#(Enoch -commentary-]
arcxnumvitae · 4 months
Let me gather all the eldest daughters into my arms
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soulsxng · 4 months
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"As much as I'm enjoying his game of hide and seek, he's an awfully persistent thing, isn't he?"
What, he was planning to follow Daileas around too, now? Enoch rolled his eyes, though the undeniably eager little grin on his face told that he wasn't as frustrated to be appearing at the guard's side again as it seemed.
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dilutedh2so4 · 11 days
Oh, random and obscure and expensive Bible commentaries, one day you will all be mine
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idealog · 11 months
Jn 5. Liberty, Law, Spiritual Freedom, All Play a Part. Truth is repulsive to the unlawful, who violate free will and put the soul to shame and carnality against Heaven as they wan control and to lay degradation upon the free angelic souls of Heaven who alone have the vision to lead, that they may keep this world the lesser and never allow the Celestial Kingdom to flourish or birth. *want Because they demand to lead toward lusts and not Rising to the stars, to the pinnacle of man's goodness, which is greatness. They demand control and heed no wisdom or humility, but usurp the Lord's COMMAND, His Rule, God's, who guides the crow in flight, that they might concentrate rule round themselves alone, and not respect all members of the team of which ALL are a part, but assist the corrupt greedy while offending the honorable ones who lead harmony, impov'rishing the innocent with every manner of trap and artifice, that not even the angels of God can escape the noose, not even blameless Free Christ himself -- murderers, and Sinners Against the Holy Spirit of Love, and caring, and truth, which reveals their Incompetence and jeopardises (z) their stranglehood of confining vain 'charity' to kill the children of Heaven; How much Hell is necessary to teach and instill fairness, over power broker graspers of Attachment against HEAVEN? Many molest God's Nature, for MAMMON and the heat of desire to Have, to want but deny Need. MATTHEW 25.
OTOH, Power must needs have a cost, to Achieve a wise balance.
In the meantime, we are all certainly in Prison, mere remains, dead, searching for nothing, soulless, empty, un - loving, lost from the Light, afraid & Separate, not in the Union of the Divine and Meek and True, studiously championing for Thee, MY LORD, for thee. Thanks.
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ok, Thrawn Time
I just watched episode 6 of Ahsoka, enjoyed myself, and then naturally went to the Ahsoka tag on this blue website to see what everyone else thinks and so on. And… I’ve seen some complaints/commentary about Thrawn’s dad bod. So, I propose a theory that has absolutely no bearing on the story. Firstly, at this point in the Star Wars timeline, Thrawn is about 70 years old. And while there are many older men who stay active and fit, and one would expect Mr. “Physical exercise stimulates the brain and frees one’s intellect” would keep up with his training regimen, there could be factors at play we simply aren’t considering. The Chimera crashes on Peridea after being thrust through hyperspace by a pod of Purrgil. Ezra Bridger escapes to go live with hermit crab turtle guys. Somewhere in that chain of events it’s very possible Thrawn could have sustained a serious injury. Perhaps a younger Thrawn could bounce back easily with a quick dip in a bacta tank and some very sophisticated yoga, but he isn’t young anymore, and such medical treatment was probably hard to get quickly enough in that chaotic situation. Perhaps the Nightsisters healed him, but I imagine dark magick would still leave a mark. So training and sparring are no longer an option, and Thrawn pours himself solely into keeping his mind sharp. He studies the history, culture, and art of the Dathomiri, he organizes his remaining troops (maybe oversees their kintsugi zombification and designs Enoch’s mask, we don’t know), he strategizes and conspires with the Mothers, plans, rebuilds. And even though his body is getting older and he’s not the warrior he once was physically, his mind is honed to a deadly edge. It’s also pretty likely that Lars Mikkelsen (who is also no longer a young man) couldn’t or didn’t want to get in shape for the role. Which, you know, respect. Honestly I think dad bod Thrawn who’s had YEARS to learn new things and plan and ponder over his previous defeat and feels secure and confident enough to put on a few pounds and accept old age has the potential to be WAY scarier than we’ve seen him before.
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The Book of the Generations of Adam
1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, he made him in God’s likeness. 2 He created them male and female, and blessed them. On the day they were created, he named them Adam. 3 Adam lived one hundred thirty years, and became the father of a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. 4 The days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he became the father of other sons and daughters. 5 All the days that Adam lived were nine hundred thirty years, then he died.
