#(And I'll Never Stop Loving Taichi)
ashxketchum · 3 months
Besties we got new Digimon Adventure merch art!!!
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After sort of a dry spell in since April due to all the collabs actually getting their proper run in cafes/stores etc, there is finally some excitement for the 25th Anniversary celebrations again (tbh they should've announced this on the livestream smh smh) . The theme this time is "marine" and it's a nice follow up to the Digimon Tamers merch that was announced about a month ago.
The vibe of being part of a crew is coming off really well through the outfit design, but the key point is the pins of their crest and the type of hat that the kid is wearing. If you look closely, Koushiro, Takeru among the boys are not wearing the officer style hat but berets and their pins are missing as well, similarly for Hikari her beret hat is differently style than the other girls with the missing pin. Koushiro and Takeru are also not wearing ties like the other boys but the sailor knot, which leads me to believe that this is a reference to the their roles on the ship, implying that Koushiro, Hikari and Takeru still lack a designation.
When we look at the other kids, the difference in roles becomes much clearer.
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While Taichi greets us with a perfect salute, Yamato takes the helm. A very interesting take where Taichi (as the Captain?) sets direction and Yamato ensures that they follow his desired path. Tbvh I could write a whole essay about why this specific depiction of their roles is so groundbreaking, but for now I'll just end on how whenever they're depicted as a team, the sense of equilibrium between the two of them is never lost.
PS: I also love Agumon's little lop sided hat, he is trying his best to support Taichi and that's just adorable.
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Next we have Sora and Mimi and again the detailing in their positions to their actual roles in the show is very visible. Sora is on lookout duty, keeping watch against any unchartered occurrences, making sure that the crew can be alerted before disaster falls. Mimi on the other hand, is most likely the stewardess, and is keeping the morale up with her cheers and support! Love the little crests flags she is waving, and the groupings of the crest is definitely interesting 🫣 Jou with the map of their course is very apt as well, in the show we see him attempting to find his footing as the voice of reason between Taichi and Yamato arguing many times, so now he's here making sure that the two stick the job they have been given, ready to correct the course if any tensions rise.
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Koushiro, Hikari and Takeru are for me the most interesting of the lot for the reasons pointed out earlier. While the other kids are portrayed as taking some sort of role on the ship, these three seem to be enjoying their times as cadets (in training?). Especially Takeru and Hikari, who are the youngest, are having fun playing around with their partners. Koushiro on the other hand, definitely wants to contribute in some way, and maybe the best way Taichi and Yamato could get him to stop tailing them was to put him on fishing duty lol.
All in all, this is a great piece of illustration, I'm glad we got some more new outfits! If someone has a more in depth understanding of how things work on a cruise ship or similar, please share your thoughts and let me know how you interpret the roles here!
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Digimon Adventure 01x16 - Dark Evolution! SkullGreymon / The Arrival of SkullGreymon
Previously on Digimon Adventure: The wicked servants of Elvis gave our kids food and baths. Fleeing into a nearby cave, Taichi found the Warp Whistle and got them out of there before they could be exposed to Elvis's music any longer.
Now we join them an ambiguous length of time later, in a place that is certainly not the forested mountains we left them in.
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We're back in the desert. Why are we back in the desert? Why did we go back there? IDK but Mimi's is bothered as I am.
Mimi: Ugh, how much farther do we have to talk? Jou: Until we find a place where Etemon can't reach us. Mimi: Does a place like that even exist!?!? Yamato: I hope so. We have nowhere to run if Etemon attacks us right now. Sora: This is bad. Everyone's starting to get depressed.
Wandering through the vast deserts of Server under threat that Etemon could appear at any moment naturally has a negative impact on the group's mental health. Sora's concerned for them. But Taichi's annoyed.
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Taichi: What's going on here!? Get a hold of yourselves! We have a Crest with us now! Yamato: Sure, but can they really evolve with just the Crest? Taichi: Of course. Right, Agumon? Agumon: Mmm-- Taichi: Be more assertive! You're the only one right now who can evolve to the next level! You have to stand for all of us on the battlefield! Tentomon: We're counting on you! Taichi: By the way, how do we reach the next evolution? Koushiro: Well, from what we know about evolution, they need a lot of energy to evolve. They couldn't do it when they were hungry. Also, it happens when their partner is in danger. Taichi: I see.... So, about, that energy thing: To evolve to a higher level, I guess you'd need more energy than ever, right?
Taichi ties off that question with a wink at Agumon, who flinches from Taichi's exuberance. He's plotting.
As he brought up at the end of the last episode (but not in the dub), In stark contrast to the rest of the group, who are still in survival mode, Taichi feels invincible now that he has this Crest. He's confident that he has the key to Etemon's demise right there around his neck. He just needs to figure out how it works.
Over in the dub, Tai's going even harder.
Tai: Hey, come on, you guys! Why'd we stop? Why's everyone so scared? After all, we do have the Crest, you know! Matt: That's true! But do we really know the Crest will help Agumon to Digivolve? Tai: Of course! Right, Agumon? Agumon: Hmm? Tai: Listen, buddy: This is your big chance! Don't let me down! You're the only one that can Digivolve further so either you try to get to the next level and save us from Etemon or I'll go and get myself a new Digimon! Tentomon: Not much of a choice! Tai: ARGH! By the way, how are we supposed to use the Crest to Digivolve again? Izzy: Well, from what we've seen so far with the other Digivolutions, it takes a lot of energy. For example, they can't Digivolve if they're hungry. In addition, the Partner of the Digimon must be in some sort of danger. You know, like being under attack or something. Tai: But since it's a higher level of Digivolving, my theory is even more energy is needed. So we'll provide the food; Etemon will provide the danger!
Love that closing line, "We'll provide the food; Etemon will provide the danger!" That's a great way to set up the bad decision-making that's about to take place.
The biggest difference between the two versions is that Tai threatens to fire Agumon in this one. Holy shit! He's being a twat either way but that's brutal.
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We cut briefly to Etemon's trailer being carted through the desert. He's rambling.
Etemon: You kids just wait! When I find you, I'll knock you flat and stuff you like turkeys!
Over in the dub, he says:
Etemon: You better watch out, you DigiDestined kids! I'll find you and, when I do, you'll wish you never crossed Etemon! I'll get ya!
This may seem like a lateral move, but the "stuff you like turkeys" line is setup for a gag. We cut immediately from that line to:
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The dub destroys this joke, not only changing Etemon's line but introducing a commercial break between Etemon's setup and Agumon's payoff.
Over here at a small oasis, Taichi is force-feeding Agumon as much as possible.
Agumon: I can't eat anymore! Taichi: When I say eat, you eat! No complaining! Agumon: But-- Taichi: Listen! Everyone gave you their share of food because they're looking forward to your evolution! Right, guys? Yamato: Sure. Mimi: Gave it to him? More like he took it from us. Gabumon: But we can't evolve to a higher level. Jou: (bitterly) So it's "Whoever doesn't work doesn't eat"? Tentomon: Oh no.... Taichi: Eh? What was that? I can't hear you! Isn't that right, guys? Group: (unenthusiastically) Uh-huh! Taichi: See? That's why you and I have to work hard together! We have to protect everyone!
Taichi is now preventing the rest of the group from eating so that he can force-feed Agumon far beyond his limits. Based entirely on his own speculation that Agumon will need a supreme amount of energy for a Perfect-stage evolution.
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Palmon: I guess that means we're dragging everyone down. Piyomon: Even so, I feel sorry for Agumon. Sora: Yeah. Agumon looks like he's being forced into a corner. Koushiro: During club activities, Taichi-san was always nice to us younger members. Sora: Now that you mention it, back in soccer club....
While the first part of this scene is played totally straight in the dub, this bit's a little different.
Palmon: I guess there's not much else we can do to help. Biyomon: I don't know if Agumon can take much more! Sora: Yeah, Tai is really pushing him. Agumon's stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey. Izzy: Tai's personality has taken a turn for the worse lately. I remember him being friendlier even to us younger kids. Sora: Actually, now that you mention it, he was cool during soccer camp.
"Soccer camp" is an interesting choice here. Extracurricular "soccer club" isn't really a thing in the U.S. but schools do have sports teams. Not usually for elementary schools, though. Sora and Taichi are in fifth grade. In order to play soccer together, they'd have to be part of a recreational youth program like at the YMCA or, as noted, a soccer camp.
Meanwhile, Koushiro's reference to sharing "club activities" with Taichi, though the sentiment of his line remains. I guess they couldn't imagine why Izzy would play soccer.
From here, Sora flashes back on a school soccer game. Taichi's playing in the front of his team as a striker, a position notorious for arrogant and selfish play, and he has the ball. Sora is the other striker, running down the field parallel to Taichi.
We see the gears turn in Taichi's head.
Sora: Taichi, pass! Taichi: This is my chance to shoot! Here I go!
But then another player slides in front of him on an intercept course. Without missing a beat, Taichi passes the ball sideways a moment before the slide trips him up. Sora receives his pass, striking the ball with a headbutt and sending it sailing into goal.
Helping Taichi to his feet, Sora appreciates his sportsmanship.
Sora: Nice pass! I thought you'd try to take the shot yourself. Taichi: I'd never do something that crazy! Ahahahaha!
Back in the present, Sora reflects:
Sora: Taichi seems like the type to rush off on his own, but he's always taken his surroundings into consideration. Koushiro: Right. Sora: But now.... Taichi: We're the only ones who can do this! So keep going! Eat up! Agumon: No more! Sora: Ever since Taichi got that Crest, he's become a completely different person.
Again, the dub here is a bit altered.
Sora: Tai might look like he's trying to run things all by himself, but whatever crazy action he takes, he does it for the good of the team. Izzy: Mmhmm. Sora: But now all this.... Tai: We're the only ones who can help now! So you've gotta keep eating, okay, Agumon!? Agumon: I can't! Sora: Tai's personality seems to have changed ever since he got a hold of that Crest of Courage.
Sora's point is about Taichi typically having situational awareness to temper his enthusiasm. He was going to take the shot himself, but when he realized he was about to be intercepted, he quickly switched gears and passed the ball rather than stubbornly forging ahead.
"Tai makes ridiculous choices but always for good reasons!" is a bizarre takeaway for her to have from that anecdote.
Also, she name-drops Crest of Courage before any of the kids know that the Crests mean things. That's a straight-up continuity error right there.
Suddenly, the conversation's broken up a ringing pulse shining inside Jou's shirt.
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Jou: I'm starving... Hmm? What the...? (Jou pulls his Tag out of his shirt and sees it pulsing blue) Jou: (standing up suddenly) Hey, look! My Tag! Yamato: It's reacting to something. Koushiro: Your Crest must be nearby! Taichi: Really!?
Taichi whips out his mini-telescope, scanning the nearby surroundings until he spots a set of ruins in the distance. Ecstatic, Jou races down the dune they're resting on, tripping over something buried in the sand.
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Gomamon: What's a cable doing here?
His question doesn't get answered, but we know these cables. Far off, Etemon orders the Monochromon dragging his trailer to halt.
Etemon: STOP!!! Gazimon: What's wrong, Etemon-sama? Etemon: Ehehehehehe!!! Something's stuck in my network! L-7 Area... Let's see... Where was that? L over, 7 down, and... There it is! Gazimon: Where is it? Etemon: YIIIIIII!!! It's near the Coliseum! Remember? The place I hold my yearly concert! (angrily) They fled to such a place.... Gazimon: Geh. It's pretty far. Etemon: Yep. However, I have an interesting show set up there. Ahaha!
In the dub:
Etemon: WHOA!!! Gazimon: What is it, Lord Etemon? Etemon: Ahaha! Something's caught in my network, uh-huh-huh! The intruder's in the L-7 sector. Let's see, L-7, L-7... How's this thing work? Oh, here it is! Gazimon: Where is it? Etemon: Hahaha, it's near the Coliseum! That's where I hold my annual Tribute to Me show; I wonder what they're doing all the way over there? You got any idea? Gazimon: Well, maybe they want to get good seats, boss. Etemon: Oh, they'll have a perfect view for the surprise show I planted for 'em! Hahahaha!
Small change: Etemon seems miffed that the kids are at the Coliseum in the original. It's a subtle moment, but it almost seems like he's offended that they're hiding out in a place that has sentimental value to him personally.
"Maybe they want to get good seats" is a great quip. We lose Gazimon expositing that it's far off, but Etemon covered that with "all the way over there" so the information is still conveyed.
The big shift here is the "show" waiting for the kids. Etemon in the original suggests that what's about to happen is part of his annual concert setup. He's repurposing resources already in place for another reason. Dub Etemon seems to have set this all up as a trap on purpose? Though given the events to follow, that's still a believable interpretation.
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Etemon calls another Gazimon over in L-7 to arrange his plan.
Gazimon: Yeah? This is the L-7 area. Etemon: It's me. Gazimon: (leaps to his feet) Y-Yes!? Etemon: Some guests will be arriving soon. Prepare a welcome party. Gazimon: W-Welcome party!? You don't mean that thing? Etemon: I mean that thing. Gazimon: U-UNDERSTOOD!!!
This Gazimon races off into the Coliseum to prepare for the children's arrival.
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Inside, the Coliseum is a bit different from what one might expect of ancient Roman architecture.
