris, he often has to wear a mask to survive an abusive tyrant. Rhysand though? He IS the abusive tyrant. There's no mask, it's just who he is. I think SJM tried to recreate Hades not just in a romantic trope but as a character. He rules over the dead and he's shit on by Zeus and Poseidon. So the Night Court is supposed to represent...the underworld? And Velaris is supposed to represent Elysium while the CoN is supposed to represent the Fields of Punishment. Which is really disturbing when you think about how many innocent people must be stuck in the CoN. So Sjm failed to create Hades vibes because people are sorted out fairly in the Underworld based on their misdeeds. Also, Hades didn't pretend to be a super nice guy lol. I mean there's many problems with the Hades-Persephone trope too but I actually think that their relationship is healthier than feysand's at this point.
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connorsui · 6 months ago
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Sylus x reader - imagine
"A Month Without You"
You lay beside him, tracing the veins on his arm, feeling the gentle pulse beneath your finger tips as you hit his wrist.
"One ...two... three," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sylus shifted sliently, his red eyes watching you with mild curiosity. "What are you doing?" He asked, voice deep and smooth, like a dark melody.
"Shh! Stay still," you replied. Barely glancing up at him. "One...Two...three" you traced further down his arm, eyes focused on the way the veins looked under your touch.
A soft chuckle rumbled from his chest. "Sweetheart," He began, amusement dancing in his voice. "When you said you wanted to spend time with me, this isn't exactly what I had in mind."
You smirked but didn't stop tracing. "Oh, calling you to come to bed with me half naked with the blinds closed and the room dark and Netflix being on the tv is supposed to say something?"
Sylus laughed, the sound low and rich, causing a flutter in your chest. "Cmon, don't do this to me... you know I've been gone too long. Being without you has caused me to lose myself every night"
You bluffed. Rolling your eyes playfully. "I doubt it. I bet you liked being without me for awhile---some alone time to yourself, hmm?"
He sighted dramatically, catching your hand and holding it still. "Every night ..when I was stuck inside that colorless room filled with nothing but luxury, chandeliers and a colder bed …I swore to myself ..is this what hell feels like?"
You let out a soft laugh, leaning in closer to your head against his chest. "Yeah, well..." You murmured, your voice softening. "I'm glad you're back, I missed you after all"
He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you against him until you were pressed firmly against his chest. "Being without you for a month is something I do not want to do again" l. His voice was quiet now, a rare softness in his tone as he pulled you fully to him. His hands resting on your back. "But I'll admit," he continued. "Those videos you sent me late at night? They were the highlight of my day"
Your face flushed at the countless memories; you lifted your head to look at him in disbelief. "Don't tell me you saved those!?"
His smirk widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't worry darling ..I didn't" he teased, his fingers brushing along your back in lazy circles. "But I couldn't help myself ...I watched them over and over again. Just to imagine you losing yourself to my fingers instead"
"Sylus!" You gasped. Your face heating up even more. Before you could protest, he pulled you on top of him, your legs straddling his waist. His grin only deepened as he gazed upon you, his hands resting firmly on your hips.
"Now," he said. Voice dripping to a low, dark whisper. "I want to recreate every last video you sent me." He reached up, his fingers brushing lightly against the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "So, first thing first, can you turn around for me?"
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