#(I swear it was entirely a coincidence that this ended up posting now!)
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ddejavvu · 7 months
a major obi-wan thought on my bedtime rotation is the idea of sparring with him like that scene from miss congeniality WOAHHH another would be the interrogation with reader being a potential spy idk maybe i just find interrogations sexy.. and u cant go wrong with the classic mean obi wan taming a brat reader whose perhaps his padawan or an unruly senator under his protection ELITEEE
if you want sparring with obi-wan, you can check out my fic betrayal, that was meant to be a quick and dirty 200 words and ended up being a 17K porn novel <3 i totally agree with you on the interrogation front, i swear with the way he holds eye contact with jango in aotc i'm surprised the guy's pants didn't drop of their own accord. all that to say i've chosen the senator plotline <3
this post is 18+, minors dni.
You're not entirely sure how the Force works, but you're willing to bet that it opened its big fat mouth and told your overzealous security guard that you were trying to escape. You made sure to be deadly silent, and you'd blocked the cameras set up to monitor your bedroom, so you know he hadn't seen or heard you. Nevertheless, he stands in your bedroom doorway looking very unimpressed by the one leg you've managed to weasel through your window.
"Tell me, Senator," He calls, voice purposefully casual, like you're not bisected by a pane of glass, "Are you trying to kill yourself so that no one else gets the chance?"
"I'm not going to die." You insist, moving further still out of the window, "I'm going to take a walk."
"How many stories up are we? Two hundred?" Master Kenobi asks, this time stepping forwards into your room. He approaches your window but doesn't grab you, merely staring down at the very long distance between you and the ground.
"One-hundred-and-eight." You grunt, your strength waning the more you hang from the ledge of your window. He notices the strain in your voice, but prolongs your suffering with a thoughtful nod.
"Yes, right. I think that's a wonderful coincidence, then, seeing as how that's the number of bones you're going to break if you fall."
"I'm not going to- fall-!" You gasp at the feeling of your foot slipping against the balcony below you, but you're actually thankful for the Force now that it fuels Obi-Wan's quick reflexes. He dives to catch you, and hauls you up by only one of his hands gripping your bicep. It hurts, but you suppose he was right; it would have hurt a lot more to fall.
You're set on your feet with the expression of a tooka caught shredding its owners bedspread, but Obi-Wan meets your surly pout with an unimpressed look of his own. You're safely on the floor of your apartment, but his hand remains curled around your upper arm.
"I didn't think I needed to specify to you that staying 'out of reach' of your assassins did not mean dangling above them like a strung-up target."
"I was going to take a walk in the city," You repeat, teeth gritted, "I was going to keep my hood up, and I was going to blend in with the crowd."
"An excellent plan, truly," Obi-Wan indulges you, "I'm sure the seasoned bounty hunters that are poised to shoot you on sight would have been fooled by a cloth draped over your hair."
"I'm going crazy in here! I have to get out, I have to do something!" You gush, attempting to tear your arm out of Obi-Wan's grip. He doesn't let go, though, and he muscles it back to your side with a fleeting glint of fury in his eyes that you hadn't thought a Jedi was capable of. He walks forwards, and by extension, you walk backwards until your knees hit the frame of your bed and you're pushed down onto the mattress.
"Senator," He starts, keeping his voice tightly wound as he now looms over you, "I have a duty to protect you, but you have a duty to your own life as well. And I will not see you risk it by hanging yourself off of a skyscraper for something as menial as a stroll in the city! If you'd like to walk, you may walk into the closet and get yourself changed into your nightclothes, because the only thing you'll be doing this late at night is sleeping."
"You're not my daddy," You sneer at the man, his audacity setting something in your chest aflame, "You can't tell me what to do. I'm not going to sleep."
"I find your impression of a petulant toddler truly amusing, Senator," Obi-Wan deflects your persistent attempts at boiling him over, "But as you have a hearing to attend tomorrow, I suggest you take my advice and turn in for the night."
You bite the inside of your cheek so hard you're surprised it doesn't split beneath your teeth. He's right. You have a hearing tomorrow, and you're really only protesting sleep because he's asking you to do it. Perhaps.. perhaps that is below your station.
"Go," Obi-Wan's eyes flicker towards your dark closet, "But I would like you to leave the door open, please."
"What?" You rear your head back indignantly, any succession you'd decided on now gone as you process his request, "I'm not letting you watch me change, you freak!"
"I assure you I will not be watching," Obi-Wan lets go of your bicep, leaving a stinging ring around your skin in his wake, "But should there be any climb-able windows or secret exits in your closet that I'm not yet aware of, I don't want to be slowed down by a lock in my attempts to rescue you from your own foolishness."
"You're crazy. I'm telling the Jedi Council about this." You vow, storming off to your closet and tucking yourself into the walk-in portion so that your bodyguard can't see you as you strip down.
"You're more than welcome to, Senator. I suggest, though, that you be truthful with them about your attempts to fall from the two-hundredth-story of this building, otherwise you're going to make me look rather perverted."
"It's the 108th floor!" You snap, any patience you'd possessed throughout your encounter with Kenobi flooding out of you. It heats your skin, blazes it warm, which is perhaps why you've forgotten you're no longer clothed when you whirl around to correct the man to his face.
You're standing in the doorway of your closet now, very angry and very naked. Master Kenobi's eyes stay politely locked on your own, but one of his eyebrows raises, and a corner of his lips twitch in a barely-concealed smirk.
"Senator, if I were you," He drawls, his gaze heavy upon you despite being fixed on only your eyes, "I wouldn't tell the Council that you're giving me a strip show."
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adh-d2 · 5 months
It's not so much that I needed Tech to be alive.
I wanted Tech to live, but I grieved his character when he died.
Then the hints started coming. The narrative focus shifted to this mysterious new character and signaled that he was important somehow. The theories started spreading. Week after week the 'camera' lingered on long, slow shots of a helmet that wouldn't come off.
So yeah, I stopped grieving. The longer it went on the more convinced I became that this must be Tech, because clearly it was someone important. Otherwise it would just be poor writing. This show isn't written poorly.
Case-in-point, what a beautiful finale. My heart was in my throat the entire time. I cried. I loved it. Taken on its own, I'd go so far as to say it was perfect.
Except for the fact that the CX plotline came to nothing. Seriously. We've followed it all season, and it came to nothing? I'm not even clear on what happened. There were more of them. They were kind of an anti-Bad-Batch? Except not really? There was a big one that pulled Wrecker's signature move. There was one with knives. They were regs? I think? One lost its helmet in a background shot so I guess we can conclude they were all regs. With different builds. And different accents. I suppose it doesn't matter, since they all died after a few minutes of screentime having meant nothing to the protagonists. They were a boss fight. The plot marches on.
It's entirely possible I got too caught up in the speculation. Maybe when I look back on all the posts I wrote and liked and reblogged it will be obvious that we were reaching. But right now from here in the thick of it, I swear there's so much to see! Do you mean to tell me they really didn't notice it in the writers room? That it was all a complete coincidence?
Would it have been better if someone on the creative team had just come out and confirmed that Tech wasn't coming back? I don't know. I don't think they were obligated to. But when a good 50% of the discourse about your show ending is speculation on this particular CX character, and the answer isn't even a different plot twist, but that the character means nothing at all...well, you can see how the team could have avoided some disappointment.
Maybe this is a bad take. I don't know how I feel. I wish I could have enjoyed the finale without having to grieve again for a character we'd already lost.
For now I'll end by saying that I loved this show and I can't wait to rewatch it someday on its own merit, without the spectre of 'is-it-could-it-be-no-please-let-it-be' clouding my judgement.
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togament · 4 months
Hi Bibi, i just want to say you’re doing amazing and your post are literally ADDICTING. I was a little worried because I didn’t know if Wind Breaker would get a lot of attention on Tumblr yk? (Just because it’s new) AND YOU CAME AND SAVED ME. I love you, your brain, and your page. Please keep going and I WOULD LOVE to hear your thoughts on new episodes/chapters (only if you want). Thank you for feeding my delulu brain. Hugs 🫂
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thank you for the kind words dhdjkd i don’t know if i’m worthy of such praise too like—everyone leaving cute (and unhinged ofc) stuff in the tags and in my inbox gets me all giddy and blushy and!!!!!! Seeing you guys enjoying my stupid ramblings means the absolute world to me (i see you guys in the tags and i read every single one. Love you you freaks 😏) fun fact, I only started writing fics on this account and only for windbreaker so all the interactions and thirsty feedback I get genuinely, genuinely makes my heart do the boom boom. So smooches to every one of you!!!!!! (only if you want them. you could exchange it for a headpat if you want ig)
ok enough of the sappy stuff. WINDBREAKER TIME!
windbreaker blowing up on tumblr is so so so well deserved. i was genuinely shocked because it took a little bit for the hype to catch on???? the seiyuus are literal legends (in my eyes hehe), the animation’s SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HELLO!??, the op and ending song aren’t ass??????? I’m super excited for what’s to come for our fandom and the anime. ALSO fun fact, I have the fattest crush on Umehara Yuichiro so him voicing Togame literally brought me to my god damn knees, bro. I’m expecting Eguchi Takuya to secure a character too bc ofjfkdkd his voice would be perfect for a villain.
also may or may not have picked windbreaker up bc I saw a character named Kiryu and an eyepatched character and I 😮👈😮👈 YAKUZA REFERENCE!!!!! (probably not but the coincidence is silly to me)
I’m not super caught up on the anime (on episode 7 atm!) I wanna savor every episode and binge them back to back (also bc my hubby’s got so much screentime I wanna savor that him EVEN MORE YUM YUM YUMMY). Caught up on the manga though and I Have Thoughts.
(spoilers under the cut)
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the endo fight’s scaring me, man. also super fucking worried about ume bc WE HAVEN’T SEEN HIM FOR SO LONG??? the chair throw spooked me. also worried about ume’s vegetable garden. I know it’s getting trampled to shit. also very worried about sakura. he’s getting all banged up by endo, his nose is probably broken now wtf he was bleeding SO MUCH.
chika’s scary too. both him and endo. i honestly don’t know what’s gonna happen next like, they’re both so unpredictable and unhinged that my butthole’s clenching in sheer terror.
I’m also very concerned about suo. WHY HAVE WE NOT SEEN HIM EATING (or maybe I’ve missed a panel lol) but with every food offer he’s ever been given, he turns them down. also the fact that we only know him on a surface’s surface level even when he’s one of the main boys is scaring me. we’re 140+ chapters deep and not one single suo morsel for us to nibble on. I don’t want a betrayal thing happening ok lol that would be my tipping point i fear.
if you guys want me to yap about a chapter or an episode or potential seiyuus for other characters or if you just want my thoughts on things (i am a Certified Yapper), i am directing you to the askbox! This was super fun!! Extremely forgetful too so this could help me remember all the stuff that’s happened so far.
thank you so much again for sending over an askkskfnnxnx heaven knows i needed a little pick me up today. you delivered and made my entire day, sweetheart!!!!! Ily!!!!!!! 🥹
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looniecartooni · 1 year
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tell me MORE (/np)
Oh ho ho boy- where to start? This may get a bit wonky and I might sound a bit crazy.
Okay- so... first off Fanto and Dimitri are a lot alike. They both put on a killer show and crave attention and they both technically can not tell a lie (Dimitri's tail speaks his thoughts, Fantoccio was just said to have it by Katie- I'm not entirely sure why. Could have to do with Pinocchio or how Autistic people or honest or something else). And at a glance, they kind of have some visual similarities. For instance- they both have yellow eyes and a tannish- pallet.
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Perhaps it's just an odd coincidence, but it's also been said at some point that Fanto was built to be like his creator. Someone with a flair for the dramatic who can't tell a lie? Seems pretty likely.
Now there are some definite issues revolving around this. We don't know enough about Dimitri to confirm or deny this. He certainly would be old enough to be Fantoccio's dad possibly as he knew Arthur and Aristotle. But this also suggests that at some point Dimitri owned a theater, knows how to carve puppets, can bring them to life, and is possibly Autistic. However, if he was Fanto's dad and owned a theater, why would he bother pretending to be a hero? Why would he use the gem to bring one or possibly more puppets to life? Wouldn't he be exhausted and busy?
I don't think Arthur and/or Aristotle would have created him though nor would I think they'd give up on him if they accidently left him (Ari might- thinking he's dead- but even still). Billie would have been already a couple months old when Fanto got stuck in the theater. Ari and/or Arthur just leaving behind what would essentially be their child, who as far as we know has very little to know knowledge about Billie. The timelines and character on that stuff seems odd. They also don't scream "theater kid" or "parent of a theater kid" as much as Dimitri.
I also keep just seeing other random things that make me just think it's a possibility even if it's not there. For example, "Dimitri" means "Follower of Demeter". Demeter is the Greek goddess of spring time who after losing her daughter Persephone to Hades caused the seasons to get cooler and does that every six months when her daughter returns to the underworld. Am I thinking too deeply into Dimitri's name to prove my point? Probably. Does Dimitri's name imply he could be a father in mourning after his child was trapped in the magic city? Does Dimitri care enough to make a child or worry about a child if he can't reach them? I don't know! All I know is he sets buildings on fire then acts like he's a hero to save people. Why does he do that? I don't know! Is it a coincidence that his name has to do with plants and trees and Fanto is technically a tree man? I believe yes, but I could list several characters named Dimitri that have nothing to do with plants or kids.
But in my heart- I feel like it makes the most sense. The devs are telling us barely anything about Dimitri purposely (supposedly the story might unravel, but that could be a joke) and Aristotle said that the gems were being used for evil (although that could be rewritten at this point). Dimitri is said to be an antagonist- so what if he was the last person to be seen with the yellow gem?
This theory feels a bit forced, but I swear, this feeling is hard to shake off. Only true confirmation I think I'll get is if we wait for the game to come out, be shocked and upset that it's Aristotle (that'll just be mega sad no matter how the chapter ends) or some third random person. If it turns out Dimitri's the missing dad who had a kid 7 years before Arthur (possibly more- I don't know if Dossylmeyer who has only been mentioned twice is even in the game), then I will be over the moon. If you read this whole thing, here are some pancakes 🥞Thank you for listening to my theory. I was going to make a more official post, but this can do for now. You also get this random image:
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I might make an official venn diagram and stuff later when and if I do get information.
