#(I ship things more in Gameverse but yeah)
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WIP ask game for the following: the blue lady ships it, au the war crime part out, and …or possibly like this on the condition 'heat' is something like Pon Farr and not omegaverse
boops gently
*rubs hands together gleefully* Thank you so much!
1. The blue lady ships it (Halo) aka "Untitled Cortana (and the marines) totally ship John/Kai" 😁 Sadly, this one ended up having large parts of itself "donated" to other fics and so would have to be redone if I ever decide to finish it but here's the original opening, for your reading pleasure, lol!
Cortana made sure to manifest her holographic self down at the bottom of the hill, well away from where John and Kai had just finished mopping up the last of the Covenant infantry. She'd learned the hard way that, if they felt like she was watching them, then they'd scurry away from each other.
And yet they're standing on a hill with a bunch of marines looking up at them and somehow that's not "being watched?" Maybe it's simply the distance, the false sense of privacy?
Or maybe it was because once, just once she’d appeared right next to them, practically with digital popcorn in hand, wanting a front row seat for The Big Moment?
Come on, Chief, take your helmet off. Show her those adoring eyes… she thought but was careful not to project herself into his auditory cortex. He hadn't responded well to that, either.
Kai took off her helmet.
Also acceptable. He can't resist when she's all battle-flushed. He removed his helmet as well, both of them going off comms. Not that it mattered because being literally housed in his head meant he couldn't actually shut her out; she had to choose to give him privacy. Which she was doing, thank you very much.
Watching from a distance didn't count. Ask anybody. Ask the group of marines next to her, none-too-covertly studying the Spartans and taking bets on who'd make the first move.
False sense of privacy was her favorite new thing.
2. I wasn't sure if I should make a funny scene out of a war crime 👀 Guess I'll have to AU the war crime part out, yep *nodnod* (Halo series)
Aka the completely awkward John/Makee sexytiems scene we all REALLY deserved. 😇😂 I totally, completely AU'd the war crime out of it, though, so now we can chuckle at all of the awkward, 10,000% guilt free! *nodnods* 😁👍 Still in progress, may even be completed and posted one day, who knows? Would also be my first posted John/Makee fic. 😁
3. Yeah so if Spartans went into heat, I’d probably write it like this... (Halo gameverse)...or like this (Halo gameverse, different game)...or possibly like this (Halo series) 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
Technically, they're all variations on the same idea, which is why I probably won't ever write them. But they each have at least one distinct scene that lives rent free in my head, what can I say? Okay, so, with a wave of my hand, I've just given the gameverse Spartans the hormone pellets of the TV series Spartans. And with another wave of my hand and a little flourish of my fingers, I've added a condition to the pellets where, at certain times, to keep the pellets and the Spartans operating at peak efficiency, they have to go off of them.
And y'all know what I think would go on at that time. *coughcoughs in "Side Effect" NSFW* But imagine it as being more controlled than that, something scheduled, maybe a nice, out of the way place for Spartans on similar cycles to go and ahem, take care of each other, just an accepted part of being a Spartan and all that.
Annnnnnd in each of those 3 ideas, we get a pellet malfunction where game!Chief, Noble Team and TV!Chief ends up Trapped Alone With The Reader™. Not at the same time, not at the same place and not with the same Reader, I should mention. I mean, that would be one very tired Reader and quite a swingin’ Spartan party, woah, lol! 😳😂
I have a surprisingly well-defined, really more of an OC character for game!Chief, with a whole developed backstory and everything. And it's not ALL of Noble Team, just 2 of 'em. (That one actually came from a dream where the Reader was giving a report to Carter who is getting more and more flummoxed at how calm she is considering what all she's telling him. "And you're saying that you... handled them both. One at a time, right?" "Well, there might've been a one at a time in there but, honestly, it was just more expedient to double up." 😂) Then TV!Chief has a Reader no one has met before, someone who gives off this shy, reserved demeanor but who is an absolute wildcat underneath, who can give a malfunctioning-hormone-pellet Spartan a run for his money. I don’t know why but I want to see a scene where the rest of Silver Team finds them and they’re kinda running in like, “Okay, we’ve got to see if the non-enhanced human is all right. She might need medical aid!” and she’s all composed and walking out of the room like, yeah, he’s in there. And there’s John just totally worn out, asleep and snoring, lol! 😂 However, since John and Kai went through "Side Effect" together, I doubt this one would ever be written just because it's a rather close idea. I dunno. We’ll see! 😉
And *drum roll* there we have it! Thanks so much for asking! 😎👍
WIP folder ask game
#wip folder ask game#ask game#halo#halo: reach#halo the series#master chief#john-117#cortana#master chief x makee#noble team#this would be just so much smut#soooo much#ais is writing#ageless aislynn
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Oh boy, let's see! Three bingos, mostly negative ones left. Try and pick ones to fit those, if you want! Here are my thoughts below the cut.
