#(A Lava themed water park)
lace4forest · 4 months
Happy Birthday to the Blood God!
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powerfem · 1 year
In roller coaster tycoon 2 I used to make human sacrifices so that my park would do well. Follow me for more corporate hacks
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slashmagpie · 11 months
Blood & Snow
Pt. II
Directory: {Pt. I} {Pt. III} {Pt. IV} {Pt. V} {Pt. VI} {Pt. VII} {AO3}
Day two for @hermithorrorweek! TWs for this chapter include: minor gore, body horror*, temporary character death
Scar and Tango make an odd pair.
Catching them together is a study in contrasts: Scar’s light against Tango’s dark, Scar’s loud against Tango’s quiet, Scar’s whimsy against Tango’s sarcasm. The theme park owner brightly welcoming you to the happiest place on Hermitcraft, and the dungeon master presiding over a subterranean labyrinth of fear and pain. Scar’s hunger for diamonds, and Tango’s dismissal of them. Scar’s tendency to distraction, and Tango’s unwavering focus that had led him to spend the better part of thirteen months in a cave, despite all of Scar’s attempts to drag him out of it.
And Scar had tried! He’d even succeeded, a few times. More often, he would just hang around and bother Tango while he worked, rambling about Star Wars or Disney or trains or updates or whatever while Tango coated his frosty fingers with redstone and made the occasional comment. And whilst to an outside observer, Scar would come across as an annoyance as he gushed about flowers and Tango rolled his eyes and pulled faces, he knows that they were both enjoying themselves. As different as Scar and Tango seem, they’re still friends.
And as different as they both are, they still have one thing in common: their love for atmosphere.
Because it’s one thing to make a build: it’s another to make an environment. It’s all about movement, and sound, and all the little additions that make a static picture of blocks come alive. And Tango has truly and utterly knocked it out of the park this season—Decked Out is the most alive build Scar has ever seen.
…It’s, uh. Not usually quite as alive as this though.
That’s the only way Scar can think to describe it, as he pushes himself back against the wall, heart pounding in his chest louder and faster than the dungeon’s heartbeat echoes around the walls. Just out of sight, a ravager grumbles, having lost its snack, and Scar heaves as he attempts to catch his breath. His fingers are sticky with berry juice as he presses another to his mouth, grimacing at the sweet taste as it mingles with the blood in his mouth. 
Behind him, the stone wall seems to quiver as he presses himself into it, not quite as solid as it should be. I’m imagining things, he tells himself, reaching back with a red-stained hand to feel the rough ridges of deepslate beneath his fingers. He lets out a shaky breath and draws himself up. Right. Back to work. His artefact should be just around this corner.
He glances back towards where he’d left the ravager, ahead to where his compass is pointing, and takes off running towards it.
His lungs burn, and his legs ache, and his head spins as he dives forwards, but he manages to, by some miracle, avoid the ire of the ravager and make it to the alcove where his compass begins to spin wildly around. “Compass skills, perfect compass skills,” he mutters to himself, dropping the compass and hearing the click of a dispenser as it vanishes and an artefact appears in its place. Hypnotic Bandanna. “Oh, come on,” he cries as he picks it up. “Don’t you think I deserve more than that? Did you see my ravager skills? I could have died! And I didn’t! Tango!”
And then the dungeon does something it’s never done before: it laughs.
The sound startles Scar out of his skin, and he clutches the bandanna to his chest in panic as around him the walls shake, stone grating against stone and lava popping and bubbling and water splashing and the ravagers all groaning in time to create a cacophony that some way, somehow, sounds just like Tango’s laugh. 
Scar stands frozen until the sound dies down, staring with wide eyes. His mouth is dry. He swipes his tongue around his lips, clears his throat.
“Uh, Tango…?” he calls. “I think there’s something wrong with your dungeon.”
The dungeon sighs.
Its breath tickles the back of Scar’s neck, makes all his hairs stand on end. Nope! No thank you. Scar needs to get out of here. He needs to—
He takes off running, back the way he came, ducking past the ravager and surviving the resulting blow by the skin of his teeth and half a heart. He gasps for breath, shoving more berries into his mouth as he leaps over moving chains and makes a beeline for the stairs back up to level one. He makes it and takes a moment to stop and breathe, the soft light of the skulk twinkling around him.
“It’s fine,” he tells himself as he finishes the last of the berries. “You’re fine! It’s just—the dungeon. Same as normal. It’s just a normal—normal run, you’re gonna get out, it’ll be fine…”
The stairwell is, for a moment, eerily silent. Scar feels more acutely than usual that he is being watched. He draws in a breath—
“STUMBLE,” the dungeon announces.
—and lets out a squeak.
Okay. Probably a sign that he should get going. He can do this!
He presses the button at the top of the stairs and creeps out into the throne room of level one. Luckily, there are no ravagers here. Unluckily, the hazard door is closed. Okay, the long way it is.
His legs are cramping something awful as he races down the stairs. He takes a left out of the crypt and stops for a moment in the tunnel, breath rattling in his throat, reaching down to rub at the aching muscles. Normally, the fun of Decked Out outweighs the pain he knows it will cause him, but right now his fear is outweighing the fun and the pain is something awful. He needs to get out. Once he’s out, his wheelchair is waiting for him upstairs, and he won’t have to get up for the rest of the day—
He’s so focused on the pain that he doesn’t notice the ravager until it’s too late.
He falls, face-first, into powdered snow, letting out a strangled cry. It’s instinct more than anything else that pushes him up, that digs his fingers into the snow as he tries to escape—
As he blinks snow from his eyes he sees, where his hands have cleared the snow, revealing the ground beneath them, something pink and red. It shudders and pulses beneath his fingers, cold like ice, yet undeniably alive. Scar, without thinking, digs his fingers into the flesh.
The dungeon screams.
The stone and ice around him shakes, snow falls from the ceiling above him, and behind him the ravager lets out an agonised wail before stomping a heavy hoof down onto his back.
Scar screams too as his spine shatters and he sits straight up in bed, several hundred blocks above his own head.
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Wheezy Weasel x Fem!Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: No one seems to be on your side; no one in the whole damn world seems to want you to have the man you want- but he's not gonna give you up without a good fight.
For context- reader is from a very rich, influential family and as such has grown up kind of sheltered, but also... neglected. Wheezy has fallen in love with her, and vice versa. But her family doesn't want her mingling with him, and the weasels don't want him mingling with her. Some Romeo and Juliet/Bonnie and Clyde theming here.
"Hey, look- Do you wanna be with me?"
"Then we're gonna figure it out."
You know what? For once we're gonna give Wheezy a fighting chance on this blog. A little nugget of optimism
Warnings: Gun shots, very anxious distraught reader, a seemingly hopeless situation, etc.
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @moxiiscool , @ryantryan6969 , and @spookiifi .
You were in tears on on the end of the bed in the gross, damp-smelling motel. Wheezy was standing straight up by the door with his tommy to his chest peaking carefully out the moth eaten blinds without showing his face out the window to see the shit waiting outside. He's ready to shoot them, and they out there are ready to shoot you, and you're sitting and crying.