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heavenlycloud · 1 year
the veil~ ღཾཿ༉ ༘჻ღཾཿ჻
four: you think i’m cute ‧₊˚ ⋅ ༘☆*.゚
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warnings: swearing, crying
pairing: huh yunjin x aespa 5th member! fem reader
summary: to be in the same place at the same time looking for the same thing is one hell of a coincidence. you both hope to find one another and the mutual ties of friendship may guide your way. so close to finding one another, just hope you don’t fall short and miss the opportunity.
author notes: its been SO long since my last update because i was traveling, in classes, now working, AND my laptop FUCKING BROKE ON ME???? so i managed to throw this chapter together using my phone and a glitchy ass version of google docs. there’s probably spelling errors i didn’t catch so sorry in advance!
this chapter might seem messy and not cohesive with the way it starts and ends but it’s because this chapter did get extremely long so due to that + mobile only letting me post 10 photos at a time—i have to split the chapter into two which will be posted soon as the next update. tag list is still open for those of you all who want to be added in, just comment or drop an ask in my inbox! lastly, feedback, comments, reblogs, questions, literally anything but hateful speech is welcome and very much appreciated!
̟ ̇ ˖ಎ˚˖࿔ masterlist 𓂅୨⊹ ₊˚๑
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you jolted awake when you heard the front door to your dorm slam shut followed by muffled sobs and hurried steps to the bathroom. sleep clouded your thoughts and you tried to figure out what was going on elsewhere in the dorm when you went to move your laptop off your bed. you glanced over and noticed you were alone on the video call, and your match was gone. at first you were disappointed and part of you had clung onto the delusion that she’d stay on the call until you woke up. however, that feeling of disappointment was replaced with full blown panic when you saw your camera was turned on when you were 99.99% sure you’d left it off. the only thing keeping you from completely losing your shit was despite the camera being on, your image was blurred by default of the app settings. but, that in no way guaranteed that your identity remained unknown. the screen blur worked when people were sitting a considerable distance from their camera, not a few inches away like you had when you fell asleep. even after you hung up, you racked your brain trying to think about what you could do until you heard a quiet knock at your door.
aeri slipped into your room with tearstained cheeks and swollen eyes as she stood in front of you like a lost puppy. her entire body trembled and her breathing became erratic while she looked down with unfocused eyes. you asked in a serious tone, “are you hurt?” aeri shook her head and you pulled back your blankets and made room for her beneath the covers. she slipped in beside you and you brushed back a piece of hair that fell into her face. the scent of her coconut-apricot shampoo and herbal body wash watered down the lingering odor of alcohol that clung onto her words. there was a small silence before aeri sniffled, “why do i feel like such shit? i thought i would be over all of this by now but i feel the fucking same.” you frowned and ran a hand over her hair before replying softly, “gigi, it’s only been four weeks. you were with him for two years, it’s gonna take time.” you debated on adding on more, but you knew she’d have to hear the truth eventually, “and i know you don’t want to hear it but….running off to other boys and getting white girl wasted isn’t helping much either you know?” she sighed into your shoulder and admitted, “yeah yeah i know but i don’t know what else to do.” you pulled away and looked aeri in the eyes, “you have all of us here, and you can reach back out to your therapist. remember that you have people around you that are here and want to help you when you need it okay?” she nodded slowly and rested her head back on your shoulder before humming, “i will, i promise this time. but right now, i just wanna sleep okay?” you smiled weakly and pressed a kiss to your member’s head, “of course.”
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in the morning you found minjeong sitting alone in the kitchen poking at a bowl of fruit she’d cut up earlier that morning. she looked up and made eye contact with you before looking back down silently. you knew the reason for her being upset so you didn’t bother asking because it’d really only rub salt into the wound. instead, you tried to lighten the mood with another question, “are you excited for the Gucci Cruise Show tonight?” minjeong cracked a smile and responded, “elizabeth olsen is coming and IU sunbaenim! i’m gonna try to get pictures with them if i can.” you gave her a look and she scoffed, “i’m serious this time, i’m not gonna just stare at them from afar. ningning and aeri unnie are rubbing off their extrovert energy on me, i can feel it already.” you shook your head and laughed, “so i’m not going to get a call from you 10 minutes into the after party begging for me to bullshit up an excuse to our manager so you can leave?” minjeong’s face dropped and she glared at you, “shut up.” you threw your head back with laughter and she changed the subject, “how was your date last night? has she talked to you since then?” she saw how you suddenly stiffened at the mention of your match and awaited your reply nervously, “i think she knows who i am.”
aeri walked into the kitchen and sleepily rubbed her eyes, “who knows who you are?” she moved to sit on your lap but shot up when minjeong answered, “her match.” aeri already had her phone out with ningning on FaceTime so you could explain to them both: “i was watching the movies with her last night and it got super late and i guess i dozed off at some point. when i fell asleep my camera was off but when i woke up it was on. the screen blur was on but i was super close to the camera so like i don’t know if she could tell it was me…and i’m starting to think she knows because she hasn’t texted me at all this morning and usually she’s up now.”
ningning tried to offer a consolation, “well your hair isn’t a vibrant color right now and your lights were off so if she saw anything it probably wasn’t much.” aeri chimed in, “yeah and she might have had an early practice this morning and hasn’t had a chance to text you.” minjeong nodded in agreement and told you, “they’re right. it’s probably nothing to worry about.” you sank back into your chair again and picked at your cuticles as you let your mind wander to a world of negative ‘what ifs’. ningning snapped her fingers in front of your face and placed her hand over yours, “hey! stop that. everything is going to be fine so stop letting yourself worry about this girl. instead think about how you might see her tonight at the party.”
minjeong perked up and asked, “what party?” jimin emerged from the hallway while she answered, “it’s choi jisu’s birthday party. every year she has this massive celebration for her birthday.” aeri clapped her hands in excitement and continued, “there’s always a cool theme to go with it. last year it was Starry Night and she hosted it in a literal planetarium! this year’s theme is Masquerade Ball. it’s admission by invitation only and this year we’ve been invited AND management is actually letting us go!” the younger singer furrowed her brows and asked, “for an event so exclusive why is she inviting us when we’ve only met her in passing?” ningning chimed in, “when y/n and i were trainees jisu was also training here with us.” you pointed to her then added, “yeah jisu and i were close back then. it was only a few months because she left SM and we lost touch after that…but like i said we were close.” minjeong stared at you suspiciously and asked, “how close?” aeri snorted and slapped ningning’s arm as the two doubled over laughing. you whined, “not like THAT WINNIE OH MY GOD?!” the latter shrugged and plainly said, “hey i never know…people get around.” her gaze fell to jimin for a millisecond then to the floor as if she never said anything. ningning coughed awkwardly then blurted out, “okay well i uh…i have a thing.” the rest of you all scattered as well to go about your mornings before you had to start getting ready for the big night.
all you wanted to do this morning and afternoon was focus on the upcoming party, but you had to practice. you dragged your feet against the floor of the company building hallways until you reached your destination. music was already playing in the practice room when you opened the door and a blonde woman called out to you, “you’re late.” you turned to check the time on the wall clock just to see it’d been unplugged. instead you made a move to check your phone but the woman swiped it out of your hand before you got the chance to look at it. she playfully mocked the sassy retort you always gave her, “by two minutes.” when you scoffed in feign offense she reminded you, “which still means you’re late. get warmed up, i have to make a few calls.” the older woman walked out of the studio and you did as you were told, starting with some stretches to warm up your muscles.
four hours passed and it was just around lunchtime when you finished the main part of practice. you spun in a circle before falling to the floor in a dramatic dip earning a laugh from your mentor. she stared at you from above and shook her head in amusement before holding her hand out to help you up. when you held out a finger for her to give you a moment, she instead joined you on the floor. your chest slowly stopped heaving but the burning ache in your abdominal muscles remained. you rolled onto your stomach and let your face rest on your forearms with your eyes closed. the older woman patted your behind and praised you warmly, “you did really well today. i can see you’ve been working hard.” for a few moments you both sat in silence as she let you catch your breath before moving to stand up. you followed behind her and hesitated before asking, “wait- hyoyeon unnie….can i ask you something?” your mentor turned around and answered, “what’s wrong, babydoll?” the old nickname she gave you years ago slipped off her lips effortlessly bringing you a sense of security that washed away your nerves.
you tugged at the fabric of your pants and a smile grew on hyoyeon’s face, she loved when you got shy and embarrassed over things because it meant she could tease you about it later. slowly you asked, “can you teach me how to dance? you know how they do in the princess movies? like ballroom dance?” the older woman put her bag back down and clarified, “a waltz?” when you nodded eagerly and excitedly followed her back to the center of the room she laughed. she showed you the moves and explained them simply as you started to get the hang of it within a few short minutes. when she added music to it she started asking more questions, “why do you suddenly need to know this?” you followed her lead and answered as you both moved, “there’s a party tonight and the theme is Masquerade Ball…i just wanna know in case.” hyoyeon could see the way you were trying to hide your smile as you clearly pictured she was someone else. your mentor then prompted, “so it’s not in case you happen to dance with a certain someone?” you shook your head in refusal but she could see right through your lies, yet she didn’t question you. you told her about your outfit for the evening and how your members, minus minjeong, we’re going together as well.
when you both finished dancing to the song, she picked up your phone and handed it back to you. hyoyeon pulled you into a hug, “good work today, babydoll. have fun this evening and take pictures, okay.” you nodded and headed down opposite directions of the hallways as she tacked on, “good luck with your dance, im sure you’ll charm your princess.” you whipped around just to see her smiling at you as she shot a wink over her shoulder. she pointed to her phone then walked around the corner leaving you stunned to a silence. you realized what she meant and checked your lock screen which had numerous notifications that read: Lyra 🪐
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“god- soobin wait! shit fuck- i can’t breathe take it out! somi save me!” yunjin rasped out as her best friend squeezed the last breath out of her lungs while tying up the back of her gown. he let the ribbons go and threw his hands in the air, “somi you’re up. my hands are cramping from the last four times i did it..” somi huffed, “you’re being dramatic. jen come here.” she walked over to her and took a deep breath before yanking the ribbons to the back of the ball gown and tying it tightly. she patted yunjin on the shoulder, “see not so bad right?” yunjin coughed dramatically and winced, “i think you broke one of my ribs…” somi beamed “then i did it right. come on the car is downstairs.” kazuha, chaeyoung, and chloe were already waiting in another room for the other three and the six made their way down to the garage.
chloe gathered more handfuls of her dress’ lilac tulle topped with lavender and silver flowers as she walked and tried not to stumble over her own feet. she asked while looking around for somi’s car, “somi, remind me again how you expect to fit all of us in your car?” the blonde simply pointed to two black Cadillac Escalade trucks, “i got drivers.” the five friends looked at each other with shared glances before remembering this was their best friend they were talking about. chaeyoung helped kazuha into the truck first, picking up her forest green dress so not to ruin it. chloe followed behind her then chaeyoung filled in last, adjusting her navy blue blazer that was lined with silver hearts around the cuffs and trim. from the front seat, keeho turned around, “we waited down here for like an hour.” the girls rolled their eyes and ignored him, insisting that the music be turned up louder instead. meanwhile, soobin was busy helping somi and yunjin into the truck. yunjin went in first and somi followed in suit. her bubblegum pink gown took up a seat and a half, some of the tulle spilling onto beomhan’s lap when he sat behind her. soobin sat in the passengers seat before letting the driver know that everyone was here and they were ready to go.
“who did you invite tonight?” yunjin asked as she watched cars go by in the other street lanes. somi, who was in charge of jisu’s guest list, replied easily, “everyone in jisu’s address book…more or less.” yunjin asked in a more serious tone, “hold on, you didn’t invite jimin did you?” somi looked confused as she slowly answered, “yeah, why?” everyone in the car collectively started speaking over one another causing somi to raise her voice, “STOP YELLING AT ME AND TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!” beomhan lowered his voice as he told her, “she has a thing with ryujin while ryujin also has a thing with jisu. and before you ask yes jisu also has a thing with yeji. i don’t even know what it is honestly. the whole dynamic is a little weird she said. but apparently yeji and jisu are cool and they have their own little…thing. jisu also has a thing with ryujin too though and yeji knows obviously they like live together. but jisu says that she doesn’t really care who else ryujin wants to be with because they aren’t an exclusive thing, right. but then when someone tries to talk to jisu, ryujin gets all territorial, even when it’s yeji sometimes. she said ryujin will act like she’s only hers and her feelings get all hurt when jisu reminds her that they aren’t really a thing. and then in the same breath ryujin turns around with karina and acts like she didn’t even want jisu to begin with. i dunno it’s all just messy.”
yunjin frowned and asked curiously, “i thought karina had a thing with chaewon?” somi added on with a confused look too, “i thought she was messing around with winter?” beomhan pursed his lips as he explained further, “technically you’re both right. karina just has girls she messes with but nothing exclusive. ever since she and ryujin broke up a few months back she’s just been friends with benefits with a couple different people…including ryujin. i’m pretty sure all of them know they’re not the only ones she’s seeing.” soobin offered from the front seat, “well ryujin won’t be there tonight. she has that Gucci event. so even if karina does show up, ryujin wont be around to entertain her.” yunjin added with a shrug, “neither will chaewon.” the rest of the car ride everyone noticed yunjin in her own little world, completely ignoring when taylor swift came on the shuffle.
somi waved her hand in front of yunjin’s face, “jen? hellooooo???” the american singer then snapped out of her trance, “what? my bad what happened?” soobin pointed to the radio and said, “you didn’t sing to the past three taylor songs. are you okay? what are you thinking about?” she tried to play it off but even with the mask over her face it couldn’t hide the smile that pulled at her lips. beomhan glanced at her phone and noticed her Veil app open then he giggled, “she’s talking to her match.” the rest of her friends cooed and teased her before getting her to admit, “jasmine said she’ll be at the party.” somi gasped then questioned, “do you know what she’s wearing?” yunjin shook her head, “nope. she barely even told me she was coming.” soobin asked just as the car pulled into the lot, “do you know if she’s here yet?” yunjin once again refused, “nope.” all of them adjusted their masks over their eyes and secured the ribbons on the backs of their heads before heading into the building to find the massive ballroom. while the ballroom was on everyone else’s mind, all that was on yunjin’s was finding you.
⚠️‼️extra tweets and messages (important) ‼️⚠️
♡‧₊˚˘͈ᵕ˘͈‎ 彡♡ ༘*.゚ .·:¨༺ ʚ♡ɞ༻¨*:·.﹢࿐ ☆
authors notes: since i’m posting on mobile (my laptop is still being repaired) i can’t post all the messages and tweets id usually do for a chapter. that being said i can’t post the FULL chapter until i get my laptop back. HOWEVER i think it’ll be ready for pickup tomorrow. but cuz i’m working and i have a hectic week ahead i don’t wanna deprive you all of what i do have ready. and idk if i’ll be able to post again tomorrow even tho i’ll have my laptop back ☹️ so just know something big is coming and it is ready to be posted, i just need to get back on desktop! thank you all for being so patient and understanding i know i’ve been breaking promises with my updating schedule since may 😭 but thank you for sticking with me!