PerfectWorldShipping (Sycamore/Lysandre, Pokemon): I'm conflicted about it. Yeah, seriously. See I goddamn love them but there are so many conditions on there (gameverse only and not anime, only in verses where Lysandre is redeemed/redeemable, et cetera) that I can't just go blindly sadhfkj over them. Seriously.
IsshuShipping (Hilbert/N, Pokemon): I like it platonically. I know XD;; I actually did use to ship the hell out of this, but I've since got to the point where their relationship is probably a lot healthier if it's platonic?
FerrisWheelShipping (Hilda/N, Pokemon): Fandom ruined them. Why are there so many doe-eyed helpless Hildas. W h y. Otherwise it'd be the same as Isshu.
Best Enemies (Doctor/Master, Doctor Who): I'm sending them to superhell. Like I goddamn love them absolutely my OTP but oh goodness they kind of deserve superhell XD
Beckett/Sascha/Ilias, VtM: They make me unwell (aka I'm gone for them). I made this OT3 and now I'm gonna cry over them.
Jan/Sascha, VtM: I'm open to it. I feel they could bond well over shitty sires and wanting to make an actual change?
Theo Bell/Beckett, VtM: It's okay/I'm neutral. Haven't really considered it but yeah, there's potential there!
Beckett/Anatole/Lucita, VtM: I really need this to be canon. I mean it IS canon but I need them to just say "yeah they love each other and it's canon and there's nothing you can do about it". They love each other!!
LaCroix/Bach, VtM: Dig the vibes, but not the ship itself. Like I can get the concept, but it's not my thing.
Lucita/Fatima, VtM: I want to kiss them. More correctly I want them to kiss each other. Good shit.
Nodsquadshipping - already answered!
Pragueshipping (Theo/Jan, VtM): Would read fic about it. Definite potential there, seriously.
Spock/Kirk, Star Trek: Relationship goals. They are married. They are the ship.
Link/Sheik/Zelda, Legend of Zelda: *slaps roof* This ship can fit so much projection in it. ...So yeah I definitely worked out some Gender Feelings via Sheik and Zelda XD;;
Ilias/Sascha, VtM: OTP. I reserved this slot for them because they're so in love and I cry and look at them and this got me a first bingo!
Ilias/Sascha/Beckett/Anatole/Lucita/Fatime polycule extraordinare, VtM: I love them! They all love each other dangit.
Gideon/Harrow, Locked Tomb Trilogy: The impact/their story is more interesting than the ship itself. Okay I'm struggling to find spots I haven't used yet lmao. Basically they love each other and their relationship is absolutely important but the relationship can take many forms and also I'd rather see them both start to heal properly before starting anything.
Link/Sidon, Legend of Zelda: I'd die for them. The wholesomeness ;_; Second bingo!
Julian Sim/Lettow Kaminsky, VtM: I like it in theory. Mostly because in practice they'd murder each other. And third bingo!
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Which are your top 5 pokeships? (:
Late reply hehe but here I go!
My top 5 pokeships are:
1.- Originshipping (yeah nobody expected that 😳). There’s a lot and at the same time not much I can say about this ship since y’all have seen me writing quite a lot about them. They are just, ugh, goals. If love was a thing to truly exist it would be like the love these guys save for each other. They have the sort of relationship we all should aim for. They’re just the ultimate couple, healthy, happy, supporting... *chef’s kiss*
2.- Perfectworldshipping (Lysandre x Sycamore): I never imagined I’d end up shipping this thing as hard as I ship it but goddammit, I can’t look up for any sort of artwork related to them without ending up crying. They are meant to be with each other, they complement in such amazing ways, they are so flawed, so imperfect, but their connection is so real, so deep and complex, and they are the ultimate angst couple since their relationship is doomed by canon. All of us shipping this are suckers for angst and like to suffer fr.
