#(I gotta listen to that song again to remember what it’s about)
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Extended Author's Notes for Left Behind Ch9.
Chapter title is from "Never Be The Same" by Red. One of my favorite love songs, and something I listened to a lot during my depressed high school years.
We are now in the second document I have for this fic (the first one got really slow after Ch8). Also, this is now the longest fic I've ever written. :)
Gotta say: I have so many emotions about this chapter that I hardly know where to even start.
Vi is taking such a leap of faith here. Her mind is absolutely scrambled. She's almost certain that she recognizes Caitlyn, but she can't remember more than that. She's risking everything in the hope that she's right about their connection, and she's trusting that Caitlyn won't betray her to the Baroness.
And Caitlyn... God, just imagine gathering up the courage to finally lay your loved one to rest and then they tell you that they're still alive. No wonder she completely breaks down. She's not even sure she believes it at first, which is why she stops short of touching Vi's face - she's terrified that it's not real.
And then Vi closes the gap. Even though no one has touched her with kindness for five years, Vi crosses those last few centimeters. I'm ill.
And as soon as Caitlyn realizes that she's not imagining this, that Vi is really in front of her and really Vi, she's all in. Both hands supporting her partner, catching her as she collapses, holding her as they both break. FUCK, I love this chapter.
One of the things that really got me hooked on these two was the way they touch each other, so I really try to focus on that in my fics. It works especially well here because they can't use words (at least, not from Vi's POV), so everything has to be communicated through touch. Also, I absolutely love how deadly these two can be, but they're still so soft around each other.
What was Caitlyn whispering over and over again? I actually never decided. I was leaning towards "You're alive/here" or just Vi's name, but one of you put forth "I'm sorry" and I like that too. Feel free to let me know what you thought, but it should be something incredibly heart-wrenching.
So. In terms of what words Vi can understand. I've been trying to think of it like when you're learning another language. When someone speaks at a regular pace, you might be able to pick out a few more distinct words, but have trouble with interpreting the whole sentence. However, if certain terms had been used around you for five years and you were punished for not obeying them, you'd learn very quickly to recognize them. That's why "get up" sends Vi into a panic.
Oh, Caitlyn. Always the detective. Realizing that Vi can't understand her words and switching to gestures. Realizing that the bruises on her arms and neck are from the injections. Trying to get as much information as she can about what's being done to her partner.
Vi is cold, but the injection sites are warm from swelling and irritation. Caitlyn reaches up to check if Vi has a fever, but stops short when she remembers to ask for permission to touch her. She's trying to give her partner as much autonomy as she can.
Vi realizes that Cait is trying to get information about the injection sites and guides her hands to the ones on her legs, which Cait didn't know about.
Also! Vi, even in this state, comforting Cait on instinct by rubbing her thumb over Caitlyn's knuckles. They're going to be the death of me, I swear.
Cait is about to tell Vi to "lie down" but stops herself when she realizes that saying "down" would probably be a very bad idea.
The ring triggers Vi to remember just as Cait kisses her forehead, that's how she recalls her name. It's still going to be a bit before Vi gets her own name back (though I personally think it'll be worth the wait).
Yeah, Caitlyn absolutely whispers, "I love you" as Vi drifts off. :')
Is Cait going to unreasonably blame herself for taking actions that made sense at the time with what information she had? Yes. Yes, she is.
The part about Cait realizing that she almost killed Vi and that Vi would've been aware during it was greatly influenced by your comments on Ch8. I hadn't really focused on it much before y'all pointed it out.
And again, always the detective. Putting the pieces together even when she doesn't want to, even when it makes her feel even more guilt. :(
Vi's malnourishment is important. It's the clue Caitlyn needs in the next chapter.
There's just something about two broken people who have been turned into weapons (whether by their own choice or not) finally becoming people again because they found each other.
When Vi wakes up and Caitlyn smiles (first time in how long?), Vi looks down at her parted lips and sees the gap between Caitlyn's front teeth, the same one she remembered right before the last Maintenance session.
Caitlyn trying not to overwhelm/overstimulate Vi by touching her, and then Vi immediately throwing herself into the touch? Vi is so physically affectionate, and she's been desperately craving this for years.
We will deal with Cait's guilt, but not for a bit. Right now the focus has to be on getting the fuck out of there.
God, it is so exciting when you guys speculate on future chapters and are right. It means I'm setting up the story well (take that, anti-spoiler culture)
Teaser for next week:
"I want her again tonight."
The Baroness leans back in her chair, a sly smile slowly curling her lips. "I'm inclined to grant you that. But first, you have to earn it."
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Cynthia and Ariana are my irl versions of evelyn hugo and celia and I need one of them to kiss the tv and chip their tooth when one of them wins the Oscar or whatever was happening in that book
#cynthiana#walk with me because Ariana would be a real life Evelyn Hugo with her public relationships#7 husbands#7 rings#same diff#(I gotta listen to that song again to remember what it’s about)
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the stand in -luke hughes-

summary: y/n needed a date, and quick. with nobody else available, she turned to the only guy she knew was available. her best friends little brother. so what if they never got along? what could possibly go wrong?
word count: 5k
pairing: luke hughes x reader, jack hughes x bestfriend!platonic reader
notes: recently inspired by a book i just finished reading.
you're coming to the wedding, right? i don't think i could handle things without you also can't wait to meet your fiance love you so much <3
y/n stared at her phone as the texts from her cousin kept coming in. she was getting married to the guy she had been in a relationship with since basically kindergarten. marc, short for marcella, & jacob were barely ever apart growing up & it only escalated from there when they gave in to their feelings and started dating in 6th grade.
the longer y/n stared at the screen, the more she regretted ever mentioning she had a fiance. but she knew her family would get suspicious and try to set her up with someone if she showed up single again.
when she informed them she really was getting married, she was not banking on her fiance leaving her.
she whipped out her phone and sent a desperate text to her best friend.
jack i need your help. call me asap
within seconds, her phone was ringing with the signature song jack had assigned himself. when she picked up the phone, she didn't hesitate to start explaining. it was coming out so fast, he had to stop her.
"slow down, y/n. take a breath and then tell me what's got you so worried."
and she listened. she took a deep breath and sighed. "my cousin is getting married in a few weeks and i made the mistake of telling her about my fiance."
"but you don't have one because jerry is a jackass."
"mildly put, but yeah." she ran a hand through her hair. "i want to tell her that we're not together anymore but that would mean some excruciating mental pain at the wedding."
"right. when your entire family tries to set you up with a single guy there."
"see? you understand me, jack." she smiled. "so, i was wondering if-"
"you know i would love to. but unfortunately, i will be busy planning something super spectacular."
"i hate you." but she didn't. not even a little.
"no you don't." y/n could hear the smirk through the phone.
"jack, what am i supposed to do?"
"you could tell marc the truth and hopefully she won't tell the rest of your family."
"be realistic."
"you're right. i knew it as soon as the words left my mouth." jack looked around his apartment. "oh, i got it. hear me out, okay?"
"what's your idea?" she knew she was going to regret asking, due to the tone in his voice.
"luke's free."
"are you kidding? i said be realistic, jack. that is the worst possible idea ever."
"no. the worst possible idea would be telling them the truth, remember?"
"but i don't want to go with luke. he's the exact opposite of jerry."
"hey, i heard that!" she could hear luke's voice somewhere in the background.
"jack hughes, do you have me on speaker?!"
"only for a second. i had to set it on my dresser to grab something. but you're off now." he chuckled. "and luke may be the exact opposite of jerry, but that's a good thing."
"enlighten me."
"well for starters, he's nicer to me than jerry ever was. and two, he would never ever break off your engagement for stupid reasons."
"well we would never be engaged, so there's that."
"look, do you want a solution or not?"
"a helpful one would be great."
"luke is a good guy, whether you choose to believe it or not. and i'm not just saying that because he's my brother." it was jack's turn to sigh. "just please give him a chance. it's only going to be for one night, isn't it?"
"5 actually. gotta fly up a few days before & we'll be staying at my parent's old place." y/n rubbed her head. "i hate that i'm desperate enough to actually consider using luke of all people."
"hey, i heard that too!"
"take me off of speaker, jack."
"okay okay. you're off. for real this time." jack was laughing but y/n didn't find it funny. although she and luke were never shy when it came to their dislike for one another, she didn't like him hearing how she felt. "so, desperation is making you delirious, huh?"
"i suppose so." y/n looked at her tv. "tell luke to meet me here at noon tomorrow. there's some things we need to go over if this is going to work."
"got it."
when they hung up, y/n threw herself down on the couch and groaned. she couldn't believe she was doing this. and with luke of all people.
the next day, y/n sat at her kitchen counter and stared at the clock.
she was dreading the fact that luke had somehow agreed to do this. it wasn't like him to offer her any kind of help.
time was ticking by so slowly and part of her hoped that luke decided he wanted to back out. but that hope was shattered when not even a minute later, there was a knock on her door. she opened it to find luke standing there with a forced smile on his face.
"you're early."
"yeah. figured the earlier i got here, the faster we could go over everything and i could leave."
"and here i thought it was because you actually cared." y/n playfully put her hand over her heart, acting as if she was touched by his actions. she was not.
"don't get your hopes up." luke pushed past her and entered her apartment. she turned and followed him as he set his stuff down on the counter she had just vacated. "jack said he would pay me for this."
"i hope you like having one brother because after today, he's dead."
"relax. i was joking. he's not paying me. but he does owe me huuuuge for this."
"okay you don't have to act like putting up with me is that big of a deal."
"oh, but it is." luke avoided eye contact and looked at his phone. for some reason, his words stung her a little. but she had no idea why. "okay so what do we need to go over?"
"well, you already knew jerry-"
"so i just need to go over some things i told my cousin about him and we'll need to spend some time perfecting your acting skills."
"did you happen to tell your cousin his name?"
"no. you can still be luke."
"good. because jerry is the one person i hate" luke smiled and finally looked at y/n. "besides you of course."
"lovely. let's get started, shall we."
over the next 4 days, y/n and luke met in public places to test everything she had taught him. it was not easy most of the time so on day 5, she requested that jack come along with them.
that didn't work because he laughed at everything luke did. he knew his brother was way better than jerry was and seeing him try to act like that guy made jack laugh uncontrollably.
when luke was in the bathroom, jack looked at y/n.
"i'm realizing now that you are a saint."
"what do you mean?"
"for starters, you put up with jerry for so long and now you're putting up with luke acting like him. and you're spending time with luke without complaining or yelling at him or wanting to rip his head off."
"well, it's not like i had a choice." y/n rolled her eyes and placed her gaze on her best friend. "what's this super spectacular thing you're planning?"
"it's a surprise, sweetheart." jack chuckled. "and you can't give me that look because i'm not caving to it this time."
"you suck, hughes."
"don't doubt it." he smiled. "but you love me anyway."
"always." y/n shook her head and looked toward the bathroom. "does he always take forever or is this new?"
"maybe he ran into a girl on his way and now he's getting her number."
"oh boy. do i feel sorry for the girl who ends up with that kid."
"careful. that's your fiance you're talking about." luke appeared at the table, causing y/n to jump a little. he took his seat next to jack. "what's next on the schedule?"
"nothing. we're actually done for today. you are relieved of your duties, oh kind sir."
"okay cool." he quickly stood back up. "same time tomorrow?"
"yeah. don't be late again."
"you got it, boss." luke said goodbye to jack and y/n before walking out of the building. when he was gone, jack looked at her.
"i just witnessed over an hour of civilized conversation." he chuckled.
"there's a first time for everything. doesn't mean it's going to be an every day thing after this is all said and done."
"fair point." he smiled. "but at least you're getting along for now."
"i suppose that's one way of looking at it."
on the day they had to fly up for the wedding, y/n and luke woke up early. she wanted to have the earliest flight possible so she could spend more time with her family, even though she knew they were going to pester her endlessly about her upcoming 'wedding'.
"got everything, right?" luke asked as he hauled their bags to jack's car. y/n looked through her list and nodded.
"yup. we're good to go." she yawned and climbed into the passenger seat and waited for jack to start the drive to the airport.
after 10 minutes in silence, luke spoke up. "i'm not so sure about this. what if i do something wrong and mess this up for you?"
"we've been practicing for weeks. you're going to do great, luke. i just know it." she turned to look at him with a smile. it calmed him down for a minute but once she started a conversation with jack, his worry kept coming back. he really didn't want to let her down.
jack parked where he needed to and luke grabbed the bags.
"i'm going to miss you, jack."
"it's only a week. that'll fly by."
"but a week with luke? that's gonna be tough."
"hey. i heard that." luke chuckled while closing the car door. he waited patiently for their talk to end.
"it's going to be fine. you've been working with him for weeks so i figure there's not too much hatred flowing through your veins right now. plus, you'll be surrounded by your own family so that will take some of the pressure off at least."
"yeah. you're right." y/n smiled. "still going to miss you though."
"obviously." he squeezed her hand and smiled. "i'll be here to pick you up in a week."
"okay. i'll see you then." y/n got out of the car and went to grab her bag. luke gently pushed her hand away and headed inside. "luke i'm capable of carrying my own bag, you know."
"i know. but i want to do something nice for once. i know you're stressed about something happening."
"does it look like i'm stressed?"
"no. but you're great at acting. you hide it well. and i know you well enough to know when you're stressing about something."
"okay." she walked beside him and smiled. "thanks."
"you don't have to thank me for simply carrying your bag, you know."
"i know i don't have to but it's what i do when someone does something nice and unexpected. like this just seems so out of character for you."
"i'm trying to get into my role as your loving fiance." he chuckled.
once they went through all the necessary checkpoints and made it to their gate, y/n was finally able to breath.
"i just realized that we spent the last few weeks making sure you were the perfect 'jerry' & i didn't get to know a whole lot about you."
"i'm sure jack has told you plenty. plus you know me. i'm not much of a sharer."
"fair enough, i suppose." she looked out the window at the planes. "are you one of those people who sleeps on a plane or one that can never fully rest?"
"when travelling with the team, i can sleep perfectly fine. but other than that, i'm a wide-awake traveler."
"yeah me too. at least i won't be alone this time."
"we can use that time to talk to each other and not focus on your family. don't need you freaking out on the plane."
"yeah. okay. yeah. thank you."
"no problem."
they boarded the flight 10 minutes later and spent the entire time just talking and bonding as if they were actually good friends. it was unreal for both of them.
the minute they pulled up to y/n's old house, things felt off. the worry was back for both of them and before they walked in, luke reached down and held onto her hand. she gave him a look before he just shrugged.
"we're engaged, remember?"
"oh. right. i forgot for a second."
"it's going to be fine, y/n."
"i'm sure it will be." she looked at him and smiled a little. she followed luke slowly as he squeezed her hand for reassurance. they walked into the house and her parents came flying around the corner.
"oh it's so good to see you, y/n." her mom pulled her into a hug while her dad shook luke's hand. "oh and you must be the fiance."
"it's nice to meet you ma'am. i'm luke." he held his hand out but her mom pulled him into a hug.
"it's nice to finally meet you, luke." she pulled back and smiled. "oh marc is going to be so happy when she sees you guys tomorrow. she's been talking nonstop about the wedding so seeing her favorite cousin will be like a breath of fresh air."
"i can't wait to see her, mom." y/n smiled and before she could even try, luke was grabbing the bags and following y/n's dad up the stairs to their room. "i'm gonna go make sure dad doesn't scare luke too much."
she hurried up the stairs and went to the room. luke was standing at the window of her childhood bedroom and her dad was nowhere in sight.
"i like your parents. they're very kind."