You cant help it! You thought this would be your break, that you and Wheezy would get out of town and never go back and you could be happy- but- but- they found you!
"Come on out, you two! Play time's over. Timeta return the princess to her family!"
Smartass nasally voice shouting from the parking lot makes you flinch, squeezing your arms tight over your chest. No. No- you cant go back. Panicked, your wide and watery eyes look up to Wheezy but, of course, he's not coming to get you. He wants you to stay just as much as you want to stay. He wants you.
He's the only one who ever truly has.
When a bullet goes bang outside and a hole is shot through the front door, you scream and your feet fly up from the ground onto the mattress; like the floor is lava or something and you weren't just shot at. Wheezy's frown deepens, barely moving even though the bullet had come through mere feet from his body, and looks back towards the window. "... Y/N. 'm gonna talk to 'em."
Your mouth falls open, feeling the panic build up in your chest like boiling hot water; burningand prickling. "What!?? What are you gonna say?? C- cant we just slip out the back??"
He shakes his head "I'm bettin' that Greasy 'n Stupid are back there, I don't see 'em with Smartass. Trust me, okay? C'mere."
Without a thought you're up and beside him, your hands hooking into his clothes like a clingy child. The thought of running into Stupid and Greasy... makes you swallow hard. The strong one and the cruel one. Scary on a good day- even worse when the Toon Patrol have had to hunt you down, and the boss is ticked off. Your nerves are completely completely wrecked and your cheeks are damp from the tears and you want everything to just s t o p- but Wheezy is here, and he's still, and you can hold onto him. He'll protect you.
He takes a moment to look at you, his steely eyes are stern but you feel like he's searching you for the words. How can he swing this so you get out safe? And you don't haveta go back home?
Then he turns his neck and pushes the blind open with his tommy. Again with the butt of his gun, he nudges the window right right to side, all the way open. "Smartass! What're my options, here??"
"Well... you come out and hand over the dame- or we shoot ya both fulla' holes."
"Full of holes!~ "
"Shut up!"
Wheezy lets out a sigh, which is really just a breath, and you're wondering if he even sees a way out of this. You sure don't. Is it hopeless?? Are you going home? Your eyes are wide on him, and he's so handsome and so perfect, and you know if it protected him you would give yourself up to the other weasels and your cold dead home and a set-up marriage in a heartbeat.
"Babygirl... its lookin bad."
You sniffle, nodding. "I... I'll go."
Immediately Wheezy's eyes shift and he raises his brows; disbelief laced all over his face. "You wanna?"
"What? No- " The word is so thick with your sureness that you absolutely do no want to give yourself up, that you're almost surprised at your own boldness.
Wheezy shakes his head. "Then you aint goin' anywhere."
"I- I'm- I'm not gonna let you die for me... Wheezy... " You say slowly, carefully, nervous about opposing him even though you know he would never yell at you for it. Never hold it against you. He encourages it, usually. When it doesn't involve you getting hurt or going back to a bad life. "That's- that's- " Huffing, you gather your courage, take a deep breath and straighten up. "That's not gonna happen."
"I aint dyin' for you." His hand not on the tommy gun curls around your waist, a thumb brushing over your skin through your clothes soothingly. "I'm dyin' for this. And," He shrugs, ever the cool one. "I dont mind that."
"I mind!"
Your moment of bravery dissipates immediately when another bang - this time a barrage of bangs, as Smartass lets loose an entire clip into the front door, utilising a spare tommy gun of Wheezy's that was left behind, - sounds and you're once again crying; your tears this time drenching Wheezy's vest as you hide your face in his chest. "Oh god oh god oh god... please please please... no... "
A moment after the hail of bullets subsides, Wheezy rubs your arm and carefully peels your face off of him; looking carefully at you. Theirs a determined, fierce look on his face you've never seen before. It almost makes you feel hopeful- like he could fix anything with a rage like that. "Hey, look- sweetheart, do you wanna be with me?"
"Yes. "
"Then I'm gonna figure this out."
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lizadale · 1 year
my shower thought today was about how i hate PLAYING desert areas in 90% of games, but the desert THEMES are always my favorite, so just a poll for fun! :D
hub worlds - Toad Town, Peach's Castle, Rogueport
grassy - usually the first world you start in which is jazzy or upbeat, like Bob-omb Battlefield, Lineland Road or the main overworld themes
wooded/spooky - Forest Maze, Somnom Woods, Chucklehuck Woods
desert - Dry Dry Desert, Shroom City, Western Land
water - Dire Dire Docks, Lake Lamode, Sunshine Seaside
volcano/jungle - Lethal Lava Land, Lavalava Island, Melty Molten Galaxy
chilly/snowy - Cool Cool Mountain, Snowman Park, Shiveria Town
underground/cave - Creepy Cavern, The Underwhere, Hazy Maze Cave
clouds - any of the athletic/obstacle course themes
final dungeon - Palace of Shadows, Koopa's Road, Origami Castle
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karaloza · 3 months
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Death Mountain (UPDATED)
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Death Mountain is to the north of Castle Town (just as it is usually in the north on the game map). The whole area is sculpted as a reddish-brown canyon landscape, with walkways gently sloping upward toward the artificial volcano which dominates the scene, “erupting” every half hour with a display of pyrotechnics and smoke effects. The volcano in turn is the upper portion of a massive show building which occupies roughly half the area’s footprint and houses several of its attractions. Interior spaces are designed as rocky caves lit by torches and glowing crystals. The exterior background music highlights various iterations of Death Mountain and other mountainous areas in the games, as well as music associated with the Gorons. However, the interior queue space for the two big rides has its own music loop, drawing from fire and volcano-themed dungeons.
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Spirit Train (Mountain Station)
Crystal Caverns: A very simple attraction, more like a scenic view. The pathways through the Death Mountain area include side branches that veer through short stretches of tunnel lined with multicolored glowing crystals and gemstone veins. (These are marked on the detailed map with squiggly shading.) Make a habit of following these side paths, and you will find one that heads a little deeper into the mountainside, culminating in a spectacular cavern of exotic stone formations and massive crystal clusters that make soft chiming music as their colors shift through the spectrum.
Goro-Gondolas: Not an intense ride, but still exciting on its own terms, the Goro-Gondolas are boats in a flume…but the water is continuously under-lit with warm-toned lights, giving it the appearance of a glowing lava river! The ten to twelve-minute circuit includes lifts and gentle drops, and in the meantime, the boat passes by numerous detailed scenes of Gorons going about their daily lives—mining for choice rocks to eat, tending Bomb Flower gardens, soaking in hot springs, engaging in athletic competitions, rolling from place to place, etc. At other points, similarly lit “leaping” fountains send streams of “lava” arcing over the flume. From time to time, the flume even exits the interior of the mountain, giving riders a view of the area, and at other points, it shares a scene with the Dodongo Dive-Bomb track.
Gut Check Challenge Arena: A play area, but more…advanced than the Picori Picnic Park in the Lost Woods. Named after the Goron-hosted mini-games in Breath of the Wild, this attraction features rock-climbing walls, obstacle courses, and other stamina-testing activities. The especially bold can sign up for the Gut Check Challenge itself, a rock-climbing event held several times a day on the big wall, with real medals awarded to the winners.