3.- Namelessshipping (gameverse Red x Blue): what can I say? Alolan Red and Blue made me ship this. There are always together. Blue can’t go more than 5 seconds without talking about Red in some way. I’m a sucker for enemies to friends to lovers. I don’t think no one else quite gets Red the same way Blue does and they just look amazing together.
4.- Contestqueenshipping (Lisia x May): okay we all can agree Lisia is a sapphic icon. And the games kinda hint at her having a crush on May (actually could be towards Brendan too but I prefer May). And idk, I think they make such a sweet couple because from the beginning we see Lisia supporting May, zero hostility, and I think they could get along too well uwu
5.- Devilshipping (Sidney x Phoebe): okay I gotta admit that this started off as an inside joke for my fic Breakable Heaven, but while I kept dwelling a bit further in their interactions and getting closer to them as characters I decided that I liked this ship. Both look like very funny, easygoing characters and I think they would make such a dynamic duo, causing chaos everywhere they go.
Other honorable mentions are: Cheren x Bianca, Lysandre x Malva (watch me multiship 😗✌️), Cynthia x Diantha, Diantha x Malva (watch me multi ship again).
Thank you a lot for asking, anon! I love these sorts of questions ❤️
#anonymous#ask response#originshipping#perfectworldshipping#namelessshipping#contestqueenshipping#devilshipping#tagging this so anybody shipping this (specially the last two) now there are more of us hehe
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My version of SAO "Everyone Lives" AU
I need to get out my ideas of what would happen if most of SAO's Major Character Deaths got averted before Lycoris is released (except the villains and Sachi & the Moonlit Black Cat guild's death, there is just no way to erase it without undoing Kirito's development in Aincrad). I know SAO Gameverse/ Lycoris wouldn't follow any of my ideas, so I just want to share my view. Who knows, maybe this will become a huge fanfic some day.

Note: This post is full of multishipping/ non-canon shipping pandering headcanons/implications (the biggest ones are Eugeo/Kirito/Asuna & Bercouli/Fanatio/Dakira), as well as obvious heavy Alicization WoU and Moon Cradle spoilers, please beware. I also lightly included some game-only Alicization characters (Eydis and Medina) because I like them.
1) Cardinal is alive and she has high authority enough to install kid Alice Zuberg into a free Cube to make her a living entity separate from Alice S30
In most recent live Q&A Reki said that while writing Alicization the first scene he wrote is the scene of Kirito and Alice S30 climbing back into Cathedral and Kirito convinced Alice S30 to his side, he mentioned Alice's Synthesis is an irreversible one and it aligns with my reasoning of how Zuberg & S30 are different Fluctlights so I'll keep the same settings in here. So how would this affect everyone's treatment to the 2 Alices?
- Kirito would be glad that he doesn't have to "kill" any Alice just to keep one;
- Selka would be extremely confused, but I think she would eventually accept happily that she has 2 sisters now;
- Eugeo... would have even more complicated emotions than anyone, even more than he imagined. From my own experience, during university period, I went to a class reunion full of friends from middle school, and I reunited with a classmate friend whom I used to like a lot as a person. But for some reason I couldn't like his adult self as much as his middle school self even if he still isn't a bad person. To me he changed way too much in how he behaves and how he presents himself that I can't like his adult self like his middle school self, and I was shocked that puberty could change a person that much. Same to myself, I have changed a lot in my puberty too, and he also said I'm not the same as before any more. Back to my AU, I feel like Eugeo and Zuberg might mirror what I felt when I reunited with my classmate. Eugeo used to describe Alice Zuberg like the sun on the blue sky and that image of her is his source of happiness whenever he's sad, while Alice S30 is so unapproachable and cold like ice. Eugeo being indifferent to S30 is one thing, but to Zuberg it's like reuniting with a friend in elementary school who stayed the same and both would be shocked as Eugeo's the one who changed so much due to puberty. In ARS game Zuberg even said that while being jailed in Cathedral's ceiling, Eugeo (and everyone else) grew so big while she stayed the same and she's upset.

So I think in the end Eugeo would still end up letting Zuberg go instead of forcing her into the fantasy he held up for so long. Interestingly Eugeo himself already muled over this in LN when he was reading books in Cardinal's library, that the best outcome they could hope for is to give Zuberg back to her body and send her back to her family happily while he continued his adventure with Kirito because they're being chased away by the Church.