"i like your parents too. they're a lot like mine in so many ways."
"i totally understand that." he smiled and turned around. "are we capable of sharing this bed?"
"we can try. i'm sorry in advance."
"no, no. it's alright. i should be the one saying sorry. we've known each other how long & i've never really been all that kind to you."
"i haven't been kind to you either, luke. just used to putting up with you for jack's sake."
"thanks." he chuckled. "but we can manage for 5 days, right?"
"well, you did tell me that i'm good at acting so i'm definitely capable of pulling this off." she smiled. "and you're really good too. we have nothing to be worried about."
"absolutely nothing." luke smiled and walked towards the door. "wait, what if nobody believes we're really a thing and they make us prove it with, like, a kiss or something?"
"i'm sure that won't happen. they're never weird like that."
"let's hope we can make it the entire trip without having to kiss. i couldn't imagine kissing you."
"hey, i'm a fantastic kisser. thank you very much."
"i'm sure you are but i just don't have the desire to find out." he smiled.
"okay, fair enough." y/n smiled at him and set her bag on the side of the bed before taking a seat and looking at luke. "marc is going to be obsessed with you."
"why do you say that?"
"she loves guys with curly hair. you should see the guy she's going to marry."
"speaking of them, how long have they been together?"
"they met in kindergarten. i witnessed the moment they met. it was adorable. they were inseparable for years but they didn't admit their feelings until 6th grade." y/n smiled while recalling the moment marcella and jacob knew they were going to be together forever. "they've been together ever since."
"really? that's honestly a sweet story." luke smiled. "so they've really never spent any significant time apart?"
"nope. the longest they were separated was the summer before our freshman year of high school when our family went on a cruise. my parents invited jacob to come along with us but his family went to visit his dying grandfather so he chose them."
"wow. 2 months." luke chuckled. "i can't even imagine being dependent on someone as much as they are on each other."
"me either, honestly. jerry was the first guy i ever had a solid connection like that with. and he'll likely be my last."
"unless you and jack follow through with your pact, right?"
"right? well, actually, even if we follow through with it, doesn't mean i'll have the same feelings for him that marc has for jacob."
"right. but at least you'll know jack would never leave you like jerry did."
"okay. that's true." y/n glanced at the picture on her desk. she stood up and walked over to it. "thank you for doing this, luke. i really appreciate it."
"of course." he stood behind her and smiled. "just remember this when i ask for a favor."
"noted." y/n set the picture down and turned to face him. she was about to comment on the close proximity but the doorbell rang. "are you ready to meet the happy couple?"
"yes." he walked to the door and waited. "lead the way."
it should've surprised y/n when, within 2 minutes, jacob and marcella were already calling luke one of their 'best friends'. but it didn't surprise her one bit.
despite her own resentment towards the youngest hughes brother, she couldn't deny that he was actually a likeable person to everyone else.
when they were alone again, y/n leaned against the wall and watched the smile on luke's face. he looked up at her and the smile fell, but only briefly.
"i love your family. hard to believe you're related to any of them."
"funny, luke. i say the same about you and your family. ellen, jim, jack and quinn are absolute saints. and then there's you."
"you sound insane." luke chuckled.
"get used to it. i'm going to be apart of your family in the future."
"you remember we're not actually engaged, don't you?"
"of course i remember it's fake. it's the only way i can tolerate you this long." y/n shook her head. "i was talking about my marriage to your brother."
"quinn?" luke raised his eyebrow. "wasn't aware you had a thing for him."
"wasn't it you who just brought up my pact with jack earlier? how did you forget about that?"
"relax. i was messing with you." luke smiled. "you and jack are rock solid. after this wedding, there will be nothing standing in your way of happily ever after."
something didn't feel right with the way the words came out of his mouth. they tasted funny and he didn't know why.
on the day of the wedding, y/n was in the room with marcella as she was finishing getting ready. marc turned to smile at y/n.
"thank you so much for being here. and for bringing luke. i love seeing you happy." marcella smiled widely. "and it's been a long time since you've been happy."
"yeah. luke's really, really great. i'm very lucky" y/n forced a smile. she hated lying to her family but it was better than telling them the truth. "i'm not as lucky as you, of course."
"jacob is perfect in every possible way. i love him so much."
"i know. i can't believe you guys have known each other your whole lives basically. it still doesn't feel real."
"the first day of kindergarten was the best day of my life." marcella looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. "you're going to make a really beautiful bride, y/n. and i can't wait to see you walk down the aisle in your wedding dress."
"you're gonna have to wait a while. we haven't even picked a date yet." y/n sighed. "plus there's so much that goes into planning a wedding." she gestured around them but smiled as she did so.
"i don't think luke would care about a huge ceremony. i think he would be happy doing it in front of just a priest. or even at the courthouse. he loves you and he can't wait to marry you."
"and how do you know this?"
"because he's my new bestie. i know all his secrets."
y/n froze. did luke tell marcella that he wasn't really her fiance? he couldn't have. right?
"plus, he told me."
"he told me he loved you and couldn't wait to marry you."
"oh." y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "i love him too."
and she found that wasn't really a lie. over the course of their visit to her old home, y/n began to warm-up to luke. he no longer got on her nerves like he did before. she loved him, sure. but it was more like she loved him like a brother.
and for some reason, even that felt weird to say or think about.
"you ready to go out there and marry the love of your life?" y/n asked while holding out her hand to marcella.
"always." she took y/n's hand and walked to where her father was waiting.
"i'll see you in there." y/n kissed her cousin's cheek and walked in with one of the groomsmen.
the second y/n walked in, luke couldn't take his eyes off of her. he had seen her dressed up before, as she had come to many team events as jack or jesper's date, but he couldn't help the way he was staring. the dress fit her so perfectly and her hair was done up perfectly as well. she was the most gorgeous person in the room and as far as everyone knew, she was his.
but reality sank in and luke knew she wasn't really his. it was clear to him that her heart belonged to jack. there was no way he could stop it. they were just meant to be. plain and simple.
y/n stood in her place at the end of the aisle and as marcella walked towards jacob, y/n' looked around the room. all eyes were on marcella, except for luke's. he was staring right at her. y/n's cheeks felt like they were suddenly on fire as she looked away from him. this was just an act.
to y/n, it felt like the ceremony took forever. she kept glancing at luke to find him already looking her way. and she couldn't deny that he looked good in his suit and tie ensemble.
when the reception began, y/n's gaze immediately went to luke. it was starting to become a habit she didn't want.
he smirked from his seat between her parents and set his phone in his pocket. y/n went over to him and smiled.
"wanna dance?"
"with you? always." luke stood up and took her hand. she tried not to stay on the words he spoke, knowing it was only because her parents were right there. but as they danced, something felt completely right.
they were getting along silently and it was nice for a change.
their moment was interrupted when luke's phone vibrated in his pocket. he pulled it out and frowned.
"it's jack. he says he's been trying to call you for an hour but you haven't been answering."
"i have my phone on the 'do not disturb' function. i didn't want it to go of during the ceremony."
"you should call him back." luke took a step back from her and sighed. "i'm sure it's important."
"it's okay. i'll just go talk to marc and jacob." he nodded towards the married couple and headed in their direction. y/n sighed and picked her phone up off the table. she quickly dialed jack's number and waited for him to pick up.
"about time. i've been trying to reach you for an hour. i was beginning to think you and luke killed each other" he sighed. "speaking of which, how are things going?"
"that's why you've been trying to reach me?" y/n let out a frustrated sigh. "things between us were good. we even danced until we got interrupted."
"i'm sorry about that. i didn't know."
"it's alright, jack." she glanced over at luke. "is that the only reason you needed me?"
"yes. wait, no. i wanted to tell you that you look really pretty in your dress."
"my dress? wait, can you see me?"
"no. luke took a picture and sent it to me, along with a text that read 'you made a mistake not coming with her to this thing. by far the most beautiful person in the room'. i wanted to let you know."
"oh." was all y/n could manage to say. she looked back over to where luke was last seen and smiled when she caught him staring again. "i'm gonna let you go, jack. there's something i need to do."
"good luck." jack chuckled before hanging up.
when she was free from the conversation, she put her phone back on the table, told her parents to keep an eye on it, then headed over to luke.
"what did he want to talk to you about? did he finally tell you how in love he was?"
"no. that would be ridiculous." she looked at him and grabbed his hand. "i need to talk to him for a minute. you guys mind?" she asked marc and jacob, who seemed to be in their own world. she dragged luke to a quiet hallway.
"what's going on? what did he say to you?"
"you texted him earlier."
"i did."
"what did you say?"
"nothing bad, if that's what you're asking."
"show me." she looked into his eyes. "please?"
"why is it so important?"
"jack said i looked really pretty in my dress."
for the first time all week, luke's gaze was anywhere but y/n. "okay."
"how does he know?"
"i don't know. kid's got a thing for you and thinks you're always pretty so he probably just assumed."
"luke, please." y/n rolled her eyes. "jack told me you sent him a picture of me in the dress. he mentioned there was a text included."
"what about it?"
"you called me the most beautiful person in the room. which i can't believe."
"fine. here's my phone." he swiped the screen open and handed it to her. "you wanted proof? here it is."
y/n read the text exchange jack told her about. seeing luke compliment her made her melt. it was the nicest thing he had ever said about her. she handed the phone back to him and smiled.
"luke, this is incredibly sweet. but you're very wrong."
"what do you mean?"
"at a wedding, the bride is always the most beautiful person in the room. none of the guests can ever eclipse that."
"of course marc is beautiful. but i can't help it if i think you're more beautiful." he ran his hands through his hair.
"i appreciate the compliment, luke. i really do. but there are rules for a wedding."
"i'm aware now. thank you." luke looked at her with his signature crooked smirk. "i'm sorry for the past, by the way. maybe jack was onto something when he made a pact with you."
"can we stop talking about your brother, who most definitely doesn't have a thing for me?"
"oh, he most certainly does. how could you not see it?"
"i don't know. too focused on his brother, i suppose. think quinn and i have a shot?" she glanced up at luke and giggled when his smile dropped.
"i just complimented you for the very first time and you want to talk about being interested in quinn? unbelievable. when will it be my turn?"
y/n didn't answer with her words. instead, she pulled him close and kissed him. it started as a way to shut him up but when she went to pull away, luke's hands found her waist and he tugged her closer, deepening the kiss in the process.
"it's always going to be your turn, luke." y/n grinned when they finally pulled apart.
"jack's going to hate me." he chuckled before resting his forehead against hers. his eyes were still closed but the goofy smile stayed on his face. "but it was definitely worth it."
"hmm, was it?" y/n leaned up to peck his lips.
"oh. for sure." luke held her tight against his chest. "i can't believe i was stupid and rude to you. when i could've been enjoying that kiss for years."
"the past doesn't matter anymore, luke. we've got a whole lifetime to makeup for that."
"damn right we do."
luke smirked and pulled her in for another kiss. he still couldn't believe it was happening. but as y/n kissed him back, he could get used to making up for the past.
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a rose and her thorns | luke castellan
pairing: luke castellan x fem!daughter of aphrodite reader
summary: luke vies for a valentine. you're just trying to get through cabin inspections.
a/n: take this as my formal apology for the angst i’ve been throwing at you all with demeter girl lol and take this tooth rotting fluff. this was supposed to be shorter but i got carried away, after writing that 11k angst riddled monster this was a much needed palate cleanser lmao
wc: 3.3k
warning(s): no warnings this is all fluff <3

You huffed as you knocked on the door again, chewing on the inside of your lip as you waited for a response. The Hermes cabin usually always had kids in it—either they were ignoring you, or they were just causing too much ruckus to even hear it in the first place.
Honestly, you should have known this was how cabin inspections with Luke would go. He was probably in there right now, ushering all of them through rapid last-minute tidying in the hopes of something higher than a one. You had half a mind to knock a point off right now by virtue of tardiness.
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up all of a sudden, and you whirled around.
“Speak of the devil,” you said wryly.
You were greeted with Luke Castellan himself, his hands up with a slight smile on his lips. “Easy. I didn’t think I looked that bad.”
Your brows creased ever so slightly, and he gestured with head. You looked down and realized you were holding your pen like a sword. You cleared your throat and let your arm drop, adjusting your shirt on the way down.
“Sorry. People tend not to sneak up on me.”
“I can’t imagine why.” Luke put his hands down and started towards his cabin, craning his head back at you. “What brings you here on this fine day, Rose?”
“Don’t tell me you forgot,” you pouted, holding up your clipboard and pen as you followed him. “We’re on inspection duty together. Where were you?”
He snapped and pointed at you. “That’s what we were doing together today! I knew we were spending time together—not like I could forget that—but,” his hand paused on the doorknob, “I kind of forgot about the cabin inspection part. Had to spend a little extra time with one of your siblings at the end of sword-fighting lessons.”
“Sounds like Liz is getting better, then.” A smug smile pulled at your lips as you stopped next to him. “And it sounds like someone’s gonna be cleaning the dishes tonight,” you said in a sing-song voice.
You placed your hand over his and opened the door, and Luke groaned. “Take mercy, Rose. Please.”
It was certainly a sight—more akin to a tornado than the inside of a cabin. Various kids—Hermes, unclaimed, and minor gods alike—ran around, shoving dirty clothes beneath beds, cramming duffles and suitcases into overflowing closets, with a few noble exceptions attempting the Sisyphean task of actually cleaning.
“Wow,” you said, glancing down at the papyrus scroll. “Can I give you a zero?”
“Listen,” Luke said from behind you, “our thing isn’t tidiness. It’s thievery—swiftness, cunning, panache.”
“I thought you were supposed to be jacks of all trades,” you mused as you checked off boxes. “Cleaning is a trade.”
“Not here.” You could feel him peering over your shoulder and he groaned yet again. “Come on! You’re grading us way too low. I get input too, remember?”
“Sure,” you remarked. You held out the clipboard and gestured with your head at the natural disaster in front of you. “But you can’t tell me this is anything better than a two.”
“A two’s better than a one.” Luke plucked the pen out of your hand and scrawled out a number two on the final line.
“Luke—” you started in protest, but he just snatched the clipboard as well with a wink as he started walking backwards towards the door.
“We’ve got a chance, guys!” he called out. “Hephaestus has gotta be worse than this!”
You huffed as you chased after him, shutting the door on your way, and you crossed your arms as you came to a stop in front of him. “This isn’t very cooperative of you.”
“Gotta give myself a chance,” Luke said, smiling as he took the Hermes sheet off the clipboard and stuffed it into his pocket.
“That’s just cheating,” you said, and he let you take the clipboard back from him. You started walking, and he fell into pace with you. “Hephaestus is next—we’ll see how much of a chance you have.”
“We should get some slack because we’ve got double the campers,” Luke said. “Nine’s got no excuse—they’re just a bunch of messy engineers.”
You tapped your pen against the board. “I’m not changing my mind, Castellan.”
“Ouch,” he winced. “I got last name’d.”
You merely smiled and shook your head. You could see his own smile in your peripherals, then he huffed.
“You’re distracting me from my whole plan with these ridiculous grades,” Luke sighed. “I haven’t ruined everything, have I?”
“You’ve got a plan?” you asked in amusement.
“Of course I do.” Luke took a few long strides to get in front of you then turned around so he was walking backwards, that stupid smirk still on his lips as he kept eye contact with you. “Valentine’s Day is coming up.”
“You’re very observant,” you said. “Watch your six.”
Luke moved a step towards you to avoid a younger camper with their head buried in a book, and you chuckled as he shrugged.
“It’s a work in progress,” he admitted.