Koushiro: It looks like the Roman Coliseum! Tentomon: What is that? Taichi: An ancient stadium. Mimi: Look! A widescreen TV! Sora: And a goal post! This is a soccer field! Taichi: Well, let's split up and look for the Crest!
Neat. You know those ancient Romans and their love for giant stadium monitors and soccer.
We've been in Digimon World/Digital World for so long that no one even cares about out-of-place modern shit anymore. That's just life.
Unfortunately, all that overfeeding is taking a toll on Agumon, who falls to the ground abruptly.
Agumon: I can't move... Let me sleep.... Taichi: What's wrong with you!? Get up! Agumon: Sorry.... Jou: Let him rest. The only clue we have is this Tag. Gomamon and I will go look, so the rest of you take a break. Taichi: I'll go with you!
Jou-senpai stepping up to be the responsible one again, but as usual, Taichi can't be still for five seconds.
While Taichi and Jou race off to search for Jou's Crest, something interesting rolls out onto the soccer field.
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Sora: (excited gasp) Soccer ball! Hey, want to play soccer!? Takeru: That sounds like fun! Yamato: Let's make it Human Team vs. Digimon Team. Tentomon: What's soccer? Sora: It's where you use your legs to kick this ball into a goal. You can also use your head or chest.
She demonstrates by popping the ball up and passing it with her head to Gabumon. He delivers a powerful kick, sending it up in an arc. Piyomon tries to catch it with her wings, but the ball hits her in the face and knocks her flat. It then bounces into Palmon's hands behind her.
Sora: You can't use your hands. Palmon: Don't you think that's really unfair to me? Takeru: The goalkeeper can use their hands, right? Yamato: Yeah. You'd be perfect for goalkeeper, Palmon.
In the dub, Palmon's objection is removed. After Biyomon gets clonked, Palmon's line and Sora's are switched.
Palmon: Oh! That's really using your head! Sora: Oh, and I forgot to tell you: You can't use your hands. T.K.: Unless you're the goalkeeper; Then you can touch the ball with your hands! Matt: Yeah! You should be the goalie for your team, Palmon!
It's a minor difference, but the bit doesn't flow quite as well without the point being raised that Palmon, more than anyone here, is a very grabby Digimon. She has a much higher hands-to-other-stuff ratio than the rest of the group.
With Palmon's role sorted out, she gives the ball a toss to put it back in play. Suddenly, noticing the others having fun, Tai races in and gives the ball a heavy kick, sending it hurtling to the upper audience stands.
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By comical coincidence, he scores a direct hit on Gazimon way up there. Even when he's being a shit, Taichi has amazing soccer instincts. The shot sends Gazimon tumbling down the stairs into the Coliseum's inner chambers.
Taichi: How the hell can you guys be playing soccer at a time like this!?!? Stop and think about what we're dealing with! We're leaving as soon as Jou finds his Crest!
(This is Taichi's "How you season your eggs is causing the decline of Japanese culture" moment. Like Jou way back when, Taichi is cracking under the pressure of being at war with an invulnerable foe.)
Before anyone can say anything to Taichi, the stadium's filled with sports music and the screen turns on.
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Etemon: WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I am the greatest!
Screaming in terror, the kids flee for their lives, inexplicably choosing to take cover inside a soccer net. (Why?) This bizarre choice proves to be part of the trap; The net closes around them, sealing them in. Everyone but Agumon; He tripped and didn't make it to the net because his belly's still too full to move.
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Etemon: GOOOOOOOOOAL!!! Now I've got you! Taichi: It was a trap! Tentomon: You think you can keep us in here with just this!?
Tentomon tries to break through the net, but it's electrified. It gives him a discouraging shock the moment he touches it.
Etemon: You're going to injure yourself if you do that. The net's wires are electrified! I've love to be there and do this face-to-face but unfortunately I'm too far away for that. Stars have busy schedules, y'know. But don't worry! A special guest is going to take my place! Who do you think it will be? Taichi: Who cares!? Etemon: I bet he's going to surprise you! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!
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Etemon's guest star arrives: A Greymon with a black "collar" made up of what seems to be a Dark Network cable wrapped around their neck. They stomp into the Coliseum, wrecking everything in their path.
Taichi: G-Greymon!? Etemon: See? You're so surprised! I'm such a fabulous show producer. Now, let's get started! (English) IT'S SHOWTIME!!!
In the dub, we get:
Tai: It's a different Greymon! Etemon: See? I knew you'd be surprised! I'm so evil! ~Let's get started / It's time to go / Okay! / Here's the show!
That might be the funniest change in the series. I wonder which show producer objected to having Etemon proclaim, "I'm such a fabulous show producer"? XD
Agumon evolves to fight the other Greymon. As they're fighting, Takeru drops this banger.
Gabumon: You can do this, Greymon! Takeru: Don't lose to a fake!
Those are some bold words when that one over there is a natural Greymon and our guy can only hit that stage temporarily thanks to Digivice magic.
Sadly, natural Greymon proves to be superior in brawling with a temp. They land a horn bash to our Greymon's chin, sending him backwards into the electrified net.
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Conceding that our Greymon can't beat Etemon's, Taichi sees only one avenue left.
Taichi: Evolve, Greymon! Koushiro: He can't keep this up. Tentomon: He can't win if he doesn't evolve!
Greymon gets back up and keeps fighting, but the other Greymon tosses him to the ground and stomps on his head. Taichi screams at him to evolve.
Taichi: Evolve! Evolve, Greymon! Koushiro: It's useless, Taichi-san. Your Crest isn't reacting at all. Yamato: Evolution is impossible. Taichi: I don't accept that. Greymon, I know you can do it! Believe in your ability to evolve!
Greymon does not evolve. He bashes the other Greymon off with a tail whip, then attempts to fire off a Mega Flame.
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However, all that comes out is a belch. This is what tips off the group as to why he's having so much trouble.
Mimi: How can you burp at a time like this? Yamato: Do his movements look slower than usual? Koushiro: I get it. His body is heavy from overeating! Tentomon: You're right!
Tentomon's so excited by this revelation, he takes to the air and electrocutes himself on the net again. Smooth.
Meanwhile, Gazimon takes another call from Etemon.
Etemon: Don't just stand around! Start the ending celebration! Prepare the fireworks and step on it!
Gazimon takes up a position up on top of a set of three statue heads, raising sparklers for the ceremony.
While our Greymon continues to get worked over, Gomamon desperately calls his Marching Fishes to lend a fin.
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Water pours out of the statues' mouths, with Gomamon's fish flying from the water. They mug Gazimon for his sparklers and make their way over to the enemy Greymon, baiting them away from our Greymon.
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Meanwhile, the kids discuss the massive WTF of this occurrence.
Jou: How were fishes able to come out of there!? Gomamon: Don't look at me. I don't understand complex stuff. Koushiro: There's probably a rift to another dimension over there. Gomamon: What he said. Jou: I see....
It's as good an explanation as any.
The dub dialogue is similar, but Izzy's more condescending about it.
Joe: Where did those fish come from!? How could they just come out of there like that!? Gomamon: I dunno, but if it's not broken, don't fix it! Izzy: It's really elementary, Joe. There's probably just a dimensional vortex rift in the water. Gomamon: Ditto! Joe: Oh.
Imagine not knowing about aquatic dimensional vortex rifts. That's baby stuff. You're kinda dim, Joe.
Once the conversation's finished, the Marching Fishes drop their sparklers at Greymon's feet and then fly off into the sky, visibly fading out of existence. (I guess they Dimensional Vortex Rifted away.)
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Koushiro comes up with the idea of tunneling to safety. The kids peel back the tiles to find another black cable, but also a large stone bearing a symbol like the one that formed Taichi's Crest. The stone begins to pulse, as does Jou's Tag.
Assuming it works the same, Jou rests his Tag on the stone.
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Crest received!
Just in time for the ground beneath them, no longer braced by the Crest stone, to give way and dump the kids. into a deep hole. But it's a deep hole with an exit, so they're free. We briefly cut to Etemon furiously watching them make their escape.
Etemon: Those damn children! Not only did they escape, but they have another Crest! UNFORGIVABLE!!!
It's here that Taichi makes terrible choices.
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Taichi: He'd win if he evolved. If he could only evolve! GREYMON!!! Sora: Stop! Taichi: Don't stop me! This is my chance to get Greymon to evolve! Please just stay out of the way! Sora: But your Crest isn't reacting at all! It's impossible for him to evolve! Taichi: He will evolve. No, I'll make him!
Taichi hops down into the stadium and races out onto the field, towards where the two Greymon are fighting.
(This is where Sora's anecdote from earlier comes into play. Taichi isn't being situationally aware. He's not paying attention to the factors on the field; Specifically, his Crest. He's stubbornly, arrogantly trying to take the shot himself and not paying attention to the very real fact that his angle is too well-guarded.)
Yamato: What is he trying to do!? Koushiro: The other condition needed for evolution is for the Partner to be in danger. Sora: Taichi-san wouldn't....
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He would. He does.
Etemon calls for a Mega Flame to finish Taichi's Greymon, but Taichi interrupts the shot by pelting Etemon's Greymon with a rock expertly flung straight into their eye.
Taichi: STOP!!! I'm not scared of you! Come and get me! Etemon: Trying to act tough, are we? Very well. We'll deal with you first, just like you wanted!
Sora and Yamato send Birdramon and Garurumon in there to keep Taichi from getting himself stupidly killed. But Taichi keeps screaming at Greymon to evolve until finally, his Crest reacts. In an eerie way.
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An unpleasant green light emanates from Taichi's Digivice, unlike the typical white of evolution. And his Crest turns black as pitch before it releases its energy. Greymon ankoku shinka.
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The evolution for ankoku shinka or "Dark Evolution" is completely unlike the typical evolution. The transformation sequence is corrupted with unpleasant colors and a dark cloud appearing in the sky. Black energy with orange spirals pour into Greymon, causing him to take this new shape without the usual spinny stock footage and cry of "SHINKAAAAAAA!!!"
Even Tai seems to realize he's screwed up here, as his initial excitement quickly fades into an expression of horror.
Sora: T-That's.... Yamato: What's going on here? Tentomon: It can't be. That's SkullGreymon! Sora: SkullGreymon!?
The narrator chimes in here to give the rundown. SkullGreymon is a Perfect-stage Virus-type Skeleton Digimon.
Narrator: SkullGreymon. His menacing appearance reduces many Digimon to a quaking heap. Naturally, he has immense destructive power. He is a Perfect-stage Digimon who attacks persistently in battle.
Here, the dub has everything it needs for a seamless diegetic rundown. Tentomon is present on-hand, recognizes this Digimon, and has people to talk to when delivering the rundown.
Sora: What in the world!? Matt: What do you think that is? Tentomon: Oh my, is that what I think it is? Sora: What do you call that thing!? Tentomon: SkullGreymon. The sight of him makes other Digimon tremble! He is a fully Digivolved Digimon whose explosive power causes him to constantly search for battle!
"Fully". It's cute that you think that, Tentomon. To be fair to him, Perfect was the final stage until Ultimate was added later down the line. But it was already there by the time the anime was made and dubbed.
But yeah, this is basically a perfect diegetic rundown. Good work.
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Koushiro's immediately convinced that this is wrong.
Koushiro: Th-This is bad! It looks like something went wrong and he evolved into something unbelievable!
But it's too late now. SkullGreymon begins to act, swatting the enemy Greymon into the air and launching them into Etemon's monitor. Then he fires the missile from his back.
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SkullGreymon's signature move Ground Zero flies from his back, slamming into the monitor and exploding. The blast erases both the monitor and the opposing Greymon.
(RIP Other Greymon. Etemon said they were part of his annual show so I sure hope that means they were like a bandmate of his and not some sort of gladiator slave or something. Because they're stone dead now.)
Taichi, meanwhile, stares up at his "Partner" in disbelief.
Taichi: SkullGreymon! Did you really evolve from Greymon!?
In the dub, Tai more bluntly yells:
Tai: Listen to me, SkullGreymon! If you're really the Digivolved form of Greymon then you can't hurt me!
SkullGreymon responds by trying to smash him, provoking Garurumon and Birdramon to leap to his defense. Tentomon evolves as well to join the defense.
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Three Adult-stage Digimon against a battle-hungry Perfect. While their battle tears up the landscape and shreds the black cables littered around.
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Etemon: WAUGH!!! The Network! My network is ruined!
Over in the dub, Etemon hilariously tries to play this for sympathy.
Etemon: Oh no, my poor network! They're destroyin' everything that I worked so hard to create!
XD Sure, my dude. You're the victim here.
Back at the fight, SkullGreymon's as savage as we were promised. Birdramon, Kabuterimon, and Garurumon converge attacks on him, but he doesn't even flinch. Swatting them away as easily as the giant Devimon did before, SkullGreymon flees the Coliseum and races out into the desert beyond.
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There, the dark evolution energy from Taichi's mistake finally runs out. He finally regresses, not just to Agumon but all the way down to Koromon.
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As the group reaches Koromon, Taichi scoops him up in his arms.