6 Seth lived one hundred five years, then became the father of Enosh. 7 Seth lived after he became the father of Enosh eight hundred seven years, and became the father of other sons and daughters. 8 All of the days of Seth were nine hundred twelve years, then he died.
9 Enosh lived ninety years, and became the father of Kenan. 10 Enosh lived after he became the father of Kenan eight hundred fifteen years, and became the father of other sons and daughters. 11 All of the days of Enosh were nine hundred five years, then he died.
12 Kenan lived seventy years, then became the father of Mahalalel. 13 Kenan lived after he became the father of Mahalalel eight hundred forty years, and became the father of other sons and daughters 14 and all of the days of Kenan were nine hundred ten years, then he died.
15 Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, then became the father of Jared. 16 Mahalalel lived after he became the father of Jared eight hundred thirty years, and became the father of other sons and daughters. 17 All of the days of Mahalalel were eight hundred ninety-five years, then he died.
18 Jared lived one hundred sixty-two years, then became the father of Enoch. 19 Jared lived after he became the father of Enoch eight hundred years, and became the father of other sons and daughters. 20 All of the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty-two years, then he died.
21 Enoch lived sixty-five years, then became the father of Methuselah. 22 After Methuselah’s birth, Enoch walked with God for three hundred years, and became the father of more sons and daughters. 23 All the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. 24 Enoch walked with God, and he was not found, for God took him.
25 Methuselah lived one hundred eighty-seven years, then became the father of Lamech. 26 Methuselah lived after he became the father of Lamech seven hundred eighty-two years, and became the father of other sons and daughters. 27 All the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty-nine years, then he died.
28 Lamech lived one hundred eighty-two years, then became the father of a son. 29 He named him Noah, saying, “This one will comfort us in our work and in the toil of our hands, caused by the ground which Yahweh has cursed.” 30 Lamech lived after he became the father of Noah five hundred ninety-five years, and became the father of other sons and daughters. 31 All the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy-seven years, then he died.
32 Noah was five hundred years old, then Noah became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. — Genesis 5 | World English Bible (WEB) The World English Bible is in the public domain Cross References: Genesis 3:17; Genesis 4:11; Genesis 6:1; Genesis 6:9; Genesis 7:6; Genesis 24:40; 1 Chronicles 1:4; Matthew 19:4; Luke 3:36; Luke 3:337-38; Acts 16:10; Romans 8:20; 1 Corinthians 11:7; 1 Thessalonians 2:12; Hebrews 11:5; Jude 1:4
Genesis 5 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise)
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jewish-sideblog · 10 months
Hello! I'm sorry, I'm ignorant and I when I saw a post talking about gentiles using the phrase "biblically accurate angels" I wanted to know more. I thought it was just a fun way to describe something strange or eldritch, due to the belief that seeing their true forms would be incomprehensible and make people either go mad or blind. Is that a bad way to use the phrase?
Shalom! I'm not quite the best source for this, as I'm not a religious scholar of any kind-- but I'll give you the tl;dr on my knowledge base.
The image most commonly associated with a biblically accurate angel is a ringed wheel of fire and eyes. The origin of this imagery is Yechezel 1:15 to 1:21, in which the wheels of a chariot are described by Yechezkel (More commonly known in English as Ezekiel). The chariot wheels are described as crystalline and full of eyes. They are also described as being controlled by the will of living beings, but Torah commentators such as Raishi are careful not to say that the wheels themselves are alive. They are not referred to as angels by Yechezkel or Rabbinical canon.
Some non-Rabbinical, non-Talmudic Jewish sources such as the Book of Enoch and the Zohar do refer to the wheels as Ophanim, a certain class of angels. But none of those sources are "biblical", because those sources come from outside the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible. In order to call them biblically accurate, you cannot call them angels. And in order to call them angels, you must depart from some level of biblical accuracy. Even if you think of them as angels? The Ophanim are still only be considered one kind of angel, and to call that kind the most "accurate" would be to disrespect and disregard all other forms of angels.