You hummed, biting back your smile as you came up to the Hephaestus cabin. You were about to knock on the door, but once again, Luke caught your wrist.
“You’re not even gonna let me say my piece?” he asked.
“I’ll give you a little time to polish it up,” you said.
“You assume I don’t have it prepared already?”
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” You winked. “But I know the effect I have on you.”
Luke’s fingers loosened on your wrist and you allowed a small, self-satisfied smile as you pulled free and knocked on the door. It took a couple seconds, but eventually the door opened and their counselor—Alya, if you remembered correctly—greeted you with a smile.
“Just in time,” she said, smudging the bit of grease on her face as she wiped at her cheek. “We’re actually not horrible today.”
Luke grumbled beneath his breath as you walked in together—usually, the place was a mess of loose parts and hastily sketched out plans and smoke-scented clothes. Today, it was still a mess, but slightly less so.
“Damn it,” Luke muttered. “Still not as bad as us.”
“Stop comparing your place to everyone else,” you said. “This is supposed to be fun.”
“Cabin inspections are fun?” he asked wryly.
“Hanging out with me is fun,” you clarified. “I—”
You were cut off with a gasp of your own as you slipped, and before you could even fully process it you were falling. It wasn’t until everything steadied that you realized someone had caught you, strong arms cradled you around your waist. You looked up to see Luke’s wide eyes.
“You good?” he asked, his voice slightly higher than usual.
“Yeah,” you said, nodding far too many times, “yeah. Yeah, I’m good.”
“...Good,” he said, ever eloquent.
A small smile creeped in. “You can let me go now.”
It almost took him a moment to come back to Earth, because he blinked before he nodded, smiling on his own as he helped you back up. You could feel the heat in your face and tried your best to ignore it as you looked down. A small pool of oil was the culprit—you grimaced at the thought of having to clean that out of your jeans. Thank the gods for Luke.
“That’s gotta be points off,” Luke whispered in your ear, still close by, and you stifled a laugh. “Oil on the floor, making pretty counselors slip. Right?”
You ignored him too, looking over at Alya, though you couldn’t stop your smile. She looked mortified.
“I am so sorry,” she rushed. “I guess Michael didn’t clean as well as he said.”
“No problem,” you said. “I’ve got a little guardian angel. But this place isn’t too great.”
“Damn,” she mumbled. “I even got one of your sisters to come in and help clean things up. Do you not smell the perfume?”
“The smoke kinda overpowers it,” you said sympathetically, and she sighed. “Three out of five, Alya. But you’re right on the edge of a four.”
Alya glanced at Luke. “Better than Hermes?”
Luke grimaced. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
She smiled and went off to talk to one of her siblings. Luke shook his head and tutted once she was gone. “The double standards here are ridiculous, Rose. I might have to report you to Chiron.”
“Oh, quiet.” You hit him in the side lightly with the clipboard and continued scanning the room for a final check. “If you wanted help with cleaning up from an Aphrodite kid, all you had to do was ask.”
“And would you have accepted?” he asked.
“Of course,” you said as you scribbled down your last couple of notes. “I’ll always help you, Luke.”
He went silent as you continued to write, and when you finished you saw he was only looking at you.
You frowned. “What?”
“Nothing,” Luke said, still smiling. “Let’s keep going.”
You stared at him for a moment, but he didn’t say anything else. So you just laughed a bit and shrugged. Luke followed behind you as you walked out, and despite his claims of ‘nothing’ just a moment ago, soon enough he was talking again.
“So,” he said, “Valentine’s Day.”
“Valentine’s Day,” you said sagely. “What’s your plan?”
“Be my Valentine.”
“That’s your plan?” You glanced over at him. “Just asking me out straight-up?”
“Oh, sorry. I also have this.” Luke pulled something out of his back pocket and held it out. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“A rose?” you asked with a lopsided smile.
“Not just any rose,” he said as you took it. “A chocolate rose.”
“You are so cute.” You pulled the wrapper off, and though the stem and leaves were plastic, the flower was, indeed, very much chocolate, and in the shape of a rather pretty rose.
Luke shrugged. “Figured you needed something as sweet as you.”
“I’ve got a toothache just from being with you,” you remarked. You broke it in half with a bit of effort and offered it to Luke.
“You can’t just split the gifts I get for you with me.”
“They’re my gifts,” you said. “I can do whatever I want with them.”
“Really?” he asked.
“What’s a rose without her thorns?” you responded. Luke grinned as he took the other half from you. You popped yours into your mouth and your eyebrows rose.
“This is actually good chocolate,” you said as Luke ate his part. “Not like that crap we get at the camp store.”
“I might’ve snuck out to the city to get the good stuff,” Luke said offhandedly.
You looked at him incredulously. “What?”
“Did I stutter?”
“You risked all that trouble just to get some chocolate for me?” you marveled. “Hell from Chiron, extra chores for a month, literal monster attacks—”
Luke held up a hand, stopping your ranting. “Nothing happened. And even if it did,” he shrugged, “you’re worth it. So it doesn’t matter.”
You shook your head and Luke continued. “Besides, I got some other stuff too for the rest of my plan.”
“Right,” you nodded, “you never finished telling me.”
“How’s your schedule?”
“Busy,” you said. “I’m an Aphrodite kid during Valentine’s season.”
Luke tipped his shoulder. “Fair. Think you can block something out for me?”
“That depends what it is,” you said.
“It’s a secret,” he said.
You stared at him. “A secret?”
He nodded. “It might be a foreign concept to you Aphrodite kids, but—”
You cut him off with a light shove and he only chuckled in response. “So you talk yourself up and it ends up being a secret.”
“I think I’ve earned some secret surprises,” Luke said. “I’m already sweeping you off your feet.”
You shook your head, smiling inwardly as you tapped your pen against the clipboard. “Is that how you see it?”
“Well, I did keep you from an untimely death back there,” he said. “And the more unfortunate plight of having to get oil stains out.”
“You read my mind,” you mused.
“And isn’t that worth a date?” Luke asked. “Saving you from a fashion faux pas?”
“You’re worth a date all on your own,” you said as you came up to the next cabin—Apollo was bright as ever, gleaming golden in the sunlight—and you looked at him with a smile. “No rescuing required.”
Your journey to the rest of the cabins went by relatively quickly, especially the Apollo and Ares cabins—you think Luke had been temporarily stunned into silence by you actually flirting back.
You’d had a subdued smile on your face nearly the entire time, even as you felt warmth bloom over your face again. Luke really brought out the inner Aphrodite in you—you were sure your mother was proud, wherever she was watching. What seemed to get Luke out of his addled state was the 5/5 you gave to your own cabin—he complained that the scent of perfume gave him a headache, and when you said you’d been wearing perfume the entire day, he claimed that it was different.
(Cabin Ten kept their full score. It was amazing what a pretty smile could do, especially when Luke was the victim.)
Finally, you were at the Demeter cabin. Luke insisted on going there last, so that all the expectations would be tapered—he was still trying to get a better score for his cabin, but the odds were looking pretty slim. The door was already open, and you smiled at the newly grown flowers outside the cabin.
“Nice touch.”
Luke sighed. “Great. Going out with a bang.”
“It’ll be fine, Luke,” you said. “I’ll help you clean your cabin tonight.”
He frowned. “You were actually serious?”
“Of course I was.” You tipped your head. “It’ll just have to be pretty late. Y’know, because you’ll be cleaning all the dishes.”
“Low blow,” he said, shaking his head. You chuckled as you stopped in the doorway and poked your head in.
“Hey, Katie,” you called to the counselor. “How’re things?”
“Good,” she said, nodding. A smile of her own bloomed on her lips as her gaze moved over to Luke. “I see Rose and her thorns are on duty today.”
“Flattery won’t help you with your score,” Luke mused as he walked into the cabin. You smiled as he held out his hand for the clipboard, and you finally acquiesced. You could feel Katie’s eyes on you as he walked further in.
“He takes that as a compliment?”
“Thorns protect a rose,” you said, still watching Luke. He played the part of a foreman well, investigating their shelves and walls with vigor and even opening drawers. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, and Luke looked back and smiled at you. You nodded, giving him the go-ahead, and he winked as he gave you a thumbs-up.
“And he protects you?” she asked.
You shrugged. “We protect each other.”
“…You would be cute together,” Katie admitted.
You managed to tear your eyes away from Luke, leaning back against the wall. “You think so?”
“He’s only been vying for your attention and flirting with you since the moment you got to camp,” she said wryly. “But you’re the expert on love—you tell me.”
You bit your lip as your gaze darted back to Luke, who was squatting on the floor having what looked to be a very serious conversation with a younger Demeter boy.
“I think I’m his valentine,” you said, almost absentmindedly. “And I think I’m really looking forward to whatever this date is.”
Katie came back into focus as you came back to Earth, and even she was smiling. “Then I think you’ve got your answer.”
Luke had picked the most opportune moment to come back, when you weren’t staring at him like an infatuated idiot—you were only one of those things—and he held out the clipboard and pen to you. “After having a very in-depth conversation with Damian about how things are going here, I scored them properly.”
You chuckled as you took it from him, but your eyebrows rose the more you read. “You’re kidding me.”
He shook his head. “There’s unpaid labor going on here—unpaid child labor. Damian said he’s responsible for half the cleaning and plants here.”
“We’re all children. All the labor we do is child labor,” you deadpanned. “And we’re sure as hell not getting paid.”
Luke held his hands up. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just delivering what he’s said.”
“Don’t tell me he gave us all ones,” Katie said dryly.
“You know him so well,” you mused. You scribbled out half of what Luke wrote as you stood up from the wall, shielding it with your body so he couldn’t see while you walked out together. “See you, Katie!”
Her protests fell on Luke’s deaf ears as he held up the rear, shutting the door behind you two, and when you looked back at him he was grinning.
“Straight ones,” he tutted, shaking his head. “What a shame. Looks like they’re gonna be cleaning the dishes tonight.”
“You know they got a five, Luke,” you said, finally allowing him to see your revised marks. “If you’re gonna fudge the numbers, at least try and make them believable.”
“Oh, come on!” he exclaimed. “A five is way too nice—it’s not fair that they can just grow plants all over and make everything look presentable. Using powers should count as cheating.”
“Their floors are clean, their beds are made, and it smells like floral heaven,” you said. You tapped his chest with your pen. “You could learn something from them, Castellan.”
He caught your wrist before you could move it away. “The Aphrodite cabin always gets perfect scores. Think you could teach me a few things?”
You grinned as you pulled your hand out of his grip and continued walking, this time en route to the Big House to drop off the final inspections. “That depends.”
“On what?” Luke came back into your peripherals as he caught up to you.
“On how good this secret plan of yours is,” you mused.
His eyes lit up, past worries of low inspection scores seemingly fading away in an instant. “So it’s a go? You’re in?”
“Of course I am,” you said, tucking the clipboard under your arm. “You got me the good chocolate, Luke. How could I not see where this goes?”
Previously unnoticed pressure dissolved in his shoulders as he took your hands in his. You could only focus on his eyes, on the warmth of his skin, on the callouses borne from years of sword-fighting.
He was surely blessed by your mother.
“You’re not gonna regret it,” Luke vowed. “All those promises I’ve made about blowing you off your feet, about making your mother proud—they’re all gonna be true.”
“You know what wise men say,” you said wryly.
“That they’re so glad you’re finally giving me a chance?”
“Only fools rush in,” you provided. “Going all in on our first date seems a little hasty.”
“Isn’t your whole thing supposed to be rushing in?” he asked cloyingly. “Y’know, daughter of love and all.”
You shrugged. “Maybe I like taking the idea of taking it slow with you.”
“Then call me a fool,” Luke mused, letting go of one hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His own curls hung over his eyes and you had the strongest urge to take his face in your hands. “Because you should know I can’t help it.”
You felt your cheeks heat as warmth spread all over, and you couldn’t even try to hide your smile. “You think you can take me out on one of those city trips of yours? Show me how to steal a camp van without getting in the most trouble?”
“I’m trying to steal your heart here,” Luke said with a goofy grin, “but I think a van’ll do.”
“Oh, don’t worry.” You took his hand back, intertwining your fingers together as you pulled him closer to you. “We can multitask.”
#luke when he’s so smooth and then she actually flirts back and he system reboots#posting this and running before i go to sleep bc i can only write in the middle of the night#luke castellan x reader#luke castellan fic#luke castellan fluff#percy jackson and the olympians x reader#pjo x reader#x reader#sadie writes
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Okay heres more fics cause ive been reading so so much lately, i cannot and will not be stopped. Heres the first list. I will most prob keep on making lists cause i honestly cannot stop reading. Once again, in no particular order:
Songbird by @colonoscopys - Goes first cause i just finished reading this one. FREAK EDDIE IS MY PASION. I said it already but at one point eddie eats bucks hair. Its awesome! FreakxFreak DumbxDumb
chess inside my chest by @buick118 - HELLOOOO THIS ONE FIXED SOMETHING INSIDE MY CHEST "heart clipped in the backseat with his headphones already secured over his ears." I NEED AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS WRITING ❤️🩹
Two, Three Times in a Row by leslie_knope i honestly have no words for how much i love this fic, i reread it all the time, like ive reread it so much its embarrasing. Some of the best smut ive read.
wanna do a bad thing twice by @coldbam BUCK IS SUCH A FREAK GOD HE IS SUCH A FREAK
(You know what actually there are 2 more fics were buck is the freakiest hes ever been so ill put them right below ⬇️)
slow motion, double vision in rose blush by @saryasy Eddie Diaz. His friend. His Eddie. Has kissed a man. Which is strange because Buck is sure as hell he'd remember kissing Eddie.
Also special mention to that flashback WOW!
i can tell just what you want (you don't want to be alone) by @tallsinspace Buck loses it every single time this is so awesome, it was so FUN reading INFIDELEDDIE this hiatus 🫶🏽
songs and poems and promises by @lesbianrobin buck summer of disatisfaction turns around thanks to eddie god they are so in love! Also special mention to chim well and maddie lets fucking goooooo
we keep this love in a photograph by @burnthatbridge its just so so freaking beautiful. Buck chooses eddies pics for his dating app after he comes out...
the tortured poets department by @colonoscopys once again the kind of fic that you wanna reread again and again.
"The first time Buck touched him, Eddie blew an ambulance up."
still sitting in a corner i haunt by @cal-daisies-and-briars i just love this one so much, should reread it, trust me its worth it.
we're not in love (but the sex is good) by elless. Idk i loved this one. Buddie are not even friends they just want the benefits as soon as they meet. The transition from that to them actually getting to know each other so naturally and start caring about each other is so beautiful.
in the passenger seat by @livingincolorsagain Evan Buckley was put on God’s green earth to drive Eddie Diaz around.
tying you to me by @hoediaz ONCE AGAIN PERFECT TYPE OF WRITING. Buddie meet each other after 5x11. SO ORIGINAL GOD.
the soft animal of your body by @hattalove . This is a coda to another fic but can be read on its own. Just beautiful beautiful love making. I think i commented that i felt like they were making love with the words they were saying to each other just sitting on the kitchen table talking.
we could follow the sparks, i’ll drive by @markofalover bucks kink should be people calling him mr. diaz and thinking hes eddies husband.
Wait for me there by @kitkatpancakestack Childhood friends reunite after 8 years. I just really really loved this one. Those flashbacks to the past are so beautiful.
wanna be your endgame by literalmetaphor gotta be honest dont see this happening in canon at all cause the second eddie confesses buck would go down on his knees lets be honest. BUT this was so great! I loved it.