Taichi: Are you okay!? Koromon: Yeah... But it looks like I did something terrible to you guys... I couldn't stop myself! Piyomon: Don't worry about it. Gabumon: That's right. Tentomon: We completely understand. Koromon: I'm sorry I couldn't rise to your expectations. Yamato: No! It's not your fault, it's.... Taichi: I know. It's mine. Yamato: That's not what I meant. Taichi: That's okay. It's true. Isn't it, Sora? Sora: Yes-- I-I mean-- Taichi: I was rushing ahead without even realizing it. Because I had the Crest, I felt like I had to fight the battles on my own. I'm sorry, everyone. (to Koromon) I'm sorry. Narrator: Although the next evolution stage was reached, it proved to be a mistake. Will they ever learn to evolve the right way?
We close on this somber moment, reflecting on Taichi's mistake. Neither forgiveness nor condemnation offered to him. Only a lesson learned and a hope to do better in the future.
The dub plays this all straight, including the narrator's closing dialogue. Of course, per usual, that's done diegetically.
Tai: You were finally able to Digivolve but it was a huge mistake. I wonder if our Digimon will ever be able to Digivolve the right way? One thing's for sure, I learned my lesson.
However what blows my mind in this final scene is that Koromon's voice is wrong. They have Mimi's actress playing Koromon and it's extremely noticeable. A huge departure from the usual performer who's been playing Koromon as recently as one episode ago. I have no idea why that happened.
Assessment: Here, at last, we're introduced to branching evolution paths and very specifically the concept of dark evolution, a rare occurrence in Digimon media but always a big deal when it comes up. Try to avoid putting your Digimon through that, yeah?
The dub for this episode has a couple of flaws in it, but I'd describe it as almost perfect. Like 95% of the dub for this episode was seamless adaptation, with some of the dub particulars like the diegetic rundowns fitting in perfectly. My biggest complaint here is that they messed up Sora's soccer anecdote, but that's small potatoes compared to some of the other episodes out there.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
oh please talk about kawanishi taichi i love that silly guy
(also i am SO sorry for taking so long oh my god i am back in action and catching up i promise!!)
i think he likes beanies in his casual wear
idk kawanishi feels like such a beanie person but not the douchebag slouchy ones he's got one that's a little snug and has something embroidered on it like a bird or something
okay that's a lie. he has ONE douchebag slouchy beanie that makes him look like how a high school romance shoujo mangaka of the mid-2000s would dress a flashy somewhat-delinquent teenage boy (honey lemon soda my beloved)
this, of course, could not be farther from the truth
the entire second year is scared of him bc they never somehow realize he's there until he says something and they're like "holy SHIT". this also means he knows a bunch of hot gossip
(the hot gossip miyagi group chat: kawanishi, watari, onagawa, and narita)
on the other hand. that means the students of 2-5 win the contest for "best cultural festival attraction" between classes bc they had the best haunted house the miyagi prefecture had ever seen
he's on really good terms with the school nurse because sometimes he sneaks into the infirmary to take naps during lunch or gym periods
knows how to lockpick BECAUSE he keeps trying to sneak into the infirmary. and occasionally the school roof for their "team bonding picnics" so that tendou doesn't have to keep swiping the key from the student council
i'm not just saying this bc i like enamel pins but i think kawanishi DOES like enamel pins. he's got a collection of these edgy sarcastic ones that he thinks are hilarious in a "started-ironically-and-now-i-can't-stop-pipeline" kind of way
he's got this whole tumblr-grunge-indie-hipster thing going on with his douchebag slouchy beanie and denim jacket with pins all over the collar and ripped jeans and converse sneakers and shirabu thinks he pulls it off unfairly well
i feel like kawanishi also really likes fantasy/sci-fi and is actually SUCH a huge secret nerd about it. and really likes cyberpunk and fantasyland settings you'd get from like idk snow white with the red hair or nivalis (i KNOW it's an indie game that's not even out yet but sue me i don't know cyberpunk all that well)
he and tsukki actually become friends while arguing about how much of akira is deep meaning and how much of it is actually just straight up bullshit because WHAT the fuck was that
also he's subscribed to a bunch of these small artists on youtube who make background music and fun art to go with them bc he can put together a great soundtrack for getting hw and studying done
likes getting lil gifts for shirabu, especially to add to his stationary collection. shirabu has sticky notes in the shape of whales and ice cream and paper lanterns and washi tape with fireworks and beach motifs and bakery stuff and it's all because of kawanishi
kawanishi just sticks to the plain solid-color square sticky notes that he uses to leave shirabu notes around his dorm. just small things, really, a reminder that this is a place shirabu belongs and it is a place he is loved. you're doing great. get some water soon. i'll bring you dinner, just text me. don't forget to sleep.
and shirabu will be hard pressed to admit it, but those might be his favorite sticky notes of all
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terresdebrume · 7 months
Fic writer interview
Merci pour le tag, @almost-a-class-act ! :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
372 :D
Most are fics, but I do have a little under 30 fic covers hanging around there 😊
What's your total AO3 word count?
988 968 words! My goal this year is to crack the million xD
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fun fact, this top has not changed in years and my more recent writing habits mean it's unlikely to ever change at this point xD
S.O.S. Ecrits Avec De L’Air (aka SEADLA) an unfinished Tony Stark/Loki fic in which everything starts because Loki stops Tony from commiting suicide.
 We Shall Have Peace, a fic in which Steve Rogers comes out of an 80+ years long captivity to discover Loki turned the earth into a utopia.
Dots: 2-4, 1-2-3, 1-3-6. A fic in which Tony Stark is a university student, and Loki is his blind teacher, and they fall in love.
Wooer Wooed. A fic in which Tony Stark tries to teach Loki how to woo someone and ends up surprised by the results.
Corny Lines For Thanksgiving A fic in which Tony Stark sees Loki iand Thor interact from his office window and mistakes them for a couple.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I like showing my appreciation and it feels more polite :D
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Say it three times and it will be done, in which Loki sends Tony Stark a very sad letter to tell him he's giving up on him and their not-relationship.
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Oh shit, I've written so many of these xD But I guess I'll go with a top 3:
Clark Kent, of Krypton because it's one of the ones where the protagonist's situation changes the most drastically.
Once more, with kissing because the protag ends in what would probably be my dream configuration for any kind of romantic relationship.
All on my own because it's probably one of the more hopeful endings I have.
Honorable mention to A summer evening in Philly. for being the most recent :P
Do you write crossovers?
Rarely. I did write a Battlestar Galactica x The Walking Dead crossover once for a friend, but that's about it. When I mix fandom, I gravitate more towards fusions :P
The fic is called Killing zombies (and other fun activities), if you're curious.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I think I got maybe...three angry comments on AO3 so far? One was pissed because the protag hated his stepmother, another was angry that I'd posted negative meta on a ship, and iirc the last one accused me of making a character stupid because they didn't understand a word as a little kid who was communicating in a language that wasn't his first language.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try my hand at it on occasion x) It's probably not the greatest but so far no one told me it sucked so we'll see how it goes in the future xD
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I rememeber correctly there were projects of translation into Chinese and Russian for some of my fics, but I can't recall if they were completed or not xD
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I toyed at the idea but it fizzled out, mostly because of me.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I honestly have never thought of it that way tbh xD
But my two oldest ships are Taichi/Yamato from Digimon Adventure and Hyoga/Shun from Saint Seiya. I've liked those since I was a kid. As in, I first discovered Hyoga/Shun when I was under 10 so.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I'm not going to answer that one, I don't want to jinx it xD
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at dialogue and worldbuilding.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle a little more with description, and also The Doing Of The Sex. Also I sometimes worry that I do the writing equivalent of same-facing my characters, but I guess it might also be because I have A Type.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
More often than not, saying "[x] said in German" or "[x] switched to Italian" is more than enough. It's clear, concise and avoids the two main risks of foreign dialogues: losing the readers who don't understand the target language and (if you're not fluent yourself) making a grammar mistake that takes readers who are more fluent than you out of the story. (Example: I've recently stumbled across a Band of Brothers fic where Liebgott used Sie to address Webster. Sie is a formal form of address, which I guarantee Lieb wouldn't use for his fellow soldiers, especially not Web, and so seeing it made be tick hard even if I didn't spontaneously understand the rest of the sentence.)
That being said! All rules are made to be broken, and I've written a fic that was intentionally in 3 different languages and another where a significant chunk of the dialogue is just em dashes with footnotes. In the first case, I used the script format and the language juxtaposition to mimick the sort of humor you'd get from a more fast-pace, visual medium like a movie or show (and also because I enjoyed the idea of a fic that was a bit of an in-joke with readers who mostly understood all three languages).
In the second case, I used the em-dashes (intersped with the few words the POV character understands) to force the reader into the protagonist' shoes, because the whole plot revolves around her distress and frustration about being unable to understand the language her family speak.
So, you know. Do what you want x)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was a very, very intense plagiaristic fic for Lord of the Rings but with Harry Potter style wizards. I don't think it was very good, but I rememeber having fun with it.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
For a long time, that fandom was Digimon Adventure but I've done it now so... non, for now, I think x)
What's your favorite fic you've written?
... I'm gonna cheat and link you to my AO3 porfolio for my top 11 :P
Tagging : @takingoffmyshoes, @kyttwrites, @nemainofthewater, @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @liesmyth and @talysalankil :)
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saphushia · 1 year
Hiii i saw ur digimon vtamer art and ate thst as if it was water in the desert and wanted to check yout art and saw u also did a bit of arta about the 2020 reboot and im sorry taichi MIASMAFIED??? So i started watchijg it and HUH??? THEY DID THAT TO HIM??? and then hes??? Fine??? Apparently?? And i stopped watching cause boi they never stop getting into situations™ and i got overwhelmed so anyways love your art overall keep the good work your miasma taichi will haunt me from now on 👍
auhdskfjgh oh no you watched 2020 cause of me??? i'm so sorry sdkfgbkj. like listen as someone who absolutely adores digimon and pretty much every digimon property. i do not think 2020 is very good skdjfgb. it's the only digimon anime where i've had to skip episodes because they were just so boring. which drives me all the more insane because, as a whole, i think 2020 sucks, but there's just a smattering of things that are SO FUCKING COOL!!! LIKE TAI GETTING FUCKED UP BY THE MIASMA!! and then they just do NOTHING with that ever again!! I'M STILL SO UPSET OVER THAT AUGH. and it's so pretty too!!! augh. hell.
anyways tho. i'm glad you liked my v-tamer stuff! i really wish there was more fanbase for v-tamer sdkfgb. as a special treat i'll give you these old (2019... ouch sdfjbgk) post story doodles i never posted appearantly dsfkjbj
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orifumioshi · 10 months
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*ehem* Sorry. I'm ok. Anyway... Digimon Survive uwu and as an extra: I, myself, was supposed to be born on Feb 29 but I went ahead of time and ruined my mom's telenovela finale by being born on Friday 23rd (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Ok so, I just came back home from watching and I'm still shaking.
02beginning SPOILERS AHEAD!
Because I went to the very first screening at 12 pm, we were only 6 in the room and one guy went cosplaying as Dukemon (was too shy to ask for a proper pic because he was with his girlfriend).
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The experience of being welcomed with Bolero with an overwhelming audio is something I'll never forget but onto the plot.
Because I thought I would have to wait years to watch it, I actually looked for spoilers but nothing very explicit tbh, I also saw people saying there was body horror but honestly, Ghost Game had it "worse" xD so I wasn't that bothered by what Ukkomon did; he never did it with malice anyway, of course it was kind of... wrong? Awful? But he did it because he genuinely wanted for Rui to be happy; no one told them they had to talk in order to have a healthy relationship.
I don't think I ever felt so close with Daisuke before despite being a Dai oshi; I felt so angry with how Rui's mom treated him, being a 4 years old baby... this was the second time I cried in the movie (the first being listening target and don't believing that I was there watching xD) and I swear I wanted to cross the screen and scream at her a couple of things. Rui was genuinely a good boy (still is), going to talk to his sick dad about their day, I thought that was very sweet.
At the end, the "time travel" didn't really felt like that to me but rather a very immersive memories.
The evolutions sequence were beyond amazing so, nothing to say really xD just thankful that XV-mon and Stingmon were actually "drawn" rather than staying as CG and even so, the CGs were very neat.
I was quite worried about the dub but it seems the dialogues were done properly, at least taking in consideration what I remembered from the PVs. Thankfully we got Hikari, Iori and Ken having their same VA from Adventure along with the Digis; Daisuke and Takeru had their same VA from Lastevo and Miyako got a whole new voice but they did decent, they actually got quite well how the 02 gang is.
And Daisuke, oh my boi being the man I trust to ruin it with the police xD "why didn't you stopped me?!", I love you uwu and how he was the only one to tell Rui right to his face what he had to do.
The battle sequence was nice as well, I was worried for a moment to be honest and loved that scene where Miyako "ships" Daisuke and Ken-chan uwu
I knew we had to go in a big fight but I genuinely felt bad that the only solution was to defeat Ukkomon. I actually stayed until the post credits scene and I was happy to see Rui smile ;w;
So, in my humble opinion, it's a very good movie to add to the Digi Lore, it's very enjoyable and was what I needed for 02.
I saw people say that the movie doesn't solve the losing partners issue presented in Lastevo but I think that's not the case: Ukkomon gave the chosen children the Digivice via Homeostasis; considering that this "superior being" is indeed Homeostasis, this giving the partnership a tangible item to tie Digimons with Humans but, is that all?