To be clear-- I myself sometimes depart from traditional Rabbinical interpretation in favor of spiritualism and Kabbalah. I don't think that doing so is wrong or bad in any way. It's just weird to call a departure from canonical Jewish biblical interpretation "biblically accurate".
Once again, I'll note that I'm not a Torah scholar nor a Rabbi, so those more informed than I am on this subject should feel free to refute what I've said here and add their own commentary. @tuulikki has apparently written multiple papers on angels, so I'd personally be fascinated to see what they have to say.
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theoreticallycatholic · 5 months
Day Two: Genesis 4-7
Apologies for talking such a long break after just the first three chapters. Besides it being the last week of the semester, I've also been having some other personal struggles recently. I haven't quite had the energy to write out a whole post.
But since I'm off of school for a while, I should have a lot more time to devote to studying scripture. Without further ado, here are chapters 4 through 7:
Genesis 4
"Time passed and Cain brought some of the produce of the soil as an offering for the LORD, while Abel for his part brought the first-born of his flock and some of their fat as well. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering. But he did not look with favor on Cain and his offering, and Cain was very angry and downcast." Gen 4:3-5
I know it's over something really dumb and insignificant, but something about these verses has always confused me.
Abel's offering, the first-born lamb of his flock (which is a reference to Christ), is inherently worth more than grain, of course. Sacrificing a living breathing animal is more meaningful than leaving plants.
However...again, this is probably really dumb. Abel is a shepherd. Cain is not a shepherd. Cain is a farmer. Produce is all Cain has to give. Where is he supposed to get the firstborn lamb if he's not a shepherd...? I'm sure I'm probably thinking too hard about this, haha, it's just something that's always bothered me.
"If you are doing right, surely you ought to hold your head high! But if you are not doing right, sin is crouching at the door, hungry to get you. You can still master it." Gen 4:7
Most translations say something along the lines of "you will be accepted" rather than "you ought to hold your head high." I feel like "you will be accepted" is probably more correct. Something I've wondered about is whether you are allowed to feel good about yourself for resisting the temptation of sin. Because the strength that allowed you to resist that sin in the first place ultimately comes from God. It doesn't technically belong to you, right? But then God says "you can still master it," so...I don't know. I'll have spirals about this and other similar trains of thought that make less and less sense the longer they go on, and I know for a fact that this is a problem stemming much more from my mental health than my faith. And I'm getting way off-topic. Sorry. Refocusing.
"The LORD asked Cain, 'where is your brother Abel?' He replied, 'I do not know. Am I my brother's guardian?'" Genesis 4:9
I read somewhere (nowhere reputable) that in the original Hebrew this passage reads something like "Where is the sheep keeper?" "How am I supposed to know? What do I look like, the brother keeper?"
Don't know if that's true but I still think of it every time I read that verse haha.
However, I like the way this translation phrases this; "am I my brother's guardian?" Because phrasing it that way, I instantly think, yes. Of course he is. Cain is the older brother. As the oldest daughter I believe it is the older sibling's duty to protect their younger siblings.
But right away Cain tries to remove blame from himself, by claiming he's not responsible for Abel. I think this mirrors the way Adam and Eve behave after God confronts them about having eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
"The LORD replied, 'Very well, then, anyone who kills Cain will suffer a sevenfold vengeance.' Then the LORD put a mark on Cain, so that no one coming across him would kill him." Gen 4:15
I don't know that I have any brilliant insight on this verse. It's just always struck me, the way God still protects and looks after Cain even after the sin Cain committed. There's nothing I'm confused about here, but I would love to hear commentary around this verse or any additional insight anyone might have.
Genesis 5
Not a whole lot to say here, because this chapter is mostly just genealogy.
...Should I be reading the genealogy? What am I supposed to get out of it?
"Enoch walked with God, then he was no more, because God took him." Gen 5:24
Does that mean he was assumed into heaven like Elijah? Since of everyone else it just says that they died.
Genesis 6
"The LORD regretted having made human beings on earth and was grieved at heart." Gen 6:6
God saying he regrets creating humans is anthropomorphism, correct?
From the footnotes: "[Ark] is from the Egyptian word meaning "basket". It occurs only here and Ex 2:5
Hopping over to Exodus 2:5...