Pivot Tables by rainbowninja167 Does it show that i love reading buddie being so freaky and so kinky. Ill just say this: educational sex. Buck brings on the clipboard. Obsessed with this one.
I Broke What You Gave Me, But You Kept Giving More by rcdwings. memory loss buck cant remember his husband. Listen im not always a fun of memory loss fics but i loved this one i loved the twist.
there's a word for it, I'm sure by @ithilien-writes i have to reread this one asap cause i loved it so so much they are just so in love with each other but cant admit it so they just start having sex about it. And god they love esch other.
i could give you fifty reasons by @marviless buck FLIRTS with eddie cause he just want ti help. God this one was so much fun. I remember laughing out loud. I gotta reread.
beating the horse by @doitbuckley Eddie is moving to Texas. Buck finally figures out what he wants. Perfect read to the end of 8a.
Play Me For Keeps by @semperama this one made me feel so MANY things in less than 1k words I WAS WONDERSTRUCK HONESTLY SMILING FROM EAR TO EAR
would you lie with me and just forget the world by @colonoscopys reread this one recently GODDDDD if you havent just go read it right now!!! Childhood friends to lovers for the win always.
your beauty (not just a mask) by @aashiqeddiediaz these next two fics GOD well i have a thing for mirrors and sex in front of mirrors apparently so... this i top tier for me. This one is the shorter one in front of the bathroom mirror 100/10 no notes.
my mirror (staring back at me) by @aashiqeddiediaz this one is longer. Mirror in the bedroom......... Eddie notices bucks insecurities and well he does smth about it ❤️🔥 such a fave of mine. It has everything!!!
Dreaming of a White Christmas by rosebuddiekin . Oh boy!!!... just gonna leave the blurb here cause no words could ever be enough: "Buck accepts a challenge to be edged in his and Eddie's own version of the 12 Days of Christmas and loses his mind a little more with each one." (Btw if someone knows the author please lmk. They put a link to their tumblr on ao3 but it doesnt work for me.)
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how to be a heartbreaker
luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
this ate when i was 9 and it still eats

the moment the pink aura radiated off my skin was when i knew. i had been claimed by aphrodite. everyone looked at me in awe as the acne on my face washed away, the kinks in my hair straightening out and turning into a blowout. i caught eyes with a boy who had been training me since i got here. the boy i didn’t know that would be a target in a game called love.
5 years later
“now listen, y/n, being a daughter of aphrodite isn’t easy,” silena beauregard, my half sister, said. i sat in a chair looking at myself in the mirror as she stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders. “now that you’re old enough like me, we have one rule.” i looked at her confused when she sighed.
“just one? how is that hard?” i said. she looked at me in the mirror with her eyebrows raised.
“our mother, the goddess of love, sex…heartbreak pretty much. for us to find the one, y/n, you have to break the first one’s heart,” she said. i grew confused. “pretty much just find someone, make them fall in love you and drop them, and then your set to fall in love with the one.”
“so i have to destroy someone’s heart for mine to fall for someone else? what if i end up falling for that one?” i said as i turned to face her. she smiled and shook her head.
“you won’t, i promise, because if you follow these rules, you won’t fall in love with them.” she turned around and pulled out a piece of paper.
“Rule number one is that you gotta have fun
But, baby, when you're done, you gotta be the first to run”
i huffed as luke pushed me with his foot to the ground once again. he smirked at me as he walked over and stood above me.
“i thought you were supposed to go easy on me,” i winced as i sat up. he chuckled and held out his hand to help me up.
“well i thought you were gonna be busy doing makeup once you got claimed but apparently not all aphrodite kids are the same, so im gonna make you the best,” he said as his hand didn’t let go of mine. i looked up at him and i realized. he was my target.
i took a step back and i smiled. “how am i gonna be the best when you are, castellan?” i asked as his cheeks blushed. “or are you just wanting to get close to me?” his eyes widened as he stammered over his words. he shook his head trying to deny it.
“i’m joking, hero, im trying to have fun.” i smirked at him.
i looked at silena as she said the first rule, my eyebrows raised.
“did apollo help her write that?” i asked jokingly as she laughed a little.
“now that i’m reading it out loud, it does sound like a song,” she laughed out.
“Rule number two, just don't get attached to
Somebody you could lose
So le-let me tell you”
i walked into the arena, seeing luke cutting a dummy’s head off. i stood in awe for a second and then remembered why i was here. i needed attention.
“i’m starting to think those are real people in your head, hero,” i said as i walked closer. he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.
“i can only imagine if they were,” he said as he picked up the head full of hay and threw it out. “what are you doing here though, thought silena said cabin 10 was off limits tonight.” i shrugged and put my hand on the sword of his.
“that’s the cabin you’re talking about, not me,” i said as he loosens his grip on the sword slightly but gets a grip on it once he notices. “and i was hoping if i could get some private lessons from the best swordsmen.” i smiled at him as he had this dazed look into his eyes. i got him.
“yeah, i guess i could do that,” he said as he smiled slightly. i took a step back and grabbed a sword from a nearby rack and stood in place.
as we were swinging at each other, i noticed that he had lost some of strength and was going easy on me. i knew deep down that it was the daze in his eyes and he was pretty much enchanted. but i was kind of hoping it was him just being tired. shit…i didn’t wanna curse the boy…just break his heart real quick.
my arm collided against his chest as he fell back. i huffed out some air and walked over to him. he was breathing heavy and looking at me in shock. i smirked at him as i held out my hand. once he stood, i patted his chest and placed it there.
“well, hero, looks like the training is working.” i smiled at him. he just smiled and shook his head.
“i was just going easy,” he denied. i chuckled as i took a step back. his face dropping slightly.
“whatever you say, hero.” and i sauntered off.
i took a deep breath out as i left the arena. maybe i should’ve picked a different boy.
i think i’m falling for him.
silena smiled at me as i walked into the cabin. i immediately went to her.
“i can’t change who i break, can i?” i asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. but then she realized.
“you’re falling for him, aren’t you?” she said as i sat down on my bed. she sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.
“you said this wouldn’t happen if i followed the rules.” i stated. she sighed as she reached into my drawer and grabbed the paper that she given to me.
“maybe a few more days and you’ll forget you even looked at him in that way.” she looked to me and gave me the paper and pointed to rule number 3.
“Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek
But never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat”
i took a deep breath as i saw luke sitting on the beach. i walked over and sat next to him, playfully pushing his shoulder.
“looks like you need some company, hero.” he smiled at me as he nodded his head.
“only if it’s your company,” he smirked at me. i blushed but immediately looked away. i couldn’t let him get to me. i was in control of this game.
“what are doing out here anyways?” i said as i looked out to the sea, trying to not make eye contact. it was silent for a sec and i looked at him to see he was just staring at the ocean.
“i’m tired of the gods not taking initiative to claim their kids,” he said. he turned his head and looked to me. “my cabin is a mess,” he smiled. i smiled back and laughed softly.
“maybe if you sweet talk annabeth and silena, they’ll give you at most 3 out 5 for trying.” i said as he chuckled. his eyes stared into mine and i got lost in his. i could feel the heat rush to my ears and cheeks. i looked away, shyly. but i looked back for only to luke bring his hand up and brush some hair away from my face.
“i’m really glad you’re here, y/n,” he whispered. i felt my heart flutter but i could hear my moms voice.
“you’re cheek sweetheart, not sleeve.”
i smiled at him and shrugged. “that’s what friends are for, right?” i said, lying straight to his face. i looked away and i could see his face fall slightly but he sat straight and nodded.
“of course, you’re always right.”
silena walked into the cabin and gave me a knowing look.
“you tell luke to sweet talk me to giving his cabin 3/5?” she said smirking. i shrugged and laughed slightly.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about,” i said shaking my head. she sat down next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.
“silena?” i said as i looked ahead, the feeling sinking in.
“yeah?” she looked up and looked worried. i guess the tone in my voice wasn’t too happy.
“i think i love luke”
“Rule number four, gotta be looking pure
Kiss him goodbye at the door, and leave him wanting more, more”
the apollo kids sang as i sat with luke, annabeth, percy, grover, silena and charlie around the campfire. my head was elsewhere, my mind just thinking of the curse of a rule. i felt a hand go on my back, i looked over to see luke looking at me worried.
“you okay?” he said. i admired his face as it glowed with the fire. his scar making him look even more of a hero than anyone else.
“will you actually walk me to my cabin? i’m really tired,” i sighed out and he immediately nodded. he got up and held out his hand for me to take. i took it and walked away with everyone’s eyes on us.
we walked in silence until we got to the door, never noticing our hands still locked. we stood in front and i looked back at our hands. my other hand took initiative as it worked its way up his chest. i looked up to him and i could see what he was feeling. lust. love. my hand snaked to his scar on his face as i leaned up.
our lips met for a brief moment when i pulled away, his chasing mine. i smiled and i kissed his cheek and whispered.
“i’ll see you in the morning, hero,” i kissed him again and walked into my cabin, leaving him going crazy.
tears fell down my face as i looked to the ceiling. the door to the cabin opened as silena and my other siblings walked in, but they immediately stopped seeing me.
“y/n?” silena said as she walked over to me. she sat on the edge of the bed and put her hand on my shoulder.
“i can’t do it,” i whispered, shaking my head. more tears spilled from my eyes as i thought of him.
she sighed as she smoothed my hair down. i could tell the others were looking at me with sympathy as i cried.
“i know it’s hard, y/n, it’s okay,” she said. i sat up as anger rises in me.
“that’s the thing silena, it’s not okay, because i’ve fallen in love with him. you promised i wouldn’t if i followed four simple rules. it’s been weeks, silena,” i said as i sobbed. “what’s the point of doing all this!” i yelled as i punched the bed. she flinched but proceeded to grab the paper. i nearly ripped it out of her hands because it was stupid. this whole game was stupid. but she moved it away and flipped it over.
“we do whatever it will take, 'Cause girls don't want our hearts to break in two, so it's better to be fake, can't risk losing in love again.” she said as she folded the paper. i threw the blanket off of me as i stood up and stared at her. i held out my hand for her to give me the paper. she handed it to me.
this is how to be a heartbreaker written on top in pink with hearts around it. how ironic. i then proceeded to rip the paper in pieces. i heard everyone gasp as i tore it more and more.
“i’m done playing her game, because in the end, it’s not gonna be me breaking his heart. it’s gonna be me breaking my own,” i said as i threw the pieces on the floor and stormed out.
it was just an hour before curfew when i knocked on the hermes cabin door. hearing voices dial down as the door opened. chris stood confused as he stared at me.
“whatcha need? the stoll brother steal something for you?” he said as he smiled. i shook my head and looked around him. luke no where in sight.
“where’s luke?” i asked as he chuckled.
“i’d figure that was the real reasons why you were here, he’s at the shore,” he said as he took a step back. i nodded and immediately went to him.
when i stepped foot on the shore, i saw him with his knees pressed to his chest. i could feel his feelings. betrayal. hurt. love.
i sat next to him and instead of playfully pushing him, i only slightly touched his shoulder to mine.
“you look like you could use some company, hero,” i said quietly as i tried to make him smile. he only looked out to the water as i sighed. i knew he knew.
“can i ask you a question?” he said as he looked over to me. i nodded as i searched in his eyes for anything. “when were you gonna do it?” he asked as my eyebrows furrowed. “when were you gonna do rule number 5?” he clarified. i felt my heart break in half. i looked away as i played with the rough sand.
i shook my head and took a shaky breath. i felt angry at my mother. how can a goddess of love be so cruel. i shifted and faced luke.
“i wasn’t gonna do it,” i said as i reached up to his cheek. he had tears in his eyes as i looked at him. his hand went up to my wrist. i felt tears in my own eyes. “if i broke your heart, i would’ve broken mine too,” i said as i rubbed my thumb on his cheek.
“you mean that?” he asked quietly. i leaned my forehead on his and nodded. i leaned in slightly, scared he was gonna leave. he pulled me closer, bringing my body to his.
“i’ve loved you since the day i got accepted by you, luke castellan,” i whispered to him. his lips ghosted mine and i could feel him smiling. his lips pressed into mine and his hands pressed into my hips. my hands went to his neck and tangled my fingers in his curls.
he pulled away and looked at me. “i love you too, y/n,” he said as kissed me more. but he pulled away again for a second as he grimaced. i furrowed my eyebrows. did i do something? “call me hero though, luke doesn’t sound right,” he laughed and i smiled and laughed with him.
“of course, hero. my hero.”
#luke castellan#luke castellan imagine#luke castellan x reader#percy jackson#percy jackson imagine#percy jackon and the olympians#percy pjo
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osctober day twenty one
prompt: bulletproof pairing: lando/oscar word count: 700w
“Well, I told him it was a bad idea,” Logan says, through the tinny speaker of Oscar’s phone, that’s propped up onto the kitchen island, against Oscar’s fruit bowl.
Bulletproof, nothing to loose
“But he did it anyway, because I don’t think he ever actually listens to anything I tell him,” Logan continues.
Fire away, fire away
“So he vaults off the Yacht, catches his foot on the railing, nearly brains himself on the hull, and then goes hurtling into the water.”
“I dive in after, thinking he might be unconscious, I’m like, worried as shit and he just emerges, laughing his fucking ass off like nothing’s wrong.”
“I mean, something was wrong, because like, he has this massive gash in his foot now, had to get a bunch of stitches, it was a whole deal, but the- Oscar? Are you even listening to me?”
“Hm?” Oscar says.
“Oh, great,” Logan says. “Have I just been talking to myself for the past five minutes?”
“No,” Oscar says, putting his focus back on the phone, scooting closer so his own face fills the little screen at the bottom. “No, I’m listening.”
“Sure,” Logan says. “So what have I been telling you about?” Oscar pulls a face. Logan raises an eyebrow. “Exactly.”
“I’m sorry,” Oscar says. “It’s just, my soulmate…”
Logan winces in sympathy. “Another song?”
Oscar sighs. “Same two lines. Over and over.”
“Yikes,” Logan says. “At least mine sings the entire song when they’ve got something stuck in their head.”
“Lucky you,” Oscar deadpans. “Alright, I gotta go. See you later, yeah?”
“Later!” Logan yells, and then hangs up.
FIRE AWAY, FIRE AWAYYYYY, his soulmates blares happily. Oscar tunks his head down on the counter.
“Oscar,” Lando says, three hours later.
Oscar, who has been listening to the same two lines of Titanium for like three hours now, looks up, happy for the distraction. “Yeah?”
“Listen this is, this might sound strange, but I have this song stuck in my head, and it’s starting to drive me nuts, so I can imagine my soulmate isn’t faring much better and I just. I read somewhere, that it helps if you listen to the whole song, except I can’t remember what it is?”
Oscar snorts. Apparently having annoying songs stuck in your head is just a running theme today. “Yeah, sure, what is it?”
“Oh, it’s like-“ Lando says, and then the most earie thing that’s ever happened to Oscar starts happening.
Lando starts singing the opening lines of the chorus of Titanium, in perfect tandem with the little voice in Oscar’s head that’s been singing the song over and over all day.
“Well?” Lando says. “Do you know it?”
Oscar stares at him. For a really long time. Wonders if this is really happening. Wonders if maybe Logan told Alex who told George who told Lando and now they’re making fun of him. Wonders what he would do, if. If.
“Are you joking?” He asks, genuinely.
“What?” Lando asks, frowns. “No? They played it in the airport earlier today but I forgot how the rest of the song goes and it’s been driving me nuts.”
It did start somewhere slightly after when Lando landed. Oscar knows, because Lando texted him. “Holy shit,” he says, and then again, for good measure, “holy shit.”