I personally think that Takeru being anxious over losing their partners was justified after all, Yamato lose Gabumon so I understand why he would hesitate to kill Ukkomon; at the end, the Digivice was just that, a tangible bond but, they don't really need it, do they? Just like how in Adventure, Taichi and co. didn't needed the crests to evolve because their hearts were the actual crests.
The Digivice ties Digimon and Humans, yes but even without it, the bond is there so how does this solves the partners loss? As long as they have a bond, they will come back I mean, Ukkomon is coming back and Rui's Digivice is no more plus even after losing their D3s, Daisuke and co. still had their partners, right? This just shows that Digimon Survive was right in not giving their protagonist digivices: KIZUNA. We don't need the bond to be tangible, right?
Also, I almost screamed when Wallace was on screen with Terriermon and Lopmon ;w; it was nice to see Chichos too xD How did your dubs named her anyway? Here in Mexico it was changed to "Guadalupe"; Chichos sounds like "chichis" and that's a way to say "boobs".
Anyway, because I want more cards, I'll go to watch it again on Sunday because it's the only day I have free ;w; hope they don't run out of them, I want all my kids OTL
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nilikhangdiwa · 9 months
2023 Fic Wrap Up!
following last year's post, i'm going to go through all of my fics for the year and talk about them a bit! again, um, mostly a3, but yeah!
unbearable warmth
tasuhoma, master loves a mystery
this one was a comm for my lovely friend asra who really loves tasuhoma, so i wrote her a little thingy! there's nothing too much to say about it i think, but i struggled writing it because mlam isn't really my usual playverse. i think it turned out okay though!
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if the sky stops dancing
washisora, kuyuki, +3ghosts, first crush baseball, akiyama twins, canon-compliant (mostly), canon character death
this one was a comm for my friend mic, aka the ceo of washisora and my co-ceo of misuomi! i think i ruined a few lives with this one, not gonna lie. it's a little thing of hikaru and sora getting closer, and they're sooo cute. i've never done anything wrong in my life.
the comments in this are so funny if you check them out! and this fic was the reason for one of the next fics in this list.
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transfem banri, transfem nonbinary taichi, established relationship, fluff, silly
i took a break from destroying lives to write this silly fic. actually, i was in a pretty bad writer's block in the earlier part of the year, so this is one of the first fics after, like... rarepair week 2022 that isn't either a gift or a comm. i wrote this in the school library when i was supposed to be writing a paper, lmao.
it's a sequel to YOU GO, SHE/HER! which i wrote in 2021 and consider to be my magnum opus bantai fic. it's basically the same tags as this one.
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i hope this little light reaches
washisora, kuyuki, +3ghosts, first crush baseball, akiyama twins, canon character death
after the first kuyuki fic, mic came to me like. an hour later with more terrible ideas. so, of course, i helped them make it happen! mic had the idea for the plot, so i just wrote it out into the world, and then this! and then i got sniped by my friends who came for my neck for both of the fics.
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modern talking, modern walking
bantai, transfem taichi, internet friends to irls to eventual lovers
okay, no more angst. only sillies. this fic was for a little server exchange for my friend max! we both love bantai and transfem taichi, so like. this was the natural progression of things, i think! there's not much to say, just that it's very silly and i like it very much.
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i wanted to be your tomorrow
homachika, non-explicit sex
please note the one and a half month gap between the last fic and this one because my god i was so tired from life. but then this roleplay thing happened, and i was playing homare, and my friend was playing chikage, and then... and then i brainrotted so hard. it was so bad. chikahoma was all i could think about for weeks.
there's so much backstory for the chikahoma that inspired this, but it does end in character death, so i'll warn for that real quick. homare confessed to chikage via poem (i am not good at poetry but i tried lol) and they got together and they just... they were so in love with each other and just wanted to protect each other. but it ended up that homare was dying, and as he's about to die, chikage promises that he'll continue writing poems in his stead. and i. and i shatter every time i think about that.
brb crying. anyway.
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hex & willis, patholosite
SNRK. NUMBER 7. okay. so patholosite is the oc universe of my friend, jas! and i'm very mentally unwell about it. patholosite ruined my life. 10/10 would recommend. it's basically about this doctor, hex, who has, like. seven million issues, the most pressing of which being his inferiority issues. and he's basically currently working under willis, who is a genius and is not helping hex's inferiority complex at all.
stuff happens. please ask please ask please ask. i need to inflict the world with patholosite.
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Lost and Found
samlil, devil's gambit
okay, so this one is a gift for my lovely girlfriend, quill! umm. she did not ask for it. she just randomly sent me money so i sent her this in retaliation.
for context again, me and some friends made a little fake theater troupe like a3, and we're all split into little subtroupes. so devil's gambit is the lead play of my oc/sona (lance, playing sammy) for the troupe, and quill's character (quill, playing lilith) is the colead!
so. um. yes. gay. also this is from before we got together so like. yeah. finger guns. sometimes the gay precedes the gay.
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Why do you, as a man, call another man your partner? Because you're gay?
misukazu & tsuzuru, queerplatonic relationships, established relationship, aromanticism
this one was for the pride month exchange on twt for my friend, link! she asked for a couple things, so i settled on this. it was really fun to write, since i, like kazunari in the fic, am aro, so i was like. hahaha, projection go brr.
(note. i did not have a girlfriend yet at this time. but i do now and i'm still aro. so like. um. the projection projected back at me.)
i was actually supposed to also write a second fic, since i managed to finish this one pretty early. a 5+1 fic about kazunari again, but then i didn't manage to finish it. maybe one day!
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we can be dyed in any color we want
sakuya & kazunari, mentioned bansaku, smoking, just bros hanging out!
this actually wasn't supposed to be the next fic. this fic takes place in the same universe as this, like. kazuchika/bansaku universe i have fluttering around my brain? kazuchika is not mentioned in this fic, but bansaku is. it's not necessarily an au, it's just... a thing.
anyway, so the next fic was supposed to be the main kazuchika fic. but then the main kazuchika fic was turning out too long and i wanted to post this fic. so i decided, hey, instead of posting the main one first and then this side fic, i'll just drop the side fic. i mean, it still makes sense!
so, yeah. this. hopefully, i'll be able to finish the main kazuchika fic this year. maybe.
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someday, i'll be falling without caution
okay, this one is one i wrote for chikatsumu week, so i'll go through each of the entries. it's chikatsumu week, but the actual thing went on for about a month with 7 prompts. i didn't get to finish all of them, but it was slay!
day 1, first meeting. chikage meets tsumugi in act 5. i don't think there's too much to say about it, since it's pretty self explanatory, but i think they're silly. they should stare at each other and try to peel each other.
day 2, letter. a letter that tsumugi writes to chikage following some unspecified incident where chikage disappears. i wrote this with the intention of it being the same universe as this au i have where april becomes the next organization head, lua.
day 3, domestic. it's just chikage picking up tsumugi after rehearsal and they hold hands and talk and walk. i can write so much about people just doing the most mundane shit, i swear. i love writing mundane shit.
day 4, angel/demon. playverse fic, morimiche (moriarty and michael). this one was inspired by a roleplay me and my friend did a billion years ago. basically, moriarty wants to corrupt the angel and drag him to hell with him. which, like. i mean. i fuck with that. go moriarty go. moriarty is a meanie.
day 5 fic, i ended up putting it in a separate fic (next fic in this list) because it touches on some more sensitive topics.
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silver sulfadiazine
chikatsumu, attempted suicide
day 5, scars. so this one is an unofficial sequel to a fic i wrote on my alt, where basically chikage. y'know. this is the aftermath, and it's from chikage's pov, and he's kind of hazy in-and-out and doesn't quite know what's going on. it's unofficial because the actual fic didn't have any intentions of chikatsumu, but i figured it'd be a nice little what-if.
the original fic was titled freezerburn, and had a lot of themes of like warmth and coldness and such, so i carried that over here. so this one is titled silver sulfadiazine, which is used to treat burns.
i actually wrote this whole thing on a flight to visit my aunt, and then i posted it when i touched down at the airport. very fun.
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a collage of cicadas
tsumuguy, tasuguy
this one was for fuyu ship week, though regrettably i only finished two, because i was preoccupied with rarepair week that started days later. i was also really busy at the time, since i was fortunately able to take my latest term abroad, but that also meant i was packing my shit and running documents for weeks.
day 1, garden + growth. nothing too crazy, just cute tsumuguys! i love tsumuguy. i love guy ships, though there aren't very many, which makes me sad.
day 2, debut. no-mankai au where guy still has journey, and tasuku is still at godza. this is based off a tweet i saw once about this concept, so i just wrote a little something.
i actually had plans for the rest of the week! very briefly:
day 3, beach. tasuhiso. tasuku picks hisoka up from the beach at 3 in the morning.
day 4, passion. tsumuhoma. it was going to be just ages of homare waxing poetic about how much he loves tsumugi's passion for theater and gardening and life.
day 5, snow. azutsumu. they're drinking hot chocolate in the lounge in winter and azuma laments how the flowers tsumugi was tending to are dying because of the cold. tsumugi tells him that there are flowers, too, that bloom in the snow. like you, azuma-san!
day 6, home. azuguy. my note for this just says "guy: tadaima; azuma: okaeri". and like. that's all you need to know, really.
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i just want to hold you tight (i don't want to go back to that lonely life)
lantaru, past tonoita, self-shipping, knights of round iv, internalized homophobia, kind of a character study
HEY. YOU. DO YOU WANT TO HEAR THE LANTARU AGENDA. "what the fuck is lantaru?" you may ask. LANCELOT AND ITARU. listen. hear me out. okay. i just think that, as a child and a teen and even into adulthood, itaru yumes with lancelot. that's his lanchan. that's why his hair is bleached at the tips, so they matchy. that's his 2D anime british twink boyfriend.
the fic itself is a little bit of a love letter to self-shipping in general, and how it can help people get through some tough times. it kind of just explores itaru's relationship with lancelot as a character, and his relationship with the people around him, and just. idk. i like them. because, hey, listen. sometimes i can make out with hisoka in my head as a treat and it fixes me a bit. insert that post about being a little mentally unwell to get better.
i like lantaru a normal amount please hear me out on this.
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fool's errand
chikatsuzu, chikamerl, knights of round iv
rarepair week 2! um. listen. i blame my friends wholeheartedly for this. like several other fics, this was inspired by a roleplay between me and some of my friends. and like. god. i'm so mentally unwell. tl;dr is that merlin spent the entire time antagonizing everyone, but then he's becoming human and shedding his magicky dragon-y nature, and chikage, for some fucking reason, decides to be kind to him.
and my brain has never let go of it.
my god i hate them.
i love them please make out.
but yeah. i really like how this one turned out, actually! i like how merlin talks all fancy and old timey and chikage's like uhh ok lol. merlin refers to chikage solely as "chikage utsuki" in this fic, rather than "utsuki chikage" which is how i usually write it. this is because merlin is white. thank you.
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my universe is filled with you (more and more)
sakyoita, future, marriage, established relationship, moving
itaru and sakyo move into their house together! there's not much to say about this, i just really wanted to write an itasakyo fic for rarepair week. they're just really cute and shaped. this one was a little late i think, so all my rpw fics were a little late, but hey! that's fine.
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meet me where our scars collide
tasuchika, introspection, intimacy
i am obsessed with chikage and his scars. like. i swear. i just think about them randomly. it also goes a little into chikage's default flight response of just running away from the problem. i just think. i don't know, man. just... chikage's got so many issues, i think kissing men could fix him.
it's actually really funny because i posted this fic in august, and then like i got a dm in december from one of my friends just SHAKING ME. and i was like WHAT DID I DO. and she was like MEET ME WHERE OUR SCARS COLLIDE. THAT'S WHAT YOU DID. and i was like I POSTED THAT FOUR MONTHS AGO???
anyway, i really like how it turned out!
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citokazu, act 8, canon compliant
before rpw, someone in a server was like, hey, someone give me a rarepair for day 5 of rpw? i'm thinking citokazu, but idk... and i was like, YO CITOKAZU DAY 5 THAT'S LITERALLY MY PLAN TOO THAT'S CRAZY !! DO IT.
this fic is actually really timely beecause actually between the previous fic and this one was my flight to japan. so i literally had a despedida like when i was writing this. i really like citokazu, though i haven't talked about them a lot recently, so i wanted to write something for them for rpw!
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tsumuhiso, uriluci, urimiche, sympathy for the angel, stray devil blues, non-linear narrative
okay. so if you haven't seen me during the a3 play ship poll, i made this propaganda for uriluci/urimiche. the au that i mention there is the same one that this fic is inspired by. and i am so unwell about uriluci it's unreal. i adore them, they make each other worse.
the title is venus, because it's the morning star! morning star, morgenstern, is also associated with lucifer. so, yes. also in the end note of the fic, the numbers indicate which order the different fic sections actually go in chronologically.
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augju (kind of), gekka, blood and violence, canon character death
this one was my fic for the gekka zine! (which, hey, if you haven't checked it out, you can find it on tumblr @/gekkazine!) it's just, you know, the usual augju bullshit.
july is a really interesting character to me, and more often than not i end up writing him? to the point that some people think of me as july oomf. which is. um. i don't know if that's a compliment, but sure, i'll take it! he's just really. somethimg. he sure is something.