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the-epic-hiram-lows · 2 months
i would LOVE director's commentary on your favorite moodboard(s)
OMG, you just gave me license to be so pretentious, anon. Thank you. I will try to make this DVD commentary as entertaining and insightful as possible.
These will be very long, so I will do one per post. Let's go in chronological order.
Penelope Blossom
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For clarity, I will go L-R from each row, starting at the top.
I had about 5-6 glove options, but they all came off too garish. I mostly settled on this one because of the unsettling normalcy of the backdrop. While Penelope is a gothic heroine, her type of evil lurks in the most mundane of places.
I swear I have a clear image of Penelope playing a piano. If not canon, it feels right. That was the cherry on top of this sundae. I searched far and wide for the right traumacore image with this theme. Lots of options were too specific. I am so happy I found this one, which is nearly the exact quote I searched for, and had a red theme.
I hate that I chose this, and keep kicking myself for doing two wardrobe-based pictures in the same row, though a good 45% of me thinks that their existing on the same row evokes a story, and makes it look intentional. Also, this is Dolce.
This one came up while searching for an entirely different Penelope-related picture. I think it is the first one I found. It felt like such a happy coincidence I didn't bother searching for anything similar. The shoe was already red, which really makes it seem fated that it showed up in a completely unrelated search. I love that it feels distinctly 80s. Not only is that the era of Penelope's origin story, but it shows Penelope's range. Who else can effortlessly flow from 80s pulp to gothic Victorian?
I spent at least a full hour trying to find the perfect photo of old Hollywood hair to crop. It didn't even have to be red. Nothing worked. I must have searched 10 terms. I even resorted to Google. Finally, I just searched 'hair extension' in hopes of an extreme close up. I ended up falling in love with the simplicity of this image. It really enhanced the 'fox in the snow' color palette I wanted- more on that later. I'm not thrilled with the color job (it was a warm blonde originally. I just enhanced the reds to the nth degree) but it'll do. I had to put red hair in the center because it defined her entire path. Had her genes been slightly different, the Blossoms would not have adopted her with nefarious intent.
This is as literal as it is metaphorical. On a metaphorical level, the keys reflect that she is a captor (and, within that, another metaphor- most of the captivity she causes is psychological.) The keys also serve as a literal encapsulation of the aesthetic she curated. Of course, that aesthetic also largely informs the genres of her story lines. The aesthetic also shows a deep attachment to the past. She chooses nostalgia over convenience (keys over doors that lock themselves,) but not because she enjoys reminiscing. Speaking of the past, though she is a captor now, she was a captive in the past she clings to.
Probably too on-the-nose. I debated this, then told myself any other representation of her poison plants would either be too ambiguous or not aesthetically cohesive.
I love this next to the previous picture. A two frame story. What really made me go 'JACKPOT' was the layers upon layers of Penelope's story it applies to. Firstly, it's a goblet. This is an obvious nod to G&G- the blue juice, the aesthetics of her campaign and the game as a whole, and the scene with Alice in the bathroom. It also echoes of the poison challenge she made Veronica and Betty complete. That brings me to the next element- the fact the photo is a representation of being poisoned. Due to cropping, I'm not 100% sure it comes through, but the photo is someone collapsed on the floor with a spilling goblet. It's a trope we've seen a million times. We know that poison is one of Penelope's signature weapons of choice. Through which medium? Gardening. And what is spilling out of that goblet? Rose petals. Specifically, red roses. It is as if Penelope left a kiss of death for someone as a calling card (fitting, given her former profession.) The flowers are as delicate as they are unassuming, like any good femme fatale. It also serves as a stealthy nod to The Flowers in the Attic.
This is what she wants most, is it not? In some ways, she reminds me of one scene in The Killing of a Sacred Deer (if you haven't seen it, please do,) where the antagonist tells his ambiguously deserving victim "I don't know if what is happening is fair, but it's the only thing I can think of that's close to justice." Penelope, pathologically stuck on the past, can only focus on vengeance. It is not fair that she suffered, so she must make others suffer. There is no changing the past, so the people who caused her suffering must pay for it. However, Penelope is lawful evil. She does not act out of apathy or a pure love for depravity. She has a code. See: the challenges she forced the core four to do. If Penelope wanted to, she had ample opportunity to simply murder them. She didn't need to provide an antidote for the poison at the end of the game, either, but Penelope has a love for the game. While you could (and maybe should) argue this is also plot armor in action, I think it shows that Penelope has some sort of internal moral code that informs her villainous logic. Sure, Hal died, but that's because someone had to pay... and Hal committed the worse sin of all: failing to deliver what Penelope needed of him. So, yes, there is some 'honor' in her evil... but, more importantly, honor is what she hopes to achieve through the vengeance. Who will give a little orphan girl the honor she deserved? Nobody did, so she must retroactively honor that girl's suffering with revenge.
Miscellaneous/broad notes now! The second I was tasked with doing a Penelope mood board, I had an immediate color scheme in mind. I wanted a pale, fiery, striking palette that still had a dark gothic feel. Looking back, I wish I toyed with it more, but I stayed true to the image of greys, whites and reds cloaked in darkness.
I also immediately knew at least 4 of the 9 image concepts I wanted. All of the mood boards were difficult for their own reasons- for Penelope, it was narrowing down options, which is a good problem, all things considered.
I decided very early on that I wanted my mood boards to be a psychological study. They must treat every delusion as reality, because they are firmly grounded in the subjects' mind set and self image. For instance, I would not put something like 'shut up you smarmy bastard' on a Bret board. That is exterior perception. I would love to do more broad mood boards later on, where I tackle the character design, including fan reception and/or in-universe reception to the character, but I nixed that for my first round of mood boards. Instead, I told myself I need to tap into every ounce of empathy in my body and tell the story Penelope tells herself. Some things, like the set of keys, do double as an Easter egg of sorts. They apply to Penelope as both a victim and a perpetrator, but I don't think that is something Penelope is exceptionally ignorant to (see: Alice Cooper.)
I originally wanted an extreme close-up of baroque applique detailing as homage to her fashion sense (baroque, Victorian, the occasional military and circus reference.) I have no real reason for nixing this, but it was one of the first images I knew I wanted.
The reason I went with Penelope for my first mood board was: I got an ask requesting a mood board, but didn't want to decide who its subject would be. I went into the Riverdale chat and said "name a character." The first response was @serialkillerbettycooper saying Penelope. One of the intriguing early replies was Caramel the Cat, which I am high key considering.
The end! I will come back with Jughead commentary next time. If you've made it this far, I am seriously impressed and love you very much. Also, I didn't proofread this, so if you see errors/repetition... no you don't, actually!
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melancholic-hues · 7 months
spectators of this dance
posted on AO3
kafblade week 2024: prompt - to build a home
fandom - honkai: star rail
rating - general audiences
warning - no warnings apply
category - f/m ; gen
pairings - blade/kafka ; blade & kafka & sam & silver wolf
tags - kafblade week 2024 ; out of character ; maybe? ; stellaron hunters as found family
word count - 2485 words
Silver Wolf does not like beating around the bush. That is an established fact, and her bluntness is often commented on by her fellow Stellaron Hunters. Namely Kafka, sometimes Blade. Sam just notes how blunt she’s being, stating them as facts that are just as true as the universe is vast and not really holding much personal opinion behind them.
But, you know who is beating around the bush? Like, a whole lot? Like, enough to get on her nerves? Nothing gets on her nerves more than Herta’s puppets and that damn Screwllum robot. Yes, she is still salty for the deletion of her game accounts.
Kafka and Blade. They are beating around the bush.
She swears to all the Aeons out there, it can’t be a coincidence how many times those two get assigned to the same missions more often than she can count. Elio literally has to be in on the trickery here. She simply refuses to believe it’s all “destiny” and “it’s what the script says” out there.
Anyway. Back to these two lovebirds.
Silver Wolf flicks her gaze to Kafka from her game console then back to her game. Kafka and Blade just got back from a mission. Well, Kafka did purposefully prolong their mission to go to a night market with Blade. Kafka is telling her all about it now.
For someone as collected and calm on the outside, Kafka is a legit mess of a woman on the inside. Silver Wolf found it funny at first; how sappy and cheesy with love the other Hunter can get when it comes to romance. Personally, she cannot relate.
Kafka hugs Silver Wolf’s pillow and sits up on her bed, legs crossed. The woman had taken off her work clothes and immediately came to Silver Wolf’s room to rant about whatever it was she was going through on Earth.
The three million something (a huge exaggeration) shopping bags sitting at the edge of her bed says a lot. Two of which are sitting on Silver Wolf’s desk filled with various games and posters and figurines.
“Wolfie,” Kafka says. “He took all of these bags from me without asking.”
“And it must’ve clipped off his arm from all the weight,” Silver Wolf drawls, hoping to drench her words in as much disdain and boredom as possible. She needs to focus on her game and not someone’s personal, love-related problems.
“Bladie’s strong enough to carry everything on one arm,” Kafka brushes her remark off like it’s nothing. “He carries all of your packages for you, no?”
Silver Wolf shrugs, her brows furrowed and lips downturned. He does, whenever she manages to convince him to go to the nearest video game store. They usually end up spending a few hundred, sometimes a couple thousand, credits at these stores. Blade always pays for her, even though she can very well hack some credits into existence.
“Except when Sam’s around,” Silver Wolf says instead.
Kafka is unfazed. Again. Nothing can stop this woman when she’s In The Zone like this. Though Silver Wolf isn’t sure what particularly causes her to be In The Zone. “He took them! Without asking! Sometimes directly from the shop owner’s hands! Wolfie, that is another level of manners, do you understand?”
And Kafka still persists that their relationship is purely professional, and that they are friends. Which is, Silver Wolf will give her credit for that, better than saying co-workers. But. Still. Still, still, still.
“And then, then, we went to this little trinket stand. I bought this — ” Kafka holds up a keychain with two cats and some cute snack accessories attached — “For him. It came in a pair of two. I also got him this little crystal statue of spiders, since you said how spiders are my entire theme. The woman at the stand eyed Bladie and assumed he would be the one paying. I didn’t want Bladie to feel pressured about it, you know?”
Kafka drones on and on about this, so Silver Wolf just tunes her out to focus on her game instead. It’s shocking how she can act so sly and threatening just by standing still but be this complete chatterbox (from what Silver Wolf has gathered, all of this chatting is exclusive to her only, which, why). It’s annoying, that’s what.
“When I turned back from the fireworks,” Kafka rambles, “He was there. All of the bags in one arm. A vinyl and a box of chocolates in the other. Wolfie. Are you hearing this right now?”
The round ends, and she is given a few seconds of intermission. “Yes, yes, yes, I am hearing all of this, okay?” Silver Wolf groans, throwing her head back in her gaming chair and arms splayed on the armrests. She is careful not to drop her expensive gaming console onto her carpeted floor. Console screens are crazy fragile these days.
“I was just saying,” the other clasps her gloved hands together, “He gave me ‘Interstellar Journey.’”
Silver Wolf shuts her game console out of shock. “What?”
“I know !” Kafka makes a noise that’s awfully similar to a squeal with the vinyl and box of chocolates in her lap. She hands the vinyl oh so carefully to Silver Wolf. “He left me to get chocolates and to find me ‘Interstellar Journey’! The only copy in the little tent! Isn’t that so wonderful of him, Wolfie ~”
Silver Wolf’s initial shock dies down, her hands pinching the sides of the vinyl. Does — does Kafka know that isn’t platonic? Or is she aware and is just avoiding facing the real issue? What is she even so afraid of? What? 
She stares at Kafka, dumbfounded. “What.”
“He’s a great person, you know. Underneath all that coldness, he’s actually quite shy and awkward,” Kafka continues, opening the box of chocolates. The box is quite ordinary: pink cardboard with plastic inside to separate the different types of chocolate. There are chocolates varying in color, shapes, and sizes; a piece of paper the size of the cover falls out with images and descriptions of each chocolate.
“Where did he find the vinyl?” Silver Wolf asks, nudging her hovering gaming chair closer to Kafka to take a look at the vinyl. She isn’t that interested in the song or the vinyl; she’s just curious as to how exactly Blade got his hands on a physical copy of it. Even she isn’t able to hack it into existence because of how limited it is outside of Earth; yet, he is able to just, like, grab it in a local night market? No way.
“On the floor,” Kafka reveals.
“On the floor,” Silver Wolf deadpans, her brows raised in an “are you serious?” manner.
“I know! How did we not see that, no idea. But! And then I held his hand!” Kafka’s eyes gleam in the hazy glow of Silver Wolf’s neon light signs hung all over her room.
Wait, what? Wait. Silver Wolf waves both her hands, sitting up in her gaming chair. “You held his hand?” she splutters. What in the name of IX? What in the name of Nanook? What in the name of Destiny’s Slave, as cryptic as they are?
“He was so gentle. A weapon, Wolfie, think about it. A man who has turned himself into nothing more than a blade, who’s fights are such a pleasure to watch, holding your hand like it’s a fragile porcelain doll. Do you understand, Wolfie?” Kafka chats, completely unaware of Silver Wolf’s comments.
She lays down on Silver Wolf’s mattress, the back of her hand resting on her forehead, letting out a dreamy sigh. Silver Wolf gags. Kafka turns her head to look at her, a smug smile on her bold red lips.
“Please never talk about this again,” Silver Wolf says, hoping she conveys enough disgust and disdain and agony. To her, this is like seeing two people kiss, except there aren’t two people, and the two people are playing this bo-o-oring game of will-they-won’t-they.
Kafka doesn’t listen. She starts droning on about Blade holding her hand back and datamines the Aeons out of that small action. Seriously, it’s not that deep. He obviously likes Kafka. Kafka obviously likes him back. 
Silver Wolf doesn’t tell them though. No matter how annoying it is. Let them find out for themselves. From personal experience, they are both extremely, annoyingly stubborn, and she, frankly, does not want to lose a limb from trying to convince either of them to confess. Haven’t tried the latter one before. Not planning to.
Kafka pops a chocolate in her mouth. “And it’s delicious too ~ What a gentleman with taste.” The other is so deep in denial that she’s drowning in it. It’s almost stupid, how ridiculous it is.
“Kafka — ”
“Wolfie, do you know the possibilities behind him buying me chocolates?”
SIlver Wolf’s eye twitches so violently she has to press on it to stop.