“What? What’s wrong, is this song like, weird? It’s not weird, right? It was like a massive hit, why are you-“ Lando never gets a chance to finish the rest of his sentence, because Oscar chooses that exact moment to kiss him full on the mouth.
“Sorry,” Oscar says, when he pulls away. Lando is just staring at him with big eyes, clearly confused. “Sorry, I just. Uh. Remember when you said it must be driving your soulmate pretty nuts?”
Lando nods.
“Well, it has been. Driving me pretty nuts. All day. Also the song is Titanium by David Guetta and Sia, if you were. Wondering.”
“Holy shit,” Lando says, and then again, for good measure. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah,” Oscar says, and then Lando leaps forward and kisses him again.
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“Was it real or just for show?” TEASER
PAIRING: famous!harry x famous!y/n
SYNOPSIS: baby i just gotta know how long has this been going on?
NOTES: be nice english isn’t my first language and this is my first work! I personally recommend listening to this song while reading “How long” by Charlie Puth. If you have any thoughts or ideas, I'm waiting for you in the inbox. or just to talk because I'm bored. feel free to do whatever you want x
WARNINGS: smut but not really (maybe some hints, but nothing like that will happen cause i’m not in the right mood), swearing, flirting, kinda friends to enemies to lovers, kissing, harry and reader being stubborn. i think that’s all if you found something else comment please.
“Harry, how do you feel about miss Y/n?”
Harry already knew how to answer. In fact, it had been the first question asked at almost every interview Harry had attended for the past few months. Jeff always said it's good for PR because all the fans are sure you're dating. I mean, isn't it? You flirt with each other on social media, write comments to each other on Instagram and hint at some kind of relationship on Twitter. Sometimes it seemed to him that it was so. You're just playing the game, waiting for the other person to give in and confess their feelings. Harry remembers the first time he mentioned you in an interview talking about celebrity crushes. Fans literally went crazy when they heard your name. For another week, the Internet was buzzing with rumors that the famous singer was dating an actress Y/N.
Of course, he didn't mention your name for nothing. By this point, you've been talking for a few months, almost immediately starting flirting via text. Surprisingly, it never devolved into anything more than just sex jokes.
“I mean she’s an incredible actress, you know? Have you seen her new movie? It’s amazing. I already told her that I wouldn't mind playing with her in the remake of "The Notebook". Personally, I think that we would be perfect for the main roles.” he laughs.
“So we should wait to see your chemistry on screen, am I right?” asks the interviewer and Harry shrugs.
“We’ll see”

“Y/n, please tell us more about Mr. Styles”.
You laugh and playfully roll your eyes. It seems to you that you will never get tired of playing this game. You flirt with each other in public and in private when no one is looking. At the same time, you have never been caught by the paparazzi together somewhere in a restaurant or on vacation. In fact, it's because you never went anywhere together. Harry never asked you out and you didn't have the guts to even ask him out for coffee. You didn't have any contact that required you to play couple in public. Personally, you did it because it was fun. It's fun to read some news about yourself, where you are married or pregnant. It's fun to watch fan speculation that isn't true. It's fun to pretend you don't understand anything at an interview and talk in riddles.
“I have no idea who are you talking about”
“Oh come on! You do know who is Harry Styles. In his last interview he told us that he wants to do a movie with you”
“Ok, I'm just kidding. Harry is a cool actor and singer. He is very talented. Have you seen his latest movies? To be honest, I watched "My Policeman" three times. It's not every day you see Harry shirtless, you know. Therefore, I would also not mind playing in the same movie with Mr. Styles. If anyone is looking for actors for the main roles, give us a call!” you smiled, looking at the people in the hall. Apparently, many of them are fans of your couple, because when they heard the name Harry, they literally went crazy.
What you didn't know was that this innocent game of flirting would turn into a race of hate and love. Both of you will have to come face to face with your fears and anxieties. You will have to learn to live with mistakes and without people with whom you planned your old age. You will have to meet again someone who was once everything to you. And will you be able to say "Goodbye" again?
Patiently waiting for your thoughts
#harry styles imagine#harry styles#harry styles x reader#harry styles smut#im scared#please please please#harry x yn
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Just an idea of mine while listening to like him by Tyler the creator, I cannot fathom just how much this is so relatable to not [] reader bro. So have a bit of a long rant/fic ig, this is up to your interpretation if it's not [] reader or just my version of reader from the not [] series.
(this is my first time writing so excuse me if it's a bit shabby)
Visiting your mother's grave was quite a moment for you, you remember when you would always visit her grave if you could when she just died, but then couldn't since you moved houses, to the Wayne house or manor I guess? ...but now as an independent adult, you can always go to her grave to mourn or just talk to her, just like how you did when she's alive.
Although you never really remember her much, since she died when you were in such a young age you still would remember her words... specifically, this one
"Damn, everytime I look at you i swear to God! " your mother exclaims, looking at you excitedly. She didn't really feel like all of her cursing would effect you negatively much if she just uses it lightly.
"You got his feet, you got his body, you got his long arms, fingers and shit, everything! "
Thinking about it now, do you really look like him?, I mean sure! Your his biological child, not that you wanted to be, there is a research about how the first child to be made largely takes the appearance of their father, but yet again... You were just fine with your mother, plus, everything worked out without him. Before your mother died at least..
Sitting in front of your Mother's grave you think about it, looking at her grave fondly yet there's a glint in your eyes that shows just how pained you are to lose her. Maybe you would've had a different life if she had lived, one that didn't include you having to be so over achieveing just for a sliver of attention from your "family" that clearly didn't care for you.
It was a pretty cloudy day, a bit cold you admit, you should've wear a coat or a jacket before visiting here at least... It feels a bit colder knowing you feel like your being watched somewhere..
"You gave me love.... And affection, attention, protection"
"So how could I ever miss something, that I never had? "
"I would never judge ya, cause everything worked out without him.. "
You never really experienced what it is to feel loved by a father since you already had your mothers love at the time. But she still felt guilty knowing you didn't experience a fathers love, well, you didn't really experienced it either when moving into the Wayne manor..., maybe Alfred is the fatherly love you've experience but technically he wasn't your father...
"Mama I'm chasing a ghost... "
He never really did gave attention to you, affection, protection, attention,love, none of those in all of your time living in that stupid manor, hell, even your supposedly sibling did too, even one of them wasn't all that pleased with your mere presence in this manor.
"I decided to really get that love inside you, I would never ever lie to you"
"You ain't never gotta lie to me, I'm every thing that I strive to be.. "
Music really is your aspiration, inspiration, everything... It's makes you let out all of your feelings to a song, makes you feel a bit better with yourself, its embarrassing to think that you've made a song for each of your "family" member once or twice, only for it to not ever be heard by them, but be heard by other people, strangers.
"So do I look like him? "
"I don't look like him... "
You prayed, hell, begged even, that you do not look like him, Bruce Wayne , god you wished you were not his child, it makes you feel disgusted that you look like your father, a man that never loved or care for you. Only seeing you as a mere obstacle, though you bet he ever see you as one, considering he's too busy forgetting about your mere presence.
"Please... For the love of God, don't tell me I look like him... "
(HOLY HELL THAT WAS LONG, so sorry about that, I just feel a deep appreciation for your writing, you never really talked about readers mother in the not [] series as far as I can remember, so I just made a tiny headcanon, about how reader is fond of their mother but doesn't remember much since she died when reader was at such a young age, maybe 4 or 5 years old, just like any other generic batfam fic, no Offense. I also added some things that are not on the song, as well as changing some of the lyrics, I hope you don't mind and enjoy my poopy writing!!!)
Oh. My. God!!!!
I absolutely love it!!! You can really feel the emotions put behind it, and having the song go through my head honestly really helped with it too! And your small piece really does show how it can relate to the reader in the Not [ ] Series a lot!! Even then it was an enjoyable read and I'm glad you decided to share it!
Sure, maybe it doesn't quite fit my own interpretation, but the fact it fits yours makes it so special and honestly love it so much more then if it fit my own. Besides! I like to leave things a little open so that you can cone up with your own things, just like this!!! The fact you made it just from my silly little fic really inspires me, thanks so much!!
For your first time writing, it isn't all that bad either! Changing some stuff around qas a great choice, and adds more to the narrative you were trying to make, which I actually really love! If you wrote more, even if just for fun and as a hobby, I'd love to see more of your work :]
Nevertheless, thanks for sending this in, and you didn't do so bad! 💛
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Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Summary: A year into reader’s relationship with Johnnie, reader realizes just how busy Johnnie can get with what he does for work, and just how easily he can push reader off.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, angsty, arguing between reader and Johnnie, fighting for love/relationship, unprotected makeup sex, kissing, hair pulling, slight choking, oral (both rev), creampie, filth with a dash of fluff? Enjoy!
Word count: 2.5k | not edited
Also, this song is sooo good. It’s one of my favorite songs in general, so please I beg of you to listen to this before or during your read.
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
“Therapy is tiring.” You joke and, “I’ve tried it before and it just felt like I was being judged, you know?”
You glance down at Katrina, who’s in the screen of your phone on FaceTime. She nods, “Right, but so is hiding how you feel. I’ll have to give you the number for mine. She is phenomenal.”
You nod, pacing back and forth as you stare out the window, “I’ve brought it up to him a few times already, Kat. I just..”
You run your hands over your arms, wrapping them tightly around your body, “Maybe we aren’t meant to last?”
“Don’t say that, y/n. Johnnie loves you, he just probably isn’t used to having someone like you around.”
“You mean being the first girlfriend he’s had in a while?” You laugh slightly, “Jake always picks on him about it.”
“Then yeah.” Kat laughs, “I would just give it one more try and if it doesn’t get better..” she trails off, “You know I have an extra bedroom open, right?”
You smile, glancing at her in the phone, “You remind me every time I talk to you about this.”
She shrugs, “Just letting you know you have a good plan b in case things.. go.. you know.”
It’s silent for a few seconds, “Just remember that there’s no better vengeance than learning to enjoy things again.”
“I just want him go get the message, like. No one is fucking shatter resistant. A person can only take so much shit.”
You hear the front door open and you sigh, “Johnnie’s here. Gotta go.”
“Good luck. Love you bye!”
“Love you bye.”
You turn around and walks out of the bedroom, making your way down the steps of his shared house with Jake.
He glances up at you and smiles slightly, “Hey babe.”
You walk over to him, planting a kiss on his lips, “Hey.” You go to walk away but he grabs your wrist, pulling you back into him, “Whoa. What’s wrong?”
You laugh slightly, mainly at the fact that this is the first time he’s noticed something was wrong in days, “Nothing, why do you-“
“You look like you’ve been crying.”
You shrug, “I’m fine.”
“No, talk to me.” Johnnie pushes and you shake your head, taking a step back, “Johnnie.” You whine quietly and he reaches out to grab your hips, “Baby.”
You snap, the second his hands touch your hips, “Fuck, Johnnie.” You take a deep breath, letting out a loud sigh right before the words spill from your lips.
“I’ve been like this for days, Johnnie. Upset, tired, angry.” You look at him, “Days, and now, when you get home and I’m assuming in the mood to fuck, you want to actually take more than a fucking second to look at me and think hmm, okay something wrong.”
“Jesus Christ.” Johnnie breathes out, “Where the fuck is this coming from? You do know that what I do for work causes me to be busy, right? I mean.” He shakes his head, “I’m pretty sure you knew that coming into this relationship.”
You keep your stare on him, “I knew that part of it, Johnnie. I did. I just didn’t know that you getting a girlfriend with this work meant that it’s okay to just push her away.”
“That’s not-“
“if it’s not what you do then please tell me.” You motion towards him and he takes a deep breath, shaking his head.
“Fucking Christ, Johnnie. Leave me something, give me something.”
“What do you want, y/n?” Johnnie looks at you and you look at him, actually kind of shocked that he would even ask that, and right as you opened your mouth to say something, he cuts you off, “Sorry, that- stupid fucking question.”
You raise your brows, “You push me, and you pull me around, figuratively speaking. And I let you do it because I don’t want to leave.”
“I mean fuck Johnnie. I feel like I’m a speaker that is about to blow because it can’t handle much more bass, my head feels like it’s going to explode but I’m still here, because I love you, and and we’re good, we’re good.”
He looks at you and your eyes meet his, “I fucking love you, and I just.. I’m fucking starving for attention Johnnie. Your attention.”
You feel your throat burn, “I didn’t ever really think that it.. it was too much to ask, but honestly, we need to work on this or you let me out be-“
Johnnie starts talking, and he sounds mad, “You want to leave?”
You sigh, feeling exhausted with repeating yourself, “No, Joh-“ you groan, “I literally just said that I don’t and said why.”
You run a hand through your hair, fighting back the tears harder, “Fuck. Okay.” You take a deep breath and look down, you can’t hold back the tears when you think of the next thing you wanted to bring to his attention.
“I just.. for the last few weeks, I feel like I’ve been balancing on a razor blade around you. I’m supposed to be here to help you relax after a long stressful day. Instead, I just feel like I add to it.”
He shakes his head, “No, baby.”
You keep your gaze on the floor, taking in a quiet breath as you look up and wipe your face, “We’ve been together a year, Johnnie.”
You drop your hands, the slap echoing through the room and he just stares at you, “Our anniversary was yesterday, I waited to see if you’d remember, I even set a reminder in your phone a few days ago.”
You let out a stressed laugh, “I just.. we were doing so good and then it’s like I became one of your friends, your roommate who you occasionally sleep with.”
Tears fall down your cheeks, “How the fuck does that happen, Johnnie?”
At that moment, Jake walks through the door with Tara and you turn away. Johnnie walks up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist, “All good guys, we’re just-“
Johnnie walks you to the bedroom and you can tell just from that conversation that Jake and Tara were definitely concerned.
Johnnie shuts the door, and you turn to him, “Why am I here if that’s all we’re going to do? I’m just sitting here waiting for the start of things that I want with you, this happily ever after, with you.”
He stands there, “Well get that, I just..”
“How? Most of the time it just seems choking on your words and swallowing them is just a fast and easy way for you to not actually talk to me. You’re supposed to be my emergency contact, Johnnie. Someone I know will be there for me no matter what. Fuck, the last few nights, I’ve ended up passing out on the couch while you slept in the bed. I just can’t sleep anymore knowing that I don’t know where the hell I stand in your life anymore.”
“I love you.” He steps closer, “Please, don’t judge me for what I’m about to say.”
You look at him confused, “Never.”
He walks you over to the bed, “I forget that I have a girlfriend sometimes.”
You try not to laugh, “Um, okay.” You tilt your head, closing your eyes.
“I’m serious.. like you seen how Jake picked on me. I really haven’t had anyone in my life with the girlfriend label, and I just.. it feels so new to me.”
“So you need me to train you.” You smirk, looking over at him and he rolls his eyes, “I’m not a dog, babe.”
You reach over, ruffling his hair.
He really does have good sex appeal, because now that your villain has settled, all you can think about it making up this argument to him with sex, proving just how much you love him.
Johnnie’s hand slides to your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
Or the other way around.
“I’m so sorry I forgot our anniversary.” He kisses you, continuing to speak In between kisses, “I’m sorry.. that I.. haven’t.. been here.”
He pushes you back onto the bed, moving to straddle your thighs. His hands push your shirt up, gripping your bare waist.
He stares down at you, your hands move to rest on his forearms.
“I’m sorry, I have been shitty. I had a bad day and you caught me at a bad time.” He leans down, lips brushing against yours, “Please don’t leave.” His voice is low, almost a whimper, likes he’s begging.
Your hands slide to his neck, “I’m not going anywhere, baby.”