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you are gold, you are home
chikaita, domestic fluff
a comm for cg! most of my chikaita are stuff for cg, tbh, and i'm not complaining! this one's just a short and sweet one about chikage waking up with itaru in his arms, and something about the vulnerability and gentleness of domestic life that he never thought he'd have for himself... yeah.
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bunnies and red pandas
this one was for chikaita week! i had a lot of fun writing for these, and i had previously committed to being chill and low stakes about it, so i didn't have a lot of trouble or stress about it. the title references, of course, their a7 (??? i think ???) animals.
day 1, late nights. chikage hasn't come home and itaru's so worried he throws his matches. chikage's his lucky charm! or actually he's just so worried that he can't focus. either way, they're cute.
day 2, playverse. gawafuta! gawain (kniroun) and futami (uraomote). i think... this is the first fic for them i've posted, though i know there are more on ao3. my and my friend ended up making this ship after (another) roleplay thing, and then just... i just think they're neat, i don't know. i have a lot of gawafuta thoughts. i think that futami's one of the best people to help gawain adjust to getting, like, reverse isekai'd, because of his job. like, yeah, the info gathering stuff, but moreso being a teacher. like, modern jp lit takes a lot of inspiration and cues from earlier parts of jp history and lit, so futami presumably knows quite a bit about history and society as well, and just. i think they're neat.
day 3, office life. this was kind of inspired by when i met my friend and he was telling me about how when he went to shinjuku there were just a bunch of salaryman sitting around on the sidewalks and shit drinking and smoking and i was like... yeah. and then this was born. there's a lot of things about itaru's reputation that he has to keep an eye on, i think... but chikage will help, don't worry! also chikage is super pining and in love in this.
fun fact, there's a deleted line in this where chikage says something like not entirely accurate because he wasn't born in japan and only started living here a few years ago, and itaru calls him a gaijin lmao. i took it out because i don't think itaru would do that but like it's funny to me.
day 4, domestic. "nuh uh" "fym nuh uh" is the reason i wrote this entire thing. i had this exchange with someone on twitter about how itaru just says silly things and i was like. you know what? yes. so i just make itaru say silly things in this one.
day 5, plushies. after writing this, the world plushie didn't even look like a word anymore. and i'm just really obsessed with the mental image of itaru turning all of his plushies away so they don't see him and chikage doing the nasty. there's also references to the extended kniroun lore there (runa) which i am happy to talk about at great length always anytime.
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samlil, devil's gambit
same deal as lost and found. although, okay, we were actually already together at this point. she, like... randomly sent me money again. i think because i didn't have enough in my paypal to resubscribe to dropout, so i was like haha is anyone willing to commission me real quick. and then she just sent me money. so i wrote this because i wasn't going to take no for an answer. also i had major samlil brainrot, since i had a manga studio art class where we had to make our own manga, and i was like. okay! great! (makes devil's gambit manga) (does not sleep for three weeks)
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Hunter's Mark
azusakyo, nocturnality extended universe
this one was a gift for soda for a little server exchange! they didn't ask for much, so i was like... hm... what's the last thing you said about azusakyo... and then saw vampires and went, PERFECT. I ALREADY HAVE A SAKYO VARIANT FOR NOCT. although he ended up a little different from how i'd originally made him, but i think this works!
the faust backstory is that he's a vampire who's also the head of vampire hunters. why is he hunting other vampires? who knows. he and franz have a history. also, despite being a vampire, he can interact with holy objects and things. he literally trained himself to do that and not to react when it burns. he's crazy, lol. that part i think was inspired by raphael from the mortal instruments. i'm a little unnormal about raphael santiago, but don't worry about it.
the summary of the fic is an excerpt from goethe's dr. faust, who faust is, y'know, name for. he did this bargain with a vampire a long time ago for something. haven't decided what exactly, but something along those lines.
also, fun fact! in my current noct universe, faust's heir is akito, played by azami.
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Shaped Like Halloween
kazunari & chikage, halloween, liberal use of the word "slutty"
this one was for a halloween exchange in a server! for. um. my girlfriend. IT'S ACTUALLY REALLY FUNNY. the previous fic, the azusakyo fic, it's for a different friend. but initially, the giftee i had received was also my girlfriend. so i asked if it was okay to switch with someone else since i figured she might like to receive fics from people who are, you know, not just me. AND THEN I FUCKING LEARNED THAT BOTH THE GIFT EXCHANGES IN DIFFERENT SERVERS JUST RANDOMIZED THE GIFTEES. SO I RANDOMLY RECEIVED QUILL'S NAME TWICE BECAUSE THE POWER OF GAY OR SOME SHIT??? IDK.
anyway, it's sillies! kazu and chikage. i'm pretty sure that when we'd filled out the forms to join the exchange, we hadn't gotten together yet? and she had something written down like, kazu and chikage, i've been thinking about them recently. and like. i kin kazu, she kins chikage. i know what you are (gay).
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Starburst Tea
bansaku, first meeting, no mankai
for being my favorite a3 ship, you'd think that i'd have more bansaku fics. but, hey, at least i have this one! i also posted this around the time of the bansaku cg, so i was literally losing my mind.
this is based off an actual place i went to while wandering around. me and some irls found this cool little tea shop the city. it was really cozy, and there was an actual wall of tea with different blends. i got carnival! it was good tea. the owner asked my friend if he would be willing to help paint a mural on the side of his tea shop with some other japanese people, so that was slay and fun. there was a fire, we made smores! the owner also has a little wood soldering set, and he let my irl draw his face on the wooden counter. it's really nice. anyway, in universe, my irl is kazu, he just does shit for banri.
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(if) we are meant to be
mukuyuki, soulmate au
last fic of the year! this one was for the secret santa on twt for my friend, aud! admittedly, i don't have a lot of practice writing youngestgumi, but i think it turned out well! i wrote this on the plane ride back home, actually, so it feels like a really nice close for the year.
i'm super normal about soulmate aus, by the way. i have a billion fluttering around my mind at any given point in time.
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thanks for sticking with me this year! hope to write a bajillion more fics again next year~ i actually have one coming up soon for a server secret santa, so look out for that one! >wa)b
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meenatranslates · 2 years
[SSR] Red that Burns from Admiration (2/3)
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*title name may change
"Both the courage to change and the determination to stay the same are cool! But what I want to scream with all my might right now is..."
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Translation under the cut
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sing alone - Part 2
*Director's default name as Izumi
――(Taichi and Omi's Room)――
Taichi: Heave-ho! Phew―.
Omi: That's quite a load. Where are you going with your guitar case?
Taichi: It's my first challenge at 19 years old! Please pray for my safety!
Omi: ...I see. Do your best.
Taichi: Thanks, I'll be going now!
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Taichi: O-kay...
(The spot where I got permission to use... it's this corner here, right?)
(Anyway, I'll try to set up the amplifier... I think this is fine.)
Passerby A: ?
Passerby B: Is it a rendition?
Passerby A: Sounds like it.
Taichi: ――.
(I'm already used to street acting, but this is different than usual, so I'm really nervous...!)
(Somehow, this kind of feeling is nostalgic.)
(When I did street act for the first time during my times at GOD-za, I couldn't help but be afraid of the passersby's stares.)
(At the time when I didn't have confidence in myself as an actor, suddenly starting a play on a street corner was too high a hurdle for me...)
(On the inside, I was scared to death.)
(But as I did it more and more, I gradually got used to it... I thought that no one was watching me anyway, so I stopped worrying about their stares.)
(Now I'm different than me in those days. It's because I've become more confident in myself that I'm a little scared of doing my first challenge alone.)
Taichi: .....
(But this kind of tension isn't bad, is it?)
(There aren't that many chances to jump into the thrilling moment for the first time like this.)
(I want to test myself here and now.)
(And I want someone to listen to this song that I love. I want it to reach them―)
Taichi: ――.
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Izumi: Thank you for your hard work~. Excuse me, I have to go now.
Theater member A: Good job~. Countin' on ya again next time~.
Izumi: (I don't think I have to do shopping today. Let's just go straight to the dorm.)
(The number of people walking is gradually increasing, huh? I never walked through Veludo Way at this time, so it's kinda fresh.)
(Huh? There's a crowd over there... Is it a street act?)
Passerby A: Encore! Encore!
Taichi: Well, I only have one song, but... if that's all right with you!
Izumi: ――.
Taichi: ♪ "The silence of the darkness and the blurred moon, leaving behind the struggled me" ♪ (1)
Izumi: (This voice is―)
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Taichi: ♪ "Who am I really, and where do I want to go?" ♪
Izumi: (I knew it, it's Taichi-kun!)
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
He's singing Autumn 9th Play theme song "Dawn of the Red".
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gompereatsall · 2 years
uhh im just gonna ramble about my a3 "winter swap" au for a bit because i really love it but i doubt i'll ever make anything for it
(to preface: it's been a while since i've played a3 and reviewed its story, so I may have some things wrong here and there. it's part of the au now lmao)
okay so basically just an au where tsumugi, tasuku, hisoka, homare, and azuma are actors for the God Troupe instead of Mankai. (inspo for this was just that I, a tsumugi lover, just really wanted him to be mean and a "bad person" i have no idea why) These guys are the most popular actors for the god troup with Reni as their director; Taichi and Haruto also act for the god troupe, but they almost never get to see the spotlight, only as background characters. The two were lowkey treated like shit by Reni, and all they wanted was to become a good actor and to get fame.
It's still the same song and dance: Reni sends in Taichi as a spy, but Taichi ends up joining Mankai instead. Things explode over at the god troupe, especially between Tsumugi and Tasuku when the latter actor said he would also be leaving the god troupe. except before tasuku leaves, he essentially tells haruto, "you don't have to deal with this shit, you can come with me and join mankai." he doesn't at first, Tsumugi answering for him, "no, he won't and you won't," but Tasuku promptly left after that to see Tachibana. (Tasuku did offer Tsumugi to join Mankai with him, but Tsumugi was more disgusted with the idea of acting for the rival troupes, and was also angry that Tasuku was "abandoning" him). After stewing for a while, Haruto realized he hated being treated like dirt by the god troupe more than he hated mankai; he left and joined mankai shortly after tasuku left.
Needing a winter troupe, Izumi happily let Haruto and Tasuku join after the audition. Seeing potential in him, Haruto become the leader for the winter troupe.
Meanwhile, Tsumugi is fucking PISSED and is in an even worse mood than usual, and azuma, homare, and hisoka are starting to get sick of his shit. Reni, who's also getting sick of his shit and needing him to calm down, offers to Tsumugi that they should challenge mankai. Reni wanted to do this just to one up the rival troupes, and tsumugi saw this as a way to show Tasuku that he was better than those other actors, and to have him come back to Tsumugi.
Haruto took a while to adjust to the mankai company. He still acted like he was better than them all, and only tried to stop acting superior after getting a good talking to from tasuku, izumi, and others who were done with his shit. he is still confident, but his arrogance got knocked down a few pegs after meeting yuzo for the first time. He starts to settle in after a while, though. He was able to apologize to Taichi for treating him so badly before, and was able to befriend the boy. There, he started to feel like he belonged, and even started to let people call him by his real name, Genta Yamada, and slowly stopped hiding his dialect.
Izumi, taking on the challenge, still needed more members for the winter troupe, only having two at the moment. Holding auditions, Shift Arakawa finally decides to at least try and follow his dream, and ends up getting a part in the winter troupe. Madoka and his father have been working for the god troupe for a long while; after seeing the ad to audtion, in an act of defiance being fed up, Madoka audtions to be apart of the winter troupe. To be honest, I'm still not sure about the last troupe member; I'm leaning toward the idea of Guy appearing much earlier in the story for the same reasons, and he joins the winter troupe.
It takes a long while and some supernatural things to happen, but they all begin to understand one another and get closer as actors and as family.
but tasuku still misses tsumugi, his childhood friend. he was a nice guy, a good friend, but something changed when he started acting for the god troupe and under Reni. It's the same thing that made Taichi and Haruto so desperate to attention, the same thing that makes Hisoka either stay in his room or leave all day, the same thing that makes Homare say nothing other than his lines, the same thing that makes Azuma drink so so much. He just hopes that they're all right (even though he knows deep down they're not)
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part two] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A failed friend date turns into a day of fun and laughs with a rather odd coworker. [Dazai x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,274 words
Warning: suicide ideation (like, it's Dazai, c'mon now.)
note: I'm glad some of ya'll seemed to enjoy chuuya's chapter! I decided to just upload Dazai's and then we can move on to the story. Please enjoy! Tags in the replies.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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"Keiko-- Keiko, it's two PM!" I said into the phone, sending an apologetic look to my coworkers. "And I'm at work. You can't be calling me, especially when you're drunk so early in the day."
"Uggghhhh, you're so mean!" I sighed softly at Keiko's response, the office phone on my desk beginning to ring.
"Keiko, I have to go now, I'm sorry! Call Taichi and tell him to bring you home."
I ended the call, rubbing my eyebrows as I picked up the other phone. "Armed Detective Agency, how may I help you?"
It's been around three months since I've started working at the Agency, and I have to say, it was a pretty great job. It paid well, kept me on my toes with the many different cases we took on, and my coworkers were great... despite how weird they were.
"That's like the seventh time your friend called you this week," Ranpo spoke up from his desk, the man literally surrounded by snack wrappers.
I sighed deeply, rubbing my eyebrows. "I know, I'm sorry everyone. She's not usually like this... I know she likes to drink, but... never to this extent."