"Now Pharaoh's daughter went down to bathe in the river, while her attendants walked beside the river. Among the reeds she noticed the basket and she sent her maid to fetch it." Ex 2:5
That's very interesting! I didn't know that! That adds a new layer to something else my theology teacher taught me, which...really, I need to contact him and ask to meet somewhere so he can explain all this stuff to me again because I have this diagram, but I can barely comprehend it:
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I don't know how on earth he figured this out?? Or what it even means??? But anyway, the word used to describe the ark being used to describe the basket Moses was in as a baby is very interesting.
Genesis 7
"And heavy rain fell on earth for forty days and forty nights." Gen 7:12
I read somewhere that in Hebrew numerology, 40 represents renewal. I know the number 40 appears several other times and the only other time I can think of is the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert.
Also, it's nice that the flood is literally commentated on IN the actual bible haha, by Peter nonetheless.
"They had refused to believe long ago, while God patiently waited, in the days of Noah when the ark was being built, in which only a few, that is eight souls, were saved through water. Baptism, which this prefigured now saves you, not the removal of physical dirt but the pledge to God of a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." 1 P 3:20-21
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fitzsimmonsdaughter · 2 years
I do not understand anyone who doesn't love season 7 of this show.
I LIVE for the different time periods; the costumes, the set, the people, the TITLES. I loved how they changed the style of the opening every single time depending on the era they were in.
Episode 4 was absolutely brilliant, the style of it was exceptionally well pulled off and I need a spinoff which is just watching random missions in black and white whilst Coulson offers witty commentary. Sousa is the sweetest guy and although I was hesitant about a new team member at this point in the show, I couldn't be happier that his character was written in.
Episode 9 was definitely one of my favourites too, at first I wasn't sure if I was going to like the concept but it was handled so well, and I ended up loving it. One thing that was quite unsettling is looking back on how entertained I was, how much I was laughing, and then how quickly that changed to sobbing when Enoch died. He is one of the only characters on this show who has actually died and won't be coming back and his goodbyes were beautifully emotional. I just wish Fitz had been there to comfort him, and to let him know just how much he means to him.
Speaking of Fitz, I cannot describe how much I missed him this season, and then the utter joy I felt when he returned. It was heartbreaking to watch Jemma forget him but when she remembered what they were fighting for it was all worth it. Elizabeth and Iain are so talented and Elizabeth's 'I don't want to forget' in particular was absolutely heartbreaking. I'm not even going to talk about the reunion with Alya, I was crying too much and I need more time to emotionally recover.
All in all this season was the perfect ending to the show. The only criticism I could possibly offer about the final sequence was the lack of Deke, but I think we can all imagine exactly how he is getting on.
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leviantapolitics · 11 months
Greetings random person! Welcome to my politics blog, where I’m just talking and reblogging about whatever the hell is going on in UK politics.
Minor, he/they transmasc
My tagging system on here is just whatever the post is applicable to and my own commentary. I will rarely reblog things untagged.
Under the cut are my own views!
Democratic socialist and Bennite
What is my fucking party loyalty?? Green now?? I don’t know?? Everyone sucks
Anti-monarchy and pro-republic. Or monarchy reform at the least
Straight up block me if you agree with figures such as Margaret Thatcher, Enoch Powell, Nigel Farage, etc.
Trade unions are extremely important and necessary. I support strikes and picketing, and believe in solidarity with all union action.
I’m a southerner, but don’t stereotype me. I’ve grown up in a left wing household and my stepdad is Scottish and a union official
Some of my political heroes are Tony Benn, Michael Foot and Arthur Scargill
I’m autistic and UK politics is a special interest. Some of my hyperfixations within it include the SDP-Liberal Alliance and Tony Benn
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Berly and LA recap the season four Supernatural episode, In the Beginning.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Thanatos: ….
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soulsxng · 4 months
Well, this was certainly shaping up to be an interesting gathering already, wasn't it? The Emperor of Tengmen, and Vanystea's High Priest having a wonderfully tense conversation. The Consort and their rival-- though Enoch had yet to see them actually come face to face-- likely would before long. Chercia was there, as were a few members of her family...though the disguise had worked last time, the little bit of skepticism in the back of his mind wondered if it would work this time, as well.