The space closes between you and the grip on your hips tighten, “You’re a fucking angel.” He lifts his head, “My angel.”
You smile, biting your lip as he moves to push his legs in between yours. You move them, wrapping them around his waist.
He grinds his hard bulge against your clothed pussy, earning a surprise moan from you,
He kisses down your neck, “Love those pretty sounds.”
He bites down on your neck, earning more of the sounds he wants to hear, “Mine.” He bites down in a different spot, groaning as he grinds against you, “All mine.”
“All yours.” You agree, moving a hand up to tug at the hair at the nape of his neck, “Johnnie, please.” You whimper, “I need you.”
“You have me. All of me.” He kisses up to your lips, “You can always count on me. From here on out, I promise.”
His lips crash onto yours as his hands slide up your shirt, keading and groping at your bare tits, “So perfect.” He pauses, squeezing them slightly rough which gets you to moan out as your back lifts up from the bed, “F-Fuck.”
He sits up, moving to pull the tight, black tee from his body. You bite down on your lip as your eyes scan over his tattoo covered body.
You could never get enough of him.
You hands reach up and you work at undoing his belt, then the button on his jeans then finally, his zipper.
He pushes them down while you work on undressing yourself.
You toss your shirt to the floor and look up at him as you lay back down. His brushes hair from his eyes and you watch as they scan over your face.
He uses his teeth to play with his lip rings while his hand slides up your spread thigh. Your breath hitches when he stops just on the outer edge of your pussy.
You wiggle your hips and a smirk plays with his lips before he drags the tip of his pointer finger up and down your soaked folds.
A gasp escapes your lips and your groan, “More, baby. Please.”
You grip the sheets, clenching around his finger as he slides it in, “Yesyesyes.”
Johnnie leans down, moving to lay beside you. He nudges his nose against your cheek, “after this.. we can do anything you want.”
You nod, glancing down at his finger slowly sliding in and out of your pussy, “Johnnie.” You whine, “Stop teasing.”
He instantly starts to slip in his middle finger and you throw your head back, moaning out as you squeeze your walls around them.
“I’m so sorry. I’m going to make it up to you.” He leans in, kissing your neck as the speed in the thrusts of his fingers picks up, “I’ll do anything you want.”
You reach over, hand wrapping around his cock, “Let me use my mouth on you.”
Johnnie bucks his hips slightly into your hand and he pulls his fingers out before rolling onto his back. He motions for you to come to him and when you go to bend down towards his cock he stops you.
“No, no. I’m making you feel good, too.” He reaches over, laying a hand in your thigh, “Sit on my face and lean that way.”
He points out from him and you catch on, facing away from him before swinging your leg over his head.
He wastes no time with grabbing your hips and pulling your down.
You let out a surprised moan, jumping slightly when you feel his tongue lap over your folds.
You lean down, moaning out as you lay the tip of his cock on your tongue. His hips buck and the grip on your hips tightens as he groans against you.
You take half of him in your mouth, swirling hour tongue as you bob your head.
Johnnie’s head slams onto the mattress away from you, hips bucking toward as he groans, “F-fuck..”. He digs his fingertips into your skin harder, “just like that, baby.”
You squeeze your eyes shut as you take him all the way in, gagging around him as his hips buck, “Shit, shit.” Johnnie lets out a groan, “F-fuck. Okay.”
He taps your hips and you lift your head, breathing heavy as you move to sit next to him.
He pulls you down, tongue slipping into your mouth as his lips press to yours. You moan at the taste of yourself on his lips, pulling him towards you.
He moves back to in between your legs and it wasn’t long ago all before his cock was slipping into your soaked cunt.
His head falls and his lips are against your neck, “Feels so fuckin’ good.” He groans lowly as he starts to thrust.
Your legs tighten around his waist and your chest presses against his, “H-harder please.” You turn your head, lips searching for his as he obeys your request.
His thrusts growing harsher, hips slamming into yours, earning whines and moans from you.
“M’so sorry, baby.” He mumbles against your lips, “I love you.” He groans, a hand coming up to gently lay on your neck.
“I love you.” You lay a hand on his, urging him squeeze harder.
He obliges, squeezing your neck which earns a squeak from you as your eyes roll closed.
Johnnie brings you closer to orgasm with his words, slowing his thrusts down as he whispers sweet and dirty things in your ear, “I love you so fucking much.”
“You’re so tight, fuck.”
“Sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
The band snaps. You cling to him, moans pour from your lips as he releases his grip and moves it down to rub rough circles on your clit, “There ya go, baby. Just like that.”
You roll your hips into his thrusts, whining out as he guides you through your high, “Cum in me.” You whimper out, pressing your lips to his in a sloppy manor, “Please, Johnnie.”
“F-fuck, fuck.” He grips your hips tight and you feel his cock twitch. You bite down on his lower lip and moan out, “Fill my pussy.”
Within seconds, he’s again, obliging to your request, which he will continue to do even after you’re done.
You moan, kissing him as you feel him thrust into you, pushing his cum as deep into you as it will go.
He brings his hand up, thumb brushing over your cheek, “I really am sorry, y/n.”
You peck his lips a few times gently, “It’s okay.” You whisper, biting down on your lip as he pulls out. You sit up, slowly moving to stand up.
As soon as you rise to your feet, Johnnie’s arms are around your waist and his voice is low, “You’re literally the best person I have in my life and I just want you to know that you are my emergency contact.”
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
Thank you so much for reading! As always, please let me know what you thought. I love you all so so so much! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
#SamandColbyOwnMe#Johnnie Guilbert#Johnnie Guilbert smut#dirty johnnie guilbert#smut johnnie guilbert#johnnie guilbert x reader smut#johnnie guilbert one shots#johnnie guilbert x reader#johnnie guilbert one shot#Johnnie Guilbert dirty one shot#emergency contact#inspired by Pierce the Veil#pierce the veil#ptv#ptv emergency contact#smut#smut warning#dirty one shots#Johnnie Guilbert fluffy smut#fluffy smut
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ℙ𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕡, 𝕆𝕟𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕠𝕡𝕠𝕟
(I'll always want you part Final)
Link for part three here
dividers by @Cafekitsune
Song inspo: Power Trip - J Cole
C.W: angst, drug use, smut. MORE ANGST.

Ony hadn't seen you since the party. Well, he saw you on campus, at mutual friends' parties, but y'all kept your distance from each other. It's been 18 months since you two broke up and almost a year since Armin's party. Ony had been back in the studio more than ever, working on his upcoming album. Between uni, social media, and studio time, he thought he'd be able to keep his mind off you. But he couldn't. His thoughts always wandered back to you. He'd stalk your socials every now and then and saw that you finally launched your brand, Xerar.
Ony was in the studio, working on a song called "Power Trip" with his producer/rapper best friend Eren for the final track on his album. He was smoking a blunt with Eren, Connie, Armin, and Jean when they started talking about your upcoming fashion show.
Eren: Aye Jean, you going to Xerar's launch man. Jean: Who's throwing that again. I don't keep up much with fashion Armin: You idiot, it's y/n's launch and her fashion show Connie: *Passes blunt to Eren* Man I aint missing that, she's been working on that shit forever. Plus, I gots be there since imma model and shit
Eren passes the blunt to Ony then watches his expression. Ony's eyes widened listening to his friend's conversation. He slowly realized everyone was invited but him. Everyone noticed his silence and quickly switched the topic.
Ony's mind momentarily had a flashback He remembered the nights working with you on your sketches, you bouncing ideas off him. Him helping you pick fabric swatches and the works. Ony felt sick to his stomach.
He moved away from his friends, put on his headphones, and started writing trying to clear his mind and probably work on another single.
Connie watched Ony over in the corner chilling with his headphones in smoking and writing. His aura a bit broken.
Connie playfully shoved Eren and said, "Man, you know he still holds a torch for her. Why you gotta mention it?"
Eren scoffed and said, "It's time he let go, man."
Ony left the studio when no one was looking and headed home. He found himself smoking a cigarette in bed, staring at the ceiling, mind running on times that no longer existed. He sighed, rubbing his hands against his face, he contemplated calling over someone to fuck the thoughts away, but he knew it usually left him feeling worse. He stubbed out his cigarette in the bedside ashtray stared into space hoping the pain would eat him alive.

Ony was smoking on the balcony of his apartment, looking out at the night sky when his phone rang. He answered without checking it. He heard your voice, "Hey Ony, what's up?"
Ony was shocked that you called but played it cool. "Hey, I'm good. Just on my balcony hittin' a blunt. What made you call me?" You heard Ony inhale through the phone. "Just curious to see how you're doing, Soro."
You calling Ony by his artist's name made him laugh a bit. You asked Ony to come over. You heard him hesitate, then he said OKAY and that the passcode for his apartment door was the same. You laughed and hung up.
Ony confused and in a fit of paranoia called Eren. "Hey man..fuck y/n called me now she's coming over. Idk what to do man."
Eren laughed then told Ony "Bro, calm down, probably take another hit of that blunt you're smokin right now and relax. Some of us sleep in the night man." Ony laughed and ended the call with Eren.
Thirty minutes later, Ony felt your presence before he saw you. You looked the same but different. You were wearing his old navy blue College Dropout hoodie from Kanye West that you stole from him and grey sweat shorts.
Ony watched you sit next to him, sparking up a blunt of your own. You both sat in silence until Ony said, "I'm glad to see you, Y/N." Ony smelled the faint scent of your usual perfume mixed with your favorite bedtime body mist and it had him tweaking a bit.
This was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment when he could really patch things up once and for all. He needed to be as honest as he could to make up for his mistakes. Ony was thinking to himself,
Why do I feel so nervous? I don't care. I have to speak my heart out.
His voice came out a little broken but heavy. "Y/N, I..." Ony's words failed him. It was so hard for him to speak when all he could see was your beautiful face.
"Hi Ony," you said. Hearing your voice in person sent him crazy. He tried to calm his mental. Ony wasn't sure what to say, so he just stared at you while you were smoking your blunt.
You felt him staring you up and down. He watched the moonlight hit your face, and it made him want you. Ony tried to speak again, but nothing came out. He thought to himself again,
Why is it so hard to say 'I love you' to her right now? This is frustrating. I need to say it. I've prepared myself for this. This is my second chance to fix everything. This is my one and only chance to make her happy again. It's time to stop hesitating and open my heart.
Ony watched you stub out your blunt and turn to face him. "Ony, what do you have to say to me?" Ony sighed and poured his heart out.
"Y/N, I know I messed up. I know I hurt you. I cheated, and I can't take that back. But I've been thinkin' 'bout you every damn day. I still love you, and I can't shake that. It's been almost two years, and I should've moved on, but I can't. Every waking moment, every dream is about you. I'm sorry for everything, for causing you so much pain. I just want a chance to make things right."
You sat there in silence, the words hanging heavy in the air.
Ony murmured, "Do you hate me, Y/N? Like, for real, do you?"
Ony was met with silence again. Ony sighed and started up again,
"I still love you, Y/N. I know it's been almost two years. I should move on, be more focused, but every waking moment, every dream is about you. I hate that I cheated and fucked up, Ma."
Ony watched you fix your hair and saw the Versace bracelet he got you still on your wrist. He thought to himself, "Why didn't she return that with all the other stuff?"
He wanted to ask about it but ignored it. He watched you rise from your seat, walk over to the balcony, and stare at the night sky.
Ony opted to change the music playing in the background. He switched it from "Dr. Suess" by Ski Mask to "Power Trip" by J. Cole ft. Miguel.
Ony sat there staring at you and continued smoking until he heard you say, "What do you really want, Ony?"
Ony thought his ears were playing tricks on him, then he responded,
"Are you askin' me what I want right now, Ma?" "Yeah, right now."
He took another hit, then said, "Honestly, I wanna hug you right now. I wanna hold you tight and feel your warmth as I tell you that I love you."
Silence again. Ony watched you fish a blunt out of your lil purse you came with while coming to sit next to him and said, "How about you smoke this with me?"
Ony pulled out his lighter and lit the blunt hanging from your lips in silence, his eyes locked with yours, he was the first to look away. He was lost in thought.
"She so damn beautiful takin' a drag. Missed this. Her lips, damn, so beautiful. First time in forever, I'm seein' it. Thinkin' 'bout kissin' her, scared 'cause we been apart so long. Don't wanna mess this moment."
Ony took the blunt from you and took a drag still deep in thought. *thinking to himself*
"View's beautiful now. Moonlight, city quiet. Us two, world feelin' small. Beautiful moment. Don't want it to end. Enjoyin' it, appreciatin' her bein' here, missed it so much."
With a smile on his face, Ony said, "You the most beautiful woman in this world. I swear you're perfect."
You turn to Ony and said, "Ony, it’s not just about the apology or just buttering me up with sweet words. It’s about trust. You broke it, and I don’t know if we can ever get it back."
He nodded, taking in your words. "I get it. Can't stop thinkin' 'bout us, what we had. What could've been. Tryna move on, stuck in the past."
You took a deep breath, the weight of his words sinking in. "Ony, I’ve tried to move on too. I’ve been focusing on my brand, on myself. But seeing you, hearing you say all this, it brings everything back. I don’t know if I can go through that pain again."
He leaned closer, his eyes pleading. "Y/N, I know I don’t deserve another chance. But I’m asking for one. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I still love you, and I don’t want to spend my life wondering what could have been."
You looked away, the night sky providing a momentary distraction from the intensity of the conversation. "Ony, it’s not that simple. We can’t just go back to how things were. We’ve both changed."
He reached out, gently turning your face back to him. "I know we can’t go back. But maybe we can start over. Build something new, something stronger. Please, Y/N, give us a chance."
You sighed, feeling the weight of his words and the sincerity in his eyes. "Ony, I don’t know if I can. But I’m willing to try. One step at a time."
A small smile formed on Ony's lips as he nodded, hope flickering in his eyes. "That’s all I’m asking for. One step at a time."
You both sat there, the silence now filled with a sense of cautious hope. Ony leaned over to kiss you but you exhale smoke directly in to his face. Ony smirked then let out a chuckle. Ony whispered while taking a hit from the blunt in your hands "You know how that gets me ma."
Ony leans in again and kisses you this time exhaling the smoke directly into your mouth as you inhale and kiss him back. Ony watched as your eyes got low and red just like his while they were you were smiling at him made it obvious to him you were blushing heavily.
"I miss that look in your eyes a lot." blunt now forgotten, you and ony were making out heavily. Ony pulled you onto his lap. his hands roamed your body causing you to grind against his clothed body. Ony felt like he was losing his mind having you back with him like this felt like magic. Like a fever dream
As the night wore on, you and Ony talkin', reminiscin', fuckin,ownin' up to mistakes. No fix-all, but a start. Tiny step towards healin', maybe somethin' more down the line.
The shrill sound of Ony's phone alarm shattered the moment, dragging him out of his dreamy haze.
Ony shot up on the bed wiping his face, feelin' hot and sweaty. Thinking out loud he said "It was so real. Like I was really with her... but that ain't possible. It was just a dream."
He gotta admit he miss her so bad. He loves everything about her. Her deep brown eyes, her dark hair, her beautiful face, her gentle and soft smile. He misses the little things about her, even her annoying habits and the small gestures she does without thinkin'.
He wishes it wasn't just a dream. He wishes it was real...
Ony felt like he wanted to scream. He turned off his phone alarm and saw texts from Eren
Ony felt a scream building in his chest. He turned off his phone alarm and glanced at Eren's texts, irritation bubbling up. Connie had exposed his vulnerability without truly grasping it. Plugging his phone to charge, Ony considered rolling another blunt. He had class today but couldn't bear the thought of facing anyone. Deep down, he knew his self-destructive behavior was spiraling out of control, but he felt powerless to change it.