2) (Super self-indulgent) Bercouli/Fanatio/Dakira
Dakira: "Fanatio-sama is so amazing and dazzling and I love her, but she has Commander Bercouli so I can only be her subordinate and admire her in silence..."
Fanatio: "Dakira is so hardworking and loyal, she has so much potential I love having her with me but then what would Commander think..."
Bercouli: "Don't worry I'm cool with it, take care of our Sub-Commander, Dakira. And it's not like I can stop my knights from flexing their gayness..." *eyeing Eydis Synthesis 10
Super spoilers: Even if Bercouli didn't die in the War I think he would eventually unfreeze his age and find an ending for himself when he thinks he's lived too long and done enough for the Knights many years later. He would entrust Fanatio and her son with him to Dakira before he passed away, and Dakira would become Berche's 2nd mother (instead of Fanatio taking care of the kid alone in canon).
3) (Super self-indulgent) Eydis S10 x Alice S30 and Medina x Sortiliena
I could never imagine I would like any gameverse girls before but ARS and Lycoris manga have sold me Eydis x Alice S30 and Medina x Sortiliena OMG so I ship them hard in my AU.

4) Super self-indulgent Eugeo/Kirito/Asuna
(You guys who have stayed with me for years should have known already ara ara)
I don't feel it would not be that different from this excerpt from HR manga (seriously this artist really vibes with me I wanna have a drink with him sometimes).
Everyone: "Don't you think they're just too close? Aren't you afraid Asuna?"
Asuna: "Yeah I should, should I? But like Kirito seems so happy with him around like no others could and I feel he's a good boy so I can let them be"
We also should have more Eugeo & Asuna's interactions of chewing on Kirito's bad habits XD. I also feel like they can find solace in each other being fellow victims of sexual exploits from adults, in some aspects that Kirito can't fully understand that only fellow victims can.
4) Yuuki is alive and comes into UW as Goddess Lunaria
Poor Moon Goddess Lunaria, she's the 4th God of the Human Empire but even Reki forgot her in WoU and only mentioned her more in Moon Cradle. Anime and games also made it worse for leaving her out completely :(. So I want her to get her role in my AU as the Goddess of Dreams. Yuuki extremely fits her role, not to mention she cosplayed the Moon Princess in MD before. More Stacia Asuna x Lunaria Yuuki interactions are here of course.
5) Eugeo and Lunaria Yuuki participate in WoU with everyone
- Lunaria would be an amazing fighter of course. I feel she would be even more deadly than normal now that she has to start fighting with human souls on the line, whether they're real or artificial.
- Eugeo would be a huge AoE Life Absorber and Healer and also becomes destructive sometimes borderline death. But fighting with others will help him start seeing his own values and gain his own will to survive for others. And he'll become the first proper Knight in UW without going through Synthesis.
6) WoU changes and outcome in my AU (huge spoilers)
- Kirito got unconscious and damaged for a while, but without self-destructing his own Fluctlight from guilt of Eugeo's and other comrades' deaths because Eugeo is still alive and took care of him, so he eventually healed, at least quicker than canon;
- Asuna, Sinon and Leafa came to UW at once to help heal Kirito. There is no facepalming Asuna vs Alice fights since Alice didn't develop some level of Florence Nightingale effect towards Kirito (according to Wikipedia: "The Florence Nightingale effect is a trope where a caregiver falls in love with their patient, even if very little communication or contact takes place outside of basic care. Feelings may fade once the patient is no longer in need of care.");
- Sinon won against Subtilizer instead of the anti-climatic outcome in canon;
- Kirito & Eugeo fought together to win against PoH while Asuna and other girls kicked ass to huge armies;
- When they won the War the acceleration ratio of UW was changed to 1:1, Human Empire and Dark Territory made peace with more trading, labor & technology exchange treaties that benefit both. Alice S30 & Eugeo came to real world through Ichiemon & Niemon robots and chilled in ALO while Kirito beat up Kikuoka for hiding from him the actual purpose of Alicization project, and thus Kirito forced him not to use his friends as war soldiers.
- Alice S30 chose to go back to UW in the end since she finds her most values as being a Knight, coming to events of farce in real world is not her thing, and she wants to spend time with her Zuberg family. Meanwhile Eugeo already parted with his family after dumping on them a big bag of his Knight's salary money, saying that they can live prosperously without him working his ass off for them now, and he never comes back. He still comes and goes from real world to UW to do duties as a Knight who helps connecting real world & virtual reality, and sometimes visits the Zubergs with Kirito & Asuna. In real world he lives as an all-purpose robot in Kirigaya resident, while ALO he lives in the log house and takes care of Yui whenever Kirito & Asuna are busy in real world.