"Maybe there is something going on?" the cute Atsushi suggested and I frowned. "Maybe you can try to find out?"
"It wouldn’t be wise to just push yourself into someone's private life like that," Kunikida added and I nodded in agreement.
Of course I couldn't. Not with who her boyfriend was. I was her best friend, but even I knew not to step in. "Besides, she always says she's okay when I ask..." I said thoughtfully, too distracted to continue my work. I could believe her, right? Besides, she had Taichi. He loved her, and always made sure that she was protected and taken care of. He always made sure to be around her when he wasn't away, keeping her to his side at all times. I thought maybe he was being a bit too protective, but I also understood because of his... profession.
"Alright, alright, we have a schedule, people. Let's not get too distracted here," Kunikida exclaimed and I laughed softly. The only one with a schedule was the super punctual man himself, but I still went on to do my work.
"Speaking of work..." I started, unimpressed as I Iooked to the empty desk across the office. "Where the hell is Dazai?"
Atsushi just hung his head and sighed, Kunikida gritting his teeth at his desk. "I tried calling him but he wouldn't pick up," Atsushi sighed again and I huffed, standing up from my desk. "I'll take my 30 now. I'll be in the cafe and I'll try to get Dazai to bring his scrawny ass to work."
The Agency was on the fourth floor of the building while the cafe was down on the first, very convenient for me. I was lazy and the coffee and food was good. I dialed up Dazai's number as I descended the four flights of stairs, pressing my phone to my ear.
At the top of one flight, I stopped when I heard a familiar ring tone blare out, and when I looked down to the bottom of the stairs, I saw the man of the hour. His brown hair was wavy as ever, his signature tanned jacket looking immaculate. I watched as he just looked at his phone, watching it ring before he put his phone in his pocket.
I hated him. "So you were just gonna ignore me?!" I shouted down the stairs. Dazai whipped his head up, eyes going comically wide.
"Bella!" he exclaimed, practically running up the stairs right towards me. I gasped and back away quickly, back hitting the wall as Dazai caged me between his bandaged arms. His forehead pressed against mine and I will my face not to burn as he looked at me with those pretty brown eyes of his. "I missed you."
My heart skipped a beat, my mouth going dry. Still, I glared up at the man. "We just saw each other yesterday," I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the feeling of his soft breath against my face. I was thankful my voice didn't crack. "And you have plenty of paperwork to do still on your desk."
"Ehhh, I'm tired and I'm busy," Dazai nonchalantly waved that off, now standing away from me and waving his hand dismissively. "Got better things to do."
I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yeah? Like what?"
With that, Dazai took my hands in his, a hopeful look on his face. Here we go again. "Double suicide."
"No." I immediately declined him. "My answer is still the same as it was last week."
Dazai visibly deflated, covering his eyes dramatically. "Sweet death... she evades me yet again..."
"Yeah," I deadpanned, brushing past Dazai and heading down the stairs. "Anyway. I'm heading to the cafe to get something to eat."
"Oh!" Dazai exclaimed, hooking my arm with his as he quickly came up to my side. "I'll go with you!"
"You have work to do!" I yelled at him, trying to push him back up the stairs. "Go before Kunikida has an aneurysm."
"But I don't wanna!" Dazai whined, quickly turning the tables on me. Now he was behind me, his arms wrapped around me and pinning my arms to my chest. I felt his breath against my left ear and I shivered deeply. "I wanna spend time with you..." he whispered softly, his voice dropping. I bit my bottom lip, looking over at him over my shoulder. I shivered again, the usual brightness in his eyes gone. I've only seen that look on his face a handful of times, and it never failed to make me feel completely on edge. Like I was in danger.
I liked it.
"Ugh," I sneered, rolling my eyes and shaking myself out of his arms. "Fine, fine. I'll treat today, okay?"
"Yay!" Dazai's jovial nature returned as he followed me to the cafe. I shake my head at the strange duality of the man. We sat across from each other, the redheaded waitress named Lucy that obviously had a crush on Atsushi giving us some menus.
As I looked over the menu, I looked over at Dazai, the man humming as he mulled over his choices. I bit the inside of my cheek, just feeling that maybe there was more to Dazai than he let on.
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The weekend soon arrived and I was in a bit of a sour mood. I was at the boardwalk, sitting on an empty bench after getting off the phone with Keiko. We were supposed to spend the day together, but she had called me thirty-minutes late, all of a sudden saying that she couldn't make it.
Her tone of voice worried me, she sounded rushed and breathless, totally unlike her. "I'm okay. I'm sorry for flaking out so suddenly," she said before she ended the call. I blinked at the screen, a bit put off by the entire thing. Just what was up with her?
Though I couldn't dwell on it, for there was a presence behind me. "Well, well, look what we have here," a teasing voice whispered into my ear before blowing into it. I shrieked, jumping off the bench before spinning around.
"Dazai!" I hissed at the laughing man standing on the other side of the bench. "You scared the crap out of me!"
"Bet it got your heart pumping, huh," Dazai hummed happily, skipping around the bench and right over to me. "Bella, I missed you~" he hugged me tightly in his arms. I sighed deeply, half-heartedly wrapping my arms around him in return and giving him a pat on the back.
"We saw each other yesterday."
"Eighteen hours is too long, bella."
I rolled my eyes, pulling away from the huge and giving Dazai a look. "You're so dramatic, dude," I say with a laugh, shaking my head. "What are you doing here?"
"Hmm, well I thought this would be a great place to think about how to commit suicide," Dazai began and I gave him another look. "But, I saw my bella looking so sad and lonely! I just had to rush to comfort her!"
Dazai hugged me again, squeezing me tight. I let out a struggling breath, writhing a bit in his hold. "You're killing me!"
"Oh! Let's commit do-"
"No, oh my God!"
I turned and stormed away from the suicidal man, shaking my head when I heard him call out for me. "Bella, wait!" He latched onto my arm, pressing his cheek against mine. "Tell me what's wrong. I am your trusted friend and coworker~"
"More like trusted pain in my ass," I mumbled before sighing, walking over to the boardwalk railing and staring out into the ocean. "It's Keiko. She was supposed to be with me today, but she just called and canceled..." I frowned deeply, eyebrows pinched in worry.
"What else did she say?" Dazai asked quietly, having gone serious once he saw the look in my face. "How did she seem?"
"Off..." I answered immediately before I looked over at my companion. "Or am I just imagining things? Yeah, I'm disappointed she flaked out but...." I hung my head. "I don't know..."
"Well, it could be nothing," Dazai suggested. "Or it could be something. There's no way for you to know."
I made a face at his vague ass answer before sighing again. "I can only trust her. She was the first friend I made when I moved to Japan, and I was excited to see her today. I've been having a rough time lately."
"Is something bothering you?" Dazai asked, and I shivered feeling his gaze on me.
"Eh... just depressed," I answered offhandedly. "Lonely. Normal sad girl shit, ya know."
That made Dazai snicker under his breath. "Yeah, I know. But luckily for you," Dazai started, arm draping around my shoulders and pulling me to him. "I'm here to save the day!"
I couldn't help it, I laughed before I wrapped my arm around his middle, letting him hold me against him. "You'll hang out with me today?"
Dazai grinned. "It would be my pleasure."
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Time flew by so quickly, that I was surprised to look at my phone and see that it was damn near seven in the evening. Gaping, I looked up, seeing that the sky was slowly turning dark. "Holy crap, Dazai. Did we really spend the whole day out here?" I asked in shock, looking over at him. "What the hell did we do?!"
"What didn't we do," Dazai whined, slumping against me. "I'm tired... and you still wanna ride the stupid ferris wheel!"
"It's not stupid," I said with a pout. "Besides... we're already in line."
"Meh," Dazai grumbled, still keeping his body pressed against me as we waited in line. He was behind me, his chin pressed on my shoulder. I tried not to shiver as I felt his breath along my neck.
Soon enough, we were in our carriage and slowly riding up to the top. I took a few pictures as we did so, Dazai looking over in amazement.
"You think the drop from up here would kill me?"
"Yeah, and would scar everyone here."
"Oh yeah... can't have that."
I rolled my eyes, glancing over at him and pausing for a bit. Dazai was still looking out over Yokohama, an expression I've never seen before on his face. He almost looked... sad. Very handsome, his side profile absolutely perfect. But he still looked sad. I took a quick picture, smiling as I looked over it on my phone.
The carriage stopped and I couldn't help but grin as we just swayed softly up in the air. "Thanks for spending the day with me, Dazai. It would have sucked if I had spent it alone."
"Ahh, don't sweat it, bella. I couldn't possibly leave you out here alone," Dazai answered dramatically and I laughed and rolled my eyes. 
I felt a vibration in my pocket and I grabbed my phone, smiling at the cute selfie that Keiko sent to me.
'I'm so sorry for bailing! I'll make it up to you, I promise! ❤ mwuah'
"Is that Keiko?" Dazai asked and I nodded, sending her a quick reply.
"Yeah. She seems to be doing okay," I said, feeling a bit relieved.
"That's great!" Dazai exclaimed, getting up from his spot and carefully making his way to sit beside me, much to my horror.
"Dazai! We're not supposed to move around!"
"We're fine!" he waved me off dismissively. "Now you can stop worrying about Keiko and focus on what's important. Me."
I raised my eyebrows at him. "You?"
Dazai hummed. "Yes, me. And how I'm taking you home tonight."
My jaw drops, face heating up at his words. "Wh-what are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Dazai answered, his voice dropping a bit as his gaze and entire mood changed. His gaze was darker now, his lips curled up in an almost dangerous smirk. "I think it's time we stop tiptoeing around each other and just take what we really want."
My mouth went dry and I quickly became flustered, turning my head away. Immediately, a hand is grabbing my face, Dazai digging his fingers into my cheeks as he forces me to look back at him.
"Nuh uh, you look at me when I'm speaking."
His authoritative tone makes me freeze, heart pounding in my chest as I stared at Dazai, completely bewildered. I knew there was something more about him than he had let on, and whatever it was, had me in fight or flight mode.
"Now, when we're done here, we're gonna leave and head back to my place, okay?" he asked me, but his tone made it seem like it wasn't a request, and it sure as hell didn't match the seemingly innocent smile on his face; not when it didn't reach his eyes.
I nodded, Dazai removing his hand from my face. His smile sent shivers down my spine.
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"Mmn... fuck, Dazai..." I moaned and gasped softly, the man on top of me littering my neck with angry red and purple marks, two of his fingers working inside my pussy. I was completely naked on his bed, Dazai only in his underwear-- and his bandages still wrapped around his arms and chest.
"Hey, what did I tell you?" Dazai whispered against my neck, curling his fingers and smirking when I cried out. "Call me Osamu. Don't make me tell you again."
I frantically nodded my head, crying out again as he sped up the pace of his fingers, his mouth moving down to my chest. "F-fuck, Osamu!"
"That's it," he whispered, taking one of my hardened nipples into his mouth. My fingers curled into his soft brown hair, head tilting back and eyes screwing shut as Dazai continued to pleasure my body.
It wasn't long until he pushed his hard cock into my wet pussy, the both of us groaning at the feeling of us finally connecting. I was on my knees and elbows, pillow placed under my hips. Dazai started out slowly, biting his lip as he watched his dick disappear inside of me.
"Fuck... I'm gonna burn this sight into my memory," Dazai groaned, making me whine as I shook my head.
"D-don't stare like that..."
Dazai chuckled softly, his hands grabbing my hips as he started to move faster, thrusting harder. I moaned and whined, it seemed to be the only thing I could do while Dazai fucked the shit outta me. "Osamu... please..."
My whining made the man above me grin widely, his thrusts becoming rougher, almost wild as he suddenly reached out and grabbed a handful off my hair. I yelped when he yanked me up, my back now pressed against his chest and his other hand wrapped around my throat.
"What is it, bella?" he hissed into my ear, pounding away at my pussy and making me cry out again. God, it was too much all at once. "What does my pretty little subordinate want?"
I whined. "I want to cum... please Osamu..."
He cackled, pushing me back on the bed, grabbing my hips so hard, I knew I was gonna bruise. "Cum then," he hissed down at me, pushing my face into the mattress. He fucked me relentlessly, fingers finding my clit and rubbing harsh circles. That made my vision go white, my scream muffled as I came hard, body going rigid as pleasure overtook my body.
"Shit, you're squeezing me so tight," Dazai grunted. He pulled out, ignoring my whines as he stepped off the bed. "Get on your back."
I barely rolled over halfway until there was a strong grip on my ankle, my body being pulled down the length of the bed. Dazai stood at the end, wasting no time in pushing my legs back by the back of my knees, and plunging his cock back into me.
I looked up at him through teary eyes, and I knew I should have been afraid of the mad look that was in his eyes, the way his lips were curled up in a snarl. But it just made my pussy clench around him in arousal, eyes rolling to the back of my head.
I came a second time as he did his first, and much to my ultimate pleasure, we weren't finished there. We pleasured each other through the night, until we wore each other out and fell asleep entangled in the sheets.
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I woke up the next morning, groaning in pain as I felt my body ache. I forced myself to sit up, looking around blearily and humming softly when I found Dazai sitting on the edge of the bed, his bare back to me.
"Good morning," he sang to me and I giggled softly, carefully moving to kneel behind him. The blankets fell from around me and I pressed my bare chest against his back. "Hm, that's nice."