He roamed around his apartment, trying to clear his mind, then suddenly
He heard a banging on his apartment door. He kissed his teeth and went to open it and saw. Connie, Armin, Connie, Mikasa and Sasha at his door. He almost slammed the door back in the faces, but Eren pushed the door open letting everyone in. Eren walked straight for where Ony usually kept his stash and dumped out his weed and Eren saw the pills and his eyes teared up almost immediately.
Eren grabbed Ony by the shoulders, attempting to shake some sense into Ony but nothing registered for Ony.
Eren raised his voice trying to talk to Ony but he just stayed silent. Mikasa looked through the pills. There was molly, percs and even some Xanax.
Connie chimed in asking Ony "Floch sold you these pills man like for real. He is the only dude on campus that got this shit."
Ony looked around the room at his friends and all he could think of was you. You'd hate to see him right now. This wasn't the Ony you fell in love with. The one who held your hand, stayed up when you cried about your finals. He was a far cry from that person.
Ony's world was shaken when he saw his older brother and sister walk in his apartment door. He knew what this was. An Intervention. All he prayed that his parents weren't here to see this.
His sister looked at him with sad eyes while his brother was furious.
All his sister said is "Mom and Dad knows, they were gonna disown you but Kwesi (Ony's older brother) explained everything to them. You gotta get help man. You're killing yourself. Are you sure this is all about y/n"
Ony stayed silent for a long moment then said "After finals. I'll get help. Let me just finish finals. That's all. This aint on y/n it's on me. I dont wanna hear anyone blaming her for shit."
Ony walked off, absentmindedly reaching for the cigarettes on the console table when it was pulled out his hand by Sasha.
Ony scoffed leaving everyone in the living room area, to sit out on the balcony alone. He needed a moment to just think.
He grabbed his iPad sitting on the table and mindlessly scrolled through IG when he saw a picture of you cuddled up with Lead Singer of the band ErrxR Reiner Braun. He dropped his iPad, watching the screen crack on the ground.
The little hope he had in his heart, that you and he could be once again is long gone. You moved on leaving him truly alone in the chaos of his own doing.
The End
#aot x you#aot x black reader#black tumblr#onyankopon x reader#aot onyankopon#connie springer#aot x reader#black reader#ony x black reader#onyankopon smut#aot smut#aot x y/n
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She Calls Me Daddy Part 2

Pairing: Breanna Stewart x reader
Summary: Listen to 'she calls me daddy' by KiNG MALA if you want to hear the song that inspired this fic :)
Word Count: 1.5k
My Masterlist
“Stewie please,”
Breanna’s hand wrapped around your throat, pulling you up with a force that almost knocked your breath away.
Her strap was buried deep inside you, her hips thrusting like her life depended on it. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head when her mouth met your neck, biting and licking up and down, over and over again.
You had fantasized about her, every single day since she left.
Yet, your fantasies didn’t hold a candle to the hurricane that was Breanna Stewart.
Her fucking hands were running over your body like they owned her.
And in some fucked up way, they always had.
You had sworn you would date after she left.
You gave her years in Seattle.
She wasn’t interested in being official, and fuck you loved her too much to ask.
So, you gave her everything for years, and you didn’t ask for anything in return. You always swore it was enough to be her best friend on the court and her lover in secret.
Not that it didn’t kill you every time.
After Breanna left Seattle, left you, you swore you would date. You would be someone’s everything, someone’s public, open, proud girlfriend.
But every time you tried to move on, all you could think of her.
And that wouldn’t be fair to anyone.
So, you stayed single.
And now, wrapped in Breanna’s arms while she fucked you mercilessly from behind, the wait was worth it.
Your back arched as you chanted Breanna’s name, hands twisting into those dark curls.
Her mouth was on your pussy, sucking at your clit and running that damn tongue of hers up and down your folds.
Her long arms were wrapped under your thighs and hands splayed on your ass, holding you in place as if her life depended on it.
You were perched on her counter, her on her knees on the floor between your legs.
Lord she was a vision.
“Bre, Bre please I can’t give you another,”
“I had to wait for months for this, you’ll give me another,” Breanna shot back, not letting up for a second.
“Breee,” You moaned out, gasping as her tongue got you just right and sent you over the edge for the third time that night.
And you knew she wasn’t done.
Breanna pressing you into the wall, the two of you were chest to chest, with her strap ramming into you while one hand played with your clit and the other held you by your throat.
Tears were streaming down your face, knees weak as Breanna was the only thing keeping you upright.
“Bre please,
“You’re not done, you gotta give me one more,”
“Bre I can’t,”
“You can, and you will,”
So, you did, with a quick inhale you squeezed her strap as you came all over it.
You head hit the wall, repeating her name like a prayer as she marked her claim on your chest, over and over again.
“Who do you belong to?”
“You, it’s always been you,”
“Good girl,”
You don’t know when you passed out, not sure what quite happened last, but you opened your eyes, and you were laying in her bed.
Her bed.
Everything smelled like her, and you couldn’t remember a time you felt that happy.
Then she walked back into the room, and suddenly you were happier than ever before.
“Hey baby,” She smiled down at you.
“You back with me?” You groaned and covered your face with your hands, hearing her chuckle above you.
“I’m gonna clean you up, pretty girl. You did good for me, you know that? You always do so good for me,” You felt your entire body heat up at her words. Damnit you would fuck her again right now if you could feel your legs.
But there she was, cleaning you up so gently, like you were the most precious thing in the world.
How in the hell did she leave you?
“Bre,” You started, not sure if you were ready to ask her.
She glanced at you, seeing your expression.
She knew what you were going to ask.
She let out a sigh, running a hand through her messy curls.
“I know you got questions; I need to explain some stuff. But we’re not having this conversation naked.” She smirked at you at the last words, reaching a hand behind your head and using it to pull you into a sitting position.
Her other hand ran down your chest, making your breath hitch as she reached your tits.
She knew your body better than you did, knowing your head would spin as she rolled your nipple between her fingers, her hand covering your chest in full.
You were breathing heavy, looking up at her with a doe-eyed stare that you knew she loved.
Her hand ran back up, fingers holding your chin to force you to hold her stare.
“I love you; I’ve always loved you,” She murmured, coming down to finish her statement with a soft kiss.
“I’ve always loved you, Bre,” You answered.
She gave a humorless chuckle.
“I know baby,”
She held you close, still supporting you as your legs hadn’t regained function, and tugged her old UConn basketball t-shirt over your head. She didn’t offer you pants, and you didn’t ask.
You know she didn’t want you to wear any.
She liked the easy access, and you liked her having it.
One arm wrapped around your waist, she cupped your jaw with the other, kissing you slowly, sweetly.
You knew the hand wouldn’t stay at your jaw, so you weren’t surprised when it disappeared and reappeared at the bottom hem of her Uconn shirt.
You giggled into her lips as it snuck up, splaying across your abdomen. Her fingers dug into your side, holding you in place, arm around your waist held you tight as she devoured you once again.
She broke away, leaning her forehead against yours, looking at your fucked-out, but blissful face.
“I want to eat you alive, baby. But we gotta talk first,” She mumbled, hands still gripping you tight.
Breanna couldn’t be apart from you, not after missing you for months.
You felt the same, of course.
It was unsurprising when the two of you’s choice of position to talk was Breanna laying in her bed with you straddling her hips.
One arm was folded behind her head, the other hand holding your hip.
Both your hands splayed on the abs that you missed so much.
Breanna swallowed, hard.
“I didn’t treat you right in Seattle. I knew it then and I know it now. And it has killed me every day. I should have talked to you before, I didn’t realize it would be announced so soon and I was stupid to put it off, but I knew it would be a hard conversation,”
Your fingers were digging into her abs, it was slightly painful, but Breanna figured she could deal.
“I knew you were pissed. I was frustrated you wouldn’t answer me, but I understood. I shouldn’t’ve left when I came by your place, I should have stayed until you opened that door, no matter how long it too,”
“It wouldn’t have changed anything Bre, you would’ve still left,”
“It would have changed things baby, because then I could have told you in person that-” She moved her hand from your hip to your jaw, making sure your eyes were on her.
“There was going to be an offer waiting for you, too.” Your breath caught in your throat, not sure how to react.
“My condition was that if I came to the Liberty, they had to find a mother fucking spot for you. And trust me, it didn’t take much convincing. They’ve wanted you for a while now. They reached out to the Storm with a trade offer this morning and well, the Storm accepted.” Your mouth was agape, staring at Breanna in awe.
“You’re stuck with me, whether you like to or not,” Breanna smiled up at you.
“And this time I’m doing it right. So, y/n, will you be my girlfriend?”
Whether the tears streaming down your face were residual from the five orgasms you had that night or from happiness about being with Breanna again, you would never know.
What you did know? Your next basketball game would be with Breanna, repping a team that actually wanted you.
Grinning like an idiot, you leaned down to kiss Breanna, holding her face in both hands.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” You breathed out.
“Once or twice,” She shot smugly back.
You pretended to not notice the hand that had magically appeared on your ass.
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Love 119

Summary: Your best friend Anton has been working on a song project and is dying to share it with you!
Warnings: Male POV, SFW, Kissing, Fluff
Wordcount: 2.1k
It was early, like really, when you woke up. The sun wasn't even up yet, but your desk vibrated rhythmically. It was the third time it had done this. You were okay ignoring it at first, but it didn't seem like it would stop. You looked over at your phone on the desk, lighting up as it shook.
You sighed, rolled out of bed, and answered the phone, "Hello?"
"Y/n! Thank god you answered!" You heard Anton's voice and immediately hung up.
A few seconds later, he called again. "Don't hang up on me!"
"Don't call me at four in the morning! You have ten seconds before I hang up and block you," You yelled into the phone.
"You remember that song I've been working on? I think the song is ready!"
"So!? So, you've gotta hear it!"
You rubbed your eyes," Why can't you just post it or send it, and I'll listen to it in the morning?"
"No way, you've gotta come here and listen to it in person. I want to see your face for an honest reaction."
"The trains aren't even running this early..."
"You can drive!"
"You must want me to hang up–"
"Please don't..."
"This will wait until the morning. I promise. I'll come see you first thing in the morning," You started walking back to your bed.
Anton seemed hesitant but sighed, "Okay, but I mean it. First thing! It's super important."
"Yeah, yeah, goodnight," You hung up the phone as you flopped back into bed. You drifted off to sleep, your phone still in hand.
In the daylight, you started getting dressed. A beanie and coat for the cold weather, headphones for the train, and a snack. For your tummy.
You were surprised Anton wasn't blowing up your phone like usual. Almost every morning, Anton would blow your phone up as he waited for you to meet him to go to school together. Since it was a weekend– Anton usually worked on music during the day but must've stayed up all night working on his song. He'd mentioned a project ages ago about a song, but that didn't tell you much about it. He was getting super in the dumps recently, almost depressed. Staying in, skipping class, and not hanging out with you as much. He wasn't usually so secretive and distant, so the song must've meant something special to him.
The train was cold but less crowded than usual– you could sit today. The ride to Anton's house took about 45 minutes. You set an alarm on your phone for 43 minutes, put on your headphones, and close your eyes. You couldn't help but wonder what the song was about.
A ballad? But Anton liked hip-hop styles, especially from his time traveling, so maybe that. About what thought?
Most hip-hop was about sex, drugs, or money. Anything else has some deep meaning hidden in the lyrics. Anton was the kind of guy to think of deep lyrics like that, so that makes sense for him to go for that. But what kind of message would he aim for?
You wracked your brain the whole time, not sleeping like planned.
The train stopped at its fourth stop, and you got off. The platform was almost empty in the cold morning. You could see your breath as you texted Anton.
YN: Did you not come to get me?
YN: Hello?
YN: No way you're still sleeping! After you woke me up so early!?
You started calling him as you walked away from the train platform, headed to his house. Anton had the nerve to wake you up in the middle of the night and demand you see him but not get you from the train station in the morning. He always came to meet you. You started getting nervous. You should've driven over when he called. Why could he not be answering?
You called him several times, but there was no answer, no text.
The nerves in your feet stung as you walked– more like fast-walked to Anton's house.
He had to be okay, right? He said he was fine seeing you in the morning– there's no way he'd be upset at you for this. Did the song matter that much?
Before you realized it, you were running toward his place. Your coat was open, and your beanie was in your hand. The cold bit at your ears and messed with your hair, and your eyes were dry, but tears were still at the edge of your eyes.
Anton had to be okay.
Finally, you reached his home. You knew the passcode to his door, so you opened it yourself. The house was warm inside, with light spilling in from the windows. It was quiet and still. Anton's house slippers were by the door.
Did he leave home? Where the hell could he go!?
You turned and ran back out the door, phone to your ear, as you called him again.
Fuck! No response.
You turned down the street and moved toward the cafe. Anton loved going there when he needed to get out of his room. You thought about the hours you'd spent there with him.
I should've been there for him.
Inside the cafe, it was quietly playing R&B. It was one of the songs Anton had shown you, Snooze by SZA.
The owner noticed you come in and the expression on your face, "Y/n? Something wrong?"
"I'm looking for Anton. He's not at home," You approached the counter.
"He stopped by here earlier for coffee. He’d been by a lot recently for double espressos. It doesn't look like he'd been sleeping recently, with the amount of dark circles he had."
Your eyes widened, "Do you know where he headed?"
"No, he mentioned something about the music shop," The owner nodded.
"I'll keep looking!" You ran out the door. Your legs were tired, and your lungs were working overtime, but you just had a feeling Anton needed you.
Where did you go, Anton?
You walked around town, lost and in a daze. You checked all of Anton’s favorite spots, and each place gave an idea that he was somewhere else. You barely missed him every time.
At the convenience store, the owner said, "He mentioned he'd left something at school. Maybe he's taking the train to go there. It should be around real soon."
Your chest heaved, and it hurt to breathe, but you kept running. The train was your best bet since it was on a schedule. When you reached the platform, a train was already waiting.
You ran onboard, looking around, just as you looked out the window.
Standing on the platform in a black coat, Anton looked around as people got off the train. His stupid brown hair blew in his face.
You jumped out of your seat and slipped between the doors as they were closing. One of the train officials yelled out to you, but you ignored them as you ran to Anton.
Anton turned to see you with an awkward smile—a cup of coffee in his hands.
You almost tackled him with how hard you slammed into him. "Jesus, you idiot, don't worry me like that," You hugged him.
"I-I worried you?"
"Yeah! Do you ever check your phone!?"
Anton checked his pockets, "I– where's my phone!?" He patted his pockets before realizing he didn't have it, "I'm so sorry, y/n."
"Whatever!" You pushed past him, storming toward his house.
Anton hurried after you, "Please don't be mad."
"It's too late! I ran all around the area looking for you! This song better be worth it!"
"It is. I know you'll like it," Anton smiled awkwardly at you.
"I don't know. Maybe I'll hate it, and you've wasted all your time."
"Don't say that! You haven't heard it."
"I hate it already– my ears hurt just thinking about it."
Anton suddenly got quiet. He was usually fine when you jabbed at him, but his silence spoke volumes.
"Hey– I'm kidding. I don't hate it. I was just worried, okay?"
Anton nodded softly, focusing on his coffee as you walked the rest of the way silently.
Anton led the way into the house, "can you wait downstairs for a second?"
"Is your room messy?" You raised an eyebrow, "I've seen it messy."
"Please," Anton said with a hard-to-read expression.