#Kirito#Eugeo#Alice Synthesis 30#Yuuki Asuna#yujikirisuna#Bercouli#Fanatio#Dakira#Bercouli/Fanatio/Dakira#Eydis Synthesis 10#Medina Orthinanos#Eydis x Alice#Eydrice#Medina x Sortiliena#Alice Zuberg#Selka Zuberg#Konno Yuuki#YuuAsu#Yuukisuna#Alicization AU#Alicization#SAO Alicization#sao spoilers#spoilers#WoU spoilers#Alicization Spoilers#sao alicization spoilers
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Game Verse Au
the other day we were talking about how different our canon would change if it was game verse instead so we came up with some ideas on how it would change. We focused more on making all of our kids fit into a gameverse setting verse restarting from scratch. For major changes/notes I took we have:
ship changes. All of our pokeani ships don't work anymore so we had to change ships
Adele's now hoennshippings only child
Red, Green, and Blue are in a poly relationship with Ber, Marx, and Sammy
Dawn and Lucas had Noel and Jean together (who are twins), dawn took Jean and Lucas took Noel (both the adults and kids are still really close though the parents just aren't together romantically). Lucas and Barry also adopted Kitty when he was 5 (he's no longer Barry's biologically)
Io is now the adopted daughter of Lillie and Selene and doesn't have a dramatic parent backstory anymore
Penny and Tanner are Gold and Kris' kid
Scout is now Lyra and Silver's kid
Autumn is Lisa and Chaz's kid
Linette is Roxanne and Brawly's kid
Yancy and Len are Yancy and Nate's kid
Eclair is the adopted daughter of all of the Stratton brothers
Gale's now Wanda's (wally's cousin) kid but is still really close with his uncle
Ages. The game timeline is different so adults are different ages so ages have to change. Each line is separate by the year they can leave to travel (think of school years) with the oldest at top
Gale, Ike
Ber, Linette
Adele, Marx, Mirabelle, Bridge, Autumn
Sammy, Scout, Penny, Noel, Jean, Kitty, Milton
Charlotte, Eclair, Cliff
Larentia, Tanner
Axel, Lloyd, Len, Elise, Beau
The main 12 is now based off of regional trio groups which are
Ber, Marx, and Sammy: they're brothers who get along sometimes but still pretty close
Gale, Ike, and Adele: Gale and Adele's parents are best friends and Adele know Ike through Champion Stuff through the parents. Gale and Ike are like Adele's big brothers who won't hesitate if someone does something to her
Noel, Kitty, and Jean: again, siblings. They're all the same age (same birthday in fact) so they're all joint at the hip
Axel, Lloyd, and Len: already a trio in the main verse but this time they're even closer since Len's from Unova and doesn't move
Trainer Class changes! A lot don't change but some do and it's hilarious for the ones that do
Adele does field research for her dad! She's not good at it but she travels to try to help with the pokedex and constantly has updates for her dad of her "discovering" ""new"" pokemon (and he's happy to hear from her everyday
Scout's a trainer (and would probably be called his actual name Scott since "scouts" a nickname pun on idols) because of his dad so Penny became a trainer just to try to one up him
Gale's a trainer and eventually down the line becomes hoenns champion
Noel's also a trainer so Kitty and Jean travel with him to keep him company
Other notes that don't fit in categories as well
Jean and Adele are still a thing. They meet when Adele's traveling in Sinnoh and Adele is telling him about how she just discovered a pokemon she's named "big tree turtle" (Torterra). Jean falls for her instantly. Noel and Kitty are concerned for Jean
For at least a region or two Adele and Marx travel together. Weird to think about since they're suppose to be siblings
Autumn still likes to poke fun at Adele
Penny isn't into idols anymore since she only was into them because of her mom and that's just really weird to think about
Axel and Len are going even harder they are in the main verse and I'm happy for them
Ike went from having 0 people he cares about to 2 people he TOLERATES ONLY. Don't tell them he said that though
Adele and Len aren't friends which again, is just weird to think about
Charlotte was conceived at the after party of the xy endgame ceremony. Yeah. Grace wasn't too happy with this news
Bridge and Milton are dating still. Don't know the details but they are. they are the last fankid ship we can get to work in this verse so they will because I said so
#pkmn fankids#text#random#its weird to think about how you do things because there was a lot of routes to take this#i prioritized the jean adele route because thats mine (and craigs) favorite kid ship#i love big
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🔥🔥🔥 dew it
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion [Accepting]
#1: ((I absolutely HATE to say this as such a giant fan, but...I really didn’t like the second season of Netflix Castlevania! I still LOVE the first season, but...Season 2 is just, no for me. And I wanted to like it too! I could literally write y’all a book about my reasons why I don’t, but it’s not anything to do with ships or stuff like that. Moreso things like pacing, plot choices, characterization, etc., without getting into a whole ramble. Voice acting and animation were still nice, and Hector was the bright spot of the season for me (because my biased ass already loved him from CoD). Love my naive necromancer boy.))
