#(1 indulgent starter to get the flow going *badumtiss*)
familiaanteomnia · 4 months
Normally kept it fairly under control; had to given how judgemental people could get. Yet the thing with the need to sneeze, was the itchy sensation and outcome got worst as it built up. Given he was on shift pouring drinks no sneaky outlet optional. So it finally erupted at the nonsense coming from one of the drunk customers further down the bar.
Causing their powers to latch onto some nearby ink, cue the audible noise of an pen exploding and it's ink splattering all the cause. Plus an unfortunate somebody walking up to the counter. Not even able to offer cleaning up materials as the man stormed out. Instead offering an clean rag, glass of water to the crossfire target. "Here, anything else I can help you with?"
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