Sworn Brothers Meeting Hall: A meet-and-greet location for favorite Goron characters, including Ocarina of Time’s Darunia, Majora’s Mask’s Darmani, and Breath of the Wild’s Daruk and Yunobo.
Dodongo Dive-Bomb: The number just marks the queue entrance–this ride is a big one! Arguably the biggest thrill in the park, it is a mag-launched roller coaster with cars designed to resemble a chain of minecarts. It takes place mostly inside the cinder cone of the volcano, twisting through lava-lit caverns infested with fire-breathing Dodongo lizards, occasionally breaking out into the open before diving right back into the mountain. The climax takes place in a spacious cavern inhabited by a ferocious dragon, and the train makes a loop around its head and neck in order to escape!
7. From Mine to Yours: A rock and mineral shop offering all sorts of tumbled semiprecious stones, crystals, carved charms and figurines, geodes (with an option to have them cut open on-site), Himalayan salt lamps, stone-based knickknacks, and books about minerals and gems. For those with fancier tastes, there’s even a special sales counter where precious jewelry is available for purchase. In the center of the store is a fountain mimicking a sluice full of gem-bearing slurry, the employees wear overalls and hard hats with mounted headlights, and the shop slogan “Ore and More!” derives from the name of a similar business in Breath of the Wild.
8. Forged in Fire: Being rooted in a medieval(-ish) fantasy franchise is likely to give this theme park some appeal for historical weapons enthusiasts, and this shop is for them, offering a selection of sturdy, functional swords, daggers, axes, and shields, including some replicas of famous designs. (Naturally, various noteworthy swords from the games themselves are among them.) Modern camping/hunting knives are also available, and every purchase of a blade includes a fine hardened leather sheath. However, we can’t have people walking around a theme park with real weapons, so all purchases will be either held at the front of the park for pickup upon exiting, or shipped to the guest for an additional fee. (This is true of any retail location in the park that sells metal weapons, even if they aren’t made to be functional.)
9. Goron Spice Rack: “A spicy nook for spicy cooks” declares the sign out front. Lovers of herbs and seasonings will find much to love in here, with a wide selection of culinary flavorings. Pick a jar or bottle off the shelf or have a mix blended to order! We especially recommend the various types of “Goron Spice” (mostly curry powder and paprika, with assorted variations), made famous by Breath of the Wild.
10. Ripped and Shredded: A shop for sporting goods and memorabilia located next to the Gut Check Challenge Arena. Includes lines of tongue-in-cheek jerseys, caps, and other items referencing peoples, groups, and locations in the LoZ franchise as if they were sports teams. Named after the Goron armor shop in Breath of the Wild.
11. Magma Munchies: Adventurous foodies will love this place, where everything on the menu—meat, veggies, fries, and more—is hot and spicy. The intensity ranges widely, from “Hawaiian” (mild curry) all the way up to “Ultra-Plinian” (ghost peppers). Hot sauces are available for purchase at the Goron Spice Rack.
12. Rock Candy Stand: Pretty much exactly what it says: an outdoor kiosk with various colors of traditional rock candy (i.e. sugar crystals on a stick), chocolate “pebbles,” Ring Pops and Pop Rocks, and other mineral-themed sweet treats.
13. Protein Palace: They say the rocky ground of Death Mountain is so hot, you can drop food to cook right on it! That may or may not be true, but this Mongolian BBQ buffet uses a more conventional stainless steel hibachi. Choose a protein (beef, chicken, or tofu) and a selection of vegetables, noodles, sauces, and other ingredients, and your food is cooked up while you watch!
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kotalloxaloy · 1 year
Ok, so I finally finished Burning Shores and I have several thoughts
Below the cut because I'm sure many people haven't played and I don't want to spoil anything!
I liked the DLC! I had a lot of fun. I thought the setting was really interesting, I liked the new characters and the storyline definitely drew me in and I fucking LOVE the new mount (PSA you can take it to the main map and go underwater in the expanse of ocean that you can't swim through. There is nothing interesting down there and it pops up the warning that the current is too strong, but you can swim through it no problem.)
Yes I'm sad there was no Kotallo. It's fine, I wasn't expecting him, and we only saw Sylens and Alva so the other GAIA gang wasn't there either. I am extra disappointed that we can't go talk to him more!!! But I think that it's cool that Kotallo traveling to the sundom for the new embassy is canon now. I think lots of fics put forth the idea that Kotallo would act as a diplomat for the Tenakth to the Carja in Fashav's place. Cool that it's canon now.
I chose to kiss Seyka. Normally I pick the brain options but if I'm given an opportunity to kiss a girl in games I do it! Now, I haven't had the time to process everything well enough to pick apart the romantic story line (was it rushed? was there enough lead up to it? did it make sense?) but I do think Seyka is a good match for Aloy- the whole "I broke my tribe's rules and used technology I wasn't supposed to to help me accomplish an important personal goal" is very reminiscent of Aloy using a focus despite Rost insisting that it was dangerous.
Yes I still ship Aloy with some people who are not women. The devs have not said and nothing in the game has confirmed that Aloy (or Elisabet or Beta) is a lesbian. I myself am a bisexual woman and I am a big stickler about bi erasure. I also headcanon Kotallo as Bi. and plenty of other characters for that matter. The main thing that FW and Burning Shores confirmed for me is that Aloy (and Elisabet, and presumably Beta since they have the same DNA) is queer and I absolutely love it. More queer women leads in video games!!!
The fucking villian. Oh my god. I know I just talked about being bi but goddamnit they cast SAM WITWER as the villian??? I literally have never been so disgusted by a character I was attracted to. I've had a thing for Sam Witwer for like 13 years back when he was on Being Human. I got his autograph at a con and have it displayed in a DnD book that he contributed to. I didn't even realize it was Sam Witwer until I walked into that room with his face plastered all over the walls. Before that we only heard his recorded voice and saw holograms of him-and that never looks or sounds exactly like the character. But I walked by that first photo on the left when you walk in and I literally yelled out "SAM WITWER?" listen I could go into it more as to why i'm horrified by his character but I am a Sam Witwer fan so I can and will appreciate his performance.
Walter Londra is disgusting and I literally yelled "GROSS" out loud with the way he looked at Seyka's sister. I'm so glad Seyka was like "ABSOLUTELY NOT" and put a stop to it because if I had to watch one more second I might have puked.
I liked the theme park. Dinos are fun.
I play on story mode so maybe this is because I'm on the easiest setting, but I was able to walk on and in the lava and only go caught on fire once I was like waist deep in it. that was weird.
I would like significantly more underwater content with the Waterwing. I absolutely love it an I was just going up and down into the sky and into the water. extremely cool and I just want more underwater stuff to do with it.
There was an NPC with vitiligo which I thought was neat.
I almost cried at the end of Gildun's little side quest. And when Aloy gave him a focus I just thought it was so sweet!
