#(HEEHEE back once again fdhsFH
digimonloving ยท 2 years
(ayyyy Gsbu our beloved returns ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•)
Can we have Lucemon, Apollomon, and Zeifermon with a Tamer that loves wearing outfits themed after their digimon?
Lucemon FM
If his Tamer wears outfits themed after him, he's going to secretly adore it and bask in the slight ego boost he gets from the feeling. There truly is something about seeing his Tamer wearing something that is inspired from his own outfit and self that just makes him feel that much more connected to them.
Bonus points if they add onto it a few references to his other Digivolutions in some way. He will make a few comments about it, but otherwise he's quietly basking in the glow of their "matching" outfits. Lucemon just thinks it's far too adorable~
Apollomon will be incredibly flattered if his Tamer went about making an outfit that was themed after him, even multiple outfits if they were so inclined. He'd like to hear their thought process on how they went about it, and what brought up the idea to create an outfit themed after him.
He always gets excited to see what they have in mind for their next outfit! He loves matching with his Tamer, or well... them matching with him, it's a great idea! And Apollomon thinks it shows their bond even more as Digimon and Tamer!
Zephyrmon is secretly flattered over it, but her impish nature makes her embarrass her Tamer by asking in such a voice as to how cute they are, trying to take after her in terms of clothing wear. She tugs on the scarf around their neck playfully and always makes wind rush by to make it and anything else that might be representing parts of her looks flutter.
She does love it, though, and is giddy that her Tamer even thought about doing something like that. She just can't help but be a bit playful, but it's clear she loves it to bits that her Tamer went about doing something like that... How cute!
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