“He actually listens to me, Wolfie. Wolfie, whatever shall I do about this — ”
Sam’s internal engines tick, and he patiently sits on the couch, reading a book. He acutely senses heat traveling through the bundle of wires and such forces he is made up of, emitting a low, faint buzz if one is to listen close enough.
Kafka and Blade have returned from a mission on this Earth planet approximately four system hours ago. It only took them twenty minutes to report back to Destiny’s slave.
Now, Kafka and Silver Wolf are most likely, with an eighty-percent accuracy, in Silver Wolf’s room. This is a common pattern for Kafka, and the probability only gets significantly higher when she returns with shopping bags, unless Silver Wolf is annoyed or really anticipates downloading and playing any new games she bought.
Speaking of shopping bags, the two had returned with Blade carrying quite a lot of them. Sam had scanned the two over for any injuries, then the bags for any suspicious material. There were none, mostly filled with clothes and more items for the entire group, and the two were free to continue to Elio.
Sam scans the page of the current Earthian novel — Twilight , the cover reads — he is reading. The two bags with the rest of the novels Kafka has bought for him are leaning against a leg of the coffee table in the center of their common room. The writing quality is in no way professional, and he will go as far to say it is subpar. The characters are terribly written, all “toxic” by human standards. But it’s captivating, and that’s the bare string that’s keeping him engaged.
Blade shifts in his spot, again, on the couch opposite to Sam’s. Sam looks up from his book. The immortal has been like this ever since he settled on the couch to meditate. Blade often meditates whenever he and Sam are alone or in the privacy of his own room. Today, though, he is not at all calm.
Sam closes his book, the sound of the book snapping shut alerting Blade instantly. The man’s eyes crack open, red eyes staring at him with his head slightly tilted in question.
“There is something abnormal about your behavior, Blade,” Sam speaks, voice gruff in the usual automaton manner. His statement is true — Blade can go for hours without moving once he is at peace. The longest he has gone without moving is fifty-three system minutes. Not even an hour.
“It… is the fireworks,” Blade explains, “From Earth.”
“It is not just the fireworks. Your hormones are mixed, and your blood vessels in the head area are widened. You are either flustered or embarrassed, or a combination of both,” Sam states, scanning Blade twice over for any signs of mara activity or other eccentric internal behavior. “I have not missed any internal wounds, and even if there are any, they should’ve healed by now. What is wrong?”
Blade’s hands reach up to touch his neck, ears, then cheeks. These areas are all mildly red. “Nothing.”
“It’s something foolish. I will get over it,” Blade says, eyes fluttering closed again. But Sam is not yet done with the conversation. Blade is rarely flustered; something drastic must’ve happened. Sam is concerned.
Sam continues to stare at Blade. He sees it: a new accessory, far too colorful to complete the rest of Blade’s usual oriental-style outfit. Two cats, each with a flower-shaped cake covering as a hat, hanging off a keychain clipped onto the left chest area of Blade’s clothing, amongst other acrylic sweets charms. That is all.
Blade brows dip, and he slowly opens his eyes again, frowning. The man follows Sam’s gaze before the automaton can pull it away, and his eyes briefly widen.
“Is that from Kafka?” Sam asks.
“Yes,” Blade admits, and he turns more red. That’s his answer; his investigation is complete.
Sam is not typically one to dredge into other peoples’ business. He does not care about this situation either. He leaves it at that. Flipping open his book, he continues on the page he left off on.
After a while, with Blade getting distracted several times, the man opens his eyes again and stands. Sam’s gaze flickers to him, then back to his book.
“Sam,” Blade calls, body turned away from him and avoiding eye contact.
Sam looks at him. “Yes?”
“Does… does Kafka like chocolate?”
Sam looks down at the floor, sifting through all of the data in his memory storage. He is still as he searches for any relevant information regarding Blade’s request.
“Mmm ~ Wolfie, these chocolates are good ~ ”
“I know, my favorite.”
“These are marvelous in flavor. I love chocolates. Have you heard of — ”
Sam finishes replaying the recording, his voice mimication system impeccable. 
Blade tightly nods. “Thank you.”
“Your heart rate spikes whenever Kafka is mentioned,” Sam notes when Blade is almost out of earshot.
The man pauses in his step, then strives forward like he heard nothing.
Sam knows.
“Have you noticed Blade and Kafka, recently?” Silver Wolf mentions out of nowhere, sliding down the armrest of the sofa as her fingers nimbly toys with the joysticks on the console. Her bubblegum pops, and her chewing is atrociously obnoxious.
Sam employs his characters’ ultimate before responding, “What about them?” He scans the television set and the game mechanics, carefully calculating his next moves for maximum efficiency and damage output.
“Haven’t you noticed how different they kind of… act around each other?” Silver Wolf’s brows furrow. “Kill that! Come on!” She groans, dragging it out.
“You used two fire characters against another fire-type enemy, and I was preoccupied with the other enemies. Perhaps think about your character choices before urging me to save you,” Sam replies, trained on the game.
“I think… hey, you haven’t answered my question,” Silver Wolf rolls around, laying on her stomach. “Have you?”
“We should do something about it.”
“Do what, exactly?”
Silver Wolf grins.
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jooniperbonsai · 2 months
One of these days I’m going to have to tell y’all in more detail this insane story and the many connections and weird coincidences that happen to me but basically when I booked my trip to Korea back in October I knew BTS would all be enlisted by then.
But I have this weird esp thing with Namjoon or something where he usually pops up into places I inhabit or will say something uncanny in an interview that I recently said verbatim to my group of friends.
But it’s like from an outside perspective you would assume I’m just insane but if you know me or ever meet me and spend time with me long enough you’ll start pointing shit out to me. Anyway, so I booked my trip and I said to my best friend “watch me book this trip for my birthday and I’ll be walking under some cherry blossoms and that just so happens to be the time Namjoon takes his military leave and then I’ll have some kdrama moment where we meet under falling petals…and then I’ll fight him for stealing my brand. “
And we laughed being like oh that’s funny it’ll never happen. And then sure fucking enough the DAY I landed in Seoul he went out to eat with his friends and he did the Leeum museum and ate hotteok and took a selfie weekend but I had gotten some earlier that day with my friend and posted it to my story????
My friend and I learned that the entire time he was on his leave, according to K army, bro was consistently around the corner from me the entire weekend. Went to dinner at a place a block away from her house. Was at art galleries a block away from the palace during the day we did the palace tour.
On my birthday my friend and I ended up riding bikes along the Han River in his honor and she took me to the spot that she said was the special part of the river mouth that he used to go to. So we sat and I journaled and we talked while watching the river move. As we got up for dinner we biked up this hill and I was screaming “FUCK” in English over how intense it was and and when I looked up I made eye contact with a guy who had his eyes, haircut, clothes, was his height, just was wearing a face mask and I was like “oh cool I’m hallucinating” and afterward my friend came flying off her bike going “this is going to sound insane but that guy back there I am almost certain was him. I’ve never met or seen any idols out before but this time I swear it was him” 😂.
Was it? Idk man. I like to think it was to really just make it even funnier and insane but that could have been anyone. All of this to say:
Isn’t it weird how many people your life circles around and you’re just passing ships? How many people do you think we do that with? The only reason I can even track this was because he’s a celebrity so people are always reporting where he is or he’s announcing it himself. But all those anonymous people we pass every single day and we never meet?Fate lines never cross, it’s wild to me.
I think about stuff like that all the time. Do y’all have people who you are like always just missing each other by a moment or an event or something? I feel like one day I’ll run right smack into him and be like “okay you and me in the parking lot we have to fight this out, young grasshopper” 😂😂😂
Anyway, wanted to share a crazy story. Whether it’s something as big as this or him sharing a song to his story by an artist I listened to who didn’t have a lot of exposure before (and now they will LOL) I can only laugh every time i think about how close I was to him and maybe even passed him some of those days and didn’t even notice🙃
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roxtron · 8 months
wtf was is the canon route in SB
(I'm going somewhere with this I swear)
Like okay, most people seem to agree the Princess Quest ending was canon, and I agree it probably is. But what really messes me up is what was the route to lead him to that ending?
Because the Vanny endings don't usually need both party passes, it's almost expected the player is more likely to go to Fazerblast first to get access to that ending. But I feel like the game is implying Gregory didn't do that.
With Chica's voice box being an item you can obtain from chica's minigame, I feel like the game is implying Gregory didn't decomission Chica, right? If her voice box is here and not in Freddy, it makes sense, doesn't it? And you can't get Monty's claws. Sure, you can find his legs in that weird monty-shrine, but that's not what Gregory took. The legs were part of the damage, but it wasn't what was stolen from him.
So if you can't get his claws during any minigame, wouldn't it imply Gregory decomissioned Monty? What makes that so weird is that in SB, you literally cannot get access to that ending until you get the dialogue/cutscene trigger for finding Vanny's hideout in Fazerblast, as far as I'm aware. (Ignoring any glitches people may take to get there.. I'm talking about intentional gameplay here.)
It just doesn't match up?? How did Gregory get to Fazerblast if he used the Party Pass to decomission Monty? Did he do it post-6 AM? Did he decomission Monty, go to fazerblast, and then go after Vanny instead of immediately decomissioning Chica? I dunno. It just doesn't really add up for me.
What makes it even more confusing is the footprints found for Gregory, Vanessa, and Freddy. (Idk if it's appropriate to tag bc I don't wanna annoy them but I can link the post I saw it from.)
If Freddy has footprints, then he has a body. But in the PQ ending Freddy leaves as just a head. It's all a confusing mess to be honest. (But hey that's what we love this series for, isn't it?)
Sure, some people could take that as it not being our Freddy's footprints, but instead Prototype Freddy's. (there's no way that Freddy is our Freddy and i will die on this hill-) But from the screenshots it looks like they're in the same area, and it seems like prototype Freddy was confined to Fazerblast before Cassie arrives. With his body being pinned down and stuck in the ruins. (coincidence I swear, I couldn't think of another word for it.) That and the Freddy graffiti being found only on the route to Fazerblast and nowhere else in-game seems to imply to me that he's trapped in that area of the Pizzaplex.
I feel like that and other evidence kind of implies that maybe none of the endings truly are canon. Maybe the Princess Quest ending is just the closest to the true ending. Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm looking into it too much, but it feels like whatever the real ending of SB was it wasn't any of the endings we saw. Most likely an altered version of it, combining multiple endings into one new ending. I'm not saying Princess Quest wasn't beaten, it feels heavily implied that it was. But I'm saying I don't think the events of that ending happened the same way we see in-game. It just makes more sense to me that Freddy never lost his body in the first place than them being able to build him an entirely new body, especially with the Prototype seemingly being the only spare lying around.
But hey I could always be wrong lmao. Just pointing out details I find relevant. Maybe the princess quest ending comic does exist, and we just haven't found it yet. (In-canon, if it existed in-game I'm sure people would've datamined it by now lol.)
(Little side note here..) The princess quest ending never felt fully right to me. Why is it that when Gregory simply runs to hit the 'disassemble Vanny' button, it's already too late for Freddy, but when he goes out of his way to beat an entire arcade game, he did that fast enough that Freddy's head can still be saved? Maybe there is logic behind it, idk, but it feels like another hint to me that ending may not be real.
(Oh also here's the post I found out about the footprints from.)
0 notes
adorerdraco · 4 years
Whole Lot of Red ✧ Draco x Reader
Summary: Sneaky meet ups with Draco where nobody knows the two of you have a thing for the other until the day he sees someone flirting with you and lets his jealousy get the best of him. AU where its around seventh year and Voldermort never existed so Draco never got traumatized !
Warnings: light smut/hinted smut, jealous/possessive-ish Draco, a little more mature themes 
Words: 1.8K
A/N: aging him UP for this one ! and making draco a tad rude bc the way i picture it is just WOW also i like to try to change up the way i write him sometimes :) also couldn’t find this gif anywhere so if it looks low quality its bc i made it >:( i want so badly for him to walk up to me like thaaaat anyways I HOPE THIS IS GOOD
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It was a funny thing, feelings, and the way they blossomed in places they had no business being in. Those very specific stomach churning butterflies and skipped heartbeats were unmistakably there every time you found yourself in the Slytherin Prince’s presence. It was a shame really, you had never even given him the time of day prior to the time you were forced to work on a Charms project together but now here you were; completely and undeniably entranced by him. 
Your group of y/h friends and you were gathered in the foyer outside the Great Hall, the doors wide open and welcoming students for the lunch that was going to be served in just a few minutes. Your friends were lost in conversation and you couldn’t be happier as your focus darted around the room hoping to spot the platinum mop of hair.
Out of sheer coincidence, a boisterous group of Slytherins had entered the foyer from the direction of the dungeons, all talking loudly and jokingly pushing each other as they came into view. Your eyes landed on the laughing blond in the middle, his toothy grin almost twinkling under the sunlight that streamed in through the large medieval windows. His gaze wandered around the room for a moment before stopping on you, the smile on his face morphing into a smug knowing smirk. 
A shivering weakness shot up your legs, your heart doing somersaults in your stomach as you recalled the previous night. It involved you sneaking out of the common room to meet Draco in a dark and hidden corner of the castle in the dead hours of night, his Prefect duties long finished and a looming fear of getting caught by Filch. It was you being backed into said corner, his body flush against your quivering one, a strong hand clamped tightly over your mouth to muffle the whimpers that unwillingly left your mouth as his lips left trails of wet kisses along the exposed skin of your neck and chest. It was his knee in between your legs, pushing you harder against the wall as your hands got tangled in his hair while he held your face in place by your jaw, whispering compliments and desires into your ear with kisses to it in between, smiling coyly to himself when he heard the small gasps of pleasure coming from you.
All this was because of a simple charms project, the two of you forced to spend a couple weeks together where it was constant bickering and malicious teasing until the tension between the two of you had gotten so overwhelmingly strong it was suffocating. It had gotten so unbearable that one day, Draco finally had enough as you were reading something out of your textbook for him, suddenly knocking it out of your hands and scooting closer to you on the shared bench, his minty breath hot against your face and darkening gray eyes flickering from your lips to your widened e/c’s as he whispered a breathless, “can I kiss you?” 
Post study make out sessions quickly turned into sneaking away from friends throughout the day which finally led into slipping out of common rooms to meet at night. No one ever noticed nor caught on to the two of you, the both of you keeping it a secret so you wouldn’t have to deal with people’s undesired two cents. 
As much as you enjoyed the hands on affection, you found yourself liking the intimacy afterwards even more. You looked forward to sitting down somewhere with him, his arms wrapped warmly around your body as you asked about each other’s day that branched out into talking about anything and everything. You would skip back to your room afterwards, smiling from ear to ear with your head in the clouds until one day it dawned on you; you were in a sticky situation of constantly wondering “what are we?”