I kind of felt bad for Evelyn Day? I know everyone had it bad, lots of people ended their lives before the Faro Plague hit them, and I know she cheated on her husband with his best friend which is kind of a dick move. but that last recording was very sad.
SYLENS 😭😭😭 I know I probably feel more attached to him knowing that Lance Riddick has passed away. But the end there, Aloy was SO MEAN to him! I was like "NO ALOY! He isn't doing this to prove he is the smartest!!! He decided to stay when he saw the friendships you formed! You showed him that there is value in human connection and that maybe there is a little hope when people work together!" I think she saw the good in him in the end but she was so snarky about it!
I probably have more thoughts but that's enough for now. I'm not very interested in an discourse about the devs offering a love interest or if the story of the dlc was good or whatever. I had fun, I can't wait for Horizon 3, and I still love Kotallo and ship him with Aloy but I'll be just as happy if we end up with Seyka or another WLW ship in the end for Aloy. The end. Please enjoy the queue that I just filled for you!
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pico-digital-studios · 10 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Locations: Universe MP-2021 - South Island
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(The original art rightfully belongs to Ranger from the Sonic Retro forums for his in-progress Sonic RPG project, Sonic and the Rings of Order. All credit for the map in question rightfully belongs to him, and you should give him support when he possibly returns to the internet.)
This version of South Island is the central locale of Universe MP-2021, otherwise known as the OMT universe. This newer South Island took form in the aftermath of OMT's demise, and thus has a lot to delve into. I'll try and dissect each part of the island bit-by-bit, as well as where every resident lives.
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So, in the south-east of the island is Green Hill Zone and Emerald Town, which is where what's left of Team Sonic take residence at. The town is also home to Tails' Lab, where he can work on inventions, and by extension, the Blur HQ underneath it. Knuckles and Amy also live in the town, with the Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds safely sealed away in Angel Island's jungles and ruins.
Further west from there is where Hill Top is at, where Big lives by the fishing lake down south. Further west from Hill Top is where Aquatic Ruin lies, which also houses Mystic Cave and Hidden Palace that remain full of mysteries to this day. OMT!Tails and EX!Alice delved into these caves to uncover some of these mysteries in One More Hero.
The south-west portion of the island is accompanied by Dust Hill, which has a small country village in it, and south of the desert is where one of Robotnik's remaining operational factories, Oil Ocean, is in use, the oil safely contained to be processed into more eco-friendly fuel.
Just outside of the desert is another small town, where OMT!Sally and her grandmother, Rosie Woodchuck, each live (who both replace Aunt May in this universe in some form). The mayor of South Island also works here, and this town is where OMT!Tails temporarily stays when he gets a sickness from the travel device accident.
East of the town is the local farming area, where OMT!Sonic's siblings, Manic and Sonia, and mother, Aleena, live now. The two siblings have been keeping the whole Sonic Underground gig going in honour of their now-deceased brother, who are sure would be proud of them both.
At the far east of the island, Chemical Plant has its grounds there, with access prohibited to anyone aside from authorised personnel or members of the Robotnik Patrol (formerly the Eggman Empire). A ship dock is also present for importing and exporting goods between other locations in Mobius.
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Now, onto further north. Just up from those locations is Central City, the main bustling hub of the island, complete with its own sport pitch. Amy also has a private apartment she used to live in, with a library and Sonic Team HQ also a part of the main city. The roads here can get quite busy with traffic, and OMT!Tails usually fights crime around this area.
Marina Madness is situated east of the city, where flying ship cruisers take off from and land at, with some designed for air-bound tours of the island. Emerald Coast is up north from the city as a popular tourist spot, with the usual sandy beaches and lush waters.
West of the city is where the emergency services (like a hospital, fire station and police station) operate at, leading from the crossroads leading into Spring Yard and Star Light, both other big cities in the area. In this universe, Star Light is also home to the Studiopolis TV studio, which isn't run by Robotnik.
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At the far-west of the island is Carnival Night, the bustling theme park with various rides and attractions. This is also where Night Babylon is situated, which also includes its own Club Rouge. The Gimme Shelter "entrance" here, though, is simply a small shelter area in case it happens to rain.
At the top of the island is the snowy mountain of Ice Cap, which is host to several winter sport events, and the volcano of Lava Reef, which hasn't erupted all that much, and when it does, it doesn't reach any civilisations.
East of the mountain is where Launch Base is operational, now as a full-on airport for tourists and visitors to access as they please. And finally, on the mountain past that is the location of the new Gimme Shelter, which has its exterior take after the design of the Robotnik from Dimension AO-1992 (or AOSTH!Robotnik).
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Wing Fortress patrols the island on a regular basis and has the same functions as the original Egg Carrier did, complete with functions for holding multiversal foes prior to going home, as shown in More than One Universe. The Death Egg itself, of course, is half-sunken in the ocean east of South Island.
And Angel Island itself mainly houses both Red Mountain and the underground Master Emerald Shrine, which Knuckles made sure to make foolproof defences for before putting aside his responsibilities as a guardian.
And that sums up this universe's South Island for your knowledge. If you have any questions, please do let me know.
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Seeing a Glacier with my own Ice
Hey everyone! Here’s Part II of my great adventure in Bariloche!
On Friday morning, we woke up at around 7:00 a.m. to head for the adventure center. There, we boarded a van and headed to the destination of our first excursion: San Martin de los Andes! San Martin is a city that lies on the foot of the Andes bordering Lácar Lake. Travelers take the National Route 40 to get to the city, passing seven lakes along the way.
As we began our journey, our guide, Mario, explained the route and what our day would look like. Before arriving at the first lake, we stopped at Villa la Angostura, known as “The Garden of Patagonia”. It was a cute village filled with coffee shops and markets where vendors sold hand-made crafts. We used the restroom and got coffee before stopping at the first lake to take pictures! I won’t name all the lakes that we went to, but my favorite was Lake Faulkner. As soon as we stepped out of the van, we could touch the sand and see an impeccable view of mountains dusted with snow. The lake is named after the Jesuit priest Thomas Faulkner who explored the Argentine landscape in the 18th century and collected a great deal of information about the indigenous peoples and geography. One recurring theme throughout each of the lakes was that the water was crystal clear. This is because the lakes sit in the Lanin National Park. As we were situated merely miles away from Chile, Mario explained how there were previous tensions between Chile and Argentina in terms of the boundaries in Patagonia and which areas of land belonged to which country; ultimately, the dispute was settled by the UK, who concluded that San Martin de los Andes pertained to Argentina. 
After about four hours, we arrived in San Martin and had a couple of hours to explore the city and have lunch. We ate our sandwiches and poked around in some shops. I’m not gonna lie, the city itself wasn’t my favorite because it was extremely touristy. There were literally stores that said “tourist shop”, and I was left confused about what residents do for a living besides tourism (the industries in Bariloche and San Martin are limited due to restrictions in place about cultivating and extracting resources in the national parks). Nevertheless, the view of the lake was spectacular, and we saw plenty of kayakers roaming the waters! We then drove three hours back to Bariloche. Before arriving, however, we made the same stop in Villa la Angostura, and I bought a sticker that said “Route 40” and a hot chocolate. Once we got back to the Centro at 6:30, we were starving, so we immediately headed to a pizza shop. We downed a couple of slices before heading to the Airbnb to rest up for the next day.