"Morning," I said softly, peeking over his shoulder. "What are you do-"
I stop, staring as Dazai wrapped seemingly clean bandages on his heavily scarred left arm. I swallowed thickly, my mind running at what could have possibly been the cause of those scars.
But deep down, I knew that the cause was Dazai himself.
"Do... Do you have enough?" I asked softly, not knowing what else to even say. I didn't want to pry or seem insensitive, just having to get over this metaphorical punch in the gut myself.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Dazai answered, turning to face me with a cheery smile on his face. In a matter of seconds, I was flat on my back, Dazai on top of me with his lips pressed against mine. It was easy for him to make me forget about what I saw, his kisses stealing my breath away.
"I have to go," he said softly, pushing himself off me after a moment.
I nodded solemnly, watching him continue to get dressed. "Alright. See you at work tomorrow?"
He smirked at me. "You know the answer to that."
I rolled my eyes again, just as my phone started to ring. I grabbed it, sending Dazai a quick smile before answering the call.
"Hey Keiko, guess who got fucking laid." That made Dazai snort while I grinned, though my grin fell as I didn't hear Keiko go off like I thought she would. "Keiko?" I shared a look with Dazai.
"Hey... I need you. Can I come over?"
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
This is gonna be the start of my YamaShira riot <3
- No clue how these mfs got together but they did
- Yamamoto's charms are just too good 😩
- That's what he likes to say anyway
- They kept their relationship a secret for quiet a long time 👀
- Nekoma's pretty chill but Yamamoto would be drowned in the slight teasing from the third years
- Shiratorizawa would declare a whole war
- No one's good enough for their setter 😤‼️
- So they decided that maybe they should keep quiet
- Not including Fukunaga and Taichi because they're just them, they have to know
- Taichi's highly amused. Fukunaga's just really damn surprised.
- Insert a random practice match with Nekoma and Shiratorizawa 👏👏👏👏👏
- Yamamoto and Shirabu eye each other down the whole match
- Tendō gets suspicious 🤨
- "You got beef with Nekoma's ace, Kenjirō?" "Wth? No? Why would I have anything to do with him?"
- Newsflash, he has a lot to do with Nekoma's ace actually
- Goshiki's a little fired up rn ngl. Is this weird man messing with his setter? 🤨 Cuz only he and his team can do that
- "I bet I'm a better ace than him Shirabu 😤 I'll show him." "You'll just make him look even better 😮‍💨."
- Goshiki tried 🥲
- The intense staring continues 👁👁
- Taichi wants to laugh
- After the match Yamamoto decides that he needs to take the chance to talk to his gorgeous boyfriend even if no one knows he's his gorgeous boyfriend because seeing each other is hard :(
- "Hi Kenjirō! :D" "Taketora."
- Shiratorizawa and Nekoma are very much looking like 🤨🤨🤨
- Taichi and Fukunaga: 🤭
- They go on to engage in a conversation after just casually being on first name basis, meanwhile their teams full on just thought they developed a distaste for each other in the matter of a few hours.
- This dude doesn't really seem like the type Shirabu would wanna hang out with willingly
- Ushijima decides to drag Shirabu away for a minute
- "I appreciate that you are trying to get along with the others who will also be taking the role of captain next year, but you don't have to force yourself." "Ushijima, I'm not forcing anything."
- Ushijima himself is confused now 😃
- "I wasn't aware that you spent your time with people like him."
- Shirabu looked slightly annoyed at this and Ushijima has never really had Shirabu annoyed at him. (Well he has but he wasn't aware of it. Shirabu was good at keeping things under wraps.)
- "Well I do. 😐"
- Shirabu goes back to spending the time he has with his secret boyfriend and Ushijima just kinda shrugs and goes on to discuss captain stuff with Kuroo
- Once it's time to go Yamamoto and Shirabu are feelings very :(
- They gotta say bye 😪
- They wanna hug each other, they wanna kiss, but they CAN'T 😤
- Well they can they just don't want the team to be there to witness that
- But I wouldn't be writing this if something juicy didn't happen 🙄💅
- They gotta say bye to each other like they're homies or sum
- So Shirabu, being the actor he is just goes, "Bye, see you later man."
- Yamamoto's not built like him tho 💀
- "Ok, bye Kenjirō. I love you."
- He does what now 😃
- Everyone stops dead in their tracks and Taichi almost falls over. He is DYING. This is embarrassing for him.
- Shirabu immediately covers his face. Yamamoto stands there in defeat. The teams lose their shit.
- Tendō, Yamagata, and Goshiki are harassing Shirabu, Taichi and Fukunaga are dying on the inside, Ushijima, Reon, and Kai are utterly shocked, and Semi, Kuroo, and Yaku are just like "That little fuck has a boyfriend?"
- Kenma doesn't give two shits but then again when does he
- Shirabu just shakes his head and goes over to Yamamoto.
- Yamamoto is scared that his boyfriend is going to be mad at him 😪
- All that fear is quickly squashed when Shirabu kisses him and tells him that he loves him too <3
- Omg, coincidently, it's raining outside 😱 how'd that happen?
- Yamamoto is quick to give Shirabu his Nekoma jacket which the other wears with absolute PRIDE 🙄💅 (like the king he is)
- Yamamoto is quick to cup his face
- "You need to come visit me more. Or I'll come visit you! I just wanna see you more, okay!?"
- Shirabu is quick to nod and agree to see him as soon as he can.
- Shirabu walks away to the bus with a bright red face as Yamamoto is yelling at him from the gymnasium doors
- Dw, Yamamoto already told Taichi to take care of Shirabu for him while he's not there so that one's checked off the list too 💀
- The third years (aside from Reon who's trying to stop them) are glaring at Yamamoto all the way back to the bus because, excuse him, who does he think he is dating their kōhai? 🤨
- Yamamoto gets TEASED and also praised??
- It's a mix of "Yamamoto~~ how'd you manage that one?" And "YEAAAHHH TORA!!"
- Shirabu gets questioned like he's committed a crime
- "Who exactly IS he?" "How long have you known each other?" "How long have you been SEEING each other?" "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US??"
- "I thought I was your favorite ace. 😐" "Sorry Ushijima. 💀"
- They text each other on Shirabu's way home
- "Miss you already Kenji :(" "Take, I just left."
- Shirabu misses him too! He wouldn't be hugging his jacket so tight around himself if he didn't! 🤧
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watayaaratamblr · 2 years
Can I ask you something, admin Mashima? I know that you strongly believe that Chiharata will be canonized and you have an even stronger belief that Taichihaya won't be end game but what if the opposite happens? Just hypothetically for the sake of the argument, what would you feel xD will you disappear? :p
If Chihaya chooses Taichi at this point because she "suddenly" realized that "he was always there? by her side"?
What would I feel? hmmmm..let me see...
I'll ... feel that what Arata was "defeated" by is only "distance". Choosing Taichi because "he was always there" and based on a sudden realization, it's not as if Chihaya never knew he was there but suddenly she realized that she overlooked that detail so she is changing her mind now because this detail is suddenly important? Chihaya initially wanted to go with Arata because he is passionate, honest & straightforward, says what he thinks is right and tells others when they can become better & what he thinks is great in them, these are qualities of his own character that attracted her.
In Taichi's case, she was always aware of his qualities as a person. remember when she was crying saying that she wanted him to smile, him being the kind caring hardworking boy who created the club with her and worked hard all this time with her which she mentioned in her match with him and she said that she was then the closest to his heart etc?
and yet these qualities she knew very well about Taichi didn't encourage her to even consider his confession, Arata's qualities as a person were enough to reject everything she knew about Taichi and I am now supposed to worry about her changing her mind because she realized in few hours that Taichi was by her side all this time so she wants to date him? Plus, i'll feel that if "distance" is the only thing Arata lost to, then it's not a problem, he is coming to Tokyo and he & Chiahya will both keep playing karuta and he has a chance to be by her side from now on, if Taichi's character couldn't prevent Chihaya from feeling all fluffy and warm because of Arata, what will stop her now? Now that Arata finally made peace with his grandfather's shadow and defeated the enemy he created that made him distant from his old self, Arata will play with more passion and with his own karuta that he will always strive to improve contrary to his grandpa's karuta which he insisted to keep as it was, Chihaya reached a high peak with Shinobu but we all know that when it comes to Arata, she was specific about the mount she wanted to reach, Fuji which is higher, she will want to go higher in karuta and Arata too. Arata will be himself more and we had already seen how IS the core of that self in his elementary phase and we saw Suo comment about it being back too, that core that Chihaya fell in love with.
Chihaya said in Harada's match vs Arata that if it's her elementary school self, she would have cheered for Arata and she finally regained her connection with her core from her childhood which will always and easily connect with Arata through everything that comes naturally with karuta.
I won't feel much I guess, this is a manga about karuta & people bonding over karuta and there are not people more crazy about karuta then Chihaya & Arata.
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citrus-cactus · 3 years
DIGIWEEK Day 3: Music
OK SO I didn’t actually think I was going to be making a compilation post like this but it turns out just thinking about Digimon music makes me incredibly emotional because I love it all SO!!!!!! Much. It is the primary way my love of Digimon has stayed strong all these years; no matter what else is going on, and even when I haven’t had access to the shows themselves, I’ve been able to carry the songs with me, and they have been (and continue to be) so incredibly comforting, inspiring, and downright moving that I can’t not share some of my absolute favorites:
Towa ni Tsuzuke!! Taichi Yagami/Toshiko Fujita, Digimon 10th Anniversary
Every Taichi song is an absolutely gorgeous work of art, but this one gives me so many feelings, and is so incredibly important to me personally. I’ve said it elsewhere, but there was a time when this song was literally the first thing I listened to every Monday morning to get myself ready for the workweek. I WILL very often sing along at top volume in my car, and there isn’t anything anyone can do to stop me. Rest in Peace Ms Fujita, I can’t even begin to describe what your voicework on Taichi has meant to me throughout my life.
REACH FOR YOU Daisuke Motomiya/Reiko Kiuchi, Natsu e no Tobira 02 audio drama
My absolute favorite Daisuke song, and once again, that is saying a LOT. It’s so hauntingly beautiful, with so much feeling behind it (You have to click through to YouTube to listen, but trust me when I say IT IS WORTH IT!!).
Tobira DOOR (Acoustic Version) Yamato Ishida/Yuuto Kazama, Tegami ~Letter~ 02 audio drama
[Note: the actual song starts at about the 1 minute 30 mark, and there is a several-minute-long silence on the back end for some reason!]
Both versions of this song are gorgeous, but I think I prefer the acoustic one just a teeny bit more. It just feels so personal and intimate, which, given the context of the drama (Yamato wrote and performed this song for an unnamed girl to help her get through a difficult operation), makes so much sense-- and once again, such an emotional performance. Like most things related to Digimon and music, they didn’t have to go this hard, but they did, and I’m so incredibly grateful obscure gems like this exist (not sure if its existence is a testament to Digimon’s popularity, Yamato’s, or both XD). The seagulls at the end are such a perfect way to cap off the audio drama too, conjuring imagery of a cold, nearly-empty beach in winter, and I’m still in love with the cover art.
Yuuki o Uketsugu Kodomotachi e Wada Koji, Maeda Ai, Miyazaki Ayumi, Hassy, Ohta Michihiko, Wild Child Bound, Sammy, Tanimoto Takayoshi, We Love DiGiMONMUSiC
Oh geez! All of these are just like, REALLY EMOTIONAL SONGS, sorry about that! Well, this one is yet another “I can’t believe I get to experience so many beautiful things in my earbuds, wow Digimon fans are really spoiled” type of song, and features all the big names and players. I love how their voices come in and out and harmonize together! <3
Slow Starter Yuujin Oozora & Offmon/Makoto Furukawa & Yu Shimamura, Digimon Universe Appli Monsters Character Song & Original Soundtrack 
Hey this one is bright and happy! ...kind of. Once again, THE HARMONIES, MAN. And I just love how Yuujin is so comforting and supportive of his Buddy throughout. It’s such a great duet, and the ending is just so sweet T^T
I'll catch you (you'll catch me) tightly, tightly, tightly I'll never, ever, ever, leave you We'll shut, shut out the hesitation that plagues you (me) Slowly, bit by bit, I'll go towards where you are
Daisuki-ism, Patamon/Miwa Matsumoto, Digimon Adventure Tri Character Song Album (Digimon Version)
OK, OK! This is the last one, I promise. And FINALLY something cute for cute’s sake (just don’t think about Confession. DON’T THINK! ABOUT! CONFESSION!). I’m guilty of always liking Patamon’s songs. They literally never fail to make me smile. Patapata!!
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
What do you think Koushiro would be like as a boyfriend? Not just with Taichi, just in general. I need some soft boyfriend Koushiro hcs now tbh...
Okay, this has been sitting in my askbox since yesterday and I did need to think about it for a while, because I wanted to do it justice (and I promise I'll at least TRY not to go into bias mode completely :P).
I do believe that, in a committed and mutual relationship, Koushirou would be quite an overachiever at first. Even with his heart and feelings attempting to get the best of him, his mind would still try to take over from a more rational perspective, because that's how he rolls and he can't deal well with the emotional overload at the beginning (so he might even get a bit panicky over it). So what's his immediate solution? Quickly going into research mode of course: Wanting to know and understand his partner, how and what makes them tick, what they like and dislike, etc. With a partner like Taichi, that'd be pretty easy, because he already knows him by heart. Which is another reason why I headcanon Koushirou as demiromantic and -sexual, he has to be familiar with someone in order to let go.