Your jaw locked up at his serious tone. You nodded, "Yeah, I'll stay put."
Anton went upstairs to his room, leaving you downstairs with your thoughts.
Is he the one who's mad here? I should be the mad one, not him!
Anton came downstairs, missing his coat, which revealed a white turtleneck, "Come on, it's ready."
You slipped off your coat and followed him slowly up the stairs. The mood was tense, but you couldn't get why.
Right before entering his room, Anton stopped you. "Put this on," He presented a blindfold.
"Trust me, please."
You decided not to argue and let him tie it around your head. He took you by the hand and led you into the room. He sat you down on the bed, and you could hear him moving some things around the room. There was a faint smell of smoke.
"What's going on, Anton?"
Anton touched your hand, "I made this song to show my feelings. I want you to listen to it fully. I named it, Love 119."
He played the song. It wasn't exactly what you expected from a love song, but the lyrics were deep. You could tell her put in a lot of effort, and he must've had his friends help him with the vocals.
In the end, Anton let go of you and moved, "Take off your blindfold."
You slipped it off to see Anton kneeling with a cake with candles. His face was pinkish as he looked up at you, "Y/n, will you be my boyfriend?"
The words echoed in the room just once. Time froze. You were looking into his eyes as he nervously smiled at you.
He'd prepared the song for you. All those sleepless nights, missing school, the distance. All to find a way to make this song for you without you finding out.
Tears ran down your face, "Is this where you went?"
Anton nodded, "I asked everyone for help to keep you busy so I could set up."
You took a better look around the room. There were records wrapped with bows, a mug with your name on it– with coffee in it, and decorations all over.
"This is all for me?"
Anton nodded, "You're the most special person in the world to me, and I want to spend it with you. Together. If you want that..." He put the cake up to you.
You leaned down and blew out the candles, "I will be your boyfriend!"
Anton set down the cake and pulled a small box out of his pocket.
"Are you about to propose at the same time?" You joked.
But Anton opened the box, presenting two silver rings.
You jumped to your feet, "Anton! I– We– Marriage!?"
He stood up, "No, no! It's just a promise ring!"
You smiled, "Why in the world would we need those?"
"To show you I'm serious about you? My Dad said that's what he and my mom had."
You sighed, laughing more, "You're ridiculous. Give me a ring."
"But, I want to put it on you."
"It's for me to put yours on your finger, silly. There's two rings, aren't there?"
Anton handed you one of the rings as he took the other one. You presented a hand to each other and slipped on the rings.
Anton held your hand, admiring the ring on you, "And now, you're mine."
"And you're mine," You giggled, leaning close to him.
Anton looked briefly at your lips, thinking for a moment before getting anxious. "W-We should have cake!" He moved to grab a slice.
He turned to see you closer than before, making him lean away from you, "Y-Yes?"
"Most couples start with a kiss, right?"
"A kiss!?" Anton's eyes were wide, but he was too nervous to take the first step.
You leaned into him, making him back up until he fell back-first onto the bed. You leaped onto him, pinning him there, "I've got you."
Anton closed his eyes, "I-I wanted to be the one to kiss you."
Your boyfriend was adorable, even when being childish. You rolled over, pulling him on top of you, pinned under his weight, "Then kiss me."
Anton nervously licked his lips before gently bringing them down to yours. The kiss was warm and soft, tasting faintly of coffee. Anton pressed his lips into yours passionately as his hands locked with yours.
Anton’s lips were red, and he blushed more, "I hope I'm not too bad at this. You're my first kiss."
"It's fine, now we can eat cake," You pecked his lips as he slid off you. You enjoyed the day together, eating cake and listening to his song.
#oracle of dreams#kpop x male reader#anton riize#riize anton#riize x reader#riize#riize imagines#anton x reader#x male reader#x male y/n
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Pondering Doors Again >.>
Thinking about a concept I saw in a Manhwa. "Dungeons feed of the death that occurs within them" and how the Protagonist went "alright, Bet. A stable and prosperous society for outcasts has a LOT of Death! What with the need to eat food and people growing old and thus, inevitably, at least SOMEONE dying every day".
Because FARMING is and always has been a slower but more profitable way to accumulate food then Hunting. More reliable too.
And? What better way too feed your hunger(HungryHungryHUNGRYItHurtSIMSO-) then by BECOMING a Trap Door? Not every ghost looks human. Not every ghost WANTS too.
Maybe you want to Live. Yes, you are fighting, fighting, fighting. Not even Death can take you. But given half a chance? Given the infinite freedom of the Zone and all of Time stretched out before you? Do you? WANT to think anymore? WANT to keep fighting FOREVER for every scrap of food to fill your endless NEED for food? Your obsession with being full?
You can stop.
Like meditation.
Instead of MAKING a Lair... become one. You could always change your mind, if you felt like it. Souls rarely if ever DO, but you COULD. Then? You wait.
There are house ghosts. Dwellings that die. You blend right in. Are you angry? Vengeful? Do you blame the world? Perhaps you'll call them in. Like Hansel and Gretel. Look upon my house made of candy, children. Isn't it tempting? Isn't it sweet? Come closer. Listen to my siren song.
But, maybe you are tired. Hungry. Old bones and cold, barren soil. Barely the strength to paint gaudy veneers over straining, decaying wood. Like long abandoned circuses. You try for the appearance of cheer, but your tattered visage. betrays you. Yet, just like them, while you may not be able to entice those you truely wish to come? Vermin find safety and comfort in your walls.
And is that not how nature heals? First the weeds? The insects and vermin? Little things that build to great forests over time? Blobs hide within in you. Safely out from underfoot. What do they care, if you can not provide them scenery? You are safe. And they? They feed you in turn.
Like little worker bees. Drifting out, gorging on ectoplasm, and returning. Nesting safely inside you, they radiate that Ectoplasm and leech it into the Lair around them. You feed. And Feed. And FEED.
You make more places to hide for them. Bushes. Trees. You only half remember them now, so the colors are off and the forms shakey at best. The blobs do not care. More flock to you in response. You grow stronger. Make more trees.
You finally, FINALLY attract a curious and skittish ghost. They linger by the entrance. Watching. Uncertain. They know traps and hunters hide out here. Who would leave a perfectly good Lair up for grabs? This is a trick. A nasty little trap. Right? It has to be! Their luck can not be this good.
But it is. Because bottom feeders find each other all the time. Lairs that have little to offer and Ghosts who couldn't possibly defend anything worth keeping. All the Zone is stronger then them, why not be weakling together?
And they always take the chance. Because hope is eternal.
Inching forward in a cautious float, ready to dash away, they eventually realize the Lair really IS up for grabs. It really CAN be theirs. Which of course... means they have to fix it up of course! They are THRILLED. Look at all this ROOM! Why, these trees are LOVELY. A good start! They just gotta tweak THIS and then THAT aaand... there we go! Oooh, now over THERE would be a great place for a- *excited muttering*
And a proper ghost? MUCH better at bringing in Ectoplasm then a blob. Then dive in and out, fetching plants to transplant, decorations, building supplies. They invite their friend to crash with them. Become roommates. Their roommate gets a partner. They meet someone. Eventually somebody has a kid. And so on and so on.
All the while, they are feeding their Lair. Do they know it's not a NORMAL Lair? Yeah. They aren't dumb. Blobs disappear sometimes, if no one leaves for too long. House ghosts don't do that (or so they're told). But? They aren't powerful ghosts. They are weak ones. They CAN'T defend one of the nice spots from jerks who want to take it.
But a Lair that can defend ITSELF? And doesn't seem to want to eat them? Meh. Whatever works, man.
And you know what happens? Eventually, you reach a sustainable mass tipping point. Enough ghosts, set up in houses and cabins and castles and caves. All within a single Trap Lair. That they radiate enough ectoplasm to sustain the Lair itself. Enough that it can FINALLY pull the infamous and legendary "never leave" trick.
What is that trick?
Simple! You are a ghost. You'd kinda like an apple. You get up to leave you Lair to go get one. Oh, hey, an apple tree! That's new. Oh, these are really good! You sit back down. You never leave. Why would you leave? You are happy and have everything here. Your friends and family are here. Have another cake. Sit back down.
That is the trick.
The Trap of the sort of Trap Door.
They are known as Honey Traps. Heaven's Gates. Dream Doors. And they build slow to become quite dangerous. Entire cities exsist inside them. Ghosts go in and never come out. The take the energy you produce, small kernel that it is, and feed it back to you. And Ghosts? Efficient generators that they are, produce far more then they are given. Little into more. Little into greater. Building and building.
Until it has the strength to weave dreams.
Trap and entice. Blind and numb you. Bread and circuses for the masses, pay no attention to the bars that keep you here. You LOVE the comfort of your cage! You can leave whenever you want! You just never want too.
The Lair makes certain of that.
@the-witchhunter @hypewinter @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation
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chat gonna rant abt smth my mum said DONT MIND THIS FRFR >:3
okay so basically we're leaving this resort to stay at a relatives for a while, you get me? so I gotta go pack my stuff up again and usually, im like.. so fucking shit when it comes to doing literally like, anything productive- 💀
very much so pisses off everybody the way I procasinate and take a billion breaks/get distracted by smth else lmao :3
and so today was like.. just as bad ig but mum wasn't really paying attention after yelling at me AGAIN lol (it's fine dw, im just a bad kid and was being irritating/pisstaking (she had a headache) by not shutting up again LMAO ��😭)
but like, I did manage to finish my packing up so yay!!! win!! ^^ (it was fucking exhausting.)
sister didn't do jackshit though (and mum was tired because of us so she didnt rlly do much), so room still looked a fucking train wreck but my stuff was all done, u get me?
anyways, ENOUGH CONTEXT!!!! like 20 minutes ago, mum gets off her phone then up from the chair she's sitting on and goes to plug her phone in my charger BUT GUESS WHAT YALL?? HOMEGIRL PACKED THAT SHIT UP FRFR ✌️😙
and so in jokey way, she's like "damn really? of all the things you could've packed, the only thing you packed was the charger? typical *irl name*, always tryna ruin my day"
and shes saying this while shaking her head and trying to find the charger she nicked off my dad (while murming some random curses*)
*curses not in the sense of swearing but in the sense of GENUINLEY cursing somebody?? like wishing bad upon somebody ykwim? :D
and I go along with bit (ofcofc) and go "ACTUALLY, I'll have you know that I packed everything!!" and saying it slightly proudly because lol, again, that shit was exhaustingg :3
also I'm just really bad at everything so the fact that I did something somewhat uccessfully was literally GREAT??? 😭😭
and she kisses her teeth, shakes her head and says "yeah sure, I know you"
oh so, you "know" me huh?
what's my favourite colour?
my favourite drink?
my favourite subject?
why don't you name a few of my friends? or maybe a song I like? (oh wait, you can't because you don't even know I listen to music)
you know what? ik you can't answer any of those questions but guess what? ima do things that I know for sure I've told you, quick fire innit? you should be able to? I'm your child right.. you listen to what i tell you right? amma you care about what I have to say right???? right???
describe to me the hallucinations I had last year
nothing hard, i know I told you about them, I've tried to at least several times. I still remember the way you rolled your eyes and mouthed "crazy" while still looking at that fucking phone screen oh my god
amma can't I just be important to you? please? ik works important and ik you do a lot for us but please??? you said be a good girl and you won't kill yourself, and i tried okay??? im a bad child and I'm sorry and I'm sorry and I'm sorry please amma just dont leave me, don't stop being my mother
don't leave me with him
amma please
amma???? amma please
#karmaajr rambles#guys this turned angsty#probs gonna delete later#BUT MY GF DIDNT SEEM TO GIVE A SHIT#like *actually* care#it was js like “damn 💀” type shit ykwum#ITS MY FAULT THO DW#SHES GREAY#I JS DIDNT GO IN DETAIL#anyways#CUZ THIS IS SO CRINGE#I APOLOGISE YALLLLL#if u see this#then feel free to shit on me#i deserve it wtf 💀💀💀#mums great so idk why im so weird#karmas mum mentions :3
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Okay I've seen it mentioned a couple times now but I gotta ask.....
what's the Library Turtle?
Oh? Would you perhaps be referring to-
-known more colloquially as the Library Turtle? Well, I'm glad you asked!
In the CFAU, it’s a little interstellar lending library that travels all around the local star system, collecting, trading, and sharing a wide assortment of books, magazines, music, and other sources of knowledge and entertainment between the various interplanetary communities. The elderly duo that owns the library have been running it for quite some time, visiting Popstar in particular few times a month. As for the proprietors themselves…
First, we have the lovely Ms. Paige, a tiny owl-like lady with a witchy aesthetic and a grandmotherly disposition, as patient and wise as you’d expect given her librarian title (as long as you don’t damage her books, that is). A former teacher and very well-traveled, she is a wealth of general knowledge and information, always happy to answer questions when she can or, barring that, to find the book that will. (She also has a bit of a weakness for gossip, even if she won’t admit it.) On occasion, she’ll regale the children with a story or two, folktales and epics and even anecdotes from her own travels (though, few tend to believe such fantastical yarns). She’s also rather spry for her age, often seen carrying improbably tall stacks of books without breaking a sweat. She claims it’s because she always remembers to eat her greens, or exercise regularly, or get a good amount of sleep every day. The answer seems to vary each time she’s asked about it.
We also have the illustrious Sir Apple Tortsworth IV, Esq. - or Sir Tort for short - a large tortoise-like creature who co-owns the library with Paige. He is an easygoing old man of few words and fewer hurries, perfectly content to take the twilight years of his life at a leisurely pace (even if others don’t always meet him at his speed). On land, he stands on four sturdy legs, while, in the air, he transforms them into flippers that let him soar with grace and ease, even with the weight of a whole library on his shell (well… some of it, anyway). He’s happy to chat when prompted, his words thoughtful and eloquent, but he generally prefers to sit back and observe while Paige does the talking for them both. She claims that he’s actually quite the chatterbox when he wants to be (and a sassy one at that). Then again, she also claims that he was once a highly-decorated knight. And a certified lawyer. And a four-star chef. He’s yet to confirm or deny any of these claims. Mostly he just smiles and sleepily admires the scenery, humming old songs from his youth.
The kids love when the Library Turtle comes to visit the village, even the ones not so inclined to reading. As interesting as their homeland can be, there's something exciting about learning what goes on in the cosmos beyond. Paige never fails to find something to interest them, even if it's just another one of her famously tall tales. And Sir Tort is more than happy to listen when one of them has news to share or just needs an ear to confide in. And, whenever the kids have questions about anything - their home, the world beyond Popstar, their families and neighbors, even the two of them - Paige and Sir Tort always make time to answer to the best of their abilities.
Sketch started 01/09/25, sketch finished 01/14/25. | Childhood Friends AU Masterpost
#veins answers#veins art#veins sketches#veins ocs#veins fanart#kirby series#kirby#original character#kirby oc#ms. paige#sir tort#library turtle#meta knight#king dedede#bow dee#para dee#AU#childhood friends AU#description in alt text#character thoughts#character designs#worldbuilding#asks#anonymous#sweet li'l oldies with their mom-and-pop spaceship (spaceshell? shellship? it's sitting *on* the shell but the ship itself isn't- whatever)#(also hey sorry it took a bit to actually introduce them - I got lost in Character Concept Hell for a hot minute)#(and I still have more work waiting for me down there before I can get to actual progression-based story stuff... hoo boy...)#(but hey! baby steps! we're making 'em! and that's better than nothing! shoutout to folks sending in AU asks - it keeps me motivated! <3 )#veinsfullofstars#thanks for the ask!
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