On our last day, we woke up early again to venture on our second excursion to Cerro Tronador and Ventisquero Negro! This was the outing that I was most excited about because our destination was a glacier! We once again rode in a van with Mario and made stops in lookout points before stopping to eat. My favorite spot was la Isla Pique Huapi; it felt like we were in the middle of the Amazon! About halfway through the trip, we stopped at a restaurant called “Los Vuriloches”, and I got milanesa de pollo and an alfajor, possibly the most Uruguayan/Argentine meal you can get. At about 3, we arrived at the glacier! Ventisquero Negro is one of the 14 glaciers that sits around the inactive volcano, Cerro Tronador. If you looked close enough, you could see distinct layers in the black ice where lava had flown through. While we were there, we also heard and saw a mini avalanche! Between that and getting a sunburn from the sun reflecting off the snow, I was ready to get back in the van after walking around the site.
On our way back to Bariloche, we all slept during the “hora internacional de la siesta”, or “international nap hour”, as Mario said. After getting back at 6:30, we made sure to stop by Mamuschka one more time to fill up on sweet treats. We the headed for a restaurant called “El Boliche de Alberto.” The night before, we had seen that there was a long line out the door, so we knew that the food must be good. The restaurant didn’t accept reservations, so we were the first people to stand in line at 7:15 to wait for the doors to open at 8:00. While in line, I chatted with this sweet Brazilian couple who were also there on vacation! They gave me recommendations for places to visit in Brasil, and they both talked to me in Portuguese to show how similar Spanish and Portuguese are to each other! We carried on a whole conversation speaking in two different languages. Muito bom!
When the doors opened at 8:00, we were seated and ordered a decadent meal to commemorate our last day. I ordered a glass of white wine, filet mignon, and a salad- all for $20! In the restaurant, you could see the cooks expertly cutting, seasoning, and throwing meat onto the grill. My mouth instantly started watering. When our food came out, we did a “cheers” with our glasses and tried not to devour our plates too quickly. With our hearts and bellies full, we headed back to the apartment to sleep for a few hours before getting up at 2:30 a.m. to catch our flight back to Buenos Aires.
We arrived back in Buenos Aires at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, and as you can imagine, we were exhausted. As all the cafes were closed until 8:00 a.m., we chilled in the airport and then booked Ubers to San Telmo. In San Telmo, we drank some much-needed coffee at Obrador. We then roamed around the Mercado of San Telmo, a market that spans several blocks with vendors selling hand-crafted souvenirs. In San Telmo, we took a picture with Mafalda (a famous Argentine cartoon character from the ‘60s and ‘70s), and we all bought friendship bracelets to commemorate the trip. At 1:00 p.m., we took the ferry and bus back to Montevideo.
The trip to Bariloche reminded me of why I adore Argentina – the people are beyond welcoming, the culture is lively, and the view of the Andes are incomparable. If there is one thing that I took away from this adventure, it’s that nature never fails to amaze me. I hope to come back to Bariloche in the winter and summer to ski in Patagonia, kayak in the 7 lakes, and most importantly, eat more chocolate!
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egg-emperor · 2 years
the total bullshit of Eggman's actions never resulting in any deaths under any circumstances sounds like something he'd say as one of the more humorous and attempts at tricking people that they'd shockingly believe, or in a joking manner that they'd somehow take seriously, like:
"the entire place burned down and it's nothing but ashes? don't worry, everyone simply arose from it alive like phoenixes."
"Chaos abruptly unexpectedly flooded an entire city and buildings were completely destroyed? don't worry, everyone just swam away and weren't killed by the water or crushed by the collapsing buildings lol"
"the entire place blew up? don't worry, everyone that was blown to smithereens simply came back together after with a little glue"
"the entire planet broke apart? don't worry, everyone that got hit by the shockwave of the laser blast and fell into the earth just climbed back up 100% unscathed!"
"the theme park rides abruptly stop and send people plummeting into lava or space and every attraction has all kinds of other brutal and dangerous risks that can result in horrific casualties and deaths? don't worry, it'll be fine. now step inside ;)"
etc etc. the only other ways would be that everyone always escapes at the exact moment all this stuff happens, as if they get a friendly warning beforehand, can run as fast as Sonic, or teleport away Idfk
and only those that are extremely gullible or clueless would believe it and Eggman would laugh at how ridiculous and easily fooled they are and take advantage of it lol
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Katfl commenthough, part 6
World 8-1
If you listen closely they make their little wanya sounds 🥺🥺🥺
A path forged by lava, dramatic camera shift towards the volcano looming above, the music kicking in full force with the blast of trumpets- if I‘m not mistaken I‘d say this is it. Welcome to the endgame
Is that a more dramatic remix of the main theme playing in the background of the first level
I think it is
Oh void everything‘s crashing down and burning aaaaaaaaaaaa
Nooo I missed the treasure chest when going though the door! Aah, that’s a good hiding place tho
If you extinguish a torch via water balloon- Kirby, it leaves a smoke-trail. That’s some attention to detail
Not quite a fan of how they just give you the ice ability anyways right after defeating the boss. I suppose it’s because otherwise players who didn’t get it don’t feel like they have needlessly redo the beginning, as this passage seems to be based on using ice. But still, sometimes leaving the player to some thinking in when to pick them would be nice, at least in Wild Mode? The older games were slightly less hand-holdy in that regard.
Lava-Diving extreme D: the heck is this boat made of - or better yet, who parked it in lava!?
Oh so NOW I need an ability I only could’ve gotten earlier to unlock a secret, and it’s not even from a miniboss. Ok then. …target‘s hidden well, though, so that’s nice.
Ohh they used blueish-purple lights in the factory as a contrast to all the lava! Nice!
They put the Carby challenge above a highway. Hah.
Boss rush? Boss rush! …Y‘know, sometimes the upgrades don’t seem like that much regarding power since most enemies are 1hko‘s anyways, but they absolutely are. These guys are going down so easily! (Though they might also have lowered their HP for this level)
Metroid Dread had "Samus is so cool!“, Katfl has "they used the third dimension so nicely!“
…Hold on a minute this game plays in a different dimension IS THIS WHOLE CONCEPT ONE GIANT PUN-
Love how we‘re going back and forth in the level to slowly break down everything layer by layer
The music in this level Did Not Need to go this hard but I‘m once again glad it did <3
Reason 101 Dedede is the bebebest: he’s a penguin hanging around right at a volcano surrounded by lava wearing a coat that’s even thicker than his usual one- and not caring at all. He‘s literally cool.
Ohh, Masked Dedede Theme incoming? Ahh not quite
Stoop please someone tell me he‘s called the equivalent of"For‘Gor Dedede“ in English too lmaoo I can’t- (and yes, that ends on an r)
Ah, there it is :D
His design is so adorable :]
DEDEDE YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND! Man I just adore his character development across this series! And he was helping this waddle dee so gently too! Aaahhh
Ayo wth - glitch effect logo for a new world?