#2: ((Personally, I don’t really like the idea of OCs having Legendary/Mythical Pokemon in their party. Meeting them/encountering them? Sure. Forming a bond with them/catching them? Ehhh. Obviously, I’m only speaking in terms of gameverse here (not counting AUs), because apparently in the mangaverse (and definitely the anime verse) the Legendaries encounter more Trainers and stuff? But yeah like, as far as non AU gameverse is concerned, it just feels wrong to me to do because, y’know, most of the Legendaries are either canonically owned by certain Trainers already (Benga for example) or they’re so important that it feels like you’re elevating the OC to the level of the protags or main villains by making the OC (or even other canon muses that don’t have them in the games for that matter) have one or more. The protags and villains have those roles for a reason, and imo that includes why they’d attract the attention of/catch Legendaries. Even I used to fiddle with an OC that had a Legendary but, ultimately, it just fell through for me for the reasons stated. I think a lot of my feelings on this comes back to issues I’ve encountered with power play and junk in the past, but idk. Now, to clarify, I’m not hating on muses that do this! As always, you guys do you, no problem. These are only my personal unpopular opinions.))
#3: ((This one is probably the most off the cuff but a simple one to leave off on--Wendy’s fries dippied in Frosties are gross change my mind.))
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(Gary anon) And now we have Bea/Korrina breaking out too due to the latest episode. xD I definitely expecting an Ash/Goh hug by the end and hoping for Goh and Gary to have a personal moment alone. (That, and how weird some people act when a female love interest interact with other male characters that's not their partner. Made worse when said partner gets jealous or suddenly has trust issues in canon when it doesn't make sense. And when the reverse happens? Oof.)
(Part 2) Hmm, I'm pretty sure Gary's most popular ship on FFN is Palletshipping too. Leaf not being a staple in the anime and usually a secondhand ship is why Gary/Leaf is not the most prominent. Might be the most popular Gary m/f pair though, aside from Egoshipping. (Plus it was during an era *where fans were calling Blue "Gary", so there's probably some universe mix-ups. *Still happens, but phased out a lot since then)
(Part 3) As I said before, if Brock and Misty can come back with Megas, there's nothing stopping Gary from getting upgrades too. (Heck, some are now speculating if Cynthia will have Mega Garchomp) He's been gone long enough for it to be believable; just like his attitude change after Indigo. (Hopefully the Mew expedition goes well and everyone gets something out of it, not just Goh. Still think he's leaving with them)
Oh yeah! Good for them. Always nice to see another wlw ship on the rise.
Yeah, Ash and Goh already have had so much casual affection--Ash keeps slinging an arm over Goh's shoulders and it melts me every single time, they're so cute.
Oh, Goh and Gary having a Moment would be so good.
Yeah, for sure. Stuff like that is just... Yikes. Not fun to watch.
Makes sense--love how widely agreed upon it is that he is not straight.
Gary and his gameverse incarnation getting muddled by fans sure is a thing that happened a lot back then--and though it's much less of a thing now, I still see small remnants of that in how he's written by a lot of people.
Yeah, for sure! I saw a tweet the other day raising the question of whether he'd be more likely to mega or gigantamax Blastoise. Either way would be very cool. And it'd also be fun to see if he's picked up any new team members, I personally still think he should have some kind of fossil Pokemon.
Yeah, here's hoping! It has a lot of potential, hopefully it pans out. I'm realizing I'm going to miss Goh when the time comes to part ways--he's such a charming character, probably one of my favorite companions.
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