Cilatyve's apparent mother was in attendance. Enoch still had to figure out who the person in question was, but...after a little while of playing process of elimination, the pirodeti felt as though he'd dwindled the list down well enough to keep his eyes centered around--
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Pale brows furrow, and Enoch very nearly finds himself taking a step back in surprise. The eye that he had watching the Sirecian guests was being...stared at. No, smiled at, rather. A chill ran down his spine. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so...bare. So exposed.
When Enoch had first noticed it, he'd simply had the eye quickly flit to another angle. A test of sorts, to see if the man's gaze followed it.
To see if it was just a fluke.
...It took some time-- he certainly couldn't see the eyes completely, from what Eno could tell. Eventually though, the same thing happened; blue eyes (or rather, gold, though it was hidden underneath a glamour) holding the gaze of the eye that floated above him.
Again, and again, the same thing...and even though it had a bit of a shiver crawling up his spine (and curiosity clawing at his mind), Enoch eventually resolved to simply...continue watching the group. So long as the man didn't know who the eyes belonged to, there wasn't too much of an issue with his being able to see them.
Even if it was rather unsettling.
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doyouknowhowtowaltz · 2 years
for the bingo!! enoch otgw and anna otgw if you'd like to!!
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Why yes, reblogging this bingo was just an excuse to draw otgw characters tiny, thank you for asking. Specifics commentary bellow cut:
Anna: I'm a little surprised Anna didn't end up with more boxes checked, because I do have a great deal of fondness for her. It's probably a side effect of the fact that she's not really in the show for very long, we only get to see her through the lens of her haunting the Woodsman, but the comics do a great job in making her a very compelling character.
I like Anna as a foil, especially to a young beast, like Beast!Wirt or Beast!Lorna with her paralleling her father, as a kinder more understanding lanternbearer/friend. I also think stories with her and the Beast are a riot, there's such an interesting dynamic to be had in the fact that Anna was prey for the Beast, but she's escaped him but the Beast has taken her father instead, leaving the Beast able to taunt the woodsman and Anna both.
She's neat!
BINGO: Enoch!
I love him obviously! I didn't actually have much to say about him when I first watched OTGW, so it's not like he just clicked with me, but through the process of writing and rewriting him, turning him over in my head, I've fallen in love with him, and I only dig myself in deeper every time I come back to reconsider him.
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ramrodd · 8 days
Who Was Melchizedek & Why Does It Matter? | MythVision Documentary
Melchizedek is a Magi and connected with Enoch's social engineering (and literary project) of the 7000 year Epoch and is connected to the Magi who tithe to Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew,   We are currently in year 5784 EE (Enoch Era or Epoch) which begins with the composition of the Book of Job by Eholin the One of Genesis 1:1 in the shared ontology of the OT and NT. Enoch's Epoch is a grid of  ten 700 year weeks that extends throughout the Mediterranean basis and incorporates at tleast 5 literary traditions, including Egyptian, Judism, Virgil, Home and Etrustcan, A purpose of the Epoch is to record the progress of the inerrant epistemology from the Pyramids to Apollo 11. Egypt had sufficient social organization to put a yumanity on the moon bu thieir technology was state-of-the-Art Stone Age, the legacy of the Ziggurat of Babylon,, the prototype for the Tower of Babel. The object of the exercise for the Magi has been to created the metaphysics necessary to produce Apollo 11 and fulfill the destiny of humankind presented in Genesis 15:5 and Song of MYself to sound our barbaric Yawp over the roof of the universe,, Recent scholarship has indicated that the tithe went from Melchizedek to Abram as opposed to the current reading in the published version, The tithe from Abram to Melchizedek is a foundation of the parasitic demands of the Prosperity Gospel of Pro-Life Evangelism of Christian Nationalism, but the Melchizdek to Abram tithe harmonizes with the Parable of the Talents which describes the open-system economics of Jesus, Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes in contrast to the zero-sum, gold based, Free Market economics of Project 2025, Warren Buffet's attitude towards his personal salary, which is $100.000, is that lots of money does him no good unless it gets unto the street .   The point is Melchizdek didn't need the tithe Abram may have offered, even if was his property in the first place. It was far more profitable for Melchizdek to double down on his investment in Abram than to carry all the loot he couldn't use around, It's like when Maude tosses Harold's engagement ring into the sea so they would always know where it was: Bread cast upon water. Melchizedek was a pre-figuring of Jesus or the Messiah, himself, but a social engineer upgrading the calibration on an on-going social and lierary project. Melchizedek was part of the internation guild that has become the modern Masons. Lodge 22 in Alexandria Virginia is a reproduction of the Magi Ziggarut and an important element in his Deism in combination with his Anglican confession free of the "religious enthusiasm" of Calvinism and the legacy of Cromwell and the populism of the Round Heads.