Voice acting? With words??
...oh that’s ducked up actually
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linesforskits · 3 months
I had a dream where I found myself entering a long hall lined with monitors. It was like entering the hall of a theme park ride where they set you up before the ride. I walk down the hall looking at each monitor. Each screen showed pictures of a fanciful universe filled with stars and planets. I reach the end of the hall and find a little creature that is a mix between a Dutch rabbit and a sea bunny. It was so cute as it started to hop after me and into the new world to explore.
            I was in a space station where there were many people who were eager to explore the universe and all its wonders. I and my bunny companion manage to weave in and out of the crowd to the counter to see where I can go. I am directed to a small spaceship that seats only one and I put my space bunny on my lap and take to the stars.
            The wonders I’ve seen are numerous and glorious. I flew past a comet up close, practically riding its tail for eons. I saw a supernova up close, the end of a star but the beginning of much more. I discovered a new star and named it after my favorite flower. I floated lazily through an asteroid field while enjoying a nice snack with my bunny friend.
            I would visit planets too. Planets that are mostly water were good for diving. I visited the many creatures under the waves. I went to a planet whose foliage and beats were like something from my favorite video games. I witnessed a volcano erupt spewing blue lava so hot. I skied on pink snow near a lodge that served the best hot cocoa. My bunny friend would be in my side bag, enjoying the sights and sounds during those times.
            The adventures I took were a thrill. I rescued a fleet in the midst of a meteor storm. I stopped a rouge robot from kidnapping a child. I fought space pirates and stole their treasure, returning it to the original owners. I traversed the deepest reaches of space to discover plants that can be used to create new cures. My little bunny can’t fight. He was just moral support.
            The best thing was the people I met. The myriads of different personalities and races I met made the universe less lonely. From the quiet yet stoic to the loud and silly. From normal humans to alien lizard-folk. I raced with some speedsters and flew with great aces. I swam with a researcher looking for new marine life. I helped a spry young turtle-boy find his new goal in life. I even explored a terrifying crypt to help a somber spider-woman who was searching for her sister. But none stayed by my side like my little space bunny.
            I felt like I lived forever exploring every inch of the universe. I took photos of a lifetime's worth of memories. I shared my meals with my bunny friend and shared selfies too. We drifted through space for a time. Suddenly I saw the space station where my adventure started. I decided to go back and check it out.
            I entered an empty space station void of life. Not a single moving body besides me and my bunny. I wandered past the main hall where there were screens full of the very pictures I took of my life here in this universe. I eventually found my way to the hallway where I started. The lights were off and the rows of screens were too. At the other end of the hall, I see the ornate wooden door I first pass through. I step quietly toward the door when I notice that my bunny is no longer following. I turn to see him at the other end of the hall just watching me. I knew deep down, this is it. My journey here is at an end and my friend can no longer follow me. This is goodbye. I felt an overwhelming mix of sadness, joy, and loneliness as I went back and kneeled down to give my longtime friend a final grateful hug. As I pet his head, I truly feel how soft and warm they are. Without a word, I stand up and wave and walk slowly to the door. I look back one last time to see my bunny watching me. I reach for the door handle open to a darkness that felt oddly warm and comforting. My final thought was that despite the fun and wonderous adventure I had, sooner or later I have to wake up. For some reason though that thought was not a sad one.  
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firstminutetransfer · 4 months
Family-Friendly Activities in Puerto del Carmen
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Puerto del Carmen, situated on the picturesque island of Lanzarote, is a prime destination for families seeking a fun-filled holiday. Known for its stunning beaches, vibrant atmosphere, and a variety of attractions, this charming town offers plenty of activities to keep both kids and adults entertained. This article will explore the best family-friendly activities in Puerto del Carmen, ensuring your trip is memorable and enjoyable.
Enjoying the Beaches
Playa Grande: Perfect for Families
Playa Grande is one of Puerto del Carmen’s most popular beaches, known for its golden sands and calm, clear waters. This beach is ideal for families, offering plenty of space for children to play and build sandcastles. 
The shallow water makes it safe for younger kids to paddle and swim, while lifeguards on duty provide added security. Facilities such as sunbeds, umbrellas, and nearby restaurants make it easy to spend a whole day here.
Playa Chica: Snorkelling and Water Sports
For families with older children, Playa Chica offers a bit more adventure. This small beach is perfect for snorkelling, with its rocky reefs teeming with marine life. There are also opportunities for diving, paddleboarding, and other water sports, providing plenty of excitement for kids and teens.
The beach's clear waters and diverse sea life make it a fascinating spot to explore together.
Day Trips to Timanfaya National Park
A trip to Timanfaya National Park is a fantastic way to introduce children to Lanzarote’s unique volcanic landscape. The park’s guided tours offer a safe and informative way to explore the dramatic scenery, including craters, lava fields, and geysers. Kids will be amazed by the geothermal demonstrations, where water is poured into the ground and instantly erupts into steam.
For a memorable experience, take a camel ride through the park. These guided tours offer a unique perspective of the volcanic landscape and are sure to be a highlight for the whole family. The gentle camels are well-suited for children, providing a fun and safe adventure.
Parks and play areas
Biosfera Plaza Shopping Centre offers more than just shopping. Its rooftop mini golf course is a great way for families to enjoy some light-hearted competition. The course is designed with various themes and obstacles, making it entertaining for both kids and adults. After a game of mini golf, explore the rest of the shopping centre, which features a cinema and a variety of dining options.
Puerto del Carmen has several public play areas scattered throughout the town, providing convenient spots for children to burn off energy. These playgrounds are equipped with swings, slides, and climbing frames, offering safe and fun spaces for kids to play. Many of these areas are located near beaches and promenades, making them easy to incorporate into your day’s activities.
Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park is a must-visit for families. This theme park combines animal exhibits, interactive shows, and adventure activities, making it a perfect day out for kids and adults alike. 
Boat Trips and Dolphin Watching
Many operators in Puerto del Carmen offer family-friendly boat tours. These trips often include activities such as snorkelling, swimming, and sightseeing along the coast. Some tours even provide on-board entertainment for children, ensuring they stay engaged and have fun.
Dolphin and whale watching tours are another exciting option for families. These tours take you out into the open sea, where you can spot dolphins and sometimes even whales in their natural habitat. The thrill of seeing these magnificent creatures up close is an unforgettable experience for children and adults alike.
Remember to book transfer from Lanzarote airport to Puerto del carmen a start your journey in the best way.
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unawards · 7 months
The National UN Volunteers-India
Theme 2024: Global Science for Global Well being.
The theme Future of STI- Impacts on education, skills & work has been chosen for the purpose of raising public appreciation of the scientific issues involved and the impacts science has on education, skill and work. The theme itself generates energy and encourages the youth for a future with education, skills, and work in science.
History: Every year the day is celebrated to raise awareness on the importance of science that has in our daily lives. The colleges and science institutes across the country celebrate the day by organizing public speeches, lectures and science model exhibitions, science movies, science exhibitions on themes and concepts, debates, quiz competitions.