You never dared to ask him though, terrified of his answer and that he would leave you in the dust for even bringing it up. In all your years at Hogwarts, you’ve never seen Draco with a girlfriend, he was the most well-known boy at school, an arrogant and proud Slytherin, a skilled quidditch seeker, and an irresistible flirt. But never having the title of ‘the boyfriend’, despite the countless girls that hung off his arms nearly begging for his attention.
“Y/N,” your friend broke you out of your thoughts, a sly smile on her face as she elbowed your side. “Your little friend is headed this way.”
You looked at her in confusion, turning your attention towards the tall Gryffindor, Trevor, that was walking towards your small group, a bright smile on his face as his eyes stayed trained on you. Your friends giggled teasingly, already knowing what his presence would ensue. He was nice, but annoying as he relentlessly flirted with you every time you had your Transfigurations class with him. You just chose to ignore him even though he always ended up sitting next to you or around you no matter how many times you moved. He was someone who you complained restlessly about to your group which caused them to laugh and poke fun every time he would come up to you around them.
“Y/L/N!” He said happily, attempting to give you a hug as he came up to you which you only begrudgingly returned with a lazy side hug. He took your hand, leading you a few feet away from your group so he could talk to you privately. “I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the library after lunch to study for our test later this week?”
“Oh,” you trailed off, trying to come up with an excuse but in the midst of your thoughts you remembered you had already made plans with Draco. Speaking of, you had forgotten he was only across the room, unbeknownst to you that he was staring hard at you and your classmate. “I’m busy today.”
“How about after tomorrow?” He asked again hopefully. “We can even go to Hogsmeade after, butterbeers on me!”
You frowned slightly, knowing that this was not a friendly collegiate conversation, but another ploy to try and get you to go out with him. His attempts were increasing week by week and you denied him every single time yet he never got the hint.
“Still busy,” you smiled at him, hoping that if you were to appear nice, it would soften the continuous blow of rejection.
“I’m not going to stop asking until you say yes,” he sighs, hands slipping into the pockets of his robe as he longingly looked down at you. “You might as well give in.”
His hand came up towards your hair, a skinny finger brushing through a strand of your hair as he pulled a small fluff of lint from your robes before flicking it into the air. You stood frozen in place, the gesture being painstakingly too much for your comfort and borderline creepy coming from him.
Draco felt himself shake with anger, the sight of you smiling at the Gryffindor and that he was running his fingers through your hair made his blood boil. Greeting the git with a hug. You being led away from your friends by your hand. He hated the sight. The thought of any man other than him being so close to you made him feel sick to his stomach, a rage sparking from deep within him he never even knew existed. He watched as you looked up at the boy above you, a weird expression on your face that instantly let him know you were uncomfortable.
That was it for him. He was seeing red as he threw his schoolbooks into Crabbe’s hands, pushing aggressively past a pair of boys that were in his way as he power walked towards you and your classmate.
“Didn’t you ever learn to keep your hands to yourself?” Draco called out condescendingly in his haughty accent, his scowl deepening as he approached. Trevor’s head snapped towards Draco, a frown etching itself onto his face.
“Sod off, Malfoy,” Trevor sneered. “Go find someone else to bother.”
“Take your own advice, filth,” Draco shot back.
“Filth? You’re one to talk,” the Gryffindor chortled. By now, everyone within a few feet of the debacle was watching, entertained at the argument that was beginning to unfold, your friends and Draco’s goons staring oddly at the encounter. You only stood there, looking between both boys towering over you in a daze that left you paralyzed in your spot. You were so close to telling off Trevor before Draco came, feeling grateful at your delayed reaction now that he was there defending you.
“I’m not going to ask you again,” Draco threatened, stepping in between you and Trevor as he spoke. “Leave Y/N alone, or I swear you’ll regret it.”
“Why? You think she’d pick you over me?” He snickered. “We’ll see who’s the one feeling regretful when you find her making that decision.”
By now, Trevor had stepped up to the spiteful Slytherin, getting in his face with a patronizing smile. Draco’s face twisted up in anger as his temper got worse, shoving his competition back with the side of his forearm, feeling satisfied when Trevor stumbled back.
“Funny,” he laughed darkly, “I seem to remember her already making that decision every single day while we’re snogging.”
Multiple gasps can be heard throughout the foyer, including your own as you gaped up at the blond, his eyes staying focused on Trevor as he looked taken aback.
“You trying to say she’s your girlfriend?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Your legs nearly gave out below you at his response. This was everything you had been hoping for recently, except not like this. But that still didn’t stop you from feeling giddy, however, the bliss of his revelation filling your entire body with glee. The ‘what are we?’ question being ripped from your mind with relief.
“Is that true?” Trevor asks you, a devastated look glazing over his eyes as you slowly nodded. He gives Draco one more pointed look, bumping shoulders with him before he stalked off into the Great Hall in a rush, everyone scattering around to go inside as well now that the show was over.
Draco turned to peer down at you, fury draining from his body as he admired you. He cupped your cheek, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on the opposite side of your face before whispering hotly into your ear.
“If he tries anything with you again, let me know and I swear I’ll deal with him,” he pulls back from you, smiling at you innocently. “I’ll see you later, darling.”
And with that, he sends you a wink, turning around to saunter over to his eager minions while your friends immediately rush towards you with a million questions that you would inevitably have to answer. This was not at all how you expected the day to turn out, not in the slightest.
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rooftoprabbit · 2 years
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧23𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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Summary | All Eddie wants is to bring a smile to your face.
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Fluff, swearing, brief mentions of DV, Fem!Reader, Jason Carver, bullying, Eddie wanting to see reader happy, arguments
Author's Notes | This is Chapter 3 of the series (Chapter 1 and 2 are linked below and I'll create a Master List on my page shortly). This Chapter picks up 6 months after Chapter 2. This one is a lighter read and definitely not the end of the series by any means!
I hope you enjoy reading this series just as much as I am writing it! x
Word Count | 4k
Key | Pink Italics is reader’s internal monologue
Blue Italics is Eddie’s internal monologue             
Bold Italics is a recall of a past event/encounter
If you liked it, please like and reblog and share it with your friends! Feedback is so incredibly welcomed!
I don't consent to my work being copied and posted on third party websites. Plagiary is a crime...you wouldn't steal a car
PT 1
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Six months had passed since your blow up with Jason in the cafeteria and for the most part life had been pretty ordinary. The first week or two after the confrontation was uncomfortable, you would walk through the halls and hear the whispers from the other students, pointing and talking in hushed tones about what you had said to Jason.  And where was Jason? He had conveniently volunteered to support the Indiana Boys Group Home for two weeks after his father found out through his golf buddies that his son had been humiliated in front of the entire school, putting the Carver name to shame.
After two weeks though everything died down and it went back to normal.  The whispers and pointing stopped, the kids got bored and found something else to entertain their time.  Jason came back and picked right back up from where he left it, tormenting the school and everyone just putting up with it, trying to get through each day in one piece.
For you though, it was better.  You were spending your days with Eddie and his friends, learning about the intricacies of D&D and going to late night gigs to support Corroded Coffin.  It even looked like Eddie was on track to graduate with everyone, with the support and tutorage from you of course.  The best thing though was that you had the trailer all to yourself and it was freeing.  You could walk through the door each afternoon and not have to shield yourself from the possible threat of a cup to the head or barrage of verbal abuse that you were so accustomed to.  No, what awaited you at home was peace and quiet, and the occasional Eddie passed out on your couch.   
About a month after your blow up at Jason your mum was called by her parents, wanting to reconcile.  It was like someone was watching out for you from above because the timing was too divine for it to be a coincidence.  You had been brought you to your breaking point, snapped in half and rewarded for all you’ve endured.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“I’m moving back in with my parents” your mum said sitting at the kitchen table, sipping cheap decaf coffee from a chipped mug.
You and Eddie had been sitting together on the couch listening to Metallica’s latest album and Eddie trying to play along on his guitar.  It took you both a while before you realised what she had just said.
“I think you keep playing that last chord wrong, try again but with B flat” you say, choosing to ignore her.
“You’re right, good thinking” Eddie said, aware of what you were doing.
“Y/N, did you not hear what I just said?” your mum now visibly annoyed at not getting the attention.
“Sorry, what did you just say?” not bothering to look up from the album cover you were studying.  Eddie stopped playing the guitar and gave you a nod that you were doing a good job keeping calm.
“I said I’m moving back in with my parents.  We’ve discussed this and thought it best if I move in with them so not as to tarnish the Y/L/N name after the little stunt you pulled last month.  Give myself as much distance from the incident as possible.  I will be working with them to take over the Y/L/N Country Club Events Division, one held by the women in our family for generations” looking at you with distain in her eyes.
Eddie had spoken with you a few times after everything that happened between you and Jason and you’d both realised that when you were yelling at Jason, you were really yelling at your mum.  After that you both worked hard on trying not to give your mum the satisfaction of seeing you riled up, ready for a fight.  It only hurt you more.  If it weren’t for Eddie, you don’t know what you’d do.  He was the one holding you together, helping you pick up the pieces.
“You’ll continue to live in this trailer until graduation, my parents will help support you by paying half the rent, the other half will need to come from your own pocket” dismissing her responsibilities as a mother.
“This is the best outcome for both of us, we don’t get along and once you’re done you can go back to live with your Uncle Michael”.
“It’s Mick, he hates Michael” laughing and genuinely realising what kind of woman she really was, to not care to call someone by their name correctly.  She only cared about herself but she had unknowingly handed you your new life on a golden platter.
“That’s fine by me – I just have two requirements.  1. You never come to this trailer or Hawkins High, I never want to see your face where I must be every day and 2. I get to use Dad’s last name.  If you don’t want me associated with your family; fine, but I will have no association with that last name any longer”.  You grabbed Eddie’s hand for support, something that became a regular thing when you felt yourself starting to shake from the words leaving your mouth.  Eddie always held on twice as tight.
“You will go down to the school tomorrow and change all of my information to his and that will be that.  I won’t be your burden anymore”.
For the first time ever, your mum sat their dumbfounded.  The look on her face had you holding back laughter.  For once, the woman who had made you feel like you were nothing, but one giant mistake, the woman who always had to have the last word was finally struggling to find them. 
“Ok, I’ll go down now and do that” as she got up, grabbed her bags and never looked back.
As the door closed you and Eddie both looked at each other in silence, shocked at what had just transpired.  All at once the feeling of being freed from the ties that bound you to that woman were released and you both jumped in the air, dancing around the room like you had both just won the jackpot.
“Well shit, I guess this means I better get a job.”
You hadn’t heard a word from her since the day she walked out those doors and it was bliss. You were scraping by, having gotten a job at the little gas station down the road from the trailer but that didn’t bother you one bit – you were free.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“Well hi there listeners you are tuned into 3FQ and if you’re just joining us, Australian Glam Rock band the Skyhooks have just announced a ‘one night only’ reunion gig at Indiana’s very own Patio on the 23rd of this month!! To celebrate this once in a lifetime chance we will be giving away two free tickets to the 23rd caller today! So, keep listening in folks for your chance to be that lucky winner!”
“I need those fucking tickets” Eddie desperately started pacing back and forth in his room trying to work out how he could listen to the radio all day during school so he could be the 23rd caller.
*Knock-knock* “Eddie! Are you in there? If we don’t leave now, you’ll be late for your maths final we’ve been studying for all week! Come on, we can’t be late!” you scream from outside, oblivious to the chaos happening on the other side of the wall.
“Fuck! I mean, yeah, shit hold on – I’m coming, just looking for my textbook” Eddie calls out, trying to bide more time while he works out how to win these tickets.  Of course! The portable radio he got from Wayne a few years back!
Eddie drops to the floor, reaching one arm under his bed, looking into the distance with his tongue slightly poking out of his mouth.  Using only the memory he had of what might be under his bed, he feels around for the shoebox he remembers throwing it in when the batteries died out within a month of its use.  “Aha! Found you! Now, where are all those spare batteries Wayne has laying around?” running to the kitchen counter, slamming his shoulder against the wall to stop him slipping on the linoleum tiles “Fuck”.
“Eddie, are you ok in there? What’s taking you so long?” now starting to get quite concerned he may have fallen from all the obscenities you could hear coming from the kitchen.
You go to turn the handle of the trailer door but are stopped by the deadbolt.  
Shit, thank god I locked that.
“Yeah, calm down! I’m fine, just give me a minute” Trying to keep you on the other side of the door a little longer.
“Yes, you genius Eddie” giving himself some praise as he switches the dial on to hear the crystal clear sounds of 3FQ. Now, I just need to win them, easier said than done.
Eddie grabs his bags and swings the door open, almost knocking you off the trailer steps.
“Are you ok? What were you doing in there? And why are you holding a radio in your hand? You never listen to the radio?” getting on your tip-toes to try and get a peek behind Eddie’s back.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Nothing for you to concern yourself about.  Now, get in the car or we’ll be late”. Walking himself to the driver’s side, he leans down to hear the sounds of 3FQ “Ooo, I’m so sorry Carly, you are caller number 3….”.
Shit they’re already at 3
Eddie couldn’t concentrate the whole ride to school, you were talking his ear off about something you found interesting, but all he could think about was how he was going to win these tickets for you.  He thought back to every time you had mentioned Skyhooks being your favourite band and your whole face would light up, like a kid in a candy store.  You knew every song off every album, you would remind him that you’d seen them every single time they came to play at your local when you were back home, and he just wanted to bring a little bit of home to Hawkins for you.  If they had already gotten to caller three that must mean they’re playing two to three songs and then taking a caller so by my shitty calculations I have until maybe third period before I need to call.  I need Henderson’s radio phone thing or whatever the fuck he calls it.
“Eddie…Eddie, are you there? the road is clear – you can turn into the parking lot now” waving your hands in front of Eddie’s eyes to bring him back down to earth.
“Fuck, sorry Y/N”.
“Are you alright, you’ve been off all morning?” giving him a concerned look.  Maybe he’s just nervous of the final today, if he doesn’t pass this he might not graduate.
“Ahhh yeah, just a lot on my mind” Eddie swerves into his car park and turns the engine off.
Hopping out of the car he yells back at you “Sorry Y/N, I gotta go – I’ll see you later”.  With that he slams the door and turns the radio back on “Damon, caller number 6 buddy – better luck next time”
What is his problem? Have I done something to piss him off?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“I just don’t understand why you can’t just sing the fucking guards a stupid little song to distract them while the others get past, like try singing ABBA, no one can resist ABBA” giving the boys a little shimmy while humming Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
“There should be a rule against spectators giving opinions on campaigns!” Garth yells, disgusted by your dance moves which only spurs you on more to shimmy further towards him.