And letting go he eventually will, taking things a little bit more easy and getting swayed by romantic gestures - something he'd take note of, so he can reciprocate it in the same way (or might even surpass it - his brain never stops coming up with ideas after all).
He might also enjoy a partnership in which he and his significant other can just... Be in the same room. Either with them listening to his rants, them ranting together, or them just being together in silence, each enjoying their own thing. His partner will have to deal with his antics, including his tendencies to get lost in all-nighters, doing work/research, Chosen Children network duties, drinking excessive amounts of oolong tea, etc. But even if he can completely lose himself in his work and current hyperfocus topic and may even need a lot of personal space because of it (#livingtheintrovertlife), doesn't mean that he's a dismissive or ignorant partner - or that he can't be attentive.
As mentioned above, he absolutely WILL notice little things, habits, preferences - and he'll do his best to let actions (or rants) speak for themselves to let his partner know how much they mean, how important it is to him to close the (potential) gap between them, emotionally or physically. Speaking of physical closeness (as lined out here); he can initiate touches, hugging and kisses (etc.) if he's absolutely comfortable with the other person - and if he manages to shut his head off for a moment to just "feel", trusting his gut to do the right thing instead. And in case his brain is still involved - he might also be a surprisingly (if not often unintentionally) skilled sweet talker, probably just trying to be analytical and objective, while managing to be an incredible sap at the same time.
He'd also be very protective - and that isn't even a headcanon, but pretty much canon, as he is actually one of the characters who jumps into action and gets vocal about helping others - immediately and regularly. His love language is definitely "acts of service", trying to fix things is his bread and butter, and when he can help his partner with anything, he will do so; making plans with them, looking up sources - no matter what it takes to achieve it. Which may even require his partner to remind him to take a step back and tell him to take care of himself as well. Koushirou will scold you if you're being reckless with yourself - but he won't recognize displaying that very same behaviour himself being a frequent self-sacrificer easily. This boy needs to learn to allow his partner to spoil him too. Maybe that's also the reason why I see him being most compatible with characters who have the same/similar "I WANT/NEED TO BE HELPFUL" syndrome, because they see and understand that tendency and may be able to break through the circle once they all learn to communicate properly.
Communication and talking will be key - and that'll take time, but he'll learn that too. He's a fast learner after all.
... And now I don't even know if all of that makes sense anymore. I just think about my favourite characters a lot, okay?
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chikagestits · 3 years
Yeah we can do Spring last, after all, suspense brings ratings! (๑╹ω╹๑ )
How much, out of 10, are you of each autumn troupe member?
Might as well randomize the order we go in (*'ω'*)
Enjoy ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
OOOOOOO AUTUMN FIRST HUH Banri: 9/10 Juza: 2/10 Taichi: 2/10 Omi: 4/10 (originally 3/10) Sakyo: 7/10 (originally 6/10) Azami: 3/10 So, I'll be going by en story and not jp story so that this is readable for everyone. Maybe I'll write a separate post based on jp story. Also, this is long already, wonderful gjfdklhjdfkl
Oh Banri. Banri Banri Banri. Where do I even start? Like him, I thrived off of approval of others and when I no longer received that, I stopped caring. The only difference is that I got gifted kid burnout and he didn't. I guess you could say that he either always had hope someone would still approve of his accomplishments or there was someone who was there that did approve, but it wasn't enough to get him completely out of his own head. It's clear that Banri had friends in school. He was a popular kid, but he wasn't a Popular Kid. That known by everyone, but not really creating lasting bonds with people kinda feeling was something I had growing up too. My groups of friends always came and went and honestly, I don't expect people to stay anymore, but that might be my doing more than anything. I'm not very good with socializing and connecting with people. Growing up, I didn't know Who I Was, which sounds normal for y'know being a kid and all, you're supposed to find out along the way. My case is kinda different though and it probably had a huge factor, as well as the fact that if I change interests, I stop talking to those friends I made. (Not saying I'd COMPLETELY stop talking to them, I just wouldn't message first anymore.) But doing things for others and never myself kinda fucked me up, much like it did for Banri. He seemingly hasn't had a meaningful relationship until Mankai and the fact that he was just about ready to leave at a drop of a hat was kinda like oh. Haha me. (I felt like somewhat of a coward because he had the courage to actually leave, but I never did.) I don't start fights, well, physical anyway. I'm noodle arms hjfkdlhjf But I used to start fights a ton, which still lingers even now but I've since toned down. I'm very happy for Banri and I love how he found his Thrill with acting and such that he even went to college for it. Unfortunately for me, I have yet to find that Thrill. So, I'm in that limbo stage that he was in in the very beginning. A lot of his apathy, for lack of a better word, to most things is how I am now. I just. Don't care about a lot of things. And yeah, I skip class a lot hjdklhj I used to have high expectations for myself too, (so I totally relate to Banri leaving when Izumi and Yuzo said he wasn't good enough) but that's since been carried away with my care for everything. Not to mention admitting shit is a no no to me and to Banri :3 I'm not really good with rounding this out, but yeah, 9/10 for Banri. UHHHHHHHH Honestly, I think I only relate with Juza on the sweets and the "can't let people know we're related" fronts. I don't have much else to say on him. (Though, for the related front, it's more so I don't want to associate with someone from my family because they're a fucking jackass and I hope they burn.) BUT wanting to be Anything But Me is such a mood. Sooooo yeah 2/10 for Juza. Excluding Mantou Fist story from this because it just came out. I don't think I'm very similar to Taichi, though I will say one thing that always stood out to me with him. Unfortunately, I take it very personally when someone's better at something I'm good at. I don't MEAN TO take it personally, it just happens and I get distraught and shit, but I usually try to get outta that mindset as quickly as possible. (because who has time for sadness? Emotions? Fuck you) 2/10 for Taichi. Omi's probably the one I relate to the least, in reality, but the reason I'm giving him a 3 is because "stealing someone else's dream" is uhhhh Yeah <333 It's not the same kinda thing, but goddamn is it similar enough. I guess I could also make an argument for wanting to connect with someone, but not being able to because of reasons they have because I do want to care and help others when I can and when I'm not able to, I kinda. Blame myself haha So fuck it, I'm changing it to 4/10 for Omi. I'd like to think I'm not anything like Sakyo, but I am rather blunt because telling people how it is is, in my mind, better than beating around the bush. Tough love isn't something I have, but you go, Sakyo, I guess
gjhjdfklhjfdk Just admit you're a proud father! I'm getting off track. Anyway, I absolutely feel for Sakyo on wanting to not be a burden on his mother and just generally trying to make life easier by not wanting anything and, unfortunately, isolating myself from my family. My mom was also the only one who worked and she had to take care of three children. Though, I can't say I have as good of a relationship with my mom as he does with his mother. Being the "more experienced"/"older one" in the group always befell onto me because of the haha oh boy constant missed opportunities during my childhood, and I was expected to be a leader when I absolutely do not qualify. I've definitely wasted a majority of my childhood, but Yknow. Nothing I can do about it now. What's done is done. 7/10 for Sakyo, I feel like I'm not great at ranking these. Azamiiiiiiiiiii Wanting to be independent, having to "grow up" too fast, hiding important aspects of myself from my mom—yeah, I'd say I relate a bit. Though, I never really had a support system like Azami who had Sakyo and Sakoda by his side constantly. Though, those three things are probably the only things I relate to with himmmmm. NO WAIT I just remembered that a lot of my main interests now are based on someone else. And that's all I can really say about that because I don't like that fact at all since I don't want to relate my interests to them >:( 3/10 for Azami. But to round out Autumn, I gotta do it. My biggest regret: Not indulging in my dreams earlier (adding another point to Sakyo just for this SIGHS) Have I ran away from home: Yes
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mankaisimp · 4 years
Nice going, Asshole
Juza Hyodo x Banri Settsu
A/N: so, this is apart of the user @/juzasmanju (on ig) 500 followers special! The given prompt radiates Banju/Juban energy and I thought,"why not make a fanfic?" So here it goes.
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When Juza came back from School, he expected to be able to relax and eat all the sweets he wanted, but Juza can never have nice things,now can he?
"Oi settsu, the hell are you doing with the pudding?" Juza scorned.
"Eating it,dumbass." Banri replied, narrowing his eyes.
"Well, I was planning to eat it,smartass" Juza replied,grinding his teeth.
"Well too bad, I got to it first."
"You asshole." Juza growled as he got Banri by the shirt.
"Hey, what's going on in here."
Both Banri and Juza looked towards the kitchen entrance to find Omi,looking concerned.
"This asshole ate my pudding." Juza complained
"And that asshole is about to catch these hands." Banri said as he shoved Juza away from him.
"You mother fucke-" Juza was about to launch himself towards Banri, but Omi hugged Juza from behind.
"Hey,hey,hey." Omi said pacely.
"Juza, how about you and Banri stop fighting, and I'll make you strawberry filled scones? I'll buy strawberry milk too! Just please stop fighting with Banri."
"Fine..." Juza agreed, as Omi released him from his grip.
"I'll call you when the scones are done."
" 'K thanks." Juza then left the kitchen
"Juza really loves his pudding,huh?" Omi said not expecting a reply from Banri.
"Yeah man, I got this cup of pudding from the counter and next thing I know, Hyodo was all up'n my face bitching."
"Wait, did you say you got that pudding from the counter?" Omi asked, bewildered.
"Banri, that cup of pudding is expired."
"Oh, well I mean no biggie. It's probably expired a few days ago."
"Banri, that pudding expired a year ago."
When Banri heard that, he choked on his own spit.
"Hey, are you ok?" Omi asked as he lightly pat Banri's back
"Y-yeah, I think I'm just gonna sleep now."
"Wait, are you sure? It's still sunny outsid-"
But before omi could've finished his sentence, Banri was already down the hallway.
"Stupid Hyodo gotta give me food poisoning." Banri mumbled to himself.
Banri laid down for what felt hours, he couldn't sleep due to the anxiety of having food poison.
Banri looked up to find Juza standing in the bedroom doorway.
"Whad'dya want?"
"Dinner's ready."
"Ok. I'll be there in a sec."
Banri sighed as he stood up from his bed, immediately feeling as if he had to vomit.
"Shit." Banri thought.
"Eh, whatever. I probably don't actually need to vomit." Banri reassured himself as he started walking towards the kitchen.
"Thanks for the meal,Omi!" Taichi said excitedly as he sat down.
"Yeah, thanks." Banri added.
As soon as Banri took a bite out of his food, he immediately felt nauseous.
"Banri, are you sure you're fine?" Omi said with a concern face.
"Yeah..." banri averted omi's eyes.
"Banri, you look more pale than usual, are you sure you're ok?"
"Ugh." Banri balled up his fists.
"No, not really. If it wasnt for that stupid hyodo and the stupid pudding, I wouldn't feel as if I have to puke my brains out." Banri admitted.
"Here, I'll take you to the hospital, they'll know how to help." Omi responded.
"Here, you can take my car, but if you dare so scratch it, it's the end of you." Sakyo said as he threw his keys at Omi.
"Haha, we wouldn't want that, now would we?" Omi grinned.
Seconds passed... then minutes... then hours. But with every passing second, the entire mankai company, especially the Autumn Troupe, were on edge.
"Hopefully Banri comes home well." Sskuya said.
"Yeah, I'd never forgive Banri if he doesn't show up on time for our daily gaming session." Itaru added.
"Oi, Chigasaki, Settsu is literally in the hospital right now. Your idiotic games should be the least of your concern-"
The front door to the dorm suddenly opened.
"Hey we're back."
Everyone looked towards the dorm's front door and saw Banri and Omi standing there.
"Welcome back, Banri and Mom!" Taichi yelled.
"Hey Nanao, you're gonna tackle both Settsu and Fushimi!" Sakyo yelled.
"Gahh I'm so sorry Sakyo!"
"How did it go?"
"Do you feel better?"
"Is Banri gonna die?"
"Woah there, guys! Questions can be answered later! Right now Banri just needs to rest!" Omi chuckled.
"Geez, and Banri went to the hospital over some pudding, huh Juza." Tsumugi turnt his head towards Juza's direction.
"Huh? Where's Hyodo? I thought I told him to wait with us." Sakyo gritted his teeth.
"Come down, hes probably just using the restroom." Tasuku responded.
"Eh who gives a damn where Hyodo is, I'm gonna go back to my room, I'm tired." Banri declared as he walked down the hallway.
Banri opened the door to find cups of pudding on the floor.
"What the hell?" Banri said outloud.
"Whaddya want?"
Banri turned towards the direction of the voice only to find Juza munching down on an 8 pudding pack.
"Why the hell are you eating all those damn puddings?"
"Well, you went to the hospital because your greedy ass ate my pudding, so now I'm doing both of us a favor by eating all the pudding."
"What the hell man. I think there's something wrong with you AND your taste buds." Banri sighed
"What? You want one?" Juza said, with a mouth full of pudding, while offering Banri a cup of pudding.
"Oh fuck you." Banri replied.
"Fuck you too." Juza said, with a smile.
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