Apart from this, students also demonstrates various science projects and innovations across the country. The government also felicitates scientists who contributed greatly to the field of science.
NSD is celebrated every year on 28 February to commemorate the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect.’ The Government of India designated 28 February as National Science Day (NSD) in 1986. 
On this day, Sir C.V. Raman announced the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930. On this occasion, theme-based science communication activities are carried out all over the country.
1. Set up a science quiz. In teams, children research and write science questions. Put them together to make a quiz.
Can another class answer them?
What about a children vs staff competition?
2. Write an explanation of how an experiment you are doing works.
3. Write some instructions for another class to perform an experiment.
4. Research and write a biography of a famous scientist.
5. Run a debate on a science topic, for example, “More money should be spent on space travel” or “Plastic bags should be banned”.
6. Research and write an article about a scientific issue, for example, pollution.
7. Write an advertisement for a scientific object. What would persuade someone to buy a microscope, for example?
8. Set up some timing challenges; how long does it take you to jump 10 times or run from one side of the playground to the other? Remember to time accurately and record your findings. Compare different people’s results in a table.
9. Collect as many different measuring instruments as you can. What are they used for? How do you use and read them accurately?
10. What experiments could you use them for?
When you are doing an experiment, swap your results with another group and write a conclusion based on them. Did you interpret the results the same way?
11. Explore units of measure and match them to their correct use. What is measured in newtons? What is measured in amps?
12. Organise a science fair. A few weeks before the event, ask children to work on a science project that they can demonstrate on the day (this could be an independent task for home learning or a group task in class). On Science Day, set up the projects and invite parents, carers and other classes to visit while the children present their work. There are hundreds of ideas here, searchable by age.
13. Make your own lava lamp.
Go on a minibeast hunt in the school grounds or a local park.
14. Plant some seeds or bulbs and monitor their growth over the following days and weeks.
15. Make a paperclip helicopter.
16. Try out one of the classroom-friendly experiments on the Marvin and Milo site.
17. Investigate bubbles. Make sure you use a good bubble mixture, like this one from Red Ted Art. Try making different shape and size bubble wands, from old coat hangers, for example. What happens when you change the shape? Which shape is the most effective?
18. Make a bottle bird feeder for your outside area.
19. Try making some fun games using circuits (requires flash player).
20. Fill some balloons with water and freeze them overnight. How long will they take to melt in different conditions? For younger children, freeze small objects into the balloons.
21. Go outside and make some water rockets.
22. Make a QR code science trail around the school using this great app from Class Tools.
23. Become a roving reporter, take a tablet or camera around the school; film all of the amazing science going on and edit it into a report on the day to share on the school website or social media.
24. Try this: Build a Bridge challenge.
Demonstrate reversible and irreversible changes by melting some chocolate and cooking an omelette. You can turn the melted chocolate back into solid chocolate, but can you change the omelette back into eggs?
25. Make some natural paints from plants and paint with them. Try this chromatography art activity.
26. Make your own musical instruments – there are lots of ideas in this blog post.Investigate how sound is made with a range of objects.
27. Make your own water cycle in plastic bags.
28. Make rain gauges and set them up in the school grounds.
29. Filtering water using a variety of filters. Which one works best?
30. Research the life of a famous scientist and make a short video about their life.
31. Create a timeline of scientific discoveries.
32. Investigate the effect of exercise on the human body. Take your pulse and breathing rate before you begin, then run on the spot for one minute. What has happened to your pulse and breathing rate? How long does it take to get back to your resting rate?
33. Investigate trajectory by setting up a simple target (for example, a bucket) and throwing a range of items into it, for example, balls of different sizes, balloons, scarves, bean bags etc. Make sure it is a fair test by always standing in the same place to throw. How do the different items behave? Why?
34. Create a dance based on the water cycle.
25. Discuss some ethical questions raised by science, for example, should we save endangered animals?
Please follow the usual procedures in schools. Click a photo and send it to the WhatsApp number given below to avail appreciation certificates from UN Volunteers-India.
9944313953 #Azeezindia
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oplaysolution · 1 year
Thrill Seekers' Paradise: The Exciting World of Volcano Slide Suppliers
In the realm of amusement parks and water attractions, the search for the next adrenaline-pumping experience never ceases. One such exhilarating attraction that has captured the imaginations of thrill-seekers worldwide is the volcano slide. These towering structures simulate the eruption of a volcano, providing riders with an electrifying journey through twists, turns, and drops. Behind the creation of these awe-inspiring attractions are volcano slide suppliers who specialize in crafting the most exciting and thrilling experiences for amusement park enthusiasts. In this article, we delve into the exciting world of volcano slide suppliers, exploring their innovations, safety standards, and their impact on the amusement park industry.
The Evolution of Volcano Slides
Volcano slides have come a long way since their inception. What began as simple, straight-down water slides has evolved into complex, multi-element structures that combine thrill, technology, and storytelling. Today, volcano slides are designed to offer riders a complete immersive experience, from the moment they step into the attraction area until the exhilarating splashdown at the end.
Key Features of Modern Volcano Slides
Height and Structure: The most noticeable aspect of volcano slides is their towering height. These structures can reach impressive heights, often exceeding 100 feet. The towering presence of the volcano creates anticipation and excitement even before the ride begins.
Theming: Volcano slides are known for their intricate theming, which includes volcano-shaped structures, lush landscaping, and thematic décor. The theming transports riders into a world of adventure, making the experience more immersive.
Special Effects: Volcano slides often incorporate special effects such as smoke, steam, and simulated lava eruptions. These effects enhance the overall experience and add to the thrill factor.
Ride Elements: Modern volcano slides feature a combination of elements, including steep drops, high-speed twists, and thrilling turns. Some rides even have sections where riders experience near-zero gravity moments.
Water Features: Water is an integral part of volcano slides. Riders splash through pools, encounter water curtains, and navigate waterfalls, all while wearing swimsuits, adding to the excitement and fun.
Safety First: Design and Engineering
Creating an exciting yet safe volcano slide experience is paramount for suppliers in the amusement industry. These suppliers adhere to rigorous safety standards and engage in extensive testing to ensure rider safety. Here are some key safety considerations in the design and engineering of volcano slides:
Structural Integrity: The materials used in constructing volcano slides must withstand environmental factors, including wind, rain, and sun exposure. The structural integrity of the slide is rigorously tested to ensure it can handle varying loads and stresses.
Water Flow and Control: Proper water flow is essential for rider safety. Suppliers meticulously design the water flow system to ensure riders have a smooth and controlled descent.
Ride Vehicle Design: The design of ride vehicles plays a crucial role in safety. Suppliers engineer ride vehicles to provide stability, comfort, and secure restraints to prevent accidents.
Maintenance and Inspection: Regular maintenance and inspection protocols are established to identify and address any wear and tear. These inspections are essential for preventing accidents and ensuring the longevity of the attraction.
Training: Suppliers often provide training to amusement park staff on the safe operation and maintenance of volcano slides. This ensures that park employees are well-prepared to manage the attraction safely.