“All I’m saying Garth is that there are no rules in that silly little handbook of yours that says the Guards won’t LOVE a little bit of ABBA” cackling at the thought of Eddie having to act out dancing to ABBA.
Rifling through textbooks in your locker listening to the heated argument being had next to you with Jeff and Garth about their plan for tonight’s D&D campaign you were overwhelmed by how much life had changed for you in six short months.  You weren’t expecting this kind of joy until you had landed two feet on home soil yet here you were, starting to find pleasure in the repetitive life you were now leading, no longer tied to the woman who managed to make you feel worthless every chance she got.
“Hey, who’s that blonde chick flirting with the principal over there?” asks Jeff, now distracted by the stranger roaming through the halls.
“Could it possibly be his wife?” you ask not bothering to look out from your locker.
“Have you seen what our principal looks like? If he’s able to bag a chick like that he needs to be giving out his secrets” laughs Garth.
“Anton, you are caller number 14…..”
Poking your head around your locker your eyes lock onto the woman they were referring to.  Your hand smashes the inside of your locker causing both boys to jump in the air by how loud you were.  What is she doing here, we had an agreement.
“Fuck! Y/N what was that for?” yelled Garth, clutching his chest.
“Ahh sorry, I just realised I’ve left my textbook in Eddie’s car.  I’ll have to catch up with you guys later” slamming your locker shut.
Both boys looked at each other confused by the sudden change in your demeanour.  “Alright Y/N, we’ll see you after class then” smiles Jeff, both giving you a wave as they walk in the other direction towards their respective classes.
You know she must have come here in her car, so you make your way down towards the carpark, walking just past Eddie’s van until you see her signature steering wheel cover; a disgusting crocheted Barbie pink number.  This time though it was attached to a brand-new Corvette.  Looks like Daddy got you a new car, that didn’t take long.
You decide to wait just behind Eddie’s van, watching her from the passenger window flirt with the principal. Yuck.  As she makes her way down the pathway, she walks past the van when you grab her wrist and pull her behind the passenger door.
“Ahh, oww what the fuck!?” a shocked look on her face from just being ripped from the walkway.
“Get over yourself, it wasn’t that hard” releasing her hand and looking around to see if anyone was around to see you with her.
“What the fuck are you doing here? We had an agreement, you were never to step foot in Hawkins High while I was attending”
She looks you up and down with a fowl look on her face, like you’d just thrown mud on her brand-new power suit “I don’t remember agreeing to anything like that Y/N” she says readjusting her blazer.
“Are you serious right now?” raising your voice.  “We agreed that I would stay out of your world as long as you did me the same courtesy.  I was starting to finally enjoy my time here and now you show up at school.  Why are you even here?” looking around again to make sure the coast was clear.
“Calm down Y/N, the principal invited me here because they would like my assistance with planning the Senior Prom in a few weeks.  I don’t know if you know this, but I was a big deal at this school” crossing her arms and lifting her chin, like you should be impressed by what she had just said.  Snob.
You could feel yourself getting worked up at what she was saying and the fact she clearly gave no shits about the agreement you had made before you were left to fend for yourself at the trailer park.  What did I expect? Where’s Eddie, I really need him.
She continues, not paying attention to you or how you were feeling in the present moment “I will be helping the ladies on the committee here because I’ve just been elected President of the Events Division at the Country Club and we will be funding and supporting this year’s Prom.  Expect to see a lot of me around here Y/N.  The world doesn’t revolve around people like you”.  And with that she straightens her pencil skirt, turns, and walks away not caring about the internal destruction she’s just managed to cause inside of you.
She gets in her car and speeds off, ignoring the school zone signs.  Leaning up against Eddie’s van your legs slowly start to give in, lowering yourself to a crouch, tears now starting to trickle down your face.  Nothing’s changed, I’m a fool.  Where’s Eddie?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“Fuck, who’s the hottie in the tiny skirt walking out of the school?” asks Hunter, ogling at the woman leaving towards the parking lot.
“Wha-what are you talking about?”.  Looking up from his Playboy magazine Jason finally sees who his friend is talking about.
“Oh her? That’s Victoria Y/L/N, she plays tennis with my mother.  She recently came back from volunteering overseas for like 18 years” says Jason giving very little interest and returning to his magazine.
“FUCK!! Jesus did you just see that? What just happened she’s been yanked from the pathway” screams Hunter, getting up to run towards Victoria, hoping to be her knight in shining armour.  
“Hello Sharon, you are caller number 17, sorry hon….”
“Woah, woah, woah Big Boy! Calm the testosterone, Champ.  I can see her from here, some chick’s pulled her over.  Speaking to her or something” Jason says, just able to see you from where he is.
“Who’s she with?” asks Hunter, now more curious than ever.
“Well lookey here, it’s Y/N.  I wonder how she knows Victoria” Jason now more interested in you than his magazine.
“Boys, this could get interesting” an evil grin appearing on Jason’s face.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
“Tammy, you are caller number 21.  Ooooh so close! Better luck next time.  Folks, we are so close.  Keep those calls coming in and the 23rd caller could be you!”
Shit, they’re close.  I need to find Henderson.
“Mr Munson.  I can understand that when you hit a certain age the contents of your jeans may become more interesting than algebra but if you would care to join the rest of the class, maybe you’ll be able to graduate this year” huffs Ms Grantham over her glasses.
“Sorry Miss.  Ummm can I please be excused to the bathroom?” Eddie asks, crossing his legs and giving an exasperated look as if he’s been holding it in all day.
“Yes, hurry up”
Running through the halls all he could do was yell expletives.  “Where is that little shit when you need him, he’s always biting my ankles when I want him to fuck off but when I actually need him, he vanishes”
“HENDERSONNNNNNN” now resorting to just screaming his name, Eddie runs to the AV room, clawing the door open.
“Henderson! Did you not hear me screaming your name” running to Dustin and grabbing him by the collar.
“Shit Eddie, I didn’t know you liked me this much” giving a loving expression before quickly changing to concern at the look Eddie was giving him.  “Is everything alright?”
“No, no it’s not.  Where is that stupid phone you use to call Suzy on.  It’s a matter of life and death” Eddie’s voice getting more desperate as the minutes tick forward, sure that he’s lost his chance at winning you those tickets.
Dustin slowly leans down to grab his bag “It’s just in my bag, I’ll just grab it for you.  Why do you need it so desperately anywa---”
Dustin couldn’t finish his sentence before Eddie had snatched his bag from his grasp, ripping everything out before he got to the phone.  “So what do I do, press this button and it will call anywhere?  Even to a radio station?”
“Well you don’t have to put it such simple terms but essen---”
Dustin now realising the seriousness of the situation “Yes. It can call a radio station” tail now between his legs.
“Fuck, thank you” Eddie grabs Dustin’s face and plants the biggest kiss on his lips.  “You’re a life saver”.
Not waiting for a response from Dustin, Eddie turns around and dials in the number for 3FQ.  It’s ringing….come on, come on….
“This is 3FQ, who are we speaking with”
“Ahhh, yeah this is Eddie”
“Well Eddie, are you calling to enter the competition for the two tickets to Skyhooks on this weekend” the announcer asks, dragging out the call
“Yes, yes I am.  I really need these tickets” the desperation clear in Eddie’s voice.
“Eddie, my friend Eddie.  You are the……….23rd Caller!!! Congratulation my friend, you have just won two tickets to see Skyhooks play at the Patio this weekend! How are you feeling?”
“Eddie, are you there?” The announcer’s voice unsure if Eddie had hung up the call.
“Fuck. I mean shit.  I mean damn, I’m sorry” now lost for words for the first time in his life.
“That’s ok Eddie, everyone gets nervous on radio.  Congratulations.”
Eddie’s mind goes blank as the announcer’s voice trails off talking about the next song lined up.  
He finally comes back to earth when Dustin starts shaking him, scared that he may be having a stroke “Eddie, earth to Eddie! Come on man, you’re scaring me”.
I did it, I fucking did it.  This is going to make her day!
“Henderson! I did it! I got the tickets”.  Before Dustin can question what he’s talking about, Eddie has left just as quickly as he had entered, running through the halls to find your class.
It’s Tuesday afternoon, she must be in Ms Fowler’s Geography class. Even better, she hates Geography.  You really did it Munson, this is your year!
Finding Ms Fowler’s classroom, Eddie stops at the door peering in to find you in the class.  There you are, wow you look more depressed to be there than I thought, this’ll make it right.
Forgetting to compose himself, too excited to stop, he slams open the classroom door – disturbing a once quiet classroom.
“MR MUNSON! What do you think you are doing barging into my classroom like that” screams Ms Fowler, annoyed at the interruption now caused to her students.
Ignoring the teacher.
“Y/N” screams Eddie pointing in your direction.
Your head looks up to see Eddie standing at the front of the class, both confused and worried at the stint he was attempting to pull in front of everyone.
“Y/n, I got them! I actually got them”
You smiled at the expression on Eddie’s face “You got what Eddie?”
Taking a deep breath to calm himself just enough to articulate what he was about to say.  Very slowly he continues “Two. Tickets. To….” *pause for effect* “Skyhooks”.  Eddie now tries to gauge the expression on your face.  There was none.
“You what?” now slowly raising from your seat unsure if this was a prank he was pulling or if he was serious.
“You and me Dundee.  This Saturday night - Skyhooks!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP, NO YOU DIDN’T!!!!” you scream and run towards Eddie, not giving a flying fuck of the disruption and sceptical you were both causing.
Reaching Eddie, you grab both his hands and start jumping around in a circle screaming and laughing at each other.  All Eddie could focus on was the excitement that covered your face, excitement that he had put there.  How could you manage to be more beautiful Y/N?
MUNSON, Y/N! Hallway now!!”
You both stop to look at the furious expression on the teacher’s face then towards the class who were all now laughing at what had transpired in front of them.
As you walk out of the classroom to your inevitable weeklong detention you whisper to Eddie “this has made my day, thank you Eddie”
Not letting go of your hand, Eddie gives you the biggest grin “it’s you and me Y/N, you and me”.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
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Graveyard Siblings (4)
I am sorry for not posting in a while. School is a total bitch. Here is part 4 of a fic that is not a fic.
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)
Tall Marinette.(I admit I might be projecting a little here.)
One day, she took out something from someplace high and the whole family realized that ‘holy shit when did you get so tall?’
Bonus if Jason comes back from a long mission and had a wtf moment because she was wearing 6-inch-heels and met his eyes with them on.
You know how Bruce has the identity of Matches Malone to infiltrate the Gotham Underground.
While Jason does the drug deals more street crime stuff, Maria uses an excuse of being the representative for Red Hood excuse to mingle with the rich people who does crime on the side (Penguin), she uses it to go to black market auctions and buy some of the lost miraculouses which got into the hands of black market dealers.
Jason knows about it and acts as her ‘bodyguard’ anytime he can or sends one of his henchmen to be one with a death threat if she gets a single scratch on her.
Bruce is unaware of this. Or is he?
Mari helps with running WE since she is a little less busy with the vigilante side of things.
It started with Tim panicking about deadlines and Mari offering to help, to Bruce and Tim bullying the board to have her as co-CEO.
She has to be that and head of Afterlife. So she is very busy. Doesn’t know about what comes next….
Somehow the class comes to Gotham for a trip. It has been 3 years since her death.
Mari has changed her appearance since the day she left Paris. She has highlights in her hair after a ‘sibling bonding day’ with Jason. Her hair is kept short for convenience and not in pigtails. Along with her tall height and more confident aura, she is almost unrecognizable.
She rides a motorcycle too.
The class waits in the lobby for the tour and in walks this badass woman with aviator sunglasses, leather jacket and designer clothes which was all MT brand, making a lot of people swoon.
She takes off her glasses and walks past the class. Checking stuff on her phone and sipping coffee in her other hand.
She seems familiar but they couldn’t figure out why. (All except Chloe, Alix and Felix who are snickering in the background.)
Lila sees her and comments on how she must be a criminal with the way she dresses. (Lila internally freaks out because were her eyes messing with her? Because she looked a little like Marinette. Also jealous of the new arrival for stealing all the attention.) Alya takes the bait and calls security to ‘arrest’ her.
They just laugh. The class doesn’t understand, speaking in confused French.
“I am Maria Todd-Wayne, also known as designer MT. CEO of Afterlife and co-CEO of the very company you are in. I am allowed in here. Don’t judge a book by its cover.” she said in perfect French.
“But Lila told us you can’t speak French.”
“Lila Rossi, your friend. She told us that you and MT were dating.”
“Me dating myself. Okay I love myself because self-love is a thing but that is a whole other level. MT are my initials. Anyone who has a brain could have figured that out or at the very least do a Google search. I am not sure where your friend got that notion.”
“Hey, Bean, come on. We have a long day ahead of us.” Tim reminded her.
“Goodbye but cease the rumours or you would be escorted off the premises.”
As they rode up the elevator, “Tim, why are they here?”
“They are the lucky winners of the Wayne Enterprise Young Prodigies Contest. Why, Maria?”
“Lucky, huh.” She muttered under her breath. She might as well tell him. They are the Bats and they will find out anyway. “They are from my old class, the one you know…”
“Oh. Want me to send them back? I can do that if they are making you uncomfortable.”
“Nah. Too much to deal with. And it is unfair to send them back over a petty grudge. Besides, I could have some fun.”
“Anything that Bruce and I should be worried about?”
“I swear no killing. Just because Jason came back from the dead, hell-bent on killing. Doesn’t mean I am too.”
“Cool, just don’t do any property damage or traumatize our employees.”
“I might need you to erase some footage later and tell Bruce about this.”
“Some brownies, my favourite coffee cake, the ‘special’ brew and you have yourself a deal.”
So basically she just showed up around where the class was ‘by coincidence’.
Talk to a few people and take them out of earshot of the rest of the class.
End the conversation by saying a few things only they and her would know. Insides jokes and secrets. (I pick her old childhood friends like, Nino, Kim and maybe Sabrina)
Uses Trixx to turn into a walking dead version of her 15-year old self and disappears as they freak out about how she knew that secret/story.
Freaks them out further by appearing again in front of the whole class and pretending not to know their previous conversation.
Mari manages to get Lila alone.
I should also say that Lila thought that her curse was making her see MT as Marinette.
It terrifies Lila when she finds out that MT is actually Marinette, not dead but alive after all this time and apparently living the high life she wanted. This fact made the Italian swell up with jealousy.
“I hope you are not lying about me again, Lila Rossi. Like you always do.”