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almaqead · 9 days
"The Man of the Whale." From Surah 21, Anbya, "On Her Grapes."
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The accounts in the Quran do not recount historical details like the weather or the conditions at the time or the coming and going of politicians. We know very little about the signs of development that were present at the time Muhammad took an offset of the thoughts within Jibril's surrogate consciousness. Thus we can only surmise why we are reading them now at this time and make our own comparisons and try to understand the reasons why.
The Saudi Arabian masters that continued to process the dictation of the Quran concluded it is in the shape not of a spiral staircase like the Torah but a chambered nautilus that gets more concise, more pointed as it reaches the apex. And we must conclude the Organism inside is this thing called Jibril, "the latent phenomenal reality" that is trying to reach the light at the top.
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This being came to Muhammad in the Kahf to prepare his heart to lead mankind out of a war...one we are still fighting for the sake of our lives even though God sent this radiant being Jibril to Mo 1400 years ago. Why not? Because we still cannot climb high enough to find the point of this reality.
For this the Surah says we can as yet turn to the prophets:
21: 85-88:
And ˹remember˺ Ishmael, Enoch, and Ⱬul-Kifl.1 They were all steadfast.
We admitted them into Our mercy, for they were truly of the righteous.
And ˹remember˺ when the Man of the Whale stormed off ˹from his city˺ in a rage, thinking We would not restrain him.1 Then in the ˹veils of˺ darkness2 he cried out, “There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except You. Glory be to You! I have certainly done wrong.”
So We answered his prayer and rescued him from anguish. And so do We save the ˹true˺ believers.
The story of Jonah the "dove" that got caught in the body of a whale is legend because it represents a mankind that is far out of his depth.
"The Book of Jonah, read in its entirety during the Yom Kippur afternoon services, is the story of your life. This is what the Kabbalah says.1
"The Zohar , the Holy One says that this is the real story of your life.
You are Jonah. The real you, for “Jonah”—in Kabbalistic parlance—is another name for the soul. Hence, the story of Jonah is the story of a soul’s journey here on earth. Thus, on Yom Kippur, as we examine our lives and consider our purpose in this world, we remember the historical Jonah whose real-life narrative symbolizes our spiritual odyssey.
Your story begins at birth. A soul from on high is plunged into an earthly body. Before its descent, the soul lived an angel-like existence, basking in a glow of spirituality, intimately bound to its Creator. But the soul must leave its home. It is confined to a material vessel, its senses overwhelmed by the brash stimuli of this world. “Jonah,” the soul, “boards the ship,” the body. And where does this ship take its passenger? “Away from the presence of G‑d.” Indeed, the very name of Jonah—closely related to a Hebrew word meaning “aggrieved”—alludes to the unique frustration of the soul confined to the body.
The soul, Jonah, the hapless passenger, has traveled far away from G‑d. Yet, where can one go and be far from the One? Where is it that the Omnipresent cannot be found? Has the soul—upon entering this coarse, physical realm—really left G‑d behind? Just as G‑d was with Jonah at the moment of his first prophecy in the Holy Land, so too was G‑d with Jonah as he languished on the high seas.
And yet, we, like Jonah, delude ourselves into thinking that our journey to this earth has somehow taken us “out of range” of our relationship with G‑d. Like Jonah, we take this perceived distance as an indication that we have somehow been dismissed from our mission. But no; the soul does not escape G‑d by coming down to this earth. To the contrary, it is an agent of G‑d, a representative of His will charged with imbuing sanctity into the mundane and perfecting an imperfect world."
As I say above reality is a passenger in this creation just like us, and it will respond to course correction. The Prophets Ishmael, Enoch, Zul Kifl and Jonah are the four directions we need to turn to get back on track to reality.
They are :
"Hear, respond, and demonstrate the unfolding of the self and reveal that reality which has been abandoned. This is how we reprieve from anguish the sole believers."
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