Thrills and Innovation
Volcano slide suppliers are at the forefront of innovation in the amusement industry. They continuously push the boundaries to create new and exciting experiences for riders. Some of the innovations that have emerged from these suppliers include:
Virtual Reality Integration: Some volcano slides now offer riders the option to wear virtual reality headsets, immersing them in a virtual world as they ride the slide. This technology enhances the overall experience and adds an extra layer of excitement.
Interactive Elements: Suppliers are incorporating interactive elements into volcano slides, such as water cannons that allow riders to target other guests or trigger special effects along the slide's path.]
Multiple Routes: Some volcano slides offer riders multiple routes to choose from, allowing for varying levels of thrill and excitement. This "choose your adventure" approach ensures that there's something for everyone.
Nighttime Experiences: Illuminated slides and special lighting effects create a whole new level of excitement when riding volcano slides at night.
Impact on the Amusement Park Industry
The presence of volcano slides in amusement parks has had a significant impact on the industry. These attractions draw large crowds, enhance the park's reputation, and generate revenue. Moreover, volcano slides often serve as a centerpiece attraction, drawing visitors from far and wide.
Additionally, volcano slides have made water parks a year-round destination, as they are equally popular in the summer and winter months. They have helped diversify the offerings of amusement parks, making them appealing to a broader range of visitors, including families and thrill-seekers.
For More Info:-
Innovative indoor playground equipment Affordable Commercial Playground Equipment Exciting volcano slide supplier outdoor playground equipment manufacturers
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karaloza · 1 year
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Death Mountain
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Death Mountain is to the north of Castle Town (just as it is usually in the north on the game map). The whole area is sculpted as a reddish-brown canyon landscape, with walkways gently sloping upward toward the artificial volcano which dominates the scene, "erupting" every half hour with a display of pyrotechnics and smoke effects. The volcano in turn is the upper portion of a massive show building which occupies roughly half the area's footprint and houses several of its attractions. Interior spaces are designed as rocky caves lit by torches and glowing crystals.
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Spirit Train (Mountain Station)
Crystal Caverns: A very simple attraction, more like a scenic view. The pathways through the Death Mountain area include side branches that veer through short stretches of tunnel lined with multicolored glowing crystals and gemstone veins. (These are marked on the detailed map with squiggly shading.) Make a habit of following these side paths, and you will find one that heads a little deeper into the mountainside, culminating in a spectacular cavern of exotic stone formations and massive crystal clusters that make soft chiming music as their colors shift through the spectrum.
Goro-Gondolas: Not an intense ride, but still exciting on its own terms, the Goro-Gondolas are boats in a flume...but the water is continuously under-lit with warm-toned lights, giving it the appearance of a glowing lava river! The ten to twelve-minute circuit includes lifts and gentle drops, and in the meantime, the boat passes by numerous detailed scenes of Gorons going about their daily lives—mining for choice rocks to eat, tending Bomb Flower gardens, soaking in hot springs, engaging in athletic competitions, rolling from place to place, etc. At other points, similarly lit “leaping” fountains send streams of “lava” arcing over the flume. From time to time, the flume even exits the interior of the mountain, giving riders a view of the area, and at other points, it shares a scene with the Dodongo Dive-Bomb track.
Gut Check Challenge Arena: A play area, but more...advanced than the Picori Picnic Park in the Lost Woods. Named after the Goron-hosted mini-games in Breath of the Wild, this attraction features rock-climbing walls, obstacle courses, and other stamina-testing activities. The especially bold can sign up for the Gut Check Challenge itself, a rock-climbing event held several times a day on the big wall, with real medals awarded to the winners.
Sworn Brothers Meeting Hall: A meet-and-greet location for favorite Goron characters, including Ocarina of Time’s Darunia, Majora’s Mask’s Darmani, and Breath of the Wild’s Daruk and Yunobo.
Dodongo Dive-Bomb: The number just marks the queue entrance--this ride is a big one! Arguably the biggest thrill in the park, it is a mag-launched roller coaster with cars designed to resemble a chain of minecarts. It takes place mostly inside the cinder cone of the volcano, twisting through lava-lit caverns infested with fire-breathing Dodongo lizards, occasionally breaking out into the open before diving right back into the mountain. The climax takes place in a spacious cavern inhabited by a ferocious dragon, and the train makes a loop around its head and neck in order to escape!
7. From Mine to Yours: A rock and mineral shop offering all sorts of tumbled semiprecious stones, crystals, carved charms and figurines, geodes (with an option to have them cut open on-site), Himalayan salt lamps, stone-based knickknacks, and books about minerals and gems. For those with fancier tastes, there's even a special sales counter where precious jewelry is available for purchase. In the center of the store is a fountain mimicking a sluice full of gem-bearing slurry, the employees wear overalls and hard hats with mounted headlights, and the shop slogan “Ore and More!” derives from the name of a similar business in Breath of the Wild.
8. Forged in Fire: Being rooted in a medieval(-ish) fantasy franchise is likely to give this theme park some appeal for historical weapons enthusiasts, and this shop is for them, offering a selection of sturdy, functional swords, daggers, axes, and shields, including some replicas of famous designs. (Naturally, various noteworthy swords from the games themselves are among them.) Modern camping/hunting knives are also available, and every purchase of a blade includes a fine hardened leather sheath. However, we can’t have people walking around a theme park with real weapons, so all purchases will be either held at the front of the park for pickup upon exiting, or shipped to the guest for an additional fee. (This is true of any retail location in the park that sells metal weapons, even if they aren’t made to be functional.)
9. Goron Spice Rack: “A spicy nook for spicy cooks” declares the sign out front. Lovers of herbs and seasonings will find much to love in here, with a wide selection of culinary flavorings. Pick a jar or bottle off the shelf or have a mix blended to order! We especially recommend the various types of “Goron Spice” (mostly curry powder and paprika, with assorted variations), made famous by Breath of the Wild.
10. Ripped and Shredded: A shop for sporting goods and memorabilia located next to the Gut Check Challenge Arena. Includes lines of tongue-in-cheek jerseys, caps, and other items referencing peoples, groups, and locations in the LoZ franchise as if they were sports teams. Named after the Goron armor shop in Breath of the Wild.
11. Magma Munchies: Adventurous foodies will love this place, where everything on the menu—meat, veggies, fries, and more—is hot and spicy. The intensity ranges widely, from “Hawaiian” (mild curry) all the way up to “Ultra-Plinian” (ghost peppers). Hot sauces are available for purchase at the Goron Spice Rack.
12. Rock Candy Stand: Pretty much exactly what it says: an outdoor kiosk with various colors of traditional rock candy (i.e. sugar crystals on a stick), chocolate “pebbles,” Ring Pops and Pop Rocks, and other mineral-themed sweet treats.
13. Protein Palace: They say the rocky ground of Death Mountain is so hot, you can drop food to cook right on it! That may or may not be true, but this Mongolian BBQ buffet uses a more conventional stainless steel hibachi. Choose a protein (beef, chicken, or tofu) and a selection of vegetables, noodles, sauces, and other ingredients, and your food is cooked up while you watch!
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