“What do you want with me? I swear I didn’t say anything else about you.”
“Aw, Lila. Don’t recognize me?”
Maria flickers and Ladybug is in her place and later, the Marinette that appeared in her bedroom and back to normal.
“You! How? Why are you here? Why can’t you leave me alone?”
“Why not? I mean you did take away nearly all my friends, my parents and made my life a living hell. If you think about it, I am just repaying you the same favor. How are the others? Treating you well?”
“What did you do to me, you bitch?”
“I just put a curse on you. The ghosts of your past will haunt you until you stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop Lying, Liar. They all feed and grow in power from your lies. I wonder what would happen in a few years if you kept this up.”
“You think you can get away with this. This is war and I have already beaten you once.”
“Oh Rossi. This isn’t a war. It’s a death sentence.” With that she disappears.
Lila tries to tell her class that MT is actually Marinette. She is met with crazy looks. Some of them look like they want to believe her but don't because they don’t want to look crazy too.
Oh. Adrien wasn’t on the trip because his mother didn’t want him to go to the crime capital of America although the crime rate has gone down a little due to Hellbat curing some of the city’s bad energy..
Right after Lila told the class about MT, Scarecrow came to steal some Wayne tech and the class got caught in the crossfire. So later, it was brushed off as Lila seeing things due to the fear toxins.
Joker made the mistake of kidnapping her. Once was enough to never try that again.
(It involved the use of nearly all of the Miraculouses, old and new. He was thoroughly humiliated at the end of it and his picture by the time Hellbat was done with him was on the Batfam’s Christmas Card. Like I said she doesn’t kill but making them beg for death was okay.)
It coincided with Jason’s Birthday and the video of the incident was ‘the best birthday present ever.’ The uncensored version was watched at the next undead siblings bonding day. Damian included.
After hearing a few rumours about what happened, most criminals were glad for Hellbat’s rare appearances. (which happens once a month and during really busy time of the year)
There was a time where Penguin was carrying out one of their plans and when Hellbat showed up, all of their thugs surrendered instantly. (No Batman did not pout at the fact that this French girl was more imitating than him.)
Scarecrow used his newest batch of fear toxin on her during the first year after she died.
He was astounded to see her still standing and she later proceeded to beat the crap out of him while being under the toxin’s influences.
He has tried to stay out of her way since then.
She saw Scarecrow as Hawkmoth and said a lot of things in French which scared everyone because she said it with so much hate, anger and in a very menacing tone that everyone is like ‘I am not touching this.’
It took Red Hood and Nightwing to restrain her from further beating Scarecrow up.
He was one of the people who sympathised with the Joker after the Incident.
The next was Riddler being so arrogant in his plans and managed to get Hellbat and Spoiler into a death trap.
“You know I have a few regrets in life. And my final one is that I got captured and am now going to get killed by a walking fashion disaster.”
“Hey! I made this myself. I will have, you know.”
“You have a brilliant mind but no sense of fashion at all. When I get out of here, I am going to burn that thing with you in it, for your crimes against fashion.”
“What is wrong with it?”
Cue a lot of roasting of Riddler’s costume and Spoiler adding more fuel to the fire.
They manage to escape while Riddler is crying on the floor, having an existential crisis.
The thing was no one knows why Riddler was silent the entire week after encountering Hellbat and crying when anyone mentions it.
They now think Hellbat is the scariest one in the Batfamily, second to Batman and tied with Black Bat/Orphan.
The few who find out what really happened in the warehouse that night. Blackmail material on the Riddler.
Three ( four if you count Penguin) of Gotham’s biggest villains of the Rogues Gallery scared of Bats’ newest addition. Hellbat was not someone they wanted to mess with.
Magic crisis stuff. Like a world ending event thing. Dr. Fate says they need the Miraculous jewels but the last mention of them had been in Paris a few years ago and had vanished since then.
Costantine looked at Batman. “You know who you have to call.”
Batman calls Hellbat. Who hasn’t been introduced yet to the JL.
“Ah. Bats. Not that I question your authority or anything but how can your newest ‘ward’ help us?”
She takes off her helmet and reveals her face and more importantly, her earrings.
Tikki comes out of her hiding place.
“I am the current Guardian of the Miracle Box and wielder of the Ladybug miraculous during Hawkmoth’s reign in Paris a few years ago. Any other Questions?”
“Oh great Guardian. Tikki. It is an honour to meet you.”-Wonder Woman, who else.
“You too, Princess Diana. Pass on my regards to your mother.”-Tikki
A huge face-off and the big evil is defeated.
WW asks abt HM and gives a horrified face at the end of her story. Nearly everyone who eavesdropped on the conversation was.
"Forgive me, Guardian for not aiding you in your hour of need.”
“It’s okay. I understand that there are other crises, world-ending ones that JL have to take care of. I am better now. Mostly.”
“I doubt it with those revenge schemes I found lying around. But she is getting there with her therapist.”-Batman
“I hate you, Dad.”
“Did you just call him Dad?”
“Do you see me as a father figure?”
“I see you as a nuisance with how nosy you are with my personal business. So you are more of a bother figure.”
“I see you as part of the family too, Daughter.” (Got that reference anyone?)
“Jason was the one who adopted me.”
“Legally you are adopted by me.”
Maria with Pikachu surprised face because nobody told her that. “My life is a lie.”
(Part 5)
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spiked-tea-writing · 3 years
Haha We’re Married
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Wilbur Soot x Fem!Reader
Summary: After successfully hiding your relationship for years, twitter fucking comes and exposes you
Pronouns: She/Her 
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1kish
A/n: TBH I’ve only listened to Wilbur’s music, I don’t watch his streams. I just really wanted to write this trope for a streamer. This was kinda self-indulgent *cough* hella self-indulgent *cough*, so sorry if it’s choppy and poorly written. Also I’m trying out headcannon forms. Unedited and unproofed
The situation at hand was very complex
The two of you had been able to keep your relationship under wraps for a very long time.
-Since you were both pretty major streamers on the platform, it was just easier to eep your relationship a secret instead of in the public eye
Y’all were young when you got married had already faced judgment from the surrounding community, and you guys didn’t want to deal with the entire fucking internet questioning your relationship
The decision was made before he joined SootHouse, mainly so that your entire personas wouldn’t be based on being a couple. 
It wasn’t that hard, considering that your internet careers had started separate from each other, but it was increasing in difficulty as your popularity grew and you guys had to interact more, especially on Dream’s sever
Then when Wilbur had started streaming in the apartment, avoiding revealing everything became damn near impossible
Of course, there was speculation, rumors, fanart, and a lot of shipping, but the two of you had never addressed it. 
Fun fact: One fanart of you two was so good it was hung up in your flat, right next to a picture from your wedding lmao. 
Twitter was always breathing down your necks, especially since yall both wore wedding rings, but there was never enough evidence to put two and two together
They were thrown for one hell of a loop after both of you had been on Love or Host
The backlash got so intense to the point where you both made statements about how you both weren’t cheating since the relationships on Love or Host aren’t always real-life partnerships. 
Since you were known for your chill streams one day you were streaming a “painting and inevitably smudging my nails” stream when someone made a donation
It was for eight pounds, and the automatic voice read “when is your birthday, and what is your zodiac??”
You let out a giggle
“Um I’m in September and a Virgo I believe. Actually, funny story, my husband and I share a birthday which makes us both Virgos so I’m actually not sure what that means for our compatibility”
The stream carried on like normal and you didn’t think much of your answer
Then the motherfucking robot voice came for your weave as you were blowing on your fingers
“Are you and Wilbur dating???”
You went beet reed. 
“Haha no, we aren’t. I’m happily married.”
And yet again, the stream went on with any further hiccups. 
After the stream ended, you went to find Wilbur somewhere in the kitchen.
“Hello darling”
His arms wrapped around your waist as you let out a sigh. 
“Stream was very long but at least my nails look nice”
He laughed and started fidgeting with your hands
Your wedding band caught his eye
“I’m glad I tied you down.”
“My husband, the romantic.”
Smiles grace your faces but the sweet moment was interrupted by a phone call coming from your streaming room.
“Ahh fuck, I should get that. Could you call the Thai place for takeaway??”
“Sure thing.”
You made your way down your phone kept ringing
You glanced at the caller id which read Father-In-Law before picking up
“Hey, Phil what’s up?”
“Hey, you need to check Twitter. And get Will.”
The line went dead
You were wondering if that was a advil enduced fever dream when you called for your husband
The sound of shuffling feet against the carpet followed by your lank boiTM walking into your room snapped you into reality
“I was thinking Pad See Ew and-“
“Phil called and told me to check Twitter, and I’m hella scared.”
You could see his face drop. Twitter never meant something good/ Either someone died or someone got canceled for being a perv
“Might as well rip off the bandaid and look.”
You nodded and pulled up Twitter
The number one hashtag on trending was #SootMarriageGate
“What the actual fuck.”
“I’m scared”
With a bit of hesitation, you clicked on the hashtag, which directed you to the top of a thread
“After Y/n’s stream today, I’m thinking that her and Wilbur are actually married. Like it’s no longer a bit”
That tweet had an insane amount of replies, and before you could change your mind, you started scrolling
There were a few arguements, but most of the replies consisted of evidence the audience had found of your relationship.
There were so many clips that either had you mention something about the other person, to that time you walked behind Wilbur’s chair, face just out of the frame of the webcam. 
Unfortunately, people seemed to really be catching on
On reply had caught your eye
“We know Wilburs birthday is September 19, and if you look at Y/ns last birthday post, it was the nineteenth of September. And remember, she and her husband share a birthday. I think that that’s not a coincidence.”
You turned to Wilbur
“Maybe it’s time we just straight up tell them.” 
“You’re right. Should we tweet it?”
“Or maybe stream. Just confirm it and answer a few questions. Is that alright?”
“Of course. Should we do it tonight with the Thai food and make it chill??”
“Sounds like a plan.”
And so you guys waited for a few hours before streaming, during which you guys kept an eye on Twitter and got the food. You built a sort of nest on the floor in the streaming room to eat dinner in and give the stream some cozy vibes. 
After stalling for long enough, twitch got booted up and a stream was started. 
“Hey guys I got Wilbur here with me and we are having a chill stream and eating some Thai.”
The stream was just y’all chatting about the food for a few seconds, ignoring chat until finally Wilbur casually said,
“Oh, and what do you want for our wedding anniversary?”
He turned to look the camera directly in the lens, face deadpan. You let out a giggle before playing along
“Hmm, maybe we should just have a day out as HUSBAND AND WIFE.”
Chat blew up as you both stared at the camera, stone-faced. Wilbur stood up, still emotionless, and ended the stream.  
He turned to you with a smile
“That was easier than expected.”
“Honey the stream was 3 minutes long.”
He disregarded your comment. 
“Well now that that’s out of the way, shall we ignore Twitter for the next day??”
You rolled your eyes at your fantastic husband 
“I couldn’t have had a better idea myself.”
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: August 8th
Well, doing big posts all together worked for a while but lately I’ve been putting it off because it takes a long time to get them done. I think I’m gonna try switching back to answering asks whenever I can fit it in and posting them one at a time instead of waiting until I’ve filled out one of these major collections.
But for now, here’s more ask answers! Thank you for the questions and for all the kind words along with them ^^.
Hello!! I'm here to ask if its possible to get  the game and its dlcs on steam and play it on android?
I’m afraid not. Steam doesn’t have Android builds on their own site and Steam is not cool with keys for other sites being given out for Steam purchases, so you don’t get the Itch version from buying on Steam.
Hello! Sorry to bother you but, I had a question, if we buy the Game on itchio do we get steam keys or would we need to purchase it twice? 
You would have to buy it twice if you want it in both places, I’m sorry. To repeat myself a little, Steam doesn’t like the key trading thing. Itch may support giving keys for another site, but the reverse isn’t doable with Steam and Steam doesn’t even really want you to get a Steam key for buying somewhere else either. So we just don’t mess around with that.
hey, sorry if this is frequently asked, but is step 4 free dlc or paid for? some of your sources are contradicting each other. 
It’s free! There’s a paid wedding DLC, but Step 4 itself is entirely unpaid.
Hello! I just had a quick question, for the Baxter and Derek DLC's will we be able to confess our feelings to them or let them confess to MC? or will it only be one way? (they confess to MC)
Both type of options will be available!
Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not the Derek DLC is still on track to be released in August since on the steam discussion board it says it will be released mid 2021. I totally understand if it isn't, I'm just really looking forward to it! If you answer then ty! And keep up the amazing work :D 
It’s not, aha. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn’t easier than 2020 as we hoped so things are still slower than planned. It’ll come out late 2021 or early 2022.
Hi! Firstly I just want to say that I LOVE Our Life. I have played a bit of similar games but this one instantly wins for the best one! Everything about it is amazing! I just wanted to ask if Derek would ever lose feelings for MC, like if they make the deal and then MC gets with Cove would he move on? and even if you don't, after "losing contact" would his feeling fade or would he still like MC? 
If you don’t really keep in touch with him and clearly move on with your life, Derek will too and he’ll be over it. But if you are still close as best as you can be, he’ll still think the MC is special. Though, he’ll always support your relationship with someone else if that’s what’ll make you happy.
Hello! Sorry if you've answered this before but: 'How's Lee related to us? Though which momma? And does she share our player-chosen last names? Also, do you know if Noelani took Pam's last name or did it happen the other way round? 
She’s related to Pamela and Pamela’s last name is the one they use, so the MC has the same last name as Lee.
Will we be able to choose which (they or he) we tend to call Qiu by more often, or will it randomly change depending on the moment? 
Qiu knows which pronoun they’re comfortable with at a time and you’ll call them what they’re happy with. And it doesn’t change between lines, it takes multiple scenes or even full Steps for it to switch. So for extended periods Qiu will be totally a guy or fully agender.
Will Step 4 of OL2 have moments?
It’ll be an epilogue like it is in OL1, so it won’t have a bunch of different Moments.
Hello! Just a quick question, is Sunset bird from OL1 based on a real location? If so what's it called? I wanna visit it +_+
ps i love your games so much <3
It isn’t based on one specific town you can go to, but there are a lot of little coastal towns in Cali that have a similar vibe!
Heyaaa ( I hope you're all well ), umm… it might seem kinda stupid to ask but did Patreon members can have a key for the dlc's ( all the steps-released dlc ) even if they became a member this month or later ? (me? saying this cuz it's my case? maybe ;-;), and once again thanks for absolutely all the amazing works on all the games ! u-u 
You wouldn’t get the DLCs for backing there. The Patreon is for extra bonus content/early access, rather than being a storefront to purchase the normal DLCs. Rarely we give them out as a side gift, but it hardly happens and if what you want is the DLCs it’s best to ignore the Patreon and  buy keys for those directly from Itch or Steam. I’m sorry for the confusion.
Hey y'all, love what youre doing w/Terry. Trans rep outside of player customization is so rare and important to see more of so thank you so much. I do have a question and its that does he have a canon sexuality? I know Miranda was said to be straight ace but I dont believe anything was stated for Terry probably because he wasnt revealed to be a guy which changes things. Im also curious if well get answers on how long hes liked Miranda since he may have liked her in step 3 before she liked him 
Terry likes women and Randy likes men! And he did like Miranda back in Step 3.
Will the Wedding Dlc release at the same time as Step 4? 
They’ll come out separately with Step 4 releasing first.
I really love Our Life so much! I've spent over 20hours playing it even though I only got it a week ago! I was wondering if I could make a fangame for Our Life with a different love interest but same plot. Next-door neighbors romance, multiple steps, etc? I'll probably make it on Google Slides though- 
Sure! I hope you have fun with it and I’m glad you love the game.
How does Cove feel about poly relationships? 
He’s got nothing against them for the people they work for, but he’s 100% monogamous and would only be comfortable with a partner who was willing to be monogamous with him.
Idk if this has been answered before but will Step 4 include the option to advance your feelings towards Cove? 
Yep, you’ll be able to determine your feelings and what your relationship is.
In step 4 will there be a chosen to say we live with Cove even as just friends? 
Yeah, you can choose to live with Cove and that can be done when you’re friends.
I just played the game with the MC and Cove being best friends and omg it’s still so damn cute like the wholesomeness of it all is too much for my heart I swear ^.^  Now with that all said I was wondering can we still marry Cove? if we only love him as a friend like let’s say we’ve made deal with him similar to the one we can make with Derek because let’s real no one could compete with what the MC and Cove have even if they aren’t in love. 
It’s great to hear you enjoyed the friendship story! You can live with Cove, but you can’t marry him platonically. Cove has familial affection for the MC if they’re best-est friends. He wouldn’t think to marry someone he loves like family and even grew up with as though they truly were siblings.
Are you still going to be making a DLC for XOBD? :] 
Yes! We’re slowing adding voiced lines and fixing errors.
It makes me laugh that Shiloh's last name is Fields because that's what I put as my last name! So in Our Life when he talked about "Ms. Fields" picking him up I was extremely confused, lol. That dude mimics personalities so much that he stole my surname!
Oh, wow, that’s a very funny coincidence, haha.
hi !! i cant seem to be able to get the scene where mc is able to propose to cove despite being at the 'love' stage and telling him i'd want to get married, are there any other details that im missing out on? the options just dont appear at the end... 
Maybe you missed telling Cove you were in love with him even if you mentioned wanting to get married or you might’ve accidentally said earlier in the game that you don’t want to progress your relationship further with Cove. We haven’t removed them, so you can get the scene again. It’s just kind of easy to miss since there’s multiple requirements. You can read a little guide in the FAQ.
wait what di you need to do to be able to propose to cove? I've been trying but haven't had much luck 
You can check out the FAQ linked above!
does cove only develop a crush on the mc if the mc is also at crush/in love with him? 
Technically, yes. We treat the non-romantic relationship options as truly non-romantic since we don’t want to bait and switch people. But there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning that Cove does have feelings developing for the MC even before the MC has.
Is there a way to make/allow Lee and Baxter to date?
No, they just don’t have enough time together.
We also got a group of asks related to Tamarack in OL2, but I’m afraid the way they talked about people with larger bodies made me not want to post their words, even if the person didn’t say they’re trying to be hurtful. I will separate out the core question and answer it though, so people can know that info.
Does Tamarack lose weight in later Steps?
No, she doesn’t. As for the other questions included, to be honest, I don’t have to explain/defend having romance options of different sizes. I’m sorry if you’re dealing with unhappiness that’s connected to body image, if that’s where the negative emotions are coming from, but even so I can’t meet you on that level and pretend it’s a problem that needs an answer. A girl who simply isn’t thin being a main love interest is just not an unreasonable concept. Also, Tamarack isn’t a lesbian. Yes, she can date a female MC, but that doesn’t undo her actual sexuality, so I’m not sure where that one part at the end was coming from.
I wonder... can we "fight" with Qiu over leader status? 👀
Not really, haha. No matter how cool your MC is, they’re never gonna replace Qiu for the other kids around. So you can either partner up with him, follow him too, or not be a part of all that group politics stuff.
So when I play the game, sometimes I mentally call Cove “Covie/Covey” and that made me wonder, how does Cove feel about being nicknamed? Not like Romeo/Space Cadet/etc. but like pet names relating to his actual name
It’d depend on his age, personality, and your relationship with him! When he’s younger he’d probably be embarrassed, when he was grown he’d probably be more casual or happy about it.
will you be able to date baxter in step 3 while at crush with cove (but not dating him ofc) sorry if this has been asked already. i really love baxters step 4 design btw!! 
Yeah, you can be crushing on Cove and date Baxter if you weren’t already dating Cove. You just can’t be truly in love with Cove and then switch to Baxter.
I just got my friend into our life, and they adore shiloh and derek sooo will there be more of them in the second game? 
I’m afraid not. But you can see plenty more of Shiloh in XOXO Droplets/XOXO Blood Droplets, haha.
I see you haven't gotten any xoxo droplets asks recently but I'm still obsessed with these boys!! I was just wondering if Nate would curse under any circumstance? 
Yeah, Nate does use certain swear words (damn, hell, bastard) on very rare occasions.
Hi there! I have a question about the wedding dlc. Will we be able to plan a honeymoon during the planning stages of it or would it be something that Cove and the mc would rather plan later on? Thank you! Absolutly love the game by the way, definitely one of my favorite games! 
The focus will be on the wedding day itself. The topic of the honeymoon might come up a bit, but there won’t be any choosing of the exact location and such.
Hi! I have two questions and it's completely understandable if you only answer one/neither and I'm sorry if you've already answered either before! First, is there a set year in which OL:B&A takes place (ex: Step 1 being set in 2010 & Step 2 being set in 2016, etc.) or is it simply up to interpretation? Second, have you guys thought about doing a coming-of-age game where the MC has a tough home life or upbringing? (like one of their parents is an addict, a parent being transphobic whilst the player has the option to be trans, or having friends that are influencing them to do drugs, etc.) That's all! Thanks for making beautiful games. <3 
There is a set timeline!
Step 1: 2006 Step 2: 2011 Step 3: 2016 Step 4: 2021 
And we don’t currently plan on making a game like that. The Our Life series exists to be a safer environment for people to play around in and if we did do a brand new series that was harsher edged it’d be something more fantastical and/or plot-driven instead of a different type of modern day slice-of-life growing up story. I’m sorry.
i don’t know if you’ve already answered this, but do you have a guess on when phase 4 will come out? as well as ol2? i’m so excited for both of them, the inclusivity in this game is amazing, you guys should be really proud of it! 
Step 4 will be coming out very soon! OL2 is gonna take until 2023 to be anywhere near completion. But we might episodically release the Steps one at a time as they get done instead of waiting for three to be finished before launch like we did with the first game.
Hello, I was curious if there was an official or unofficial discord server for the game? 
We do have a discord! You can join by clicking this link HERE.
how long do you plan to keep ol's patreon running? 
Hopefully for at least a few more years.
Are you considering ever making merch? 
Yeah, but I don’t know when it’ll happen or what exactly we’ll make, aha. It’s something we want do, just nothing is set.
hi! i just found out about your game a couple of days ago on tiktok (so sorry if you’ve already answered this question) and i was wondering if y’all are ever planning to release it on iOS? 
I have no idea. It’s hard for a small group to get Apple approval and I honestly can’t say if it’ll ever happen or not. Maybe someday, though!
Hi, I love the art style of Our life and I would like to know if the artist has a Twitter? Also, could it be possible to fund more CGs for the game from him/her? So many times, I wish there was one like when the cutscene of the sunshower. 
That’s nice of you to offer. He doesn’t have a Twitter, at least not one that’s public enough to be shared with me. And I’m afraid not. The issue is that the CGs take huge amounts of time rather than there not being a budget for it. He’s gotta make CGs for Step 4, the DLCs, and new character sprites, too. There isn’t space in the schedule for even more. Sorry for that.
Hi, how are you?!
Are you planning on accepting new writers or is it always the same people who write your stories??
Our Life: Beginnings & Always won’t be getting new writers, but we will be hiring a new team of writers for Our Life: Now & Forever eventually!
perhaps this counts as nsfw and I'm sure it has been answered before but what does Cove prefer, chests/boobs or butts? or perhaps both :3c thank you for this wonderful game (and the patreon bonus moment, it was worth all the waiting and more ♥) 
He’s a “chests of all shapes and sizes” kind of guy, haha.
i was wondering- did any of the writers actually grow up by the beach? as someone who's lived in a beach town all their life it really did feel nostalgic to play through our life 1 
I was born and raised in Cali! Though, not right by the beach. We still had to make trips out, but the setting is based on my own childhood memories of small beach towns we went through.
In Derek’s upcoming DLC, will we be able to reference the pact we made as teens? (love olba and xod/xobd so much btw you’re literally amazing) 
Yep, you will be able to talk about that!
Oh, sorry about the Cole being secretly L ask, then!
If you wanted context: Death Note is about this one guy who finds a notebook that kills anyone who you write the name of in there. The guy eventually develops a God Complex and starts mass killing criminals and stuff. L is the one trying to find out who is killing all these people.
Me and my sister first joked about it because I couldn't remember how to translate a word about the way Cove was sitting, so I just did the pose, and it looked a lot like how L himself sits! Then we just snowballed from there, with more and more nonsense connections.
That’s okay! Thanks for explaining. I’m sorry I didn’t know what you meant.
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avengers-rule103 · 2 years
Here and Now
Steve Harrington is pulling my writing inspiration/motivation out of the fucking grave, what the fuck???
anyway, Steve / Fem!Reader - watch out for swears aaand that's about it, mostly angst and a bit of fluff at the end. 🤷‍♀️
You've been bestfriends with Steve your entire life and it wasn't until recently that you started catching feelings, and it just so happens to coincide with his breakup with Nancy, will he finally notice you've been pining over him..?
The first couple weeks of seeing Steve post breakup with Nancy were difficult. Your heart was at war with it's self and your head was spinning. You hated seeing your bestfriend in pain, and hated the part of you that was undeniably glad that it was over between them. You'd been friends with Steve since childhood, growing up next door, leaving messages in bedroom windows, riding bikes to and from school every day, for every up and every down you two had been there for each other. But it was only recently that your feelings for him had changed, grown. Suddenly seeing him and his goofy smile made your heart race, suddenly the smallest most innocent touches had you pulling away, making up some lame excuse and doing your best to distract and move on from the moment. Suddenly you could've sworn you were in love with him and he never seemed to notice.
Steve seemed to have regained some of his footing now, some light had come back into his eyes, his smiles weren't so forced, Nancy wasn't the only thing he wanted to talk about anymore.
You were in his room sitting opposite him on his bed, his back against the headboard, legs stretched out, while you sat cross-legged on the end.
"You know in all of my drama with Nancy, i don't think i've ever heard about any of your relationships, and considering we're supposed to be bestfriends i'm a little offended by that."
You can't help the blush that rushes to your cheeks as you look down at the bed, grasping at straws for what to say, not wanting to lie, but not wanting to tell the whole truth either, it wasn't like you'd planned to wait for him, falling for him was probably the least planned thing you'd ever done, it just happened that way, you shook your head, there was no waiting for Steve because he wasn't and wouldn't be yours, you had to remember that. Remember that even by telling him he wouldn't assume anything of it anyways.
"Well, i thought talking about relationships to someone going through a breakup wouldn't be very nice, kind of add insult to injury, you know? Plus there's... just not much to tell," you shrugged.
He raised an eyebrow, "you're kidding right? C'mon you have to have a story or two? Maybe not full on relationships but dating?"
you shook your head, your face getting warmer and warmer by the second. "Nope. Nothing. Nada. Ziltch. Zero." You scratched at your legs, not knowing what to do with your hands as you scoured your brain for more words that meant zero or nothing in different languages, but the silence was palpable.
"But..." he started, blinked, "you're so kind, and smart, and funny and... beautiful." He finished, averting his gaze, "guys, they're uhh really missing out. Fuck."
You were sure that time had frozen in that moment, the words playing back in your head like a needle stuck on a record. What did he just say? What did he mean by it? And why could he no longer look at you?
"What do you mean?" you question, your heart was in your throat, but you couldn't swallow it down.
"I meant exactly what i said," he was looking at his bed, the wall behind you, out the window, "if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have the grades that i do, you make me laugh more than anyone..." finally he looked you in the eyes, "and you're beautiful. You're really fucking gorgeous, and now i'm panicking."
Your eyes widened, you couldn't think straight, didn't know what to think. "Why?"
"Because... I don't know if i'm only just noticing how amazing you are or if i've noticed before and i've just pushed it away. God." His hand shot through his hair, "i've always been Steve Harrington, the-the jock, the player, always wanting more, wanting something, i didn't know what it was or who, and somehow i missed you, you've been here this whole time and i missed it."
He quickly misread your stunned silence, "i-i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said any of that, it was really fucking stupid i-" Seriously? He still couldn't see it?
"Do you mean it?" that stopped his rambling.
"Do you mean it? Everything that you just said, do you mean it? Really?" You crawled up the bed, closer to him.
"Well, yeah, yeah of course. I'm sorry-"
And taking second place on the spot of things unplanned for, you reached over and kissed him. The kiss was light and soft, would've only been a peck if Steve hadn't chased your lips as you went to pull away. You held onto the open collar of his button down shirt as he tugged you even closer, running his hands up and down your neck and torso as if he couldn't decide where to leave them.
Both of you were breathing hard as you finally pulled away, "Holy shit," he muttered.
"Holy shit, indeed." you responded, earning a chuckle.
"How long have you been wanting to do that for?" he asked, resting his forehead against yours.
"A while."
"A while as in... when i was with Nancy?"
"huh, umm longer actually," you admitted with a wince.
"Fuck. Fuck. I'm so blind." It was your turn to look down, his stare too intense after everything but "hey," he whispered, lifting your chin to face him again, "i am so sorry that i missed this. That i took so long to get here. But i'm here now. I want to be here, as long as you do too." The genuine look in his eyes making your heart ache in the best way possible.
Your eyes filled and over flowed with tears as you laughed, "yes. Yes i want to be here. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
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